Programs & Examples On #Progress indicator

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android

I'm sorry that it's not the answer, but what's driving the requirement setting it from code ? And .setProgressDrawable should work if it's defined correctly

<layer-list xmlns:android="">

<item android:id="@android:id/background">
        <corners android:radius="5dip" />

<item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress">
            <corners android:radius="5dip" />

<item android:id="@android:id/progress">
                android:radius="5dip" />


How to Create a circular progressbar in Android which rotates on it?

With the Material Components Library you can use the CircularProgressIndicator:

Something like:


You can use these attributes:

  • circularRadius: defines the radius of the circular progress indicator
  • trackColor: the color used for the progress track. If not defined, it will be set to the indicatorColor and apply the android:disabledAlpha from the theme.
  • indicatorColor: the single color used for the indicator in determinate/indeterminate mode. By default it uses theme primary color

enter image description here

Use progressIndicator.setProgressCompat((int) value, true); to update the value in the indicator.

Note: it requires at least the version 1.3.0-alpha04.

merge one local branch into another local branch

Just in case you arrived here because you copied a branch name from Github, note that a remote branch is not automatically also a local branch, so a merge will not work and give the "not something we can merge" error.

In that case, you have two options:

git checkout [branchYouWantToMergeInto]
git merge origin/[branchYouWantToMerge]


# this creates a local branch
git checkout [branchYouWantToMerge]

git checkout [branchYouWantToMergeInto]
git merge [branchYouWantToMerge]

Can Windows' built-in ZIP compression be scripted?

There are VBA methods to zip and unzip using the windows built in compression as well, which should give some insight as to how the system operates. You may be able to build these methods into a scripting language of your choice.

The basic principle is that within windows you can treat a zip file as a directory, and copy into and out of it. So to create a new zip file, you simply make a file with the extension .zip that has the right header for an empty zip file. Then you close it, and tell windows you want to copy files into it as though it were another directory.

Unzipping is easier - just treat it as a directory.

In case the web pages are lost again, here are a few of the relevant code snippets:


Sub NewZip(sPath)
'Create empty Zip File
'Changed by keepITcool Dec-12-2005
    If Len(Dir(sPath)) > 0 Then Kill sPath
    Open sPath For Output As #1
    Print #1, Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
    Close #1
End Sub

Function bIsBookOpen(ByRef szBookName As String) As Boolean
' Rob Bovey
    On Error Resume Next
    bIsBookOpen = Not (Application.Workbooks(szBookName) Is Nothing)
End Function

Function Split97(sStr As Variant, sdelim As String) As Variant
'Tom Ogilvy
    Split97 = Evaluate("{""" & _
                       Application.Substitute(sStr, sdelim, """,""") & """}")
End Function

Sub Zip_File_Or_Files()
    Dim strDate As String, DefPath As String, sFName As String
    Dim oApp As Object, iCtr As Long, I As Integer
    Dim FName, vArr, FileNameZip

    DefPath = Application.DefaultFilePath
    If Right(DefPath, 1) <> "\" Then
        DefPath = DefPath & "\"
    End If

    strDate = Format(Now, " dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")
    FileNameZip = DefPath & "MyFilesZip " & strDate & ".zip"

    'Browse to the file(s), use the Ctrl key to select more files
    FName = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel Files (*.xl*), *.xl*", _
                    MultiSelect:=True, Title:="Select the files you want to zip")
    If IsArray(FName) = False Then
        'do nothing
        'Create empty Zip File
        NewZip (FileNameZip)
        Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        I = 0
        For iCtr = LBound(FName) To UBound(FName)
            vArr = Split97(FName(iCtr), "\")
            sFName = vArr(UBound(vArr))
            If bIsBookOpen(sFName) Then
                MsgBox "You can't zip a file that is open!" & vbLf & _
                       "Please close it and try again: " & FName(iCtr)
                'Copy the file to the compressed folder
                I = I + 1
                oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).CopyHere FName(iCtr)

                'Keep script waiting until Compressing is done
                On Error Resume Next
                Do Until oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).items.Count = I
                    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
        Next iCtr

        MsgBox "You find the zipfile here: " & FileNameZip
    End If
End Sub


Sub Unzip1()
    Dim FSO As Object
    Dim oApp As Object
    Dim Fname As Variant
    Dim FileNameFolder As Variant
    Dim DefPath As String
    Dim strDate As String

    Fname = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Zip Files (*.zip), *.zip", _
    If Fname = False Then
        'Do nothing
        'Root folder for the new folder.
        'You can also use DefPath = "C:\Users\Ron\test\"
        DefPath = Application.DefaultFilePath
        If Right(DefPath, 1) <> "\" Then
            DefPath = DefPath & "\"
        End If

        'Create the folder name
        strDate = Format(Now, " dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss")
        FileNameFolder = DefPath & "MyUnzipFolder " & strDate & "\"

        'Make the normal folder in DefPath
        MkDir FileNameFolder

        'Extract the files into the newly created folder
        Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

        oApp.Namespace(FileNameFolder).CopyHere oApp.Namespace(Fname).items

        'If you want to extract only one file you can use this:
        'oApp.Namespace(FileNameFolder).CopyHere _

        MsgBox "You find the files here: " & FileNameFolder

        On Error Resume Next
        Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        FSO.deletefolder Environ("Temp") & "\Temporary Directory*", True
    End If
End Sub

ReactJS SyntheticEvent stopPropagation() only works with React events?

I was able to resolve this by adding the following to my component:

componentDidMount() {
  ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).addEventListener('click', (event) => {
  }, false);

Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'

Use the map function in pipe function and it will solve your problem. You can check the documentation here.

this.items = this.afs.collection('blalal').snapshotChanges().pipe(map(changes => {
  return => {
    const data = as Items; =;
    return data;

Send data from javascript to a mysql database

The other posters are correct you cannot connect to MySQL directly from javascript. This is because JavaScript is at client side & mysql is server side.

So your best bet is to use ajax to call a handler as quoted above if you can let us know what language your project is in we can better help you ie php/java/.net

If you project is using php then the example from Merlyn is a good place to start, I would personally use jquery.ajax() to cut down you code and have a better chance of less cross browser issues.

Dialog to pick image from gallery or from camera

I think that's up to you to show that dialog for choosing. For Gallery you'll use that code, and for Camera try this.

Returning boolean if set is empty

If c is a set then you can check whether it's empty by doing: return not c.

If c is empty then not c will be True.

Otherwise, if c contains any elements not c will be False.

Network usage top/htop on Linux

jnettop is another candidate.

edit: it only shows the streams, not the owner processes.

How do I get the XML root node with C#?

XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
string rootNode = XmlDoc.ChildNodes[0].Name;

"Too many characters in character literal error"

This is because, in C#, single quotes ('') denote (or encapsulate) a single character, whereas double quotes ("") are used for a string of characters. For example:

var myChar = '=';

var myString = "==";

Could not find or load main class

Here is my working env path variables after much troubleshooting


.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\ext\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_27\bin

PATH <---sometimes this PATH fills up with too many paths and you can't add a path(which was my case!)

bunchofpaths;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_27\bin

Additionally, when you try to use the cmd to execute the file...make sure your in the local directory as the file your trying to execute (which you did.)

Just a little checklist for people that have this problem still.

how to initialize a char array?

This method uses the 'C' memset function, and is very fast (avoids a char-by-char loop).

const uint size = 65546;
char* msg = new char[size];
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(msg), 0, size);

How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android?

Best Solution for Dotted Background working perfect

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:color="@color/colorBlack" />

Correct redirect URI for Google API and OAuth 2.0

There's no problem with using a localhost url for Dev work - obviously it needs to be changed when it comes to production.

You need to go here: and then follow the link for the API Console - link's in the Basic Steps section. When you've filled out the new application form you'll be asked to provide a redirect Url. Put in the page you want to go to once access has been granted.

When forming the Google oAuth Url - you need to include the redirect url - it has to be an exact match or you'll have problems. It also needs to be UrlEncoded.

Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation

If you are asking if you can pair two devices without the user EVER approving the pairing, no it cannot be done, it is a security feature. If you are paired over Bluetooth there is no need to exchange data over NFC, just exchange data over the Bluetooth link.

I don't think you can circumvent Bluetooth security by passing an authentication packet over NFC, but I could be wrong.

MVC4 HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

I had set the new app's application pool to the DefaultAppPool in IIS which obviously is using the Classic pipeline with .NET v.2.0.

To solve the problem I created a new App Pool using the Integrated pipeline and .NET v4.0. just for this new application and then everything started working as expected.

Don't forget to assign this new app pool to the application. Select the application in IIS, click Basic Settings and then pick the new app pool for the app.

Setting focus to iframe contents

Try listening for events in the parent document and passing the event to a handler in the iframe document.

How to create a custom string representation for a class object?

Implement __str__() or __repr__() in the class's metaclass.

class MC(type):
  def __repr__(self):
    return 'Wahaha!'

class C(object):
  __metaclass__ = MC

print C

Use __str__ if you mean a readable stringification, use __repr__ for unambiguous representations.

Java SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match

The certificate verification process will always verify the DNS name of the certificate presented by the server, with the hostname of the server in the URL used by the client.

The following code

HttpPost post = new HttpPost("");

will result in the certificate verification process verifying whether the common name of the certificate issued by the server, i.e. matches the hostname i.e. Obviously, this is bound to result in failure (you could have verified this by browsing to the URL with a browser, and seen the resulting error yourself).

Supposedly, for the sake of security, you are hesitant to write your own TrustManager (and you musn't unless you understand how to write a secure one), you ought to look at establishing DNS records in your datacenter to ensure that all lookups to will resolve to; this ought to be done either in your local DNS servers or in the hosts file of your OS; you might need to add entries to other domains as well. Needless to say, you will need to ensure that this is consistent with the records returned by your ISP.

How do I close a single buffer (out of many) in Vim?

Rather than browse the ouput of the :ls command and delete (unload, wipe..) a buffer by specifying its number, I find that using file names is often more effective.

For instance, after I opened a couple of .txt file to refresh my memories of some fine point.. copy and paste a few lines of text to use as a template of sorts.. etc. I would type the following:

:bd txt <Tab>

Note that the matching string does not have to be at the start of the file name.

The above displays the list of file names that match 'txt' at the bottom of the screen and keeps the :bd command I initially typed untouched, ready to be completed.

Here's an example:

doc1.txt doc2.txt
:bd txt 

I could backspace over the 'txt' bit and type in the file name I wish to delete, but where this becomes really convenient is that I don't have to: if I hit the Tab key a second time, Vim automatically completes my command with the first match:

:bd doc1.txt

If I want to get rid of this particular buffer I just need to hit Enter.

And if the buffer I want to delete happens to be the second (third.. etc.) match, I only need to keep hitting the Tab key to make my :bd command cycle through the list of matches.

Naturally, this method can also be used to switch to a given buffer via such commands as :b.. :sb.. etc.

This approach is particularly useful when the 'hidden' Vim option is set, because the buffer list can quickly become quite large, covering several screens, and making it difficult to spot the particular buffer I am looking for.

To make the most of this feature, it's probably best to read the following Vim help file and tweak the behavior of Tab command-line completion accordingly so that it best suits your workflow:

:help wildmode

The behavior I described above results from the following setting, which I chose for consistency's sake in order to emulate bash completion:

:set wildmode=list:longest,full

As opposed to using buffer numbers, the merit of this approach is that I usually remember at least part of a given file name letting me target the buffer directly rather than having to first look up its number via the :ls command.

Execute Shell Script after post build in Jenkins

You should be able to do that with the Batch Task plugin.

  1. Create a batch task in the project.
  2. Add a "Invoke batch tasks" post-build option selecting the same project.

An alternative can also be Post build task plugin.

A cycle was detected in the build path of project xxx - Build Path Problem

When we have multiple projects in workspace, we have to set the references between the projects, not among the projects. If P1 references P2, P2 references P3, and P3 reference back to P1. That will cause a cycle.

The Solution is to draw a Diagram of the reference between projects in workspace. Check the Java Build Path of each of the projects to see the Tab of the Projects window. Take out the Project that are refering back to the main project, e.g. P3 references P1, in this example above.

Detailed operation is to select P3 project in RAD OR eclipse, right click on the project and choose the properties option, it brings up a new window for properties of P3. Click on the "Java Build Path" section, Choose the "Projects" option Tab. You can see the P3 has referenced P1 in the field. Select the P1 reference, click "Remove" button on the right side of the window. Then, click okay. The IDE will start to reset the path automatically.


Keep find all of the mis-referenced reference in every each projects until you have the right references to each of the projects in your Diagram. Good Luck!

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyController':

If nothing happens even if you added all the annotation needed, try to add this dependency to your pom.xml, I just faced the same problem and resolved it by adding this one here:


What is an example of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

This formulation of the LSP is way too strong:

If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P de?ned in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2, then S is a subtype of T.

Which basically means that S is another, completely encapsulated implementation of the exact same thing as T. And I could be bold and decide that performance is part of the behavior of P...

So, basically, any use of late-binding violates the LSP. It's the whole point of OO to to obtain a different behavior when we substitute an object of one kind for one of another kind!

The formulation cited by wikipedia is better since the property depends on the context and does not necessarily include the whole behavior of the program.

How to Join to first row

From SQL Server 2012 and onwards I think this will do the trick:

    o.OrderNumber ,
    FIRST_VALUE(li.Quantity) OVER ( PARTITION BY o.OrderNumber ORDER BY li.Description ) AS Quantity ,
    FIRST_VALUE(li.Description) OVER ( PARTITION BY o.OrderNumber ORDER BY li.Description ) AS Description
FROM    Orders AS o
    INNER JOIN LineItems AS li ON o.OrderID = li.OrderID

extract part of a string using bash/cut/split

Define a function like this:

getUserName() {
    echo $1 | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs basename

And pass the string as a parameter:

userName=$(getUserName "/var/cpanel/users/")
echo $userName

Angular2 Exception: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known native property

For people who find this when attempting to run tests because via npm test or ng test using Karma or whatever else. Your .spec module needs a special router testing import to be able to build.

import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';

    imports: [RouterTestingModule],
    declarations: [AppComponent],

How to parse JSON data with jQuery / JavaScript?

Setting dataType:'json' will parse JSON for you:

  type: 'GET',
  url: 'http://example/functions.php',
  data: {get_param: 'value'},
  dataType: 'json',
  success: function (data) {
    var names = data

Or else you can use parseJSON:

var parsedJson = $.parseJSON(jsonToBeParsed);

Then you can iterate the following:

var j ='[{"id":"1","name":"test1"},{"id":"2","name":"test2"},{"id":"3","name":"test3"},{"id":"4","name":"test4"},{"id":"5","name":"test5"}]'; using $().each:

var json = $.parseJSON(j);
$(json).each(function (i, val) {
  $.each(val, function (k, v) {
    console.log(k + " : " + v);


Swapping two variable value without using third variable

that's the correct XOR swap algorithm

void xorSwap (int* x, int* y) {
   if (x != y) { //ensure that memory locations are different
      if (*x != *y) { //ensure that values are different
         *x ^= *y;
         *y ^= *x;
         *x ^= *y;

you have to ensure that memory locations are different and also that the actual values are different because A XOR A = 0

How do I round a double to two decimal places in Java?

You can't 'round a double to [any number of] decimal places', because doubles don't have decimal places. You can convert a double to a base-10 String with N decimal places, because base-10 does have decimal places, but when you convert it back you are back in double-land, with binary fractional places.

How do I define the name of image built with docker-compose

For docker-compose version 2 file format, you can build and tag an image for one service and then use that same built image for another service.

For my case, I want to set up an elasticsearch cluster with 2 nodes, they both need to use the same image, but configured to run differently. I also want to build my own custom elasticsearch image from my own Dockerfile. So this is what I did (docker-compose.yml):

version: '2'

    build: ./elasticsearch
    image: porter/elasticsearch
      - "9200:9200"
    container_name: es_master

    image: porter/elasticsearch
      - es-master
      - "9200"
    command: elasticsearch

You can see that in the first service definition es-master, I use the build option to build an image from the Dockerfile in ./elasticsearch. I tag the image with the name porter/elasticsearch with the image option.
Then, I reference this built image in the es-node service definition with the image option, and also use a depends_on to make sure the other container es-master is built and run first.

How to get access token from FB.login method in javascript SDK

window.fbAsyncInit = function () {_x000D_
        appId: 'Your-appId',_x000D_
        cookie: false,  // enable cookies to allow the server to access _x000D_
        // the session_x000D_
        xfbml: true,  // parse social plugins on this page_x000D_
        version: 'v2.0' // use version 2.0_x000D_
// Load the SDK asynchronously_x000D_
(function (d, s, id) {_x000D_
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];_x000D_
    if (d.getElementById(id)) return;_x000D_
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;_x000D_
    js.src = "//";_x000D_
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);_x000D_
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));_x000D_
function fb_login() {_x000D_
    FB.login(function (response) {_x000D_
        if (response.authResponse) {_x000D_
            console.log('Welcome!  Fetching your information.... ');_x000D_
            //console.log(response); // dump complete info_x000D_
            access_token = response.authResponse.accessToken; //get access token_x000D_
            user_id = response.authResponse.userID; //get FB UID_x000D_
            FB.api('/me', function (response) {_x000D_
                var email =;_x000D_
                var name =;_x000D_
                window.location = 'http://localhost:12962/Account/FacebookLogin/' + email + '/' + name;_x000D_
                // used in my mvc3 controller for //AuthenticationFormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, true);          _x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            //user hit cancel button_x000D_
            console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
        scope: 'email'_x000D_
<!-- custom image -->_x000D_
<a href="#" onclick="fb_login();"><img src="/Public/assets/images/facebook/facebook_connect_button.png" /></a>_x000D_
<!-- Facebook button -->_x000D_
<fb:login-button scope="public_profile,email" onlogin="fb_login();">_x000D_

MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds


SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,'2009-05-18','2009-07-29') from `post_statistics`

Kubernetes service external ip pending

If you are using Minikube, there is a magic command!

$ minikube tunnel

Hopefully someone can save a few minutes with this.

Reference link

Get the Id of current table row with Jquery


<table id="test">
      <tr  id="TEST1" >
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><div align="right">Contact</div></td>
          <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="middle">
          <input type="text" id="contact1" size="20" />  Number 
          <input type="text" id="number1" size="20" /> 
          <input type="button"  value="Button 1" id="contact1" /></td>

      <tr id="TEST2" >
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><div align="right">Contact</div></td>
          <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="middle">
          <input type="text" id="contact2" size="20" />  Number 
          <input type="text" id="number2" size="20" /> 
          <input type="button"  value="Button 1"  id="contact2" />

      <tr id="TEST3" >
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><div align="right">Contact</div></td>
          <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="middle">
          <input type="text" id="contact3" size="20" />  Number 
          <input type="text" id="number3" size="20" /> 
          <input type="button"  value="Button 1"  id="contact2" />

and javascript:

$(function() {
  var bid, trid;
  $('#test tr').click(function() {
       trid = $(this).attr('id'); // table row ID 


It worked here!

How is the java memory pool divided?

Heap memory

The heap memory is the runtime data area from which the Java VM allocates memory for all class instances and arrays. The heap may be of a fixed or variable size. The garbage collector is an automatic memory management system that reclaims heap memory for objects.

  • Eden Space: The pool from which memory is initially allocated for most objects.

  • Survivor Space: The pool containing objects that have survived the garbage collection of the Eden space.

  • Tenured Generation or Old Gen: The pool containing objects that have existed for some time in the survivor space.

Non-heap memory

Non-heap memory includes a method area shared among all threads and memory required for the internal processing or optimization for the Java VM. It stores per-class structures such as a runtime constant pool, field and method data, and the code for methods and constructors. The method area is logically part of the heap but, depending on the implementation, a Java VM may not garbage collect or compact it. Like the heap memory, the method area may be of a fixed or variable size. The memory for the method area does not need to be contiguous.

  • Permanent Generation: The pool containing all the reflective data of the virtual machine itself, such as class and method objects. With Java VMs that use class data sharing, this generation is divided into read-only and read-write areas.

  • Code Cache: The HotSpot Java VM also includes a code cache, containing memory that is used for compilation and storage of native code.

Here's some documentation on how to use Jconsole.

Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?

With pip versions above 20.03 you can use the old solver in order to get back all the available versions:

$ pip install  --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver pylibmc==
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pylibmc== (from    
versions: 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5.1, 0.5.2, 0.5.3, 0.5.4, 0.5.5, 0.6, 0.6.1,
0.7, 0.7.1, 0.7.2, 0.7.3, 0.7.4, 0.8, 0.8.1, 0.8.2, 0.9, 0.9.1, 0.9.2, 1.0a0, 
1.0b0, 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 
1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.100.dev0, 1.6.0, 1.6.1)

ERROR: No matching distribution found for pylibmc==

R: `which` statement with multiple conditions

The && function is not vectorized. You need the & function:

EUR <- PCs[which(PCs$V13 < 9 & PCs$V13 > 3), ]

Switching from zsh to bash on OSX, and back again?

For Bash, try

chsh -s $(which bash)

For zsh, try

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Append text to input field

If you are planning to use appending more then once, you might want to write a function:

//Append text to input element
function jQ_append(id_of_input, text){
    var input_id = '#'+id_of_input;
    $(input_id).val($(input_id).val() + text);

After you can just call it:

jQ_append('my_input_id', 'add this text');

Comparing two .jar files

If you select two files in IntellijIdea and press Ctrl + Dthen it will show you the diff. I use Ultimate and don't know if it will work with Community edition.

How to replace comma with a dot in the number (or any replacement)

You can also do it like this:

var tt="88,9827";
tt=tt.replace(",", ".");

working fiddle example

Hadoop: «ERROR : JAVA_HOME is not set»

You should set JAVA_HOME in the file also which is in the Hadoop configuration directory. By default the JAVA_HOME setting line is commented.

gradle build fails on lint task

In Android Studio v1.2, it tells you how to fix it:

enter image description here

How do I find out what License has been applied to my SQL Server installation?

I presume you mean via SSMS?

For a SQL Server Instance:

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), 
       SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), 
       SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')

For a SQL Server Installation:

Select @@Version

Twitter-Bootstrap-2 logo image on top of navbar

You have to also add the "navbar-brand" class to your image a container, also you have to include it inside the .navbar-inner container, like so:

 <div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
   <div class="navbar-inner">
     <div class="container">
        <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html"> <img src="images/57x57x300.jpg"></a>

Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

In Ruby Sinatra

response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' 

for everyone or

response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '' 

PHP - find entry by object property from an array of objects

Using array_column to re-index will save time if you need to find multiple times:

$lookup = array_column($arr, NULL, 'id');   // re-index by 'id'

Then you can simply $lookup[$id] at will.

Storing and retrieving datatable from session

A simple solution for a very common problem

                 // DECLARATION
                HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
                DataTable dt_ShoppingBasket = context.Session["Shopping_Basket"] as DataTable;

                // TRY TO ADD rows with the info into the DataTable
                    // Add new Serial Code into DataTable dt_ShoppingBasket

                    // Assigns new DataTable to Session["Shopping_Basket"]
                    context.Session["Shopping_Basket"] = dt_ShoppingBasket;
                catch (Exception)
                    // IF FAIL (EMPTY OR DOESN'T EXIST) - 
                    // Create new Instance, 
                    DataTable dt_ShoppingBasket= new DataTable();

                    // Add column and Row with the info

                    // Assigns new DataTable to Session["Shopping_Basket"]
                    context.Session["Shopping_Basket"] = dt_PanierCommande;

                // PRINT TESTS
                DataTable dt_To_Print = context.Session["Shopping_Basket"] as DataTable;

                foreach (DataRow row in dt_To_Print.Rows)
                    foreach (var item in row.ItemArray)
                        Debug.WriteLine("DATATABLE IN SESSION: " + item);

replacing NA's with 0's in R dataframe

Here are two quickie approaches I know of:

In base

AQ1 <- airquality
AQ1[ <- airquality)] <- 0

Not in base


PS P.S. Does my command above create a new dataframe called AQ1?

Look at AQ1 and see

How to delete all records from table in sqlite with Android?

Just Write

SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
db.execSQL("delete from "+TableName);



How to get the ActionBar height?

If you are using a Toolbar as the ActionBar,

Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

then just use the layout_height of the toolbar.

int actionBarHeight = toolbar.getLayoutParams().height;

How to drop all tables from a database with one SQL query?

I'd just make a small change to @NoDisplayName's answer and use QUOTENAME() on the TABLE_NAME column and also include the TABLE_SCHEMA column encase the tables aren't in the dbo schema.

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = '';



Or using sys schema views (as per @swasheck's comment):

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = '';

SELECT @sql += 'DROP TABLE ' + QUOTENAME([S].[name]) + '.' + QUOTENAME([T].[name]) + ';'
FROM [sys].[tables] AS [T]
INNER JOIN [sys].[schemas] AS [S] ON ([T].[schema_id] = [S].[schema_id])
WHERE [T].[type] = 'U' AND [T].[is_ms_shipped] = 0;


HTML Input Type Date, Open Calendar by default

This is not possible with native HTML input elements. You can use webshim polyfill, which gives you this option by using this markup.

<input type="date" data-date-inline-picker="true" />

Here is a small demo

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

URLSearchParams has increasing browser support.

const data = {
  var1: 'value1',
  var2: 'value2'

const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(data);

// searchParams.toString() === 'var1=value1&var2=value2'

Node.js offers the querystring module.

const querystring = require('querystring');

const data = {
  var1: 'value1',
  var2: 'value2'

const searchParams = querystring.stringify(data);

// searchParams === 'var1=value1&var2=value2'

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: dexpathlist

for anyone who comes across this problem now, with android studio 4.0+ you just have to enable java 8 as mentioned here

android {
    defaultConfig {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?

#include <windows.h>

double PCFreq = 0.0;
__int64 CounterStart = 0;

void StartCounter()
    cout << "QueryPerformanceFrequency failed!\n";

    PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0;

    CounterStart = li.QuadPart;
double GetCounter()
    return double(li.QuadPart-CounterStart)/PCFreq;

int main()
    cout << GetCounter() <<"\n";
    return 0;

This program should output a number close to 1000 (windows sleep isn't that accurate, but it should be like 999).

The StartCounter() function records the number of ticks the performance counter has in the CounterStart variable. The GetCounter() function returns the number of milliseconds since StartCounter() was last called as a double, so if GetCounter() returns 0.001 then it has been about 1 microsecond since StartCounter() was called.

If you want to have the timer use seconds instead then change

PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0;


PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart);

or if you want microseconds then use

PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000000.0;

But really it's about convenience since it returns a double.

How do I do string replace in JavaScript to convert ‘9.61’ to ‘9:61’?

It can be done with the regular JavaScript function replace().

value.replace(".", ":");

SQL Server replace, remove all after certain character

   SET MyText = SUBSTRING(MyText, 1, CHARINDEX(';', MyText) - 1)
 WHERE CHARINDEX(';', MyText) > 0 

Stretch background image css?

I think what you are looking for is

.style1 {
  background: url('http://localhost/msite/images/12.PNG');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center;
  -webkit-background-size: contain;
  -moz-background-size: contain;
  -o-background-size: contain;
  background-size: contain;

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

It is worth noting that if changing default_socket_timeout on the fly, it might be useful to restore its value after your file_get_contents call:

$default_socket_timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $default_socket_timeout);

How do I use reflection to call a generic method?

Just an addition to the original answer. While this will work:

MethodInfo method = typeof(Sample).GetMethod("GenericMethod");
MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(myType);
generic.Invoke(this, null);

It is also a little dangerous in that you lose compile-time check for GenericMethod. If you later do a refactoring and rename GenericMethod, this code won't notice and will fail at run time. Also, if there is any post-processing of the assembly (for example obfuscating or removing unused methods/classes) this code might break too.

So, if you know the method you are linking to at compile time, and this isn't called millions of times so overhead doesn't matter, I would change this code to be:

Action<> GenMethod = GenericMethod<int>;  //change int by any base type 
                                          //accepted by GenericMethod
MethodInfo method = this.GetType().GetMethod(GenMethod.Method.Name);
MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(myType);
generic.Invoke(this, null);

While not very pretty, you have a compile time reference to GenericMethod here, and if you refactor, delete or do anything with GenericMethod, this code will keep working, or at least break at compile time (if for example you remove GenericMethod).

Other way to do the same would be to create a new wrapper class, and create it through Activator. I don't know if there is a better way.

Pass accepts header parameter to jquery ajax

You had already identified the accepts parameter as the one you wanted and keyur is right in showing you the correct way to set it, but if you set DataType to "json" then it will automatically set the default value of accepts to the value you want as per the jQuery reference. So all you need is:

    url: _this.attr('href'),
    dataType: "json"

Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository

Another option is to use GitHub personal access tokens:

  • Go to
  • Add repo scope
  • In Jenkins, add a GitHub source
  • Use Repository HTTPS URL
  • Add the HTTPS URL of the git repo (not the SSH one, eg.
  • Add credential
    • Kind: Username with Password
    • Username: the GitHub username
    • Password: the personal access token you created on GitHub
    • ID: something like github-token-for-my-username

I tested this on Jenkins ver. 2.222.1 and Jenkins GitHub plugin 1.29.5 with a private GitHub repo.

How do you roll back (reset) a Git repository to a particular commit?

When you say the 'GUI Tool', I assume you're using Git For Windows.

IMPORTANT, I would highly recommend creating a new branch to do this on if you haven't already. That way your master can remain the same while you test out your changes.

With the GUI you need to 'roll back this commit' like you have with the history on the right of your view. Then you will notice you have all the unwanted files as changes to commit on the left. Now you need to right click on the grey title above all the uncommited files and select 'disregard changes'. This will set your files back to how they were in this version.

javascript toISOString() ignores timezone offset

Moment js solution to this is

var d = new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0));
m.add(m.utcOffset(), 'm')
// output "2019-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"

How to delete items from a dictionary while iterating over it?

Iterate over a copy instead, such as the one returned by items():

for k, v in list(mydict.items()):

How do I find ' % ' with the LIKE operator in SQL Server?

I would use

WHERE columnName LIKE '%[%]%'

SQL Server stores string summary statistics for use in estimating the number of rows that will match a LIKE clause. The cardinality estimates can be better and lead to a more appropriate plan when the square bracket syntax is used.

The response to this Connect Item states

We do not have support for precise cardinality estimation in the presence of user defined escape characters. So we probably get a poor estimate and a poor plan. We'll consider addressing this issue in a future release.

An example



SELECT TOP (5) '10% off'
FROM master..spt_values
SELECT  TOP (100000)  'blah'
FROM master..spt_values v1,  master..spt_values v2

WHERE X LIKE '%[%]%'


Shows 457 logical reads for the first query and 33,335 for the second.

How do I change the data type for a column in MySQL?

To change column data type there are change method and modify method

ALTER TABLE student_info CHANGE roll_no roll_no VARCHAR(255);

ALTER TABLE student_info MODIFY roll_no VARCHAR(255);

To change the field name also use the change method

ALTER TABLE student_info CHANGE roll_no identity_no VARCHAR(255);

Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling

Infinite view pager by overriding 4 adapter methods in your existing adapter class

    public int getCount() {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
        String title = mTitleList.get(position % mActualTitleListSize);
        return title;

    public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
        int virtualPosition = position % mActualTitleListSize;
        return super.instantiateItem(container, virtualPosition);

    public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
        int virtualPosition = position % mActualTitleListSize;
        super.destroyItem(container, virtualPosition, object);

How do I get to IIS Manager?

First of all, you need to check that the IIS is installed in your machine, for that you can go to:

Control Panel --> Add or Remove Programs --> Windows Features --> And Check if Internet Information Services is installed with at least the 'Web Administration Tools' Enabled and The 'World Wide Web Service'

If not, check it, and Press Accept to install it.

Once that is done, you need to go to Administrative Tools in Control Panel and the IIS Will be there. Or simply run inetmgr (after Win+R).

Edit: You should have something like this: enter image description here

Count number of files within a directory in Linux?

this is one:

ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'


ls -1 | wc -l

Which means: ls: list files in dir

-1: (that's a ONE) only one entry per line. Change it to -1a if you want hidden files too

|: pipe output onto...

wc: "wordcount"

-l: count lines.

Detect if the device is iPhone X

Do NOT use screen pixel size as other solutions have suggested, this is bad as it can result in false positives for future devices; will not work if UIWindow hasn't yet rendered (AppDelegate), won't work in landscape apps, and can fail on simulator if scale is set.

I've, instead, made a macro for this purpose, it's very easy to use and relies on hardware flags to prevent the aforementioned issues.

Edit: Updated to support iPhoneX, iPhone XS, iPhoneXR, iPhoneXS Max

To Use:

    //do stuff

Yup, really.


Just copy paste this anywhere, I prefer the very bottom of my .h file after @end

#import <sys/utsname.h>


(^BOOL (void){\
NSString *__modelIdentifier;\
__modelIdentifier = NSProcessInfo.processInfo.environment[@"SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"];\
} else {\
struct utsname __systemInfo;\
__modelIdentifier = [NSString stringWithCString:__systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];\
NSString *__iPhoneX_GSM_Identifier = @"iPhone10,6";\
NSString *__iPhoneX_CDMA_Identifier = @"iPhone10,3";\
NSString *__iPhoneXR_Identifier = @"iPhone11,8";\
NSString *__iPhoneXS_Identifier = @"iPhone11,2";\
NSString *__iPhoneXSMax_China_Identifier = @"iPhone11,6";\
NSString *__iPhoneXSMax_Other_Identifier = @"iPhone11,4";\
return ([__modelIdentifier isEqualToString:__iPhoneX_GSM_Identifier] || [__modelIdentifier isEqualToString:__iPhoneX_CDMA_Identifier] || [__modelIdentifier isEqualToString:__iPhoneXR_Identifier] || [__modelIdentifier isEqualToString:__iPhoneXS_Identifier] || [__modelIdentifier isEqualToString:__iPhoneXSMax_China_Identifier] || [__modelIdentifier isEqualToString:__iPhoneXSMax_Other_Identifier]);\

How to move an entire div element up x pixels?

you can also do this


this "help" to stop the div yanking everything up a bit.

Extract a single (unsigned) integer from a string

preg_match_all('!\d+!', $some_string, $matches);
$string_of_numbers = implode(' ', $matches[0]);

The first argument in implode in this specific case says "separate each element in matches[0] with a single space." Implode will not put a space (or whatever your first argument is) before the first number or after the last number.

Something else to note is $matches[0] is where the array of matches (that match this regular expression) found are stored.

For further clarification on what the other indexes in the array are for see:

Proper way to exit iPhone application?

Exit an app other way

I did this helper, though, that use no private stuff:


Does Notepad++ show all hidden characters?

Yes, it does. The way to enable this depends on your version of Notepad++. On newer versions you can use:

Menu View ? Show Symbol ? *Show All Characters`


Menu View ? Show Symbol ? Show White Space and TAB

(Thanks to bers' comment and bkaid's answers below for these updated locations.)

On older versions you can look for:

Menu View ? Show all characters


Menu View ? Show White Space and TAB

Twitter Bootstrap scrollable table rows and fixed header

<table class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover rsk-tbl vScrollTHead">
                <th>Risk Element</th>
                <th>Risk Value</th>
<div class="vScrollTable">
            <table class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover rsk-tbl vScrollTBody">
                <tr class="">
                    <td>Jewellery business</td>

                </tr><tr class="">
                    <td>none-governmental organizations</td>


.vScrollTHead {


having two tables for head and body worked for me

Greyscale Background Css Images

You don't need to use complicated coding really!

Greyscale Hover:

-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);

Greyscale "Hover-out":

-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);

I simply made my css class have a separate hover class and added in the second greyscale. It's really simple if you really don't like complexity.

Android ListView in fragment example

Your Fragment can subclass ListFragment.
And onCreateView() from ListFragment will return a ListView you can then populate.

How do I run Visual Studio as an administrator by default?

One time fix :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe"="~ RUNASADMIN"

Check time difference in Javascript

This function returns a string with the difference from a datetime string and the current datetime.

function get_time_diff( datetime )
    var datetime = typeof datetime !== 'undefined' ? datetime : "2014-01-01 01:02:03.123456";

    var datetime = new Date( datetime ).getTime();
    var now = new Date().getTime();

    if( isNaN(datetime) )
        return "";

    console.log( datetime + " " + now);

    if (datetime < now) {
        var milisec_diff = now - datetime;
        var milisec_diff = datetime - now;

    var days = Math.floor(milisec_diff / 1000 / 60 / (60 * 24));

    var date_diff = new Date( milisec_diff );

    return days + " Days "+ date_diff.getHours() + " Hours " + date_diff.getMinutes() + " Minutes " + date_diff.getSeconds() + " Seconds";

Tested in the Google Chrome console (press F12)

1388534523123 1375877555722
"146 Days 12 Hours 49 Minutes 27 Seconds"

What's the difference between '$(this)' and 'this'?

$() is the jQuery constructor function.

this is a reference to the DOM element of invocation.

So basically, in $(this), you are just passing the this in $() as a parameter so that you could call jQuery methods and functions.

Open a new tab in the background?

As far as I remember, this is controlled by browser settings. In other words: user can chose whether they would like to open new tab in the background or foreground. Also they can chose whether new popup should open in new tab or just... popup.

For example in firefox preferences:

Firefox setup example

Notice the last option.

Remove background drawable programmatically in Android

I have a case scenario and I tried all the answers from above, but always new image was created on top of the old one. The solution that worked for me is:


Arduino Nano - "avrdude: ser_open():system can't open device "\\.\COM1": the system cannot find the file specified"

Changing the port in Device Manager works for me. I was also able to fix it by finding the port that Arduino was using and then select it from the Adruion IDE from tools menu Tools>Port>Com Port

Adruino IDE

Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C#

foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
     if (nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)
            PhysicalAddress Mac = nic.GetPhysicalAddress();

Why does C++ compilation take so long?

A compiled language is always going to require a bigger initial overhead than an interpreted language. In addition, perhaps you didn't structure your C++ code very well. For example:

#include "BigClass.h"

class SmallClass
   BigClass m_bigClass;

Compiles a lot slower than:

class BigClass;

class SmallClass
   BigClass* m_bigClass;

Where can I download Eclipse Android bundle?


Loop inside React JSX

Below are possible solutions that you can do in React in terms of iterating array of objects or plain array

const rows = [];
const numrows = [{"id" : 01, "name" : "abc"}];, i) => {
    rows.push(<ObjectRow key={} name={}/>);

    { rows }


const rows = [];
const numrows = [1,2,3,4,5];
for(let i=1, i <= numrows.length; i++){
    rows.push(<ObjectRow key={numrows[i]} />);

    { rows }

An even more better approach I became familiar with recent days for iterating an array of objects is .map directly in the render with return or without return:

.map with return

 const numrows = [{"id" : 01, "name" : "abc"}];
     {> {
         return <ObjectRow key={} name={}/>

.map without return

 const numrows = [{"id" : 01, "name" : "abc"}];
     {> (
         <ObjectRow key={} name={}/>

Oracle SQL query for Date format

to_date() returns a date at 00:00:00, so you need to "remove" the minutes from the date you are comparing to:

select * 
from table
where trunc(es_date) = TO_DATE('27-APR-12','dd-MON-yy')

You probably want to create an index on trunc(es_date) if that is something you are doing on a regular basis.

The literal '27-APR-12' can fail very easily if the default date format is changed to anything different. So make sure you you always use to_date() with a proper format mask (or an ANSI literal: date '2012-04-27')

Although you did right in using to_date() and not relying on implict data type conversion, your usage of to_date() still has a subtle pitfall because of the format 'dd-MON-yy'.

With a different language setting this might easily fail e.g. TO_DATE('27-MAY-12','dd-MON-yy') when NLS_LANG is set to german. Avoid anything in the format that might be different in a different language. Using a four digit year and only numbers e.g. 'dd-mm-yyyy' or 'yyyy-mm-dd'

Extracting text OpenCV

this is a VB.NET version of the answer from dhanushka using EmguCV.

A few functions and structures in EmguCV need different consideration than the C# version with OpenCVSharp

Imports Emgu.CV
Imports Emgu.CV.Structure
Imports Emgu.CV.CvEnum
Imports Emgu.CV.Util

        Dim input_file As String = "C:\your_input_image.png"
        Dim large As Mat = New Mat(input_file)
        Dim rgb As New Mat
        Dim small As New Mat
        Dim grad As New Mat
        Dim bw As New Mat
        Dim connected As New Mat
        Dim morphanchor As New Point(0, 0)

        '//downsample and use it for processing
        CvInvoke.PyrDown(large, rgb)
        CvInvoke.CvtColor(rgb, small, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray)

        '//morphological gradient
        Dim morphKernel As Mat = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Ellipse, New Size(3, 3), morphanchor)
        CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(small, grad, MorphOp.Gradient, morphKernel, New Point(0, 0), 1, BorderType.Isolated, New MCvScalar(0))

        '// binarize
        CvInvoke.Threshold(grad, bw, 0, 255, ThresholdType.Binary Or ThresholdType.Otsu)

        '// connect horizontally oriented regions
        morphKernel = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Rectangle, New Size(9, 1), morphanchor)
        CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(bw, connected, MorphOp.Close, morphKernel, morphanchor, 1, BorderType.Isolated, New MCvScalar(0))

        '// find contours
        Dim mask As Mat = Mat.Zeros(bw.Size.Height, bw.Size.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 1)  '' MatType.CV_8UC1
        Dim contours As New VectorOfVectorOfPoint
        Dim hierarchy As New Mat

        CvInvoke.FindContours(connected, contours, hierarchy, RetrType.Ccomp, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple, Nothing)

        '// filter contours
        Dim idx As Integer
        Dim rect As Rectangle
        Dim maskROI As Mat
        Dim r As Double
        For Each hierarchyItem In hierarchy.GetData
            rect = CvInvoke.BoundingRectangle(contours(idx))
            maskROI = New Mat(mask, rect)
            maskROI.SetTo(New MCvScalar(0, 0, 0))

            '// fill the contour
            CvInvoke.DrawContours(mask, contours, idx, New MCvScalar(255), -1)

            '// ratio of non-zero pixels in the filled region
            r = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(maskROI) / (rect.Width * rect.Height)

            '/* assume at least 45% of the area Is filled if it contains text */
            '/* constraints on region size */
            '/* these two conditions alone are Not very robust. better to use something 
            'Like the number of significant peaks in a horizontal projection as a third condition */
            If r > 0.45 AndAlso rect.Height > 8 AndAlso rect.Width > 8 Then
                'draw green rectangle
                CvInvoke.Rectangle(rgb, rect, New MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 2)
            End If
            idx += 1
        rgb.Save(IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "rgb.jpg"))

How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

DBeaver Community Edition ( makes it trivial to connect to a database, then import a CSV file for upload to a PostgreSQL database. It also makes it easy to issue queries, retrieve data, and download result sets to CSV, JSON, SQL, or other common data formats.

It is a FOSS multi-platform database tool for SQL programmers, DBAs and analysts that supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Hive, Presto, etc. It's a viable FOSS competitor to TOAD for Postgres, TOAD for SQL Server, or Toad for Oracle.

I have no affiliation with DBeaver. I love the price (FREE!) and full functionality, but I wish they would open up this DBeaver/Eclipse application more and make it easy to add analytics widgets to DBeaver / Eclipse, rather than requiring users to pay for the $199 annual subscription just to create graphs and charts directly within the application. My Java coding skills are rusty and I don't feel like taking weeks to relearn how to build Eclipse widgets, (only to find that DBeaver has probably disabled the ability to add third-party widgets to the DBeaver Community Edition.)

Can DBeaver power users who are Java developers provide some insight about the steps to create analytics widgets to add into the Community Edition of DBeaver?

jQuery - Getting the text value of a table cell in the same row as a clicked element

This will also work


Match line break with regular expression

By default . (any character) does not match newline characters.

This means you can simply match zero or more of any character then append the end tag.

Find: <li><a href="#">.* Replace: $0</a>

How do I launch a program from command line without opening a new cmd window?


OS: Win 10

I'm making an exe in c++, for some reason usting START make my program fail.

So, just use quotes:


How to create an Explorer-like folder browser control?

It's not as easy as it seems to implement a control like that. Explorer works with shell items, not filesystem items (ex: the control panel, the printers folder, and so on). If you need to implement it i suggest to have a look at the Windows shell functions at

Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?

Short answer: NO! Long answer:

  • If you won't modify the string (treat is as read-only), pass it as const ref&.
    (the const ref& obviously needs to stay within scope while the function that uses it executes)
  • If you plan to modify it or you know it will get out of scope (threads), pass it as a value, don't copy the const ref& inside your function body.

There was a post on called "Want speed, pass by value!". The TL;DR:

Guideline: Don’t copy your function arguments. Instead, pass them by value and let the compiler do the copying.


Don’t copy your function arguments --- means: if you plan to modify the argument value by copying it to an internal variable, just use a value argument instead.

So, don't do this:

std::string function(const std::string& aString){
    auto vString(aString);
    return vString;

do this:

std::string function(std::string aString){
    return aString;

When you need to modify the argument value in your function body.

You just need to be aware how you plan to use the argument in the function body. Read-only or NOT... and if it sticks within scope.

#pragma once vs include guards?

#pragma once allows the compiler to skip the file completely when it occurs again - instead of parsing the file until it reaches the #include guards.

As such, the semantics are a little different, but they are identical if they are used they way they are intended to be used.

Combining both is probably the safest route to go, as in the worst case (a compiler flagging unknown pragmas as actual errors, not just warnings) you would just to have to remove the #pragma's themselves.

When you limit your platforms to, say "mainstream compilers on the desktop", you could safely omit the #include guards, but I feel uneasy on that, too.

OT: if you have other tips/experiences to share on speeding up builds, I'd be curious.

How to sort Map values by key in Java?

We can also sort the key by using Arrays.sort method.

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
Object[] objArr = new Object[map.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) {
objArr[i] = map.get(i);
for (Object str : objArr) {

Extract filename and extension in Bash

I use the following script

$ echo "foo.tar.gz"|rev|cut -d"." -f3-|rev

How to add a downloaded .box file to Vagrant?

F:\PuppetLab\src\boxes>vagrant box add precise32 file:///F:/PuppetLab/src/boxes/
==> box: Adding box 'precise32' (v0) for provider:
    box: Downloading: file:///F:/PuppetLab/src/boxes/
    box: Progress: 100% (Rate: 1200k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
==> box: Successfully added box 'precise32' (v0) for 'virtualbox'!

Is there an equivalent of 'which' on the Windows command line?

This batch file uses CMD variable handling to find the command that would be executed in the path. Note: that the current directory is always done before the path) and depending on which API call is used other locations are searched before/after the path.

@echo off
echo PathFind - Finds the first file in in a path
echo ======== = ===== === ===== ==== == == = ====
echo Searching for %1 in %path%
set a=%~$PATH:1
If "%a%"=="" (Echo %1 not found) else (echo %1 found at %a%)

See set /? for help.

How do I customize Facebook's sharer.php

Sharer.php no longer allows you to customize. The page you share will be scraped for OG Tags and that data will be shared.

To properly customize, use FB.UI which comes with the JS-SDK.

TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface

There is an easier solution to this problem.

You just need to add a t to the mode so it becomes wt. This causes Python to open the file as a text file and not binary. Then everything will just work.

The complete program becomes this:

plaintext = input("Please enter the text you want to compress")
filename = input("Please enter the desired filename")
with + ".gz", "wt") as outfile:

How to get the value from the GET parameters?

I use

function getVal(str) {
    var v = RegExp('(?:[\?\&]'+str+'=)([^&]+)'));
    return v ? v[1] : null;

Position absolute and overflow hidden

You just make divs like this:

<div style="width:100px; height: 100px; border:1px solid; overflow:hidden; ">
    <div style="position:inherit; width: 200px; height:200px; background:yellow;">
        <div style="position:absolute; width: 500px; height:50px; background:Pink; z-index: 99;">

I hope this code will help you :)

Breaking to a new line with inline-block?

I think the best way to do this as of 2018 is to use flexbox.

.text {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  align-items: flex-start;_x000D_
/* same as original below */_x000D_
.text span {_x000D_
   background:rgba(165, 220, 79, 0.8);_x000D_
   padding:7px 10px;_x000D_
.fullscreen .large {  font-size:80px }
<div class="fullscreen">_x000D_
    <p class="text">_x000D_
        <span class="medium">We</span> _x000D_
        <span class="large">build</span> _x000D_
        <span class="medium">the</span> _x000D_
        <span class="large">Internet</span>_x000D_

How to restart service using command prompt?

PowerShell features a Restart-Service cmdlet, which either starts or restarts the service as appropriate.

The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error.

You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass an object that represents each service that you want to restart.

It is a little more foolproof than running two separate commands.

The easiest way to use it just pass either the service name or the display name directly:

Restart-Service 'Service Name'

It can be used directly from the standard cmd prompt with a command like:

powershell -command "Restart-Service 'Service Name'"

Quantile-Quantile Plot using SciPy

If you need to do a QQ plot of one sample vs. another, statsmodels includes qqplot_2samples(). Like Ricky Robinson in a comment above, this is what I think of as a QQ plot vs a probability plot which is a sample against a theoretical distribution.

SQL Server Express CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'

For SQL server 2012,

  1. First, log in to the SQL server as an administrator and go to Security tab

  2. Then move into Server Roles and double click on sysadmin role

  3. Now add user which you want to give permission to create Database by clicking Add button

  4. Click OK button and now run the query

Hope this will help for someone

Loop through a comma-separated shell variable

You can use the following script to dynamically traverse through your variable, no matter how many fields it has as long as it is only comma separated.

for i in $(echo $variable | sed "s/,/ /g")
    # call your procedure/other scripts here below
    echo "$i"

Instead of the echo "$i" call above, between the do and done inside the for loop, you can invoke your procedure proc "$i".

Update: The above snippet works if the value of variable does not contain spaces. If you have such a requirement, please use one of the solutions that can change IFS and then parse your variable.

Hope this helps.

PHPExcel how to set cell value dynamically

I don't have much experience working with php but from a logic standpoint this is what I would do.

  1. Loop through your result set from MySQL
  2. In Excel you should already know what A,B,C should be because those are the columns and you know how many columns you are returning.
  3. The row number can just be incremented with each time through the loop.

Below is some pseudocode illustrating this technique:

    for (int i = 0; i < MySQLResults.count; i++){
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . (string)(i + 1), MySQLResults[i].name); 
        // Add 1 to i because Excel Rows start at 1, not 0, so row will always be one off
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . (string)(i + 1), MySQLResults[i].number);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C' . (string)(i + 1), MySQLResults[i].email);

Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib error when trying to run 'rails server' on OS X 10.6 with mysql2 gem

I have the same issue. It looks like it's unable to find the libmysqlclient library. A temporary fix that has worked for me is the following:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/

I am not sure where the config is specifying the load path or what it's set to but my mysql install did not appear to be in it. I'll post again if I find a more permanent solution.

Edit: Actually this fix appears to more accurately address the problem.

Can't compile C program on a Mac after upgrade to Mojave

I was having this issue and nothing worked. I ran xcode-select --install and also installed /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg.


Since I was having issues with App Store on a new laptop, I was forced to download the Xcode Beta installer from the Apple website to install Xcode outside App Store. So I only had Xcode Beta installed.


This, (I think), was making clang to not find the SDKROOT directory /Applications/, because there is no Beta in the path, or maybe Xcode Beta simply doesn't install it (I don't know). To fix the issue, I had to remove Xcode Beta and resolve the App Store issue to install the release version.


If you have Xcode Beta, try cleaning up everything and installing the release version before trying out the solutions that are working for other people.

stdlib and colored output in C

All modern terminal emulators use ANSI escape codes to show colours and other things.
Don't bother with libraries, the code is really simple.

More info is here.

Example in C:

#include <stdio.h>

#define ANSI_COLOR_RED     "\x1b[31m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN   "\x1b[32m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW  "\x1b[33m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_BLUE    "\x1b[34m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_MAGENTA "\x1b[35m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_CYAN    "\x1b[36m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET   "\x1b[0m"

int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) {

  printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED     "This text is RED!"     ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n");
  printf(ANSI_COLOR_GREEN   "This text is GREEN!"   ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n");
  printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW  "This text is YELLOW!"  ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n");
  printf(ANSI_COLOR_BLUE    "This text is BLUE!"    ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n");
  printf(ANSI_COLOR_CYAN    "This text is CYAN!"    ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n");

  return 0;

How can I clear the content of a file?

The simplest way to do this is perhaps deleting the file via your application and creating a new one with the same name... in even simpler way just make your application overwrite it with a new file.

What does it mean "No Launcher activity found!"

Check your manifest.xml. Make sure you have the category LAUNCHER there.

<activity android:name=".myActivity"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


How do I discard unstaged changes in Git?

When you want to transfer a stash to someone else:

# add files
git add .  
# diff all the changes to a file
git diff --staged > ~/mijn-fix.diff
# remove local changes 
git reset && git checkout .
# (later you can re-apply the diff:)
git apply ~/mijn-fix.diff

[edit] as commented, it ís possible to name stashes. Well, use this if you want to share your stash ;)

Adding a column to a dataframe in R

Even if that's a 7 years old question, people new to R should consider using the data.table, package.

A data.table is a data.frame so all you can do for/to a data.frame you can also do. But many think are ORDERS of magnitude faster with data.table.

vec <- 1:10
DT <- data.table(start=c(1,3,5,7), end=c(2,6,7,9))
DT[,new:=apply(DT,1,function(row) mean(vec[ row[1] : row[2] ] ))]

Custom Authentication in ASP.Net-Core

@Manish Jain, I suggest to implement the method with boolean return:

public class UserManager

    // Additional code here...            

    public async Task<bool> SignIn(HttpContext httpContext, UserDbModel user)
        // Additional code here...            

        // Here the real authentication against a DB or Web Services or whatever 
        if (user.Email != null)
            return false;                    

        ClaimsIdentity identity = new ClaimsIdentity(this.GetUserClaims(dbUserData), CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
        ClaimsPrincipal principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);

        // This is for give the authentication cookie to the user when authentication condition was met
        await httpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, principal);
        return true;

How to empty (clear) the logcat buffer in Android

For anyone coming to this question wondering how to do this in Eclipse, You can remove the displayed text from the logCat using the button provided (often has a red X on the icon)

React-router: How to manually invoke Link?

React Router 4 includes a withRouter HOC that gives you access to the history object via this.props:

import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom'

class Foo extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.goHome = this.goHome.bind(this)

  goHome() {

  render() {
    <div className="foo">
      <button onClick={this.goHome} />

export default withRouter(Foo)

Convert command line argument to string

It's simple. Just do this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::vector<std::string> argList;
    for(int i=0;i<argc;i++)
    //now you can access argList[n]

@Benjamin Lindley You are right. This is not a good solution. Please read the one answered by juanchopanza.

How to find all duplicate from a List<string>?

I use a method like that to check duplicated entrys in a string:

public static IEnumerable<string> CheckForDuplicated(IEnumerable<string> listString)
    List<string> duplicateKeys = new List<string>();
    List<string> notDuplicateKeys = new List<string>();
    foreach (var text in listString)
        if (notDuplicateKeys.Contains(text))
    return duplicateKeys;

Maybe it's not the most shorted or elegant way, but I think that is very readable.

Maven build Compilation error : Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project Maven

Add the following in your pom.xml and do CTRL+S, it will automatically build the project.


Now click on Run as >Maven Test.

This error will definitely get solved.

Java error - "invalid method declaration; return type required"

You forgot to declare double as a return type

public double diameter()
    double d = radius * 2;
    return d;

htaccess remove index.php from url

Some may get a 403 with the method listed above using mod_rewrite. Another solution to rewite index.php out is as follows:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> 

RewriteEngine On

# Put your installation directory here:
RewriteBase /

# Do not enable rewriting for files or directories that exist
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]


SSL error SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

Firstable, make sure that you Antivirus software doesn't block SSL2.
Because I could not solve a problem for a long time and only disabling the antivirus helped me

How to create EditText with cross(x) button at end of it?

Drawable x = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.x);
x.setBounds(0, 0, x.getIntrinsicWidth(), x.getIntrinsicHeight());
mEditText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, x, null);

where, x is:

enter image description here

The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 2.) ios6

This worked for me:

  • Go to the settings app of your iPhone.
  • Open your Facebook Settings
  • Scroll down to your app and make sure your app allows facebook interaction.

This could happen on any device, therefore in your app you will have to make sure to handle this error correctly. I reckon you give the user feedback why Login With Facebook failed and ask the user to check their Facebook settings on their device.

 - (void)facebookSessionStateChanged:(FBSession *)session state:(FBSessionState)state error:(NSError *)error
    switch (state) {
        case FBSessionStateOpen:
            // handle successful login here
        case FBSessionStateClosed:
        case FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed:
            [FBSession.activeSession closeAndClearTokenInformation];

            if (error) {
                // handle error here, for example by showing an alert to the user
                UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Could not login with Facebook"
                                                                message:@"Facebook login failed. Please check your Facebook settings on your phone."
                [alert show];

How to unpack pkl file?


Your pkl file is, in fact, a serialized pickle file, which means it has been dumped using Python's pickle module.

To un-pickle the data you can:

import pickle

with open('serialized.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    data = pickle.load(f)

For the MNIST data set

Note gzip is only needed if the file is compressed:

import gzip
import pickle

with'mnist.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
    train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle.load(f)

Where each set can be further divided (i.e. for the training set):

train_x, train_y = train_set

Those would be the inputs (digits) and outputs (labels) of your sets.

If you want to display the digits:

import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.imshow(train_x[0].reshape((28, 28)), cmap=cm.Greys_r)


The other alternative would be to look at the original data:

But that will be harder, as you'll need to create a program to read the binary data in those files. So I recommend you to use Python, and load the data with pickle. As you've seen, it's very easy. ;-)

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK

I am on Android Studio. I got this error when min/targetSDKVersion were set to 17. While looking thro this thread, I tried to change the minSDKVersion, voila..problem fixed. Go figure.. :(

    android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. ASP.NET

I had the same problem and found out that I had forgotten to include the script in the file which I want to include in the live site.

Also, you should try this:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

JavaScript equivalent of PHP’s die

     alert("i am ajith fan");
     <?php die(); ?>
     alert("i love boxing");
     alert("i love MMA");

How to use FormData in react-native?

If you want to set custom content-type for formData item:

var img = {
    uri : 'file://opa.jpeg',
    name: 'opa.jpeg',
    type: 'image/jpeg'
var personInfo = {
    name : 'David',
    age: 16

var fdata = new FormData();
fdata.append('personInfo', {
    "string": JSON.stringify(personInfo), //This is how it works :)
    type: 'application/json'

fdata.append('image', {
    uri: img.uri,
    type: img.type

How do you initialise a dynamic array in C++?

char* c = new char[length]();

How do I update Homebrew?

Alternatively you could update brew by installing it again. (Think I did this as El Capitan changed something)

Note: this is a heavy handed approach that will remove all applications installed via brew!

Try to install brew a fresh and it will tell how to uninstall.

At original time of writing to uninstall:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Edit: As of 2020 to uninstall:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

public static string FromSqlType(string sqlTypeString)
    if (! Enum.TryParse(sqlTypeString, out Enums.SQLType typeCode))
        throw new Exception("sql type not found");
    switch (typeCode)
        case Enums.SQLType.varbinary:
        case Enums.SQLType.binary:
        case Enums.SQLType.filestream:
        case Enums.SQLType.image:
        case Enums.SQLType.rowversion:
        case Enums.SQLType.timestamp://?
            return "byte[]";
        case Enums.SQLType.tinyint:
            return "byte";
        case Enums.SQLType.varchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.nvarchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.nchar:
        case Enums.SQLType.text:
        case Enums.SQLType.ntext:
        case Enums.SQLType.xml:
            return "string";
        case Enums.SQLType.@char:
            return "char";
        case Enums.SQLType.bigint:
            return "long";
        case Enums.SQLType.bit:
            return "bool";
        case Enums.SQLType.smalldatetime:
        case Enums.SQLType.datetime:
        case Enums.SQLType.datetime2:
            return "DateTime";
        case Enums.SQLType.datetimeoffset:
            return "DateTimeOffset";
        case Enums.SQLType.@decimal:
        case Enums.SQLType.numeric:
        case Enums.SQLType.smallmoney:
            return "decimal";
        case Enums.SQLType.@float:
            return "double";
        case Enums.SQLType.@int:
            return "int";
        case Enums.SQLType.real:
            return "Single";
        case Enums.SQLType.smallint:
            return "short";
        case Enums.SQLType.uniqueidentifier:
            return "Guid";
        case Enums.SQLType.sql_variant:
            return "object";
        case Enums.SQLType.time:
            return "TimeSpan";
            throw new Exception("none equal type");

public enum SQLType

How to set HTTP headers (for cache-control)?

You can set the headers in PHP by using:

  //set headers to NOT cache a page
  header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); //HTTP 1.1
  header("Pragma: no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0
  header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past

  //or, if you DO want a file to cache, use:
  header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000"); //30days (60sec * 60min * 24hours * 30days)


Note that the exact headers used will depend on your needs (and if you need to support HTTP 1.0 and/or HTTP 1.1)

if statement in ng-click

We can add ng-click event conditionally without using disabled class.


  <input ng-click="profileForm.$valid && updateMyProfile()" name="submit" id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">

ASP.NET MVC3 - textarea with @Html.EditorFor

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Text)

How do I remove files saying "old mode 100755 new mode 100644" from unstaged changes in Git?

This usually happens when the repo is cloned between Windows and Linux/Unix machines.

Just tell git to ignore filemode change. Here are several ways to do so:

  1. Config ONLY for current repo:

     git config core.filemode false
  2. Config globally:

     git config --global core.filemode false
  3. Add in ~/.gitconfig:

          filemode = false

Just select one of them.

MongoDB or CouchDB - fit for production?

We use couchdb in production and have since just before the project went under the Apache umbrella.

We use it to store everything that we might otherwise use a dbms, plus all sorts of unstructured data. Personally, I really like how you can just throw all sorts of data into it and use the views to cull what you don't need depending on the situation.

The hardest part was moving away from the dbms mindset. We wrote our own migration utils when the storage format changed just to be safe, so that wasn't really a problem.

We haven't had any negative experiences yet, but then again we haven't had the setup under any kind of huge load. I think things would work pretty well since we have two slave type servers that replicate from a single master server that gets all of the writes. I'm pretty sure that we don't have to do it that way for replication to work correctly, but it's how we set it up in the beginning and it stuck.

How to make google spreadsheet refresh itself every 1 minute?

If you are only looking for a refresh rate for the GOOGLEFINANCE function, keep in mind that data delays can be up to 20 minutes (per Google Finance Disclaimer).

Single-symbol refresh rate (using GoogleClock)

Here is a modified version of the refresh action, taking the data delay into consideration, to save on unproductive refresh cycles.


For example, with:

  • DATA DELAY: 15 (minutes)



Results in a dynamic data-based refresh rate of:


Multi-symbol refresh rate (using GoogleClock)

If your sheet contains a number of rows of symbols, you could add a datadelay column for each symbol and use the lowest value, for example:


Where dataDelayValuesNamedRange is the absolute reference or named reference of the range of cells that contain the data delay values for each symbol (assuming these values are different).

Without GoogleClock()

The GoogleClock() function was removed in 2014 and replaced with settings setup for refreshing sheets. At present, I have confirmed that replacement settings is only on available in Sheets from when accessed from a desktop browser, not the mobile app (I'm using Google's mobile Sheets app updated 2016-03-14).

(This part of the answer is based on, and portions copied from, Google Docs Help)

To change how often "some" Google Sheets functions update:

  1. Open a spreadsheet. Click File > Spreadsheet settings.
  2. In the RECALCULATION section, choose a setting from the drop-down menu.
  3. Setting options are:
    • On change
    • On change and every minute
    • On change and every hour

NOTE External data functions recalculate at the following intervals:

  • ImportRange: 30 minutes
  • ImportHtml, ImportFeed, ImportData, ImportXml: 1 hour
  • GoogleFinance: 2 minutes

The references in earlier sections to the display and use of the datadelay attribute still apply, as well as the concepts for more efficient coding of sheets.

On a positive note, the new refresh option continues to be refreshed by Google servers regardless of whether you have the sheet loaded or not. That's a positive for shared sheets for sure; even more so for Google Apps Scripts (GAS), where GAS is used in workflow code or referenced data is used as a trigger for an event.

[*] in my understanding so far (I am currently testing this)

How to use a PHP class from another file?

Use include("class.classname.php");

And class should use <?php //code ?> not <? //code ?>

What is Turing Complete?

What i understand in simple words:

Turing Complete : A programming language / program that can do computation, is Turing complete.

For example :

  1. Can you add two numbers using Just HTML. (Ans is 'No', you have to use javascript to perform addition.), Hence HTML is not Turing Complete.

  2. Languages like Java , C++, Python, Javascript, Solidity for Ethereum etc are Turing Complete because you can do computation like adding two numbers using this languages.

Hope this helps.

How to open VMDK File of the Google-Chrome-OS bundle 2012?

I was looking for a way to play VMDK files without the vmx file in VMware Player 5 and didn't find any explicit tutorial to do it. So after some time messing around with VMware PLayer 5, it turned out to be pretty simple, but not so intuitive. Here it is:

Create a new virtual machine from VMware Player 5; There's no need to install an OS, since you already have the VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk); Set the Virtual Machine to the OS you'll be playing (the one from the VMDK); After creating the VM with the remaining creation wizard options, go to your VM settings; There you can remove the existing hard drive and add a new one; Upon addition of the new hard drive, point it to your existing VMDK file.

And that's it.

If you have problems starting the VM because VMware Player can't lock the VMDK file, rename/delete the dir/files with extension *.lck from the directory where the *.vmdk file is located.

Hope this is helpful.

Check if certain value is contained in a dataframe column in pandas

I think you need str.contains, if you need rows where values of column date contains string 07311954:

print df[df['date'].astype(str).str.contains('07311954')]

Or if type of date column is string:

print df[df['date'].str.contains('07311954')]

If you want check last 4 digits for string 1954 in column date:

print df[df['date'].astype(str).str[-4:].str.contains('1954')]


print df['date']
0    8152007
1    9262007
2    7311954
3    2252011
4    2012011
5    2012011
6    2222011
7    2282011
Name: date, dtype: int64

print df['date'].astype(str).str[-4:].str.contains('1954')
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
4    False
5    False
6    False
7    False
Name: date, dtype: bool

print df[df['date'].astype(str).str[-4:].str.contains('1954')]
     cmte_id trans_typ entity_typ state  employer  occupation     date  \
2  C00119040       24K        CCM    MD       NaN         NaN  7311954   

   amount     fec_id    cand_id  
2    1000  C00140715  H2MD05155  

Python List vs. Array - when to use?

An important difference between numpy array and list is that array slices are views on the original array. This means that the data is not copied, and any modifications to the view will be reflected in the source array.

How can I compile a Java program in Eclipse without running it?

Right click on Yourproject(in project Explorer)-->Build Project

It will compile all files in your project and updates your build folder, all without running.

Is it possible to assign a base class object to a derived class reference with an explicit typecast?

As everyone here said, that's not possible directly.

The method I prefer and is rather clean, is to use an Object Mapper like AutoMapper.

It will do the task of copying properties from one instance to another (Not necessarily the same type) automatically.

How can I update my ADT in Eclipse?

I viewed the Eclipse ADT documentation and found out the way to get around this issue. I was able to Update My SDK Tool to 22.0.4 (Latest Version).

Solution is: First Update ADT to 22.0.4 and then Update SDK Tool to 22.0.4

The above link says,

ADT 22.0.4 is designed for use with SDK Tools r22.0.4. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r22.0.4 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so

What I had to do was update my ADT to 22.0.4 (Latest Version) and then I was able to update SDK tool to 22.0.4. I thought only SDK Tool has been updated not ADT, so I was updating the SDK Tool with Older ADT Version (22.0.1).

How to Update your ADT to Latest Version

  1. In Eclipse go to Help

  2. Install New Software ---> Add

  3. inside Add Repository write the Name: ADT (or whatever you want)

  4. Location:

  5. after loading you should get Developer Tools and NDK Plugins

  6. check both if you want to use the Native Developer Kit (NDK) in the future or check

  7. Developer Tool only

  8. click Next

  9. Finish

How to export data from Excel spreadsheet to Sql Server 2008 table

From your SQL Server Management Studio, you open Object Explorer, go to your database where you want to load the data into, right click, then pick Tasks > Import Data.

This opens the Import Data Wizard, which typically works pretty well for importing from Excel. You can pick an Excel file, pick what worksheet to import data from, you can choose what table to store it into, and what the columns are going to be. Pretty flexible indeed.

You can run this as a one-off, or you can store it as a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package into your file system, or into SQL Server itself, and execute it over and over again (even scheduled to run at a given time, using SQL Agent).

Update: yes, yes, yes, you can do all those things you keep asking - have you even tried at least once to run that wizard??

OK, here it comes - step by step:

Step 1: pick your Excel source

enter image description here

Step 2: pick your SQL Server target database

enter image description here

Step 3: pick your source worksheet (from Excel) and your target table in your SQL Server database; see the "Edit Mappings" button!

enter image description here

Step 4: check (and change, if needed) your mappings of Excel columns to SQL Server columns in the table:

enter image description here

Step 5: if you want to use it later on, save your SSIS package to SQL Server:

enter image description here

Step 6: - success! This is on a 64-bit machine, works like a charm - just do it!!

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND loading json.js

Remove the first / in the path. Also you don't need type="text/javascript" anymore in HTML5.

How to use enums as flags in C++?

Only syntactic sugar. No additional metadata.

namespace UserRole // grupy
    constexpr uint8_t dea = 1;
    constexpr uint8_t red = 2;
    constexpr uint8_t stu = 4;
    constexpr uint8_t kie = 8;
    constexpr uint8_t adm = 16;
    constexpr uint8_t mas = 32;

Flag operators on integral type just works.

Uppercase first letter of variable

Here is unicode-safe ucwords() function, which additionally respects double-lastnames like Russian ????-?????? and some noble names like Honoré de Balzac, d'Artagnan, Vincent van Gogh, Otto von Bismarck, Sulayman ibn Dawud, etc:

String.prototype.ucwords = function() {
  return this.toLowerCase()
    .replace(/(^|\s|\-)[^\s$]/g, function(m) {
       return m.toUpperCase();
    // French, Arabic and some noble names...
    .replace(/\s(Of|De|Van|Von|Ibn|??|???|???|???)\s/g, function(m) { // Honoré de Balzac, Vincent van Gogh, Otto von Bismarck, Sulayman ibn Dawud etc.
       return m.toLowerCase();
    .replace(/(^|\s)(D|?)(['’][^\s$])/g, function(m, p1, p2, p3) { // D'Artagnan or d'Artagnan / ?’???????? ??? ?’????????
       return p1 + (p1 === "" ? p2/*.toUpperCase()*/ : p2.toLowerCase()) + p3.toUpperCase();

What is the use of the @ symbol in PHP?

@ suppresses the error message thrown by the function. fopen throws an error when the file doesn't exit. @ symbol makes the execution to move to the next line even the file doesn't exists. My suggestion would be not using this in your local environment when you develop a PHP code.

Trim a string based on the string length

Just in case you are looking for a way to trim and keep the LAST 10 characters of a string.

s = s.substring(Math.max(s.length(),10) - 10);

Can I force a UITableView to hide the separator between empty cells?

For iOS 7.* and iOS 6.1

The easiest method is to set the tableFooterView property:

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // This will remove extra separators from tableview
    self.tableView.tableFooterView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];

For previous versions

You could add this to your TableViewController (this will work for any number of sections):

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section {
     // This will create a "invisible" footer
     return 0.01f;

and if it is not enough, add the following code too:

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section
    return [UIView new];

    // If you are not using ARC:
    // return [[UIView new] autorelease];

adb devices command not working

One thing I didn't try was editing /etc/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules. Is that likely to be the issue?

Any particular reason why you didn't do that? To answer the question - YES! The udev rules are what informs Ubuntu what your device is and allows user-space tools to therefore access it.

You will not be able to use adb without correctly following the instructions.

With that in mind however, you don't say what version of Ubuntu you're using but I had issues with 10.10 - let me know if you need me to post the contents of my rules file.

Don't worry about running adb via sudo, you don't need it. The MODE="0666" from the udev rule allows you to access the device as any user.


Don't forget to reload the rules:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

EDIT #2:

As @Jesse Glick correctly points out, if adb is already running in daemon mode, you'll also need to restart it for this to work:

sudo adb kill-server

I've used sudo here, since that will guarantee that adb will be killed , and it's the officially supported method to stop the server. It will be automatically restarted the next time adb is used, but this time with the correct environment.

Getting the encoding of a Postgres database


SELECT character_set_name 
FROM information_schema.character_sets 

Standard way: information_schema

From the SQL-standard schema information_schema present in every database/catalog, use the defined view named character_sets. This approach should be portable across all standard database systems.

FROM information_schema.character_sets 

Despite the name being plural, it shows only a single row, reporting on the current database/catalog.

screenshot of pgAdmin 4 with results of query shown above

The third column is character_set_name:

Name of the character set, currently implemented as showing the name of the database encoding

Convert a secure string to plain text

In PS 7, you can use ConvertFrom-SecureString and -AsPlainText:

 $UnsecurePassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecurePassword -AsPlainText

           [-SecureString] <SecureString>

PyTorch: How to get the shape of a Tensor as a list of int

If you're a fan of NumPyish syntax, then there's tensor.shape.

In [3]: ar = torch.rand(3, 3)

In [4]: ar.shape
Out[4]: torch.Size([3, 3])

# method-1
In [7]: list(ar.shape)
Out[7]: [3, 3]

# method-2
In [8]: [*ar.shape]
Out[8]: [3, 3]

# method-3
In [9]: [*ar.size()]
Out[9]: [3, 3]

P.S.: Note that tensor.shape is an alias to tensor.size(), though tensor.shape is an attribute of the tensor in question whereas tensor.size() is a function.

Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13

The top answer didn't work for me: I had no environment variables defining the Java path or no Java in my path.

However, the path C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe was always present in the Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) error popup in the -vm option even if I tried to override in file eclipse.ini.

I worked around this by opening a command prompt, cd'ing the directory where the eclipse.exe was and using MKLink:

C:\EclipseMars> mklink javaw.exe "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin"
symbolic link created for javaw.exe <<===>> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin

No changes to eclipse.ini were required.

I did try to specify the -vm option of in eclipse.ini, and it was taken into account, but in the error popup a -vm option was present twice even if only one -vm was present in eclipse.ini.

In my eclipse.ini I have no -vm option and just the symlink seems to have corrected it.

Jquery: how to sleep or delay?

If you can't use the delay method as Robert Harvey suggested, you can use setTimeout.


setTimeout(function() {$("#test").animate({"top":"-=80px"})} , 1500); // delays 1.5 sec
setTimeout(function() {$("#test").animate({"opacity":"0"})} , 1500 + 1000); // delays 1 sec after the previous one

'Property does not exist on type 'never'

if you're receiving the error in parameter, so keep any or any[] type of input like below

getOptionLabel={(option: any) => option!.name}
    getOptionLabel={(option: any) => option!.name}

how to change php version in htaccess in server

You can't change PHP version by .htaccess.

you need to get your server updated, for PHP 5.3 or you can find another host, which serves PHP 5.3 on shared hosting.

Attribute Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'

what i did was a quick fix by converting readlines to string but i do not recommencement it but it works and i dont know if there are limitations or not

`def getQuakeData():
    filename = input("Please enter the quake file: ")
    readfile = open(filename, "r")
    readlines = str(readfile.readlines())

    Type = readlines.split(",")
    x = Type[1]
    y = Type[2]
    for points in Type:

Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger

You can use the following maven dependency in your pom file. Otherwise, you can download the following two jars from net and add it to your build path.



This is copied from my working project. First make sure it is working in your project. Then you can change the versions to use any other(versions) compatible jars.

For AggCat, you can refer the POM file of the sample java application.


Sending private messages to user

The above answers work fine too, but I've found you can usually just use"blah blah") instead of"blah blah").

-EDIT- : This is because the sendMessage command is outdated as of v12 in Discord Js

.send tends to work better for me in general than .sendMessage, which sometimes runs into problems. Hope that helps a teeny bit!

command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1- code sign error

Do everything d4Rk suggests, that is a great walk-through. if it still isn't signing, you might have some expired or revoked certificates. I find this can happen when you're working on a team.

  1. quit xcode.
  2. open Keychain Access.
  3. in the 'Certificates' section, go through all "iPhone Distribution" certificates and if they're expired or revoked or otherwise invalid, delete them.
  4. same as 3, but for the 'My Certificates' section.
  5. re-open xcode and try again.

SQL Query to search schema of all tables

Use this query :

SELECT AS table_name,
    SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, AS column_name , *
FROM sys.tables AS t
    INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID 
    ( LIKE '%' + '<ColumnName>' + '%' )
    ( t.type = 'U' ) -- Use This To Prevent Selecting System Tables

Spring Data JPA findOne() change to Optional how to use this?

I always write a default method "findByIdOrError" in widely used CrudRepository repos/interfaces.

public interface RequestRepository extends CrudRepository<Request, Integer> {

    default Request findByIdOrError(Integer id) {
        return findById(id).orElseThrow(EntityNotFoundException::new);

How can I get the sha1 hash of a string in node.js?

Tips to prevent issue (bad hash) :

I experienced that NodeJS is hashing the UTF-8 representation of the string. Other languages (like Python, PHP or PERL...) are hashing the byte string.

We can add binary argument to use the byte string.

const crypto = require("crypto");

function sha1(data) {
    return crypto.createHash("sha1").update(data, "binary").digest("hex");

sha1("Your text ;)");

You can try with : "\xac", "\xd1", "\xb9", "\xe2", "\xbb", "\x93", etc...

Other languages (Python, PHP, ...):

sha1("\xac") //39527c59247a39d18ad48b9947ea738396a3bc47


sha1 = crypto.createHash("sha1").update("\xac", "binary").digest("hex") //39527c59247a39d18ad48b9947ea738396a3bc47
sha1 = crypto.createHash("sha1").update("\xac").digest("hex") //f50eb35d94f1d75480496e54f4b4a472a9148752

Converting a String array into an int Array in java

Since you are trying to get an Integer[] array you could use:

Integer[] intarray = Stream.of(strings).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).boxed().toArray(Integer[]::new);

Your code:

private void processLine(String[] strings) {
    Integer[] intarray = Stream.of(strings).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).boxed().toArray(Integer[]::new);

Note, that this only works for Java 8 and higher.

String in function parameter

Inside the function parameter list, char arr[] is absolutely equivalent to char *arr, so the pair of definitions and the pair of declarations are equivalent.

void function(char arr[]) { ... }
void function(char *arr)  { ... }

void function(char arr[]);
void function(char *arr);

The issue is the calling context. You provided a string literal to the function; string literals may not be modified; your function attempted to modify the string literal it was given; your program invoked undefined behaviour and crashed. All completely kosher.

Treat string literals as if they were static const char literal[] = "string literal"; and do not attempt to modify them.

How to redirect stdout to both file and console with scripting?

Based on Amith Koujalgi's answer, here's a simple module you can use for logging -

Transcript - direct print output to a file, in addition to terminal.

    import transcript
    print("inside file")
    print("outside file")

import sys

class Transcript(object):

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.terminal = sys.stdout
        self.logfile = open(filename, "a")

    def write(self, message):

    def flush(self):
        # this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility.
        # this handles the flush command by doing nothing.
        # you might want to specify some extra behavior here.

def start(filename):
    """Start transcript, appending print output to given filename"""
    sys.stdout = Transcript(filename)

def stop():
    """Stop transcript and return print functionality to normal"""
    sys.stdout = sys.stdout.terminal

Why aren't python nested functions called closures?

I had a situation where I needed a separate but persistent name space. I used classes. I don't otherwise. Segregated but persistent names are closures.

>>> class f2:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.a = 0
...     def __call__(self, arg):
...         self.a += arg
...         return(self.a)
>>> f=f2()
>>> f(2)
>>> f(2)
>>> f(4)
>>> f(8)

# **OR**
>>> f=f2() # **re-initialize**
>>> f(f(f(f(2)))) # **nested**

# handy in list comprehensions to accumulate values
>>> [f(i) for f in [f2()] for i in [2,2,4,8]][-1] 

Clearing all cookies with JavaScript

//Delete all cookies
function deleteAllCookies() {
    var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
    for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
        var cookie = cookies[i];
        var eqPos = cookie.indexOf("=");
        var name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substr(0, eqPos) : cookie;
        document.cookie = name + '=;' +
            'expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT;' +
            'path=' + '/;' +
            'domain=' + + ';' +

Show loading image while $.ajax is performed

I've always liked the BlockUI plugin:

It allows you to block certain elements of a page, or the entire page while an ajax request is running.

What is the standard exception to throw in Java for not supported/implemented operations?

If you create a new (not yet implemented) function in NetBeans, then it generates a method body with the following statement:

throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");

Therefore, I recommend to use the UnsupportedOperationException.

Query grants for a table in postgres

I already found it:

SELECT grantee, privilege_type 
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants 
WHERE table_name='mytable'

How to show imageView full screen on imageView click?

Actually there are three ways to enable full screnn, visit :

but if you wanna get full screen when the activity is opened, just put this code in

public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
    if (hasFocus) {

private void hideSystemUI() {
    // Enables regular immersive mode.
    // For "lean back" mode, remove SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE.
    // Or for "sticky immersive," replace it with SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY
    View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
            // Set the content to appear under the system bars so that the
            // content doesn't resize when the system bars hide and show.
            // Hide the nav bar and status bar
            | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN);

// Shows the system bars by removing all the flags
// except for the ones that make the content appear under the system bars.
private void showSystemUI() {
    View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();

How do I set a Windows scheduled task to run in the background?

Assuming the application you are attempting to run in the background is CLI based, you can try calling the scheduled jobs using Hidden Start

Also see:

How to put a tooltip on a user-defined function

Unfortunately there is no way to add Tooltips for UDF Arguments.
To extend Remou's reply you can find a fuller but more complex approach to descriptions for the Function Wizard at

Internet Explorer 11- issue with security certificate error prompt

If you updated Internet Explorer and began having technical problems, you can use the Compatibility View feature to emulate a previous version of Internet Explorer.

For instructions, see the section below that corresponds with your version. To find your version number, click Help > About Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 11

To edit the Compatibility View list:

Open the desktop, and then tap or click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar.
Tap or click the Tools button (Image), and then tap or click Compatibility View settings.
To remove a website:
Click the website(s) where you would like to turn off Compatibility View, clicking Remove after each one.
To add a website:
Under Add this website, enter the website(s) where you would like to turn on Compatibility View, clicking Add after each one.

YouTube Autoplay not working

mute=1 or muted=1 as suggested by @Fab will work. However, if you wish to enable autoplay with sound you should add allow="autoplay" to your embedded <iframe>.

<iframe type="text/html" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

This is officially supported and documented in Google's Autoplay Policy Changes 2017 post

Iframe delegation A feature policy allows developers to selectively enable and disable use of various browser features and APIs. Once an origin has received autoplay permission, it can delegate that permission to cross-origin iframes with a new feature policy for autoplay. Note that autoplay is allowed by default on same-origin iframes.

<!-- Autoplay is allowed. -->
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay">

<!-- Autoplay and Fullscreen are allowed. -->
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen">

When the feature policy for autoplay is disabled, calls to play() without a user gesture will reject the promise with a NotAllowedError DOMException. And the autoplay attribute will also be ignored.

Go doing a GET request and building the Querystring

As a commenter mentioned you can get Values from net/url which has an Encode method. You could do something like this (req.URL.Query() returns the existing url.Values)

package main

import (

func main() {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
    if err != nil {

    q := req.URL.Query()
    q.Add("api_key", "key_from_environment_or_flag")
    q.Add("another_thing", "foo & bar")
    req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()

    // Output:

Servlet returns "HTTP Status 404 The requested resource (/servlet) is not available"


This can have a lot of causes which are broken down in following sections:

  • Put servlet class in a package
  • Set servlet URL in url-pattern
  • @WebServlet works only on Servlet 3.0 or newer
  • javax.servlet.* doesn't work anymore in Servlet 5.0 or newer
  • Make sure compiled *.class file is present in built WAR
  • Test the servlet individually without any JSP/HTML page
  • Use domain-relative URL to reference servlet from HTML
  • Use straight quotes in HTML attributes

Put servlet class in a package

First of all, put the servlet class in a Java package. You should always put publicly reuseable Java classes in a package, otherwise they are invisible to classes which are in a package, such as the server itself. This way you eliminiate potential environment-specific problems. Packageless servlets work only in specific Tomcat+JDK combinations and this should never be relied upon.

In case of a "plain" IDE project, the class needs to be placed in its package structure inside "Java Resources" folder and thus not "WebContent", this is for web files such as JSP. Below is an example of the folder structure of a default Eclipse Dynamic Web Project as seen in Navigator view:

 |-- src
 |    `-- com
 |         `-- example
 |              `--
 |-- WebContent
 |    |-- WEB-INF
 |    |    `-- web.xml
 |    `-- jsps
 |         `-- page.jsp

In case of a Maven project, the class needs to be placed in its package structure inside main/java and thus not main/resources, this is for non-class files and absolutely also not main/webapp, this is for web files. Below is an example of the folder structure of a default Maven webapp project as seen in Eclipse's Navigator view:

 |-- src
 |    `-- main
 |         |-- java
 |         |    `-- com
 |         |         `-- example
 |         |              `--
 |         |-- resources
 |         `-- webapp
 |              |-- WEB-INF
 |              |    `-- web.xml
 |              `-- jsps
 |                   `-- page.jsp

Note that the /jsps subfolder is not strictly necessary. You can even do without it and put the JSP file directly in webcontent/webapp root, but I'm just taking over this from your question.

Set servlet URL in url-pattern

The servlet URL is specified as the "URL pattern" of the servlet mapping. It's absolutely not per definition the classname/filename of the servlet class. The URL pattern is to be specified as value of @WebServlet annotation.

package com.example; // Use a package!

@WebServlet("/servlet") // This is the URL of the servlet.
public class YourServlet extends HttpServlet { // Must be public and extend HttpServlet.
    // ...

In case you want to support path parameters like /servlet/foo/bar, then use an URL pattern of /servlet/* instead. See also Servlet and path parameters like /xyz/{value}/test, how to map in web.xml?

@WebServlet works only on Servlet 3.0 or newer

In order to use @WebServlet, you only need to make sure that your web.xml file, if any (it's optional since Servlet 3.0), is declared conform Servlet 3.0+ version and thus not conform e.g. 2.5 version or lower. Below is a Servlet 4.0 compatible one (which matches Tomcat 9+, WildFly 11+, Payara 5+, etc).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Config here. -->

Or, in case you're not on Servlet 3.0+ yet (e.g. Tomcat 6 or older), then remove the @WebServlet annotation.

package com.example;

public class YourServlet extends HttpServlet {
    // ...

And register the servlet instead in web.xml like this:

    <url-pattern>/servlet</url-pattern>  <!-- This is the URL of the servlet. -->

Note thus that you should not use both ways. Use either annotation based configuarion or XML based configuration. When you have both, then XML based configuration will override annotation based configuration.

javax.servlet.* doesn't work anymore in Servlet 5.0 or newer

Since Jakarta EE 9 / Servlet 5.0 (Tomcat 10, TomEE 9, WildFly 22 Preview, GlassFish 6, Payara 6, Liberty 22, etc), the javax.* package has been renamed to jakarta.* package.

In other words, please make absolutely sure that you don't randomly put JAR files of a different server in your WAR project such as tomcat-servlet-api-9.x.x.jar merely in order to get the javax.* package to compile. This will only cause trouble. Remove it altogether and edit the imports of your servlet class from

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;


import jakarta.servlet.*;
import jakarta.servlet.http.*;

In case you're using Maven, you can find examples of proper pom.xml declarations for Tomcat 10+, Tomcat 9-, JEE 9+ and JEE 8- in this answer: Tomcat 9 casting servlets to javax.servlet.Servlet instead of jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet

Make sure compiled *.class file is present in built WAR

In case you're using a build tool such as Eclipse and/or Maven, then you need to make absolutely sure that the compiled servlet class file resides in its package structure in /WEB-INF/classes folder of the produced WAR file. In case of package com.example; public class YourServlet, it must be located in /WEB-INF/classes/com/example/YourServlet.class. Otherwise you will face in case of @WebServlet also a 404 error, or in case of <servlet> a HTTP 500 error like below:

HTTP Status 500

Error instantiating servlet class com.example.YourServlet

And find in the server log a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.example.YourServlet, followed by a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.example.YourServlet, in turn followed by javax.servlet.ServletException: Error instantiating servlet class com.example.YourServlet.

An easy way to verify if the servlet is correctly compiled and placed in classpath is to let the build tool produce a WAR file (e.g. rightclick project, Export > WAR file in Eclipse) and then inspect its contents with a ZIP tool. If the servlet class is missing in /WEB-INF/classes, or if the export causes an error, then the project is badly configured or some IDE/project configuration defaults have been mistakenly reverted (e.g. Project > Build Automatically has been disabled in Eclipse).

You also need to make sure that the project icon has no red cross indicating a build error. You can find the exact error in Problems view (Window > Show View > Other...). Usually the error message is fine Googlable. In case you have no clue, best is to restart from scratch and do not touch any IDE/project configuration defaults. In case you're using Eclipse, you can find instructions in How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?

Test the servlet individually without any JSP/HTML page

Provided that the server runs on localhost:8080, and that the WAR is successfully deployed on a context path of /contextname (which defaults to the IDE project name, case sensitive!), and the servlet hasn't failed its initialization (read server logs for any deploy/servlet success/fail messages and the actual context path and servlet mapping), then a servlet with URL pattern of /servlet is available at http://localhost:8080/contextname/servlet.

You can just enter it straight in browser's address bar to test it invidivually. If its doGet() is properly overriden and implemented, then you will see its output in browser. Or if you don't have any doGet() or if it incorrectly calls super.doGet(), then a "HTTP 405: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL" error will be shown (which is still better than a 404 as a 405 is evidence that the servlet itself is actually found).

Overriding service() is a bad practice, unless you're reinventing a MVC framework — which is very unlikely if you're just starting out with servlets and are clueless as to the problem described in the current question ;) See also Design Patterns web based applications.

Regardless, if the servlet already returns 404 when tested invidivually, then it's entirely pointless to try with a HTML form instead. Logically, it's therefore also entirely pointless to include any HTML form in questions about 404 errors from a servlet.

Use domain-relative URL to reference servlet from HTML

Once you've verified that the servlet works fine when invoked individually, then you can advance to HTML. As to your concrete problem with the HTML form, the <form action> value needs to be a valid URL. The same applies to <a href>. You need to understand how absolute/relative URLs work. You know, an URL is a web address as you can enter/see in the webbrowser's address bar. If you're specifying a relative URL as form action, i.e. without the http:// scheme, then it becomes relative to the current URL as you see in your webbrowser's address bar. It's thus absolutely not relative to the JSP/HTML file location in server's WAR folder structure as many starters seem to think.

So, assuming that the JSP page with the HTML form is opened by http://localhost:8080/contextname/jsps/page.jsp, and you need to submit to a servlet located in http://localhost:8080/contextname/servlet, here are several cases (note that you can safely substitute <form action> with <a href> here):

  • Form action submits to an URL with a leading slash.

      <form action="/servlet">

    The leading slash / makes the URL relative to the domain, thus the form will submit to


    But this will likely result in a 404 as it's in the wrong context.

  • Form action submits to an URL without a leading slash.

      <form action="servlet">

    This makes the URL relative to the current folder of the current URL, thus the form will submit to


    But this will likely result in a 404 as it's in the wrong folder.

  • Form action submits to an URL which goes one folder up.

      <form action="../servlet">

    This will go one folder up (exactly like as in local disk file system paths!), thus the form will submit to


    This one must work!

  • The canonical approach, however, is to make the URL domain-relative so that you don't need to fix the URLs once again when you happen to move the JSP files around into another folder.

      <form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/servlet">

    This will generate

      <form action="/contextname/servlet">

    Which will thus always submit to the right URL.

Use straight quotes in HTML attributes

You need to make absolutely sure you're using straight quotes in HTML attributes like action="..." or action='...' and thus not curly quotes like action=”...” or action=’...’. Curly quotes are not supported in HTML and they will simply become part of the value. Watch out when copy-pasting code snippets from blogs! Some blog engines, notably Wordpress, are known to by default use so-called "smart quotes" which thus also corrupts the quotes in code snippets this way. On the other hand, instead of copy-pasting code, try simply typing over the code yourself. Additional advantage of actually getting the code through your brain and fingers is that it will make you to remember and understand the code much better in long term and also make you a better developer.

See also:

Other cases of HTTP Status 404 error:

How to style icon color, size, and shadow of Font Awesome Icons

Credit: Can I change the color of Font Awesome's icon color?

(this answer builds on that answer)

(for the bookmark icon, for example:)

inyour.css file:

.icon-bookmark.icon-white {
    color: white;

inyour.html file:

<div class="icon-bookmark icon-white"></div>

Shortest way to print current year in a website

If you want to include a time frame in the future, with the current year (e.g. 2017) as the start year so that next year it’ll appear like this: “© 2017-2018, Company.”, then use the following code. It’ll automatically update each year:

&copy; Copyright 2017<script>new Date().getFullYear()>2017&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear());</script>, Company.

© Copyright 2017-2018, Company.

But if the first year has already passed, the shortest code can be written like this:

&copy; Copyright 2010-<script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script>, Company.

Find duplicate records in MySQL

Why not just INNER JOIN the table with itself?

SELECT a.firstname, a.lastname, a.address
FROM list a
INNER JOIN list b ON a.address = b.address

A DISTINCT is needed if the address could exist more than two times.