Programs & Examples On #Reference application

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

i have used it in this way and its working fine

quantity=prompt("Please enter the quantity","1");
if (!isNaN( quantity ))

return totalAmount;

Arduino COM port doesn't work

Abstract: Steps of How to resolve "Serial port 'COM1' not found" in fedora 17.

Today install the packages for Arduino in Fedora 17. (yum install arduino) and I have the same problem: I decided to upload an example to the chip. and got the same error "Serial port 'COM1' not found".

In this case when I run Arduino program, some banner appears which warns me that my user is not in 'dialout' and 'lock' group. Do you want add your user in this groups? I click in add button, but for some reason the program fail and not say nothing.

Step1: recognize the Arduino device unplug your Arduino and list /dev files:

#ls -l /dev

plug your Arduino and go and list /dev files

#ls -l /dev

Find the new file (device) that was not before plugging, for example:

ttyACM0 or ttyUSB1

Read this properties:

ls -l /dev/ttyACM0

crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Dec 24 19:25 /dev/ttyACM0

the first c mean that Arduino is a character device.

user owner: root

group owner: dialout

mayor number: 166

minor number: 0

Step2: set your user as group owner.

If you do:

groups <yourUser>

And you are not in 'dialout' and/or 'lock' group. Add yourself in this groups run as root:

usermod -aG lock <yourUser>
usermod -aG dialout <yourUser>

restart the pc, and set /dev/<yourDeviceFile> as your serial port before upload.

How to edit my Excel dropdown list?

The answers above will work for changing the values.

If you want to change the number of cells in your list (e.g. I have a list called 'revisions' which has 4 items, I now need 7 items) you will find that you can't simply select your list and amend it on the sheet, So:

go to your 'Formulas' tab

choose "Name Manager"

a pop up box will show what is available for editing. Your list should be in it. Select your list and edit the range.

How to set character limit on the_content() and the_excerpt() in wordpress

Replace <?php the_content();?> by the code below

$char_limit = 100; //character limit
$content = $post->post_content; //contents saved in a variable
echo substr(strip_tags($content), 0, $char_limit);

php substr() function refrence

php strip_tags() function refrence

What are the differences between a program and an application?

i guess you mean System Programs and Application programs

System Programs makes the hardware run , Applications are for specific tasks

an Example for System Programs are Device Drivers

as for the Applications you can say web browsers , word porcessros etc

What is the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token exactly?

Bearer token is one or more repetition of alphabet, digit, "-" , "." , "_" , "~" , "+" , "/" followed by 0 or more "=".

RFC 6750 2.1. Authorization Request Header Field (Format is ABNF (Augmented BNF))

The syntax for Bearer credentials is as follows:

     b64token    = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT /
                       "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "+" / "/" ) *"="
     credentials = "Bearer" 1*SP b64token

It looks like Base64 but according to Should the token in the header be base64 encoded?, it is not.

Digging a bit deeper in to "HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication"**, however, I see that b64token is just an ABNF syntax definition allowing for characters typically used in base64, base64url, etc.. So the b64token doesn't define any encoding or decoding but rather just defines what characters can be used in the part of the Authorization header that will contain the access token.

This fully addresses the first 3 items in the OP question's list. So I'm extending this answer to address the 4th question, about whether the token must be validated, so @mon feel free to remove or edit:

The authorizer is responsible for accepting or rejecting the http request. If the authorizer says the token is valid, it's up to you to decide what this means:

  • Does the authorizer have a way of inspecting the URL, identifying the operation, and looking up some role-based access control database to see if it is allowed? If yes and the request comes through, the service can assume it is allowed, and does not need to verify.
  • Is the token an all-or-nothing, so if the token is correct, all operations are allowed? Then the service doesn't need to verify.
  • Does the token mean "this request is allowed, but here is the UUID for the role, you check whether the operation is allowed". Then it's up to the service to look up that role, and see if the operation is allowed.


Forking vs. Branching in GitHub

Here are the high-level differences:



  • Keeps branches separated by user
  • Reduces clutter in the primary repository
  • Your team process reflects the external contributor process


  • Makes it more difficult to see all of the branches that are active (or inactive, for that matter)
  • Collaborating on a branch is trickier (the fork owner needs to add the person as a collaborator)
  • You need to understand the concept of multiple remotes in Git
    • Requires additional mental bookkeeping
    • This will make the workflow more difficult for people who aren't super comfortable with Git



  • Keeps all of the work being done around a project in one place
  • All collaborators can push to the same branch to collaborate on it
  • There's only one Git remote to deal with


  • Branches that get abandoned can pile up more easily
  • Your team contribution process doesn't match the external contributor process
  • You need to add team members as contributors before they can branch

Creating a JavaScript cookie on a domain and reading it across sub domains

You want:

document.cookie = cookieName +"=" + cookieValue + ";;path=/;expires=" + myDate;

As per the RFC 2109, to have a cookie available to all subdomains, you must put a . in front of your domain.

Setting the path=/ will have the cookie be available within the entire specified domain(aka

Windows command to get service status?

Using Windows Script:

Set ComputerObj = GetObject("WinNT://MYCOMPUTER")    
ComputerObj.Filter = Array("Service")    
For Each Service in ComputerObj    
    WScript.Echo "Service display name = " & Service.DisplayName    
    WScript.Echo "Service account name = " & Service.ServiceAccountName    
    WScript.Echo "Service executable   = " & Service.Path    
    WScript.Echo "Current status       = " & Service.Status    

You can easily filter the above for the specific service you want.

How can I exclude directories from grep -R?

find . ! -name "node_modules" -type d 

Launch Bootstrap Modal on page load

Update 2020 - Bootstrap 5

Building on the excellent responses from previous answers, in Bootstrap 5 with no jQuery, this has worked;


Full snippet:

window.onload = () => {
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/umd/popper.min.js"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="container py-3">

  <!-- Button trigger modal -->
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">
    Launch demo modal

  <!-- Modal -->
  <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Modal title</h5>
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <div class="modal-body">
        <div class="modal-footer">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>


How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

User lodash javascript library and use _.debounce function

changeName: _.debounce(function (val) {
}, 1000)

How to start a stopped Docker container with a different command?

Add a check to the top of your Entrypoint script

Docker really needs to implement this as a new feature, but here's another workaround option for situations in which you have an Entrypoint that terminates after success or failure, which can make it difficult to debug.

If you don't already have an Entrypoint script, create one that runs whatever command(s) you need for your container. Then, at the top of this file, add these lines to

# Run once, hold otherwise
if [ -f "already_ran" ]; then
    echo "Already ran the Entrypoint once. Holding indefinitely for debugging."
touch already_ran

# Do your main things down here

To ensure that cat holds the connection, you may need to provide a TTY. I'm running the container with my Entrypoint script like so:

docker run -t --entrypoint image_name

This will cause the script to run once, creating a file that indicates it has already run (in the container's virtual filesystem). You can then restart the container to perform debugging:

docker start container_name

When you restart the container, the already_ran file will be found, causing the Entrypoint script to stall with cat (which just waits forever for input that will never come, but keeps the container alive). You can then execute a debugging bash session:

docker exec -i container_name bash

While the container is running, you can also remove already_ran and manually execute the script to rerun it, if you need to debug that way.

Get a DataTable Columns DataType


WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)

to add a little more to the answer from b_levitt... on global.asax:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace LoginPage
    public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string JQueryVer = "1.11.3";
            ScriptManager.ScriptResourceMapping.AddDefinition("jquery", new ScriptResourceDefinition
                Path = "~/js/jquery-" + JQueryVer + ".min.js",
                DebugPath = "~/js/jquery-" + JQueryVer + ".js",
                CdnPath = "" + JQueryVer + ".min.js",
                CdnDebugPath = "" + JQueryVer + ".js",
                CdnSupportsSecureConnection = true,
                LoadSuccessExpression = "window.jQuery"

on your default.aspx

   <form id="UserSectionForm" runat="server">
     <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager" runat="server">
               <asp:ScriptReference Name="jquery" />
     <%--rest of your markup goes here--%>         

Is there a C++ gdb GUI for Linux?

Have you tried gdb -w with cygwin gdb. It is supossed to have a windows interface which works fairly well.

The only problem I found is that on my present machine it didn't run that way until after I installed ddd. I suspect that it requires tcltk which was installed when I installed ddd.

clearing a char array c

Writing a null character to the first character does just that. If you treat it as a string, code obeying the null termination character will treat it as a null string, but that is not the same as clearing the data. If you want to actually clear the data you'll need to use memset.

collapse cell in jupyter notebook

Firstly, follow Energya's instruction:

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
pip install jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user

Second is the key: After opening jupiter notebook, click the Nbextension tab. Now Search "colla" from the searching tool provided by Nbextension(not by the web browser), then you will find something called "Collapsible Headings"

This is what you want!

How do I check what version of Python is running my script?

This information is available in the sys.version string in the sys module:

>>> import sys

Human readable:

>>> print(sys.version)  # parentheses necessary in python 3.       
2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jul 31 2008, 17:28:52) 
[GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)]

For further processing, use sys.version_info or sys.hexversion:

>>> sys.version_info
(2, 5, 2, 'final', 0)
# or
>>> sys.hexversion

To ensure a script runs with a minimal version requirement of the Python interpreter add this to your code:

assert sys.version_info >= (2, 5)

This compares major and minor version information. Add micro (=0, 1, etc) and even releaselevel (='alpha','final', etc) to the tuple as you like. Note however, that it is almost always better to "duck" check if a certain feature is there, and if not, workaround (or bail out). Sometimes features go away in newer releases, being replaced by others.

Using GroupBy, Count and Sum in LINQ Lambda Expressions

var boxSummary = from b in boxes
                 group b by b.Owner into g
                 let nrBoxes = g.Count()
                 let totalWeight = g.Sum(w => w.Weight)
                 let totalVolume = g.Sum(v => v.Volume)
                 select new { Owner = g.Key, Boxes = nrBoxes,
                              TotalWeight = totalWeight,
                              TotalVolume = totalVolume }

Getting the Username from the HKEY_USERS values

By searching for my userid in the registry, I found

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Volatile Environment\Username

Calculate age given the birth date in the format YYYYMMDD

Try this.

function getAge(dateString) {
    var today = new Date();
    var birthDate = new Date(dateString);
    var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
    var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
    return age;

I believe the only thing that looked crude on your code was the substr part.


UITableViewCell Selected Background Color on Multiple Selection

Swift 4.2

For multiple selections you need to set the UITableView property allowsMultipleSelection to true.

myTableView.allowsMultipleSelection = true

In case you subclassed the UITableViewCell, you override setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) method in your custom cell class.

 override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
     super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)

     if selected {
         contentView.backgroundColor =
     } else {
         contentView.backgroundColor =

hide/show a image in jquery

I had to do something like this just now. I ended up doing:

function newWaitImg(id) {
    var img = {
       "id" : id,
       "state" : "on",
       "hide" : function () {
           this.state = "off";
       "show" : function () {
           this.state = "on";
       "toggle" : function () {
           if (this.state == "on") {
           } else {


var waitImg = newWaitImg("#myImg");
waitImg.hide(); /; / waitImg.toggle();

Passing multiple parameters to function in Python

You could use a map function that allows multiple arguments, as does the fork of multiprocessing found in pathos.

>>> from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
>>> def add_and_subtract(x,y):
...   return x+y, x-y
>>> res = Pool().map(add_and_subtract, range(0,20,2), range(-5,5,1))
>>> res
[(-5, 5), (-2, 6), (1, 7), (4, 8), (7, 9), (10, 10), (13, 11), (16, 12), (19, 13), (22, 14)]
>>> Pool().map(add_and_subtract, *zip(*res))
[(0, -10), (4, -8), (8, -6), (12, -4), (16, -2), (20, 0), (24, 2), (28, 4), (32, 6), (36, 8)]

pathos enables you to easily nest hierarchical parallel maps with multiple inputs, so we can extend our example to demonstrate that.

>>> from pathos.multiprocessing import ThreadingPool as TPool
>>> res = TPool().amap(add_and_subtract, *zip(*Pool().map(add_and_subtract, range(0,20,2), range(-5,5,1))))
>>> res.get()
[(0, -10), (4, -8), (8, -6), (12, -4), (16, -2), (20, 0), (24, 2), (28, 4), (32, 6), (36, 8)]

Even more fun, is to build a nested function that we can pass into the Pool. This is possible because pathos uses dill, which can serialize almost anything in python.

>>> def build_fun_things(f, g):
...   def do_fun_things(x, y):
...     return f(x,y), g(x,y)
...   return do_fun_things
>>> def add(x,y):
...   return x+y
>>> def sub(x,y):
...   return x-y
>>> neato = build_fun_things(add, sub)
>>> res = TPool().imap(neato, *zip(*Pool().map(neato, range(0,20,2), range(-5,5,1))))
>>> list(res)
[(0, -10), (4, -8), (8, -6), (12, -4), (16, -2), (20, 0), (24, 2), (28, 4), (32, 6), (36, 8)]

If you are not able to go outside of the standard library, however, you will have to do this another way. Your best bet in that case is to use multiprocessing.starmap as seen here: Python multiprocessing for multiple arguments (noted by @Roberto in the comments on the OP's post)

Get pathos here:

How do I format currencies in a Vue component?

There is issues with the precision of the accepted answer.

the round(value, decimals) function in this test works. unlike the simple toFixed example.

this is a test of the toFixed vs round method.

  Number.prototype.format = function(n) {_x000D_
      return this.toFixed(Math.max(0, ~~n));_x000D_
  function round(value, decimals) {_x000D_
    return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals);_x000D_
  // can anyone tell me why these are equivalent for  50.005, and 1050.005 through 8150.005 (increments of 50)_x000D_
  var round_to = 2;_x000D_
  var maxInt = 1500000;_x000D_
  var equalRound = '<h1>BEGIN HERE</h1><div class="matches">';_x000D_
  var increment = 50;_x000D_
  var round_from = 0.005;_x000D_
  var expected = 0.01;_x000D_
  var lastWasMatch = true;_x000D_
  for( var n = 0; n < maxInt; n=n+increment){_x000D_
    var data = {};_x000D_
    var numberCheck = parseFloat(n + round_from);_x000D_
    data.original = numberCheck * 1;_x000D_
    data.expected =  Number(n + expected) * 1;_x000D_
    data.formatIt = Number(numberCheck).format(round_to) * 1;_x000D_
    data.roundIt = round(numberCheck, round_to).toFixed(round_to) * 1;_x000D_
    data.numberIt = Number(numberCheck).toFixed(round_to) * 1;_x000D_
    if( data.roundIt !== data.formatIt || data.formatIt !== data.numberIt ||_x000D_
       data.roundIt !== data.numberIt || data.roundIt != data.expected_x000D_
          equalRound = equalRound + '</div><div class="errors"> <hr/> Did Not Round UP <hr/>' ;_x000D_
            document.write(' <h3>EXAMPLE: Did Not Round UP: ' + numberCheck + '</h3><br /><hr/> ');_x000D_
            document.write('expected: '+data.expected + ' :: ' + (typeof data.expected)  + '<br />');_x000D_
            document.write('format: '+data.formatIt + ' :: ' + (typeof data.formatIt)  + '<br />');_x000D_
            document.write('round : '+data.roundIt + ' :: ' + (typeof data.roundIt)  + '<br />');_x000D_
            document.write('number: '+data.numberIt + ' :: ' + (typeof data.numberIt)  + '<br />');_x000D_
        equalRound = equalRound + ', ' + numberCheck;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
          equalRound = equalRound + '</div><div class="matches"> <hr/> All Rounded UP! <hr/>' ;_x000D_
        } {_x000D_
        equalRound = equalRound + ', ' + numberCheck;_x000D_
  document.write('equalRound: '+equalRound + '</div><br />');

mixin example

  export default {_x000D_
    methods: {_x000D_
      roundFormat: function (value, decimals) {_x000D_
        return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals).toFixed(decimals);_x000D_
      currencyFormat: function (value, decimals, symbol='$') {_x000D_
        return symbol + this.roundFormat(value,2);_x000D_

Calling async method on button click

use below code

 Task.WaitAll(Task.Run(async () => await GetResponse<MyObject>("my url")));

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

C++20 std::format options <, ^ and >

According to the following should hold:

// left: "42    "
std::cout << std::format("{:<6}", 42);

// right: "    42"
std::cout << std::format("{:>6}", 42);

// center: "  42  "
std::cout << std::format("{:^6}", 42);

More information at: std::string formatting like sprintf

Split comma separated column data into additional columns

If the number of fields in the CSV is constant then you could do something like this:

select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]
from (
    select regexp_split_to_array('a,b,c,d', ',')
) as dt(a)

For example:

=> select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4] from (select regexp_split_to_array('a,b,c,d', ',')) as dt(a);
 a | a | a | a 
 a | b | c | d
(1 row)

If the number of fields in the CSV is not constant then you could get the maximum number of fields with something like this:

select max(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(csv, ','), 1))
from your_table

and then build the appropriate a[1], a[2], ..., a[M] column list for your query. So if the above gave you a max of 6, you'd use this:

select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]
from (
    select regexp_split_to_array(csv, ',')
    from your_table
) as dt(a)

You could combine those two queries into a function if you wanted.

For example, give this data (that's a NULL in the last row):

=> select * from csvs;

(4 rows)

=> select max(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(csv, ','), 1)) from csvs;
(1 row)

=> select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6] from (select regexp_split_to_array(csv, ',') from csvs) as dt(a);
 a | a | a | a | a | a 
 1 | 2 | 3 |   |   | 
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |   | 
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
   |   |   |   |   | 
(4 rows)

Since your delimiter is a simple fixed string, you could also use string_to_array instead of regexp_split_to_array:

select ...
from (
    select string_to_array(csv, ',')
    from csvs
) as dt(a);

Thanks to Michael for the reminder about this function.

You really should redesign your database schema to avoid the CSV column if at all possible. You should be using an array column or a separate table instead.

How to plot all the columns of a data frame in R

With lattice:


df <- data.frame(time = 1:10,
                 a = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
                 b = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
                 c = cumsum(rnorm(10)))

form <- as.formula(paste(paste(names(df)[- 1],  collapse = ' + '),  
                         'time',  sep = '~'))

xyplot(form,  data = df,  type = 'b',  outer = TRUE)

What does ON [PRIMARY] mean?

To add a very important note on what Mark S. has mentioned in his post. In the specific SQL Script that has been mentioned in the question you can NEVER mention two different file groups for storing your data rows and the index data structure.

The reason why is due to the fact that the index being created in this case is a clustered Index on your primary key column. The clustered index data and the data rows of your table can NEVER be on different file groups.

So in case you have two file groups on your database e.g. PRIMARY and SECONDARY then below mentioned script will store your row data and clustered index data both on PRIMARY file group itself even though I've mentioned a different file group ([SECONDARY]) for the table data. More interestingly the script runs successfully as well (when I was expecting it to give an error as I had given two different file groups :P). SQL Server does the trick behind the scene silently and smartly.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[be_Categories](
    [CategoryID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_be_Categories_CategoryID]  DEFAULT (newid()),
    [CategoryName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [Description] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
    [ParentID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
    [CategoryID] ASC

NOTE: Your index can reside on a different file group ONLY if the index being created is non-clustered in nature.

The below script which creates a non-clustered index will get created on [SECONDARY] file group instead when the table data already resides on [PRIMARY] file group:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Categories] ON [dbo].[be_Categories]
    [CategoryName] ASC

You can get more information on how storing non-clustered indexes on a different file group can help your queries perform better. Here is one such link.

How do I install Python OpenCV through Conda?

Windows 7, conda 4.4.10 python 2.7.6 Downloaded opencv package from Unofficial Windows Binaries for python extensions packages. (picked python 2.4 AMD 64) cd Download pip install opencv_python... python (where import cv2 ...) seems to work. YMMV

CSS text-overflow: ellipsis; not working?

I had to make some long descriptions ellipse(take only one lane) while being responsive, so my solution was to let the text wrap(instead of white-space: nowrap) and instead of fixed width I added fixed height:

span {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  line-height: 1rem;_x000D_
  height: 1rem;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  width: 75%;_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
  //  white-space: normal; default_x000D_
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi quia quod reprehenderit saepe sit. Animi deleniti distinctio dolorum iste molestias reiciendis saepe. Ea eius ex, ipsam iusto laudantium natus obcaecati quas rem repellat temporibus! A alias at, atque deserunt dignissimos dolor earum, eligendi eveniet exercitationem natus non, odit sint sit tempore voluptate. Commodi culpa ex facere id minima nihil nulla omnis praesentium quasi quia quibusdam recusandae repellat sequi ullam, voluptates. Aliquam commodi debitis delectus magnam nulla, omnis sequi sint unde voluptas voluptatum. Adipisci aliquam deserunt dolor enim facilis libero, maxime molestias, nemo neque non nostrum placeat reprehenderit, rerum ullam vel? A atque autem consectetur cum, doloremque doloribus fugiat hic id iste nemo nesciunt officia quaerat quibusdam quidem quisquam similique sit tempora vel. Accusamus aspernatur at au_x000D_

Android lollipop change navigation bar color

  1. Create Black Color: <color name="blackColorPrimary">#000001</color> (not #000000)
  2. Write in Style: <item name="android:navigationBarColor" tools:targetApi="lollipop">@color/blackColorPrimary</item>

Problem is that android higher version make trasparent for #000000

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

For me this solution works fine as well:

SELECT tbl.a, tbl.b
FROM (SELECT TOP (select count(1) FROM yourtable) a,b FROM yourtable order by a) tbl

Jenkins pipeline if else not working

It requires a bit of rearranging, but when does a good job to replace conditionals above. Here's the example from above written using the declarative syntax. Note that test3 stage is now two different stages. One that runs on the master branch and one that runs on anything else.

stage ('Test 3: Master') {
    when { branch 'master' }
    steps { 
        echo 'I only execute on the master branch.' 

stage ('Test 3: Dev') {
    when { not { branch 'master' } }
    steps {
        echo 'I execute on non-master branches.'

What's the most useful and complete Java cheat sheet?

Here is a great one

These languages are big. You cant expect a cheat sheet to fit on a piece of paper

jQuery or CSS selector to select all IDs that start with some string

Normally you would select IDs using the ID selector #, but for more complex matches you can use the attribute-starts-with selector (as a jQuery selector, or as a CSS3 selector):


If you are able to modify that HTML, however, you should add a class to your player divs then target that class. You'll lose the additional specificity offered by ID selectors anyway, as attribute selectors share the same specificity as class selectors. Plus, just using a class makes things much simpler.

How to set default font family in React Native?

That works for me: Add Custom Font in React Native

download your fonts and place them in assets/fonts folder, add this line in package.json

 "rnpm": {
"assets": ["assets/fonts/Sarpanch"]}

then open terminal and run this command: react-native link

Now your are good to go. For more detailed step. visit the link above mentioned

How to prettyprint a JSON file?

Hopefully this helps someone else.

In the case when there is a error that something is not json serializable the answers above will not work. If you only want to save it so that is human readable then you need to recursively call string on all the non dictionary elements of your dictionary. If you want to load it later then save it as a pickle file then load it (e.g., f) works fine).

This is what worked for me:


def _to_json_dict_with_strings(dictionary):
    Convert dict to dict with leafs only being strings. So it recursively makes keys to strings
    if they are not dictionaries.

    Use case:
        - saving dictionary of tensors (convert the tensors to strins!)
        - saving arguments from script (e.g. argparse) for it to be pretty


    if type(dictionary) != dict:
        return str(dictionary)
    d = {k: _to_json_dict_with_strings(v) for k, v in dictionary.items()}
    return d

def to_json(dic):
    import types
    import argparse

    if type(dic) is dict:
        dic = dict(dic)
        dic = dic.__dict__
    return _to_json_dict_with_strings(dic)

def save_to_json_pretty(dic, path, mode='w', indent=4, sort_keys=True):
    import json

    with open(path, mode) as f:
        json.dump(to_json(dic), f, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)

def my_pprint(dic):

    @param dic:

    Note: this is not the same as pprint.
    import json

    # make all keys strings recursively with their naitve str function
    dic = to_json(dic)
    # pretty print
    pretty_dic = json.dumps(dic, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
    # print(json.dumps(dic, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    # return pretty_dic

import torch
# import json  # results in non serializabe errors for torch.Tensors
from pprint import pprint

dic = {'x': torch.randn(1, 3), 'rec': {'y': torch.randn(1, 3)}}



    "rec": {
        "y": "tensor([[-0.3137,  0.3138,  1.2894]])"
    "x": "tensor([[-1.5909,  0.0516, -1.5445]])"
{'rec': {'y': tensor([[-0.3137,  0.3138,  1.2894]])},
 'x': tensor([[-1.5909,  0.0516, -1.5445]])}

I don't know why returning the string then printing it doesn't work but it seems you have to put the dumps directly in the print statement. Note pprint as it has been suggested already works too. Note not all objects can be converted to a dict with dict(dic) which is why some of my code has checks on this condition.


I wanted to save pytorch strings but I kept getting the error:

TypeError: tensor is not JSON serializable

so I coded the above. Note that yes, in pytorch you use but pickle files aren't readable. Check this related post:

PPrint also has indent arguments but I didn't like how it looks:

    pprint(stats, indent=4, sort_dicts=True)


{   'cca': {   'all': {'avg': tensor(0.5132), 'std': tensor(0.1532)},
               'avg': tensor([0.5993, 0.5571, 0.4910, 0.4053]),
               'rep': {'avg': tensor(0.5491), 'std': tensor(0.0743)},
               'std': tensor([0.0316, 0.0368, 0.0910, 0.2490])},
    'cka': {   'all': {'avg': tensor(0.7885), 'std': tensor(0.3449)},
               'avg': tensor([1.0000, 0.9840, 0.9442, 0.2260]),
               'rep': {'avg': tensor(0.9761), 'std': tensor(0.0468)},
               'std': tensor([5.9043e-07, 2.9688e-02, 6.3634e-02, 2.1686e-01])},
    'cosine': {   'all': {'avg': tensor(0.5931), 'std': tensor(0.7158)},
                  'avg': tensor([ 0.9825,  0.9001,  0.7909, -0.3012]),
                  'rep': {'avg': tensor(0.8912), 'std': tensor(0.1571)},
                  'std': tensor([0.0371, 0.1232, 0.1976, 0.9536])},
    'nes': {   'all': {'avg': tensor(0.6771), 'std': tensor(0.2891)},
               'avg': tensor([0.9326, 0.8038, 0.6852, 0.2867]),
               'rep': {'avg': tensor(0.8072), 'std': tensor(0.1596)},
               'std': tensor([0.0695, 0.1266, 0.1578, 0.2339])},
    'nes_output': {   'all': {'avg': None, 'std': None},
                      'avg': tensor(0.2975),
                      'rep': {'avg': None, 'std': None},
                      'std': tensor(0.0945)},
    'query_loss': {   'all': {'avg': None, 'std': None},
                      'avg': tensor(12.3746),
                      'rep': {'avg': None, 'std': None},
                      'std': tensor(13.7910)}}

compare to:

    "cca": {
        "all": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.5144)",
            "std": "tensor(0.1553)"
        "avg": "tensor([0.6023, 0.5612, 0.4874, 0.4066])",
        "rep": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.5503)",
            "std": "tensor(0.0796)"
        "std": "tensor([0.0285, 0.0367, 0.1004, 0.2493])"
    "cka": {
        "all": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.7888)",
            "std": "tensor(0.3444)"
        "avg": "tensor([1.0000, 0.9840, 0.9439, 0.2271])",
        "rep": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.9760)",
            "std": "tensor(0.0468)"
        "std": "tensor([5.7627e-07, 2.9689e-02, 6.3541e-02, 2.1684e-01])"
    "cosine": {
        "all": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.5945)",
            "std": "tensor(0.7146)"
        "avg": "tensor([ 0.9825,  0.9001,  0.7907, -0.2953])",
        "rep": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.8911)",
            "std": "tensor(0.1571)"
        "std": "tensor([0.0371, 0.1231, 0.1975, 0.9554])"
    "nes": {
        "all": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.6773)",
            "std": "tensor(0.2886)"
        "avg": "tensor([0.9326, 0.8037, 0.6849, 0.2881])",
        "rep": {
            "avg": "tensor(0.8070)",
            "std": "tensor(0.1595)"
        "std": "tensor([0.0695, 0.1265, 0.1576, 0.2341])"
    "nes_output": {
        "all": {
            "avg": "None",
            "std": "None"
        "avg": "tensor(0.2976)",
        "rep": {
            "avg": "None",
            "std": "None"
        "std": "tensor(0.0945)"
    "query_loss": {
        "all": {
            "avg": "None",
            "std": "None"
        "avg": "tensor(12.3616)",
        "rep": {
            "avg": "None",
            "std": "None"
        "std": "tensor(13.7976)"

Using onBlur with JSX and React

There are a few problems here.

1: onBlur expects a callback, and you are calling renderPasswordConfirmError and using the return value, which is null.

2: you need a place to render the error.

3: you need a flag to track "and I validating", which you would set to true on blur. You can set this to false on focus if you want, depending on your desired behavior.

handleBlur: function () {
  this.setState({validating: true});
render: function () {
  return <div>
        placeholder="Password (confirm)"
renderPasswordConfirmError: function() {
  if (this.state.validating && this.state.password !== this.state.password2) {
    return (
        <label className="error">Please enter the same password again.</label>
  return null;

How to show MessageBox on

One of the options is to use the Javascript.

Here is a quick reference where you can start from.

Javascript alert messages

When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached?

Memcached client library was just recently released as stable. It is being used by digg ( was developed for digg by Andrei Zmievski, now no longer with digg) and implements much more of the memcached protocol than the older memcache client. The most important features that memcached has are:

  1. Cas tokens. This made my life much easier and is an easy preventive system for stale data. Whenever you pull something from the cache, you can receive with it a cas token (a double number). You can than use that token to save your updated object. If no one else updated the value while your thread was running, the swap will succeed. Otherwise a newer cas token was created and you are forced to reload the data and save it again with the new token.
  2. Read through callbacks are the best thing since sliced bread. It has simplified much of my code.
  3. getDelayed() is a nice feature that can reduce the time your script has to wait for the results to come back from the server.
  4. While the memcached server is supposed to be very stable, it is not the fastest. You can use binary protocol instead of ASCII with the newer client.
  5. Whenever you save complex data into memcached the client used to always do serialization of the value (which is slow), but now with memcached client you have the option of using igbinary. So far I haven't had the chance to test how much of a performance gain this can be.

All of this points were enough for me to switch to the newest client, and can tell you that it works like a charm. There is that external dependency on the libmemcached library, but have managed to install it nonetheless on Ubuntu and Mac OSX, so no problems there so far.

If you decide to update to the newer library, I suggest you update to the latest server version as well as it has some nice features as well. You will need to install libevent for it to compile, but on Ubuntu it wasn't much trouble.

I haven't seen any frameworks pick up the new memcached client thus far (although I don't keep track of them), but I presume Zend will get on board shortly.


Zend Framework 2 has an adapter for Memcached which can be found here

Build Step Progress Bar (css and jquery)

There are a lot of very nice answers on this page and I googled for some more, but none of the answers ticked all the checkboxes on my wish list:

  • CSS only, no Javascript
  • Stick to Tom Kenny's Best Design Practices
  • Layout like the other answers
  • Each step has a name and a number
  • Responsive layout: font size independent
  • Fluid layout: the list and its items scale with the available width
  • The names and numbers are centered in their block
  • The "done" color goes up to and including the active item, but not past it.
  • The active item should stand out graphically

So I mixed the code of several examples, fixed the things that I needed and here is the result:

Progress Tracker v2

I used the following CSS and HTML:

/* Progress Tracker v2 */_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="2"] li { width: 49%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="3"] li { width: 33%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="4"] li { width: 24%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="5"] li { width: 19%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="6"] li { width: 16%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="7"] li { width: 14%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="8"] li { width: 12%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="9"] li { width: 11%; }_x000D_
.progress {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    list-style: none;_x000D_
    list-style-image: none;_x000D_
    margin: 20px 0 20px 0;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
.progress li {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.progress .name {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    margin-bottom: 1em;_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
    opacity: 0.3;_x000D_
.progress .step {_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
    border: 3px solid silver;_x000D_
    background-color: silver;_x000D_
    border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
    line-height: 1.2;_x000D_
    width: 1.2em;_x000D_
    height: 1.2em;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    z-index: 0;_x000D_
.progress .step span {_x000D_
    opacity: 0.3;_x000D_
.progress .active .name,_x000D_
.progress .active .step span {_x000D_
    opacity: 1;_x000D_
.progress .step:before {_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    background-color: silver;_x000D_
    height: 0.4em;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    bottom: 0.6em;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    z-index: -1;_x000D_
.progress .step:after {_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    background-color: silver;_x000D_
    height: 0.4em;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    bottom: 0.6em;_x000D_
    right: 0;_x000D_
    z-index: -1;_x000D_
.progress li:first-of-type .step:before {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.progress li:last-of-type .step:after {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.progress .done .step,_x000D_
.progress .done .step:before,_x000D_
.progress .done .step:after,_x000D_
.progress .active .step,_x000D_
.progress .active .step:before {_x000D_
    background-color: yellowgreen;_x000D_
.progress .done .step,_x000D_
.progress .active .step {_x000D_
    border: 3px solid yellowgreen;_x000D_
<!-- Progress Tracker v2 -->_x000D_
<ol class="progress" data-steps="4">_x000D_
    <li class="done">_x000D_
        <span class="name">Foo</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>1</span></span>_x000D_
    <li class="done">_x000D_
        <span class="name">Bar</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>2</span></span>_x000D_
    <li class="active">_x000D_
        <span class="name">Baz</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>3</span></span>_x000D_
        <span class="name">Quux</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>4</span></span>_x000D_

As can be seen in the example above, there are now two list item classes to take note of: active and done. Use class="active" for the current step, use class="done" for all steps before it.

Also note the data-steps="4" in the ol tag; set this to the total number of steps to apply the correct size to all list items.

Feel free to play around with the JSFiddle. Enjoy!

Elegant way to check for missing packages and install them?

In my case, I wanted a one liner that I could run from the commandline (actually via a Makefile). Here is an example installing "VGAM" and "feather" if they are not already installed:

R -e 'for (p in c("VGAM", "feather")) if (!require(p, character.only=TRUE)) install.packages(p, repos="")'

From within R it would just be:

for (p in c("VGAM", "feather")) if (!require(p, character.only=TRUE)) install.packages(p, repos="")

There is nothing here beyond the previous solutions except that:

  • I keep it to a single line
  • I hard code the repos parameter (to avoid any popups asking about the mirror to use)
  • I don't bother to define a function to be used elsewhere

Also note the important character.only=TRUE (without it, the require would try to load the package p).

How to use external ".js" files

Note :- Do not use script tag in external JavaScript file.


    <p id="cn"> Click on the button to change the light button</p>
    <button type="button" onclick="changefont()">Click</button>

     <script src="external.js"></script>

External Java Script file:-

        function changefont()

                var x = document.getElementById("cn");
       = "25px";           
       = "red"; 

How to grant all privileges to root user in MySQL 8.0

Check out your username and domain is the same as created before. Mysql select account by the two colums in user table.If it is different, mysql may think you want to create a new account by grant,which is not supported after 8.0 version.

HTML forms - input type submit problem with action=URL when URL contains index.aspx

I applied CSS styling to an anchored HREF attribute fully emulating the push button behaviors I needed (hover, active, background-color, etc., etc.). HTML markup is much simpler a-n-d eliminates the get/post complexity associated with using a form-based approach.

<a class="GYM" href="">Gymnastics</a>

Finding rows that don't contain numeric data in Oracle

enter image description hereI tray order by with problematic column and i find rows with column.

          D.COL1  AS COL1

   (D.FORM = 62) 
 --  AND REGEXP_LIKE (D.COL1, '\[\[:alpha:\]\]')
-- AND REGEXP_LIKE(D.COL1, '\[\[:digit:\]\]')
 --AND REGEXP_LIKE(TO_CHAR(D.COL1), '\[^0-9\]+')
          D.RIND ,
        ORDER BY 

Java string replace and the NUL (NULL, ASCII 0) character?

Should be probably changed to

firstName = firstName.trim().replaceAll("\\.", "");

How to iterate std::set?

One more thing that might be useful for beginners is , since std::set is not allocated with contiguous memory chunks , if someone want to iterate till kth element normal way will not work. example:

std::vector<int > vec{1,2,3,4,5};
int k=3;
for(auto itr=vec.begin();itr<vec.begin()+k;itr++) cout<<*itr<<" ";

std::unordered_set<int > s{1,2,3,4,5};
int k=3;
int index=0;
auto itr=s.begin();
   if(index==k) break;
   cout<<*itr++<<" ";

How to use python numpy.savetxt to write strings and float number to an ASCII file?

You have to specify the format (fmt) of you data in savetxt, in this case as a string (%s):

num.savetxt('test.txt', DAT, delimiter=" ", fmt="%s") 

The default format is a float, that is the reason it was expecting a float instead of a string and explains the error message.

Get year, month or day from numpy datetime64

This is how I do it.

import numpy as np

def dt2cal(dt):
    Convert array of datetime64 to a calendar array of year, month, day, hour,
    minute, seconds, microsecond with these quantites indexed on the last axis.

    dt : datetime64 array (...)
        numpy.ndarray of datetimes of arbitrary shape

    cal : uint32 array (..., 7)
        calendar array with last axis representing year, month, day, hour,
        minute, second, microsecond

    # allocate output 
    out = np.empty(dt.shape + (7,), dtype="u4")
    # decompose calendar floors
    Y, M, D, h, m, s = [dt.astype(f"M8[{x}]") for x in "YMDhms"]
    out[..., 0] = Y + 1970 # Gregorian Year
    out[..., 1] = (M - Y) + 1 # month
    out[..., 2] = (D - M) + 1 # dat
    out[..., 3] = (dt - D).astype("m8[h]") # hour
    out[..., 4] = (dt - h).astype("m8[m]") # minute
    out[..., 5] = (dt - m).astype("m8[s]") # second
    out[..., 6] = (dt - s).astype("m8[us]") # microsecond
    return out

It's vectorized across arbitrary input dimensions, it's fast, its intuitive, it works on numpy v1.15.4, it doesn't use pandas.

I really wish numpy supported this functionality, it's required all the time in application development. I always get super nervous when I have to roll my own stuff like this, I always feel like I'm missing an edge case.

AngularJs ReferenceError: angular is not defined

Always make sure that js file (angular.min.js) is referenced first in the HTML file. For example:

----------------- This reference will THROW error -------------------------

< script src="otherXYZ.js"></script>
< script src="angular.min.js"></script>

----------------- This reference will WORK as expected -------------------

< script src="angular.min.js"></script>
< script src="otherXYZ.js"></script>

justify-content property isn't working


Go to inspect element and check if .justify-content-center is listed as a class name under 'Styles' tab. If not, probably you are using bootstrap v3 in which justify-content-center is not defined.

If so, please update bootstrap, worked for me.

Assigning default value while creating migration file

You would have to first create your migration for the model basics then you create another migration to modify your previous using the change_column ...

def change
    change_column :widgets, :colour, :string, default: 'red'

How to use '-prune' option of 'find' in sh?

find builds a list of files. It applies the predicate you supplied to each one and returns those that pass.

This idea that -prune means exclude from results was really confusing for me. You can exclude a file without prune:

find -name 'bad_guy' -o -name 'good_guy' -print  // good_guy

All -prune does is alter the behavior of the search. If the current match is a directory, it says "hey find, that file you just matched, dont descend into it". It just removes that tree (but not the file itself) from the list of files to search.

It should be named -dont-descend.

Identifier is undefined

Are you missing a function declaration?

void ac_search(uint num_patterns, uint pattern_length, const char *patterns, 
               uint num_records, uint record_length, const char *records, int *matches, Node* trie);

Add it just before your implementation of ac_benchmark_search.

Using textures in THREE.js

Andrea solution is absolutely right, I will just write another implementation based on the same idea. If you took a look at the THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture() source you will find it uses the javascript Image object. The $(window).load event is fired after all Images are loaded ! so at that event we can render our scene with the textures already loaded...

  • CoffeeScript

    $(document).ready ->
        material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("crate.gif"))
        sphere   = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(radius, segments, rings), material)
        $(window).load ->
            renderer.render scene, camera
  • JavaScript

    $(document).ready(function() {
        material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("crate.gif") });
        sphere = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(radius, segments, rings), material);
        $(window).load(function() {
            renderer.render(scene, camera);


Valid characters in a Java class name

Every programming language has its own set of rules and conventions for the kinds of names that you're allowed to use, and the Java programming language is no different. The rules and conventions for naming your variables can be summarized as follows:

  • Variable names are case-sensitive. A variable's name can be any legal identifier — an unlimited-length sequence of Unicode letters and digits, beginning with a letter, the dollar sign "$", or the underscore character "_". The convention, however, is to always begin your variable names with a letter, not "$" or "_". Additionally, the dollar sign character, by convention, is never used at all. You may find some situations where auto-generated names will contain the dollar sign, but your variable names should always avoid using it. A similar convention exists for the underscore character; while it's technically legal to begin your variable's name with "_", this practice is discouraged. White space is not permitted.

  • Subsequent characters may be letters, digits, dollar signs, or underscore characters. Conventions (and common sense) apply to this rule as well. When choosing a name for your variables, use full words instead of cryptic abbreviations. Doing so will make your code easier to read and understand. In many cases it will also make your code self-documenting; fields named cadence, speed, and gear, for example, are much more intuitive than abbreviated versions, such as s, c, and g. Also keep in mind that the name you choose must not be a keyword or reserved word.

  • If the name you choose consists of only one word, spell that word in all lowercase letters. If it consists of more than one word, capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word. The names gearRatio and currentGear are prime examples of this convention. If your variable stores a constant value, such as static final int NUM_GEARS = 6, the convention changes slightly, capitalizing every letter and separating subsequent words with the underscore character. By convention, the underscore character is never used elsewhere.

From the official Java Tutorial.

How to configure for SpringJUnit4ClassRunner?

I was using Maven in eclipse and I did not want to have an additional copy of the properties file in the root folder. You can do the following in eclipse:

  1. Open run dialog (click the little arrow next to the play button and go to run configurations)
  2. Go to the "classpath" tab
  3. Select the "User Entries" and click the "Advanced" button on the right side.
  4. Now select the "Add External folder" radio button.
  5. Select the resources folder

Change background color for selected ListBox item

    <Style x:Key="myLBStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey}"


<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=FirstNames}"
         ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource myLBStyle}">  

You just override the style of the listboxitem (see the: TargetType is ListBoxItem)

How to find sum of multiple columns in a table in SQL Server 2005?

Hi You can use a simple query,

select emp_cd, val1, val2, val3,
(val1+val2+val3) as total 
from emp;

In case you need to insert a new row,

insert into emp select emp_cd, val1, val2, val3,
(val1+val2+val3) as total 
from emp;

In order to update,

update emp set total = val1+val2+val3;

This will update for all comumns

java collections - keyset() vs entrySet() in map

Traversal over the large map entrySet() is much better than the keySet(). Check this tutorial how they optimise the traversal over the large object with the help of entrySet() and how it helps for performance tuning.

Input Type image submit form value?

You could use a radio button/checkbox and set it to hide the button in css and then give it a label with an image.

input[type="radio"] {display: none}
input[type="radio"] + label span {display: block}

Then on the page:

<input type="radio" name="emotion" id="mysubmitradio" />
        <label for="mysubmitradio"><img src="images/f.jpg" />
    <span>if you need it</span></label>

And then set it to submit using javascript:


Getting checkbox values on submit

//retrive check box and gender value
            Male<input type="radio" name="gender" value="1" <?php echo ($gender== '1') ?  "checked" : "" ;  ?>/>
            Female<input type="radio" name="gender" value="0" <?php echo ($gender== '0') ?  "checked" : "" ;  ?>/>

        <pre><?php //print_r($row);

            $hby = @explode(",",$row['chkhobby']);
        read<input id="check_1" type="checkbox" name="chkhobby[]" value="read" <?php if(in_array("read",$hby)){?> checked="checked"<?php }?>>
        write<input id="check_2" type="checkbox" name="chkhobby[]" value="write" <?php if(in_array("write",$hby)){?> checked="checked"<?php }?>>
        play<input id="check_4" type="checkbox" name="chkhobby[]" value="play" <?php if(in_array("play",$hby)){?> checked="checked"<?php }?>>

$chkhobby = implode(',', $_POST['chkhobby']);

Calling @Html.Partial to display a partial view belonging to a different controller

As GvS said, but I also find it useful to use strongly typed views so that I can write something like

@Html.Partial(MVC.Student.Index(), model)

without magic strings.

How can I start an interactive console for Perl?

I wrote a script I call "psh":

#! /usr/bin/perl

while (<>) {
  my $result = eval;
  print "$_ = $result\n";

Whatever you type in, it evaluates in Perl:

> gmtime(2**30)
gmtime(2**30) = Sat Jan 10 13:37:04 2004

> $x = 'foo'
$x = 'foo' = foo

> $x =~ s/o/a/g
$x =~ s/o/a/g = 2

> $x
$x = faa

delete all from table

You can also use truncate.

truncate table table_name;

How to reverse a 'rails generate'

You could use rails d model/controller/migration ... to destroy or remove the changes generated by using the rails generate command.

For example:

rails g model Home name:string

creates a model named home with attribute name. To remove the files and code generated from that command we can use

rails d model Home

WordPress - Check if user is logged in

Try following code that worked fine for me

global $current_user;

Then, use following code to check whether user has logged in or not.

if ($current_user->ID == '') { 
    //show nothing to user
else { 
    //write code to show menu here

How can I wrap or break long text/word in a fixed width span?

Try following css with addition of white-space:

span {
    display: block;
    width: 50px;
    white-space: normal

How do you create a remote Git branch?

First you create the branch locally:

git checkout -b your_branch

And then to create the branch remotely:

git push --set-upstream origin your_branch

Note: This works on the latests versions of git:

$ git --version
git version 2.3.0


How do I use the CONCAT function in SQL Server 2008 R2?

CONCAT is new to SQL Server 2012. The link you gave makes this clear, it is not a function on Previous Versions, including 2008 R2.

That it is part of SQL Server 2012 can be seen in the document tree:

SQL Server 2012  
Product Documentation  
Books Online for SQL Server 2012  
Database Engine  
  Transact-SQL Reference (Database Engine)  
    Built-in Functions (Transact-SQL)  
      String Functions (Transact-SQL)  

EDIT Martin Smith helpfully points out that SQL Server provides an implementation of ODBC's CONCAT function.

What is the best way to compare 2 folder trees on windows?

Beyond compare allows you to do that and much more.

It's one of those tools I can't live without.
Take a look here for a reference on the scripting options

Set a default font for whole iOS app?

It seems to be possible in iOS 5 using the UIAppearance proxy.

 [[UILabel appearance] setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"YourFontName" size:17.0]];

That will set the font to be whatever your custom font is for all UILabels in your app. You'll need to repeat it for each control (UIButton, UILabel, etc.).

Remember you'll need to put the UIAppFonts value in your info.plist and include the name of the font you're including.

Where to find free public Web Services? -- Great collection of all category API's across web. It not only show cases the API's , but also Developers who use those API's in their applications and code samples, rating of the API and much more. They have more than apis they also have sdk and libraries too.

Accessing Google Spreadsheets with C# using Google Data API

I'm pretty sure there'll be some C# SDKs / toolkits on Google Code for this. I found this one, but there may be others so it's worth having a browse around.

How to initialize HashSet values by construction?

Sets.newHashSet("a", "b");


ImmutableSet.of("a", "b");

How to navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio Code?

The answer for your question:

  1. Mac:
    (Alt+?) For backward and (Alt+?) For forward navigation
  2. Windows:
    (Ctrl+-) For backward and (Ctrl+Shift+-) For forward navigation
  3. Linux:
    (Ctrl+Alt+-) For backward and (Ctrl+Shift+-) For forward navigation

You can find out the current key-bindings following this link

You can even edit the key-binding as per your preference.

What's the best way to determine which version of Oracle client I'm running?

This is another, though not necessarily "better", way:

Determining Your Current Version

To determine which Oracle client version you have installed on your pc, run sql*plus to connect to the DW. The folder names may vary somewhat based on your Oracle setup but should be similar. To run sql*plus choose start > programs > Oracle > Oracle - OUDWclient > Application Development > sqlplus. Enter your DW user name, password, and 'ordj' for the host name or service name. This should connect you to the DW via sqlplus. At this point, you could write your own sql statements to pull information from the DW (if you knew sql). The Oracle client version can be determined in the first line - 'SQL*Plus: Release'.

[Reference] Oracle Client Information

Cannot start GlassFish 4.1 from within Netbeans 8.0.1 Service area

Yes you can solve this error by changing the port number of glassfish because the WAMP SERVER or ORACLE database software uses a port number 8080, so there is a conflict of port number.

1)open a path like C:\GlassFish_Server\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml.

2)find out the 8080 port number with the help of ctrl+F. You will get the following code...

<network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" port="8080" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp">

3) Change that port number from 8080 to 9090 or 1234 or whatever you like..

4) Save it. Open a Netbeans IDE goto the glassfish server .

5) Right click on the server -> select refresh option.

6) to check the port no. which is given by u just right click on the server-> property.

7) Start the Glassfish server . Yehhh the error is gone...

How do I set up HttpContent for my HttpClient PostAsync second parameter?

    public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
        apiTable table = new apiTable();
        table.Name = "Asma Nadeem";
        table.Roll = "6655";

        string str = "";
        string str2 = "";

        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table);

        StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        var response = await client.PostAsync("", httpContent);

        str = "" + response.Content + " : " + response.StatusCode;

        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            str2 = "Data Posted";

        return View();

Better/Faster to Loop through set or list?

I the list is vary large looping two time over it will take a lot of time and more in the second time you are looping a set not a list and as we know iterating over a set is slower than list.

i think you need the power of generator and set.

def first_test():

    def loop_one_time(my_list):
        # create a set to keep the items.
        iterated_items = set()
        # as we know iterating over list is faster then list.
        for value in my_list: 
            # as we know checking if element exist in set is very fast not
            # metter the size of the set.
            if value not in iterated_items:  
                iterated_items.add(value) # add this item to list
                yield value

    mylist = [3,1,5,2,4,4,1,4,2,5,1,3]

    for v in loop_one_time(mylist):pass

def second_test():
    mylist = [3,1,5,2,4,4,1,4,2,5,1,3]
    s = set(mylist)
    for v in s:pass

import timeit

print(timeit.timeit('first_test()', setup='from __main__ import first_test', number=10000))
print(timeit.timeit('second_test()', setup='from __main__ import second_test', number=10000))

out put:


Note: this technique order is guaranteed

Sniffing/logging your own Android Bluetooth traffic

Also, this might help finding the actual location the btsnoop_hci.log is being saved:

adb shell "cat /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf | grep FileName"

Difference between Destroy and Delete

Basically "delete" sends a query directly to the database to delete the record. In that case Rails doesn't know what attributes are in the record it is deleting nor if there are any callbacks (such as before_destroy).

The "destroy" method takes the passed id, fetches the model from the database using the "find" method, then calls destroy on that. This means the callbacks are triggered.

You would want to use "delete" if you don't want the callbacks to be triggered or you want better performance. Otherwise (and most of the time) you will want to use "destroy".

Converting a datetime string to timestamp in Javascript

Parsing dates is a pain in JavaScript as there's no extensive native support. However you could do something like the following by relying on the Date(year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond]) constructor signature of the Date object.

var dateString = '17-09-2013 10:08',
    dateTimeParts = dateString.split(' '),
    timeParts = dateTimeParts[1].split(':'),
    dateParts = dateTimeParts[0].split('-'),

date = new Date(dateParts[2], parseInt(dateParts[1], 10) - 1, dateParts[0], timeParts[0], timeParts[1]);

console.log(date.getTime()); //1379426880000
console.log(date); //Tue Sep 17 2013 10:08:00 GMT-0400

You could also use a regular expression with capturing groups to parse the date string in one line.

var dateParts = '17-09-2013 10:08'.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)/);

console.log(dateParts); // ["17-09-2013 10:08", "17", "09", "2013", "10", "08"]

JQuery Parsing JSON array

var dataArray = [];
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
  for( key in obj ) 
  dataArray.push([key.toString(), obj [key]]);

Why does checking a variable against multiple values with `OR` only check the first value?

("Jesse" or "jesse")

The above expression tests whether or not "Jesse" evaluates to True. If it does, then the expression will return it; otherwise, it will return "jesse". The expression is equivalent to writing:

"Jesse" if "Jesse" else "jesse"

Because "Jesse" is a non-empty string though, it will always evaluate to True and thus be returned:

>>> bool("Jesse")  # Non-empty strings evaluate to True in Python
>>> bool("")  # Empty strings evaluate to False
>>> ("Jesse" or "jesse")
>>> ("" or "jesse")

This means that the expression:

name == ("Jesse" or "jesse")

is basically equivalent to writing this:

name == "Jesse"

In order to fix your problem, you can use the in operator:

# Test whether the value of name can be found in the tuple ("Jesse", "jesse")
if name in ("Jesse", "jesse"):

Or, you can lowercase the value of name with str.lower and then compare it to "jesse" directly:

# This will also handle inputs such as "JeSSe", "jESSE", "JESSE", etc.
if name.lower() == "jesse":

Python safe method to get value of nested dictionary

A recursive solution. It's not the most efficient but I find it a bit more readable than the other examples and it doesn't rely on functools.

def deep_get(d, keys):
    if not keys or d is None:
        return d
    return deep_get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:])


d = {'meta': {'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200}}
deep_get(d, ['meta', 'status_code'])     # => 200
deep_get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code'])  # => None

A more polished version

def deep_get(d, keys, default=None):
        d = {'meta': {'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200}}
        deep_get(d, ['meta', 'status_code'])          # => 200
        deep_get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code'])       # => None
        deep_get(d, ['meta', 'garbage'], default='-') # => '-'
    assert type(keys) is list
    if d is None:
        return default
    if not keys:
        return d
    return deep_get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:], default)

Merge unequal dataframes and replace missing rows with 0

Or, as an alternative to @Chase's code, being a recent plyr fan with a background in databases:

zz<-join(df1, df2, type="left")
zz[] <- 0

Why am I getting ImportError: No module named pip ' right after installing pip?

What solved the issue on my case was go to:

cd C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts

And run below command:

easy_install.exe pip

How to iterate over a std::map full of strings in C++

Another worthy optimization is the c_str ( ) member of the STL string classes, which returns an immutable null terminated string that can be passed around as a LPCTSTR, e. g., to a custom function that expects a LPCTSTR. Although I haven't traced through the destructor to confirm it, I suspect that the string class looks after the memory in which it creates the copy.

initialize a numpy array

Maybe something like this will fit your needs..

import numpy as np

N = 5
res = []

for i in range(N):

res = np.array(res).reshape((10, 4))

Which produces the following output

[[ 1.  2.  3.  4.]
 [ 5.  6.  7.  8.]
 [ 1.  2.  3.  4.]
 [ 5.  6.  7.  8.]
 [ 1.  2.  3.  4.]
 [ 5.  6.  7.  8.]
 [ 1.  2.  3.  4.]
 [ 5.  6.  7.  8.]
 [ 1.  2.  3.  4.]
 [ 5.  6.  7.  8.]]

Powershell script to locate specific file/file name?

From a powershell prompt, use the gci cmdlet (alias for Get-ChildItem) and -filter option:

gci -recurse -filter "hosts"

This will return an exact match to filename "hosts".

SteveMustafa points out with current versions of powershell you can use the -File switch to give the following to recursively search for only files named "hosts" (and not directories or other miscellaneous file-system entities):

gci -recurse -filter "hosts" -File 

The commands may print many red error messages like "Access to the path 'C:\Windows\Prefetch' is denied.".

If you want to avoid the error messages then set the -ErrorAction to be silent.

gci -recurse -filter "hosts" -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

An additional helper is that you can set the root to search from using -Path. The resulting command to search explicitly search from, for example, the root of the C drive would be

gci -Recurse -Filter "hosts" -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path "C:\"

Return JSON for ResponseEntity<String>

@RequestMapping(value = "so", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody String so() {
    return "This is a String";

Convert integer to binary in C#

using System;

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) {

        try {

            int i = (int) Convert.ToInt64(args[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("\n{0} converted to Binary is {1}\n", i, ToBinary(i));

        } catch(Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", e.Message);

    public static string ToBinary(Int64 Decimal) {
        // Declare a few variables we're going to need
        Int64 BinaryHolder;
        char[] BinaryArray;
        string BinaryResult = "";

        while (Decimal > 0) {
            BinaryHolder = Decimal % 2;
            BinaryResult += BinaryHolder;
            Decimal = Decimal / 2;

        BinaryArray = BinaryResult.ToCharArray();
        BinaryResult = new string(BinaryArray);

        return BinaryResult;

How to sort an associative array by its values in Javascript?

@commonpike's answer is "the right one", but as he goes on to comment...

most browsers nowadays just support Object.keys()

Yeah.. Object.keys() is WAY better.

But what's even better? Duh, it's it in coffeescript!

sortedKeys = (x) -> Object.keys(x).sort (a,b) -> x[a] - x[b]

  'a' :  1
  'b' :  3
  'c' :  4
  'd' : -1

[ 'd', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

Rails 4: how to use $(document).ready() with turbo-links

I found the following article which worked great for me and details the use of the following:

var load_this_javascript = function() { 
  // do some things 
$(window).bind('page:change', load_this_javascript)

disable Bootstrap's Collapse open/close animation

If you find the 1px jump before expanding and after collapsing when using the CSS solution a bit annoying, here's a simple JavaScript solution for Bootstrap 3...

Just add this somewhere in your code:

    $('.collapse').on('', function(e) {
    $('[data-toggle="collapse"]').on('click', function(e) {

Python glob multiple filetypes

After coming here for help, I made my own solution and wanted to share it. It's based on user2363986's answer, but I think this is more scalable. Meaning, that if you have 1000 extensions, the code will still look somewhat elegant.

from glob import glob

directoryPath  = "C:\\temp\\*." 
fileExtensions = [ "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "gif" ]
listOfFiles    = []

for extension in fileExtensions:
    listOfFiles.extend( glob( directoryPath + extension ))

for file in listOfFiles:
    print(file)   # Or do other stuff

Embedding SVG into ReactJS

You can import svg and it use it like a image

import chatSVG from '../assets/images/undraw_typing_jie3.svg'

And ise it in img tag

<img src={chatSVG} className='iconChat' alt="Icon chat"/>

How to create byte array from HttpPostedFile

Use a BinaryReader object to return a byte array from the stream like:

byte[] fileData = null;
using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(Request.Files[0].InputStream))
    fileData = binaryReader.ReadBytes(Request.Files[0].ContentLength);

Check a radio button with javascript

By using document.getElementById() function you don't have to pass # before element's id.


document.getElementById('_1234').checked = true;

Demo: JSFiddle

How to ignore parent css style

It would make sense for CSS to have a way to simply add an additional style (in the head section of your page, for example, which would override the linked style sheet) such as this:

#elementId select {
    /* turn all styles off (no way to do this) */

and turn off all previously applied styles, but there is no way to do this. You will have to override the height attribute and set it to a new value in the head section of your pages.

#elementId select {

Format a JavaScript string using placeholders and an object of substitutions?

Just use replace()

var values = {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"};
var substitutedString = "My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.".replace("%NAME%", $values["%NAME%"]).replace("%AGE%", $values["%AGE%"]);

What does "if (" mean?

The next() moves the cursor froward one row from its current position in the resultset. so its evident that if( means that if the next row is not null (means if it exist), Go Ahead.

Now w.r.t your problem,

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);  //This is wrong

note that executeQuery(String) is used in case you use a sql-query as string.

Whereas when you use a PreparedStatement, use executeQuery() which executes the SQL query in this PreparedStatement object and returns the ResultSet object generated by the query.

Solution :

Use : ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

successful/fail message pop up box after submit?

You are echoing outside the body tag of your HTML. Put your echos there, and you should be fine.

Also, remove the onclick="alert()" from your submit. This is the cause for your first undefined message.

  $posted = false;
  if( $_POST ) {
    $posted = true;

    // Database stuff here...
    // $result = mysql_query( ... )
    $result = $_POST['name'] == "danny"; // Dummy result


    if( $posted ) {
      if( $result ) 
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('submitted successfully!')</script>";
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('failed!')</script>";
    <form action="" method="post">
      Name:<input type="text" id="name" name="name"/>
      <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"/>

How to add http:// if it doesn't exist in the URL

At the time of writing, none of the answers used a built-in function for this:

function addScheme($url, $scheme = 'http://')
  return parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === null ?
    $scheme . $url : $url;

echo addScheme(''); // ""
echo addScheme(''); // ""

See also: parse_url()

"Unable to locate tools.jar" when running ant

There are two directories that looks like JDK.

  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\

This may be due to both 64 bit and 32 bit JDK installed? What ever may be the case, the java.exe seen by ant.bat should from the JDK. If the JRE's java.exe comes first in the path, that will be used to guess the JDK location.

Put 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin' or 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02' as the first argument in the path.

Further steps:

You can take output of ant -diagnostics and look for interesting keys. (assuming Sun/Oracle JDK).


(in my case tools.jar appears in java.class.path)

What is difference between @RequestBody and @RequestParam?

It is very simple just look at their names @RequestParam it consist of two parts one is "Request" which means it is going to deal with request and other part is "Param" which itself makes sense it is going to map only the parameters of requests to java objects. Same is the case with @RequestBody it is going to deal with the data that has been arrived with request like if client has send json object or xml with request at that time @requestbody must be used.

Executing JavaScript after X seconds

I believe you are looking for the setTimeout function.

To make your code a little neater, define a separate function for onclick in a <script> block:

function myClick() {
    function() {
    }, 5000);

then call your function from onclick


How to add multiple values to a dictionary key in python?

Make the value a list, e.g.

a["abc"] = [1, 2, "bob"]


There are a couple of ways to add values to key, and to create a list if one isn't already there. I'll show one such method in little steps.

key = "somekey"
a.setdefault(key, [])


>>> a
{'somekey': [1]}

Next, try:

key = "somekey"
a.setdefault(key, [])


>>> a
{'somekey': [1, 2]}

The magic of setdefault is that it initializes the value for that key if that key is not defined, otherwise it does nothing. Now, noting that setdefault returns the key you can combine these into a single line:



>>> a
{'somekey': [1, 2, 'bob']}

You should look at the dict methods, in particular the get() method, and do some experiments to get comfortable with this.

How to run a cronjob every X minutes?

Your CRON should look like this:

*/5 * * * *

CronWTF is really usefull when you need to test out your CRON settings.

Might be a good idea to pipe the output into a log file so you can see if your script is throwing any errors too - since you wont see them in your terminal.

Also try using a shebang at the top of your PHP file, so the system knows where to find PHP. Such as:


that way you can call the whole thing like this

*/5 * * * * php /path/to/script.php > /path/to/logfile.log

How to get access to raw resources that I put in res folder?

An advance approach is using Kotlin Extension function

fun Context.getRawInput(@RawRes resourceId: Int): InputStream {
    return resources.openRawResource(resourceId)

One more interesting thing is extension function use that is defined in Closeable scope

For example you can work with input stream in elegant way without handling Exceptions and memory managing

fun Context.readRaw(@RawRes resourceId: Int): String {
    return resources.openRawResource(resourceId).bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).use { it.readText() }

How do I remove all null and empty string values from an object?

Here is the optimized code snippet to remove empty arrays/objects as well:

function removeNullsInObject(obj) {
    if( typeof obj === 'string' ){ return; }
    $.each(obj, function(key, value){
        if (value === "" || value === null){
            delete obj[key];
        } else if ($.isArray(value)) {
            if( value.length === 0 ){ delete obj[key]; return; }
            $.each(value, function (k,v) {
        } else if (typeof value === 'object') {
            if( Object.keys(value).length === 0 ){ 
                delete obj[key]; return; 

Thanks @Alexis king :)

How to check certificate name and alias in keystore files?

This will list all certificates:

keytool -list -keystore "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts"

Clearing a string buffer/builder after loop

One option is to use the delete method as follows:

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {

   // This will clear the buffer
   sb.delete(0, sb.length());

Another option (bit cleaner) uses setLength(int len):


See Javadoc for more info:

What is the default stack size, can it grow, how does it work with garbage collection?

As you say, local variables and references are stored on the stack. When a method returns, the stack pointer is simply moved back to where it was before the method started, that is, all local data is "removed from the stack". Therefore, there is no garbage collection needed on the stack, that only happens in the heap.

To answer your specific questions:

  • See this question on how to increase the stack size.
  • You can limit the stack growth by:
    • grouping many local variables in an object: that object will be stored in the heap and only the reference is stored on the stack
    • limit the number of nested function calls (typically by not using recursion)
  • For windows, the default stack size is 320k for 32bit and 1024k for 64bit, see this link.

Meaning of "[: too many arguments" error from if [] (square brackets)

Some times If you touch the keyboard accidentally and removed a space.

if [ "$myvar" = "something"]; then
    do something

Will trigger this error message. Note the space before ']' is required.

Right click to select a row in a Datagridview and show a menu to delete it

base on @Data-Base answer it will not work until make selection mode FullRow

  MyDataGridView.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;

but if you need to make it work in CellSelect Mode

 MyDataGridView.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect;

 // for cell selection
 private void MyDataGridView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
       var hit = MyDataGridView.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);

       // cell selection
       MyDataGridView[hit.ColumnIndex,hit.RowIndex].Selected = true;

private void DeleteRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   int rowToDelete = MyDataGridView.Rows.GetFirstRow(DataGridViewElementStates.Selected);

boolean in an if statement

I think that your reasoning is sound. But in practice I have found that it is far more common to omit the === comparison. I think that there are three reasons for that:

  1. It does not usually add to the meaning of the expression - that's in cases where the value is known to be boolean anyway.
  2. Because there is a great deal of type-uncertainty in JavaScript, forcing a type check tends to bite you when you get an unexpected undefined or null value. Often you just want your test to fail in such cases. (Though I try to balance this view with the "fail fast" motto).
  3. JavaScript programmers like to play fast-and-loose with types - especially in boolean expressions - because we can.

Consider this example:

var someString = getInput();
var normalized = someString && trim(someString);  
// trim() removes leading and trailing whitespace

if (normalized) {

I think that this kind of code is not uncommon. It handles cases where getInput() returns undefined, null, or an empty string. Due to the two boolean evaluations submitInput() is only called if the given input is a string that contains non-whitespace characters.

In JavaScript && returns its first argument if it is falsy or its second argument if the first argument is truthy; so normalized will be undefined if someString was undefined and so forth. That means that none of the inputs to the boolean expressions above are actually boolean values.

I know that a lot of programmers who are accustomed to strong type-checking cringe when seeing code like this. But note applying strong typing would likely require explicit checks for null or undefined values, which would clutter up the code. In JavaScript that is not needed.

How to permanently remove few commits from remote branch

Simplifying from pctroll's answer, similarly based on this blog post.

# look up the commit id in git log or on github, e.g. 42480f3, then do
git checkout master
git checkout your_branch
git revert 42480f3
# a text editor will open, close it with ctrl+x (editor dependent)
git push origin your_branch
# or replace origin with your remote

Can't drop table: A foreign key constraint fails

Try this:

FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE 

This should deliver you which Tables have references to the table you want to drop, once you drop these references, or the datasets which reference datasets in this table you will be able to drop the table

How do I sort a VARCHAR column in SQL server that contains numbers?

you can always convert your varchar-column to bigint as integer might be too short...

select cast([yourvarchar] as BIGINT)

but you should always care for alpha characters

where ISNUMERIC([yourvarchar] +'e0') = 1

the +'e0' comes from

this would lead to your statement

   ISNUMERIC([yourvarchar] +'e0') DESC
 , LEN([yourvarchar]) ASC

the first sorting column will put numeric on top. the second sorts by length, so 10 will preceed 0001 (which is stupid?!)

this leads to the second version:

       ISNUMERIC([yourvarchar] +'e0') DESC
     , RIGHT('00000000000000000000'+[yourvarchar], 20) ASC

the second column now gets right padded with '0', so natural sorting puts integers with leading zeros (0,01,10,0100...) in correct order (correct!) - but all alphas would be enhanced with '0'-chars (performance)

so third version:

        ORDER BY
           ISNUMERIC([yourvarchar] +'e0') DESC
         , CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC([yourvarchar] +'e0') = 1
                THEN RIGHT('00000000000000000000' + [yourvarchar], 20) ASC
                ELSE LTRIM(RTRIM([yourvarchar]))
           END ASC

now numbers first get padded with '0'-chars (of course, the length 20 could be enhanced) - which sorts numbers right - and alphas only get trimmed

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

In my case with PHP7.3 Apache2.4 Ubuntu 18.04 I had to execute:

$ a2enmod actions fastcgi alias proxy_fcgi

SQL Server : GROUP BY clause to get comma-separated values

try this:

SELECT ReportId, Email = 
    STUFF((SELECT ', ' + Email
           FROM your_table b 
           WHERE b.ReportId = a.ReportId 
          FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
FROM your_table a

SQL fiddle demo

Regular expression for matching HH:MM time format

check this masterfull timestamp detector regex I built to look for a user-specified timestamp, examples of what it will pickup include, but is most definitely NOT limited to;

09:40-09 : 50
09 : 40-09 : 50
09:40 - 09 : 50
08 : 00to05 : 00
08:00 to 05:00
08h00 till 17h00
06pm untill 9am

It'll also pickup many more, as long as the times include digits

How to set a parameter in a HttpServletRequest?

If you really want to do this, create an HttpServletRequestWrapper.

public class AddableHttpRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {

   private HashMap params = new HashMap();

   public AddableingHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {

   public String getParameter(String name) {
           // if we added one, return that one
           if ( params.get( name ) != null ) {
                 return params.get( name );
           // otherwise return what's in the original request
           HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) super.getRequest();
           return validate( name, req.getParameter( name ) );

   public void addParameter( String name, String value ) {
           params.put( name, value );


multiprocessing: How do I share a dict among multiple processes?

In addition to @senderle's here, some might also be wondering how to use the functionality of multiprocessing.Pool.

The nice thing is that there is a .Pool() method to the manager instance that mimics all the familiar API of the top-level multiprocessing.

from itertools import repeat
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import pprint

def f(d: dict) -> None:
    pid = os.getpid()
    d[pid] = "Hi, I was written by process %d" % pid

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with mp.Manager() as manager:
        d = manager.dict()
        with manager.Pool() as pool:
  , repeat(d, 10))
        # `d` is a DictProxy object that can be converted to dict


$ python3 
{22562: 'Hi, I was written by process 22562',
 22563: 'Hi, I was written by process 22563',
 22564: 'Hi, I was written by process 22564',
 22565: 'Hi, I was written by process 22565',
 22566: 'Hi, I was written by process 22566',
 22567: 'Hi, I was written by process 22567',
 22568: 'Hi, I was written by process 22568',
 22569: 'Hi, I was written by process 22569',
 22570: 'Hi, I was written by process 22570',
 22571: 'Hi, I was written by process 22571'}

This is a slightly different example where each process just logs its process ID to the global DictProxy object d.

How to change an application icon programmatically in Android?

It's an old question, but still active as there is no explicit Android feature. And the guys from facebook found a work around - somehow. Today, I found a way that works for me. Not perfect (see remarks at the end of this answer) but it works!

Main idea is, that I update the icon of my app's shortcut, created by the launcher on my home screen. When I want to change something on the shortcut-icon, I remove it first and recreate it with a new bitmap.

Here is the code. It has a button increment. When pressed, the shortcut is replaced with one that has a new counting number.

First you need these two permissions in your manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />

Then you need this two methods for installing and uninstalling shortcuts. The shortcutAdd method creates a bitmap with a number in it. This is just to demonstrate that it actually changes. You probably want to change that part with something, you want in your app.

private void shortcutAdd(String name, int number) {
    // Intent to be send, when shortcut is pressed by user ("launched")
    Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Play.class);

    // Create bitmap with number in it -> very default. You probably want to give it a more stylish look
    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Paint paint = new Paint();
    paint.setColor(0xFF808080); // gray
    new Canvas(bitmap).drawText(""+number, 50, 50, paint);
    ((ImageView) findViewById(;

    // Decorate the shortcut
    Intent addIntent = new Intent();
    addIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, shortcutIntent);
    addIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME, name);
    addIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON, bitmap);

    // Inform launcher to create shortcut

private void shortcutDel(String name) {
    // Intent to be send, when shortcut is pressed by user ("launched")
    Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Play.class);

    // Decorate the shortcut
    Intent delIntent = new Intent();
    delIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, shortcutIntent);
    delIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME, name);

    // Inform launcher to remove shortcut

And finally, here are two listener to add the first shortcut and update the shortcut with an incrementing counter.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    findViewById( OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            shortcutAdd("changeIt!", count);
    findViewById( OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            shortcutAdd("changeIt!", count);


  • This way works also if your App controls more shortcuts on the home screen, e.g. with different extra's in the Intent. They just need different names so that the right one is uninstalled and reinstalled.

  • The programmatical handling of shortcuts in Android is a well known, widely used but not officially supported Android feature. It seems to work on the default launcher and I never tried it anywhere else. So dont blame me, when you get this user-emails "It does not work on my XYZ, double rooted, super blasted phone"

  • The launcher writes a Toast when a shortcut was installad and one when a shortcut was uninstalled. So I get two Toasts every time I change the icon. This is not perfect, but well, as long as the rest of my app is perfect...

Converting from a string to boolean in Python?

If you know the string will be either "True" or "False", you could just use eval(s).

>>> eval("True")
>>> eval("False")

Only use this if you are sure of the contents of the string though, as it will throw an exception if the string does not contain valid Python, and will also execute code contained in the string.

In Rails, how do you render JSON using a view?

Im new to RoR this is what I found out. you can directly render a json format

  users = User.all
  render json: {allUsers: users} # ! rendering all users

How to schedule a function to run every hour on Flask?

I've tried using flask instead of a simple apscheduler what you need to install is

pip3 install flask_apscheduler

Below is the sample of my code:

from flask import Flask
from flask_apscheduler import APScheduler

app = Flask(__name__)
scheduler = APScheduler()

def scheduleTask():
    print("This test runs every 3 seconds")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    scheduler.add_job(id = 'Scheduled Task', func=scheduleTask, trigger="interval", seconds=3)

make a header full screen (width) css

Set the max-width:1250px; that is currently on your body on your #container. This way your header will be 100% of his parent (body) :)

SQL recursive query on self referencing table (Oracle)

Do you want to do this?

SELECT id, parent_id, name, 
 (select Name from tbl where id = t.parent_id) parent_name
FROM tbl t start with id = 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id

Edit Another option based on OMG's one (but I think that will perform equally):

  AS parent_name,
  AS parent_id
    (select id, parent_id, name
    from tbl
    start with id = 1 
    connect by prior id = parent_id) t1
    left join
    tbl t2 on = t1.parent_id

CSS transition between left -> right and top -> bottom positions

For elements with dynamic width it's possible to use transform: translateX(-100%); to counter the horizontal percentage value. This leads to two possible solutions:

1. Option: moving the element in the entire viewport:

Transition from:

transform: translateX(0);


transform: translateX(calc(100vw - 100%));

#viewportPendulum {_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  animation: 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate swingViewport;_x000D_
  /* just for styling purposes */_x000D_
  background: #c70039;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
@keyframes swingViewport {_x000D_
  from {_x000D_
    transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw - 100%));_x000D_
<div id="viewportPendulum">Viewport</div>

2. Option: moving the element in the parent container:

Transition from:

transform: translateX(0);
left: 0;


left: 100%;
transform: translateX(-100%);

#parentPendulum {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  animation: 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate swingParent;_x000D_
  /* just for styling purposes */_x000D_
  background: #c70039;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
@keyframes swingParent {_x000D_
  from {_x000D_
    transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    left: 100%;_x000D_
    transform: translateX(-100%);_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  padding: 2rem 0;_x000D_
  margin: 2rem 15%;_x000D_
  background: #eee;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div id="parentPendulum">Parent</div>_x000D_

Demo on Codepen

Note: This approach can easily be extended to work for vertical positioning. Visit example here.

What is the difference between CSS and SCSS?

css has variables as well. You can use them like this:

--primaryColor: #ffffff;
--width: 800px;

body {
    width: var(--width);
    color: var(--primaryColor);
    width: var(--width);
    background: var(--primaryColor);

IOException: read failed, socket might closed - Bluetooth on Android 4.3

I have also receive the same IOException, but I find the Android system demo: "BluetoothChat" project is worked. I determined the problem is the UUID.

So i replace my UUID.fromString("00001001-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB") to UUID.fromString("8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66") and it worked most scene,only sometimes need to restart the Bluetooth device;

The project type is not supported by this installation

Open up the .csproj file for your solution in wordpad or some text editor. Look for the ProjectTypeGuids. They indicate the required supported types for your solutions. Search the internet these GUIDs to find out what they require. For example E53F8FEA-EAE0-44A6-8774-FFD645390401 means it requires "MVC 3.0"

What should I set JAVA_HOME environment variable on macOS X 10.6?

Also, it`s interesting to set your PATH to reflect the JDK. After adding JAVA_HOME (which can be done with the example cited by 'mipadi'):

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

Add also in ~/.profile:

export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH

P.S.: For OSX, I generally use .profile in the HOME dir instead of .bashrc

PowerShell: how to grep command output?

The proposed solution is just to much work for something that can be done like this:

Get-Alias -Definition Write*

what is Segmentation fault (core dumped)?

"Segmentation fault" means that you tried to access memory that you do not have access to.

The first problem is with your arguments of main. The main function should be int main(int argc, char *argv[]), and you should check that argc is at least 2 before accessing argv[1].

Also, since you're passing in a float to printf (which, by the way, gets converted to a double when passing to printf), you should use the %f format specifier. The %s format specifier is for strings ('\0'-terminated character arrays).

pandas unique values multiple columns

for those of us that love all things pandas, apply, and of course lambda functions:

df['Col3'] = df[['Col1', 'Col2']].apply(lambda x: ''.join(x), axis=1)

Traits vs. interfaces

An often-used metaphor to describe Traits is Traits are interfaces with implementation.

This is a good way of thinking about it in most circumstances, but there are a number of subtle differences between the two.

For a start, the instanceof operator will not work with traits (ie, a trait is not a real object), therefore you can't use that to see if a class has a certain trait (or to see if two otherwise unrelated classes share a trait). That's what they mean by it being a construct for horizontal code re-use.

There are functions now in PHP that will let you get a list of all the traits a class uses, but trait-inheritance means you'll need to do recursive checks to reliably check if a class at some point has a specific trait (there's example code on the PHP doco pages). But yeah, it's certainly not as simple and clean as instanceof is, and IMHO it's a feature that would make PHP better.

Also, abstract classes are still classes, so they don't solve multiple-inheritance related code re-use problems. Remember you can only extend one class (real or abstract) but implement multiple interfaces.

I've found traits and interfaces are really good to use hand in hand to create pseudo multiple inheritance. Eg:

class SlidingDoor extends Door implements IKeyed  
    use KeyedTrait;  
    [...] // Generally not a lot else goes here since it's all in the trait  

Doing this means you can use instanceof to determine if the particular Door object is Keyed or not, you know you'll get a consistent set of methods, etc, and all the code is in one place across all the classes that use the KeyedTrait.

AWS : The config profile (MyName) could not be found

Was facing similar issue and found below link more helpful then the answers provided here. I guess this is due to the updates to AWS CLI since the answers are provided.

Essentially it helps to create two different files (i.e. one for the general config related information and the second for the credentials related information).

Getting multiple keys of specified value of a generic Dictionary?

As everyone else has said, there's no mapping within a dictionary from value to key.

I've just noticed you wanted to map to from value to multiple keys - I'm leaving this solution here for the single value version, but I'll then add another answer for a multi-entry bidirectional map.

The normal approach to take here is to have two dictionaries - one mapping one way and one the other. Encapsulate them in a separate class, and work out what you want to do when you have duplicate key or value (e.g. throw an exception, overwrite the existing entry, or ignore the new entry). Personally I'd probably go for throwing an exception - it makes the success behaviour easier to define. Something like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>
    IDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> firstToSecond = new Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>();
    IDictionary<TSecond, TFirst> secondToFirst = new Dictionary<TSecond, TFirst>();

    public void Add(TFirst first, TSecond second)
        if (firstToSecond.ContainsKey(first) ||
            throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate first or second");
        firstToSecond.Add(first, second);
        secondToFirst.Add(second, first);

    public bool TryGetByFirst(TFirst first, out TSecond second)
        return firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second);

    public bool TryGetBySecond(TSecond second, out TFirst first)
        return secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first);

class Test
    static void Main()
        BiDictionary<int, string> greek = new BiDictionary<int, string>();
        greek.Add(1, "Alpha");
        greek.Add(2, "Beta");
        int x;
        greek.TryGetBySecond("Beta", out x);

How to assign multiple classes to an HTML container?

From the standard

7.5.2 Element identifiers: the id and class attributes

Attribute definitions

id = name [CS]
This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique in a document.

class = cdata-list [CS]
This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class name or names. Multiple class names must be separated by white space characters.

Yes, just put a space between them.

<article class="column wrapper">

Of course, there are many things you can do with CSS inheritance. Here is an article for further reading.

Git list of staged files

You can Try using :- git ls-files -s

How to len(generator())

Generators have no length, they aren't collections after all.

Generators are functions with a internal state (and fancy syntax). You can repeatedly call them to get a sequence of values, so you can use them in loop. But they don't contain any elements, so asking for the length of a generator is like asking for the length of a function.

if functions in Python are objects, couldn't I assign the length to a variable of this object that would be accessible to the new generator?

Functions are objects, but you cannot assign new attributes to them. The reason is probably to keep such a basic object as efficient as possible.

You can however simply return (generator, length) pairs from your functions or wrap the generator in a simple object like this:

class GeneratorLen(object):
    def __init__(self, gen, length):
        self.gen = gen
        self.length = length

    def __len__(self): 
        return self.length

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.gen

g = some_generator()
h = GeneratorLen(g, 1)
print len(h), list(h)

Where is git.exe located?

In Windows 7 on GitHub I found it in C:\Users(user)\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_(numbers)\mingw32\bin\git.exe

thanks to dir /s git.exe

Why do we use __init__ in Python classes?

It seems like you need to use __init__ in Python if you want to correctly initialize mutable attributes of your instances.

See the following example:

>>> class EvilTest(object):
...     attr = []
>>> evil_test1 = EvilTest()
>>> evil_test2 = EvilTest()
>>> evil_test1.attr.append('strange')
>>> print "This is evil:", evil_test1.attr, evil_test2.attr
This is evil: ['strange'] ['strange']
>>> class GoodTest(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.attr = []
>>> good_test1 = GoodTest()
>>> good_test2 = GoodTest()
>>> good_test1.attr.append('strange')
>>> print "This is good:", good_test1.attr, good_test2.attr
This is good: ['strange'] []

This is quite different in Java where each attribute is automatically initialized with a new value:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.String;

class SimpleTest
    public ArrayList<String> attr = new ArrayList<String>();

class Main
    public static void main(String [] args)
        SimpleTest t1 = new SimpleTest();
        SimpleTest t2 = new SimpleTest();


        System.out.println(t1.attr + " " + t2.attr);

produces an output we intuitively expect:

[strange] []

But if you declare attr as static, it will act like Python:

[strange] [strange]

PostgreSQL wildcard LIKE for any of a list of words

You can use Postgres' SIMILAR TO operator which supports alternations, i.e.

select * from table where lower(value) similar to '%(foo|bar|baz)%';

How to connect to a MS Access file (mdb) using C#?

Try this..

using System.Data.OleDb;

OleDbConnection dbConn;

dConn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=Registration.accdb;");

Recursively find files with a specific extension

Using find's -regex argument:

find . -regex '.*/Robert\.\(h\|cpp\)$'

Or just using -name:

find . -name 'Robert.*' -a \( -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' \)

How can I hide a checkbox in html?

Elements that are not being rendered (be it through visibility: hidden, display: none, opacity: 0.0, whatever) will not indicate focus. The browser will not draw a focus border around nothing.

If you want the text to be focusable, that's completely doable. You can wrap the whole thing in an element that can receive focus (for example, a hyperlink), or allow another tag to have focus using the tabindex property:

<label tabindex="0" class="checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox" value="valueofcheckbox" style="display:none" checked="checked" />Option Text


In this case, the <label> tag above is actually receiving focus and everything within it will have a focus border when it's in focus.

I do question what your goal is. If you're using a hidden checkbox to internally track some sort of state, you might be better off using a <input type="hidden" /> tag instead.

SMTP Connect() failed. Message was not sent.Mailer error: SMTP Connect() failed



Port: 25 or 587 (some providers block port 25)

I work by changing the port after deploying the app to the server.

  • In Debug it worked for me: $mail->Port = 25;
  • In Release it worked for me: $mail->Port = 587;


Python loop for inside lambda

If you are like me just want to print a sequence within a lambda, without get the return value (list of None).

x = range(3)
from __future__ import print_function           # if not python 3
pra = lambda seq=x: map(print,seq) and None     # pra for 'print all'

DropdownList DataSource

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        drpCategory.DataSource = CategoryHelper.Categories;
        drpCategory.DataTextField = "Name";
        drpCategory.DataValueField = "Id";

How to print a string at a fixed width?

I found ljust() and rjust() very useful to print a string at a fixed width or fill out a Python string with spaces.

An example


# expected output  

For your case, you case use fstring to print

for prefix in unique:
    if prefix != "":
        print(f"value  {prefix.ljust(3)} - num of occurrences = {string.count(str(prefix))}")

Expected Output

value  a   - num of occurrences = 1
value  ab  - num of occurrences = 1
value  abc - num of occurrences = 1
value  b   - num of occurrences = 1
value  bc  - num of occurrences = 1
value  bcd - num of occurrences = 1
value  c   - num of occurrences = 1
value  cd  - num of occurrences = 1
value  d   - num of occurrences = 1

You can change 3 to the highest length of your permutation string.

How to make Bootstrap Panel body with fixed height

You can use max-height in an inline style attribute, as below:

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 10;">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

To use scrolling with content that overflows a given max-height, you can alternatively try the following:

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 10;overflow-y: scroll;">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

To restrict the height to a fixed value you can use something like this.

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body" style="min-height: 10; max-height: 10;">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

Specify the same value for both max-height and min-height (either in pixels or in points – as long as it’s consistent).

You can also put the same styles in css class in a stylesheet (or a style tag as shown below) and then include the same in your tag. See below:

Style Code:

.fixed-panel {
  min-height: 10;
  max-height: 10;
  overflow-y: scroll;

Apply Style :

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body fixed-panel">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

Hope this helps with your need.

How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

You can use islower() on your string to see if it contains some lowercase letters (amongst other characters). or it with isupper() to also check if contains some uppercase letters:

below: letters in the string: test yields true

>>> z = "(555) 555 - 5555 ext. 5555"
>>> z.isupper() or z.islower()

below: no letters in the string: test yields false.

>>> z= "(555).555-5555"
>>> z.isupper() or z.islower()

Not to be mixed up with isalpha() which returns True only if all characters are letters, which isn't what you want.

Note that Barm's answer completes mine nicely, since mine doesn't handle the mixed case well.

How to detect READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is enabled?

SELECT is_read_committed_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases 
WHERE name= 'YourDatabase'

Return value:

  • 1: READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option is ON. Read operations under the READ COMMITTED isolation level are based on snapshot scans and do not acquire locks.
  • 0 (default): READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option is OFF. Read operations under the READ COMMITTED isolation level use Shared (S) locks.

How to force div to appear below not next to another?

I think what you want requires an extra wrapper div.

#map {_x000D_
    float: left; _x000D_
    width: 700px; _x000D_
    height: 500px;_x000D_
#wrapper {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
#list {_x000D_
    background: #eee;_x000D_
    list-style: none; _x000D_
    padding: 0; _x000D_
#similar {_x000D_
    background: #000; _x000D_
<div id="map">Lorem Ipsum</div>        _x000D_
<div id="wrapper">_x000D_
  <ul id="list"><li>Dolor</li><li>Sit</li><li>Amet</li></ul>_x000D_
  <div id ="similar">_x000D_
    this text should be below, not next to ul._x000D_

Draw an X in CSS


<div class="close-orange"></div>


.close-orange {
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  background-color: #FA6900;
  border-radius: 5px;
  width: 50px;
  height: 4px;
  top: 55px;
  left: 32.5px;
  left: 32.5px;

Calculating the distance between 2 points

Here is my 2 cents:

double dX = x1 - x2;
double dY = y1 - y2;
double multi = dX * dX + dY * dY;
double rad = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(multi), 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

x1, y1 is the first coordinate and x2, y2 the second. The last line is the square root with it rounded to 3 decimal places.

What does {0} mean when found in a string in C#?

For future reference, in Visual Studio you can try placing the cursor in the method name (for example, WriteLine) and press F1 to pull up help on that context. Digging around should then find you String.Format() in this case, with lots of helpful information.

Note that highlighting a selection (for example, double-clicking or doing a drag-select) and hitting F1 only does a non-context string search (which tends to suck at finding anything helpful), so make sure you just position the cursor anywhere inside the word without highlighting it.

This is also helpful for documentation on classes and other types.

What do I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?

To elaborate on, here is a fully documented, annotated and tested Python 3 implementation for the general case.

from __future__ import annotations  # To allow "MinHeap.push -> MinHeap:"
from typing import Generic, List, Optional, TypeVar
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush, heapreplace

T = TypeVar('T')

class MinHeap(Generic[T]):
    MinHeap provides a nicer API around heapq's functionality.
    As it is a minimum heap, the first element of the heap is always the
    >>> h = MinHeap([3, 1, 4, 2])
    >>> h[0]
    >>> h.peek()
    >>> h.push(5)  # N.B.: the array isn't always fully sorted.
    [1, 2, 4, 3, 5]
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.push(3).push(2)
    [2, 3, 4, 5]
    >>> h.replace(1)
    >>> h
    [1, 3, 4, 5]
    def __init__(self, array: Optional[List[T]] = None):
        if array is None:
            array = []
        self.h = array
    def push(self, x: T) -> MinHeap:
        heappush(self.h, x)
        return self  # To allow chaining operations.
    def peek(self) -> T:
        return self.h[0]
    def pop(self) -> T:
        return heappop(self.h)
    def replace(self, x: T) -> T:
        return heapreplace(self.h, x)
    def __getitem__(self, i) -> T:
        return self.h[i]
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.h)
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.h)
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.h)

class Reverse(Generic[T]):
    Wrap around the provided object, reversing the comparison operators.
    >>> 1 < 2
    >>> Reverse(1) < Reverse(2)
    >>> Reverse(2) < Reverse(1)
    >>> Reverse(1) <= Reverse(2)
    >>> Reverse(2) <= Reverse(1)
    >>> Reverse(2) <= Reverse(2)
    >>> Reverse(1) == Reverse(1)
    >>> Reverse(2) > Reverse(1)
    >>> Reverse(1) > Reverse(2)
    >>> Reverse(2) >= Reverse(1)
    >>> Reverse(1) >= Reverse(2)
    >>> Reverse(1)
    def __init__(self, x: T) -> None:
        self.x = x
    def __lt__(self, other: Reverse) -> bool:
        return other.x.__lt__(self.x)
    def __le__(self, other: Reverse) -> bool:
        return other.x.__le__(self.x)
    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        return self.x == other.x
    def __ne__(self, other: Reverse) -> bool:
        return other.x.__ne__(self.x)
    def __ge__(self, other: Reverse) -> bool:
        return other.x.__ge__(self.x)
    def __gt__(self, other: Reverse) -> bool:
        return other.x.__gt__(self.x)
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.x)
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.x)

class MaxHeap(MinHeap):
    MaxHeap provides an implement of a maximum-heap, as heapq does not provide
    it. As it is a maximum heap, the first element of the heap is always the
    largest. It achieves this by wrapping around elements with Reverse,
    which reverses the comparison operations used by heapq.
    >>> h = MaxHeap([3, 1, 4, 2])
    >>> h[0]
    >>> h.peek()
    >>> h.push(5)  # N.B.: the array isn't always fully sorted.
    [5, 4, 3, 1, 2]
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.pop()
    >>> h.push(3).push(2).push(4)
    [4, 3, 2, 1]
    >>> h.replace(1)
    >>> h
    [3, 1, 2, 1]
    def __init__(self, array: Optional[List[T]] = None):
        if array is not None:
            array = [Reverse(x) for x in array]  # Wrap with Reverse.
    def push(self, x: T) -> MaxHeap:
        return self
    def peek(self) -> T:
        return super().peek().x
    def pop(self) -> T:
        return super().pop().x
    def replace(self, x: T) -> T:
        return super().replace(Reverse(x)).x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

change PATH permanently on Ubuntu

Add the following line in your .profile file in your home directory (using vi ~/.profile):

export PATH

Then, for the change to take effect, simply type in your terminal:

$ . ~/.profile

What is the meaning of the word logits in TensorFlow?

Here is a concise answer for future readers. Tensorflow's logit is defined as the output of a neuron without applying activation function:

logit = w*x + b,

x: input, w: weight, b: bias. That's it.

The following is irrelevant to this question.

For historical lectures, read other answers. Hats off to Tensorflow's "creatively" confusing naming convention. In PyTorch, there is only one CrossEntropyLoss and it accepts un-activated outputs. Convolutions, matrix multiplications and activations are same level operations. The design is much more modular and less confusing. This is one of the reasons why I switched from Tensorflow to PyTorch.

Android webview slow

I think the following works best:

    webView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null);
} else {
    webView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

Android 19 has Chromium engine for WebView. I guess it works better with hardware acceleration.

How to set a CMake option() at command line

Delete the CMakeCache.txt file and try this:


You have to enter all your command-line definitions before including the path.

What is the proper way to test if a parameter is empty in a batch file?

You can use:

IF "%~1" == "" GOTO MyLabel

to strip the outer set of quotes. In general, this is a more reliable method than using square brackets because it will work even if the variable has spaces in it.

Reactjs setState() with a dynamic key name?

In loop with .map work like this:

{{ id, placeholder, type }) => {
        return <Input
            onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ [type]: text })}
            key={id} />

Note the [] in type parameter. Hope this helps :)

Test if characters are in a string

You want grepl:

> chars <- "test"
> value <- "es"
> grepl(value, chars)
[1] TRUE
> chars <- "test"
> value <- "et"
> grepl(value, chars)

Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused with homebrew

If after install you need to run redis on all time, just type in terminal:

redis-server &

Running redis using upstart on Ubuntu

I've been trying to understand how to setup systems from the ground up on Ubuntu. I just installed redis onto the box and here's how I did it and some things to look out for.

To install:

sudo apt-get install redis-server

That will create a redis user and install the init.d script for it. Since upstart is now the replacement for using init.d, I figure I should convert it to run using upstart.

To disable the default init.d script for redis:

sudo update-rc.d redis-server disable

Then create /etc/init/redis-server.conf with the following script:

description "redis server"

start on runlevel [23]
stop on shutdown

exec sudo -u redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf


What this is the script for upstart to know what command to run to start the process. The last line also tells upstart to keep trying to respawn if it dies.

One thing I had to change in /etc/redis/redis.conf is daemonize yes to daemonize no. What happens if you don't change it then redis-server will fork and daemonize itself, and the parent process goes away. When this happens, upstart thinks that the process has died/stopped and you won't have control over the process from within upstart.

Now you can use the following commands to control your redis-server:

sudo start redis-server
sudo restart redis-server
sudo stop redis-server

Hope this was helpful!

Using a dictionary to count the items in a list

How about this:

src = [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'two', 'three', 'three' ]
result_dict = dict( [ (i, src.count(i)) for i in set(src) ] )

This results in

{'one': 1, 'three': 3, 'two': 2}

how to select rows based on distinct values of A COLUMN only

use this(assume that your table name is emails):

select * from emails as a 
inner join  
(select EmailAddress, min(Id) as id from emails 
group by EmailAddress ) as b 
on a.EmailAddress = b.EmailAddress 
and a.Id =

hope this help..

Error: Could not find or load main class

If so simple than many people think, me included :)

cd to Project Folder/src/package there you should see then run javac which will create yourClass.class then cd out of the src folder and into the build folder there you can run java package.youClass

I am using the Terminal on Mac or you can accomplish the same task using Command Prompt on windows

How do I get JSON data from RESTful service using Python?

You basically need to make a HTTP request to the service, and then parse the body of the response. I like to use httplib2 for it:

import httplib2 as http
import json

    from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

headers = {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'

uri = ''
path = '/path/to/resource/'

target = urlparse(uri+path)
method = 'GET'
body = ''

h = http.Http()

# If you need authentication some example:
if auth:
    h.add_credentials(auth.user, auth.password)

response, content = h.request(

# assume that content is a json reply
# parse content with the json module
data = json.loads(content)

Can Selenium interact with an existing browser session?

This snippet successfully allows to reuse existing browser instance yet avoiding raising the duplicate browser. Found at Tarun Lalwani's blog.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver

# executor_url = driver.command_executor._url
# session_id = driver.session_id

def attach_to_session(executor_url, session_id):
    original_execute = WebDriver.execute
    def new_command_execute(self, command, params=None):
        if command == "newSession":
            # Mock the response
            return {'success': 0, 'value': None, 'sessionId': session_id}
            return original_execute(self, command, params)
    # Patch the function before creating the driver object
    WebDriver.execute = new_command_execute
    driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=executor_url, desired_capabilities={})
    driver.session_id = session_id
    # Replace the patched function with original function
    WebDriver.execute = original_execute
    return driver

bro = attach_to_session('', '8de24f3bfbec01ba0d82a7946df1d1c3')

Running a CMD or BAT in silent mode

Include the phrase:

@echo off

Right at the top of your bat script.

Authorize attribute in ASP.NET MVC

It exists because it is more convenient to use, also it is a whole different ideology using attributes to mark the authorization parameters rather than xml configuration. It wasn't meant to beat general purpose config or any other authorization frameworks, just MVC's way of doing it. I'm saying this, because it seems you are looking for a technical feature advantages which are probably non... just superb convenience.

BobRock already listed the advantages. Just to add to his answer, another scenarios are that you can apply this attribute to whole controller, not just actions, also you can add different role authorization parameters to different actions in same controller to mix and match.

How to resolve git error: "Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind"

This worked for me:

git branch

Copy the current branch name to clipboard

git pull origin <paste-branch-name>
git push

Eclipse add Tomcat 7 blank server name

Deleting/Moving files org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs and org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs worked for me.

Hash Map in Python

In python you would use a dictionary.

It is a very important type in python and often used.

You can create one easily by

name = {}

Dictionaries have many methods:

# add entries:
>>> name['first'] = 'John'
>>> name['second'] = 'Doe'
>>> name
{'first': 'John', 'second': 'Doe'}

# you can store all objects and datatypes as value in a dictionary
# as key you can use all objects and datatypes that are hashable
>>> name['list'] = ['list', 'inside', 'dict']
>>> name[1] = 1
>>> name
{'first': 'John', 'second': 'Doe', 1: 1, 'list': ['list', 'inside', 'dict']}

You can not influence the order of a dict.

Javascript - Open a given URL in a new tab by clicking a button

try this

<a id="link" href="" target="_blank" >gmail</a>

Run cron job only if it isn't already running

As a follow up to Earlz answer, you need a wrapper script that creates a $PID.running file when it starts, and delete when it ends. The wrapper script calls the script you wish to run. The wrapper is necessary in case the target script fails or errors out, the pid file gets deleted..

Select distinct values from a list using LINQ in C#

You could implement a custom IEqualityComparer<Employee>:

public class Employee
    public string empName { get; set; }
    public string empID { get; set; }
    public string empLoc { get; set; }
    public string empPL { get; set; }
    public string empShift { get; set; }

    public class Comparer : IEqualityComparer<Employee>
        public bool Equals(Employee x, Employee y)
            return x.empLoc == y.empLoc
                && x.empPL == y.empPL
                && x.empShift == y.empShift;

        public int GetHashCode(Employee obj)
            unchecked  // overflow is fine
                int hash = 17;
                hash = hash * 23 + (obj.empLoc ?? "").GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * 23 + (obj.empPL ?? "").GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * 23 + (obj.empShift ?? "").GetHashCode();
                return hash;

Now you can use this overload of Enumerable.Distinct:

var distinct = employees.Distinct(new Employee.Comparer());

The less reusable, robust and efficient approach, using an anonymous type:

var distinctKeys = employees.Select(e => new { e.empLoc, e.empPL, e.empShift })
var joined = from e in employees
             join d in distinctKeys
             on new { e.empLoc, e.empPL, e.empShift } equals d
             select e;
// if you want to replace the original collection
employees = joined.ToList();

How to export query result to csv in Oracle SQL Developer?

Not exactly "exporting," but you can select the rows (or Ctrl-A to select all of them) in the grid you'd like to export, and then copy with Ctrl-C.

The default is tab-delimited. You can paste that into Excel or some other editor and manipulate the delimiters all you like.

Also, if you use Ctrl-Shift-C instead of Ctrl-C, you'll also copy the column headers.

Request UAC elevation from within a Python script?

A variation on Jorenko's work above allows the elevated process to use the same console (but see my comment below):

def spawn_as_administrator():
    """ Spawn ourself with administrator rights and wait for new process to exit
        Make the new process use the same console as the old one.
          Raise Exception() if we could not get a handle for the new re-run the process
          Raise pywintypes.error() if we could not re-spawn
        Return the exit code of the new process,
          or return None if already running the second admin process. """
    #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
    import win32event, win32api, win32process
    import as shell
    if '--admin' in sys.argv:
        return None
    script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
    params = ' '.join([script] + sys.argv[1:] + ['--admin'])
    SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE = 0x00008000
    process = shell.ShellExecuteEx(lpVerb='runas', lpFile=sys.executable, lpParameters=params, fMask=SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE|SEE_MASK_NOCLOSE_PROCESS)
    hProcess = process['hProcess']
    if not hProcess:
        raise Exception("Could not identify administrator process to install drivers")
    # It is necessary to wait for the elevated process or else
    #  stdin lines are shared between 2 processes: they get one line each
    INFINITE = -1
    win32event.WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE)
    exitcode = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess)
    return exitcode

Nested or Inner Class in PHP

Put each class into separate files and "require" them.



    class User {

        public $userid;
        public $username;
        private $password;
        public $profile;
        public $history;            

        public function __construct() {


            $this->profile = new UserProfile();
            $this->history = new UserHistory();






    class UserProfile 
        // Some code here




    class UserHistory 
        // Some code here


Converting pfx to pem using openssl

Despite that the other answers are correct and thoroughly explained, I found some difficulties understanding them. Here is the method I used (Taken from here):

First case: To convert a PFX file to a PEM file that contains both the certificate and private key:

openssl pkcs12 -in filename.pfx -out cert.pem -nodes

Second case: To convert a PFX file to separate public and private key PEM files:

Extracts the private key form a PFX to a PEM file:

openssl pkcs12 -in filename.pfx -nocerts -out key.pem

Exports the certificate (includes the public key only):

openssl pkcs12 -in filename.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem

Removes the password (paraphrase) from the extracted private key (optional):

openssl rsa -in key.pem -out server.key

$_POST Array from html form





by adding [] to the end of your form field names, PHP will automatically convert these variables into arrays.

typeof operator in C

Since typeof is a compiler extension, there is not really a definition for it, but in the tradition of C it would be an operator, e.g sizeof and _Alignof are also seen as an operators.

And you are mistaken, C has dynamic types that are only determined at run time: variable modified (VM) types.

size_t n = strtoull(argv[1], 0, 0);
double A[n][n];
typeof(A) B;

can only be determined at run time.

How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing?

There's a built-in setting for it. On the ScrollView:


In Java,


Romain Guy explains it in depth here:

How can I print the contents of a hash in Perl?

I really like to sort the keys in one liner code:

print "$_ => $my_hash{$_}\n" for (sort keys %my_hash);