Join on the prices table, and then select the entry for the last day:
select pa.partid, pa.Partnumber, max(pr.price)
from myparts pa
inner join myprices pr on pr.partid = pa.partid
where pr.PriceDate = (
select max(PriceDate)
from myprices
where partid = pa.partid
The max() is in case there are multiple prices per day; I'm assuming you'd like to display the highest one. If your price table has an id column, you can avoid the max() and simplify like:
select pa.partid, pa.Partnumber, pr.price
from myparts pa
inner join myprices pr on pr.partid = pa.partid
where pr.priceid = (
select max(priceid)
from myprices
where partid = pa.partid
P.S. Use wcm's solution instead!