[css] How to make the background image to fit into the whole page without repeating using plain css?

I have an JPG image with size 1024 x 724. My page size is not fixed. My requirement is: If I resize the page then the background image should also resize and fit to the page.

Also I don't want to keep the image related information in my Html page/JSP. I want to do this using plain CSS. I am not using CSS3. Because there is an attribute called background-size which can make the image stretch to the page width and height. Currently only Google Chrome supports this. Any help ?

This question is related to css background-image

The answer is

These three line all together worked for me.

background-image: url("pages/images/backImage.png");
background-size: 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

You can either use JavaScript or CSS3.

JavaScript solution: Use an absolute positioned <img> tag and resize it on the page load and whenever the page resizes. Be careful of possible bugs when trying to get the page/window size.

CSS3 solution: Use the CSS3 background-size property. You might use either 100% 100% or contain or cover, depending on how you want the image to resize. Of course, this only works on modern browsers.

try something like

background: url(bgimage.jpg) no-repeat;
background-size: 100%;

background:url(bgimage.jpg) no-repeat; background-size: cover;

This did the trick

Depending on what kind of image you have, it might be better to rework the design so that the main image fades to a set solid color or repeatable pattern. If you center the image in the page and have the solid color as the backgroud.

See http://www.webdesignerwall.com/trends/80-large-background-websites/ for examples of sites using large or scalable backgrounds.