[typescript] How to define static property in TypeScript interface

I found a way to do this (without decorators) for my specific use case.

The important part that checks for static members is IObjectClass and using cls: IObjectClass<T> in the createObject method:

// Library
interface IObject {
  id: number;
interface IObjectClass<T> {
  new(): T;
  table_name: string;
function createObject<T extends IObject>(cls: IObjectClass<T>, data:Partial<T>):T {
  let obj:T = (<any>Object).assign({},
      id: 1,
      table_name: cls.table_name,
  return obj;

// Implementation
export class User implements IObject {
  static table_name: string = 'user';
  id: number;
  name: string;

// Application
let user = createObject(User, {name: 'Jimmy'});