[java] When to use AtomicReference in Java?

Here's a very simple use case and has nothing to do with thread safety.

To share an object between lambda invocations, the AtomicReference is an option:

public void doSomethingUsingLambdas() {

    AtomicReference<YourObject> yourObjectRef = new AtomicReference<>();

    soSomethingThatTakesALambda(() -> {

    soSomethingElseThatTakesALambda(() -> {
        YourObject yourObject = yourObjectRef.get();

I'm not saying this is good design or anything (it's just a trivial example), but if you have have the case where you need to share an object between lambda invocations, the AtomicReference is an option.

In fact you can use any object that holds a reference, even a Collection that has only one item. However, the AtomicReference is a perfect fit.