I have recently been wrestling with this. My issue was the solutions posted above using the heightForRowAtIndexPath:
method would work for iOS 7.1 in the Simulator but then have completely screwed up results by simply switching to iOS 8.1.
I began reading more about self-sizing cells (introduced in iOS 8, read here). It was apparent that the use of UITableViewAutomaticDimension
would help in iOS 8. I tried using that technique and deleted the use of heightForRowAtIndexPath:
and voila, it was working perfect in iOS 8 now. But then iOS 7 wasn't. What was I to do? I needed heightForRowAtIndexPath:
for iOS 7 and not for iOS 8.
Here is my solution (trimmed up for brevity's sake) which borrow's from the answer @JosephH posted above:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 50.;
self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension;
// ...
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return UITableViewAutomaticDimension;
} else {
NSString *cellIdentifier = [self reuseIdentifierForCellAtIndexPath:indexPath];
static NSMutableDictionary *heightCache;
if (!heightCache)
heightCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSNumber *cachedHeight = heightCache[cellIdentifier];
if (cachedHeight)
return cachedHeight.floatValue;
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellIdentifier];
CGFloat height = cell.bounds.size.height;
heightCache[cellIdentifier] = @(height);
return height;
- (NSString *)reuseIdentifierForCellAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSString * reuseIdentifier;
switch (indexPath.row) {
case 0:
reuseIdentifier = EventTitleCellIdentifier;
case 2:
reuseIdentifier = EventDateTimeCellIdentifier;
case 4:
reuseIdentifier = EventContactsCellIdentifier;
case 6:
reuseIdentifier = EventLocationCellIdentifier;
case 8:
reuseIdentifier = NotesCellIdentifier;
reuseIdentifier = SeparatorCellIdentifier;
return reuseIdentifier;
SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(@"8.0") is actually from a set of macro definitions I am using which I found somewhere (very helpful). They are defined as:
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedSame)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedDescending)