Programs & Examples On #Stata

Stata is a commercial, general-purpose statistical software. It is available for Windows, Mac and Unix systems. Stata's capabilities include data management, statistical analysis and graphics.

How to count the number of observations in R like Stata command count

You can also use the filter function from the dplyr package which returns rows with matching conditions.

> library(dplyr)

> nrow(filter(aaa, sex == 1 & group1 == 2))
[1] 3
> nrow(filter(aaa, sex == 1 & group2 == "A"))
[1] 2

Convert a dta file to csv without Stata software

You could try doing it through R:

For Stata <= 15 you can use the haven package to read the dataset and then you simply write it to external CSV file:

yourData = read_dta("path/to/file")
write.csv(yourData, file = "yourStataFile.csv")

Alternatively, visit the link pointed by huntaub in a comment below.

For Stata <= 12 datasets foreign package can also be used

yourData <- read.dta("yourStataFile.dta")

How to submit an HTML form on loading the page?

You missed the closing tag for the input fields, and you can choose any one of the events, ex: onload, onclick etc.

(a) Onload event:

<script type="text/javascript">

(b) Onclick Event:

<form name="frm1" id="frm1" action="../somePage" method="post">
    Please Waite... 
    <input type="hidden" name="uname" id="uname" value=<?php echo $uname;?> />
    <input type="hidden" name="price" id="price" value=<?php echo $price;?> />
    <input type="text" name="submit" id="submit" value="submit">
<script type="text/javascript">

Android java.exe finished with non-zero exit value 1

I had the same issue after adding the library icepick to my gradle dependencies. After removing the dependencie, everything seems to be fine. As soon as i know why this issue appeared i'll write here again

Mockito: Inject real objects into private @Autowired fields

Mockito is not a DI framework and even DI frameworks encourage constructor injections over field injections.
So you just declare a constructor to set dependencies of the class under test :

private SomeService serviceMock;

private Demo demo;

/* ... */
public void beforeEach(){
   demo = new Demo(serviceMock);

Using Mockito spy for the general case is a terrible advise. It makes the test class brittle, not straight and error prone : What is really mocked ? What is really tested ?
@InjectMocks and @Spy also hurts the overall design since it encourages bloated classes and mixed responsibilities in the classes.
Please read the spy() javadoc before using that blindly (emphasis is not mine) :

Creates a spy of the real object. The spy calls real methods unless they are stubbed. Real spies should be used carefully and occasionally, for example when dealing with legacy code.

As usual you are going to read the partial mock warning: Object oriented programming tackles complexity by dividing the complexity into separate, specific, SRPy objects. How does partial mock fit into this paradigm? Well, it just doesn't... Partial mock usually means that the complexity has been moved to a different method on the same object. In most cases, this is not the way you want to design your application.

However, there are rare cases when partial mocks come handy: dealing with code you cannot change easily (3rd party interfaces, interim refactoring of legacy code etc.) However, I wouldn't use partial mocks for new, test-driven & well-designed code.

How to check that Request.QueryString has a specific value or not in ASP.NET?

Check for the value of the parameter:

// .NET < 4.0
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["aspxerrorpath"]))
 // not there!

// .NET >= 4.0
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["aspxerrorpath"]))
 // not there!

If it does not exist, the value will be null, if it does exist, but has no value set it will be an empty string.

I believe the above will suit your needs better than just a test for null, as an empty string is just as bad for your specific situation.

What is the difference between an annotated and unannotated tag?

Push annotated tags, keep lightweight local

man git-tag says:

Annotated tags are meant for release while lightweight tags are meant for private or temporary object labels.

And certain behaviors do differentiate between them in ways that this recommendation is useful e.g.:

  • annotated tags can contain a message, creator, and date different than the commit they point to. So you could use them to describe a release without making a release commit.

    Lightweight tags don't have that extra information, and don't need it, since you are only going to use it yourself to develop.

  • git push --follow-tags will only push annotated tags
  • git describe without command line options only sees annotated tags

Internals differences

  • both lightweight and annotated tags are a file under .git/refs/tags that contains a SHA-1

  • for lightweight tags, the SHA-1 points directly to a commit:

    git tag light
    cat .git/refs/tags/light

    prints the same as the HEAD's SHA-1.

    So no wonder they cannot contain any other metadata.

  • annotated tags point to a tag object in the object database.

    git tag -as -m msg annot
    cat .git/refs/tags/annot

    contains the SHA of the annotated tag object:


    and then we can get its content with:

    git cat-file -p c1d7720e99f9dd1d1c8aee625fd6ce09b3a81fef

    sample output:

    object 4284c41353e51a07e4ed4192ad2e9eaada9c059f
    type commit
    tag annot
    tagger Ciro Santilli <[email protected]> 1411478848 +0200
    Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

    And this is how it contains extra metadata. As we can see from the output, the metadata fields are:

    A more detailed analysis of the format is present at: What is the format of a git tag object and how to calculate its SHA?


  • Determine if a tag is annotated:

    git cat-file -t tag


    • commit for lightweight, since there is no tag object, it points directly to the commit
    • tag for annotated, since there is a tag object in that case
  • List only lightweight tags: How can I list all lightweight tags?

how to make jni.h be found?

Above answers give you a hardcoded path solution. This is bad on so many levels (java version change, OS change, etc).

Cleaner solution is to add:

JAVA_HOME = $(shell dirname $$(readlink -f $$(which java))|sed 's^jre/bin^^')

near the top of your makefile, then add:


To your include flags.

I am posting this because I ran into the same problem and spent too much time googling for wrong answers (I am building an app on multiple platforms so the build environment needs to be transportable).

Using XAMPP, how do I swap out PHP 5.3 for PHP 5.2?

I know this doesn't help you, but I have to say that this is one of the reasons I jumped from XAMPP to WampServer. WampServer lets you install multiple versions of PHP, Apache and/or MySQL, and switch between them all via a menu option.

When to favor ng-if vs. ng-show/ng-hide?

See here for a CodePen that demonstrates the difference in how ng-if/ng-show work, DOM-wise.

@markovuksanovic has answered the question well. But I'd come at it from another perspective: I'd always use ng-if and get those elements out of DOM, unless:

  1. you for some reason need the data-bindings and $watch-es on your elements to remain active while they're invisible. Forms might be a good case for this, if you want to be able to check validity on inputs that aren't currently visible, in order to determine whether the whole form is valid.
  2. You're using some really elaborate stateful logic with conditional event handlers, as mentioned above. That said, if you find yourself manually attaching and detaching handlers, such that you're losing important state when you use ng-if, ask yourself whether that state would be better represented in a data model, and the handlers applied conditionally by directives whenever the element is rendered. Put another way, the presence/absence of handlers is a form of state data. Get that data out of the DOM, and into a model. The presence/absence of the handlers should be determined by the data, and thus easy to recreate.

Angular is written really well. It's fast, considering what it does. But what it does is a whole bunch of magic that makes hard things (like 2-way data-binding) look trivially easy. Making all those things look easy entails some performance overhead. You might be shocked to realize how many hundreds or thousands of times a setter function gets evaluated during the $digest cycle on a hunk of DOM that nobody's even looking at. And then you realize you've got dozens or hundreds of invisible elements all doing the same thing...

Desktops may indeed be powerful enough to render most JS execution-speed issues moot. But if you're developing for mobile, using ng-if whenever humanly possible should be a no-brainer. JS speed still matters on mobile processors. Using ng-if is a very easy way to get potentially-significant optimization at very, very low cost.

How to Ignore "Duplicate Key" error in T-SQL (SQL Server)

I came here because I was trying to do the same thing; I knew I had dupes in the source data but only wanted to update the target data and not add the dupes.

I think a MERGE works great here because you can UPDATE or DELETE things that are different and INSERT things that are missing.

I ended up doing this and it worked great. I use SSIS to loop through Excel files and load them into a "RAW" SQL table with dupes and all. Then I run a MERGE to merge the "raw" table with the production table. Then I TRUNCATE the "raw" table and move to the next Excel file.

Replace all elements of Python NumPy Array that are greater than some value

Lets us assume you have a numpy array that has contains the value from 0 all the way up to 20 and you want to replace numbers greater than 10 with 0

import numpy as np

my_arr = np.arange(0,21) # creates an array
my_arr[my_arr > 10] = 0 # modifies the value

Note this will however modify the original array to avoid overwriting the original array try using arr.copy() to create a new detached copy of the original array and modify that instead.

import numpy as np

my_arr = np.arange(0,21)
my_arr_copy = my_arr.copy() # creates copy of the orignal array

my_arr_copy[my_arr_copy > 10] = 0 

The property 'Id' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified

In my case, I was creating an object declared and initialized together. I just initialized in the constructor or what you can initialize the object when required.

Structure of a PDF file?

I found the GNU Introduction to PDF to be helpful in understanding the structure. It includes an easily readable example PDF file that they describe in complete detail.

Other helpful links:

Compare two dates with JavaScript

var date_today=new Date();
var formated_date = formatDate(date_today);//Calling formatDate Function

var input_date="2015/04/22 11:12 AM";

var currentDateTime = new Date(Date.parse(formated_date));
var inputDateTime   = new Date(Date.parse(input_date));

if (inputDateTime <= currentDateTime){
    //Do something...

function formatDate(date) {
    var hours = date.getHours();
    var minutes = date.getMinutes();
    var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';

    hours = hours % 12;
    hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
    hours   = hours < 10 ? '0'+hours : hours ;

    minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;

    var strTime = hours+":"+minutes+ ' ' + ampm;
    return  date.getFullYear()+ "/" + ((date.getMonth()+1) < 10 ? "0"+(date.getMonth()+1) :
    (date.getMonth()+1) ) + "/" + (date.getDate() < 10 ? "0"+date.getDate() :
    date.getDate()) + " " + strTime;

Adding Python Path on Windows 7

write that on your Command Prompt:

set Path=%path%

Replace %path% by the Path of your Python Folder Example:

set Path=C:/Python27

How to add form validation pattern in Angular 2?

Now, you don't need to use FormBuilder and all this complicated valiation angular stuff. I put more details from this (Angular 2.0.8 - 3march2016):

Example from repo :

<input [ngControl]="fullName" pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*">

I test it and it works :) - here is my code:

<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(room)" #roomForm='ngForm'  >

Alternative approach (UPDATE June 2017)

Validation is ONLY on server side. If something is wrong then server return error code e.g HTTP 400 and following json object in response body (as example):

this.err = { 
    "capacity" : "too_small"
    "filed_name" : "error_name", 
    "field2_name" : "other_error_name",

In html template I use separate tag (div/span/small etc.)

<input [(ngModel)]='room.capacity' ...>
<small *ngIf="err.capacity" ...>{{ translate(err.capacity) }}</small>

If in 'capacity' is error then tag with msg translation will be visible. This approach have following advantages:

  • it is very simple
  • avoid backend validation code duplication on frontend (for regexp validation this can either prevent or complicate ReDoS attacks)
  • control on way the error is shown (e.g. <small> tag)
  • backend return error_name which is easy to translate to proper language in frontend

Of course sometimes I make exception if validation is needed on frontend side (e.g. retypePassword field on registration is never send to server).

Using pip behind a proxy with CNTLM

This is what works for me:

pip --proxy proxy url:port command package

Convert List into Comma-Separated String

You can separate list entities by a comma like this:

//phones is a list of PhoneModel
var phoneNumbers = phones.Select(m => m.PhoneNumber)    
                    .Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),
                        (current, next) => current.Append(next).Append(" , ")).ToString();

// Remove the trailing comma and space
if (phoneNumbers.Length > 1)
    phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers.Remove(phoneNumbers.Length - 2, 2);

onclick event pass <li> id or value

Try like this...

function getPaging(str) {
  $("#loading-content").load("dataSearch.php?"+str, hideLoader);

<li onclick="getPaging(" id="1">1</li>
<li onclick="getPaging(" id="2">2</li>

or unobtrusively

$(function() {
  $("li").on("click",function() {
    $("#loading-content").load("dataSearch.php?", hideLoader);

using just

<li id="1">1</li>
<li id="2">2</li>

Not equal to != and !== in PHP

== and != do not take into account the data type of the variables you compare. So these would all return true:

'0'   == 0
false == 0
NULL  == false

=== and !== do take into account the data type. That means comparing a string to a boolean will never be true because they're of different types for example. These will all return false:

'0'   === 0
false === 0
NULL  === false

You should compare data types for functions that return values that could possibly be of ambiguous truthy/falsy value. A well-known example is strpos():

// This returns 0 because F exists as the first character, but as my above example,
// 0 could mean false, so using == or != would return an incorrect result
var_dump(strpos('Foo', 'F') != false);  // bool(false)
var_dump(strpos('Foo', 'F') !== false); // bool(true), it exists so false isn't returned

HTML&CSS + Twitter Bootstrap: full page layout or height 100% - Npx

if you use Bootstrap 2.2.1 then maybe is this what you are looking for.

Sample file index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html xmlns="">_x000D_
    <link href="Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
    <link href="Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
        <div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">_x000D_
            <div class="container">_x000D_
                <div class="navbar-header">_x000D_
                    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">_x000D_
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
                        <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
                    <a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Application name</a>_x000D_
                <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">_x000D_
                    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">_x000D_
                        <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="/Home/About">About</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="/Home/Contact">Contact</a></li>_x000D_
                    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">_x000D_
                        <li><a href="/Account/Register" id="registerLink">Register</a></li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="/Account/Login" id="loginLink">Log in</a></li>_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Some Menu</a>_x000D_
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Some Menu</a>_x000D_
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Some Menu</a>_x000D_
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Some Menu</a>_x000D_
       <div class="col-md-10">_x000D_
               <h3>Your application description page.</h3>_x000D_
               <p>Use this area to provide additional information.</p>_x000D_
               <p>Use this area to provide additional information.</p>_x000D_
               <p>Use this area to provide additional information.</p>_x000D_
               <p>Use this area to provide additional information.</p>_x000D_
               <p>Use this area to provide additional information.</p>_x000D_
               <p>Use this area to provide additional information.</p>_x000D_
               <hr />_x000D_
        <div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom">_x000D_
            <div class="container" style="font-size: .8em">_x000D_
                <p class="navbar-text">_x000D_
                    &copy; Some info_x000D_
_x000D_ File Content/Site.css
body {_x000D_
    padding-bottom: 70px;_x000D_
    padding-top: 70px;_x000D_

When does SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate() / onUpgrade() run?

no such table found is mainly when you have not opened the SQLiteOpenHelper class with getwritabledata() and before this you also have to call make constructor with databasename & version. And OnUpgrade is called whenever there is upgrade value in version number given in SQLiteOpenHelper class.

Below is the code snippet (No such column found may be because of spell in column name):

public class database_db {
    entry_data endb;
    String file_name="Record.db";
    SQLiteDatabase sq;
    public database_db(Context c)
        endb=new entry_data(c, file_name, null, 8);
    public database_db open()
        return this;
    public Cursor getdata(String table)
        return sq.query(table, null, null, null, null, null, null);
    public long insert_data(String table,ContentValues value)
        return sq.insert(table, null, value);
    public void close()
    public void delete(String table)
class entry_data extends SQLiteOpenHelper

    public entry_data(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory,
                      int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqdb) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        sqdb.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME'(Column_1 text not null,Column_2 text not null);");


    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {


How to revert multiple git commits?

This is an expansion of one of the solutions provided in Jakub's answer

I was faced with a situation where the commits I needed to roll back were somewhat complex, with several of the commits being merge commits, and I needed to avoid rewriting history. I was not able to use a series of git revert commands because I eventually ran into conflicts between the reversion changes being added. I ended up using the following steps.

First, check out the contents of the target commit while leaving HEAD at the tip of the branch:

$ git checkout -f <target-commit> -- .

(The -- makes sure <target-commit> is interpreted as a commit rather than a file; the . refers to the current directory.)

Then, determine what files were added in the commits being rolled back, and thus need to be deleted:

$ git diff --name-status --cached <target-commit>

Files that were added should show up with an "A" at the beginning of the line, and there should be no other differences. Now, if any files need to be removed, stage these files for removal:

$ git rm <filespec>[ <filespec> ...]

Finally, commit the reversion:

$ git commit -m 'revert to <target-commit>'

If desired, make sure that we're back to the desired state:

$git diff <target-commit> <current-commit>

There should be no differences.

Making Python loggers output all messages to stdout in addition to log file

The simplest way to log to stdout:

import logging
import sys
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)

Removing display of row names from data frame

Yes I know it is over half a year later and a tad late, BUT

row.names(df) <- NULL

does work. For me at least :-)

And if you have important information in row.names like dates for example, what I do is just :

df$Dates <- as.Date(row.names(df))

This will add a new column on the end but if you want it at the beginning of your data frame

df <- df[,c(7,1,2,3,4,5,6,...)]

Hope this helps those from Google :)

Laravel 5.2 not reading env file

If any of your .env variables contains white space, make sure you wrap them in double-quotes. For example:

SITE_NAME="My website"

Don't forget to clear your cache before testing:

php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear

How to remove list elements in a for loop in Python?

Probably a bit late to answer this but I just found this thread and I had created my own code for it previously...

    list = [1,2,3,4,5]
    deleteList = []
    processNo = 0
    for item in list:
        if condition:
            print item
            deleteList.insert(0, processNo)
        processNo += 1

    if len(deleteList) > 0:
        for item in deleteList:
            del list[item]

It may be a long way of doing it but seems to work well. I create a second list that only holds numbers that relate to the list item to delete. Note the "insert" inserts the list item number at position 0 and pushes the remainder along so when deleting the items, the list is deleted from the highest number back to the lowest number so the list stays in sequence.

Android Studio: Drawable Folder: How to put Images for Multiple dpi?

Simply go to project Explorer and change your View from Android to project from drop Down and you are good to go.There you can simply create folder like we do in Eclipse. And in android project view it is hidden but when you switch to project. You can create folder like drawable-hdpi,drawable-xhdpi.

enter image description here

SQL Delete Records within a specific Range

If you write it as the following in SQL server then there would be no danger of wiping the database table unless all of the values in that table happen to actually be between those values:

DELETE FROM [dbo].[TableName] WHERE [TableName].[IdField] BETWEEN 79 AND 296 

How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET?

The best way is:

    public interface IDeepClonable<T> where T : class
        T DeepClone();

    public class MyObj : IDeepClonable<MyObj>
        public MyObj Clone()
            var myObj = new MyObj();
            myObj._field1 = _field1;//value type
            myObj._field2 = _field2;//value type
            myObj._field3 = _field3;//value type

            if (_child != null)
                myObj._child = _child.DeepClone(); //reference type .DeepClone() that does the same

            int len = _array.Length;
            myObj._array = new MyObj[len]; // array / collection
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                myObj._array[i] = _array[i];

            return myObj;

        private bool _field1;
        public bool Field1
            get { return _field1; }
            set { _field1 = value; }

        private int _field2;
        public int Property2
            get { return _field2; }
            set { _field2 = value; }

        private string _field3;
        public string Property3
            get { return _field3; }
            set { _field3 = value; }

        private MyObj _child;
        private MyObj Child
            get { return _child; }
            set { _child = value; }

        private MyObj[] _array = new MyObj[4];

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in a CodeIgniter View

Check your short_open_tag setting (use <?php phpinfo() ?> to see its current setting).

Take multiple lists into dataframe

Just adding that using the first approach it can be done as -

pd.DataFrame(list(map(list, zip(lst1,lst2,lst3))))

Android: where are downloaded files saved?

In my experience all the files which i have downloaded from internet,gmail are stored in


on ics


You can access it using


Overriding a JavaScript function while referencing the original

Thanks guys the proxy pattern really helped.....Actually I wanted to call a global function foo.. In certain pages i need do to some checks. So I did the following.

//Saving the original func
var org_foo =;

//Assigning proxy fucnc = function(args){
    //Performing checks
        //Calling original funcs

Thnx this really helped me out

How to declare an array inside MS SQL Server Stored Procedure?

You could declare a table variable (Declaring a variable of type table):

declare @MonthsSale table(monthnr int)
insert into @MonthsSale (monthnr) values (1)
insert into @MonthsSale (monthnr) values (2)

You can add extra columns as you like:

declare @MonthsSale table(monthnr int, totalsales tinyint)

You can update the table variable like any other table:

update m
set m.TotalSales = sum(s.SalesValue)
from @MonthsSale m
left join Sales s on month(s.SalesDt) = m.MonthNr

Remove plot axis values

Using base graphics, the standard way to do this is to use axes=FALSE, then create your own axes using Axis (or axis). For example,

x <- 1:20
y <- runif(20)
plot(x, y, axes=FALSE, frame.plot=TRUE)
Axis(side=1, labels=FALSE)
Axis(side=2, labels=FALSE)

The lattice equivalent is

xyplot(y ~ x, scales=list(alternating=0))

How to escape a JSON string to have it in a URL?

I'll offer an oddball alternative. Sometimes it's easier to use different encoding, especially if you're dealing with a variety of systems that don't all handle the details of URL encoding the same way. This isn't the most mainstream approach but can come in handy in certain situations.

Rather than URL-encoding the data, you can base64-encode it. The benefit of this is the encoded data is very generic, consisting only of alpha characters and sometimes trailing ='s. Example:

JSON array-of-strings:

["option", "Fred's dog", "Bill & Trudy", "param=3"]

That data, URL-encoded as the data param:


Same, base64-encoded:


The base64 approach can be a bit shorter, but more importantly it's simpler. I often have problems moving URL-encoded data between cURL, web browsers and other clients, usually due to quotes, embedded % signs and so on. Base64 is very neutral because it doesn't use special characters.

Are there dictionaries in php?

Normal array can serve as a dictionary data structure. In general it has multipurpose usage: array, list (vector), hash table, dictionary, collection, stack, queue etc.

$names = [
    'bob' => 27,
    'billy' => 43,
    'sam' => 76,


And because of wide design it gains no full benefits of specific data structure. You can implement your own dictionary by extending an ArrayObject or you can use SplObjectStorage class which is map (dictionary) implementation allowing objects to be assigned as keys.

How to move up a directory with Terminal in OS X

For Mac Terminal

cd ..   # one up
cd ../  # two up
cd      # home directory 
cd /    # root directory
cd "yaya-13" # use quotes if the file name contains punctuation or spaces

Exception thrown inside catch block - will it be caught again?

As said above...
I would add that if you have trouble seeing what is going on, if you can't reproduce the issue in the debugger, you can add a trace before re-throwing the new exception (with the good old System.out.println at worse, with a good log system like log4j otherwise).

Hard reset of a single file

To revert to upstream/master do:

git checkout upstream/master -- myfile.txt

Batch script to delete files

Consider that the files you need to delete have an extension txt and is located in the location D:\My Folder, then you could use the below code inside the bat file.

cd "D:\My Folder"
DEL *.txt 

How can I parse a String to BigDecimal?

Try the correct constructor

You can directly instanciate the BigDecimal with the String ;)


BigDecimal bigDecimalValue= new BigDecimal("0.5");

How to make inactive content inside a div?

Without using an overlay, you can use pointer-events: none on the div in CSS, but this does not work in IE or Opera.

  pointer-events: none;

  /* for "disabled" effect */
  opacity: 0.5;
  background: #CCC;


How to do exponential and logarithmic curve fitting in Python? I found only polynomial fitting

Wolfram has a closed form solution for fitting an exponential. They also have similar solutions for fitting a logarithmic and power law.

I found this to work better than scipy's curve_fit. Especially when you don't have data "near zero". Here is an example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Fit the function y = A * exp(B * x) to the data
# returns (A, B)
# From:
def fit_exp(xs, ys):
    S_x2_y = 0.0
    S_y_lny = 0.0
    S_x_y = 0.0
    S_x_y_lny = 0.0
    S_y = 0.0
    for (x,y) in zip(xs, ys):
        S_x2_y += x * x * y
        S_y_lny += y * np.log(y)
        S_x_y += x * y
        S_x_y_lny += x * y * np.log(y)
        S_y += y
    a = (S_x2_y * S_y_lny - S_x_y * S_x_y_lny) / (S_y * S_x2_y - S_x_y * S_x_y)
    b = (S_y * S_x_y_lny - S_x_y * S_y_lny) / (S_y * S_x2_y - S_x_y * S_x_y)
    return (np.exp(a), b)

xs = [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42]
ys = [3187, 3545, 4045, 4447, 4872, 5660, 5983, 6254, 6681, 7206]

(A, B) = fit_exp(xs, ys)

plt.plot(xs, ys, 'o-', label='Raw Data')
plt.plot(xs, [A * np.exp(B *x) for x in xs], 'o-', label='Fit')

plt.title('Exponential Fit Test')

enter image description here

Modify table: How to change 'Allow Nulls' attribute from not null to allow null

For MySQL, MariaDB

ALTER TABLE [table name] MODIFY COLUMN [column name] [data type] NULL


Passing parameters to click() & bind() event in jquery?


commentbtn.bind('click', { id: '12', name: 'Chuck Norris' }, function(event) {
    var data =;

If your data is initialized before binding the event, then simply capture those variables in a closure.

// assuming id and name are defined in this scope {
    alert(id), alert(name);

Is it possible to use "return" in stored procedure?

In Stored procedure, you return the values using OUT parameter ONLY. As you have defined two variables in your example:

   outstaticip OUT VARCHAR2, outcount OUT NUMBER

Just assign the return values to the out parameters i.e. outstaticip and outcount and access them back from calling location. What I mean here is: when you call the stored procedure, you will be passing those two variables as well. After the stored procedure call, the variables will be populated with return values.

If you want to have RETURN value as return from the PL/SQL call, then use FUNCTION. Please note that in case, you would be able to return only one variable as return variable.

Getting Git to work with a proxy server - fails with "Request timed out"

If the command line way of configuring your proxy server doesn't work, you can probably just edit .gitconfig (in the root of your profile, which may hide both in C:\Documents and Settings and on some network drive) and add this:

    proxy = http://username:[email protected]:8080

YMMV though, this only covers the first step of the command line configuration. You may have to edit the system git configuration too and I have no idea where they hid that.

How do I start an activity from within a Fragment?

I done it, below code is working for me....

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
            Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.hello_world, container, false);

        Button newPage = (Button)v.findViewById(;
        newPage.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), HomeActivity.class);
        return v;

and Please make sure that your destination activity should be register in Manifest.xml file,

but in my case all tabs are not shown in HomeActivity, is any solution for that ?

Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) (2003)

I encountered a similar problem. I am using WinNMP. When I started it, MariaDB was also not running and prompts "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) (2003)" whenever I try to connect to a database.

Just want to help. For WinNMP users like me, this worked for me:

  1. Run msyqld installer located at "C:\WinNMP\bin\MariaDB\bin".
  2. Restart your WinNMP.
  3. MariaDB should be running now.

Hope this helps someone! :D

How to set or change the default Java (JDK) version on OS X?

function setjdk() {
  if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
    removeFromPath '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/bin'
    if [ -n "${JAVA_HOME+x}" ]; then
      removeFromPath $JAVA_HOME
    export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v $@`
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

put this in your ~/.profile and use it in your terminal like so setjdk 1.8, setjdk 1.7, setjdk 9 etc etc...

If you don't have removeFromPath then it is:

function removeFromPath() { export PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -E -e "s;:$1;;" -e "s;$1:?;;") }

Show a message box from a class in c#?

using System.Windows.Forms;
MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");

How to create cross-domain request?

It is nothing you can do in the client side. I added @CrossOrigin in the controller in the server side and it works.

@CrossOrigin(origins = "*")
public class MyController

Please refer to docs.


The action or event has been blocked by Disabled Mode

Try and see if this works:

  1. Click on 'External Data' tab
  2. There should be a Security Warning that states "Certain content in the database has been disabled"
  3. Click the 'Options' button
  4. Select 'Enable this content' and click the OK button

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

OK, I've found it. This is probably the cleanest and easiest solution out there and does not rely on JavaScript being turned on.

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
  h1 {
    color: red;
<h1>This should be red in FF</h1>

It's based on yet another Mozilla specific CSS extension. There's a whole list for these CSS extensions right here: Mozilla CSS Extensions.

Select2 open dropdown on focus

This worked for me using Select2 v4.0.3

//Initialize Select2

// Make Select2 respect tab focus
function select2Focus(){
    jQuery(window).keyup(function (e) {
        var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
        if (code == 9 && jQuery('.select2-search__field:focus').length) {


Fork of Irvin Dominin's demo:

Finding an item in a List<> using C#

What is wrong with List.Find ??

I think we need more information on what you've done, and why it fails, before we can provide truly helpful answers.

How to find cube root using Python?

You could use x ** (1. / 3) to compute the (floating-point) cube root of x.

The slight subtlety here is that this works differently for negative numbers in Python 2 and 3. The following code, however, handles that:

def is_perfect_cube(x):
    x = abs(x)
    return int(round(x ** (1. / 3))) ** 3 == x

print(is_perfect_cube(2146689000)) # no other currently posted solution
                                   # handles this correctly

This takes the cube root of x, rounds it to the nearest integer, raises to the third power, and finally checks whether the result equals x.

The reason to take the absolute value is to make the code work correctly for negative numbers across Python versions (Python 2 and 3 treat raising negative numbers to fractional powers differently).

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

I think the short answer is "because it is of zero usefulness". To call an interface method, you need an instance of the type. From instance methods you can call any static methods you want to.

How to update Git clone

git pull origin master

this will sync your master to the central repo and if new branches are pushed to the central repo it will also update your clone copy.

What does HTTP/1.1 302 mean exactly?

From Wikipedia:

The HTTP response status code 302 Found is the most common way of performing a redirection. It is an example of industrial practice contradicting the standard.

How to add fixed button to the bottom right of page

This will be helpful for the right bottom rounded button


      <a class="fixedButton" href>
         <div class="roundedFixedBtn"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i></div>


            position: fixed;
            bottom: 0px;
            right: 0px; 
            padding: 20px;
          height: 60px;
          line-height: 80px;  
          width: 60px;  
          font-size: 2em;
          font-weight: bold;
          border-radius: 50%;
          background-color: #4CAF50;
          color: white;
          text-align: center;
          cursor: pointer;

Here is jsfiddle link

Google maps responsive resize

Move your map variable into a scope where the event listener can use it. You are creating the map inside your initialize() function and nothing else can use it when created that way.

var map; //<-- This is now available to both event listeners and the initialize() function
function initialize() {
  var mapOptions = {
   center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.5472,12.282715),
   zoom: 6,
   mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "resize", function() {
 var center = map.getCenter();
 google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize");

R - Concatenate two dataframes?

Try the plyr package:


Create line after text with css

I am not experienced at all so feel free to correct things. However, I tried all these answers, but always had a problem in some screen. So I tried the following that worked for me and looks as I want it in almost all screens with the exception of mobile.

<div class="wrapper">
   <div id="Section-Title">
     <div id="h2"> YOUR TITLE
        <div id="line"><hr></div>


margin:20px auto;
padding:50px 5%;}

margin: 2% auto;
overflow: hidden;}

font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#h2 #line {

#Section-Title:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }
.wrapper:after{content:""; display:block; clear:both; }

Convert String to double in Java

You only need to parse String values using Double

String someValue= "52.23";
Double doubleVal = Double.parseDouble(someValue);

How can I use a search engine to search for special characters?

This search engine was made to solve exactly the kind of problem you're having:

I am the developer of SymbolHound.

How to create a DB link between two oracle instances

Creation of DB Link

CONNECT TO $usename
USING '$sid';

(Note: sid is being passed between single quotes above. )

Example Queries for above DB Link

select * from tableA@dblinkname;

insert into tableA(select * from tableA@dblinkname);

Remove specific commit

The algorithm that Git uses when calculating diff's to be reverted requires that

  1. the lines being reverted are not modified by any later commits.
  2. that there not be any other "adjacent" commits later in the history.

The definition of "adjacent" is based on the default number of lines from a context diff, which is 3. So if 'myfile' was constructed like this:

$ cat >myfile <<EOF
line 1
line 2
line 3
$ git add myfile
$ git commit -m "initial check-in"
 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 myfile

$ perl -p -i -e 's/line 2/this is the second line/;' myfile
$ git commit -am "changed line 2 to second line"
[master d6cbb19] changed line 2
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

$ perl -p -i -e 's/line 3/this is the third line/;' myfile
$ git commit -am "changed line 3 to third line"
[master dd054fe] changed line 3
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

$ git revert d6cbb19
Finished one revert.
[master 2db5c47] Revert "changed line 2"
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Then it all works as expected.

The second answer was very interesting. There is a feature which has not yet been officially released (though it is available in Git v1.7.2-rc2) called Revert Strategy. You can invoke git like this:

git revert --strategy resolve <commit>

and it should do a better job figuring out what you meant. I do not know what the list of available strategies is, nor do I know the definition of any strategy.

Reading Data From Database and storing in Array List object

Also If you want you result set data in list .please use below LOC:

public List<String> dbselect(String query)
      List<String> dbdata=new ArrayList<String>();
      try {
        ResultSetMetaData metadata=dbResult.getMetaData();
        for(int i=0;i>=metadata.getColumnCount();i++)
        return dbdata;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        return null;

What's the difference between django OneToOneField and ForeignKey?

Also OneToOneField is useful to be used as primary key to avoid key duplication. One may do not have implicit / explicit autofield


but use OneToOneField as primary key instead (imagine UserProfile model for example):

user = models.OneToOneField(
    User, null=False, primary_key=True, verbose_name='Member profile')

android - listview get item view by position

Listview lv = (ListView) findViewById(;

    final BaseAdapter adapter = new PreviewAdapter(this, name, age);

    confirm.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            View view = null;

            String value;
            for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) {

                view = adapter.getView(i, view, lv);

                Textview et = (TextView) view.findViewById(;


                 Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), value,


How to check for empty value in Javascript?

Comment as an answer:

if (timetime[0].value)

This works because any variable in JS can be evaluated as a boolean, so this will generally catch things that are empty, null, or undefined.

What GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exactly do?

Well, this is my final solution for a simple db, for Linux:

# Read this before!
# * roles in postgres are users, and can be used also as group of users
# * $ROLE_LOCAL will be the user that access the db for maintenance and
#   administration. $ROLE_REMOTE will be the user that access the db from the webapp
# * you have to change '$ROLE_LOCAL', '$ROLE_REMOTE' and '$DB'
#   strings with your desired names
# * it's preferable that $ROLE_LOCAL == $DB



cd /etc/postgresql/$VERSION/main
sudo cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf_bak
sudo -e pg_hba.conf

# change all `md5` with `scram-sha-256`
# save and exit


sudo -u postgres psql

# in psql:
create role $ROLE_LOCAL login createdb;
\password $ROLE_LOCAL
create role $ROLE_REMOTE login;
\password $ROLE_REMOTE

create database $DB owner $ROLE_LOCAL encoding "utf8";
\connect $DB $ROLE_LOCAL

# Create all tables and objects, and after that:

\connect $DB postgres

revoke connect on database $DB from public;
revoke all on schema public from public;
revoke all on all tables in schema public from public;

grant connect on database $DB to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on all tables in schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;
grant all on all functions in schema public to $ROLE_LOCAL;

grant connect on database $DB to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant usage on schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant select, insert, update, delete on all tables in schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant usage, select on all sequences in schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;
grant execute on all functions in schema public to $ROLE_REMOTE;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_LOCAL in schema public
    grant all on tables to $ROLE_LOCAL;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_LOCAL in schema public
    grant all on sequences to $ROLE_LOCAL;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_LOCAL in schema public
    grant all on functions to $ROLE_LOCAL;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_REMOTE in schema public
    grant select, insert, update, delete on tables to $ROLE_REMOTE;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_REMOTE in schema public
    grant usage, select on sequences to $ROLE_REMOTE;

alter default privileges for role $ROLE_REMOTE in schema public
    grant execute on functions to $ROLE_REMOTE;


How to exit if a command failed?

Using exit directly may be tricky as the script may be sourced from other places (e.g. from terminal). I prefer instead using subshell with set -e (plus errors should go into cerr, not cout) :

set -e
my_command || ERRCODE=$?
test $ERRCODE == 0 ||
    (>&2 echo "My command failed ($ERRCODE)"; exit $ERRCODE)

Can I use a binary literal in C or C++?

The smallest unit you can work with is a byte (which is of char type). You can work with bits though by using bitwise operators.

As for integer literals, you can only work with decimal (base 10), octal (base 8) or hexadecimal (base 16) numbers. There are no binary (base 2) literals in C nor C++.

Octal numbers are prefixed with 0 and hexadecimal numbers are prefixed with 0x. Decimal numbers have no prefix.

In C++0x you'll be able to do what you want by the way via user defined literals.

HTML.HiddenFor value set

You shouldn't need to set the value in the attributes parameter. MVC should automatically bind it for you.

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.title, new { id= "natureOfVisitField" })

Is it possible to use argsort in descending order?

As @Kanmani hinted, an easier to interpret implementation may use numpy.flip, as in the following:

import numpy as np

avgDists = np.array([1, 8, 6, 9, 4])
ids = np.flip(np.argsort(avgDists))

By using the visitor pattern rather than member functions, it is easier to read the order of operations.

How To Execute SSH Commands Via PHP

Use the ssh2 functions. Anything you'd do via an exec() call can be done directly using these functions, saving you a lot of connections and shell invocations.

Replace multiple strings with multiple other strings

I expanded on @BenMcCormicks a bit. His worked for regular strings but not if I had escaped characters or wildcards. Here's what I did

str = "[curl] 6: blah blah 234433 blah blah";
mapObj = {'\\[curl] *': '', '\\d: *': ''};

function replaceAll (str, mapObj) {

    var arr = Object.keys(mapObj),

    $.each(arr, function (key, value) {
        re = new RegExp(value, "g");
        str = str.replace(re, function (matched) {
            return mapObj[value];

    return str;

replaceAll(str, mapObj)

returns "blah blah 234433 blah blah"

This way it will match the key in the mapObj and not the matched word'

How to get docker-compose to always re-create containers from fresh images?

$docker-compose build

If there is something new it will be rebuilt.

NodeJS/express: Cache and 304 status code

I had the same problem in Safari and Chrome (the only ones I've tested) but I just did something that seems to work, at least I haven't been able to reproduce the problem since I added the solution. What I did was add a metatag to the header with a generated timstamp. Doesn't seem right but it's simple :)

<meta name="304workaround" content="2013-10-24 21:17:23">

Update P.S As far as I can tell, the problem disappears when I remove my node proxy (by proxy i mean both express.vhost and http-proxy module), which is weird...

Predicate Delegates in C#

Just a delegate that returns a boolean. It is used a lot in filtering lists but can be used wherever you'd like.

List<DateRangeClass>  myList = new List<DateRangeClass<GetSomeDateRangeArrayToPopulate);
myList.FindAll(x => (x.StartTime <= minDateToReturn && x.EndTime >= maxDateToReturn):

openssl s_client -cert: Proving a client certificate was sent to the server

I know this is an old question but it does not yet appear to have an answer. I've duplicated this situation, but I'm writing the server app, so I've been able to establish what happens on the server side as well. The client sends the certificate when the server asks for it and if it has a reference to a real certificate in the s_client command line. My server application is set up to ask for a client certificate and to fail if one is not presented. Here is the command line I issue:

Yourhostname here -vvvvvvvvvv s_client -connect <hostname>:443 -cert client.pem -key cckey.pem -CAfile rootcert.pem -cipher ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH -tls1 -state

When I leave out the "-cert client.pem" part of the command the handshake fails on the server side and the s_client command fails with an error reported. I still get the report "No client certificate CA names sent" but I think that has been answered here above.

The short answer then is that the server determines whether a certificate will be sent by the client under normal operating conditions (s_client is not normal) and the failure is due to the server not recognizing the CA in the certificate presented. I'm not familiar with many situations in which two-way authentication is done although it is required for my project.

You are clearly sending a certificate. The server is clearly rejecting it.

The missing information here is the exact manner in which the certs were created and the way in which the provider loaded the cert, but that is probably all wrapped up by now.

Only detect click event on pseudo-element

Add condition in Click event to restrict the clickable area .

    $('#thing').click(function(e) {
       if (e.clientX > $(this).offset().left + 90 &&
             e.clientY < $(this).offset().top + 10) {
                 // action when clicking on after-element
                 // your code here


Centering floating divs within another div

First, remove the float attribute on the inner divs. Then, put text-align: center on the main outer div. And for the inner divs, use display: inline-block. Might also be wise to give them explicit widths too.

<div style="margin: auto 1.5em; display: inline-block;">
  <img title="Nadia Bjorlin" alt="Nadia Bjorlin" src="headshot.nadia.png"/>
  Nadia Bjorlin

Remove a character at a certain position in a string - javascript

you can use substring() method. ex,

var x = "Hello world"
var x = x.substring(0, i) + 'h' + x.substring(i+1);

Android check null or empty string in Android

From @Jon Skeet comment, really the String value is "null". Following code solved it

if (userEmail != null && !userEmail.isEmpty() && !userEmail.equals("null")) 

facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user



instead of


it works.

How to update PATH variable permanently from Windows command line?

For reference purpose, for anyone searching how to change the path via code, I am quoting a useful post by a Delphi programmer from this web page:

TonHu (Programmer) 22 Oct 03 17:57 I found where I read the original posting, it's here:

The excerpt of what you would need is this:

You must specify the string "Environment" in LParam. In Delphi you'd do it this way:

 SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, Integer(PChar('Environment')));

It was suggested by Jordan Russell,, the author of (a.o.) InnoSetup, ("Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability.") (I just would like more people to use InnoSetup )


Failed to open the HAX device! HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode emulator

I had the same problem. Just after enabling Internet Virtualization from BIOS. After that let the system boot and install HAXM once again. Now emulator will run faster than before and HAXM will work. Enjoy!!

How to find which version of TensorFlow is installed in my system?

For knowing any version of the python library then if your library is installed using the pip then use the following command.

pip show tensorflow

The Output of the above command will be shown below:-

Name: tensorflow
Version: 2.3.0
Summary: TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
Author: Google Inc.
Author-email: [email protected]
License: Apache 2.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
Requires: astunparse, wheel, keras-preprocessing, gast, tensorflow-estimator, opt-einsum, tensorboard, protobuf, absl-py, six, wrapt, termcolor, numpy, grpcio, scipy, google-pasta, h5py
Required-by: fancyimpute

In Java, how to find if first character in a string is upper case without regex

Actually, this is subtler than it looks.

The code above would give the incorrect answer for a lower case character whose code point was above U+FFFF (such as U+1D4C3, MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL N). String.charAt would return a UTF-16 surrogate pair, which is not a character, but rather half the character, so to speak. So you have to use String.codePointAt, which returns an int above 0xFFFF (not a char). You would do:


Don't feel bad overlooked this; almost all Java coders handle UTF-16 badly, because the terminology misleadingly makes you think that each "char" value represents a character. UTF-16 sucks, because it is almost fixed width but not quite. So non-fixed-width edge cases tend not to get tested. Until one day, some document comes in which contains a character like U+1D4C3, and your entire system blows up.

QuotaExceededError: Dom exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota

Here is an expanded solution based on DrewT's answer above that uses cookies if localStorage is not available. It uses Mozilla's docCookies library:

function localStorageGet( pKey ) {
    if( localStorageSupported() ) {
        return localStorage[pKey];
    } else {
        return docCookies.getItem( 'localstorage.'+pKey );

function localStorageSet( pKey, pValue ) {
    if( localStorageSupported() ) {
        localStorage[pKey] = pValue;
    } else {
        docCookies.setItem( 'localstorage.'+pKey, pValue );

// global to cache value
var gStorageSupported = undefined;
function localStorageSupported() {
    var testKey = 'test', storage = window.sessionStorage;
    if( gStorageSupported === undefined ) {
        try {
            storage.setItem(testKey, '1');
            gStorageSupported = true;
        } catch (error) {
            gStorageSupported = false;
    return gStorageSupported;

In your source, just use:

localStorageSet( 'foobar', 'yes' );
var foo = localStorageGet( 'foobar' );

How to get the Facebook user id using the access token

If you want to use Graph API to get current user ID then just send a request to:

Javascript: convert 24-hour time-of-day string to 12-hour time with AM/PM and no timezone

Thanks to @HBP for paving the way here!

I found this to add a little flexibility to the solution.

The RegEx has been updated to accommodate times before noon.

This solution allows you to pass any string to it. As long as a valid time (in this format 18:00 || 18:00:00 || 3:00 || 3:00:00) is somewhere in that string, you're good to go.

Note: you can use just the militaryToTweleveHourConverter or take the guts out of the parseTime variable. However, I'm formatting a date from a database with date-fns then passing that formatted date to the converter.

Totally works. Hope this helps.

import dateFns from 'date-fns';

//* +---------------------------+
//* Format ex. Sat 1/1/18 1:00pm
//* +---------------------------+
const formatMonthDayYearTime = date =>
    dateFns.format(new Date(date), 'ddd M/DD/YY H:mm')

//* +-------------------------------+
//* Convert MILITARY TIME to 12 hour
//* +-------------------------------+
const militaryToTweleveHourConverter = time => {
  const getTime = time.split(' ');

  const parseTime = => {
    // Check for correct time format and split into components or return non-time units unaltered
    let timeUnit = res
      .match(/^([\d]|[0-1]\d|2[0-3])(:)([0-5]\d)(:[0-5]\d)?$/) || [res];

    console.log('timeUnit', timeUnit);
    // If the time format is matched, it will break the components into an array
    // ie. ["19:00", "19", ":", "00", undefined]
    if (timeUnit.length > 1) {
      // Remove full string match value
      timeUnit = timeUnit.slice(1);
      // Set am/pm and assign it to the last index in the array
      timeUnit[5] = timeUnit[0] < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm';
      // Adjust hours by subtracting 12 from anything greater than 12 and replace the value in the hours index
      timeUnit[0] = timeUnit[0] % 12 || 12;
    // return adjusted time or original string
    return timeUnit.join('');
  // Re-assemble the array pieces into a string
  return parseTime.join(' ');

console.log(formatMonthDayYearTime('Sat 9/17/18 18:30'));
// console log returns the following
// Mon 9/17/18 6:30pm

// console log returns the following
// 6:30pm

// console log returns the following
// 6:30:09pm

// console log returns the following
// 8:30:09am

What is an alternative to execfile in Python 3?

While exec(open("filename").read()) is often given as an alternative to execfile("filename"), it misses important details that execfile supported.

The following function for Python3.x is as close as I could get to having the same behavior as executing a file directly. That matches running python /path/to/

def execfile(filepath, globals=None, locals=None):
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
        "__file__": filepath,
        "__name__": "__main__",
    with open(filepath, 'rb') as file:
        exec(compile(, filepath, 'exec'), globals, locals)

# execute the file


  • Uses binary reading to avoid encoding issues
  • Guaranteed to close the file (Python3.x warns about this)
  • Defines __main__, some scripts depend on this to check if they are loading as a module or not for eg. if __name__ == "__main__"
  • Setting __file__ is nicer for exception messages and some scripts use __file__ to get the paths of other files relative to them.
  • Takes optional globals & locals arguments, modifying them in-place as execfile does - so you can access any variables defined by reading back the variables after running.

  • Unlike Python2's execfile this does not modify the current namespace by default. For that you have to explicitly pass in globals() & locals().

Detect if Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 is installed

you can search in registry.Actually I do'nt have vs2012 but I have vs2010.

There are 3 different (but very similar) registry keys for each of the 3 platform packages. Each key has a DWORD value called “Installed” with a value of 1.

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\x86

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\x64

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\ia64

You can use registry function for that......

How to set iframe size dynamically

Not quite sure what the 300 is supposed to mean? Miss typo? However for iframes it would be best to use CSS :) - Ive found befor when importing youtube videos that it ignores inline things.

    #myFrame { width:100%; height:100%; }

<iframe src="html_intro.asp" id="myFrame">
<p>Hi SOF</p>

The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form

I faced a similar issue. After ensuring the token field was actually rendered (see accepted answer) I checked my cookies. There were 2(!) cookies for the domain in my Chrome browser, apparently because I was running the application on the same domain as another app, but with a different port (i.e. set the original cookie while the buggy app was running on Now apparently Chrome sent the wrong cookie so the CSRF protection was unable to link the token to the correct session.

Fix: clear all the cookies for the domain in question, make sure you don't run multiple applications on the same domain with differing ports.

Combine two (or more) PDF's

There's some good answers here already, but I thought I might mention that pdftk might be useful for this task. Instead of producing one PDF directly, you could produce each PDF you need and then combine them together as a post-process with pdftk. This could even be done from within your program using a system() or ShellExecute() call.

Random element from string array

Just store the index generated in a variable, and then access the array using this varaible:

int idx = new Random().nextInt(fruits.length);
String random = (fruits[idx]);

P.S. I usually don't like generating new Random object per randoization - I prefer using a single Random in the program - and re-use it. It allows me to easily reproduce a problematic sequence if I later find any bug in the program.

According to this approach, I will have some variable Random r somewhere, and I will just use:

int idx = r.nextInt(fruits.length)

However, your approach is OK as well, but you might have hard time reproducing a specific sequence if you need to later on.

Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib error when trying to run 'rails server' on OS X 10.6 with mysql2 gem

I still found that with the solutions above, it didn't work (for example) with the Rails plugin for TextMate. I got a similar error (when retrieving the database schema).

So what did is, open terminal:

cd /usr/local/lib
sudo ln -s ../mysql-5.5.8-osx10.6-x86_64/lib/libmysqlclient.16.dylib .

Replace mysql-5.5.8-osx10.6-x86_64 with your own path (or mysql).

This makes a symbol link to the lib, now rails runs from the command line, as-well as TextMate plugin(s) like ruby-on-rails-tmbundle.

To be clear: this also fixes the error you get when starting rails server.

Make text wrap in a cell with FPDF?

Text Wrap:

The MultiCell is used for print text with multiple lines. It has the same atributes of Cell except for ln and link.

$pdf->MultiCell( 200, 40, $reportSubtitle, 1);

Line Height:

What multiCell does is to spread the given text into multiple cells, this means that the second parameter defines the height of each line (individual cell) and not the height of all cells (collectively).

MultiCell(float w, float h, string txt [, mixed border [, string align [, boolean fill]]])

You can read the full documentation here.

How to log cron jobs?

* * * * * >> /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1

will log all output from the cron job to /var/log/myjob.log

You might use mail to send emails. Most systems will send unhandled cron job output by email to root or the corresponding user.

iOS Remote Debugging

Open Safari Desktop iOS

Develop -> Responsive Design Mode

Click "Other" under device

Paste this: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.79 Mobile/14D27 Safari/602.1

Use Safari inspect tools.

Class constructor type in typescript?

Like that:

class Zoo {
    AnimalClass: typeof Animal;

    constructor(AnimalClass: typeof Animal ) {
        this.AnimalClass = AnimalClass
        let Hector = new AnimalClass();

Or just:

class Zoo {
    constructor(public AnimalClass: typeof Animal ) {
        let Hector = new AnimalClass();

typeof Class is the type of the class constructor. It's preferable to the custom constructor type declaration because it processes static class members properly.

Here's the relevant part of TypeScript docs. Search for the typeof. As a part of a TypeScript type annotation, it means "give me the type of the symbol called Animal" which is the type of the class constructor function in our case.

How do I configure different environments in Angular.js?

Very late to the thread, but a technique I've used, pre-Angular, is to take advantage of JSON and the flexibility of JS to dynamically reference collection keys, and use inalienable facts of the environment (host server name, current browser language, etc.) as inputs to selectively discriminate/prefer suffixed key names within a JSON data structure.

This provides not merely deploy-environment context (per OP) but any arbitrary context (such as language) to provide i18n or any other variance required simultaneously, and (ideally) within a single configuration manifest, without duplication, and readably obvious.


Overly-simplified but classic example: An API endpoint base URL in a JSON-formatted properties file that varies per environment where (natch) the host server will also vary:

    'svcs': {
        'VER': '2.3',
        'API@localhost': 'http://localhost:9090/',
        '[email protected]': '',
        '[email protected]': ''

A key to the discrimination function is simply the server hostname in the request.

This, naturally, can be combined with an additional key based on the user's language settings:

    'app': {
        'NAME': 'Ferry Reservations',
        'NAME@fr': 'Réservations de ferry',
        'NAME@de': 'Fähren Reservierungen'

The scope of the discrimination/preference can be confined to individual keys (as above) where the "base" key is only overwritten if there's a matching key+suffix for the inputs to the function -- or an entire structure, and that structure itself recursively parsed for matching discrimination/preference suffixes:

    'help': {
        'BLURB': 'This pre-production environment is not supported. Contact Development Team with questions.',
        'PHONE': '808-867-5309',
        'EMAIL': '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]': {
        'BLURB': 'Please contact Customer Service Center',
        'BLURB@fr': 'S\'il vous plaît communiquer avec notre Centre de service à la clientèle',
        'BLURB@de': 'Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Kundendienst!!1!',
        'PHONE': '1-800-CUS-TOMR',
        'EMAIL': '[email protected]'

SO, if a visiting user to the production website has German (de) language preference setting, the above configuration would collapse to:

    'help': {
        'BLURB': 'Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Kundendienst!!1!',
        'PHONE': '1-800-CUS-TOMR',
        'EMAIL': '[email protected]'

What does such a magical preference/discrimination JSON-rewriting function look like? Not much:

// prefer(object,suffix|[suffixes]) by/par/durch storsoc
// prefer({ a: 'apple', a@env: 'banana', b: 'carrot' },'env') -> { a: 'banana', b: 'carrot' }
function prefer(o,sufs) {
    for (var key in o) {
        if (!o.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; // skip non-instance props
        if(key.split('@')[1]) { // suffixed!
            // replace root prop with the suffixed prop if among prefs
            if(o[key] && sufs.indexOf(key.split('@')[1]) > -1) o[key.split('@')[0]] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o[key]));

            // and nuke the suffixed prop to tidy up
            delete o[key];

            // continue with root key ...
            key = key.split('@')[0];

        // ... in case it's a collection itself, recurse it!
        if(o[key] && typeof o[key] === 'object') prefer(o[key],sufs);


In our implementations, which include Angular and pre-Angular websites, we simply bootstrap the configuration well ahead of other resource calls by placing the JSON within a self-executing JS closure, including the prefer() function, and fed basic properties of hostname and language-code (and accepts any additional arbitrary suffixes you might need):

(function(prefs){ var props = {
    'svcs': {
        'VER': '2.3',
        'API@localhost': 'http://localhost:9090/',
        '[email protected]': '',
        '[email protected]': ''
    /* yadda yadda moar JSON und bisque */

    function prefer(o,sufs) {
        // body of prefer function, broken for e.g.

    // convert string and comma-separated-string to array .. and process it
    prefs = [].concat( ( prefs.split ? prefs.split(',') : prefs ) || []);
    window.app_props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(props));
})([location.hostname, ((window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language).split('-')[0])  ] );

A pre-Angular site would now have a collapsed (no @ suffixed keys) window.app_props to refer to.

An Angular site, as a bootstrap/init step, simply copies the dead-dropped props object into $rootScope, and (optionally) destroys it from global/window scope

app.constant('props',angular.copy(window.app_props || {})).run( function ($rootScope,props) { $rootScope.props = props; delete window.app_props;} );

to be subsequently injected into controllers:

app.controller('CtrlApp',function($log,props){ ... } );

or referred to from bindings in views:

<span>{{ }} {{ }}</span>

Caveats? The @ character is not valid JS/JSON variable/key naming, but so far accepted. If that's a deal-breaker, substitute for any convention you like, such as "__" (double underscore) as long as you stick to it.

The technique could be applied server-side, ported to Java or C# but your efficiency/compactness may vary.

Alternately, the function/convention could be part of your front-end compile script, so that the full gory all-environment/all-language JSON is never transmitted over the wire.


We've evolved usage of this technique to allow multiple suffixes to a key, to avoid being forced to use collections (you still can, as deeply as you want), and as well to honor the order of the preferred suffixes.

Example (also see working jsFiddle):

var o = { 'a':'apple', 'a@dev':'apple-dev', 'a@fr':'pomme',
          'b':'banana', 'b@fr':'banane', 'b@dev&fr':'banane-dev',
          'c':{ 'o':'c-dot-oh', 'o@fr':'c-point-oh' }, 'c@dev': { 'o':'c-dot-oh-dev', 'o@fr':'c-point-oh-dev' } };

/*1*/ prefer(o,'dev');        // { a:'apple-dev', b:'banana',     c:{o:'c-dot-oh-dev'}   }
/*2*/ prefer(o,'fr');         // { a:'pomme',     b:'banane',     c:{o:'c-point-oh'}     }
/*3*/ prefer(o,'dev,fr');     // { a:'apple-dev', b:'banane-dev', c:{o:'c-point-oh-dev'} }
/*4*/ prefer(o,['fr','dev']); // { a:'pomme',     b:'banane-dev', c:{o:'c-point-oh-dev'} }
/*5*/ prefer(o);              // { a:'apple',     b:'banana',     c:{o:'c-dot-oh'}       }

1/2 (basic usage) prefers '@dev' keys, discards all other suffixed keys

3 prefers '@dev' over '@fr', prefers '@dev&fr' over all others

4 (same as 3 but prefers '@fr' over '@dev')

5 no preferred suffixes, drops ALL suffixed properties

It accomplishes this by scoring each suffixed property and promoting the value of a suffixed property to the non-suffixed property when iterating over the properties and finding a higher-scored suffix.

Some efficiencies in this version, including removing dependence on JSON to deep-copy, and only recursing into objects that survive the scoring round at their depth:

function prefer(obj,suf) {
    function pr(o,s) {
        for (var p in o) {
            if (!o.hasOwnProperty(p) || !p.split('@')[1] || p.split('@@')[1] ) continue; // ignore: proto-prop OR not-suffixed OR temp prop score
            var b = p.split('@')[0]; // base prop name
            if(!!!o['@@'+b]) o['@@'+b] = 0; // +score placeholder
            var ps = p.split('@')[1].split('&'); // array of property suffixes
            var sc = 0; var v = 0; // reset (running)score and value
            while(ps.length) {
                // suffix value: index(of found suffix in prefs)^10
                v = Math.floor(Math.pow(10,s.indexOf(ps.pop())));
                if(!v) { sc = 0; break; } // found suf NOT in prefs, zero score (delete later)
                sc += v;
            if(sc > o['@@'+b]) { o['@@'+b] = sc; o[b] = o[p]; } // hi-score! promote to base prop
            delete o[p];
        for (var p in o) if(p.split('@@')[1]) delete o[p]; // remove scores
        for (var p in o) if(typeof o[p] === 'object') pr(o[p],s); // recurse surviving objs
    if( typeof obj !== 'object' ) return; // validate
    suf = ( (suf || suf === 0 ) && ( suf.length || suf === parseFloat(suf) ) ? suf.toString().split(',') : []); // array|string|number|comma-separated-string -> array-of-strings

angular2: Error: TypeError: Cannot read property '...' of undefined

That's because abc is undefined at the moment of the template rendering. You can use safe navigation operator (?) to "protect" template until HTTP call is completed:


You can read more about safe navigation operator here.


Safe navigation operator can't be used in arrays, you will have to take advantage of NgIf directive to overcome this problem:

<div *ngIf="arr && arr.length > 0">

Read more about NgIf directive here.

How do I replace all line breaks in a string with <br /> elements?

It will replace all new line with break

str = str.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')

If you want to replace all new line with single break line

str = str.replace(/\n*\n/g, '<br>')

Read more about Regex : this will help you everytime.

"Instantiating" a List in Java?

In Java, List is an interface. That is, it cannot be instantiated directly.

Instead you can use ArrayList which is an implementation of that interface that uses an array as its backing store (hence the name).

Since ArrayList is a kind of List, you can easily upcast it:

List<T> mylist = new ArrayList<T>();

This is in contrast with .NET, where, since version 2.0, List<T> is the default implementation of the IList<T> interface.

Convert date to YYYYMM format

You can convert your date in many formats, for example :

CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), DATE_OF_DAY, 103) => 15/09/2016
CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), DATE_OF_DAY, 3) => 15/09/16

Syntaxe :

CONVERT('TheTypeYouWant', 'TheDateToConvert', 'TheCodeForFormating' * )
  • The code is an integer, here 3 is the third formating without century, if you want the century just change the code to 103.

In your case, i've just converted and restrict size by nvarchar(6) like this :

CONVERT(NVARCHAR(6), DATE_OF_DAY, 112) => 201609

See more at :

Creating a config file in PHP

If you think you'll be using more than 1 db for any reason, go with the variable because you'll be able to change one parameter to switch to an entirely different db. I.e. for testing , autobackup, etc.

How can I extract a predetermined range of lines from a text file on Unix?

Quick and dirty:

head -16428 < | tail -259 > file.out

Probably not the best way to do it but it should work.

BTW: 259 = 16482-16224+1.

How can I output leading zeros in Ruby?

If the maximum number of digits in the counter is known (e.g., n = 3 for counters 1..876), you can do

str = "file_" + i.to_s.rjust(n, "0")

What are the most widely used C++ vector/matrix math/linear algebra libraries, and their cost and benefit tradeoffs?

What about GLM?

It's based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification and released under the MIT license. Clearly aimed at graphics programmers

where is gacutil.exe?

On Windows 2012 R2, you can't install Visual Studio or SDK. You can use powershell to register assemblies into GAC. It didn't need any special installation for me.

Set-location "C:\Temp"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
$publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

If you need to get the name and PublicKeyToken see this question.

Is a Python list guaranteed to have its elements stay in the order they are inserted in?

Yes, the order of elements in a python list is persistent.

Is it possible only to declare a variable without assigning any value in Python?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Python is a very dynamic language; you don't usually need to declare variables until you're actually going to assign to or use them. I think what you want to do is just

foo = None

which will assign the value None to the variable foo.

EDIT: What you really seem to want to do is just this:

#note how I don't do *anything* with value here
#we can just start using it right inside the loop

for index in sequence:
   if conditionMet:
       value = index

except NameError:
    print "Didn't find anything"

It's a little difficult to tell if that's really the right style to use from such a short code example, but it is a more "Pythonic" way to work.

EDIT: below is comment by JFS (posted here to show the code)

Unrelated to the OP's question but the above code can be rewritten as:

for item in sequence:
    if some_condition(item): 
       found = True
else: # no break or len(sequence) == 0
    found = False

if found:

NOTE: if some_condition() raises an exception then found is unbound.
NOTE: if len(sequence) == 0 then item is unbound.

The above code is not advisable. Its purpose is to illustrate how local variables work, namely whether "variable" is "defined" could be determined only at runtime in this case. Preferable way:

for item in sequence:
    if some_condition(item):


found = False
for item in sequence:
    if some_condition(item):
       found = True

if found:

List method to delete last element in list as well as all elements

To delete the last element from the list just do this.

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a = a[:-1]
#Output [1,2,3,4] 

ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

A connection timeout occurs only upon starting the TCP connection. This usually happens if the remote machine does not answer. This means that the server has been shut down, you used the wrong IP/DNS name, wrong port or the network connection to the server is down.

A socket timeout is dedicated to monitor the continuous incoming data flow. If the data flow is interrupted for the specified timeout the connection is regarded as stalled/broken. Of course this only works with connections where data is received all the time.

By setting socket timeout to 1 this would require that every millisecond new data is received (assuming that you read the data block wise and the block is large enough)!

If only the incoming stream stalls for more than a millisecond you are running into a timeout.

How to convert string to string[]?

string[] is an array (vector) of strings string is just a string (a list/array of characters)

Depending on how you want to convert this, the canonical answer could be:

string[] -> string

return String.Join(" ", myStringArray);

string -> string[]

return new []{ myString };

How do I install Maven with Yum?

yum install -y yum-utils

yum-config-manager --add-repo

yum-config-manager --enable epel-apache-maven

yum install -y apache-maven

for JVM developer, this is a SDK manager for all the tool you need.

Install sdkman:

yum install -y zip unzip

curl -s "" | bash

source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

Install Maven:

sdk install maven

Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

I do the following, if you want to use it then paste it in some where and set your handler code in locationHashChanged(qs) where commented, and then call changeHashValue(hashQuery) every time you load an ajax request. Its not a quick-fix answer and there are none, so you will need to think about it and pass sensible hashQuery args (ie a=1&b=2) to changeHashValue(hashQuery) and then cater for each combination of said args in your locationHashChanged(qs) callback ...

// Add code below ...
function locationHashChanged(qs)
  var q = parseQs(qs);
  //  THAT IS PASSED TO changeHashValue(hashQuery)

function changeHashValue(hashQuery)
  hashValue     = hashQuery;
  location.hash = hashQuery;

function checkIfHashChanged()
  var hashQuery = getHashQuery();
  if (hashQuery == hashValue)
  hashValue = hashQuery;

function parseQs(qs)
  var q = {};
  var pairs = qs.split('&');
  for (var idx in pairs) {
    var arg = pairs[idx].split('=');
    q[arg[0]] = arg[1];
  return q;

function startHashListener()
  hashListener = setInterval(checkIfHashChanged, 1000);

function stopHashListener()
  if (hashListener != null)
  hashListener = null;

function getHashQuery()
  return location.hash.replace(/^#/, '');

var hashListener = null;
var hashValue    = '';//getHashQuery();

CORS with spring-boot and angularjs not working

This answer copies the @abosancic answer but adds extra safety to avoid CORS exploit.

Tip 1: Do not reflect the incoming Origin as is without checking the list of allowed hosts to access.

Tip 2: Allow credentialed request only for whitelisted hosts.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class SimpleCORSFilter implements Filter {

    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleCORSFilter.class);

    private List<String> allowedOrigins;

    public SimpleCORSFilter() {"SimpleCORSFilter init");
        allowedOrigins = new ArrayList<>();

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;

        String allowedOrigin = getOriginToAllow(request.getHeader("Origin"));

        if(allowedOrigin != null) {
            response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", allowedOrigin);
            response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Accept, X-Requested-With, remember-me");

        chain.doFilter(req, res);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {

    public void destroy() {

    public String getOriginToAllow(String incomingOrigin) {
        if(allowedOrigins.contains(incomingOrigin.toLowerCase())) {
            return incomingOrigin;
        } else {
            return null;

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate

For iOS 13+

in SceneDelegate:

var window: UIWindow?

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options 
connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
    guard let windowScene = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }
    window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil) // Where "Main" is the storyboard file name
    let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewController") // Where "ViewController" is the ID of your viewController
    window?.rootViewController = vc

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

Came across this question, while trying to uninstall the many random Python packages installed over time.

Using information from this thread, this is what I came up with:

cat package_list | xargs -n1 sudo pip uninstall -y

The package_list is cleaned up (awk) from a pip freeze in a virtualenv.

To remove almost all Python packages:

yolk -l | cut -f 1 -d " " | grep -v "setuptools|pip|ETC.." | xargs -n1 pip uninstall -y

Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s) given exactly k are missing

You can solve Q2 if you have the sum of both lists and the product of both lists.

(l1 is the original, l2 is the modified list)

d = sum(l1) - sum(l2)
m = mul(l1) / mul(l2)

We can optimise this since the sum of an arithmetic series is n times the average of the first and last terms:

n = len(l1)
d = (n/2)*(n+1) - sum(l2)

Now we know that (if a and b are the removed numbers):

a + b = d
a * b = m

So we can rearrange to:

a = s - b
b * (s - b) = m

And multiply out:

-b^2 + s*b = m

And rearrange so the right side is zero:

-b^2 + s*b - m = 0

Then we can solve with the quadratic formula:

b = (-s + sqrt(s^2 - (4*-1*-m)))/-2
a = s - b

Sample Python 3 code:

from functools import reduce
import operator
import math
x = list(range(1,21))
sx = (len(x)/2)*(len(x)+1)
mul = lambda l: reduce(operator.mul,l)
s = sx - sum(x)
m = mul(range(1,21)) / mul(x)
b = (-s + math.sqrt(s**2 - (-4*(-m))))/-2
a = s - b
print(a,b) #15,5

I do not know the complexity of the sqrt, reduce and sum functions so I cannot work out the complexity of this solution (if anyone does know please comment below.)

Adding a splash screen to Flutter apps

The code from Jaldhi Bhatt doesn't works for me.

Flutter throws a 'Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.'

I fixed the code wrapping the Navigator consumer component inside of another component that initialize the Navigator context using routes, as mentioned in this article.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:my-app/view/main-view.dart';

class SplashView extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
        home: Builder(
          builder: (context) => new _SplashContent(),
        routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
          '/main': (BuildContext context) => new MainView()}

class _SplashContent extends StatefulWidget{

  _SplashContentState createState() => new _SplashContentState();

class _SplashContentState extends State<_SplashContent>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {

  var _iconAnimationController;
  var _iconAnimation;

  startTimeout() async {
    var duration = const Duration(seconds: 3);
    return new Timer(duration, handleTimeout);

  void handleTimeout() {
    Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, "/main");

  void initState() {

    _iconAnimationController = new AnimationController(
        vsync: this, duration: new Duration(milliseconds: 2000));

    _iconAnimation = new CurvedAnimation(
        parent: _iconAnimationController, curve: Curves.easeIn);
    _iconAnimation.addListener(() => this.setState(() {}));



  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Center(
        child: new Image(
          image: new AssetImage("images/logo.png"),
          width: _iconAnimation.value * 100,
          height: _iconAnimation.value * 100,

Set Icon Image in Java

Your problem is often due to looking in the wrong place for the image, or if your classes and images are in a jar file, then looking for files where files don't exist. I suggest that you use resources to get rid of the second problem.


// the path must be relative to your *class* files
String imagePath = "res/Image.png";
InputStream imgStream = Game.class.getResourceAsStream(imagePath );
BufferedImage myImg =;
// ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(myImg);

// use icon here

isolating a sub-string in a string before a symbol in SQL Server 2008

DECLARE @test nvarchar(100)

SET @test = 'Foreign Tax Credit - 1997'

SELECT @test, left(@test, charindex('-', @test) - 2) AS LeftString,
    right(@test, len(@test) - charindex('-', @test) - 1)  AS RightString

SonarQube not picking up Unit Test Coverage

Include the sunfire and jacoco plugins in the pom.xml and Run the maven command as given below.

mvn jacoco:prepare-agent jacoco:report sonar:sonar





Java Replace Line In Text File

Well you would need to get a file with JFileChooser and then read through the lines of the file using a scanner and the hasNext() function

once you do that you can save the line into a variable and manipulate the contents.

jquery: how to get the value of id attribute?

You can also try this way

<option id="opt7" class='select_continent' data-value='7'>Antarctica</option>


$('.select_continent').click(function () {

Good luck !!!!

C++ calling base class constructors

Imagine it like this: When your sub-class inherits properties from a super-class, they don't magically appear. You still have to construct the object. So, you call the base constructor. Imagine if you class inherits a variable, which your super-class constructor initializes to an important value. If we didn't do this, your code could fail because the variable wasn't initialized.

What is the usefulness of PUT and DELETE HTTP request methods?

Although I take the risk of not being popular I say they are not useful nowadays.

I think they were well intended and useful in the past when for example DELETE told the server to delete the resource found at supplied URL and PUT (with its sibling PATCH) told the server to do update in an idempotent manner.

Things evolved and URLs became virtual (see url rewriting for example) making resources lose their initial meaning of real folder/subforder/file and so, CRUD action verbs covered by HTTP protocol methods (GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE) lost track.

Let's take an example:

  • /api/entity/list/{id} vs GET /api/entity/{id}
  • /api/entity/add/{id} vs POST /api/entity
  • /api/entity/edit/{id} vs PUT /api/entity/{id}
  • /api/entity/delete/{id} vs DELETE /api/entity/{id}

On the left side is not written the HTTP method, essentially it doesn't matter (POST and GET are enough) and on the right side appropriate HTTP methods are used.

Right side looks elegant, clean and professional. Imagine now you have to maintain a code that's been using the elegant API and you have to search where deletion call is done. You'll search for "api/entity" and among results you'll have to see which one is doing DELETE. Or even worse, you have a junior programmer which by mistake switched PUT with DELETE and as URL is the same shit happened.

In my opinion putting the action verb in the URL has advantages over using the appropriate HTTP method for that action even if it's not so elegant. If you want to see where delete call is made you just have to search for "api/entity/delete" and you'll find it straight away.

Building an API without the whole HTTP array of methods makes it easier to be consumed and maintained afterwards

How do I change the figure size with subplots?

If you already have the figure object use:


But if you use the .subplots() command (as in the examples you're showing) to create a new figure you can also use:

f, axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(15,15))

href around input type submit

<a href="1.html"><input type="text" class="button_active" value="1"></a>
<a href="2.html"><input type="text" class="button" value="2"></a>
<a href="3.html"><input type="text" class="button" value="3"></a>

Try that. Unless you truly need to stick with the type as submit, then what I provided should work. If you are going to stick with submit, then everything mentioned above is correct, it makes no sense.

How do I remove blue "selected" outline on buttons?

That is a default behaviour of each browser; your browser seems to be Safari, in Google Chrome it is orange in color!

Use this to remove this effect:

button {
  outline: none; // this one

Python sys.argv lists and indexes

In a nutshell, sys.argv is a list of the words that appear in the command used to run the program. The first word (first element of the list) is the name of the program, and the rest of the elements of the list are any arguments provided. In most computer languages (including Python), lists are indexed from zero, meaning that the first element in the list (in this case, the program name) is sys.argv[0], and the second element (first argument, if there is one) is sys.argv[1], etc.

The test len(sys.argv) >= 2 simply checks wither the list has a length greater than or equal to 2, which will be the case if there was at least one argument provided to the program.

jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function

$("element").on("event1 event2 event..n", function() {

This tutorial is about handling multiple events.

How to check if curl is enabled or disabled

Its always better to go for a generic reusable function in your project which returns whether the extension loaded. You can use the following function to check -

function isExtensionLoaded($extension_name){
    return extension_loaded($extension_name);


echo isExtensionLoaded('curl');
echo isExtensionLoaded('gd');

How to sort Counter by value? - python

Use the Counter.most_common() method, it'll sort the items for you:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> x = Counter({'a':5, 'b':3, 'c':7})
>>> x.most_common()
[('c', 7), ('a', 5), ('b', 3)]

It'll do so in the most efficient manner possible; if you ask for a Top N instead of all values, a heapq is used instead of a straight sort:

>>> x.most_common(1)
[('c', 7)]

Outside of counters, sorting can always be adjusted based on a key function; .sort() and sorted() both take callable that lets you specify a value on which to sort the input sequence; sorted(x, key=x.get, reverse=True) would give you the same sorting as x.most_common(), but only return the keys, for example:

>>> sorted(x, key=x.get, reverse=True)
['c', 'a', 'b']

or you can sort on only the value given (key, value) pairs:

>>> sorted(x.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)
[('c', 7), ('a', 5), ('b', 3)]

See the Python sorting howto for more information.

Best XML Parser for PHP

It depends on what you are trying to do with the XML files. If you are just trying to read the XML file (like a configuration file), The Wicked Flea is correct in suggesting SimpleXML since it creates what amounts to nested ArrayObjects. e.g. value will be accessible by $xml->root->child.

If you are looking to manipulate the XML files you're probably best off using DOM XML

How do I disable text selection with CSS or JavaScript?

UPDATE January, 2017:

According to Can I use, the user-select is currently supported in all browsers except Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions (but sadly still needs a vendor prefix).

All of the correct CSS variations are:

.noselect {_x000D_
  -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */_x000D_
    -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */_x000D_
     -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */_x000D_
       -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */_x000D_
        -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */_x000D_
            user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently_x000D_
                                  supported by Chrome and Opera */_x000D_
  Selectable text._x000D_
<p class="noselect">_x000D_
  Unselectable text._x000D_

Note that it's a non-standard feature (i.e. not a part of any specification). It is not guaranteed to work everywhere, and there might be differences in implementation among browsers and in the future browsers can drop support for it.

More information can be found in Mozilla Developer Network documentation.

How to pass payload via JSON file for curl?

curl sends POST requests with the default content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If you want to send a JSON request, you will have to specify the correct content type header:

$ curl -vX POST http://server/api/v1/places.json -d @testplace.json \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"

But that will only work if the server accepts json input. The .json at the end of the url may only indicate that the output is json, it doesn't necessarily mean that it also will handle json input. The API documentation should give you a hint on whether it does or not.

The reason you get a 401 and not some other error is probably because the server can't extract the auth_token from your request.

Best way to do a split pane in HTML

One totally different approach is to put things in a grid, such as ui-grid or Kendo's grid, and have the columns be resizable. A downside is that users would not be able to resize the rows, though the row size could be set programmatically.

How to succinctly write a formula with many variables from a data frame?

Yes of course, just add the response y as first column in the dataframe and call lm() on it:

> d2
  y x1 x2 x3
1 1  4  3  4
2 4 -1  9 -4
3 6  3  8 -2
> lm(d2)

lm(formula = d2)

(Intercept)           x1           x2           x3  
    -5.6316       0.7895       1.1579           NA  

Also, my information about R points out that assignment with <- is recommended over =.

Hibernate show real SQL, hb

log4j.appender.hb.layout.ConversionPattern=HibernateLog --> %d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c - %m%n


<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="format_sql">true</property>
<property name="use_sql_comments">true</property>


Some frameworks use persistence.xml:

<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments" value="true"/>

What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?

Algorithm example (Java):

public boolean search(/* for */Integer K,/* in */List</* of */Integer> L)
    for(/* each */Integer i:/* in */L)
        if(i == K)
            return true;
    return false;

Algorithm description:

  • This algorithm searches a list, item by item, looking for a key,

  • Iterating on each item in the list, if it's the key then return True,

  • If the loop has finished without finding the key, return False.

Big-O notation represents the upper-bound on the Complexity (Time, Space, ..)

To find The Big-O on Time Complexity:

  • Calculate how much time (regarding input size) the worst case takes:

  • Worst-Case: the key doesn't exist in the list.

  • Time(Worst-Case) = 4n+1

  • Time: O(4n+1) = O(n) | in Big-O, constants are neglected

  • O(n) ~ Linear

There's also Big-Omega, which represent the complexity of the Best-Case:

  • Best-Case: the key is the first item.

  • Time(Best-Case) = 4

  • Time: O(4) = O(1) ~ Instant\Constant

Is there a format code shortcut for Visual Studio?

To align the text in the proper format -

  • Ctrl + K + D for front end pages like .aspx or .cshtml

  • Ctrl + K + F for a .cs page

But observe to press all buttons in sequence...

Highlight all occurrence of a selected word?

In Normal mode:

:set hlsearch

Then search for a pattern with the command / in Normal mode, or <Ctrl>o followed by / in Insert mode. * in Normal mode will search for the next occurrence of the word under the cursor. The hlsearch option will highlight all of them if set. # will search for the previous occurrence of the word.

To remove the highlight of the previous search:


You might wish to map :nohlsearch<CR> to some convenient key.

Changing background color of ListView items on Android

mAgendaListView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {

for(int i=0; i<parent.getChildCount(); i++)
     if(i == position)


C# : Converting Base Class to Child Class

There's a few ways of doing this. However, here is one of the easiest ways to do this and it's reusable.

What is happening is that we're getting all the properties of the parent class and updating those same properties on the child class. Where baseObj would be the parent object and T would be the child class.

public static T ConvertToDerived<T>(object baseObj) where T : new()
        var derivedObj = new T();
        var members = baseObj.GetType().GetMembers();
        foreach (var member in members)
            object val = null;
            if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
                val = ((FieldInfo)member).GetValue(baseObj);
                ((FieldInfo)member).SetValue(derivedObj, val);
            else if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                val = ((PropertyInfo)member).GetValue(baseObj);
                if (val is IList && val.GetType().IsGenericType)
                    var listType = val.GetType().GetGenericArguments().Single();
                    var list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(listType));
                    foreach (var item in (IList)val)
                    ((PropertyInfo)member).SetValue(baseObj, list, null);
                if (((PropertyInfo)member).CanWrite)
                    ((PropertyInfo)member).SetValue(derivedObj, val);
        return derivedObj;

PHP Connection failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

I found the reason why the connection was not working, it was because the connection was trying to connect to port 8888, when it needed to connect to port 8889.

$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;port=8889;dbname=AppDatabase", $username, $password); 

This fixed the problem, although changing the server name to localhost still gives the error.

Connection failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

But it connects successfully when the IP address is entered for the server name.

Filter array to have unique values

I've always used:

unique = (arr) => arr.filter((item, i, s) => s.lastIndexOf(item) == i);

But recently I had to get unique values for:

["1", 1, "2", 2, "3", 3]

And my old standby didn't cut it, so I came up with this:

uunique = (arr) => Object.keys(Object.assign({},>({[a]:true}))));

OR, AND Operator

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but for example:

if (A || B)

if (A && B)

Is there a way to catch the back button event in javascript?

I have created a solution which may be of use to some people. Simply include the code on your page, and you can write your own function that will be called when the back button is clicked.

I have tested in IE, FF, Chrome, and Safari, and are all working. The solution I have works based on iframes without the need for constant polling, in IE and FF, however, due to limitations in other browsers, the location hash is used in Safari.

Eclipse projects not showing up after placing project files in workspace/projects

Even I had also observed the similar problem. I had closed my eclipse project because of some reason and on restart some of my file added were not visible in explorer even though corresponding file were existing.

Following solution worked for me: Select whole workspace (Ctrl+A) ==> Righ click and press Refresh.

clear javascript console in Google Chrome

On the Mac you can also use ?+K just like in Terminal.

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Other posters are probably correct...there might be spaces mixed in with your tabs. Try doing a search & replace to replace all tabs with a few spaces.

Try this:

import sys

def Factorial(n): # return factorial
    result = 1
    for i in range (1,n):
        result = result * i
    print "factorial is ",result
    return result

print Factorial(10)

Is there a way to use use text as the background with CSS?

Ciro's solution about an SVG Data URI background containing the text is very clever.

However, it won't work in IE if you just add the plain SVG source to the data URI.

In order to get around this and make it work in IE9 and up, encode the SVG to base64. This is a great tool.

So this:

background:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=""><text x="5%" y="5%" font-size="30" fill="red">I love SVG!</text></svg>');

Becomes this:


Tested and it works in IE9-10-11, WebKit (Chrome 37, Opera 23) and Gecko (Firefox 31).

check all socket opened in linux OS

/proc/net/tcp -a list of open tcp sockets

/proc/net/udp -a list of open udp sockets

/proc/net/raw -a list all the 'raw' sockets

These are the files, use cat command to view them. For example:

cat /proc/net/tcp

You can also use the lsof command.

lsof is a command meaning "list open files", which is used in many Unix-like systems to report a list of all open files and the processes that opened them.

npm - how to show the latest version of a package

The npm view <pkg> version prints the last version by release date. That might very well be an hotfix release for a older stable branch at times.

The solution is to list all versions and fetch the last one by version number

$ npm view <pkg> versions --json | jq -r '.[-1]'

Or with awk instead of jq:

$ npm view <pkg> --json  | awk '/"$/{print gensub("[ \"]", "", "G")}'

ESRI : Failed to parse source map

Check if you're using some Chrome extension (Night mode or something else). Disable that and see if the 'inject' gone.

Get value from input (AngularJS)

If you want to get values in Javascript on frontend, you can use the native way to do it by using :


Where "movie" is the name of your input <input type="text" name="movie">

If you want to get it on angular.js controller, you can use;


How to get the error message from the error code returned by GetLastError()?

//Returns the last Win32 error, in string format. Returns an empty string if there is no error.
std::string GetLastErrorAsString()
    //Get the error message ID, if any.
    DWORD errorMessageID = ::GetLastError();
    if(errorMessageID == 0) {
        return std::string(); //No error message has been recorded
    LPSTR messageBuffer = nullptr;

    //Ask Win32 to give us the string version of that message ID.
    //The parameters we pass in, tell Win32 to create the buffer that holds the message for us (because we don't yet know how long the message string will be).
                                 NULL, errorMessageID, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR)&messageBuffer, 0, NULL);
    //Copy the error message into a std::string.
    std::string message(messageBuffer, size);
    //Free the Win32's string's buffer.
    return message;

How do I change the owner of a SQL Server database?

To change database owner:


As of SQL Server 2014 you can still use sp_changedbowner as well, even though Microsoft promised to remove it in the "future" version after SQL Server 2012. They removed it from SQL Server 2014 BOL though.

How to show only next line after the matched one?

you can try with awk:

awk '/blah/{getline; print}' logfile

IIS: Display all sites and bindings in PowerShell

function Get-ADDWebBindings {
    try {
    if (-not (Get-Module WebAdministration)) { Import-Module WebAdministration }
    Get-WebBinding | ForEach-Object { $_.ItemXPath -replace '(?:.*?)name=''([^'']*)(?:.*)', '$1' } | Sort | Get-Unique | Where-Object {$_ -like $Name} | ForEach-Object {
        Get-WebBinding | Where-Object { ($_.ItemXPath -replace '(?:.*?)name=''([^'']*)(?:.*)', '$1') -like $n } | ForEach-Object {
            if ($http -or $https) {
                if ( ($http -and ($_.protocol -like "http")) -or ($https -and ($_.protocol -like "https")) ) {
                    New-Object psobject -Property @{Name = $n;Protocol=$_.protocol;Binding = $_.bindinginformation}
            } else {
                New-Object psobject -Property @{Name = $n;Protocol=$_.protocol;Binding = $_.bindinginformation}
    catch {

Multiple Updates in MySQL

I took the answer from @newtover and extended it using the new json_table function in MySql 8. This allows you to create a stored procedure to handle the workload rather than building your own SQL text in code:

drop table if exists `test`;
create table `test` (
  `Id` int,
  `Number` int,
insert into test (Id, Number) values (1, 1), (2, 2);

DROP procedure IF EXISTS `Test`;
    p_json json
    update test s
        join json_table(p_json, '$[*]' columns(`id` int path '$.id', `number` int path '$.number')) v 
        on set s.Number=v.number;

call `Test`('[{"id": 1, "number": 10}, {"id": 2, "number": 20}]');
select * from test;

drop table if exists `test`;

It's a few ms slower than pure SQL but I'm happy to take the hit rather than generate the sql text in code. Not sure how performant it is with huge recordsets (the JSON object has a max size of 1Gb) but I use it all the time when updating 10k rows at a time.

How do I combine 2 select statements into one?

You have two choices here. The first is to have two result sets which will set 'Test1' or 'Test2' based on the condition in the WHERE clause, and then UNION them together:

    'Test1', * 
    CCC='D' AND DDD='X' AND exists(select ...)
    'Test2', * 
    CCC<>'D' AND DDD='X' AND exists(select ...)

This might be an issue, because you are going to effectively scan/seek on TABLE twice.

The other solution would be to select from the table once, and set 'Test1' or 'Test2' based on the conditions in TABLE:

        when CCC='D' AND DDD='X' AND exists(select ...) then 'Test1'
        when CCC<>'D' AND DDD='X' AND exists(select ...) then 'Test2'
    (CCC='D' AND DDD='X' AND exists(select ...)) or
    (CCC<>'D' AND DDD='X' AND exists(select ...))

The catch here being that you will have to duplicate the filter conditions in the CASE statement and the WHERE statement.

Google maps API V3 method fitBounds()

 var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"),{
                mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++){
        marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),
            map: map

ASP.NET MVC - Find Absolute Path to the App_Data folder from Controller

Phil Haak has an example that I think is a bit more stable when dealing with paths with crazy "\" style directory separators. It also safely handles path concatenation. It comes for free in System.IO

var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName);

However, you could also try "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirector" instead of "Server.MapPath".

How to re-sign the ipa file?

Kind of old question, but with the latest XCode, codesign is easy:

$ codesign -s my_certificate example.ipa 

$ codesign -vv example.ipa
example.ipa: valid on disk
example.ipa: satisfies its Designated Requirement

Documentation for using JavaScript code inside a PDF file

Look for books by Ted Padova. Over the years, he has written a series of books called The Acrobat PDF {5,6,7,8,9...} Bible. They contain chapter(s) on JavaScript in PDF files. They are not as comprehensive as the reference documentation listed here, but in the books there are some realistic use-cases discussed in context.

There was also a talk on hacking PDF files by a computer scientist, given at a conference in 2010. The link on the talk's announcement-page to the slides is dead, but Google is your friend-. The talk is not exclusively on JavaScript, though. YouTube video - JavaScript starts at 06:00.

Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK

If you are using ndk r10c or later, simply add APP_STL=c++_static to

How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java?

As stated by Taylor L, you can't just "stop" a thread (by calling a simple method) due to the fact that it could leave your system in an unstable state as the external calling thread may not know what is going on inside your thread.

With this said, the best way to "stop" a thread is to have the thread keep an eye on itself and to have it know and understand when it should stop.

Gaussian filter in MATLAB

You first create the filter with fspecial and then convolve the image with the filter using imfilter (which works on multidimensional images as in the example).

You specify sigma and hsize in fspecial.


%%# Read an image
I = imread('peppers.png');
%# Create the gaussian filter with hsize = [5 5] and sigma = 2
G = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],2);
%# Filter it
Ig = imfilter(I,G,'same');
%# Display


Taking a point from both Boycs Answer and mtmurdock's subsequent answer I have the following stored proc on all of my development or staging databases. I've added some switches to fit my own requirement if I need to add in statements to reseed the data for certain columns.

(Note: I would have added this as a comment to Boycs brilliant answer but I haven't got enough reputation to do that yet. So please accept my apologies for adding this as an entirely new answer.)

ALTER PROCEDURE up_ResetEntireDatabase
@IncludeIdentReseed BIT,
@IncludeDataReseed BIT

EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DELETE FROM ?'

IF @IncludeIdentReseed = 1
    EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT (''?'' , RESEED, 1)'


IF @IncludeDataReseed = 1
    -- Populate Core Data Table Here

And then once ready the execution is really simple:

EXEC up_ResetEntireDatabase 1, 1

How to display JavaScript variables in a HTML page without document.write

hi here is a simple example: <div id="test">content</div> and

var test = 5;
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = test;

and you can test it here :

How to find the index of an element in an array in Java?

That's not even valid syntax. And you're trying to compare to a string. For arrays you would have to walk the array yourself:

public class T {
  public static void main( String args[] ) {
    char[] list = {'m', 'e', 'y'};

    int index = -1;

    for (int i = 0; (i < list.length) && (index == -1); i++) {
        if (list[i] == 'e') {
            index = i;


If you are using a collection, such as ArrayList<Character> you can also use the indexOf() method:

ArrayList<Character> list = new ArrayList<Character>();


There is also the Arrays class which shortens above code:

List list = Arrays.asList(new Character[] { 'm', 'e', 'y' });

Handling multiple IDs in jQuery


To your secondary question

var elem1 = $('#elem1'),
    elem2 = $('#elem2'),
    elem3 = $('#elem3');

You can use the variable as the replacement of selector.

elem1.css({'display':'none'}); //will work

In the below case selector is already stored in a variable.

$(elem1,elem2,elem3).css({'display':'none'}); // will not work

ps command doesn't work in docker container

If you're running a CentOS container, you can install ps using this command:

yum install -y procps

Running this command on Dockerfile:

RUN yum install -y procps

How to change letter spacing in a Textview?

Since API 21 there is an option set letter spacing. You can call method setLetterSpacing or set it in XML with attribute letterSpacing.

Preferred way of loading resources in Java

I know it really late for another answer but I just wanted to share what helped me at the end. It will also load resources/files from the absolute path of the file system (not only the classpath's).

public class ResourceLoader {

    public static URL getResource(String resource) {
        final List<ClassLoader> classLoaders = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>();

        for (ClassLoader classLoader : classLoaders) {
            final URL url = getResourceWith(classLoader, resource);
            if (url != null) {
                return url;

        final URL systemResource = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resource);
        if (systemResource != null) {
            return systemResource;
        } else {
            try {
                return new File(resource).toURI().toURL();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                return null;

    private static URL getResourceWith(ClassLoader classLoader, String resource) {
        if (classLoader != null) {
            return classLoader.getResource(resource);
        return null;


Can you delete multiple branches in one command with Git?

git branch -d branch1 branch2 branch3 already works, but will be faster with Git 2.31 (Q1 2021).
Before, when removing many branches and tags, the code used to do so one ref at a time.
There is another API it can use to delete multiple refs, and it makes quite a lot of performance difference when the refs are packed.

See commit 8198907 (20 Jan 2021) by Phil Hord (phord).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit f6ef8ba, 05 Feb 2021)

8198907795:use delete_refs when deleting tags or branches

Acked-by: Elijah Newren
Signed-off-by: Phil Hord

'git tag -d'(man) accepts one or more tag refs to delete, but each deletion is done by calling delete_ref on each argv.
This is very slow when removing from packed refs.
Use delete_refs instead so all the removals can be done inside a single transaction with a single update.

Do the same for 'git branch -d'(man).

Since delete_refs performs all the packed-refs delete operations inside a single transaction, if any of the deletes fail then all them will be skipped.
In practice, none of them should fail since we verify the hash of each one before calling delete_refs, but some network error or odd permissions problem could have different results after this change.

Also, since the file-backed deletions are not performed in the same transaction, those could succeed even when the packed-refs transaction fails.

After deleting branches, remove the branch config only if the branch ref was removed and was not subsequently added back in.

A manual test deleting 24,000 tags took about 30 minutes using delete_ref.
It takes about 5 seconds using delete_refs.

What is the difference between, and localhost? is normally the IP address assigned to the "loopback" or local-only interface. This is a "fake" network adapter that can only communicate within the same host. It's often used when you want a network-capable application to only serve clients on the same host. A process that is listening on for connections will only receive local connections on that socket.

"localhost" is normally the hostname for the IP address. It's usually set in /etc/hosts (or the Windows equivalent named "hosts" somewhere under %WINDIR%). You can use it just like any other hostname - try "ping localhost" to see how it resolves to has a couple of different meanings, but in this context, when a server is told to listen on that means "listen on every available network interface". The loopback adapter with IP address from the perspective of the server process looks just like any other network adapter on the machine, so a server told to listen on will accept connections on that interface too.

That hopefully answers the IP side of your question. I'm not familiar with Jekyll or Vagrant, but I'm guessing that your port forwarding 8080 => 4000 is somehow bound to a particular network adapter, so it isn't in the path when you connect locally to

Enabling/Disabling Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport

Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport should start and bind automatically to the underlying function driver. Try disabling and reenabling the AR9285 driver.

How to generate JAXB classes from XSD?

For Eclipse STS (3.5 at least) you don't need to install anything. Right click on schema.xsd -> Generate -> JAXB Classes. You'll have to specify the package & location in the next step and that's all, your classes should be generated. I guess all the above mentioned solutions work, but this seems by far the easiest (for STS users).

[UPDATE] Eclipse STS version 3.6 (based on Kepler) comes with the same functionality.


The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found

Using VS Professional 2019, I was trying to run a downloaded solution from a Udemy class on selenium automation testing, and most of the projects had errors in the project references sections. I tried cleaning, rebuilding, closing VS. Then, in VS, when I right clicked on the solution in Solution Explorer and chose Manage Nuget Packages for Solution, there were 2 available updates: for MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework, and when I installed those, the error messages on the references for all the projects went away, for the references to those, as well as for the references to System and System.Core.

Remove from the beginning of std::vector


std::vector<Rule>& topPriorityRules;

The correct way to remove the first element of the referenced vector is


which is exactly what you suggested.

Looks like i need to do iterator overloading.

There is no need to overload an iterator in order to erase first element of std::vector.

P.S. Vector (dynamic array) is probably a wrong choice of data structure if you intend to erase from the front.

Import error No module named skimage

For Python 3, try the following:

import sys
!conda install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} scikit-image

How to select the first, second, or third element with a given class name?

This isn't so much an answer as a non-answer, i.e. an example showing why one of the highly voted answers above is actually wrong.

I thought that answer looked good. In fact, it gave me what I was looking for: :nth-of-type which, for my situation, worked. (So, thanks for that, @Bdwey.)

I initially read the comment by @BoltClock (which says that the answer is essentially wrong) and dismissed it, as I had checked my use case, and it worked. Then I realized @BoltClock had a reputation of 300,000+(!) and has a profile where he claims to be a CSS guru. Hmm, I thought, maybe I should look a little closer.

Turns out as follows: div.myclass:nth-of-type(2) does NOT mean "the 2nd instance of div.myclass". Rather, it means "the 2nd instance of div, and it must also have the 'myclass' class". That's an important distinction when there are intervening divs between your div.myclass instances.

It took me some time to get my head around this. So, to help others figure it out more quickly, I've written an example which I believe demonstrates the concept more clearly than a written description: I've hijacked the h1, h2, h3 and h4 elements to essentially be divs. I've put an A class on some of them, grouped them in 3's, and then colored the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instances blue, orange and green using h?.A:nth-of-type(?). (But, if you're reading carefully, you should be asking "the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instances of what?"). I also interjected a dissimilar (i.e. different h level) or similar (i.e. same h level) un-classed element into some of the groups.

Note, in particular, the last grouping of 3. Here, an un-classed h3 element is inserted between the first and second h3.A elements. In this case, no 2nd color (i.e. orange) appears, and the 3rd color (i.e. green) shows up on the 2nd instance of h3.A. This shows that the n in h3.A:nth-of-type(n) is counting the h3s, not the h3.As.

Well, hope that helps. And thanks, @BoltClock.

div {_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 2em;_x000D_
  border: red solid 1px;_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
h4 {_x000D_
  font-size: 12pt;_x000D_
  margin: 5px;_x000D_
h3.A:nth-of-type(1) {_x000D_
  background-color: cyan;_x000D_
h3.A:nth-of-type(2) {_x000D_
  background-color: orange;_x000D_
h3.A:nth-of-type(3) {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  <h1 class="A">h1.A #1</h1>_x000D_
  <h1 class="A">h1.A #2</h1>_x000D_
  <h1 class="A">h1.A #3</h1>_x000D_
  <h2 class="A">h2.A #1</h2>_x000D_
  <h4>this intervening element is a different type, i.e. h4 not h2</h4>_x000D_
  <h2 class="A">h2.A #2</h2>_x000D_
  <h2 class="A">h2.A #3</h2>_x000D_
  <h3 class="A">h3.A #1</h3>_x000D_
  <h3>this intervening element is the same type, i.e. h3, but has no class</h3>_x000D_
  <h3 class="A">h3.A #2</h3>_x000D_
  <h3 class="A">h3.A #3</h3>_x000D_

Select default option value from typescript angular 6

In my case I'm using the same markup for editing an existing entity, or creating a brand new one (so far anyway).

I want to display a default-value that is "selected" in the select-elements when in creationMode, while displaying the values form the backend in editMode.

My solution is:

<select [(ngModel)]="" id="property" name="property" required>
  <option disabled hidden value="undefined">Enter prop</option>
  <option *ngFor="let prop of sortedProps" value="{{prop.value}}">{{prop.displayName}}</option>

for the regular available options I'm using a sortedProps Array to provide option choices. But that's not the important part here.

What did the trick for me is setting value="undefined" to let the angular-model-binding (?) select this option automatically when in creationMode. Not sure if its a hack, but does exactly what i want. No addtionally typeScript necessary.

Additionally, sepcifing hidden makes sure the option in my case is not selectable, while required makes sure the form is invalid unless something gets selected there.

How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)

Just start emulator by command line as follow:

emulator -avd <your avd name> -partition-size 1024 -wipe-data