Programs & Examples On #Preemptive


Calculating Waiting Time and Turnaround Time in (non-preemptive) FCFS queue

wt = tt - cpu tm.
Tt = cpu tm + wt.

Where wt is a waiting time and tt is turnaround time. Cpu time is also called burst time.

"Active Directory Users and Computers" MMC snap-in for Windows 7?

As @CraigHyatt mentioned in one of the comments:

"Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Remote Server Administration Tools -> AD DS and AD LDS Tools"

This worked like a charm in Windows Server 2008. A reboot was necessary, but the Active Directory Users and Computers snap in was available after that.

How can I match on an attribute that contains a certain string?

You can try the following


SVN upgrade working copy

You can also get strange messages about the need to upgrade your working copy when there are other working copies nested into yours. I had this issue with a Symphony project were some framework folders are working copy, that I suppose have not been cleaned up properly before they were published.

In this case, just make a file search for .svn, and delete the .svn folders that you don't want (don't delete yours at the root of course).

ng-mouseover and leave to toggle item using mouse in angularjs

I would simply make the assignment happen in the ng-mouseover and ng-mouseleave; no need to bother js file :)

<ul ng-repeat="task in tasks">
    <li ng-mouseover="hoverEdit = true" ng-mouseleave="hoverEdit = false">{{}}</li>
    <span ng-show="hoverEdit"><a>Edit</a></span>

find -mtime files older than 1 hour

What about -mmin?

find /var/www/html/audio -daystart -maxdepth 1 -mmin +59 -type f -name "*.mp3" \
    -exec rm -f {} \;

From man find:

-mmin n
        File's data was last modified n minutes ago.

Also, make sure to test this first!

... -exec echo rm -f '{}' \;
          ^^^^ Add the 'echo' so you just see the commands that are going to get
               run instead of actual trying them first.

Why is access to the path denied?

Check your files properties. If the read-only is checked, uncheck it. This was my personal issue with the UnauthorizedAccessException.

How to replace all special character into a string using C#

Assume you want to replace symbols which are not digits or letters (and _ character as @Guffa correctly pointed):

string input = "Hello@Hello&Hello(Hello)";
string result = Regex.Replace(input, @"[^\w\d]", ",");
// Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,

You can add another symbols which should not be replaced. E.g. if you want white space symbols to stay, then just add \s to pattern: \[^\w\d\s]

How do I convert a string to a double in Python?

>>> x = "2342.34"
>>> float(x)

There you go. Use float (which behaves like and has the same precision as a C,C++, or Java double).

"No rule to make target 'install'"... But Makefile exists

I was receiving the same error message, and my issue was that I was not in the correct directory when running the command make install. When I changed to the directory that had my makefile it worked.

So possibly you aren't in the right directory.

Count the frequency that a value occurs in a dataframe column

Using list comprehension and value_counts for multiple columns in a df

[my_series[c].value_counts() for c in list(my_series.select_dtypes(include=['O']).columns)]

How can I make git show a list of the files that are being tracked?

You might want colored output with this.

I use this one-liner for listing the tracked files and directories in the current directory of the current branch:

ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -d $(git ls-tree $(git branch | grep \* | cut -d " " -f2) --name-only)

You might want to add it as an alias:

alias gl='ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -d $(git ls-tree $(git branch | grep \* | cut -d " " -f2) --name-only)'

If you want to recursively list files:

'ls' --color=auto -d $(git ls-tree -rt $(git branch | grep \* | cut -d " " -f2) --name-only)

And an alias:

alias glr="'ls' --color=auto -d \$(git ls-tree -rt \$(git branch | grep \\* | cut -d \" \" -f2) --name-only)"

How to catch all exceptions in c# using try and catch?

    static void Main(string[] args)
        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;

    static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Writing Unicode text to a text file?

How to print unicode characters into a file:

Save this to file:

#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs
import sys 
UTF8Writer = codecs.getwriter('utf8')
sys.stdout = UTF8Writer(sys.stdout)
print(u'e with obfuscation: é')

Run it and pipe output to file:

python > tmp.txt

Open tmp.txt and look inside, you see this:

el@apollo:~$ cat tmp.txt 
e with obfuscation: é

Thus you have saved unicode e with a obfuscation mark on it to a file.

Html Agility Pack get all elements by class

You can solve your issue by using the 'contains' function within your Xpath query, as below:

var allElementsWithClassFloat = 

To reuse this in a function do something similar to the following:

string classToFind = "float";    
var allElementsWithClassFloat = 
   _doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//*[contains(@class,'{0}')]", classToFind));

How to switch between frames in Selenium WebDriver using Java

to switchto a frame:


to switch to the default again.


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: dexpathlist

I was facing same issue. I tried everything possible for a day, but nothing worked. The dependency which was causing problem was using lower compile sdk, target sdk and min sdk. I created library module for the project, copied all the sources and matched the sdk versions with application sdk versions. And finally it worked like a charm.

Eclipse Error: "Failed to connect to remote VM"

NOTE: For glassfish Server login via admin console -> Configurations -> server-config -> JVM-settings. * Remember to check Enable checkbox for Debug. Now Note the address, this address will be used in port of eclipse Remote Java Application Debug.Check the snap shot in glassfish server here

Overlapping elements in CSS

You can try using the transform: translate property by passing the appropriate values inside the parenthesis using the inspect element in Google chrome.

You have to set translate property in such way that both the <div> overlap each other then You can use JavaScript to show and hide both the <div> according to your requirements

Can I access constants in from templates in Django?

Another way to do this is to create a custom template tag which can let you fish values out of the settings.

def value_from_settings(parser, token):
        # split_contents() knows not to split quoted strings.
        tag_name, var = token.split_contents()
    except ValueError:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires a single argument" % token.contents.split()[0]
    return ValueFromSettings(var)

class ValueFromSettings(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, var):
        self.arg = template.Variable(var)
    def render(self, context):        
        return settings.__getattr__(str(self.arg))

You can then use:

{% value_from_settings "FQDN" %}

to print it on any page, without jumping through context-processor hoops.

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

I had the same problem while I was testing a project and it turned that running Fiddler was the cause for this error..!!

If you are using Fiddler to intercept the http request, shut it down ...

This is one of the many causes for such error.

To fix Fiddler you may need to Reset Fiddler Https Certificates.

Tomcat request timeout

For anyone who doesn't like none of the solutions posted above like me then you can simply implement a timer yourself and stop the request execution by throwing a runtime exception. Something like below:

                     timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                       public void run() {
                     }, /* specify time of the requst */ 1000);
                 catch(Exception e)
                   throw new RuntimeException("the request is taking longer than usual");


or preferably use the java guava timeLimiter here

How to unload a package without restarting R

Note also that you can only use unload() once. If you use it a second time without rerunning library(), y'll get the not very informative error message invalid 'name' argument:

#> Loading required package: permute
#> Loading required package: lattice
#> This is vegan 2.5-6
detach("package:vegan",  unload=TRUE)
detach("package:vegan",  unload=TRUE)
#> Error in detach("package:vegan", unload = TRUE): invalid 'name' argument

Created on 2020-05-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

AJAX in Chrome sending OPTIONS instead of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE?

In my case I'm calling an API hosted by AWS (API Gateway). The error happened when I tried to call the API from a domain other than the API own domain. Since I'm the API owner I enabled CORS for the test environment, as described in the Amazon Documentation.

In production this error will not happen, since the request and the api will be in the same domain.

I hope it helps!

Issue with parsing the content from json file with Jackson & message- JsonMappingException -Cannot deserialize as out of START_ARRAY token

JsonMappingException: out of START_ARRAY token exception is thrown by Jackson object mapper as it's expecting an Object {} whereas it found an Array [{}] in response.

This can be solved by replacing Object with Object[] in the argument for geForObject("url",Object[].class). References:

  1. Ref.1
  2. Ref.2
  3. Ref.3

How to extract filename.tar.gz file

Check to make sure that the file is complete. This error message can occur if you only partially downloaded a file or if it has major issues. Check the MD5sum.

How to remove a key from Hash and get the remaining hash in Ruby/Rails?

Oneliner plain ruby, it works only with ruby > 1.9.x:

1.9.3p0 :002 > h = {:a => 1, :b => 2}
 => {:a=>1, :b=>2} 
1.9.3p0 :003 > h.tap { |hs| hs.delete(:a) }
 => {:b=>2} 

Tap method always return the object on which is invoked...

Otherwise if you have required active_support/core_ext/hash (which is automatically required in every Rails application) you can use one of the following methods depending on your needs:

?  ~  irb
1.9.3p125 :001 > require 'active_support/core_ext/hash' => true 
1.9.3p125 :002 > h = {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}
 => {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3} 
1.9.3p125 :003 > h.except(:a)
 => {:b=>2, :c=>3} 
1.9.3p125 :004 > h.slice(:a)
 => {:a=>1} 

except uses a blacklist approach, so it removes all the keys listed as args, while slice uses a whitelist approach, so it removes all keys that aren't listed as arguments. There also exist the bang version of those method (except! and slice!) which modify the given hash but their return value is different both of them return an hash. It represents the removed keys for slice! and the keys that are kept for the except!:

1.9.3p125 :011 > {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}.except!(:a)
 => {:b=>2, :c=>3} 
1.9.3p125 :012 > {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}.slice!(:a)
 => {:b=>2, :c=>3} 

How to delete columns that contain ONLY NAs?

Because performance was really important for me, I benchmarked all the functions above.

NOTE: Data from @Simon O'Hanlon's post. Only with size 15000 instead of 10.


df <- data.frame(id = 1:15000,
                 nas = rep(NA, 15000), 
                 vals = sample(c(1:3, NA), 15000,
                               repl = TRUE))

MadSconeF1 <- function(x) x[, colSums( != nrow(x)]

MadSconeF2 <- function(x) x[colSums(! > 0]

BradCannell <- function(x) x %>% select_if(~sum(! > 0)

SimonOHanlon <- function(x) x[ , !apply(x, 2 ,function(y) all(]

jsta <- function(x) janitor::remove_empty(x)

SiboJiang <- function(x) x %>% dplyr::select_if(~!all(

akrun <- function(x) Filter(function(y) !all(, x)

mbm <- microbenchmark(
  "MadSconeF1" = {MadSconeF1(df)},
  "MadSconeF2" = {MadSconeF2(df)},
  "BradCannell" = {BradCannell(df)},
  "SimonOHanlon" = {SimonOHanlon(df)},
  "SiboJiang" = {SiboJiang(df)},
  "jsta" = {jsta(df)}, 
  "akrun" = {akrun(df)},
  times = 1000)



Unit: microseconds
         expr    min      lq      mean  median      uq      max neval  cld
   MadSconeF1  154.5  178.35  257.9396  196.05  219.25   5001.0  1000 a   
   MadSconeF2  180.4  209.75  281.2541  226.40  251.05   6322.1  1000 a   
  BradCannell 2579.4 2884.90 3330.3700 3059.45 3379.30  33667.3  1000    d
 SimonOHanlon  511.0  565.00  943.3089  586.45  623.65 210338.4  1000  b  
    SiboJiang 2558.1 2853.05 3377.6702 3010.30 3310.00  89718.0  1000    d
         jsta 1544.8 1652.45 2031.5065 1706.05 1872.65  11594.9  1000   c 
        akrun   93.8  111.60  139.9482  121.90  135.45   3851.2  1000 a


enter image description here

mbm %>% 
  tbl_df() %>%
  ggplot(aes(sample = time)) + 
  stat_qq() + 
  stat_qq_line() +
  facet_wrap(~expr, scales = "free")

enter image description here

Get the directory from a file path in java (android)

You could also use FilenameUtils from Apache. It provides you at least the following features for the example C:\dev\project\file.txt:

  • the prefix - C:\
  • the path - dev\project\
  • the full path - C:\dev\project\
  • the name - file.txt
  • the base name - file
  • the extension - txt

How to make node.js require absolute? (instead of relative)

If you're using ES5 syntax you may use asapp. For ES6 you may use babel-plugin-module-resolver using a config file like this:


  "plugins": [
    ["module-resolver", {
      "root": ["./"],
      "alias": {
        "app": "./app",
        "config": "./app/config",
        "schema": "./app/db/schemas",
        "model": "./app/db/models",
        "controller": "./app/http/controllers",
        "middleware": "./app/http/middleware",
        "route": "./app/http/routes",
        "locale": "./app/locales",
        "log": "./app/logs",
        "library": "./app/utilities/libraries",
        "helper": "./app/utilities/helpers",
        "view": "./app/views"

How do I redirect users after submit button click?

Why don't you use plain html?

<form action="login.php" method="post" name="form1" id="form1">

In your login.php you can then use the header() function.

header("Location: welcome.php");

How to create an empty file with Ansible?

file: path=/etc/nologin state=touch

Full equivalent of touch (new in 1.4+) - use stat if you don't want to change file timestamp.

Combine [NgStyle] With Condition (if..else)

<h2 [ngStyle]="serverStatus == 'Offline'? {'color': 'red'{'color':'green'}">Server with ID: {{serverId}} is {{getServerStatus()}} </h2>

or you can also use something like this:

<h2 [ngStyle]="{backgroundColor: getColor()}">Server with ID: {{serverId}} is {{getServerStatus()}}</h2>

and in the *.ts

getColor(){return this.serverStatus === 'Offline' ? 'red' : 'green';}

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

Try the following, note that when user refreshes the page, the value is "Male" again, data should be stored on database.

<p id="pTest">Male</p>


Forking / Multi-Threaded Processes | Bash

In bash scripts (non-interactive) by default JOB CONTROL is disabled so you can't do the the commands: job, fg, and bg.

Here is what works well for me:


set -m # Enable Job Control

for i in `seq 30`; do # start 30 jobs in parallel
  sleep 3 &

# Wait for all parallel jobs to finish
while [ 1 ]; do fg 2> /dev/null; [ $? == 1 ] && break; done

The last line uses "fg" to bring a background job into the foreground. It does this in a loop until fg returns 1 ($? == 1), which it does when there are no longer any more background jobs.

Link to a section of a webpage

The fragment identifier (also known as: Fragment IDs, Anchor Identifiers, Named Anchors) introduced by a hash mark # is the optional last part of a URL for a document. It is typically used to identify a portion of that document.

<a href="">Link to fragment identifier</a>

Syntax for URIs also allows an optional query part introduced by a question mark ?. In URIs with a query and a fragment the fragment follows the query.

<a href="">Link to fragment with a query</a>

When a Web browser requests a resource from a Web server, the agent sends the URI to the server, but does not send the fragment. Instead, the agent waits for the server to send the resource, and then the agent (Web browser) processes the resource according to the document type and fragment value.

Named Anchors <a name="fragment"> are deprecated in XHTML 1.0, the ID attribute is the suggested replacement. <div id="fragment"></div>

When is assembly faster than C?

In days where processor speed was measured in MHz and screen size was below 1 megapixel, a well known trick to have faster display was to unroll loops: write operation for each scan line of the screen. It avoided overhead of maintaining a loop index! Coupled with detection of screen refresh, it was quite effective.
That's something a C compiler wouldn't do... (although often you can choose between optimization for speed or for size, I suppose the former uses some similar tricks.)

I know some people enjoy writing Windows applications in assembly language. They claim they are faster (hard to prove) and smaller (indeed!).
Obviously, while it is fun to do, it is probably wasted time (except for learning purpose, of course!), particularly for GUI operations... Now, perhaps some operations, like searching a string in a file, can be optimized by carefully written assembly code.

Responding with a JSON object in Node.js (converting object/array to JSON string)

in express there may be application-scoped JSON formatters.

after looking at express\lib\response.js, I'm using this routine:

function writeJsonPToRes(app, req, res, obj) {
    var replacer = app.get('json replacer');
    var spaces = app.get('json spaces');
    res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    var partOfResponse = JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, spaces)
        .replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028')
        .replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029');
    var callback = req.query[app.get('jsonp callback name')];
    if (callback) {
        if (Array.isArray(callback)) callback = callback[0];
        res.set('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
        var cb = callback.replace(/[^\[\]\w$.]/g, '');
        partOfResponse = 'typeof ' + cb + ' === \'function\' && ' + cb + '(' + partOfResponse + ');\n';


Well I fond this post because I got a similar error. So I added the top line like in your controller respond_to :html, :json

then I got a different error(see below)

The controller-level respond_to' feature has been extracted to theresponders` gem. Add it to your Gemfile to continue using this feature: gem 'responders', '~> 2.0' Consult the Rails upgrade guide for details. But that had nothing to do with it.

Make one div visible and another invisible

You can use the display property of style. Intialy set the result section style as

style = "display:none"

Then the div will not be visible and there won't be any white space.

Once the search results are being populated change the display property using the java script like

document.getElementById("someObj").style.display = "block"

Using java script you can make the div invisible

document.getElementById("someObj").style.display = "none"

Changing button color programmatically

Here is an example using HTML:

<input type="button" value="click me" onclick="'#000000'; = '#ffffff'" />

And here is an example using JavaScript:

document.getElementById("button").bgcolor="#Insert Color Here";

HTML5 Dynamically create Canvas

The problem is that you do not insert your canvas element in the document body.

Just do the following:



var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');_x000D_
_x000D_ = "CursorLayer";_x000D_
canvas.width = 1224;_x000D_
canvas.height = 768;_x000D_ = 8;_x000D_ = "absolute";_x000D_ = "1px solid";_x000D_
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];_x000D_
cursorLayer = document.getElementById("CursorLayer");_x000D_
// below is optional_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)";_x000D_
ctx.fillRect(100, 100, 200, 200);_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)";_x000D_
ctx.fillRect(150, 150, 200, 200);_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2)";_x000D_
ctx.fillRect(200, 50, 200, 200);

MySQL wait_timeout Variable - GLOBAL vs SESSION

Your session status are set once you start a session, and by default, take the current GLOBAL value.

If you disconnected after you did SET @@GLOBAL.wait_timeout=300, then subsequently reconnected, you'd see


Result: 300

Similarly, at any time, if you did

mysql> SET session wait_timeout=300;

You'd get

mysql> SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout';

| Variable_name | Value |
| wait_timeout  | 300   |

How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments)

#define DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
  #define PRINT print
  #define PRINT(...) ((void)0) //strip out PRINT instructions from code

void print(const char *fmt, ...) {

    va_list args;
    va_start(args, fmt);
    vsprintf(str, fmt, args);

        printf("%s\n", str);


int main() {
   PRINT("[%s %d, %d] Hello World", "March", 26, 2009);
   return 0;

If the compiler does not understand variadic macros, you can also strip out PRINT with either of the following:

#define PRINT //


#define PRINT if(0)print

The first comments out the PRINT instructions, the second prevents PRINT instruction because of a NULL if condition. If optimization is set, the compiler should strip out never executed instructions like: if(0) print("hello world"); or ((void)0);

Copying files using rsync from remote server to local machine

If you have SSH access, you don't need to SSH first and then copy, just use Secure Copy (SCP) from the destination.

scp user@host:/path/file /localpath/file

Wild card characters are supported, so

scp user@host:/path/folder/* /localpath/folder

will copy all of the remote files in that folder.If copying more then one directory.

note -r will copy all sub-folders and content too.

Conditional step/stage in Jenkins pipeline

According to other answers I am adding the parallel stages scenario:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('some parallel stage') {
            parallel {
                stage('parallel stage 1') {
                    when {
                      expression { ENV == "something" }
                    steps {
                        echo 'something'
                stage('parallel stage 2') {
                    steps {
                        echo 'something'

What is The Rule of Three?

Basically if you have a destructor (not the default destructor) it means that the class that you defined has some memory allocation. Suppose that the class is used outside by some client code or by you.

    MyClass x(a, b);
    MyClass y(c, d);
    x = y; // This is a shallow copy if assignment operator is not provided

If MyClass has only some primitive typed members a default assignment operator would work but if it has some pointer members and objects that do not have assignment operators the result would be unpredictable. Therefore we can say that if there is something to delete in destructor of a class, we might need a deep copy operator which means we should provide a copy constructor and assignment operator.

How SID is different from Service name in Oracle tnsnames.ora

I know this is ancient however when dealing with finicky tools, uses, users or symptoms re: sid & service naming one can add a little flex to your tnsnames entries as like:

mySID, =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myHostname)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = mySID)

I just thought I'd leave this here as it's mildly relevant to the question and can be helpful when attempting to weave around some less than clear idiosyncrasies of oracle networking.

How to convert an ASCII character into an int in C

It is not possible with the C99 standard library, unless you manually write a map from character constants to the corresponding ASCII int value.

Character constants in C like 'a' are not guaranteed to be ASCII.

C99 only makes some guarantees about those constants, e.g. that digits be contiguous.

The word ASCII only appears on the C99 N1256 standard draft in footer notes, and footer note 173) says:

In an implementation that uses the seven-bit US ASCII character set, the printing characters are those whose values lie from 0x20 (space) through 0x7E (tilde); the control characters are those whose values lie from 0 (NUL) through 0x1F (US), and the character 0x7F (DEL).

implying that ASCII is not the only possibility

How to create a file in Ruby

If the objective is just to create a file, the most direct way I see is:

 FileUtils.touch "foobar.txt"

Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints, will attempt to recover by breaking constraint

I would recommend to debug and find which constraint is "the one you don't want". Suppose you have following issue:

enter image description here

Always the problem is how to find following Constraints and Views.

There are two solutions how to do this:

  1. DEBUG VIEW HIERARCHY (Do not recommend this way)

Since you know where to find unexpected constraints (PBOUserWorkDayHeaderView) there is a way to do this fairly well. Lets find UIView and NSLayoutConstraint in red rectangles. Since we know their id in memory it is quite easy.

  • Stop app using Debug View Hierarchy:

enter image description here

  • Find the proper UIView:

enter image description here

  • The next is to find NSLayoutConstraint we care about:

enter image description here

As you can see, the memory pointers are the same. So we know what is going on now. Additionally you can find NSLayoutConstraint in view hierarchy. Since it is selected in View, it selected in Navigator also.

enter image description here

If you need you may also print it on console using address pointer:

(lldb) po 0x17dce920
<UIView: 0x17dce920; frame = (10 30; 300 24.5); autoresize = RM+BM; layer = <CALayer: 0x17dce9b0>>

You can do the same for every constraint the debugger will point to you:-) Now you decide what to do with this.

  1. PRINT IT BETTER (I really recommend this way, this is of Xcode 7)

    • set unique identifier for every constraint in your view:

enter image description here

  • create simple extension for NSLayoutConstraint:


extension NSLayoutConstraint {

    override public var description: String {
        let id = identifier ?? ""
        return "id: \(id), constant: \(constant)" //you may print whatever you want here


@interface NSLayoutConstraint (Description)


@implementation NSLayoutConstraint (Description)

-(NSString *)description {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"id: %@, constant: %f", self.identifier, self.constant];

  • build it once again, and now you have more readable output for you:

enter image description here

  • once you got your id you can simple tap it in your Find Navigator:

enter image description here

  • and quickly find it:

enter image description here


  • try to change priority to 999 for broken constraint.

Postgresql : Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

The error you quote has nothing to do with pg_hba.conf; it's failing to connect, not failing to authorize the connection.

Do what the error message says:

Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

You haven't shown the command that produces the error. Assuming you're connecting on localhost port 5432 (the defaults for a standard PostgreSQL install), then either:

  • PostgreSQL isn't running

  • PostgreSQL isn't listening for TCP/IP connections (listen_addresses in postgresql.conf)

  • PostgreSQL is only listening on IPv4 ( or and you're connecting on IPv6 (::1) or vice versa. This seems to be an issue on some older Mac OS X versions that have weird IPv6 socket behaviour, and on some older Windows versions.

  • PostgreSQL is listening on a different port to the one you're connecting on

  • (unlikely) there's an iptables rule blocking loopback connections

(If you are not connecting on localhost, it may also be a network firewall that's blocking TCP/IP connections, but I'm guessing you're using the defaults since you didn't say).

So ... check those:

  • ps -f -u postgres should list postgres processes

  • sudo lsof -n -u postgres |grep LISTEN or sudo netstat -ltnp | grep postgres should show the TCP/IP addresses and ports PostgreSQL is listening on

BTW, I think you must be on an old version. On my 9.3 install, the error is rather more detailed:

$ psql -h localhost -p 12345
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 12345?

How do I run a Python script on my web server?

Very simply, you can rename your Python script to "pythonscript.cgi". Post that in your cgi-bin directory, add the appropriate permissions and browse to it.

This is a great link you can start with.

Here's another good one.

Hope that helps.

EDIT (09/12/2015): The second link has long been removed. Replaced it with one that provides information referenced from the original.

Node.js/Express routing with get params

Your route isn't ok, it should be like this (with ':')

app.get('/documents/:format/:type', function (req, res) {
   var format = req.params.format,
       type = req.params.type;

Also you cannot interchange parameter order unfortunately. For more information on req.params (and req.query) check out the api reference here.

Returning JSON from a PHP Script

While you're usually fine without it, you can and should set the Content-Type header:

$data = /** whatever you're serializing **/;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($data);

If I'm not using a particular framework, I usually allow some request params to modify the output behavior. It can be useful, generally for quick troubleshooting, to not send a header, or sometimes print_r the data payload to eyeball it (though in most cases, it shouldn't be necessary).

Git adding files to repo

This is actually a multi-step process. First you'll need to add all your files to the current stage:

git add .

You can verify that your files will be added when you commit by checking the status of the current stage:

git status

The console should display a message that lists all of the files that are currently staged, like this:

# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
#   new file:   README
#   new file:   src/somefile.js

If it all looks good then you're ready to commit. Note that the commit action only commits to your local repository.

git commit -m "some message goes here"

If you haven't connected your local repository to a remote one yet, you'll have to do that now. Assuming your remote repository is hosted on GitHub and named "Some-Awesome-Project", your command is going to look something like this:

git remote add origin [email protected]:username/Some-Awesome-Project

It's a bit confusing, but by convention we refer to the remote repository as 'origin' and the initial local repository as 'master'. When you're ready to push your commits to the remote repository (origin), you'll need to use the 'push' command:

git push origin master

For more information check out the tutorial on GitHub:

must declare a named package eclipse because this compilation unit is associated to the named module

The "delete at your Project Explorer tab" answer is the easiest and most straightforward answer, but

for those who would want a little more understanding or control of what's happening, the following alternate methods may be desirable;

  • make an ever so slightly more realistic application; com.YourCompany.etc or just com.HelloWorld (Project name: com.HelloWorld and class name: HelloWorld)


  • when creating the java project; when in the Create Java Project dialog, don't choose Finish but Next, and deselect Create file

What does "#include <iostream>" do?

# indicates that the following line is a preprocessor directive and should be processed by the preprocessor before compilation by the compiler.

So, #include is a preprocessor directive that tells the preprocessor to include header files in the program.

< > indicate the start and end of the file name to be included.

iostream is a header file that contains functions for input/output operations (cin and cout).

Now to sum it up C++ to English translation of the command, #include <iostream> is:

Dear preprocessor, please include all the contents of the header file iostream at the very beginning of this program before compiler starts the actual compilation of the code.

Difference between filter and filter_by in SQLAlchemy

filter_by is used for simple queries on the column names using regular kwargs, like


The same can be accomplished with filter, not using kwargs, but instead using the '==' equality operator, which has been overloaded on the object:


You can also write more powerful queries using filter, such as expressions like:


The import org.junit cannot be resolved

If you are using Java 9 or above you may need to require the junit dependency in your

module myModule {
    requires junit;

How to get a dependency tree for an artifact?

If your artifact is not a dependency of a given project, your best bet is to use a repository search engine. Many of them describes the dependencies of a given artifact.

How to get resources directory path programmatically

Just use class. Example:

 URL url = Resources.getResource("file name")

After that you have methods like: .getContent(), .getFile(), .getPath() etc

Convert bytes to a string

I made a function to clean a list

def cleanLists(self, lista):
    lista = [x.strip() for x in lista]
    lista = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in lista]
    lista = [x.replace('\b', '') for x in lista]
    lista = [x.encode('utf8') for x in lista]
    lista = [x.decode('utf8') for x in lista]

    return lista

VBA Go to last empty row

If you are certain that you only need column A, then you can use an End function in VBA to get that result.

If all the cells A1:A100 are filled, then to select the next empty cell use:

Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

Here, End(xlDown) is the equivalent of selecting A1 and pressing Ctrl + Down Arrow.

If there are blank cells in A1:A100, then you need to start at the bottom and work your way up. You can do this by combining the use of Rows.Count and End(xlUp), like so:

Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select

Going on even further, this can be generalized to selecting a range of cells, starting at a point of your choice (not just in column A). In the following code, assume you have values in cells C10:C100, with blank cells interspersed in between. You wish to select all the cells C10:C100, not knowing that the column ends at row 100, starting by manually selecting C10.

Range(Selection, Cells(Rows.Count, Selection.Column).End(xlUp)).Select

The above line is perhaps one of the more important lines to know as a VBA programmer, as it allows you to dynamically select ranges based on very few criteria, and not be bothered with blank cells in the middle.

Setting WPF image source in code

var uriSource = new Uri(@"/WpfApplication1;component/Images/Untitled.png", UriKind.Relative);
foo.Source = new BitmapImage(uriSource);

This will load a image called "Untitled.png" in a folder called "Images" with its "Build Action" set to "Resource" in an assembly called "WpfApplication1".

How to subtract 30 days from the current date using SQL Server

SELECT DATEADD(day,-30,date) AS before30d 

But it is strongly recommended to keep date in datetime column, not varchar.

Transfer data from one HTML file to another

HI im going to leave this here cz i cant comment due to restrictions but i found AlexFitiskin's answer perfect, but a small correction was needed

document.getElementById('here').innerHTML =; 

This needed to be changed to

document.getElementById('here').innerHTML = data.n;

I know that after five years the owner of the post will not find it of any importance but this is for people who might come across in the future .

Print newline in PHP in single quotes

You can use this:

echo 'Hello World' . "\n";

SQL Server: combining multiple rows into one row

There's a convenient method for this in MySql called GROUP_CONCAT. An equivalent for SQL Server doesn't exist, but you can write your own using the SQLCLR. Luckily someone already did that for you.

Your query then turns into this (which btw is a much nicer syntax):

FROM Jira.customfieldvalue

But please note that this method is good for at the most 100 rows within a group. Beyond that, you'll have major performance problems. SQLCLR aggregates have to serialize any intermediate results and that quickly piles up to quite a lot of work. Keep this in mind!

Interestingly the FOR XML doesn't suffer from the same problem but instead uses that horrendous syntax.

Random word generator- Python

There is a package random_word could implement this request very conveniently:

 $ pip install random-word

from random_word import RandomWords
r = RandomWords()

# Return a single random word
# Return list of Random words
# Return Word of the day

What is the difference between %g and %f in C?

See any reference manual, such as the man page:


The double argument is rounded and converted to decimal notation in the style [-]ddd.ddd, where the number of digits after the decimal-point character is equal to the precision specification. If the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the precision is explicitly zero, no decimal-point character appears. If a decimal point appears, at least one digit appears before it. (The SUSv2 does not know about F and says that character string representations for infinity and NaN may be made available. The C99 standard specifies '[-]inf' or '[-]infinity' for infinity, and a string starting with 'nan' for NaN, in the case of f conversion, and '[-]INF' or '[-]INFINITY' or 'NAN*' in the case of F conversion.)


The double argument is converted in style f or e (or F or E for G conversions). The precision specifies the number of significant digits. If the precision is missing, 6 digits are given; if the precision is zero, it is treated as 1. Style e is used if the exponent from its conversion is less than -4 or greater than or equal to the precision. Trailing zeros are removed from the fractional part of the result; a decimal point appears only if it is followed by at least one digit.

How to avoid page refresh after button click event in

Page got refreshed when a trip to server is made, and server controls like Button has a property AutoPostback = true by default which means whenever they are clicked a trip to server will be made. Set AutoPostback = false for insert button, and this will do the trick for you.

Putting text in top left corner of matplotlib plot

One solution would be to use the plt.legend function, even if you don't want an actual legend. You can specify the placement of the legend box by using the loc keyterm. More information can be found at this website but I've also included an example showing how to place a legend:

ax.scatter(xa,ya, marker='o', s=20, c="lightgreen", alpha=0.9)
ax.scatter(xb,yb, marker='o', s=20, c="dodgerblue", alpha=0.9)
ax.scatter(xc,yc marker='o', s=20, c="firebrick", alpha=1.0)
ax.scatter(xd,xd,xd, marker='o', s=20, c="goldenrod", alpha=0.9)
line1 = Line2D(range(10), range(10), marker='o', color="goldenrod")
line2 = Line2D(range(10), range(10), marker='o',color="firebrick")
line3 = Line2D(range(10), range(10), marker='o',color="lightgreen")
line4 = Line2D(range(10), range(10), marker='o',color="dodgerblue")
plt.legend((line1,line2,line3, line4),('line1','line2', 'line3', 'line4'),numpoints=1, loc=2) 

Note that because loc=2, the legend is in the upper-left corner of the plot. And if the text overlaps with the plot, you can make it smaller by using legend.fontsize, which will then make the legend smaller.

Validate a username and password against Active Directory?

Windows authentication can fail for various reasons: an incorrect user name or password, a locked account, an expired password, and more. To distinguish between these errors, call the LogonUser API function via P/Invoke and check the error code if the function returns false:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;

public static class Win32Authentication
    private class SafeTokenHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
        private SafeTokenHandle() // called by P/Invoke
            : base(true)

        protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
            return CloseHandle(this.handle);

    private enum LogonType : uint
        Network = 3, // LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK

    private enum LogonProvider : uint
        WinNT50 = 3, // LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50

    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);

    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool LogonUser(
        string userName, string domain, string password,
        LogonType logonType, LogonProvider logonProvider,
        out SafeTokenHandle token);

    public static void AuthenticateUser(string userName, string password)
        string domain = null;
        string[] parts = userName.Split('\\');
        if (parts.Length == 2)
            domain = parts[0];
            userName = parts[1];

        SafeTokenHandle token;
        if (LogonUser(userName, domain, password, LogonType.Network, LogonProvider.WinNT50, out token))
            throw new Win32Exception(); // calls Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()

Sample usage:

    Win32Authentication.AuthenticateUser("EXAMPLE\\user", "P@ssw0rd");
    // Or: Win32Authentication.AuthenticateUser("[email protected]", "P@ssw0rd");
catch (Win32Exception ex)
    switch (ex.NativeErrorCode)
        case 1326: // ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE (incorrect user name or password)
            // ...
        case 1327: // ERROR_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION
            // ...
        case 1330: // ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED
            // ...
        case 1331: // ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED
            // ...
        case 1907: // ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE
            // ...
        case 1909: // ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT
            // ...
        default: // Other

Note: LogonUser requires a trust relationship with the domain you're validating against.

"No Content-Security-Policy meta tag found." error in my phonegap application

For me it was enough to reinstall whitelist plugin:

cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-whitelist

and then

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist

It looks like updating from previous versions of Cordova was not succesful.

CORS jQuery AJAX request

It's easy, you should set server http response header first. The problem is not with your front-end javascript code. You need to return this header:



Access-Control-Allow-Origin:your domain

In Apache config files, the code is like this:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

In nodejs,the code is like this:


How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?

Answering the question but by a simple addition function with 2 arguments.

var x = 3, y = 4;

setTimeout(function(arg1, arg2) { 
      delayedSum(arg1, arg2);
}(x, y), 1000);

function delayedSum(param1, param2) {
     alert(param1 + param2); // 7

jQuery: how to find first visible input/select/textarea excluding buttons?

You may try below code...

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="text" />_x000D_
<input type="text" />_x000D_
<input type="text" />_x000D_
<input type="text" />_x000D_
<input type="text" />_x000D_
<input type="submit" />_x000D_

CSS way to horizontally align table

Try this:

<table width="200" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto">

Adb install failure: INSTALL_CANCELED_BY_USER

This is my case (using react-native) I press Ctr+C to interrupt while installing and after that this error occured. - solution:

cd android
./gradlew clean

Select rows having 2 columns equal value

SELECT t1.* FROM table t1 JOIN table t2 ON t1.Id=t2.Id WHERE t1.C4=t2.C4;

Giving Accurate Result for me.

How to display databases in Oracle 11g using SQL*Plus

Oracle does not have a simple database model like MySQL or MS SQL Server. I find the closest thing is to query the tablespaces and the corresponding users within them.

For example, I have a DEV_DB tablespace with all my actual 'databases' within them:


Resulting in:


It is also possible to query the users in all tablespaces:


Or within a specific tablespace (using my DEV_DB tablespace as an example):



How to master AngularJS?

Try out these videos They are awesome to get started

Check if a path represents a file or a folder

To check if a string represents a path or a file programatically, you should use API methods such as isFile(), isDirectory().

How does system understand whether there's a file or a folder?

I guess, the file and folder entries are kept in a data structure and it's managed by the file system.

How to break long string to multiple lines

you may simply create your string in multiple steps, a bit redundant but it keeps the code readable and maintain sanity while debugging or editing

SqlQueryString = "Insert into Employee values(" 
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & txtEmployeeNo.Value & " ,"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtEmployeeNo.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtContractStartDate.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtSeatNo.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtContractStartDate.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtSeatNo.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtFloor.Value & "',"
SqlQueryString = SqlQueryString & " '" & txtLeaves.Value & "' )"

Squash the first two commits in Git?

For what it's worth, I avoid this problem by always creating a "no-op" first commit, in which the only thing in the repository is an empty .gitignore:

That way, there's never any reason to mess with the first commit.

How to add text to a WPF Label in code?

Try DesrLabel.Content. Its the WPF way.

Common xlabel/ylabel for matplotlib subplots

Without sharex=True, sharey=True you get:

enter image description here

With it you should get it nicer:

fig, axes2d = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3,
                           sharex=True, sharey=True,

for i, row in enumerate(axes2d):
    for j, cell in enumerate(row):


enter image description here

But if you want to add additional labels, you should add them only to the edge plots:

fig, axes2d = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3,
                           sharex=True, sharey=True,

for i, row in enumerate(axes2d):
    for j, cell in enumerate(row):
        if i == len(axes2d) - 1:
            cell.set_xlabel("noise column: {0:d}".format(j + 1))
        if j == 0:
            cell.set_ylabel("noise row: {0:d}".format(i + 1))


enter image description here

Adding label for each plot would spoil it (maybe there is a way to automatically detect repeated labels, but I am not aware of one).

Nexus 7 not visible over USB via "adb devices" from Windows 7 x64

I had an HTC One driver installed, and I thought that was the reason for not working. However, it turned out that the reason was I disabled both MTP/PTP.

I did not find the place for the settings, but then I found How to Configure the USB on Your Nexus 7.

It's quite confusing to me, it is in the Storage tab. Either MTP or PTP works for me.

Redirecting new tab on button click.(Response.Redirect) in C#

This is what I ended up using. Temporarily sets target to _blank, then sets it back.

OnClientClick="var originalTarget = document.forms[0].target; document.forms[0].target = '_blank'; setTimeout(function () { document.forms[0].target = originalTarget; }, 3000);"

Want to show/hide div based on dropdown box selection

The core problem is the js errors:

$('#purpose').on('change', function () {
    // if (this.value == '1'); { No semicolon and I used === instead of ==
    if (this.value === '1'){
    } else {
// }); remove

I had to clean up the html & js...I couldn't help myself.


<select id='purpose'>
    <option value="0">Personal use</option>
    <option value="1">Business use</option>
    <option value="2">Passing on to a client</option>
<form id="business">
    <label for="business">Business Name</label>
    <input type='text' class='text' name='business' value size='20' />


#business {


$('#purpose').on('change', function () {
    if(this.value === "1"){
    } else {

How to check if a string contains a specific text

Empty strings are falsey, so you can just write:

if ($a) {
    echo 'text';

Although if you're asking if a particular substring exists in that string, you can use strpos() to do that:

if (strpos($a, 'some text') !== false) {
    echo 'text';

How does DateTime.Now.Ticks exactly work?

The resolution of DateTime.Now depends on your system timer (~10ms on a current Windows OS) it's giving the same ending value there (it doesn't count any more finite than that).

Split String by delimiter position using oracle SQL

Therefore, I would like to separate the string by the furthest delimiter.

I know this is an old question, but this is a simple requirement for which SUBSTR and INSTR would suffice. REGEXP are still slower and CPU intensive operations than the old subtsr and instr functions.

  2    ( SELECT 'F/P/O' str FROM dual
  3    )
  4  SELECT SUBSTR(str, 1, Instr(str, '/', -1, 1) -1) part1,
  5         SUBSTR(str, Instr(str, '/', -1, 1) +1) part2
  7  /

----- -----
F/P   O

As you said you want the furthest delimiter, it would mean the first delimiter from the reverse.

You approach was fine, but you were missing the start_position in INSTR. If the start_position is negative, the INSTR function counts back start_position number of characters from the end of string and then searches towards the beginning of string.

Change the encoding of a file in Visual Studio Code

Apart from the settings explained in the answer by @DarkNeuron:

"files.encoding": "any encoding"

you can also specify settings for a specific language like so:

"[language id]": {
  "files.encoding": "any encoding"

For example, I use this when I need to edit PowerShell files previously created with ISE (which are created in ANSI format):

"[powershell]": {
    "files.encoding": "windows1252"

You can get a list of identifiers of well-known languages here.

Concatenate chars to form String in java

Use str = ""+a+b+c;

Here the first + is String concat, so the result will be a String. Note where the "" lies is important.

Or (maybe) better, use a StringBuilder.

Launch programs whose path contains spaces

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objShell = Nothing

Please try this

How to check if a Ruby object is a Boolean

Simplest way I can think of:

# checking whether foo is a boolean
!!foo == foo

How can I copy data from one column to another in the same table?

This will update all the rows in that columns if safe mode is not enabled.

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;

If safe mode is enabled then you will need to use a where clause. I use primary key as greater than 0 basically all will be updated

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA where table.column>0;

Jackson enum Serializing and DeSerializer

In the context of an enum, using @JsonValue now (since 2.0) works for serialization and deserialization.

According to the jackson-annotations javadoc for @JsonValue:

NOTE: when use for Java enums, one additional feature is that value returned by annotated method is also considered to be the value to deserialize from, not just JSON String to serialize as. This is possible since set of Enum values is constant and it is possible to define mapping, but can not be done in general for POJO types; as such, this is not used for POJO deserialization.

So having the Event enum annotated just as above works (for both serialization and deserialization) with jackson 2.0+.

Why are my PHP files showing as plain text?

Are you using the userdir mod?

In that case the thing is that PHP5 seems to be disabling running scripts from that location by default and you have to comment out the following lines:

<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    <Directory /home/*/public_html>
        php_admin_flag engine Off

in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf (on a ubuntu system)

Ways to save enums in database

As you say, ordinal is a bit risky. Consider for example:

public enum Boolean {

public class BooleanTest {
    public void testEnum() {
        assertEquals(0, Boolean.TRUE.ordinal());
        assertEquals(1, Boolean.FALSE.ordinal());

If you stored this as ordinals, you might have rows like:


"Alice is a boy"      1
"Graham is a boy"     0

But what happens if you updated Boolean?

public enum Boolean {

This means all your lies will become misinterpreted as 'file-not-found'

Better to just use a string representation

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

Icesoap, which I found yesterday, looks promising. It worked on a basic test, but it lacks more examples.

HTML table needs spacing between columns, not rows

If you can use inline styling, you can set the left and right padding on each td.. Or you use an extra td between columns and set a number of non-breaking spaces as @rene kindly suggested.

Both are pretty ugly ;p css ftw

How to get a ListBox ItemTemplate to stretch horizontally the full width of the ListBox?

The fix for me was to set property HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" on ItemsPresenter inside ScrollViewer..

Hope this helps someone...

<Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="ListBox">
                    <ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer" BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" Foreground="{TemplateBinding Foreground}" Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
                        <ItemsPresenter  Height="252" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>

Find Oracle JDBC driver in Maven repository

If you are using Netbeans, goto Dependencies and manually install artifact. Locate your downloaded .jar file and its done. clean build will solve any issues.

What does $_ mean in PowerShell?

According to this website, it's a reference to this, mostly in loops.

$_ (dollar underscore) 'THIS' token. Typically refers to the item inside a foreach loop. Task: Print all items in a collection. Solution. ... | foreach { Write-Host $_ }

On - window.location.hash - Change?

HTML5 specifies a hashchange event. This event is now supported by all modern browsers. Support was added in the following browser versions:

  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Firefox 3.6
  • Chrome 5
  • Safari 5
  • Opera 10.6

Manipulating an Access database from Java without ODBC

UCanAccess is a pure Java JDBC driver that allows us to read from and write to Access databases without using ODBC. It uses two other packages, Jackcess and HSQLDB, to perform these tasks. The following is a brief overview of how to get it set up.


Option 1: Using Maven

If your project uses Maven you can simply include UCanAccess via the following coordinates:

groupId: net.sf.ucanaccess
artifactId: ucanaccess

The following is an excerpt from pom.xml, you may need to update the <version> to get the most recent release:



Option 2: Manually adding the JARs to your project

As mentioned above, UCanAccess requires Jackcess and HSQLDB. Jackcess in turn has its own dependencies. So to use UCanAccess you will need to include the following components:

UCanAccess (ucanaccess-x.x.x.jar)
HSQLDB (hsqldb.jar, version 2.2.5 or newer)
Jackcess (jackcess-2.x.x.jar)
commons-lang (commons-lang-2.6.jar, or newer 2.x version)
commons-logging (commons-logging-1.1.1.jar, or newer 1.x version)

Fortunately, UCanAccess includes all of the required JAR files in its distribution file. When you unzip it you will see something like


All you need to do is add all five (5) JARs to your project.

NOTE: Do not add loader/ucanload.jar to your build path if you are adding the other five (5) JAR files. The UcanloadDriver class is only used in special circumstances and requires a different setup. See the related answer here for details.

Eclipse: Right-click the project in Package Explorer and choose Build Path > Configure Build Path.... Click the "Add External JARs..." button to add each of the five (5) JARs. When you are finished your Java Build Path should look something like this


NetBeans: Expand the tree view for your project, right-click the "Libraries" folder and choose "Add JAR/Folder...", then browse to the JAR file.


After adding all five (5) JAR files the "Libraries" folder should look something like this:


IntelliJ IDEA: Choose File > Project Structure... from the main menu. In the "Libraries" pane click the "Add" (+) button and add the five (5) JAR files. Once that is done the project should look something like this:



That's it!

Now "U Can Access" data in .accdb and .mdb files using code like this

// assumes...
//     import java.sql.*;
Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT [LastName] FROM [Clients]");
while ( {



At the time of writing this Q&A I had no involvement in or affiliation with the UCanAccess project; I just used it. I have since become a contributor to the project.

Why does javascript replace only first instance when using replace?

Unlike the C#/.NET class library (and most other sensible languages), when you pass a String in as the string-to-match argument to the string.replace method, it doesn't do a string replace. It converts the string to a RegExp and does a regex substitution. As Gumbo explains, a regex substitution requires the g?lobal flag, which is not on by default, to replace all matches in one go.

If you want a real string-based replace — for example because the match-string is dynamic and might contain characters that have a special meaning in regexen — the JavaScript idiom for that is:

var id= 'c_'+date.split('/').join('');

Can you "compile" PHP code and upload a binary-ish file, which will just be run by the byte code interpreter?

phc allows you to compile PHP programs into shared libraries, which can be uploaded to the server. The PHP program is compiled into binaries. It's done in such a way as to support evals, includes, and the entire PHP standard library.

Passing by reference in C

What you are doing is pass by value not pass by reference. Because you are sending the value of a variable 'p' to the function 'f' (in main as f(p);)

The same program in C with pass by reference will look like,(!!!this program gives 2 errors as pass by reference is not supported in C)

#include <stdio.h>

void f(int &j) {    //j is reference variable to i same as int &j = i

int main() {
  int i = 20;
  printf("i = %d\n", i);

  return 0;


3:12: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before '&' token
             void f(int &j);
9:3:  warning: implicit declaration of function 'f'

IE8 support for CSS Media Query

IE didn't add media query support until IE9. So with IE8 you're out of luck.

How to check if array is not empty?

if self.table:
    print 'It is not empty'

Is fine too

ComboBox.SelectedText doesn't give me the SelectedText

Here's how I would approach the problem, assuming you want to change the text of say, a label

    private void comboBoxtest_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var combotext = comboBoxtest.Text;
        var status = "The status of my combo box is" + combotext;
        label1.Text = status;

What's an object file in C?

Object files are codes that are dependent on functions, symbols, and text to run the program. Just like old telex machines, which required teletyping to send signals to other telex machine.

In the same way processor's require binary code to run, object files are like binary code but not linked. Linking creates additional files so that the user does not have to have compile the C language themselves. Users can directly open the exe file once the object file is linked with some compiler like c language , or vb etc.

How to define a default value for "input type=text" without using attribute 'value'?

You should rather use the attribute placeholder to give the default value to the text input field.


<input type="text" size="32" placeholder="1000" name="fee" />

How do I get the month and day with leading 0's in SQL? (e.g. 9 => 09)

Pad it with 00 and take the right 2:



print @day

Highlight a word with jQuery

$(function () {
    $("#txtSearch").keyup(function (event) {
        var txt = $("#txtSearch").val()
        if (txt.length > 3) {
            $("span.hilightable").each(function (i, v) {
                v.innerHTML = v.innerText.replace(txt, "<hilight>" + txt + "</hilight>");


Jfiddle here

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot

plt.savefig("circle.png", bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches=-1)

The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'GET'

Resolved this issue by using http(s) when accessing the endpoint. The route I was accessing was not available over http. So I would say verify the protocols for which the route is available.

Get client IP address via third party web service

A more reliable REST endpoint would be

Returns the ip address along with the geo-location too. Also has cross-domain requests enabled (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) so you don't have to code around JSONP.

How to force a hover state with jQuery?

Also, you could try triggering a mouseover.

$("#btn").click(function() {

Not sure if this will work for your specific scenario, but I've had success triggering mouseover instead of hover for various cases.

Beamer: How to show images as step-by-step images

This is a sample code I used to counter the problem.

\begin{frame}{Topic 1}
Topic of the figures
\only<1>{\subfloat[Fig. 1]{\includegraphics{figure1.jpg}}}
\only<2>{\subfloat[Fig. 2]{\includegraphics{figure2.jpg}}}
\only<3>{\subfloat[Fig. 3]{\includegraphics{figure3.jpg}}}

How to install PyQt4 on Windows using pip?

install PyQt5 for Windows 10 and python 3.5+.

pip install PyQt5

Getting the docstring from a function

You can also use inspect.getdoc. It cleans up the __doc__ by normalizing tabs to spaces and left shifting the doc body to remove common leading spaces.

"Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))"

My fix was to create Platform in configuration manager in visual studio, and set to x64

Simple way to calculate median with MySQL

Install and use this mysql statistical functions:

After that, calculate median is easy:

SELECT median(val) FROM data;

Get all LI elements in array

QuerySelectorAll will get all the matching elements with defined selector. Here on the example I've used element's name(li tag) to get all of the li present inside the div with navbar element.

    let navbar = document_x000D_
    navbar.forEach((item, index) => {_x000D_
      console.log({ index, item })_x000D_
<div id="navbar">_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-One">One</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Two">Two</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Three">Three</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Four">Four</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Five">Five</li>_x000D_

How to open child forms positioned within MDI parent in VB.NET?

Try adding a button on mdi parent and add this code' to set your mdi child inside the mdi parent. change the yourchildformname to your MDI Child's form name and see if this works.

    Dim NewMDIChild As New yourchildformname()
    'Set the Parent Form of the Child window.
    NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
    'Display the new form.

What does the star operator mean, in a function call?

It is called the extended call syntax. From the documentation:

If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a sequence. Elements from this sequence are treated as if they were additional positional arguments; if there are positional arguments x1,..., xN, and expression evaluates to a sequence y1, ..., yM, this is equivalent to a call with M+N positional arguments x1, ..., xN, y1, ..., yM.


If the syntax **expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a mapping, the contents of which are treated as additional keyword arguments. In the case of a keyword appearing in both expression and as an explicit keyword argument, a TypeError exception is raised.

Python speed testing - Time Difference - milliseconds

The following code should display the time detla...

from datetime import datetime

tstart =

# code to speed test

tend =
print tend - tstart

R: how to label the x-axis of a boxplot

If you read the help file for ?boxplot, you'll see there is a names= parameter.

     boxplot(apple, banana, watermelon, names=c("apple","banana","watermelon"))

enter image description here

How can I take a screenshot with Selenium WebDriver?

File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage originalImage =;
//int type = originalImage.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : originalImage.getType();
BufferedImage resizedImage = CommonUtilities.resizeImage(originalImage, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH);
ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "jpg", new File(path + "/"+ testCaseId + "/img/" + index + ".jpg"));
Image jpeg = Image.getInstance(path + "/" + testCaseId + "/img/"+ index + ".jpg");

JavaScript click event listener on class

With modern JavaScript it can be done like this:

const divs = document.querySelectorAll('.a');

divs.forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click', event => {
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    .a {
      height: 33px;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      cursor: pointer;
    .b {
      height: 50px;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
  <div class="a" data-el="1">1</div>
  <div class="b" data-el="no-click-handler">2</div>
  <div class="a" data-el="3">11</div>

  1. Gets all elements by class name
  2. Loops over all elements with using forEach
  3. Attach an event listener on each element
  4. Uses to retrieve more information for specific element

Keras, How to get the output of each layer?

Assuming you have:

1- Keras pre-trained model.

2- Input x as image or set of images. The resolution of image should be compatible with dimension of the input layer. For example 80*80*3 for 3-channels (RGB) image.

3- The name of the output layer to get the activation. For example, "flatten_2" layer. This should be include in the layer_names variable, represents name of layers of the given model.

4- batch_size is an optional argument.

Then you can easily use get_activation function to get the activation of the output layer for a given input x and pre-trained model:

import six
import numpy as np
import keras.backend as k
from numpy import float32
def get_activations(x, model, layer, batch_size=128):
Return the output of the specified layer for input `x`. `layer` is specified by layer index (between 0 and
`nb_layers - 1`) or by name. The number of layers can be determined by counting the results returned by
calling `layer_names`.
:param x: Input for computing the activations.
:type x: `np.ndarray`. Example: x.shape = (80, 80, 3)
:param model: pre-trained Keras model. Including weights.
:type model: keras.engine.sequential.Sequential. Example: model.input_shape = (None, 80, 80, 3)
:param layer: Layer for computing the activations
:type layer: `int` or `str`. Example: layer = 'flatten_2'
:param batch_size: Size of batches.
:type batch_size: `int`
:return: The output of `layer`, where the first dimension is the batch size corresponding to `x`.
:rtype: `np.ndarray`. Example: activations.shape = (1, 2000)

    layer_names = [ for layer in model.layers]
    if isinstance(layer, six.string_types):
        if layer not in layer_names:
            raise ValueError('Layer name %s is not part of the graph.' % layer)
        layer_name = layer
    elif isinstance(layer, int):
        if layer < 0 or layer >= len(layer_names):
            raise ValueError('Layer index %d is outside of range (0 to %d included).'
                             % (layer, len(layer_names) - 1))
        layer_name = layer_names[layer]
        raise TypeError('Layer must be of type `str` or `int`.')

    layer_output = model.get_layer(layer_name).output
    layer_input = model.input
    output_func = k.function([layer_input], [layer_output])

    # Apply preprocessing
    if x.shape == k.int_shape(model.input)[1:]:
        x_preproc = np.expand_dims(x, 0)
        x_preproc = x
    assert len(x_preproc.shape) == 4

    # Determine shape of expected output and prepare array
    output_shape = output_func([x_preproc[0][None, ...]])[0].shape
    activations = np.zeros((x_preproc.shape[0],) + output_shape[1:], dtype=float32)

    # Get activations with batching
    for batch_index in range(int(np.ceil(x_preproc.shape[0] / float(batch_size)))):
        begin, end = batch_index * batch_size, min((batch_index + 1) * batch_size, x_preproc.shape[0])
        activations[begin:end] = output_func([x_preproc[begin:end]])[0]

    return activations

Sorting list based on values from another list

I like having a list of sorted indices. That way, I can sort any list in the same order as the source list. Once you have a list of sorted indices, a simple list comprehension will do the trick:

X = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"]
Y = [ 0,   1,   1,    0,   1,   2,   2,   0,   1]

sorted_y_idx_list = sorted(range(len(Y)),key=lambda x:Y[x])
Xs = [X[i] for i in sorted_y_idx_list ]

print( "Xs:", Xs )
# prints: Xs: ["a", "d", "h", "b", "c", "e", "i", "f", "g"]

Note that the sorted index list can also be gotten using numpy.argsort().

how to count length of the JSON array element

First if the object you're dealing with is a string then you need to parse it then figure out the length of the keys :

obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
shareInfoLen = Object.keys(obj.shareInfo[0]).length;

Return multiple values from a SQL Server function

Example of using a stored procedure with multiple out parameters

As User Mr. Brownstone suggested you can use a stored procedure; to make it easy for all i created a minimalist example. First create a stored procedure:

Create PROCEDURE MultipleOutParameter
    @Input int,
    @Out1 int OUTPUT, 
    @Out2 int OUTPUT 
    Select @Out1 = @Input + 1
    Select @Out2 = @Input + 2   
    Select 'this returns your normal Select-Statement' as Foo
          , 'amazing is it not?' as Bar

    -- Return can be used to get even more (afaik only int) values 

Calling the stored procedure

To execute the stored procedure a few local variables are needed to receive the value:

DECLARE @GetReturnResult int, @GetOut1 int, @GetOut2 int 
EXEC @GetReturnResult = MultipleOutParameter  
    @Input = 1,
    @Out1 = @GetOut1 OUTPUT,
    @Out2 = @GetOut2 OUTPUT

To see the values content you can do the following

Select @GetReturnResult as ReturnResult, @GetOut1 as Out_1, @GetOut2 as Out_2 

This will be the result:

Result of Stored Procedure Call with multiple out parameters

AngularJS is rendering <br> as text not as a newline

Why so complicated?

I solved my problem this way simply:


It will make <br /> automatically if the string contains '\n' that contain when I was saving data from textarea.

How to format Joda-Time DateTime to only mm/dd/yyyy?

DateTime date =;

What's an easy way to read random line from a file in Unix command line?

Another way using 'awk'

awk NR==$((${RANDOM} % `wc -l <` + 1))

adb uninstall failed

I find that adb shell pm uninstall <package> works consistently, where adb uninstall <package> does not.

Select the first row by group

now, for dplyr, adding a distinct counter.

df %>%
    group_by(aa, bb) %>%
    summarise(first=head(value,1), count=n_distinct(value))

You create groups, them summarise within groups.

If data is numeric, you can use:
first(value) [there is also last(value)] in place of head(value, 1)



> df
Source: local data frame [16 x 3]

   aa bb value
1   1  1   GUT
2   1  1   PER
3   1  2   SUT
4   1  2   GUT
5   1  3   SUT
6   1  3   GUT
7   1  3   PER
8   2  1   221
9   2  1   224
10  2  1   239
11  2  2   217
12  2  2   221
13  2  2   224
14  3  1   GUT
15  3  1   HUL
16  3  1   GUT

> library(dplyr)
> df %>%
>   group_by(aa, bb) %>%
>   summarise(first=head(value,1), count=n_distinct(value))

Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
Groups: aa

  aa bb first count
1  1  1   GUT     2
2  1  2   SUT     2
3  1  3   SUT     3
4  2  1   221     3
5  2  2   217     3
6  3  1   GUT     2

Nested select statement in SQL Server

You need to alias the subquery.

SELECT name FROM (SELECT name FROM agentinformation) a  

or to be more explicit

SELECT FROM (SELECT name FROM agentinformation) a  

git ahead/behind info between master and branch?

With Git 2.5+, you now have another option to see ahead/behind for all branches which are configured to push to a branch.

git for-each-ref --format="%(push:track)" refs/heads

See more at "Viewing Unpushed Git Commits"

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

As Darren commented, Apache don't understand php.ini relative paths in Windows.

To fix it, change the relative paths in your php.ini to absolute paths.


CSS selector for first element with class

To match your selector, the element must have a class name of red and must be the first child of its parent.

    <span class="red"></span> <!-- MATCH -->

    <p class="red"></p> <!-- NO MATCH -->

    <div><p class="red"></p></div> <!-- MATCH -->

Differences between and websockets

Im going to provide an argument against using

I think using solely because it has fallbacks isnt a good idea. Let IE8 RIP.

In the past there have been many cases where new versions of NodeJS has broken You can check these lists for examples...

If you go to develop an Android app or something that needs to work with your existing app, you would probably be okay working with WS right away, might give you some trouble there...

Plus the WS module for Node.JS is amazingly simple to use.

Where can I get a virtual machine online?

You can get free Virtual Machine and many more things online for 3 months provided by Microsoft Azure. I guess you need VPN for learning purpose. For that it would suffice.


How do I enable C++11 in gcc?

H2CO3 is right, you can use a makefile with the CXXFLAGS set with -std=c++11 A makefile is a simple text file with instructions about how to compile your program. Create a new file named Makefile (with a capital M). To automatically compile your code just type the make command in a terminal. You may have to install make.

Here's a simple one :

CXXFLAGS=-g -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic

SRC=$(wildcard *.cpp)

all: $(OBJ)
    $(CXX) -o $(BIN) $^

%.o: %.c
    $(CXX) $@ -c $<

    rm -f *.o
    rm $(BIN)

It assumes that all the .cpp files are in the same directory as the makefile. But you can easily tweak your makefile to support a src, include and build directories.

Edit : I modified the default c++ compiler, my version of g++ isn't up-to-date. With clang++ this makefile works fine.

What are the benefits to marking a field as `readonly` in C#?

The readonly keyword is used to declare a member variable a constant, but allows the value to be calculated at runtime. This differs from a constant declared with the const modifier, which must have its value set at compile time. Using readonly you can set the value of the field either in the declaration, or in the constructor of the object that the field is a member of.

Also use it if you don't want to have to recompile external DLLs that reference the constant (since it gets replaced at compile time).

Indenting code in Sublime text 2?

Just in case this stop working for anyone like me, in OS X, the command key is identified as superso it should be able to do something like this:

    "keys": ["super+i"], 
    "command": "reindent", 
    "args": {

in this case using command+i is going to indent your whole code (eclipse like :) )

How to include clean target in Makefile?

The best thing is probably to create a variable that holds your binaries:

binaries=code1 code2

Then use that in the all-target, to avoid repeating:

all: clean $(binaries)

Now, you can use this with the clean-target, too, and just add some globs to catch object files and stuff:

.PHONY: clean

    rm -f $(binaries) *.o

Note use of the .PHONY to make clean a pseudo-target. This is a GNU make feature, so if you need to be portable to other make implementations, don't use it.

Bash: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

Before running the script, you should check first line of the shell script for the interpreter.

Eg: if scripts starts with /bin/bash , run the script using the below command "bash"

if script starts with /bin/sh, run the script using the below command "sh"

./ - This will detect the interpreter from the first line of the script and run.

Different Linux distributions having different shells as default.

How to append a char to a std::string?

the problem with:

std::string y("Hello worl");
std::cout << y;

is that you have to have the 'd' as opposed to using a name of a char, like char d = 'd'; Or am I wrong?

How do HashTables deal with collisions?

I've heard in my degree classes that a HashTable will place a new entry into the 'next available' bucket if the new Key entry collides with another.

This is actually not true, at least for the Oracle JDK (it is an implementation detail that could vary between different implementations of the API). Instead, each bucket contains a linked list of entries prior to Java 8, and a balanced tree in Java 8 or above.

then how would the HashTable still return the correct Value if this collision occurs when calling for one back with the collision key?

It uses the equals() to find the actually matching entry.

If I implement my own hashing function and use it as part of a look-up table (i.e. a HashMap or Dictionary), what strategies exist for dealing with collisions?

There are various collision handling strategies with different advantages and disadvantages. Wikipedia's entry on hash tables gives a good overview.

javascript compare strings without being case sensitive

You can also use string.match().

var string1 = "aBc";
var match = string1.match(/AbC/i);

if(match) {

String replace a Backslash

To Replace backslash at particular location:

if ((stringValue.contains("\\"))&&(stringValue.indexOf("\\", location-1)==(location-1))) {

How do I get the last character of a string using an Excel function?

No need to apologize for asking a question! Try using the RIGHT function. It returns the last n characters of a string.

=RIGHT(A1, 1)

Gradle: Execution failed for task ':processDebugManifest'

I met the problem in another reason.

I was building app in Android Studio, and I had a app module and another module. App module depended on the other module.

But part of build.gradle of app module is :




while the other module's build.gradle part is:

    android:label="Android Lua"


So, I change the module's build.gradle part to:



Problem solved.

How to access a DOM element in React? What is the equilvalent of document.getElementById() in React

Since React uses JSX code to create an HTML we cannot refer dom using regulation methods like documment.querySelector or getElementById.

Instead we can use React ref system to access and manipulate Dom as shown in below example:


    this.imageRef = React.createRef(); // create react ref


    **console.log(this.imageRef)** // acessing the attributes of img tag when dom loads

render = (props) => {

const {urls,description} = this.props.image;
    return (

             **ref = {this.imageRef} // assign the ref of img tag here**
             src = {urls.regular} 
             alt = {description}




How to delete a row from GridView?

You are deleting the row from the gridview but you are then going and calling databind again which is just refreshing the gridview to the same state that the original datasource is in.

Either remove it from the datasource and then databind, or databind and remove it from the gridview without redatabinding.

Remap values in pandas column with a dict

A nice complete solution that keeps a map of your class labels:

labels = features['col1'].unique()
labels_dict = dict(zip(labels, range(len(labels))))
features = features.replace({"col1": labels_dict})

This way, you can at any point refer to the original class label from labels_dict.

How to copy a string of std::string type in C++?

strcpy is only for C strings. For std::string you copy it like any C++ object.

std::string a = "text";
std::string b = a; // copy a into b

If you want to concatenate strings you can use the + operator:

std::string a = "text";
std::string b = "image";
a = a + b; // or a += b;

You can even do many at once:

std::string c = a + " " + b + "hello";

Although "hello" + " world" doesn't work as you might expect. You need an explicit std::string to be in there: std::string("Hello") + "world"

telnet to port 8089 correct command

I believe telnet 8089 . Why don't u try both

Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript?

You can get the dimensions using getElement(...).width and ...height.

Since JavaScript can't access anything on the local disk for security reasons, you can't examine local files. This is also true for files in the browser's cache.

You really need a server which can process AJAX requests. On that server, install a service that downloads the image and saves the data stream in a dummy output which just counts the bytes. Note that you can't always rely on the Content-length header field since the image data might be encoded. Otherwise, it would be enough to send a HTTP HEAD request.

How to set tbody height with overflow scroll

Here is a good example for table scrolling across x and y way. Horizontal and vertical scrolling is the best thing for responsive table.

table, th, tr, td {
  border: 1px solid lightgrey;
  border-collapse: collapse;
tbody {
  max-height: 200px;
max-width: 200px;
  overflow: auto;
  display: block;
  table-layout: fixed;

tr {
  display: table;
     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 
























































































     <input type="checkbox"> 


































How best to include other scripts?

A combination of the answers to this question provides the most robust solution.

It worked for us in production-grade scripts with great support of dependencies and directory structure:


# Full path of the current script
THIS=`readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null||echo $0`

# The directory where current script resides
DIR=`dirname "${THIS}"`

# 'Dot' means 'source', i.e. 'include':
. "$DIR/"

The method supports all of these:

  • Spaces in path
  • Links (via readlink)
  • ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} is more robust than $0

MVC3 EditorFor readOnly

You can do it this way:

@Html.EditorFor(m => m.userName, new { htmlAttributes = new { disabled = true } })

How to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH?

Detailed instructions:

in your ~/.bashrc add these lines:

export PATH="$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin"

Then reload:

source ~/.bashrc

Check if its added correctly:

echo $PATH


Limit String Length

In another way to limit a string in php and add on readmore text or like '...' using below code

if (strlen(preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $string)) > 30) { 
    echo substr(preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $string), 0, 35).'&hellip;'; 

How to select unique records by SQL

I find that if I can't use DISTINCT for any reason, then GROUP BY will work.

How do I access my webcam in Python?

OpenCV has support for getting data from a webcam, and it comes with Python wrappers by default, you also need to install numpy for the OpenCV Python extension (called cv2) to work. As of 2019, you can install both of these libraries with pip: pip install numpy pip install opencv-python

More information on using OpenCV with Python.

An example copied from Displaying webcam feed using opencv and python:

import cv2

vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

if vc.isOpened(): # try to get the first frame
    rval, frame =
    rval = False

while rval:
    cv2.imshow("preview", frame)
    rval, frame =
    key = cv2.waitKey(20)
    if key == 27: # exit on ESC

How to get element by class name?

You need to use the document.getElementsByClassName('class_name');

and dont forget that the returned value is an array of elements so if you want the first one use:



Now you can use:

document.querySelector(".class_name") to get the first element with the class_name CSS class (null will be returned if non of the elements on the page has this class name)

or document.querySelectorAll(".class_name") to get a NodeList of elements with the class_name css class (empty NodeList will be returned if non of. the elements on the the page has this class name).

Where is the syntax for TypeScript comments documented?


The TypeScript team, and other TypeScript involved teams, plan to create a standard formal TSDoc specification. The 1.0.0 draft hasn't been finalised yet:

enter image description here


TypeScript uses JSDoc. e.g.

/** This is a description of the foo function. */
function foo() {

To learn jsdoc :


But you don't need to use the type annotation extensions in JSDoc.

You can (and should) still use other jsdoc block tags like @returns etc.


Just an example. Focus on the types (not the content).

JSDoc version (notice types in docs):

 * Returns the sum of a and b
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b
 * @returns {number}
function sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;

TypeScript version (notice the re-location of types):

 * Takes two numbers and returns their sum
 * @param a first input to sum
 * @param b second input to sum
 * @returns sum of a and b
function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

Java: Array with loop

The Array has declared without intializing the values and if you want to insert values by itterating the loop this code will work.

Public Class Program

public static void main(String args[])

 //Array Intialization
 int my[] = new int[6];

 for(int i=0;i<=5;i++)


//Storing array values in array
my[i]= i;

//Printing array values





ORA-00904: invalid identifier

FYI, in this case the cause was found to be mixed case column name in the DDL for table creation.

However, if you are mixing "old style" and ANSI joins you could get the same error message even when the DDL was done properly with uppercase table name. This happened to me, and google sent me to this stackoverflow page so I thought I'd share since I was here.

ORDER BY 1, 2, 3

--NO PROBLEM: OLD STYLE/deprecated/traditional oracle proprietary join syntax
    and LENGTH(A.EMPLID) = 9
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3

The two SQL statements above are equivalent and produce no error.

When you try to mix them you can get lucky, or you can get an Oracle has a ORA-00904 error.

--LUCKY: mixed syntax (ANSI joins appear before OLD STYLE)
    inner join PS_HCR_PERSON_NM_I C on C.EMPLID = A.EMPLID
    and LENGTH(A.EMPLID) = 9

--PROBLEM: mixed syntax (OLD STYLE joins appear before ANSI)
    inner join PS_HCR_PERSON_NM_I C on C.EMPLID = A.EMPLID
    and LENGTH(A.EMPLID) = 9

And the unhelpful error message that doesn't really describe the problem at all:

>[Error] Script lines: 1-12 -------------------------
ORA-00904: "A"."EMPLID": invalid identifier  Script line 6, statement line 6,
column 51 

I was able to find some research on this in the following blog post:

In my case, I was attempting to manually convert from old style to ANSI style joins, and was doing so incrementally, one table at a time. This appears to have been a bad idea. Instead, it's probably better to convert all tables at once, or comment out a table and its where conditions in the original query in order to compare with the new ANSI query you are writing.

What is a CSRF token? What is its importance and how does it work?

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in simple words

  • Assume you are currently logged into your online banking at
  • Assume a money transfer from will result in a request of (conceptually) the form<SomeAccountnumber>;amount=<SomeAmount>. (Your account number is not needed, because it is implied by your login.)
  • You visit, not knowing that it is a malicious site.
  • If the owner of that site knows the form of the above request (easy!) and correctly guesses you are logged into (requires some luck!), they could include on their page a request like;amount=10000 (where 123456 is the number of their Cayman Islands account and 10000 is an amount that you previously thought you were glad to possess).
  • You retrieved that page, so your browser will make that request.
  • Your bank cannot recognize this origin of the request: Your web browser will send the request along with your cookie and it will look perfectly legitimate. There goes your money!

This is the world without CSRF tokens.

Now for the better one with CSRF tokens:

  • The transfer request is extended with a third argument:;amount=10000;token=31415926535897932384626433832795028841971.
  • That token is a huge, impossible-to-guess random number that will include on their own web page when they serve it to you. It is different each time they serve any page to anybody.
  • The attacker is not able to guess the token, is not able to convince your web browser to surrender it (if the browser works correctly...), and so the attacker will not be able to create a valid request, because requests with the wrong token (or no token) will be refused by

Result: You keep your 10000 monetary units. I suggest you donate some of that to Wikipedia.

(Your mileage may vary.)

EDIT from comment worth reading:

It would be worthy to note that script from normally does not have access to your anti-CSRF token from because of HTTP access control. This note is important for some people who unreasonably send a header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * for every website response without knowing what it is for, just because they can't use the API from another website.

Are arrays passed by value or passed by reference in Java?

Arrays are in fact objects, so a reference is passed (the reference itself is passed by value, confused yet?). Quick example:

// assuming you allocated the list
public void addItem(Integer[] list, int item) {
    list[1] = item;

You will see the changes to the list from the calling code. However you can't change the reference itself, since it's passed by value:

// assuming you allocated the list
public void changeArray(Integer[] list) {
    list = null;

If you pass a non-null list, it won't be null by the time the method returns.

jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function

If you happen to be using the Ruby on Rails' jQuery gem jquery-rails and for some reason you can't refactor your legacy code, the last version that still supports is 2.1.3 and you can lock it by using the following syntax on your Gemfile:

gem 'jquery-rails', '~> 2.1', '= 2.1.3'

then you can use the following command to update:

bundle update jquery-rails

I hope that help others facing a similar issue.

HTML page disable copy/paste

You can use jquery for this:

$('body').bind('copy paste',function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); return false; 

Using jQuery bind() and specififying your desired eventTypes .

Format numbers in JavaScript similar to C#

Here are some solutions, all pass the test suite, test suite and benchmark included, if you want copy and paste to test, try This Gist.

Method 0 (RegExp)

Base on, but fix if there is no decimal point.

if (typeof Number.prototype.format === 'undefined') {
    Number.prototype.format = function (precision) {
        if (!isFinite(this)) {
            return this.toString();

        var a = this.toFixed(precision).split('.');
        a[0] = a[0].replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$&,');
        return a.join('.');

Method 1

if (typeof Number.prototype.format1 === 'undefined') {
    Number.prototype.format1 = function (precision) {
        if (!isFinite(this)) {
            return this.toString();

        var a = this.toFixed(precision).split('.'),
            // skip the '-' sign
            head = Number(this < 0);

        // skip the digits that's before the first thousands separator 
        head += (a[0].length - head) % 3 || 3;

        a[0] = a[0].slice(0, head) + a[0].slice(head).replace(/\d{3}/g, ',$&');
        return a.join('.');

Method 2 (Split to Array)

if (typeof Number.prototype.format2 === 'undefined') {
    Number.prototype.format2 = function (precision) {
        if (!isFinite(this)) {
            return this.toString();

        var a = this.toFixed(precision).split('.');

        a[0] = a[0]
            .replace(/\d{3}(?=\d)/g, '$&,')

        return a.join('.');

Method 3 (Loop)

if (typeof Number.prototype.format3 === 'undefined') {
    Number.prototype.format3 = function (precision) {
        if (!isFinite(this)) {
            return this.toString();

        var a = this.toFixed(precision).split('');

        var i = a.indexOf('.') - 3;
        while (i > 0 && a[i-1] !== '-') {
            a.splice(i, 0, ',');
            i -= 3;

        return a.join('');


console.log('======== Demo ========')
var n = 0;
for (var i=1; i<20; i++) {
    n = (n * 10) + (i % 10)/100;
    console.log(n.format(2), (-n).format(2));


If we want custom thousands separator or decimal separator, use replace():

123456.78.format(2).replace(',', ' ').replace('.', ' ');

Test suite

function assertEqual(a, b) {
    if (a !== b) {
        throw a + ' !== ' + b;

function test(format_function) {
    assertEqual('NaN',, 0))
    assertEqual('Infinity',, 0))
    assertEqual('-Infinity',, 0))

    assertEqual('0',, 0))
    assertEqual('0.00',, 2))
    assertEqual('1',, 0))
    assertEqual('-1',, 0))
    // decimal padding
    assertEqual('1.00',, 2))
    assertEqual('-1.00',, 2))
    // decimal rounding
    assertEqual('0.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('0.1235',, 4))
    assertEqual('-0.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-0.1235',, 4))
    // thousands separator
    assertEqual('1,234',, 0))
    assertEqual('12,345',, 0))
    assertEqual('123,456',, 0))
    assertEqual('1,234,567',, 0))
    assertEqual('12,345,678',, 0))
    assertEqual('123,456,789',, 0))
    assertEqual('-1,234',, 0))
    assertEqual('-12,345',, 0))
    assertEqual('-123,456',, 0))
    assertEqual('-1,234,567',, 0))
    assertEqual('-12,345,678',, 0))
    assertEqual('-123,456,789',, 0))
    // thousands separator and decimal
    assertEqual('1,234.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('12,345.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('123,456.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('1,234,567.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('12,345,678.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('123,456,789.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-1,234.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-12,345.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-123,456.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-1,234,567.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-12,345,678.12',, 2))
    assertEqual('-123,456,789.12',, 2))

console.log('======== Testing ========');


function benchmark(f) {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    return new Date().getTime() - start;

function benchmark_format(f) {
    time = benchmark(function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
  , 0);
  , 2);
    console.log(time.format(0) + 'ms');

async = [];
function next() {
    setTimeout(function () {
        f = async.shift();
        f && f();
    }, 10);

console.log('======== Benchmark ========');
async.push(function () { benchmark_format(Number.prototype.format); });
async.push(function () { benchmark_format(Number.prototype.format1); });
async.push(function () { benchmark_format(Number.prototype.format2); });
async.push(function () { benchmark_format(Number.prototype.format3); });

How to set a CMake option() at command line

An additional option is to go to your build folder and use the command ccmake .

This is like the GUI but terminal based. This obviously won't help with an installation script but at least it can be run without a UI.

The one warning I have is it won't let you generate sometimes when you have warnings. if that is the case, exit the interface and call cmake .

Difference in days between two dates in Java?

I did it this way. it's easy :)

Date d1 = jDateChooserFrom.getDate();
Date d2 = jDateChooserTo.getDate();

Calendar day1 = Calendar.getInstance();

Calendar day2 = Calendar.getInstance();

int from = day1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
int to = day2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

int difference = to-from;

Apache HttpClient Android (Gradle)

Try adding this to your dependencies:

compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.4-alpha1'

And generally if you want to use a library and you are searching for the Gradle dependency line you can use Gradle Please

EDIT: Check this one too.

Linux configure/make, --prefix?

In my situation, --prefix= failed to update the path correctly under some warnings or failures. please see the below link for the answer.

Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context

You need a ResourceLink in your META-INF/context.xml file to make the global resource available to the web application.

 <ResourceLink name="jdbc/mydb"
              type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

How to reference a method in javadoc?

The general format, from the @link section of the javadoc documentation, is:

{@link package.class#member label}


Method in the same class:

/** See also {@link #myMethod(String)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Method in a different class, either in the same package or imported:

/** See also {@link MyOtherClass#myMethod(String)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Method in a different package and not imported:

/** See also {@link com.mypackage.YetAnotherClass#myMethod(String)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Label linked to method, in plain text rather than code font:

/** See also this {@linkplain #myMethod(String) implementation}. */
void foo() { ... }

A chain of method calls, as in your question. We have to specify labels for the links to methods outside this class, or we get getFoo().Foo.getBar().Bar.getBaz(). But these labels can be fragile during refactoring -- see "Labels" below.

 * A convenience method, equivalent to 
 * {@link #getFoo()}.{@link Foo#getBar() getBar()}.{@link Bar#getBaz() getBaz()}.
 * @return baz
public Baz fooBarBaz()


Automated refactoring may not affect labels. This includes renaming the method, class or package; and changing the method signature.

Therefore, provide a label only if you want different text than the default.

For example, you might link from human language to code:

/** You can also {@linkplain #getFoo() get the current foo}. */
void setFoo( Foo foo ) { ... }

Or you might link from a code sample with text different than the default, as shown above under "A chain of method calls." However, this can be fragile while APIs are evolving.

Type erasure and #member

If the method signature includes parameterized types, use the erasure of those types in the javadoc @link. For example:

int bar( Collection<Integer> receiver ) { ... }

/** See also {@link #bar(Collection)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Getting the Username from the HKEY_USERS values

If you look at either of the following keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\hivelist

You can find a list of the SIDs there with various values, including where their "home paths" which includes their usernames.

I'm not sure how dependable this is and I wouldn't recommend messing about with this unless you're really sure what you're doing.

Google Authenticator available as a public service?

You can use my solution, posted as the answer to my question (there is full Python code and explanation):

Google Authenticator implementation in Python

It is rather easy to implement it in PHP or Perl, I think. If you have any problems with this, please let me know.

I have also posted my code on GitHub as Python module.

Multidimensional arrays in Swift

var array: Int[][] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

for first in array {
    for second in first {
        println("value \(second)")

To achieve what you're looking for you need to initialize the array to the correct template and then loop to add the row and column arrays:

var NumColumns = 27
var NumRows = 52
var array = Array<Array<Int>>()
var value = 1

for column in 0..NumColumns {
    var columnArray = Array<Int>()
    for row in 0..NumRows {

println("array \(array)")

Detect touch press vs long press vs movement?

I discovered this after a lot of experimentation.

In the initialisation of your activity:

setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
  public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
    return true;  // avoid extra click events
setOnTouch(new View.OnTouchListener(){
  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent e){
    switch(e.getAction & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK){
      // do drag/gesture processing. 
    // you MUST return false for ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP, for long click to work
    // you can return true for ACTION_MOVEs that you consume. 
    // DOWN/UP are needed by the long click timer.
    // if you want, you can consume the UP if you have made a drag - so that after 
    // a long drag, no long-click is generated.
    return false;

Custom CSS Scrollbar for Firefox

May I offer an alternative?

No scripting whatsoever, only standardized css styles and a little bit of creativity. Short answer - masking parts of the existing browser scrollbar, which means you retain all of it's functionality.

.scroll_content {
    position: relative;
    width: 400px;
    height: 414px;
    top: -17px;
    padding: 20px 10px 20px 10px;
    overflow-y: auto;

For demo and a little bit more in-depth explanation, check here...

SQL "between" not inclusive

It is inclusive. You are comparing datetimes to dates. The second date is interpreted as midnight when the day starts.

One way to fix this is:

FROM Cases
WHERE cast(created_at as date) BETWEEN '2013-05-01' AND '2013-05-01'

Another way to fix it is with explicit binary comparisons

FROM Cases
WHERE created_at >= '2013-05-01' AND created_at < '2013-05-02'

Aaron Bertrand has a long blog entry on dates (here), where he discusses this and other date issues.

HTML entity for check mark

Something like this?

if so, type the HTML &#10004;

And &#10003; gives a lighter one:

Why does Date.parse give incorrect results?

Here is a short, flexible snippet to convert a datetime-string in a cross-browser-safe fashion as nicel detailed by @drankin2112.

var inputTimestamp = "2014-04-29 13:00:15"; //example

var partsTimestamp = inputTimestamp.split(/[ \/:-]/g);
if(partsTimestamp.length < 6) {
    partsTimestamp = partsTimestamp.concat(['00', '00', '00'].slice(0, 6 - partsTimestamp.length));
//if your string-format is something like '7/02/2014'...
//use: var tstring = partsTimestamp.slice(0, 3).reverse().join('-');
var tstring = partsTimestamp.slice(0, 3).join('-');
tstring += 'T' + partsTimestamp.slice(3).join(':') + 'Z'; //configure as needed
var timestamp = Date.parse(tstring);

Your browser should provide the same timestamp result as Date.parse with:

(new Date(tstring)).getTime()

Assigning default values to shell variables with a single command in bash

FWIW, you can provide an error message like so:

USERNAME=${1:?"Specify a username"}

This displays a message like this and exits with code 1:

./ line 2: 1: Specify a username

A more complete example of everything:

ACTION=${1:?"Specify 'action' as argv[1]"}

echo "$ACTION"
echo "$DIRNAME"
echo "$OUTPUT_DIR"


$ ./ foo

$ export HOMEDIR=/home/myuser
$ ./ foo
  • $ACTION takes the value of the first argument, and exits if empty
  • $DIRNAME is the 2nd argument, and defaults to the current directory
  • $OUTPUT_DIR is the 3rd argument, or $HOMEDIR (if defined), else, /tmp. This works on OS X, but I'm not positive that it's portable.

Fragment transaction animation: slide in and slide out

Have the same problem with white screen during transition from one fragment to another. Have navigation and animations set in action in navigation.xml.

enter image description here

Background in all fragments the same but white blank screen. So i set navOptions in fragment during executing transition

          //Transition options
        val options = navOptions {
            anim {
                enter = R.anim.slide_in_right
                exit = R.anim.slide_out_left
                popEnter = R.anim.slide_in_left
                popExit = R.anim.slide_out_right



It worked for me. No white screen between transistion. Magic )

How to write a confusion matrix in Python?

In a general sense, you're going to need to change your probability array. Instead of having one number for each instance and classifying based on whether or not it is greater than 0.5, you're going to need a list of scores (one for each class), then take the largest of the scores as the class that was chosen (a.k.a. argmax).

You could use a dictionary to hold the probabilities for each classification:

prob_arr = [{classification_id: probability}, ...]

Choosing a classification would be something like:

for instance_scores in prob_arr :
    predicted_classes = [cls for (cls, score) in instance_scores.iteritems() if score = max(instance_scores.values())]

This handles the case where two classes have the same scores. You can get one score, by choosing the first one in that list, but how you handle that depends on what you're classifying.

Once you have your list of predicted classes and a list of expected classes you can use code like Torsten Marek's to create the confusion array and calculate the accuracy.

How can I drop a table if there is a foreign key constraint in SQL Server?

1-firstly, drop the foreign key constraint after that drop the tables.

2-you can drop all foreign key via executing the following query:

DECLARE @SQL varchar(4000)=''
@SQL + 'ALTER TABLE ' +'.' + ' DROP CONSTRAINT [' + RTRIM( +'];' + CHAR(13)
FROM sys.Tables t
INNER JOIN sys.foreign_keys f ON f.parent_object_id = t.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas     s ON s.schema_id = f.schema_id



if you execute the printed results @SQL, the foreign keys will be dropped.