[git] How to move files from one git repo to another (not a clone), preserving history

If the paths for the files in question are the same in the two repos and you're wanting to bring over just one file or a small set of related files, one easy way to do this is to use git cherry-pick.

The first step is to bring the commits from the other repo into your own local repo using git fetch <remote-url>. This will leave FETCH_HEAD pointing to the head commit from the other repo; if you want to preserve a reference to that commit after you've done other fetches you may want to tag it with git tag other-head FETCH_HEAD.

You will then need to create an initial commit for that file (if it doesn't exist) or a commit to bring the file to a state that can be patched with the first commit from the other repo you want to bring in. You may be able to do this with a git cherry-pick <commit-0> if commit-0 introduced the files you want, or you may need to construct the commit 'by hand'. Add -n to the cherry-pick options if you need to modify the initial commit to, e.g., drop files from that commit you don't want to bring in.

After that, you can continue to git cherry-pick subsequent commits, again using -n where necessary. In the simplest case (all commits are exactly what you want and apply cleanly) you can give the full list of commits on the cherry-pick command line: git cherry-pick <commit-1> <commit-2> <commit-3> ....