Programs & Examples On #Post update

getting error while updating Composer

In php7.2 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and ubuntu 19.04

sudo apt-get install php-gd php-xml php7.2-mbstring

Works like a Charm

How can I resolve "Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages" error?

I solved the same issue setting 'laravel/framework' dependency version from "^8.0" to "^7.0".

After that running composer update --ignore-platform-reqs simply worked


What is the difference between require and require-dev sections in composer.json?

require section This section contains the packages/dependencies which are better candidates to be installed/required in the production environment.

require-dev section: This section contains the packages/dependencies which can be used by the developer to test her code (or to experiment on her local machine and she doesn't want these packages to be installed on the production environment).

How to get list of all installed packages along with version in composer?

You can run composer show -i (short for --installed).

In the latest version just use composer show.

The -i options has been deprecated.

You can also use the global instalation of composer: composer global show

How do I force git pull to overwrite everything on every pull?

If you haven't commit the local changes yet since the last pull/clone, you can use:

git checkout *
git pull

checkout will clear your local changes with the last local commit, and pull will sincronize it to the remote repository

How to print an exception in Python?

In Python 2.6 or greater it's a bit cleaner:

except Exception as e: print(e)

In older versions it's still quite readable:

except Exception, e: print e

How to fix the session_register() deprecated issue?

if you need a fallback function you could use this

function session_register($name){
    global $$name;
    $_SESSION[$name] = $$name;
    $$name = &$_SESSION[$name]; 

C# : 'is' keyword and checking for Not

While this doesn't avoid the problem of parentheses, for the sake of people getting here via Google, it should be mentioned that newer syntax exists (as of C# 7) to make the rest of your code a little cleaner:

if (!(DocumentPart is IContainer container)) { return; }
foreach(DocumentPart child in container.Children) {

This avoids the double-cast, the null-check, and having a variable available in scopes where it could be null.

Select arrow style change

I wanna clear something that no one mention before I think.

  1. First get your svg image or icon
  2. There you will get some xml code like these <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M4 10.127L12 18.127L20 10.127H4Z" fill="#8E8E93"/> </svg> try to find it.
  3. And past it after this code data:image/svg+xml;utf8,
  4. Replace the fill color fill="#8E8E93" to this fill="%238E8E93" If you want to add hexadecmal color you should change # to %23

Here is the html code:

                <label for="editName">Country</label>
                    <select class="ra-select">
                      <option value="bangladesh" selected>Bangladesh</option>
                      <option value="saudi arabia">Saudi Arabia</option>
                      <option value="us">Uinited State Of America</option>
                      <option value="india">India</option>

Here is the css code:

.ra-select {
   width: 30%;
   padding: 10px;
   /* Replace Default styling (arrow) */
   appearance: none;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
   -moz-appearance: none;
   background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M4 10.127L12 18.127L20 10.127H4Z" fill="%238E8E93"/></svg>');
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   background-position-y: 50%;
   background-position-x: 98%;

.ra-select:hover {
   outline: none;
   border: 1px solid #bbb;

.ra-select option {
   background-color: #fff;

What is REST? Slightly confused

REST is a software design pattern typically used for web applications. In layman's terms this means that it is a commonly used idea used in many different projects. It stands for REpresentational State Transfer. The basic idea of REST is treating objects on the server-side (as in rows in a database table) as resources than can be created or destroyed.

The most basic way of thinking about REST is as a way of formatting the URLs of your web applications. For example, if your resource was called "posts", then:

/posts Would be how a user would access ALL the posts, for displaying.

/posts/:id Would be how a user would access and view an individual post, retrieved based on their unique id.

/posts/new Would be how you would display a form for creating a new post.

Sending a POST request to /users would be how you would actually create a new post on the database level.

Sending a PUT request to /users/:id would be how you would update the attributes of a given post, again identified by a unique id.

Sending a DELETE request to /users/:id would be how you would delete a given post, again identified by a unique id.

As I understand it, the REST pattern was mainly popularized (for web apps) by the Ruby on Rails framework, which puts a big emphasis on RESTful routes. I could be wrong about that though.

I may not be the most qualified to talk about it, but this is how I've learned it (specifically for Rails development).

When someone refers to a "REST api," generally what they mean is an api that uses RESTful urls for retrieving data.

Change "on" color of a Switch

Create a custom Switch and override setChecked to change color:

  public class SwitchPlus extends Switch {

    public SwitchPlus(Context context) {

    public SwitchPlus(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public SwitchPlus(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

    public void setChecked(boolean checked) {

    private void changeColor(boolean isChecked) {
            int thumbColor;
            int trackColor;

            if(isChecked) {
                thumbColor = Color.argb(255, 253, 153, 0);
                trackColor = thumbColor;
            } else {
                thumbColor = Color.argb(255, 236, 236, 236);
                trackColor = Color.argb(255, 0, 0, 0);

            try {
                getThumbDrawable().setColorFilter(thumbColor, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);
                getTrackDrawable().setColorFilter(trackColor, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);
            catch (NullPointerException e) {

state machines tutorials

State machines are very simple in C if you use function pointers.

Basically you need 2 arrays - one for state function pointers and one for state transition rules. Every state function returns the code, you lookup state transition table by state and return code to find the next state and then just execute it.

int entry_state(void);
int foo_state(void);
int bar_state(void);
int exit_state(void);

/* array and enum below must be in sync! */
int (* state[])(void) = { entry_state, foo_state, bar_state, exit_state};
enum state_codes { entry, foo, bar, end};

enum ret_codes { ok, fail, repeat};
struct transition {
    enum state_codes src_state;
    enum ret_codes   ret_code;
    enum state_codes dst_state;
/* transitions from end state aren't needed */
struct transition state_transitions[] = {
    {entry, ok,     foo},
    {entry, fail,   end},
    {foo,   ok,     bar},
    {foo,   fail,   end},
    {foo,   repeat, foo},
    {bar,   ok,     end},
    {bar,   fail,   end},
    {bar,   repeat, foo}};

#define EXIT_STATE end
#define ENTRY_STATE entry

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    enum state_codes cur_state = ENTRY_STATE;
    enum ret_codes rc;
    int (* state_fun)(void);

    for (;;) {
        state_fun = state[cur_state];
        rc = state_fun();
        if (EXIT_STATE == cur_state)
        cur_state = lookup_transitions(cur_state, rc);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I don't put lookup_transitions() function as it is trivial.

That's the way I do state machines for years.

Connect Bluestacks to Android Studio

world !

No need to do execute batch command. With the current version, just run BLUESTACKS before ANDROID STUDIO

SQLAlchemy: print the actual query

In the vast majority of cases, the "stringification" of a SQLAlchemy statement or query is as simple as:


This applies both to an ORM Query as well as any select() or other statement.

Note: the following detailed answer is being maintained on the sqlalchemy documentation.

To get the statement as compiled to a specific dialect or engine, if the statement itself is not already bound to one you can pass this in to compile():


or without an engine:

from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql

When given an ORM Query object, in order to get at the compile() method we only need access the .statement accessor first:

statement = query.statement

with regards to the original stipulation that bound parameters are to be "inlined" into the final string, the challenge here is that SQLAlchemy normally is not tasked with this, as this is handled appropriately by the Python DBAPI, not to mention bypassing bound parameters is probably the most widely exploited security holes in modern web applications. SQLAlchemy has limited ability to do this stringification in certain circumstances such as that of emitting DDL. In order to access this functionality one can use the 'literal_binds' flag, passed to compile_kwargs:

from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column, select

t = table('t', column('x'))

s = select([t]).where(t.c.x == 5)

print(s.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))

the above approach has the caveats that it is only supported for basic types, such as ints and strings, and furthermore if a bindparam without a pre-set value is used directly, it won't be able to stringify that either.

To support inline literal rendering for types not supported, implement a TypeDecorator for the target type which includes a TypeDecorator.process_literal_param method:

from sqlalchemy import TypeDecorator, Integer

class MyFancyType(TypeDecorator):
    impl = Integer

    def process_literal_param(self, value, dialect):
        return "my_fancy_formatting(%s)" % value

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData

tab = Table('mytable', MetaData(), Column('x', MyFancyType()))

print( > 5).compile(
        compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})

producing output like:

SELECT mytable.x
FROM mytable
WHERE mytable.x > my_fancy_formatting(5)

Matplotlib scatter plot legend

Here's an easier way of doing this (source: here):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import rand

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
    n = 750
    x, y = rand(2, n)
    scale = 200.0 * rand(n)
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=color, s=scale, label=color,
               alpha=0.3, edgecolors='none')


And you'll get this:

enter image description here

Take a look at here for legend properties

What is causing the error `string.split is not a function`?


string = document.location.href;
arrayOfStrings = string.toString().split('/');

assuming you want the current url

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude$Value

Jackson marshalling/unmarshalling requires following jar files of same version.

  1. jackson-core

  2. jackson-databind

  3. jackson-annotations

    Make sure that you have added all these with same version in your classpath. In your case jackson-annotations is missing in classpath.

Change multiple files

Another more versatile way is to use find:

sed -i 's/asd/dsg/g' $(find . -type f -name 'xa*')

What is the problem with shadowing names defined in outer scopes?

data = [4, 5, 6] # Your global variable

def print_data(data): # <-- Pass in a parameter called "data"
    print data  # <-- Note: You can access global variable inside your function, BUT for now, which is which? the parameter or the global variable? Confused, huh?


Is the NOLOCK (Sql Server hint) bad practice?

I believe that it is virtually never correct to use nolock.

If you are reading a single row, then the correct index means that you won't need NOLOCK as individual row actions are completed quickly.

If you are reading many rows for anything other than temporary display, and care about being able repeat the result, or defend by the number produced, then NOLOCK is not appropriate.

NOLOCK is a surrogate tag for "i don't care if this answer contains duplicate rows, rows which are deleted, or rows which were never inserted to begin with because of rollback"

Errors which are possible under NOLOCK:

  • Rows which match are not returned at all.
  • single rows are returned multiple times (including multiple instances of the same primary key)
  • Rows which do not match are returned.

Any action which can cause a page split while the noLock select is running can cause these things to occur. Almost any action (even a delete) can cause a page split.

Therefore: if you "know" that the row won't be changed while you are running, don't use nolock, as an index will allow efficient retrieval.

If you suspect the row can change while the query is running, and you care about accuracy, don't use nolock.

If you are considering NOLOCK because of deadlocks, examine the query plan structure for unexpected table scans, trace the deadlocks and see why they occur. NOLOCK around writes can mean that queries which previously deadlocked will potentially both write the wrong answer.

_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

You can solve it by adding these two lines in the VERY beginning of your .py script.

import matplotlib

PS: The error will still exists if these two lines are not added in the very beginning of the source code.

How to use ADB in Android Studio to view an SQLite DB

Depending on devices you might not find sqlite3 command in adb shell. In that case you might want to follow this :

adb shell

$ run-as
$ cd ./databases/
$ ls -l #Find the current permissions - r=4, w=2, x=1
$ chmod 666 ./dbname.db
$ exit
$ exit
adb pull /data/data/ ~/Desktop/
adb push ~/Desktop/dbname.db /data/data/
adb shell
$ run-as
$ chmod 660 ./databases/dbname.db #Restore original permissions
$ exit
$ exit

for reference go to

There might be cases when you get "remote object not found" after following above procedure. Then change permission of your database folder to 755 in adb shell.

$ chmod 755 databases/

But please mind that it'll work only on android version < 21.

Remove all of x axis labels in ggplot

You have to set to element_blank() in theme() elements you need to remove

ggplot(data = diamonds, mapping = aes(x = clarity)) + geom_bar(aes(fill = cut))+

Mongoose delete array element in document and save

You can also do the update directly in MongoDB without having to load the document and modify it using code. Use the $pull or $pullAll operators to remove the item from the array :

Favorite.updateOne( {cn:}, { $pullAll: {uid: [req.params.deleteUid] } } )

(you can also use updateMany for multiple documents)

Listing files in a directory matching a pattern in Java

See File#listFiles(FilenameFilter).

File dir = new File(".");
File [] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
    public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        return name.endsWith(".xml");

for (File xmlfile : files) {

Removing input background colour for Chrome autocomplete?

input:-webkit-autofill {
  border: none;
  border-radius: .3rem;
  caret-color: #fff; /* Pour le I quand on édite */
  color: #fff;
  background: #292a2d;
  /* webkit autofill */
  -webkit-text-fill-color: #fff; /* Surcharge la font color d'autofill */
  -webkit-background-clip: text; /* Supprime le background autofill, utile pour le border radius */
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 50px #292a2d inset; /* Ajoute un fake background à base d'ombrage aplatit */

In ASP.NET MVC: All possible ways to call Controller Action Method from a Razor View

Method 1 : Using jQuery Ajax Get call (partial page update).

Suitable for when you need to retrieve jSon data from database.

Controller's Action Method

public ActionResult Foo(string id)
    var person = Something.GetPersonByID(id);
    return Json(person, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Jquery GET

function getPerson(id) {
        url: '@Url.Action("Foo", "SomeController")',
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        // we set cache: false because GET requests are often cached by browsers
        // IE is particularly aggressive in that respect
        cache: false,
        data: { id: id },
        success: function(person) {

Person class

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

Method 2 : Using jQuery Ajax Post call (partial page update).

Suitable for when you need to do partial page post data into database.

Post method is also same like above just replace [HttpPost] on Action method and type as post for jquery method.

For more information check Posting JSON Data to MVC Controllers Here

Method 3 : As a Form post scenario (full page update).

Suitable for when you need to save or update data into database.


@using (Html.BeginForm("SaveData","ControllerName", FormMethod.Post))
    @Html.TextBoxFor(model => m.Text)
    <input type="submit" value="Save" />

Action Method

public ActionResult SaveData(FormCollection form)
        // Get movie to update
        return View();

Method 4 : As a Form Get scenario (full page update).

Suitable for when you need to Get data from database

Get method also same like above just replace [HttpGet] on Action method and FormMethod.Get for View's form method.

I hope this will help to you.

How to apply filters to *ngFor?

Ideally you should create angualr 2 pipe for that. But you can do this trick.

<ng-container *ngFor="item in itemsList">

Hide Show content-list with only CSS, no javascript used

Nowadays (2020) you can do this with pure HTML5 and you don't need JavaScript or CSS3.

<summary>Put your summary here</summary>
<p>Put your content here!</p>

How can I run Android emulator for Intel x86 Atom without hardware acceleration on Windows 8 for API 21 and 19?

You can still force the use of the soft x86 emulator by running it from the command line and using the -no-accel option, i.e. from the SDK/tools directory:

emulator -avd AVD_NAME -memory 768 -no-accel -gpu on

BUT this still won't work with the current (V24) SDK, because the current x86 system images crash the soft x86 emulator :-(

The only way I got this working again was to downgrade the SDK tools to V22.3 from here: and to buld an AVD using a downgraded system image, for instance (So this is no help if you need to test on more recent versions of Android).

Google have moved on to an updated version of their emulator based on a more recent version of qemu, and provide binaries for arm and mips emulators, but have omitted to ship the x86 equivalent (there is no emulator-ranchu-x86.exe and emulator64-ranchu-x86.exe). If they did so, or if someone else went to the trouble of setting up and compiling their emulator source with the "x86" flag on, then _x86 soft emulation could conceivably be made to work again.

Zipping a file in bash fails

Run dos2unix or similar utility on it to remove the carriage returns (^M).

This message indicates that your file has dos-style lineendings:

-bash: /backup/ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 

Utilities like dos2unix will fix it:

 dos2unix <backup.bash > 

Or, if no such utility is installed, you can accomplish the same thing with translate:

tr -d "\015\032" <backup.bash > 

As for how those characters got there in the first place, @MadPhysicist had some good comments.

Initialize/reset struct to zero/null

I believe you can just assign the empty set ({}) to your variable.

struct x instance;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    instance = {};
    /* Do Calculations */

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

I got this error in an Ubuntu Docker container. I believe the cause was that the container was missing CA certs. To fix it, I had to run:

apt-get update
apt-get install ca-certificates

Advantages of SQL Server 2008 over SQL Server 2005?

Someone with more reputation can copy this into the main answer:

  • Change Tracking. Allows you to get info on what changes happened to which rows since a specific version.
  • Change Data Capture. Allows all changes to be captured and queried. (Enterprise)

How to change status bar color in Flutter?

Works for both iOS and Android

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {

  return Scaffold();

how to deal with google map inside of a hidden div (Updated picture)

Just tested it myself and here's how I approached it. Pretty straight forward, let me know if you need any clarification


<div id="map_canvas" style="width:700px; height:500px; margin-left:80px;" ></div>
<button onclick="displayMap()">Show Map</button>


<style type="text/css">
#map_canvas {display:none;}


function displayMap()
    document.getElementById( 'map_canvas' ).style.display = "block";
function initialize()
    // create the map
    var myOptions = {
        zoom: 14,
        center: new google.maps.LatLng( 0.0, 0.0 ),
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
    map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( "map_canvas" ),myOptions );

Read file from aws s3 bucket using node fs

I couldn't figure why yet, but the createReadStream/pipe approach didn't work for me. I was trying to download a large CSV file (300MB+) and I got duplicated lines. It seemed a random issue. The final file size varied in each attempt to download it.

I ended up using another way, based on AWS JS SDK examples:

var s3 = new AWS.S3();
var params = {Bucket: 'myBucket', Key: 'myImageFile.jpg'};
var file = require('fs').createWriteStream('/path/to/file.jpg');

    on('httpData', function(chunk) { file.write(chunk); }).
    on('httpDone', function() { file.end(); }).

This way, it worked like a charm.

How can I search (case-insensitive) in a column using LIKE wildcard?


SELECT * FROM trees WHERE trees.`title` ILIKE '%elm%';

it worked for me !!

How to replace NaNs by preceding values in pandas DataFrame?

The accepted answer is perfect. I had a related but slightly different situation where I had to fill in forward but only within groups. In case someone has the same need, know that fillna works on a DataFrameGroupBy object.

>>> example = pd.DataFrame({'number':[0,1,2,nan,4,nan,6,7,8,9],'name':list('aaabbbcccc')})
>>> example
  name  number
0    a     0.0
1    a     1.0
2    a     2.0
3    b     NaN
4    b     4.0
5    b     NaN
6    c     6.0
7    c     7.0
8    c     8.0
9    c     9.0
>>> example.groupby('name')['number'].fillna(method='ffill') # fill in row 5 but not row 3
0    0.0
1    1.0
2    2.0
3    NaN
4    4.0
5    4.0
6    6.0
7    7.0
8    8.0
9    9.0
Name: number, dtype: float64

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

I took the content above and changed it around a bit. I like positive logic first, and I thought a HashSet might give better performance than some other options, like searching through a String. Although, I'm not sure if the autoboxing penalty is worth it, but if the compiler optimizes for ASCII chars, then the cost of boxing will be low.

 * Replaces any character not specifically unreserved to an equivalent 
 * percent sequence.
 * @param s
 * @return
public static String encodeURIcomponent(String s)
    StringBuilder o = new StringBuilder();
    for (char ch : s.toCharArray()) {
        if (isSafe(ch)) {
        else {
            o.append(toHex(ch / 16));
            o.append(toHex(ch % 16));
    return o.toString();

private static char toHex(int ch)
    return (char)(ch < 10 ? '0' + ch : 'A' + ch - 10);

public static final HashSet<Character> UnreservedChars = new HashSet<Character>(Arrays.asList(
public static boolean isSafe(char ch)
    return UnreservedChars.contains(ch);

MySQL limit from descending order

Let's say we have a table with a column time and you want the last 5 entries, but you want them returned to you in asc order, not desc, this is how you do it:

select * from ( select * from `table` order by `time` desc limit 5 ) t order by `time` asc

Android change SDK version in Eclipse? Unable to resolve target android-x

Goto project -->properties --> (in the dialog box that opens goto Java build path), and in order and export select android 4.1 (your new version) and select dependencies.

MySQL Select Multiple VALUES

Try or:

WHERE id = 3 or id = 4

Or the equivalent in:

WHERE id in (3,4)

How do I include negative decimal numbers in this regular expression?

This will allow both positive and negative integers


static linking only some libraries

Some loaders (linkers) provide switches for turning dynamic loading on and off. If GCC is running on such a system (Solaris - and possibly others), then you can use the relevant option.

If you know which libraries you want to link statically, you can simply specify the static library file in the link line - by full path.

Split string in C every white space

malloc(0) may (optionally) return NULL, depending on the implementation. Do you realize why you may be calling malloc(0)? Or more precisely, do you see where you are reading and writing beyond the size of your arrays?

ios Upload Image and Text using HTTP POST

Here's code from my app to post an image to our web server:

// Dictionary that holds post parameters. You can set your post parameters that your server accepts or programmed to accept.
NSMutableDictionary* _params = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[_params setObject:[NSString stringWithString:@"1.0"] forKey:[NSString stringWithString:@"ver"]];
[_params setObject:[NSString stringWithString:@"en"] forKey:[NSString stringWithString:@"lan"]];
[_params setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", userId] forKey:[NSString stringWithString:@"userId"]];
[_params setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",title] forKey:[NSString stringWithString:@"title"]];

// the boundary string : a random string, that will not repeat in post data, to separate post data fields.
NSString *BoundaryConstant = [NSString stringWithString:@"----------V2ymHFg03ehbqgZCaKO6jy"];

// string constant for the post parameter 'file'. My server uses this name: `file`. Your's may differ 
NSString* FileParamConstant = [NSString stringWithString:@"file"];

// the server url to which the image (or the media) is uploaded. Use your server url here
NSURL* requestURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; 

// create request
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];                                    
[request setCachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData];
[request setHTTPShouldHandleCookies:NO];
[request setTimeoutInterval:30];
[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];

// set Content-Type in HTTP header
NSString *contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/form-data; boundary=%@", BoundaryConstant];
[request setValue:contentType forHTTPHeaderField: @"Content-Type"];

// post body
NSMutableData *body = [NSMutableData data];

// add params (all params are strings)
for (NSString *param in _params) {
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@\r\n", BoundaryConstant] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\"\r\n\r\n", param] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n", [_params objectForKey:param]] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

// add image data
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imageToPost, 1.0);
if (imageData) {
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@\r\n", BoundaryConstant] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\"; filename=\"image.jpg\"\r\n", FileParamConstant] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithString:@"Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n"] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:imageData];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n"] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

[body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@--\r\n", BoundaryConstant] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

// setting the body of the post to the reqeust
[request setHTTPBody:body];

// set the content-length
NSString *postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long) [body length]];
[request setValue:postLength forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Length"];

// set URL
[request setURL:requestURL];

What version of MongoDB is installed on Ubuntu

When you entered in mongo shell using "mongo" command , that time only you will notice

MongoDB shell version v3.4.0-rc2
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.0-rc2

also you can try command,in mongo shell , db.version()

How do I cancel a build that is in progress in Visual Studio?

Ctrl + End works for me on Visual C++ 2010 Express.

How do I fix the error "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"?

You are debugging two or more times. so the application may run more at a time. Then only this issue will occur. You should close all debugging applications using task-manager, Then debug again.

Django: Get list of model fields?

At least with Django 1.9.9 -- the version I'm currently using --, note that .get_fields() actually also "considers" any foreign model as a field, which may be problematic. Say you have:

class Parent(models.Model):
    id = UUIDField(primary_key=True)

class Child(models.Model):
    parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent)

It follows that

>>> map(lambda, Parent._model._meta.get_fields())
['id', 'child']

while, as shown by @Rockallite

>>> map(lambda, Parent._model._meta.local_fields)

Using LINQ to concatenate strings

Real example from my code:

return selected.Select(query => query.Name).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);

A query is an object that has a Name property which is a string, and I want the names of all the queries on the selected list, separated by commas.

Read and parse a Json File in C#

For any of the JSON parse, use the website (easiest way) to convert your JSON into C# class to deserialize your JSON into C# object.

 public class JSONClass
        public string name { get; set; }
        public string url { get; set; }
        public bool visibility { get; set; }
        public string idField { get; set; }
        public bool defaultEvents { get; set; }
        public string type { get; set; }        

Then use the JavaScriptSerializer (from System.Web.Script.Serialization), in case you don't want any third party DLL like newtonsoft.

using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("jsonfile.json"))
   string json = r.ReadToEnd();
   JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
   var Items = jss.Deserialize<JSONClass>(json);

Then you can get your object with or Items.Url etc.

mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource

As explained, the query might fail. Use this code the get the error of the query or the correct result:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

$result = mysql_query("
WHERE UserName LIKE '".mysql_real_escape_string($username)."'

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        echo $row['FirstName'];
} else {
    echo 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
    echo 'Whole query: ' . $query; 

See the documentation for mysql_query() for further information.

The actual error was the single quotes so that the variable $username was not parsed. But you should really use mysql_real_escape_string($username) to avoid SQL injections.

Remove a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

Try this. Just pass in the param you want to remove from the URL and the original URL value, and the function will strip it out for you.

function removeParam(key, sourceURL) {
    var rtn = sourceURL.split("?")[0],
        params_arr = [],
        queryString = (sourceURL.indexOf("?") !== -1) ? sourceURL.split("?")[1] : "";
    if (queryString !== "") {
        params_arr = queryString.split("&");
        for (var i = params_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
            param = params_arr[i].split("=")[0];
            if (param === key) {
                params_arr.splice(i, 1);
        if (params_arr.length) rtn = rtn + "?" + params_arr.join("&");
    return rtn;

To use it, simply do something like this:

var originalURL = "";
var alteredURL = removeParam("color_id", originalURL);

The var alteredURL will be the output you desire.

Hope it helps!

How Best to Compare Two Collections in Java and Act on Them?

I'd move to lists and solve it this way:

  1. Sort both lists by id ascending using custom Comparator if objects in lists aren't Comparable
  2. Iterate over elements in both lists like in merge phase in merge sort algorithm, but instead of merging lists, you check your logic.

The code would be more or less like this:

/* Main method */
private void execute(Collection<Foo> oldSet, Collection<Foo> newSet) {
  List<Foo> oldList = asSortedList(oldSet);
  List<Foo> newList = asSortedList(newSet);

  int oldIndex = 0;
  int newIndex = 0;
  // Iterate over both collections but not always in the same pace
  while( oldIndex < oldList.size() 
      && newIndex < newIndex.size())  {
    Foo oldObject = oldList.get(oldIndex);
    Foo newObject = newList.get(newIndex);

    // Your logic here
    if(oldObject.getId() < newObject.getId()) {
    } else if( oldObject.getId() > newObject.getId() ) {
    } else if( oldObject.getId() == newObject.getId() 
            && isModified(oldObject, newObject) ) {
      doUpdate(oldObject, newObject);
    } else {
  }// while

  // Check if there are any objects left in *oldList* or *newList*

  for(; oldIndex < oldList.size(); oldIndex++ ) {
    doRemove( oldList.get(oldIndex) );  
  }// for( oldIndex )

  for(; newIndex < newList.size(); newIndex++ ) {
    doAdd( newList.get(newIndex) );
  }// for( newIndex ) 
}// execute( oldSet, newSet )

/** Create sorted list from collection 
    If you actually perform any actions on input collections than you should 
    always return new instance of list to keep algorithm simple.
private List<Foo> asSortedList(Collection<Foo> data) {
  List<Foo> resultList;
  if(data instanceof List) {
     resultList = (List<Foo>)data;
  } else {
     resultList = new ArrayList<Foo>(data);
  return resultList;

Disable hover effects on mobile browsers

Try this easy 2019 jquery solution, although its been around a while;

  1. add this plugin to head:


  2. add this to js:

    $("*").on("touchend", function(e) { $(this).focus(); }); //applies to all elements

  3. some suggested variations to this are:

    $(":input, :checkbox,").on("touchend", function(e) {(this).focus);}); //specify elements
    $("*").on("click, touchend", function(e) { $(this).focus(); });  //include click event`
    css: body { cursor: pointer; } //touch anywhere to end a focus`


  • place plugin before bootstrap.js, if applicable, to avoid affecting tooltips
  • only tested on iphone XR ios 12.1.12, and ipad 3 ios 9.3.5, using Safari or Chrome.


PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

Use LOWER function to convert the strings to lower case before comparing.

Try this:

  FROM groups
 WHERE LOWER(name)=LOWER('Administrator')

Express: How to pass app-instance to routes from a different file?

Like I said in the comments, you can use a function as module.exports. A function is also an object, so you don't have to change your syntax.


var controllers = require('./controllers')({app: app});


module.exports = function(params)
    return require('controllers/index')(params);


function controllers(params)
  var app =;

  controllers.posts = require('./posts');

  controllers.index = function(req, res) {
    // code

module.exports = controllers;

How do I use a regex in a shell script?

I think this is what you want:


echo "$1" | grep -P -q $REGEX_DATE
echo $?

I've used the -P switch to get perl regex.

Plot multiple lines in one graph

The answer by @Federico Giorgi was a very good answer. It helpt me. Therefore, I did the following, in order to produce multiple lines in the same plot from the data of a single dataset, I used a for loop. Legend can be added as well.

plot(tab[,1],type="b",col="red",lty=1,lwd=2, ylim=c( min( tab, na.rm=T ),max( tab, na.rm=T ) )  )
for( i in 1:length( tab )) { [enter image description here][1]

What's the fastest algorithm for sorting a linked list?

Here's an implementation that traverses the list just once, collecting runs, then schedules the merges in the same way that mergesort does.

Complexity is O(n log m) where n is the number of items and m is the number of runs. Best case is O(n) (if the data is already sorted) and worst case is O(n log n) as expected.

It requires O(log m) temporary memory; the sort is done in-place on the lists.

(updated below. commenter one makes a good point that I should describe it here)

The gist of the algorithm is:

    while list not empty
        accumulate a run from the start of the list
        merge the run with a stack of merges that simulate mergesort's recursion
    merge all remaining items on the stack

Accumulating runs doesn't require much explanation, but it's good to take the opportunity to accumulate both ascending runs and descending runs (reversed). Here it prepends items smaller than the head of the run and appends items greater than or equal to the end of the run. (Note that prepending should use strict less-than to preserve sort stability.)

It's easiest to just paste the merging code here:

    int i = 0;
    for ( ; i < stack.size(); ++i) {
        if (!stack[i])
        run = merge(run, stack[i], comp);
        stack[i] = nullptr;
    if (i < stack.size()) {
        stack[i] = run;
    } else {

Consider sorting the list (d a g i b e c f j h) (ignoring runs). The stack states proceed as follows:

    [ ]
    [ (d) ]
    [ () (a d) ]
    [ (g), (a d) ]
    [ () () (a d g i) ]
    [ (b) () (a d g i) ]
    [ () (b e) (a d g i) ]
    [ (c) (b e) (a d g i ) ]
    [ () () () (a b c d e f g i) ]
    [ (j) () () (a b c d e f g i) ]
    [ () (h j) () (a b c d e f g i) ]

Then, finally, merge all these lists.

Note that the number of items (runs) at stack[i] is either zero or 2^i and the stack size is bounded by 1+log2(nruns). Each element is merged once per stack level, hence O(n log m) comparisons. There's a passing similarity to Timsort here, though Timsort maintains its stack using something like a Fibonacci sequence where this uses powers of two.

Accumulating runs takes advantage of any already sorted data so that best case complexity is O(n) for an already sorted list (one run). Since we're accumulating both ascending and descending runs, runs will always be at least length 2. (This reduces the maximum stack depth by at least one, paying for the cost of finding the runs in the first place.) Worst case complexity is O(n log n), as expected, for data that is highly randomized.

(Um... Second update.)

Or just see wikipedia on bottom-up mergesort.

how to get right offset of an element? - jQuery

Actually these only work when the window isn't scrolled at all from the top left position.
You have to subtract the window scroll values to get an offset that's useful for repositioning elements so they stay on the page:

var offset = $('#whatever').offset();

offset.right = ($(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft()) - (offset.left + $('#whatever').outerWidth(true));
offset.bottom = ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop()) - ( + $('#whatever').outerHeight(true));

What's the best way to dedupe a table?

Ran into the problem today, none of the existing answers helped me. Assume you want to deduplicate your table named your_table.

Step 1: Create a new table with deduped values

If borrowed this code from somewhere else on StackOverflow but can't seem to find it again. It works fine against PostgreSQL. It creates a table your_table_deduped where (col1, col2) are unique.

CREATE TABLE your_table_deduped AS
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE ctid NOT IN
    (PARTITION BY col1, col2 ORDER BY ctid) AS rnum
  FROM your_table) t
WHERE t.rnum > 1);

Step 2: Replace your first table with the deduped copy

We only delete the values in this step, because it allows us to keep the indexes, constraints, etc. in your table.

DELETE FROM your_table;
INSERT INTO your_table
SELECT * FROM your_table_deduped;

Step 3: Delete the deduped copy

DROP TABLE site_daily_kpis_dedup;

And voila, you have deduplicated your table!

Hide div by default and show it on click with bootstrap

Here I propose a way to do this exclusively using the Bootstrap framework built-in functionality.

  1. You need to make sure the target div has an ID.
  2. Bootstrap has a class "collapse", this will hide your block by default. If you want your div to be collapsible AND be shown by default you need to add "in" class to the collapse. Otherwise the toggle behavior will not work properly.
  3. Then, on your hyperlink (also works for buttons), add an href attribute that points to your target div.
  4. Finally, add the attribute data-toggle="collapse" to instruct Bootstrap to add an appropriate toggle script to this tag.

Here is a code sample than can be copy-pasted directly on a page that already includes Bootstrap framework (up to version 3.4.1):

<a href="#Foo" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="collapse">Toggle Foo</a>
<button href="#Bar" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="collapse">Toggle Bar</button>
<div id="Foo" class="collapse">
    This div (Foo) is hidden by default
<div id="Bar" class="collapse in">
    This div (Bar) is shown by default and can toggle

Classpath resource not found when running as jar

to get list of data from src/main/resources/data folder --
first of all mention your folder location in properties file as - 

inside class declare your location. 

    private String location;

    private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

public void readallfilesfromresources() {
       Resource[] resources;

        try {
            resources = ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader).getResources("classpath:" + location + "/*.json");
            for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
                try {
                InputStream is = resources[i].getInputStream();
                byte[] encoded = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
                String content = new String(encoded, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

Requery a subform from another form?

Just discovered that if the source table for a subform is updated using adodb, it takes a while until the requery can find the updated information.

In my case, I was adding some records with 'dbconn.execute "sql" ' and wondered why the requery command in vba doesn't seem to work. When I was debugging, the requery worked. Added a 2-3 second wait in the code before requery just to test made a difference.

But changing to 'currentdb.execute "sql" ' fixed the problem immediately.

What do hjust and vjust do when making a plot using ggplot?

The value of hjust and vjust are only defined between 0 and 1:

  • 0 means left-justified
  • 1 means right-justified

Source: ggplot2, Hadley Wickham, page 196

(Yes, I know that in most cases you can use it beyond this range, but don't expect it to behave in any specific way. This is outside spec.)

hjust controls horizontal justification and vjust controls vertical justification.

An example should make this clear:

td <- expand.grid(
    hjust=c(0, 0.5, 1),
    vjust=c(0, 0.5, 1),
    angle=c(0, 45, 90),

ggplot(td, aes(x=hjust, y=vjust)) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_text(aes(label=text, angle=angle, hjust=hjust, vjust=vjust)) + 
    facet_grid(~angle) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1), expand=c(0, 0.2)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1), expand=c(0, 0.2))

enter image description here

To understand what happens when you change the hjust in axis text, you need to understand that the horizontal alignment for axis text is defined in relation not to the x-axis, but to the entire plot (where this includes the y-axis text). (This is, in my view, unfortunate. It would be much more useful to have the alignment relative to the axis.)

DF <- data.frame(x=LETTERS[1:3],y=1:3)
p <- ggplot(DF, aes(x,y)) + geom_point() + 
    ylab("Very long label for y") +

p1 <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=0)) + xlab("X-axis at hjust=0")
p2 <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=0.5)) + xlab("X-axis at hjust=0.5")
p3 <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=1)) + xlab("X-axis at hjust=1")

align.plots(p1, p2, p3)

enter image description here

To explore what happens with vjust aligment of axis labels:

DF <- data.frame(x=c("a\na","b","cdefghijk","l"),y=1:4)
p <- ggplot(DF, aes(x,y)) + geom_point()

p1 <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=0, colour="red")) + 
        xlab("X-axis labels aligned with vjust=0")
p2 <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=0.5, colour="red")) + 
        xlab("X-axis labels aligned with vjust=0.5")
p3 <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=1, colour="red")) + 
        xlab("X-axis labels aligned with vjust=1")

align.plots(p1, p2, p3)

enter image description here

Inserting an item in a Tuple

t = (1,2,3,4,5)

t= t + (6,7)

output :


Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with JavaScript

You could always listen to the window resize event. If, on that event, the window went from being taller than it is wide to wider than it is tall (or vice versa), you can be pretty sure the phone orientation was just changed.

what's the differences between r and rb in fopen

This makes a difference on Windows, at least. See that link for details.

How to use a WSDL

If you want to add wsdl reference in .Net Core project, there is no "Add web reference" option.

To add the wsdl reference go to Solution Explorer, right-click on the References project item and then click on the Add Connected Service option.

enter image description here

Then click 'Microsoft WCF Web Service Reference':

enter image description here

Enter the file path into URI text box and import the WSDL:

enter image description here

It will generate a simple, very basic WCF client and you to use it something like this:

YourServiceClient client = new YourServiceClient();

C++11 rvalues and move semantics confusion (return statement)

As already mentioned in comments to the first answer, the return std::move(...); construct can make a difference in cases other than returning of local variables. Here's a runnable example that documents what happens when you return a member object with and without std::move():

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

struct A {
  A() = default;
  A(const A&) { std::cout << "A copied\n"; }
  A(A&&) { std::cout << "A moved\n"; }

class B {
  A a;
  operator A() const & { std::cout << "B C-value: "; return a; }
  operator A() & { std::cout << "B L-value: "; return a; }
  operator A() && { std::cout << "B R-value: "; return a; }

class C {
  A a;
  operator A() const & { std::cout << "C C-value: "; return std::move(a); }
  operator A() & { std::cout << "C L-value: "; return std::move(a); }
  operator A() && { std::cout << "C R-value: "; return std::move(a); }

int main() {
  // Non-constant L-values
  B b;
  C c;
  A{b};    // B L-value: A copied
  A{c};    // C L-value: A moved

  // R-values
  A{B{}};  // B R-value: A copied
  A{C{}};  // C R-value: A moved

  // Constant L-values
  const B bc;
  const C cc;
  A{bc};   // B C-value: A copied
  A{cc};   // C C-value: A copied

  return 0;

Presumably, return std::move(some_member); only makes sense if you actually want to move the particular class member, e.g. in a case where class C represents short-lived adapter objects with the sole purpose of creating instances of struct A.

Notice how struct A always gets copied out of class B, even when the class B object is an R-value. This is because the compiler has no way to tell that class B's instance of struct A won't be used any more. In class C, the compiler does have this information from std::move(), which is why struct A gets moved, unless the instance of class C is constant.

Import existing Gradle Git project into Eclipse

You can do the following steps:

  1. Install the Buildship Gradle Integration using the Eclipse Marketplace. Simply type Buildship and click on search item. Now click on Install.

  2. Click on File -> Import ? Existing Gradle Project.

  3. Navigate to project root directory.

  4. Click on a finish to load your project.

Might be it will take some time for the first time to import Gradle project. So please be patient on it.

Named colors in matplotlib

Matplotlib uses a dictionary from its module.

To print the names use:

# python2:

import matplotlib
for name, hex in matplotlib.colors.cnames.iteritems():
    print(name, hex)

# python3:

import matplotlib
for name, hex in matplotlib.colors.cnames.items():
    print(name, hex)

This is the complete dictionary:

cnames = {
'aliceblue':            '#F0F8FF',
'antiquewhite':         '#FAEBD7',
'aqua':                 '#00FFFF',
'aquamarine':           '#7FFFD4',
'azure':                '#F0FFFF',
'beige':                '#F5F5DC',
'bisque':               '#FFE4C4',
'black':                '#000000',
'blanchedalmond':       '#FFEBCD',
'blue':                 '#0000FF',
'blueviolet':           '#8A2BE2',
'brown':                '#A52A2A',
'burlywood':            '#DEB887',
'cadetblue':            '#5F9EA0',
'chartreuse':           '#7FFF00',
'chocolate':            '#D2691E',
'coral':                '#FF7F50',
'cornflowerblue':       '#6495ED',
'cornsilk':             '#FFF8DC',
'crimson':              '#DC143C',
'cyan':                 '#00FFFF',
'darkblue':             '#00008B',
'darkcyan':             '#008B8B',
'darkgoldenrod':        '#B8860B',
'darkgray':             '#A9A9A9',
'darkgreen':            '#006400',
'darkkhaki':            '#BDB76B',
'darkmagenta':          '#8B008B',
'darkolivegreen':       '#556B2F',
'darkorange':           '#FF8C00',
'darkorchid':           '#9932CC',
'darkred':              '#8B0000',
'darksalmon':           '#E9967A',
'darkseagreen':         '#8FBC8F',
'darkslateblue':        '#483D8B',
'darkslategray':        '#2F4F4F',
'darkturquoise':        '#00CED1',
'darkviolet':           '#9400D3',
'deeppink':             '#FF1493',
'deepskyblue':          '#00BFFF',
'dimgray':              '#696969',
'dodgerblue':           '#1E90FF',
'firebrick':            '#B22222',
'floralwhite':          '#FFFAF0',
'forestgreen':          '#228B22',
'fuchsia':              '#FF00FF',
'gainsboro':            '#DCDCDC',
'ghostwhite':           '#F8F8FF',
'gold':                 '#FFD700',
'goldenrod':            '#DAA520',
'gray':                 '#808080',
'green':                '#008000',
'greenyellow':          '#ADFF2F',
'honeydew':             '#F0FFF0',
'hotpink':              '#FF69B4',
'indianred':            '#CD5C5C',
'indigo':               '#4B0082',
'ivory':                '#FFFFF0',
'khaki':                '#F0E68C',
'lavender':             '#E6E6FA',
'lavenderblush':        '#FFF0F5',
'lawngreen':            '#7CFC00',
'lemonchiffon':         '#FFFACD',
'lightblue':            '#ADD8E6',
'lightcoral':           '#F08080',
'lightcyan':            '#E0FFFF',
'lightgoldenrodyellow': '#FAFAD2',
'lightgreen':           '#90EE90',
'lightgray':            '#D3D3D3',
'lightpink':            '#FFB6C1',
'lightsalmon':          '#FFA07A',
'lightseagreen':        '#20B2AA',
'lightskyblue':         '#87CEFA',
'lightslategray':       '#778899',
'lightsteelblue':       '#B0C4DE',
'lightyellow':          '#FFFFE0',
'lime':                 '#00FF00',
'limegreen':            '#32CD32',
'linen':                '#FAF0E6',
'magenta':              '#FF00FF',
'maroon':               '#800000',
'mediumaquamarine':     '#66CDAA',
'mediumblue':           '#0000CD',
'mediumorchid':         '#BA55D3',
'mediumpurple':         '#9370DB',
'mediumseagreen':       '#3CB371',
'mediumslateblue':      '#7B68EE',
'mediumspringgreen':    '#00FA9A',
'mediumturquoise':      '#48D1CC',
'mediumvioletred':      '#C71585',
'midnightblue':         '#191970',
'mintcream':            '#F5FFFA',
'mistyrose':            '#FFE4E1',
'moccasin':             '#FFE4B5',
'navajowhite':          '#FFDEAD',
'navy':                 '#000080',
'oldlace':              '#FDF5E6',
'olive':                '#808000',
'olivedrab':            '#6B8E23',
'orange':               '#FFA500',
'orangered':            '#FF4500',
'orchid':               '#DA70D6',
'palegoldenrod':        '#EEE8AA',
'palegreen':            '#98FB98',
'paleturquoise':        '#AFEEEE',
'palevioletred':        '#DB7093',
'papayawhip':           '#FFEFD5',
'peachpuff':            '#FFDAB9',
'peru':                 '#CD853F',
'pink':                 '#FFC0CB',
'plum':                 '#DDA0DD',
'powderblue':           '#B0E0E6',
'purple':               '#800080',
'red':                  '#FF0000',
'rosybrown':            '#BC8F8F',
'royalblue':            '#4169E1',
'saddlebrown':          '#8B4513',
'salmon':               '#FA8072',
'sandybrown':           '#FAA460',
'seagreen':             '#2E8B57',
'seashell':             '#FFF5EE',
'sienna':               '#A0522D',
'silver':               '#C0C0C0',
'skyblue':              '#87CEEB',
'slateblue':            '#6A5ACD',
'slategray':            '#708090',
'snow':                 '#FFFAFA',
'springgreen':          '#00FF7F',
'steelblue':            '#4682B4',
'tan':                  '#D2B48C',
'teal':                 '#008080',
'thistle':              '#D8BFD8',
'tomato':               '#FF6347',
'turquoise':            '#40E0D0',
'violet':               '#EE82EE',
'wheat':                '#F5DEB3',
'white':                '#FFFFFF',
'whitesmoke':           '#F5F5F5',
'yellow':               '#FFFF00',
'yellowgreen':          '#9ACD32'}

You could plot them like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import math

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

ratio = 1.0 / 3.0
count = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(colors.cnames)))
x_count = count * ratio
y_count = count / ratio
x = 0
y = 0
w = 1 / x_count
h = 1 / y_count

for c in colors.cnames:
    pos = (x / x_count, y / y_count)
    ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(pos, w, h, color=c))
    ax.annotate(c, xy=pos)
    if y >= y_count-1:
        x += 1
        y = 0
        y += 1

How often should Oracle database statistics be run?

At my last job we ran statistics once a week. If I remember correctly, we scheduled them on a Thursday night, and on Friday the DBAs were very careful to monitor the longest running queries for anything unexpected. (Friday was picked because it was often just after a code release, and tended to be a fairly low traffic day.) When they saw a bad query they would find a better query plan and save that one so it wouldn't change again unexpectedly. (Oracle has tools to do this for you automatically, you tell it the query to optimize and it does.)

Many organizations avoid running statistics out of fear of bad query plans popping up unexpectedly. But this usually means that their query plans get worse and worse over time. And when they do run statistics then they encounter a number of problems. The resulting scramble to fix those issues confirms their fears about the dangers of running statistics. But if they ran statistics regularly, used the monitoring tools as they are supposed to, and fixed issues as they came up then they would have fewer headaches, and they wouldn't encounter them all at once.

Python equivalent of a given wget command

Let me Improve a example with threads in case you want download many files.

import math
import random
import threading

import requests
from clint.textui import progress

# You must define a proxy list
# I suggests
proxies = {
    0: {'http': ''},
    1: {'http': ''},
    2: {'http': ''},
    3: {'http': ''}

# you must define the list for files do you want download
videos = [

downloaderses = list()

def downloaders(video, selected_proxy):
    print("Downloading file named {} by proxy {}...".format(video, selected_proxy))
    r = requests.get(video, stream=True, proxies=selected_proxy)
    nombre_video = video.split("/")[3]
    with open(nombre_video, 'wb') as f:
        total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
        for chunk in, expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1):
            if chunk:

for video in videos:
    selected_proxy = proxies[math.floor(random.random() * len(proxies))]
    t = threading.Thread(target=downloaders, args=(video, selected_proxy))

for _downloaders in downloaderses:

Switch case in C# - a constant value is expected

Now you can use nameof:

public static void Output<T>(IEnumerable<T> dataSource) where T : class
    string dataSourceName = typeof(T).Name;
    switch (dataSourceName)
        case nameof(CustomerDetails):
            var t = 123;

nameof(CustomerDetails) is basically identical to the string literal "CustomerDetails", but with a compile-time check that it refers to some symbol (to prevent a typo).

nameof appeared in C# 6.0, so after this question was asked.

Is there a W3C valid way to disable autocomplete in a HTML form?

No, a good article is here in Mozila Wiki.

I would continue to use the invalid attribute. I think this is where pragmatism should win over validating.

Debugging "Element is not clickable at point" error

In Drupal when using Selenium:

    // Get element.
    $element = $this->driver->getElement('xpath=//input');        
    // Get screen location.
    $location = $element->getLocation();
    // To make sure that Chrome correctly handles clicking on the elements 
    // outside of the screen, we must move the cursor to the element's location.
    $this->driver->moveCursor($location['x'], $location['y']);

    // Optionally, set some sleep time (0.5 sec in the example below) if your
    // elements are visible after some animation.
    time_nanosleep(0, 500000000);

    // Click on the element.

Creating a script for a Telnet session?

Couple of questions:

  1. Can you put stuff on the device that you're telnetting into?
  2. Are the commands executed by the script the same or do they vary by machine/user?
  3. Do you want the person clicking the icon to have to provide a userid and/or password?

That said, I wrote some Java a while ago to talk to a couple of IP-enabled power strips (BayTech RPC3s) which might be of use to you. If you're interested I'll see if I can dig it up and post it someplace.

Sending commands and strings to with Applescript

what about something like this:

tell application "Terminal"

    do shell script "sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/ IPAddress"
    do shell script "sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/ IPAddress"

end tell

Python: Adding element to list while iterating

You can use an index and a while loop instead of a for loop if you want the loop to also loop over the elements that is added to the list during the loop:

i = 0
while i < len(myarr):
    a = myarr[i];
    i = i + 1;
    if somecond(a):

Python Remove last 3 characters of a string

Removing any and all whitespace:

foo = ''.join(foo.split())

Removing last three characters:

foo = foo[:-3]

Converting to capital letters:

foo = foo.upper()

All of that code in one line:

foo = ''.join(foo.split())[:-3].upper()

How to parse JSON and access results

The main problem with your example code is that the $result variable you use to store the output of curl_exec() does not contain the body of the HTTP response - it contains the value true. If you try to print_r() that, it will just say "1".

The curl_exec() reference explains:

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. However, if the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER option is set, it will return the result on success, FALSE on failure.

So if you want to get the HTTP response body in your $result variable, you must first run

curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

After that, you can call json_decode() on $result, as other answers have noted.

On a general note - the curl library for PHP is useful and has a lot of features to handle the minutia of HTTP protocol (and others), but if all you want is to GET some resource or even POST to some URL, and read the response - then file_get_contents() is all you'll ever need: it is much simpler to use and have much less surprising behavior to worry about.

Create thumbnail image

The following code will write an image in proportional to the response, you can modify the code for your purpose:

public void WriteImage(string path, int width, int height)
    Bitmap srcBmp = new Bitmap(path);
    float ratio = srcBmp.Width / srcBmp.Height;
    SizeF newSize = new SizeF(width, height * ratio);
    Bitmap target = new Bitmap((int) newSize.Width,(int) newSize.Height);
    HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
    using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(target))
        graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
        graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
        graphics.DrawImage(srcBmp, 0, 0, newSize.Width, newSize.Height);
        using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) 
            target.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Table and Index size in SQL Server

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

R: += (plus equals) and ++ (plus plus) equivalent from c++/c#/java, etc.?

Increment and decrement by 10.

inc(x) <- 10 

dec(x) <- 10

BAT file to map to network drive without running as admin

I just figured it out! What I did was I created the batch file like I had it originally:

net use P: "\\server\foldername\foldername"

I then saved it to the desktop and right clicked the properties and checked run as administrator. I then copied the file to C:\Users\"TheUser"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Where "TheUser" was the desired user I wanted to add it to.

How do I tar a directory of files and folders without including the directory itself?

tar -czf NAME.tar.gz  *

the asterisk will include everything even hidden ones

How to make a back-to-top button using CSS and HTML only?

This is the HTML only way:

<a name="top"></a>
foo content
foo bottom of page
<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>

There are quite a few other alternatives using jquery and jscript though which offer additional effects. It really just depends on what you are looking for.

How to use split?

If it is the basic JavaScript split function, look at documentation, JavaScript split() Method.

Basically, you just do this:

var array = myString.split(' -- ')

Then your two values are stored in the array - you can get the values like this:

var firstValue = array[0];
var secondValue = array[1];

Decrypt password created with htpasswd

.htpasswd entries are HASHES. They are not encrypted passwords. Hashes are designed not to be decryptable. Hence there is no way (unless you bruteforce for a loooong time) to get the password from the .htpasswd file.

What you need to do is apply the same hash algorithm to the password provided to you and compare it to the hash in the .htpasswd file. If the user and hash are the same then you're a go.

Declare a const array

Yes, but you need to declare it readonly instead of const:

public static readonly string[] Titles = { "German", "Spanish", "Corrects", "Wrongs" };

The reason is that const can only be applied to a field whose value is known at compile-time. The array initializer you've shown is not a constant expression in C#, so it produces a compiler error.

Declaring it readonly solves that problem because the value is not initialized until run-time (although it's guaranteed to have initialized before the first time that the array is used).

Depending on what it is that you ultimately want to achieve, you might also consider declaring an enum:

public enum Titles { German, Spanish, Corrects, Wrongs };

Java Comparator class to sort arrays

[...] How should Java Comparator class be declared to sort the arrays by their first elements in decreasing order [...]

Here's a complete example using Java 8:

import java.util.*;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        int[][] twoDim = { {1, 2}, {3, 7}, {8, 9}, {4, 2}, {5, 3} };

        Arrays.sort(twoDim, Comparator.comparingInt(a -> a[0])



[[8, 9], [5, 3], [4, 2], [3, 7], [1, 2]]

For Java 7 you can do:

Arrays.sort(twoDim, new Comparator<int[]>() {
    public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) {
        return[0], o1[0]);

If you unfortunate enough to work on Java 6 or older, you'd do:

Arrays.sort(twoDim, new Comparator<int[]>() {
    public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) {
        return ((Integer) o2[0]).compareTo(o1[0]);

Error:(1, 0) Plugin with id '' not found

I got this error message after making the following change in my top-level build.gradle to update to the latest version of gradle:

//classpath '' old
classpath '' //new

I foolishly made the change while I was connected behind a hostile workplace proxy. The proxy caused the .jar files for the new version of gradle to become corrupt. This can be verified by inspecting the jars to see if they are an unusual size or whether they can be unzipped.

In order to fix the mistake, I connected to my network at home (which is not behind a proxy) and did a refresh dependencies from the Terminal:

./gradlew --refresh-dependencies

This caused the newer version of gradle to be re-downloaded and the error no longer occurs.

Ruby 2.0.0p0 IRB warning: "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle"

The message you received is common when you have ruby 2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24) on top of Windows.

The message "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle" is not an error; it's only a warning.

The source is the Deprecation notice for DL introduced some time ago in dl.rb ( see revisions/37910 ).

On Windows the lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/readline.rb file still requires dl.rb so the warning message comes out when you require 'irb' ( because irb requires 'readline' ) or when anything else wants to require 'readline'.

You can open readline.rb with your favorite text editor and look up the code ( near line 4369 ):

    if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.1'
      require 'Win32API'
      require 'dl'
      class Win32API
        DLL = {}

We can always hope for an improvement to work out this deprecation in future releases of Ruby.

EDIT: For those wanting to go deeper about Fiddle vs DL, let it be said that their purpose is to dynamically link external libraries with Ruby; you can read on the ruby-doc website about DL or Fiddle.

The difference between the Runnable and Callable interfaces in Java

What are the differences in the applications of Runnable and Callable. Is the difference only with the return parameter present in Callable?

Basically, yes. See the answers to this question. And the javadoc for Callable.

What is the need of having both if Callable can do all that Runnable does?

Because the Runnable interface cannot do everything that Callable does!

Runnable has been around since Java 1.0, but Callable was only introduced in Java 1.5 ... to handle use-cases that Runnable does not support. In theory, the Java team could have changed the signature of the method, but this would have broken binary compatiblity with pre-1.5 code, requiring recoding when migrating old Java code to newer JVMs. That is a BIG NO-NO. Java strives to be backwards compatible ... and that's been one of Java's biggest selling points for business computing.

And, obviously, there are use-cases where a task doesn't need to return a result or throw a checked exception. For those use-cases, using Runnable is more concise than using Callable<Void> and returning a dummy (null) value from the call() method.

C# string does not contain possible?

Use Enumerable.Contains function:

var result =
    !(compareString.Contains(firstString) || compareString.Contains(secondString));

JS: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter is not of type 'Element'

I had the same error on my Angular6 project. none of those solutions seemed to work out for me. turned out that the problem was due to an element which was specified as dropdown but it didn't have dropdown options in it. take a look at code below:

<span class="nav-link" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" data-toggle="dropdown"
                          aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
                        <i class="material-icons "
                           style="font-size: 2rem">notifications</i>
                        <span class="notification"></span>
                            <span class="d-lg-none d-md-block">Some Actions</span>
                    <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left"
                                        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">You have 5 new tasks</a>
                                        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">You're now friend with Andrew</a>
                                        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another Notification</a>
                                        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another One</a>

removing the code data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" solved the problem.

I myself think that by each click on the first span element, the scope expected to set style for dropdown children which did not existed in the parent span, so it threw error.

How to run Python script on terminal?

This Depends on what version of python is installed on you system. See below.

If You have Python 2.* version you have to run this command


But if you have Python 3.* version you have to run this command


Because for MAC with Python version 3.* you will get command not found error

if you run "python"

How to overwrite styling in Twitter Bootstrap

You can overwrite a CSS class by making it "more specific".

You go up the HTML tree, and specify parent elements:

div.sidebar { ... } is more specific than .sidebar { ... }

You can go all the way up to BODY if you need to:

body .sidebar { ... } will override virtually anything.

See this handy guide:

How to remove jar file from local maven repository which was added with install:install-file?

  1. cd ~/.m2
  2. git init
  3. git commit -am "some comments"
  4. cd /path/to/your/project
  5. mvn install
  6. cd ~/.m2
  7. git reset --hard

Use async await with

A solution using modern-async's map():

import { map } from 'modern-async'

const result = await map(myArray, async (v) => {

The advantage of using that library is that you can control the concurrency using mapLimit() or mapSeries().

"for line in..." results in UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte

You could resolve the problem with:

for line in open(your_file_path, 'rb'):

'rb' is reading the file in binary mode. Read more here.

"No such file or directory" error when executing a binary

readelf -a xxx

  0x0000000000000238 0x0000000000400238 0x0000000000400238           
  0x000000000000001c 0x000000000000001c  R      1
  [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/]

jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value?

This selector $("ul [data-slide='" + current +"']"); will work for following structure:

<ul><li data-slide="item"></li></ul>  

While this $("ul[data-slide='" + current +"']"); will work for:

<ul data-slide="item"><li></li></ul>

How to iterate through a String

Java Strings aren't character Iterable. You'll need:

for (int i = 0; i < examplestring.length(); i++) {
  char c = examplestring.charAt(i);

Awkward I know.

getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream

I am here by separating both the usages by marking them as File Read( and Resource Read(ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream()).

File Read - 1. Works on local file system. 2. Tries to locate the file requested from current JVM launched directory as root 3. Ideally good when using files for processing in a pre-determined location like,/dev/files or C:\Data.

Resource Read - 1. Works on class path 2. Tries to locate the file/resource in current or parent classloader classpath. 3. Ideally good when trying to load files from packaged files like war or jar.

JavaFX open new window

The code below worked for me I used part of the code above inside the button class.

public Button signupB;

public void handleButtonClick (){

    try {
        FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
         * if "fx:controller" is not set in fxml
         * fxmlLoader.setController(NewWindowController);
        Scene scene = new Scene(fxmlLoader.load(), 630, 400);
        Stage stage = new Stage();
        stage.setTitle("New Window");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create new Window.", e);



Python convert set to string and vice versa

Try like this,

>>> s = set([1,2,3])
>>> s = list(s)
>>> s
[1, 2, 3]

>>> str = ', '.join(str(e) for e in s)
>>> str = 'set(%s)' % str
>>> str
'set(1, 2, 3)'

Check if decimal value is null

You can also create a handy utility functions to handle values from DB in cases like these. Ex. Below is the function which gives you Nullable Decimal from object type.

    public static decimal? ToNullableDecimal(object val)
        if (val is DBNull ||
            val == null)
            return null;
        if (val is string &&
            ((string)val).Length == 0)
            return null;
        return Convert.ToDecimal(val);

Coloring Buttons in Android with Material Design and AppCompat


Use design support library(23.2.0) and appcompatwidgets as below

In Android Support Library 22.1 :

This is done automatically when inflating layouts - replacing Button with AppCompatButton, TextView with AppCompatTextView, etc. to ensure that each could support tinting. In this release, those tint aware widgets are now publicly available, allowing you to keep tinting support even if you need to subclass one of the supported widgets.

The full list of tint aware widgets:


Material Design for Pre-Lollipop Devices :

AppCompat (aka ActionBarCompat) started out as a backport of the Android 4.0 ActionBar API for devices running on Gingerbread, providing a common API layer on top of the backported implementation and the framework implementation. AppCompat v21 delivers an API and feature-set that is up-to-date with Android 5.0

If condition inside of map() React

You are using both ternary operator and if condition, use any one.

By ternary operator:

.map(id => {
    return this.props.schema.collectionName.length < 0 ?

By if condition:

.map(id => {
    if(this.props.schema.collectionName.length < 0)
        return <Expandable>
    return <h1>hejsan</h1>

How can I time a code segment for testing performance with Pythons timeit?

I see the question has already been answered, but still want to add my 2 cents for the same.

I have also faced similar scenario in which I have to test the execution times for several approaches and hence written a small script, which calls timeit on all functions written in it.

The script is also available as github gist here.

Hope it will help you and others.

from random import random
import types

def list_without_comprehension():
    l = []
    for i in xrange(1000):
        l.append(int(random()*100 % 100))
    return l

def list_with_comprehension():
    # 1K random numbers between 0 to 100
    l = [int(random()*100 % 100) for _ in xrange(1000)]
    return l

# operations on list_without_comprehension
def sort_list_without_comprehension():

def reverse_sort_list_without_comprehension():

def sorted_list_without_comprehension():

# operations on list_with_comprehension
def sort_list_with_comprehension():

def reverse_sort_list_with_comprehension():

def sorted_list_with_comprehension():

def main():
    objs = globals()
    funcs = []
    f = open("", "w+")

    for objname in objs:
        if objname != 'main' and type(objs[objname]) == types.FunctionType:
    for func in funcs:
        f.write('''echo "Timing: %(funcname)s"
python -m timeit "import timeit_demo; timeit_demo.%(funcname)s();"\n\n
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
''' % dict(
                funcname = func,


if __name__ == "__main__":

    from os import system

    #Works only for *nix platforms

    #un-comment below for windows

Return JSON with error status code MVC

You need to decide if you want "HTTP level error" (that what error codes are for) or "application level error" (that what your custom JSON response is for).

Most high level objects using HTTP will never look into response stream if error code set to something that is not 2xx (success range). In your case you are explicitly setting error code to failure (I think 403 or 500) and force XMLHttp object to ignore body of the response.

To fix - either handle error conditions on client side or not set error code and return JSON with error information (see Sbossb reply for details).

What's the difference between a temp table and table variable in SQL Server?

Another difference:

A table var can only be accessed from statements within the procedure that creates it, not from other procedures called by that procedure or nested dynamic SQL (via exec or sp_executesql).

A temp table's scope, on the other hand, includes code in called procedures and nested dynamic SQL.

If the table created by your procedure must be accessible from other called procedures or dynamic SQL, you must use a temp table. This can be very handy in complex situations.

grep output to show only matching file

-l (that's a lower-case L).

Getting a list of associative array keys

Simple jQuery way:

This is what I use:

DictionaryObj being the JavaScript dictionary object you want to go through. And value, key of course being the names of them in the dictionary.

$.each(DictionaryObj, function (key, value) {
        .attr("value", key)

CSS Float: Floating an image to the left of the text

Just need to float both elements left:

    margin: 20px 20px 0 0;  
    border:5px solid #333;

.post-thumb img {
    float: left;

.post-content {
    float: left;

Edit: actually, you do not need the width, just float both left

What does principal end of an association means in 1:1 relationship in Entity framework

You can also use the [Required] data annotation attribute to solve this:

public class Foo
    public string FooId { get; set; }

    public Boo Boo { get; set; }

public class Boo
    public string BooId { get; set; }

    public Foo Foo {get; set; }

Foo is required for Boo.

How to clear the JTextField by clicking JButton

Looking for EventHandling, ActionListener?

or code?

JButton b = new JButton("Clear");
b.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        //textfield.setText(null); //or use this

Also See
How to Use Buttons

DLL and LIB files - what and why?

One important reason for creating a DLL/LIB rather than just compiling the code into an executable is reuse and relocation. The average Java or .NET application (for example) will most likely use several 3rd party (or framework) libraries. It is much easier and faster to just compile against a pre-built library, rather than having to compile all of the 3rd party code into your application. Compiling your code into libraries also encourages good design practices, e.g. designing your classes to be used in different types of applications.

Why can't I push to this bare repository?

I use SourceTree git client, and I see that their initial commit/push command is:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false push -v --tags --set-upstream origin master:master

Force IE9 to emulate IE8. Possible?

Yes. Recent versions of IE (IE8 or above) let you adjust that. Here's how:

  • Fire up Internet Explorer.
  • Click the 'Tools' menu, then click 'Developer Tools'. Alternatively, just press F12.

That should open the Developer Tools window. That window has two menu items that are of interest:

  • Browser Mode. This setting determines the value of the user-agent header sent for every request.
  • Document Mode. This setting determines how the rendering engine renders the page.

More at

How to modify PATH for Homebrew?

Just run the following line in your favorite terminal application:

echo export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

Restart your terminal and run

brew doctor

the issue should be resolved

What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?

  • OpenID is an open standard and decentralized authentication protocol controlled by the OpenID Foundation.
  • OAuth is an open standard for access delegation.
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) Combines the features of OpenID and OAuth i.e. does both Authentication and Authorization.

OpenID take the form of a unique URI managed by some "OpenID provider" i.e identity provider (idP).

OAuth can be used in conjunction with XACML where OAuth is used for ownership consent and access delegation whereas XACML is used to define the authorization policies.

OIDC uses simple JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which you can obtain using flows conforming to the OAuth 2.0 specifications. OAuth is directly related to OIDC since OIDC is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth 2.0.

enter image description here

For example, if you chose to sign in to Auth0 using your Google account then you used OIDC. Once you successfully authenticate with Google and authorize Auth0 to access your information, Google will send back to Auth0 information about the user and the authentication performed. This information is returned in a JSON Web Token (JWT). You'll receive an Access Token and, if requested, an ID Token. Types of Token : Source: OpenID Connect

An organisation use ID card for identification purpose and it contains chips, it stores details about Employee along with Authorization i.e. Campus/Gate/ODC access. ID card act as a OIDC and Chip act as a OAuth. more examples and form wiki

Best way to deploy Visual Studio application that can run without installing

It is possible and is deceptively easy:

  1. "Publish" the application (to, say, some folder on drive C), either from menu Build or from the project's properties ? Publish. This will create an installer for a ClickOnce application.
  2. But instead of using the produced installer, find the produced files (the EXE file and the .config, .manifest, and .application files, along with any DLL files, etc.) - they are all in the same folder and typically in the bin\Debug folder below the project file (.csproj).
  3. Zip that folder (leave out any *.vhost.* files and the app.publish folder (they are not needed), and the .pdb files unless you foresee debugging directly on your user's system (for example, by remote control)), and provide it to the users.

An added advantage is that, as a ClickOnce application, it does not require administrative privileges to run (if your application follows the normal guidelines for which folders to use for application data, etc.).

As for .NET, you can check for the minimum required version of .NET being installed (or at all) in the application (most users will already have it installed) and present a dialog with a link to the download page on the Microsoft website (or point to one of your pages that could redirect to the Microsoft page - this makes it more robust if the Microsoft URL change). As it is a small utility, you could target .NET 2.0 to reduce the probability of a user to have to install .NET.

It works. We use this method during development and test to avoid having to constantly uninstall and install the application and still being quite close to how the final application will run.

How do I "un-revert" a reverted Git commit?

If you haven't pushed that change yet, git reset --hard HEAD^

Otherwise, reverting the revert is perfectly fine.

Another way is to git checkout HEAD^^ -- . and then git add -A && git commit.

jQuery when element becomes visible

I like plugin It works without timers!

Simple usage

$('.some:visible').livequery( function(){ ... } );

But you need to fix a mistake. Replace line

$jQlq.registerPlugin('append', 'prepend', 'after', 'before', 'wrap', 'attr', 'removeAttr', 'addClass', 'removeClass', 'toggleClass', 'empty', 'remove', 'html', 'prop', 'removeProp');


$jQlq.registerPlugin('show', 'append', 'prepend', 'after', 'before', 'wrap', 'attr', 'removeAttr', 'addClass', 'removeClass', 'toggleClass', 'empty', 'remove', 'html', 'prop', 'removeProp');

Create a txt file using batch file in a specific folder

You have it almost done. Just explicitly say where to create the file

@echo off

This creates a file containing a blank line (CR + LF = 2 bytes).

If you want the file empty (0 bytes)

@echo off

Best way to convert strings to symbols in hash

Facets' Hash#deep_rekey is also a good option, especially:

  • if you find use for other sugar from facets in your project,
  • if you prefer code readability over cryptical one-liners.


require 'facets/hash/deep_rekey'
my_hash = YAML.load_file('yml').deep_rekey

Can I call curl_setopt with CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER multiple times to set multiple headers?

Other type of format :

$headers[] = 'Accept: application/json';
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
$headers[] = 'Content-length: 0';

curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss in Python

Besides the fact that Python has built in support for dates and times (see bigmattyh's response), finding minutes or hours from seconds is easy:

minutes = seconds / 60
hours = minutes / 60

Now, when you want to display minutes or seconds, MOD them by 60 so that they will not be larger than 59

Transfer files to/from session I'm logged in with PuTTY

There's no way to initiate a file transfer back to/from local Windows from a SSH session opened in PuTTY window.

Though PuTTY supports connection-sharing.

While you still need to run a compatible file transfer client (the pscp or psftp), no new login is required, it automatically (if enabled) makes use of an existing PuTTY session.

To enable the sharing see:
Sharing an SSH connection between PuTTY tools.

Alternative way is to use WinSCP, a GUI SFTP/SCP client. While you browse the remote site, you can anytime open SSH terminal to the same site using Open in PuTTY button.

See Opening Session in PuTTY.

With an additional setup, you can even make PuTTY automatically navigate to the same directory you are browsing with WinSCP.

See Opening PuTTY in the Same Directory.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

$(form).ajaxSubmit is not a function

Try ajaxsubmit library. It does ajax submition as well as validation via ajax.

Also configuration is very flexible to support any kind of UI.

Live demo available with js, css and html examples.

Attempt to present UIViewController on UIViewController whose view is not in the window hierarchy

If you have AVPlayer object with played video you have to pause video first.

How to resolve "Input string was not in a correct format." error?

If using TextBox2.Text as the source for a numeric value, it must first be checked to see if a value exists, and then converted to integer.

If the text box is blank when Convert.ToInt32 is called, you will receive the System.FormatException. Suggest trying:

protected void SetImageWidth()
      Image1.Width = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);
      Image1.Width = 100; // or other default value as appropriate in context.

Specify JDK for Maven to use

Yet another alternative to manage multiple jdk versions is jEnv

After installation, you can simply change java version "locally" i.e. for a specific project directory by:

jenv local 1.6

This will also make mvn use that version locally, when you enable the mvn plugin:

jenv enable-plugin maven

Auto height of div

As stated earlier by Jamie Dixon, a floated <div> is taken out of normal flow. All content that is still within normal flow will ignore it completely and not make space for it.

Try putting a different colored border border:solid 1px orange; around each of your <div> elements to see what they're doing. You might start by removing the floats and putting some dummy text inside the div. Then style them one at a time to get the desired layout.

How can I show and hide elements based on selected option with jQuery?

You are missing a :selected on the selector for show() - see the jQuery documentation for an example of how to use this.

In your case it will probably look something like this:

$('#'+$('#colorselector option:selected').val()).show();

How to capture a JFrame's close button click event?


also works. First create a JFrame called frame, then add this code underneath.

Rolling back bad changes with svn in Eclipse

I have written a couple of blog posts on this subject. One that is Subclipse centric: and one that is command-line centric:

How to add title to subplots in Matplotlib?

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4,figsize=(11, 7))

grid = plt.GridSpec(2, 2, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.5)

ax1 = plt.subplot(grid[0, 0])
ax2 = plt.subplot(grid[0, 1:])
ax3 = plt.subplot(grid[1, :1])
ax4 = plt.subplot(grid[1, 1:])

ax1.title.set_text('First Plot')
ax2.title.set_text('Second Plot')
ax3.title.set_text('Third Plot')
ax4.title.set_text('Fourth Plot')

enter image description here

Removing u in list

The u means the strings are unicode. Translate all the strings to ascii to get rid of it:

a.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

How do I make curl ignore the proxy?

My curl was not ignoring the proxy on Ubuntu 12.04 until I set the "no_proxy" (lowercase) environment variable. The --noproxy option was not available.

Meaning of Open hashing and Closed hashing

The name open addressing refers to the fact that the location ("address") of the element is not determined by its hash value. (This method is also called closed hashing).

In separate chaining, each bucket is independent, and has some sort of ADT (list, binary search trees, etc) of entries with the same index. In a good hash table, each bucket has zero or one entries, because we need operations of order O(1) for insert, search, etc.

This is a example of separate chaining using C++ with a simple hash function using mod operator (clearly, a bad hash function)

How do you get the cursor position in a textarea?

Here is code to get line number and column position

function getLineNumber(tArea) {

    return tArea.value.substr(0, tArea.selectionStart).split("\n").length;

function getCursorPos() {
    var me = $("textarea[name='documenttext']")[0];
    var el = $(me).get(0);
    var pos = 0;
    if ('selectionStart' in el) {
        pos = el.selectionStart;
    } else if ('selection' in document) {
        var Sel = document.selection.createRange();
        var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length;
        Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length);
        pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength;
    var ret = pos - prevLine(me);

    return ret; 

function prevLine(me) {
    var lineArr = me.value.substr(0, me.selectionStart).split("\n");

    var numChars = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < lineArr.length-1; i++) {
        numChars += lineArr[i].length+1;

    return numChars;

tArea is the text area DOM element

Google drive limit number of download


This means to me that the download limit is calculated based on a set of factors that describe the user and is subject to change from one to another.

Maybe using the TOR network may help you do your job.

PowerShell: Format-Table without headers

Another approach is to use ForEach-Object to project individual items to a string and then use the Out-String CmdLet to project the final results to a string or string array:

gci Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID | foreach { "CID Key {0}" -f $_.Name } | Out-String

#Result: One multi-line string equal to:
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2a621c8a-7d4b-4d7b-ad60-a957fd70b0d0
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2ec6f5b2-8cdc-461e-9157-ffa84c11ba7d
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\5da2ceaf-bc35-46e0-aabd-bd826023359b
CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\d13ad82e-d4fb-495f-9b78-01d2946e6426

gci Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID | foreach { "CID Key {0}" -f $_.Name } | Out-String -Stream

#Result: An array of single line strings equal to:
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2a621c8a-7d4b-4d7b-ad60-a957fd70b0d0",
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\2ec6f5b2-8cdc-461e-9157-ffa84c11ba7d",
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\5da2ceaf-bc35-46e0-aabd-bd826023359b",
"CID Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID\d13ad82e-d4fb-495f-9b78-01d2946e6426")

The benefit of this approach is that you can store the result to a variable and it will NOT have any empty lines.

Using intents to pass data between activities

You can use Bundle to get data :

Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
String data = extras.getString("data"); // use your key 

And again you can opass this data to next activity :

 Intent intent = new Intent(this, next_Activity.class);
   intent.putExtra("data", data);

Jquery selector input[type=text]')

$('input[type=text],select', '.sys');

for looping:

$('input[type=text],select', '.sys').each(function() {
   // code

Creating a Pandas DataFrame from a Numpy array: How do I specify the index column and column headers?

Here simple example to create pandas dataframe by using numpy array.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# create an array 
var1  = np.arange(start=1, stop=21, step=1).reshape(-1)
var2 = np.random.rand(20,1).reshape(-1)

dataset = pd.DataFrame()
dataset['col1'] = var1
dataset['col2'] = var2

CSS Selector that applies to elements with two classes

Chain both class selectors (without a space in between): {
    /* Styles for element(s) with foo AND bar classes */

If you still have to deal with ancient browsers like IE6, be aware that it doesn't read chained class selectors correctly: it'll only read the last class selector (.bar in this case) instead, regardless of what other classes you list.

To illustrate how other browsers and IE6 interpret this, consider this CSS:

* {
    color: black;
} {
    color: red;

Output on supported browsers is:

<div class="foo">Hello Foo</div>       <!-- Not selected, black text [1] -->
<div class="foo bar">Hello World</div> <!-- Selected, red text [2] -->
<div class="bar">Hello Bar</div>       <!-- Not selected, black text [3] -->

Output on IE6 is:

<div class="foo">Hello Foo</div>       <!-- Not selected, black text [1] -->
<div class="foo bar">Hello World</div> <!-- Selected, red text [2] -->
<div class="bar">Hello Bar</div>       <!-- Selected, red text [2] -->


  • Supported browsers:
    1. Not selected as this element only has class foo.
    2. Selected as this element has both classes foo and bar.
    3. Not selected as this element only has class bar.

  • IE6:
    1. Not selected as this element doesn't have class bar.
    2. Selected as this element has class bar, regardless of any other classes listed.

How to store decimal values in SQL Server?

request.input("name", sql.Decimal, 155.33)              // decimal(18, 0)
request.input("name", sql.Decimal(10), 155.33)          // decimal(10, 0)
request.input("name", sql.Decimal(10, 2), 155.33)       // decimal(10, 2)

How do I choose grid and block dimensions for CUDA kernels?

There are two parts to that answer (I wrote it). One part is easy to quantify, the other is more empirical.

Hardware Constraints:

This is the easy to quantify part. Appendix F of the current CUDA programming guide lists a number of hard limits which limit how many threads per block a kernel launch can have. If you exceed any of these, your kernel will never run. They can be roughly summarized as:

  1. Each block cannot have more than 512/1024 threads in total (Compute Capability 1.x or 2.x and later respectively)
  2. The maximum dimensions of each block are limited to [512,512,64]/[1024,1024,64] (Compute 1.x/2.x or later)
  3. Each block cannot consume more than 8k/16k/32k/64k/32k/64k/32k/64k/32k/64k registers total (Compute 1.0,1.1/1.2,1.3/2.x-/3.0/3.2/3.5-5.2/5.3/6-6.1/6.2/7.0)
  4. Each block cannot consume more than 16kb/48kb/96kb of shared memory (Compute 1.x/2.x-6.2/7.0)

If you stay within those limits, any kernel you can successfully compile will launch without error.

Performance Tuning:

This is the empirical part. The number of threads per block you choose within the hardware constraints outlined above can and does effect the performance of code running on the hardware. How each code behaves will be different and the only real way to quantify it is by careful benchmarking and profiling. But again, very roughly summarized:

  1. The number of threads per block should be a round multiple of the warp size, which is 32 on all current hardware.
  2. Each streaming multiprocessor unit on the GPU must have enough active warps to sufficiently hide all of the different memory and instruction pipeline latency of the architecture and achieve maximum throughput. The orthodox approach here is to try achieving optimal hardware occupancy (what Roger Dahl's answer is referring to).

The second point is a huge topic which I doubt anyone is going to try and cover it in a single StackOverflow answer. There are people writing PhD theses around the quantitative analysis of aspects of the problem (see this presentation by Vasily Volkov from UC Berkley and this paper by Henry Wong from the University of Toronto for examples of how complex the question really is).

At the entry level, you should mostly be aware that the block size you choose (within the range of legal block sizes defined by the constraints above) can and does have a impact on how fast your code will run, but it depends on the hardware you have and the code you are running. By benchmarking, you will probably find that most non-trivial code has a "sweet spot" in the 128-512 threads per block range, but it will require some analysis on your part to find where that is. The good news is that because you are working in multiples of the warp size, the search space is very finite and the best configuration for a given piece of code relatively easy to find.

Confusing error in R: Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 1 did not have 42 elements)

To read characters try

scan("/PathTo/file.csv", "")

If you're reading numeric values, then just use


scan by default will use white space as separator. The type of the second arg defines 'what' to read (defaults to double()).

Using JAXB to unmarshal/marshal a List<String>

Finally I've solved it using JacksonJaxbJsonProvider It requires few changes in your Spring context.xml and Maven pom.xml

In your Spring context.xml add JacksonJaxbJsonProvider to the <jaxrs:server>:

<jaxrs:server id="restService" address="/resource">
        <bean class="org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider"/>

In your Maven pom.xml add:


Swift: Sort array of objects alphabetically

Sorted array Swift 4.2

arrayOfRaces = arrayOfItems.sorted(by: { ($0["raceName"] as! String) < ($1["raceName"] as! String) })

Can you display HTML5 <video> as a full screen background?

I might be a bit late to answer this but this will be useful for new people looking for this answer.

The answers above are good, but to have a perfect video background you have to check at the aspect ratio as the video might cut or the canvas around get deformed when resizing the screen or using it on different screen sizes.

I got into this issue not long ago and I found the solution using media queries.

Here is a tutorial that I wrote on how to create a Fullscreen Video Background with only CSS

I will add the code here as well:


<div class="videoBgWrapper">
    <video loop muted autoplay poster="img/videoframe.jpg" class="videoBg">
        <source src="videosfolder/video.webm" type="video/webm">
        <source src="videosfolder/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <source src="videosfolder/video.ogv" type="video/ogg">


.videoBgWrapper {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    z-index: -100;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

@media (min-aspect-ratio: 16/9) {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
@media (max-aspect-ratio: 16/9) {
  .videoBg {
    width: auto;
    height: 100%;

I hope you find it useful.

LaTeX package for syntax highlighting of code in various languages

LGrind does this. It's a mature LaTeX package that's been around since adam was a cowboy and has support for many programming languages.

Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML?

There is a little known feature, which makes this even better. You can use a configurable default value instead of a hard-coded one, here is an example:



<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="location">

<bean id="myBean" class="Test">
    <property name="timeout" value="${timeout.myBean:${timeout.default}}" />

To use the default while still being able to easily override later, do this in

timeout.myBean = ${timeout.default}

Python NLTK: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file (Sentiment Analysis -NLP)

Add the following to the top of your file # coding=utf-8

If you go to the link in the error you can seen the reason why:

Defining the Encoding

Python will default to ASCII as standard encoding if no other encoding hints are given. To define a source code encoding, a magic comment must be placed into the source files either as first or second line in the file, such as: # coding=

How to stop/shut down an elasticsearch node?

Considering you have 3 nodes.

Prepare your cluster

export ES_HOST=localhost:9200

# Disable shard allocation
curl -X PUT "$ES_HOST/_cluster/settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "persistent": {
    "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "none"

# Stop non-essential indexing and perform a synced flush
curl -X POST "$ES_HOST/_flush/synced"

Stop elasticsearch service in each node

# check nodes
export ES_HOST=localhost:9200
curl -X GET "$ES_HOST/_cat/nodes"

# node 1
systemctl stop elasticsearch.service

# node 2
systemctl stop elasticsearch.service

# node 3
systemctl stop elasticsearch.service

Restarting cluster again

# start
systemctl start elasticsearch.service

# Reenable shard allocation once the node has joined the cluster
curl -X PUT "$ES_HOST/_cluster/settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "persistent": {
    "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": null

Tested on Elasticseach 6.5



How to change Angular CLI favicon

Navigating to the file finally fixed this for me. In my case: http://localhost:4200/favicon.ico

I had tried to refresh, stop and start ng serve again, and "Empty Cache and Hard Reload", none worked.

What is the difference between field, variable, attribute, and property in Java POJOs?

The question is old but another important difference between a variable and a field is that a field gets a default value when it's declared.A variable, on the other hand, must be initialized.

Is it possible to implement a Python for range loop without an iterator variable?

Instead of an unneeded counter, now you have an unneeded list. Best solution is to use a variable that starts with "_", that tells syntax checkers that you are aware you are not using the variable.

x = range(5)
while x:
  print "Work!"

PHP Date Format to Month Name and Year

if you want same string output then try below else use without double quotes for proper output

$str = '20130814';
  echo date('"F Y"', strtotime($str));

//output  : "August 2013" 

How to make PyCharm always show line numbers

Using Search bar

  1. Press 2 times Shift
  2. Paste /editor /appearance/ and then
  3. Click on Show line numbers toggle button

For Windows and Linux

File | Settings | Editor | General | Appearance 

For macOS

IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Editor | General | Appearance 

Using shortcut



Editor > General > Appearance

Click on Show line numbers toggle button.

Pycharm Official Doc (Appearance)

How to iterate std::set?

You must dereference the iterator in order to retrieve the member of your set.

std::set<unsigned long>::iterator it;
for (it = SERVER_IPS.begin(); it != SERVER_IPS.end(); ++it) {
    u_long f = *it; // Note the "*" here

If you have C++11 features, you can use a range-based for loop:

for(auto f : SERVER_IPS) {
  // use f here

How to convert a HTMLElement to a string

The element outerHTML property (note: supported by Firefox after version 11) returns the HTML of the entire element.


<div id="new-element-1">Hello world.</div>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--

var element = document.getElementById("new-element-1");
var elementHtml = element.outerHTML;
// <div id="new-element-1">Hello world.</div>


Similarly, you can use innerHTML to get the HTML contained within a given element, or innerText to get the text inside an element (sans HTML markup).

See Also

  1. outerHTML - Javascript Property
  2. Javascript Reference - Elements

Writing to a new file if it doesn't exist, and appending to a file if it does

Have you tried mode 'a+'?

with open(filename, 'a+') as f:

Note however that f.tell() will return 0 in Python 2.x. See for details.

Laravel Unknown Column 'updated_at'

For those who are using laravel 5 or above must use public modifier other wise it will throw an exception

Access level to App\yourModelName::$timestamps must be
public (as in class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model)

public $timestamps = false;

Format ints into string of hex

Example with some beautifying, similar to the sep option available in python 3.8

def prettyhex(nums, sep=''):
    return sep.join(f'{a:02x}' for a in nums)

numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 127, 200, 255]



How do I return to an older version of our code in Subversion?

The standard way of using merge to undo the entire check-in works great, if that's what you want to do. Sometimes, though, all you want to do is revert a single file. There's no legitimate way to do that, but there is a hack:

  1. Find the version that you want using svn log.
  2. Use svn's export subcommand:

    svn export http://url-to-your-file@123 /tmp/filename

(Where 123 is the revision number for a good version of the file.) Then either move or copy that single file to overwrite the old one. Check in the modified file and you are done.

Cannot deserialize the JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type ' ' because type requires JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly

var objResponse1 = 


Confusing "duplicate identifier" Typescript error message

This is because of the combination of two things:

  • tsconfig not having any files section. From

    If no "files" property is present in a tsconfig.json, the compiler defaults to including all files in the containing directory and subdirectories. When a "files" property is specified, only those files are included.

  • Including typescript as an npm dependency : node_modules/typescript/ This means that all of typescript gets included .... there is an implicitly included lib.d.ts in your project anyways ( and its conflicting with the one that ships with the NPM version of typescript.


Either list files or include explicitly

Using Sockets to send and receive data

I assume you are using TCP sockets for the client-server interaction? One way to send different types of data to the server and have it be able to differentiate between the two is to dedicate the first byte (or more if you have more than 256 types of messages) as some kind of identifier. If the first byte is one, then it is message A, if its 2, then its message B. One easy way to send this over the socket is to use DataOutputStream/DataInputStream:


Socket socket = ...; // Create and connect the socket
DataOutputStream dOut = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());

// Send first message
dOut.writeUTF("This is the first type of message.");
dOut.flush(); // Send off the data

// Send the second message
dOut.writeUTF("This is the second type of message.");
dOut.flush(); // Send off the data

// Send the third message
dOut.writeUTF("This is the third type of message (Part 1).");
dOut.writeUTF("This is the third type of message (Part 2).");
dOut.flush(); // Send off the data

// Send the exit message



Socket socket = ... // Set up receive socket
DataInputStream dIn = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

boolean done = false;
while(!done) {
  byte messageType = dIn.readByte();

  case 1: // Type A
    System.out.println("Message A: " + dIn.readUTF());
  case 2: // Type B
    System.out.println("Message B: " + dIn.readUTF());
  case 3: // Type C
    System.out.println("Message C [1]: " + dIn.readUTF());
    System.out.println("Message C [2]: " + dIn.readUTF());
    done = true;


Obviously, you can send all kinds of data, not just bytes and strings (UTF).

Note that writeUTF writes a modified UTF-8 format, preceded by a length indicator of an unsigned two byte encoded integer giving you 2^16 - 1 = 65535 bytes to send. This makes it possible for readUTF to find the end of the encoded string. If you decide on your own record structure then you should make sure that the end and type of the record is either known or detectable.

how to get the current working directory's absolute path from irb

As for the path relative to the current executing script, since Ruby 2.0 you can also use


So this is basically the same as


Is there a way to pass javascript variables in url?


With either string concatenation or string interpolation (via template literals).

Here with JavaScript template literal:

function geoPreview() {
    var lat = document.getElementById("lat").value;
    var long = document.getElementById("long").value;

    window.location.href = `${lat}&lon=${long}&setLatLon=Set`;

Both parameters are unused and can be removed.


String Concatenation

Join strings with the + operator:

window.location.href = "" + elemA + "&lon=" + elemB + "&setLatLon=Set";

String Interpolation

For more concise code, use JavaScript template literals to replace expressions with their string representations. Template literals are enclosed by `` and placeholders surrounded with ${}:

window.location.href = `${elemA}&lon=${elemB}&setLatLon=Set`;

Template literals are available since ECMAScript 2015 (ES6).

What is a 'Closure'?

Here is another real life example, and using a scripting language popular in games - Lua. I needed to slightly change the way a library function worked to avoid a problem with stdin not being available.

local old_dofile = dofile

function dofile( filename )
  if filename == nil then
    error( 'Can not use default of stdin.' )

  old_dofile( filename )

The value of old_dofile disappears when this block of code finishes it's scope (because it's local), however the value has been enclosed in a closure, so the new redefined dofile function CAN access it, or rather a copy stored along with the function as an 'upvalue'.

WebDriver: check if an element exists?

Write the following method using Java:

protected boolean isElementPresent(By by){
            return true;
        catch(NoSuchElementException e){
            return false;

Call the above method during assertion.

How do you auto format code in Visual Studio?

  1. Go to Tools -> Extensions & Updates and type "productivity" in search: 1
  2. Install 'Productivity Power Tools 2015'
  3. Restart VS.
  4. Go to Tools -> Options -> Productivity Power Tools -> Power Commands and check "Format document on save": 2

http://localhost/ not working on Windows 7. What's the problem?

Try adding the following tags in the wwwroot folder web.config file. These tags should be added as a child of the configuration tags as below.

---validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" ---

Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected end of file in my PHP code

Avoid this as well <? } ?> make sure you put <?php } ?>

How to generate different random numbers in a loop in C++?

The way the function rand() works is that every time you call it, it generates a random number. In your code, you've called it once and stored it into the variable random_x. To get your desired random numbers instead of storing it into a variable, just call the function like this:

for (int t=0;t<10;t++)
    cout << "\nRandom X = " << rand() % 100;

Reshaping data.frame from wide to long format

You can also use the cdata package, which uses the concept of (transformation) control table:

# data
wide <- read.table(text="Code Country        1950    1951    1952    1953    1954
AFG  Afghanistan    20,249  21,352  22,532  23,557  24,555
ALB  Albania        8,097   8,986   10,058  11,123  12,246", header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)

# build control table
drec <- data.frame(
drec <- cdata::rowrecs_to_blocks_spec(drec, recordKeys=c("Code", "Country"))

# apply control table
cdata::layout_by(drec, wide)

I am currently exploring that package and find it quite accessible. It is designed for much more complicated transformations and includes the backtransformation. There is a tutorial available.

How to unsubscribe to a broadcast event in angularJS. How to remove function registered via $on

Looking at most of the replies, they seem overly complicated. Angular has built in mechanisms to unregister.

Use the deregistration function returned by $on :

// Register and get a handle to the listener
var listener = $scope.$on('someMessage', function () {
    $log.log("Message received");

// Unregister
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
    $log.log("Unregistering listener");

Best Practices: working with long, multiline strings in PHP?

In regards to your question about newlines and carriage returns:

I would recommend using the predefined global constant PHP_EOL as it will solve any cross-platform compatibility issues.

This question has been raised on SO beforehand and you can find out more information by reading "When do I use the PHP constant PHP_EOL"

How to clear the cache of nginx?

I was experiencing a kind of similar issue:

System setup and Problem: (On a virtualbox I'm web hosting using ubuntu and nginx - PHP webpage refreshes did not reflect changes to external css file). I'm developing website on windows machine and transferring files to nginx via shared folder. It seems nginx does not pick up changes to css file (refreshing in any fashion does not help. Changing css file name is only thing that worked)

Solution: On VM find shared file (css file in my case). Open with nano and compare to file in windows share (they appear identical). On VM save shared file with nano. All changes are now reflected in browser. Not sure why this works but it did in my case.

UPDATE: After rebooting the VM server the problem returned. Following the instructions under Solution made the css responsive to updates again

Angular CLI Error: The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found

This error may be occur when we are in wrong use cd command to change your directory. It's not very evident from the above comment that which specific command is giving this error so this answer is based on assumption that you are running ng serve outside the root folder/actual project folder. That's why it's giving error because cli commands require conf & build files to run the cli build.

These should be the steps:
npm install -g @angular/cli  //corrected from 'angular-cli'
ng new projectname
cd projectname
ng serve
open http://localhost:4200

Create a dictionary with list comprehension

In Python 2.7, it goes like:

>>> list1, list2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1,2,3]
>>> dict( zip( list1, list2))
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}

Zip them!

Read user input inside a loop

I have found this parameter -u with read.

"-u 1" means "read from stdin"

while read -r newline; do
    read -u 1 -p "Doing $i""th file, called $newline. Write your answer and press Enter!"
    echo "Processing $newline with $REPLY" # united input from two different read commands.
done <<< $(ls)

Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

The mail server on CentOS 6 and other IPv6 capable server platforms may be bound to IPv6 localhost (::1) instead of IPv4 localhost (

Typical symptoms:

[root@host /]# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

[root@host /]# telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 host ESMTP Exim 4.72 Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:02:52 +0100

[root@host /]# netstat -plant | grep 25
tcp        0      0 :::25                       :::*                        LISTEN      1082/exim           

If this happens, make sure that you don't have two entries for localhost in /etc/hosts with different IP addresses, like this (bad) example:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

To avoid confusion, make sure you only have one entry for localhost, preferably an IPv4 address, like this:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost  localhost.localdomain   localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

How to convert Javascript datetime to C# datetime?

Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Convert.ToDateTime(dr[col.ColumnName])).Replace('"', ' ').Trim();

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR

Lines 45-47:



That's sending a couple of newlines as output, so the headers are already dispatched. Just remove those 3 lines (it's all one big PHP block after all, no need to end PHP parsing and then start it again), as well as the similar block on lines 60-62, and it'll work.

Notice that the error message you got actually gives you a lot of information to help you find this yourself:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\speedycms\deleteclient.php:47) in C:\xampp\htdocs\speedycms\deleteclient.php on line 106

The two bolded sections tell you where the item is that sent output before the headers (line 47) and where the item is that was trying to send a header after output (line 106).

Beamer: How to show images as step-by-step images


The % is important. This will keep all the images fixed.

How do I load an HTML page in a <div> using JavaScript?

I saw this and thought it looked quite nice so I ran some tests on it.

It may seem like a clean approach, but in terms of performance it is lagging by 50% compared by the time it took to load a page with jQuery load function or using the vanilla javascript approach of XMLHttpRequest which were roughly similar to each other.

I imagine this is because under the hood it gets the page in the exact same fashion but it also has to deal with constructing a whole new HTMLElement object as well.

In summary I suggest using jQuery. The syntax is about as easy to use as it can be and it has a nicely structured call back for you to use. It is also relatively fast. The vanilla approach may be faster by an unnoticeable few milliseconds, but the syntax is confusing. I would only use this in an environment where I didn't have access to jQuery.

Here is the code I used to test - it is fairly rudimentary but the times came back very consistent across multiple tries so I would say precise to around +- 5ms in each case. Tests were run in Chrome from my own home server:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="content"></div>
        * Test harness to find out the best method for dynamically loading a
        * html page into your app.
        var test_times  = {};
        var test_page   = 'testpage.htm';
        var content_div = document.getElementById('content');

        // TEST 1 = use jQuery to load in testpage.htm and time it.
        function test_()
            var start = new Date().getTime();
            $(content_div).load(test_page, function() {
                alert(new Date().getTime() - start);

        // 1044

        // TEST 2 = use <object> to load in testpage.htm and time it.
        function test_()
            start = new Date().getTime();
            content_div.innerHTML = '<object type="text/html" data="' + test_page +
            '" onload="alert(new Date().getTime() - start)"></object>'


        // TEST 3 = use httpObject to load in testpage.htm and time it.
       function test_()
           var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

           xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
                   content_div.innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText;
                   alert(new Date().getTime() - start);

            start = new Date().getTime();

  "GET", test_page, true); // true for asynchronous

            // 1039

        // Main - run tests

How to append to New Line in Node.js

Use the os.EOL constant instead.

var os = require("os");

function processInput ( text ) 
{'H://log.txt', 'a', 666, function( e, id ) {
   fs.write( id, text + os.EOL, null, 'utf8', function(){
    fs.close(id, function(){
     console.log('file is updated');

Where can I download JSTL jar

You can download JSTL 1.1 here and JSTL 1.2 here.

See also:

Java 8 Stream API to find Unique Object matching a property value

findAny & orElse

By using findAny() and orElse():

Person matchingObject =
filter(p ->"testemail")).

Stops looking after finding an occurrence.


Optional<T> findAny()

Returns an Optional describing some element of the stream, or an empty Optional if the stream is empty. This is a short-circuiting terminal operation. The behavior of this operation is explicitly nondeterministic; it is free to select any element in the stream. This is to allow for maximal performance in parallel operations; the cost is that multiple invocations on the same source may not return the same result. (If a stable result is desired, use findFirst() instead.)

Checking if a variable exists in javascript

It is important to note that 'undefined' is a perfectly valid value for a variable to hold. If you want to check if the variable exists at all,

if (window.variableName)

is a more complete check, since it is verifying that the variable has actually been defined. However, this is only useful if the variable is guaranteed to be an object! In addition, as others have pointed out, this could also return false if the value of variableName is false, 0, '', or null.

That said, that is usually not enough for our everyday purposes, since we often don't want to have an undefined value. As such, you should first check to see that the variable is defined, and then assert that it is not undefined using the typeof operator which, as Adam has pointed out, will not return undefined unless the variable truly is undefined.

if ( variableName  && typeof variableName !== 'undefined' )