Programs & Examples On #Sticky windows

Leader Not Available Kafka in Console Producer

For anyone trying to run kafka on kubernetes and running into this error, this is what finally solved it for me:

You have to either:

  1. Add hostname to the pod spec, that way kafka can find itself.


  1. If using hostPort, then you need hostNetwork: true and dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet

The reason for this is because Kafka needs to talk to itself, and it decides to use the 'advertised' listener/hostname to find itself, rather than using localhost. Even if you have a Service that points the advertised host name at the pod, it is not visible from within the pod. I do not really know why that is the case, but at least there is a workaround.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: zookeeper-cluster1
  namespace: default
    app: zookeeper-cluster1
  replicas: 1
      app: zookeeper-cluster1
        name: zookeeper-cluster1
        app: zookeeper-cluster1
      hostname: zookeeper-cluster1
      - name: zookeeper-cluster1
        image: wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - containerPort: 2181
        - containerPort: 2888
        - containerPort: 3888


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: zookeeper-cluster1
  namespace: default
    app: zookeeper-cluster1
  type: NodePort
    app: zookeeper-cluster1
  - name: zookeeper-cluster1
    protocol: TCP
    port: 2181
    targetPort: 2181
  - name: zookeeper-follower-cluster1
    protocol: TCP
    port: 2888
    targetPort: 2888
  - name: zookeeper-leader-cluster1
    protocol: TCP
    port: 3888
    targetPort: 3888


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: kafka-cluster
  namespace: default
    app: kafka-cluster
  replicas: 1
      app: kafka-cluster
        name: kafka-cluster
        app: kafka-cluster
      hostname: kafka-cluster
      - name: kafka-cluster
        image: wurstmeister/kafka:latest
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          value: PLAINTEXT://kafka-cluster:9092
          value: zookeeper-cluster1:2181
        - containerPort: 9092


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kafka-cluster
  namespace: default
    app: kafka-cluster
  type: NodePort
    app: kafka-cluster
  - name: kafka-cluster
    protocol: TCP
    port: 9092
    targetPort: 9092

ISO time (ISO 8601) in Python

The ISO 8601 time format does not store a time zone name, only the corresponding UTC offset is preserved.

To convert a file ctime to an ISO 8601 time string while preserving the UTC offset in Python 3:

>>> import os
>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
>>> ts = os.path.getctime(some_file)
>>> dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, timezone.utc)
>>> dt.astimezone().isoformat()

The code assumes that your local timezone is Eastern Time Zone (ET) and that your system provides a correct UTC offset for the given POSIX timestamp (ts), i.e., Python has access to a historical timezone database on your system or the time zone had the same rules at a given date.

If you need a portable solution; use the pytz module that provides access to the tz database:

>>> import os
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import pytz  # pip install pytz
>>> ts = os.path.getctime(some_file)
>>> dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, pytz.timezone('America/New_York'))
>>> dt.isoformat()

The result is the same in this case.

If you need the time zone name/abbreviation/zone id, store it separately.

>>> dt.astimezone().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z (%Z)')
'2015-11-27 00:29:06-0500 (EST)'

Note: no, : in the UTC offset and EST timezone abbreviation is not part of the ISO 8601 time format. It is not unique.

Different libraries/different versions of the same library may use different time zone rules for the same date/timezone. If it is a future date then the rules might be unknown yet. In other words, the same UTC time may correspond to a different local time depending on what rules you use -- saving a time in ISO 8601 format preserves UTC time and the local time that corresponds to the current time zone rules in use on your platform. You might need to recalculate the local time on a different platform if it has different rules.

Attach to a processes output for viewing

There are a few options here. One is to redirect the output of the command to a file, and then use 'tail' to view new lines that are added to that file in real time.

Another option is to launch your program inside of 'screen', which is a sort-of text-based Terminal application. Screen sessions can be attached and detached, but are nominally meant only to be used by the same user, so if you want to share them between users, it's a big pain in the ass.

ORDER BY using Criteria API

You need to create an alias for the mother.kind. You do this like so.

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Cat.class);
c.createAlias("mother.kind", "motherKind");
return c.list();

click or change event on radio using jquery

You can specify the name attribute as below:

$( 'input[name="testGroup"]:radio' ).change(

force client disconnect from server with and nodejs

You can do socket = undefined in erase which socket you have connected. So when want to connected do socket(url)

So it will look like this

const socketClient = require('');

let socket;

// Connect to server
socket = socketClient(url)

// When want to disconnect
socket = undefined;

Copying text outside of Vim with set mouse=a enabled

If you are using, Putty session, then it automatically copies selection. If we have used "set mouse=a" option in vim, selecting using Shift+Mouse drag selects the text automatically. Need to check in X-term.

Open File in Another Directory (Python)

Its a very old question but I think it will help newbies line me who are learning python. If you have Python 3.4 or above, the pathlib library comes with the default distribution.

To use it, you just pass a path or filename into a new Path() object using forward slashes and it handles the rest. To indicate that the path is a raw string, put r in front of the string with your actual path.

For example,

from pathlib import Path

dataFolder = Path(r'D:\Desktop dump\example.txt')

Source: The easy way to deal with file paths on Windows, Mac and Linux

(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

Parse Json string in C#

you can try with System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer:

var json = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var data = json.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>[]>(jsonStr);

Bootstrap Dropdown menu is not working

For Bootstrap 4 you need an additional library. If you read your browser console, Bootstrap will actually print an error message telling you that you need it for drop down to work.

Error: Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js (

HTML/CSS font color vs span style

Neither. You should separate content and presentation, giving your HTML code logical codes. Think of it this way; to a blind person, or on a browser that cannot display colors, what is left of your code? Why do you want it to be red?

Most probably, your decision to make text red is because you want to give it emphasis. So your HTML code should be:


This way, even non-visual browsers can make sure they give the text emphasis in one way or another.

Next step is to make the text red. But you don't want to add the color code everywhere, much more efficient to just add it once:

  em { color: red; }

This way, all emphasized code on your website becomes red, making it more constant.

How to compile a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit linux machine with gcc/cmake

$ gcc test.c -o testc
$ file testc
testc: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
$ ldd testc =>  (0x00007fff227ff000) => /lib64/ (0x000000391f000000)
    /lib64/ (0x000000391ec00000)
$ gcc -m32 test.c -o testc
$ file testc
testc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
$ ldd testc =>  (0x009aa000) => /lib/ (0x00780000)
    /lib/ (0x0075b000)

In short: use the -m32 flag to compile a 32-bit binary.

Also, make sure that you have the 32-bit versions of all required libraries installed (in my case all I needed on Fedora was glibc-devel.i386)

Why is nginx responding to any domain name?

Little comment to answer:

if you have several virtual hosts on several IPs in several config files in sites-available/, than "default" domain for IP will be taken from first file by alphabetic order.

And as Pavel said, there is "default_server" argument for "listen" directive

Anaconda export Environment file

  • Linux

    conda env export --no-builds | grep -v "prefix" > environment.yml

  • Windows

    conda env export --no-builds | findstr -v "prefix" > environment.yml

Rationale: By default, conda env export includes the build information:

$ conda env export
  - backcall=0.1.0=py37_0
  - blas=1.0=mkl
  - boto=2.49.0=py_0

You can instead export your environment without build info:

$ conda env export --no-builds
  - backcall=0.1.0
  - blas=1.0
  - boto=2.49.0

Which unties the environment from the Python version and OS.

How to get back to most recent version in Git?

This did the trick for me (I still was on the master branch):

git reset --hard origin/master

sort csv by column

To sort by MULTIPLE COLUMN (Sort by column_1, and then sort by column_2)

with open('unsorted.csv',newline='') as csvfile:
    spamreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=";")
    sortedlist = sorted(spamreader, key=lambda row:(row['column_1'],row['column_2']), reverse=False)

with open('sorted.csv', 'w') as f:
    fieldnames = ['column_1', 'column_2', column_3]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    for row in sortedlist:

ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace SYSTEM: How to extend?

Each tablespace has one or more datafiles that it uses to store data.

The max size of a datafile depends on the block size of the database. I believe that, by default, that leaves with you with a max of 32gb per datafile.

To find out if the actual limit is 32gb, run the following:

select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size';

Compare the result you get with the first column below, and that will indicate what your max datafile size is.

I have Oracle Personal Edition 11g r2 and in a default install it had an 8,192 block size (32gb per data file).

Block Sz   Max Datafile Sz (Gb)   Max DB Sz (Tb)

--------   --------------------   --------------

   2,048                  8,192          524,264

   4,096                 16,384        1,048,528

   8,192                 32,768        2,097,056

  16,384                 65,536        4,194,112

  32,768                131,072        8,388,224

You can run this query to find what datafiles you have, what tablespaces they are associated with, and what you've currrently set the max file size to (which cannot exceed the aforementioned 32gb):

select bytes/1024/1024 as mb_size,
       maxbytes/1024/1024 as maxsize_set,
from   dba_data_files x

MAXSIZE_SET is the maximum size you've set the datafile to. Also relevant is whether you've set the AUTOEXTEND option to ON (its name does what it implies).

If your datafile has a low max size or autoextend is not on you could simply run:

alter database datafile 'path_to_your_file\that_file.DBF' autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

However if its size is at/near 32gb an autoextend is on, then yes, you do need another datafile for the tablespace:

alter tablespace system add datafile 'path_to_your_datafiles_folder\name_of_df_you_want.dbf' size 10m autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixin

You can assign default parameter values inline when you first create the mixin:

@mixin clearfix($width: 'auto') {

  @if $width == 'auto' {

    // if width is not passed, or empty do this

  } @else {

    display: inline-block;
    width: $width;


Android: Create spinner programmatically from array

This worked for me with a string-array named shoes loaded from the projects resources:

Spinner              spinnerCountShoes = (Spinner)findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<String> spinnerCountShoesArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(

This is my resource file (res/values/arrays.xml) with the string-array named shoes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string-array name="shoes">

With this method it's easier to make it multilingual (if necessary).

Why can't I declare static methods in an interface?

Java 8 Had changed the world you can have static methods in interface but it forces you to provide implementation for that.

public interface StaticMethodInterface {
public static int testStaticMethod() {
    return 0;

 * Illegal combination of modifiers for the interface method
 * testStaticMethod; only one of abstract, default, or static permitted
 * @param i
 * @return
// public static abstract int testStaticMethod(float i);

default int testNonStaticMethod() {
    return 1;

 * Without implementation.
 * @param i
 * @return
int testNonStaticMethod(float i);


Create new XML file and write data to it?

With FluidXML you can generate and store an XML document very easily.

$doc = fluidxml();

$doc->add('Album', true)
        ->add('Track', 'Track Title');


Loading a document from a file is equally simple.

$doc = fluidify('album.xml');

        ->attr('id', 123);

Postgres ERROR: could not open file for reading: Permission denied

I resolved the same issue with a recursive chown on the parent folder:

sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /home/my_user/export_folder

(my export being in /home/my_user/export_folder/export_1.csv)

How to add an extra language input to Android?

On android 2.2 you can input multiple language and switch by sliding on the spacebar. Go in the settings under "language and keyboard" and then "Android Keyboard", "Input language".

Hope this helps.

document.getElementById replacement in angular4 / typescript?

  element: HTMLElement;

  constructor() {}

    this.element = document.getElementById('ButtonX') as HTMLElement;;

How to convert binary string value to decimal

private static int convertBinaryToDecimal(String strOfBinary){
        int flag = 1, binary=0;
        char binaryOne = '1';
        char[] charArray = strOfBinary.toCharArray();
        for(int i=charArray.length-1;i>=0;i--){
            if(charArray[i] == binaryOne){
        return binary;

How to sort in-place using the merge sort algorithm?

It really isn't easy or efficient, and I suggest you don't do it unless you really have to (and you probably don't have to unless this is homework since the applications of inplace merging are mostly theoretical). Can't you use quicksort instead? Quicksort will be faster anyway with a few simpler optimizations and its extra memory is O(log N).

Anyway, if you must do it then you must. Here's what I found: one and two. I'm not familiar with the inplace merge sort, but it seems like the basic idea is to use rotations to facilitate merging two arrays without using extra memory.

Note that this is slower even than the classic merge sort that's not inplace.

Redirecting exec output to a buffer or file

Since you look like you're going to be using this in a linux/cygwin environment, you want to use popen. It's like opening a file, only you'll get the executing programs stdout, so you can use your normal fscanf, fread etc.

How to add 30 minutes to a JavaScript Date object?

var d1 = new Date (),
    d2 = new Date ( d1 );
d2.setMinutes ( d1.getMinutes() + 30 );
alert ( d2 );

Grouping switch statement cases together?

You can't remove keyword case. But your example can be written shorter like this:

switch ((Answer - 1) / 4)                                      
   case 0:
      cout << "You need more cars.";
   case 1:
      cout << "Now you need a house.";
      cout << "What are you? A peace-loving hippie freak?";

How many concurrent requests does a single Flask process receive?

Flask will process one request per thread at the same time. If you have 2 processes with 4 threads each, that's 8 concurrent requests.

Flask doesn't spawn or manage threads or processes. That's the responsability of the WSGI gateway (eg. gunicorn).

'cannot find or open the pdb file' Visual Studio C++ 2013

There are no problems here this is perfectly normal - it shows informational messages about what debug-info was loaded (and which wasn't) and also that your program executed and exited normally - a zero return code means success.

If you don't see anything on the screen thry running your program with CTRL-F5 instead of just F5.

100% width in React Native Flexbox

Use javascript to get the width and height and add them in View's style. To get full width and height, use Dimensions.get('window').width

getSize() {
    return {
        width: Dimensions.get('window').width, 
        height: Dimensions.get('window').height

and then,

<View style={[styles.overlay, this.getSize()]}>

python tuple to dict

Here are couple ways of doing it:

>>> t = ((1, 'a'), (2, 'b'))

>>> # using reversed function
>>> dict(reversed(i) for i in t)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

>>> # using slice operator
>>> dict(i[::-1] for i in t)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

How to replace master branch in Git, entirely, from another branch?

You can rename/remove master on remote, but this will be an issue if lots of people have based their work on the remote master branch and have pulled that branch in their local repo.
That might not be the case here since everyone seems to be working on branch 'seotweaks'.

In that case you can:
git remote --show may not work. (Make a git remote show to check how your remote is declared within your local repo. I will assume 'origin')
(Regarding GitHub, house9 comments: "I had to do one additional step, click the 'Admin' button on GitHub and set the 'Default Branch' to something other than 'master', then put it back afterwards")

git branch -m master master-old  # rename master on local
git push origin :master          # delete master on remote
git push origin master-old       # create master-old on remote
git checkout -b master seotweaks # create a new local master on top of seotweaks
git push origin master           # create master on remote

But again:

  • if other users try to pull while master is deleted on remote, their pulls will fail ("no such ref on remote")
  • when master is recreated on remote, a pull will attempt to merge that new master on their local (now old) master: lots of conflicts. They actually need to reset --hard their local master to the remote/master branch they will fetch, and forget about their current master.

Why can't static methods be abstract in Java?

Because if a class extends an abstract class then it has to override abstract methods and that is mandatory. And since static methods are class methods resolved at compile time whereas overridden methods are instance methods resolved at runtime and following dynamic polymorphism.

concat yesterdays date with a specific time

where date_dt = to_date(to_char(sysdate-1, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ' 19:16:08', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 

should work.

How to find and replace string?

Not exactly that, but std::string has many replace overloaded functions.

Go through this link to see explanation of each, with examples as to how they're used.

Also, there are several versions of string::find functions (listed below) which you can use in conjunction with string::replace.

  • find
  • rfind
  • find_first_of
  • find_last_of
  • find_first_not_of
  • find_last_not_of

Also, note that there are several versions of replace functions available from <algorithm> which you can also use (instead of string::replace):

  • replace
  • replace_if
  • replace_copy
  • replace_copy_if

Best data type to store money values in MySQL

It depends on your need.

Using DECIMAL(10,2) usually is enough but if you need a little bit more precise values you can set DECIMAL(10,4).

If you work with big values replace 10 with 19.

How to force page refreshes or reloads in jQuery?

You don't need jQuery to do this. Embrace the power of JavaScript.


Spring Security exclude url patterns in security annotation configurartion

Where are you configuring your authenticated URL pattern(s)? I only see one uri in your code.

Do you have multiple configure(HttpSecurity) methods or just one? It looks like you need all your URIs in the one method.

I have a site which requires authentication to access everything so I want to protect /*. However in order to authenticate I obviously want to not protect /login. I also have static assets I'd like to allow access to (so I can make the login page pretty) and a healthcheck page that shouldn't require auth.

In addition I have a resource, /admin, which requires higher privledges than the rest of the site.

The following is working for me.

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {



NOTE: This is a first match wins so you may need to play with the order. For example, I originally had /** first:


Which caused the site to continually redirect all requests for /login back to /login. Likewise I had /admin/** last:


Which resulted in my unprivledged test user "guest" having access to the admin interface (yikes!)

What is __pycache__?

__pycache__ is a folder containing Python 3 bytecode compiled and ready to be executed.

I don't recommend routinely deleting these files or suppressing creation during development as it may hurt performance. Just have a recursive command ready (see below) to clean up when needed as bytecode can become stale in edge cases (see comments).

Python programmers usually ignore bytecode. Indeed __pycache__ and *.pyc are common lines to see in .gitignore files. Bytecode is not meant for distribution and can be disassembled using dis module.

If you are using OS X you can easily hide all of these folders in your project by running following command from the root folder of your project.

find . -name '__pycache__' -exec chflags hidden {} \;

Replace __pycache__ with *.pyc for Python 2.

This sets a flag on all those directories (.pyc files) telling Finder/Textmate 2 to exclude them from listings. Importantly the bytecode is there, it's just hidden.

Rerun the command if you create new modules and wish to hide new bytecode or if you delete the hidden bytecode files.

On Windows the equivalent command might be (not tested, batch script welcome):

dir * /s/b | findstr __pycache__ | attrib +h +s +r

Which is same as going through the project hiding folders using right-click > hide...

Running unit tests is one scenario (more in comments) where deleting the *.pyc files and __pycache__ folders is indeed useful. I use the following lines in my ~/.bash_profile and just run cl to clean up when needed.

alias cpy='find . -name "__pycache__" -delete'
alias cpc='find . -name "*.pyc"       -delete'
alias cl='cpy && cpc && ...'

and more lately

# pip install pyclean
pyclean .

Is there a printf converter to print in binary format?

Print bits from any type using less code and resources

This approach has as attributes:

  • Works with variables and literals.
  • Doesn't iterate all bits when not necessary.
  • Call printf only when complete a byte (not unnecessarily for all bits).
  • Works for any type.
  • Works with little and big endianness (uses GCC #defines for checking).
  • Uses typeof() that isn't C standard but is largely defined.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#define for_endian(size) for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
#define for_endian(size) for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i)
#error "Endianness not detected"

#define printb(value)                                   \
({                                                      \
        typeof(value) _v = value;                       \
        __printb((typeof(_v) *) &_v, sizeof(_v));       \

void __printb(void *value, size_t size)
        uint8_t byte;
        size_t blen = sizeof(byte) * 8;
        uint8_t bits[blen + 1];

        bits[blen] = '\0';
        for_endian(size) {
                byte = ((uint8_t *) value)[i];
                memset(bits, '0', blen);
                for (int j = 0; byte && j < blen; ++j) {
                        if (byte & 0x80)
                                bits[j] = '1';
                        byte <<= 1;
                printf("%s ", bits);

int main(void)
        uint8_t c1 = 0xff, c2 = 0x44;
        uint8_t c3 = c1 + c2;

        printb((char) 0xff);
        printb((short) 0xff);
        printb((uint16_t) c3);

        return 0;


$ ./printb 
00000000 11111111 
00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 
00000000 00000000 00000000 01000100 
01000100 00010001 11111111 00000001 
00000000 01000011 

I have used another approach (bitprint.h) to fill a table with all bytes (as bit strings) and print them based on the input/index byte. It's worth taking a look.

Excel Date to String conversion

In Excel 2010, marg's answer only worked for some of the data I had in my spreadsheet (it was imported). The following solution worked on all data.

Sub change()
    toText Selection
End Sub

Sub toText(target As range)
Dim cell As range
Dim txt As String
    For Each cell In target
        txt = cell.text
        cell.NumberFormat = "@"
        cell.Value2 = txt
    Next cell
End Sub

The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion

Specify the maxrecursion option at the end of the query:

from EmployeeTree
option (maxrecursion 0)

That allows you to specify how often the CTE can recurse before generating an error. Maxrecursion 0 allows infinite recursion.

Avoid "current URL string parser is deprecated" warning by setting useNewUrlParser to true

You just need to set the following things before connecting to the database as below:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

mongoose.set('useNewUrlParser', true);
mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false);
mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
mongoose.set('useUnifiedTopology', true);



Replace update() with updateOne(), updateMany(), or replaceOne()
Replace remove() with deleteOne() or deleteMany().
Replace count() with countDocuments(), unless you want to count how many documents are in the whole collection (no filter).
In the latter case, use estimatedDocumentCount().

Disable activity slide-in animation when launching new activity?

In my opinion the best answer is to use "overridePendingTransition(0, 0);"

to avoid seeing animation when you want to Intent to an Activity use:

this.startActivity(new Intent(v.getContext(), newactivity.class));
this.overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

and to not see the animation when you press back button Override onPause method in your newactivity

protected void onPause() {
    overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

'readline/readline.h' file not found

This command helped me on linux mint when i had exact same problem

gcc filename.c -L/usr/include -lreadline -o filename

You could use alias if you compile it many times Forexample:

alias compilefilename='gcc filename.c -L/usr/include -lreadline -o filename'

jquery, find next element by class

In this case you need to go up to the <tr> then use .next(), like this:


Or if there may be rows in-between without the .class inside, you can use .nextAll(), like this:


Stop form refreshing page on submit

The best way to do so with JS is using preventDefault() function. Consider the code below for reference:

function loadForm(){
    var loginForm = document.querySelector('form'); //Selecting the form
    loginForm.addEventListener('submit', login);    //looking for submit

function login(e){
    e.preventDefault(); //to stop form action i.e. submit

mysqldump data only

When attempting to export data using the accepted answer I got an error:

ERROR 1235 (42000) at line 3367: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table'

As mentioned above:

mysqldump --no-create-info

Will export the data but it will also export the create trigger statements. If like me your outputting database structure (which also includes triggers) with one command and then using the above command to get the data you should also use '--skip-triggers'.

So if you want JUST the data:

mysqldump --no-create-info --skip-triggers

Storing JSON in database vs. having a new column for each key

As others have pointed out queries will be slower. I'd suggest to add at least an '_ID' column to query by that instead.

How to create a .jar file or export JAR in IntelliJ IDEA (like Eclipse Java archive export)?

In intellij8 I was using a specific plugin "Jar Tool" that is configurable and allows to pack a JAR archive.

How do I add to the Windows PATH variable using setx? Having weird problems

If someone want to run it in PowerShell it works like below,

Run Powershell as Administrator


setx /M PATH "$Env:PATH;<path to add>"

To verify, open another Powershell and view PATH as below,


How do I autoindent in Netbeans?

If you want auto-indent just like Emacs does it on TAB, i.e. indent the current line and move the cursor to the first non-whitespace character, do this:

  1. Go to Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Macros
  2. Create a new macro and call it something like "tabindent"
  3. Insert the following macro code:

    reindent-line caret-line-first-column caret-begin-line

  4. Click "Set Shortcut" and press TAB

How to Read and Write from the Serial Port

SerialPort (RS-232 Serial COM Port) in C# .NET
This article explains how to use the SerialPort class in .NET to read and write data, determine what serial ports are available on your machine, and how to send files. It even covers the pin assignments on the port itself.

Example Code:

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SerialPortExample
  class SerialPortProgram
    // Create the serial port with basic settings
    private SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM1",
      9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);

    static void Main(string[] args)
      // Instatiate this class
      new SerialPortProgram();

    private SerialPortProgram()
      Console.WriteLine("Incoming Data:");

      // Attach a method to be called when there
      // is data waiting in the port's buffer
      port.DataReceived += new 

      // Begin communications

      // Enter an application loop to keep this thread alive

    private void port_DataReceived(object sender,
      SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
      // Show all the incoming data in the port's buffer

Finding out the name of the original repository you cloned from in Git

I use this:

basename $(git remote get-url origin) .git

Which returns something like gitRepo. (Remove the .git at the end of the command to return something like gitRepo.git.)

(Note: It requires Git version 2.7.0 or later)

How to configure a HTTP proxy for svn

Have you seen the FAQ entry What if I'm behind a proxy??

... edit your "servers" configuration file to indicate which proxy to use. The files location depends on your operating system. On Linux or Unix it is located in the directory "~/.subversion". On Windows it is in "%APPDATA%\Subversion". (Try "echo %APPDATA%", note this is a hidden directory.)

For me this involved uncommenting and setting the following lines:


On command line : nano ~/.subversion/servers

Passing a dictionary to a function as keyword parameters

Figured it out for myself in the end. It is simple, I was just missing the ** operator to unpack the dictionary

So my example becomes:

d = dict(p1=1, p2=2)
def f2(p1,p2):
    print p1, p2

Hibernate Delete query

To understand this peculiar behavior of hibernate, it is important to understand a few hibernate concepts -

Hibernate Object States

Transient - An object is in transient status if it has been instantiated and is still not associated with a Hibernate session.

Persistent - A persistent instance has a representation in the database and an identifier value. It might just have been saved or loaded, however, it is by definition in the scope of a Session.

Detached - A detached instance is an object that has been persistent, but its Session has been closed.

Transaction Write-Behind

The next thing to understand is 'Transaction Write behind'. When objects attached to a hibernate session are modified they are not immediately propagated to the database. Hibernate does this for at least two different reasons.

  • To perform batch inserts and updates.
  • To propagate only the last change. If an object is updated more than once, it still fires only one update statement.

First Level Cache

Hibernate has something called 'First Level Cache'. Whenever you pass an object to save(), update() or saveOrUpdate(), and whenever you retrieve an object using load(), get(), list(), iterate() or scroll(), that object is added to the internal cache of the Session. This is where it tracks changes to various objects.

Hibernate Intercepters and Object Lifecycle Listeners -

The Interceptor interface and listener callbacks from the session to the application, allow the application to inspect and/or manipulate properties of a persistent object before it is saved, updated, deleted or loaded.

This section Updated


Hibernate allows applications to define cascade relationships between associations. For example, 'cascade-delete' from parent to child association will result in deletion of all children when a parent is deleted.

So, why are these important.

To be able to do transaction write-behind, to be able to track multiple changes to objects (object graphs) and to be able to execute lifecycle callbacks hibernate needs to know whether the object is transient/detached and it needs to have the object in it's first level cache before it makes any changes to the underlying object and associated relationships.

That's why hibernate (sometimes) issues a 'SELECT' statement to load the object (if it's not already loaded) in to it's first level cache before it makes changes to it.

Why does hibernate issue the 'SELECT' statement only sometimes?

Hibernate issues a 'SELECT' statement to determine what state the object is in. If the select statement returns an object, the object is in detached state and if it does not return an object, the object is in transient state.

Coming to your scenario -

Delete - The 'Delete' issued a SELECT statement because hibernate needs to know if the object exists in the database or not. If the object exists in the database, hibernate considers it as detached and then re-attches it to the session and processes delete lifecycle.

Update - Since you are explicitly calling 'Update' instead of 'SaveOrUpdate', hibernate blindly assumes that the object is in detached state, re-attaches the given object to the session first level cache and processes the update lifecycle. If it turns out that the object does not exist in the database contrary to hibernate's assumption, an exception is thrown when session flushes.

SaveOrUpdate - If you call 'SaveOrUpdate', hibernate has to determine the state of the object, so it uses a SELECT statement to determine if the object is in Transient/Detached state. If the object is in transient state, it processes the 'insert' lifecycle and if the object is in detached state, it processes the 'Update' lifecycle.

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

Add onclick="window.location = this.href" to your <a> element. After this modification it could be .click()ed with expected behaviour. To do so with every link on your page, you can add this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("a").attr("onclick", "window.location = this.href");

Difference between staticmethod and classmethod

A staticmethod is a method that knows nothing about the class or instance it was called on. It just gets the arguments that were passed, no implicit first argument. It is basically useless in Python -- you can just use a module function instead of a staticmethod.

A classmethod, on the other hand, is a method that gets passed the class it was called on, or the class of the instance it was called on, as first argument. This is useful when you want the method to be a factory for the class: since it gets the actual class it was called on as first argument, you can always instantiate the right class, even when subclasses are involved. Observe for instance how dict.fromkeys(), a classmethod, returns an instance of the subclass when called on a subclass:

>>> class DictSubclass(dict):
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "DictSubclass"
>>> dict.fromkeys("abc")
{'a': None, 'c': None, 'b': None}
>>> DictSubclass.fromkeys("abc")

Tooltip on image

You can use the standard HTML title attribute of image for this:

<img src="source of image" alt="alternative text" title="this will be displayed as a tooltip"/>

AngularJS : Prevent error $digest already in progress when calling $scope.$apply()

When you get this error, it basically means that it's already in the process of updating your view. You really shouldn't need to call $apply() within your controller. If your view isn't updating as you would expect, and then you get this error after calling $apply(), it most likely means you're not updating the the model correctly. If you post some specifics, we could figure out the core problem.

Local file access with JavaScript

If you're deploying on Windows, the Windows Script Host offers a very useful JScript API to the file system and other local resources. Incorporating WSH scripts into a local web application may not be as elegant as you might wish, however.

How to convert jsonString to JSONObject in Java

Use JsonNode of fasterxml for the Generic Json Parsing. It internally creates a Map of key value for all the inputs.


private void test(@RequestBody JsonNode node)

input String :


Converting PHP result array to JSON

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Data not found."); 
echo json_encode($rows);

Exception : mockito wanted but not invoked, Actually there were zero interactions with this mock

@jk1 answer is perfect, since @igor Ganapolsky asked, why can't we use Mockito.mock here? i post this answer.

For that we have provide one setter method for myobj and set the myobj value with mocked object.

class MyClass {
    MyInterface myObj;

    public void abc() {
        myObj.myMethodToBeVerified (new String("a"), new String("b"));

    public void setMyObj(MyInterface obj)

In our Test class, we have to write below code

class MyClassTest {

MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

    MyInterface myInterface;

    testAbc() {
        myclass.setMyObj(myInterface); //it is good to have in @before method;
        verify(myInterface).myMethodToBeVerified(new String("a"), new String("b"));

Search for exact match of string in excel row using VBA Macro

Never mind, I found the answer.

This will do the trick.

Dim colIndex As Long    
colIndex = Application.Match(colName, Range(Cells(rowIndex, 1), Cells(rowIndex, 100)), 0)

How can I change all input values to uppercase using Jquery?

use css :

input.upper { text-transform: uppercase; }

probably best to use the style, and convert serverside. There's also a jQuery plugin to force uppercase:

How do MySQL indexes work?

Basically an index is a map of all your keys that is sorted in order. With a list in order, then instead of checking every key, it can do something like this:

1: Go to middle of list - is higher or lower than what I'm looking for?

2: If higher, go to halfway point between middle and bottom, if lower, middle and top

3: Is higher or lower? Jump to middle point again, etc.

Using that logic, you can find an element in a sorted list in about 7 steps, instead of checking every item.

Obviously there are complexities, but that gives you the basic idea.

@Value annotation type casting to Integer from String

This problem also occurs when you have 2 resources with the same file name; say "" within 2 different jar or directory path configured within the classpath. For example:

You have your "" in your process or web application (jar, war or ear). But another dependency (jar) have the same file "" in the same path. Then I suppose that Spring have no idea (@_@?) where to get the property and just sends the property name declared within the @Value annotation.

HTML Table width in percentage, table rows separated equally

You need to enter the width % for each cell. But wait, there's a better way to do that, it's called CSS:

     .equalDivide tr td { width:25%; }

<table class="equalDivide" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">

Cross-reference (named anchor) in markdown

Use a name. Using an id isn't necessary in HTML 5 and will create global variables in your JavaScript

See the HTML 5 specification, 5.9.8 Navigating to a fragment identifier - both id and name are used.

It's important to know that most browsers still turn IDs into global variables. Here's a quick test. Using a name avoids creating globals and any conflicts that may result.

Example using a name:

Take me to [pookie](#pookie)

And the destination anchor:

### <a name="pookie"></a>Some heading

How to do an INNER JOIN on multiple columns

You can JOIN with the same table more than once by giving the joined tables an alias, as in the following example:

    airline, flt_no, fairport, tairport, depart, arrive, fare
    airports from_port ON (from_port.code = flights.fairport)
    airports to_port ON (to_port.code = flights.tairport)
    from_port.code = '?' OR to_port.code = '?' OR'?'

Note that the to_port and from_port are aliases for the first and second copies of the airports table.

How to get file URL using Storage facade in laravel 5?

First get file url/link then path, as below:

$url = Storage::disk('public')->url($filename);
$path = public_path($url);

how to count the spaces in a java string?

The simple and fastest way to count spaces

 String fav="foo hello me hi";
for( int i=0; i<fav.length(); i++ ) {
        if(fav.charAt(i) == ' ' ) {

How to compare two dates to find time difference in SQL Server 2005, date manipulation

If your database StartTime = 07:00:00 and endtime = 14:00:00, and both are time type. Your query to get the time difference would be:

SELECT TIMEDIFF(Time(endtime ), Time(StartTime )) from tbl_name

If your database startDate = 2014-07-20 07:00:00 and endtime = 2014-07-20 23:00:00, you can also use this query.

How to switch to other branch in Source Tree to commit the code?

Hi I'm also relatively new but I can give you basic help.

  1. To switch to another branch use "Checkout". Just click on your branch and then on the button "checkout" at the top.

UPDATE 12.01.2016:

The bold line is the current branch.

You can also just double click a branch to use checkout.

  1. Your first answer I think depends on the repository you use (like github or bitbucket). Maybe the "Show hosted repository"-Button can help you (Left panel, bottom, right button = database with cog)

And here some helpful links:

Easy Git Guide

Git-flow - Git branching model

Tips on branching with sourcetree

How do ports work with IPv6?

I'm pretty certain that ports only have a part in tcp and udp. So it's exactly the same even if you use a new IP protocol

How to echo (or print) to the js console with php

You can also try this way:

   echo "<script>console.log('$variableName')</script>";

Convert list to tuple in Python

You might have done something like this:

>>> tuple = 45, 34  # You used `tuple` as a variable here
>>> tuple
(45, 34)
>>> l = [4, 5, 6]
>>> tuple(l)   # Will try to invoke the variable `tuple` rather than tuple type.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
>>> del tuple  # You can delete the object tuple created earlier to make it work
>>> tuple(l)
(4, 5, 6)

Here's the problem... Since you have used a tuple variable to hold a tuple (45, 34) earlier... So, now tuple is an object of type tuple now...

It is no more a type and hence, it is no more Callable.

Never use any built-in types as your variable name... You do have any other name to use. Use any arbitrary name for your variable instead...

How to round an image with Glide library?

According to this answer, the easiest way in both languages is:




Glide.with(context).load(uri).apply(new RequestOptions().circleCrop()).into(imageView)

This works on Glide 4.X.X

Create a file if it doesn't exist

I think this should work:

#open file for reading
fn = input("Enter file to open: ")
    fh = open(fn,'r')
# if file does not exist, create it
    fh = open(fn,'w')

Also, you incorrectly wrote fh = open ( fh, "w") when the file you wanted open was fn

How to keep Docker container running after starting services?

I just had the same problem and I found out that if you are running your container with the -t and -d flag, it keeps running.

docker run -td <image>

Here is what the flags do (according to docker run --help):

-d, --detach=false         Run container in background and print container ID
-t, --tty=false            Allocate a pseudo-TTY

The most important one is the -t flag. -d just lets you run the container in the background.

How to pass a single object[] to a params object[]

A simple typecast will ensure the compiler knows what you mean in this case.

Foo((object)new object[]{ (object)"1", (object)"2" }));

As an array is a subtype of object, this all works out. Bit of an odd solution though, I'll agree.

Why does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return the string "10"?

Let’s make it simple:

++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] = "10"

var a = [[]][+[]];
var b = [+[]];

// so a == [] and b == [0]


// then a == 1 and b is still that array [0]
// when you sum the var a and an array, it will sum b as a string just like that:

1 + "0" = "10"

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths - why?

public partial class recommended_books : DbMigration
    public override void Up()
            c => new
                    RecommendedBookID = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true),
                    CourseID = c.Int(nullable: false),
                    DepartmentID = c.Int(nullable: false),
                    Title = c.String(),
                    Author = c.String(),
                    PublicationDate = c.DateTime(nullable: false),
            .PrimaryKey(t => t.RecommendedBookID)
            .ForeignKey("dbo.Course", t => t.CourseID, cascadeDelete: false) // was true on migration
            .ForeignKey("dbo.Department", t => t.DepartmentID, cascadeDelete: false) // was true on migration
            .Index(t => t.CourseID)
            .Index(t => t.DepartmentID);


    public override void Down()
        DropForeignKey("dbo.RecommendedBook", "DepartmentID", "dbo.Department");
        DropForeignKey("dbo.RecommendedBook", "CourseID", "dbo.Course");
        DropIndex("dbo.RecommendedBook", new[] { "DepartmentID" });
        DropIndex("dbo.RecommendedBook", new[] { "CourseID" });

When your migration fails you are given a couple of options: 'Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_dbo.RecommendedBook_dbo.Department_DepartmentID' on table 'RecommendedBook' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints. Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.'

Here is an example of using the 'modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints' by setting 'cascadeDelete' to false in the migration file and then run 'update-database'.

Click event on select option element in chrome

Maybe one of the new jquery versions supports the click event on options. It worked for me:

$(document).on("click","select option",function() {
  console.log("nice to meet you, console ;-)");

UPDATE: A possible usecase could be the following: A user sends a html form and the values are inserted into a database. However one or more values are set by default and you flag this automated entries. You also show the user that his entry is generated automatically, but if he confirm the entry by clicking on the already selected option you change the flag in the database. A rare sue case, but possible...

Case statement in MySQL

This should work:

  ,case when action_type='Income' then action_amount else 0 end
  ,case when action_type='Expense' then expense_amount else 0 end
from tbl_transaction

PHP, pass array through POST

You could put it in the session:

$_SESSION['array_name'] = $array_name;

Or if you want to send it via a form you can serialize it:

<input type='hidden' name='input_name' value="<?php echo htmlentities(serialize($array_name)); ?>" />

$passed_array = unserialize($_POST['input_name']);

Note that to work with serialized arrays, you need to use POST as the form's transmission method, as GET has a size limit somewhere around 1024 characters.

I'd use sessions wherever possible.

What is the simplest jQuery way to have a 'position:fixed' (always at top) div?

Beautiful! Your solution was 99%... instead of "this.scrollY", I used "$(window).scrollTop()". What's even better is that this solution only requires the jQuery1.2.6 library (no additional libraries needed).

The reason I wanted that version in particular is because that's what ships with MVC currently.

Here's the code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#topBar").css("position", "absolute");

$(window).scroll(function() {
    $("#topBar").css("top", $(window).scrollTop() + "px");

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?

I understand you asked about converting images to a gif; however, if the original format is MP4, you could use FFmpeg:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.gif

AngularJS ng-if with multiple conditions

JavaScript Code

function ctrl($scope){
${state:['second','first','nothing','Never', 'Gonna', 'Give', 'You', 'Up']}

$scope.whatClassIsIt= function(someValue){
            return "ClassA"
     else if(someValue=="second")
         return "ClassB";
         return "ClassC";

How to find length of digits in an integer?

def count_digit(number):
  if number >= 10:
    count = 2
    count = 1
  while number//10 > 9:
    count += 1
    number = number//10
  return count

Error: vector does not name a type


std::vector <Acard> playerHand;

everywhere qualify it by std::

or do:

using std::vector;

in your cpp file.

You have to do this because vector is defined in the std namespace and you do not tell your program to find it in std namespace, you need to tell that.

How to run multiple .BAT files within a .BAT file

To call a .bat file within a .bat file, use

call foo.bat

(Yes, this is silly, it would make more sense if you could call it with foo.bat, like you could from the command prompt, but the correct way is to use call.)

Angular - "has no exported member 'Observable'"

I replaced the original code with import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs', and the problem is solved.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Reading my own Jar's Manifest

You can use Manifests from jcabi-manifests and read any attribute from any of available MANIFEST.MF files with just one line:

String value ="My-Attribute");

The only dependency you need is:


Also, see this blog post for more details:

Java Initialize an int array in a constructor

why not simply

public Date(){
    data = new int[]{0,0,0};

the reason you got the error is because int[] data = ... declares a new variable and hides the field data

however it should be noted that the contents of the array are already initialized to 0 (the default value of int)

Styling Google Maps InfoWindow

Google wrote some code to assist with this. Here are some examples: Example using InfoBubble, Styled markers and Info Window Custom (using OverlayView).

The code in the links above take different routes to achieve similar results. The gist of it is that it is not easy to style InfoWindows directly, and it might be easier to use the additional InfoBubble class instead of InfoWindow, or to override GOverlay. Another option would be to modify the elements of the InfoWindow using javascript (or jQuery), like later ATOzTOA suggested.

Possibly the simplest of these examples is using InfoBubble instead of InfoWindow. InfoBubble is available by importing this file (which you should host yourself):

InfoBubble's Github project page.

InfoBubble is very stylable, compared to InfoWindow:

 infoBubble = new InfoBubble({
      map: map,
      content: '<div class="mylabel">The label</div>',
      position: new google.maps.LatLng(-32.0, 149.0),
      shadowStyle: 1,
      padding: 0,
      backgroundColor: 'rgb(57,57,57)',
      borderRadius: 5,
      arrowSize: 10,
      borderWidth: 1,
      borderColor: '#2c2c2c',
      disableAutoPan: true,
      hideCloseButton: true,
      arrowPosition: 30,
      backgroundClassName: 'transparent',
      arrowStyle: 2

You can also call it with a given map and marker to open on:, marker);

As another example, the Info Window Custom example extends the GOverlay class from the Google Maps API and uses this as a base for creating a more flexible info window. It first creates the class:

/* An InfoBox is like an info window, but it displays
 * under the marker, opens quicker, and has flexible styling.
 * @param {GLatLng} latlng Point to place bar at
 * @param {Map} map The map on which to display this InfoBox.
 * @param {Object} opts Passes configuration options - content,
 *   offsetVertical, offsetHorizontal, className, height, width
function InfoBox(opts) {;
  this.latlng_ = opts.latlng;
  this.map_ =;
  this.offsetVertical_ = -195;
  this.offsetHorizontal_ = 0;
  this.height_ = 165;
  this.width_ = 266;

  var me = this;
  this.boundsChangedListener_ =
    google.maps.event.addListener(this.map_, "bounds_changed", function() {
      return me.panMap.apply(me);

  // Once the properties of this OverlayView are initialized, set its map so
  // that we can display it.  This will trigger calls to panes_changed and
  // draw.

after which it proceeds to override GOverlay:

InfoBox.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();

You should then override the methods you need: createElement, draw, remove and panMap. It gets rather involved, but in theory you are just drawing a div on the map yourself now, instead of using a normal Info Window.

CodeIgniter: How to get Controller, Action, URL information

Instead of using URI segments you should do this:

$this->router->fetch_class(); // class = controller

That way you know you are always using the correct values even if you are behind a routed URL, in a sub-domain, etc.

How to alter SQL in "Edit Top 200 Rows" in SSMS 2008

in SQL 2017 You can do it more easily in the toolbar to the right just hit
enter image description here

the SQL button then its gonna apear the query with the top 200 you edit until the quantity that You want and Execute the query and Done! just Edit

In C can a long printf statement be broken up into multiple lines?

I don't think using one printf statement to print string literals as seen above is a good programming practice; rather, one can use the piece of code below:

printf("name: %s\t",sp->name);
printf("args: %s\t",sp->args);
printf("value: %s\t",sp->value);
printf("arraysize: %s\t",sp->name); 

How to use BufferedReader in Java

Try this to read a file:

BufferedReader reader = null;

try {
    File file = new File("sample-file.dat");
    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {

What is a Windows Handle?

A handle is like a primary key value of a record in a database.

edit 1: well, why the downvote, a primary key uniquely identifies a database record, and a handle in the Windows system uniquely identifies a window, an opened file, etc, That's what I'm saying.

target="_blank" vs. target="_new"

  • _blank as a target value will spawn a new window every time,
  • _new will only spawn one new window.

Also, every link clicked with a target value of _new will replace the page loaded in the previously spawned window.

You can click here When to use _blank or _new to try it out for yourself.

Android emulator shows nothing except black screen and adb devices shows "device offline"

Had this issue on my Nexus 7,Nexus 10 & Pixel as well that means in all the emulators.

After days of struggling with this issue, I figured it out finally. Well, there are a lot of answers above which may work or may not for you because their configuration may vary slightly than yours.

I'll tell you my solution:

When creating those emulators, I checked Hardware - GLES 2.0 in Graphics for better performance. And for me it was the issue.

If you've done the same then,

Go to AVD Manager -> Select your emulator -> Click on Edit configuration (in Actions column marked as pencil) -> in Emulated performance - Graphics -> Select Software - GLES 2.0.

Then click on Show Advanced Settings -> Set none for both Front and Back camera and hit Finish.

Now select your emulator in AVD Manager and click on Dropdown arrow in Actions column -> select Cold Boot Now.

And yay you're ready to go

Angular 5 Reactive Forms - Radio Button Group

I tried your code, you didn't assign/bind a value to your formControlName.

In HTML file:

<form [formGroup]="form">
     <input type="radio" value="Male" formControlName="gender">
     <input type="radio" value="Female" formControlName="gender">

In the TS file:

  form: FormGroup;
  constructor(fb: FormBuilder) { = 'Angular2'
    this.form ={
      gender: ['', Validators.required]

Make sure you use Reactive form properly: [formGroup]="form" and you don't need the name attribute.

In my sample. words male and female in span tags are the values display along the radio button and Male and Female values are bind to formControlName

See the screenshot: enter image description here

To make it shorter:

<form [formGroup]="form">
  <input type="radio" value='Male' formControlName="gender" >Male
  <input type="radio" value='Female' formControlName="gender">Female

enter image description here

Hope it helps:)

How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary?

Single filter on key

  • return "key" and remove it from my_dict if "key" exists in my_dict
  • return None if "key" doesn't exist in my_dict

this will change my_dict in place (mutable)

my_dict.pop('key', None)

Multiple filters on keys

generate a new dict (immutable)

dic1 = {
    "y": 2,
    "z": 3

def func1(item):
    return  item[0]!= "x" and item[0] != "y"

            lambda item: item[0] != "x" and item[0] != "y", 

Transparent CSS background color

In this case background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); is the best way. For example: background-color:rgba(0,0,0,opacity option);

Send response to all clients except sender

Here is my list (updated for 1.0):

// sending to sender-client only
socket.emit('message', "this is a test");

// sending to all clients, include sender
io.emit('message', "this is a test");

// sending to all clients except sender
socket.broadcast.emit('message', "this is a test");

// sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel) except sender'game').emit('message', 'nice game');

// sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel), include sender'game').emit('message', 'cool game');

// sending to sender client, only if they are in 'game' room(channel)'game').emit('message', 'enjoy the game');

// sending to all clients in namespace 'myNamespace', include sender
io.of('myNamespace').emit('message', 'gg');

// sending to individual socketid'message', 'for your eyes only');

// list socketid
for (var socketid in io.sockets.sockets) {}
Object.keys(io.sockets.sockets).forEach((socketid) => {});

How to get the connection String from a database

The easiest way to get the connection string is using the "Server Explorer" window in Visual Studio (menu View, Server Explorer) and connect to the server from that window.

Then you can see the connection string in the properties of the connected server (choose the connection and press F4 or Alt+Enter or choose Properties on the right click menu).

Advanced connection string settings: when creating the connection, you can modify any of the advanced connection string options, like MARS, resiliency, timeot, pooling configuration, etc. by clicking on the "Advanced..." button on the bottom of the "Add connection" dialog. You can access this dialog later by right clicking the Data Connection, and choosing "Modify connection...". The available advanced options vary by server type.

If you create the database using SQL Server Management Studio, the database will be created in a server instance, so that, to deploy your application you'll have to make a backup of the database and deploy it in the deployment SQL Server. Alternatively, you can use a data file using SQL Server Express (localDB in SQL Server 2012), that will be easily distributed with your app.

I.e. if it's an ASP.NET app, there's an App_Datafolder. If you right click it you can add a new element, which can be a SQL Server Database. This file will be on that folder, will work with SQL Express, and will be easy to deploy. You need SQL Express / localDB installed on your machine for this to work.

Calculating Pearson correlation and significance in Python

The following code is a straight-up interpretation of the definition:

import math

def average(x):
    assert len(x) > 0
    return float(sum(x)) / len(x)

def pearson_def(x, y):
    assert len(x) == len(y)
    n = len(x)
    assert n > 0
    avg_x = average(x)
    avg_y = average(y)
    diffprod = 0
    xdiff2 = 0
    ydiff2 = 0
    for idx in range(n):
        xdiff = x[idx] - avg_x
        ydiff = y[idx] - avg_y
        diffprod += xdiff * ydiff
        xdiff2 += xdiff * xdiff
        ydiff2 += ydiff * ydiff

    return diffprod / math.sqrt(xdiff2 * ydiff2)


print pearson_def([1,2,3], [1,5,7])



This agrees with Excel, this calculator, SciPy (also NumPy), which return 0.981980506 and 0.9819805060619657, and 0.98198050606196574, respectively.


> cor( c(1,2,3), c(1,5,7))
[1] 0.9819805

EDIT: Fixed a bug pointed out by a commenter.

What does this symbol mean in JavaScript?

See the documentation on MDN about expressions and operators and statements.

Basic keywords and general expressions

this keyword:

var x = function() vs. function x() — Function declaration syntax

(function(){})() — IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)

someFunction()() — Functions which return other functions

=> — Equal sign, greater than: arrow function expression syntax

|> — Pipe, greater than: Pipeline operator

function*, yield, yield* — Star after function or yield: generator functions

[], Array() — Square brackets: array notation

If the square brackets appear on the left side of an assignment ([a] = ...), or inside a function's parameters, it's a destructuring assignment.

{key: value} — Curly brackets: object literal syntax (not to be confused with blocks)

If the curly brackets appear on the left side of an assignment ({ a } = ...) or inside a function's parameters, it's a destructuring assignment.

`${}` — Backticks, dollar sign with curly brackets: template literals

// — Slashes: regular expression literals

$ — Dollar sign in regex replace patterns: $$, $&, $`, $', $n

() — Parentheses: grouping operator

Property-related expressions

obj.prop, obj[prop], obj["prop"] — Square brackets or dot: property accessors

?., ?.[], ?.() — Question mark, dot: optional chaining operator

:: — Double colon: bind operator

new operator

...iter — Three dots: spread syntax; rest parameters

Increment and decrement

++, -- — Double plus or minus: pre- / post-increment / -decrement operators

Unary and binary (arithmetic, logical, bitwise) operators

delete operator

void operator

+, - — Plus and minus: addition or concatenation, and subtraction operators; unary sign operators

|, &, ^, ~ — Single pipe, ampersand, circumflex, tilde: bitwise OR, AND, XOR, & NOT operators

% — Percent sign: remainder operator

&&, ||, ! — Double ampersand, double pipe, exclamation point: logical operators

?? — Double question mark: nullish-coalescing operator

** — Double star: power operator (exponentiation)

Equality operators

==, === — Equal signs: equality operators

!=, !== — Exclamation point and equal signs: inequality operators

Bit shift operators

<<, >>, >>> — Two or three angle brackets: bit shift operators

Conditional operator

?:… — Question mark and colon: conditional (ternary) operator

Assignment operators

= — Equal sign: assignment operator

%= — Percent equals: remainder assignment

+= — Plus equals: addition assignment operator

&&=, ||=, ??= — Double ampersand, pipe, or question mark, followed by equal sign: logical assignments


Comma operator

, — Comma operator

Control flow

{} — Curly brackets: blocks (not to be confused with object literal syntax)


var, let, const — Declaring variables


label: — Colon: labels

# — Hash (number sign): Private methods or private fields

Accessing a matrix element in the "Mat" object (not the CvMat object) in OpenCV C++

On the documentation:

It says:

(...) if you know the matrix element type, e.g. it is float, then you can use at<>() method

That is, you can use:

Mat M(100, 100, CV_64F);
cout <<<double>(0,0);

Maybe it is easier to use the Mat_ class. It is a template wrapper for Mat. Mat_ has the operator() overloaded in order to access the elements.

Add to integers in a list

If you try appending the number like, say listName.append(4) , this will append 4 at last. But if you are trying to take <int> and then append it as, num = 4 followed by listName.append(num), this will give you an error as 'num' is of <int> type and listName is of type <list>. So do type cast int(num) before appending it.

A SQL Query to select a string between two known strings

SUBSTRING( '[email protected]',  charindex('@','[email protected]',1) + 1, charindex('.','[email protected]',1) - charindex('@','[email protected]',1) - 1 )

How to set child process' environment variable in Makefile

I only needed the environment variables locally to invoke my test command, here's an example setting multiple environment vars in a bash shell, and escaping the dollar sign in make.

SHELL := /bin/bash

.PHONY: test tests
test tests:
    PATH=./node_modules/.bin/:$$PATH \
    nodeunit tests/

Xcode stops working after set "xcode-select -switch"

You should be pointing it towards the Developer directory, not the Xcode application bundle. Run this:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

With recent versions of Xcode, you can go to Xcode ? Preferences… ? Locations and pick one of the options for Command Line Tools to set the location.

FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection

FileNotFound in this case means you got a 404 from your server

You Have to Set the Request Content-Type Header Parameter Set “content-type” request header to “application/json” to send the request content in JSON form.

This parameter has to be set to send the request body in JSON format.

Failing to do so, the server returns HTTP status code “400-bad request”.

con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; utf-8");

Full Script ->

public class SendDeviceDetails extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

    String data = "";
    String url = "";

    HttpURLConnection con = null;
    try {

        // From the above URL object,
        // we can invoke the openConnection method to get the HttpURLConnection object.
        // We can't instantiate HttpURLConnection directly, as it's an abstract class:
        con = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(url).openConnection();
        //To send a POST request, we'll have to set the request method property to POST:

        // Set the Request Content-Type Header Parameter
        // Set “content-type” request header to “application/json” to send the request content in JSON form.
        // This parameter has to be set to send the request body in JSON format.
        //Failing to do so, the server returns HTTP status code “400-bad request”.
        con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; utf-8");
        //Set Response Format Type
        //Set the “Accept” request header to “application/json” to read the response in the desired format:
        con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");

        //To send request content, let's enable the URLConnection object's doOutput property to true.
        //Otherwise, we'll not be able to write content to the connection output stream:

        //JSON String need to be constructed for the specific resource.
        //We may construct complex JSON using any third-party JSON libraries such as jackson or org.json
        String jsonInputString = params[0];

        try(OutputStream os = con.getOutputStream()){
            byte[] input = jsonInputString.getBytes("utf-8");
            os.write(input, 0, input.length);

        int code = con.getResponseCode();

        //Get the input stream to read the response content.
        // Remember to use try-with-resources to close the response stream automatically.
        try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream(), "utf-8"))){
            StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
            String responseLine = null;
            while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        if (con != null) {

    return data;

protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
    Log.e("TAG", result); // this is expecting a response code to be sent from your server upon receiving the POST data

and call it

new SendDeviceDetails().execute("");

you can find more details in this tutorial

Python not working in command prompt?

They gave us a script to do this for us already


You'll need to make sure that you close and open the cmd otherwise it won't have the new path there.

If you can't find this script these are the paths that it will add and I had to add manually in the end.


Where mine and now python works in the cmd

How to call loading function with React useEffect only once

If you only want to run the function given to useEffect after the initial render, you can give it an empty array as second argument.

function MyComponent() {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return <div> {/* ... */} </div>;

javascript regular expression to not match a word

function test(string) {
    return ! string.match(/abc|def/);

How to pass a user / password in ansible command

I used the command

ansible -i inventory example -m ping -u <your_user_name> --ask-pass

And it will ask for your password.

For anyone who gets the error:

to use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program

On MacOS, you can follow below instructions to install sshpass:

  1. Download the Source Code
  2. Extract it and cd into the directory
  3. ./configure
  4. sudo make install

ReactJS: setTimeout() not working?

Your code scope (this) will be your window object, not your react component, and that is why setTimeout(this.setState({position: 1}), 3000) will crash this way.

That comes from javascript not React, it is js closure

So, in order to bind your current react component scope, do this:

setTimeout(function(){this.setState({position: 1})}.bind(this), 3000);

Or if your browser supports es6 or your projs has support to compile es6 to es5, try arrow function as well, as arrow func is to fix 'this' issue:

setTimeout(()=>this.setState({position: 1}), 3000);

Angular ng-click with call to a controller function not working

Use alias when defining Controller in your angular configuration. For example: NOTE: I'm using TypeScript here

Just take note of the Controller, it has an alias of homeCtrl.

module MongoAngular {
    var app = angular.module('mongoAngular', ['ngResource', 'ngRoute','restangular']);

        '$routeProvider', ($routeProvider: ng.route.IRouteProvider) => {
                .when('/Home', {
                    templateUrl: '/PartialViews/Home/home.html',
                    controller: 'HomeController as homeCtrl'
                .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/Home' });
        .config(['RestangularProvider', (restangularProvider: restangular.IProvider) => {

And here's the way to use it...


Try it.. It might work for you as it worked for me... ;)

How to create a generic array in Java?

In Java 8, we can do a kind of generic array creation using a lambda or method reference. This is similar to the reflective approach (which passes a Class), but here we aren't using reflection.

interface ArraySupplier<E> {
    E[] get(int length);

class GenericSet<E> {
    private final ArraySupplier<E> supplier;
    private E[] array;

    GenericSet(ArraySupplier<E> supplier) {
        this.supplier = supplier;
        this.array    = supplier.get(10);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GenericSet<String> ofString =
            new GenericSet<>(String[]::new);
        GenericSet<Double> ofDouble =
            new GenericSet<>(Double[]::new);

For example, this is used by <A> A[] Stream.toArray(IntFunction<A[]>).

This could also be done pre-Java 8 using anonymous classes but it's more cumbersome.

ssh remote host identification has changed

Use this command:

truncate -s 0 /home/SYSTEM_NAME/.ssh/known_hosts

Oracle comparing timestamp with date

to_date format worked for me. Please consider the date formats: MON-, MM, ., -.

t.start_date >= to_date('14.11.2016 04:01:39', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
t.start_date <=to_date('14.11.2016 04:10:07', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

VBA shorthand for x=x+1?

Sadly there are no operation-assignment operators in VBA.

(Addition-assignment += are available in VB.Net)

Pointless workaround;

Sub Inc(ByRef i As Integer)
   i = i + 1  
End Sub
Static value As Integer
inc value
inc value

How to run a program without an operating system?

Operating System as the inspiration

The operating system is also a program, so we can also create our own program by creating from scratch or changing (limiting or adding) features of one of the small operating systems, and then run it during the boot process (using an ISO image).

For example, this page can be used as a starting point:

How to write a simple operating system

Here, the entire Operating System fit entirely in a 512-byte boot sector (MBR)!

Such or similar simple OS can be used to create a simple framework that will allow us:

make the bootloader load subsequent sectors on the disk into RAM, and jump to that point to continue execution. Or you could read up on FAT12, the filesystem used on floppy drives, and implement that.

There are many possibilities, however. For for example to see a bigger x86 assembly language OS we can explore the MykeOS, x86 operating system which is a learning tool to show the simple 16-bit, real-mode OSes work, with well-commented code and extensive documentation.

Boot Loader as the inspiration

Other common type of programs that run without the operating system are also Boot Loaders. We can create a program inspired by such a concept for example using this site:

How to develop your own Boot Loader

The above article presents also the basic architecture of such a programs:

  1. Correct loading to the memory by 0000:7C00 address.
  2. Calling the BootMain function that is developed in the high-level language.
  3. Show “”Hello, world…”, from low-level” message on the display.

As we can see, this architecture is very flexible and allows us to implement any program, not necessarily a boot loader.

In particular, it shows how to use the "mixed code" technique thanks to which it is possible to combine high-level constructions (from C or C++) with low-level commands (from Assembler). This is a very useful method, but we have to remember that:

to build the program and obtain executable file you will need the compiler and linker of Assembler for 16-bit mode. For C/C++ you will need only the compiler that can create object files for 16-bit mode.

The article shows also how to see the created program in action and how to perform its testing and debug.

UEFI applications as the inspiration

The above examples used the fact of loading the sector MBR on the data medium. However, we can go deeper into the depths by plaing for example with the UEFI applications:

Beyond loading an OS, UEFI can run UEFI applications, which reside as files on the EFI System Partition. They can be executed from the UEFI command shell, by the firmware's boot manager, or by other UEFI applications. UEFI applications can be developed and installed independently of the system manufacturer.

A type of UEFI application is an OS loader such as GRUB, rEFInd, Gummiboot, and Windows Boot Manager; which loads an OS file into memory and executes it. Also, an OS loader can provide a user interface to allow the selection of another UEFI application to run. Utilities like the UEFI shell are also UEFI applications.

If we would like to start creating such programs, we can, for example, start with these websites:

Programming for EFI: Creating a "Hello, World" Program / UEFI Programming - First Steps

Exploring security issues as the inspiration

It is well known that there is a whole group of malicious software (which are programs) that are running before the operating system starts.

A huge group of them operate on the MBR sector or UEFI applications, just like the all above solutions, but there are also those that use another entry point such as the Volume Boot Record (VBR) or the BIOS:

There are at least four known BIOS attack viruses, two of which were for demonstration purposes.

or perhaps another one too.

Attacks before system startup

Bootkits have evolved from Proof-of-Concept development to mass distribution and have now effectively become open-source software.

Different ways to boot

I also think that in this context it is also worth mentioning that there are various forms of booting the operating system (or the executable program intended for this). There are many, but I would like to pay attention to loading the code from the network using Network Boot option (PXE), which allows us to run the program on the computer regardless of its operating system and even regardless of any storage medium that is directly connected to the computer:

What Is Network Booting (PXE) and How Can You Use It?

Failing to run jar file from command line: “no main manifest attribute”

Try to run

java -cp ScrumTimeCaptureMaintenence.jar Main

How do I concatenate text in a query in sql server?

You have to explicitly cast the string types to the same in order to concatenate them, In your case you may solve the issue by simply addig an 'N' in front of 'SomeText' (N'SomeText'). If that doesn't work, try Cast('SomeText' as nvarchar(8)).

Drop default constraint on a column in TSQL

I would like to refer a previous question, Because I have faced same problem and solved by this solution. First of all a constraint is always built with a Hash value in it's name. So problem is this HASH is varies in different Machine or Database. For example DF__Companies__IsGlo__6AB17FE4 here 6AB17FE4 is the hash value(8 bit). So I am referring a single script which will be fruitful to all

     declare @table_name nvarchar(256)
     declare @col_name nvarchar(256)
     set @table_name = N'ProcedureAlerts'
     set @col_name = N'EmailSent'

     select @Command ='Alter Table dbo.ProcedureAlerts Drop Constraint [' + ( select
         sys.tables t
         join sys.default_constraints d on d.parent_object_id = t.object_id
         join sys.columns c on c.object_id = t.object_id
                               and c.column_id = d.parent_column_id
     where  = @table_name
         and = @col_name) + ']'

    --print @Command
    exec sp_executesql @Command

It will drop your default constraint. However if you want to create it again you can simply try this

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProcedureAlerts] ADD DEFAULT((0)) FOR [EmailSent]

Finally, just simply run a DROP command to drop the column.

Getting Access Denied when calling the PutObject operation with bucket-level permission

I was able to solve the issue by granting complete s3 access to Lambda from policies. Make a new role for Lambda and attach the policy with complete S3 Access to it.

Hope this will help.

jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class

Exclusions and provided dependencies will not work in child projects.

If you are using inheritance in Maven projects you must include this configuration on the parent pom.xml file. You will have a <parent>...</parent> section in your pom.xml if you are using inheritance. So you will have something like this in your parent pom.xml:


How to access model hasMany Relation with where condition?

I have fixed the similar issue by passing associative array as the first argument inside Builder::with method.

Imagine you want to include child relations by some dynamic parameters but don't want to filter parent results.


public function child ()
    return $this->hasMany(ChildModel::class);

Then, in other place, when your logic is placed you can do something like filtering relation by HasMany class. For example (very similar to my case):

$search = 'Some search string';
$result = Model::query()->with(
        'child' => function (HasMany $query) use ($search) {
            $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$search}%");

Then you will filter all the child results but parent models will not filter. Thank you for attention.

Import and Export Excel - What is the best library?

How about the apache POI java library. I havent used it for Excel , but did use it for Word 2007.

OpenCV & Python - Image too big to display

Although I was expecting an automatic solution (fitting to the screen automatically), resizing solves the problem as well.

import cv2
cv2.namedWindow("output", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)        # Create window with freedom of dimensions
im = cv2.imread("earth.jpg")                        # Read image
imS = cv2.resize(im, (960, 540))                    # Resize image
cv2.imshow("output", imS)                            # Show image
cv2.waitKey(0)                                      # Display the image infinitely until any keypress

Python Selenium accessing HTML source

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
html_source_code = driver.execute_script("return document.body.innerHTML;")
html_soup: BeautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup(html_source_code, 'html.parser')

Now you can apply BeautifulSoup function to extract data...

How to concatenate strings in django templates?

You do not need to write a custom tag. Just evaluate the vars next to each other.

"{{ shop name }}{{ other_path_var}}"

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

Declare Array: int[] arr;

Initialize Array: int[] arr = new int[10]; 10 represents the number of elements allowed in the array

Declare Multidimensional Array: int[][] arr;

Initialize Multidimensional Array: int[][] arr = new int[10][17]; 10 rows and 17 columns and 170 elements because 10 times 17 is 170.

Initializing an array means specifying the size of it.

Get started with Latex on Linux

I would recommend start using Lyx, with that you can use Latex just as easy as OOO-Writer. It gives you the possibility to step into Latex deeper by manually adding Latex-Code to your Document. PDF is just one klick away after installatioin. Lyx is cross-plattform.

Omitting the second expression when using the if-else shorthand

Tiny addition to this very old thread..

If your'e evaluating an expression inside a for/while loop with a ternary operator, and want to continue or break as a result - you're gonna have a problem because both continue&break aren't expressions, they're statements without any value.

This will produce Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token continue

 for (const item of myArray) {
      item.value ? break : continue;

If you really want a one-liner that returns a statement, you can use this instead:

  for (const item of myArray) {
      if (item.value) break; else continue;
  • P.S - This code might raise some eyebrows. Just saying.. :)

How to change the default docker registry from to my private registry?

if you are using the fedora distro, you can change the file


Adding domain

How to Use Content-disposition for force a file to download to the hard drive?

With recent browsers you can use the HTML5 download attribute as well:

<a download="quot.pdf" href="../doc/quot.pdf">Click here to Download quotation</a>

It is supported by most of the recent browsers except MSIE11. You can use a polyfill, something like this (note that this is for data uri only, but it is a good start):

(function (){

    addEvent(window, "load", function (){
        if (isInternetExplorer())

    function polyfillDataUriDownload(){
        var links = document.querySelectorAll('a[download], area[download]');
        for (var index = 0, length = links.length; index<length; ++index) {
            (function (link){
                var dataUri = link.getAttribute("href");
                var fileName = link.getAttribute("download");
                if (dataUri.slice(0,5) != "data:")
                    throw new Error("The XHR part is not implemented here.");
                addEvent(link, "click", function (event){
                    try {
                        var dataBlob = dataUriToBlob(dataUri);
                        forceBlobDownload(dataBlob, fileName);
                    } catch (e) {

    function forceBlobDownload(dataBlob, fileName){
        window.navigator.msSaveBlob(dataBlob, fileName);

    function dataUriToBlob(dataUri) {
        if  (!(/base64/).test(dataUri))
            throw new Error("Supports only base64 encoding.");
        var parts = dataUri.split(/[:;,]/),
            type = parts[1],
            binData = atob(parts.pop()),
            mx = binData.length,
            uiArr = new Uint8Array(mx);
        for(var i = 0; i<mx; ++i)
            uiArr[i] = binData.charCodeAt(i);
        return new Blob([uiArr], {type: type});

    function addEvent(subject, type, listener){
        if (window.addEventListener)
            subject.addEventListener(type, listener, false);
        else if (window.attachEvent)
            subject.attachEvent("on" + type, listener);

    function cancelEvent(event){
        if (event.preventDefault)
            event.returnValue = false;

    function isInternetExplorer(){
        return /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode;

How to get the Android Emulator's IP address?

Like this:

public String getLocalIpAddress() {
    try {
        for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
            NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement();
            for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements();) {
                InetAddress inetAddress = enumIpAddr.nextElement();
                if (!inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) {
                    return inetAddress.getHostAddress().toString();
    } catch (SocketException ex) {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.toString());
    return null;

Check the docs for more info: NetworkInterface.

how to configure lombok in eclipse luna

Step 1: Goto and click on 1.18.2

Step 2: Place your jar file in java installation path in my case it is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1\lib

step 3: Open your Eclipse IDE folder where you have in your PC.

Step 4: Add the place where I added then open your IDE it will open without any errors.

-javaagent:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1\lib\lombok.jar
-Xbootclasspath/a:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1\lib\lombok.jar
[email protected]/eclipse-workspace

How to check if the given string is palindrome?

boolean isPalindrome(String str1) {
  //first strip out punctuation and spaces
  String stripped = str1.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
  return stripped.equalsIgnoreCase((new StringBuilder(stripped)).reverse().toString());

Java version

Javascript - Track mouse position

The mouse's position is reported on the event object received by a handler for the mousemove event, which you can attach to the window (the event bubbles):

(function() {
    document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
    function handleMouseMove(event) {
        var eventDoc, doc, body;

        event = event || window.event; // IE-ism

        // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are,
        // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery.
        // (This is to support old IE)
        if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) {
            eventDoc = ( && || document;
            doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
            body = eventDoc.body;

            event.pageX = event.clientX +
              (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
            event.pageY = event.clientY +
              (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );

        // Use event.pageX / event.pageY here

(Note that the body of that if will only run on old IE.)

Example of the above in action - it draws dots as you drag your mouse over the page. (Tested on IE8, IE11, Firefox 30, Chrome 38.)

If you really need a timer-based solution, you combine this with some state variables:

(function() {
    var mousePos;

    document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
    setInterval(getMousePosition, 100); // setInterval repeats every X ms

    function handleMouseMove(event) {
        var dot, eventDoc, doc, body, pageX, pageY;

        event = event || window.event; // IE-ism

        // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are,
        // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery.
        // (This is to support old IE)
        if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) {
            eventDoc = ( && || document;
            doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
            body = eventDoc.body;

            event.pageX = event.clientX +
              (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
            event.pageY = event.clientY +
              (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );

        mousePos = {
            x: event.pageX,
            y: event.pageY
    function getMousePosition() {
        var pos = mousePos;
        if (!pos) {
            // We haven't seen any movement yet
        else {
            // Use pos.x and pos.y

As far as I'm aware, you can't get the mouse position without having seen an event, something which this answer to another Stack Overflow question seems to confirm.

Side note: If you're going to do something every 100ms (10 times/second), try to keep the actual processing you do in that function very, very limited. That's a lot of work for the browser, particularly older Microsoft ones. Yes, on modern computers it doesn't seem like much, but there is a lot going on in browsers... So for example, you might keep track of the last position you processed and bail from the handler immediately if the position hasn't changed.

Foreign key referring to primary keys across multiple tables?

Yes, it is possible. You will need to define 2 FKs for 3rd table. Each FK pointing to the required field(s) of one table (ie 1 FK per foreign table).

Fixing broken UTF-8 encoding

If you have double-encoded UTF8 characters (various smart quotes, dashes, apostrophe ’, quotation mark “, etc), in mysql you can dump the data, then read it back in to fix the broken encoding.

Like this:

mysqldump -h DB_HOST -u DB_USER -p DB_PASSWORD --opt --quote-names \
    --skip-set-charset --default-character-set=latin1 DB_NAME > DB_NAME-dump.sql

mysql -h DB_HOST -u DB_USER -p DB_PASSWORD \
    --default-character-set=utf8 DB_NAME < DB_NAME-dump.sql

This was a 100% fix for my double encoded UTF-8.


SQL Server r2 installation error .. update Visual Studio 2008 to SP1

Finally, I solved it. Even though the solution is a bit lengthy, I think its the simplest. The solution is as follows:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008
  2. Install the service Package 1 (SP1)
  3. Install SQL Server 2008 r2

ASP.NET Identity DbContext confusion

There is a lot of confusion about IdentityDbContext, a quick search in Stackoverflow and you'll find these questions:
" Why is Asp.Net Identity IdentityDbContext a Black-Box?
How can I change the table names when using Visual Studio 2013 AspNet Identity?
Merge MyDbContext with IdentityDbContext"

To answer to all of these questions we need to understand that IdentityDbContext is just a class inherited from DbContext.
Let's take a look at IdentityDbContext source:

/// <summary>
/// Base class for the Entity Framework database context used for identity.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TUser">The type of user objects.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TRole">The type of role objects.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the primary key for users and roles.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TUserClaim">The type of the user claim object.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TUserRole">The type of the user role object.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TUserLogin">The type of the user login object.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TRoleClaim">The type of the role claim object.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TUserToken">The type of the user token object.</typeparam>
public abstract class IdentityDbContext<TUser, TRole, TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TRoleClaim, TUserToken> : DbContext
    where TUser : IdentityUser<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin>
    where TRole : IdentityRole<TKey, TUserRole, TRoleClaim>
    where TKey : IEquatable<TKey>
    where TUserClaim : IdentityUserClaim<TKey>
    where TUserRole : IdentityUserRole<TKey>
    where TUserLogin : IdentityUserLogin<TKey>
    where TRoleClaim : IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>
    where TUserToken : IdentityUserToken<TKey>
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="IdentityDbContext"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The options to be used by a <see cref="DbContext"/>.</param>
    public IdentityDbContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)
    { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IdentityDbContext" /> class.
    /// </summary>
    protected IdentityDbContext()
    { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of Users.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TUser> Users { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of User claims.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TUserClaim> UserClaims { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of User logins.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TUserLogin> UserLogins { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of User roles.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TUserRole> UserRoles { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of User tokens.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TUserToken> UserTokens { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of roles.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TRole> Roles { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the <see cref="DbSet{TEntity}"/> of role claims.
    /// </summary>
    public DbSet<TRoleClaim> RoleClaims { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Configures the schema needed for the identity framework.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">
    /// The builder being used to construct the model for this context.
    /// </param>
    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
        builder.Entity<TUser>(b =>
            b.HasKey(u => u.Id);
            b.HasIndex(u => u.NormalizedUserName).HasName("UserNameIndex").IsUnique();
            b.HasIndex(u => u.NormalizedEmail).HasName("EmailIndex");
            b.Property(u => u.ConcurrencyStamp).IsConcurrencyToken();

            b.Property(u => u.UserName).HasMaxLength(256);
            b.Property(u => u.NormalizedUserName).HasMaxLength(256);
            b.Property(u => u.Email).HasMaxLength(256);
            b.Property(u => u.NormalizedEmail).HasMaxLength(256);
            b.HasMany(u => u.Claims).WithOne().HasForeignKey(uc => uc.UserId).IsRequired();
            b.HasMany(u => u.Logins).WithOne().HasForeignKey(ul => ul.UserId).IsRequired();
            b.HasMany(u => u.Roles).WithOne().HasForeignKey(ur => ur.UserId).IsRequired();

        builder.Entity<TRole>(b =>
            b.HasKey(r => r.Id);
            b.HasIndex(r => r.NormalizedName).HasName("RoleNameIndex");
            b.Property(r => r.ConcurrencyStamp).IsConcurrencyToken();

            b.Property(u => u.Name).HasMaxLength(256);
            b.Property(u => u.NormalizedName).HasMaxLength(256);

            b.HasMany(r => r.Users).WithOne().HasForeignKey(ur => ur.RoleId).IsRequired();
            b.HasMany(r => r.Claims).WithOne().HasForeignKey(rc => rc.RoleId).IsRequired();

        builder.Entity<TUserClaim>(b => 
            b.HasKey(uc => uc.Id);

        builder.Entity<TRoleClaim>(b => 
            b.HasKey(rc => rc.Id);

        builder.Entity<TUserRole>(b => 
            b.HasKey(r => new { r.UserId, r.RoleId });

        builder.Entity<TUserLogin>(b =>
            b.HasKey(l => new { l.LoginProvider, l.ProviderKey });

        builder.Entity<TUserToken>(b => 
            b.HasKey(l => new { l.UserId, l.LoginProvider, l.Name });

Based on the source code if we want to merge IdentityDbContext with our DbContext we have two options:

First Option:
Create a DbContext which inherits from IdentityDbContext and have access to the classes.

   public class ApplicationDbContext 
    : IdentityDbContext
    public ApplicationDbContext()
        : base("DefaultConnection")

    static ApplicationDbContext()
        Database.SetInitializer<ApplicationDbContext>(new ApplicationDbInitializer());

    public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
        return new ApplicationDbContext();

    // Add additional items here as needed

Extra Notes:

1) We can also change Identity default table names with the following solution:

    public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext
        public ApplicationDbContext(): base("DefaultConnection")

        protected override void OnModelCreating(System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


2) Furthermore we can extend each class and add any property to classes like 'IdentityUser', 'IdentityRole', ...

    public class ApplicationRole : IdentityRole<string, ApplicationUserRole>
    public ApplicationRole() 
        this.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    public ApplicationRole(string name)
        : this()
        this.Name = name;

    // Add any custom Role properties/code here

// Must be expressed in terms of our custom types:
public class ApplicationDbContext 
    : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, 
    string, ApplicationUserLogin, ApplicationUserRole, ApplicationUserClaim>
    public ApplicationDbContext()
        : base("DefaultConnection")

    static ApplicationDbContext()
        Database.SetInitializer<ApplicationDbContext>(new ApplicationDbInitializer());

    public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
        return new ApplicationDbContext();

    // Add additional items here as needed

To save time we can use AspNet Identity 2.0 Extensible Project Template to extend all the classes.

Second Option:(Not recommended)
We actually don't have to inherit from IdentityDbContext if we write all the code ourselves.
So basically we can just inherit from DbContext and implement our customized version of "OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)" from the IdentityDbContext source code

How to add text at the end of each line in Vim?

There is in fact a way to do this using Visual block mode. Simply pressing $A in Visual block mode appends to the end of all lines in the selection. The appended text will appear on all lines as soon as you press Esc.

So this is a possible solution:


That is, in Normal mode, Visual select a paragraph vip, switch to Visual block mode CTRLV, append to all lines $A a comma ,, then press Esc to confirm.

The documentation is at :h v_b_A. There is even an illustration of how it works in the examples section: :h v_b_A_example.

Groovy write to file (newline)

As @Steven points out, a better way would be:

public void writeToFile(def directory, def fileName, def extension, def infoList) {
  new File("$directory/$fileName$extension").withWriter { out ->
    infoList.each {
      out.println it

As this handles the line separator for you, and handles closing the writer as well

(and doesn't open and close the file each time you write a line, which could be slow in your original version)

A simple scenario using wait() and notify() in java

The wait() and notify() methods are designed to provide a mechanism to allow a thread to block until a specific condition is met. For this I assume you're wanting to write a blocking queue implementation, where you have some fixed size backing-store of elements.

The first thing you have to do is to identify the conditions that you want the methods to wait for. In this case, you will want the put() method to block until there is free space in the store, and you will want the take() method to block until there is some element to return.

public class BlockingQueue<T> {

    private Queue<T> queue = new LinkedList<T>();
    private int capacity;

    public BlockingQueue(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;

    public synchronized void put(T element) throws InterruptedException {
        while(queue.size() == capacity) {

        notify(); // notifyAll() for multiple producer/consumer threads

    public synchronized T take() throws InterruptedException {
        while(queue.isEmpty()) {

        T item = queue.remove();
        notify(); // notifyAll() for multiple producer/consumer threads
        return item;

There are a few things to note about the way in which you must use the wait and notify mechanisms.

Firstly, you need to ensure that any calls to wait() or notify() are within a synchronized region of code (with the wait() and notify() calls being synchronized on the same object). The reason for this (other than the standard thread safety concerns) is due to something known as a missed signal.

An example of this, is that a thread may call put() when the queue happens to be full, it then checks the condition, sees that the queue is full, however before it can block another thread is scheduled. This second thread then take()'s an element from the queue, and notifies the waiting threads that the queue is no longer full. Because the first thread has already checked the condition however, it will simply call wait() after being re-scheduled, even though it could make progress.

By synchronizing on a shared object, you can ensure that this problem does not occur, as the second thread's take() call will not be able to make progress until the first thread has actually blocked.

Secondly, you need to put the condition you are checking in a while loop, rather than an if statement, due to a problem known as spurious wake-ups. This is where a waiting thread can sometimes be re-activated without notify() being called. Putting this check in a while loop will ensure that if a spurious wake-up occurs, the condition will be re-checked, and the thread will call wait() again.

As some of the other answers have mentioned, Java 1.5 introduced a new concurrency library (in the java.util.concurrent package) which was designed to provide a higher level abstraction over the wait/notify mechanism. Using these new features, you could rewrite the original example like so:

public class BlockingQueue<T> {

    private Queue<T> queue = new LinkedList<T>();
    private int capacity;
    private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    private Condition notFull = lock.newCondition();
    private Condition notEmpty = lock.newCondition();

    public BlockingQueue(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;

    public void put(T element) throws InterruptedException {
        try {
            while(queue.size() == capacity) {

        } finally {

    public T take() throws InterruptedException {
        try {
            while(queue.isEmpty()) {

            T item = queue.remove();
            return item;
        } finally {

Of course if you actually need a blocking queue, then you should use an implementation of the BlockingQueue interface.

Also, for stuff like this I'd highly recommend Java Concurrency in Practice, as it covers everything you could want to know about concurrency related problems and solutions.

Go to Matching Brace in Visual Studio?

On my Danish keyboard it's CTRL + Å.

How to prompt for user input and read command-line arguments

In Python 2:

data = raw_input('Enter something: ')
print data

In Python 3:

data = input('Enter something: ')

jQuery select option elements by value

You can use .val() to select the value, like the following:

function select_option(i) {
    $("#span_id select").val(i);

Here is a jsfiddle:

Linux configure/make, --prefix?

Do configure --help and see what other options are available.

It is very common to provide different options to override different locations. By standard, --prefix overrides all of them, so you need to override config location after specifying the prefix. This course of actions usually works for every automake-based project.

The worse case scenario is when you need to modify the configure script, or even worse, generated makefiles and config.h headers. But yeah, for Xfce you can try something like this:

./configure --prefix=/home/me/somefolder/mybuild/output/target --sysconfdir=/etc 

I believe that should do it.

How to Lock Android App's Orientation to Portrait in Phones and Landscape in Tablets?


in <application> for all app in <activity> for actual activity

Least common multiple for 3 or more numbers

How about this?

from operator import mul as MULTIPLY

def factors(n):
    f = {} # a dict is necessary to create 'factor : exponent' pairs 
    divisor = 2
    while n > 1:
        while (divisor <= n):
            if n % divisor == 0:
                n /= divisor
                f[divisor] = f.get(divisor, 0) + 1
                divisor += 1
    return f

def mcm(numbers):
    #numbers is a list of numbers so not restricted to two items
    high_factors = {}
    for n in numbers:
        fn = factors(n)
        for (key, value) in fn.iteritems():
            if high_factors.get(key, 0) < value: # if fact not in dict or < val
                high_factors[key] = value
    return reduce (MULTIPLY, ((k ** v) for k, v in high_factors.items()))

wamp server mysql user id and password

Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin and click on the Privileges tab. There is a "Add a new user" link. alt text

Centering a Twitter Bootstrap button

If you have more than one button, then you can do the following.

<div class="center-block" style="max-width:400px">
  <a href="#" class="btn btn-success">Accept</a>
  <a href="#" class="btn btn-danger"> Reject</a>

Annotations from javax.validation.constraints not working

So @Valid at service interface would work for only that object. If you have any more validations within the hierarchy of ServiceRequest object then you might to have explicitly trigger validations. So this is how I have done it:

public class ServiceRequestValidator {

      private static Validator validator;

      public void init(){
         validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();

      public static <T> void validate(T t){
        Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> errors = validator.validate(t);
          throw new ConstraintViolationException(errors);


You need to have following annotations at the object level if you want to trigger validation for that object.


How to list the properties of a JavaScript object?

Use Reflect.ownKeys()

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
Reflect.ownKeys(obj) // ["a", "b", "c"]

Object.keys and Object.getOwnPropertyNames cannot get non-enumerable properties. It's working even for non-enumerable properties.

var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
obj[Symbol()] = 4;
Reflect.ownKeys(obj) // ["a", "b", "c", Symbol()]

Width equal to content

set width attribute as: width: fit-content


PHP is_numeric or preg_match 0-9 validation

PHP's is_numeric function allows for floats as well as integers. At the same time, the is_int function is too strict if you want to validate form data (strings only). Therefore, you had usually best use regular expressions for this.

Strictly speaking, integers are whole numbers positive and negative, and also including zero. Here is a regular expression for this:


OR, if you want to allow leading zeros:


Note that this will allow for values such as -0000, which does not cause problems in PHP, however. (MySQL will also cast such values as 0.)

You may also want to confine the length of your integer for considerations of 32/64-bit PHP platform features and/or database compatibility. For instance, to limit the length of your integer to 9 digits (excluding the optional - sign), you could use:


Check if not nil and not empty in Rails shortcut?

There's a method that does this for you:

def show
  @city =

The present? method tests for not-nil plus has content. Empty strings, strings consisting of spaces or tabs, are considered not present.

Since this pattern is so common there's even a shortcut in ActiveRecord:

def show
  @city =

This is roughly equivalent.

As a note, testing vs nil is almost always redundant. There are only two logically false values in Ruby: nil and false. Unless it's possible for a variable to be literal false, this would be sufficient:

if (variable)
  # ...

This is preferable to the usual if (!variable.nil?) or if (variable != nil) stuff that shows up occasionally. Ruby tends to wards a more reductionist type of expression.

One reason you'd want to compare vs. nil is if you have a tri-state variable that can be true, false or nil and you need to distinguish between the last two states.

Will using 'var' affect performance?

I don't think you properly understood what you read. If it gets compiled to the correct type, then there is no difference. When I do this:

var i = 42;

The compiler knows it's an int, and generate code as if I had written

int i = 42;

As the post you linked to says, it gets compiled to the same type. It's not a runtime check or anything else requiring extra code. The compiler just figures out what the type must be, and uses that.

Horizontal Scroll Table in Bootstrap/CSS

You can also check for bootstrap datatable plugin as well for above issue.

It will have a large column table scrollable feature with lot of other options

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "scrollX": true
    } );
} );

for more info with example please check out this link

How do I change a PictureBox's image?

If you have an image imported as a resource in your project there is also this:

picPreview.Image = Properties.Resources.ImageName;

Where picPreview is the name of the picture box and ImageName is the name of the file you want to display.

*Resources are located by going to: Project --> Properties --> Resources

How can I get the current page's full URL on a Windows/IIS server?

The posttitle part of the URL is after your index.php file, which is a common way of providing friendly URLs without using mod_rewrite. The posttitle is actually therefore part of the query string, so you should be able to get it using $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']

How to cast/convert pointer to reference in C++

Call it like this:


Note that there is no casting going on here, as suggested in your question title. All we have done is de-referenced the pointer to the object which we then pass to the function.

Indentation Error in Python

It happened to me also, but I got the problem solved. I was using an indentation of 5 spaces, but when I pressed tab, it used to put a four space indent. So I think you should just use one thing; i.e. either tab button to add indent or spaces. And an ideal indentation is one of 4 spaces. I found IntelliJ to be very useful for these sort of things.

SQL Data Reader - handling Null column values

One way to do it is to check for db nulls:

employee.FirstName = (sqlreader.IsDBNull(indexFirstName) 
    ? ""
    : sqlreader.GetString(indexFirstName));

Install php-zip on php 5.6 on Ubuntu

Try either

  • sudo apt-get install php-zip or
  • sudo apt-get install php5.6-zip

Then, you might have to restart your web server.

  • sudo service apache2 restart or
  • sudo service nginx restart

If you are installing on centos or fedora OS then use yum in place of apt-get. example:-

sudo yum install php-zip or sudo yum install php5.6-zip and sudo service httpd restart

How to unzip a list of tuples into individual lists?

Use zip(*list):

>>> l = [(1,2), (3,4), (8,9)]
>>> list(zip(*l))
[(1, 3, 8), (2, 4, 9)]

The zip() function pairs up the elements from all inputs, starting with the first values, then the second, etc. By using *l you apply all tuples in l as separate arguments to the zip() function, so zip() pairs up 1 with 3 with 8 first, then 2 with 4 and 9. Those happen to correspond nicely with the columns, or the transposition of l.

zip() produces tuples; if you must have mutable list objects, just map() the tuples to lists or use a list comprehension to produce a list of lists:

map(list, zip(*l))          # keep it a generator
[list(t) for t in zip(*l)]  # consume the zip generator into a list of lists

Is there an effective tool to convert C# code to Java code?

I have never encountered a C#->Java conversion tool. The syntax would be easy enough, but the frameworks are dramatically different. Even if there were a tool, I would strongly advise against it. I have worked on several "migration" projects, and can't say emphatically enough that while conversion seems like a good choice, conversion projects always always always turn in to money pits. It's not a shortcut, what you end up with is code that is not readable, and doesn't take advantage of the target language. speaking from personal experience, assume that a rewrite is the cheaper option.

Fast ceiling of an integer division in C / C++

There's a solution for both positive and negative x but only for positive y with just 1 division and without branches:

int ceil(int x, int y) {
    return x / y + (x % y > 0);

Note, if x is positive then division is towards zero, and we should add 1 if reminder is not zero.

If x is negative then division is towards zero, that's what we need, and we will not add anything because x % y is not positive

How to Allow Remote Access to PostgreSQL database

In addition to above answers suggesting (1) the modification of the configuration files pg_hba.conf and (2) postgresql.conf and (3) restarting the PostgreSQL service, some Windows computers might also require incoming TCP traffic to be allowed on the port (usually 5432).

To do this, you would need to open Windows Firewall and add an inbound rule for the port (e.g. 5432).

Head to Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced Settings > Actions (right tab) > Inbound Rules > New Rule… > Port > Specific local ports and type in the port your using, usually 5432 > (defaults settings for the rest and type any name you'd like)

Windows firewall settings

Now, try connecting again from pgAdmin on the client computer. Restarting the service is not required.

Jenkins Pipeline Wipe Out Workspace

In my case, I want to clear out old files at the beginning of the build, but this is problematic since the source code has been checked out.

My solution is to ask git to clean out any files (from the last build) that it doesn't know about:

    sh "git clean -x -f"

That way I can start the build out clean, and if it fails, the workspace isn't cleaned out and therefore easily debuggable.

Convert char to int in C#

This will convert it to an int:

char foo = '2';
int bar = foo - '0';

This works because each character is internally represented by a number. The characters '0' to '9' are represented by consecutive numbers, so finding the difference between the characters '0' and '2' results in the number 2.

Auto refresh code in HTML using meta tags

It looks like you probably pasted this (or used a word processor like MS Word) using a kind of double-quotes that are not recognized by the browser. Please check that your code uses actual double-quotes like this one ", which is different from the following character:

Replace the meta tag with this one and try again:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" >

What is MATLAB good for? Why is it so used by universities? When is it better than Python?

MATLAB WAS a wrapper around commonly available libraries. And in many cases it still is. When you get to larger datasets, it has many additional optimizations, including examining and special casing common problems (reducing to sparse matrices where useful, for example), and handling edge cases. Often, you can submit a problem in a standard form to a general function, and it will determine the best underlying algorithm to use based on your data. For small N, all algorithms are fast, but MATLAB makes determining the optimal algorithm a non-issue.

This is written by someone who hates MATLAB, and has tried to replace it due to integration issues. From your question, you mention getting MATLAB 5 and using it for a course. At that level, you might want to look at Octave, an open source implementation with the same syntax. I'm guessing it is up to MATLAB 5 levels by now (I only play around with it). That should allow you to "pass your exam". For bare MATLAB functionality it seems to be close. It is lacking in the toolbox support (which, again, mostly serves to reformulate the function calls to forms familiar to engineers in the field and selects the right underlying algorithm to use).

How can I use ":" as an AWK field separator?

There isn't any need to write this much. Just put your desired field separator with the -F option in the AWK command and the column number you want to print segregated as per your mentioned field separator.

echo "1: " | awk -F: '{print $1}'

echo "1#2" | awk -F# '{print $1}'

converting epoch time with milliseconds to datetime

those are miliseconds, just divide them by 1000, since gmtime expects seconds ...

time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(1236472051807/1000.0))

How to load property file from classpath?

final Properties properties = new Properties();
try (final InputStream stream =
           this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("")) {
    /* or properties.loadFromXML(...) */

Change a column type from Date to DateTime during ROR migration

AFAIK, migrations are there to try to reshape data you care about (i.e. production) when making schema changes. So unless that's wrong, and since he did say he does not care about the data, why not just modify the column type in the original migration from date to datetime and re-run the migration? (Hope you've got tests:)).

tap gesture recognizer - which object was tapped?

You should amend creation of the gesture recogniser to accept parameter (add colon ':')

UITapGestureRecognizer *letterTapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(highlightLetter:)];

And in your method highlightLetter: you can access the view attached to recogniser:

-(IBAction) highlightLetter:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)recognizer
    UIView *view = [recognizer view];

Convert Unix timestamp to a date string

This solution works with versions of date which do not support date -d @. It does not require AWK or other commands. A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970, UTC so it is important to specify UTC.

date -d '1970-01-01 1357004952 sec UTC'
Mon Dec 31 17:49:12 PST 2012

If you are on a Mac, then use:

date -r 1357004952

Command for getting epoch:

date +%s

Credit goes to Anton: BASH: Convert Unix Timestamp to a Date

How to add jQuery code into HTML Page

for latest Jquery. Simply:

<script src=""></script>

Show two digits after decimal point in c++

It is possible to print a 15 decimal number in C++ using the following:

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

cout << fixed << setprecision(15) << " The Real_Pi is: " << real_pi << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(15) << " My Result_Pi is: " << my_pi << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(15) << " Processing error is: " << Error_of_Computing << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(15) << " Processing time is: " << End_Time-Start_Time << endl;

return 0;