[bash] Padding characters in printf

Pure Bash, no external utilities

This demonstration does full justification, but you can just omit subtracting the length of the second string if you want ragged-right lines.

pad=$(printf '%0.1s' "-"{1..60})
for string1 in a aa aaaa aaaaaaaa
     printf '%s' "$string1"
     printf '%*.*s' 0 $((padlength - ${#string1} - ${#string2} )) "$pad"
     printf '%s\n' "$string2"

Unfortunately, in that technique, the length of the pad string has to be hardcoded to be longer than the longest one you think you'll need, but the padlength can be a variable as shown. However, you can replace the first line with these three to be able to use a variable for the length of the pad:

pad=$(printf '%*s' "$padlimit")
pad=${pad// /-}

So the pad (padlimit and padlength) could be based on terminal width ($COLUMNS) or computed from the length of the longest data string.



Without subtracting the length of the second string:


The first line could instead be the equivalent (similar to sprintf):

printf -v pad '%0.1s' "-"{1..60}

or similarly for the more dynamic technique:

printf -v pad '%*s' "$padlimit"

You can do the printing all on one line if you prefer:

printf '%s%*.*s%s\n' "$string1" 0 $((padlength - ${#string1} - ${#string2} )) "$pad" "$string2"

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