[sftp] Transfer files to/from session I'm logged in with PuTTY

I'm logged into a remote host using PuTTY.

What is the command to transfer files from my local machine to the machine I'm logged into on PuTTY?

This question is related to sftp file-transfer putty scp

The answer is

PuTTY usually comes with a client called psftp which you can leverage for this purpose. I don't believe you can do it through the standard PuTTY client (although I may be proven wrong on that).

PuTTY only gives you access to manipulate the remote machine. It doesn't provide a direct link between the two file systems any more than sitting down at the remote machine does.

  • Click on start menu.
  • Click run
  • In the open box, type cmd then click ok
  • At the command prompt, enter:

    c:>pscp source_file_name userid@server_name:/path/destination_file_name.

For example:

c:>pscp november2012 [email protected]:/mydata/november2012.

  • When promted, enter your password for server.


If it is only one file, you can use following procedure (in putty):

  1. vi filename.extension (opens new file name in active folder on server),
  2. copy + mouse right click while over putty (copy and paste),
  3. edit and save. =>vi editor commands

Edit file permission with next command: chmod u+x filename.extension

In that way on windows pscp allows an upload directly (without any request for e.g. key-accepting):

pscp.exe -scp -pw 'my_pw' -v -i my.ppk -l root -batch -sshlog logfile19.txt -hostkey ba:2e:4d:12:68:82:19:a1:d2:22:bc:12:c2:1a:44:a7 hallo4.txt [email protected]:/srv/www/htdocs/xml_parser/hallo4.txt

If you have to do private key validation; at Command Prompt(cmd), run


set PATH=C:\PuttySetupLocation


pscp -i C:/MyPrivateKeyFile.ppk C:/MySourceFile.jar [email protected]:/home/ubuntu

Also, if you need extra options look at the following link. https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter5.html

There's no way to initiate a file transfer back to/from local Windows from a SSH session opened in PuTTY window.

Though PuTTY supports connection-sharing.

While you still need to run a compatible file transfer client (the pscp or psftp), no new login is required, it automatically (if enabled) makes use of an existing PuTTY session.

To enable the sharing see:
Sharing an SSH connection between PuTTY tools.

Alternative way is to use WinSCP, a GUI SFTP/SCP client. While you browse the remote site, you can anytime open SSH terminal to the same site using Open in PuTTY button.

See Opening Session in PuTTY.

With an additional setup, you can even make PuTTY automatically navigate to the same directory you are browsing with WinSCP.

See Opening PuTTY in the Same Directory.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Look here:


It recommends using pscp.exe from PuTTY, which can be found here: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html

A direct transfer like FTP is not possible, because all commands during your session are send to the server.

Transferring files with Putty (pscp/plink.exe)

The default putty installation provides multiple ways to transfer files. Most likely putty is on your default path, so you can directly call putty from the command prompt. If it doesnt, you may have to change your environmental variables. See instructions here: https://it.cornell.edu/managed-servers/transfer-files-using-putt


  1. Open command prompt by typing cmd

  2. To transfer folders from your Windows computer to another Windows computer use (notice the -r flag, which indicates that the files will be transferred recursively, no need to zip them up): pscp -r -i C:/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.ppk "C:/Program Files (x86)/Terminal PC" [email protected]:/"C:/Program Files (x86)/"

  3. To transfer files from your Windows computer to another Windows computer use: pscp -i C:/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.ppk "C:/Program Files (x86)/Terminal PC" [email protected]:/"C:/Program Files (x86)/"

  4. Sometimes, you may only have plink installed. plink can potentially be used to transfer files, but its best restricted to simple text files. It may have unknown behavior with binary files (https://superuser.com/questions/1289455/create-text-file-on-remote-machine-using-plink-putty-with-contents-of-windows-lo): plink -i C:/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.ppk user@host <localfile "cat >hostfile"

  5. To transfer files from a linux server to a Windows computer to a Linux computer use pscp -r -i C:/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.ppk "C:/Program Files (x86)/Terminal PC" [email protected]:/home/username

For all these to work, you need to have the proper public/private key. To generate that for putty see: https://superuser.com/a/1285789/658319

Since you asked about to/from, here's a trick that works for the 'from' part. Open the 'Change settings...' screen, Terminal, and under 'Printer to send ANSI printer output to:' select 'Generic / Text Only'

Now on the remote system, run this on one line:

tput mc5; cat whatever.txt; tput mc4

Putty will inform you that the file was saved. What this is doing is putting the terminal into printer mode (tput mc5), printing the file to the screen (cat), and then turning off printer mode (tput mc4). If you don't put all the commands on one line, the screen will appear frozen because Putty is saving all terminal output to a file in the background.

If you're on a more limited system that doesn't have the tput command (e.g. a qnap), you can try printf "\x1b[5i" instead of tput mc5, and printf "\x1b[4i" instead of tput mc4.

The command in the middle is just anything that prints to the screen. So use tail -n 10000 blah.log to download the last 10k lines of the log file, or use a base64 encoder to map a binary file to something you can print (and then decode on your local system):

printf "\x1b[5i"; openssl enc -base64 -in something.zip; printf "\x1b[4i"

Same everyday problem.

I just created a simple vc project to solve this problem.

It copies the file as Base64 encoded data directly to the clipboard, and then this can be pasted into the PuTTY console and decoded on the remote side.

This solution is for relatively small files (relative to the connection speed to your remote console).


Download clip_b64.exe and place it in the SendTo folder (or a .lnk shortcut to it). To open this folder, in the address bar of the explorer, enter shell:sendto or %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo.

You may need to install VC 2017 redist to run it, or use the statically linked clip_b64s.exe execution.


On the local machine:

In the File Explorer, right-click the file you are transferring to open the context menu, then go to the "Send To" section and select Clip_B64 from the list.

On the remote console (over putty-ssh link):

Run the shell command base64 -d > file-name-you-want and right-click in the console (or press Shift + Insert) to place the clipboard content in it, and then press Ctrl + D to finish.


You can also download psftp.exe from:


When you run it you type:

open "server name"


put "file name"

(Type help to get a full list of commands.)

You can also type get <file name> to download files from a remote machine to the local machine.

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