Programs & Examples On #Pascalcasing

Pascal case is a language-independent naming convention in which each word of an identifier name begins with a capital letter, such as CustomerName, CustomerId, etc.

JSON Naming Convention (snake_case, camelCase or PascalCase)

There is no SINGLE standard, but I have seen 3 styles you mention ("Pascal/Microsoft", "Java" (camelCase) and "C" (underscores, snake_case)) -- as well as at least one more, kebab-case like longer-name).

It mostly seems to depend on what background developers of the service in question had; those with c/c++ background (or languages that adopt similar naming, which includes many scripting languages, ruby etc) often choose underscore variant; and rest similarly (Java vs .NET). Jackson library that was mentioned, for example, assumes Java bean naming convention (camelCase)

UPDATE: my definition of "standard" is a SINGLE convention. So while one could claim "yes, there are many standards", to me there are multiple Naming Conventions, none of which is "The" standard overall. One of them could be considered the standard for specific platform, but given that JSON is used for interoperability between platforms that may or may not make much sense.

Getting Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null error in powershell

$_ is the active object in the current pipeline. You've started a new pipeline with $FOLDLIST | ... so $_ represents the objects in that array that are passed down the pipeline. You should stash the FileInfo object from the first pipeline in a variable and then reference that variable later e.g.:

write-host $NEWN.Length
$file = $_
Move-Item $file.Name $DPATH

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

The user-agent should be specified as a field in the header.

Here is a list of HTTP header fields, and you'd probably be interested in request-specific fields, which includes User-Agent.

If you're using requests v2.13 and newer

The simplest way to do what you want is to create a dictionary and specify your headers directly, like so:

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',
    'From': '[email protected]'  # This is another valid field

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

If you're using requests v2.12.x and older

Older versions of requests clobbered default headers, so you'd want to do the following to preserve default headers and then add your own to them.

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

# Get a copy of the default headers that requests would use
headers = requests.utils.default_headers()

# Update the headers with your custom ones
# You don't have to worry about case-sensitivity with
# the dictionary keys, because default_headers uses a custom
# CaseInsensitiveDict implementation within requests' source code.
        'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

How do I stop/start a scheduled task on a remote computer programmatically?

Here's what I found.


schtasks /end /s <machine name> /tn <task name>


schtasks /run /s <machine name> /tn <task name>

C:\>schtasks /?

SCHTASKS /parameter [arguments]

    Enables an administrator to create, delete, query, change, run and
    end scheduled tasks on a local or remote system. Replaces AT.exe.

Parameter List:
    /Create         Creates a new scheduled task.

    /Delete         Deletes the scheduled task(s).

    /Query          Displays all scheduled tasks.

    /Change         Changes the properties of scheduled task.

    /Run            Runs the scheduled task immediately.

    /End            Stops the currently running scheduled task.

    /?              Displays this help message.

    SCHTASKS /Run /?
    SCHTASKS /End /?
    SCHTASKS /Create /?
    SCHTASKS /Delete /?
    SCHTASKS /Query  /?
    SCHTASKS /Change /?

How can I use tabs for indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Java > Tabs and Indents > Use tab character

Substitute weapon of choice for Java as required.

Dropdown select with images



var shownnn = "yes";_x000D_
var dropd = document.getElementById("image-dropdown");_x000D_
function showww() {_x000D_ = "auto";_x000D_ = "y-scroll";_x000D_
function hideee() {_x000D_ = "30px";_x000D_ = "hidden";_x000D_
  //dropd.addEventListener('mouseover', showOrHide, false);_x000D_
  //dropd.addEventListener('click',showOrHide , false);_x000D_
function myfuunc(imgParent) {_x000D_
  var mainDIVV = document.getElementById("image-dropdown");_x000D_
  mainDIVV.insertBefore(imgParent, mainDIVV.childNodes[0]);_x000D_
#image-dropdown {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid;_x000D_
#image-dropdown {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
/*#image-dropdown:hover {} */_x000D_
#image-dropdown .img_holder {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
#image-dropdown img.flagimgs {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
#image-dropdown span.iTEXT {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: -8px;_x000D_
<!-- not tested in mobiles -->_x000D_
<div id="image-dropdown" onmouseleave="hideee();">_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs first" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">First</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Second</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Third</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Fourth</span>_x000D_

Set encoding and fileencoding to utf-8 in Vim

set encoding=utf-8  " The encoding displayed.
set fileencoding=utf-8  " The encoding written to file.

You may as well set both in your ~/.vimrc if you always want to work with utf-8.

How can I know if a process is running?

This is the simplest way I found after using reflector. I created an extension method for that:

public static class ProcessExtensions
    public static bool IsRunning(this Process process)
        if (process == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("process");

        catch (ArgumentException)
            return false;
        return true;

The Process.GetProcessById(processId) method calls the ProcessManager.IsProcessRunning(processId) method and throws ArgumentException in case the process does not exist. For some reason the ProcessManager class is internal...

When to use async false and async true in ajax function in jquery

ShowPopUpForToDoList: function (id, apprId, tab) {
    var snapShot = "isFromAlert";
    if (tab != "Request")
        snapShot = "isFromTodoList";
        type: "GET",
        url: common.GetRootUrl('ActionForm/SetParamForToDoList'),
        data: { id: id, tab: tab },
        success: function (data) {
            ActionForm.EditActionFormPopup(id, snapShot);

Here SetParamForToDoList will be excecuted first after the function ActionForm.EditActionFormPopup will fire.

How to change JDK version for an Eclipse project

Click on the Window tab in Eclipse, go to Preferences and when that window comes up, go to Java ? Installed JREs ? Execution Environment and choose JavaSE-1.5. You then have to go to Compiler and set the Compiler compliance level.

Changing JRE

Enter image description here

CSS: auto height on containing div, 100% height on background div inside containing div

Okay so someone is probably going to slap me for this answer, but I use jQuery to solve all my irritating problems and it turns out that I just used something today to fix a similar issue. Assuming you use jquery:


this is untested but I think you can see the concept here. Basically after it is loaded, you can get the height (outerHeight includes padding + borders, innerHeight for the content only). Hope that helps.

Here is how you bind it to the window resize event:

$(window).resize(function() {

How to get 0-padded binary representation of an integer in java?

There is no binary conversion built into the java.util.Formatter, I would advise you to either use String.replace to replace space character with zeros, as in:

String.format("%16s", Integer.toBinaryString(1)).replace(" ", "0")

Or implement your own logic to convert integers to binary representation with added left padding somewhere along the lines given in this so. Or if you really need to pass numbers to format, you can convert your binary representation to BigInteger and then format that with leading zeros, but this is very costly at runtime, as in:

String.format("%016d", new BigInteger(Integer.toBinaryString(1)))

jQuery keypress() event not firing?

You have the word 'document' in a string. Change:




req.query and req.param in ExpressJS

req.query will return a JS object after the query string is parsed.

/user?name=tom&age=55 - req.query would yield {name:"tom", age: "55"}

req.params will return parameters in the matched route. If your route is /user/:id and you make a request to /user/5 - req.params would yield {id: "5"}

req.param is a function that peels parameters out of the request. All of this can be found here.


If the verb is a POST and you are using bodyParser, then you should be able to get the form body in you function with req.body. That will be the parsed JS version of the POSTed form.

get string from right hand side

Simplest solution:


Using OR operator in a jquery if statement

Think about what

if ((state != 10) || (state != 15) || (state != 19) || (state != 22) || (state != 33) || (state != 39) || (state != 47) || (state != 48) || (state != 49) || (state != 51))

means. || means "or." The negation of this is (by DeMorgan's Laws):

state == 10 && state == 15 && state == 19...

In other words, the only way that this could be false if if a state equals 10, 15, and 19 (and the rest of the numbers in your or statement) at the same time, which is impossible.

Thus, this statement will always be true. State 15 will never equal state 10, for example, so it's always true that state will either not equal 10 or not equal 15.

Change || to &&.

Also, in most languages, the following:

if (x) {
  return true;
else {
  return false;

is not necessary. In this case, the method returns true exactly when x is true and false exactly when x is false. You can just do:

return x;

Correct use of transactions in SQL Server

Easy approach:

    C [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

SET XACT_ABORT ON -- Turns on rollback if T-SQL statement raises a run-time error.
SELECT * FROM T; -- Check before.
SELECT * FROM T; -- Check after.

UILabel is not auto-shrinking text to fit label size

This is for Swift 3 running Xcode 8.2.1 ( 8C1002 )

The best solution that I've found is to set a fixed width in your Storyboard or IB on the label. Set your constraints with constrain to margins. In your viewDidLoad add the following lines of code:

override func viewDidLoad() {

            label.numberOfLines = 1
            label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
            label.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5

label constraints to margin

fixed width label constraints to margin

attributes inspector

This worked like a charm and it doesn't overflow to a new line and shrinks the text to fit the width of the label without any weird issues and works in Swift 3.

Purpose of #!/usr/bin/python3 shebang

This line helps find the program executable that will run the script. This shebang notation is fairly standard across most scripting languages (at least as used on grown-up operating systems).

An important aspect of this line is specifying which interpreter will be used. On many development-centered Linux distributions, for example, it is normal to have several versions of python installed at the same time.

Python 2.x and Python 3 are not 100% compatible, so this difference can be very important. So #! /usr/bin/python and #! /usr/bin/python3 are not the same (and neither are quite the same as #! /usr/bin/env python3 as noted elsewhere on this page.

How can I make a countdown with NSTimer?

Swift 4

Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(self.updateTime), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

Update function

@objc func updateTime(){

How add class='active' to html menu with php

CALL common.php
    .ddsmoothmenu ul li{float: left; padding: 0 20px;}
    .ddsmoothmenu ul li a{display: block;
  padding: 40px 15px 20px 15px;
  color: #4b4b4b;
  font-size: 13px;
  font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;
  text-align: right;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  margin-left: 1px; color: #fff; background: #000;}
    .current .test{  background: #2767A3; color: #fff;}
<div class="span8 ddsmoothmenu">
<!-- // Dropdown Menu // -->
<ul id="dropdown-menu" class="fixed">
    <li class="<?php if(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'index.php'){echo 'current'; }else { echo ''; } ?>"><a href="index.php" class="test">Home  <i>::</i> <span>welcome</span></a></li>
    <li class="<?php if(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'about.php'){echo 'current'; }else { echo ''; } ?>"><a href="about.php" class="test">About us <i>::</i> <span>Who we are</span></a></li>
    <li class="<?php if(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == 'course.php'){echo 'current'; }else { echo ''; } ?>"><a href="course.php">Our Courses  <i>::</i> <span>What we do</span></a></li>
</ul><!-- end #dropdown-menu -->

</div><!-- end .span8 -->

add each page
<?php include('common.php'); ?>

mysql -> insert into tbl (select from another table) and some default values

If you want to insert all the columns then

insert into def select * from abc;

here the number of columns in def should be equal to abc.

if you want to insert the subsets of columns then

insert into def (col1,col2, col3 ) select scol1,scol2,scol3 from abc; 

if you want to insert some hardcorded values then

insert into def (col1, col2,col3) select 'hardcoded value',scol2, scol3 from abc;

How can I execute PHP code from the command line?

You can use:

 echo '<?php if(function_exists("my_func")) echo "function exists"; ' | php

The short tag "< ?=" can be helpful too:

 echo '<?= function_exists("foo") ? "yes" : "no";' | php
 echo '<?= 8+7+9 ;' | php

The closing tag "?>" is optional, but don't forget the final ";"!

Simple export and import of a SQLite database on Android

If you want this in kotlin . And perfectly working

 private fun exportDbFile() {

    try {

        //Existing DB Path
        val DB_PATH = "/data/packagename/databases/mydb.db"
        val DATA_DIRECTORY = Environment.getDataDirectory()

        //COPY DB PATH
        val EXTERNAL_DIRECTORY: File = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
        val COPY_DB = "/mynewfolder/mydb.db"

        val srcChannel = FileInputStream(INITIAL_DB_PATH).channel

        val dstChannel = FileOutputStream(COPY_DB_PATH).channel

    } catch (excep: Exception) {
        Toast.makeText(this,"ERROR IN COPY $excep",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()


How to read a text file into a string variable and strip newlines?

In Python 3.5 or later, using pathlib you can copy text file contents into a variable and close the file in one line:

from pathlib import Path
txt = Path('data.txt').read_text()

and then you can use str.replace to remove the newlines:

txt = txt.replace('\n', '')

Is there a command line utility for rendering GitHub flavored Markdown?

I created a tool similar to Atom's Preview functionality, but as a standalone application. Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it might be helpful. --


How to shrink/purge ibdata1 file in MySQL

That ibdata1 isn't shrinking is a particularly annoying feature of MySQL. The ibdata1 file can't actually be shrunk unless you delete all databases, remove the files and reload a dump.

But you can configure MySQL so that each table, including its indexes, is stored as a separate file. In that way ibdata1 will not grow as large. According to Bill Karwin's comment this is enabled by default as of version 5.6.6 of MySQL.

It was a while ago I did this. However, to setup your server to use separate files for each table you need to change my.cnf in order to enable this:


As you want to reclaim the space from ibdata1 you actually have to delete the file:

  1. Do a mysqldump of all databases, procedures, triggers etc except the mysql and performance_schema databases
  2. Drop all databases except the above 2 databases
  3. Stop mysql
  4. Delete ibdata1 and ib_log files
  5. Start mysql
  6. Restore from dump

When you start MySQL in step 5 the ibdata1 and ib_log files will be recreated.

Now you're fit to go. When you create a new database for analysis, the tables will be located in separate ibd* files, not in ibdata1. As you usually drop the database soon after, the ibd* files will be deleted.

You have probably seen this:

By using the command ALTER TABLE <tablename> ENGINE=innodb or OPTIMIZE TABLE <tablename> one can extract data and index pages from ibdata1 to separate files. However, ibdata1 will not shrink unless you do the steps above.

Regarding the information_schema, that is not necessary nor possible to drop. It is in fact just a bunch of read-only views, not tables. And there are no files associated with the them, not even a database directory. The informations_schema is using the memory db-engine and is dropped and regenerated upon stop/restart of mysqld. See

How to include an HTML page into another HTML page without frame/iframe?

Also make sure to check out how to use Angular includes (using AngularJS). It's pretty straight forward…

<body ng-app="">
  <div ng-include="'myFile.htm'"></div>

How to add fixed button to the bottom right of page

This will be helpful for the right bottom rounded button


      <a class="fixedButton" href>
         <div class="roundedFixedBtn"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i></div>


            position: fixed;
            bottom: 0px;
            right: 0px; 
            padding: 20px;
          height: 60px;
          line-height: 80px;  
          width: 60px;  
          font-size: 2em;
          font-weight: bold;
          border-radius: 50%;
          background-color: #4CAF50;
          color: white;
          text-align: center;
          cursor: pointer;

Here is jsfiddle link

Laravel 4: Redirect to a given url

You can use different types of redirect method in laravel -

return redirect()->intended('');


return redirect()->to('');


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;

return Redirect::to('/')->with(['type' => 'error','message' => 'Your message'])->withInput(Input::except('password'));


return redirect('/')->with(Auth::logout());


return redirect()->route('user.profile', ['step' => $step, 'id' => $id]);

Copy existing project with a new name in Android Studio

I had problems with this following:

on Android Studio version: 3.3.2

until I killed the .idea/workspace.xml file.

$ cp -rv Testcopysource/ TestCopyDest
$ rm TestCopyDest/.idea/workspace.xml
$ & # Run Android Studio on Linux

Prior to doing that Android Studio would still point to the original source folder and all renames were applied to the original source files (within Testcopysource in my example above).

How to find and replace all occurrences of a string recursively in a directory tree?

On macOS, none of the answers worked for me. I discovered that was due to differences in how sed works on macOS and other BSD systems compared to GNU.

In particular BSD sed takes the -i option but requires a suffix for the backup (but an empty suffix is permitted)

grep version from this answer.

grep -rl 'foo' ./ | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g'

find version from this answer.

find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f | LC_ALL=C xargs sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g'

Don't omit the Regex to ignore . folders if you're in a Git repo. I realized that the hard way!

That LC_ALL=C option is to avoid getting sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence if sed finds a byte sequence that is not a valid UTF-8 character. That's another difference between BSD and GNU. Depending on the kind of files you are dealing with, you may not need it.

For some reason that is not clear to me, the grep version found more occurrences than the find one, which is why I recommend to use grep.

Pass row number as variable in excel sheet

Assuming your row number is in B1, you can use INDIRECT:


This takes a cell reference as a string (in this case, the concatenation of A and the value of B1 - 5), and returns the value at that cell.

How do I specify "close existing connections" in sql script

I tryed what hgmnz saids on SQL Server 2012.

Management created to me:

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory @database_name = N'MyDataBase'
USE [master]
/****** Object:  Database [MyDataBase]    Script Date: 09/09/2014 15:58:46 ******/

Select subset of columns in data.table R

Use with=FALSE:

cols = paste("V", c(1,2,3,5), sep="")

dt[, !cols, with=FALSE]

I suggest going through the "Introduction to data.table" vignette.

Update: From v1.10.2 onwards, you can also do:

dt[, ..cols]

See the first NEWS item under v1.10.2 here for additional explanation.

iOS 7 status bar back to iOS 6 default style in iPhone app?

Updates on 19th Sep 2013:

fixed scaling bugs by adding self.window.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 20, self.window.frame.size.width, self.window.frame.size.height);

corrected typos in the NSNotificationCenter statement

Updates on 12th Sep 2013:

corrected UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO

added a solution for apps with screen rotation

added an approach to change the background color of the status bar.

There is, apparently, no way to revert the iOS7 status bar back to how it works in iOS6.

However, we can always write some codes and turn the status bar into iOS6-like, and this is the shortest way I can come up with:

  1. Set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO in info.plist (To opt out of having view controllers adjust the status bar style so that we can set the status bar style by using the UIApplicationstatusBarStyle method.)

  2. In AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, call

    if (NSFoundationVersionNumber > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
        [application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
        self.window.clipsToBounds =YES;
        self.window.frame =  CGRectMake(0,20,self.window.frame.size.width,self.window.frame.size.height-20);
        //Added on 19th Sep 2013
        self.window.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 20, self.window.frame.size.width, self.window.frame.size.height);
    return YES;

in order to:

  1. Check if it's iOS 7.

  2. Set status bar's content to be white, as opposed to UIStatusBarStyleDefault.

  3. Avoid subviews whose frames extend beyond the visible bounds from showing up (for views animating into the main view from top).

  4. Create the illusion that the status bar takes up space like how it is in iOS 6 by shifting and resizing the app's window frame.

For apps with screen rotation,

use NSNotificationCenter to detect orientation changes by adding

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

in if (NSFoundationVersionNumber > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) and create a new method in AppDelegate:

- (void)applicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientation:(NSNotification *)notification
    int a = [[notification.userInfo objectForKey: UIApplicationStatusBarOrientationUserInfoKey] intValue];
    int w = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width;
    int h = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height;
        case 4:
            self.window.frame =  CGRectMake(0,20,w,h);
        case 3:
            self.window.frame =  CGRectMake(-20,0,w-20,h+20);
        case 2:
            self.window.frame =  CGRectMake(0,-20,w,h);
        case 1:
           self.window.frame =  CGRectMake(20,0,w-20,h+20);

So that when orientation changes, it will trigger a switch statement to detect app's screen orientation (Portrait, Upside Down, Landscape Left, or Landscape Right) and change the app's window frame respectively to create the iOS 6 status bar illusion.

To change the background color of your status bar:


 @property (retain, nonatomic) UIWindow *background;

in AppDelegate.h to make background a property in your class and prevent ARC from deallocating it. (You don't have to do it if you are not using ARC.)

After that you just need to create the UIWindow in if (NSFoundationVersionNumber > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1):

background = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.window.frame.size.width, 20)];
background.backgroundColor =[UIColor redColor];
[background setHidden:NO];

Don't forget to @synthesize background; after @implementation AppDelegate!

How to turn a string formula into a "real" formula

The best, non-VBA, way to do this is using the TEXT formula. It takes a string as an argument and converts it to a value.

For example, =TEXT ("0.4*A1",'##') will return the value of 0.4 * the value that's in cell A1 of that worksheet.

What is the difference between SQL Server 2012 Express versions?

This link goes to the best comparison chart around, directly from the Microsoft. It compares ALL aspects of all MS SQL server editions. To compare three editions you are asking about, just focus on the last three columns of every table in there.

Summary compiled from the above document:

    * = contains the feature
                                           SQLEXPR    SQLEXPRWT   SQLEXPRADV
    > SQL Server Core                         *           *           *
    > SQL Server Management Studio            -           *           *
    > Distributed Replay – Admin Tool         -           *           *
    > LocalDB                                 -           *           *
    > SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)            -           -           *
    > Full-text and semantic search           -           -           *
    > Specification of language in query      -           -           *
    > some of Reporting services features     -           -           *

MySQL: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_3c6_0.MYI' (Errcode: 2) - What does it even mean?

Its due to access control security policies specifically when SELinux is enabled it won't allow external executables to create temporary files in the system locations.

Disable SELinux by issuing below command:

echo 0 >/selinux/enforce

You can now start mysql it wont give any permission related errror while reading/writing to /tmp or system directories.

In case you wish to enable the SELinux security back change 0 to 1 in above command.

What is managed or unmanaged code in programming?

This is a good article about the subject.

To summarize,

  1. Managed code is not compiled to machine code but to an intermediate language which is interpreted and executed by some service on a machine and is therefore operating within a (hopefully!) secure framework which handles dangerous things like memory and threads for you. In modern usage this frequently means .NET but does not have to.

An application program that is executed within a runtime engine installed in the same machine. The application cannot run without it. The runtime environment provides the general library of software routines that the program uses and typically performs memory management. It may also provide just-in-time (JIT) conversion from source code to executable code or from an intermediate language to executable code. Java, Visual Basic and .NET's Common Language Runtime (CLR) are examples of runtime engines. (Read more)

  1. Unmanaged code is compiled to machine code and therefore executed by the OS directly. It therefore has the ability to do damaging/powerful things Managed code does not. This is how everything used to work, so typically it's associated with old stuff like .dlls.

An executable program that runs by itself. Launched from the operating system, the program calls upon and uses the software routines in the operating system, but does not require another software system to be used. Assembly language programs that have been assembled into machine language and C/C++ programs compiled into machine language for a particular platform are examples of unmanaged code.(Read more)

  1. Native code is often synonymous with Unmanaged, but is not identical.

Remove Duplicate objects from JSON Array

You can use lodash, download here (4.17.15)

Example code:

var object = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];

_.uniqWith(object, _.isEqual);

// => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]


There is an important difference between floor() and DIV 1. For negative numbers, they behave differently. DIV 1 returns the integer part (as cast as signed does), while floor(x) returns "the largest integer value not greater than x" (from the manual). So : select floor(-1.1) results in -2, while select -1.1 div 1 results in -1

Usage of @see in JavaDoc?

@see is useful for information about related methods/classes in an API. It will produce a link to the referenced method/code on the documentation. Use it when there is related code that might help the user understand how to use the API.

stop all instances of node.js server

You can use lsof get the process that has bound to the required port.

Unfortunately the flags seem to be different depending on system, but on Mac OS X you can run

lsof -Pi | grep LISTEN

For example, on my machine I get something like:

mongod     8662 jacob    6u  IPv4 0x17ceae4e0970fbe9      0t0  TCP localhost:27017 (LISTEN)
mongod     8662 jacob    7u  IPv4 0x17ceae4e0f9c24b1      0t0  TCP localhost:28017 (LISTEN)
memcached  8680 jacob   17u  IPv4 0x17ceae4e0971f7d1      0t0  TCP *:11211 (LISTEN)
memcached  8680 jacob   18u  IPv6 0x17ceae4e0bdf6479      0t0  TCP *:11211 (LISTEN)
mysqld     9394 jacob   10u  IPv4 0x17ceae4e080c4001      0t0  TCP *:3306 (LISTEN)
redis-ser 75429 jacob    4u  IPv4 0x17ceae4e1ba8ea59      0t0  TCP localhost:6379 (LISTEN)

The second number is the PID and the port they're listening to is on the right before "(LISTEN)". Find the rogue PID and kill -9 $PID to terminate with extreme prejudice.

SpringMVC RequestMapping for GET parameters

You can add @RequestMapping like so:

public @ResponseBody GridModel getUsersForGrid(
   @RequestParam("_search") String search,
   @RequestParam String nd,
   @RequestParam int rows,
   @RequestParam int page,
   @RequestParam String sidx) 
   @RequestParam String sord) {

What's the difference between JPA and Hibernate?

JPA is an API, one which Hibernate implements.Hibernate predates JPA. Before JPA, you write native hibernate code to do your ORM. JPA is just the interface, so now you write JPA code and you need to find an implementation. Hibernate happens to be an implementation.

So your choices are this: hibernate, toplink, etc...

The advantage to JPA is that it allows you to swap out your implementation if need be. The disadvantage is that the native hibernate/toplink/etc... API may offer functionality that the JPA specification doesn't support.

IIS7 folder permissions for web application

If it's any help to anyone, give permission to "IIS_IUSRS" group.

Note that if you can't find "IIS_IUSRS", try prepending it with your server's name, like "MySexyServer\IIS_IUSRS".

C# how to use enum with switch

The correct answer is already given, nevertheless here is the better way (than switch):

private Dictionary<Operator, Func<int, int, double>> operators =
    new Dictionary<Operator, Func<int, int, double>>
        { Operator.PLUS, ( a, b ) => a + b },
        { Operator.MINUS, ( a, b ) => a - b },
        { Operator.MULTIPLY, ( a, b ) => a * b },
        { Operator.DIVIDE ( a, b ) => (double)a / b },

public double Calculate( int left, int right, Operator op )
    return operators.ContainsKey( op ) ? operators[ op ]( left, right ) : 0.0;

Writing to a file in a for loop

That is because you are opening , writing and closing the file 10 times inside your for loop

myfile = open('xyz.txt', 'w')

You should open and close your file outside for loop.

myfile = open('xyz.txt', 'w')
for line in lines:
    var1, var2 = line.split(",");
    myfile.write("%s\n" % var1)


You should also notice to use write and not writelines.

writelines writes a list of lines to your file.

Also you should check out the answers posted by folks here that uses with statement. That is the elegant way to do file read/write operations in Python

Iterating through populated rows

I'm going to make a couple of assumptions in my answer. I'm assuming your data starts in A1 and there are no empty cells in the first column of each row that has data.

This code will:

  1. Find the last row in column A that has data
  2. Loop through each row
  3. Find the last column in current row with data
  4. Loop through each cell in current row up to last column found.

This is not a fast method but will iterate through each one individually as you suggested is your intention.

Sub iterateThroughAll()
    ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Set wks = ActiveSheet

    Dim rowRange As Range
    Dim colRange As Range

    Dim LastCol As Long
    Dim LastRow As Long
    LastRow = wks.Cells(wks.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    Set rowRange = wks.Range("A1:A" & LastRow)

    'Loop through each row
    For Each rrow In rowRange
        'Find Last column in current row
        LastCol = wks.Cells(rrow, wks.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        Set colRange = wks.Range(wks.Cells(rrow, 1), wks.Cells(rrow, LastCol))

        'Loop through all cells in row up to last col
        For Each cell In colRange
            'Do something to each cell
            Debug.Print (cell.Value)
        Next cell
    Next rrow
    ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

How do I add a newline to command output in PowerShell?

The option that I tend to use, mostly because it's simple and I don't have to think, is using Write-Output as below. Write-Output will put an EOL marker in the string for you and you can simply output the finished string.

Write-Output $stringThatNeedsEOLMarker | Out-File -FilePath PathToFile -Append

Alternatively, you could also just build the entire string using Write-Output and then push the finished string into Out-File.

XDocument or XmlDocument

XmlDocument is great for developers who are familiar with the XML DOM object model. It's been around for a while, and more or less corresponds to a W3C standard. It supports manual navigation as well as XPath node selection.

XDocument powers the LINQ to XML feature in .NET 3.5. It makes heavy use of IEnumerable<> and can be easier to work with in straight C#.

Both document models require you to load the entire document into memory (unlike XmlReader for example).

How to get a substring between two strings in PHP?

I have been using this for years and it works well. Could probably be made more efficient, but

grabstring("Test string","","",0) returns Test string
grabstring("Test string","Test ","",0) returns string
grabstring("Test string","s","",5) returns string

function grabstring($strSource,$strPre,$strPost,$StartAt) {
if(@strpos($strSource,$strPre)===FALSE && $strPre!=""){
if($strPost == "") {
    $EndPoint = strlen($strSource);
} else {
        $EndPoint= strlen($strSource);
    } else {
        $EndPoint = strpos($strSource,$strPost,$Startpoint);
if($strPre == "") {
    $Startpoint = 0;
if($EndPoint - $Startpoint < 1) {
    return "";
} else {
        return substr($strSource, $Startpoint, $EndPoint - $Startpoint);


In python, how do I cast a class object to a dict

It's hard to say without knowing the whole context of the problem, but I would not override __iter__.

I would implement __what_goes_here__ on the class.

    d = {...whatever you need...}
    return d

nodeJs callbacks simple example

Here is an example of copying text file with fs.readFile and fs.writeFile:

var fs = require('fs');

var copyFile = function(source, destination, next) {
  // we should read source file first
  fs.readFile(source, function(err, data) {
    if (err) return next(err); // error occurred
    // now we can write data to destination file
    fs.writeFile(destination, data, next);

And that's an example of using copyFile function:

copyFile('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', function(err) {
  if (err) {
    // either fs.readFile or fs.writeFile returned an error
    console.log(err.stack || err);
  } else {

Common node.js pattern suggests that the first argument of the callback function is an error. You should use this pattern because all control flow modules rely on it:

next(new Error('I cannot do it!')); // error

next(null, results); // no error occurred, return result

how to call a onclick function in <a> tag?

Use the onclick as an attribute of your a, not part of the href

<a onclick='"lead_data.php?leadid=1", myWin, scrollbars=yes, width=400, height=650);'>1</a>


Query to display all tablespaces in a database and datafiles

In oracle, generally speaking, there are number of facts that I will mention in following section:

  • Each database can have many Schema/User (Logical division).
  • Each database can have many tablespaces (Logical division).
  • A schema is the set of objects (tables, indexes, views, etc) that belong to a user.
  • In Oracle, a user can be considered the same as a schema.
  • A database is divided into logical storage units called tablespaces, which group related logical structures together. For example, tablespaces commonly group all of an application’s objects to simplify some administrative operations. You may have a tablespace for application data and an additional one for application indexes.

Therefore, your question, "to see all tablespaces and datafiles belong to SCOTT" is s bit wrong.

However, there are some DBA views encompass information about all database objects, regardless of the owner. Only users with DBA privileges can access these views: DBA_DATA_FILES, DBA_TABLESPACES, DBA_FREE_SPACE, DBA_SEGMENTS.

So, connect to your DB as sysdba and run query through these helpful views. For example this query can help you to find all tablespaces and their data files that objects of your user are located:


How do you round a floating point number in Perl?

Output of perldoc -q round

Does Perl have a round() function? What about ceil() and floor()? Trig functions?

Remember that int() merely truncates toward 0. For rounding to a certain number of digits, sprintf() or printf() is usually the easiest route.

    printf("%.3f", 3.1415926535);       # prints 3.142

The POSIX module (part of the standard Perl distribution) implements ceil(), floor(), and a number of other mathematical and trigonometric functions.

    use POSIX;
    $ceil   = ceil(3.5);                        # 4
    $floor  = floor(3.5);                       # 3

In 5.000 to 5.003 perls, trigonometry was done in the Math::Complex module. With 5.004, the Math::Trig module (part of the standard Perl distribution) implements the trigonometric functions. Internally it uses the Math::Complex module and some functions can break out from the real axis into the complex plane, for example the inverse sine of 2.

Rounding in financial applications can have serious implications, and the rounding method used should be specified precisely. In these cases, it probably pays not to trust whichever system rounding is being used by Perl, but to instead implement the rounding function you need yourself.

To see why, notice how you'll still have an issue on half-way-point alternation:

    for ($i = 0; $i < 1.01; $i += 0.05) { printf "%.1f ",$i}

    0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7
    0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0

Don't blame Perl. It's the same as in C. IEEE says we have to do this. Perl numbers whose absolute values are integers under 2**31 (on 32 bit machines) will work pretty much like mathematical integers. Other numbers are not guaranteed.

MYSQL query between two timestamps

Try this its worked for me

SELECT * from bookedroom
    WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2020-8-07 5:31')
        between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2020-8-07 5:30') and
        UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2020-8-09 5:30')

How to convert Django Model object to dict with its fields and values?

Maybe this help you. May this not covert many to many relantionship, but es pretty handy when you want to send your model in json format.

def serial_model(modelobj):
  opts = modelobj._meta.fields
  modeldict = model_to_dict(modelobj)
  for m in opts:
    if m.is_relation:
        foreignkey = getattr(modelobj,
        if foreignkey:
                modeldict[] = serial_model(foreignkey)
  return modeldict

Save range to variable

My use case was to save range to variable and then select it later on

Dim targetRange As Range
Set targetRange = Sheets("Sheet").Range("Name")
Application.Goto targetRange
Set targetRangeQ = Nothing ' reset

How do you install and run Mocha, the Node.js testing module? Getting "mocha: command not found" after install

To run Mocha with mocha command from your terminal you need to install mocha globally on this machine:

npm install --global mocha

Then cd to your projectFolder/test and run mocha yourTestFileName.js

If you want to make mocha available inside your package.json as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev mocha

Then add mocha to your scripts inside package.json.

"scripts": {
    "test": "mocha"

Then run npm test inside your terminal.

Python: Number of rows affected by cursor.execute("SELECT ...)

The number of rows effected is returned from execute:

rows_affected=cursor.execute("SELECT ... ")

of course, as AndiDog already mentioned, you can get the row count by accessing the rowcount property of the cursor at any time to get the count for the last execute:

cursor.execute("SELECT ... ")

From the inline documentation of python MySQLdb:

 def execute(self, query, args=None):

    """Execute a query.

    query -- string, query to execute on server
    args -- optional sequence or mapping, parameters to use with query.

    Note: If args is a sequence, then %s must be used as the
    parameter placeholder in the query. If a mapping is used,
    %(key)s must be used as the placeholder.

    Returns long integer rows affected, if any


Unable to resolve host "<insert URL here>" No address associated with hostname

Please, check if you have valid internet connection.

Actionbar notification count icon (badge) like Google has

I found better way to do it. if you want to use something like this

enter image description here

Use this dependency

   compile 'com.nex3z:notification-badge:0.1.0'

create one xml file in drawable and Save it as Badge.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <layer-list xmlns:android="">

    <shape android:shape="oval">
        <solid android:color="#66000000"/>
        <size android:width="30dp" android:height="40dp"/>
<item android:bottom="1dp" android:right="0.6dp">
    <shape android:shape="oval">
        <solid android:color="@color/Error_color"/>
        <size android:width="20dp" android:height="20dp"/>

Now wherever you want to use that badge use following code in xml. with the help of this you will be able to see that badge on top-right corner of your image or anything.


Now finally on use this 2 simple thing.. 1) Define

 NotificationBadge mBadge;

2) where your loop or anything which is counting this number use this:


here, mBadge.setNumber(0) will not show anything.

Hope this help.

Android "Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views."

This happened to my when I called for an UI change from a doInBackground from Asynctask instead of using onPostExecute.

Dealing with the UI in onPostExecute solved my problem.

pythonic way to do something N times without an index variable?

I found the various answers really elegant (especially Alex Martelli's) but I wanted to quantify performance first hand, so I cooked up the following script:

from itertools import repeat
N = 10000000

def payload(a):

def standard(N):
    for x in range(N):

def underscore(N):
    for _ in range(N):

def loopiter(N):
    for _ in repeat(None, N):

def loopiter2(N):
    for _ in map(payload, repeat(None, N)):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import timeit
    print("standard: ",timeit.timeit("standard({})".format(N),
        setup="from __main__ import standard", number=1))
    print("underscore: ",timeit.timeit("underscore({})".format(N),
        setup="from __main__ import underscore", number=1))
    print("loopiter: ",timeit.timeit("loopiter({})".format(N),
        setup="from __main__ import loopiter", number=1))
    print("loopiter2: ",timeit.timeit("loopiter2({})".format(N),
        setup="from __main__ import loopiter2", number=1))

I also came up with an alternative solution that builds on Martelli's one and uses map() to call the payload function. OK, I cheated a bit in that I took the freedom of making the payload accept a parameter that gets discarded: I don't know if there is a way around this. Nevertheless, here are the results:

standard:  0.8398549720004667
underscore:  0.8413165839992871
loopiter:  0.7110594899968419
loopiter2:  0.5891903560004721

so using map yields an improvement of approximately 30% over the standard for loop and an extra 19% over Martelli's.

In Java, should I escape a single quotation mark (') in String (double quoted)?

It's best practice only to escape the quotes when you need to - if you can get away without escaping it, then do!

The only times you should need to escape are when trying to put " inside a string, or ' in a character:

String quotes = "He said \"Hello, World!\"";
char quote = '\'';

List of lists into numpy array

Again, after searching for the problem of converting nested lists with N levels into an N-dimensional array I found nothing, so here's my way around it:

import numpy as np

new_array=np.array([[[coord for coord in xk] for xk in xj] for xj in xi], ndmin=3) #this case for N=3

What are unit tests, integration tests, smoke tests, and regression tests?

Unit test: Verifying that particular component (i.e., class) created or modified functions as designed. This test can be manual or automated, but it does not move beyond the boundary of the component.

Integration test: Verifying that the interaction of particular components function as designed. Integration tests can be performed at the unit level or the system level. These tests can be manual or automated.

Regression test: Verifying that new defects are not introduced into existing code. These tests can be manual or automated.

Depending upon your SDLC (waterfall, RUP, agile, etc.) particular tests may be performed in 'phases' or may all be performed, more or less, at the same time. For example, unit testing may be limited to developers who then turn the code over to testers for integration and regression testing. However, another approach might have developers doing unit testing and some level of integration and regression testing (using a TDD approach along with continuous integration and automated unit and regression tests).

The tool set will depend largely on the codebase, but there are many open source tools for unit testing (JUnit). HP's (Mercury) QTP or Borland's Silk Test are both tools for automated integration and regression testing.

Angularjs - Pass argument to directive

<button my-directive="push">Push to Go</button>

app.directive("myDirective", function() {
    return {
        restrict : "A",
         link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
                elm.bind('click', function(event) {

                    alert("You pressed button: " +'my-directive'));

here is what I did

I'm using directive as html attribute and I passed parameter as following in my HTML file. my-directive="push" And from the directive I retrieved it from the Mouse-click event object.'my-directive').

How can I easily add storage to a VirtualBox machine with XP installed?

Note: This applies to pre-4 VirtualBox. In VB4, HDD expansion has been introduced.

According to the VirtualBox documentation:

When creating an image, its size needs to be specified, which determines this fixed geometry. It is therefore not possible to change the size of the virtual hard disk later.

So, the easiest way to add additional space to an existing VM is to attach a second hard disk. Go to the VM Settings > Hard Disks > Add New. Then, click the "Select Hard Drive" button and click on "New". Follow the wizard to create a new virtual hard disk. It will then show up as D: or E: in your guest OS.

PHP - Redirect and send data via POST

Yes, you can do this in PHP e.g. in

Silex or Symfony3

using subrequest

$postParams = array(
    'email' => $request->get('email'),
    'agree_terms' => $request->get('agree_terms'),

$subRequest = Request::create('/register', 'POST', $postParams);
return $app->handle($subRequest, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST, false);

500.21 Bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

I ran into this error on a fresh build of Windows Server 2012 R2. IIS and .NET 4.5 had been installed, but the ASP.NET Server Role (version 4.5 in my case) had not been added. Make sure that the version of ASP.NET you need has been added/installed like ASP.NET 4.5 is in this screenshot.

ASP.NET Server Role

Creating a mock HttpServletRequest out of a url string?

for those looking for a way to mock POST HttpServletRequest with Json payload, the below is in Kotlin, but the key take away here is the DelegatingServetInputStream when you want to mock the request.getInputStream from the HttpServletRequest

private lateinit var request: HttpServletRequest

private lateinit var response: HttpServletResponse

private lateinit var chain: FilterChain

private lateinit var filter: ValidationFilter

fun `continue filter chain with valid json payload`() {
    val payload = """{


    filter.doFilter(request, response, chain)

    verify(chain).doFilter(request, response)

Generating 8-character only UUIDs

You can try RandomStringUtils class from apache.commons:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;

final int SHORT_ID_LENGTH = 8;

// all possible unicode characters
String shortId = RandomStringUtils.random(SHORT_ID_LENGTH);

Please keep in mind, that it will contain all possible characters which is neither URL nor human friendly.

So check out other methods too:

// HEX: 0-9, a-f. For example: 6587fddb, c0f182c1
shortId = RandomStringUtils.random(8, "0123456789abcdef"); 

// a-z, A-Z. For example: eRkgbzeF, MFcWSksx
shortId = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(8); 

// 0-9. For example: 76091014, 03771122
shortId = RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(8); 

// a-z, A-Z, 0-9. For example: WRMcpIk7, s57JwCVA
shortId = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8); 

As others said probability of id collision with smaller id can be significant. Check out how birthday problem applies to your case. You can find nice explanation how to calculate approximation in this answer.

Suppress Scientific Notation in Numpy When Creating Array From Nested List

I guess what you need is np.set_printoptions(suppress=True), for details see here:

For numpy documentation, which includes all function parameters (suppress isn't detailed in the above link), see here:

Angular 2: Passing Data to Routes?

You can't pass objects using router params, only strings because it needs to be reflected in the URL. It would be probably a better approach to use a shared service to pass data around between routed components anyway.

The old router allows to pass data but the new (RC.1) router doesn't yet.


data was re-introduced in RC.4 How do I pass data in Angular 2 components while using Routing?

How to create a video from images with FFmpeg?

See the Create a video slideshow from images – FFmpeg

If your video does not show the frames correctly If you encounter problems, such as the first image is skipped or only shows for one frame, then use the fps video filter instead of -r for the output framerate

ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i img%03d.png -c:v libx264 -vf fps=25 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4

Alternatively the format video filter can be added to the filter chain to replace -pix_fmt yuv420p like "fps=25,format=yuv420p". The advantage of this method is that you can control which filter goes first

ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i img%03d.png -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" out.mp4

I tested below parameters, it worked for me

"e:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -r 1/5 -start_number 0 -i "E:\images\01\padlock%3d.png" -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" e:\out.mp4

below parameters also worked but it always skips the first image

"e:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -r 1/5 -start_number 0 -i "E:\images\01\padlock%3d.png" -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p e:\out.mp4

making a video from images placed in different folders

First, add image paths to imagepaths.txt like below.

# this is a comment details

file 'E:\images\png\images__%3d.jpg'
file 'E:\images\jpg\images__%3d.jpg'

Sample usage as follows;

"h:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -y -r 1/5 -f concat -safe 0 -i "E:\images\imagepaths.txt" -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" "e:\out.mp4"

-safe 0 parameter prevents Unsafe file name error

Related links

FFmpeg making a video from images placed in different folders

FFMPEG An Intermediate Guide/image sequence

Concatenate – FFmpeg

Stylesheet not loaded because of MIME-type

May be You have authorization issue Buddy :

Try these steps :

  1. Go to ISS -> find your project listed -> Click on it -> Click on Edit permissions in right pane under actions
  2. you will see your project properties wizard . Click on Securities
  3. Under groups or user names -> If you see 'Authenticated users' , then you are authorized if not then you have to it .
  4. Once you add it ( your self or with the help of your administrator if you work in a company :)) , the website will start loading resources. You may need to restart your project under ISS.


Conditional logic in AngularJS template

You can use ng-show on every div element in the loop. Is this what you've wanted: ?

<div class="from" ng-show="message.from">From: {{}}</div>

Lua - Current time in milliseconds

If you're using lua with nginx/openresty you could use which returns a float with millisecond precision

How to get names of classes inside a jar file?

Use this bash script:


for VARIABLE in *.jar
   jar -tf $VARIABLE |grep "\.class"|awk -v arch=$VARIABLE '{print arch ":" $4}'|sed 's/\//./g'|sed 's/\.\.//g'|sed 's/\.class//g'

this will list the classes inside jars in your directory in the form:


Sample output:

In windows you can use powershell:

Get-ChildItem -File -Filter *.jar |
    $filename = $_.Name
    Write-Host $filename
    $classes = jar -tf $_.Name |Select-String -Pattern '.class' -CaseSensitive -SimpleMatch
    ForEach($line in $classes) {
       write-host $filename":"(($line -replace "\.class", "") -replace "/", ".")

Activity restart on rotation Android

After a while of trial and error, I found a solution which fits my needs in the most situations. Here is the Code:

Manifest configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>



import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {

    private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";

    private Fragment mFragment;

    private int mSelected = -1;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onCreate  " + "");

        // null check not realy needed - but just in case...
        if (savedInstanceState == null) {


            // get an instance of FragmentTransaction from your Activity
            FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
            FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

            /*IMPORTANT: Do the INITIAL(!) transaction only once!
            * If we call this everytime the layout changes orientation,
            * we will end with a messy, half-working UI.
            * */
            mFragment = FragmentOne.newInstance(mSelected = 0);
            fragmentTransaction.add(, mFragment);

    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onConfigurationChanged  " +
                    == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
                    ? "landscape" : "portrait"));


        Log.i(TAG, "onConfigurationChanged - last selected: " + mSelected);

     * Called from {@link #onCreate} and {@link #onConfigurationChanged}
    private void initUi() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onCreate  instanceState == null / reinitializing..." + "");
        Button btnFragmentOne = (Button) findViewById(;
        Button btnFragmentTwo = (Button) findViewById(;

     * Not invoked (just for testing)...
    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState  " + "YOU WON'T SEE ME!!!");

     * Not invoked (just for testing)...
    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState  " + "YOU WON'T SEE ME, AS WELL!!!");

    protected void onResume() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onResume  " + "");

    protected void onPause() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onPause  " + "");

    protected void onDestroy() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy  " + "");

    public void onClick(View v) {

        switch (v.getId()) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onClick btn_fragment_one " + "");

                Log.d(TAG, "onClick btn_fragment_two " + "");

                Log.d(TAG, "onClick  null - wtf?!" + "");

     * We replace the current Fragment with the selected one.
     * Note: It's called from {@link #onConfigurationChanged} as well.
    private void makeFragmentTransaction(int selection) {

        switch (selection) {
            case 0:
                mFragment = FragmentOne.newInstance(mSelected = 0);
            case 1:
                mFragment = FragmentTwo.newInstance(mSelected = 1);

        // Create new transaction
        FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

        // Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
        // and add the transaction to the back stack
        transaction.replace(, mFragment);

        /*This would add the Fragment to the backstack...
        * But right now we comment it out.*/
        //        transaction.addToBackStack(null);

        // Commit the transaction


And sample Fragment:

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

 * @author Martin Pfeffer (pepperonas)
public class FragmentOne extends Fragment {

    private static final String TAG = "FragmentOne";

    public static Fragment newInstance(int i) {
        Fragment fragment = new FragmentOne();
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        args.putInt("the_id", i);
        return fragment;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView  " + "");
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_one, container, false);


Can be found on github.

What is the best way to determine a session variable is null or empty in C#?

It may make things more elegant to wrap it in a property.

string MySessionVar
      return Session["MySessionVar"] ?? String.Empty;
      Session["MySessionVar"] = value;

then you can treat it as a string.

if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( MySessionVar ) )
   // do something

cpp / c++ get pointer value or depointerize pointer

To get the value of a pointer, just de-reference the pointer.

int *ptr;
int value;
*ptr = 9;

value = *ptr;

value is now 9.

I suggest you read more about pointers, this is their base functionality.

"Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent"

"Headers already sent" means that your PHP script already sent the HTTP headers, and as such it can't make modifications to them now.

Check that you don't send ANY content before calling session_start. Better yet, just make session_start the first thing you do in your PHP file (so put it at the absolute beginning, before all HTML etc).

Finding the number of days between two dates

You can find dates simply by

$start  = date_create('1988-08-10');
$end    = date_create(); // Current time and date
$diff   = date_diff( $start, $end );

echo 'The difference is ';
echo  $diff->y . ' years, ';
echo  $diff->m . ' months, ';
echo  $diff->d . ' days, ';
echo  $diff->h . ' hours, ';
echo  $diff->i . ' minutes, ';
echo  $diff->s . ' seconds';
// Output: The difference is 28 years, 5 months, 19 days, 20 hours, 34 minutes, 36 seconds

echo 'The difference in days : ' . $diff->days;
// Output: The difference in days : 10398

How to create a list of objects?

I have some hacky answers that are likely to be terrible... but I have very little experience at this point.

a way:

class myClass():
    myInstances = []
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myObj01 = myClass("Foo", "Bar")
myObj02 = myClass("FooBar",  "Baz")

for thisObj in myClass.myInstances:

A hack way to get this done:

import sys
class myClass():
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myObj01 = myClass("Foo", "Bar")
myObj02 = myClass("FooBar",  "Baz")

myInstances = []
myLocals = str(locals()).split("'")
thisStep = 0
for thisLocalsLine in myLocals:
    thisStep += 1
    if "myClass object at" in thisLocalsLine:
        print(myLocals[(thisStep - 2)])
        #myInstances.append(myLocals[(thisStep - 2)])
        myInstances.append(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], myLocals[(thisStep - 2)]))

for thisObj in myInstances:

Another more 'clever' hack:

import sys
class myClass():
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myInstances = []
myClasses = {
    "myObj01": ["Foo", "Bar"],
    "myObj02": ["FooBar",  "Baz"]

for thisClass in myClasses.keys():
    exec("%s = myClass('%s', '%s')" % (thisClass, myClasses[thisClass][0], myClasses[thisClass][1]))
    myInstances.append(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], thisClass))

for thisObj in myInstances:

Str_replace for multiple items

I had a situation whereby I had to replace the HTML tags with two different replacement results.

$trades = "<li>Sprinkler and Fire      Protection Installer</li>
<li>Steamfitter </li>
<li>Terrazzo, Tile and Marble      Setter</li>";

$s1 =  str_replace('<li>', '"', $trades);

$s2 = str_replace('</li>', '",', $s1);

echo $s2;


"Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer", "Steamfitter ", "Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Setter",

What's the scope of a variable initialized in an if statement?

Yes, they're in the same "local scope", and actually code like this is common in Python:

if condition:
  x = 'something'
  x = 'something else'


Note that x isn't declared or initialized before the condition, like it would be in C or Java, for example.

In other words, Python does not have block-level scopes. Be careful, though, with examples such as

if False:
    x = 3

which would clearly raise a NameError exception.

How do you do relative time in Rails?

Something like this would work.

def relative_time(start_time)
  diff_seconds = - start_time
  case diff_seconds
    when 0 .. 59
      puts "#{diff_seconds} seconds ago"
    when 60 .. (3600-1)
      puts "#{diff_seconds/60} minutes ago"
    when 3600 .. (3600*24-1)
      puts "#{diff_seconds/3600} hours ago"
    when (3600*24) .. (3600*24*30) 
      puts "#{diff_seconds/(3600*24)} days ago"
      puts start_time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")

How can I force a hard reload in Chrome for Android

  1. Launch the Chrome Android app.

  2. Open any offline website or webpage that you need to hard refresh.

  3. Tap on three Dot icon options in the Chrome browser.

  4. Tap on reload the icon to hard refresh the website page in Chrome.

screen short

SQL Server: Difference between PARTITION BY and GROUP BY

PARTITION BY is analytic, while GROUP BY is aggregate. In order to use PARTITION BY, you have to contain it with an OVER clause.

How do I pass parameters into a PHP script through a webpage?

Presumably you're passing the arguments in on the command line as follows:

php /path/to/wwwpublic/path/to/script.php arg1 arg2

... and then accessing them in the script thusly:

// $argv[0] is '/path/to/wwwpublic/path/to/script.php'
$argument1 = $argv[1];
$argument2 = $argv[2];

What you need to be doing when passing arguments through HTTP (accessing the script over the web) is using the query string and access them through the $_GET superglobal:

Go to

... and access:

$argument1 = $_GET['argument1'];
$argument2 = $_GET['argument2'];

If you want the script to run regardless of where you call it from (command line or from the browser) you'll want something like the following:

EDIT: as pointed out by Cthulhu in the comments, the most direct way to test which environment you're executing in is to use the PHP_SAPI constant. I've updated the code accordingly:

if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
    $argument1 = $argv[1];
    $argument2 = $argv[2];
else {
    $argument1 = $_GET['argument1'];
    $argument2 = $_GET['argument2'];

Take nth column in a text file

For the sake of completeness:

while read _ _ one _ two _; do
    echo "$one $two"
done < file.txt

Instead of _ an arbitrary variable (such as junk) can be used as well. The point is just to extract the columns.


$ while read _ _ one _ two _; do echo "$one $two"; done < /tmp/file.txt
1657 19.6117
1410 18.8302
3078 18.6695
2434 14.0508
3129 13.5495

Codeigniter - multiple database connections

The best way is to use different database groups. If you want to keep using the master database as usual ($this->db) just turn off persistent connexion configuration option to your secondary database(s). Only master database should work with persistent connexion :

Master database

$db['default']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['default']['username'] = "root";
$db['default']['password'] = "";
$db['default']['database'] = "database_name";
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['default']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['default']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['default']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['default']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['default']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Secondary database (notice pconnect is set to false)

$db['otherdb']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['otherdb']['username'] = "root";
$db['otherdb']['password'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['database'] = "other_database_name";
$db['otherdb']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['otherdb']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['otherdb']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['otherdb']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['otherdb']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Then you can use secondary databases as database objects while using master database as usual :

// use master dataabse
$users = $this->db->get('users');

// connect to secondary database
$otherdb = $this->load->database('otherdb', TRUE);
$stuff = $otherdb->get('struff');
$otherdb->insert_batch('users', $users->result_array());

// keep using master database as usual, for example insert stuff from other database
$this->db->insert_batch('stuff', $stuff->result_array());

PHP Get all subdirectories of a given directory

This is the one liner code:

 $sub_directories = array_map('basename', glob($directory_path . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR));

Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/html using AFNetworking 2.0

Just add this line :

operation.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet setWithObject:@"text/html"];

How can I sort a List alphabetically?

In one line, using Java 8:


Change arrow colors in Bootstraps carousel

Currently Bootstrap 4 uses a background-image with embbed SVG data info that include the color of the SVG shape. Something like:

.carousel-control-prev-icon { background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' fill='%23fff' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3E%3Cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.5-1.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }

Note the part about fill='%23fff' it fills the shape with a color, in this case #fff (white), for red simply replace with #f00

Finally, it is safe to include this (same change for next-icon):

.carousel-control-prev-icon {background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' fill='%23f00' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3E%3Cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.5-1.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); }

"rm -rf" equivalent for Windows?

via Powershell

 Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "TestDirectory"

via Command Prompt

How to sort a file in-place

Do you want to sort all files in a folder and subfolder overriding them?

Use this:

find . -type f -exec sort {} -o {} \;

Batch file for PuTTY/PSFTP file transfer automation

set DSKTOPDIR="D:\test"

>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO cd %PAY_REP%
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO mget *.report
>>%DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp ECHO bye

:: run PSFTP Commands
psftp <domain>@%IPADDRESS% -b %DSKTOPDIR%\script.ftp

Set values using set commands before above lines.

I believe this helps you.

Referre psfpt setup for below link

python - find index position in list based of partial string

indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(mylist) if 'aa' in s]

How do I zip two arrays in JavaScript?

Use the map method:

var a = [1, 2, 3]_x000D_
var b = ['a', 'b', 'c']_x000D_
var c =, i) {_x000D_
  return [e, b[i]];_x000D_


Drawing Circle with OpenGL

There is another way to draw a circle - draw it in fragment shader. Create a quad:

float right = 0.5;
float bottom = -0.5;
float left = -0.5;
float top = 0.5;
float quad[20] = {
    //x, y, z, lx, ly
    right, bottom, 0, 1.0, -1.0,
    right, top, 0, 1.0, 1.0,
    left, top, 0, -1.0, 1.0,
    left, bottom, 0, -1.0, -1.0,

Bind VBO:

unsigned int glBuffer;
glGenBuffers(1, &glBuffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, glBuffer);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(float)*20, quad, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

and draw:

#define BUFFER_OFFSET(i) ((char *)NULL + (i))
glVertexAttribPointer(ATTRIB_VERTEX , 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 20, 0);
glVertexAttribPointer(ATTRIB_VALUE , 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 20, BUFFER_OFFSET(12));
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);

Vertex shader

attribute vec2 value;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
varying vec2 val;
void main() {
    val = value;
    gl_Position = projectionMatrix*viewMatrix*vertex;

Fragment shader

varying vec2 val;
void main() {
    float R = 1.0;
    float R2 = 0.5;
    float dist = sqrt(dot(val,val));
    if (dist >= R || dist <= R2) {
    float sm = smoothstep(R,R-0.01,dist);
    float sm2 = smoothstep(R2,R2+0.01,dist);
    float alpha = sm*sm2;
    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, alpha);

Don't forget to enable alpha blending:


UPDATE: Read more

Should CSS always preceed Javascript?

Updated 2017-12-16

I was not sure about the tests in OP. I decided to experiment a little and ended up busting some of the myths.

Synchronous <script src...> will block downloading of the resources below it until it is downloaded and executed

This is no longer true. Have a look at the waterfall generated by Chrome 63:

<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=1"></script>
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=2"></script>
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=3"></script>

Chrome net inspector -> waterfall

<link rel=stylesheet> will not block download and execution of scripts below it

This is incorrect. The stylesheet will not block download but it will block execution of the script (little explanation here). Have a look at performance chart generated by Chrome 63:

<link href="//;delay=666" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;block=1000"></script>

Chrome dev tools -> performance

Keeping the above in mind, the results in OP can be explained as follows:

CSS First:

CSS Download  500ms:<------------------------------------------------>
JS Download   400ms:<-------------------------------------->
JS Execution 1000ms:                                                  <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DOM Ready   @1500ms:                                                                                                                                                      ?

JS First:

JS Download   400ms:<-------------------------------------->
CSS Download  500ms:<------------------------------------------------>
JS Execution 1000ms:                                        <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DOM Ready   @1400ms:                                                                                                                                            ?

Generate MD5 hash string with T-SQL

For data up to 8000 characters use:

CONVERT(VARCHAR(32), HashBytes('MD5', '[email protected]'), 2)


For binary data (without the limit of 8000 bytes) use:

CONVERT(VARCHAR(32), master.sys.fn_repl_hash_binary(@binary_data), 2)


Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, resource given

You are mixing mysqli and mysql extensions, which will not work.

You need to use

$myConnection= mysqli_connect("$db_host","$db_username","$db_pass") or die ("could not connect to mysql"); 

mysqli_select_db($myConnection, "mrmagicadam") or die ("no database");   

mysqli has many improvements over the original mysql extension, so it is recommended that you use mysqli.

How to store and retrieve a dictionary with redis

You can do it by hmset (multiple keys can be set using hmset).

hmset("RedisKey", dictionaryToSet)

import redis
conn = redis.Redis('localhost')

user = {"Name":"Pradeep", "Company":"SCTL", "Address":"Mumbai", "Location":"RCP"}

conn.hmset("pythonDict", user)


{'Company': 'SCTL', 'Address': 'Mumbai', 'Location': 'RCP', 'Name': 'Pradeep'}

Deleting DataFrame row in Pandas based on column value

Though the previou answer are almost similar to what I am going to do, but using the index method does not require using another indexing method .loc(). It can be done in a similar but precise manner as

df.drop(df.index[df['line_race'] == 0], inplace = True)

What is a stored procedure?

A stored procedure is nothing but a group of SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan.

  1. Create once time and call it n number of times
  2. It reduces the network traffic

Example: creating a stored procedure

      @EmployeeID int = 0

      SELECT FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, City, Country
      FROM Employees 
      WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID

Alter or modify a stored procedure:


      @EmployeeID int = 0

    SELECT FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, City, Country
    FROM Employees 
    WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID

Drop or delete a stored procedure:


Crop image in PHP

HTML Code:-

enter code here
  <!DOCTYPE html>

  <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  Select image to upload:
  <input type="file" name="image" id="fileToUpload">
  <input type="submit" value="Upload Image" name="submit">



enter code here
      $image = $_FILES;
      $NewImageName = rand(4,10000)."-". $image['image']['name'];
      $destination = realpath('../images/testing').'/';
      move_uploaded_file($image['image']['tmp_name'], $destination.$NewImageName);
      $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($destination.$NewImageName);
      $filename = $destination.$NewImageName;

      $thumb_width = 200;
      $thumb_height = 150;

      $width = imagesx($image);
      $height = imagesy($image);

      $original_aspect = $width / $height;
      $thumb_aspect = $thumb_width / $thumb_height;

      if ( $original_aspect >= $thumb_aspect )
         // If image is wider than thumbnail (in aspect ratio sense)
         $new_height = $thumb_height;
         $new_width = $width / ($height / $thumb_height);
         // If the thumbnail is wider than the image
         $new_width = $thumb_width;
         $new_height = $height / ($width / $thumb_width);

      $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor( $thumb_width, $thumb_height );

      // Resize and crop
                         0 - ($new_width - $thumb_width) / 2, // Center the image horizontally
                         0 - ($new_height - $thumb_height) / 2, // Center the image vertically
                         0, 0,
                         $new_width, $new_height,
                         $width, $height);
      imagejpeg($thumb, $filename, 80);
      echo "cropped"; die;

Set colspan dynamically with jquery

How about

$([your selector]).attr('colspan',3);

I would imagine that to work but have no way to test at the moment. Using .attr() would be the usual jQuery way of setting attributes of elements in the wrapped set.

As has been mentioned in another answer, in order to get this to work would require removing the td elements that have no text in them from the DOM. It may be easier to do this all server side


As was mentioned in the comments, there is a bug in attempting to set colspan using attr() in IE, but the following works in IE6 and FireFox 3.0.13.

Working Demo

notice the use of the attribute colSpan and not colspan - the former works in both IE and Firefox, but the latter does not work in IE. Looking at jQuery 1.3.2 source, it would appear that attr() attempts to set the attribute as a property of the element if

  1. it exists as a property on the element (colSpan exists as a property and defaults to 1 on <td> HTMLElements in IE and FireFox)
  2. the document is not xml and
  3. the attribute is none of href, src or style

using colSpan as opposed to colspan works with attr() because the former is a property defined on the element whereas the latter is not.

the fall-through for attr() is to attempt to use setAttribute() on the element in question, setting the value to a string, but this causes problems in IE (bug #1070 in jQuery)

// convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value ); 

In the demo, for each row, the text in each cell is evaluated. If the text is a blank string, then the cell is removed and a counter incremented. The first cell in the row that does not have class="colTime" has a colspan attribute set to the value of the counter + 1 (for the span it occupies itself).

After this, for each row, the text in the cell with class="colspans" is set to the colspan attribute values of each cell in the row from left to right.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body { background-color: #000; font: 16px Helvetica, Arial; color: #fff; }
td { text-align: center; }
<table  class="tblSimpleAgenda" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
            <th align="left">Time</th>
            <th align="left">Room 1</th>
            <th align="left">Room 2</th>
            <th align="left">Room 3</th> 
            <th align="left">Colspans (L -> R)</th>
        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">09:00 – 10:00</td>
            <td class="col1"></td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3"></td>
            <td class="colspans">holder</td>

        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">10:00 – 10:45</td>
            <td class="col1">Meeting 1</td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3">Meeting 3</td>    
             <td class="colspans">holder</td> 

        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">11:00 – 11:45</td>
            <td class="col1">Meeting 1</td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3">Meeting 3</td>
            <td class="colspans">holder</td>     

        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">11:00 – 11:45</td>
            <td class="col1">Meeting 1</td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3"></td>
            <td class="colspans">holder</td>     


jQuery code

$(function() {

  $('table.tblSimpleAgenda tr').each(function() {
    var tr = this;
    var counter = 0;

    $('td', tr).each(function(index, value) {
      var td = $(this);

      if (td.text() == "") {

    if (counter !== 0) {
      $('td:not(.colTime):first', tr)
        .attr('colSpan', '' + parseInt(counter + 1,10) + '');

    var td = $(this);
    var colspans = [];

    td.siblings().each(function() {
      colspans.push(($(this).attr('colSpan')) == null ? 1 : $(this).attr('colSpan'));



This is just a demonstration to show that attr() can be used, but to be aware of it's implementation and the cross-browser quirks that come with it. I've also made some assumptions about your table layout in the demo (i.e. apply the colspan to the first "non-Time" cell in each row), but hopefully you get the idea. no protocol

Try instead of db.parse(xml):

Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(**xml**)));

Creating a JavaScript cookie on a domain and reading it across sub domains

Just set the domain and path attributes on your cookie, like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var cookieName = 'HelloWorld';
var cookieValue = 'HelloWorld';
var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setMonth(myDate.getMonth() + 12);
document.cookie = cookieName +"=" + cookieValue + ";expires=" + myDate 
                  + ";;path=/";

ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one

There is some confusion when using pip install in Windows. The instructions talk about a specific folder which has youtube-dl.exe. There is no such folder if you use pip install.

The solution is to:

  • Download one of the builds from
  • Extract the zip contents
  • Place the contents of the bin folder (there are three exe files) in any folder which is a path in Windows. I personally use Ananconda, so I placed them in /Anaconda/Scripts, but you could place it in any folder and add that folder to the path.

Variable name as a string in Javascript

Shortest way I have found so far to get the variables name as a string:

const name = obj => Object.keys(obj)[0];

const whatsMyName = "Snoop Doggy Dogg";

console.log( "Variable name is: " + name({ whatsMyName }) );
//result: Variable name is: whatsMyName

Multi-dimensional associative arrays in JavaScript

Get the value for an array of associative arrays's property when the property name is an integer:

Starting with an Associative Array where the property names are integers:

var categories = [
    {"1":"Category 1"},
    {"2":"Category 2"},
    {"3":"Category 3"},
    {"4":"Category 4"}

Push items to the array:

categories.push({"2300": "Category 2300"});
categories.push({"2301": "Category 2301"});

Loop through array and do something with the property value.

for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
    for (var categoryid in categories[i]) {
        var category = categories[i][categoryid];
        // log progress to the console
        console.log(categoryid + " : " + category);
        //  ... do something

Console output should look like this:

1 : Category 1
2 : Category 2
3 : Category 3
4 : Category 4
2300 : Category 2300
2301 : Category 2301

As you can see, you can get around the associative array limitation and have a property name be an integer.

NOTE: The associative array in my example is the json you would have if you serialized a Dictionary[] object.

Running MSBuild fails to read SDKToolsPath

I had this same issue and had installed Windows SDK 7.0 and Windows SDK 7.1 which neither fixed the issue. The cause of the problem for me was that the offending class library was built with Target Framework of .NET Framework 2.0.

I changed it to .NET Framework 4.0 and worked locally and when checked in the Build server built it successfully.

Jenkins Slave port number for firewall

We had a similar situation, but in our case Infosec agreed to allow any to 1, so we didnt had to fix the slave port, rather fixing the master to high level JNLP port 49187 worked ("Configure Global Security" -> "TCP port for JNLP slave agents").

49187 - Fixed jnlp port
8080 - jenkins http port

Other ports needed to launch slave as a windows service



Modular multiplicative inverse function in Python

Many of the links above are broken as for 1/23/2017. I found this implementation:

FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection

FileNotFound in this case means you got a 404 from your server - could it be that the server does not like "POST" requests?

IntelliJ IDEA JDK configuration on Mac OS

Just tried this recently and when trying to select the JDK... /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ appears as empty when opening&selecting through IntelliJ. Therefore i couldn't select the JDK...

I've found that to workaround this, when the finder windows open (pressing [+] JDK) just use the shortcut Shift + CMD + G to specify the path. (/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk in my case)

And voila, IntelliJ can find everything from that point on.

Add querystring parameters to link_to

In case you want to pass in a block, say, for a glyphicon button, as in the following:

<%= link_to my_url, class: "stuff" do %>
  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox></i> Nice glyph-button
<% end %>

Then passing querystrings params could be accomplished through:

<%= link_to url_for(params.merge(my_params: "value")), class: "stuff" do %>
  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox></i> Nice glyph-button
<% end %>

How to identify platform/compiler from preprocessor macros?

For Mac OS:

#ifdef __APPLE__

For MingW on Windows:

#ifdef __MINGW32__

For Linux:

#ifdef __linux__

For other Windows compilers, check this thread and this for several other compilers and architectures.

jQuery input button click event listener

First thing first, button() is a jQuery ui function to create a button widget which has nothing to do with jQuery core, it just styles the button.
So if you want to use the widget add jQuery ui's javascript and CSS files or alternatively remove it, like this:


Another thing that might have caused you the problem is if you didn't wait for the input to be rendered and wrote the code before the input. jQuery has the ready function, or it's alias $(func) which execute the callback once the DOM is ready.


So even if the order is this it will work:


<input type="button" id="filter" name="filter" value="Filter" />


How to remove a file from the index in git?

Depending on your workflow, this may be the kind of thing that you need rarely enough that there's little point in trying to figure out a command-line solution (unless you happen to be working without a graphical interface for some reason).

Just use one of the GUI-based tools that support index management, for example:

  • git gui <-- uses the Tk windowing framework -- similar style to gitk
  • git cola <-- a more modern-style GUI interface

These let you move files in and out of the index by point-and-click. They even have support for selecting and moving portions of a file (individual changes) to and from the index.

How about a different perspective: If you mess up while using one of the suggested, rather cryptic, commands:

  • git rm --cached [file]
  • git reset HEAD <file> stand a real chance of losing data -- or at least making it hard to find. Unless you really need to do this with very high frequency, using a GUI tool is likely to be safer.

Working without the index

Based on the comments and votes, I've come to realize that a lot of people use the index all the time. I don't. Here's how:

  • Commit my entire working copy (the typical case): git commit -a
  • Commit just a few files: git commit (list of files)
  • Commit all but a few modified files: git commit -a then amend via git gui
  • Graphically review all changes to working copy: git difftool --dir-diff --tool=meld

How can I check what version/edition of Visual Studio is installed programmatically?

An updated answer to this question would be the following :

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -property productId

Resolves to 2019

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -property catalog_productLineVersion

Resolves to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

Just Go To *Startmenu >>Java >>Configure Java >> Security >> Edit site list >> copy and paste your Link with problem >> OK Problem fixed :)*

How can I disable mod_security in .htaccess file?

With some web hosts including NameCheap, it's not possible to disable ModSecurity using .htaccess. The only option is to contact tech support and ask them to alter the configuration for you.

How can I add an item to a IEnumerable<T> collection?

I just come here to say that, aside from Enumerable.Concat extension method, there seems to be another method named Enumerable.Append in .NET Core 1.1.1. The latter allows you to concatenate a single item to an existing sequence. So Aamol's answer can also be written as

IEnumerable<T> items = new T[]{new T("msg")};
items = items.Append(new T("msg2"));

Still, please note that this function will not change the input sequence, it just return a wrapper that put the given sequence and the appended item together.

How to append strings using sprintf?

I think you are looking for fmemopen(3):

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    char buf[128] = { 0 };
    FILE *fp = fmemopen(buf, sizeof(buf), "w");


    fprintf(fp, "Hello World!\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%s also work, of course.\n", "Format specifiers");

    return 0;

If dynamic storage is more suitable for you use-case you could follow Liam's excellent suggestion about using open_memstream(3):

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    char *buf;
    size_t size;
    FILE *fp = open_memstream(&buf, &size);


    fprintf(fp, "Hello World!\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%s also work, of course.\n", "Format specifiers");

    return 0;

Check string length in PHP

Try the common syntax instead:

if (strlen($message)<140) {
    echo "less than 140";
    if (strlen($message)>140) {
        echo "more than 140";
    else {
        echo "exactly 140";

How to print Boolean flag in NSLog?

Apple's FixIt supplied %hhd, which correctly gave me the value of my BOOL.

jquery ui Dialog: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization

I simply had to add the ScriptManager to the page. Issue resolved.

Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ]

It seems like it exists a bug in jQuery reported here : that breaks the Fancybox script.

Also check for further reference.

As a workaround, rollback to jQuery v1.8.3 while either the jQuery bug is fixed or Fancybox is patched.

UPDATE (Jan 16, 2013): Fancybox v2.1.4 has been released and now it works fine with jQuery v1.9.0.

For fancybox v1.3.4- you still need to rollback to jQuery v1.8.3 or apply the migration script as pointed out by @Manu's answer.

UPDATE (Jan 17, 2013): Workaround for users of Fancybox v1.3.4 :

Patch the fancybox js file to make it work with jQuery v1.9.0 as follow :

  1. Open the jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js file (full version, not pack version) with a text/html editor.
  2. Find around the line 29 where it says :

    isIE6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7 && !window.XMLHttpRequest,

    and replace it by (EDITED March 19, 2013: more accurate filter):

    isIE6 = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie [6]/i) && !window.XMLHttpRequest,

    UPDATE (March 19, 2013): Also replace $.browser.msie by navigator.userAgent.match(/msie [6]/i) around line 615 (and/or replace all $.browser.msie instances, if any), thanks joofow ... that's it!

Or download the already patched version from HERE (UPDATED March 19, 2013 ... thanks fairylee for pointing out the extra closing bracket)

NOTE: this is an unofficial patch and is unsupported by Fancybox's author, however it works as is. You may use it at your own risk ;)

Optionally, you may rather rollback to jQuery v1.8.3 or apply the migration script as pointed out by @Manu's answer.

What's the PowerShell syntax for multiple values in a switch statement?

    {($_ -eq "y") -or ($_ -eq "yes")} { "You entered Yes." } 
    default { "You entered No." } 

.htaccess file to allow access to images folder to view pictures?

<Directory /uploads>
   Options +Indexes

Can local storage ever be considered secure?


The concerns with cryptography in client-side (browser) javascript are detailed below. All but one of these concerns does not apply to the WebCrypto API, which is now reasonably well supported.

For an offline app, you must still design and implement a secure keystore.

Aside: If you are using Node.js, use the builtin crypto API.

Native-Javascript Cryptography (pre-WebCrypto)

I presume the primary concern is someone with physical access to the computer reading the localStorage for your site, and you want cryptography to help prevent that access.

If someone has physical access you are also open to attacks other and worse than reading. These include (but are not limited to): keyloggers, offline script modification, local script injection, browser cache poisoning, and DNS redirects. Those attacks only work if the user uses the machine after it has been compromised. Nevertheless, physical access in such a scenario means you have bigger problems.

So keep in mind that the limited scenario where local crypto is valuable would be if the machine is stolen.

There are libraries that do implement the desired functionality, e.g. Stanford Javascript Crypto Library. There are inherent weaknesses, though (as referred to in the link from @ircmaxell's answer):

  1. Lack of entropy / random number generation;
  2. Lack of a secure keystore i.e. the private key must be password-protected if stored locally, or stored on the server (which bars offline access);
  3. Lack of secure-erase;
  4. Lack of timing characteristics.

Each of these weaknesses corresponds with a category of cryptographic compromise. In other words, while you may have "crypto" by name, it will be well below the rigour one aspires to in practice.

All that being said, the actuarial assessment is not as trivial as "Javascript crypto is weak, do not use it". This is not an endorsement, strictly a caveat and it requires you to completely understand the exposure of the above weaknesses, the frequency and cost of the vectors you face, and your capacity for mitigation or insurance in the event of failure: Javascript crypto, in spite of its weaknesses, may reduce your exposure but only against thieves with limited technical capacity. However, you should presume Javascript crypto has no value against a determined and capable attacker who is targeting that information. Some would consider it misleading to call the data "encrypted" when so many weaknesses are known to be inherent to the implementation. In other words, you can marginally decrease your technical exposure but you increase your financial exposure from disclosure. Each situation is different, of course - and the analysis of reducing the technical exposure to financial exposure is non-trivial. Here is an illustrative analogy: Some banks require weak passwords, in spite of the inherent risk, because their exposure to losses from weak passwords is less than the end-user costs of supporting strong passwords.

If you read the last paragraph and thought "Some guy on the Internet named Brian says I can use Javascript crypto", do not use Javascript crypto.

For the use case described in the question it would seem to make more sense for users to encrypt their local partition or home directory and use a strong password. That type of security is generally well tested, widely trusted, and commonly available.

PowerShell: Comparing dates

As Get-Date returns a DateTime object you are able to compare them directly. An example:

(get-date 2010-01-02) -lt (get-date 2010-01-01)

will return false.

Is it possible to declare a variable in Gradle usable in Java?

You can create build config field overridable via system environment variables during build:

Fallback is used while developing, but you can override the variable when you run the build on Jenkins or another tool.

In your app build.gradle:

buildTypes {
        def serverUrl =  '\"' + (System.getenv("SERVER_URL")?: "")+'\"'
            buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", serverUrl
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", serverUrl

The variable will be available as BuildConfig.SERVER_URL.

React-Native: Application has not been registered error

I figured out where the problem was in my case (Windows 10 OS), but It might also help in Linux as well( You might try).

In windows power shell, when you want to run an app(first time after pc boot) by executing the following command,

react-native run-android

It starts a node process/JS server in another console panel, and you don't encounter this error. But, when you want to run another app, you must need to close that already running JS server console panel. And then execute the same command for another app from the power shell, that command will automatically start another new JS server for this app, and you won't encounter this error.

You don't need to close and reopen power shell for running another app, you need to close node console to run another app.

How to view the current heap size that an application is using?

Attach with jvisualvm from Sun Java 6 JDK. Startup flags are listed.

How to find the socket buffer size of linux

For getting the buffer size in c/c++ program the following is the flow

int n;
unsigned int m = sizeof(n);
int fdsocket;
fdsocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP); // example
getsockopt(fdsocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(void *)&n, &m);
// now the variable n will have the socket size

Convert HTML to NSAttributedString in iOS

honoring font family, dynamic font I've concocted this abomination:

extension NSAttributedString
    convenience fileprivate init?(html: String, font: UIFont? = Font.dynamic(style: .subheadline))
        guard let data = String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: true) else {
        var totalString = html
            .AppleSystemUIFont I get in font.familyName does not work
         while -apple-system does:
        var ffamily = "-apple-system"
        if let font = font {
            let lLDBsucks = font.familyName
            if !lLDBsucks.hasPrefix(".appleSystem") {
                ffamily = font.familyName
            totalString = "<style>\nhtml * {font-family: \(ffamily) !important;}\n            </style>\n" + html
        guard let data = String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: true) else {
            return nil
        guard let attributedText = try?  NSAttributedString(data: data, options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html, .characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue], documentAttributes: nil) else {
            return nil
        let mutable = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedText)
        if let font = font {
        do {
            var found = false
            mutable.enumerateAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.font, in: NSMakeRange(0, attributedText.length), options: NSAttributedString.EnumerationOptions(rawValue: 0)) { (value, range, stop) in
                    if let oldFont = value as? UIFont {
                        let newsize = oldFont.pointSize * 15 * Font.scaleHeruistic / 12
                        let newFont = oldFont.withSize(newsize)
                        mutable.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.font, value: newFont, range: range)
                        found = true
                if !found {
                    // No font was found - do something else?

//            mutable.addAttribute(.font, value: font, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: mutable.length))
        self.init(attributedString: mutable)


alternatively you can use the versions this was derived from and set font on UILabel after setting attributedString

this will clobber the size and boldness encapsulated in the attributestring though

kudos for reading through all the answers up to here. You are a very patient man woman or child.

SQL Server Creating a temp table for this query

Like this. Make sure you drop the temp table (at the end of the code block, after you're done with it) or it will error on subsequent runs.

    tblMEP_Sites.Name AS SiteName, 
    convert(varchar(10),BillingMonth ,101) AS BillingMonth, 
    SUM(Consumption) AS Consumption
    JOIN tblMEP_Sites
        ON tblMEP_Projects.ID = tblMEP_Sites.ProjectID
    JOIN tblMEP_Meters
        ON tblMEP_Meters.SiteID = tblMEP_Sites.ID
    JOIN tblMEP_MonthlyData
        ON tblMEP_MonthlyData.MeterID = tblMEP_Meters.ID
    JOIN tblMEP_CustomerAccounts
        ON tblMEP_CustomerAccounts.ID = tblMEP_Meters.CustomerAccountID
    JOIN tblMEP_UtilityCompanies
        ON tblMEP_UtilityCompanies.ID = tblMEP_CustomerAccounts.UtilityCompanyID
    JOIN tblMEP_MeterTypes
        ON tblMEP_UtilityCompanies.UtilityTypeID = tblMEP_MeterTypes.ID
    tblMEP_Projects.ID = @ProjectID
    AND tblMEP_MonthlyData.BillingMonth Between @StartDate AND @EndDate
    AND tbLMEP_MeterTypes.ID = @MeterTypeID
    BillingMonth, tblMEP_Sites.Name


How do I use SELECT GROUP BY in DataTable.Select(Expression)?

DataTable's Select method only supports simple filtering expressions like {field} = {value}. It does not support complex expressions, let alone SQL/Linq statements.

You can, however, use Linq extension methods to extract a collection of DataRows then create a new DataTable.

dt = dt.AsEnumerable()
       .GroupBy(r => new {Col1 = r["Col1"], Col2 = r["Col2"]})
       .Select(g => g.OrderBy(r => r["PK"]).First())

Get first row of dataframe in Python Pandas based on criteria

For existing matches, use query:

df.query(' A > 3' ).head(1)
   A  B  C
2  4  6  3

df.query(' A > 4 and B > 3' ).head(1)
   A  B  C
4  5  4  5

df.query(' A > 3 and (B > 3 or C > 2)' ).head(1)
   A  B  C
2  4  6  3

How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

In my job script, I have the following statements (this job only runs on the Jenkins master):

# This is the condition test I use to set the build status as UNSTABLE
if [ ${PERCENTAGE} -gt 80 -a ${PERCENTAGE} -lt 90 ]; then
  echo WARNING: disc usage percentage above 80%

  # Download the Jenkins CLI JAR:
  curl -o jenkins-cli.jar ${JENKINS_URL}/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar

  # Set build status to unstable
  java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s ${JENKINS_URL}/ set-build-result unstable


You can see this and a lot more information about setting build statuses on the Jenkins wiki:

Detecting input change in jQuery?

This covers every change to an input using jQuery 1.7 and above:

$(".inputElement").on("input", null, null, callbackFunction);

How to convert a timezone aware string to datetime in Python without dateutil?

I'm new to Python, but found a way to convert

2017-05-27T07:20:18.000-04:00 to

2017-05-27T07:20:18 without downloading new utilities.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

time_zone1 = int("2017-05-27T07:20:18.000-04:00"[-6:][:3])
>>returns -04

item_date = datetime.strptime("2017-05-27T07:20:18.000-04:00".replace(".000", "")[:-6], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + timedelta(hours=-time_zone1)

I'm sure there are better ways to do this without slicing up the string so much, but this got the job done.

SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81

  1. First of all check latest Chrome version (This is your browser Chrome version) link

  2. Download same version of Chrome Web Driver from this link

Do not download latest Chrome Web Driver if it does not match your Chrome Browser version.

Note: When I write this message, latest Chrome Browser version is 84 but latest Chrome Driver version is 85. I am using Chrome Driver version 84 so that Chrome Driver and Chrome Browser versions are the same.

Keep values selected after form submission

Just change this line:

 <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit" />

with this line:

 <input type="submit" value="Submit/Reload" class="submit" onclick="history.go(-1);">

Matplotlib: "Unknown projection '3d'" error

Import mplot3d whole to use "projection = '3d'".

Insert the command below in top of your script. It should run fine.

from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d

Getting attribute using XPath

You can try below xPath pattern,

  XPathExpression expr = xPath.compile("/bookstore/book/title[@lang='eng']")

Rebase feature branch onto another feature branch

I know you asked to Rebase, but I'd Cherry-Pick the commits I wanted to move from Branch2 to Branch1 instead. That way, I wouldn't need to care about when which branch was created from master, and I'd have more control over the merging.

a -- b -- c                  <-- Master
     \     \
      \     d -- e -- f -- g <-- Branch1 (Cherry-Pick f & g)
        f -- g               <-- Branch2

How to delete all the rows in a table using Eloquent?

The reason MyModel::all()->delete() doesn't work is because all() actually fires off the query and returns a collection of Eloquent objects.

You can make use of the truncate method, this works for Laravel 4 and 5:


That drops all rows from the table without logging individual row deletions.

Scroll to the top of the page after render in react.js

I had the same for problem for a while. Adding window.scrollTo(0, 0);to every page is painful and redundant. So i added a HOC which will wrap all my routes and it will stay inside BrowserRouter component:

    <Routes />

Inside ScrollTopComponent we have the following:

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

const ScrollTop = (props) => {
  const { children } = props;

  const location = useLocation();

  useEffect(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
  }, [location]);

  return <main>{children}</main>;

export default ScrollTop;

How do I determine scrollHeight?

You can also use:


outline on only one border

only one side outline wont work you can use the border-left/right/top/bottom

if i an getting properly your comment

enter image description here

How to apply an XSLT Stylesheet in C#

Based on Daren's excellent answer, note that this code can be shortened significantly by using the appropriate XslCompiledTransform.Transform overload:

var myXslTrans = new XslCompiledTransform(); 
myXslTrans.Transform("source.xml", "result.html"); 

(Sorry for posing this as an answer, but the code block support in comments is rather limited.)

In VB.NET, you don't even need a variable:

With New XslCompiledTransform()
    .Transform("source.xml", "result.html")
End With

Set the table column width constant regardless of the amount of text in its cells?

I use an ::after element in the cell where I want to set a minimal width regardless of the text present, like this:

.cell::after {
    content: "";
    width: 20px;
    display: block;

I don't have to set width on the table parent nor use table-layout.

how to make a whole row in a table clickable as a link?

Here is a way by putting a transparent A element over the table rows. Advantages are:

  • is a real link element: on hover changes pointer, shows target link in status bar, can be keyboard navigated, can be opened in new tab or window, the URL can be copied, etc
  • the table looks the same as without the link added
  • no changes in table code itself


  • size of the A element must be set in a script, both on creation and after any changes to the size of the row it covers (otherwise it could be done with no JavaScript at all, which is still possible if the table size is also set in HTML or CSS)

The table stays as is:

<table id="tab1">
            <td>Blah Blah</td>

Add the links (for each row) via jQuery JavaScript by inserting an A element into each first column and setting the needed properties:

// v1, fixed for IE and Chrome
// v0, worked on Firefox only
// width needed for adjusting the width of the A element
var mywidth=$('#tab1').width();

$('#tab1 tbody>tr>td:nth-child(1)').each(function(index){
    $(this).css('position',  'relative');// debug: .css('background-color', '#f11');
    // insert the <A> element
    var myA=$('<A>');
    var myheight=$(this).height();

    myA.css({//"border":'1px solid #2dd', border for debug only
            'display': 'block',
            'left': '0',
            'top': '0',
            'position':  'absolute'
        .attr('href','the link here')

The width and height setting can be tricky, if many paddings and margins are used, but in general a few pixels off should not even matter.

Live demo here: (works in Firefox, but not IE or Chrome, there the link is positioned wrong)

Fixed for Chrome and IE (still works in FF too):

Android Studio - ADB Error - "...device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device."

In my case the problem was about permissions. I use Ubuntu 19.04 When running Android Studio in root user it would prompt my phone about permission requirements. But with normal user it won't do this.

So the problem was about adb not having enough permission. I made my user owner of Android folder on home directory.

sudo chown -R orkhan ~/Android

Avoid trailing zeroes in printf()

Your code rounds to three decimal places due to the ".3" before the f

printf("%1.3f", 359.01335);
printf("%1.3f", 359.00999);

Thus if you the second line rounded to two decimal places, you should change it to this:

printf("%1.3f", 359.01335);
printf("%1.2f", 359.00999);

That code will output your desired results:


*Note this is assuming you already have it printing on separate lines, if not then the following will prevent it from printing on the same line:

printf("%1.3f\n", 359.01335);
printf("%1.2f\n", 359.00999);

The Following program source code was my test for this answer

#include <cstdio>

int main()

    printf("%1.3f\n", 359.01335);
    printf("%1.2f\n", 359.00999);

    while (true){}

    return 0;


Multiple FROMs - what it means

As of May 2017, multiple FROMs can be used in a single Dockerfile.
See "Builder pattern vs. Multi-stage builds in Docker" (by Alex Ellis) and PR 31257 by Tõnis Tiigi.

The general syntax involves adding FROM additional times within your Dockerfile - whichever is the last FROM statement is the final base image. To copy artifacts and outputs from intermediate images use COPY --from=<base_image_number>.

FROM golang:1.7.3 as builder
WORKDIR /go/src/
RUN go get -d -v  
COPY app.go    .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app .

FROM alpine:latest  
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
WORKDIR /root/
COPY --from=builder /go/src/    .
CMD ["./app"]  

The result would be two images, one for building, one with just the resulting app (much, much smaller)

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

multi               latest              bcbbf69a9b59        6 minutes ago       10.3MB  
golang              1.7.3               ef15416724f6        4 months ago        672MB  

what is a base image?

A set of files, plus EXPOSE'd ports, ENTRYPOINT and CMD.
You can add files and build a new image based on that base image, with a new Dockerfile starting with a FROM directive: the image mentioned after FROM is "the base image" for your new image.

does it mean that if I declare neo4j/neo4j in a FROM directive, that when my image is run the neo database will automatically run and be available within the container on port 7474?

Only if you don't overwrite CMD and ENTRYPOINT.
But the image in itself is enough: you would use a FROM neo4j/neo4j if you had to add files related to neo4j for your particular usage of neo4j.

Best way to read a large file into a byte array in C#?

use this:

 bytesRead = responseStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, Length).Result;

Quickly getting to YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS in Perl

In many cases, the needed 'current time' is rather $^T, which is the time at which the script started running, in whole seconds (assuming only 60 second minutes) since the UNIX epoch.

This to prevent that an early part of a script uses a different date (or daylight-saving status) than a later part of a script, for example in query-conditions and other derived values.

For that variant of 'current time', one can use a constant, also to document that it was frozen at compile time:

use constant YMD_HMS_AT_START => POSIX::strftime( "%F %T", localtime $^T );

Alternative higher resolution startup time:

0+ [ Time::HiRes::stat("/proc/$$") ]->[10]

How to detect DataGridView CheckBox event change?

What worked for me was CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged in combination with datagridView1.EndEdit()

private void dataGridView1_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
    if ( dataGridView1.CurrentCell is DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ) {
        DataGridViewCheckBoxCell cb = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)dataGridView1.CurrentCell;
        if ( (byte)cb.Value == 1 ) {
            dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells["time_loadedCol"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();

PHP cURL custom headers

$subscription_key  ='';
    $host = '';    
    $request_headers = array(
                    "X-Mashape-Key:" . $subscription_key,
                    "X-Mashape-Host:" . $host

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers);

    $season_data = curl_exec($ch);

    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        print "Error: " . curl_error($ch);

    // Show me the result
    $json= json_decode($season_data, true);

How do I get the APK of an installed app without root access?

When you have Eclipse for Android developement installed:

  • Use your device as debugging device. On your phone: Settings > Applications > Development and enable USB debugging, see
  • In Eclipse, open DDMS-window: Window > Open Perspective > Other... > DDMS, see
  • If you can't see your device try (re)installing USB-Driver for your device
  • In middle pane select tab "File Explorer" and go to system > app
  • Now you can select one or more files and then click the "Pull a file from the device" icon at the top (right to the tabs)
  • Select target folder - tada!

Permission is only granted to system app

Path In Android Studio in mac:

Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> Inspections

Expand Android -> Expand Lint -> Expand Correctness

Uncheck the checkbox for Using system app permission

Click on "APPLY" -> "OK"

How to export table data in MySql Workbench to csv?

MySQL Workbench 6.3.6

Export the SELECT result

  • After you run a SELECT: Query > Export Results...

    Query Export Results

Export table data

  • In the Navigator, right click on the table > Table Data Export Wizard

    Table Data Export

  • All columns and rows are included by default, so click on Next.

  • Select File Path, type, Field Separator (by default it is ;, not ,!!!) and click on Next.


  • Click Next > Next > Finish and the file is created in the specified location

Can't find android device using "adb devices" command

I was having this problem. It turns out my fix was to change the USB cable I was connecting with. I switched back to using the cable that came with the phone and it worked.

Using Samsung Galaxy Player and Samsung micro USB.

Yes. This is incredibly dumb.

How to parse a string to an int in C++?

What not to do

Here is my first piece of advice: do not use stringstream for this. While at first it may seem simple to use, you'll find that you have to do a lot of extra work if you want robustness and good error handling.

Here is an approach that intuitively seems like it should work:

bool str2int (int &i, char const *s)
    std::stringstream ss(s);
    ss >> i;
    if ( {
        // not an integer
        return false;
    return true;

This has a major problem: str2int(i, "1337h4x0r") will happily return true and i will get the value 1337. We can work around this problem by ensuring there are no more characters in the stringstream after the conversion:

bool str2int (int &i, char const *s)
    char              c;
    std::stringstream ss(s);
    ss >> i;
    if ( || ss.get(c)) {
        // not an integer
        return false;
    return true;

We fixed one problem, but there are still a couple of other problems.

What if the number in the string is not base 10? We can try to accommodate other bases by setting the stream to the correct mode (e.g. ss << std::hex) before trying the conversion. But this means the caller must know a priori what base the number is -- and how can the caller possibly know that? The caller doesn't know what the number is yet. They don't even know that it is a number! How can they be expected to know what base it is? We could just mandate that all numbers input to our programs must be base 10 and reject hexadecimal or octal input as invalid. But that is not very flexible or robust. There is no simple solution to this problem. You can't simply try the conversion once for each base, because the decimal conversion will always succeed for octal numbers (with a leading zero) and the octal conversion may succeed for some decimal numbers. So now you have to check for a leading zero. But wait! Hexadecimal numbers can start with a leading zero too (0x...). Sigh.

Even if you succeed in dealing with the above problems, there is still another bigger problem: what if the caller needs to distinguish between bad input (e.g. "123foo") and a number that is out of the range of int (e.g. "4000000000" for 32-bit int)? With stringstream, there is no way to make this distinction. We only know whether the conversion succeeded or failed. If it fails, we have no way of knowing why it failed. As you can see, stringstream leaves much to be desired if you want robustness and clear error handling.

This leads me to my second piece of advice: do no use Boost's lexical_cast for this. Consider what the lexical_cast documentation has to say:

Where a higher degree of control is required over conversions, std::stringstream and std::wstringstream offer a more appropriate path. Where non-stream-based conversions are required, lexical_cast is the wrong tool for the job and is not special-cased for such scenarios.

What?? We've already seen that stringstream has a poor level of control, and yet it says stringstream should be used instead of lexical_cast if you need "a higher level of control". Also, because lexical_cast is just a wrapper around stringstream, it suffers from the same problems that stringstream does: poor support for multiple number bases and poor error handling.

The best solution

Fortunately, somebody has already solved all of the above problems. The C standard library contains strtol and family which have none of these problems.


STR2INT_ERROR str2int (int &i, char const *s, int base = 0)
    char *end;
    long  l;
    errno = 0;
    l = strtol(s, &end, base);
    if ((errno == ERANGE && l == LONG_MAX) || l > INT_MAX) {
        return OVERFLOW;
    if ((errno == ERANGE && l == LONG_MIN) || l < INT_MIN) {
        return UNDERFLOW;
    if (*s == '\0' || *end != '\0') {
        return INCONVERTIBLE;
    i = l;
    return SUCCESS;

Pretty simple for something that handles all the error cases and also supports any number base from 2 to 36. If base is zero (the default) it will try to convert from any base. Or the caller can supply the third argument and specify that the conversion should only be attempted for a particular base. It is robust and handles all errors with a minimal amount of effort.

Other reasons to prefer strtol (and family):

  • It exhibits much better runtime performance
  • It introduces less compile-time overhead (the others pull in nearly 20 times more SLOC from headers)
  • It results in the smallest code size

There is absolutely no good reason to use any other method.

C# Clear Session

The other big difference is Abandon does not remove items immediately, but when it does then cleanup it does a loop over session items to check for STA COM objects it needs to handle specially. And this can be a problem.

Under high load it's possible for two (or more) requests to make it to the server for the same session (that is two requests with the same session cookie). Their execution will be serialized, but since Abandon doesn't clear out the items synchronously but rather sets a flag it's possible for both requests to run, and both requests to schedule a work item to clear out session "later". Both these work items can then run at the same time, and both are checking the session objects, and both are clearing out the array of objects, and what happens when you have two things iterating over a list and changing it?? Boom! And since this happens in a queueuserworkitem callback and is NOT done in a try/catch (thanks MS), it will bring down your entire app domain. Been there.

Set variable with multiple values and use IN

Ideally you shouldn't be splitting strings in T-SQL at all.

Barring that change, on older versions before SQL Server 2016, create a split function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
    @List      nvarchar(max), 
    @Delimiter nvarchar(2)
      SELECT CONVERT(xml, N'<root><i>' 
        + REPLACE(@List, @Delimiter, N'</i><i>') 
        + N'</i></root>')
    SELECT Item = LTRIM(RTRIM(i.i.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(max)')))
      FROM x CROSS APPLY x.nodes(N'//root/i') AS i(i)

Now you can say:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000);

SET @Values = 'A, B, C';

  INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings(@Values, ',') AS s
    ON s.Item = foo.myField;

On SQL Server 2016 or above (or Azure SQL Database), it is much simpler and more efficient, however you do have to manually apply LTRIM() to take away any leading spaces:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000) = 'A, B, C';

    ON LTRIM(s.value) = foo.myField;

Stretch background image css?

.style1 {
  background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: cover;

Works in:

  • Safari 3+
  • Chrome Whatever+
  • IE 9+
  • Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supported background-size but not the keywords)
  • Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version)

In addition you can try this for an IE solution

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')";
zoom: 1;

Credit to this article by Chris Coyier

Plot two graphs in same plot in R

I think that the answer you are looking for is:

plot(first thing to plot)
plot(second thing to plot,add=TRUE)

Return back to MainActivity from another activity

I highly recommend reading the docs on the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag. Using it will not necessarily go back all the way to the first (main) activity. The flag will only remove all existing activities up to the activity class given in the Intent. This is explained well in the docs:

For example, consider a task consisting of the activities: A, B, C, D.
If D calls startActivity() with an Intent that resolves to the component of
activity B, then C and D will be finished and B receive the given Intent, 
resulting in the stack now being: A, B.

Note that the activity can set to be moved to the foreground (i.e., clearing all other activities on top of it), and then also being relaunched, or only get onNewIntent() method called.


Line break in SSRS expression

In my case, Environment.NewLine was working fine while previewing the report in Visual Studio. But when I tried to publish the rdl to Dynamics 365 CE, I received the error "The report server has RDLSandboxing enabled and the Value expression for the text box 'Textbox10' contains a reference to a type, namespace, or member 'Environment' that is not allowed."

So I had to replace Environment.NewLine with vbcrlf.

Make a directory and copy a file

You can use the shell for this purpose.

Set shl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
shl.Run "cmd mkdir YourDir" & copy "

jQuery: what is the best way to restrict "number"-only input for textboxes? (allow decimal points)

No more plugins, jQuery has implemented its own jQuery.isNumeric() added in v1.7.

jQuery.isNumeric( value )

Determines whether its argument is anumber.

Samples results

$.isNumeric( "-10" );     // true
$.isNumeric( 16 );        // true
$.isNumeric( 0xFF );      // true
$.isNumeric( "0xFF" );    // true
$.isNumeric( "8e5" );     // true (exponential notation string)
$.isNumeric( 3.1415 );    // true
$.isNumeric( +10 );       // true
$.isNumeric( 0144 );      // true (octal integer literal)
$.isNumeric( "" );        // false
$.isNumeric({});          // false (empty object)
$.isNumeric( NaN );       // false
$.isNumeric( null );      // false
$.isNumeric( true );      // false
$.isNumeric( Infinity );  // false
$.isNumeric( undefined ); // false

Here is an example of how to tie the isNumeric() in with the event listener

$(document).on('keyup', '.numeric-only', function(event) {
   var v = this.value;
   if($.isNumeric(v) === false) {
        //chop off the last char entered
        this.value = this.value.slice(0,-1);

How to set ChartJS Y axis title?

chart.js supports this by defaul check the link. chartjs

you can set the label in the options attribute.

options object looks like this.

options = {
            scales: {
                yAxes: [
                        id: 'y-axis-1',
                        display: true,
                        position: 'left',
                        ticks: {
                            callback: function(value, index, values) {
                                return value + "%";
                            display: true,
                            labelString: 'Average Personal Income',
                            fontColor: "#546372"

Replace part of a string with another string

There's a function to find a substring within a string (find), and a function to replace a particular range in a string with another string (replace), so you can combine those to get the effect you want:

bool replace(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
    size_t start_pos = str.find(from);
    if(start_pos == std::string::npos)
        return false;
    str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
    return true;

std::string string("hello $name");
replace(string, "$name", "Somename");

In response to a comment, I think replaceAll would probably look something like this:

void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
    size_t start_pos = 0;
    while((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
        str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
        start_pos += to.length(); // In case 'to' contains 'from', like replacing 'x' with 'yx'

How to select all instances of a variable and edit variable name in Sublime

  1. Put the cursor in the variable.

    Note: the key is to start with an empty selection. Don't highlight; just put your cursor there.

text cursor on variable

  1. Press ?D as needed. Not on a Mac? Use CtrlD.

more instances of variable highlighted

Didn't work? Try again, making sure to start with nothing selected.

More commands:

Find All: Ctrl?G selects all occurences at once. Not on a Mac? AltF3

Undo Selection: ?U steps backwards. Not on a Mac? CtrlU

Quick Skip Next: ?K?D skips the next occurence. Not on a Mac? CtrlKCtrlD

Sublime Docs

How can I get this ASP.NET MVC SelectList to work?

It's very simple to get SelectList and SelectedValue working together, even if your property isn't a simple object like a Int, String or a Double value.


Assuming our Region object is something like this:

public class Region {
     public Guid ID { get; set; }
     public Guid Name { get; set; }

And your view model is something like:

public class ContactViewModel {
     public DateTime Date { get; set; }
     public Region Region { get; set; }
     public List<Region> Regions { get; set; }

You can have the code below:

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Region, new SelectList(Model.Regions, "ID", "Name")) 

Only if you override the ToString method of Region object to something like:

public class Region {
     public Guid ID { get; set; }
     public Guid Name { get; set; }

     public override string ToString()
         return ID.ToString();

This have 100% garantee to work.

But I really believe the best way to get SelectList 100% working in all circustances is by using the Equals method to test DropDownList or ListBox property value against each item on items collection.

How to verify a Text present in the loaded page through WebDriver

As zmorris points driver.getPageSource().contains("input"); is not the proper solution because it searches in all the html, not only the texts on it. I suggest to check this question: how can I check if some text exist or not in the page? and the recomended way explained by Slanec:

String bodyText = driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText();
Assert.assertTrue("Text not found!", bodyText.contains(text));

MySQL Workbench not displaying query results

I'm using MySqlWorkbench 6.3.9 on macOS and has this problem. I removed the app and installed 6.3.10 which solves the problem.

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

I usually do what several of the other posters have said with regard to checking for it existing first and then doing whatever the correct path is. One thing you should remember when doing this is that the execution plan cached by sql could be nonoptimal for one path or the other. I believe the best way to do this is to call two different stored procedures.

If Exists
   Call SecondSP (UpdateProc)
   Call ThirdSP (InsertProc)

Now, I don't follow my own advice very often, so take it with a grain of salt.

Android Bluetooth Example

I have also used following link as others have suggested you for bluetooth communication.

The thing is all you need is a class

this class has following threads:

  1. Accept
  2. Connecting
  3. Connected

Now when you call start function of the BluetoothChatService like:


It starts accept thread which means it will start looking for connection.

Now when you call


Here first argument is device object that you can get from paired devices list or when you scan for devices you will get all the devices in range you can pass that object to this function and 2nd argument is a boolean to make secure or insecure connection.

connect function will start connecting thread which will look for any device which is running accept thread.

When such a device is found both accept thread and connecting thread will call connected function in BluetoothChatService:

connected(mmSocket, mmDevice, mSocketType);

this method starts connected thread in both the devices: Using this socket object connected thread obtains the input and output stream to the other device. And calls read function on inputstream in a while loop so that it's always trying read from other device so that whenever other device send a message this read function returns that message.

BluetoothChatService also has a write method which takes byte[] as input and calls write method on connected thread.

mChatService.write("your message".getByte());

write method in connected thread just write this byte data to outputsream of the other device.

public void write(byte[] buffer) {
   try {
    // Share the sent message back to the UI Activity
    // mHandler.obtainMessage(
    // BluetoothGameSetupActivity.MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1,
    // buffer).sendToTarget();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Exception during write", e);

Now to communicate between two devices just call write function on mChatService and handle the message that you will receive on the other device.

Html.fromHtml deprecated in Android N


This method was deprecated in API level 24.


Separate block-level elements with blank lines (two newline characters) in between. This is the legacy behavior prior to N.


if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24)
            etOBJ.setText(Html.fromHtml("Intellij \n Amiyo",Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY));

           etOBJ.setText(Html.fromHtml("Intellij \n Amiyo"));

For Kotlin

fun setTextHTML(html: String): Spanned
        val result: Spanned = if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)
        } else {
        return result


 txt_OBJ.text  = setTextHTML("IIT Amiyo")

Run certain code every n seconds

Save yourself a schizophrenic episode and use the Advanced Python scheduler:

The code is so simple:

from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler

sched = Scheduler()

def some_job():
    print "Every 10 seconds"

sched.add_interval_job(some_job, seconds = 10)


Calculating the angle between the line defined by two points

A few answers here have tried to explain the "screen" issue where top left is 0,0 and bottom right is (positive) screen width, screen height. Most grids have the Y axis as positive above X not below.

The following method will work with screen values instead of "grid" values. The only difference to the excepted answer is the Y values are inverted.

 * Work out the angle from the x horizontal winding anti-clockwise 
 * in screen space. 
 * The value returned from the following should be 315. 
 * <pre>
 * x,y -------------
 *     |  1,1
 *     |    \
 *     |     \
 *     |     2,2
 * </pre>
 * @param p1
 * @param p2
 * @return - a double from 0 to 360
public static double angleOf(PointF p1, PointF p2) {
    // NOTE: Remember that most math has the Y axis as positive above the X.
    // However, for screens we have Y as positive below. For this reason, 
    // the Y values are inverted to get the expected results.
    final double deltaY = (p1.y - p2.y);
    final double deltaX = (p2.x - p1.x);
    final double result = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX)); 
    return (result < 0) ? (360d + result) : result;

Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''

Rename the id of your ListView like this,

<ListView android:id="@android:id/list"

Since you are using ListActivity your xml file must specify the keyword android while mentioning to a ID.

If you need a custom ListView then instead of Extending a ListActivity, you have to simply extend an Activity and should have the same id without the keyword android.