Programs & Examples On #Require method

Android. WebView and loadData

I have this problem, but:

String content = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></head><body>";
content += mydata + "</body></html>";
WebView1.loadData(content, "text/html", "UTF-8");

not work in all devices. And I merge some methods:

String content = 
       "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"+
       "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"+

content += myContent + "</body></html>";

WebView WebView1 = (WebView) findViewById(;
WebView1.loadData(content, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "UTF-8");

It works.

Restore LogCat window within Android Studio

In Android Studio 3.4, In the case in which Logcat does not appear in View->ToolWindows->Logcat (in that case Alt+6 or CMD+6 will also not work), the way to get the logact window is:

  1. File->Profile or debug APK (choose an APK)
  2. Select new window or use current window.
  3. Logcat is now available through the menu (View->ToolWindows->Logcat) or through Alt+6 or CMD+6

This issue is an indication that something is not configured correctly with the Android Studio project. The above solution can be useful:

  1. As a temporary solution when there are configuration issues with the Android Studio project, that for some reason are causing Android Studio to hide the logcat window.
  2. When trying to use the Android Studio logcat window for debugging an app without an Android Studio project.

JOptionPane YES/No Options Confirm Dialog Box Issue

You need to look at the return value of the call to showConfirmDialog. I.E.:

int dialogResult = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, "Would You Like to Save your Previous Note First?","Warning",dialogButton);
if(dialogResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){
  // Saving code here

You were testing against dialogButton, which you were using to set the buttons that should be displayed by the dialog, and this variable was never updated - so dialogButton would never have been anything other than JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION.

Per the Javadoc for showConfirmDialog:

Returns: an integer indicating the option selected by the user

How to subtract 30 days from the current date using SQL Server

Try this:

SELECT      GETDATE(), 'Today'
SELECT      DATEADD(DAY,  10, GETDATE()), '10 Days Later'
SELECT      DATEADD(DAY, –10, GETDATE()), '10 Days Earlier'
SELECT      DATEADD(MONTH,  1, GETDATE()), 'Next Month'
SELECT      DATEADD(MONTH, –1, GETDATE()), 'Previous Month'
SELECT      DATEADD(YEAR,  1, GETDATE()), 'Next Year'
SELECT      DATEADD(YEAR, –1, GETDATE()), 'Previous Year'

Result Set:

———————– —————
2011-05-20 21:11:42.390 Today
2011-05-30 21:11:42.390 10 Days Later
2011-05-10 21:11:42.390 10 Days Earlier
2011-06-20 21:11:42.390 Next Month
2011-04-20 21:11:42.390 Previous Month
2012-05-20 21:11:42.390 Next Year
2010-05-20 21:11:42.390 Previous Year

C# Linq Where Date Between 2 Dates

var QueryNew = _context.Appointments.Include(x => x.Employee).Include(x => => x.CreatedOn >= FromDate).Where(x => x.CreatedOn <= ToDate).Where(x => x.IsActive == true).ToList();

How to use not contains() in xpath?

Should be xpath with not contains() method, //production[not(contains(category,'business'))]

How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)

To resize the storage of the Android emulator in Linux:

1) install qemu

2) Locate the directory containing the img files of the virtual machine. Something like ~/.android/avd/.avd and cd to it.

3) Resize the ext4 images: i.e. for growing from 500Mb to 4Gb execute

qemu-img resize userdata.img +3.5GB
qemu-img resize userdata-qemu.img +3.5GB

4) grow the filesystem:

e2fsck -f userdata.img
resize2fs userdata.img
e2fsck -f userdata-qemu.img
resize2fs userdata-qemu.img

5) For the sd card image, optional: rescue the data:

mkdir 1
mount -o loop sdcard.img 1
cp -a 1 2
umount 1

6) resize the image from 100Mb to Gb:

qemu-img resize sdcard.img +3.9GB

7) re-generate the filesystem:

mkfs.vfat sdcard.img

8) optional: restore the old data:

mount -o loop sdcard.img 1
cp -a 2/* 1
mount -o loop sdcard.img 1 

How to split a single column values to multiple column values?

An alternative to Martin's

select LEFT(name, CHARINDEX(' ', name + ' ') -1),
       STUFF(name, 1, Len(Name) +1- CHARINDEX(' ',Reverse(name)), '')
from somenames

Sample table

create table somenames (Name varchar(100))
insert somenames select 'abcd efgh'
insert somenames select 'ijk lmn opq'
insert somenames select 'asd j. asdjja'
insert somenames select 'asb (asdfas) asd'
insert somenames select 'asd'
insert somenames select ''
insert somenames select null

How can I find matching values in two arrays?

Naturally, my approach was to loop through the first array once and check the index of each value in the second array. If the index is > -1, then push it onto the returned array.

?Array.prototype.diff = function(arr2) {
    var ret = [];
    for(var i in this) {   
        if(arr2.indexOf(this[i]) > -1){
    return ret;

? My solution doesn't use two loops like others do so it may run a bit faster. If you want to avoid using, you can sort both arrays first to reindex all their values:

Array.prototype.diff = function(arr2) {
    var ret = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
        if(arr2.indexOf(this[i]) > -1){
    return ret;

Usage would look like:

var array1 = ["cat", "sum","fun", "run", "hut"];
var array2 = ["bat", "cat","dog","sun", "hut", "gut"];


If you have an issue/problem with extending the Array prototype, you could easily change this to a function.

var diff = function(arr, arr2) {

And you'd change anywhere where the func originally said this to arr2.

Python 3 Building an array of bytes

I think Scapy is what are you looking for.

you can build and send frames (packets) with it

How to change the value of attribute in appSettings section with Web.config transformation

You want something like:

  <add key="developmentModeUserId" xdt:Transform="Remove" xdt:Locator="Match(key)"/>
  <add key="developmentMode" value="false" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes"

See Also: Web.config Transformation Syntax for Web Application Project Deployment

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

Note: Since someone claimed that the external link is dead in Sushant Butta's answer I've posted the content here as a separate answer.

Beware of NULLS.

Today I came across a very strange behaviour of query while using IN and NOT IN operators. Actually I wanted to compare two tables and find out whether a value from table b existed in table a or not and find out its behavior if the column containsnull values. So I just created an environment to test this behavior.

We will create table table_a.

SQL> create table table_a ( a number);
Table created.

We will create table table_b.

SQL> create table table_b ( b number);
Table created.

Insert some values into table_a.

SQL> insert into table_a values (1);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into table_a values (2);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into table_a values (3);
1 row created.

Insert some values into table_b.

SQL> insert into table_b values(4);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into table_b values(3);
1 row created.

Now we will execute a query to check the existence of a value in table_a by checking its value from table_b using IN operator.

SQL> select * from table_a where a in (select * from table_b);

Execute below query to check the non existence.

SQL> select * from table_a where a not in (select * from table_b);

The output came as expected. Now we will insert a null value in the table table_b and see how the above two queries behave.

SQL> insert into table_b values(null);
1 row created.

SQL> select * from table_a where a in (select * from table_b);

SQL> select * from table_a where a not in (select * from table_b);

no rows selected

The first query behaved as expected but what happened to the second query? Why didn't we get any output, what should have happened? Is there any difference in the query? No.

The change is in the data of table table_b. We have introduced a null value in the table. But how come it's behaving like this? Let's split the two queries into "AND" and "OR" operator.

First Query:

The first query will be handled internally something like this. So a null will not create a problem here as my first two operands will either evaluate to true or false. But my third operand a = null will neither evaluate to true nor false. It will evaluate to null only.

select * from table_a whara a = 3 or a = 4 or a = null;

a = 3  is either true or false
a = 4  is either true or false
a = null is null

Second Query:

The second query will be handled as below. Since we are using an "AND" operator and anything other than true in any of the operand will not give me any output.

select * from table_a whara a <> 3 and a <> 4 and a <> null;

a <> 3 is either true or false
a <> 4 is either true or false
a <> null is null

So how do we handle this? We will pick all the not null values from table table_b while using NOT IN operator.

SQL> select * from table_a where a not in (select * from table_b where b is not null);


So always be careful about NULL values in the column while using NOT IN operator.

Beware of NULL!!

from list of integers, get number closest to a given value

Expanding upon Gustavo Lima's answer. The same thing can be done without creating an entirely new list. The values in the list can be replaced with the differentials as the FOR loop progresses.

def f_ClosestVal(v_List, v_Number):
"""Takes an unsorted LIST of INTs and RETURNS INDEX of value closest to an INT"""
for _index, i in enumerate(v_List):
    v_List[_index] = abs(v_Number - i)
return v_List.index(min(v_List))

myList = [1, 88, 44, 4, 4, -2, 3]
v_Num = 5
print(f_ClosestVal(myList, v_Num)) ## Gives "3," the index of the first "4" in the list.

Like Operator in Entity Framework?

It is specifically mentioned in the documentation as part of Entity SQL. Are you getting an error message?

// If an AdventureWorksEntities.Product contained a Name 
// with the value 'Down_Tube', the following query would find that 
// value.
Select value P.Name FROM AdventureWorksEntities.Product 
    as P where P.Name LIKE 'DownA_%' ESCAPE 'A'

Select value P.Name FROM AdventureWorksEntities.Product 
    as P where P.Name like 'BB%'

Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

Abstraction: what are the minimum functions and variables that should be exposed to the outside of our class.

Encapsulation: how to achieve this requirement, meaning how to implement it.

How to move mouse cursor using C#?

First Add a Class called Win32.cs

public class Win32
    public static extern long SetCursorPos(int x, int y);

    public static extern bool ClientToScreen(IntPtr hWnd, ref POINT point);

    public struct POINT
        public int x;
        public int y;

        public POINT(int X, int Y)
            x = X;
            y = Y;

You can use it then like this:

Win32.POINT p = new Win32.POINT(xPos, yPos);

Win32.ClientToScreen(this.Handle, ref p);
Win32.SetCursorPos(p.x, p.y);

how to query LIST using linq

var persons = new List<Person>
        new Person {ID = 1, Name = "jhon", Salary = 2500},
        new Person {ID = 2, Name = "Sena", Salary = 1500},
        new Person {ID = 3, Name = "Max", Salary = 5500},
        new Person {ID = 4, Name = "Gen", Salary = 3500}

var acertainperson = persons.Where(p => p.Name == "jhon").First();
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} points",
    acertainperson.Name, acertainperson.Salary);

jhon: 2500 points

var doingprettywell = persons.Where(p => p.Salary > 2000);
            foreach (var person in doingprettywell)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} points",
                    person.Name, person.Salary);

jhon: 2500 points
Max: 5500 points
Gen: 3500 points

        var astupidcalc = from p in persons
                          where p.ID > 2
                          select new
                                         Name = p.Name,
                                         Bobos = p.Salary*p.ID,
                                         Bobotype = "bobos"
        foreach (var person in astupidcalc)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2}",
                person.Name, person.Bobos, person.Bobotype);

Max: 16500 bobos
Gen: 14000 bobos

How to get Android application id?

If you are using the new** Gradle build system then getPackageName will oddly return application Id, not package name. So MasterGaurav's answer is correct but he doesn't need to start off with ++

If by application id, you're referring to package name...

See more about the differences here.

** not so new at this point

++ I realize that his answer made perfect sense in 2011

Passing parameters in Javascript onClick event

This will work from JS without coupling to HTML:

document.getElementById("click-button").onclick = onClickFunction;

function onClickFunction()
    return functionWithArguments('You clicked the button!');

function functionWithArguments(text) {
    document.getElementById("some-div").innerText = text;

How to change UIButton image in Swift

From your Obc-C code I think you want to set an Image for button so try this way:

let playButton  = UIButton(type: .Custom)
if let image = UIImage(named: "play.png") {
    playButton.setImage(image, forState: .Normal)

In Short:

playButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "play.png"), forState: UIControlState.Normal)

For Swift 3:

let playButton  = UIButton(type: .custom)
playButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "play.png"), for: .normal)

git stash and git pull

When you have changes on your working copy, from command line do:

git stash 

This will stash your changes and clear your status report

git pull

This will pull changes from upstream branch. Make sure it says fast-forward in the report. If it doesn't, you are probably doing an unintended merge

git stash pop

This will apply stashed changes back to working copy and remove the changes from stash unless you have conflicts. In the case of conflict, they will stay in stash so you can start over if needed.

if you need to see what is in your stash

git stash list

How to update npm

nvm install-latest-npm

if you happen to use nvm

How to use a DataAdapter with stored procedure and parameter

 SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Some Connection String");
 SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("ParaEmp_Select",con);
            da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Contactid", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 123;
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;

Hibernate: flush() and commit()

In the Hibernate Manual you can see this example

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
    Customer customer = new Customer(...);;
    if (i % 20 == 0) { // 20, same as the JDBC batch size
        // flush a batch of inserts and release memory:


Without the call to the flush method, your first-level cache would throw an OutOfMemoryException

Also you can look at this post about flushing

Type of expression is ambiguous without more context Swift

In my case, this error message shown when I don't added optional property to constructor.

struct Event: Identifiable, Codable {

    var id: String
    var summary: String
    var description: String?
    // also has other props...

    init(id: String, summary: String, description: String?){ = id
        self.summary = summary
        self.description = description

// skip pass description
// It show message "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context"
    id: "1",
    summary: "summary",

// pass description explicity pass nil to description
    id: "1",
    summary: "summary",
    description: nil

but it looks always not occured.

I test in my playground this code, it show warning about more concrete

var str = "Hello, playground"
struct User {
    var id: String
    var name: String?
    init(id: String, name: String?) { = id = name

User(id: "hoge") // Missing argument for parameter 'name' in call

Proper way to concatenate variable strings

Good question. But I think there is no good answer which fits your criteria. The best I can think of is to use an extra vars file.

A task like this:

- include_vars: concat.yml

And in concat.yml you have your definition:

newvar: "{{ var1 }}-{{ var2 }}-{{ var3 }}"

Using grep to search for a string that has a dot in it

There are so many answers here suggesting to escape the dot with \. but I have been running into this issue over and over again: \. gives me the same result as .

However, these two expressions work for me:

$ grep -r 0\\.49 *


$ grep -r 0[.]49 *

I'm using a "normal" bash shell on Ubuntu and Archlinux.

Edit, or, according to comments:

$ grep -r '0\.49' *

Note, the single-quotes doing the difference here.

PHP - Merging two arrays into one array (also Remove Duplicates)

It will merger two array and remove duplicate

 $first = 'your first array';
 $second = 'your second array';
 $result = array_merge($first,$second);
 $result1= array_unique($result);

Try this link link1

Java random number with given length

int rand = (new Random()).getNextInt(900000) + 100000;

EDIT: Fixed off-by-1 error and removed invalid solution.

Get the (last part of) current directory name in C#

Well, to exactly answer your question title :-)

var lastPartOfCurrentDirectoryName = 

Scroll to bottom of Div on page load (jQuery)

I'm working in a legacy codebase trying to migrate to Vue.

In my specific situation (scrollable div wrapped in a bootstrap modal), a v-if showed new content, which I wanted the page to scroll down to. In order to get this behaviour to work, I had to wait for vue to finish re-rendering, and then use jQuery to scroll to the bottom of the modal.


this.$nextTick(function() {
    $('#thing')[0].scrollTop = $('#thing')[0].scrollHeight;

Refused to load the script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive

For anyone looking for a complete explanation, I recommend you to take a look at Content Security Policy:

"Code from should only have access to’s data, and should certainly never be allowed access. Each origin is kept isolated from the rest of the web"

XSS attacks are based on the browser's inability to distinguish your app's code from code downloaded from another website. So you must whitelist the content origins that you consider safe to download content from, using the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header.

This policy is described using a series of policy directives, each of which describes the policy for a certain resource type or policy area. Your policy should include a default-src policy directive, which is a fallback for other resource types when they don't have policies of their own.

So, if you modify your tag to:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *;**script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';** ">

You are saying that you are authorizing the execution of JavaScript code (script-src) from the origins 'self',, 'unsafe-inline', 'unsafe-eval'.

I guess that the first two are perfectly valid for your use case, I am a bit unsure about the other ones. 'unsafe-line' and 'unsafe-eval' pose a security problem, so you should not be using them unless you have a very specific need for them:

"If eval and its text-to-JavaScript brethren are completely essential to your application, you can enable them by adding 'unsafe-eval' as an allowed source in a script-src directive. But, again, please don’t. Banning the ability to execute strings makes it much more difficult for an attacker to execute unauthorized code on your site." (Mike West, Google)

Getting Date or Time only from a DateTime Object

var day = value.Date; // a DateTime that will just be whole days
var time = value.TimeOfDay; // a TimeSpan that is the duration into the day

Could not find or load main class

i guess that you have a different class name in

Convert a List<T> into an ObservableCollection<T>

The Observable Collection constructor will take an IList or an IEnumerable.

If you find that you are going to do this a lot you can make a simple extension method:

    public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
        return new ObservableCollection<T>(enumerable);

Mockito - NullpointerException when stubbing Method

None of these answers worked for me. This answer doesn't solve OP's issue but since this post is the only one that shows up on googling this issue, I'm sharing my answer here.

I came across this issue while writing unit tests for Android. The issue was that the activity that I was testing extended AppCompatActivity instead of Activity. To fix this, I was able to just replace AppCompatActivity with Activity since I didn't really need it. This might not be a viable solution for everyone, but hopefully knowing the root cause will help someone.

JSON array get length

At my Version the function to get the lenght or size was Count()

You're Welcome, hope it help someone.

How to install a specific JDK on Mac OS X?

There are various tricky issues with having multiple versions of Java (Apple's own Java 6 and Oracle JDK 7 or even 8) on one's Mac OS X system, and using different versions for different applications. I spent some time writing up my experience of my experience of installing and configuring various versions of JDK on Mac OS X 10.9.2.

Oracle "(+)" Operator

In practice, the + symbol is placed directly in the conditional statement and on the side of the optional table (the one which is allowed to contain empty or null values within the conditional).

MAX function in where clause mysql

Some Mysql versions disallow 'limit' inside of a sub select. My answer to you (and me in the future) would be to use groups

select firstName,Lastname,id 
where {whatever}
group by id
having max(id)

This allows you to return whatever you want in the select area, without having an aggregate field.

Angular 4: How to include Bootstrap?

first install bootstrap in your project using npm npm i bootstrap after that open ur style.css file in your project and add this line

@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

and that's it bootstrap added in your project

How can I view array structure in JavaScript with alert()?

You could write a function that will convert and format this array as string. Even better: use FireBug for debugging instead of alerts.

How to write a shell script that runs some commands as superuser and some commands not as superuser, without having to babysit it?

Well, you have some options.

You could configure sudo to not prompt for a password. This is not recommended, due to the security risks.

You could write an expect script to read the password and supply it to sudo when required, but that's clunky and fragile.

I would recommend designing the script to run as root and drop its privileges whenever they're not needed. Simply have it sudo -u someotheruser command for the commands that don't require root.

(If they have to run specifically as the user invoking the script, then you could have the script save the uid and invoke a second script via sudo with the id as an argument, so it knows who to su to..)

Jquery how to find an Object by attribute in an Array

copied from polyfill Array.prototype.find code of Array.find, and added the array as first parameter.

you can pass the search term as predicate function

// Example_x000D_
var listOfObjects = [{key: "1", value: "one"}, {key: "2", value: "two"}]_x000D_
var result = findInArray(listOfObjects, function(element) {_x000D_
  return element.key == "1";_x000D_
// the function you want_x000D_
function findInArray(listOfObjects, predicate) {_x000D_
      if (listOfObjects == null) {_x000D_
        throw new TypeError('listOfObjects is null or not defined');_x000D_
      var o = Object(listOfObjects);_x000D_
      var len = o.length >>> 0;_x000D_
      if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {_x000D_
        throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');_x000D_
      var thisArg = arguments[1];_x000D_
      var k = 0;_x000D_
      while (k < len) {_x000D_
        var kValue = o[k];_x000D_
        if (, kValue, k, o)) {_x000D_
          return kValue;_x000D_
      return undefined;_x000D_

how to set ulimit / file descriptor on docker container the image tag is phusion/baseimage-docker

Here is what I did.

set ulimit -n 32000 in the file /etc/init.d/docker

and restart the docker service

docker run -ti node:latest /bin/bash

run this command to verify

user@4d04d06d5022:/# ulimit -a

should see this in the result

open files (-n) 32000

[user@ip ec2-user]# docker run -ti node /bin/bash
user@4d04d06d5022:/# ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 58729
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 32000
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 10240
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 58729
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited

HTTP authentication logout via PHP

Logout from HTTP Basic Auth in two steps

Let’s say I have a HTTP Basic Auth realm named “Password protected”, and Bob is logged in. To log out I make 2 AJAX requests:

  1. Access script /logout_step1. It adds a random temporary user to .htusers and responds with its login and password.
  2. Access script /logout_step2 authenticated with the temporary user’s login and password. The script deletes the temporary user and adds this header on the response: WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Password protected"

At this point browser forgot Bob’s credentials.

Programmatically close aspx page from code behind

UPDATE: I have taken all of your input and came up with the following solution:

In code behind:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(typeof(Page), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();");

In aspx page:

function CloseWindow() {

Change the current directory from a Bash script

If you are using bash you can try alias:

into the .bashrc file add this line:

alias p='cd /home/serdar/my_new_folder/path/'

when you write "p" on the command line, it will change the directory.

Return True, False and None in Python

It's impossible to say without seeing your actual code. Likely the reason is a code path through your function that doesn't execute a return statement. When the code goes down that path, the function ends with no value returned, and so returns None.

Updated: It sounds like your code looks like this:

def b(self, p, data): 
    current = p 
    if == data: 
        return True 
    elif == 1:
        return False 
        self.b(, data)

That else clause is your None path. You need to return the value that the recursive call returns:

        return self.b(, data)

BTW: using recursion for iterative programs like this is not a good idea in Python. Use iteration instead. Also, you have no clear termination condition.

Writing unit tests in Python: How do I start?

As others already replied, it's late to write unit tests, but not too late. The question is whether your code is testable or not. Indeed, it's not easy to put existing code under test, there is even a book about this: Working Effectively with Legacy Code (see key points or precursor PDF).

Now writing the unit tests or not is your call. You just need to be aware that it could be a tedious task. You might tackle this to learn unit-testing or consider writing acceptance (end-to-end) tests first, and start writing unit tests when you'll change the code or add new feature to the project.

Android - Pulling SQlite database android device

Using Android Studio 3.0 or later version it is possible to pull database (also shared preference, cache directory and others) if application runs in debug mode on non-rooted device.

To pull database using android studio follow these steps.

  1. Click View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer.
  2. Expand /data/data/[package-name] nodes.

Steps followed in Android Studio 3.0

Breaking up long strings on multiple lines in Ruby without stripping newlines

You can use \ to indicate that any line of Ruby continues on the next line. This works with strings too:

string = "this is a \
string that spans lines"

puts string.inspect

will output "this is a string that spans lines"

How do I push amended commit to the remote Git repository?

If you know nobody has pulled your un-amended commit, use the --force-with-lease option of git push.

In TortoiseGit, you can do the same thing under "Push..." options "Force: May discard" and checking "known changes".

Force (May discard known changes) allows the remote repository to accept a safer non-fast-forward push. This can cause the remote repository to lose commits; use it with care. This can prevent from losing unknown changes from other people on the remote. It checks if the server branch points to the same commit as the remote-tracking branch (known changes). If yes, a force push will be performed. Otherwise it will be rejected. Since git does not have remote-tracking tags, tags cannot be overwritten using this option.

Null check in VB

Your code is way more cluttered than necessary.

Replace (Not (X Is Nothing)) with X IsNot Nothing and omit the outer parentheses:

If comp.Container IsNot Nothing AndAlso comp.Container.Components IsNot Nothing Then
    For i As Integer = 0 To comp.Container.Components.Count() - 1
        fixUIIn(comp.Container.Components(i), style)
End If

Much more readable. … Also notice that I’ve removed the redundant Step 1 and the probably redundant .Item.

But (as pointed out in the comments), index-based loops are out of vogue anyway. Don’t use them unless you absolutely have to. Use For Each instead:

If comp.Container IsNot Nothing AndAlso comp.Container.Components IsNot Nothing Then
    For Each component In comp.Container.Components
        fixUIIn(component, style)
End If

How to install the Sun Java JDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)?

Update (2010/10/01): Yesss, Sun Java Finally Uploaded To The Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Official Partner Repository.

Update (2010/09/27): Readers might want to check Sun Java6 Packages [updated]. I still expect official packages to be available in the partner repos at releast time though.

For an unknown reason, the sun-java6-jdk are not yet available in the partner repositories.

So either downloaded the required packages from and install them with dpkg -i.

Or temporarily replace the maverick partner repository maverick partner

by the lucid one (replace maverick by lucid in the above line, let me know if you need more help to do this). Then, install sun-java6. And revert the change.

Adding elements to a collection during iteration

Besides the solution of using an additional list and calling addAll to insert the new items after the iteration (as e.g. the solution by user Nat), you can also use concurrent collections like the CopyOnWriteArrayList.

The "snapshot" style iterator method uses a reference to the state of the array at the point that the iterator was created. This array never changes during the lifetime of the iterator, so interference is impossible and the iterator is guaranteed not to throw ConcurrentModificationException.

With this special collection (usually used for concurrent access) it is possible to manipulate the underlying list while iterating over it. However, the iterator will not reflect the changes.

Is this better than the other solution? Probably not, I don't know the overhead introduced by the Copy-On-Write approach.

Sound effects in JavaScript / HTML5

WebAudio API by W3C

As of July 2012, the WebAudio API is now supported in Chrome, and at least partly supported in Firefox, and is slated to be added to IOS as of version 6.

Although it is robust enough to be used programatically for basic tasks, the Audio element was never meant to provide full audio support for games, etc. It was designed to allow a single piece of media to be embedded in a page, similar to an img tag. There are a lot of issues with trying to use the Audio tag for games:

  • Timing slips are common with Audio elements
  • You need an Audio element for each instance of a sound
  • Load events aren't totally reliable, yet
  • No common volume controls, no fading, no filters/effects

I used this Getting Started With WebAudio article to get started with the WebAudio API. The FieldRunners WebAudio Case Study is also a good read.

Monitor the Graphics card usage

If you develop in Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 versions, you can use their GPU Usage tool:

Screenshot from MSDN: enter image description here

Moreover, it seems you can diagnose any application with it, not only Visual Studio Projects:

In addition to Visual Studio projects you can also collect GPU usage data on any loose .exe applications that you have sitting around. Just open the executable as a solution in Visual Studio and then start up a diagnostics session and you can target it with GPU usage. This way if you are using some type of engine or alternative development environment you can still collect data on it as long as you end up with an executable.


What is the difference between a mutable and immutable string in C#?

Immutable :

When you do some operation on a object, it creates a new object hence state is not modifiable as in case of string.


When you perform some operation on a object, object itself modified no new obect created as in case of StringBuilder

Calculating the position of points in a circle

Here is an R version based on the @Pirijan answer above.

points <- 8
radius <- 10
center_x <- 5
center_y <- 5

drawCirclePoints <- function(points, radius, center_x, center_y) {
  slice <- 2 * pi / points
  angle <- slice * seq(0, points, by = 1)

  newX <- center_x + radius * cos(angle)
  newY <- center_y + radius * sin(angle)

  plot(newX, newY)

drawCirclePoints(points, radius, center_x, center_y)

Importing a function from a class in another file?

You can use the below syntax -

from FolderName.FileName import Classname

Remove all git files from a directory?

ls | xargs find 2>/dev/null | egrep /\.git$ | xargs rm -rf

This command (and it is just one command) will recursively remove .git directories (and files) that are in a directory without deleting the top-level git repo, which is handy if you want to commit all of your files without managing any submodules.

find 2>/dev/null | egrep /\.git$ | xargs rm -rf

This command will do the same thing, but will also delete the .git folder from the top-level directory.

change background image in body

If you have JQuery loaded already, you can just do this:

$('body').css('background-image', 'url(../images/backgrounds/header-top.jpg)');


First load JQuery in the head tag:

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then call the Javascript to change the background image when something happens on the page, like when it finishes loading:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('body').css('background-image', 'url(../images/backgrounds/header-top.jpg)');

.gitignore all the .DS_Store files in every folder and subfolder

Step :1)Remove the existing files using this command

find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch

Step : 2)Add .DS_Store in your .gitignore file

Step :3) Commit your changes in .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -m "removed .DS_Store"

How to parse dates in multiple formats using SimpleDateFormat

Implemented the same in scala, Please help urself with converting to Java, the core logic and functions used stays the same.

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils

object MultiDataFormat {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

val dates =Array("2015-10-31","26/12/2015","19-10-2016")

val possibleDateFormats:Array[String] = Array("yyyy-MM-dd","dd/MM/yyyy","dd-MM-yyyy")

val sdf =  new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") //change it as per the requirement
  for (date<-dates) {
    val outputDate = DateUtils.parseDateStrictly(date, possibleDateFormats)
    System.out.println("inputDate ==> " + date + ", outputDate ==> " +outputDate + " " + sdf.format(outputDate) )


Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms'

I've solved the problem by copying both

  • Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\ReportViewer
  • and Microsoft.reportviewer.common.dll from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\ADDINS\PowerPivot Excel Add-in

into bin folder (website).

Of course web.config must have:

        <add path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" verb="*" type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" validate="false" />


        <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91" />
        <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91" />

        <add extension=".rdlc" type="Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" />

        <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
            <add name="ReportViewerWebControlHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" />

And that's all. For me is ok.

Hope this helps.

How to change Rails 3 server default port in develoment?

If you're using puma (I'm using this on Rails 6+):

To change default port for all environments:

The "{3000}" part sets the default port if undefined in ENV.


    port ENV.fetch('PORT') { 3000 }
    port ENV.fetch('PORT') { 10524 }

To define it depending on the environment, using Figaro gem for credentials/environment variable:

local_db_username: your_user_name
?local_db_password: your_password
PORT: 10524

You can adapt this to you own environment variable manager.

Setting the character encoding in form submit for Internet Explorer

For Russian symbols 'windows-1251'

<form action="yourProcessPage.php" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input name="string" value="string" />

When simply convert string to cp1251

$string = $_POST['string'];
$string = mb_convert_encoding($string, "CP1251", "UTF-8");

PHP - Modify current object in foreach loop

Surely using array_map and if using a container implementing ArrayAccess to derive objects is just a smarter, semantic way to go about this?

Array map semantics are similar across most languages and implementations that I've seen. It's designed to return a modified array based upon input array element (high level ignoring language compile/runtime type preference); a loop is meant to perform more logic.

For retrieving objects by ID / PK, depending upon if you are using SQL or not (it seems suggested), I'd use a filter to ensure I get an array of valid PK's, then implode with comma and place into an SQL IN() clause to return the result-set. It makes one call instead of several via SQL, optimising a bit of the call->wait cycle. Most importantly my code would read well to someone from any language with a degree of competence and we don't run into mutability problems.


$arr = [0,1,2,3,4];
$arr2 = array_map(function($value) { return is_int($value) ? $value*2 : $value; }, $arr);



$arr = [0,1,2,3,4];
foreach($arr as $i => $item) {
    $arr[$i] = is_int($item) ? $item * 2 : $item;

If you know what you are doing will never have mutability problems (bearing in mind if you intend upon overwriting $arr you could always $arr = array_map and be explicit.

Java Array Sort descending?

There is a way that might be a little bit longer, but it works fine. This is a method to sort an int array descendingly.

Hope that this will help someone ,,, some day:

public static int[] sortArray (int[] array) {
    int [] sortedArray = new int[array.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < sortedArray.length; i++) {
        sortedArray[i] = array[i];
    boolean flag = true;
    int temp;
    while (flag) {
        flag = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < sortedArray.length - 1; i++) {
            if(sortedArray[i] < sortedArray[i+1]) {
                temp = sortedArray[i];
                sortedArray[i] = sortedArray[i+1];
                sortedArray[i+1] = temp;
                flag = true;
    return sortedArray;

Replace all whitespace with a line break/paragraph mark to make a word list

  1. option 1

    echo $(cat testfile)
  2. Option 2

    tr ' ' '\n' < testfile

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

This works in all browsers including earlier IE versions.

var arr = [];
[].push.apply(arr, htmlCollection);

Since jsperf is still down at the moment, here is a jsfiddle that compares the performance of different methods.

What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?

How to uncomment the following three lines in vi:

#code code
#code code code

Place the cursor over the upper left # symbol and press CtrlV. This puts you in visual block mode. Press the down arrow or J three times to select all three lines. Then press D. All the comments disappear. To undo, press U.

How to comment the following three lines in vi:

code code
code code code

Place the cursor over the upper left character, press CtrlV. This puts you in visual block mode. Press ? or J three times to select all three lines. Then press:


That's a capital I, //, and Escape.

When you press ESC, all the selected lines will get the comment symbol you specified.

Display unescaped HTML in Vue.js

Vue by default ships with the v-html directive to show it, you bind it onto the element itself rather than using the normal moustache binding for string variables.

So for your specific example you would need:

<div id="logapp">    
            <tr v-repeat="logs">
                <td v-html="fail"></td>
                <td v-html="type"></td>
                <td v-html="description"></td>
                <td v-html="stamp"></td>
                <td v-html="id"></td>

How can I read inputs as numbers?

input() (Python 3) and raw_input() (Python 2) always return strings. Convert the result to integer explicitly with int().

x = int(input("Enter a number: "))
y = int(input("Enter a number: "))

What exactly does Double mean in java?

Double is a wrapper class,

The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object. An object of type Double contains a single field whose type is double.

In addition, this class provides several methods for converting a double to a String and a String to a double, as well as other constants and methods useful when dealing with a double.

The double data type,

The double data type is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Its range of values is 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d (positive or negative). For decimal values, this data type is generally the default choice. As mentioned above, this data type should never be used for precise values, such as currency.

Check each datatype with their ranges : Java's Primitive Data Types.

Important Note : If you'r thinking to use double for precise values, you need to re-think before using it. Java Traps: double

Using two CSS classes on one element

If you only have two items, you can do this:

.social {
    width: 330px;
    height: 75px;
    float: right;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 10px 0;
    border: none;

.social:first-child { 
    border-bottom: dotted 1px #6d6d6d;

What is the most efficient way of finding all the factors of a number in Python?

 import math

    I applied finding prime factorization to solve this. (Trial Division)
    It's not complicated

    def generate_factors(n):
        lower_bound_check = int(math.sqrt(n))  # determine lowest bound divisor range [16 = 4]
        factors = set()  # store factors
        for divisors in range(1, lower_bound_check + 1):  # loop [1 .. 4]
            if n % divisors == 0:
                factors.add(divisors)  # lower bound divisor is found 16 [ 1, 2, 4]
                factors.add(n // divisors)  # get upper divisor from lower [ 16 / 1 = 16, 16 / 2 = 8, 16 / 4 = 4]
        return factors  # [1, 2, 4, 8 16]

    print(generate_factors(12)) # {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12} -> pycharm output

 Pierre Vriens hopefully this makes more sense. this is an O(nlogn) solution. 

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem

The problem could be that the Python libraries, per HTTP-Standard, first send an unauthenticated request, and then only if it's answered with a 401 retry, are the correct credentials sent. If the Foursquare servers don't do "totally standard authentication" then the libraries won't work.

Try using headers to do authentication:

import urllib2, base64

request = urllib2.Request("")
base64string = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (username, password))
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)   
result = urllib2.urlopen(request)

Had the same problem as you and found the solution from this thread:

Delete statement in SQL is very slow

After inspecting an SSIS Package(due to a SQL Server executing commands really slow), that was set up in a client of ours about 5-4 years before the time of me writing this, I found out that there were the below tasks: 1) insert data from an XML file into a table called [Importbarcdes].

2) merge command on an another target table, using as source the above mentioned table.

3) "delete from [Importbarcodes]", to clear the table of the row that was inserted after the XML file was read by the task of the SSIS Package.

After a quick inspection all statements(SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE etc.) on the table ImportBarcodes that had only 1 row, took about 2 minutes to execute.

Extended Events showed a whole lot PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait notifications.

No indexes were present of the table and no triggers were registered.

Upon close inspection of the properties of the table, in the Storage Tab and under general section, the Data Space field showed more than 6 GIGABYTES of space allocated in pages.

What happened:

The query ran for a good portion of time each day for the last 4 years, inserting and deleting data in the table, leaving unused pagefiles behind with out freeing them up.

So, that was the main reason of the wait events that were captured by the Extended Events Session and the slowly executed commands upon the table.

Running ALTER TABLE ImportBarcodes REBUILD fixed the issue freeing up all the unused space. TRUNCATE TABLE ImportBarcodes did a similar thing, with the only difference of deleting all pagefiles and data.

Show all tables inside a MySQL database using PHP?

$dbname = 'mysql_dbname';
if (!mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password')) {
echo 'Could not connect to mysql';
$sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM $dbname";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
echo "DB Error, could not list tables\n";
echo 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
echo "Table: {$row[0]}\n";
//Try This code is running perfectly !!!!!!!!!!

Return Result from Select Query in stored procedure to a List

 SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

 command = new SqlCommand("TestProcedure", connection);
 command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;


 DataTable dt = new DataTable();


 gvGrid.DataSource = dt;

Readably print out a python dict() sorted by key

Another short oneliner:

mydict = {'c': 1, 'b': 2, 'a': 3}
print(*sorted(mydict.items()), sep='\n')

Inserting an item in a Tuple

You absolutely need to make a new tuple -- then you can rebind the name (or whatever reference[s]) from the old tuple to the new one. The += operator can help (if there was only one reference to the old tuple), e.g.:

thetup += ('1200.00',)

does the appending and rebinding in one fell swoop.

Aggregate a dataframe on a given column and display another column

Here is a solution using the plyr package.

The following line of code essentially tells ddply to first group your data by Group, and then within each group returns a subset where the Score equals the maximum score in that group.

ddply(data, .(Group), function(x)x[x$Score==max(x$Score), ])

  Group Score Info
1     1     3    c
2     2     4    d

And, as @SachaEpskamp points out, this can be further simplified to:

ddply(df, .(Group), function(x)x[which.max(x$Score), ])

(which also has the advantage that which.max will return multiple max lines, if there are any).

Python handling socket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

There is a way to catch the error directly in the except clause with ConnectionResetError, better to isolate the right error. This example also catches the timeout.

from urllib.request import urlopen 
from socket import timeout

url = "http://......"
    string = urlopen(url, timeout=5).read()
except ConnectionResetError:
    print("==> ConnectionResetError")
except timeout: 
    print("==> Timeout")

How to directly move camera to current location in Google Maps Android API v2?

The above answer is not according to what Google Doc Referred for Location Tracking in Google api v2.

I just followed the official tutorial and ended up with this class that is fetching the current location and centring the map on it as soon as i get that.

you can extend this class to have LocationReciever to have periodic Location Update. I just executed this code on api level 7

Here it goes.

import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;


public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements 

private SupportMapFragment mapFragment;
private GoogleMap map;
private LocationClient mLocationClient;
 * Define a request code to send to Google Play services
 * This code is returned in Activity.onActivityResult
private final static int CONNECTION_FAILURE_RESOLUTION_REQUEST = 9000;

// Define a DialogFragment that displays the error dialog
public static class ErrorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {

    // Global field to contain the error dialog
    private Dialog mDialog;

    // Default constructor. Sets the dialog field to null
    public ErrorDialogFragment() {
        mDialog = null;

    // Set the dialog to display
    public void setDialog(Dialog dialog) {
        mDialog = dialog;

    // Return a Dialog to the DialogFragment.
    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return mDialog;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mLocationClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this);

    mapFragment = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
    map = mapFragment.getMap();



 * Called when the Activity becomes visible.
protected void onStart() {
    // Connect the client.


 * Called when the Activity is no longer visible.
protected void onStop() {
    // Disconnecting the client invalidates it.

 * Handle results returned to the FragmentActivity
 * by Google Play services
protected void onActivityResult(
                int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    // Decide what to do based on the original request code
    switch (requestCode) {

             * If the result code is Activity.RESULT_OK, try
             * to connect again
            switch (resultCode) {
                case Activity.RESULT_OK:


private boolean isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() {
    // Check that Google Play services is available
    int resultCode =  GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);
    // If Google Play services is available
    if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS == resultCode) {
        // In debug mode, log the status
        Log.d("Location Updates", "Google Play services is available.");
        return true;
    } else {
        // Get the error dialog from Google Play services
        Dialog errorDialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog( resultCode,

        // If Google Play services can provide an error dialog
        if (errorDialog != null) {
            // Create a new DialogFragment for the error dialog
            ErrorDialogFragment errorFragment = new ErrorDialogFragment();
  , "Location Updates");

        return false;

 * Called by Location Services when the request to connect the
 * client finishes successfully. At this point, you can
 * request the current location or start periodic updates
public void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
    // Display the connection status
    Toast.makeText(this, "Connected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    Location location = mLocationClient.getLastLocation();
    LatLng latLng = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
    CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(latLng, 17);

 * Called by Location Services if the connection to the
 * location client drops because of an error.
public void onDisconnected() {
    // Display the connection status
    Toast.makeText(this, "Disconnected. Please re-connect.",

 * Called by Location Services if the attempt to
 * Location Services fails.
public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
     * Google Play services can resolve some errors it detects.
     * If the error has a resolution, try sending an Intent to
     * start a Google Play services activity that can resolve
     * error.
    if (connectionResult.hasResolution()) {
        try {
            // Start an Activity that tries to resolve the error
            * Thrown if Google Play services canceled the original
            * PendingIntent
        } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
            // Log the error
    } else {
       Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Sorry. Location services not available to you", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


How to decide when to use Node.js?

The most important reasons to start your next project using Node ...

  • All the coolest dudes are into it ... so it must be fun.
  • You can hangout at the cooler and have lots of Node adventures to brag about.
  • You're a penny pincher when it comes to cloud hosting costs.
  • Been there done that with Rails
  • You hate IIS deployments
  • Your old IT job is getting rather dull and you wish you were in a shiny new Start Up.

What to expect ...

  • You'll feel safe and secure with Express without all the server bloatware you never needed.
  • Runs like a rocket and scales well.
  • You dream it. You installed it. The node package repo is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
  • Your brain will get time warped in the land of nested callbacks ...
  • ... until you learn to keep your Promises.
  • Sequelize and Passport are your new API friends.
  • Debugging mostly async code will get umm ... interesting .
  • Time for all Noders to master Typescript.

Who uses it?

  • PayPal, Netflix, Walmart, LinkedIn, Groupon, Uber, GoDaddy, Dow Jones
  • Here's why they switched to Node.

What's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>?

<b> and <i> are both related to style, whereas <em> and <strong> are semantic. In HTML 4, the first are classified as font style elements, and the latter as phrase elements.

As you indicated correctly, <i> and <em> are often considered similar, because browsers often render both in italics. But according to the specifications, <em> indicates emphasis and <strong> indicates stronger emphasis, which is quite clear, but often misinterpreted. On the other hand, the distinction between when to use <i> or <b> is really a matter of style.

ASP.NET Core Get Json Array using IConfiguration

This worked for me to return an array of strings from my config:

var allowedMethods = Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:CORS-Settings:Allow-Methods")

My configuration section looks like this:

"AppSettings": {
    "CORS-Settings": {
        "Allow-Origins": [ "http://localhost:8000" ],
        "Allow-Methods": [ "OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","POST","PUT","DELETE" ]

How can I remove the last character of a string in python?

The easiest is

as @greggo pointed out


show validation error messages on submit in angularjs

Try this code:

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save" onClick="validateTester()">

This funvtion will validate your result

function validateTester() {
    var flag = true
    var Tester = document.forms.Tester
    if (Tester.line1.value!="JavaScript") {
        alert("First box must say 'JavaScript'!")
        flag = false
    if (Tester.line2.value!="Kit") {
        alert("Second box must say 'Kit'!")
        flag = false
    if (flag) {
        alert("Form is valid! Submitting form...")

Passing Objects By Reference or Value in C#

One more code sample to showcase this:

void Main()

    int k = 0;
    Console.WriteLine("TestPlain:" + k);

    TestRef(ref k);
    Console.WriteLine("TestRef:" + k);

    string t = "test";

    Console.WriteLine("TestObjPlain:" +t);

    TestObjRef(ref t);
    Console.WriteLine("TestObjRef:" + t);

public static void TestPlain(int i)
    i = 5;

public static void TestRef(ref int i)
    i = 5;

public static void TestObjPlain(string s)
    s = "TestObjPlain";

public static void TestObjRef(ref string s)
    s = "TestObjRef";

And the output:





Select box arrow style

Browsers and OS's determine the style of the select boxes in most cases, and it's next to impossible to alter them with CSS alone. You'll have to look into replacement methods. The main trick is to apply appearance: none which lets you override some of the styling.

My favourite method is this one:

It doesn't replace the OS select menu UI element so all the problems related to doing that are non-existant (not being able to break out of the browser window with a long list being the main one).

Good luck :)

PHP Error: Function name must be a string

A useful explanation to how braces are used (in addition to Filip Ekberg's useful answer, above) can be found in the short paper Parenthesis in Programming Languages.

Export data to Excel file with ASP.NET MVC 4 C# is rendering into view

I used a list in my controller class to set data into grid view. The code works fine for me:

public ActionResult ExpExcl()
  List<PersonModel> person= new List<PersonModel>
    new PersonModel() {FirstName= "Jenny", LastName="Mathew", Age= 23},
    new PersonModel() {FirstName= "Paul", LastName="Meehan", Age=25}
   var grid= new GridView();
   grid.DataSource= person;

   Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","attachement; filename=data.xls");
   StringWriter sw= new StringWriter();
   HtmlTextWriter htw= new HtmlTextWriter(sw); 
   return View();

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: dexpathlist

i had this issue before and the comments here helped in the past but this time it did not. i checked my proguard configuration and i removed the following lines and then it worked so proguard can have something to do with this error:

 -optimizationpasses 5
        -repackageclasses ''

How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd

You can use VBScript, for example, file myscript.vbs:

set wsobject = wscript.createobject("")

do while 1=1 "SnippingTool.exe",0,TRUE
    wscript.sleep 3000

Batch file:

cscript myscript.vbs %1

How to make div occupy remaining height?

I tried with CSS, and or you need to use display: table or you need to use new css that is not yet supported on most browsers (2016).

So, I wrote a jquery plugin to do it for us, I am happy to share it:

//Credit Efy Teicher_x000D_
$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
        window.onresize = function (event) {_x000D_
        $.fn.fillHeight = function () {_x000D_
            var siblingsHeight = 0;_x000D_
            this.siblings("div").each(function () {_x000D_
                siblingsHeight = siblingsHeight + $(this).height();_x000D_
            var height = this.parent().height() - siblingsHeight;_x000D_
        $.fn.fillWidth = function (){_x000D_
            var siblingsWidth = 0;_x000D_
            this.siblings("div").each(function () {_x000D_
                siblingsWidth  += $(this).width();_x000D_
            var width =this.parent().width() - siblingsWidth;_x000D_
      * {_x000D_
            box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
        html {_x000D_
        html, body, .fillParent {_x000D_
            height: 100%;_x000D_
            margin: 0;_x000D_
            padding: 0;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="fillParent" style="background-color:antiquewhite">_x000D_
        <div class="fillHight">_x000D_
            no2 fill_x000D_
        <div class="deb">_x000D_

Choosing bootstrap vs material design

As far as I know you can use all mentioned technologies separately or together. It's up to you. I think you look at the problem from the wrong angle. Material Design is just the way particular elements of the page are designed, behave and put together. Material Design provides great UI/UX, but it relies on the graphic layout (HTML/CSS) rather than JS (events, interactions).

On the other hand, AngularJS and Bootstrap are front-end frameworks that can speed up your development by saving you from writing tons of code. For example, you can build web app utilizing AngularJS, but without Material Design. Or You can build simple HTML5 web page with Material Design without AngularJS or Bootstrap. Finally you can build web app that uses AngularJS with Bootstrap and with Material Design. This is the best scenario. All technologies support each other.

  1. Bootstrap = responsive page
  2. AngularJS = MVC
  3. Material Design = great UI/UX

You can check awesome material design components for AngularJS:

enter image description here

Demo: enter image description here

Formatting ISODate from Mongodb

MongoDB's ISODate() is just a helper function that wraps a JavaScript date object and makes it easier to work with ISO date strings.

You can still use all of the same methods as working with a normal JS Date, such as:


// Note that getHours() and getMinutes() do not include leading 0s for single digit #s

How to set a cookie to expire in 1 hour in Javascript?

Code :

var now = new Date();
var time = now.getTime();
time += 3600 * 1000;
document.cookie = 
'username=' + value + 
'; expires=' + now.toUTCString() + 
'; path=/';

Link a photo with the cell in excel

There is a much simpler way. Put your picture in a comment box within the description cell. That way you only have one column and when you sort the picture will always stay with the description. Okay... Right click the cell containing the description... Insert comment...right click the outer border... Format comment...colours and lines tab... Colour drop down...Fill effects...Picture picture...browse for your picture (it might be best to keep all pictures in one folder for ease of placement)...ok... you will probably need to go to the size tab and frig around with the height and width. Done... You now only need to mouse over the red in the top right corner of the cell and the picture will magic.

This method means that the row height can be kept to a minimum and the pictures can be as big as you like.

Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened. Operating System Error Code 3

I have solved this issue,

login to server computer where SQL Server is installed get you csv file on server computer and execute your query it will insert the records.

If you will give datatype compatibility issue change the datatype for that column

Command to escape a string in bash

It may not be quite what you want, since it's not a standard command on anyone's systems, but since my program should work fine on POSIX systems (if compiled), I'll mention it anyway. If you have the ability to compile or add programs on the machine in question, it should work.

I've used it without issue for about a year now, but it could be that it won't handle some edge cases. Most specifically, I have no idea what it would do with newlines in strings; a case for \\n might need to be added. This list of characters is not authoritative, but I believe it covers everything else.

I wrote this specifically as a 'helper' program so I could make a wrapper for things like scp commands.

It can likely be implemented as a shell function as well

I therefore present escapify.c. I use it like so:

scp user@host:"$(escapify "/this/path/needs to be escaped/file.c")" destination_file.c

PLEASE NOTE: I made this program for my own personal use. It also will (probably wrongly) assume that if it is given more than one argument that it should just print an unescaped space and continue on. This means that it can be used to pass multiple escaped arguments correctly, but could be seen as unwanted behavior by some.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char c='\0';
  int i=0;
  int j=1;
  /* do not care if no args passed; escaped nothing is still nothing. */
  if(argc < 2)
    return 0;
      /* this switch has no breaks on purpose. */
      case ';':
      case '\'':
      case ' ':
      case '!':
      case '"':
      case '#':
      case '$':
      case '&':
      case '(':
      case ')':
      case '|':
      case '*':
      case ',':
      case '<':
      case '>':
      case '[':
      case ']':
      case '\\':
      case '^':
      case '`':
      case '{':
      case '}':
    if(j<argc) {
      putchar(' ');
  /* newline at end */
  putchar ('\n');
  return 0;

how to make a countdown timer in java

You'll see people using the Timer class to do this. Unfortunately, it isn't always accurate. Your best bet is to get the system time when the user enters input, calculate a target system time, and check if the system time has exceeded the target system time. If it has, then break out of the loop.

What are the uses of the exec command in shell scripts?

Just to augment the accepted answer with a brief newbie-friendly short answer, you probably don't need exec.

If you're still here, the following discussion should hopefully reveal why. When you run, say,

sh -c 'command'

you run a sh instance, then start command as a child of that sh instance. When command finishes, the sh instance also finishes.

sh -c 'exec command'

runs a sh instance, then replaces that sh instance with the command binary, and runs that instead.

Of course, both of these are useless in this limited context; you simply want


There are some fringe situations where you want the shell to read its configuration file or somehow otherwise set up the environment as a preparation for running command. This is pretty much the sole situation where exec command is useful.

ENVIRONMENT=$(some complex task)
exec command

This does some stuff to prepare the environment so that it contains what is needed. Once that's done, the sh instance is no longer necessary, and so it's a (minor) optimization to simply replace the sh instance with the command process, rather than have sh run it as a child process and wait for it, then exit as soon as it finishes.

Similarly, if you want to free up as much resources as possible for a heavyish command at the end of a shell script, you might want to exec that command as an optimization.

If something forces you to run sh but you really wanted to run something else, exec something else is of course a workaround to replace the undesired sh instance (like for example if you really wanted to run your own spiffy gosh instead of sh but yours isn't listed in /etc/shells so you can't specify it as your login shell).

The second use of exec to manipulate file descriptors is a separate topic. The accepted answer covers that nicely; to keep this self-contained, I'll just defer to the manual for anything where exec is followed by a redirect instead of a command name.

Protect image download

No there actually is no way to prevent a user from doing a particular task. But you can always take measures! The image sharing websites have a huge team of developers working day and night to create such an algorithm where you prevent user from saving the image files.

First way

Try this:

$('img').mousedown(function (e) {
  if(e.button == 2) { // right click
    return false; // do nothing!

So the user won't be able to click on the Save Image As... option from the menu and in turn he won't get a chance to save the image.

Second way

Other way is to use background-image. This way, the user won't be able to right click and Save the Image As... But he can still see the resources in the Inspector.

Third way

Even I am new to this one, few days ago I was surfing Flickr when I tried to right click, it did not let me do a thing. Which in turn was the first method that I provided you with. Then I tried to go and see the inspector, there I found nothing. Why? Since they were using background-image and at the same time they were using data:imagesource as its location.

Which was amazing for me too. You can precvent user from saving image files this way easily.

It is known as Data URI Scheme:


Please remember brother, when you're letting a user surf your website you're giving him READ permissions on the server side so he can read all the files without any problem. The same is the issue with image files. He can read the image files, and then he can easily save them. He downloads the images on the first place when he is surfing your website. So there is not an issue for him to save them on his disk.

sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory on cited drive

That also happened to me on a recreated directory, the directory is the same but to make it work again just run:

cd .

load iframe in bootstrap modal

It seems that your

$(".modal").on('')   // One way Or

You can do this in a slight different way, like this

    // Send the src on click of button to the iframe. Which will make it load.
    // Hide the loading message
    $(".openifrmahere").find('iframe').load(function() {

What JSON library to use in Scala?

Here is a basic implementation of writing and then reading json file using json4s.

import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._

object MyObject { def main(args: Array[String]) {

  val myMap = Map("a" -> List(3,4), "b" -> List(7,8))

  // writing a file 
  val jsonString = pretty(render(myMap))

  val pw = new PrintWriter(new File("my_json.json"))

  // reading a file 
  val myString = Source.fromFile("my_json.json").mkString

  val myJSON = parse(myString)


  // Converting from JOjbect to plain object
  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
  val myOldMap = myJSON.extract[Map[String, List[Int]]]


Why is it bad style to `rescue Exception => e` in Ruby?

The real rule is: Don't throw away exceptions. The objectivity of the author of your quote is questionable, as evidenced by the fact that it ends with

or I will stab you

Of course, be aware that signals (by default) throw exceptions, and normally long-running processes are terminated through a signal, so catching Exception and not terminating on signal exceptions will make your program very hard to stop. So don't do this:

#! /usr/bin/ruby

while true do
    line = STDIN.gets
    # heavy processing
  rescue Exception => e
    puts "caught exception #{e}! ohnoes!"

No, really, don't do it. Don't even run that to see if it works.

However, say you have a threaded server and you want all exceptions to not:

  1. be ignored (the default)
  2. stop the server (which happens if you say thread.abort_on_exception = true).

Then this is perfectly acceptable in your connection handling thread:

  # do stuff
rescue Exception => e
  myLogger.error("uncaught #{e} exception while handling connection: #{e.message}")
    myLogger.error("Stack trace: #{ {|l| "  #{l}\n"}.join}")

The above works out to a variation of Ruby's default exception handler, with the advantage that it doesn't also kill your program. Rails does this in its request handler.

Signal exceptions are raised in the main thread. Background threads won't get them, so there is no point in trying to catch them there.

This is particularly useful in a production environment, where you do not want your program to simply stop whenever something goes wrong. Then you can take the stack dumps in your logs and add to your code to deal with specific exception further down the call chain and in a more graceful manner.

Note also that there is another Ruby idiom which has much the same effect:

a = do_something rescue "something else"

In this line, if do_something raises an exception, it is caught by Ruby, thrown away, and a is assigned "something else".

Generally, don't do that, except in special cases where you know you don't need to worry. One example:

debugger rescue nil

The debugger function is a rather nice way to set a breakpoint in your code, but if running outside a debugger, and Rails, it raises an exception. Now theoretically you shouldn't be leaving debug code lying around in your program (pff! nobody does that!) but you might want to keep it there for a while for some reason, but not continually run your debugger.


  1. If you've run someone else's program that catches signal exceptions and ignores them, (say the code above) then:

    • in Linux, in a shell, type pgrep ruby, or ps | grep ruby, look for your offending program's PID, and then run kill -9 <PID>.
    • in Windows, use the Task Manager (CTRL-SHIFT-ESC), go to the "processes" tab, find your process, right click it and select "End process".
  2. If you are working with someone else's program which is, for whatever reason, peppered with these ignore-exception blocks, then putting this at the top of the mainline is one possible cop-out:

    %W/INT QUIT TERM/.each { |sig| trap sig,"SYSTEM_DEFAULT" }

    This causes the program to respond to the normal termination signals by immediately terminating, bypassing exception handlers, with no cleanup. So it could cause data loss or similar. Be careful!

  3. If you need to do this:

    rescue Exception => e

    you can actually do this:


    In the second case, critical cleanup will be called every time, whether or not an exception is thrown.

How do I write outputs to the Log in Android?

Look into android.util.Log. It lets you write to the log with various log levels, and you can specify different tags to group the output. For example

Log.w("myApp", "no network");

will output a warning with the tag myApp and the message no network.

android.content.Context.getPackageName()' on a null object reference

You solve the issue with a try/ catch. This crash happens when user close the app before the start intent.

    Intent mIntent = new Intent(getActivity(),MusicHome.class);
    mIntent.putExtra("SigninFragment.user_details", bundle);
catch (Exception e) {

How to set specific window (frame) size in java swing?

Most layout managers work best with a component's preferredSize, and most GUI's are best off allowing the components they contain to set their own preferredSizes based on their content or properties. To use these layout managers to their best advantage, do call pack() on your top level containers such as your JFrames before making them visible as this will tell these managers to do their actions -- to layout their components.

Often when I've needed to play a more direct role in setting the size of one of my components, I'll override getPreferredSize and have it return a Dimension that is larger than the super.preferredSize (or if not then it returns the super's value).

For example, here's a small drag-a-rectangle app that I created for another question on this site:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class MoveRect extends JPanel {
   private static final int RECT_W = 90;
   private static final int RECT_H = 70;
   private static final int PREF_W = 600;
   private static final int PREF_H = 300;
   private static final Color DRAW_RECT_COLOR =;
   private static final Color DRAG_RECT_COLOR = new Color(180, 200, 255);
   private Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(25, 25, RECT_W, RECT_H);
   private boolean dragging = false;
   private int deltaX = 0;
   private int deltaY = 0;

   public MoveRect() {
      MyMouseAdapter myMouseAdapter = new MyMouseAdapter();

   protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
      if (rect != null) {
         Color c = dragging ? DRAG_RECT_COLOR : DRAW_RECT_COLOR;
         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

   public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
      return new Dimension(PREF_W, PREF_H);

   private class MyMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter {

      public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
         Point mousePoint = e.getPoint();
         if (rect.contains(mousePoint)) {
            dragging = true;
            deltaX = rect.x - mousePoint.x;
            deltaY = rect.y - mousePoint.y;

      public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
         dragging = false;

      public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
         Point p2 = e.getPoint();
         if (dragging) {
            int x = p2.x + deltaX;
            int y = p2.y + deltaY;
            rect = new Rectangle(x, y, RECT_W, RECT_H);

   private static void createAndShowGui() {
      MoveRect mainPanel = new MoveRect();

      JFrame frame = new JFrame("MoveRect");

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {

Note that my main class is a JPanel, and that I override JPanel's getPreferredSize:

public class MoveRect extends JPanel {
   //.... deleted constants

   private static final int PREF_W = 600;
   private static final int PREF_H = 300;

   //.... deleted fields and constants

   //... deleted methods and constructors

   public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
      return new Dimension(PREF_W, PREF_H);

Also note that when I display my GUI, I place it into a JFrame, call pack(); on the JFrame, set its position, and then call setVisible(true); on my JFrame:

   private static void createAndShowGui() {
      MoveRect mainPanel = new MoveRect();

      JFrame frame = new JFrame("MoveRect");

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {

How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++?

You can try the Boost Tokenizer library, in particular the Escaped List Separator

How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array

Perhaps this is easier to read:

a2.all? { |e| a1.include?(e) }

You can also use array intersection:

(a1 & a2).size == a1.size

Note that size is used here just for speed, you can also do (slower):

(a1 & a2) == a1

But I guess the first is more readable. These 3 are plain ruby (not rails).

How to print third column to last column?

awk '{$1=$2=$3=""}1' file

NB: this method will leave "blanks" in 1,2,3 fields but not a problem if you just want to look at output.

What is the 'realtime' process priority setting for?

It basically is higher/greater in everything else. A keyboard is less of a priority than the real time process. This means the process will be taken into account faster then keyboard and if it can't handle that, then your keyboard is slowed.

How do I execute a *.dll file

To run the functions in a DLL, first find out what those functions are using any PE (Portable Executable) analysis program (e.g. Dependency Walker). Then use RUNDLL32.EXE with this syntax:

 RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments>

dllname is the path and name of your dll file, entrypoint is the function name, and optional arguments are the function arguments

How to select bottom most rows?

All you need to do is reverse your ORDER BY. Add or remove DESC to it.

How do I call ::CreateProcess in c++ to launch a Windows executable?

if your exe happens to be a console app, you might be interested in reading the stdout and stderr -- for that, I'll humbly refer you to this example:;EN-US;q190351

It's a bit of a mouthful of code, but I've used variations of this code to spawn and read.

Find oldest/youngest datetime object in a list

Given a list of dates dates:

Max date is max(dates)

Min date is min(dates)

MySQL select rows where left join is null

Try following query:-

 FROM table1 
 NOT IN (SELECT user_one
         FROM Table2
         SELECT user_two
         FROM Table2)

Hope this helps you.

How do I find duplicates across multiple columns?

Duplicated id for pairs name and city:

select, t.* 
from [stuff] s
join (
    select name, city, count(*) as qty
    from [stuff]
    group by name, city
    having count(*) > 1
) t on = and =

How to call JavaScript function instead of href in HTML

If you only have as "click event handler", use a <button> instead. A link has a specific semantic meaning.


<button onclick="ShowOld(2367,146986,2)">
    <img title="next page" alt="next page" src="/themes/me/img/arrn.png">

What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?

If the file size is not big, then it is faster to read the entire file and split it afterwards

var filestreams = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(Environment.NewLine, 

JAXB :Need Namespace Prefix to all the elements

Was facing this issue, Solved by adding package-info in my package

and the following code in it:

    namespace = "",
    elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED,
    xmlns = {
        @XmlNs(prefix="", namespaceURI="")

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;

How can I unstage my files again after making a local commit?

To me, the following is more readable (thus preferable) way to do it:

git reset HEAD~1

Instead of 1, there could be any number of commits you want to unstage.

How to convert a Base64 string into a Bitmap image to show it in a ImageView?

I have tried all the solutions and this one worked for me

let temp = base64String.components(separatedBy: ",")
let dataDecoded : Data = Data(base64Encoded: temp[1], options: 
let decodedimage = UIImage(data: dataDecoded)

yourImage.image = decodedimage

How to replace special characters in a string?

I am using this.

s = s.replaceAll("\\W", ""); 

It replace all special characters from string.


\w : A word character, short for [a-zA-Z_0-9]

\W : A non-word character

How to get some values from a JSON string in C#?

Create a class like this:

public class Data
    public string Id {get; set;}
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public string First_Name {get; set;}
    public string Last_Name {get; set;}
    public string Username {get; set;}
    public string Gender {get; set;}
    public string Locale {get; set;}

(I'm not 100% sure, but if that doesn't work you'll need use [DataContract] and [DataMember] for DataContractJsonSerializer.)

Then create JSonSerializer:

private static readonly XmlObjectSerializer Serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Data));

and deserialize object:

// convert string to stream
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contents);
using(var stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray))

How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string

To add to Jason Bunting's answer, if you're using nodejs or something (and this works in dom js, too), you could use this instead of window (and remember: eval is evil:


SSL peer shut down incorrectly in Java

That is a problem of security protocol. I am using TLSv1 but the host accept only TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 then I changed the protocol in Java with the instruction below:

System.setProperty("https.protocols", "TLSv1.1");

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?


Session is used for maintaining a dialogue between server and user. It is more secure because it is stored on the server, we cannot easily access it. It embeds cookies on the user computer. It stores unlimited data.


Cookies are stored on the local computer. Basically, it maintains user identification, meaning it tracks visitors record. It is less secure than session. It stores limited amount of data, and is maintained for a limited time.

Android Facebook integration with invalid key hash

This may help someone with the same problem.

  1. Generate the key hash using the below code

    keytool -exportcert -alias <your_keystore> alias -keystore <your_keystore_file> | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

    How to use keytool

  2. Paste it in required field in Facebook developer

  3. In Android Studio, menu FileProject Structure

    Enter image description here

    Add signing parameters.

  4. Select flavors

    Enter image description here

    Select the signing configuration we created.

  5. Select build type

    Enter image description here

  6. Select build variant and build it

    Enter image description here

What is uintptr_t data type

First thing, at the time the question was asked, uintptr_t was not in C++. It's in C99, in <stdint.h>, as an optional type. Many C++03 compilers do provide that file. It's also in C++11, in <cstdint>, where again it is optional, and which refers to C99 for the definition.

In C99, it is defined as "an unsigned integer type with the property that any valid pointer to void can be converted to this type, then converted back to pointer to void, and the result will compare equal to the original pointer".

Take this to mean what it says. It doesn't say anything about size.

uintptr_t might be the same size as a void*. It might be larger. It could conceivably be smaller, although such a C++ implementation approaches perverse. For example on some hypothetical platform where void* is 32 bits, but only 24 bits of virtual address space are used, you could have a 24-bit uintptr_t which satisfies the requirement. I don't know why an implementation would do that, but the standard permits it.

How do I specify the JDK for a GlassFish domain?

Here you can find how to set path to JDK for Glassfish:



where java path is configured

REM set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\jre/..
set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16

Cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication

If you do not have Administrator access to the MySQL Server configuration (i.e. you are using a hosting service), then there are 2 options to get this to work:

1) Request that the old_passwords option be set to false on the MySQL server

2) Downgrade PHP to 5.2.2 until option 1 occurs.

From what I've been able to find, the issue seems to be with how the MySQL account passwords are stored and if the 'old_passwords' setting is set to true. This causes a compatibility issue between MySQL and newer versions of PHP (5.3+) where PHP attempts to connect using a 41-character hash but the MySQL server is still storing account passwords using a 16-character hash.

This incompatibility was brought about by the changing of the hashing method used in MySQL 4.1 which allows for both short and long hash lengths (Scenario 2 on this page from the MySQL site: and the inclusion of the MySQL Native Driver in PHP 5.3 (backwards compatibility issue documented on bullet 7 of this page from the PHP documentation:

ERROR Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[UserformService -> HttpClient]:

import the HttpClientModule in your app.module.ts

import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';

  imports: [
    //other content,

How to force deletion of a python object?

  1. Add an exit handler that closes all the bars.
  2. __del__() gets called when the number of references to an object hits 0 while the VM is still running. This may be caused by the GC.
  3. If __init__() raises an exception then the object is assumed to be incomplete and __del__() won't be invoked.

How to printf a 64-bit integer as hex?

Edit: Use printf("val = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", val); instead.

Try printf("val = 0x%llx\n", val);. See the printf manpage:

ll (ell-ell). A following integer conversion corresponds to a long long int or unsigned long long int argument, or a following n conversion corresponds to a pointer to a long long int argument.

Edit: Even better is what @M_Oehm wrote: There is a specific macro for that, because unit64_t is not always a unsigned long long: PRIx64 see also this stackoverflow answer

"Could not find bundler" error

Can be related to if you are running the command inside another bundle exec. Try using Bundler.with_original_env if that is the case.

Linq on DataTable: select specific column into datatable, not whole table

If you already know beforehand how many columns your new DataTable would have, you can do something like this:

DataTable matrix = ... // get matrix values from db

DataTable newDataTable = new DataTable();
newDataTable.Columns.Add("c_to", typeof(string));
newDataTable.Columns.Add("p_to", typeof(string));

var query = from r in matrix.AsEnumerable()
            where r.Field<string>("c_to") == "foo" &&
                    r.Field<string>("p_to") == "bar"
            let objectArray = new object[]
                r.Field<string>("c_to"), r.Field<string>("p_to")
            select objectArray;

foreach (var array in query)

Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments

You need to go to Help>Eclipse Marketplace . Then type server in the search box it will display Eclipse JST Server Adapters (Apache Tomcat,...) .Select that one and install it .Then go back to Window>Preferences>Server>Runtime Environnement, click add choose Apache tomcat version then add the installation directory .

Installing Python 3 on RHEL

Here are the steps i followed to install Python3:

yum install wget
sudo tar xvf Python-3.*   
cd Python-3.* 
sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/python3    
sudo make   
sudo make install   
sudo ln -s /opt/python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3

$ /usr/bin/python3    
Python 3.6.0

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

It is failing as cURL is unable to verify the certificate provided by the server.

There are two options to get this to work:

  1. Use cURL with -k option which allows curl to make insecure connections, that is cURL does not verify the certificate.

  2. Add the root CA (the CA signing the server certificate) to /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

You should use option 2 as it's the option that ensures that you are connecting to secure FTP server.

Is it possible to use "return" in stored procedure?

-- IN arguments : you get them. You can modify them locally but caller won't see it
-- IN OUT arguments: initialized by caller, already have a value, you can modify them and the caller will see it
-- OUT arguments: they're reinitialized by the procedure, the caller will see the final value.
   x:=x * p;
   y:=4 * p;


   foo number := 30;
   bar number := 0;
   dbms_output.put_line(foo || ' ' || bar);

-- Procedure output can be collected from variables x and y (ans1:= x and ans2:=y) will be: 150 and 20 respectively.

-- Answer borrowed from:

jQuery Datepicker close datepicker after selected date

This is my edited version : you just need to add an extra argument "autoClose".

example :

 $('input[name="fieldName"]').datepicker({ autoClose: true});

also you can specify a close callback if you want. :)

replace datepicker.js with this:

!function( $ ) {

// Picker object

var Datepicker = function(element, options , closeCallBack){
    this.element = $(element);
    this.format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(options.format||'date-format')||'dd/mm/yyyy');
    this.autoClose = options.autoClose||'date-autoClose')|| true;
    this.closeCallback = closeCallBack || function(){};
    this.picker = $(DPGlobal.template)
                            click: $.proxy(, this)//,
                            //mousedown: $.proxy(this.mousedown, this)
    this.isInput ='input');
    this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.add-on') : false;

    if (this.isInput) {
            focus: $.proxy(, this),
            //blur: $.proxy(this.hide, this),
            keyup: $.proxy(this.update, this)
    } else {
        if (this.component){
            this.component.on('click', $.proxy(, this));
        } else {
            this.element.on('click', $.proxy(, this));

    this.minViewMode = options.minViewMode||'date-minviewmode')||0;
    if (typeof this.minViewMode === 'string') {
        switch (this.minViewMode) {
            case 'months':
                this.minViewMode = 1;
            case 'years':
                this.minViewMode = 2;
                this.minViewMode = 0;
    this.viewMode = options.viewMode||'date-viewmode')||0;
    if (typeof this.viewMode === 'string') {
        switch (this.viewMode) {
            case 'months':
                this.viewMode = 1;
            case 'years':
                this.viewMode = 2;
                this.viewMode = 0;
    this.startViewMode = this.viewMode;
    this.weekStart = options.weekStart||'date-weekstart')||0;
    this.weekEnd = this.weekStart === 0 ? 6 : this.weekStart - 1;
    this.onRender = options.onRender;

Datepicker.prototype = {
    constructor: Datepicker,

    show: function(e) {;
        this.height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight() : this.element.outerHeight();;
        $(window).on('resize', $.proxy(, this));
        if (e ) {
        if (!this.isInput) {
        var that = this;
        $(document).on('mousedown', function(ev){
            if ($('.datepicker').length == 0) {
            type: 'show',

    hide: function(){
        this.viewMode = this.startViewMode;
        if (!this.isInput) {
            $(document).off('mousedown', this.hide);
            type: 'hide',

    set: function() {
        var formated = DPGlobal.formatDate(, this.format);
        if (!this.isInput) {
            if (this.component){
                this.element.find('input').prop('value', formated);
  'date', formated);
        } else {
            this.element.prop('value', formated);

    setValue: function(newDate) {
        if (typeof newDate === 'string') {
   = DPGlobal.parseDate(newDate, this.format);
        } else {
   = new Date(newDate);
        this.viewDate = new Date(,, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    place: function(){
        var offset = this.component ? this.component.offset() : this.element.offset();
            top: + this.height,
            left: offset.left

    update: function(newDate){ = DPGlobal.parseDate(
            typeof newDate === 'string' ? newDate : (this.isInput ? this.element.prop('value') :'date')),
        this.viewDate = new Date(,, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    fillDow: function(){
        var dowCnt = this.weekStart;
        var html = '<tr>';
        while (dowCnt < this.weekStart + 7) {
            html += '<th class="dow">'+DPGlobal.dates.daysMin[(dowCnt++)%7]+'</th>';
        html += '</tr>';
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(html);

    fillMonths: function(){
        var html = '';
        var i = 0
        while (i < 12) {
            html += '<span class="month">'+DPGlobal.dates.monthsShort[i++]+'</span>';
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-months td').append(html);

    fill: function() {
        var d = new Date(this.viewDate),
            year = d.getFullYear(),
            month = d.getMonth(),
            currentDate =;
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-days th:eq(1)')
                    .text(DPGlobal.dates.months[month]+' '+year);
        var prevMonth = new Date(year, month-1, 28,0,0,0,0),
            day = DPGlobal.getDaysInMonth(prevMonth.getFullYear(), prevMonth.getMonth());
        prevMonth.setDate(day - (prevMonth.getDay() - this.weekStart + 7)%7);
        var nextMonth = new Date(prevMonth);
        nextMonth.setDate(nextMonth.getDate() + 42);
        nextMonth = nextMonth.valueOf();
        var html = [];
        var clsName,
        while(prevMonth.valueOf() < nextMonth) {zs
            if (prevMonth.getDay() === this.weekStart) {
            clsName = this.onRender(prevMonth);
            prevY = prevMonth.getFullYear();
            prevM = prevMonth.getMonth();
            if ((prevM < month &&  prevY === year) ||  prevY < year) {
                clsName += ' old';
            } else if ((prevM > month && prevY === year) || prevY > year) {
                clsName += ' new';
            if (prevMonth.valueOf() === currentDate) {
                clsName += ' active';
            html.push('<td class="day '+clsName+'">'+prevMonth.getDate() + '</td>');
            if (prevMonth.getDay() === this.weekEnd) {
        this.picker.find('.datepicker-days tbody').empty().append(html.join(''));
        var currentYear =;

        var months = this.picker.find('.datepicker-months')
        if (currentYear === year) {

        html = '';
        year = parseInt(year/10, 10) * 10;
        var yearCont = this.picker.find('.datepicker-years')
                                .text(year + '-' + (year + 9))
        year -= 1;
        for (var i = -1; i < 11; i++) {
            html += '<span class="year'+(i === -1 || i === 10 ? ' old' : '')+(currentYear === year ? ' active' : '')+'">'+year+'</span>';
            year += 1;

    click: function(e) {
        var target = $('span, td, th');
        if (target.length === 1) {
            switch(target[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
                case 'th':
                    switch(target[0].className) {
                        case 'switch':
                        case 'prev':
                        case 'next':
                                this.viewDate['get'+DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].navFnc].call(this.viewDate) + 
                                DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].navStep * (target[0].className === 'prev' ? -1 : 1)
                case 'span':
                    if ('.month')) {
                        var month = target.parent().find('span').index(target);
                    } else {
                        var year = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||0;
                    if (this.viewMode !== 0) {
               = new Date(this.viewDate);
                            type: 'changeDate',
                            viewMode: DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName
                case 'td':
                    if ('.day') && !'.disabled')){
                        var day = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||1;
                        var month = this.viewDate.getMonth();
                        if ('.old')) {
                            month -= 1;
                        } else if ('.new')) {
                            month += 1;
                        var year = this.viewDate.getFullYear();
               = new Date(year, month, day,0,0,0,0);
                        this.viewDate = new Date(year, month, Math.min(28, day),0,0,0,0);
                            type: 'changeDate',
                            viewMode: DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName
                        if(this.autoClose === true){


    mousedown: function(e){

    showMode: function(dir) {
        if (dir) {
            this.viewMode = Math.max(this.minViewMode, Math.min(2, this.viewMode + dir));

$.fn.datepicker = function ( option, val ) {
    return this.each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var datePicker = $'datepicker');
        var options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
        if (!datePicker) {
            if (typeof val === 'function')
                $'datepicker', (datePicker = new Datepicker(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.datepicker.defaults,options),val)));
                $'datepicker', (datePicker = new Datepicker(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.datepicker.defaults,options))));
        if (typeof option === 'string') datePicker[option](val);


$.fn.datepicker.defaults = {
    onRender: function(date) {
        return '';
$.fn.datepicker.Constructor = Datepicker;

var DPGlobal = {
    modes: [
            clsName: 'days',
            navFnc: 'Month',
            navStep: 1
            clsName: 'months',
            navFnc: 'FullYear',
            navStep: 1
            clsName: 'years',
            navFnc: 'FullYear',
            navStep: 10
        days: ["Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi", "Dimanche"],
                    daysShort: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam", "Dim"],
                    daysMin: ["D", "L", "Ma", "Me", "J", "V", "S", "D"],
                    months: ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"],
                    monthsShort: ["Jan", "Fév", "Mar", "Avr", "Mai", "Jui", "Jul", "Aou", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Déc"],
                    today: "Aujourd'hui",
                    clear: "Effacer",
                    weekStart: 1,
                    format: "dd/mm/yyyy"
    isLeapYear: function (year) {
        return (((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0))
    getDaysInMonth: function (year, month) {
        return [31, (DPGlobal.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]
    parseFormat: function(format){
        var separator = format.match(/[.\/\-\s].*?/),
            parts = format.split(/\W+/);
        if (!separator || !parts || parts.length === 0){
            throw new Error("Invalid date format.");
        return {separator: separator, parts: parts};
    parseDate: function(date, format) {
        var parts = date.split(format.separator),
            date = new Date(),
        if (parts.length === {
            var year = date.getFullYear(), day = date.getDate(), month = date.getMonth();
            for (var i=0, cnt =; i < cnt; i++) {
                val = parseInt(parts[i], 10)||1;
                switch([i]) {
                    case 'dd':
                    case 'd':
                        day = val;
                    case 'mm':
                    case 'm':
                        month = val - 1;
                        date.setMonth(val - 1);
                    case 'yy':
                        year = 2000 + val;
                        date.setFullYear(2000 + val);
                    case 'yyyy':
                        year = val;
            date = new Date(year, month, day, 0 ,0 ,0);
        return date;
    formatDate: function(date, format){
        var val = {
            d: date.getDate(),
            m: date.getMonth() + 1,
            yy: date.getFullYear().toString().substring(2),
            yyyy: date.getFullYear()
        val.dd = (val.d < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.d; = (val.m < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.m;
        var date = [];
        for (var i=0, cnt =; i < cnt; i++) {
        return date.join(format.separator);
    headTemplate: '<thead>'+
                            '<th class="prev">&lsaquo;</th>'+
                            '<th colspan="5" class="switch"></th>'+
                            '<th class="next">&rsaquo;</th>'+
    contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>'
DPGlobal.template = '<div class="datepicker dropdown-menu">'+
                        '<div class="datepicker-days">'+
                            '<table class=" table-condensed">'+
                        '<div class="datepicker-months">'+
                            '<table class="table-condensed">'+
                        '<div class="datepicker-years">'+
                            '<table class="table-condensed">'+

}( window.jQuery );

SQL update statement in C#

command.Text = "UPDATE Student 
  SET Address = @add, City = @cit
  Where FirstName = @fn and LastName = @add";


Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?

How about sourcing the profile before running the command?

ssh user@host "source /etc/profile; /path/"

You might find it best to change that to ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, or whatever.

(As here (

How do I check if the Java JDK is installed on Mac?

Just type javac. If it is installed you get usage information, otherwise it would just ask if you would like to install Java.

Spring Boot not serving static content

In my case I have a spring boot application which is kind of mixing spring and jaxrs. So I have a java class which inherits from the class org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig. I had to add this line to the constructor of that class so that the spring endpoints are still called: property(ServletProperties.FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404, true).

Checking for NULL pointer in C/C++

If style and format are going to be part of your reviews, there should be an agreed upon style guide to measure against. If there is one, do what the style guide says. If there's not one, details like this should be left as they are written. It's a waste of time and energy, and distracts from what code reviews really ought to be uncovering. Seriously, without a style guide I would push to NOT change code like this as a matter of principle, even when it doesn't use the convention I prefer.

And not that it matters, but my personal preference is if (ptr). The meaning is more immediately obvious to me than even if (ptr == NULL).

Maybe he's trying to say that it's better to handle error conditions before the happy path? In that case I still don't agree with the reviewer. I don't know that there's an accepted convention for this, but in my opinion the most "normal" condition ought to come first in any if statement. That way I've got less digging to do to figure out what the function is all about and how it works.

The exception to this is if the error causes me to bail from the function, or I can recover from it before moving on. In those cases, I do handle the error first:

if (error_condition)
  return if not fixed;

// If I'm still here, I'm on the happy path

By dealing with the unusual condition up front, I can take care of it and then forget about it. But if I can't get back on the happy path by handling it up front, then it should be handled after the main case because it makes the code more understandable. In my opinion.

But if it's not in a style guide then it's just my opinion, and your opinion is just as valid. Either standardize or don't. Don't let a reviewer pseudo-standardize just because he's got an opinion.

chart.js load totally new data

When creating the chart object you need to save the instance in a variable.

var currentChart = new Chart(ctx, ...);

And before loading new data, you need to destroy it:


Get statistics for each group (such as count, mean, etc) using pandas GroupBy?

Create a group object and call methods like below example:

grp = df.groupby(['col1',  'col2',  'col3']) 


Django CSRF check failing with an Ajax POST request

I've just encountered a bit different but similar situation. Not 100% sure if it'd be a resolution to your case, but I resolved the issue for Django 1.3 by setting a POST parameter 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' with the proper cookie value string which is usually returned within the form of your home HTML by Django's template system with '{% csrf_token %}' tag. I did not try on the older Django, just happened and resolved on Django1.3. My problem was that the first request submitted via Ajax from a form was successfully done but the second attempt from the exact same from failed, resulted in 403 state even though the header 'X-CSRFToken' is correctly placed with the CSRF token value as well as in the case of the first attempt. Hope this helps.



Using sed to mass rename files

The parentheses capture particular strings for use by the backslashed numbers.

How do I delete from multiple tables using INNER JOIN in SQL server

You can use JOIN syntax in FROM clause in DELETE in SQL Server but you still delete from first table only and it's proprietary Transact-SQL extension which is alternative to sub-query.

From example here:

 -- Transact-SQL extension
   FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory 
     FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory AS spqh INNER JOIN 
          Sales.SalesPerson AS sp ON spqh.BusinessEntityID = sp.BusinessEntityID
    WHERE sp.SalesYTD > 2500000.00;

How to verify if nginx is running or not?

Can also use the following code to check the nginx status:

   sudo /etc/init.d/nginx status

Positioning <div> element at center of screen

I would do this in CSS:

div.centered {
  position: fixed; 
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

then in HTML:

<div class="centered"></div>

"Initializing" variables in python?

If you want to use the destructuring assignment, you'll need the same number of floats as you have variables:

grade_1, grade_2, grade_3, average = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

Powershell Get-ChildItem most recent file in directory

If you want the latest file in the directory and you are using only the LastWriteTime to determine the latest file, you can do something like below:

gci path | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1

On the other hand, if you want to only rely on the names that have the dates in them, you should be able to something similar

gci path | select -last 1

Also, if there are directories in the directory, you might want to add a ?{-not $_.PsIsContainer}

Button Center CSS

The problem is with the following CSS line on .nav_button:

margin: 0 auto;

That would only work if you had one button, that's why they're off-centered when there are more than one nav_button divs.

If you want all your buttons centered nest the nav_buttons in another div:

<div class="nav">
    <div class="centerButtons">
        <div class="nav_button">
            <div class="b_left"></div>
            <div class="b_middle">Home</div>
            <div class="b_right"></div>
        <div class="nav_button">
            <div class="b_left"></div>
            <div class="b_middle">Contact Us</div>
            <div class="b_right"></div>

And style it this way:


/* Centers the div that nests the nav_buttons */
.centerButtons {
    margin: 0 auto;
    float: left;

    float: left;

Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2

The easiest way that I found to fix this is to uninstall everything then install a specific version of tensorflow-gpu:

  1. uninstall tensorflow:
    pip uninstall tensorflow
  1. uninstall tensorflow-gpu: (make sure to run this even if you are not sure if you installed it)
    pip uninstall tensorflow-gpu
  1. Install specific tensorflow-gpu version:
    pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0
    pip install tensorflow_hub
    pip install tensorflow_datasets

You can check if this worked by adding the following code into a python file:

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

print("Version: ", tf.__version__)
print("Eager mode: ", tf.executing_eagerly())
print("Hub Version: ", hub.__version__)
print("GPU is", "available" if tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices("GPU") else "NOT AVAILABLE")

Run the file and then the output should be something like this:

Version:  2.0.0
Eager mode:  True
Hub Version:  0.7.0
GPU is available

Hope this helps

How to select first parent DIV using jQuery?

This gets parent if it is a div. Then it gets class.

var div = $(this).parent("div");
var _class = div.attr("class");

How to change text color and console color in code::blocks?

system("COLOR 0A");'

where 0A is a combination of background and font color 0

How to print a specific row of a pandas DataFrame?

To print a specific row we have couple of pandas method

  1. loc - It only get label i.e column name or Features
  2. iloc - Here i stands for integer, actually row number
  3. ix - It is a mix of label as well as integer

How to use for specific row

  1. loc

For first row and all column


For first row and some specific column

  1. iloc

For first row and all column


For first row and some specific column i.e first three cols


Batchfile to create backup and rename with timestamp

try this:

ren "File 1-1" "File 1 - %date:/=-% %time::=-%"

JPA: difference between @JoinColumn and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn?

I know this is an old post, but a good time to use PrimaryKeyColumn would be if you wanted a unidirectional relationship or had multiple tables all sharing the same id.

In general this is a bad idea and it would be better to use foreign key relationships with JoinColumn.

Having said that, if you are working on an older database that used a system like this then that would be a good time to use it.

In VBA get rid of the case sensitivity when comparing words?

If the list to compare against is large, (ie the manilaListRange range in the example above), it is a smart move to use the match function. It avoids the use of a loop which could slow down the procedure. If you can ensure that the manilaListRange is all upper or lower case then this seems to be the best option to me. It is quick to apply 'UCase' or 'LCase' as you do your match.

If you did not have control over the ManilaListRange then you might have to resort to looping through this range in which case there are many ways to compare 'search', 'Instr', 'replace' etc.

How to include CSS file in Symfony 2 and Twig?

You are doing everything right, except passing your bundle path to asset() function.

According to documentation - in your example this should look like below:

{{ asset('bundles/webshome/css/main.css') }}

Tip: you also can call assets:install with --symlink key, so it will create symlinks in web folder. This is extremely useful when you often apply js or css changes (in this way your changes, applied to src/YouBundle/Resources/public will be immediately reflected in web folder without need to call assets:install again):

app/console assets:install web --symlink

Also, if you wish to add some assets in your child template, you could call parent() method for the Twig block. In your case it would be like this:

{% block stylesheets %}
    {{ parent() }}

    <link href="{{ asset('bundles/webshome/css/main.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endblock %}

SimpleXML - I/O warning : failed to load external entity

simplexml_load_file() interprets an XML file (either a file on your disk or a URL) into an object. What you have in $feed is a string.

You have two options:

  • Use file_get_contents() to get the XML feed as a string, and use e simplexml_load_string():

    $feed = file_get_contents('...');
    $items = simplexml_load_string($feed);
  • Load the XML feed directly using simplexml_load_file():

    $items = simplexml_load_file('...');

Git merge is not possible because I have unmerged files

It might be the Unmerged paths that cause

error: Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files.

If so, try:

git status

if it says

You have unmerged paths.

do as suggested: either resolve conflicts and then commit or abort the merge entirely with

git merge --abort

You might also see files listed under Unmerged paths, which you can resolve by doing

git rm <file>

How to insert current_timestamp into Postgres via python

Date and time input is accepted in almost any reasonable format, including ISO 8601, SQL-compatible, traditional POSTGRES, and others. For some formats, ordering of month, day, and year in date input is ambiguous and there is support for specifying the expected ordering of these fields.

In other words: just write anything and it will work.

Or check this table with all the unambiguous formats.

How to use an image for the background in tkinter?

One simple method is to use place to use an image as a background image. This is the type of thing that place is really good at doing.

For example:

background_label = tk.Label(parent, image=background_image), y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)

You can then grid or pack other widgets in the parent as normal. Just make sure you create the background label first so it has a lower stacking order.

Note: if you are doing this inside a function, make sure you keep a reference to the image, otherwise the image will be destroyed by the garbage collector when the function returns. A common technique is to add a reference as an attribute of the label object:

background_label.image = background_image

Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picture

You need formulas to convert latitude and longitude to rectangular coordinates. There are a great number to choose from and each will distort the map in a different way. Wolfram MathWorld has a good collection:

Follow the "See Also" links.

LINQ extension methods - Any() vs. Where() vs. Exists()

Just so you can find it next time, here is how you search for the enumerable Linq extensions. The methods are static methods of Enumerable, thus Enumerable.Any, Enumerable.Where and Enumerable.Exists.

As the third returns no usable result, I found that you meant List.Exists, thus:

I also recommend as this is has very comprehensive and clear guides, as well clear explanations of the behavior of Linq methods in relation to deferness and lazyness.

What are the ways to make an html link open a folder

Hope it will help someone someday. I was making a small POC and came across this. A button, onClick display contents of the folder. Below is the HTML,

<input type=button onClick="parent.location='file:///C:/Users/' " value='Users'>

How to send an email with Python?

There is indentation problem. The code below will work:

import textwrap

    import smtplib
    """this is some test documentation in the function"""
    message = textwrap.dedent("""\
        From: %s
        To: %s
        Subject: %s
        """ % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT))
    # Send the mail
    server = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER)
    server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)

Colorized grep -- viewing the entire file with highlighted matches

If you want highlight several patterns with different colors see this bash script.

Basic usage:

echo warn error debug info 10 nil | colog

You can change patterns and colors while running pressing one key and then enter key.

How to apply `git diff` patch without Git installed?

I use

patch -p1 --merge < patchfile

This way, conflicts may be resolved as usual.

CSS Styling for a Button: Using <input type="button> instead of <button>

Do you want something like the given fiddle!


<div class="button">
    <input type="button" value="TELL ME MORE" onClick="document.location.reload(true)">


.button input[type="button"] {
    font:2.4em Futura, ‘Century Gothic’, AppleGothic, sans-serif;
    background:url(overlay.png) repeat-x center #ffcc00;
    border:1px solid #ffcc00;
    border-bottom:1px solid #9f9f9f;
    -moz-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
    -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
    box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
.button input[type="button"]:hover {

How do you access a website running on localhost from iPhone browser

If you are not on the same network you could use this third party tool called localtunnel

It basically routes your content through another server and you access that.

equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

Arrays inherit equals() from Object and hence compare only returns true if comparing an array against itself.

On the other hand, Arrays.equals compares the elements of the arrays.

This snippet elucidates the difference:

Object o1 = new Object();
Object o2 = new Object();
Object[] a1 = { o1, o2 };
Object[] a2 = { o1, o2 };
System.out.println(a1.equals(a2)); // prints false
System.out.println(Arrays.equals(a1, a2)); // prints true

See also Arrays.equals(). Another static method there may also be of interest: Arrays.deepEquals().

How to keep the header static, always on top while scrolling?

Use position: fixed on the div that contains your header, with something like

#header {
  position: fixed;

#content {
  margin-top: 100px;

In this example, when #content starts off 100px below #header, but as the user scrolls, #header stays in place. Of course it goes without saying that you'll want to make sure #header has a background so that its content will actually be visible when the two divs overlap. Have a look at the position property here:

How to get "their" changes in the middle of conflicting Git rebase?

You want to use:

git checkout --ours foo/
git add foo/

If you rebase a branch feature_x against main (i.e. running git rebase main while on branch feature_x), during rebasing ours refers to main and theirs to feature_x.

As pointed out in the git-rebase docs:

Note that a rebase merge works by replaying each commit from the working branch on top of the branch. Because of this, when a merge conflict happens, the side reported as ours is the so-far rebased series, starting with <upstream>, and theirs is the working branch. In other words, the sides are swapped.

For further details read this thread.

How to query SOLR for empty fields?

you can do it with filter query q=*:*&fq=-id:*

Calculating bits required to store decimal number

let its required n bit then 2^n=(base)^digit and then take log and count no. for n

Find length of 2D array Python

Assuming input[row][col],

    rows = len(input)
    cols = map(len, input)  #list of column lengths

Setting format and value in input type="date"

try this :)

function getDefaultDate(){

    var now = new Date();
    var day = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
    var month = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
    var today = now.getFullYear()+"-"+(month)+"-"+(day) ;

    return today;

    $("#dateid").val( getDefaultDate()); 

How can I SELECT multiple columns within a CASE WHEN on SQL Server?

No, CASE is a function, and can only return a single value. I think you are going to have to duplicate your CASE logic.

The other option would be to wrap the whole query with an IF and have two separate queries to return results. Without seeing the rest of the query, it's hard to say if that would work for you.

How to remove an id attribute from a div using jQuery?

The capitalization is wrong, and you have an extra argument.

Do this instead:


For future reference, there aren't any jQuery methods that begin with a capital letter. They all take the same form as this one, starting with a lower case, and the first letter of each joined "word" is upper case.

Remove specific commit

From other answers here, I was kind of confused with how git rebase -i could be used to remove a commit, so I hope it's OK to jot down my test case here (very similar to the OP).

Here is a bash script that you can paste in to create a test repository in the /tmp folder:

set -x

rm -rf /tmp/myrepo*
cd /tmp

mkdir myrepo_git
cd myrepo_git
git init
git config me
git config [email protected]

mkdir folder
echo aaaa >> folder/file.txt
git add folder/file.txt
git commit -m "1st git commit"

echo bbbb >> folder/file.txt
git add folder/file.txt
git commit -m "2nd git commit"

echo cccc >> folder/file.txt
git add folder/file.txt
git commit -m "3rd git commit"

echo dddd >> folder/file.txt
git add folder/file.txt
git commit -m "4th git commit"

echo eeee >> folder/file.txt
git add folder/file.txt
git commit -m "5th git commit"

At this point, we have a file.txt with these contents:


At this point, HEAD is at the 5th commit, HEAD~1 would be the 4th - and HEAD~4 would be the 1st commit (so HEAD~5 wouldn't exist). Let's say we want to remove the 3rd commit - we can issue this command in the myrepo_git directory:

git rebase -i HEAD~4

(Note that git rebase -i HEAD~5 results with "fatal: Needed a single revision; invalid upstream HEAD~5".) A text editor (see screenshot in @Dennis' answer) will open with these contents:

pick 5978582 2nd git commit
pick 448c212 3rd git commit
pick b50213c 4th git commit
pick a9c8fa1 5th git commit

# Rebase b916e7f..a9c8fa1 onto b916e7f
# ...

So we get all commits since (but not including) our requested HEAD~4. Delete the line pick 448c212 3rd git commit and save the file; you'll get this response from git rebase:

error: could not apply b50213c... 4th git commit

When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue".
If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip".
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort".
Could not apply b50213c... 4th git commit

At this point open myrepo_git/folder/file.txt in a text editor; you'll see it has been modified:

<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> b50213c... 4th git commit

Basically, git sees that when HEAD got to 2nd commit, there was content of aaaa + bbbb; and then it has a patch of added cccc+dddd which it doesn't know how to append to the existing content.

So here git cannot decide for you - it is you who has to make a decision: by removing the 3rd commit, you either keep the changes introduced by it (here, the line cccc) -- or you don't. If you don't, simply remove the extra lines - including the cccc - in folder/file.txt using a text editor, so it looks like this:


... and then save folder/file.txt. Now you can issue the following commands in myrepo_git directory:

$ nano folder/file.txt  # text editor - edit, save
$ git rebase --continue
folder/file.txt: needs merge
You must edit all merge conflicts and then
mark them as resolved using git add

Ah - so in order to mark that we've solved the conflict, we must git add the folder/file.txt, before doing git rebase --continue:

$ git add folder/file.txt
$ git rebase --continue

Here a text editor opens again, showing the line 4th git commit - here we have a chance to change the commit message (which in this case could be meaningfully changed to 4th (and removed 3rd) commit or similar). Let's say you don't want to - so just exit the text editor without saving; once you do that, you'll get:

$ git rebase --continue
[detached HEAD b8275fc] 4th git commit
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.

At this point, now you have a history like this (which you could also inspect with say gitk . or other tools) of the contents of folder/file.txt (with, apparently, unchanged timestamps of the original commits):

1st git commit  |  +aaaa
2nd git commit  |   aaaa
                |  +bbbb
4th git commit  |   aaaa
                |   bbbb
                |  +dddd
5th git commit  |   aaaa
                |   bbbb
                |   dddd
                |  +eeee

And if previously, we decided to keep the line cccc (the contents of the 3rd git commit that we removed), we would have had:

1st git commit  |  +aaaa
2nd git commit  |   aaaa
                |  +bbbb
4th git commit  |   aaaa
                |   bbbb
                |  +cccc
                |  +dddd
5th git commit  |   aaaa
                |   bbbb
                |   cccc
                |   dddd
                |  +eeee

Well, this was the kind of reading I hoped I'd have found, to start grokking how git rebase works in terms of deleting commits/revisions; so hope it might help others too...

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

To produce the same results:

MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
byte[] digest = sha1.digest(content);
DERObjectIdentifier sha1oid_ = new DERObjectIdentifier("");

AlgorithmIdentifier sha1aid_ = new AlgorithmIdentifier(sha1oid_, null);
DigestInfo di = new DigestInfo(sha1aid_, digest);

byte[] plainSig = di.getDEREncoded();
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
byte[] signature = cipher.doFinal(plainSig);

What to do with "Unexpected indent" in python?

By using correct indentation. Python is whitespace aware, so you need to follow its indentation guidlines for blocks or you'll get indentation errors.

How to let an ASMX file output JSON

Are you calling the web service from client script or on the server side?

You may find sending a content type header to the server will help, e.g.

'application/json; charset=utf-8'

On the client side, I use prototype client side library and there is a contentType parameter when making an Ajax call where you can specify this. I think jQuery has a getJSON method.

Xcode 9 error: "iPhone has denied the launch request"

I'm not sure whether it's a fix, or just another workaround, but uninstalling the application from my device helped. I'm still not sure what caused it, but @MrRogers answer helped me figure it out.