[jquery] how to get the value of css style using jquery

I'd like to know what type of method should I use to get the value of CSS style. I want to set it to jQuery so that I can create conditions to match on CSS "left" value.

Here is the CSS and HTML tag with the style attributes.

<div class="items" style="left: -900px"> <span>some content here</span> </div>

Here is my jQuery code to get the value.

  var n = $("items").css("left");
  if(n == -900){
    $(".items span").fadeOut("slow");

I'd like to know if this method is correct because it is not working in my end. Thanks in advance for the little help.

Note: left value was dynamic, and it was changing to these value: -900px, -1800px, -2700px, -3600px, -4500px...

This question is related to jquery css

The answer is

I doubt css understands left by itself. You need to use it specifying position. You are using .css() correctly

position: relative/absolute/whatever;
left: 900px;

heres a fiddle of it working


and without the position here's what you get


Change your if statement to be like this - with quotes around -900px

var n = $("items").css("left");

if(n == '-900px'){
    $(".items span").fadeOut("slow");


Yes, you're right. With the css() method you can retrieve the desired css value stored in the DOM. You can read more about this at: http://api.jquery.com/css/

But if you want to get its position you can check offset() and position() methods to get it's position.

You code is correct. replace items with .items as below

  var n = $(".items").css("left");
  if(n == -900){
    $(".items span").fadeOut("slow");