Programs & Examples On #Rdp

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to another computer.

AltGr key not working, instead I have to use Ctrl+AltGr

I found a solution for my problem while writing my question !

Going into my remote session i tried two key combinations, and it solved the problem on my Desktop : Alt+Enter and Ctrl+Enter (i don't know which one solved the problem though)

I tried to reproduce the problem, but i couldn't... but i'm almost sure it's one of the key combinations described in the question above (since i experienced this problem several times)

So it seems the problem comes from the use of RDP (windows7 and 8)

Update 2017: Problem occurs on Windows 10 aswell.

Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops

RDP will not do that natively.

As other answers have said -- you'll need to do some scripting and make policy changes as a kludge to make it hard for RDP logins to run anything but the intended application.

However, as of 2008, Microsoft has released application virtualization technology via Terminal Services that will allow you to do this seamlessly.

Powershell Log Off Remote Session

This is oldschool and predates PowerShell, but I have used the qwinsta / rwinsta combo for YEARS to remotely log off stale RDP sessions. It's built in on at least Windows XP and forward (possibly earlier)

Determine the session ID:

qwinsta /SERVER:<NAME>

Remove the session in question:


Merge two HTML table cells

Set the colspan attribute to 2.

...but please don't use tables for layout.

Understanding Matlab FFT example

It sounds like you need to some background reading on what an FFT is (e.g. But to answer your questions:

Why does the x-axis (frequency) end at 500?

Because the input vector is length 1000. In general, the FFT of a length-N input waveform will result in a length-N output vector. If the input waveform is real, then the output will be symmetrical, so the first 501 points are sufficient.

Edit: (I didn't notice that the example padded the time-domain vector.)

The frequency goes to 500 Hz because the time-domain waveform is declared to have a sample-rate of 1 kHz. The Nyquist sampling theorem dictates that a signal with sample-rate fs can support a (real) signal with a maximum bandwidth of fs/2.

How do I know the frequencies are between 0 and 500?

See above.

Shouldn't the FFT tell me, in which limits the frequencies are?


Does the FFT only return the amplitude value without the frequency?

The FFT simply assigns an amplitude (and phase) to every frequency bin.

Calculating the SUM of (Quantity*Price) from 2 different tables

I had the same problem as Marko and come across a solution like this:

/*Create a Table*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Create a Stored Procedure*/

/*Delete the 'tableGrandTotal' table for another usage of the stored procedure*/
DROP TABLE tableGrandTotal

/*Create a new Table which will include just one column*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Insert the query which returns subtotal for each orderitem row into tableGrandTotal*/
INSERT INTO tableGrandTotal
    SELECT oi.Quantity * p.Price AS columnGrandTotal
        FROM OrderItem oi
        JOIN Product p ON oi.Id = p.Id

/*And return the sum of columnGrandTotal from the newly created table*/    
SELECT SUM(columnGrandTotal) as [Grand Total]
    FROM tableGrandTotal

And just simply use the GetGrandTotal Stored Procedure to retrieve the Grand Total :)

EXEC GetGrandTotal

Launch programs whose path contains spaces

find an .exe file for the application you want to run example iexplore.exe and firefox.exe and remove .exe and use it in objShell.Run("firefox")

I hope this helps.

Invoke a second script with arguments from a script

We can use splatting for this:

& $command @args

where @args (automatic variable $args) is splatted into array of parameters.

Under PS, 5.1

Text vertical alignment in WPF TextBlock

For me, VerticalAlignment="Center" fixes this problem.
This could be because the TextBlockis wrapped in a grid, but then so is practically everything in wpf.

How can I get the ID of an element using jQuery?

.id is not a valid jquery function. You need to use the .attr() function to access attributes an element possesses. You can use .attr() to both change an attribute value by specifying two parameters, or get the value by specifying one.

How to manually trigger validation with jQuery validate?

In my similar case, I had my own validation logic and just wanted to use jQuery validation to show the message. This was what I did.

//1) Enable jQuery validation_x000D_
var validator = $('#myForm').validate();_x000D_
  //my own validation logic here_x000D_
  //2) when validation failed, show the error message manually_x000D_
    'myField': 'my custom error message'_x000D_

Setting font on NSAttributedString on UITextView disregards line spacing

Attributed String Programming Guide:

UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Palatino-Roman" size:14.0];
NSDictionary *attrsDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font
NSAttributedString *attrString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"strigil" attributes:attrsDictionary];

Update: I tried to use addAttribute: method in my own app, but it seemed to be not working on the iOS 6 Simulator:

NSLog(@"%@", textView.attributedText);

The log seems to show correctly added attributes, but the view on iOS simulator was not display with attributes.

httpd-xampp.conf: How to allow access to an external IP besides localhost?

Add below code in to file d:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf:

<IfModule alias_module>
    Alias / "d:/xampp/my/folder/"
    <Directory "d:/xampp/my/folder">
        AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Require all granted

Above config can access from

Note: someone suggest that replace from Require local to Require all granted but not work for me

<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|security|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
    # Require local
    Require all granted
    ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var

Add onclick event to newly added element in JavaScript

Not sure but try :

elemm.addEventListener('click', function(){ alert('blah');}, false);

Getting the length of two-dimensional array

You can do :


But be aware that there's no real two-dimensional array in Java. Each "first level" array contains another array. Each of these arrays can be of different sizes. nir[0].length isn't necessarily the same size as nir[1].length.

MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution

I just had the exact same problem and it turned out to be caused by the fact that 2 projects in the same solution were referencing a different version of the 3rd party library.

Once I corrected all the references everything worked perfectly.

Sequence contains more than one element

FYI you can also get this error if EF Migrations tries to run with no Db configured, for example in a Test Project.

Chased this for hours before I figured out that it was erroring on a query, but, not because of the query but because it was when Migrations kicked in to try to create the Db.

Finding all positions of substring in a larger string in C#

Why don't you use the built in RegEx class:

public static IEnumerable<int> GetAllIndexes(this string source, string matchString)
   matchString = Regex.Escape(matchString);
   foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(source, matchString))
      yield return match.Index;

If you do need to reuse the expression then compile it and cache it somewhere. Change the matchString param to a Regex matchExpression in another overload for the reuse case.

Python Requests library redirect new url

You are looking for the request history.

The response.history attribute is a list of responses that led to the final URL, which can be found in response.url.

response = requests.get(someurl)
if response.history:
    print("Request was redirected")
    for resp in response.history:
        print(resp.status_code, resp.url)
    print("Final destination:")
    print(response.status_code, response.url)
    print("Request was not redirected")


>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('')
>>> response.history
(<Response [302]>, <Response [302]>, <Response [302]>)
>>> for resp in response.history:
...     print(resp.status_code, resp.url)
>>> print(response.status_code, response.url)

How can I use grep to show just filenames on Linux?

The standard option grep -l (that is a lowercase L) could do this.

From the Unix standard:

    (The letter ell.) Write only the names of files containing selected
    lines to standard output. Pathnames are written once per file searched.
    If the standard input is searched, a pathname of (standard input) will
    be written, in the POSIX locale. In other locales, standard input may be
    replaced by something more appropriate in those locales.

You also do not need -H in this case.

How do I get LaTeX to hyphenate a word that contains a dash?

multi-disciplinary will not be hyphenated, as explained by kennytm. But multi-\-disciplinary has the same hyphenation opportunities that multidisciplinary has.

I admit that I don't know why this works. It is different from the behaviour described here (emphasis mine):

The command \- inserts a discretionary hyphen into a word. This also becomes the only point where hyphenation is allowed in this word.

How do I rename a Git repository?

The main name change is here (img 1), but also change (img 2)

enter image description here

enter image description here

What is the difference between conversion specifiers %i and %d in formatted IO functions (*printf / *scanf)

There is no difference between the %i and %d format specifiers for printf. We can see this by going to the draft C99 standard section The fprintf function which also covers printf with respect to format specifiers and it says in paragraph 8:

The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:

and includes the following bullet:

d,i     The int argument is converted to signed decimal in the style
        [-]dddd. The precision specifies the minimum number of digits to
        appear; if the value being converted can be represented in fewer
        digits, it is expanded with leading zeros. The default precision is
        1. The result of converting a zero value with a precision of zero is
        no characters.

On the other hand for scanf there is a difference, %d assume base 10 while %i auto detects the base. We can see this by going to section The fscanf function which covers scanf with respect to format specifier, in paragraph 12 it says:

The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:

and includes the following:

d     Matches an optionally signed decimal integer, whose format is the
      same as expected for the subject sequence of the strtol function with
      the value 10 for the base argument. The corresponding argument shall
      be a pointer to signed integer.

i     Matches an optionally signed integer, whose format is the same as
      expected for the subject sequence of the strtol function with the
      value 0 for the base argument. The corresponding argument shall be a
      pointer to signed integer.

Git add and commit in one command

For the silver backs in the crowd that are used to things like Subversion... to do a "commit" in the old sense of the word (i.e. -- or in git speak -- to add, commit, and push) in a single step I generally add something like the following in the root of my project (as a bat file in windows e.g. git-commit.bat). Then when I want to add, commit, and push I just type something like git-commit "Added some new stuff" and it all goes to the remote repo.

Also, this way anyone on the project can use the same with out having to change anything locally.

I usually also run git config credential.helper store once so I don't need to give uid/pwd when this is run.

:: add, commit, and push to git

@echo off
echo Doing commit...
git add -A && git commit -m %1
echo Doing push...
git push
echo Done.

MySQL - UPDATE multiple rows with different values in one query

You can use a CASE statement to handle multiple if/then scenarios:

UPDATE table_to_update 
SET  cod_user= CASE WHEN user_rol = 'student' THEN '622057'
                   WHEN user_rol = 'assistant' THEN '2913659'
                   WHEN user_rol = 'admin' THEN '6160230'
    ,date = '12082014'
WHERE user_rol IN ('student','assistant','admin')
  AND cod_office = '17389551';

Angular 2: 404 error occur when I refresh through the browser

Perhaps you can do it while registering your root with RouterModule. You can pass a second object with property useHash:true like the below:

import { NgModule }       from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule  } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent }   from './app.component';
import { ROUTES }   from './app.routes';

    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports: [BrowserModule],
    RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES ,{ useHash: true }),],
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

how to increase java heap memory permanently?

if you need to increase reserved memory, there are VM parameters -Xms and -Xmx, usage e.g. -Xms512m -Xmx512m . There is also parameter -XX:MaxPermSize=256m which changes memory reserved for permanent generation

If your application runs as windows service, in Control panels -> Administration tools -> Services you can add some run parameters to your service

How can I declare enums using java

public enum NewEnum {

   private String s;

   private NewEnum(String s) {
      this.s = s);

    public String getS() {
        return this.s;

How to properly upgrade node using nvm

You can more simply run one of the following commands:

Latest version:
nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node
Stable (LTS) version:
nvm install lts/* --reinstall-packages-from=node

This will install the appropriate version and reinstall all packages from the currently used node version. This saves you from manually handling the specific versions.

Edit - added command for installing LTS version according to @m4js7er comment.

Pandas - 'Series' object has no attribute 'colNames' when using apply()

When you use df.apply(), each row of your DataFrame will be passed to your lambda function as a pandas Series. The frame's columns will then be the index of the series and you can access values using series[label].

So this should work:

df['D'] = (df.apply(lambda x: myfunc(x[colNames[0]], x[colNames[1]]), axis=1)) 

Magento: Set LIMIT on collection

The way to do was looking at the code in code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Category/Flat/Collection.php at line 380 in Magento 1.7.2 on the function setPage($pageNum, $pageSize)

 $collection = Mage::getModel('model')
     ->setCurPage(2) // 2nd page
     ->setPageSize(10); // 10 elements per pages

I hope this will help someone.

Run cmd commands through Java

Try this:

Process runtime = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start notepad++.exe");

'negative' pattern matching in python

You can also do it without negative look ahead. You just need to add parentheses to that part of expression which you want to extract. This construction with parentheses is named group.

Let's write python code:

string = """OK SYS 10 LEN 20 12 43
1233a.fdads.txt,23 /data/a11134/a.txt
3232b.ddsss.txt,32 /data/d13f11/b.txt
3452d.dsasa.txt,1234 /data/c13af4/f.txt

search_result ="^OK.*\n((.|\s)*).", string)

if search_result:

Output is:

1233a.fdads.txt,23 /data/a11134/a.txt
3232b.ddsss.txt,32 /data/d13f11/b.txt
3452d.dsasa.txt,1234 /data/c13af4/f.txt

^OK.*\n will find first line with OK statement, but we don't want to extract it so leave it without parentheses. Next is part which we want to capture: ((.|\s)*), so put it inside parentheses. And in the end of regexp we look for a dot ., but we also don't want to capture it.

P.S: I find this answer is super helpful to understand power of groups.

What is copy-on-write?

I found this good article about zval in PHP, which mentioned COW too:

Copy On Write (abbreviated as ‘COW’) is a trick designed to save memory. It is used more generally in software engineering. It means that PHP will copy the memory (or allocate new memory region) when you write to a symbol, if this one was already pointing to a zval.

When is layoutSubviews called?

calling [self.view setNeedsLayout]; in viewController makes it to call viewDidLayoutSubviews

Entity Framework rollback and remove bad migration

You have 2 options:

  • You can take the Down from the bad migration and put it in a new migration (you will also need to make the subsequent changes to the model). This is effectively rolling up to a better version.

    I use this option on things that have gone to multiple environments.

  • The other option is to actually run Update-Database –TargetMigration: TheLastGoodMigration against your deployed database and then delete the migration from your solution. This is kinda the hulk smash alternative and requires this to be performed against any database deployed with the bad version.

    Note: to rescaffold the migration you can use Add-Migration [existingname] -Force. This will however overwrite your existing migration, so be sure to do this only if you have removed the existing migration from the database. This does the same thing as deleting the existing migration file and running add-migration

    I use this option while developing.

Trigger an event on `click` and `enter`

Something like this will work

    if (ev.which === 13)


If you really want DELETE FROM some_table CASCADE; which means "remove all rows from table some_table", you can use TRUNCATE instead of DELETE and CASCADE is always supported. However, if you want to use selective delete with a where clause, TRUNCATE is not good enough.

USE WITH CARE - This will drop all rows of all tables which have a foreign key constraint on some_table and all tables that have constraints on those tables, etc.

Postgres supports CASCADE with TRUNCATE command:


Handily this is transactional (i.e. can be rolled back), although it is not fully isolated from other concurrent transactions, and has several other caveats. Read the docs for details.

How can I remove all my changes in my SVN working directory?

svn status | grep '^M' | sed -e 's/^.//' | xargs rm

svn update

Will remove any file which has been modified. I seem to remember having trouble with revert when files and directories may have been added.

How can I load storyboard programmatically from class?

In attribute inspector give the identifier for that view controller and the below code works for me

UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil];
DetailViewController *detailViewController = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"DetailViewController"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];

Changing WPF title bar background color

In WPF the titlebar is part of the non-client area, which can't be modified through the WPF window class. You need to manipulate the Win32 handles (if I remember correctly).
This article could be helpful for you: Custom Window Chrome in WPF.

How Can I Remove “public/index.php” in the URL Generated Laravel?

For Laravel 4 & 5:

  1. Rename server.php in your Laravel root folder to index.php
  2. Copy the .htaccess file from /public directory to your Laravel root folder.

That's it !! :)

Resize font-size according to div size

My answer does not require Javascript and only relies on CSS3 (available in most modern browsers). I personally like it very much if design is not relying on Javascript too much.

My answer is a "pure CSS3 , no Javascript required"-solution:

The solution as can be seen here ( uses the following additions to the CSS styles (which make use of the @media query of CSS3 which)

@media all and (min-width: 50px)   {  body  { font-size:0.1em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 100px)  {  body  { font-size:0.2em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 200px)  {  body  { font-size:0.4em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 300px)  {  body  { font-size:0.6em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 400px)  {  body  { font-size:0.8em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 500px)  {  body  { font-size:1.0em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 600px)  {  body  { font-size:1.2em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 700px)  {  body  { font-size:1.4em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 800px)  {  body  { font-size:1.6em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 900px)  {  body  { font-size:1.8em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1000px) {  body  { font-size:2.0em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1100px) {  body  { font-size:2.2em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1200px) {  body  { font-size:2.4em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1300px) {  body  { font-size:2.6em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1400px) {  body  { font-size:2.8em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1500px) {  body  { font-size:3.0em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1500px) {  body  { font-size:3.2em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1600px) {  body  { font-size:3.4em;  } }
@media all and (min-width: 1700px) {  body  { font-size:3.6em;  } }

What this in effect causes is that the font-size is adjusted to the available screen width. This adjustment is done in steps of 100px (which is finegrained enough for most purposes) and covers a maximum screen width of 1700px which I reckon to be amply (2013) and can by adding further lines be further improved.

A side benefit is that the adjustment of the font-size is occuring at each resize. This dynamic adjustment (because for instance the browser windows is resized) might not yet be covered by the Javascript based solution.

Delete terminal history in Linux

If you use bash, then the terminal history is saved in a file called .bash_history. Delete it, and history will be gone.

However, for MySQL the better approach is not to enter the password in the command line. If you just specify the -p option, without a value, then you will be prompted for the password and it won't be logged.

Another option, if you don't want to enter your password every time, is to store it in a my.cnf file. Create a file named ~/.my.cnf with something like:

user = <username>
password = <password>

Make sure to change the file permissions so that only you can read the file.

Of course, this way your password is still saved in a plaintext file in your home directory, just like it was previously saved in .bash_history.

Create session factory in Hibernate 4

Try this!

package your.package;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistryBuilder;

public class HibernateUtil
    private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;
    private static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;

//          Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();

            serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).buildServiceRegistry();
            sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
        catch (HibernateException he)
            System.err.println("Error creating Session: " + he);
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(he);

    public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
        return sessionFactory;

Where value in column containing comma delimited values

            LOCATE(',DOG,', CONCAT(',',COLUMN,','))>0 OR
            LOCATE(',CAT,', CONCAT(',',COLUMN,','))>0

How to draw circle in html page?

As of 2015, you can make it and center the text with as few as 15 lines of CSS (Fiddle):

body {_x000D_
  background-color: #fff;_x000D_
#circle {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  background-color: #09f;_x000D_
  margin: 20px auto;_x000D_
  width: 400px;_x000D_
  height: 400px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 200px;_x000D_
#text {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <meta charset="UTF-8">_x000D_
  <title>circle with text</title>_x000D_
  <div id="circle">_x000D_
    <div id="text">Text in the circle</div>_x000D_

Without any -webkit-s, this works on IE11, Firefox, Chrome and Opera, and it is valid HTML5 (experimental) and CSS3.

Same on MS Edge (2020).

How to deep watch an array in angularjs?

$watchCollection accomplishes what you want to do. Below is an example copied from angularjs website$rootScope.Scope While it's convenient, the performance needs to be taken into consideration especially when you watch a large collection.

  $scope.names = ['igor', 'matias', 'misko', 'james'];
  $scope.dataCount = 4;

  $scope.$watchCollection('names', function(newNames, oldNames) {
     $scope.dataCount = newNames.length;


  //still at 4 ... no changes


  //now there's been a change

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

If you are using autolayout, set the vertical contentHuggingPriority to 1000, either in code or IB. In IB you may then have to remove a height constraint by setting it's priority to 1 and then deleting it.

Return generated pdf using spring MVC

You were on the right track with response.getOutputStream(), but you're not using its output anywhere in your code. Essentially what you need to do is to stream the PDF file's bytes directly to the output stream and flush the response. In Spring you can do it like this:

@RequestMapping(value="/getpdf", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getPDF(@RequestBody String json) {
    // convert JSON to Employee 
    Employee emp = convertSomehow(json);

    // generate the file

    // retrieve contents of "C:/tmp/report.pdf" that were written in showHelp
    byte[] contents = (...);

    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    // Here you have to set the actual filename of your pdf
    String filename = "output.pdf";
    headers.setContentDispositionFormData(filename, filename);
    headers.setCacheControl("must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    ResponseEntity<byte[]> response = new ResponseEntity<>(contents, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    return response;


  • use meaningful names for your methods: naming a method that writes a PDF document showHelp is not a good idea
  • reading a file into a byte[]: example here
  • I'd suggest adding a random string to the temporary PDF file name inside showHelp() to avoid overwriting the file if two users send a request at the same time

How do I remove link underlining in my HTML email?

Use !important in the text decoration rule.

<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none !important;">BOOK NOW</a>

standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" - Docker

Use notepad++, go to edit -> EOL conversion -> change from CRLF to LF.

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL

Single quotes should be used for string values like in the VALUES() list.

Backticks are generally used to indicate an identifier and as well be safe from accidentally using the reserved keywords.

In combination of PHP and MySQL, double quotes and single quotes make your query writing time so much easier.

How to set proxy for wget?

In Windows - for Fiddler say - using environment variables:

set http_proxy=
set https_proxy=

'this' vs $scope in AngularJS controllers

The reason 'addPane' is assigned to this is because of the <pane> directive.

The pane directive does require: '^tabs', which puts the tabs controller object from a parent directive, into the link function.

addPane is assigned to this so that the pane link function can see it. Then in the pane link function, addPane is just a property of the tabs controller, and it's just tabsControllerObject.addPane. So the pane directive's linking function can access the tabs controller object and therefore access the addPane method.

I hope my explanation is clear enough.. it's kind of hard to explain.

How to convert base64 string to image?

Just use the method .decode('base64') and go to be happy.

You need, too, to detect the mimetype/extension of the image, as you can save it correctly, in a brief example, you can use the code below for a django view:

def receive_image(req):
    image_filename = req.REQUEST["image_filename"] # A field from the Android device
    image_data = req.REQUEST["image_data"].decode("base64") # The data image
    handler = open(image_filename, "wb+")

And, after this, use the file saved as you want.

Simple. Very simple. ;)

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

This has been answered thoroughly. Just want to post this method i have created based on Powershell-Jobs as a reference.

Jobs are passed on as a list of script-blocks. They can be parameterized. Output of the jobs is color-coded and prefixed with a job-index (just like in a vs-build-process, as this will be used in a build) Can be used to startup multiple servers at a time or running build steps in parallel or so..

function Start-Parallel {
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]


    $jobs = $ScriptBlock | ForEach-Object { Start-Job -ScriptBlock $_ -ArgumentList $parameters }
    $colors = "Blue", "Red", "Cyan", "Green", "Magenta"
    $colorCount = $colors.Length

    try {
        while (($jobs | Where-Object { $_.State -ieq "running" } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
            $jobs | ForEach-Object { $i = 1 } {
                $fgColor = $colors[($i - 1) % $colorCount]
                $out = $_ | Receive-Job
                $out = $out -split [System.Environment]::NewLine
                $out | ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Host "$i> "-NoNewline -ForegroundColor $fgColor
                    Write-Host $_
    } finally {
        Write-Host "Stopping Parallel Jobs ..." -NoNewline
        $jobs | Stop-Job
        $jobs | Remove-Job -Force
        Write-Host " done."

sample output:

sample output

What does "Git push non-fast-forward updates were rejected" mean?

You need to merge and resolve the conflicts locally before you push your changes to remote repo/fork.

1) pull (fetch and merge)

$ git pull remote branch 

2) Push the changes

$ git push remote branch 

Still you have a quick choice to push forcibly by using --force option but should be avoided as it may result in changes loss or affect badly on other contributors.

Find first and last day for previous calendar month in SQL Server Reporting Services (VB.Net)

I was looking for a simple answer to solve this myself. here is what I found

This will split the year and month, take one month off and get the first day.

firstDayInPreviousMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), Month(dtmDate) - 1, 1)

Gets the first day of the previous month from the current

lastDayInPreviousMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), Month(dtmDate), 0)

More details can be found at:

Detailed 500 error message, ASP + IIS 7.5

I have come to the same problem and fixed the same way as Alex K.

So if "Send Errors To Browser" is not working set also this:

Error Pages -> 500 -> Edit Feature Settings -> "Detailed Errors"

enter image description here

Also note that if the content of the error page sent back is quite short and you're using IE, IE will happily ignore the useful content sent back by the server and show you its own generic error page instead. You can turn this off in IE's options, or use a different browser.

ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError Explained

Debugging tips

This error can be quite confusing, and it's easy to make a wrong assumption about exactly when it's occuring. I find it helpful to add a lot of debugging statements like this throughout the affected components in the appropriate places. This helps understand the flow.

In the parent put statements like this (the exact string 'EXPRESSIONCHANGED' is important), but other than that these are just examples:

    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: constructor');
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: setting config', newConfig);
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: setting config ok');
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - HomePageComponent: running detectchanges');

In the child / services / timer callbacks:

    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - ChildComponent: setting config');
    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - ChildComponent: setting config ok');

If you run detectChanges manually add logging for that too:

    console.log('EXPRESSIONCHANGED - ChildComponent: running detectchanges');

Then in Chrome debugger just filter by 'EXPRESSIONCHANGES'. This will show you exactly the flow and order of everything that gets set, and also exactly at what point Angular throws the error.

enter image description here

You can also click on the gray links to put breakpoints in.

Another thing to watch out if you have similarly named properties throughout your application (such as style.background) make sure you're debugging the one you think you - by setting it to an obscure color value.

I am getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" error even though it is defined in my classpath

Well for me the problem got resolved by adding the jars in my APACHE/TOMCAT/lib folder ! .

Why does Math.Round(2.5) return 2 instead of 3?

This is ugly as all hell, but always produces correct arithmetic rounding.

public double ArithRound(double number,int places){

  string numberFormat = "###.";

  numberFormat = numberFormat.PadRight(numberFormat.Length + places, '#');

  return double.Parse(number.ToString(numberFormat));


How can I get the class name from a C++ object?

You could try using "typeid".

This doesn't work for "object" name but YOU know the object name so you'll just have to store it somewhere. The Compiler doesn't care what you namned an object.

Its worth bearing in mind, though, that the output of typeid is a compiler specific thing so even if it produces what you are after on the current platform it may not on another. This may or may not be a problem for you.

The other solution is to create some kind of template wrapper that you store the class name in. Then you need to use partial specialisation to get it to return the correct class name for you. This has the advantage of working compile time but is significantly more complex.

Edit: Being more explicit

template< typename Type > class ClassName
    static std::string name()
        return "Unknown";

Then for each class somethign liek the following:

template<> class ClassName<MyClass>
    static std::string name()
        return "MyClass";

Which could even be macro'd as follows:

#define DefineClassName( className ) \
template<> class ClassName<className> \
{ \
public: \
    static std::string name() \
    { \
        return #className; \
    } \
}; \

Allowing you to, simply, do

DefineClassName( MyClass );

Finally to Get the class name you'd do the following:

ClassName< MyClass >::name();

Edit2: Elaborating further you'd then need to put this "DefineClassName" macro in each class you make and define a "classname" function that would call the static template function.

Edit3: And thinking about it ... Its obviously bad posting first thing in the morning as you may as well just define a member function "classname()" as follows:

std::string classname()
     return "MyClass";

which can be macro'd as follows:

DefineClassName( className ) \
std::string classname()  \
{ \
     return #className; \

Then you can simply just drop

DefineClassName( MyClass );

into the class as you define it ...

Download data url file

Here is a pure JavaScript solution I tested working in Firefox and Chrome but not in Internet Explorer:

function downloadDataUrlFromJavascript(filename, dataUrl) {

    // Construct the 'a' element
    var link = document.createElement("a"); = filename; = "_blank";

    // Construct the URI
    link.href = dataUrl;

    // Cleanup the DOM
    delete link;

Cross-browser solutions found up until now:

downloadify -> Requires Flash

databounce -> Tested in IE 10 and 11, and doesn't work for me. Requires a servlet and some customization. (Incorrectly detects navigator. I had to set IE in compatibility mode to test, default charset in servlet, JavaScript options object with correct servlet path for absolute paths...) For non-IE browsers, it opens the file in the same window.

download.js -> Another library similar but not tested. Claims to be pure JavaScript, not requiring servlet nor Flash, but doesn't work on IE <= 9.

How to install psycopg2 with "pip" on Python?

I was having this problem, the main reason was with 2 equal versions installed. One by and one by HomeBrew.

If you choose to keep only the APP:

brew unlink postgresql
pip3 install psycopg2

pip install - locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

I had the same problem, and "export LC_ALL=c" didn't work for me.

Try export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" (it will work).

An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

If you still need to use the HTTP Module you need to configure it (.NET 4.0 framework) as follows:

   <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
       <add name="MyModule" type="[Namespace].[Class], [assembly]"/>
   <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>

Tuple unpacking in for loops

Take this code as an example:

elements = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
index = 0

for element in elements:
  print element, index
  index += 1

You loop over the list and store an index variable as well. enumerate() does the same thing, but more concisely:

elements = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

for index, element in enumerate(elements):
  print element, index

The index, element notation is required because enumerate returns a tuple ((1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), ...) that is unpacked into two different variables.

Border Height on CSS

No, there isn't. The border will always be as tall as the element.

You can achieve the same effect by wrapping the contents of the cell in a <span>, and applying height/border styles to that. Or by drawing a short vertical line in an 1 pixel wide PNG which is the correct height, and applying it as a background to the cell:

background:url(line.png) bottom right no-repeat;

How to pass multiple arguments in processStartInfo?

startInfo.Arguments = "/c \"netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=0000000000003ed9cd0c315bbb6dc1c08da5e6 appid={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF} clientcertnegotiation=enable\"";


startInfo.Arguments = "/c \"makecert -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer\"";

The /c tells cmd to quit once the command has completed. Everything after /c is the command you want to run (within cmd), including all of the arguments.

Resize to fit image in div, and center horizontally and vertically

This is one way to do it:

Fiddle here:


<div class='container'>
    <a href='#'>
    <img class='resize_fit_center'
      src='' />


.container {
    margin: 10px;
    width: 115px;
    height: 115px;
    line-height: 115px;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid red;
.resize_fit_center {
    vertical-align: middle;

How do I specify unique constraint for multiple columns in MySQL?

For PostgreSQL... It didn't work for me with index; it gave me an error, so I did this:

alter table table_name
add unique(column_name_1,column_name_2);

PostgreSQL gave unique index its own name. I guess you can change the name of index in the options for the table, if it is needed to be changed...

OnClick vs OnClientClick for an asp:CheckBox?

Because they are two different kinds of controls...

You see, your web browser doesn't know about server side programming. it only knows about it's own DOM and the event models that it uses... And for click events of objects rendered to it. You should examine the final markup that is actually sent to the browser from ASP.Net to see the differences your self.

<asp:CheckBox runat="server" OnClick="alert(this.checked);" />

renders to

<input type="check" OnClick="alert(this.checked);" />


<asp:CheckBox runat="server" OnClientClick="alert(this.checked);" />

renders to

<input type="check" OnClientClick="alert(this.checked);" />

Now, as near as i can recall, there are no browsers anywhere that support the "OnClientClick" event in their DOM...

When in doubt, always view the source of the output as it is sent to the browser... there's a whole world of debug information that you can see.

Prevent browser caching of AJAX call result

As @Athasach said, according to the jQuery docs, $.ajaxSetup({cache:false}) will not work for other than GET and HEAD requests.

You are better off sending back a Cache-Control: no-cache header from your server anyway. It provides a cleaner separation of concerns.

Of course, this would not work for service urls that you do not belong to your project. In that case, you might consider proxying the third party service from server code rather than calling it from client code.

Array of arrays (Python/NumPy)

If the file is only numerical values separated by tabs, try using the csv library: (you can set the delimiter to '\t')

If you have a textual file in which every line represents a row in a matrix and has integers separated by spaces\tabs, wrapped by a 'arrayname = [...]' syntax, you should do something like:

import re
f = open("your-filename", 'rb')
result_matrix = []
for line in f.readlines():
    match = re.match(r'\s*\w+\s+\=\s+\[(.*?)\]\s*', line)
    if match is None:
        pass # line syntax is wrong - ignore the line
    values_as_strings =
    result_matrix.append(map(int, values_as_strings))

creating custom tableview cells in swift

I have the same problem.

Generally what I did is the same as you.

class dynamicCell: UITableViewCell {

    @IBOutlet var testLabel : UILabel

    init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String) {
        super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)

    override func awakeFromNib() {

    override func setSelected(selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
        super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)

and in the uitableviewcell method:

func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> UITableViewCell! {
    var cell :dynamicCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell") as dynamicCell

    cell.testLabel.text = "so sad"


    return cell;

and yeah the tableview shows nothing! But guess what, it actually shows something...because the log I get from the println(cell.testLabel) shows that all the Labels are actually displayed out.

BUT! their Frames is strange, which have something like this:

frame = (0 -21; 42 21);

so it has a (0,-21) as (x,y), so that means the label just appears at somewhere outside the bound of the cell.

so I try to add adjust the frame manually like this:

cell.testLabel.frame = CGRectMake(10, 10, 42, 21)

and sadly, it doesn't work.

---------------update after 10 min -----------------

I DID IT. so, it seems that the problem comes from the Size Classes.

Click on your .storyboard file and go to the File Inspector Tab

UNCHECK THE Size Classes checkbox

and finally, my "so sad"Label comes out!

How do I change the background color of a plot made with ggplot2

To avoid deprecated opts and theme_rect use:

myplot + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill='green', colour='red'))

To define your own custom theme, based on theme_gray but with some of your changes and a few added extras including control of gridline colour/size (more options available to play with at

theme_jack <- function (base_size = 12, base_family = "") {
    theme_gray(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace% 
            axis.text = element_text(colour = "white"),
            axis.title.x = element_text(colour = "pink", size=rel(3)),
            axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "blue", angle=45),
            panel.background = element_rect(fill="green"),
            panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(size=3),
            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "orange"),
            plot.background = element_rect(fill="red")

To make your custom theme the default when ggplot is called in future, without masking:


If you want to change an element of the currently set theme:

theme_update(plot.background = element_rect(fill="pink"), axis.title.x = element_text(colour = "red"))

To store the current default theme as an object:

theme_pink <- theme_get()

Note that theme_pink is a list whereas theme_jack was a function. So to return the theme to theme_jack use theme_set(theme_jack()) whereas to return to theme_pink use theme_set(theme_pink).

You can replace theme_gray by theme_bw in the definition of theme_jack if you prefer. For your custom theme to resemble theme_bw but with all gridlines (x, y, major and minor) turned off:

theme_nogrid <- function (base_size = 12, base_family = "") {
    theme_bw(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace% 
            panel.grid = element_blank()

Finally a more radical theme useful when plotting choropleths or other maps in ggplot, based on discussion here but updated to avoid deprecation. The aim here is to remove the gray background, and any other features that might distract from the map.

theme_map <- function (base_size = 12, base_family = "") {
    theme_gray(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace% 
            axis.ticks.length=unit(0.3, "lines"),
            axis.ticks.margin=unit(0.5, "lines"),
            legend.background=element_rect(fill="white", colour=NA),
            legend.key.size=unit(1.2, "lines"),
            legend.title=element_text(size=rel(0.8), face="bold", hjust=0),
            panel.margin=unit(0, "lines"),
            plot.margin=unit(c(1, 1, 0.5, 0.5), "lines"),
            strip.background=element_rect(fill="grey90", colour="grey50"),
            strip.text.y=element_text(size=rel(0.8), angle=-90) 

How to use a calculated column to calculate another column in the same view

You have to include the expression for your calculated column:

ColumnA + ColumnB AS calccolumn1  
(ColumnA + ColumnB) / ColumnC AS calccolumn2

How many values can be represented with n bits?

There's an easier way to think about this. Start with 1 bit. This can obviously represent 2 values (0 or 1). What happens when we add a bit? We can now represent twice as many values: the values we could represent before with a 0 appended and the values we could represent before with a 1 appended.

So the the number of values we can represent with n bits is just 2^n (2 to the power n)

Fastest way to tell if two files have the same contents in Unix/Linux?

For files that are not different, any method will require having read both files entirely, even if the read was in the past.

There is no alternative. So creating hashes or checksums at some point in time requires reading the whole file. Big files take time.

File metadata retrieval is much faster than reading a large file.

So, is there any file metadata you can use to establish that the files are different? File size ? or even results of the file command which does just read a small portion of the file?

File size example code fragment:

  ls -l $1 $2 | 
  awk 'NR==1{a=$5} NR==2{b=$5} 
       END{val=(a==b)?0 :1; exit( val) }'

[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo 'same' || echo 'different'  

If the files are the same size then you are stuck with full file reads.

Register comdlg32.dll gets Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found

SOLUTION OF Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found,

  1. Go to systemdrive(generally c:)\system32 and search file "Regsvr32.exe"
  2. Right click and click in properties and go to security tab and click in advanced button.
  3. Click in owner tab and click edit and select administrators and click ok.
  4. Click in permissions
  5. Click in change permissions.
  6. Choose administrators and click edit and put tick on full control and click ok.
  7. Similarly, choose SYSTEM and edit and put tick on full control and click ok and click in other dialog box which are opened.
  8. Now .dll files can be registered and error don't come, you should re-install any software whose dll files was not registered during installation.

wait process until all subprocess finish?

Automatically waits , you can also use:


The declared package does not match the expected package ""

Try closing and re-opening the file.

It is possible to get this error in eclipse when there is absolutely nothing wrong with the file location or package declaration. Try that before spending a lot of time trying these other solutions. Sometimes eclipse just gets confused. It's worked for me on a number of occasions. I credit the idea to Joshua Goldberg.

Maven - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.4.1:clean

Delete the java.exe process in Task Manager and re-execute.It worked for me.

Skip first couple of lines while reading lines in Python file

Here is a method to get lines between two line numbers in a file:

import sys

def file_line(name,start=1,end=sys.maxint):
    with open(s) as f:
        for line in f:
            if lc>=start and lc<=end:
                yield line

print l1
print l2


['Zyrian\n', 'Zyryan\n', 'zythem\n', 'Zythia\n', 'zythum\n', 'Zyzomys\n', 'Zyzzogeton\n']
['A\n', 'a\n', 'aa\n', 'aal\n', 'aalii\n', 'aam\n', 'Aani\n', 'aardvark\n', 'aardwolf\n', 'Aaron\n']

Just call it with one parameter to get from line n -> EOF

How to remove all listeners in an element?

If you’re not opposed to jquery, this can be done in one line:

jQuery 1.7+


jQuery < 1.7


Here’s an example:

How to add button in ActionBar(Android)?

An activity populates the ActionBar in its onCreateOptionsMenu() method.

Instead of using setcustomview(), just override onCreateOptionsMenu like this:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
  MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
  inflater.inflate(, menu);
  return true;

If an actions in the ActionBar is selected, the onOptionsItemSelected() method is called. It receives the selected action as parameter. Based on this information you code can decide what to do for example:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
  switch (item.getItemId()) {
      Toast.makeText(this, "Menu Item 1 selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      Toast.makeText(this, "Menu item 2 selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  return true;

How to autoplay HTML5 mp4 video on Android?

Android actually has an API for this! The method is setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(). I found it after a lot of digging into video autoplay and a lot of attempted hacks from SO. Here's an example from blair vanderhoof:

package com.example.myProject;

import android.os.Bundle;
import org.apache.cordova.*;
import android.webkit.WebSettings;

public class myProject extends CordovaActivity 
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        // Set by <content src="index.html" /> in config.xml

        WebSettings ws = super.appView.getSettings();

Showing data values on stacked bar chart in ggplot2

From ggplot 2.2.0 labels can easily be stacked by using position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5) in geom_text.

ggplot(Data, aes(x = Year, y = Frequency, fill = Category, label = Frequency)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  geom_text(size = 3, position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5))

enter image description here

Also note that "position_stack() and position_fill() now stack values in the reverse order of the grouping, which makes the default stack order match the legend."

Answer valid for older versions of ggplot:

Here is one approach, which calculates the midpoints of the bars.


# calculate midpoints of bars (simplified using comment by @DWin)
Data <- ddply(Data, .(Year), 
   transform, pos = cumsum(Frequency) - (0.5 * Frequency)

# library(dplyr) ## If using dplyr... 
# Data <- group_by(Data,Year) %>%
#    mutate(pos = cumsum(Frequency) - (0.5 * Frequency))

# plot bars and add text
p <- ggplot(Data, aes(x = Year, y = Frequency)) +
     geom_bar(aes(fill = Category), stat="identity") +
     geom_text(aes(label = Frequency, y = pos), size = 3)

Resultant chart

Background image jumps when address bar hides iOS/Android/Mobile Chrome

The solution I'm currently using is to check the userAgent on $(document).ready to see if it's one of the offending browsers. If it is, follow these steps:

  1. Set the relevant heights to the current viewport height rather than '100%'
  2. Store the current viewport horizontal value
  3. Then, on $(window).resize, only update the relevant height values if the new horizontal viewport dimension is different from it's initial value
  4. Store the new horizontal & vertical values

Optionally, you could also test permitting vertical resizes only when they are beyond the height of the address bar(s).

Oh, and the address bar does affect $(window).height. See: Mobile Webkit browser (chrome) address bar changes $(window).height(); making background-size:cover rescale every time JS "Window" width-height vs "screen" width-height?

C default arguments

Wow, everybody is such a pessimist around here. The answer is yes.

It ain't trivial: by the end, we'll have the core function, a supporting struct, a wrapper function, and a macro around the wrapper function. In my work I have a set of macros to automate all this; once you understand the flow it'll be easy for you to do the same.

I've written this up elsewhere, so here's a detailed external link to supplement the summary here:

We'd like to turn

double f(int i, double x)

into a function that takes defaults (i=8, x=3.14). Define a companion struct:

typedef struct {
    int i;
    double x;
} f_args;

Rename your function f_base, and define a wrapper function that sets defaults and calls the base:

double var_f(f_args in){
    int i_out = in.i ? in.i : 8;
    double x_out = in.x ? in.x : 3.14;
    return f_base(i_out, x_out);

Now add a macro, using C's variadic macros. This way users don't have to know they're actually populating a f_args struct and think they're doing the usual:

#define f(...) var_f((f_args){__VA_ARGS__});

OK, now all of the following would work:

f(3, 8);      //i=3, x=8
f(.i=1, 2.3); //i=1, x=2.3
f(2);         //i=2, x=3.14
f(.x=9.2);    //i=8, x=9.2

Check the rules on how compound initializers set defaults for the exact rules.

One thing that won't work: f(0), because we can't distinguish between a missing value and zero. In my experience, this is something to watch out for, but can be taken care of as the need arises---half the time your default really is zero.

I went through the trouble of writing this up because I think named arguments and defaults really do make coding in C easier and even more fun. And C is awesome for being so simple and still having enough there to make all this possible.

Where can I find the default timeout settings for all browsers?

For Google Chrome (Tested on ver. 62)

I was trying to keep a socket connection alive from the google chrome's fetch API to a remote express server and found the request headers have to match Node.JS's native <net.socket> connection settings.

I set the headers object on my client-side script with the following options:

/* ----- */
head = new headers();
head.append("Connnection", "keep-alive")
head.append("Keep-Alive", `timeout=${1*60*5}`) //in seconds, not milliseconds
/* apply more definitions to the header */
fetch(url, {
    method: 'OPTIONS',
    credentials: "include",
    body: JSON.stringify(data),
    cors: 'cors',
    headers: head, //could be object literal too
    cache: 'default'

And on my express server I setup my router as follows:

 router.head('absolute or regex', (request, response, next)=>{
  req.setTimeout(1000*60*5, ()=>{"socket timed out");
   });"Proceeding down the middleware chain link...\n\n");

 /*Keep the socket alive by enabling it on the server, with an optional 
  delay on the last packet sent 
server.on('connection', (socket)=>socket.setKeepAlive(true, 10))


Please use common sense and make sure the users you're keeping the socket connection open to is validated and serialized. It works for Firefox as well, but it's really vulnerable if you keep the TCP connection open for longer than 5 minutes.

I'm not sure how some of the lesser known browsers operate, but I'll append to this answer with the Microsoft browser details as well.

Returning pointer from a function

It is not allocating memory at assignment of value 12 to integer pointer. Therefore it crashes, because it's not finding any memory.

You can try this:

int *fun();

int main()
    int *ptr;

int *fun()
    int ptr;

Wait until an HTML5 video loads

You don't really need jQuery for this as there is a Media API that provides you with all you need.

var video = document.getElementById('myVideo');
video.src = 'my_video_' + value + '.ogg';

The Media API also contains a load() method which: "Causes the element to reset and start selecting and loading a new media resource from scratch."

(Ogg isn't the best format to use, as it's only supported by a limited number of browsers. I'd suggest using WebM and MP4 to cover all major browsers - you can use the canPlayType() function to decide on which one to play).

You can then wait for either the loadedmetadata or loadeddata (depending on what you want) events to fire:

video.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() {
   // Video is loaded and can be played
}, false);

Oracle SQL update based on subquery between two tables

There are two ways to do what you are trying

One is a Multi-column Correlated Update

SET (name, count) = (
  SELECT name, count
  WHERE a.ID = b.ID);


You can use merge

USING ( select id, name, count 
          from STAGING ) b
ON ( = )
            a.count = b.count


Sonar properties files

You can define a Multi-module project structure, then you can set the configuration for sonar in one properties file in the root folder of your project, (Way #1)

How to format JSON in notepad++

You have to use the plugin manager of Notepad++ and search for the JSON plugin. There you can easily install it.

This answer explains it pretty good: How to reformat JSON in Notepad++?

Python threading. How do I lock a thread?

import threading 

# global variable x 
x = 0

def increment(): 
    function to increment global variable x 
    global x 
    x += 1

def thread_task(): 
    task for thread 
    calls increment function 100000 times. 
    for _ in range(100000): 

def main_task(): 
    global x 
    # setting global variable x as 0 
    x = 0

    # creating threads 
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=thread_task) 
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=thread_task) 

    # start threads 

    # wait until threads finish their job 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    for i in range(10): 
        print("Iteration {0}: x = {1}".format(i,x))

Passing multiple parameters with $.ajax url

Why are you combining GET and POST? Use one or the other.

    type: 'post',
    data: {
        timestamp: timestamp,
        uid: uid


$uid =$_POST['uid'];

Or, just format your request properly (you're missing the ampersands for the get parameters).


Angular ngClass and click event for toggling class

We can also use ngClass to assign multiple CSS classes based on multiple conditions as below:

  'class-name': trueCondition,
  'other-class': !trueCondition

"dd/mm/yyyy" date format in excel through vba

I got it

Cells(1, 1).Value = StartDate
Cells(1, 1).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"

Basically, I need to set the cell format, instead of setting the date.

Android background music service

I have found two great resources to share, if anyone else come across this thread via Google, this may help them ( 2018 ). One is this video tutorial in which you'll see practically how service works, this is good for starters.

Link :-

Other is this website which will really help you with background audio player.

Link :-

Good Luck :)

ElasticSearch: Unassigned Shards, how to fix?

In my case, the hard disk space upper bound was reached.

Look at this article:

Basically, I ran:

PUT /_cluster/settings
  "transient": {
    "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low": "90%",
    "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high": "95%",
    "": "1m"

So that it will allocate if <90% hard disk space used, and move a shard to another machine in the cluster if >95% hard disk space used; and it checks every 1 minute.

Generic type conversion FROM string

public class TypedProperty<T> : Property
    public T TypedValue
        get { return (T)(object)base.Value; }
        set { base.Value = value.ToString();}

I using converting via an object. It is a little bit simpler.

Convert YYYYMMDD string date to a datetime value

You should have to use DateTime.TryParseExact.

var newDate = DateTime.ParseExact("20111120", 


string str = "20111021";
string[] format = {"yyyyMMdd"};
DateTime date;

if (DateTime.TryParseExact(str, 
                           out date))

Is there a bash command which counts files?

You can define such a command easily, using a shell function. This method does not require any external program and does not spawn any child process. It does not attempt hazardous ls parsing and handles “special” characters (whitespaces, newlines, backslashes and so on) just fine. It only relies on the file name expansion mechanism provided by the shell. It is compatible with at least sh, bash and zsh.

The line below defines a function called count which prints the number of arguments with which it has been called.

count() { echo $#; }

Simply call it with the desired pattern:

count log*

For the result to be correct when the globbing pattern has no match, the shell option nullglob (or failglob — which is the default behavior on zsh) must be set at the time expansion happens. It can be set like this:

shopt -s nullglob    # for sh / bash
setopt nullglob      # for zsh

Depending on what you want to count, you might also be interested in the shell option dotglob.

Unfortunately, with bash at least, it is not easy to set these options locally. If you don’t want to set them globally, the most straightforward solution is to use the function in this more convoluted manner:

( shopt -s nullglob ; shopt -u failglob ; count log* )

If you want to recover the lightweight syntax count log*, or if you really want to avoid spawning a subshell, you may hack something along the lines of:

# sh / bash:
# the alias is expanded before the globbing pattern, so we
# can set required options before the globbing gets expanded,
# and restore them afterwards.
count() {
    eval "$_count_saved_shopts"
    unset _count_saved_shopts
    echo $#
alias count='
    _count_saved_shopts="$(shopt -p nullglob failglob)"
    shopt -s nullglob
    shopt -u failglob

As a bonus, this function is of a more general use. For instance:

count a* b*          # count files which match either a* or b*
count $(jobs -ps)    # count stopped jobs (sh / bash)

By turning the function into a script file (or an equivalent C program), callable from the PATH, it can also be composed with programs such as find and xargs:

find "$FIND_OPTIONS" -exec count {} \+    # count results of a search

How to execute VBA Access module?

Well it depends on how you want to call this code.

Are you calling it from a button click on a form, if so then on the properties for the button on form, go to the Event tab, then On Click item, select [Event Procedure]. This will open the VBA code window for that button. You would then call your Module.Routine and then this would trigger when you click the button.

Similar to this:

Private Sub Command1426_Click()
End Sub

This button click event calls the Module mdl_ExportMorning and the Public Sub ExportMorning.

How to truncate string using SQL server

If you only want to return a few characters of your long string, you can use:

  left(col, 15) + '...' col
from yourtable

See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

This will return the first 15 characters of the string and then concatenates the ... to the end of it.

If you want to to make sure than strings less than 15 do not get the ... then you can use:

    when len(col)>=15
    then left(col, 15) + '...' 
    else col end col
from yourtable

See SQL Fiddle with Demo Invalid postback or callback argument

I had a similar problem because of copy paste from another page, what I got:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <form id="form2" runat="server">

I just removed form with id="form2" inside form with id="form1" and issue gone. This could be not your problem but it could be something similar.

Multiple submit buttons on HTML form – designate one button as default

I'm resurrecting this because I was researching a non-JavaScript way to do this. I wasn't into the key handlers, and the CSS positioning stuff was causing tab ordering to break since CSS repositioning doesn't change tab order.

My solution is based on the response at

The solution source is below. tabindex is used to correct tab behaviour of the hidden button, as well as aria-hidden to avoid having the button read out by screen readers / identified by assistive devices.

<form method="post" action="">
  <button type="submit" name="useraction" value="2nd" class="default-button-handler" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></button>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="test-input">Focus into this input: </label>
    <input type="text" id="test-input" class="form-control" name="test-input" placeholder="Focus in here and press enter / go" />

1st button in DOM 2nd button in DOM 3rd button in DOM

Essential CSS for this solution:

.default-button-handler {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;
  margin: 0;

Manually highlight selected text in Notepad++

To highlight a block of code in Notepad++, please do the following steps

  1. Select the required text.
  2. Right click to display the context menu
  3. Choose Style token and select any of the five choices available ( styles from Using 1st style to using 5th style). Each is of different colors.If you want yellow color choose using 3rd style.

If you want to create your own style you can use Style Configurator under Settings menu.

Unique constraint violation during insert: why? (Oracle)

Presumably, since you're not providing a value for the DB_ID column, that value is being populated by a row-level before insert trigger defined on the table. That trigger, presumably, is selecting the value from a sequence.

Since the data was moved (presumably recently) from the production database, my wager would be that when the data was copied, the sequence was not modified as well. I would guess that the sequence is generating values that are much lower than the largest DB_ID that is currently in the table leading to the error.

You could confirm this suspicion by looking at the trigger to determine which sequence is being used and doing a

SELECT <<sequence name>>.nextval
  FROM dual

and comparing that to

  FROM cmdb_db

If, as I suspect, the sequence is generating values that already exist in the database, you could increment the sequence until it was generating unused values or you could alter it to set the INCREMENT to something very large, get the nextval once, and set the INCREMENT back to 1.

HTML span align center not working?

The align attribute is deprecated. Use CSS text-align instead. Also, the span will not center the text unless you use display:block or display:inline-block and set a value for the width, but then it will behave the same as a div (block element).

Can you post an example of your layout? Use

How do I change the JAVA_HOME for ant?

try with this:

/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config java

Add leading zeroes to number in Java?

Another option is to use DecimalFormat to format your numeric String. Here is one other way to do the job without having to use String.format if you are stuck in the pre 1.5 world:

static String intToString(int num, int digits) {
    assert digits > 0 : "Invalid number of digits";

    // create variable length array of zeros
    char[] zeros = new char[digits];
    Arrays.fill(zeros, '0');
    // format number as String
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(String.valueOf(zeros));

    return df.format(num);

Any easy way to use icons from resources?

in visual studio for, go to the project properties, click Add Resource > Existing File, select your Icon.

in your code: Me.Icon = My.Resources.IconResourceName

MetadataException when using Entity Framework Entity Connection

As Shiraz Bhaiji answered, the metadata=res:///Model.csdl|res:///Model.ssdl|res://*/Model.msl was the case. However I still had problems with constructing the proper string based on my Model localization, namespaces and assemby name. The very simple solution was to rename the .edmx file in Visual Studio(after than rename and get back to the original name), which triggered the automatic refreshing of the string in my Web.config

How to create permanent PowerShell Aliases

I found that I can run this command:

notepad $((Split-Path $profile -Parent) + "\profile.ps1")

and it opens my default powershell profile (at least when using Terminal for Windows). I found that here.

Then add an alias. For example, here is my alias of jn for jupyter notebook (I hate typing out the cumbersome jupyter notebook every time):

Set-Alias -Name jn -Value C:\Users\words\Anaconda3\Scripts\jupyter-notebook.exe

PHP PDO: charset, set names?

Prior to PHP 5.3.6, the charset option was ignored. If you're running an older version of PHP, you must do it like this:


    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:$connstr",  $user, $password);

    $dbh -> exec("set names utf8");


'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing error, but version is managed in parent

Make sure the value in the child's project/parent/version node matches its parent's project/version value

Homebrew refusing to link OpenSSL

None of these solutions worked for me on OS X El Capitan 10.11.6. Probably because OS X has a native version of openssl that it believes is superior, and as such, does not like tampering.

So, I took the high road and started fresh...

Manually install and symlink

cd /usr/local/src  
  • If you're getting "No such file or directory", make it:

    cd /usr/local && mkdir src && cd src

Download openssl:

curl --remote-name

Extract and cd in:

tar -xzvf openssl-1.0.2h.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.2h

Compile and install:

./configure darwin64-x86_64-cc --prefix=/usr/local/openssl-1.0.2h shared
make depend
make install

Now symlink OS X's openssl to your new and updated openssl:

ln -s /usr/local/openssl-1.0.2h/bin/openssl /usr/local/bin/openssl

Close terminal, open a new session, and verify OS X is using your new openssl:

openssl version -a

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'

Use Set in Python

>>> a = [2,4]
>>> b = [1,4,3]
>>> set(a) - set(b)

Is it possible to log all HTTP request headers with Apache?

Here is a list of all http-headers:

And here is a list of all apache-logformats:

As you did write correctly, the code for logging a specific header is %{foobar}i where foobar is the name of the header. So, the only solution is to create a specific format string. When you expect a non-standard header like x-my-nonstandard-header, then use %{x-my-nonstandard-header}i. If your server is going to ignore this non-standard-header, why should you want to write it to your logfile? An unknown header has absolutely no effect to your system.

Https Connection Android

You can also look at my blog article, very similar to crazybobs.

This solution also doesn't compromise certificate checking and explains how to add the trusted certs in your own keystore.

Sqlite in chrome

You might be able to make use of sql.js.

sql.js is a port of SQLite to JavaScript, by compiling the SQLite C code with Emscripten. no C bindings or node-gyp compilation here.

<script src='js/sql.js'></script>
    //Create the database
    var db = new SQL.Database();
    // Run a query without reading the results"CREATE TABLE test (col1, col2);");
    // Insert two rows: (1,111) and (2,222)"INSERT INTO test VALUES (?,?), (?,?)", [1,111,2,222]);

    // Prepare a statement
    var stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM test WHERE col1 BETWEEN $start AND $end");
    stmt.getAsObject({$start:1, $end:1}); // {col1:1, col2:111}

    // Bind new values
    stmt.bind({$start:1, $end:2});
    while(stmt.step()) { //
        var row = stmt.getAsObject();
        // [...] do something with the row of result

sql.js is a single JavaScript file and is about 1.5MiB in size currently. While this could be a problem in a web-page, the size is probably acceptable for an extension.

JQuery post JSON object to a server

It is also possible to use FormData(). But you need to set contentType as false:

var data = new FormData();
data.append('name', 'Bob'); 

function sendData() {
        url: '/helloworld',
        type: 'POST',
        contentType: false,
        data: data,
        dataType: 'json'

How to pass an event object to a function in Javascript?

I would change your binding to be:

<button type="button" value="click me" onclick="check_me" />

I would then change your check_me() function declaration to be:

function check_me() {   
  var hello = document.myForm.username.value;
  var err = '';

  if(hello == '' || hello == null) {
    err = 'User name required';

  if(err != '') { 
   } else { 
    return true; }

How to define static property in TypeScript interface

If you're looking to define a static class (ie. all methods/properties are static), you can do something like this:

interface MyStaticClassInterface {

var myStaticClass:MyStaticClassInterface = {
  foo() {
    return 'bar';

In this case, the static "class" is really just a plain-ol'-js-object, which implements all the methods of MyStaticClassInterface

What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?

function Person(firstname, lastname) {
  this.firstname = firstname;

  this.lastname = lastname;
  this.getfullname = function () {
    return `${this.firstname}   ${this.lastname}`;

  let that = this;
  this.sayHi = function() {
    console.log(`i am this , ${this.firstname}`);
    console.log(`i am that , ${that.firstname}`);

let thisss = new Person('thatbetty', 'thatzhao');

let thatt = {firstname: 'thisbetty', lastname: 'thiszhao'};;

How to set default values in Rails?

You could use the rails_default_value gem. eg:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...
  default :bar => 'some default value'
  # ...

Simple timeout in java

The example 1 will not compile. This version of it compiles and runs. It uses lambda features to abbreviate it.

 * []
 * Summary: How to roll your own timeouts.
 * Copyright: (c) 2016 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products,
 * Licence: This software may be copied and used freely for any purpose but military.
 * Requires: JDK 1.8+
 * Created with: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE
 * Version History:
 *  1.0 2016-06-28 initial version
package com.mindprod.example;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import static java.lang.System.*;

 * How to roll your own timeouts.
 * Based on code at
 * @author Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products
 * @version 1.0 2016-06-28 initial version
 * @since 2016-06-28

public class RollYourOwnTimeout

    private static final long MILLIS_TO_WAIT = 10 * 1000L;

    public static void main( final String[] args )
        final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

        // schedule the work
        final Future<String> future = executor.submit( RollYourOwnTimeout::requestDataFromWebsite );

            // where we wait for task to complete
            final String result = future.get( MILLIS_TO_WAIT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
            out.println( "result: " + result );

        catch ( TimeoutException e )
            err.println( "task timed out" );
            future.cancel( true /* mayInterruptIfRunning */ );

        catch ( InterruptedException e )
            err.println( "task interrupted" );

        catch ( ExecutionException e )
            err.println( "task aborted" );


 * dummy method to read some data from a website
private static String requestDataFromWebsite()
        // force timeout to expire
        Thread.sleep( 14_000L );
    catch ( InterruptedException e )
    return "dummy";


How to return PDF to browser in MVC?

If you return a FileResult from your action method, and use the File() extension method on the controller, doing what you want is pretty easy. There are overrides on the File() method that will take the binary contents of the file, the path to the file, or a Stream.

public FileResult DownloadFile()
    return File("path\\to\\pdf.pdf", "application/pdf");

How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

To set Landscape orientation to all view of your app & allow only one view to All orientations (to be able to add camera roll for example):

In AppDelegate.swift:

var adaptOrientation = false

In: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "adaptOrientationAction:", name:"adaptOrientationAction", object: nil)

Elsewhere in AppDelegate.swift:

func application(application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow window: UIWindow?) -> Int {
    return checkOrientation(self.window?.rootViewController)

func checkOrientation(viewController:UIViewController?)-> Int{
    if (adaptOrientation == false){
        return Int(UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Landscape.rawValue)
    }else {
        return Int(UIInterfaceOrientationMask.All.rawValue)

func adaptOrientationAction(notification: NSNotification){
    if adaptOrientation == false {
        adaptOrientation = true
    }else {
        adaptOrientation = false

Then in the view that segue to the one you want to be able to have All orientations:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!) {
    if (segue.identifier == "YOURSEGUE") {
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("adaptOrientationAction", object: nil)

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
    if adaptOrientation == true {
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("adaptOrientationAction", object: nil)

Last thing is to tick Device orientation: - Portrait - Landscape Left - Landscape Right

How to enable bulk permission in SQL Server

If you get an error saying "Cannot Bulk load file because you don't have access right"

First make sure the path and file name you have given are correct.

then try giving the bulkadmin role to the user. To do so follow the steps :- In Object Explorer -> Security -> Logins -> Select the user (right click) -> Properties -> Server Roles -> check the bulkadmin checkbox -> OK.

This worked for me.

Read .csv file in C

A complete example which leaves the fields as NULL-terminated strings in the original input buffer and provides access to them via an array of char pointers. The CSV processor has been confirmed to work with fields enclosed in "double quotes", ignoring any delimiter chars within them.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// adjust BUFFER_SIZE to suit longest line 
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 * 1024
#define NUM_FIELDS 10
#define MAXERRS 5
#define RET_OK 0
#define RET_FAIL 1
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

// char* array will point to fields
char *pFields[NUM_FIELDS];
// field offsets into pFields array:
#define LP          0
#define IMIE        1
#define NAZWISKo    2
#define ULICA       3
#define NUMER       4
#define KOD         5
#define MIEJSCOw    6
#define TELEFON     7
#define EMAIL       8
#define DATA_UR     9

long loadFile(FILE *pFile, long *errcount);
static int  loadValues(char *line, long lineno);
static char delim;

long loadFile(FILE *pFile, long *errcount){

    char sInputBuf [BUFFER_SIZE];
    long lineno = 0L;

    if(pFile == NULL)
        return RET_FAIL;

    while (!feof(pFile)) {

        // load line into static buffer
        if(fgets(sInputBuf, BUFFER_SIZE-1, pFile)==NULL)

        // skip first line (headers)

        // jump over empty lines
        // set pFields array pointers to null-terminated string fields in sInputBuf
            if(*errcount > MAXERRS)
        } else {    
            // On return pFields array pointers point to loaded fields ready for load into DB or whatever
            // Fields can be accessed via pFields, e.g.
            printf("lp=%s, imie=%s, data_ur=%s\n", pFields[LP], pFields[IMIE], pFields[DATA_UR]);
    return lineno;

static int  loadValues(char *line, long lineno){
    if(line == NULL)
        return RET_FAIL;

    // chop of last char of input if it is a CR or LF (e.g.Windows file loading in Unix env.)
    // can be removed if sure fgets has removed both CR and LF from end of line
    if(*(line + strlen(line)-1) == '\r' || *(line + strlen(line)-1) == '\n')
        *(line + strlen(line)-1) = '\0';
    if(*(line + strlen(line)-1) == '\r' || *(line + strlen(line)-1 )== '\n')
        *(line + strlen(line)-1) = '\0';

    char *cptr = line;
    int fld = 0;
    int inquote = FALSE;
    char ch;

    while((ch=*cptr) != '\0' && fld < NUM_FIELDS){
        if(ch == '"') {
            if(! inquote)
            else {
                *cptr = '\0';               // zero out " and jump over it
            inquote = ! inquote;
        } else if(ch == delim && ! inquote){
            *cptr = '\0';                   // end of field, null terminate it
    if(fld > NUM_FIELDS-1){
        fprintf(stderr, "Expected field count (%d) exceeded on line %ld\n", NUM_FIELDS, lineno);
        return RET_FAIL;
    } else if (fld < NUM_FIELDS-1){
        fprintf(stderr, "Expected field count (%d) not reached on line %ld\n", NUM_FIELDS, lineno);
        return RET_FAIL;    
    return RET_OK;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   FILE *fp;
   long errcount = 0L;
   long lines = 0L;

       printf("Usage: %s csvfilepath delimiter\n", basename(argv[0]));
       return (RET_FAIL);
       fprintf(stderr,"delimiter must be specified\n");
       return (RET_FAIL);
   fp = fopen(argv[1] , "r");
   if(fp == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file: %d\n",errno);
   printf("Processed %ld lines, encountered %ld error(s)\n", lines, errcount);

How to get string objects instead of Unicode from JSON?

here is a recursive encoder written in C:

Performance overhead for "average" structures around 10% compared to json.loads.

  json loads            [0.16sec]: {u'a': [{u'b': [[1, 2, [u'\xd6ster..
  json loads + encoding [0.18sec]: {'a': [{'b': [[1, 2, ['\xc3\x96ster.
  time overhead in percent: 9%

using this teststructure:

import json, nested_encode, time

s = """
  "firstName": "Jos\\u0301",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isAlive": true,
  "age": 25,
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
    "city": "\\u00d6sterreich",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "10021-3100"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "646 555-4567"
  "children": [],
  "spouse": null,
  "a": [{"b": [[1, 2, ["\\u00d6sterreich"]]]}]

t1 = time.time()
for i in xrange(10000):
    u = json.loads(s)
dt_json = time.time() - t1

t1 = time.time()
for i in xrange(10000):
    b = nested_encode.encode_nested(json.loads(s))
dt_json_enc = time.time() - t1

print "json loads            [%.2fsec]: %s..." % (dt_json, str(u)[:20])
print "json loads + encoding [%.2fsec]: %s..." % (dt_json_enc, str(b)[:20])

print "time overhead in percent: %i%%"  % (100 * (dt_json_enc - dt_json)/dt_json)

Twitter Bootstrap 3 Sticky Footer

I write my simplified sticky footer code with padding using LESS. This answer is probably off-topic because the question doesn't talk about padding, so if you're interested check this post for more details.

@footer-padding:      40px;  // Set here the footer padding
@footer-inner-height: 150px; // Set here the footer height (without padding)

/* Calculates the overall footer height */
@footer-height: @footer-inner-height + @footer-padding*2;

html {
 position: relative;
 min-height: 100%;
body {
 /* This avoids footer to overlap the page content */
 margin-bottom: @footer-height;
 /* Fix the footer on bottom and give it fixed height */
 position: absolute;
 bottom: 0;
 width: 100%;
 height: @footer-height;
 padding: @footer-padding 0;

jQuery: more than one handler for same event

Both handlers will run, the jQuery event model allows multiple handlers on one element, therefore a later handler does not override an older handler.

The handlers will execute in the order in which they were bound.


Create mysql connection with following parameter. "'raise_on_warnings': False". It will ignore the warning. e.g.

config = {'user': 'user','password': 'passwd','host': 'localhost','database': 'db',   'raise_on_warnings': False,}
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)

How to convert AAR to JAR

Android Studio (version: 1.3.2) allows you to seamlessly access the .jar inside a .aar.

Bonus: it automatically decompiles the classes!

Simply follow these steps:

  1. File > New > New Module > Import .JAR/.AAR Package to import you .aar as a module

  2. Add the newly created module as a dependency to your main project (not sure if needed)

  3. Right click on "classes.jar" as shown in the capture below, and click "Show in explorer". Here is your .jar.

access .jar from .aar

Simulate a button click in Jest

Additionally to the solutions that were suggested in sibling comments, you may change your testing approach a little bit and test not the whole page all at once (with a deep children components tree), but do an isolated component testing. This will simplify testing of onClick() and similar events (see example below).

The idea is to test only one component at a time and not all of them together. In this case all children components will be mocked using the jest.mock() function.

Here is an example of how the onClick() event may be tested in an isolated SearchForm component using Jest and react-test-renderer.

import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import { SearchForm } from '../SearchForm';

describe('SearchForm', () => {
  it('should fire onSubmit form callback', () => {
    // Mock search form parameters.
    const searchQuery = 'kittens';
    const onSubmit = jest.fn();

    // Create test component instance.
    const testComponentInstance = renderer.create((
      <SearchForm query={searchQuery} onSearchSubmit={onSubmit} />

    // Try to find submit button inside the form.
    const submitButtonInstance = testComponentInstance.findByProps({
      type: 'submit',

    // Since we're not going to test the button component itself
    // we may just simulate its onClick event manually.
    const eventMock = { preventDefault: jest.fn() };


Correct way to detach from a container without stopping it

Update: As mentioned in below answers Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q will now turn interactive mode into daemon mode.

Well Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+\) should detach you from the container but it will kill the container because your main process is a bash.

A little lesson about docker. The container is not a real full functional OS. When you run a container the process you launch take the PID 1 and assume init power. So when that process is terminated the daemon stop the container until a new process is launched (via docker start) (More explanation on the matter

If you want a container that run in detached mode all the time, i suggest you use

docker run -d foo

With an ssh server on the container. (easiest way is to follow the dockerizing openssh tutorial

Or you can just relaunch your container via

docker start foo

(it will be detached by default)

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in SQL Server?

An example would be

In Oracle you can use LISTAGG aggregate function.

Original records

name   type
name1  type1
name2  type2
name2  type3


FROM table

Result in

name   type
name1  type1
name2  type2; type3

How to convert a string or integer to binary in Ruby?

You would naturally use Integer#to_s(2), String#to_i(2) or "%b" in a real program, but, if you're interested in how the translation works, this method calculates the binary representation of a given integer using basic operators:

def int_to_binary(x)
  p = 0
  two_p = 0
  output = ""

  while two_p * 2 <= x do
    two_p = 2 ** p
    output << ((two_p & x == two_p) ? "1" : "0")
    p += 1

  #Reverse output to match the endianness of %b

To check it works:

1.upto(1000) do |n|
  built_in, custom = ("%b" % n), int_to_binary(n)
  if built_in != custom
    puts "I expected #{built_in} but got #{custom}!"
    exit 1
  puts custom

Input widths on Bootstrap 3

<div class="form-group col-lg-4">
    <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Email address</label>
    <input type="email" class="form-control" id="exampleInputEmail1" placeholder="Enter email">

Add the class to the to constraint the inputs

How to find the minimum value of a column in R?

If you prefer using column names, you could do something like this as an alternative:


Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

    var response = '';
    $.ajax({ type: "GET",   
         url: "Records.php",   
         async: false,
         success : function(text)
             response = text;


needs to be:


     $.ajax({ type: "GET",   
         url: "Records.php",   
         async: false,
         success : function(text)


Oracle get previous day records

SELECT field,datetime_field 
FROM database
WHERE datetime_field > (CURRENT_DATE - 1)

Its been some time that I worked on Oracle. But, I think this should work.

Pip install - Python 2.7 - Windows 7

It is possible that in python 2.7 pip is installed by default. if it is not then you can execute

python -m ensurepip --default-pip

This worked for me.


python: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I know this is a very old question but it may be that you need to set the request headers. This solved it for me.

For example 'user-agent', 'accept' etc. here is an example with user-agent:

url = 'your-url-here'
headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36'}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Internal vs. Private Access Modifiers

private - encapsulations in class/scope/struct ect'.

internal - encapsulation in assemblies.

Python: import cx_Oracle ImportError: No module named cx_Oracle error is thown

To access Oracle from python you need (additionally) the cx_Oracle module. The module must be located either in the system python path or you have to set the PYTHONPATH appropriate.

How do I change UIView Size?

For a progress bar kind of thing, in Swift 4

I follow these steps:

  1. I create a UIView outlet : @IBOutlet var progressBar: UIView!
  2. Then a property to increase its width value after a user action var progressBarWidth: Int = your value
  3. Then for the increase/decrease of the progress progressBar.frame.size.width = CGFloat(progressBarWidth)
  4. And finally in the IBACtion method I add progressBarWidth += your value for auto increase the width every time user touches a button.

how to get the value of css style using jquery

I doubt css understands left by itself. You need to use it specifying position. You are using .css() correctly

position: relative/absolute/whatever;
left: 900px;

heres a fiddle of it working

and without the position here's what you get

Change your if statement to be like this - with quotes around -900px

var n = $("items").css("left");

if(n == '-900px'){
    $(".items span").fadeOut("slow");

Where is nodejs log file?

For nodejs log file you can use winston and morgan and in place of your console.log() statement user winston.log() or other winston methods to log. For working with winston and morgan you need to install them using npm. Example: npm i -S winston npm i -S morgan

Then create a folder in your project with name winston and then create a config.js in that folder and copy this code given below.

const appRoot = require('app-root-path');
const winston = require('winston');

// define the custom settings for each transport (file, console)
const options = {
  file: {
    level: 'info',
    filename: `${appRoot}/logs/app.log`,
    handleExceptions: true,
    json: true,
    maxsize: 5242880, // 5MB
    maxFiles: 5,
    colorize: false,
  console: {
    level: 'debug',
    handleExceptions: true,
    json: false,
    colorize: true,

// instantiate a new Winston Logger with the settings defined above
let logger;
if (process.env.logging === 'off') {
  logger = winston.createLogger({
    transports: [
      new winston.transports.File(options.file),
    exitOnError: false, // do not exit on handled exceptions
} else {
  logger = winston.createLogger({
    transports: [
      new winston.transports.File(options.file),
      new winston.transports.Console(options.console),
    exitOnError: false, // do not exit on handled exceptions

// create a stream object with a 'write' function that will be used by `morgan` = {
  write(message) {;

module.exports = logger;

After copying the above code make make a folder with name logs parallel to winston or wherever you want and create a file app.log in that logs folder. Go back to config.js and set the path in the 5th line "filename: ${appRoot}/logs/app.log, " to the respective app.log created by you.

After this go to your index.js and include the following code in it.

const morgan = require('morgan');
const winston = require('./winston/config');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: }));'You have successfully started working with winston and morgan');

numpy get index where value is true

To get the row numbers where at least one item is larger than 15:

>>> np.where(np.any(e>15, axis=1))
(array([1, 2], dtype=int64),)

Annotations from javax.validation.constraints not working

You should use Validator to check whether you class is valid.

Person person = ....;
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
validator = factory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<Person>> violations = validator.validate(person);

Then, iterating violations set, you can find violations.

Adding a tooltip to an input box

<input type="name" placeholder="First Name" title="First Name" />

title="First Name" solves my proble. it worked with bootstrap.

What is difference between monolithic and micro kernel?

Monolithic kernel has all kernel services along with kernel core part, thus are heavy and has negative impact on speed and performance. On the other hand micro kernel is lightweight causing increase in performance and speed.
I answered same question at wordpress site. For the difference between monolithic, microkernel and exokernel in tabular form, you can visit here

Capturing TAB key in text box

Even if you capture the keydown/keyup event, those are the only events that the tab key fires, you still need some way to prevent the default action, moving to the next item in the tab order, from occurring.

In Firefox you can call the preventDefault() method on the event object passed to your event handler. In IE, you have to return false from the event handle. The JQuery library provides a preventDefault method on its event object that works in IE and FF.

<input type="text" id="myInput">
<script type="text/javascript">
    var myInput = document.getElementById("myInput");
    if(myInput.addEventListener ) {
    } else if(myInput.attachEvent ) {
        myInput.attachEvent('onkeydown',this.keyHandler); /* damn IE hack */

    function keyHandler(e) {
        var TABKEY = 9;
        if(e.keyCode == TABKEY) {
            this.value += "    ";
            if(e.preventDefault) {
            return false;

Likelihood of collision using most significant bits of a UUID in Java

According to the documentation, the static method UUID.randomUUID() generates a type 4 UUID.

This means that six bits are used for some type information and the remaining 122 bits are assigned randomly.

The six non-random bits are distributed with four in the most significant half of the UUID and two in the least significant half. So the most significant half of your UUID contains 60 bits of randomness, which means you on average need to generate 2^30 UUIDs to get a collision (compared to 2^61 for the full UUID).

So I would say that you are rather safe. Note, however that this is absolutely not true for other types of UUIDs, as Carl Seleborg mentions.

Incidentally, you would be slightly better off by using the least significant half of the UUID (or just generating a random long using SecureRandom).

Redirect non-www to www in .htaccess

This configuration worked for me in bitnami wordpress with SSL configured :

Added the below under "RewriteEngine On" in file /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-app.conf

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^ http%{ENV:protossl}://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

How to get response as String using retrofit without using GSON or any other library in android

** Update ** A scalars converter has been added to retrofit that allows for a String response with less ceremony than my original answer below.

Example interface --

public interface GitHubService {
    Call<String> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

Add the ScalarsConverterFactory to your retrofit builder. Note: If using ScalarsConverterFactory and another factory, add the scalars factory first.

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    // add other factories here, if needed.

You will also need to include the scalars converter in your gradle file --

implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-scalars:2.1.0'

--- Original Answer (still works, just more code) ---

I agree with @CommonsWare that it seems a bit odd that you want to intercept the request to process the JSON yourself. Most of the time the POJO has all the data you need, so no need to mess around in JSONObject land. I suspect your specific problem might be better solved using a custom gson TypeAdapter or a retrofit Converter if you need to manipulate the JSON. However, retrofit provides more the just JSON parsing via Gson. It also manages a lot of the other tedious tasks involved in REST requests. Just because you don't want to use one of the features, doesn't mean you have to throw the whole thing out. There are times you just want to get the raw stream, so here is how to do it -

First, if you are using Retrofit 2, you should start using the Call API. Instead of sending an object to convert as the type parameter, use ResponseBody from okhttp --

public interface GitHubService {
    Call<ResponseBody> listRepos(@Path("user") String user);

then you can create and execute your call --

GitHubService service = retrofit.create(GitHubService.class);
Call<ResponseBody> result = service.listRepos(username);
result.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
    public void onResponse(Response<ResponseBody> response) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

Note The code above calls string() on the response object, which reads the entire response into a String. If you are passing the body off to something that can ingest streams, you can call charStream() instead. See the ResponseBody docs.

How to test Spring Data repositories?


To make it short - there's no way to unit test Spring Data JPA repositories reasonably for a simple reason: it's way to cumbersome to mock all the parts of the JPA API we invoke to bootstrap the repositories. Unit tests don't make too much sense here anyway, as you're usually not writing any implementation code yourself (see the below paragraph on custom implementations) so that integration testing is the most reasonable approach.


We do quite a lot of upfront validation and setup to make sure you can only bootstrap an app that has no invalid derived queries etc.

  • We create and cache CriteriaQuery instances for derived queries to make sure the query methods do not contain any typos. This requires working with the Criteria API as well as the meta.model.
  • We verify manually defined queries by asking the EntityManager to create a Query instance for those (which effectively triggers query syntax validation).
  • We inspect the Metamodel for meta-data about the domain types handled to prepare is-new checks etc.

All stuff that you'd probably defer in a hand-written repository which might cause the application to break at runtime (due to invalid queries etc.).

If you think about it, there's no code you write for your repositories, so there's no need to write any unittests. There's simply no need to as you can rely on our test base to catch basic bugs (if you still happen to run into one, feel free to raise a ticket). However, there's definitely need for integration tests to test two aspects of your persistence layer as they are the aspects that related to your domain:

  • entity mappings
  • query semantics (syntax is verified on each bootstrap attempt anyway).

Integration tests

This is usually done by using an in-memory database and test cases that bootstrap a Spring ApplicationContext usually through the test context framework (as you already do), pre-populate the database (by inserting object instances through the EntityManager or repo, or via a plain SQL file) and then execute the query methods to verify the outcome of them.

Testing custom implementations

Custom implementation parts of the repository are written in a way that they don't have to know about Spring Data JPA. They are plain Spring beans that get an EntityManager injected. You might of course wanna try to mock the interactions with it but to be honest, unit-testing the JPA has not been a too pleasant experience for us as well as it works with quite a lot of indirections (EntityManager -> CriteriaBuilder, CriteriaQuery etc.) so that you end up with mocks returning mocks and so on.

Excel date to Unix timestamp

Because my edits to the above were rejected (did any of you actually try?), here's what you really need to make this work:

Windows (And Mac Office 2011+):

  • Unix Timestamp = (Excel Timestamp - 25569) * 86400
  • Excel Timestamp = (Unix Timestamp / 86400) + 25569

MAC OS X (pre Office 2011):

  • Unix Timestamp = (Excel Timestamp - 24107) * 86400
  • Excel Timestamp = (Unix Timestamp / 86400) + 24107

How can I make SMTP authenticated in C#

Set the Credentials property before sending the message.

Batch file for PuTTY/PSFTP file transfer automation

set DSKTOPDIR="D:\test"

>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO cd %PAY_REP%
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO mget *.report
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO bye

:: run PSFTP Commands
psftp <domain>@%IPADDRESS% -b %DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp

Set values using set commands before above lines.

I believe this helps you.

Referre psfpt setup for below link

What is the difference between mocking and spying when using Mockito?

Difference between a Spy and a Mock

When Mockito creates a mock – it does so from the Class of a Type, not from an actual instance. The mock simply creates a bare-bones shell instance of the Class, entirely instrumented to track interactions with it. On the other hand, the spy will wrap an existing instance. It will still behave in the same way as the normal instance – the only difference is that it will also be instrumented to track all the interactions with it.

In the following example – we create a mock of the ArrayList class:

public void whenCreateMock_thenCreated() {
    List mockedList = Mockito.mock(ArrayList.class);


    assertEquals(0, mockedList.size());

As you can see – adding an element into the mocked list doesn’t actually add anything – it just calls the method with no other side-effect. A spy on the other hand will behave differently – it will actually call the real implementation of the add method and add the element to the underlying list:

public void whenCreateSpy_thenCreate() {
    List spyList = Mockito.spy(new ArrayList());

    assertEquals(1, spyList.size());

Here we can surely say that the real internal method of the object was called because when you call the size() method you get the size as 1, but this size() method isn’t been mocked! So where does 1 come from? The internal real size() method is called as size() isn’t mocked (or stubbed) and hence we can say that the entry was added to the real object.

Source: + self notes.

Remove trailing zeros

I ran into the same problem but in a case where I do not have control of the output to string, which was taken care of by a library. After looking into details in the implementation of the Decimal type (see, I came up with a neat trick (here as an extension method):

public static decimal Normalize(this decimal value)
    return value/1.000000000000000000000000000000000m;

The exponent part of the decimal is reduced to just what is needed. Calling ToString() on the output decimal will write the number without any trailing 0. E.g.


Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart

I had this issue when trying to push after a rebase through Visual Studio Code, my issue was solved by just copying the command from the git output window and executing it from the terminal window in Visual Studio Code.

In my case the command was something like:

git push origin NameOfMyBranch:NameOfMyBranch

Return from a promise then()

You cannot return value after resolving promise. Instead call another function when promise is resolved:

function justTesting() {
    promise.then(function(output) {
        // instead of return call another function
        afterResolve(output + 1);

function afterResolve(result) {
    // do something with result

var test = justTesting();

Trigger back-button functionality on button click in Android

You should use finish() when the user clicks on the button in order to go to the previous activity.

Button backButton = (Button)this.findViewById(;
backButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {

Alternatively, if you really need to, you can try to trigger your own back key press:

this.dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));
this.dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));

Execute both of these.

jQuery - add additional parameters on submit (NOT ajax)

This one did it for me:

var input = $("<input>")
               .attr("type", "hidden")
               .attr("name", "mydata").val("bla");

is based on the Daff's answer, but added the NAME attribute to let it show in the form collection and changed VALUE to VAL Also checked the ID of the FORM (form1 in my case)

used the Firefox firebug to check whether the element was inserted.

Hidden elements do get posted back in the form collection, only read-only fields are discarded.


Typescript import/as vs import/require?

These are mostly equivalent, but import * has some restrictions that import ... = require doesn't.

import * as creates an identifier that is a module object, emphasis on object. According to the ES6 spec, this object is never callable or newable - it only has properties. If you're trying to import a function or class, you should use

import express = require('express');

or (depending on your module loader)

import express from 'express';

Attempting to use import * as express and then invoking express() is always illegal according to the ES6 spec. In some runtime+transpilation environments this might happen to work anyway, but it might break at any point in the future without warning, which will make you sad.

Getting error while sending email through Gmail SMTP - "Please log in via your web browser and then try again. 534-5.7.14"

I recently got this message, too, after I switched the data center location of a web application sending through Google SMTP.

The URL that apparently Google means is: At that link, one of the steps is to reset your password. Not coincidentally, I also received an email from google with a subject of "Suspicious sign in prevented" that instructed me to change my password.

After resetting my password, I was back to using Google SMTP as usual.

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?

If your HTML contains heavy HTML-contents like iframe's (i.e. facebook-, twitter, instagram-embeds) the real solution is much more difficult, first wrap your HTML:

[htmlContent appendFormat:@"<html>", [[LocalizationStore instance] currentTextDir], [[LocalizationStore instance] currentLang]];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"<head>"];
[htmlContent appendString:@"<script type=\"text/javascript\">"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"    var lastHeight = 0;"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"    function updateHeight() { var h = document.getElementById('content').offsetHeight; if (lastHeight != h) { lastHeight = h; window.location.href = \"x-update-webview-height://\" + h } }"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"    window.onload = function() {"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"        setTimeout(updateHeight, 1000);"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"        setTimeout(updateHeight, 3000);"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"        if (window.intervalId) { clearInterval(window.intervalId); }"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"        window.intervalId = setInterval(updateHeight, 5000);"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"        setTimeout(function(){ clearInterval(window.intervalId); window.intervalId = null; }, 30000);"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"    };"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"</script>"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"..."]; // Rest of your HTML <head>-section
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"</head>"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"<body>"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"<div id=\"content\">"]; // !important
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"..."]; // Your HTML-content
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"</div>"]; // </div id="content">
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"</body>"];
[htmlContent appendFormat:@"</html>"];

Then add handling x-update-webview-height-scheme into your shouldStartLoadWithRequest:

    if (navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked || navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeOther) {
    // Handling Custom URL Scheme
    if([[[request URL] scheme] isEqualToString:@"x-update-webview-height"]) {
        NSInteger currentWebViewHeight = [[[request URL] host] intValue];
        if (_lastWebViewHeight != currentWebViewHeight) {
            _lastWebViewHeight = currentWebViewHeight; // class property
            _realWebViewHeight = currentWebViewHeight; // class property
            [self layoutSubviews];
        return NO;

And finally add the following code inside your layoutSubviews:

    NSInteger webViewHeight = 0;

    if (_realWebViewHeight > 0) {
        webViewHeight = _realWebViewHeight;
        _realWebViewHeight = 0;
    } else {
        webViewHeight = [[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementById(\"content\").offsetHeight;"] integerValue];

    upateWebViewHeightTheWayYorLike(webViewHeight);// Now your have real WebViewHeight so you can update your webview height you like.

P.S. You can implement time delaying (SetTimeout and setInterval) inside your ObjectiveC/Swift-code - it's up to you.

P.S.S. Important info about UIWebView and Facebook Embeds: Embedded Facebook post does not shows properly in UIWebView

What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file?

Dependencies vs dev dependencies

Dev dependencies are modules which are only required during development whereas dependencies are required at runtime. If you are deploying your application, dependencies has to be installed, or else your app simply will not work. Libraries that you call from your code that enables the program to run can be considered as dependencies.

Eg- React , React - dom

Dev dependency modules need not be installed in the production server since you are not gonna develop in that machine .compilers that covert your code to javascript , test frameworks and document generators can be considered as dev-dependencies since they are only required during development .

Eg- ESLint , Babel , webpack


    - mod-b
    - mod-c

?  dev-dependents:
    - mod-e
    - mod-a


npm install mod-d

installed modules:
  - mod-d
  - mod-a
  - mod-c


checkout the mod-d code repository

npm install

installed modules:
  - mod-a
  - mod-c
  - mod-e

If you are publishing to npm, then it is important that you use the correct flag for the correct modules. If it is something that your npm module needs to function, then use the "--save" flag to save the module as a dependency. If it is something that your module doesn't need to function but it is needed for testing, then use the "--save-dev" flag.

# For dependent modules
?npm install dependent-module --save

?# For dev-dependent modules
np?m install development-module --save-dev Connection reset by peer: socket write error When serving a file

I face this problem but resolution is very simple. I am writing the 1 MB file in 1024 Byte Buffer causing this issue. To Understand refer code before and After Fix.

Code with Excepion

DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        while ( > 0) {

After Fixes:

DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[102400];
        while ( > 0) {


get next sequence value from database using hibernate


String psqlAutoincrementQuery = "SELECT NEXTVAL(CONCAT(:psqlTableName, '_id_seq')) as id";

Long psqlAutoincrement = (Long) YOUR_SESSION_OBJ.createSQLQuery(psqlAutoincrementQuery)
                                                      .addScalar("id", Hibernate.LONG)
                                                      .setParameter("psqlTableName", psqlTableName)


String mysqlAutoincrementQuery = "SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT as id FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = :mysqlTableName AND table_schema = DATABASE()";

Long mysqlAutoincrement = (Long) YOUR_SESSION_OBJ.createSQLQuery(mysqlAutoincrementQuery)
                                                          .addScalar("id", Hibernate.LONG)
                                                          .setParameter("mysqlTableName", mysqlTableName)                                                              

Best cross-browser method to capture CTRL+S with JQuery?

This jQuery solution works for me in Chrome and Firefox, for both Ctrl+S and Cmd+S.

$(document).keydown(function(e) {

    var key = undefined;
    var possible = [ e.key, e.keyIdentifier, e.keyCode, e.which ];

    while (key === undefined && possible.length > 0)
        key = possible.pop();

    if (key && (key == '115' || key == '83' ) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !(e.altKey))
        alert("Ctrl-s pressed");
        return false;
    return true;

How to make the background image to fit into the whole page without repeating using plain css?

These three line all together worked for me.

background-image: url("pages/images/backImage.png");
background-size: 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

What's the difference between using "let" and "var"?

The difference is in the scope of the variables declared with each.

In practice, there are a number of useful consequences of the difference in scope:

  1. let variables are only visible in their nearest enclosing block ({ ... }).
  2. let variables are only usable in lines of code that occur after the variable is declared (even though they are hoisted!).
  3. let variables may not be redeclared by a subsequent var or let.
  4. Global let variables are not added to the global window object.
  5. let variables are easy to use with closures (they do not cause race conditions).

The restrictions imposed by let reduce the visibility of the variables and increase the likelihood that unexpected name collisions will be found early. This makes it easier to track and reason about variables, including their reachability(helping with reclaiming unused memory).

Consequently, let variables are less likely to cause problems when used in large programs or when independently-developed frameworks are combined in new and unexpected ways.

var may still be useful if you are sure you want the single-binding effect when using a closure in a loop (#5) or for declaring externally-visible global variables in your code (#4). Use of var for exports may be supplanted if export migrates out of transpiler space and into the core language.


1. No use outside nearest enclosing block: This block of code will throw a reference error because the second use of x occurs outside of the block where it is declared with let:

    let x = 1;
console.log(`x is ${x}`);  // ReferenceError during parsing: "x is not defined".

In contrast, the same example with var works.

2. No use before declaration:
This block of code will throw a ReferenceError before the code can be run because x is used before it is declared:

    x = x + 1;  // ReferenceError during parsing: "x is not defined".
    let x;
    console.log(`x is ${x}`);  // Never runs.

In contrast, the same example with var parses and runs without throwing any exceptions.

3. No redeclaration: The following code demonstrates that a variable declared with let may not be redeclared later:

let x = 1;
let x = 2;  // SyntaxError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared

4. Globals not attached to window:

var button = "I cause accidents because my name is too common.";
let link = "Though my name is common, I am harder to access from other JS files.";
console.log(link);  // OK
console.log(;  // undefined (GOOD!)
console.log(window.button);  // OK

5. Easy use with closures: Variables declared with var do not work well with closures inside loops. Here is a simple loop that outputs the sequence of values that the variable i has at different points in time:

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    console.log(`i is ${i}`), 125/*ms*/);

Specifically, this outputs:

i is 0
i is 1
i is 2
i is 3
i is 4

In JavaScript we often use variables at a significantly later time than when they are created. When we demonstrate this by delaying the output with a closure passed to setTimeout:

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    setTimeout(_ => console.log(`i is ${i}`), 125/*ms*/);

... the output remains unchanged as long as we stick with let. In contrast, if we had used var i instead:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    setTimeout(_ => console.log(`i is ${i}`), 125/*ms*/);

... the loop unexpectedly outputs "i is 5" five times:

i is 5
i is 5
i is 5
i is 5
i is 5

NSRange from Swift Range?

My solution is a string extension that first gets the swift range then get's the distance from the start of the string to the start and end of the substring.

These values are then used to calculate the start and length of the substring. We can then apply these values to the NSMakeRange constructor.

This solution works with substrings that consist of multiple words, which a lot of the solutions here using enumerateSubstrings let me down on.

extension String {

    func NSRange(of substring: String) -> NSRange? {
        // Get the swift range 
        guard let range = range(of: substring) else { return nil }

        // Get the distance to the start of the substring
        let start = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.lowerBound) as Int
        //Get the distance to the end of the substring
        let end = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.upperBound) as Int

        //length = endOfSubstring - startOfSubstring
        //start = startOfSubstring
        return NSMakeRange(start, end - start)


Map a 2D array onto a 1D array

The typical formula for recalculation of 2D array indices into 1D array index is

index = indexX * arrayWidth + indexY;

Alternatively you can use

index = indexY * arrayHeight + indexX;

(assuming that arrayWidth is measured along X axis, and arrayHeight along Y axis)

Of course, one can come up with many different formulae that provide alternative unique mappings, but normally there's no need to.

In C/C++ languages built-in multidimensional arrays are stored in memory so that the last index changes the fastest, meaning that for an array declared as

int xy[10][10];

element xy[5][3] is immediately followed by xy[5][4] in memory. You might want to follow that convention as well, choosing one of the above two formulae depending on which index (X or Y) you consider to be the "last" of the two.

Generate a random number in the range 1 - 10

This stored procedure inserts a rand number into a table. Look out, it inserts an endless numbers. Stop executing it when u get enough numbers.

create a table for the cursor:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SearchIndex](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Cursor] [nvarchar](255) NULL) 


Create a table to contain your numbers:

[ID] [int] NULL)




CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[RandNumbers] AS
Declare  CURSE  CURSOR  FOR (SELECT  [Cursor] FROM [dbo].[SearchIndex]  WHERE [Cursor] IS NOT NULL)
DECLARE @RandNoSscript NVARCHAR (250)
INTO @RandNoSscript 
Print @RandNoSscript

Fill your table:

EXEC RandNumbers

how to view the contents of a .pem certificate

An alternative to using keytool, you can use the command

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text

This should work for any x509 .pem file provided you have openssl installed.

Add padding to HTML text input field


<div class="FieldElement"><input /></div>
<div class="searchIcon"><input type="submit" /></div>

For Other Browsers:

.FieldElement input {
width: 413px;
border:1px solid #ccc;
padding: 0 2.5em 0 0.5em;

 background: url(searchicon-image-path) no-repeat;
 width: 17px;
 height: 17px;
 text-indent: -999em;
 display: inline-block;
 left: 432px;
 top: 9px;

For IE:

.FieldElement input {
width: 380px;

.FieldElement {
 border:1px solid #ccc;
 width: 455px;     

 background: url(searchicon-image-path) no-repeat;
 width: 17px;
 height: 17px;
 text-indent: -999em;
 display: inline-block;
 left: 432px;
 top: 9px;

Multiple rows to one comma-separated value in Sql Server

Test Data

INSERT INTO @Table1 VALUES (1,100),(1,200),(1,300),(1,400)


       ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CAST(Value AS VARCHAR(10)) [text()]
         FROM @Table1 
         WHERE ID = t.ID
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE)
        .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,' ') List_Output
FROM @Table1 t

Result Set

¦ ID ¦     List_Output     ¦
¦  1 ¦  100, 200, 300, 400 ¦

SQL Server 2017 and Later Versions

If you are working on SQL Server 2017 or later versions, you can use built-in SQL Server Function STRING_AGG to create the comma delimited list:

INSERT INTO @Table1 VALUES (1,100),(1,200),(1,300),(1,400);

SELECT ID , STRING_AGG([Value], ', ') AS List_Output
FROM @Table1

Result Set

¦ ID ¦     List_Output     ¦
¦  1 ¦  100, 200, 300, 400 ¦

Setting public class variables

class Testclass
  public $testvar;

  function dosomething()
    echo $this->testvar;

$Testclass = new Testclass();
$Testclass->testvar = "another value";    
$Testclass->dosomething(); ////It will print "another value"

Android: Vertical alignment for multi line EditText (Text area)

<EditText android:id="@+id/EditText02" android:layout_width="120dp"
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:lines="5" android:layout_centerInParent="true"
    android:gravity="top|left" android:inputType="textMultiLine"
    android:scrollHorizontally="false" android:minWidth="10.0dip"
    android:maxWidth="180dip" />

it will work

Could not find 3.2.25 4.0.30 4.1.32 4.2.40 4.2.42 4.3.23 4.4.52 5.0.77 5.0.89 5.2.08 6.1.11 6.1.71 6.5.87

I too had the same problem and resolved.

As per the above-mentioned solutions by others, I tried all the things and it does not solve my problem.

Even if you have two SDK locations, no need to worry about it and check whether your android home is set to Android studio SDK (If you have the Android repository and everything in that SDK location).


  • Go to Your project structure
  • Select your modules
  • Click the dependance tap on the right side
  • Add library dependency
  • ""

I hope it will solve your problem.

How can I get just the first row in a result set AFTER ordering?

An alternative way:

FROM bla
WHERE finalDate = (SELECT MAX(finalDate) FROM bla) AND
      rownum = 1

Copy mysql database from remote server to local computer

Often our databases are really big and the take time to take dump directly from remote machine to other machine as our friends other have suggested above.

In such cases what you can do is to take the dump on remote machine using MYSQLDUMP Command

MYSQLDUMP -uuser -p --all-databases > file_name.sql

and than transfer that file from remote server to your machine using Linux SCP Command

scp user@remote_ip:~/mysql_dump_file_name.sql ./

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

Each object has a certain overhead for its associated monitor and type information, as well as the fields themselves. Beyond that, fields can be laid out pretty much however the JVM sees fit (I believe) - but as shown in another answer, at least some JVMs will pack fairly tightly. Consider a class like this:

public class SingleByte
    private byte b;


public class OneHundredBytes
    private byte b00, b01, ..., b99;

On a 32-bit JVM, I'd expect 100 instances of SingleByte to take 1200 bytes (8 bytes of overhead + 4 bytes for the field due to padding/alignment). I'd expect one instance of OneHundredBytes to take 108 bytes - the overhead, and then 100 bytes, packed. It can certainly vary by JVM though - one implementation may decide not to pack the fields in OneHundredBytes, leading to it taking 408 bytes (= 8 bytes overhead + 4 * 100 aligned/padded bytes). On a 64 bit JVM the overhead may well be bigger too (not sure).

EDIT: See the comment below; apparently HotSpot pads to 8 byte boundaries instead of 32, so each instance of SingleByte would take 16 bytes.

Either way, the "single large object" will be at least as efficient as multiple small objects - for simple cases like this.

How to pass json POST data to Web API method as an object?

Working with POST in webapi can be tricky! Would like to add to the already correct answer..

Will focus specifically on POST as dealing with GET is trivial. I don't think many would be searching around for resolving an issue with GET with webapis. Anyways..

If your question is - In MVC Web Api, how to- - Use custom action method names other than the generic HTTP verbs? - Perform multiple posts? - Post multiple simple types? - Post complex types via jQuery?

Then the following solutions may help:

First, to use Custom Action Methods in Web API, add a web api route as:

public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        name: "ActionApi",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}");

And then you may create action methods like:

public string TestMethod([FromBody]string value)
    return "Hello from http post web api controller: " + value;

Now, fire the following jQuery from your browser console

    type: 'POST',
    url: 'http://localhost:33649/api/TestApi/TestMethod',
    data: {'':'hello'},
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data){ console.log(data) }

Second, to perform multiple posts, It is simple, create multiple action methods and decorate with the [HttpPost] attrib. Use the [ActionName("MyAction")] to assign custom names, etc. Will come to jQuery in the fourth point below

Third, First of all, posting multiple SIMPLE types in a single action is not possible. Moreover, there is a special format to post even a single simple type (apart from passing the parameter in the query string or REST style). This was the point that had me banging my head with Rest Clients (like Fiddler and Chrome's Advanced REST client extension) and hunting around the web for almost 5 hours when eventually, the following URL proved to be of help. Will quote the relevant content for the link might turn dead!

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
in the request header and add a = before the JSON statement:
={"Name":"Turbo Tina","Email":"[email protected]"}

PS: Noticed the peculiar syntax?

Anyways, let us get over that story. Moving on:

Fourth, posting complex types via jQuery, ofcourse, $.ajax() is going to promptly come in the role:

Let us say the action method accepts a Person object which has an id and a name. So, from javascript:

var person = { PersonId:1, Name:"James" }
    type: 'POST',
    url: 'http://mydomain/api/TestApi/TestMethod',
    data: JSON.stringify(person),
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data){ console.log(data) }

And the action will look like:

public string TestMethod(Person person)
    return "Hello from http post web api controller: " + person.Name;

All of the above, worked for me!! Cheers!

Oracle SQL - DATE greater than statement

As your query string is a literal, and assuming your dates are properly stored as DATE you should use date literals:

SELECT * FROM OrderArchive
WHERE OrderDate <= DATE '2015-12-31'

If you want to use TO_DATE (because, for example, your query value is not a literal), I suggest you to explicitly set the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE parameter as you are using US abbreviated month names. That way, it won't break on some localized Oracle Installation:

SELECT * FROM OrderArchive
WHERE OrderDate <= to_date('31 Dec 2014', 'DD MON YYYY',
                           'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American');

What's the purpose of META-INF?

Generally speaking, you should not put anything into META-INF yourself. Instead, you should rely upon whatever you use to package up your JAR. This is one of the areas where I think Ant really excels: specifying JAR file manifest attributes. It's very easy to say something like:

<jar ...>
        <attribute name="Main-Class" value="MyApplication"/>

At least, I think that's easy... :-)

The point is that META-INF should be considered an internal Java meta directory. Don't mess with it! Any files you want to include with your JAR should be placed in some other sub-directory or at the root of the JAR itself.

await vs Task.Wait - Deadlock?

Some important facts were not given in other answers:

"async await" is more complex at CIL level and thus costs memory and CPU time.

Any task can be canceled if the waiting time is unacceptable.

In the case "async await" we do not have a handler for such a task to cancel it or monitoring it.

Using Task is more flexible then "async await".

Any sync functionality can by wrapped by async.

public async Task<ActionResult> DoAsync(long id) 
    return await Task.Run(() => { return DoSync(id); } ); 

"async await" generate many problems. We do not now is await statement will be reached without runtime and context debugging. If first await not reached everything is blocked. Some times even await seems to be reached still everything is blocked:

I do not see why I'm must live with the code duplication for sync and async method or using hacks.

Conclusion: Create Task manually and control them is much better. Handler to Task give more control. We can monitor Tasks and manage them:

Sorry for my english.

Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText

So many solutions, but none worked for me when I had two fields in a row. This is drop in solution for adding clear button to edit text, worked for me in my situations where I have two fields or one field in a row. Written in kotlin !

fun <T : EditText> T.withClear(): T {
    addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
        override fun afterTextChanged(editable: Editable) {
            setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0,
                    if (editable.isNotEmpty()) abc_ic_clear_material else 0, 0)

        override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) = Unit
        override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) = Unit

    setOnTouchListener { _, event ->
        if (event.action == ACTION_UP && event.x >= (right - this.compoundPaddingRight)) {
            return@setOnTouchListener true
    return this