Programs & Examples On #Static block

A static block is a normal block of code enclosed in braces, { }, and preceded by the static keyword.

Static Initialization Blocks

There are a few actual reasons that it is required to exist:

  1. initializing static final members whose initialization might throw an exception
  2. initializing static final members with calculated values

People tend to use static {} blocks as a convenient way to initialize things that the class depends on within the runtime as well - such as ensuring that particular class is loaded (e.g., JDBC drivers). That can be done in other ways; however, the two things that I mention above can only be done with a construct like the static {} block.

Trying to make bootstrap modal wider

If you need this solution for only few types of modals just use style="width:90%" attribute.


div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" style="width:90%"

note: this will change only this particular modal

Stop and Start a service via batch or cmd file?

Use the SC (service control) command, it gives you a lot more options than just start & stop.

          SC is a command line program used for communicating with the
          NT Service Controller and services.
      sc <server> [command] [service name]  ...

      The option <server> has the form "\\ServerName"
      Further help on commands can be obtained by typing: "sc [command]"
        query-----------Queries the status for a service, or
                        enumerates the status for types of services.
        queryex---------Queries the extended status for a service, or
                        enumerates the status for types of services.
        start-----------Starts a service.
        pause-----------Sends a PAUSE control request to a service.
        interrogate-----Sends an INTERROGATE control request to a service.
        continue--------Sends a CONTINUE control request to a service.
        stop------------Sends a STOP request to a service.
        config----------Changes the configuration of a service (persistant).
        description-----Changes the description of a service.
        failure---------Changes the actions taken by a service upon failure.
        qc--------------Queries the configuration information for a service.
        qdescription----Queries the description for a service.
        qfailure--------Queries the actions taken by a service upon failure.
        delete----------Deletes a service (from the registry).
        create----------Creates a service. (adds it to the registry).
        control---------Sends a control to a service.
        sdshow----------Displays a service's security descriptor.
        sdset-----------Sets a service's security descriptor.
        GetDisplayName--Gets the DisplayName for a service.
        GetKeyName------Gets the ServiceKeyName for a service.
        EnumDepend------Enumerates Service Dependencies.

      The following commands don't require a service name:
      sc <server> <command> <option>
        boot------------(ok | bad) Indicates whether the last boot should
                        be saved as the last-known-good boot configuration
        Lock------------Locks the Service Database
        QueryLock-------Queries the LockStatus for the SCManager Database
          sc start MyService

BigDecimal setScale and round

There is indeed a big difference, which you should keep in mind. setScale really set the scale of your number whereas round does round your number to the specified digits BUT it "starts from the leftmost digit of exact result" as mentioned within the jdk. So regarding your sample the results are the same, but try 0.0034 instead. Here's my note about that on my blog:

Visual Studio: ContextSwitchDeadlock

If you don't want to disable this exception, all you need to do is to let your application pump some messages at least once every 60 seconds. It will prevent this exception to happen. Try calling System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Join(10) once in a while. There are other calls you can do that let the messages pump.

JavaScript: clone a function

Just wondering - why would you want to clone a function when you have prototypes AND can set the scope of a function call to anything you wish?

 var funcA = {}; = 'something';
 funcA.changeData = function(d){ = d; }

 var funcB = {}; = 'else';;

 alert( + ' ' +;

Android draw a Horizontal line between views

If you does not want to use an extra view just for underlines. Add this style on your textView.


Just down side is it will add extra properties like


which you can easily override.

How do I do word Stemming or Lemmatization?

Martin Porter's official page contains a Porter Stemmer in PHP as well as other languages.

If you're really serious about good stemming though you're going to need to start with something like the Porter Algorithm, refine it by adding rules to fix incorrect cases common to your dataset, and then finally add a lot of exceptions to the rules. This can be easily implemented with key/value pairs (dbm/hash/dictionaries) where the key is the word to look up and the value is the stemmed word to replace the original. A commercial search engine I worked on once ended up with 800 some exceptions to a modified Porter algorithm.

How to undo the last commit in git

Try simply to reset last commit using --soft flag

git reset --soft HEAD~1

Note :

For Windows, wrap the HEAD parts in quotes like git reset --soft "HEAD~1"

NodeJs : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

For me, I got similar error when switched between branches - one used newer ("typescriptish") version of @google-cloud/datastore packages which returns object with Datastore constructor as one of properties of exported object and I switched to other branch for a task, an older datastore version was used there, which exports Datastore constructor "directly" as module.exports value. I got the error because node_modules still had newer modules used by branch I switched from.

Android RecyclerView addition & removal of items

  public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyAdapter.MyViewHolder> {
private Context context;
private List<cardview_widgets> list;

public MyAdapter(Context context, List<cardview_widgets> list) {
    this.context = context;
    this.list = list;

public MyViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
    View view = LayoutInflater.from(this.context).inflate(R.layout.fragment1_one_item,
            viewGroup, false);
    return new MyViewHolder(view);

public static class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    TextView txtValue;
    TextView txtCategory;
    ImageView imgInorEx;
    ImageView imgCategory;
    TextView txtDate;

    public MyViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {
        txtValue= itemView.findViewById(;
        txtCategory= itemView.findViewById(;
        imgInorEx= itemView.findViewById(;
        imgCategory= itemView.findViewById(;
        txtDate= itemView.findViewById(;

public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final MyViewHolder myViewHolder, int i) {

    myViewHolder.itemView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
        public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
            return false;

public int getItemCount() {
    return list.size();

i hope this help you.

This table does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available

This for sure is an old topic but I want to add up to the voices to crop maybe new ideas. To address the WARNING issue under discussions, all you need to do is to set one of your table columns to a PRIMARY KEY constraint.

System.loadLibrary(...) couldn't find native library in my case

Try to call your library after include PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY section:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE    := libcalculate




If you will use this library in Java you need compile it as shared library

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE    := libcalculate

And you need deploy the library in the /vendor/lib directory.

Event detect when css property changed using Jquery

For properties for which css transition will affect, can use transitionend event, example for z-index:

$(".observed-element").on("webkitTransitionEnd transitionend", function(e) {_x000D_
  console.log("end", e);_x000D_
  alert("z-index changed");_x000D_
$(".changeButton").on("click", function() {_x000D_
  document.querySelector(".observed-element").style.zIndex = (Math.random() * 1000) | 0;_x000D_
.observed-element {_x000D_
  transition: z-index 1ms;_x000D_
  -webkit-transition: z-index 1ms;_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button class="changeButton">change z-index</button>_x000D_
<div class="observed-element"></div>

Check file extension in upload form in PHP

pathinfo is cool but your code can be improved:

$filename = $_FILES['video_file']['name'];
$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$allowed = array('jpg','png','gif');
if( ! in_array( $ext, $allowed ) ) {echo 'error';}

Of course simply checking the extension of the filename would not guarantee the file type as a valid image. You may consider using a function like getimagesize to validate uploaded image files.

Manually type in a value in a "Select" / Drop-down HTML list?

Another common solution is adding "Other.." option to the drop down and when selected show text box that is otherwise hidden. Then when submitting the form, assign hidden field value with either the drop down or textbox value and in the server side code check the hidden value.


HTML code:

Please select: <form onsubmit="FormSubmit(this);">
<input type="hidden" name="fruit" />
<select name="fruit_ddl" onchange="DropDownChanged(this);">
    <option value="apple">Apple</option>
    <option value="orange">Apricot </option>
    <option value="melon">Peach</option>
    <option value="">Other..</option>
</select> <input type="text" name="fruit_txt" style="display: none;" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>


function DropDownChanged(oDDL) {
    var oTextbox = oDDL.form.elements["fruit_txt"];
    if (oTextbox) { = (oDDL.value == "") ? "" : "none";
        if (oDDL.value == "")

function FormSubmit(oForm) {
    var oHidden = oForm.elements["fruit"];
    var oDDL = oForm.elements["fruit_ddl"];
    var oTextbox = oForm.elements["fruit_txt"];
    if (oHidden && oDDL && oTextbox)
        oHidden.value = (oDDL.value == "") ? oTextbox.value : oDDL.value;

And in the server side, read the value of "fruit" from the Request.

jquery live hover

.live() has been deprecated as of jQuery 1.7

Use .on() instead and specify a descendant selector

  mouseenter: function(){
  mouseleave: function(){
}, "tr");  // descendant selector

How do I validate a date string format in python?

>>> import datetime
>>> def validate(date_text):
        datetime.datetime.strptime(date_text, '%Y-%m-%d')
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect data format, should be YYYY-MM-DD")

>>> validate('2003-12-23')
>>> validate('2003-12-32')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#20>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<pyshell#18>", line 5, in validate
    raise ValueError("Incorrect data format, should be YYYY-MM-DD")
ValueError: Incorrect data format, should be YYYY-MM-DD

How do I read a resource file from a Java jar file?

It looks as if you are using the URL.toString result as the argument to the FileReader constructor. URL.toString is a bit broken, and instead you should generally use url.toURI().toString(). In any case, the string is not a file path.

Instead, you should either:

  • Pass the URL to ServicesLoader and let it call openStream or similar.
  • Use Class.getResourceAsStream and just pass the stream over, possibly inside an InputSource. (Remember to check for nulls as the API is a bit messy.)

Have a variable in images path in Sass?

Was searching around for an answer to the same question, but think I found a better solution:

Basically, you can set your image path in config.rb and you use the image-url() helper

SQL SERVER, SELECT statement with auto generate row id

Select (Select count(y.au_lname) from dbo.authors y
where y.au_lname + y.au_fname <= x.au_lname + y.au_fname) as Counterid,
x.au_lname,x.au_fname from authors x group by au_lname,au_fname
order by Counterid --Alternatively that can be done which is equivalent as above..

DataFrame constructor not properly called! error

You are providing a string representation of a dict to the DataFrame constructor, and not a dict itself. So this is the reason you get that error.

So if you want to use your code, you could do:

df = DataFrame(eval(data))

But better would be to not create the string in the first place, but directly putting it in a dict. Something roughly like:

data = []
for row in result_set:
    data.append({'value': row["tag_expression"], 'key': row["tag_name"]})

But probably even this is not needed, as depending on what is exactly in your result_set you could probably:

  • provide this directly to a DataFrame: DataFrame(result_set)
  • or use the pandas read_sql_query function to do this for you (see docs on this)

how to release localhost from Error: listen EADDRINUSE


ps -ax | grep node

You'll get something like:

60778 ??         0:00.62 /usr/local/bin/node abc.js

Then do:

kill -9 60778

Best practice to look up Java Enum

Apache Commons Lang 3 contais the class EnumUtils. If you aren't using Apache Commons in your projects, you're doing it wrong. You are reinventing the wheel!

There's a dozen of cool methods that we could use without throws an Exception. For example:

Gets the enum for the class, returning null if not found.

This method differs from Enum.valueOf in that it does not throw an exceptionfor an invalid enum name and performs case insensitive matching of the name.

EnumUtils.getEnumIgnoreCase(SeasonEnum.class, season);

How to update the constant height constraint of a UIView programmatically?

Drag the constraint into your VC as an IBOutlet. Then you can change its associated value (and other properties; check the documentation):

@IBOutlet myConstraint : NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet myView : UIView!

func updateConstraints() {
    // You should handle UI updates on the main queue, whenever possible
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        self.myConstraint.constant = 10

Excel - programm cells to change colour based on another cell

  1. Select cell B3 and click the Conditional Formatting button in the ribbon and choose "New Rule".
  2. Select "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
  3. Enter the formula: =IF(B2="X",IF(B3="Y", TRUE, FALSE),FALSE), and choose to fill green when this is true
  4. Create another rule and enter the formula =IF(B2="X",IF(B3="W", TRUE, FALSE),FALSE) and choose to fill red when this is true.

More details - conditional formatting with a formula applies the format when the formula evaluates to TRUE. You can use a compound IF formula to return true or false based on the values of any cells.

Draw a connecting line between two elements supports this use case, as seen by its getting started guide, supporting dragging elements without connection overlaps. Doesn't seem like it supports editing/creating connections. Doesn't seem it is maintained anymore.


This isn't a solution to your specific problem, but I'm putting it here because this thread is the top Google result for "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED", and it lead me on a wild goose chase.

If you have installed Python 3.6 on OSX and are getting the "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" error when trying to connect to an https:// site, it's probably because Python 3.6 on OSX has no certificates at all, and can't validate any SSL connections. This is a change for 3.6 on OSX, and requires a post-install step, which installs the certifi package of certificates. This is documented in the ReadMe, which you should find at /Applications/Python\ 3.6/ReadMe.rtf

The ReadMe will have you run this post-install script, which just installs certifi: /Applications/Python\ 3.6/Install\ Certificates.command

Release notes have some more info:


It's worth to mention that CLOB / BLOB data types and their sizes are supported by MySQL 5.0+, so you can choose the proper data type for your need.

Data Type   Date Type   Storage Required
(CLOB)      (BLOB)

TINYTEXT    TINYBLOB    L + 1 bytes, where L < 2**8  (255)
TEXT        BLOB        L + 2 bytes, where L < 2**16 (64 K)
MEDIUMTEXT  MEDIUMBLOB  L + 3 bytes, where L < 2**24 (16 MB)
LONGTEXT    LONGBLOB    L + 4 bytes, where L < 2**32 (4 GB)

where L stands for the byte length of a string

Uploading Laravel Project onto Web Server

In Laravel 5.x there is no paths.php

so you should edit public/index.php and change this lines in order to to pint to your bootstrap directory:

require __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/autoload.php’;

$app = require_once __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/app.php’;

for more information you can read this article.

How to print variables in Perl

You should always include all relevant code when asking a question. In this case, the print statement that is the center of your question. The print statement is probably the most crucial piece of information. The second most crucial piece of information is the error, which you also did not include. Next time, include both of those.

print $ids should be a fairly hard statement to mess up, but it is possible. Possible reasons:

  1. $ids is undefined. Gives the warning undefined value in print
  2. $ids is out of scope. With use strict, gives fatal warning Global variable $ids needs explicit package name, and otherwise the undefined warning from above.
  3. You forgot a semi-colon at the end of the line.
  4. You tried to do print $ids $nIds, in which case perl thinks that $ids is supposed to be a filehandle, and you get an error such as print to unopened filehandle.


1: Should not happen. It might happen if you do something like this (assuming you are not using strict):

my $var;
while (<>) {
    $Var .= $_;
print $var;

Gives the warning for undefined value, because $Var and $var are two different variables.

2: Might happen, if you do something like this:

if ($something) {
    my $var = "something happened!";
print $var;

my declares the variable inside the current block. Outside the block, it is out of scope.

3: Simple enough, common mistake, easily fixed. Easier to spot with use warnings.

4: Also a common mistake. There are a number of ways to correctly print two variables in the same print statement:

print "$var1 $var2";  # concatenation inside a double quoted string
print $var1 . $var2;  # concatenation
print $var1, $var2;   # supplying print with a list of args

Lastly, some perl magic tips for you:

use strict;
use warnings;

# open with explicit direction '<', check the return value
# to make sure open succeeded. Using a lexical filehandle.
open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!;

# read the whole file into an array and
# chomp all the lines at once
chomp(my @file = <$fh>);
close $fh;

my $ids  = join(' ', @file);
my $nIds = scalar @file;
print "Number of lines: $nIds\n";
print "Text:\n$ids\n";

Reading the whole file into an array is suitable for small files only, otherwise it uses a lot of memory. Usually, line-by-line is preferred.


  • print "@file" is equivalent to $ids = join(' ',@file); print $ids;
  • $#file will return the last index in @file. Since arrays usually start at 0, $#file + 1 is equivalent to scalar @file.

You can also do:

my $ids;
do {
    local $/;
    $ids = <$fh>;

By temporarily "turning off" $/, the input record separator, i.e. newline, you will make <$fh> return the entire file. What <$fh> really does is read until it finds $/, then return that string. Note that this will preserve the newlines in $ids.

Line-by-line solution:

open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!; # btw, $! contains the most recent error
my $ids;
while (<$fh>) {
    $ids .= "$_ "; # concatenate with string
my $nIds = $.; # $. is Current line number for the last filehandle accessed.

Accessing clicked element in angularjs

While AngularJS allows you to get a hand on a click event (and thus a target of it) with the following syntax (note the $event argument to the setMaster function; documentation here:

function AdminController($scope) {    
  $scope.setMaster = function(obj, $event){

this is not very angular-way of solving this problem. With AngularJS the focus is on the model manipulation. One would mutate a model and let AngularJS figure out rendering.

The AngularJS-way of solving this problem (without using jQuery and without the need to pass the $event argument) would be:

<div ng-controller="AdminController">
    <ul class="list-holder">
        <li ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-class="{active : isSelected(section)}">
            <a ng-click="setMaster(section)">{{}}</a>
    {{selected | json}}

where methods in the controller would look like this:

$scope.setMaster = function(section) {
    $scope.selected = section;

$scope.isSelected = function(section) {
    return $scope.selected === section;

Here is the complete jsFiddle:

Allow anything through CORS Policy

Just encountered with this issue in my rails application in production. A lot of answers here gave me hints and helped me to finally come to an answer that worked fine for me.

I am running Nginx and it was simple enough to just modify the my_app.conf file (where my_app is your app name). You can find this file in /etc/nginx/conf.d

If you do not have location / {} already you can just add it under server {}, then add add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; under location / {}.

The final format should look something like this:

server {
    server_name ...;
    listen ...;
    root ...;

    location / {
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

How to override toString() properly in Java?

Following code is a sample. Question based on the same, instead of using IDE based conversion, is there a faster way to implement so that in future the changes occur, we do not need to modify the values over and over again?

    public String toString() {
        return "ContractDTO{" +
                "contractId='" + contractId + '\'' +
                ", contractTemplateId='" + contractTemplateId + '\'' +

Joda DateTime to Timestamp conversion

Actually this is not a duplicate question. And this how i solve my problem after several times :

   int offset = DateTimeZone.forID("anytimezone").getOffset(new DateTime());

This is the way to get offset from desired timezone.

Let's return to our code, we were getting timestamp from a result set of query, and using it with timezone to create our datetime.

   DateTime dt = new DateTime(rs.getTimestamp("anytimestampcolumn"),

Now we will add our offset to the datetime, and get the timestamp from it.

    dt = dt.plusMillis(offset);
    Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(dt.getMillis());

May be this is not the actual way to get it, but it solves my case. I hope it helps anyone who is stuck here.

Grab a segment of an array in Java without creating a new array on heap

The Lists allow you to use and work with subList of something transparently. Primitive arrays would require you to keep track of some kind of offset - limit. ByteBuffers have similar options as I heard.

Edit: If you are in charge of the useful method, you could just define it with bounds (as done in many array related methods in java itself:

doUseful(byte[] arr, int start, int len) {
    // implementation here
doUseful(byte[] arr) {
    doUseful(arr, 0, arr.length);

It's not clear, however, if you work on the array elements themselves, e.g. you compute something and write back the result?

What are .dex files in Android?

dex file is a file that is executed on the Dalvik VM.

Dalvik VM includes several features for performance optimization, verification, and monitoring, one of which is Dalvik Executable (DEX).

Java source code is compiled by the Java compiler into .class files. Then the dx (dexer) tool, part of the Android SDK processes the .class files into a file format called DEX that contains Dalvik byte code. The dx tool eliminates all the redundant information that is present in the classes. In DEX all the classes of the application are packed into one file. The following table provides comparison between code sizes for JVM jar files and the files processed by the dex tool.

The table compares code sizes for system libraries, web browser applications, and a general purpose application (alarm clock app). In all cases dex tool reduced size of the code by more than 50%.

enter image description here

In standard Java environments each class in Java code results in one .class file. That means, if the Java source code file has one public class and two anonymous classes, let’s say for event handling, then the java compiler will create total three .class files.

The compilation step is same on the Android platform, thus resulting in multiple .class files. But after .class files are generated, the “dx” tool is used to convert all .class files into a single .dex, or Dalvik Executable, file. It is the .dex file that is executed on the Dalvik VM. The .dex file has been optimized for memory usage and the design is primarily driven by sharing of data.

Run script on mac prompt "Permission denied"

Please read the whole answer before attempting to run with sudo

Try running sudo /dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme

The sudo command executes the commands which follow it with 'superuser' or 'root' privileges. This should allow you to execute almost anything from the command line. That said, DON'T DO THIS! If you are running a script on your computer and don't need it to access core components of your operating system (I'm guessing you're not since you are invoking the script on something inside your home directory (~/)), then it should be running from your home directory, ie:

~/dvtcolorconvert.rb ~/Themes/ObsidianCode.xccolortheme

Move it to ~/ or a sub directory and execute from there. You should never have permission issues there and there wont be a risk of it accessing or modifying anything critical to your OS.

If you are still having problems you can check the permissions on the file by running ls -l while in the same directory as the ruby script. You will get something like this:

$ ls -l  
total 13  
drwxr-xr-x    4 or019268 Administ    12288 Apr 10 18:14 TestWizard  
drwxr-xr-x    4 or019268 Administ     4096 Aug 27 12:41 Wizard.Controls  
drwxr-xr-x    5 or019268 Administ     8192 Sep  5 00:03 Wizard.UI  
-rw-r--r--    1 or019268 Administ     1375 Sep  5 00:03 readme.txt

You will notice that the readme.txt file says -rw-r--r-- on the left. This shows the permissions for that file. The 9 characters from the right can be split into groups of 3 characters of 'rwx' (read, write, execute). If I want to add execute rights to this file I would execute chmod 755 readme.txt and that permissions portion would become rwxr-xr-x. I can now execute this file if I want to by running ./readme.txt (./ tells the bash to look in the current directory for the intended command rather that search the $PATH variable).

schluchc alludes to looking at the man page for chmod, do this by running man chmod. This is the best way to get documentation on a given command, man <command>

In Python, how do I loop through the dictionary and change the value if it equals something?

You could create a dict comprehension of just the elements whose values are None, and then update back into the original:

tmp = dict((k,"") for k,v in mydict.iteritems() if v is None)

Update - did some performance tests

Well, after trying dicts of from 100 to 10,000 items, with varying percentage of None values, the performance of Alex's solution is across-the-board about twice as fast as this solution.

ggplot2, change title size

+ theme(plot.title = element_text(size=22))

Here is the full set of things you can change in element_text:

element_text(family = NULL, face = NULL, colour = NULL, size = NULL,
  hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL,
  color = NULL)

Environment Variable with Maven

You can pass some of the arguments through the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable.

For example, define a variable for maven proxy flags like this:

_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=$http_proxy_host -Dhttp.proxyPort=$http_proxy_port -Dhttps.proxyHost=$https_proxy_host -Dhttps.proxyPort=$http_proxy_port"

And then use mvn clean install (it will automatically pick up _JAVA_OPTIONS).

How can the Euclidean distance be calculated with NumPy?

With Python 3.8, it's very easy.

math.dist(p, q)

Return the Euclidean distance between two points p and q, each given as a sequence (or iterable) of coordinates. The two points must have the same dimension.

Roughly equivalent to:

sqrt(sum((px - qx) ** 2.0 for px, qx in zip(p, q)))

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException - Java

We need to specify the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, PROVIDER_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD etc. of JNDI to create an InitialContext.

In a standalone application, you can specify that as below

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "joeuser");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "joepassword");

Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);

But if you are running your code in a Java EE container, these values will be fetched by the container and used to create an InitialContext as below



these values will be set while starting the container as JVM arguments. So if you are running the code in a container, the following will work

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

Cycles in family tree software

It seems you (and/or your company) have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a family tree is supposed to be.

Let me clarify, I also work for a company that has (as one of its products) a family tree in its portfolio, and we have been struggling with similar problems.

The problem, in our case, and I assume your case as well, comes from the GEDCOM format that is extremely opinionated about what a family should be. However this format contains some severe misconceptions about what a family tree really looks like.

GEDCOM has many issues, such as incompatibility with same sex relations, incest, etc... Which in real life happens more often than you'd imagine (especially when going back in time to the 1700-1800).

We have modeled our family tree to what happens in the real world: Events (for example, births, weddings, engagement, unions, deaths, adoptions, etc.). We do not put any restrictions on these, except for logically impossible ones (for example, one can't be one's own parent, relations need two individuals, etc...)

The lack of validations gives us a more "real world", simpler and more flexible solution.

As for this specific case, I would suggest removing the assertions as they do not hold universally.

For displaying issues (that will arise) I would suggest drawing the same node as many times as needed, hinting at the duplication by lighting up all the copies on selecting one of them.

How to remove ASP.Net MVC Default HTTP Headers?

As described in Cloaking your ASP.NET MVC Web Application on IIS 7, you can turn off the X-AspNet-Version header by applying the following configuration section to your web.config:

  <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false"/> 

and remove the X-AspNetMvc-Version header by altering your Global.asax.cs as follows:

protected void Application_Start() 
    MvcHandler.DisableMvcResponseHeader = true; 

As described in Custom Headers You can remove the "X-Powered-By" header by applying the following configuration section to your web.config:

         <clear />

There is no easy way to remove the "Server" response header via configuration, but you can implement an HttpModule to remove specific HTTP Headers as described in Cloaking your ASP.NET MVC Web Application on IIS 7 and in how-to-remove-server-x-aspnet-version-x-aspnetmvc-version-and-x-powered-by-from-the-response-header-in-iis7.

How to obtain the start time and end time of a day?

public static Date beginOfDay(Date date) {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

    return cal.getTime();

public static Date endOfDay(Date date) {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
    cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);

    return cal.getTime();

Remove icon/logo from action bar on android

I think the exact answer is: for api 11 or higher:




(because it need a support library.)

How do I convert an ANSI encoded file to UTF-8 with Notepad++?

Regarding this part:

When I convert it to UTF-8 without bom and close file, the file is again ANSI when I reopen.

The easiest solution is to avoid the problem entirely by properly configuring Notepad++.

Try Settings -> Preferences -> New document -> Encoding -> choose UTF-8 without BOM, and check Apply to opened ANSI files.

notepad++ UTF-8 apply to opened ANSI files

That way all the opened ANSI files will be treated as UTF-8 without BOM.

For explanation what's going on, read the comments below this answer.

To fully learn about Unicode and UTF-8, read this excellent article from Joel Spolsky.

Assign value from successful promise resolve to external variable

This is one "trick" you can do since your out of an async function so can't use await keywork

Do what you want to do with vm.feed inside a setTimeout

vm.feed = getFeed().then(function(data) {return data;});

 setTimeout(() => {
    // do you stuf here
    // after the time you promise will be revolved or rejected
    // if you need some of the values in here immediately out of settimeout
    // might occur an error if promise wore not yet resolved or rejected
 }, 100);

How to read a .properties file which contains keys that have a period character using Shell script

As (Bourne) shell variables cannot contain dots you can replace them by underscores. Read every line, translate . in the key to _ and evaluate.



if [ -f "$file" ]
  echo "$file found."

  while IFS='=' read -r key value
    key=$(echo $key | tr '.' '_')
    eval ${key}=\${value}
  done < "$file"

  echo "User Id       = " ${db_uat_user}
  echo "user password = " ${db_uat_passwd}
  echo "$file not found."

Note that the above only translates . to _, if you have a more complex format you may want to use additional translations. I recently had to parse a full Ant properties file with lots of nasty characters, and there I had to use:

key=$(echo $key | tr .-/ _ | tr -cd 'A-Za-z0-9_')

Simulate string split function in Excel formula

AFAIK the best you can do to emulate Split() is to use FILTERXML which is available from Excel 2013 onwards (not Excel Online or Mac).

The syntax more or less always is:


This would return an array to be used in other functions and would even hold up if no delimiter is found. If you want to read more about it, maybe you are interested in this post.

Item frequency count in Python

words = "apple banana apple strawberry banana lemon"
word_freqs = {}
for i in e:

Hope this helps!

Bootstrap: change background color

You could hard code it.

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:blue;">

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:white;">

Checking if a variable is not nil and not zero in ruby

class Object
  def nil_zero?
    self.nil? || self == 0

# which lets you do
nil.nil_zero? # returns true
0.nil_zero?   # returns true
1.nil_zero?   # returns false
"a".nil_zero? # returns false

unless discount.nil_zero?
  # do stuff...

Beware of the usual disclaimers... great power/responsibility, monkey patching leading to the dark side etc.

Git removing upstream from local repository

$ git remote remove <name>


$ git remote remove upstream

that should do the trick

MongoDB query multiple collections at once

Trying to JOIN in MongoDB would defeat the purpose of using MongoDB. You could, however, use a DBref and write your application-level code (or library) so that it automatically fetches these references for you.

Or you could alter your schema and use embedded documents.

Your final choice is to leave things exactly the way they are now and do two queries.

How to properly exit a C# application?

Environment.Exit(exitCode); //exit code 0 is a proper exit and 1 is an error

Get selected option from select element

Try following code

$('#ddlCodes').change(function() {
  $('#txtEntry2').val(  $('#ddlCodes :selected').text() );

Unzip a file with php

you can use prepacked function

function unzip_file($file, $destination){
    // create object
    $zip = new ZipArchive() ;
    // open archive
    if ($zip->open($file) !== TRUE) {
        return false;
    // extract contents to destination directory
    // close archive
        return true;

How to use it.

echo 'zip archive extracted successfully';
  echo 'zip archive extraction failed';

show validation error messages on submit in angularjs


I faced same issue , i have created one directive , please check below hope it may be helpful

Directive :

    app.directive('formSubmitValidation', function () {

        return {
            require: 'form',
            compile: function (tElem, tAttr) {

      'augmented', true);

                return function (scope, elem, attr, form) {
                    elem.on('submit', function ($event) {
                        scope.$broadcast('form:submit', form);

                        if (!form.$valid) {
                        scope.$apply(function () {
                            scope.submitted = true;




<form  name="loginForm" class="c-form-login" action="" method="POST" novalidate="novalidate" form-submit-validation="">

<div class="form-group">
                                                <input type="email" class="form-control c-square c-theme input-lg" placeholder="Email" ng-model="_username" name="_username" required>
                                                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user form-control-feedback c-font-grey"></span>
                                                <span ng-show="submitted || loginForm._username.$dirty && loginForm._username.$invalid">
                                                    <span ng-show="loginForm._username.$invalid" class="error">Please enter a valid email.</span>
<button type="submit" class="pull-right btn btn-lg c-theme-btn c-btn-square c-btn-uppercase c-btn-bold">Login</button>

Difference between string object and string literal

In the first case, there are two objects created.

In the second case, it's just one.

Although both ways str is referring to "abc".

Converting a JToken (or string) to a given Type

var i2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(obj["id"].ToString(), type);

throws a parsing exception due to missing quotes around the first argument (I think). I got it to work by adding the quotes:

var i2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("\"" + obj["id"].ToString() + "\"", type);

How to find the logs on android studio?

The path to the log files in Windows has been moved.

They appear to be under C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\caches\trunk-system\log\idea.log in Android Studio 4.1.1

Rebuild all indexes in a Database

USE Databse Name;
SELECT @String
    SELECT 'ALTER INDEX [' + dbindexes.[name] + '] ON [' + + '].[' + dbschemas.[name] + '].[' + dbtables.[name]
    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS indexstats
        INNER JOIN sys.tables dbtables
            ON dbtables.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]
        INNER JOIN sys.schemas dbschemas
            ON dbtables.[schema_id] = dbschemas.[schema_id]
        INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS dbindexes
            ON dbindexes.[object_id] = indexstats.[object_id]
               AND indexstats.index_id = dbindexes.index_id
        INNER JOIN sys.databases AS db
            ON db.database_id = indexstats.database_id
          AND indexstats.database_id = DB_ID()
          AND indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 10
    ORDER BY indexstats.page_count DESC
    FOR XML PATH('')
EXEC (@String);

Why can't I use a list as a dict key in python?

The issue is that tuples are immutable, and lists are not. Consider the following

d = {}
li = [1,2,3]
d[li] = 5

What should d[li] return? Is it the same list? How about d[[1,2,3]]? It has the same values, but is a different list?

Ultimately, there is no satisfactory answer. For example, if the only key that works is the original key, then if you have no reference to that key, you can never again access the value. With every other allowed key, you can construct a key without a reference to the original.

If both of my suggestions work, then you have very different keys that return the same value, which is more than a little surprising. If only the original contents work, then your key will quickly go bad, since lists are made to be modified.

Returning multiple values from a C++ function

For returning two values I use a std::pair (usually typedef'd). You should look at boost::tuple (in C++11 and newer, there's std::tuple) for more than two return results.

With introduction of structured binding in C++ 17, returning std::tuple should probably become accepted standard.

Insertion sort vs Bubble Sort Algorithms

insertion sort:

1.In the insertion sort swapping is not required.

2.the time complexity of insertion sort is O(n)for best case and O(n^2) worst case.

3.less complex as compared to bubble sort.

4.example: insert books in library, arrange cards.

bubble sort: 1.Swapping required in bubble sort.

2.the time complexity of bubble sort is O(n)for best case and O(n^2) worst case.

3.more complex as compared to insertion sort.

Check if object is a jQuery object

Check out the instanceof operator.

var isJqueryObject = obj instanceof jQuery

How to add to an existing hash in Ruby

If you have a hash, you can add items to it by referencing them by key:

hash = { }
hash[:a] = 'a'
# => 'a'

Here, like [ ] creates an empty array, { } will create a empty hash.

Arrays have zero or more elements in a specific order, where elements may be duplicated. Hashes have zero or more elements organized by key, where keys may not be duplicated but the values stored in those positions can be.

Hashes in Ruby are very flexible and can have keys of nearly any type you can throw at it. This makes it different from the dictionary structures you find in other languages.

It's important to keep in mind that the specific nature of a key of a hash often matters:

hash = { :a => 'a' }

# Fetch with Symbol :a finds the right value
# => 'a'

# Fetch with the String 'a' finds nothing
# => nil

# Assignment with the key :b adds a new entry
hash[:b] = 'Bee'

# This is then available immediately
# => "Bee"

# The hash now contains both keys
# => { :a => 'a', :b => 'Bee' }

Ruby on Rails confuses this somewhat by providing HashWithIndifferentAccess where it will convert freely between Symbol and String methods of addressing.

You can also index on nearly anything, including classes, numbers, or other Hashes.

hash = { Object => true, Hash => false }

# => true

# => false

# => nil

Hashes can be converted to Arrays and vice-versa:

# Like many things, Hash supports .to_a
{ :a => 'a' }.to_a
# => [[:a, "a"]]

# Hash also has a handy Hash[] method to create new hashes from arrays
Hash[[[:a, "a"]]]
# => {:a=>"a"} 

When it comes to "inserting" things into a Hash you may do it one at a time, or use the merge method to combine hashes:

{ :a => 'a' }.merge(:b => 'b')
# {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

Note that this does not alter the original hash, but instead returns a new one. If you want to combine one hash into another, you can use the merge! method:

hash = { :a => 'a' }

# Returns the result of hash combined with a new hash, but does not alter
# the original hash.
hash.merge(:b => 'b')
# => {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

# Nothing has been altered in the original
# => {:a=>'a'}

# Combine the two hashes and store the result in the original
hash.merge!(:b => 'b')
# => {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

# Hash has now been altered
# => {:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}

Like many methods on String and Array, the ! indicates that it is an in-place operation.

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request

Check your servers error log, typically /var/log/apache2/error.log.

Django - after login, redirect user to his custom page -->

When using Class based views, another option is to use the dispatch method.

Example Code:

LOGIN_URL = 'login'

from django.urls import path
from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
urlpatterns = [
path('', HomeView.as_view(), name='home'),
path('login/', auth_views.LoginView.as_view(),name='login'),
path('logout/', auth_views.LogoutView.as_view(), name='logout'),

from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.views.generic import View
from django.shortcuts import redirect

@method_decorator([login_required], name='dispatch')
class HomeView(View):
    model = models.User

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            return redirect('login')
        elif some-logic:
            return redirect('some-page') #needs defined as valid url
        return super(HomeView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

Log4net does not write the log in the log file

For me I moved the location of the logfiles and it was only when I changed the name of the file to something else it started again.

It seems if there is a logfile with the same name already existing, nothing happens.

Afterwards I rename the old file and changed the log filename in the config back again to what it was.

coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found when rendering in django admin

This error happens when you have a __unicode__ method that is a returning a field that is not entered. Any blank field is None and Python cannot convert None, so you get the error.

In your case, the problem most likely is with the PCE model's __unicode__ method, specifically the field its returning.

You can prevent this by returning a default value:

def __unicode__(self):
   return self.some_field or u'None'

How to coerce a list object to type 'double'

If your list as multiple elements that need to be converted to numeric, you can achieve this with lapply(a, as.numeric).

Display Yes and No buttons instead of OK and Cancel in Confirm box?

As far as I know, it's not possible to change the content of the buttons, at least not easily. It's fairly easy to have your own custom alert box using JQuery UI though

How to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: with primitive types in Cocoa?

Pehaps...ok, very likely, I'm missing something, but why not just create an object type, say NSNumber, as a container to your non-object type variable, such as CGFloat?

CGFloat myFloat = 2.0; 
NSNumber *myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:myFloat];

[self performSelector:@selector(MyCalculatorMethod:) withObject:myNumber afterDelay:5.0];

How to reload or re-render the entire page using AngularJS

Easiest solution I figured was,

add '/' to the route that want to be reloaded every time when coming back.


instead of the following

  .when('/About', {
    templateUrl: 'about.html',
    controller: 'AboutCtrl'


  .when('/About/', { //notice the '/' at the end 
    templateUrl: 'about.html',
    controller: 'AboutCtrl'

Sticky Header after scrolling down

I suggest to use sticky js it's have best option ever i have seen. nothing to do just ad this js on you

and use below code :


Its git repo:

PHP: Calling another class' method

If they are separate classes you can do something like the following:

class A
    private $name;

    public function __construct()
        $this->name = 'Some Name';

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

class B
    private $a;

    public function __construct(A $a)
        $this->a = $a;

    function getNameOfA()
        return $this->a->getName();

$a = new A();
$b = new B($a);


What I have done in this example is first create a new instance of the A class. And after that I have created a new instance of the B class to which I pass the instance of A into the constructor. Now B can access all the public members of the A class using $this->a.

Also note that I don't instantiate the A class inside the B class because that would mean I tighly couple the two classes. This makes it hard to:

  1. unit test your B class
  2. swap out the A class for another class

How to uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4?

Note: If you installed Python using Homebrew, then you can follow the following steps, otherwise look for another solution!

To uninstall Python 2.7.10 which you installed using Homebrew, then you can simply issue the following command:

brew uninstall python

Similarly, if you want to uninstall Python 3 (which you installed using Homebrew):

brew uninstall --force python3

What's the difference between an Angular component and module

Component is the template(view) + a class (Typescript code) containing some logic for the view + metadata(to tell angular about from where to get data it needs to display the template).

Modules basically group the related components, services together so that you can have chunks of functionality which can then run independently. For example, an app can have modules for features, for grouping components for a particular feature of your app, such as a dashboard, which you can simply grab and use inside another application.

How to get the Google Map based on Latitude on Longitude?

    function initMap() {
        //echo hiii;

        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
          center: new google.maps.LatLng(8.5241, 76.9366),
          zoom: 12
        var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow;

        // Change this depending on the name of your PHP or XML file
        downloadUrl('', function(data) {
            var xml = data.responseXML;
            var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('package');
  , function(markerElem) {
                var id = markerElem.getAttribute('id');
                // var name = markerElem.getAttribute('name');
                // var address = markerElem.getAttribute('address');
                // var type = markerElem.getAttribute('type');
                // var latitude = results[0];
                // var longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng();
                var point = new google.maps.LatLng(

                var infowincontent = document.createElement('div');
                var strong = document.createElement('strong');
                strong.textContent = name

                var text = document.createElement('text');
                text.textContent = address
                var icon = customLabel[type] || {};
                var package = new google.maps.Marker({
                    map: map,
                    position: point,
                    label: icon.label

                package.addListener('click', function() {
          , package);

    function downloadUrl(url, callback) {
        var request = window.ActiveXObject ?
            new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') :
            new XMLHttpRequest;

        request.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (request.readyState == 4) {
                request.onreadystatechange = doNothing;
                callback(request, request.status);
        };'GET', url, true);

Set default option in mat-select

Read this if you are populating your mat-select asyncronously via an http request.

If you are using a service to make an api call to return the mat-select options values, you must set the 'selected value' on your form control as part of the 'complete' section of your service api call subscribe().

For example:

  customers => this.customers = customers ,
  error => this.errorMessage = error as any,
  () => this.customerSelectControl.setValue(this.mySelectedValue));

How do I use ROW_NUMBER()?

This query:


will return all rows where the UserName is 'Joe' UNLESS you have no UserName='Joe'

They will be listed in order of UserID and the row_number field will start with 1 and increment however many rows contain UserName='Joe'

If it does not work for you then your WHERE command has an issue OR there is no UserID in the table. Check spelling for both fields UserID and UserName.

checking if a number is divisible by 6 PHP

if ($number % 6 != 0) {
  $number += 6 - ($number % 6);

The modulus operator gives the remainder of the division, so $number % 6 is the amount left over when dividing by 6. This will be faster than doing a loop and continually rechecking.

If decreasing is acceptable then this is even faster:

$number -= $number % 6;

How to check if any fields in a form are empty in php

your form is missing the method...

<form name="registrationform" action="register.php" method="post"> //here

anywyas to check the posted data u can use isset()..

Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL

if(!isset($firstname) || trim($firstname) == '')
   echo "You did not fill out the required fields.";

How to change permissions for a folder and its subfolders/files in one step?

Here's another way to set directories to 775 and files to 664.

find /opt/lampp/htdocs \
\( -type f -exec chmod ug+rw,o+r {} \; \) , \
\( -type d -exec chmod ug+rwxs,o+rx {} \; \)

It may look long, but it's pretty cool for three reasons:

  1. Scans through the file system only once rather than twice.
  2. Provides better control over how files are handled vs. how directories are handled. This is useful when working with special modes such as the sticky bit, which you probably want to apply to directories but not files.
  3. Uses a technique straight out of the man pages (see below).

Note that I have not confirmed the performance difference (if any) between this solution and that of simply using two find commands (as in Peter Mortensen's solution). However, seeing a similar example in the manual is encouraging.

Example from man find page:

find / \
\( -perm -4000 -fprintf /root/suid.txt %#m %u %p\n \) , \
\( -size +100M -fprintf /root/big.txt %-10s %p\n \)

Traverse the filesystem just once, listing setuid files and direct-
tories into /root/suid.txt and large files into /root/big.txt.


How to make the window full screen with Javascript (stretching all over the screen)

This code also includes how to enable full screen for Internet Explorer 9, and probably older versions, as well as very recent versions of Google Chrome. The accepted answer may also be used for other browsers.

var el = document.documentElement
    , rfs = // for newer Webkit and Firefox
        || el.webkitRequestFullScreen
        || el.mozRequestFullScreen
        || el.msRequestFullscreen
if(typeof rfs!="undefined" && rfs){;
} else if(typeof window.ActiveXObject!="undefined"){
  // for Internet Explorer
  var wscript = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
  if (wscript!=null) {


How can I sort a dictionary by key?

There is an easy way to sort a dictionary.

According to your question,

The solution is :

c={2:3, 1:89, 4:5, 3:0}
print y

(Where c,is the name of your dictionary.)

This program gives the following output:

[(1, 89), (2, 3), (3, 0), (4, 5)]

like u wanted.

Another example is:

print x

Gives the output:['Albert', 'Bill', 'John', 'Lucy', 'Peter']

print y

Gives the output:[18, 24, 32, 36, 41]

print z

Gives the output:

[('Albert', 32), ('Bill', 41), ('John', 36), ('Lucy', 24), ('Peter', 18)]

Hence by changing it into keys, values and items , you can print like what u wanted.Hope this helps!

How to convert DataTable to class Object?

You may want to have a look at the code here. Although it doesn't answer your question directly you could adapt the generic class types that are used to map between data classes and business objects.

Also by using generic you run the conversion process as quickly as possible.

Transport endpoint is not connected

I have exactly the same problem. I haven't found a solution anywhere, but I have been able to fix it without rebooting by simply unmounting and remounting the mountpoint.

For your system the commands would be:

fusermount -uz /data
mount /data

The -z forces the unmount, which solved the need to reboot for me. You may need to do this as sudo depending on your setup. You may encounter the below error if the command does not have the required elevated permissions:

fusermount: entry for /data not found in /etc/mtab

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, with the current version of mhddfs.

How to resolve the "ADB server didn't ACK" error?

Similar questions are

First close IDE.

In my case I killed adb via Task Manager(adb kill-server did not work)
then adb start-server

  • daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
  • daemon started successfully *

If you see "started successfully" than it is solved, now start IDE.

How do I automatically update a timestamp in PostgreSQL

Updating timestamp, only if the values changed

Based on E.J's link and add a if statement from this link (

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_modified_column()
      NEW.modified = now(); 
   END IF;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

node.js http 'get' request with query string parameters

If you don't want use external package , Just add the following function in your utilities :

var params=function(req){
  let q=req.url.split('?'),result={};
           try {
           } catch (e) {
  return result;

Then , in createServer call back , add attribute params to request object :

     req.params=params(req); // call the function above ;
       * http://mysite/add?name=Ahmed
     console.log( ; // display : "Ahmed"


How do I search for a pattern within a text file using Python combining regex & string/file operations and store instances of the pattern?

import re
pattern = re.compile("<(\d{4,5})>")

for i, line in enumerate(open('test.txt')):
    for match in re.finditer(pattern, line):
        print 'Found on line %s: %s' % (i+1,

A couple of notes about the regex:

  • You don't need the ? at the end and the outer (...) if you don't want to match the number with the angle brackets, but only want the number itself
  • It matches either 4 or 5 digits between the angle brackets

Update: It's important to understand that the match and capture in a regex can be quite different. The regex in my snippet above matches the pattern with angle brackets, but I ask to capture only the internal number, without the angle brackets.

More about regex in python can be found here : Regular Expression HOWTO

Convert command line arguments into an array in Bash

Side-by-side view of how the array and $@ are practically the same.



echo "Dollar-1 : $1"
echo "Dollar-2 : $2"
echo "Dollar-3 : $3"
echo "Dollar-AT: $@"
echo ""

myArray=( "$@" )

echo "A Val 0: ${myArray[0]}"
echo "A Val 1: ${myArray[1]}"
echo "A Val 2: ${myArray[2]}"
echo "A All Values: ${myArray[@]}"


./ 1 2 3 4


Dollar-1 : 1
Dollar-2 : 2
Dollar-3 : 3
Dollar-AT: 1 2 3 4

A Val 0: 1
A Val 1: 2
A Val 2: 3
A All Values: 1 2 3 4

AngularJS: Basic example to use authentication in Single Page Application

I think that every JSON response should contain a property (e.g. {authenticated: false}) and the client has to test it everytime: if false, then the Angular controller/service will "redirect" to the login page.

And what happen if the user catch de JSON and change the bool to True?

I think you should never rely on client side to do these kind of stuff. If the user is not authenticated, the server should just redirect to a login/error page.

MySQL CONCAT returns NULL if any field contain NULL

To have the same flexibility in CONCAT_WS as in CONCAT (if you don't want the same separator between every member for instance) use the following:

SELECT CONCAT_WS("",affiliate_name,':',model,'-',ip,... etc)

How to disable HTML links

Just add a css property:

a {
 pointer-events: none;

Doing so you can disable the anchor tag.

How to restart remote MySQL server running on Ubuntu linux?

  • To restart mysql use this command

sudo service mysql restart


sudo restart mysql


Drop shadow on a div container?

The most widely compatible way of doing this is likely going to be creating a second div under your auto-suggest box the same size as the box itself, nudged a few pixels down and to the right. You can use JS to create and position it, which shouldn't be terribly difficult if you're using a fairly modern framework.

Position Absolute + Scrolling

So gaiour is right, but if you're looking for a full height item that doesn't scroll with the content, but is actually the height of the container, here's the fix. Have a parent with a height that causes overflow, a content container that has a 100% height and overflow: scroll, and a sibling then can be positioned according to the parent size, not the scroll element size. Here is the fiddle:

and the relevant code:


<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">
    Lorem ipsum ...
  <div class="full-height"></div>


  height: 256px;
  position: relative;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: scroll;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  width: 20%;
  top: 0;
  height: 100%;

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't

I have been having exactly the same problem, and finding almost no information online about it. Nothing at all in the books. Finally I found this sober query on stackoverflow and (ha!) it was the final impetus I needed to set up an account here.

And I have a partial answer, but alas not a complete one.

First of all, realise that the default timeout for getCurrentPosition is infinite(!). That means that your error handler will never be called if getCurrentPosition hangs somewhere on the back end.

To ensure that you get a timeout, add the optional third parameter to your call to getCurrentPosition, for example, if you want the user to wait no more than 10 seconds before giving them a clue what is happening, use:


Secondly, I have experienced quite different reliability in different contexts. Here at home, I get a callback within a second or two, although the accuracy is poor.

At work however, I experience quite bizarre variations in behavior: Geolocation works on some computers all the time (IE excepted, of course), others only work in chrome and safari but not firefox (gecko issue?), others work once, then subsequently fail - and the pattern changes from hour to hour, from day to day. Sometimes you have a 'lucky' computer, sometimes not. Perhaps slaughtering goats at full moon would help?

I have not been able to fathom this, but I suspect that the back end infrastructure is more uneven than advertised in the various gung-ho books and websites that are pushing this feature. I really wish that they would be a bit more straight about how flakey this feature is, and how important that timeout setting is, if you want your error handler to work properly.

I have been trying to teach this stuff to students today, and had the embarassing situation where my own computer (on the projector and several large screens) was failing silently, whereas about 80% of the students were getting a result almost instantly (using the exact same wireless network). It's very difficult to resolve these issues when my students are also making typos and other gaffes, and when my own pc is also failing.

Anyway, I hope this helps some of you guys. Thanks for the sanity check!

SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

I got a MD5 hash with different results for both key and certificate.

This says it all. You have a mismatch between your key and certificate.

The modulus should match. Make sure you have correct key.

How to solve COM Exception Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))?

I got it to work by Enabling 32 bit applications in the Application Pool advanced settings. Right click on the application pool and choose advanced settings - enable 32 bit applications. This may help someone out there.

How to select a single field for all documents in a MongoDB collection?

Apart from what people have already mentioned I am just introducing indexes to the mix.

So imagine a large collection, with let's say over 1 million documents and you have to run a query like this.

The WiredTiger Internal cache will have to keep all that data in the cache if you have to run this query on it, if not that data will be fed into the WT Internal Cache either from FS Cache or Disk before the retrieval from DB is done (in batches if being called for from a driver connected to database & given that 1 million documents are not returned in 1 go, cursor comes into play)

Covered query can be an alternative. Copying the text from docs directly.

When an index covers a query, MongoDB can both match the query conditions and return the results using only the index keys; i.e. MongoDB does not need to examine documents from the collection to return the results.

When an index covers a query, the explain result has an IXSCAN stage that is not a descendant of a FETCH stage, and in the executionStats, the totalDocsExamined is 0.

Query :  db.getCollection('qaa').find({roll_no : {$gte : 0}},{_id : 0, roll_no : 1})

Index : db.getCollection('qaa').createIndex({roll_no : 1})

If the index here is in WT Internal Cache then it would be a straight forward process to get the values. An index has impact on the write performance of the system thus this would make more sense if the reads are a plenty compared to the writes.

How to convert date format to milliseconds?

beginupd.getTime() will give you time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT till the time you have specified in Date object

How to install SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (SSMS) Express?

Good evening,

The previous clues to get SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe runing didn't work as stated for me. After a while of searching, trying, retrying again and again, I finally figured it out. When executing SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe on my Windows seven system, I kept runing into compatibility issues. The trick is to run SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe in compatibility mode with Windows XP SP2. Edit the installer properties and enable compatibility mode with XP (service pack 2), then you'll be able to access Mr Doug (answered Mar 4 at 15:09) resolution.


How to SHA1 hash a string in Android?

The method you are looking for is not specific to Android, but to Java in general. You're looking for the MessageDigest (import

An implementation of a sha512(String s) method can be seen here, and the change for a SHA-1 hash would be changing line 71 to:

MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");

How to re-sync the Mysql DB if Master and slave have different database incase of Mysql replication?

Here is a complete answer that will hopefully help others...

I want to setup mysql replication using master and slave, and since the only thing I knew was that it uses log file(s) to synchronize, if the slave goes offline and gets out of sync, in theory it should only need to connect back to its master and keep reading the log file from where it left off, as user malonso mentioned.

So here are the test result after configuring the master and slave as mentioned by: ...

Provided you use the recommended master/slave configuration and don't write to the slave, he and I where right (as far as mysql-server 5.x is concerned). I didn't even need to use "START SLAVE;", it just caught up to its master. But there is a default 88000 something retries every 60 second so I guess if you exhaust that you might have to start or restart the slave. Anyways, for those like me who wanted to know if having a slave going offline and back up again requires manual intervention.. no, it doesn't.

Maybe the original poster had corruption in the log-file(s)? But most probably not just a server going off-line for a day.

pulled from /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/README.Debian.gz which probably makes sense to non debian servers as well:

If the MySQL server is acting as a replication slave, you should not
set --tmpdir to point to a directory on a memory-based filesystem or to
a directory that is cleared when the server host restarts. A replication
slave needs some of its temporary files to survive a machine restart so
that it can replicate temporary tables or LOAD DATA INFILE operations. If
files in the temporary file directory are lost when the server restarts,
replication fails.

you can use something sql like: show variables like 'tmpdir'; to find out.

How to sort an object array by date property?

["12 Jan 2018" , "1 Dec 2018", "04 May 2018"].sort(function(a,b) {
    return new Date(a).getTime() - new Date(b).getTime()

how to make a jquery "$.post" request synchronous

From the Jquery docs: you specify the async option to be false to get a synchronous Ajax request. Then your callback can set some data before your mother function proceeds.

Here's what your code would look like if changed as suggested:

beforecreate: function(node,targetNode,type,to) {
         url:    url,
         success: function(result) {
                      if(result.isOk == false)
         async:   false

this is because $.ajax is the only request type that you can set the asynchronousity for

How do I 'overwrite', rather than 'merge', a branch on another branch in Git?

I've seen several answers and that's the only procedure that let me fix that without any conflicts.

If you want all changes from branch_new in branch_old, then:

git checkout branch_new
git merge -s ours branch_old
git checkout branch_old
git merge branch_new

once applied those four commands you can push the branch_old without any problem

How do I empty an input value with jQuery?

Usual way to empty textbox using jquery is:


If above code is not working than please check that you are able to get the input element.

console.log($('#txtInput')); // should return element in the console.

If still facing the same problem, please post your code.

Could not load file or assembly "Oracle.DataAccess" or one of its dependencies

i Have face the same issue and resolved by replacing the old Oracle.DataAccess.dll with new Oracle.DataAccess.dll(which come with oracle client when install)

in my case the path of new Oracle.DataAccess.dll is

  • E:\app\Rehman.Rashid\product\11.2.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin

Revert to a commit by a SHA hash in Git?

If your changes have already been pushed to a public, shared remote, and you want to revert all commits between HEAD and <sha-id>, then you can pass a commit range to git revert,

git revert 56e05f..HEAD

and it will revert all commits between 56e05f and HEAD (excluding the start point of the range, 56e05f).

No shadow by default on Toolbar?

I had similar problem with the shadow. The shadow is drawn by direct parent of AppBarLayout in my case. If height of the parent is the same as AppBarLayout's the shadow cannot be drawn. So checking size of the parent layout and maybe layout remake can solve the problem.

Creating a timer in python

import time
def timer(n):
    while n!=0:
        time.sleep(n)#time.sleep(seconds) #here you can mention seconds according to your requirement.
        print "00 : ",n
timer(30) #here you can change n according to your requirement.

Difference between HashMap and Map in Java..?

Map is an interface in Java. And HashMap is an implementation of that interface (i.e. provides all of the methods specified in the interface).

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Some of the problems:

for i in range[6]:
            for j in range[6]:

should be:


Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack

Use this, works for me always.

Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, false);

Here, Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl) simply redirects to the url of the current context, while the second parameter "false" indicates to either endResponse or not.

Mipmap drawables for icons

There are two distinct uses of mipmaps:

  1. For launcher icons when building density specific APKs. Some developers build separate APKs for every density, to keep the APK size down. However some launchers (shipped with some devices, or available on the Play Store) use larger icon sizes than the standard 48dp. Launchers use getDrawableForDensity and scale down if needed, rather than up, so the icons are high quality. For example on an hdpi tablet the launcher might load the xhdpi icon. By placing your launcher icon in the mipmap-xhdpi directory, it will not be stripped the way a drawable-xhdpi directory is when building an APK for hdpi devices. If you're building a single APK for all devices, then this doesn't really matter as the launcher can access the drawable resources for the desired density.

  2. The actual mipmap API from 4.3. I haven't used this and am not familiar with it. It's not used by the Android Open Source Project launchers and I'm not aware of any other launcher using.

How to round to 2 decimals with Python?

round(12.3956 - 0.005, 2)  # minus 0.005, then round.

The answer is from:

How to delete history of last 10 commands in shell?

My answer is based on previous answers, but with the addition of reversing the sequence so that history items are deleted from most recent to least recent.

Get your current history (adjust the number of lines you want to see):

history | tail -n 10

This gives me something like

1003  25-04-2016 17:54:52 echo "Command 1"
1004  25-04-2016 17:54:54 echo "Command 2"
1005  25-04-2016 17:54:57 echo "Command 3"
1006  25-04-2016 17:54:59 echo "Command 4"
1007  25-04-2016 17:55:01 echo "Command 5"
1008  25-04-2016 17:55:03 echo "Command 6"
1009  25-04-2016 17:55:07 echo "Command 7"
1010  25-04-2016 17:55:09 echo "Command 8"
1011  25-04-2016 17:55:11 echo "Command 9"
1012  25-04-2016 17:55:14 echo "Command 10"

Select the start and end positions for the items you want to delete. I'm going to delete entries 1006 to 1008.

for h in $(seq 1006 1008); do history -d 1006; done

This will generate history -d commands for 1006, then 1007 becomes 1006 and 1006 is deleted, then 1008 (became 1007) is now 1006 and gets deleted.

If I also wanted to delete the history delete command then it's a bit more complicated because you need to know the current max history entry.

You can get this with (there may be a better way):

history 1 | awk '{print $1}'

Putting it together you can use this to delete a range, and also delete the history delete command:

for h in $(seq 1006 1008); do history -d 1006; done; history -d $(history 1 | awk '{print $1}')

Wrap this all up in a function to add to your ~/.bashrc:

  for h in $(seq $1 $2); do
    history -d $1
  history -d $(history 1 | awk '{print $1}')

Example deleting command 4, 5 and 6 (1049-1051) and hiding the evidence:

[18:21:02 jonathag@gb-slo-svb-0221 ~]$ history 11
 1046  25-04-2016 18:20:47 echo "Command 1"
 1047  25-04-2016 18:20:48 echo "Command 2"
 1048  25-04-2016 18:20:50 echo "Command 3"
 1049  25-04-2016 18:20:51 echo "Command 4"
 1050  25-04-2016 18:20:53 echo "Command 5"
 1051  25-04-2016 18:20:54 echo "Command 6"
 1052  25-04-2016 18:20:56 echo "Command 7"
 1053  25-04-2016 18:20:57 echo "Command 8"
 1054  25-04-2016 18:21:00 echo "Command 9"
 1055  25-04-2016 18:21:02 echo "Command 10"
 1056  25-04-2016 18:21:07 history 11
[18:21:07 jonathag@gb-slo-svb-0221 ~]$ histdel 1049 1051
[18:21:23 jonathag@gb-slo-svb-0221 ~]$ history 8
 1046  25-04-2016 18:20:47 echo "Command 1"
 1047  25-04-2016 18:20:48 echo "Command 2"
 1048  25-04-2016 18:20:50 echo "Command 3"
 1049  25-04-2016 18:20:56 echo "Command 7"
 1050  25-04-2016 18:20:57 echo "Command 8"
 1051  25-04-2016 18:21:00 echo "Command 9"
 1052  25-04-2016 18:21:02 echo "Command 10"
 1053  25-04-2016 18:21:07 history 11

The question was actually to delete the last 10 commands from history, so if you want to save a little effort you could use another function to call the histdel function which does the calculations for you.


  # Get the current history number
  n=$(history 1 | awk '{print $1}')

  # Call histdel with the appropriate range
  histdel $(( $n - $1 )) $(( $n - 1 ))

This function takes 1 argument, the number of previous history items to delete. So to delete the last 10 commands from history just use histdeln 10.

How to change color of Android ListView separator line?

There are two ways to doing the same:

  1. You may set the value of android:divider="#FFCCFF" in layout xml file. With this you also have to specify height of divider like this android:dividerHeight="5px".

    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  2. You may also do this by programmatically...

    ListView listView = getListView();
    ColorDrawable myColor = new ColorDrawable(

What is uintptr_t data type

Running the risk of getting another Necromancer badge, I would like to add one very good use for uintptr_t (or even intptr_t) and that is writing testable embedded code. I write mostly embedded code targeted at various arm and currently tensilica processors. These have various native bus width and the tensilica is actually a Harvard architecture with separate code and data buses that can be different widths. I use a test driven development style for much of my code which means I do unit tests for all the code units I write. Unit testing on actual target hardware is a hassle so I typically write everything on an Intel based PC either in Windows or Linux using Ceedling and GCC. That being said, a lot of embedded code involves bit twiddling and address manipulations. Most of my Intel machines are 64 bit. So if you are going to test address manipulation code you need a generalized object to do math on. Thus the uintptr_t give you a machine independent way of debugging your code before you try deploying to target hardware. Another issue is for the some machines or even memory models on some compilers, function pointers and data pointers are different widths. On those machines the compiler may not even allow casting between the two classes, but uintptr_t should be able to hold either. -- Edit -- Was pointed out by @chux, this is not part of the standard and functions are not objects in C. However it usually works and since many people don't even know about these types I usually leave a comment explaining the trickery. Other searches in SO on uintptr_t will provide further explanation. Also we do things in unit testing that we would never do in production because breaking things is good.

Spring @Value is not resolving to value from property file

I was using spring boot, and for me upgrading the version from 1.4.0.RELEASE to 1.5.6.RELEASE solved this issue.

Oracle DB : java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection

It means the connection was successfully established at some point, but when you tried to commit right there, the connection was no longer open. The parameters you mentioned sound like connection pool settings. If so, they're unrelated to this problem. The most likely cause is a firewall between you and the database that is killing connections after a certain amount of idle time. The most common fix is to make your connection pool run a validation query when a connection is checked out from it. This will immediately identify and evict dead connnections, ensuring that you only get good connections out of the pool.

git clone: Authentication failed for <URL>

After trying almost everything on this thread and others, continuing to Google, the only thing that worked for me, in the end, was to start Visual Studio as my AD user via command line:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE
runas /netonly /user:<comp\name.surname> devenv.exe

Original issue: [1]:

My situation is I'm on a personal machine connecting to a company's internal/local devops server (not cloud-based) that uses AD authorization. I had no issue with TFS, but with git could not get the clone to work (Git failed with a fatal error. Authentication failed for [url]) until I did that.

What does FETCH_HEAD in Git mean?

FETCH_HEAD is a short-lived ref, to keep track of what has just been fetched from the remote repository.

Actually, ... not always considering that, with Git 2.29 (Q4 2020), "git fetch"(man) learned --no-write-fetch-head option to avoid writing the FETCH_HEAD file.

See commit 887952b (18 Aug 2020) by Junio C Hamano (gitster).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit b556050, 24 Aug 2020)

fetch: optionally allow disabling FETCH_HEAD update

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee

If you run fetch but record the result in remote-tracking branches, and either if you do nothing with the fetched refs (e.g. you are merely mirroring) or if you always work from the remote-tracking refs (e.g. you fetch and then merge origin/branchname separately), you can get away with having no FETCH_HEAD at all.

Teach "git fetch"(man) a command line option "--[no-]write-fetch-head".

  • The default is to write FETCH_HEAD, and the option is primarily meant to be used with the "--no-" prefix to override this default, because there is no matching fetch.writeFetchHEAD configuration variable to flip the default to off (in which case, the positive form may become necessary to defeat it).

Note that under "--dry-run" mode, FETCH_HEAD is never written; otherwise you'd see list of objects in the file that you do not actually have.

Passing --write-fetch-head does not force [git fetch](<sup>([man](</sup> to write the file.

fetch-options now includes in its man page:


Write the list of remote refs fetched in the FETCH_HEAD file directly under $GIT_DIR.
This is the default.

Passing --no-write-fetch-head from the command line tells Git not to write the file.
Under --dry-run option, the file is never written.

Consider also, still with Git 2.29 (Q4 2020), the FETCH_HEAD is now always read from the filesystem regardless of the ref backend in use, as its format is much richer than the normal refs, and written directly by "git fetch"(man) as a plain file..

See commit e811530, commit 5085aef, commit 4877c6c, commit e39620f (19 Aug 2020) by Han-Wen Nienhuys (hanwen).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 98df75b, 27 Aug 2020)

refs: read FETCH_HEAD and MERGE_HEAD generically

Signed-off-by: Han-Wen Nienhuys

The FETCH_HEAD and MERGE_HEAD refs must be stored in a file, regardless of the type of ref backend. This is because they can hold more than just a single ref.

To accomodate them for alternate ref backends, read them from a file generically in refs_read_raw_ref().

With Git 2.29 (Q4 2020), Updates to on-demand fetching code in lazily cloned repositories.

See commit db3c293 (02 Sep 2020), and commit 9dfa8db, commit 7ca3c0a, commit 5c3b801, commit abcb7ee, commit e5b9421, commit 2b713c2, commit cbe566a (17 Aug 2020) by Jonathan Tan (jhowtan).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit b4100f3, 03 Sep 2020)

fetch: no FETCH_HEAD display if --no-write-fetch-head

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Tan

887952b8c6 ("fetch: optionally allow disabling FETCH_HEAD update", 2020-08-18, Git v2.29.0 -- merge listed in batch #10) introduced the ability to disable writing to FETCH_HEAD during fetch, but did not suppress the "<source> -> FETCH_HEAD" message when this ability is used.

This message is misleading in this case, because FETCH_HEAD is not written.

Also, because "fetch" is used to lazy-fetch missing objects in a partial clone, this significantly clutters up the output in that case since the objects to be fetched are potentially numerous.

Therefore, suppress this message when --no-write-fetch-head is passed (but not when --dry-run is set).

How to add a custom HTTP header to every WCF call?

Found another approach here:

SoapServiceClient client = new SoapServiceClient();
using(new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel)) 
    HttpRequestMessageProperty requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
    requestMessage.Headers["MyHttpHeader"] = "MyHttpHeaderValue";
    OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestMessage;    
    var result = client.MyClientMethod();

Disable / Check for Mock Location (prevent gps spoofing)

Since API 18, the object Location has the method .isFromMockProvider() so you can filter out fake locations.

If you want to support versions before 18, it is possible to use something like this:

boolean isMock = false;
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
    isMock = location.isFromMockProvider();
} else {
    isMock = !Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION).equals("0");

JavaScript Object Id

Actually, you don't need to modify the object prototype. The following should work to 'obtain' unique ids for any object, efficiently enough.

var __next_objid=1;
function objectId(obj) {
    if (obj==null) return null;
    if (obj.__obj_id==null) obj.__obj_id=__next_objid++;
    return obj.__obj_id;

How do you format a Date/Time in TypeScript?

I had a similar problem and I solved with this


Definition of int64_t

An int64_t should be 64 bits wide on any platform (hence the name), whereas a long can have different lengths on different platforms. In particular, sizeof(long) is often 4, ie. 32 bits.

How do I toggle an element's class in pure JavaScript?

Take a look at this example: JS Fiddle

function toggleClass(element, className){
    if (!element || !className){

    var classString = element.className, nameIndex = classString.indexOf(className);
    if (nameIndex == -1) {
        classString += ' ' + className;
    else {
        classString = classString.substr(0, nameIndex) + classString.substr(nameIndex+className.length);
    element.className = classString;

Remove a modified file from pull request

A pull request is just that: a request to merge one branch into another.

Your pull request doesn't "contain" anything, it's just a marker saying "please merge this branch into that one".

The set of changes the PR shows in the web UI is just the changes between the target branch and your feature branch. To modify your pull request, you must modify your feature branch, probably with a force push to the feature branch.

In your case, you'll probably want to amend your commit. Not sure about your exact situation, but some combination of interactive rebase and add -p should sort you out.

static const vs #define

Pros and cons between #defines, consts and (what you have forgot) enums, depending on usage:

  1. enums:

    • only possible for integer values
    • properly scoped / identifier clash issues handled nicely, particularly in C++11 enum classes where the enumerations for enum class X are disambiguated by the scope X::
    • strongly typed, but to a big-enough signed-or-unsigned int size over which you have no control in C++03 (though you can specify a bit field into which they should be packed if the enum is a member of struct/class/union), while C++11 defaults to int but can be explicitly set by the programmer
    • can't take the address - there isn't one as the enumeration values are effectively substituted inline at the points of usage
    • stronger usage restraints (e.g. incrementing - template <typename T> void f(T t) { cout << ++t; } won't compile, though you can wrap an enum into a class with implicit constructor, casting operator and user-defined operators)
    • each constant's type taken from the enclosing enum, so template <typename T> void f(T) get a distinct instantiation when passed the same numeric value from different enums, all of which are distinct from any actual f(int) instantiation. Each function's object code could be identical (ignoring address offsets), but I wouldn't expect a compiler/linker to eliminate the unnecessary copies, though you could check your compiler/linker if you care.
    • even with typeof/decltype, can't expect numeric_limits to provide useful insight into the set of meaningful values and combinations (indeed, "legal" combinations aren't even notated in the source code, consider enum { A = 1, B = 2 } - is A|B "legal" from a program logic perspective?)
    • the enum's typename may appear in various places in RTTI, compiler messages etc. - possibly useful, possibly obfuscation
    • you can't use an enumeration without the translation unit actually seeing the value, which means enums in library APIs need the values exposed in the header, and make and other timestamp-based recompilation tools will trigger client recompilation when they're changed (bad!)

  1. consts:

    • properly scoped / identifier clash issues handled nicely
    • strong, single, user-specified type
      • you might try to "type" a #define ala #define S std::string("abc"), but the constant avoids repeated construction of distinct temporaries at each point of use
    • One Definition Rule complications
    • can take address, create const references to them etc.
    • most similar to a non-const value, which minimises work and impact if switching between the two
    • value can be placed inside the implementation file, allowing a localised recompile and just client links to pick up the change

  1. #defines:

    • "global" scope / more prone to conflicting usages, which can produce hard-to-resolve compilation issues and unexpected run-time results rather than sane error messages; mitigating this requires:
      • long, obscure and/or centrally coordinated identifiers, and access to them can't benefit from implicitly matching used/current/Koenig-looked-up namespace, namespace aliases etc.
      • while the trumping best-practice allows template parameter identifiers to be single-character uppercase letters (possibly followed by a number), other use of identifiers without lowercase letters is conventionally reserved for and expected of preprocessor defines (outside the OS and C/C++ library headers). This is important for enterprise scale preprocessor usage to remain manageable. 3rd party libraries can be expected to comply. Observing this implies migration of existing consts or enums to/from defines involves a change in capitalisation, and hence requires edits to client source code rather than a "simple" recompile. (Personally, I capitalise the first letter of enumerations but not consts, so I'd be hit migrating between those two too - maybe time to rethink that.)
    • more compile-time operations possible: string literal concatenation, stringification (taking size thereof), concatenation into identifiers
      • downside is that given #define X "x" and some client usage ala "pre" X "post", if you want or need to make X a runtime-changeable variable rather than a constant you force edits to client code (rather than just recompilation), whereas that transition is easier from a const char* or const std::string given they already force the user to incorporate concatenation operations (e.g. "pre" + X + "post" for string)
    • can't use sizeof directly on a defined numeric literal
    • untyped (GCC doesn't warn if compared to unsigned)
    • some compiler/linker/debugger chains may not present the identifier, so you'll be reduced to looking at "magic numbers" (strings, whatever...)
    • can't take the address
    • the substituted value need not be legal (or discrete) in the context where the #define is created, as it's evaluated at each point of use, so you can reference not-yet-declared objects, depend on "implementation" that needn't be pre-included, create "constants" such as { 1, 2 } that can be used to initialise arrays, or #define MICROSECONDS *1E-6 etc. (definitely not recommending this!)
    • some special things like __FILE__ and __LINE__ can be incorporated into the macro substitution
    • you can test for existence and value in #if statements for conditionally including code (more powerful than a post-preprocessing "if" as the code need not be compilable if not selected by the preprocessor), use #undef-ine, redefine etc.
    • substituted text has to be exposed:
      • in the translation unit it's used by, which means macros in libraries for client use must be in the header, so make and other timestamp-based recompilation tools will trigger client recompilation when they're changed (bad!)
      • or on the command line, where even more care is needed to make sure client code is recompiled (e.g. the Makefile or script supplying the definition should be listed as a dependency)

My personal opinion:

As a general rule, I use consts and consider them the most professional option for general usage (though the others have a simplicity appealing to this old lazy programmer).

Accidentally committed .idea directory files into git

You can remove it from the repo and commit the change.

git rm .idea/ -r --cached
git add -u .idea/
git commit -m "Removed the .idea folder"

After that, you can push it to the remote and every checkout/clone after that will be ok.

Cannot connect to local SQL Server with Management Studio

Try to see, if the service "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" it's started, this solved my problem.

ListBox with ItemTemplate (and ScrollBar!)

ListBox will try to expand in height that is available.. When you set the Height property of ListBox you get a scrollviewer that actually works...

If you wish your ListBox to accodate the height available, you might want to try to regulate the Height from your parent controls.. In a Grid for example, setting the Height to Auto in your RowDefinition might do the trick...


ng-mouseover and leave to toggle item using mouse in angularjs

Angular solution

You can fix it like this:

$scope.hoverIn = function(){
    this.hoverEdit = true;

$scope.hoverOut = function(){
    this.hoverEdit = false;

Inside of ngMouseover (and similar) functions context is a current item scope, so this refers to the current child scope.

Also you need to put ngRepeat on li:

    <li ng-repeat="task in tasks" ng-mouseover="hoverIn()" ng-mouseleave="hoverOut()">
        <span ng-show="hoverEdit">


CSS solution

However, when possible try to do such things with CSS only, this would be the optimal solution and no JS required:

ul li span {display: none;}
ul li:hover span {display: inline;}

How to get IP address of the device from code?

kotlin minimalist version

fun getIpv4HostAddress(): String {
    NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces()?.toList()?.map { networkInterface ->
        networkInterface.inetAddresses?.toList()?.find {
            !it.isLoopbackAddress && it is Inet4Address
        }?.let { return it.hostAddress }
    return ""

Excel is not updating cells, options > formula > workbook calculation set to automatic

In short

creating or moving some/all reference containing worksheets (out and) into your workbook may solve it.

More details

I had this issue after copying some sheets from "template" sheets/workbooks to some new "destination" workbook (the templates were provided by other users!):

I got:

  • workbook WbTempl1
    • with sheet WsTempl1RefDef (defining the references used e.g. in WsTempl2RefUsr below, e.g. project on A1)
  • workbook WbTempl2 (above references do not exist, because WsTempl1RefDef is not contained nor externally referenced, e.g. like WbTempl2.Names("project").refersTo="C:\WbTempl1.xls]'WsTempl1RefDef!A1")
    • contains sheet WsTempl2RefUsr (uses inexisting global references, e.g. =project)

and wanted to create a WbDst to copy WsTempl1RefDef and WsTempl2RefUsr into it.

The following did not work:

  1. create workbook WbDst
  2. copy sheet WsTempl1RefDef into it (references were locally created)
  3. copy sheet WsTempl2RefUsr into it

Here as well the Ctrl(SHIFT)ALTF9 nor Application.CalculateFullRebuild worked on WbDst.

The following worked:

  1. create workbook WbDst
  2. move (not copy) sheet WsTempl1RefDef into WbTempl2
    • (we do not have to save them)
  3. copy sheet WsTempl1RefDef into WbDst
  4. copy sheet WsTempl2RefUsr into WbDst

Git: Recover deleted (remote) branch

It may seem as being too cautious, but I frequently zip a copy of whatever I've been working on before I make source control changes. In a Gitlab project I'm working on, I recently deleted a remote branch by mistake that I wanted to keep after merging a merge request. It turns out all I had to do to get it back with the commit history was push again. The merge request was still tracked by Gitlab, so it still shows the blue 'merged' label to the right of the branch. I still zipped my local folder in case something bad happened.

How do I pass a value from a child back to the parent form?

If you are displaying child form as a modal dialog box, you can set DialogResult property of child form with a value from the DialogResult enumeration which in turn hides the modal dialog box, and returns control to the calling form. At this time parent can access child form's data to get the info that it need.

For more info check this link:

SQL changing a value to upper or lower case

LCASE or UCASE respectively.


SELECT UCASE(MyColumn) AS Upper, LCASE(MyColumn) AS Lower
FROM MyTable

WPF MVVM ComboBox SelectedItem or SelectedValue not working

I solved the problem by adding dispatcher in UserControl_Loaded event

 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Loaded, new Action(() =>
     combobox.SelectedIndex = 0;

Moment.js - two dates difference in number of days

$('#test').click(function() {_x000D_
  var todayDate = moment("01.01.2019", "DD.MM.YYYY");_x000D_
  var endDate = moment("08.02.2019", "DD.MM.YYYY");_x000D_
  var result = 'Diff: ' + todayDate.diff(endDate, 'days');_x000D_
#test {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background: #ffb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #999;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id='test'>Click Me!!!</div>_x000D_
<div id='result'></div>

How do I filter query objects by date range in Django?

To make it more flexible, you can design a FilterBackend as below:

class AnalyticsFilterBackend(generic_filters.BaseFilterBackend):
    def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view):
        predicate = request.query_params # or for POST

        if predicate.get('from_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('to_date', None) is not None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__range=(predicate['from_date'], predicate['to_date']))

        if predicate.get('from_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('to_date', None) is None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__gte=predicate['from_date'])

        if predicate.get('to_date', None) is not None and predicate.get('from_date', None) is None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(your_date__lte=predicate['to_date'])
        return queryset

Fragment Inside Fragment

That may help those who works on Kotlin you can use extension function so create a kotlin file let's say "util.kt" and add this piece of code

fun Fragment.addChildFragment(fragment: Fragment, frameId: Int) {

    val transaction = childFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
    transaction.replace(frameId, fragment).commit()

Let's say this is the class of the child

class InputFieldPresentation: Fragment()
    var views: View? = null
    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater?, container: ViewGroup?,
                              savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
        views = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.input_field_frag, container, false)
        return views

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

Now you can add the children to the father fragment like this


    override fun onViewCreated(view: View?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        val fieldFragment= InputFieldPresentation()

where is the id of the layout which will contain the fragment.This lyout is inside the father fragment of course. Here is an example


<LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent"




"Expected an indented block" error?

You have to indent the docstring after the function definition there (line 3, 4):

def print_lol(the_list):
"""this doesn't works"""
    print 'Ain't happening'


def print_lol(the_list):
    """this works!"""
    print 'Aaaand it's happening'

Or you can use # to comment instead:

def print_lol(the_list):
#this works, too!
    print 'Hohoho'

Also, you can see PEP 257 about docstrings.

Hope this helps!

How can I set a UITableView to grouped style

If you create your UITableView in code, you can do the following:

class SettingsVC: UITableViewController {

    init() {
        if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
            super.init(style: .insetGrouped)
        } else {
            super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
     @available(*, unavailable)
     required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
         fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

Handling JSON Post Request in Go

type test struct {
    Test string `json:"test"`

func test(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    var t test_struct

    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
    json.Unmarshal(body, &t)


Using Mockito, how do I verify a method was a called with a certain argument?

This is the better solution:

verify(mock_contractsDao, times(1)).save(Mockito.eq("Parameter I'm expecting"));

Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment?

What I tend to do, and I believe this is what Google intended for developers to do too, is to still get the extras from an Intent in an Activity and then pass any extra data to fragments by instantiating them with arguments.

There's actually an example on the Android dev blog that illustrates this concept, and you'll see this in several of the API demos too. Although this specific example is given for API 3.0+ fragments, the same flow applies when using FragmentActivity and Fragment from the support library.

You first retrieve the intent extras as usual in your activity and pass them on as arguments to the fragment:

public static class DetailsActivity extends FragmentActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // (omitted some other stuff)

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
            // During initial setup, plug in the details fragment.
            DetailsFragment details = new DetailsFragment();
          , details).commit();

In stead of directly invoking the constructor, it's probably easier to use a static method that plugs the arguments into the fragment for you. Such a method is often called newInstance in the examples given by Google. There actually is a newInstance method in DetailsFragment, so I'm unsure why it isn't used in the snippet above...

Anyways, all extras provided as argument upon creating the fragment, will be available by calling getArguments(). Since this returns a Bundle, its usage is similar to that of the extras in an Activity.

public static class DetailsFragment extends Fragment {
     * Create a new instance of DetailsFragment, initialized to
     * show the text at 'index'.
    public static DetailsFragment newInstance(int index) {
        DetailsFragment f = new DetailsFragment();

        // Supply index input as an argument.
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        args.putInt("index", index);

        return f;

    public int getShownIndex() {
        return getArguments().getInt("index", 0);

    // (other stuff omitted)


How to get a variable type in Typescript?

For :


Use the JavaScript operator typeof:

if (typeof abc === "number") {
    // do something

TypeScript understands typeof

This is called a typeguard.


For classes you would use instanceof e.g.

class Foo {}
class Bar {} 

// Later
if (fooOrBar instanceof Foo){
  // TypeScript now knows that `fooOrBar` is `Foo`

There are also other type guards e.g. in etc

What is a callback function?

This makes callbacks sound like return statements at the end of methods.

I'm not sure that's what they are.

I think Callbacks are actually a call to a function, as a consequence of another function being invoked and completing.

I also think Callbacks are meant to address the originating invocation, in a kind of "hey! that thing you asked for? I've done it - just thought I would let you know - back over to you".

How to add items to a spinner in Android?

For adding item in Spinner, you can do one thing, try to create an adapter and then add/remove items into the adapter, then you can easily bind that adapter to spinner by using setAdapter() method.

Here is an example:


Using Python String Formatting with Lists

The same as @neobot's answer but a little more modern and succinct.

>>> l = range(5)
>>> " & ".join(["{}"]*len(l)).format(*l)
'0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4'

Getting Textbox value in Javascript

        <script type="text/javascript">
            function MyFunction() {
                var FNumber = Number(document.getElementById('txtFirstNumber').value);
                var SNumber = Number(document.getElementById("txtSecondNumber").value);
                var Sum = FNumber + SNumber;


        <table class="auto-style1">
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtSecondNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtSum" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:Button ID="BtnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClientClick="MyFunction()" />

How to abort makefile if variable not set?

For simplicity and brevity:

$ cat Makefile
        @: $(if $(value $*),,$(error $* is undefined))

bar:| check-foo
        echo "foo is $$foo"

With outputs:

$ make bar
Makefile:2: *** foo is undefined. Stop.
$ make bar foo="something"
echo "foo is $$foo"
foo is something

What's the right way to decode a string that has special HTML entities in it?

There's JS function to deal with &#xxxx styled entities:
function at GitHub

// encode(decode) html text into html entity
var decodeHtmlEntity = function(str) {
  return str.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function(match, dec) {
    return String.fromCharCode(dec);

var encodeHtmlEntity = function(str) {
  var buf = [];
  for (var i=str.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
    buf.unshift(['&#', str[i].charCodeAt(), ';'].join(''));
  return buf.join('');

var entity = '&#39640;&#32423;&#31243;&#24207;&#35774;&#35745;';
var str = '??????';
console.log(decodeHtmlEntity(entity) === str);
console.log(encodeHtmlEntity(str) === entity);
// output:
// true
// true

IndexError: list index out of range and python

Yes. The sequence doesn't have the 54th item.

Angular2 router (@angular/router), how to set default route?

The path should be left blank to make it default component.

{ path: '', component: DashboardComponent },

What is the 'instanceof' operator used for in Java?

The instanceof operator is used to check whether the object is an instance of the specified type. (class or subclass or interface).

The instanceof is also known as type comparison operator because it compares the instance with type. It returns either true or false.

class Simple1 {  
public static void main(String args[]) {  
Simple1 s=new Simple1();  
System.out.println(s instanceof Simple1); //true  

If we apply the instanceof operator with any variable that has null value, it returns false.

Check whether a variable is a string in Ruby

A more duck-typing approach would be to say


to_str indicates that an object's class may not be an actual descendant of the String, but the object itself is very much string-like (stringy?).

How to set alignment center in TextBox in ASP.NET?

To center align text

input[type='text'] { text-align:center;}

To center align the textbox in the container that it sits in, apply text-align:center to the container.

What is the equivalent of Select Case in Access SQL?

You can use IIF for a similar result.

Note that you can nest the IIF statements to handle multiple cases. There is an example here:

SELECT IIf([Combinaison] = "Mike", 12, IIf([Combinaison] = "Steve", 13)) As Answer 
FROM MyTable;

How to get all keys with their values in redis

check out my tool, rdd

rdd -v

will output you all keys with data

android on Text Change Listener

I have also faced the same problem and keep on getting stackOverflow exceptions, and I come with the following solution.

edt_amnt_sent.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {    
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        if (skipOnChange)

        skipOnChange = true;
        try {
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } finally {
            skipOnChange = false;

edt_amnt_receive.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

        if (skipOnChange)

        skipOnChange = true;
        try {
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } finally {
            skipOnChange = false;

declared initially boolean skipOnChange = false;

Throwing exceptions in a PHP Try Catch block

throw $e->getMessage();

You try to throw a string

As a sidenote: Exceptions are usually to define exceptional states of the application and not for error messages after validation. Its not an exception, when a user gives you invalid data

How to convert a command-line argument to int?

As WhirlWind has pointed out, the recommendations to use atoi aren't really very good. atoi has no way to indicate an error, so you get the same return from atoi("0"); as you do from atoi("abc");. The first is clearly meaningful, but the second is a clear error.

He also recommended strtol, which is perfectly fine, if a little bit clumsy. Another possibility would be to use sscanf, something like:

if (1==sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &temp))
    // successful conversion
    // couldn't convert input

note that strtol does give slightly more detailed results though -- in particular, if you got an argument like 123abc, the sscanf call would simply say it had converted a number (123), whereas strtol would not only tel you it had converted the number, but also a pointer to the a (i.e., the beginning of the part it could not convert to a number).

Since you're using C++, you could also consider using boost::lexical_cast. This is almost as simple to use as atoi, but also provides (roughly) the same level of detail in reporting errors as strtol. The biggest expense is that it can throw exceptions, so to use it your code has to be exception-safe. If you're writing C++, you should do that anyway, but it kind of forces the issue.

How can I access iframe elements with Javascript?

If you have the HTML

<form name="formname" .... id="form-first">
    <iframe id="one" src="iframe2.html">

and JavaScript

function iframeRef( frameRef ) {
    return frameRef.contentWindow
        ? frameRef.contentWindow.document
        : frameRef.contentDocument

var inside = iframeRef( document.getElementById('one') )

inside is now a reference to the document, so you can do getElementsByTagName('textarea') and whatever you like, depending on what's inside the iframe src.

Passing command line arguments in Visual Studio 2010?

Visual Studio e.g. 2019 In general be aware that the selected Platform (e.g. x64) in the configuration Dialog is the the same as the Platform You intend to debug with! (see picture for explanation)

Greetings mic enter image description here

How to change the application launcher icon on Flutter?

When a new Flutter app is created, it has a default launcher icon. To customize this icon, you might want to check out the flutter_launcher_icons package.

Alternatively, you can do it manually using the following steps. This step covers replacing these placeholder icons with your app’s icons:


  1. Review the Material Design product icons guidelines for icon design.

  2. In the <app dir>/android/app/src/main/res/ directory, place your icon files in folders named using configuration qualifiers. The default mipmap- folders demonstrate the correct naming convention.

  3. In AndroidManifest.xml, update the application tag’s android:icon attribute to reference icons from the previous step (for example, <application android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" ...).

  4. To verify that the icon has been replaced, run your app and inspect the app icon in the Launcher.


  1. Review the iOS App Icon guidelines.
  2. In the Xcode project navigator, select Assets.xcassets in the Runner folder. Update the placeholder icons with your own app icons.
  3. Verify the icon has been replaced by running your app using a flutter run.

Difference between if () { } and if () : endif;

I used to use the curly braces but now a days I prefer to use this short-hand alternative syntax because of code readability and accessibility.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated

Timeout expired because the sql query is taking more time than you set in sqlCommand.CommandTimeout property.

Obviously you can increase CommandTimeout to solve this issue but before doing that you must optimize your query by adding index. If you run your query in Sql server management studio including actual execution plan then Sql server management studio will suggest you proper index. Most of the case you will get rid of timeout issue if you can optimize your query.

How do you use NSAttributedString?

The question is already answered... but I wanted to show how to add shadow and change the font with NSAttributedString as well, so that when people search for this topic they won't have to keep looking.

#define FONT_SIZE 20
#define FONT_HELVETICA @"Helvetica-Light"
#define BLACK_SHADOW [UIColor colorWithRed:40.0f/255.0f green:40.0f/255.0f blue:40.0f/255.0f alpha:0.4f]

NSString*myNSString = @"This is my string.\nIt goes to a second line.";                

NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
               paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
             paragraphStyle.lineSpacing = FONT_SIZE/2;
                     UIFont * labelFont = [UIFont fontWithName:FONT_HELVETICA size:FONT_SIZE];
                   UIColor * labelColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1 alpha:1];
                       NSShadow *shadow = [[NSShadow alloc] init];
                 [shadow setShadowColor : BLACK_SHADOW];
                [shadow setShadowOffset : CGSizeMake (1.0, 1.0)];
            [shadow setShadowBlurRadius : 1];

NSAttributedString *labelText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : myNSString
                      attributes : @{
   NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle,
             NSKernAttributeName : @2.0,
             NSFontAttributeName : labelFont,
  NSForegroundColorAttributeName : labelColor,
           NSShadowAttributeName : shadow }];

Here is a Swift version...

Warning! This works for 4s.

For 5s you have to change all of the the Float values to Double values (because the compiler isn't working correctly yet)

Swift enum for font choice:

enum FontValue: Int {
    case FVBold = 1 , FVCondensedBlack, FVMedium, FVHelveticaNeue, FVLight, FVCondensedBold, FVLightItalic, FVUltraLightItalic, FVUltraLight, FVBoldItalic, FVItalic

Swift array for enum access (needed because enum can't use '-'):

func helveticaFont (index:Int) -> (String) {
    let fontArray = [
    return fontArray[index]

Swift attributed text function:

func myAttributedText (myString:String, mySize: Float, myFont:FontValue) -> (NSMutableAttributedString) {

    let shadow = NSShadow()
    shadow.shadowColor = UIColor.textShadowColor()
    shadow.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake (1.0, 1.0)
    shadow.shadowBlurRadius = 1

    let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.alloc()
    paragraphStyle.lineHeightMultiple = 1
    paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
    paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center

    let labelFont = UIFont(name: helveticaFont(myFont.toRaw()), size: mySize)
    let labelColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

    let myAttributes :Dictionary = [NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle,
                                              NSKernAttributeName : 3, // (-1,5)
                                              NSFontAttributeName : labelFont,
                                   NSForegroundColorAttributeName : labelColor,
                                            NSShadowAttributeName : shadow]

    let myAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString (string: myString, attributes:myAttributes)

    // add new color 
    let secondColor = UIColor.blackColor()
    let stringArray = myString.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
    let firstString: String? = stringArray.first
    let letterCount = countElements(firstString!)
    if firstString {
        myAttributedString.addAttributes([NSForegroundColorAttributeName:secondColor], range:NSMakeRange(0,letterCount))

    return  myAttributedString

first and last extension used for finding ranges in a string array:

extension Array {
    var last: T? {
        if self.isEmpty {
            NSLog("array crash error - please fix")
            return self [0]
        } else {
            return self[self.endIndex - 1]

extension Array {
    var first: T? {
        if self.isEmpty {
            NSLog("array crash error - please fix")
            return self [0]
        } else {
            return self [0]

new colors:

extension UIColor {
    class func shadowColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 0.0/255.0, green: 0.0/255.0, blue: 0.0/255.0, alpha: 0.3)
    class func textShadowColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 50.0/255.0, green: 50.0/255.0, blue: 50.0/255.0, alpha: 0.5)
    class func pastelBlueColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 176.0/255.0, green: 186.0/255.0, blue: 255.0/255.0, alpha: 1)
    class func pastelYellowColor() -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 238.0/255.0, blue: 140.0/255.0, alpha: 1)

my macro replacement:

enum MyConstants: Float {
    case CornerRadius = 5.0

my button maker w/attributed text:

func myButtonMaker (myView:UIView) -> UIButton {

    let myButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(.System) as UIButton
    myButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.pastelBlueColor()
    myButton.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = true;
    let myCGSize:CGSize = CGSizeMake(100.0, 50.0)
    let myFrame = CGRectMake(myView.frame.midX - myCGSize.height,myView.frame.midY - 2 * myCGSize.height,myCGSize.width,myCGSize.height)
    myButton.frame = myFrame
    let myTitle = myAttributedText("Button",20.0,FontValue.FVLight)
    myButton.setAttributedTitle(myTitle, forState:.Normal)

    myButton.layer.cornerRadius = myButton.bounds.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()
    myButton.setTitleColor(UIColor.whiteColor(), forState: .Normal)
    myButton.tag = 100


    return  myButton

my UIView/UILabel maker w/attributed text, shadow, and round corners:

func myLabelMaker (myView:UIView) -> UIView {

    let myFrame = CGRectMake(myView.frame.midX / 2 , myView.frame.midY / 2, myView.frame.width/2, myView.frame.height/2)
    let mylabelFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, myView.frame.width/2, myView.frame.height/2)

    let myBaseView = UIView()
    myBaseView.frame = myFrame
    myBaseView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()

    let myLabel = UILabel()
    myLabel.frame = mylabelFrame

    myLabel.attributedText = myAttributedText("This is my String",20.0,FontValue.FVLight)
    myLabel.numberOfLines = 5
    myLabel.tag = 100
    myLabel.layer.cornerRadius = myLabel.bounds.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()
    myLabel.clipsToBounds = true




    return myLabel

generic shadow add:

func viewshadow<T where T: UIView> (shadowObject: T)
    let layer = shadowObject.layer
    let radius = shadowObject.frame.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw();
    layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
    layer.borderWidth = 0.8
    layer.cornerRadius = radius
    layer.shadowOpacity = 1
    layer.shadowRadius = 3
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(2.0,2.0)
    layer.shadowColor = UIColor.shadowColor().CGColor

view extension for view style:

extension UIView {
    func layerborders() {
        let layer = self.layer
        let frame = self.frame
        let myColor = self.backgroundColor
        layer.borderColor = myColor.CGColor
        layer.borderWidth = 10.8
        layer.cornerRadius = layer.borderWidth / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()

    func layerShadow() {
        let layer = self.layer
        let frame = self.frame
        layer.cornerRadius = layer.borderWidth / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw()
        layer.shadowOpacity = 1
        layer.shadowRadius = 3
        layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(2.0,2.0)
        layer.shadowColor = UIColor.shadowColor().CGColor

    func layerGradient() {
        let layer = CAGradientLayer()
        let size = self.frame.size
        layer.frame.size = size
        layer.frame.origin = CGPointMake(0.0,0.0)
        layer.cornerRadius = layer.bounds.size.width / MyConstants.CornerRadius.toRaw();

        var color0 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(250.0/255, 250.0/255, 250.0/255, 0.5)
        var color1 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(200.0/255, 200.0/255, 200.0/255, 0.1)
        var color2 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(150.0/255, 150.0/255, 150.0/255, 0.1)
        var color3 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(100.0/255, 100.0/255, 100.0/255, 0.1)
        var color4 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(50.0/255, 50.0/255, 50.0/255, 0.1)
        var color5 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.0/255, 0.0/255, 0.0/255, 0.1)
        var color6 = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(150.0/255, 150.0/255, 150.0/255, 0.1)

        layer.colors = [color0,color1,color2,color3,color4,color5,color6]
        self.layer.insertSublayer(layer, atIndex: 2)

the actual view did load function:

func buttonPress (sender:UIButton!) {
    NSLog("%@", "ButtonPressed")

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let myLabel = myLabelMaker(myView)
    let myButton = myButtonMaker(myView)

    myButton.addTarget(self, action: "buttonPress:", forControlEvents:UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)



How to embed a SWF file in an HTML page?

This is suitable for application from root environment.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/dir/application.swf" 
id="applicationID" style="margin:0 10px;width:auto;height:auto;">

<param name="movie" value="/dir/application.swf" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <!-- Or opaque, etc. -->

<!-- ? Required paramter or not, depends on application -->
<param name="FlashVars" value="" />

<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="menu" value="false" />


Additional parameters should be/can be added which depends on .swf it self. No embed, just object and parameters within, so, it remains valid, working and usable everywhere, it doesn't matter which !DOCTYPE is all about. :)

PHP: Get key from array?

Try this

foreach(array_keys($array) as $nmkey)
        echo $nmkey;

adb shell command to make Android package uninstall dialog appear

You can do it from adb using this command:

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.DELETE -d package:<your app package>

jQuery delete confirmation box

Simply works as:

$("a. close").live("click",function(event){
     return confirm("Do you want to delete?");

TERM environment variable not set

You've answered the question with this statement:

Cron calls this .sh every 2 minutes

Cron does not run in a terminal, so why would you expect one to be set?

The most common reason for getting this error message is because the script attempts to source the user's .profile which does not check that it's running in a terminal before doing something tty related. Workarounds include using a shebang line like:

#!/bin/bash -p

Which causes the sourcing of system-level profile scripts which (one hopes) does not attempt to do anything too silly and will have guards around code that depends on being run from a terminal.

If this is the entirety of the script, then the TERM error is coming from something other than the plain content of the script.

Can I replace groups in Java regex?

Use $n (where n is a digit) to refer to captured subsequences in replaceFirst(...). I'm assuming you wanted to replace the first group with the literal string "number" and the second group with the value of the first group.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d)(.*)(\\d)");
String input = "6 example input 4";
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
if (m.find()) {
    // replace first number with "number" and second number with the first
    String output = m.replaceFirst("number $3$1");  // number 46

Consider (\D+) for the second group instead of (.*). * is a greedy matcher, and will at first consume the last digit. The matcher will then have to backtrack when it realizes the final (\d) has nothing to match, before it can match to the final digit.

Rest-assured. Is it possible to extract value from request json?

You can also do like this if you're only interested in extracting the "user_id":

String userId = 

In its simplest form it looks like this:

String userId = get("/person").path("person.userId");

jQuery/Javascript function to clear all the fields of a form

To reset form (but not clear the form) just trigger reset event:


To clear a form see other answers.

Remove duplicated rows using dplyr

Here is a solution using dplyr >= 0.5.

df <- data.frame(
  x = sample(0:1, 10, replace = T),
  y = sample(0:1, 10, replace = T),
  z = 1:10

> df %>% distinct(x, y, .keep_all = TRUE)
    x y z
  1 0 1 1
  2 1 0 2
  3 1 1 4

Can scrapy be used to scrape dynamic content from websites that are using AJAX?

Webkit based browsers (like Google Chrome or Safari) has built-in developer tools. In Chrome you can open it Menu->Tools->Developer Tools. The Network tab allows you to see all information about every request and response:

enter image description here

In the bottom of the picture you can see that I've filtered request down to XHR - these are requests made by javascript code.

Tip: log is cleared every time you load a page, at the bottom of the picture, the black dot button will preserve log.

After analyzing requests and responses you can simulate these requests from your web-crawler and extract valuable data. In many cases it will be easier to get your data than parsing HTML, because that data does not contain presentation logic and is formatted to be accessed by javascript code.

Firefox has similar extension, it is called firebug. Some will argue that firebug is even more powerful but I like the simplicity of webkit.

LINQ Joining in C# with multiple conditions

If you need not equal object condition use cross join sequences:

var query = from obj1 in set1
from obj2 in set2
where obj1.key1 == obj2.key2 && obj1.key3.contains(obj2.key5) [...conditions...]

Aligning label and textbox on same line (left and right)

you can use style

   <td  colspan="2">
     <div style="float:left; width:80px"><asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label></div>

    <div style="float: right; width:100px">    
            <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

     <div style="clear:both"></div>


How to add data to DataGridView

My favorite way to do this is with an extension function called 'Map':

public static void Map<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> func)
    foreach (T i in source)

Then you can add all the rows like so:

X.Map(item => this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(item.ID, item.Name));

How to find the extension of a file in C#?

You can check .flv signature. You can download specification here:

See "The FLV header" chapter.

Using the "animated circle" in an ImageView while loading stuff

You can use this code from firebase github samples ..

You don't need to edit in layout files ... just make a new class "BaseActivity"

package com.example;


public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    public ProgressDialog mProgressDialog;

    public void showProgressDialog() {
        if (mProgressDialog == null) {
            mProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
            mProgressDialog.setMessage("Loading ...");

    public void hideProgressDialog() {
        if (mProgressDialog != null && mProgressDialog.isShowing()) {

    public void onStop() {


In your Activity that you want to use the progress dialog ..

public class MyActivity extends BaseActivity

Before/After the function that take time

.... my code that take some time

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

There's so many answers to this these days:

  1. jobs (or threadjobs in PS 6/7 or the module)
  2. start-process
  3. workflows
  4. powershell api with another runspace
  5. invoke-command with multiple computers, which can all be localhost (have to be admin)
  6. multiple session (runspace) tabs in the ISE, or remote powershell ISE tabs
  7. Powershell 7 has a foreach-object -parallel as an alternative for #4

Here's workflows with literally a foreach -parallel:

workflow work {
  foreach -parallel ($i in 1..3) { 
    sleep 5 
    "$i done" 


3 done
1 done
2 done

Or a workflow with a parallel block:

function sleepfor($time) { sleep $time; "sleepfor $time done"}

workflow work {
  parallel {
    sleepfor 3
    sleepfor 2
    sleepfor 1


sleepfor 1 done
sleepfor 2 done
sleepfor 3 done

Here's an api with runspaces example:

$a =  [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript{sleep 5;'a done'}
$b =  [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript{sleep 5;'b done'}
$c =  [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript{sleep 5;'c done'}
$r1,$r2,$r3 = ($a,$b,$c).begininvoke() # run in background
$a.EndInvoke($r1); $b.EndInvoke($r2); $c.EndInvoke($r3) # wait
($a,$b,$c).streams.error # check for errors
($a,$b,$c).dispose() # clean

a done
b done
c done