Programs & Examples On #Pdf reader

Case insensitive string as HashMap key

You can use CollationKey objects instead of strings:

Locale locale = ...;
Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(locale);
collator.setStrength(Collator.SECONDARY); // Case-insensitive.

CollationKey collationKey = collator.getCollationKey(stringKey);
hashMap.put(collationKey, value);

Use Collator.PRIMARY to ignore accent differences.

The CollationKey API does not guarantee that hashCode() and equals() are implemented, but in practice you'll be using RuleBasedCollationKey, which does implement these. If you're paranoid, you can use a TreeMap instead, which is guaranteed to work at the cost of O(log n) time instead of O(1).

How to invoke function from external .c file in C?

There are many great contributions here, but let me add mine non the less.

First thing i noticed is, you did not make any promises in the main file that you were going to create a function known as add(). This count have been done like this in the main file:

    int add(int a, int b); 

before your main function, that way your main function would recognize the add function and try to look for its executable code. So essentially your files should be


    int add(int a, int b);

    int main(void) {
        int result = add(5,6);
        printf("%d\n", result);

and // add.c

    int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

pytest cannot import module while python can

I can't say I understand why this works, but I had the same problem and the tests work fine if I run python -m pytest.

I'm in a virtualenv, with pytest also available globally:

(proj)tom@neon ~/dev/proj$ type -a python
python is /home/tom/.virtualenvs/proj/bin/python
python is /usr/bin/python

(proj)tom@neon ~/dev/proj$ python -V
Python 3.5.2

(proj)tom@neon ~/dev/proj$ type -a pytest
pytest is /home/tom/.virtualenvs/proj/bin/pytest
pytest is /usr/bin/pytest

(proj)tom@neon ~/dev/proj$ pytest --version
This is pytest version 3.5.0, imported from /home/tom/.virtualenvs/proj/lib/python3.5/site-packages/

How to capitalize the first letter of text in a TextView in an Android Application

You can add Apache Commons Lang in Gradle like compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4'

And use WordUtils.capitalizeFully(name)

Getting individual colors from a color map in matplotlib

To build on the solutions from Ffisegydd and amaliammr, here's an example where we make CSV representation for a custom colormap:

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import matplotlib
import numpy as np 

vmin = 0.1
vmax = 1000

norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax))
lognum = norm(np.log10([.5, 2., 10, 40, 150,1000]))

cdict = {
        (0., 0, 0),
        (lognum[0], 0, 0),
        (lognum[1], 0, 0),
        (lognum[2], 1, 1),
        (lognum[3], 0.8, 0.8),
        (lognum[4], .7, .7),
    (lognum[5], .7, .7)
        (0., .6, .6),
        (lognum[0], 0.8, 0.8),
        (lognum[1], 1, 1),
        (lognum[2], 1, 1),
        (lognum[3], 0, 0),
        (lognum[4], 0, 0),
    (lognum[5], 0, 0)
        (0., 0, 0),
        (lognum[0], 0, 0),
        (lognum[1], 0, 0),
        (lognum[2], 0, 0),
        (lognum[3], 0, 0),
        (lognum[4], 0, 0),
    (lognum[5], 1, 1)

mycmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 256)   
norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin, vmax)
colors = {}
count = 0
step_size = 0.001
for value in np.arange(vmin, vmax+step_size, step_size):
    count += 1
    print("%d/%d %f%%" % (count, vmax*(1./step_size), 100.*count/(vmax*(1./step_size))))
    rgba = mycmap(norm(value), bytes=True)
    color = (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2])
    if color not in colors.values():
        colors[value] = color

print ("value, red, green, blue")
for value in sorted(colors.keys()):
    rgb = colors[value]
    print("%s, %s, %s, %s" % (value, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]))

How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?

The danger in using a backslash to end a line is that if whitespace is added after the backslash (which, of course, is very hard to see), the backslash is no longer doing what you thought it was.

See Python Idioms and Anti-Idioms (for Python 2 or Python 3) for more.

filtering NSArray into a new NSArray in Objective-C

Another category method you could use:

- (NSArray *) filteredArrayUsingBlock:(BOOL (^)(id obj))block {
    NSIndexSet *const filteredIndexes = [self indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL (id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *_Nonnull stop) {
                                       return block(obj);

    return [self objectsAtIndexes:filteredIndexes];

how to convert an RGB image to numpy array?

OpenCV image format supports the numpy array interface. A helper function can be made to support either grayscale or color images. This means the BGR -> RGB conversion can be conveniently done with a numpy slice, not a full copy of image data.

Note: this is a stride trick, so modifying the output array will also change the OpenCV image data. If you want a copy, use .copy() method on the array!

import numpy as np

def img_as_array(im):
    """OpenCV's native format to a numpy array view"""
    w, h, n = im.width, im.height, im.channels
    modes = {1: "L", 3: "RGB", 4: "RGBA"}
    if n not in modes:
        raise Exception('unsupported number of channels: {0}'.format(n))
    out = np.asarray(im)
    if n != 1:
        out = out[:, :, ::-1]  # BGR -> RGB conversion
    return out

How to import jquery using ES6 syntax?

If you are using Webpack 4, the answer is to use the ProvidePlugin. Their documentation specifically covers angular.js with jquery use case:

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
  'window.jQuery': 'jquery'

The issue is that when using import syntax angular.js and jquery will always be imported before you have a chance to assign jquery to window.jQuery (import statements will always run first no matter where they are in the code!). This means that angular will always see window.jQuery as undefined until you use ProvidePlugin.

Get last n lines of a file, similar to tail

Although this isn't really on the efficient side with big files, this code is pretty straight-forward:

  1. It reads the file object, f.
  2. It splits the string returned using newlines, \n.
  3. It gets the array lists last indexes, using the negative sign to stand for the last indexes, and the : to get a subarray.

    def tail(f,n):
        return "\n".join("\n")[-n:])

Chrome / Safari not filling 100% height of flex parent

Specifying a flex attribute to the container worked for me:

.container {
    flex: 0 0 auto;

This ensures the height is set and doesn't grow either.

Activity restart on rotation Android

It is very simple just do the following steps:

    android:screenOrientation="landscape" >

This works for me :

Note: orientation depends on your requitement

"Android library projects cannot be launched"?

In Eclipse Project -> Clean Modify like this :


How to create nonexistent subdirectories recursively using Bash?

$ mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/$client/$year/$month/$day"

Using global variables in a function

In addition to already existing answers and to make this more confusing:

In Python, variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a new value anywhere within the function’s body, it’s assumed to be a local. If a variable is ever assigned a new value inside the function, the variable is implicitly local, and you need to explicitly declare it as ‘global’.

Though a bit surprising at first, a moment’s consideration explains this. On one hand, requiring global for assigned variables provides a bar against unintended side-effects. On the other hand, if global was required for all global references, you’d be using global all the time. You’d have to declare as global every reference to a built-in function or to a component of an imported module. This clutter would defeat the usefulness of the global declaration for identifying side-effects.

Source: What are the rules for local and global variables in Python?.

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': !== http://localhost:9000

Try using window.location.href for the url to match the window's origin.

Refresh a page using PHP

You can do it with PHP:


It refreshes your current page, and if you need to redirect it to another page, use following:

header("Refresh:0; url=page2.php");

android: changing option menu items programmatically

Like Nikolay said do that in onPrepareOptionsMenu().

For menu items in the action bar you have to invalidate the menu with activity.invalidateOptionsMenu();

This is descriped in more detail here How can I refresh the ActionBar when onPrepareOptionsMenu switched menu entries?

Call multiple functions onClick ReactJS

Maybe you can use arrow function (ES6+) or the simple old function declaration.

Normal function declaration type (Not ES6+):

<link href="#" onClick={function(event){ func1(event); func2();}}>Trigger here</link>

Anonymous function or arrow function type (ES6+)

<link href="#" onClick={(event) => { func1(event); func2();}}>Trigger here</link>

The second one is the shortest road that I know. Hope it helps you!

How to solve SQL Server Error 1222 i.e Unlock a SQL Server table

To prevent this, make sure every BEGIN TRANSACTION has COMMIT

The following will say successful but will leave uncommitted transactions:


Closing query windows with uncommitted transactions will prompt you to commit your transactions. This will generally resolve the Error 1222 message.

How to update parent's state in React?

This the way I do it.

type ParentProps = {}
type ParentState = { someValue: number }
class Parent extends React.Component<ParentProps, ParentState> {
    constructor(props: ParentProps) {
        this.state = { someValue: 0 }

        this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)

    handleChange(value: number) {
        this.setState({...this.state, someValue: value})

    render() {
        return <div>
            <Child changeFunction={this.handleChange} defaultValue={this.state.someValue} />
            <p>Value: {this.state.someValue}</p>

type ChildProps = { defaultValue: number, changeFunction: (value: number) => void}
type ChildState = { anotherValue: number }
class Child extends React.Component<ChildProps, ChildState> {
    constructor(props: ChildProps) {
        this.state = { anotherValue: this.props.defaultValue }

        this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)

    handleChange(value: number) {
        this.setState({...this.state, anotherValue: value})

    render() {
        return <div>
            <input onChange={event => this.handleChange(Number(} type='number' value={this.state.anotherValue}/>

PuTTY scripting to log onto host

entering a command after you logged in can be done by going through SSH section at the bottom of putty and you should have an option Remote command (data to send to the server) separate the two commands with ;

Does Python have a toString() equivalent, and can I convert a db.Model element to String?

In function post(): = users.get_current_user()

So, to get str(, you need str(users.get_current_user()). What is returned by get_current_user() function ?

If it is an object, check does it contain a str()" function?

I think the error lies there.

How to consume REST in Java

If you also need to convert that xml string that comes as a response to the service call, an x object you need can do it as follows:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXB;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class RestServiceClient {

// http://localhost:8080/RESTfulExample/json/product/get
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParserConfigurationException,
SAXException {

try {

URL url = new URL(
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/xml");

if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
    + conn.getResponseCode());

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

String output;

Ciudades ciudades = new Ciudades();
System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");
while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) {

DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
InputSource is = new InputSource();
is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(output));

Document doc = db.parse(is);
NodeList nodes = ((org.w3c.dom.Document) doc)

for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
    Ciudad ciudad = new Ciudad();
    Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i);

    NodeList name = element.getElementsByTagName("idCiudad");
    Element element2 = (Element) name.item(0);


    NodeList title = element.getElementsByTagName("nomCiudad");
    element2 = (Element) title.item(0);



for (Ciudad ciudad1 : ciudades.getPartnerAccount()) {


} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

public static String getCharacterDataFromElement(Element e) {
Node child = e.getFirstChild();
if (child instanceof CharacterData) {
CharacterData cd = (CharacterData) child;
return cd.getData();
return "";

Note that the xml structure that I expected in the example was as follows:


Correct redirect URI for Google API and OAuth 2.0

There's no problem with using a localhost url for Dev work - obviously it needs to be changed when it comes to production.

You need to go here: and then follow the link for the API Console - link's in the Basic Steps section. When you've filled out the new application form you'll be asked to provide a redirect Url. Put in the page you want to go to once access has been granted.

When forming the Google oAuth Url - you need to include the redirect url - it has to be an exact match or you'll have problems. It also needs to be UrlEncoded.

How to make an input type=button act like a hyperlink and redirect using a get request?

There are several different ways to do that -- first, simply put it inside a form that points to where you want it to go:

<form action="/my/link/location" method="get">
    <input type="submit" value="Go to my link location" 
         name="Submit" id="frm1_submit" />

This has the advantage of working even without javascript turned on.

Second, use a stand-alone button with javascript:

<input type="submit" value="Go to my link location" 
    onclick="window.location='/my/link/location';" />       

This however, will fail in browsers without JavaScript (Note: this is really bad practice -- you should be using event handlers, not inline code like this -- this is just the simplest way of illustrating the kind of thing I'm talking about.)

The third option is to style an actual link like a button:

<style type="text/css">
.my_content_container a {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #777777;
    border-left: 1px solid #000000;
    border-right: 1px solid #333333;
    border-top: 1px solid #000000;
    color: #000000;
    display: block;
    height: 2.5em;
    padding: 0 1em;
    width: 5em;       
    text-decoration: none;       
// :hover and :active styles left as an exercise for the reader.

<div class="my_content_container">
    <a href="/my/link/location/">Go to my link location</a>

This has the advantage of working everywhere and meaning what you most likely want it to mean.

How can I check the syntax of Python script without executing it?

You can check the syntax by compiling it:

python -m py_compile

How to detect reliably Mac OS X, iOS, Linux, Windows in C preprocessor?

There are predefined macros that are used by most compilers, you can find the list here. GCC compiler predefined macros can be found here. Here is an example for gcc:

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__)
   //define something for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit, this part is common)
   #ifdef _WIN64
      //define something for Windows (64-bit only)
      //define something for Windows (32-bit only)
#elif __APPLE__
    #include <TargetConditionals.h>
         // iOS Simulator
        // iOS device
    #elif TARGET_OS_MAC
        // Other kinds of Mac OS
    #   error "Unknown Apple platform"
#elif __linux__
    // linux
#elif __unix__ // all unices not caught above
    // Unix
#elif defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
    // POSIX
#   error "Unknown compiler"

The defined macros depend on the compiler that you are going to use.

The _WIN64 #ifdef can be nested into the _WIN32 #ifdef because _WIN32 is even defined when targeting the Windows x64 version. This prevents code duplication if some header includes are common to both (also WIN32 without underscore allows IDE to highlight the right partition of code).

How to run vi on docker container?

Add the following line in your Dockerfile then rebuild the docker image.

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim

How can I use an http proxy with node.js http.Client?

In case you need to the use basic authorisation for your proxy provider, just use the following:

var http = require("http");

var options = {
    host:       FarmerAdapter.PROXY_HOST,
    port:       FarmerAdapter.PROXY_PORT,
    path:       requestedUrl,
    headers:    {
        'Proxy-Authorization':  'Basic ' + new Buffer(FarmerAdapter.PROXY_USER + ':' + FarmerAdapter.PROXY_PASS).toString('base64')

var request = http.request(options, function(response) {
    var chunks = [];
    response.on('data', function(chunk) {
    response.on('end', function() {
        console.log('Response', Buffer.concat(chunks).toString());

request.on('error', function(error) {


Shared folder between MacOSX and Windows on Virtual Box

At first I was stuck trying to figure out out to "insert" the Guest Additions CD image in Windows because I presumed it was a separate download that I would have to mount or somehow attach to the virtual CD drive. But just going through the Mac VirtualBox Devices menu and picking "Insert Guest Additions CD Image..." seemed to do the trick. Nothing to mount, nothing to "insert".

Elsewhere I found that the Guest Additions update was part of the update package, so I guess the new VB found the new GA CD automatically when Windows went looking. I wish I had known that to start.

Also, it appears that when I installed the Guest Additions on my Linked Base machine, it propagated to the other machines that were based on it. Sweet. Only one installation for multiple "machines".

I still haven't found that documented, but it appears to be the case (probably I'm not looking for the right explanation terms because I don't already know the explanation). How that works should probably be a different thread.

How do you loop in a Windows batch file?


for /?

and you will get several pages of help text.

Is visible in Python 3? has been renamed to g.__next__(). The reason for this is consistency: special methods like __init__() and __del__() all have double underscores (or "dunder" in the current vernacular), and .next() was one of the few exceptions to that rule. This was fixed in Python 3.0. [*]

But instead of calling g.__next__(), use next(g).

[*] There are other special attributes that have gotten this fix; func_name, is now __name__, etc.

Formatting DataBinder.Eval data

Text='<%# DateTime.Parse(Eval("LastLoginDate").ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt") %>'

This works for the format as you want

Insert/Update Many to Many Entity Framework . How do I do it?

I use the following way to handle the many-to-many relationship where only foreign keys are involved.

So for inserting:

public void InsertStudentClass (long studentId, long classId)
    using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
        Student student = new Student { StudentID = studentId };

        Class class = new Class { ClassID = classId };

        student.Classes = new List<Class>();


For deleting,

public void DeleteStudentClass(long studentId, long classId)
    Student student = context.Students.Include(x => x.Classes).Single(x => x.StudentID == studentId);

    using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
        Class classToDelete = student.Classes.Find(x => x.ClassID == classId);
        if (classToDelete != null)

How can I strip first and last double quotes?

If you can't assume that all the strings you process have double quotes you can use something like this:

if string.startswith('"') and string.endswith('"'):
    string = string[1:-1]


I'm sure that you just used string as the variable name for exemplification here and in your real code it has a useful name, but I feel obliged to warn you that there is a module named string in the standard libraries. It's not loaded automatically, but if you ever use import string make sure your variable doesn't eclipse it.

SQL Server String or binary data would be truncated

Yes,I am also face these kind of problem.


Here, I've change REMARKS filed length from 500 to 1000

history.replaceState() example?

history.pushState pushes the current page state onto the history stack, and changes the URL in the address bar. So, when you go back, that state (the object you passed) are returned to you.

Currently, that is all it does. Any other page action, such as displaying the new page or changing the page title, must be done by you.

The W3C spec you link is just a draft, and browser may implement it differently. Firefox, for example, ignores the title parameter completely.

Here is a simple example of pushState that I use on my website.

    // Use AJAX to load the page, and change the title
    function loadPage(sel, p){
        $(sel).load(p + ' #content', function(){
            document.title = $('#pageData').data('title');

    // When a link is clicked, use AJAX to load that page
    // but use pushState to change the URL bar
    $(document).on('click', 'a', function(e){
        history.pushState({page: this.href}, '', this.href);
        loadPage('#frontPage', this.href);

    // This event is triggered when you visit a page in the history
    // like when yu push the "back" button
    $(window).on('popstate', function(e){
        loadPage('#frontPage', location.pathname);

How to do a JUnit assert on a message in a logger

Use the below code. I am using same code for my spring integration test where I am using log back for logging. Use method assertJobIsScheduled to assert the text printed in the log.

import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggingEvent;
import ch.qos.logback.core.Appender;

private Logger rootLogger;
final Appender mockAppender = mock(Appender.class);

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    rootLogger = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);

private void assertJobIsScheduled(final String matcherText) {
    verify(mockAppender).doAppend(argThat(new ArgumentMatcher() {
        public boolean matches(final Object argument) {
            return ((LoggingEvent)argument).getFormattedMessage().contains(matcherText);

How do I find out where login scripts live?

In addition from the command prompt run SET.

This displayed the "LOGONSERVER" value which indicates the specific domain controller you are using (there can be more than one).

Then you got to that server's NetBios Share \Servername\SYSVOL\domain.local\scripts.

How to add target="_blank" to JavaScript window.location?

I have created a function that allows me to obtain this feature:

function redirect_blank(url) {
  var a = document.createElement('a');"_blank";

bootstrap 4 file input doesn't show the file name

If you want you can use the recommended Bootstrap plugin to dynamize your custom file input:

This plugin can be use with or without jQuery and works with React an Angular

Why is list initialization (using curly braces) better than the alternatives?

There are already great answers about the advantages of using list initialization, however my personal rule of thumb is NOT to use curly braces whenever possible, but instead make it dependent on the conceptual meaning:

  • If the object I'm creating conceptually holds the values I'm passing in the constructor (e.g. containers, POD structs, atomics, smart pointers etc.), then I'm using the braces.
  • If the constructor resembles a normal function call (it performs some more or less complex operations that are parametrized by the arguments) then I'm using the normal function call syntax.
  • For default initialization I always use curly braces.
    For one, that way I'm always sure that the object gets initialized irrespective of whether it e.g. is a "real" class with a default constructor that would get called anyway or a builtin / POD type. Second it is - in most cases - consistent with the first rule, as a default initialized object often represents an "empty" object.

In my experience, this ruleset can be applied much more consistently than using curly braces by default, but having to explicitly remember all the exceptions when they can't be used or have a different meaning than the "normal" function-call syntax with parenthesis (calls a different overload).

It e.g. fits nicely with standard library-types like std::vector:

vector<int> a{10,20};   //Curly braces -> fills the vector with the arguments

vector<int> b(10,20);   //Parentheses -> uses arguments to parametrize some functionality,                          
vector<int> c(it1,it2); //like filling the vector with 10 integers or copying a range.

vector<int> d{};      //empty braces -> default constructs vector, which is equivalent
                      //to a vector that is filled with zero elements

Partition Function COUNT() OVER possible using DISTINCT

I think the only way of doing this in SQL-Server 2008R2 is to use a correlated subquery, or an outer apply:

SELECT  datekey,
        COALESCE(RunningTotal, 0) AS RunningTotal,
        COALESCE(RunningCount, 0) AS RunningCount,
        COALESCE(RunningDistinctCount, 0) AS RunningDistinctCount
FROM    document
        (   SELECT  SUM(Amount) AS RunningTotal,
                    COUNT(1) AS RunningCount,
                    COUNT(DISTINCT d2.dateKey) AS RunningDistinctCount
            FROM    Document d2
            WHERE   d2.DateKey <= document.DateKey
        ) rt;

This can be done in SQL-Server 2012 using the syntax you have suggested:

SELECT  datekey,
        SUM(Amount) OVER(ORDER BY DateKey) AS RunningTotal
FROM    document

However, use of DISTINCT is still not allowed, so if DISTINCT is required and/or if upgrading isn't an option then I think OUTER APPLY is your best option

How to programmatically open the Permission Screen for a specific app on Android Marshmallow?

Try This

  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
  intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(appDetails.packageName,""));

Number to String in a formula field

I believe this is what you're looking for:

Convert Decimal Numbers to Text showing only the non-zero decimals

Especially this line might be helpful:

StringVar text     :=  Totext ( {Your.NumberField} , 6 , ""  )  ;

The first parameter is the decimal to be converted, the second parameter is the number of decimal places and the third parameter is the separator for thousands/millions etc.

vba error handling in loop

Actualy the Gabin Smith's answer needs to be changed a bit to work, because you can't resume with without an error.

Sub MyFunc()
    For Each oSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        On Error GoTo errHandler:
        Set qry = oSheet.ListObjects(1).QueryTable

    Next oSheet

Exit Sub

Resume NextSheet        
End Sub

Editing in the Chrome debugger

As this is quite popular question that deals with live-editing of JS, I want to point out another useful option. As described by svjacob in his answer:

I realized I could attach a break-point in the debugger to some line of code before what I wanted to dynamically edit. And since break-points stay even after a reload of the page, I was able to edit the changes I wanted while paused at break-point and then continued to let the page load.

The above solution didn't work for me for quite large JS (webpack bundle - 3.21MB minified version, 130k lines of code in prettified version) - chrome crashed and asked for page reloading which reverted any saved changes. The way to go in this case was Fiddler where you can set AutoRespond option to replace any remote resource with any local file from your computer - see this SO question for details.

In my case I also had to add CORS headers to fiddler to successfully mock response.

Error when checking model input: expected convolution2d_input_1 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (32, 32, 3)

x_train = x_train.reshape(-1,28, 28, 1)   #Reshape for CNN -  should work!!
x_test = x_test.reshape(-1,28, 28, 1)
history_cnn =, y_train, epochs=5, validation_data=(x_test, y_test))


Train on 60000 samples, validate on 10000 samples Epoch 1/5 60000/60000 [==============================] - 157s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0981 - acc: 0.9692 - val_loss: 0.0468 - val_acc: 0.9861 Epoch 2/5 60000/60000 [==============================] - 157s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0352 - acc: 0.9892 - val_loss: 0.0408 - val_acc: 0.9879 Epoch 3/5 60000/60000 [==============================] - 159s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0242 - acc: 0.9924 - val_loss: 0.0291 - val_acc: 0.9913 Epoch 4/5 60000/60000 [==============================] - 165s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0181 - acc: 0.9945 - val_loss: 0.0361 - val_acc: 0.9888 Epoch 5/5 60000/60000 [==============================] - 168s 3ms/step - loss: 0.0142 - acc: 0.9958 - val_loss: 0.0354 - val_acc: 0.9906

MySQL Data - Best way to implement paging?

From the MySQL documentation:

The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric arguments, which must both be nonnegative integer constants (except when using prepared statements).

With two arguments, the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10;  # Retrieve rows 6-15

To retrieve all rows from a certain offset up to the end of the result set, you can use some large number for the second parameter. This statement retrieves all rows from the 96th row to the last:

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 95,18446744073709551615;

With one argument, the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set:

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5;     # Retrieve first 5 rows

In other words, LIMIT row_count is equivalent to LIMIT 0, row_count.

Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active?

Since originally writing this answer, a new specification has reached recommendation status thanks to the W3C. The Page Visibility API (on MDN) now allows us to more accurately detect when a page is hidden to the user.

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onchange);

Current browser support:

  • Chrome 13+
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Firefox 10+
  • Opera 12.10+ [read notes]

The following code falls back to the less reliable blur/focus method in incompatible browsers:

(function() {
  var hidden = "hidden";

  // Standards:
  if (hidden in document)
    document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onchange);
  else if ((hidden = "mozHidden") in document)
    document.addEventListener("mozvisibilitychange", onchange);
  else if ((hidden = "webkitHidden") in document)
    document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", onchange);
  else if ((hidden = "msHidden") in document)
    document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange", onchange);
  // IE 9 and lower:
  else if ("onfocusin" in document)
    document.onfocusin = document.onfocusout = onchange;
  // All others:
    window.onpageshow = window.onpagehide
    = window.onfocus = window.onblur = onchange;

  function onchange (evt) {
    var v = "visible", h = "hidden",
        evtMap = {
          focus:v, focusin:v, pageshow:v, blur:h, focusout:h, pagehide:h

    evt = evt || window.event;
    if (evt.type in evtMap)
      document.body.className = evtMap[evt.type];
      document.body.className = this[hidden] ? "hidden" : "visible";

  // set the initial state (but only if browser supports the Page Visibility API)
  if( document[hidden] !== undefined )
    onchange({type: document[hidden] ? "blur" : "focus"});

onfocusin and onfocusout are required for IE 9 and lower, while all others make use of onfocus and onblur, except for iOS, which uses onpageshow and onpagehide.

Regular Expression: Any character that is NOT a letter or number

To match anything other than letter or number or letter with diacritics like é you could try this:


And to replace:

var str = 'dfj,dsf7é@lfsd .sdklfàj1';
str = str.replace(/[^\wÀ-úÀ-ÿ]/g, '_');

Inspired by the top post with support for diacritics


Try-catch-finally-return clarification

If the return in the try block is reached, it transfers control to the finally block, and the function eventually returns normally (not a throw).

If an exception occurs, but then the code reaches a return from the catch block, control is transferred to the finally block and the function eventually returns normally (not a throw).

In your example, you have a return in the finally, and so regardless of what happens, the function will return 34, because finally has the final (if you will) word.

Although not covered in your example, this would be true even if you didn't have the catch and if an exception were thrown in the try block and not caught. By doing a return from the finally block, you suppress the exception entirely. Consider:

public class FinallyReturn {
  public static final void main(String[] args) {

  private static int foo(String[] args) {
    try {
      int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
      return n;
    finally {
      return 42;

If you run that without supplying any arguments:

$ java FinallyReturn

...the code in foo throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. But because the finally block does a return, that exception gets suppressed.

This is one reason why it's best to avoid using return in finally.

How can I keep a container running on Kubernetes?

Use Kubernetes Deployment and services.

How to check identical array in most efficient way?

You could compare String representations so:

array1.toString() == array2.toString()
array1.toString() !== array3.toString()

but that would also make

array4 = ['1',2,3,4,5]

equal to array1 if that matters to you

How to get the cell value by column name not by index in GridView in

It is possible to use the data field name, if not the title so easily, which solved the problem for me. For ASP.NET & VB:

e.g. For a string:

Dim Encoding = e.Row.DataItem("Encoding").ToString().Trim()

e.g. For an integer:

Dim MsgParts = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.DataItem("CalculatedMessageParts").ToString())

Custom Cell Row Height setting in storyboard is not responding

I think it is a bug.

Try adjust height not by Utility inspector but by mouse drag on the storyboard directly.

I solved this problem with this method.

How to force IE10 to render page in IE9 document mode

there are many ways can do this:

add X-UA-Compatible tag to head http response header

using IE tools F12

change windows Registry

keycode and charcode

It is a conditional statement.

If browser supprts e.keyCode then take e.keyCode else e.charCode.

It is similar to

var code = event.keyCode || event.charCode

event.keyCode: Returns the Unicode value of a non-character key in a keypress event or any key in any other type of keyboard event.

event.charCode: Returns the Unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event.

If statement within Where clause

CASE might help you out:

SELECT t.first_name,
  FROM employeetable t
 WHERE t.status = (CASE WHEN status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE THEN 'A'
                        WHEN status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE THEN 'T'
                        ELSE null END)
   AND t.business_unit = (CASE WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION THEN 'production'
                               WHEN source_flag = SOURCE_USER THEN 'users'
                               ELSE null END)
   AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
   AND t.last_name LIKE lastname
   AND t.employid LIKE employeeid;

The CASE statement evaluates multiple conditions to produce a single value. So, in the first usage, I check the value of status_flag, returning 'A', 'T' or null depending on what it's value is, and compare that to t.status. I do the same for the business_unit column with a second CASE statement.

What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>?

Google's Android Documentation Says that :

An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types, called Params, Progress and Result, and 4 steps, called onPreExecute, doInBackground, onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute.

AsyncTask's generic types :

The three types used by an asynchronous task are the following:

Params, the type of the parameters sent to the task upon execution.
Progress, the type of the progress units published during the background computation.
Result, the type of the result of the background computation.

Not all types are always used by an asynchronous task. To mark a type as unused, simply use the type Void:

 private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { ... }

You Can further refer :

Or You Can clear whats the role of AsyncTask by refering Sankar-Ganesh's Blog

Well The structure of a typical AsyncTask class goes like :

private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<X, Y, Z>

    protected void onPreExecute(){


This method is executed before starting the new Thread. There is no input/output values, so just initialize variables or whatever you think you need to do.

    protected Z doInBackground(X...x){


The most important method in the AsyncTask class. You have to place here all the stuff you want to do in the background, in a different thread from the main one. Here we have as an input value an array of objects from the type “X” (Do you see in the header? We have “...extends AsyncTask” These are the TYPES of the input parameters) and returns an object from the type “Z”.

   protected void onProgressUpdate(Y y){


This method is called using the method publishProgress(y) and it is usually used when you want to show any progress or information in the main screen, like a progress bar showing the progress of the operation you are doing in the background.

  protected void onPostExecute(Z z){


This method is called after the operation in the background is done. As an input parameter you will receive the output parameter of the doInBackground method.

What about the X, Y and Z types?

As you can deduce from the above structure:

 X – The type of the input variables value you want to set to the background process. This can be an array of objects.

 Y – The type of the objects you are going to enter in the onProgressUpdate method.

 Z – The type of the result from the operations you have done in the background process.

How do we call this task from an outside class? Just with the following two lines:

MyTask myTask = new MyTask();


Where x is the input parameter of the type X.

Once we have our task running, we can find out its status from “outside”. Using the “getStatus()” method.


and we can receive the following status:

RUNNING - Indicates that the task is running.

PENDING - Indicates that the task has not been executed yet.

FINISHED - Indicates that onPostExecute(Z) has finished.

Hints about using AsyncTask

  1. Do not call the methods onPreExecute, doInBackground and onPostExecute manually. This is automatically done by the system.

  2. You cannot call an AsyncTask inside another AsyncTask or Thread. The call of the method execute must be done in the UI Thread.

  3. The method onPostExecute is executed in the UI Thread (here you can call another AsyncTask!).

  4. The input parameters of the task can be an Object array, this way you can put whatever objects and types you want.

Submit HTML form on self page

If you are submitting a form using php be sure to use:

action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>"

for security.

Storing Images in PostgreSQL

In the database, there are two options:

  • bytea. Stores the data in a column, exported as part of a backup. Uses standard database functions to save and retrieve. Recommended for your needs.
  • blobs. Stores the data externally, not normally exported as part of a backup. Requires special database functions to save and retrieve.

I've used bytea columns with great success in the past storing 10+gb of images with thousands of rows. PG's TOAST functionality pretty much negates any advantage that blobs have. You'll need to include metadata columns in either case for filename, content-type, dimensions, etc.

Initialize value of 'var' in C# to null

var variables still have a type - and the compiler error message says this type must be established during the declaration.

The specific request (assigning an initial null value) can be done, but I don't recommend it. It doesn't provide an advantage here (as the type must still be specified) and it could be viewed as making the code less readable:

var x = (String)null;

Which is still "type inferred" and equivalent to:

String x = null;

The compiler will not accept var x = null because it doesn't associate the null with any type - not even Object. Using the above approach, var x = (Object)null would "work" although it is of questionable usefulness.

Generally, when I can't use var's type inference correctly then

  1. I am at a place where it's best to declare the variable explicitly; or
  2. I should rewrite the code such that a valid value (with an established type) is assigned during the declaration.

The second approach can be done by moving code into methods or functions.

How to set layout_gravity programmatically?

I switched from LinearLayout.LayoutParams to RelativeLayout.LayoutParams to finally get the result I was desiring on a custom circleview I created.

But instead of gravity you use addRule

RelativeLayout.LayoutParams mCircleParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(circleheight,circleheight);


How do you find the current user in a Windows environment?

This is the main difference between username variable and whoami command:

C:\Users\>echo %username%


DOMAIN = bios name of the domain (not fqdn)

Datatables - Setting column width

for who still having issues with 1.9.4 change

//oSettings.aoColumns[i] = _fnStringToCss(oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth);
oSettings.aoColumns[i] = _fnStringToCss(oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth);

What is the best way to conditionally apply a class?

You can use this npm package. It handles everything and has options for static and conditional classes based on a variable or a function.

// Support for string arguments
getClassNames('class1', 'class2');

// support for Object
getClassNames({class1: true, class2 : false});

// support for all type of data
getClassNames('class1', 'class2', ['class3', 'class4'], { 
    class5 : function() { return false; },
    class6 : function() { return true; }

<div className={getClassNames({class1: true, class2 : false})} />

Difference between Fact table and Dimension table?

From my point of view,

  • Dimension table : Master Data
  • Fact table : Transactional Data

How to check if an element is in an array

(Swift 3)

Check if an element exists in an array (fulfilling some criteria), and if so, proceed working with the first such element

If the intent is:

  1. To check whether an element exist in an array (/fulfils some boolean criteria, not necessarily equality testing),
  2. And if so, proceed and work with the first such element,

Then an alternative to contains(_:) as blueprinted Sequence is to first(where:) of Sequence:

let elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

if let firstSuchElement = elements.first(where: { $0 == 4 }) {
    print(firstSuchElement) // 4
    // ...

In this contrived example, its usage might seem silly, but it's very useful if querying arrays of non-fundamental element types for existence of any elements fulfilling some condition. E.g.

struct Person {
    let age: Int
    let name: String
    init(_ age: Int, _ name: String) {
        self.age = age = name

let persons = [Person(17, "Fred"),   Person(16, "Susan"),
               Person(19, "Hannah"), Person(18, "Sarah"),
               Person(23, "Sam"),    Person(18, "Jane")]

if let eligableDriver = persons.first(where: { $0.age >= 18 }) {
    print("\( can possibly drive the rental car in Sweden.")
    // ...
} // Hannah can possibly drive the rental car in Sweden.

let daniel = Person(18, "Daniel")
if let sameAgeAsDaniel = persons.first(where: { $0.age == daniel.age }) {
    print("\( is the same age as \(")
    // ...
} // Sarah is the same age as Daniel.

Any chained operations using .filter { ... some condition }.first can favourably be replaced with first(where:). The latter shows intent better, and have performance advantages over possible non-lazy appliances of .filter, as these will pass the full array prior to extracting the (possible) first element passing the filter.

Check if an element exists in an array (fulfilling some criteria), and if so, remove the first such element

A comment below queries:

How can I remove the firstSuchElement from the array?

A similar use case to the one above is to remove the first element that fulfils a given predicate. To do so, the index(where:) method of Collection (which is readily available to array collection) may be used to find the index of the first element fulfilling the predicate, whereafter the index can be used with the remove(at:) method of Array to (possible; given that it exists) remove that element.

var elements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]

if let indexOfFirstSuchElement = elements.index(where: { $0 == "c" }) {
    elements.remove(at: indexOfFirstSuchElement)
    print(elements) // ["a", "b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]

Or, if you'd like to remove the element from the array and work with, apply Optional:s map(_:) method to conditionally (for .some(...) return from index(where:)) use the result from index(where:) to remove and capture the removed element from the array (within an optional binding clause).

var elements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]

if let firstSuchElement = elements.index(where: { $0 == "c" })
    .map({ elements.remove(at: $0) }) {

    // if we enter here, the first such element have now been
    // remove from the array
    print(elements) // ["a", "b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]

    // and we may work with it
    print(firstSuchElement) // c

Note that in the contrived example above the array members are simple value types (String instances), so using a predicate to find a given member is somewhat over-kill, as we might simply test for equality using the simpler index(of:) method as shown in @DogCoffee's answer. If applying the find-and-remove approach above to the Person example, however, using index(where:) with a predicate is appropriate (since we no longer test for equality but for fulfilling a supplied predicate).

Data at the root level is invalid



should be:


LoadXml() is for loading an XML string, not a file name.

add/remove active class for ul list with jquery?

Try this,

 $('.nav-list li').click(function() {


In your context $(this) will points to the UL element not the Li. Hence you are not getting the expected results.

Find integer index of rows with NaN in pandas dataframe

Let the dataframe be named df and the column of interest(i.e. the column in which we are trying to find nulls) is 'b'. Then the following snippet gives the desired index of null in the dataframe:

   for i in range(df.shape[0]):
       if df['b'].isnull().iloc[i]:

Update rows in one table with data from another table based on one column in each being equal

merge into t2 t2 
using (select * from t1) t1
on (t2.user_id = t1.user_id)
when matched then update
   t2.c1 = t1.c1
,  t2.c2 = t1.c2

Python vs Cpython

implementation means what language was used to implement Python and not how python Code would be implemented. The advantage of using CPython is the availability of C Run-time as well as easy integration with C/C++.

So CPython was originally implemented using C. There were other forks to the original implementation which enabled Python to lever-edge Java (JYthon) or .NET Runtime (IronPython).

Based on which Implementation you use, library availability might vary, for example Ctypes is not available in Jython, so any library which uses ctypes would not work in Jython. Similarly, if you want to use a Java Class, you cannot directly do so from CPython. You either need a glue (JEPP) or need to use Jython (The Java Implementation of Python)

Setting DEBUG = False causes 500 Error

Django 1.5 introduced the allowed hosts setting that is required for security reasons. A settings file created with Django 1.5 has this new section which you need to add:

# Hosts/domain names that are valid for this site; required if DEBUG is False
# See

Add your host here like [''] or ['*'] for a quick test, but don't use ['*'] for production.

Java - JPA - @Version annotation

But still I am not sure how it works?

Let's say an entity MyEntity has an annotated version property:

public class MyEntity implements Serializable {    

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private Long version;


On update, the field annotated with @Version will be incremented and added to the WHERE clause, something like this:


If the WHERE clause fails to match a record (because the same entity has already been updated by another thread), then the persistence provider will throw an OptimisticLockException.

Does it mean that we should declare our version field as final

No but you could consider making the setter protected as you're not supposed to call it.

Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning?

You can Activate / Disactivate Breakpoints in dropdown menu enter image description here

Python - Create list with numbers between 2 values?

assuming you want to have a range between x to y


>>> range(11,17)
[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

use list for 3.x support

How to retrieve the dimensions of a view?

ViewTreeObserver and onWindowFocusChanged() are not so necessary at all.

If you inflate the TextView as layout and/or put some content in it and set LayoutParams then you can use getMeasuredHeight() and getMeasuredWidth().

BUT you have to be careful with LinearLayouts (maybe also other ViewGroups). The issue there is, that you can get the width and height after onWindowFocusChanged() but if you try to add some views in it, then you can't get that information until everything have been drawn. I was trying to add multiple TextViews to LinearLayouts to mimic a FlowLayout (wrapping style) and so couldn't use Listeners. Once the process is started, it should continue synchronously. So in such case, you might want to keep the width in a variable to use it later, as during adding views to layout, you might need it.

extract date only from given timestamp in oracle sql

Use the function cast() to convert from timestamp to date

select to_char(cast(sysdate as date),'DD-MM-YYYY') from dual;

For more info of function cast oracle11g

How do I print bold text in Python?

print '\033[1m  Your Name  \033[0m'

\033[1m is the unicode for bold in the terminal \033[0m is the unicode for end the edited text and back default text formate!!!!!

if you do not use \033[0m than all upcoming text of the terminal will become bold!!!!!!!!!

Handling a Menu Item Click Event - Android

in addition to the options shown in your question, there is the possibility of implementing the action directly in your xml file from the menu, for example:

   android:onClick="showMsgDirectMenuXml" />

And for your Java (Activity) file, you need to implement a public method with a single parameter of type MenuItem, for example:

 private void showMsgDirectMenuXml(MenuItem item) {
    Toast toast = Toast.makeText(this, "OK", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);;

NOTE: This method will have behavior similar to the onOptionsItemSelected (MenuItem item)

Checkbox Check Event Listener

If you have a checkbox in your html something like:

<input id="conducted" type = "checkbox" name="party" value="0">

and you want to add an EventListener to this checkbox using javascript, in your associated js file, you can do as follows:

checkbox = document.getElementById('conducted');

checkbox.addEventListener('change', e => {

        //do something


HTML table with fixed headers?

A lot of people seem to be looking for this answer. I found it buried in an answer to another question here: Syncing column width of between tables in two different frames, etc

Of the dozens of methods I have tried this is the only method I found that works reliably to allow you to have a scrolling bottom table with the header table having the same widths.

Here is how I did it, first I improved upon the jsfiddle above to create this function, which works on both td and th (in case that trips up others who use th for styling of their header rows).

var setHeaderTableWidth= function (headertableid,basetableid) {
            $("#"+headertableid+" tr th").each(function (i) {
                $(this).width($($("#"+basetableid+" tr:first td")[i]).width());
            $("#" + headertableid + " tr td").each(function (i) {
                $(this).width($($("#" + basetableid + " tr:first td")[i]).width());

Next, you need to create two tables, NOTE the header table should have an extra TD to leave room in the top table for the scrollbar, like this:

 <table id="headertable1" class="input-cells table-striped">
            <tr style="background-color:darkgray;color:white;"><th>header1</th><th>header2</th><th>header3</th><th>header4</th><th>header5</th><th>header6</th><th></th></tr>
    <div id="resizeToBottom" style="overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;">
        <table id="basetable1" class="input-cells table-striped">
            <tbody >

Then do something like:

        setHeaderTableWidth('headertable1', 'basetable1');
        $(window).resize(function () {
            setHeaderTableWidth('headertable1', 'basetable1');

This is the only solution that I found on Stack Overflow that works out of many similar questions that have been posted, that works in all my cases.

For example, I tried the jQuery stickytables plugin which does not work with durandal, and the Google Code project here

Other solutions involving cloning the tables, have poor performance, or suck and don't work in all cases.

There is no need for these overly complex solutions. Just make two tables like the examples below and call setHeaderTableWidth function like described here and boom, you are done.

If this does not work for you, you probably were playing with your CSS box-sizing property and you need to set it correctly. It is easy to screw up your CSS content by accident. There are many things that can go wrong, so just be aware/careful of that. This approach works for me.

Chmod recursively

To make everything writable by the owner, read/execute by the group, and world executable:

chmod -R 0755

To make everything wide open:

chmod -R 0777

Form Validation With Bootstrap (jQuery)

I had your code setup on jsFiddle to try diagnose the problem.

However, I don't seem to encounter your issue. Could you take a look and let us know?


<div class="hero-unit">
 <h1>Contact Form</h1> 
<form method="POST" action="contact-form-submission.php" class="form-horizontal" id="contact-form">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="name">Name</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Your name">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email address">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="subject">Subject</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <select id="subject" name="subject">
                <option value="na" selected="">Choose One:</option>
                <option value="service">Feedback</option>
                <option value="suggestions">Suggestion</option>
                <option value="support">Question</option>
                <option value="other">Other</option>
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="message">Message</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <textarea name="message" id="message" rows="8" class="span5" placeholder="The message you want to send to us."></textarea>
    <div class="form-actions">
        <input type="hidden" name="save" value="contact">
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit Message</button>
        <button type="reset" class="btn">Cancel</button>


$(document).ready(function () {

    rules: {
        name: {
            minlength: 2,
            required: true
        email: {
            required: true,
            email: true
        message: {
            minlength: 2,
            required: true
    highlight: function (element) {
    success: function (element) {

Alternate output format for psql

you can use the zenity to displays the query output as html table.

  • first implement bash script with following code:

    cat > '/tmp/sql.op'; zenity --text-info --html --filename='/tmp/sql.op';

    save it like

  • Then export the environment variable PAGER by set full path of the script as value.

    for example:- export PAGER='/path/'

  • Then login to the psql program then execute the command \H

  • And finally execute any query,the tabled output will displayed in the zenity in html table format.

Using PHP to upload file and add the path to MySQL database

First you should use print_r($_FILES) to debug, and see what it contains. :

your uploads.php would look like:

//This is the directory where images will be saved
$target = "pics/";
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['Filename']['name']);

//This gets all the other information from the form
$Filename=basename( $_FILES['Filename']['name']);

//Writes the Filename to the server
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filename']['tmp_name'], $target)) {
    //Tells you if its all ok
    echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['Filename']['name']). " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory";
    // Connects to your Database
    mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()) ;
    mysql_select_db("altabotanikk") or die(mysql_error()) ;

    //Writes the information to the database
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO picture (Filename,Description)
    VALUES ('$Filename', '$Description')") ;
} else {
    //Gives and error if its not
    echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.";


EDIT: Since this is old post, currently it is strongly recommended to use either mysqli or pdo instead mysql_ functions in php

Change limit for "Mysql Row size too large"

The other answers address the question asked. I will address the underlying cause: poor schema design.

Do not splay an array across columns. Here you have 3*10 columns that should be turned into 10 rows of 3 columns in a new table (plus id, etc)

Your Main table would have only

id  int(11) No       
name    text    No       
date    date    No       
time    time    No       
schedule    int(11) No       
category    int(11) No       
status  int(11) No       
admin_id    int(11) No 

Your extra table (Top) would have

id  int(11) No          -- for joining to Main
seq TINYINT UNSIGNED    -- containing 1..10
img   varchar(255)    No       
title varchar(255)    No       
desc  text    No    
PRIMARY KEY(id, seq)    -- so you can easily find the 10 top_titles

There would be 10 (or fewer? or more?) rows in Top for each id.

This eliminates your original problem, and cleans up the schema. (This is not "normalization", as debated in some of the Comments.)

Do not switch to MyISAM; it is going away.
Don't worry about ROW_FORMAT.

You will need to change your code to do the JOIN and to handle multiple rows instead of multiple columns.

How do I rename a repository on GitHub?

Simple solution:

1) Open your project url:
2) in the top, aside of the project name, click EDIT

pip installing in global site-packages instead of virtualenv

It happened to me when I installed virtualenv with --python=python3.6 flag but afterwards tried to use pip2 install.
Creating virtualenv with flag of the version that you'll use solves permission problems. To check, try which pip or which pip2 or which pip3 (depends on your choice). If any pip you use shows path not to venv here is your problem.

How to dock "Tool Options" to "Toolbox"?

I'm using GIMP 2.8.1. I hope this will work for you:

Open the "Windows" menu and select "Single-Window Mode".

Simple ;)

android - save image into gallery

In my case the solutions above did not work I had to do the following:

sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(f)));

Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

The public modifier should be omitted in Java interfaces (in my opinion).

Since it does not add any extra information, it just draws attention away from the important stuff.

Most style-guides will recommend that you leave it out, but of course, the most important thing is to be consistent across your codebase, and especially for each interface. The following example could easily confuse someone, who is not 100% fluent in Java:

public interface Foo{
  public void MakeFoo();
  void PerformBar();

JavaScript is in array

var myArray = [2,5,6,7,9,6];
myArray.includes(2) // is true
myArray.includes(14) // is false

How to prevent a browser from storing passwords

You should be able to make a fake hidden password box to prevent it.

  <div style="display:none">_x000D_
    <input type="password" tabindex="-1"/>_x000D_
  <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="username"/>_x000D_
  <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password"/>_x000D_

counting the number of lines in a text file

Your hack of decrementing the count at the end is exactly that -- a hack.

Far better to write your loop correctly in the first place, so it doesn't count the last line twice.

int main() { 
    int number_of_lines = 0;
    std::string line;
    std::ifstream myfile("textexample.txt");

    while (std::getline(myfile, line))
    std::cout << "Number of lines in text file: " << number_of_lines;
    return 0;

Personally, I think in this case, C-style code is perfectly acceptable:

int main() {
    unsigned int number_of_lines = 0;
    FILE *infile = fopen("textexample.txt", "r");
    int ch;

    while (EOF != (ch=getc(infile)))
        if ('\n' == ch)
    printf("%u\n", number_of_lines);
    return 0;

Edit: Of course, C++ will also let you do something a bit similar:

int main() {
    std::ifstream myfile("textexample.txt");

    // new lines will be skipped unless we stop it from happening:    

    // count the newlines with an algorithm specialized for counting:
    unsigned line_count = std::count(

    std::cout << "Lines: " << line_count << "\n";
    return 0;

What techniques can be used to define a class in JavaScript, and what are their trade-offs?

I prefer to use Daniel X. Moore's {SUPER: SYSTEM}. This is a discipline that provides benefits such as true instance variables, trait based inheritance, class hierarchies and configuration options. The example below illustrates the use of true instance variables, which I believe is the biggest advantage. If you don't need instance variables and are happy with only public or private variables then there are probably simpler systems.

function Person(I) {
  I = I || {};

  Object.reverseMerge(I, {
    name: "McLovin",
    age: 25,
    homeState: "Hawaii"

  return {
    introduce: function() {
      return "Hi I'm " + + " and I'm " + I.age;

var fogel = Person({
  age: "old enough"
fogel.introduce(); // "Hi I'm McLovin and I'm old enough"

Wow, that's not really very useful on it's own, but take a look at adding a subclass:

function Ninja(I) {
  I = I || {};

  Object.reverseMerge(I, {
    belt: "black"

  // Ninja is a subclass of person
  return Object.extend(Person(I), {
    greetChallenger: function() {
      return "In all my " + I.age + " years as a ninja, I've never met a challenger as worthy as you...";

var resig = Ninja({name: "John Resig"});

resig.introduce(); // "Hi I'm John Resig and I'm 25"

Another advantage is the ability to have modules and trait based inheritance.

// The Bindable module
function Bindable() {

  var eventCallbacks = {};

  return {
    bind: function(event, callback) {
      eventCallbacks[event] = eventCallbacks[event] || [];


    trigger: function(event) {
      var callbacks = eventCallbacks[event];

      if(callbacks && callbacks.length) {
        var self = this;
        callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {

An example of having the person class include the bindable module.

function Person(I) {
  I = I || {};

  Object.reverseMerge(I, {
    name: "McLovin",
    age: 25,
    homeState: "Hawaii"

  var self = {
    introduce: function() {
      return "Hi I'm " + + " and I'm " + I.age;

  // Including the Bindable module
  Object.extend(self, Bindable());

  return self;

var person = Person();
person.bind("eat", function() {
  alert(person.introduce() + " and I'm eating!");

person.trigger("eat"); // Blasts the alert!

Disclosure: I am Daniel X. Moore and this is my {SUPER: SYSTEM}. It is the best way to define a class in JavaScript.

ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher exception

I had a similar error. This could be because you would have changed some contract setting on your config file after it was refrenced into you project. solution - Update the webservice reference on you VSstudio project or create a new proxy using svcutil.exe

Is there a decorator to simply cache function return values?

Python 3.8 functools.cached_property decorator

cached_property from Werkzeug was mentioned at: but a supposedly derived version will be merged into 3.8, which is awesome.

This decorator can be seen as caching @property, or as a cleaner @functools.lru_cache for when you don't have any arguments.

The docs say:


Transform a method of a class into a property whose value is computed once and then cached as a normal attribute for the life of the instance. Similar to property(), with the addition of caching. Useful for expensive computed properties of instances that are otherwise effectively immutable.


class DataSet:
    def __init__(self, sequence_of_numbers):
        self._data = sequence_of_numbers

    def stdev(self):
        return statistics.stdev(self._data)

    def variance(self):
        return statistics.variance(self._data)

New in version 3.8.

Note This decorator requires that the dict attribute on each instance be a mutable mapping. This means it will not work with some types, such as metaclasses (since the dict attributes on type instances are read-only proxies for the class namespace), and those that specify slots without including dict as one of the defined slots (as such classes don’t provide a dict attribute at all).

How to call a MySQL stored procedure from within PHP code?

    $res = mysql_query('SELECT getTreeNodeName(1) AS result');
    if ($res === false) {
        echo mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error();
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        echo $obj->result;

How to solve "Kernel panic - not syncing - Attempted to kill init" -- without erasing any user data

Mount remount the /

  1. mount -o remount,rw /dev/xyz /
  2. sed -i 's/1 1/0 0/' /etc/fstab
  3. sed -i 's/1 2/0 0/' /etc/fstab
  4. reboot

How to move files from one git repo to another (not a clone), preserving history

I wanted something robust and reusable (one-command-and-go + undo function) so I wrote the following bash script. Worked for me on several occasions, so I thought I'd share it here.

It is able to move an arbitrary folder /path/to/foo from repo1 into /some/other/folder/bar to repo2 (folder paths can be the same or different, distance from root folder may be different).

Since it only goes over the commits that touch the files in input folder (not over all commits of the source repo), it should be quite fast even on big source repos, if you just extract a deeply nested subfolder that was not touched in every commit.

Since what this does is to create an orphaned branch with all the old repo's history and then merge it to the HEAD, it will even work in case of file name clashes (then you'd have to resolve a merge at the end of course).

If there are no file name clashes, you just need to git commit at the end to finalize the merge.

The downside is that it will likely not follow file renames (outside of REWRITE_FROM folder) in the source repo - pull requests welcome on GitHub to accommodate for that.

GitHub link: git-move-folder-between-repos-keep-history


# Copy a folder from one git repo to another git repo,
# preserving full history of the folder.

# Most likely you want the REWRITE_FROM and REWRITE_TO to have a trailing slash!

verifyPreconditions() {
    #echo 'Checking if SRC_GIT_REPO is a git repo...' &&
      { test -d "${SRC_GIT_REPO}/.git" || { echo "Fatal: SRC_GIT_REPO is not a git repo"; exit; } } &&
    #echo 'Checking if DST_GIT_REPO is a git repo...' &&
      { test -d "${DST_GIT_REPO}/.git" || { echo "Fatal: DST_GIT_REPO is not a git repo"; exit; } } &&
    #echo 'Checking if REWRITE_FROM is not empty...' &&
      { test -n "${REWRITE_FROM}" || { echo "Fatal: REWRITE_FROM is empty"; exit; } } &&
    #echo 'Checking if REWRITE_TO is not empty...' &&
      { test -n "${REWRITE_TO}" || { echo "Fatal: REWRITE_TO is empty"; exit; } } &&
    #echo 'Checking if REWRITE_FROM folder exists in SRC_GIT_REPO' &&
      { test -d "${SRC_GIT_REPO}/${REWRITE_FROM}" || { echo "Fatal: REWRITE_FROM does not exist inside SRC_GIT_REPO"; exit; } } &&
    #echo 'Checking if SRC_GIT_REPO has a branch SRC_BRANCH_NAME' &&
      { cd "${SRC_GIT_REPO}"; git rev-parse --verify "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}" || { echo "Fatal: SRC_BRANCH_NAME does not exist inside SRC_GIT_REPO"; exit; } } &&
    #echo 'Checking if DST_GIT_REPO has a branch DST_BRANCH_NAME' &&
      { cd "${DST_GIT_REPO}"; git rev-parse --verify "${DST_BRANCH_NAME}" || { echo "Fatal: DST_BRANCH_NAME does not exist inside DST_GIT_REPO"; exit; } } &&
    echo '[OK] All preconditions met'

# Import folder from one git repo to another git repo, including full history.
# Internally, it rewrites the history of the src repo (by creating
# a temporary orphaned branch; isolating all the files from REWRITE_FROM path
# to the root of the repo, commit by commit; and rewriting them again
# to the original path).
# Then it creates another temporary branch in the dest repo,
# fetches the commits from the rewritten src repo, and does a merge.
# Before any work is done, all the preconditions are verified: all folders
# and branches must exist (except REWRITE_TO folder in dest repo, which
# can exist, but does not have to).
# The code should work reasonably on repos with reasonable git history.
# I did not test pathological cases, like folder being created, deleted,
# created again etc. but probably it will work fine in that case too.
# In case you realize something went wrong, you should be able to reverse
# the changes by calling `undoImportFolderFromAnotherGitRepo` function.
# However, to be safe, please back up your repos just in case, before running
# the script. `git filter-branch` is a powerful but dangerous command.

    verifyPreconditions &&
    cd "${SRC_GIT_REPO}" &&
      echo "Current working directory: ${SRC_GIT_REPO}" &&
      git checkout "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}" &&
      echo 'Backing up current branch as FILTER_BRANCH_BACKUP' &&
      git branch -f FILTER_BRANCH_BACKUP &&
      echo "Creating temporary branch '${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}'..." &&
      git checkout -b "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}" &&
      echo 'Rewriting history, step 1/2...' &&
      git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter ${REWRITE_FROM} &&
      echo 'Rewriting history, step 2/2...' &&
      git filter-branch -f --index-filter \
       "git ls-files -s | sed \"$SED_COMMAND\" |
        GIT_INDEX_FILE=\$ git update-index --index-info &&
        mv \$ \$GIT_INDEX_FILE" HEAD &&
    cd - &&
    cd "${DST_GIT_REPO}" &&
      echo "Current working directory: ${DST_GIT_REPO}" &&
      echo "Adding git remote pointing to SRC_GIT_REPO..." &&
      git remote add old-repo ${SRC_GIT_REPO} &&
      echo "Fetching from SRC_GIT_REPO..." &&
      git fetch old-repo "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}" &&
      echo "Checking out DST_BRANCH_NAME..." &&
      git checkout "${DST_BRANCH_NAME}" &&
      echo "Merging SRC_GIT_REPO/" &&
      git merge "old-repo/${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}-exported" --no-commit &&
    cd -

# If something didn't work as you'd expect, you can undo, tune the params, and try again
  cd "${SRC_GIT_REPO}" &&
    git checkout "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}" &&
    git branch -D "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}" &&
  cd - &&
  cd "${DST_GIT_REPO}" &&
    git remote rm old-repo &&
    git merge --abort
  cd -


How to get the first item from an associative PHP array?

Starting with PHP 7.3.0 it's possible to do without resetting the internal pointer. You would use array_key_first. If you're sure that your array has values it in then you can just do:

$first = $array[array_key_first($array)];

More likely, you'll want to handle the case where the array is empty:

$first = (empty($array)) ? $default : $array[array_key_first($array)];

How to include NA in ifelse?

@AnandaMahto has addressed why you're getting these results and provided the clearest way to get what you want. But another option would be to use identical instead of ==.

test$ID <- ifelse($time) | sapply(as.character(test$type), identical, "A"), NA, "1")

Or use isTRUE:

test$ID <- ifelse($time) | Vectorize(isTRUE)(test$type == "A"), NA, "1")

Display encoded html with razor

You can also simply use the HtmlString class

    @(new HtmlString(Model.Content))

Using a Python subprocess call to invoke a Python script

If '' isn't something you could normally execute directly from the command line (I.e., $: works), then you can't call it directly using call.

Remember that the way Popen works is that the first argument is the program that it executes, and the rest are the arguments passed to that program. In this case, the program is actually python, not your script. So the following will work as you expect:['python', '', somescript_arg1, somescript_val1,...]).

This correctly calls the Python interpreter and tells it to execute your script with the given arguments.

Note that this is different from the above suggestion:['python'])

That will try to execute the program called python, which clearly doesn't exist.

call('python', shell=True)

Will also work, but using strings as input to call is not cross platform, is dangerous if you aren't the one building the string, and should generally be avoided if at all possible.

How to split string using delimiter char using T-SQL?

It is terrible, but you can try to use

SUBSTRING(Table1.Col1,0,PATINDEX('%|%=',Table1.Col1)) as myString

This code is probably not 100% right though. need to be adjusted

How to represent a DateTime in Excel

You can set date time values to a cell in XlsIO using one of these options

sheet.Range["A1"].Value2 = DateTime.Now;
sheet.Range["A1"].NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy";

sheet.Range["A2"].DateTime = DateTime.Now;
sheet.Range["A2"].NumberFormat = "[$-409]d-mmm-yy;@";

You can find more information here.

Postgres integer arrays as parameters?


If your non-native driver still does not allow you to pass arrays, then you can:

  • pass a string representation of an array (which your stored procedure can then parse into an array -- see string_to_array)

           ids INT[];
           ids = string_to_array($1,',');
    END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


    SELECT my_method(:1)

    with :1 = '1,2,3,4'

  • rely on Postgres itself to cast from a string to an array

    END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


    SELECT my_method('{1,2,3,4}')
  • choose not to use bind variables and issue an explicit command string with all parameters spelled out instead (make sure to validate or escape all parameters coming from outside to avoid SQL injection attacks.)

    END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


    SELECT my_method(ARRAY [1,2,3,4])


First, HTTP-REST is a "representational state transfer" architecture. This implies a lot of interesting things:

  • Your API will be stateless and therefore much easier to design (it's really easy to forget a transition in a complex automaton), and to integrate with independent software parts.
  • You will be lead to design read methods as safe ones, which will be easy to cache, and to integrate.
  • You will be lead to design write methods as idempotent ones, which will deal much better with timeouts.

Second, HTTP-REST is fully compliant with HTTP (see "safe" and "idempotent" in the previous part), therefore you will be able to reuse HTTP libraries (existing for every existing language) and HTTP reverse proxies, which will give you the ability to implement advanced features (cache, authentication, compression, redirection, rewriting, logging, etc.) with zero line of code.

Last but not least, using HTTP as an RPC protocol is a huge error according to the designer of HTTP 1.1 (and inventor of REST):

C# Convert List<string> to Dictionary<string, string>

Try this:

var res = list.ToDictionary(x => x, x => x);

The first lambda lets you pick the key, the second one picks the value.

You can play with it and make values differ from the keys, like this:

var res = list.ToDictionary(x => x, x => string.Format("Val: {0}", x));

If your list contains duplicates, add Distinct() like this:

var res = list.Distinct().ToDictionary(x => x, x => x);

EDIT To comment on the valid reason, I think the only reason that could be valid for conversions like this is that at some point the keys and the values in the resultant dictionary are going to diverge. For example, you would do an initial conversion, and then replace some of the values with something else. If the keys and the values are always going to be the same, HashSet<String> would provide a much better fit for your situation:

var res = new HashSet<string>(list);
if (res.Contains("string1")) ...

Show a child form in the centre of Parent form in C#

You can set the StartPosition in the constructor of the child form so that all new instances of the form get centered to it's parent:

public MyForm()

    this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;

Of course, you could also set the StartPosition property in the Designer properties for your child form. When you want to display the child form as a modal dialog, just set the window owner in the parameter for the ShowDialog method:

private void buttonShowMyForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MyForm form = new MyForm();

Install psycopg2 on Ubuntu

I updated my requirements.txt to have psycopg2==2.7.4 --no-binary=psycopg2 So that it build binaries on source

Setting up a websocket on Apache?

The new version 2.4 of Apache HTTP Server has a module called mod_proxy_wstunnel which is a websocket proxy.

How to activate virtualenv?

$ mkdir <YOURPROJECT> Create a new project

$ cd <YOURPROJECT> Change directory to that project

$ virtualenv <NEWVIRTUALENV> Creating new virtualenv

$ source <NEWVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate Activating that new virtualenv

What does "to stub" mean in programming?

Stub is a function definition that has correct function name, the correct number of parameters and produces dummy result of the correct type.

It helps to write the test and serves as a kind of scaffolding to make it possible to run the examples even before the function design is complete

Remove leading zeros from a number in Javascript

We can use four methods for this conversion

  1. parseInt with radix 10
  2. Number Constructor
  3. Unary Plus Operator
  4. Using mathematical functions (subtraction)

const numString = "065";_x000D_
//parseInt with radix=10_x000D_
let number = parseInt(numString, 10);_x000D_
// Number constructor_x000D_
number = Number(numString);_x000D_
// unary plus operator_x000D_
number = +numString;_x000D_
// conversion using mathematical function (subtraction)_x000D_
number = numString - 0;_x000D_

Update(based on comments): Why doesn't this work on "large numbers"?

For the primitive type Number, the safest max value is 253-1(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).


Now, lets consider the number string '099999999999999999999' and try to convert it using the above methods

const numString = '099999999999999999999';_x000D_
let parsedNumber = parseInt(numString, 10);_x000D_
console.log(`parseInt(radix=10) result: ${parsedNumber}`);_x000D_
parsedNumber = Number(numString);_x000D_
console.log(`Number conversion result: ${parsedNumber}`);_x000D_
parsedNumber = +numString;_x000D_
console.log(`Appending Unary plus operator result: ${parsedNumber}`);_x000D_
parsedNumber = numString - 0;_x000D_
console.log(`Subtracting zero conversion result: ${parsedNumber}`);

All results will be incorrect.

That's because, when converted, the numString value is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. i.e.,

99999999999999999999 > 9007199254740991

This means all operation performed with the assumption that the stringcan be converted to number type fails.

For numbers greater than 253, primitive BigInt has been added recently. Check browser compatibility of BigInthere.

The conversion code will be like this.

const numString = '099999999999999999999';
const number = BigInt(numString);

P.S: Why radix is important for parseInt?

If radix is undefined or 0 (or absent), JavaScript assumes the following:

  • If the input string begins with "0x" or "0X", radix is 16 (hexadecimal) and the remainder of the string is parsed
  • If the input string begins with "0", radix is eight (octal) or 10 (decimal)
  • If the input string begins with any other value, the radix is 10 (decimal)

Exactly which radix is chosen is implementation-dependent. ECMAScript 5 specifies that 10 (decimal) is used, but not all browsers support this yet.

For this reason, always specify a radix when using parseInt

Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

For importing database file in .sql.gz format, remove definer and import using below command

zcat path_to_db_to_import.sql.gz | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' | mysql -u user -p new_db_name
  1. Earlier, export database in .sql.gz format using below command.

    mysqldump -u user -p old_db | gzip -9 > path_to_db_exported.sql.gz;

  2. Import that exported database and removing definer using below command,

    zcat path_to_db_exported.sql.gz | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' | mysql -u user -p new_db

how to get value of selected item in autocomplete

I wanted something pretty close to this - the moment a user picks an item, even by just hitting the arrow keys to one (focus), I want that data item attached to the tag in question. When they type again without picking another item, I want that data cleared.

(function() {
    var lastText = '';

    $('#MyTextBox'), {
        source: MyData
    .on('autocompleteselect autocompletefocus', function(ev, ui) {
        lastText = ui.item.label;'autocomplete-item', ui.item);
    .keyup(function(ev) {
        if (lastText != jqTag.val()) {
            // Clear when they stop typing
  'autocomplete-item', null);

            // Pass the event on as autocompleteclear so callers can listen for select/clear
            var clearEv = $.extend({}, ev, { type: 'autocompleteclear' });
            return jqTag.trigger(clearEv);

With this in place, 'autocompleteselect' and 'autocompletefocus' still fire right when you expect, but the full data item that was selected is always available right on the tag as a result. 'autocompleteclear' now fires when that selection is cleared, generally by typing something else.

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default - Android Log

I just had the same problem. It is not a network permission but rather thread issue. Below code helped me to solve it. Put is in main activity

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9)
        StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new 

Is it possible to wait until all javascript files are loaded before executing javascript code?

Thats work for me:

var jsScripts = [];

jsScripts.push("/js/script1.js" );
jsScripts.push("/js/script2.js" );
jsScripts.push("/js/script3.js" );

$(jsScripts).each(function( index, value ) {
    $.holdReady( true );
    $.getScript( value ).done(function(script, status) {
        console.log('Loaded ' + index + ' : ' + value + ' (' + status + ')');                
        $.holdReady( false );

apache redirect from non www to www

Using the rewrite engine is a pretty heavyweight way to solve this problem. Here is a simpler solution:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect permanent /

<VirtualHost *:80>
    # real server configuration

And then you'll have another <VirtualHost> section with ServerName for your real server configuration. Apache automatically preserves anything after the / when using the Redirect directive, which is a common misconception about why this method won't work (when in fact it does).

vba pass a group of cells as range to function

There is another way to pass multiple ranges to a function, which I think feels much cleaner for the user. When you call your function in the spreadsheet you wrap each set of ranges in brackets, for example: calculateIt( (A1,A3), (B6,B9) )

The above call assumes your two Sessions are in A1 and A3, and your two Customers are in B6 and B9.

To make this work, your function needs to loop through each of the Areas in the input ranges. For example:

Function calculateIt(Sessions As Range, Customers As Range) As Single

    ' check we passed the same number of areas
    If (Sessions.Areas.Count <> Customers.Areas.Count) Then
        calculateIt = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim mySession, myCustomers As Range

    ' run through each area and calculate
    For a = 1 To Sessions.Areas.Count

        Set mySession = Sessions.Areas(a)
        Set myCustomers = Customers.Areas(a)

        ' calculate them...
    Next a

End Function

The nice thing is, if you have both your inputs as a contiguous range, you can call this function just as you would a normal one, e.g. calculateIt(A1:A3, B6:B9).

Hope that helps :)

Putting an if-elif-else statement on one line?

The ternary operator is the best way to a concise expression. The syntax is variable = value_1 if condition else value_2. So, for your example, you must apply the ternary operator twice:

i = 23 # set any value for i
x = 2 if i > 100 else 1 if i < 100 else 0

Jenkins - Configure Jenkins to poll changes in SCM

That's an old question, I know. But, according to me, it is missing proper answer.

The actual / optimal workflow here would be to incorporate SVN's post-commit hook so it triggers Jenkins job after the actual commit is issued only, not in any other case. This way you avoid unneeded polls on your SCM system.

You may find the following links interesting:

In case of my setup in the corp's SVN server, I utilize the following (censored) script as a post-commit hook on the subversion server side:




MSG=$(svnlook pg --revprop $REPOS svn:log -r$REV)

echo post-commit $* >> $LOGFILE 2>&1

# trigger Jenkins job - xxx
svnlook changed $REPOS -r $REV | cut -d' ' -f4 | grep -qP "branches/xxx/xxx/Source"
if test 0 -eq $? ; then
        echo $(date) - $REPOS - $REV: >> $LOGFILE
        svnlook changed $REPOS -r $REV | cut -d' ' -f4 | grep -P "branches/xxx/xxx/Source" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo logmsg: $MSG >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo curl -qs $JENK >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        curl -qs $JENK >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo -------- >> $LOGFILE

# trigger Jenkins job - xxxx
svnlook changed $REPOS -r $REV | cut -d' ' -f4 | grep -qP "branches/xxx_TEST"
if test 0 -eq $? ; then
        echo $(date) - $REPOS - $REV: >> $LOGFILE
        svnlook changed $REPOS -r $REV | cut -d' ' -f4 | grep -P "branches/xxx_TEST" >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo logmsg: $MSG >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo curl -qs $JENKtest >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        curl -qs $JENKtest >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo -------- >> $LOGFILE

exit 0

Failed to execute removeChild on Node

The direct parent of your child is markerDiv, so you should call remove from markerDiv as so:


Alternatively, you may want to remove markerNode. Since that node was appended directly to videoContainer, it can be removed with:


Now, the easiest general way to remove a node, if you are absolutely confident that you did insert it into the DOM, is this:


This works for any node (just replace markerDiv with a different node), and finds the parent of the node directly in order to call remove from it. If you are unsure if you added it, double check if the parentNode is non-null before calling removeChild.

NumPy first and last element from array

This does it. Note that with an odd number of elements the one in the middle won't be included.

test = [1, 23, 4, 6, 7, 8, 5]    
for i in range(len(test)/2):
    print (test[i], test[-1-i])


(1, 5)
(23, 8)
(4, 7)

Getting the actual usedrange

This function returns the actual used range to the lower right limit. It returns "Nothing" if the sheet is empty.

Function fUsedRange() As Range
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngLastCol As Long
Dim rngLastCell As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Set rngLastCell = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
    If rngLastCell Is Nothing Then  'look for data backwards in rows
        Set fUsedRange = Nothing
        Exit Function
        lngLastRow = rngLastCell.Row
    End If
    Set rngLastCell = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
    If rngLastCell Is Nothing Then  'look for data backwards in columns
        Set fUsedRange = Nothing
        Exit Function
        lngLastCol = rngLastCell.Column
    End If
    Set fUsedRange = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lngLastRow, lngLastCol))  'set up range
End Function

Laravel - Eloquent "Has", "With", "WhereHas" - What do they mean?


with() is for eager loading. That basically means, along the main model, Laravel will preload the relationship(s) you specify. This is especially helpful if you have a collection of models and you want to load a relation for all of them. Because with eager loading you run only one additional DB query instead of one for every model in the collection.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::with('posts')->get();
foreach($users as $user){
    $users->posts; // posts is already loaded and no additional DB query is run


has() is to filter the selecting model based on a relationship. So it acts very similarly to a normal WHERE condition. If you just use has('relation') that means you only want to get the models that have at least one related model in this relation.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::has('posts')->get();
// only users that have at least one post are contained in the collection


whereHas() works basically the same as has() but allows you to specify additional filters for the related model to check.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::whereHas('posts', function($q){
    $q->where('created_at', '>=', '2015-01-01 00:00:00');
// only users that have posts from 2015 on forward are returned

How to debug Apache mod_rewrite

There's the htaccess tester.

It shows which conditions were tested for a certain URL, which ones met the criteria and which rules got executed.

It seems to have some glitches, though.

What is "406-Not Acceptable Response" in HTTP?

In my case for a API in .NET-Core, the api is set to work with XML (by default is set to response with JSON), so I add this annotation in my Controller :

public class MyController : ControllerBase {...}

Thank you for putting me on the path !

How to add multiple classes to a ReactJS Component?

for more classes adding

... className={`${classes.hello} ${classes.hello1}`...

How do I pick 2 random items from a Python set?

Use the random module:

import random
random.sample(set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 2)

This samples the two values without replacement (so the two values are different).

End of File (EOF) in C

That's a lot of questions.

  1. Why EOF is -1: usually -1 in POSIX system calls is returned on error, so i guess the idea is "EOF is kind of error"

  2. any boolean operation (including !=) returns 1 in case it's TRUE, and 0 in case it's FALSE, so getchar() != EOF is 0 when it's FALSE, meaning getchar() returned EOF.

  3. in order to emulate EOF when reading from stdin press Ctrl+D

Writing JSON object to a JSON file with fs.writeFileSync

Make the json human readable by passing a third argument to stringify:

fs.writeFileSync('../data/phraseFreqs.json', JSON.stringify(output, null, 4));

Reading e-mails from Outlook with Python through MAPI

I had the same issue. Combining various approaches from the internet (and above) come up with the following approach (

class CheckMailer:

        def __init__(self, filename="LOG1.txt", mailbox="Mailbox - Another User Mailbox", folderindex=3):
            self.f = FileWriter(filename)
            self.outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders(mailbox)
            self.inbox = self.outlook.Folders(folderindex)

        def check(self):                
        # for i in xrange(1,100):                           #Uncomment this section if index 3 does not work for you
        #     try:
        #         self.inbox = self.outlook.Folders(i)     # "6" refers to the index of inbox for Default User Mailbox
        #         print "%i %s" % (i,self.inbox)            # "3" refers to the index of inbox for Another user's mailbox
        #     except:
        #         print "%i does not work"%i

                tot = 0                
                messages = self.inbox.Items
                message = messages.GetFirst()
                while message:
                    message = messages.GetNext()
                    tot += 1
      "Total Messages found: %i" % tot)
      "-" * 80)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mail = CheckMailer()
    for i in xrange(320):  # this is 10.6 hours approximately

For concistency I include also the code for the FileWriter class (found in I needed this because trying to pipe UTF8 to a file in windows did not work.

class FileWriter(object):
    convenient file wrapper for writing to files

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.file = open(filename, "w")

    def pl(self, a_string):
        str_uni = a_string.encode('utf-8')

    def flush(self):

How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

What works for me is that: File > Import > Existing Project into Workspace (under General tab), then choose the project root folder. The importing of Existing Android Code into Workspace somehow does not work on Eclipse for me.

Unable to read data from the transport connection : An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

Had a similar problem and was getting the following errors depending on what app I used and if we bypassed the firewall / load balancer or not:

HTTPS handshake to [blah] (for #136) failed. System.IO.IOException Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host


ReadResponse() failed: The server did not return a complete response for this request. Server returned 0 bytes.

The problem turned out to be that the SSL Server Certificate got missed and wasn't installed on a couple servers.

Can you explain the HttpURLConnection connection process?

String message = URLEncoder.encode("my message", "UTF-8");

try {
    // instantiate the URL object with the target URL of the resource to
    // request
    URL url = new URL("");

    // instantiate the HttpURLConnection with the URL object - A new
    // connection is opened every time by calling the openConnection
    // method of the protocol handler for this URL.
    // 1. This is the point where the connection is opened.
    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url
    // set connection output to true
    // instead of a GET, we're going to send using method="POST"

    // instantiate OutputStreamWriter using the output stream, returned
    // from getOutputStream, that writes to this connection.
    // 2. This is the point where you'll know if the connection was
    // successfully established. If an I/O error occurs while creating
    // the output stream, you'll see an IOException.
    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(

    // write data to the connection. This is data that you are sending
    // to the server
    // 3. No. Sending the data is conducted here. We established the
    // connection with getOutputStream
    writer.write("message=" + message);

    // Closes this output stream and releases any system resources
    // associated with this stream. At this point, we've sent all the
    // data. Only the outputStream is closed at this point, not the
    // actual connection
    // if there is a response code AND that response code is 200 OK, do
    // stuff in the first if block
    if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
        // OK

        // otherwise, if any other status code is returned, or no status
        // code is returned, do stuff in the else block
    } else {
        // Server returned HTTP error code.
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    // ...
} catch (IOException e) {
    // ...

The first 3 answers to your questions are listed as inline comments, beside each method, in the example HTTP POST above.

From getOutputStream:

Returns an output stream that writes to this connection.

Basically, I think you have a good understanding of how this works, so let me just reiterate in layman's terms. getOutputStream basically opens a connection stream, with the intention of writing data to the server. In the above code example "message" could be a comment that we're sending to the server that represents a comment left on a post. When you see getOutputStream, you're opening the connection stream for writing, but you don't actually write any data until you call writer.write("message=" + message);.

From getInputStream():

Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection. A SocketTimeoutException can be thrown when reading from the returned input stream if the read timeout expires before data is available for read.

getInputStream does the opposite. Like getOutputStream, it also opens a connection stream, but the intent is to read data from the server, not write to it. If the connection or stream-opening fails, you'll see a SocketTimeoutException.

How about the getInputStream? Since I'm only able to get the response at getInputStream, then does it mean that I didn't send any request at getOutputStream yet but simply establishes a connection?

Keep in mind that sending a request and sending data are two different operations. When you invoke getOutputStream or getInputStream url.openConnection(), you send a request to the server to establish a connection. There is a handshake that occurs where the server sends back an acknowledgement to you that the connection is established. It is then at that point in time that you're prepared to send or receive data. Thus, you do not need to call getOutputStream to establish a connection open a stream, unless your purpose for making the request is to send data.

In layman's terms, making a getInputStream request is the equivalent of making a phone call to your friend's house to say "Hey, is it okay if I come over and borrow that pair of vice grips?" and your friend establishes the handshake by saying, "Sure! Come and get it". Then, at that point, the connection is made, you walk to your friend's house, knock on the door, request the vice grips, and walk back to your house.

Using a similar example for getOutputStream would involve calling your friend and saying "Hey, I have that money I owe you, can I send it to you"? Your friend, needing money and sick inside that you kept it for so long, says "Sure, come on over you cheap bastard". So you walk to your friend's house and "POST" the money to him. He then kicks you out and you walk back to your house.

Now, continuing with the layman's example, let's look at some Exceptions. If you called your friend and he wasn't home, that could be a 500 error. If you called and got a disconnected number message because your friend is tired of you borrowing money all the time, that's a 404 page not found. If your phone is dead because you didn't pay the bill, that could be an IOException. (NOTE: This section may not be 100% correct. It's intended to give you a general idea of what's happening in layman's terms.)

Question #5:

Yes, you are correct that openConnection simply creates a new connection object but does not establish it. The connection is established when you call either getInputStream or getOutputStream.

openConnection creates a new connection object. From the URL.openConnection javadocs:

A new connection is opened every time by calling the openConnection method of the protocol handler for this URL.

The connection is established when you call openConnection, and the InputStream, OutputStream, or both, are called when you instantiate them.

Question #6:

To measure the overhead, I generally wrap some very simple timing code around the entire connection block, like so:

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"Time so far = " + new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) );

// run the above example code here"Total time to send/receive data = " + new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) );

I'm sure there are more advanced methods for measuring the request time and overhead, but this generally is sufficient for my needs.

For information on closing connections, which you didn't ask about, see In Java when does a URL connection close?.

Redirect pages in JSP?

Extending @oopbase's answer with return; statement.

Let's consider a use case of traditional authentication system where we store login information into the session. On each page we check for active session like,

/* Some Import Statements here. */

if(null == session || !session.getAttribute("is_login").equals("1")) {

// ....


// ....
/* Some More JSP+Java+HTML code here */

It looks fine at first glance however; It has one issue. If your server has expired session due to time limit and user is trying to access the page he might get error if you have not written your code in try..catch block or handled if(null != session.getAttribute("attr_name")) everytime.

So by putting a return; statement I stopped further execution and forced to redirect page to certain location.

if(null == session || !session.getAttribute("is_login").equals("1")) {

Note that Use of redirection may vary based on the requirements. Nowadays people don't use such authentication system. (Modern approach - Token Based Authentication) It's just an simple example to understand where and how to place redirection(s).

UEFA/FIFA scores API is free and useful. The API is in active development, stable and recently the first versioned release called alpha was put online. Check the blog section to follow updates and changes.

Set up Python simpleHTTPserver on Windows

From Stack Overflow question What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer":

The following works for me:

python -m http.server [<portNo>]

Because I am using Python 3 the module SimpleHTTPServer has been replaced by http.server, at least in Windows.

XPath with multiple conditions


/category[@name='Sport' and author/text()[1]='James Small']

or use:

/category[@name='Sport' and author[starts-with(.,'James Small')]]

It is a good rule to try to avoid using the // pseudo-operator whenever possible, because its evaluation can typically be very slow.



is equivalent to:


so it is recommended to use the latter.

C# get and set properties for a List Collection

Your setters are strange, which is why you may be seeing a problem.

First, consider whether you even need these setters - if so, they should take a List<string>, not just a string:

    _subHead = value;

These lines:

newSec.subHead.Add("test string");

Are calling the getter and then call Add on the returned List<string> - the setter is not invoked.

Why am I getting Unknown error in line 1 of pom.xml?

You just need a latest Eclipse or Spring tool suite 4.5 and above.Nothing else.refresh project and it works

The definitive guide to form-based website authentication

I dont't know whether it was best to answer this as an answer or as a comment. I opted for the first option.

Regarding the poing PART IV: Forgotten Password Functionality in the first answer, I would make a point about Timing Attacks.

In the Remember your password forms, an attacker could potentially check a full list of emails and detect which are registered to the system (see link below).

Regarding the Forgotten Password Form, I would add that it is a good idea to equal times between successful and unsucessful queries with some delay function.

How to do integer division in javascript (Getting division answer in int not float)?

var x = parseInt(455/10);

The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer.

The radix parameter is used to specify which numeral system to be used, for example, a radix of 16 (hexadecimal) indicates that the number in the string should be parsed from a hexadecimal number to a decimal number.

If the radix parameter is omitted, JavaScript assumes the following:

If the string begins with "0x", the radix is 16 (hexadecimal)
If the string begins with "0", the radix is 8 (octal). This feature is deprecated
If the string begins with any other value, the radix is 10 (decimal)

How to capture a JFrame's close button click event?

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

/*Some piece of code*/
frame.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent windowEvent) {
        if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, 
            "Are you sure you want to close this window?", "Close Window?", 
            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){

If you also want to prevent the window from closing unless the user chooses 'Yes', you can add:


Python: Continuing to next iteration in outer loop

In other languages you can label the loop and break from the labelled loop. Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 3136 suggested adding these to Python but Guido rejected it:

However, I'm rejecting it on the basis that code so complicated to require this feature is very rare. In most cases there are existing work-arounds that produce clean code, for example using 'return'. While I'm sure there are some (rare) real cases where clarity of the code would suffer from a refactoring that makes it possible to use return, this is offset by two issues:

  1. The complexity added to the language, permanently. This affects not only all Python implementations, but also every source analysis tool, plus of course all documentation for the language.

  2. My expectation that the feature will be abused more than it will be used right, leading to a net decrease in code clarity (measured across all Python code written henceforth). Lazy programmers are everywhere, and before you know it you have an incredible mess on your hands of unintelligible code.

So if that's what you were hoping for you're out of luck, but look at one of the other answers as there are good options there.

Is there a way to cast float as a decimal without rounding and preserving its precision?

cast (field1 as decimal(53,8)
) field 1

The default is: decimal(18,0)

Fiddler not capturing traffic from browsers

I've had the same problem. The solution was to remove proxy from Chrome settings. Also you could have an extension that use proxy. Try to disable it.

Does C# have a String Tokenizer like Java's?

If you're trying to do something like splitting command line arguments in a .NET Console app, you're going to have issues because .NET is either broken or is trying to be clever (which means it's as good as broken). I needed to be able to split arguments by the space character, preserving any literals that were quoted so they didn't get split in the middle. This is the code I wrote to do the job:

private static List<String> Tokenise(string value, char seperator)
    List<string> result = new List<string>();
    value = value.Replace("  ", " ").Replace("  ", " ").Trim();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    bool insideQuote = false;
    foreach(char c in value.ToCharArray())
        if(c == '"')
            insideQuote = !insideQuote;
        if((c == seperator) && !insideQuote)
            if (sb.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
    if (sb.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)

    return result;


This is a SQL syntax compare to LINQ syntax for inner and left outer joins. Left Outer Join:

"The following example does a group join between product and category. This is essentially the left join. The into expression returns data even if the category table is empty. To access the properties of the category table, we must now select from the enumerable result by adding the from cl in catList.DefaultIfEmpty() statement.

Problems installing the devtools package

CentOS 7: I had the libcurl and gnutls development packages installed already, but still got the "cannot load" error when installing devtools in R. I had to "reinstall" them for it to work:

sudo yum reinstall gnutls-devel.x86_64

Convert .class to .java

This is for Mac users:

first of all you have to clarify where the class file is... so for example, in 'Terminal' (A Mac Application) you would type:


then wherever you file is e.g:

cd /Users/CollarBlast/Desktop/JavaFiles/

then you would hit enter. After that you would do the command. e.g:

cd /Users/CollarBlast/Desktop/JavaFiles/ (then i would press enter...)

Then i would type the command:

javap -c JavaTestClassFile.class (then i would press enter again...)

and hopefully it should work!

Merge 2 DataTables and store in a new one

The Merge method takes the values from the second table and merges them in with the first table, so the first will now hold the values from both.

If you want to preserve both of the original tables, you could copy the original first, then merge:

dtAll = dtOne.Copy();

Checking during array iteration, if the current element is the last element

$myarray = array(
  'test1' => 'foo',
  'test2' => 'bar',
  'test3' => 'baz',
  'test4' => 'waldo'

$myarray2 = array(

// Get the last array_key
$last = array_pop(array_keys($myarray));
foreach($myarray as $key => $value) {
  if($key != $last) {
    echo "$key -> $value\n";

// Get the last array_key
$last = array_pop(array_keys($myarray2));
foreach($myarray2 as $key => $value) {
  if($key != $last) {
    echo "$key -> $value\n";

Since array_pop works on the temporary array created by array_keys it doesn't modify the original array at all.

$ php test.php
test1 -> foo
test2 -> bar
test3 -> baz
0 -> foo
1 -> bar
2 -> baz

ImportError: No module named 'Queue'

I run into the same problem and learn that queue module defines classes and exceptions, that defines the public methods (Queue Objects).


workQueue = queue.Queue(10)

When to use a View instead of a Table?

First of all as the name suggests a view is immutable. thats because a view is nothing other than a virtual table created from a stored query in the DB. Because of this you have some characteristics of views:

  • you can show only a subset of the data
  • you can join multiple tables into a single view
  • you can aggregate data in a view (select count)
  • view dont actually hold data, they dont need any tablespace since they are virtual aggregations of underlying tables

so there are a gazillion of use cases for which views are better fitted than tables, just think about only displaying active users on a website. a view would be better because you operate only on a subset of the data which actually is in your DB (active and inactive users)

check out this article

hope this helped..

Mongoose.js: Find user by username LIKE value

if I want to query all record at some condition,I can use this:

if (userId == 'admin')
  userId = {'$regex': '.*.*'};
User.where('status', 1).where('creator', userId);

applying css to specific li class

The CSS you have applies color #c1c1c1 to all <a> elements.

And it also applies color #c1c1c1 to the first <li> element.

Perhaps the code you posted is missing something because I don't see any other colors being defined.

Proxy with express.js

I found a shorter and very straightforward solution which works seamlessly, and with authentication as well, using express-http-proxy:

const url = require('url');
const proxy = require('express-http-proxy');

// New hostname+path as specified by question:
const apiProxy = proxy('', {
    proxyReqPathResolver: req => url.parse(req.baseUrl).path

And then simply:

app.use('/api/*', apiProxy);

Note: as mentioned by @MaxPRafferty, use req.originalUrl in place of baseUrl to preserve the querystring:

    forwardPath: req => url.parse(req.baseUrl).path

Update: As mentioned by Andrew (thank you!), there's a ready-made solution using the same principle:

npm i --save http-proxy-middleware

And then:

const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware')
var apiProxy = proxy('/api', {target: ''});

Documentation: http-proxy-middleware on Github

I know I'm late to join this party, but I hope this helps someone.

outline on only one border

You can use box-shadow to create an outline on one side. Like outline, box-shadow does not change the size of the box model.

This puts a line on top:

box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #000;

I made a jsFiddle where you can check it out in action.


For an inset border, use the inset keyword. This puts an inset line on top:

box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000 inset;

Multiple lines can be added using comma-separated statements. This puts an inset line on the top and the left:

box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000 inset,
            1px 0 0 #000 inset;

For more details on how box-shadow works, check out the MDN page.

Why do we use volatile keyword?

Consider this code,

int some_int = 100;

while(some_int == 100)
   //your code

When this program gets compiled, the compiler may optimize this code, if it finds that the program never ever makes any attempt to change the value of some_int, so it may be tempted to optimize the while loop by changing it from while(some_int == 100) to something which is equivalent to while(true) so that the execution could be fast (since the condition in while loop appears to be true always). (if the compiler doesn't optimize it, then it has to fetch the value of some_int and compare it with 100, in each iteration which obviously is a little bit slow.)

However, sometimes, optimization (of some parts of your program) may be undesirable, because it may be that someone else is changing the value of some_int from outside the program which compiler is not aware of, since it can't see it; but it's how you've designed it. In that case, compiler's optimization would not produce the desired result!

So, to ensure the desired result, you need to somehow stop the compiler from optimizing the while loop. That is where the volatile keyword plays its role. All you need to do is this,

volatile int some_int = 100; //note the 'volatile' qualifier now!

In other words, I would explain this as follows:

volatile tells the compiler that,

"Hey compiler, I'm volatile and, you know, I can be changed by some XYZ that you're not even aware of. That XYZ could be anything. Maybe some alien outside this planet called program. Maybe some lightning, some form of interrupt, volcanoes, etc can mutate me. Maybe. You never know who is going to change me! So O you ignorant, stop playing an all-knowing god, and don't dare touch the code where I'm present. Okay?"

Well, that is how volatile prevents the compiler from optimizing code. Now search the web to see some sample examples.

Quoting from the C++ Standard ($

[..] volatile is a hint to the implementation to avoid aggressive optimization involving the object because the value of the object might be changed by means undetectable by an implementation.[...]

Related topic:

Does making a struct volatile make all its members volatile?

JavaScript: What are .extend and .prototype used for?

Javascript's inheritance is prototype based, so you extend the prototypes of objects such as Date, Math, and even your own custom ones. = function() {

( new Date ).lol() // alert message

In the snippet above, I define a method for all Date objects ( already existing ones and all new ones ).

extend is usually a high level function that copies the prototype of a new subclass that you want to extend from the base class.

So you can do something like:

extend( Fighter, Human )

And the Fighter constructor/object will inherit the prototype of Human, so if you define methods such as live and die on Human then Fighter will also inherit those.

Updated Clarification:

"high level function" meaning .extend isn't built-in but often provided by a library such as jQuery or Prototype.

Fixed page header overlaps in-page anchors

Add a class with a "paddingtop" so it works ;)

<h1><a class="paddingtop">Bar</a></h1>

And for css you have:

.paddingtop { 
   padding-top: 90px; 

How do I extract the contents of an rpm?

The powerful text-based file manager mc (Midnight Commander, vaguely reminding the Norton Commander of old DOS times) has the built-in capability of inspecting and unpacking .rpm and .rpms files, just "open" the .rpm(s) file within mc and select CONTENTS.cpio: for an rpm you get access to the install tree, for an rpms you get access to the .spec file and all the source packages.

Reporting Services export to Excel with Multiple Worksheets

The solution from Edward worked for me.

If you want the whole tablix on one sheet with a constant name, specify the PageName in the tablix's Properties. If you set the PageName in the tablix's Properties, you can not use data from the tablix's dataset in your expression.

If you want rows from the tablix grouped into sheets (or you want one sheet with a name based on the data), specify the PageName in the Group Header.

How to hide 'Back' button on navigation bar on iPhone?

self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES;

navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true

OnChange event using React JS for drop down

If you are using select as inline to other component, then you can also use like given below.

<select onChange={(val) => this.handlePeriodChange(} className="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle">
    <option value="TODAY">Today</option>
    <option value="THIS_WEEK" >This Week</option>
    <option value="THIS_MONTH">This Month</option>
    <option value="THIS_YEAR">This Year</option>
    <option selected value="LAST_AVAILABLE_DAY">Last Availabe NAV Day</option>

And on the component where select is used, define the function to handle onChange like below:

handlePeriodChange(selVal) {

Using if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to not display echo when script is open is not working

The $_post function need the name value like:

<input type="submit" value"Submit" name="example">


$var = strip_tags($_POST['example']);
if (isset($var)){
    // your code here

How to remove default mouse-over effect on WPF buttons?

The Muffin Man had a very simple answer which worked for me.

To add a little more specific direction, at least for VS 2013:

  • Right-click the control
  • Select Edit Template => Edit a copy...
  • I selected 'Application' for where to save the style
    • From here you can directly edit App.xaml and see the intuitively named properties. For my purposes, I just set RenderMouseOver="False"
  • Then, in the MainWindow.xaml or wherever your GUI is, you can paste the new style at the end of the Button tag, e.g. ... Style="{DynamicResource MouseOverNonDefault}"/>

Python read in string from file and split it into values

>>> [[int(i) for i in line.strip().split(',')] for line in open('input.txt').readlines()]
[[995957, 16833579], [995959, 16777241], [995960, 16829368], [995961, 50431654]]

shorthand If Statements: C#

To use shorthand to get the direction:

int direction = column == 0
                ? 0
                : (column == _gridSize - 1 ? 1 : rand.Next(2));

To simplify the code entirely:

if (column == gridSize - 1 || rand.Next(2) == 1)

$(document).on("click"... not working?

You are using the correct syntax for binding to the document to listen for a click event for an element with id="test-element".

It's probably not working due to one of:

  • Not using recent version of jQuery
  • Not wrapping your code inside of DOM ready
  • or you are doing something which causes the event not to bubble up to the listener on the document.

To capture events on elements which are created AFTER declaring your event listeners - you should bind to a parent element, or element higher in the hierarchy.

For example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    // This WILL work because we are listening on the 'document', 
    // for a click on an element with an ID of #test-element
    $(document).on("click","#test-element",function() {
        alert("click bound to document listening for #test-element");

    // This will NOT work because there is no '#test-element' ... yet
    $("#test-element").on("click",function() {
        alert("click bound directly to #test-element");

    // Create the dynamic element '#test-element'
    $('body').append('<div id="test-element">Click mee</div>');

In this example, only the "bound to document" alert will fire.

JSFiddle with jQuery 1.9.1

Loop Through All Subfolders Using VBA

Just a simple folder drill down.

sub sample()
    Dim FileSystem As Object
    Dim HostFolder As String

    HostFolder = "C:\"

    Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    DoFolder FileSystem.GetFolder(HostFolder)
end  sub

Sub DoFolder(Folder)
    Dim SubFolder
    For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders
        DoFolder SubFolder
    Dim File
    For Each File In Folder.Files
        ' Operate on each file
End Sub

How to change PHP version used by composer

I'm assuming Windows if you're using WAMP. Composer likely is just using the PHP set in your path: How to access PHP with the Command Line on Windows?

You should be able to change the path to PHP using the same instructions.

Otherwise, composer is just a PHAR file, you can download the PHAR and execute it using any PHP:

C:\full\path\to\php.exe C:\full\path\to\composer.phar install

Adding Text to DataGridView Row Header

Yes. First, hook into the column added event:

this.dataGridView1.ColumnAdded += new DataGridViewColumnEventHandler(dataGridView1_ColumnAdded);

Then, in your event handler, just append the text you want to:

private void dataGridView1_ColumnAdded(object sender, DataGridViewColumnEventArgs e)
    e.Column.HeaderText += additionalHeaderText;

How to define and use function inside Jenkins Pipeline config?

First off, you shouldn't add $ when you're outside of strings ($class in your first function being an exception), so it should be:

def doCopyMibArtefactsHere(projectName) {
    step ([
        $class: 'CopyArtifact',
        projectName: projectName,
        filter: '**/**.mib',
        fingerprintArtifacts: true, 
        flatten: true

def BuildAndCopyMibsHere(projectName, params) {
    build job: project, parameters: params

Now, as for your problem; the second function takes two arguments while you're only supplying one argument at the call. Either you have to supply two arguments at the call:

node { 
    stage('Prepare Mib'){
        BuildAndCopyMibsHere('project1', null)

... or you need to add a default value to the functions' second argument:

def BuildAndCopyMibsHere(projectName, params = null) {
    build job: project, parameters: params

Oracle - Why does the leading zero of a number disappear when converting it TO_CHAR

Seems like the only way to get decimal in a pretty (for me) form requires some ridiculous code.

The only solution I got so far:

CASE WHEN xy>0 and xy<1 then '0' || to_char(xy) else to_char(xy)

xy is a decimal.

xy             query result
0.8            0.8  --not sth like .80
10             10  --not sth like 10.00

How to use DISTINCT and ORDER BY in same SELECT statement?

Distinct will sort records in ascending order. If you want to sort in desc order use:

FROM MonitoringJob

If you want to sort records based on CreationDate field then this field must be in the select statement:

SELECT DISTINCT Category, creationDate
FROM MonitoringJob
ORDER BY CreationDate DESC

PHP function overloading

Sadly there is no overload in PHP as it is done in C#. But i have a little trick. I declare arguments with default null values and check them in a function. That way my function can do different things depending on arguments. Below is simple example:

public function query($queryString, $class = null) //second arg. is optional
    $query = $this->dbLink->prepare($queryString);

    //if there is second argument method does different thing
    if (!is_null($class)) { 
        $query->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $class);

    return $query->fetchAll();

//This loads rows in to array of class
$Result = $this->query($queryString, "SomeClass");
//This loads rows as standard arrays
$Result = $this->query($queryString);

How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal

It looks like you can say

Convert.ToInt64(value, 16)

to get the decimal from hexdecimal.

The other way around is:


Using number_format method in Laravel

If you are using Eloquent the best solution is:

public function getFormattedPriceAttribute()
    return number_format($this->attributes['price'], 2);

So now you must append formattedPrice in your model and you can use both, price (at its original state) and formattedPrice.

check if directory exists and delete in one command unix


bash -c '[ -d my_mystery_dirname ] && run_this_command'

This will work if you can run bash on the remote machine....

In bash, [ -d something ] checks if there is directory called 'something', returning a success code if it exists and is a directory. Chaining commands with && runs the second command only if the first one succeeded. So [ -d somedir ] && command runs the command only if the directory exists.

How to force input to only allow Alpha Letters?

Rather than relying on key codes, which can be quite cumbersome, you can instead use regular expressions. By changing the pattern we can easily restrict the input to fit our needs. Note that this works with the keypress event and will allow the use of backspace (as in the accepted answer). It will not prevent users from pasting 'illegal' chars.

function testInput(event) {_x000D_
   var value = String.fromCharCode(event.which);_x000D_
   var pattern = new RegExp(/[a-zåäö ]/i);_x000D_
   return pattern.test(value);_x000D_
$('#my-field').bind('keypress', testInput);
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
   Test input:_x000D_
   <input id="my-field" type="text">_x000D_

Enable vertical scrolling on textarea

Try this:

It is another version of the answers.


<label for="aboutDescription" id="aboutHeading">About</label>
<textarea rows="15" cols="50" id="aboutDescription"
    style="max-height:100px;min-height:100px; resize: none"></textarea>
<a  id="imageURLId" target="_blank">Go to


font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
resize: none;
overflow-y: scroll;


How to hide axes and gridlines in Matplotlib (python)

Turn the axes off with:


And gridlines with:


jQuery replace one class with another

You can use jQuery methods .hasClass(), .addClass(), and .removeClass() to manipulate which classes are applied to your elements. Just define different classes and add/remove them as necessary.

How to change color of Android ListView separator line?

There are two ways to doing the same:

  1. You may set the value of android:divider="#FFCCFF" in layout xml file. With this you also have to specify height of divider like this android:dividerHeight="5px".

    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  2. You may also do this by programmatically...

    ListView listView = getListView();
    ColorDrawable myColor = new ColorDrawable(

clearing a char array c

How about the following:


Getting multiple keys of specified value of a generic Dictionary?

A dictionary doesn't keep an hash of the values, only the keys, so any search over it using a value is going to take at least linear time. Your best bet is to simply iterate over the elements in the dictionary and keep track of the matching keys or switch to a different data structure, perhaps maintain two dictionary mapping key->value and value->List_of_keys. If you do the latter you will trade storage for look up speed. It wouldn't take much to turn @Cybis example into such a data structure.

Unprotect workbook without password

Try the below code to unprotect the workbook. It works for me just fine in excel 2010 but I am not sure if it will work in 2013.

Sub PasswordBreaker()
    'Breaks worksheet password protection.
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
    Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
    Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer
    Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
    For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
    For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
    For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
    ThisWorkbook.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _
        Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _
        Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
    If ThisWorkbook.ProtectStructure = False Then
        MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) & _
            Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & _
            Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
         Exit Sub
    End If
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
End Sub

What is the command to truncate a SQL Server log file?

if I remember well... in query analyzer or equivalent:


DBCC SHRINKFILE (  databasename_Log, 1)

Add values to app.config and retrieve them

sorry for late answer but may be my code may help u.

I placed 3 buttons on the winform surface. button1 & 2 will set different value and button3 will retrieve current value. so when run my code first add the reference System.configuration

and click on first button and then click on 3rd button to see what value has been set. next time again click on second & 3rd button to see again what value has been set after change.

so here is the code.

using System.Configuration;

 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
    config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("DBServerName", "FirstAddedValue1");

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
    config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("DBServerName", "SecondAddedValue1");

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);

jQuery - Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Your calls are made recursively which pushes functions on to the stack infinitely that causes max call stack exceeded error due to recursive behavior. Instead try using setTimeout which is a callback.

Also based on your markup your selector is wrong. it should be #advisersDiv


function fadeIn() {
    setTimeout(fadeOut,1); //<-- Provide any delay here

function fadeOut() {
    setTimeout(fadeIn,1);//<-- Provide any delay here

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin in .htaccess doesn't work

I +1'd Miro's answer for the link to the header-checker site It pops up an obnoxious ad every time you use it, but it is, nevertheless, very useful for verifying the presence of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

I'm reading a .json file from the javascript on my web page. I found that adding the following to my .htaccess file fixed the problem when viewing my web page in IE 11 (version 11.447.14393.0):

<FilesMatch "\.(json)$">
  <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

I also added the following to /etc/httpd.conf (Apache's configuration file):

AllowOverride All

The header-checker site verified that the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is now being sent (thanks, Miro!).

However, Firefox 50.0.2, Opera 41.0.2353.69, and Edge 38.14393.0.0 all fetch the file anyhow, even without the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. (Note: they might be checking IP addresses, since the two domains I was using are both hosted on the same server, at the same IPv4 address.)

However, Chrome 54.0.2840.99 m (64-bit) ignores the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header and fails anyhow, erroneously reporting:

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '{mydomain}' is therefore not allowed access.

I think this has got to be some sort of "first." IE is working correctly; Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge are all buggy; and Chrome is the worst. Isn't that the exact opposite of the usual case?