Programs & Examples On #Osx leopard

Leopard is the code name of Mac OS X version 10.5, the Apple's desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers.

What is the "Illegal Instruction: 4" error and why does "-mmacosx-version-min=10.x" fix it?

I got this error when attempting to build with Xcode 10. It appears to be a bug in the Swift compiler. Building with Whole Module Optimization on, resolves the issue:

This is not an ideal solution, I will continue to use Xcode 9.4.1 until this issue is resolved.

Bootstrap - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined

I had the same problem. Firefox showed me this error but in chrome everything was OK. then after a google search, i used google cdn for jquery in index.html instead of loading local js file and the problem solved.

ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'undefined'

*NgIf can create problem here , so either use display none css or easier way is to Use [hidden]="!condition"

Run a shell script with an html button

This is really just an expansion of BBB's answer which lead to to get my experiment working.

This script will simply create a file /tmp/testfile when you click on the button that says "Open Script".

This requires 3 files.

  1. The actual HTML Website with a button.
  2. A php script which executes the script
  3. A Script

The File Tree:

root@test:/var/www/html# tree testscript/
+-- index.html
+-- testexec.php

1. The main WebPage:

root@test:/var/www/html# cat testscript/index.html
<form action="/testscript/testexec.php">
    <input type="submit" value="Open Script">

2. The PHP Page that runs the script and redirects back to the main page:

root@test:/var/www/html# cat testscript/testexec.php

3. The Script :

root@test:/var/www/html# cat testscript/


touch /tmp/testfile

How to create the most compact mapping n ? isprime(n) up to a limit N?

import math
import time

def check_prime(n):

    if n == 1:
        return False

    if n == 2:
        return True

    if n % 2 == 0:
        return False

    from_i = 3
    to_i = math.sqrt(n) + 1

    for i in range(from_i, int(to_i), 2):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

How can I subset rows in a data frame in R based on a vector of values?

Per the comments to the original post, merges / joins are well-suited for this problem. In particular, an inner join will return only values that are present in both dataframes, making thesetdiff statement unnecessary.

Using the data from Dinre's example:

In base R:

cleanedA <- merge(data_A, data_B[, "index"], by = 1, sort = FALSE)
cleanedB <- merge(data_B, data_A[, "index"], by = 1, sort = FALSE)

Using the dplyr package:

cleanedA <- inner_join(data_A, data_B %>% select(index))
cleanedB <- inner_join(data_B, data_A %>% select(index))

To keep the data as two separate tables, each containing only its own variables, this subsets the unwanted table to only its index variable before joining. Then no new variables are added to the resulting table.

PHP post_max_size overrides upload_max_filesize

By POST file uploads are done (commonly, there are also other methods). Look into the method attribute of the form which contains the file-upload field ;)

The lowest limit of any related setting supersedes a higher setting:

See Handling file uploads: Common Pitfals which explains this in detail and how to calculate the values.

Get output parameter value in ADO.NET

That looks more explicit for me:

int? id = outputIdParam.Value is DbNull ? default(int?) : outputIdParam.Value;

How to open child forms positioned within MDI parent in VB.NET?

Try Making the Child Form's StartPosition Property set to Center Parent. This you can select from the form Properties.

How to execute a Python script from the Django shell?

Late to the party. But this might be helpful for someone.

All you need is your script and django-extensions installed.

Just run the shell_plus available in django_extensions and import the script that you've written.

If your script is and it's inside a folder fol you can run the script as follows.

python shell_plus

and just import your script inside the shell as follows.

>>> from fol import scpt

Using an integer as a key in an associative array in JavaScript

Use an object, as people are saying. However, note that you can not have integer keys. JavaScript will convert the integer to a string. The following outputs 20, not undefined:

var test = {}
test[2300] = 20;

How to install Boost on Ubuntu

Actually you don't need "install" or "compile" anything before using Boost in your project. You can just download and extract the Boost library to any location on your machine, which is usually like /usr/local/.

When you compile your code, you can just indicate the compiler where to find the libraries by -I. For example, g++ -I /usr/local/boost_1_59_0 xxx.hpp.

Fill Combobox from database

private void StudentForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

         string q = @"SELECT [BatchID] FROM [Batch]"; //BatchID column name of Batch table
         SqlDataReader reader = DB.Query(q);

         while (reader.Read())
             cbsb.Items.Add(reader["BatchID"].ToString()); //cbsb is the combobox name

Markdown and including multiple files

My solution is to use m4. It's supported on most platforms and is included in the binutils package.

First include a macro changequote() in the file to change the quoting characters to what you prefer (default is `'). The macro is removed when the file is processed.

changequote(`{{', `}}')

On the commandline:

m4 -I./dir_containing_other_file/ >
pandoc -o output.html

Need to install urllib2 for Python 3.5.1

In Python 3, urllib2 was replaced by two in-built modules named urllib.request and urllib.error

Adapted from source

So replace this:

import urllib2

With this:

import urllib.request as urllib2

How do I set the maximum line length in PyCharm?

You can even set a separate right margin for HTML. Under the specified path:

File >> Settings >> Editor >> Code Style >> HTML >> Other Tab >> Right margin (columns)

This is very useful because generally HTML and JS may be usually long in one line than Python. :)

CSS @font-face not working in ie

Change as per below

@font-face {
    font-family: "Futura";
    src: url("../fonts/Futura_Medium_BT.eot"); /* IE */
    src: local("Futura"), url( "../fonts/Futura_Medium_BT.ttf" ) format("truetype"); /* non-IE */  

body nav {
     font-family: "Futura";
    height: 40px;

css rotate a pseudo :after or :before content:""

    content: "\2191";
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #ea1f41;
    height: 35px;
    border:2px solid #ffffff;
    border-radius: 5px;
    color: #ffffff;
    z-index: 10000;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    -moz-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    -ms-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    -o-transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);
    transform: rotate(50deg) translateY(-50%);

you can check this code . i hope you will easily understand.

Sending Multipart File as POST parameters with RestTemplate requests

A way to solve this without needing to use a FileSystemResource that requires a file on disk, is to use a ByteArrayResource, that way you can send a byte array in your post (this code works with Spring 3.2.3):

MultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>();
final String filename="somefile.txt";
map.add("name", filename);
map.add("filename", filename);
ByteArrayResource contentsAsResource = new ByteArrayResource(content.getBytes("UTF-8")){
            public String getFilename(){
                return filename;
map.add("file", contentsAsResource);
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(urlForFacade, map, String.class);

I override the getFilename of the ByteArrayResource because if I don't I get a null pointer exception (apparently it depends on whether the java activation .jar is on the classpath, if it is, it will use the file name to try to determine the content type)

Where will log4net create this log file?

FileAppender appender = repository.GetAppenders().OfType<FileAppender>().FirstOrDefault();
if (appender != null)
    logger.DebugFormat("log file located at : {0}", appender.File);
    logger.Error("Could not locate fileAppender");

How to use \n new line in VB msgbox() ...?

Use the command "vbNewLine"


Hello & vbNewLine & "World"

will show up as Hello on one line and World on another

Clearing an input text field in Angular2

Template driven method

#receiverInput="ngModel" (blur)="receiverInput.control.setValue('')"

jQuery: Get the cursor position of text in input without browser specific code?

Using the syntax text_element.selectionStart we can get the starting position of the selection of a text in terms of the index of the first character of the selected text in the text_element.value and in case we want to get the same of the last character in the selection we have to use text_element.selectionEnd.

Use it as follows:

<input type=text id=t1 value=abcd>
<button onclick="alert(document.getElementById('t1').selectionStart)">check position</button>

I'm giving you the fiddle_demo

Is there a command like "watch" or "inotifywait" on the Mac?

Here's a simple single line alternative for users who don't have the watch command who want to execute a command every 3 seconds:

while :; do your-command; sleep 3; done

It's an infinite loop that is basically the same as doing the following:

watch -n3 your-command

MVC razor form with multiple different submit buttons?

Didn't see an answer using tag helpers (Core MVC), so here it goes (for a delete action):


<form action="" method="post" role="form">
@for (var i = 0; i < Model.List.Count(); i++)
            <input type="submit" value="REMOVE" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" 
             asp-controller="ControllerName" asp-action="delete" asp-route-idForDeleteItem="@Model.List[i].idForDeleteItem" />

On Controller:

[HttpPost("[action]/{idForDeleteItem}"), ActionName("Delete")]
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(long idForDeleteItem)
    ///delete with param id goes here

Don't forget to use [Route("[controller]")] BEFORE the class declaration - on controller.

In a unix shell, how to get yesterday's date into a variable?

If you are on a Mac or BSD or something else without the --date option, you can use:

date -r `expr \`date +%s\` - 86400` '+%a %d/%m/%Y'

Update: or perhaps...

date -r $((`date +%s` - 86400)) '+%a %d/%m/%Y'

MySQL query finding values in a comma separated string

If you're using MySQL, there is a method REGEXP that you can use...

So then you would use:

SELECT * FROM `shirts` WHERE `colors` REGEXP '\b1\b'

How to count certain elements in array?

Here is an ES2017+ way to get the counts for all array items in O(N):

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 8, 9, 2];
const counts = {};

arr.forEach((el) => {
  counts[el] = counts[el] ? (counts[el] += 1) : 1;

You can also optionally sort the output:

const countsSorted = Object.entries(counts).sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => a - b);

console.log(countsSorted) for your example array:

  [ '2', 3 ],
  [ '1', 1 ],
  [ '3', 1 ],
  [ '5', 1 ],
  [ '8', 1 ],
  [ '9', 1 ]

uint8_t vs unsigned char

In my experience there are two places where we want to use uint8_t to mean 8 bits (and uint16_t, etc) and where we can have fields smaller than 8 bits. Both places are where space matters and we often need to look at a raw dump of the data when debugging and need to be able to quickly determine what it represents.

The first is in RF protocols, especially in narrow-band systems. In this environment we may need to pack as much information as we can into a single message. The second is in flash storage where we may have very limited space (such as in embedded systems). In both cases we can use a packed data structure in which the compiler will take care of the packing and unpacking for us:

#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
  uint8_t    flag1:1;
  uint8_t    flag2:1;
  padding1   reserved:6;  /* not necessary but makes this struct more readable */
  uint32_t   sequence_no;
  uint8_t    data[8];
  uint32_t   crc32;
} s_mypacket __attribute__((packed));
#pragma pack()

Which method you use depends on your compiler. You may also need to support several different compilers with the same header files. This happens in embedded systems where devices and servers can be completely different - for example you may have an ARM device that communicates with an x86 Linux server.

There are a few caveats with using packed structures. The biggest gotcha is that you must avoid dereferencing the address of a member. On systems with mutibyte aligned words, this can result in a misaligned exception - and a coredump.

Some folks will also worry about performance and argue that using these packed structures will slow down your system. It is true that, behind the scenes, the compiler adds code to access the unaligned data members. You can see that by looking at the assembly code in your IDE.

But since packed structures are most useful for communication and data storage then the data can be extracted into a non-packed representation when working with it in memory. Normally we do not need to be working with the entire data packet in memory anyway.

Here is some relevant discussion:

pragma pack(1) nor __attribute__ ((aligned (1))) works

Is gcc's __attribute__((packed)) / #pragma pack unsafe?

Bootstrap number validation

Well I always use the same easy way and it works for me. In your HTML keep the type as text (like this):

<input type="text" class="textfield" value="" id="onlyNumbers" name="onlyNumbers" onkeypress="return isNumber(event)" onpaste="return false;"/>

After this you only need to add a method on javascript

<script type="text/javascript">     
function isNumber(evt) {
        evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event;
        var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
        if ( (charCode > 31 && charCode < 48) || charCode > 57) {
            return false;
        return true;

With this easy validation you will only get positive numbers as you wanted. You can modify the charCodes to add more valid keys to your method.

Here´s the code working: Only numbers validation

Optional Parameters in Web Api Attribute Routing

For an incoming request like /v1/location/1234, as you can imagine it would be difficult for Web API to automatically figure out if the value of the segment corresponding to '1234' is related to appid and not to deviceid.

I think you should change your route template to be like [Route("v1/location/{deviceOrAppid?}", Name = "AddNewLocation")] and then parse the deiveOrAppid to figure out the type of id.

Also you need to make the segments in the route template itself optional otherwise the segments are considered as required. Note the ? character in this case. For example: [Route("v1/location/{deviceOrAppid?}", Name = "AddNewLocation")]

CSS force image resize and keep aspect ratio

This is mental. Use the scale-down property - it explains itself.

Inline styling:

<img src='/nic-cage.png' style={{ maxWidth: '50%', objectFit: 'scale-down' }} />

This will stop flex from stretching it. In this case, the image would go to 50% of the width of its parent container and the height would scale down to match.

Keep it simple.

Identifier is undefined

From the update 2 and after narrowing down the problem scope, we can easily find that there is a brace missing at the end of the function addWord. The compiler will never explicitly identify such a syntax error. instead, it will assume that the missing function definition located in some other object file. The linker will complain about it and hence directly will be categorized under one of the broad the error phrases which is identifier is undefined. Reasonably, because with the current syntax the next function definition (in this case is ac_search) will be included under the addWord scope. Hence, it is not a global function anymore. And that is why compiler will not see this function outside addWord and will throw this error message stating that there is no such a function. A very good elaboration about the compiler and the linker can be found in this article

The definitive guide to form-based website authentication

I would like to add one very important comment: -

  • "In a corporate, intra- net setting," most if not all of the foregoing might not apply!

Many corporations deploy "internal use only" websites which are, effectively, "corporate applications" that happen to have been implemented through URLs. These URLs can (supposedly ...) only be resolved within "the company's internal network." (Which network magically includes all VPN-connected 'road warriors.')

When a user is dutifully-connected to the aforesaid network, their identity ("authentication") is [already ...] "conclusively known," as is their permission ("authorization") to do certain things ... such as ... "to access this website."

This "authentication + authorization" service can be provided by several different technologies, such as LDAP (Microsoft OpenDirectory), or Kerberos.

From your point-of-view, you simply know this: that anyone who legitimately winds-up at your website must be accompanied by [an environment-variable magically containing ...] a "token." (i.e. The absence of such a token must be immediate grounds for 404 Not Found.)

The token's value makes no sense to you, but, should the need arise, "appropriate means exist" by which your website can "[authoritatively] ask someone who knows (LDAP... etc.)" about any and every(!) question that you may have. In other words, you do not avail yourself of any "home-grown logic." Instead, you inquire of The Authority and implicitly trust its verdict.

Uh huh ... it's quite a mental-switch from the "wild-and-wooly Internet."

Editing specific line in text file in Python

You can do it in two ways, choose what suits your requirement:

Method I.) Replacing using line number. You can use built-in function enumerate() in this case:

First, in read mode get all data in a variable

with open("your_file.txt",'r') as f:

Second, write to the file (where enumerate comes to action)

with open("your_file.txt",'w') as f:
    for i,line in enumerate(get_all,1):         ## STARTS THE NUMBERING FROM 1 (by default it begins with 0)    
        if i == 2:                              ## OVERWRITES line:2

Method II.) Using the keyword you want to replace:

Open file in read mode and copy the contents to a list

with open("some_file.txt","r") as f:
    for word in f.readlines():        
        newline.append(word.replace("Warrior","Mage"))  ## Replace the keyword while you copy.  

"Warrior" has been replaced by "Mage", so write the updated data to the file:

with open("some_file.txt","w") as f:
    for line in newline:

This is what the output will be in both cases:

Dan                   Dan           
Warrior   ------>     Mage       
500                   500           
1                     1   
0                     0           

Comparing strings in C# with OR in an if statement


    if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox2.Text == "")
        // do something..

Instead of:

    if (textBox1.Text == string.Empty || textBox2.Text == string.Empty)
        // do something..

Because string.Empty is different than - "".

how to implement a pop up dialog box in iOS

Updated for iOS 8.0

Since iOS 8.0, you will need to use UIAlertController as the following:

    UIAlertController* alert = [UIAlertController

    UIAlertAction* defaultAction = [UIAlertAction 
          actionWithTitle:@"OK" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault
         handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {}];

    [alert addAction:defaultAction];
    [self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];

Where self in my example is a UIViewController, which implements "presentViewController" method for a popup.


How to add new activity to existing project in Android Studio?

In Android Studio, go to app -> src -> main -> java -> com.example.username.projectname

Right click on com.example.username.projectname -> Activity -> ActivityType

Fill in the details of the New Android Activity and click Finish.

Viola! new activity added to the existing project.

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in my app

From this question.

You can try to change your compiler level back to 1.7 in the IDE you're using.

  • If you're on Eclipse, go to Windows ---> Prefences then select Java and expand it then select Compiler and change the compliance level to 1.7.
  • If you're on Android Studio, you can add this to your build.gradle

    android {
        compileSdkVersion 19
        buildToolsVersion "19.0.0"
        defaultConfig {
            minSdkVersion 7
            targetSdkVersion 19
        compileOptions {
            sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
            targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

If this doesn't help, try checking other's answer in the link mentioned above and let us know what helped you.

How to change text and background color?

You can use the function system.

system("color *background**foreground*");

For background and foreground, type in a number from 0 - 9 or a letter from A - F.

For example:

system("color A1");

That would display the letters "hi" with a green background and blue text.

To see all the color choices, just type in:

system("color %");

to see what number or letter represents what color.

What is a 'multi-part identifier' and why can't it be bound?

Mine was putting the schema on the table Alias by mistake:

SELECT * FROM schema.CustomerOrders co
WHERE = 1  -- oops!

how do I strip white space when grabbing text with jQuery?

Actually, jQuery has a built in trim function:

 var emailAdd = jQuery.trim($(this).text());

See here for details.

Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue

I had this problem, but I didn't want to use annotation in my entities, so I solved by creating a constructor for my class, this constructor must not have a reference back to the entities who references this entity. Let's say this scenario.

public class A{
   private int id;
   private String code;
   private String name;
   private List<B> bs;

public class B{
   private int id;
   private String code;
   private String name;
   private A a;

If you try to send to the view the class B or A with @ResponseBody it may cause an infinite loop. You can write a constructor in your class and create a query with your entityManager like this.

"select new A(id, code, name) from A"

This is the class with the constructor.

public class A{
   private int id;
   private String code;
   private String name;
   private List<B> bs;

   public A(){

   public A(int id, String code, String name){ = id;
      this.code = code; = name;


However, there are some constrictions about this solution, as you can see, in the constructor I did not make a reference to List bs this is because Hibernate does not allow it, at least in version 3.6.10.Final, so when I need to show both entities in a view I do the following.

public A getAById(int id); //THE A id

public List<B> getBsByAId(int idA); //the A id.

The other problem with this solution, is that if you add or remove a property you must update your constructor and all your queries.

pandas resample documentation

B         business day frequency
C         custom business day frequency (experimental)
D         calendar day frequency
W         weekly frequency
M         month end frequency
SM        semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)
BM        business month end frequency
CBM       custom business month end frequency
MS        month start frequency
SMS       semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)
BMS       business month start frequency
CBMS      custom business month start frequency
Q         quarter end frequency
BQ        business quarter endfrequency
QS        quarter start frequency
BQS       business quarter start frequency
A         year end frequency
BA, BY    business year end frequency
AS, YS    year start frequency
BAS, BYS  business year start frequency
BH        business hour frequency
H         hourly frequency
T, min    minutely frequency
S         secondly frequency
L, ms     milliseconds
U, us     microseconds
N         nanoseconds

See the timeseries documentation. It includes a list of offsets (and 'anchored' offsets), and a section about resampling.

Note that there isn't a list of all the different how options, because it can be any NumPy array function and any function that is available via groupby dispatching can be passed to how by name.

How to find if an array contains a specific string in JavaScript/jQuery?

jQuery offers $.inArray:

Note that inArray returns the index of the element found, so 0 indicates the element is the first in the array. -1 indicates the element was not found.

var categoriesPresent = ['word', 'word', 'specialword', 'word'];_x000D_
var categoriesNotPresent = ['word', 'word', 'word'];_x000D_
var foundPresent = $.inArray('specialword', categoriesPresent) > -1;_x000D_
var foundNotPresent = $.inArray('specialword', categoriesNotPresent) > -1;_x000D_
console.log(foundPresent, foundNotPresent); // true false
<script src=""></script>

Edit 3.5 years later

$.inArray is effectively a wrapper for Array.prototype.indexOf in browsers that support it (almost all of them these days), while providing a shim in those that don't. It is essentially equivalent to adding a shim to Array.prototype, which is a more idiomatic/JSish way of doing things. MDN provides such code. These days I would take this option, rather than using the jQuery wrapper.

var categoriesPresent = ['word', 'word', 'specialword', 'word'];_x000D_
var categoriesNotPresent = ['word', 'word', 'word'];_x000D_
var foundPresent = categoriesPresent.indexOf('specialword') > -1;_x000D_
var foundNotPresent = categoriesNotPresent.indexOf('specialword') > -1;_x000D_
console.log(foundPresent, foundNotPresent); // true false

Edit another 3 years later

Gosh, 6.5 years?!

The best option for this in modern Javascript is Array.prototype.includes:

var found = categories.includes('specialword');

No comparisons and no confusing -1 results. It does what we want: it returns true or false. For older browsers it's polyfillable using the code at MDN.

var categoriesPresent = ['word', 'word', 'specialword', 'word'];_x000D_
var categoriesNotPresent = ['word', 'word', 'word'];_x000D_
var foundPresent = categoriesPresent.includes('specialword');_x000D_
var foundNotPresent = categoriesNotPresent.includes('specialword');_x000D_
console.log(foundPresent, foundNotPresent); // true false

What is the right way to populate a DropDownList from a database?

public void getClientNameDropDowndata()
    getConnection = Connection.SetConnection(); // to connect with data base Configure manager
    string ClientName = "Select  ClientName from Client ";
    SqlCommand ClientNameCommand = new SqlCommand(ClientName, getConnection);
    ClientNameCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    SqlDataReader ClientNameData;
    ClientNameData = ClientNameCommand.ExecuteReader();
    if (ClientNameData.HasRows)
        DropDownList_ClientName.DataSource = ClientNameData;
        DropDownList_ClientName.DataValueField = "ClientName";
        MessageBox.Show("No is found");
        CloseConnection = new Connection();
        CloseConnection.closeConnection(); // close the connection 

How do I install and use the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in my .NET 3.5 web applications?

It's really simple, just download the latest toolkit from Codeplex and add the extracted AjaxControlToolkit.dll to your toolbox in Visual Studio by right clicking the toolbox and selecting 'choose items'. You will then have the controls in your Visual STudio toolbox and using them is just a matter of dragging and dropping them onto your form, of course don't forget to add a asp:ScriptManager to every page that uses controls from the toolkit, or optionally include it in your master page only and your content pages will inherit the script manager.

Keyboard shortcut to comment lines in Sublime Text 2

This did the trick for me coming from Brackets and being used to ctrl+/ on the numpad.

    { "keys": ["ctrl+keypad_divide"], "command": "toggle_comment", "args": { "block": false } },
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+keypad_divide"], "command": "toggle_comment", "args": { "block": true } }

How do I alter the precision of a decimal column in Sql Server?

ALTER TABLE Testing ALTER COLUMN TestDec decimal(16,1)

Just put decimal(precision, scale), replacing the precision and scale with your desired values.

I haven't done any testing with this with data in the table, but if you alter the precision, you would be subject to losing data if the new precision is lower.

JavaScript Nested function

function foo() {_x000D_
  function bar() {_x000D_
    return 1;_x000D_
Will throw an error. Since bar is defined inside foo, bar will only be accessible inside foo.
To use bar you need to run it inside foo.

function foo() {_x000D_
  function bar() {_x000D_
    return 1;_x000D_

How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?

The size of your image is not sufficient to see in a naked eye. So please try to use atleast 50x50

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

black_screen = np.zeros([50,50,3])

black_screen[:, :, 2] = np.ones([50,50])*64/255.0
cv.imshow("Simple_black", black_screen)

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

You can useflatten() from the numpy package.

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]])
a_flat = a.flatten()
print(f"original array: {a} \nflattened array = {a_flat}")


original array: [[1 2]
 [3 4]
 [5 6]] 
flattened array = [1 2 3 4 5 6]

Is a Python list guaranteed to have its elements stay in the order they are inserted in?



for item in aList:  

    if i<2:  





The moral is when modifying a list in a loop driven by the list, takes two steps:

for item in aList:
    if i<2:


['del', 'del', 3]
for i in range(2):
    del aList[0]


SQL DROP TABLE foreign key constraint

execute the below code to get the foreign key constraint name which blocks your drop. For example, I take the roles table.

      SELECT *
      FROM sys.foreign_keys
      WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('roles');

      SELECT name AS 'Foreign Key Constraint Name',
      OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(parent_object_id) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id)
      AS 'Child Table' FROM sys.foreign_keys
      WHERE OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(referenced_object_id) = 'dbo'
      AND OBJECT_NAME(referenced_object_id) = 'dbo.roles'

you will get the FK name something as below : FK__Table1__roleId__1X1H55C1

now run the below code to remove the FK reference got from above.

ALTER TABLE dbo.users drop CONSTRAINT FK__Table1__roleId__1X1H55C1;


How generate unique Integers based on GUIDs

Here is the simplest way:

Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
Random random = new Random();
int i = random.Next();

You'll notice that guid is not actually used here, mainly because there would be no point in using it. Microsoft's GUID algorithm does not use the computer's MAC address any more - GUID's are actually generated using a pseudo-random generator (based on time values), so if you want a random integer it makes more sense to use the Random class for this.

Update: actually, using a GUID to generate an int would probably be worse than just using Random ("worse" in the sense that this would be more likely to generate collisions). This is because not all 128 bits in a GUID are random. Ideally, you would want to exclude the non-varying bits from a hashing function, although it would be a lot easier to just generate a random number, as I think I mentioned before. :)

XDocument or XmlDocument

I believe that XDocument makes a lot more object creation calls. I suspect that for when you're handling a lot of XML documents, XMLDocument will be faster.

One place this happens is in managing scan data. Many scan tools output their data in XML (for obvious reasons). If you have to process a lot of these scan files, I think you'll have better performance with XMLDocument.

How to add a Try/Catch to SQL Stored Procedure

See TRY...CATCH (Transact-SQL)

       @@voucher_no numeric =null output 

     begin try 
         -- your proc code
     end try

     begin catch
          -- what you want to do in catch
     end catch    
  END -- proc end

How do I print a datetime in the local timezone?

This script demonstrates a few ways to show the local timezone using astimezone():

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from tzlocal import get_localzone

utc_dt =

PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
EST = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
JST = pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo')
NZST = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Auckland')

print("Pacific time {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(PST).isoformat()))
print("Eastern time {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(EST).isoformat()))
print("UTC time     {}".format(utc_dt.isoformat()))
print("Japan time   {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(JST).isoformat()))

# Use astimezone() without an argument
print("Local time   {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone().isoformat()))

# Use tzlocal get_localzone
print("Local time   {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(get_localzone()).isoformat()))

# Explicitly create a pytz timezone object
# Substitute a pytz.timezone object for your timezone
print("Local time   {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone(NZST).isoformat()))

It outputs the following:

$ ./ 
Pacific time 2019-02-22T17:54:14.957299-08:00
Eastern time 2019-02-22T20:54:14.957299-05:00
UTC time     2019-02-23T01:54:14.957299+00:00
Japan time   2019-02-23T10:54:14.957299+09:00
Local time   2019-02-23T14:54:14.957299+13:00
Local time   2019-02-23T14:54:14.957299+13:00
Local time   2019-02-23T14:54:14.957299+13:00

As of python 3.6 calling astimezone() without a timezone object defaults to the local zone (docs). This means you don't need to import tzlocal and can simply do the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from datetime import datetime, timezone

utc_dt =

print("Local time {}".format(utc_dt.astimezone().isoformat()))

Python Threading String Arguments

I hope to provide more background knowledge here.

First, constructor signature of the of method threading::Thread:

class threading.Thread(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, *, daemon=None)

args is the argument tuple for the target invocation. Defaults to ().

Second, A quirk in Python about tuple:

Empty tuples are constructed by an empty pair of parentheses; a tuple with one item is constructed by following a value with a comma (it is not sufficient to enclose a single value in parentheses).

On the other hand, a string is a sequence of characters, like 'abc'[1] == 'b'. So if send a string to args, even in parentheses (still a sting), each character will be treated as a single parameter.

However, Python is so integrated and is not like JavaScript where extra arguments can be tolerated. Instead, it throws an TypeError to complain.

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in a CodeIgniter View

Check your short_open_tag setting (use <?php phpinfo() ?> to see its current setting).

Loading/Downloading image from URL on Swift

I recommend using Kingfisher library to download images asynchronously. The best part about using Kingfisher is, it caches all the downloaded images by default with the image url as an id. Next time when you request to download image with that particular URl, it will load it from cache.


newsImage.kf.setImage(with: imageUrl!, placeholder: nil, options: nil, progressBlock: nil, completionHandler: { (image, error, cacheType, imageUrl) in
                if error == nil{
                }else if error != nil{

Is there a way to pass jvm args via command line to maven?

I think MAVEN_OPTS would be most appropriate for you. See here:

In Unix:

Add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to specify JVM properties, e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m". This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

In Win, you need to set environment variable via the dialogue box

Add ... environment variable by opening up the system properties (WinKey + Pause),... In the same dialog, add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable in the user variables to specify JVM properties, e.g. the value -Xms256m -Xmx512m. This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

What is the difference between Builder Design pattern and Factory Design pattern?

Builder Pattern and Factory pattern, both seem pretty similar to naked eyes because they both create objects for you.

But you need to look closer

This real-life example will make the difference between the two more clear.

Suppose, you went to a fast food restaurant and you ordered Food.

1) What Food?


2) What toppings?

Capsicum, Tomato, BBQ chicken, NO PINEAPPLE

So different kinds of foods are made by Factory pattern but the different variants(flavors) of a particular food are made by Builder pattern.

Different kinds of foods

Pizza, Burger, Pasta

Variants of Pizza

Only Cheese, Cheese+Tomato+Capsicum, Cheese+Tomato etc.

Code sample

You can see the sample code implementation of both patterns here
Builder Pattern
Factory Pattern

Get Element value with minidom with Python

I know this question is pretty old now, but I thought you might have an easier time with ElementTree

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import datetime

f = ET.XML(data)

for element in f:
    if element.tag == "currentTime":
        # Handle time data was pulled
        currentTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(element.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if element.tag == "cachedUntil":
        # Handle time until next allowed update
        cachedUntil = datetime.datetime.strptime(element.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if element.tag == "result":
        # Process list of skills

I know that's not super specific, but I just discovered it, and so far it's a lot easier to get my head around than the minidom (since so many nodes are essentially white space).

For instance, you have the tag name and the actual text together, just as you'd probably expect:

>>> element[0]
<Element currentTime at 40984d0>
>>> element[0].tag
>>> element[0].text
'2010-04-12 02:45:45'e

Adding an onclicklistener to listview (android)

The prestListView.getItemAtPosition(position); returns the UI widget: Text, Icon, ...

Try this instead:

Object o = prestationAdapterEco.getItemAtPosition(position);


Object o = arg0.getItemAtPosition(position);

Get the object from the adapter. Not from the list-view.

2. Object o is a prestationEco object. Not a String.

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

Erm, after understanding your question: are you sure that the signature-method only creates a SHA1 and encrypts it? GPG et al offer to compress/clear sign the data. Maybe this java-signature-alg also creates a detachable/attachable signature.

How to make Toolbar transparent?

Go to res package and open color.xml. Set color primary to #00000000.

Passing argument to alias in bash

to use parameters in aliases, i use this method:

alias myalias='function __myalias() { echo "Hello $*"; unset -f __myalias; }; __myalias'

its a self-destructive function wrapped in an alias, so it pretty much is the best of both worlds, and doesnt take up an extra line(s) in your definitions... which i hate, oh yeah and if you need that return value, you'll have to store it before calling unset, and then return the value using the "return" keyword in that self destructive function there:

alias myalias='function __myalias() { echo "Hello $*"; myresult=$?; unset -f __myalias; return $myresult; }; __myalias'


you could, if you need to have that variable in there

alias mongodb='function __mongodb() { ./path/to/mongodb/$1; unset -f __mongodb; }; __mongodb'

of course...

alias mongodb='./path/to/mongodb/'

would actually do the same thing without the need for parameters, but like i said, if you wanted or needed them for some reason (for example, you needed $2 instead of $1), you would need to use a wrapper like that. If it is bigger than one line you might consider just writing a function outright since it would become more of an eyesore as it grew larger. Functions are great since you get all the perks that functions give (see completion, traps, bind, etc for the goodies that functions can provide, in the bash manpage).

I hope that helps you out :)

How do I change an HTML selected option using JavaScript?


document.getElementById('personlist').getElementsByTagName('option')[11].selected = 'selected'



Using a scanner to accept String input and storing in a String Array

A cleaner approach would be to create a Person object that contains contactName, contactPhone, etc. Then, use an ArrayList rather then an array to add the new objects. Create a loop that accepts all the fields for each `Person:

while (!done) {
   Person person = new Person();
   String name = input.nextLine();


Using the list will remove the need for array bounds checking.

How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

I was able to figure it out. In case someone wants to know below the code that worked for me:

ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sOriginal);
byte[] asciiArray = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.ASCII, byteArray);
string finalString = ascii.GetString(asciiArray);

Let me know if there is a simpler way o doing it.

comparing strings in vb

I think this String.Equals is what you need.

Dim aaa = "12/31"
            Dim a = String.Equals(aaa, "06/30")

a will return false.

When is layoutSubviews called?

have you looked at layoutIfNeeded?

The documentation snippet is below. Does the animation work if you call this method explicitly during the animation?

layoutIfNeeded Lays out the subviews if needed.

- (void)layoutIfNeeded

Discussion Use this method to force the layout of subviews before drawing.

Availability Available in iPhone OS 2.0 and later.

Scraping html tables into R data frames using the XML package


# Download page using RCurl
# You may need to set proxy details, etc.,  in the call to getURL
theurl <- ""
webpage <- getURL(theurl)
# Process escape characters
webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc)

# Parse the html tree, ignoring errors on the page
pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){})

# Navigate your way through the tree. It may be possible to do this more efficiently using getNodeSet
body <- pagetree$children$html$children$body 
divbodyContent <- body$children$div$children[[1]]$children$div$children[[4]]
tables <- divbodyContent$children[names(divbodyContent)=="table"]

#In this case, the required table is the only one with class "wikitable sortable"  
tableclasses <- sapply(tables, function(x) x$attributes["class"])
thetable  <- tables[which(tableclasses=="wikitable sortable")]$table

#Get columns headers
headers <- thetable$children[[1]]$children
columnnames <- unname(sapply(headers, function(x) x$children$text$value))

# Get rows from table
content <- c()
for(i in 2:length(thetable$children))
   tablerow <- thetable$children[[i]]$children
   opponent <- tablerow[[1]]$children[[2]]$children$text$value
   others <- unname(sapply(tablerow[-1], function(x) x$children$text$value)) 
   content <- rbind(content, c(opponent, others))

# Convert to data frame
colnames(content) <- columnnames

Edited to add:

Sample output

                     Opponent Played Won Drawn Lost Goals for Goals against  % Won
    1               Argentina     94  36    24   34       148           150  38.3%
    2                Paraguay     72  44    17   11       160            61  61.1%
    3                 Uruguay     72  33    19   20       127            93  45.8%

getFilesDir() vs Environment.getDataDirectory()

Try this


Best implementation for hashCode method for a collection

any hashing method that evenly distributes the hash value over the possible range is a good implementation. See effective java ( ) , there is a good tip in there for hashcode implementation (item 9 i think...).

How to run the sftp command with a password from Bash script?

You can use sshpass for it. Below are the steps

  1. Install sshpass For Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install sshpass
  2. Add the Remote IP to your known-host file if it is first time For Ubuntu -> ssh user@IP -> enter 'yes'
  3. give a combined command of scp and sshpass for it. Below is a sample code for war coping to remote tomcat sshpass -p '#Password_For_remote_machine' scp /home/ubuntu/latest_build/abc.war #user@#RemoteIP:/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps

Get value from hashmap based on key to JSTL

if all you're trying to do is get the value of a single entry in a map, there's no need to loop over any collection at all. simplifying gautum's response slightly, you can get the value of a named map entry as follows:

<c:out value="${map['key']}"/>

where 'map' is the collection and 'key' is the string key for which you're trying to extract the value.

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC Error

Got same error in this line

 Object temp = range.Cells[i][0].Value;

Solved with non-zero based index

 Object temp = range.Cells[i][1].Value;

How is it possible that the guys who created this library thought it was a good idea to use non-zero based indexing?

Resolve conflicts using remote changes when pulling from Git remote

You can either use the answer from the duplicate link pointed by nvm.

Or you can resolve conflicts by using their changes (but some of your changes might be kept if they don't conflict with remote version):

git pull -s recursive -X theirs

DBCC CHECKIDENT Sets Identity to 0

Borrowing from Zyphrax's answer ...

USE DatabaseName

DECLARE @ReseedBit BIT = 
                FROM sys.identity_columns ic
                INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON ic.object_id = t.object_id), 0)
DECLARE @Reseed INT = 
    WHEN @ReseedBit = 0 THEN 1 
    WHEN @ReseedBit = 1 THEN 0 

DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.table_name', RESEED, @Reseed);

Caveats: This is intended for use in reference data population situations where a DB is being initialized with enum type definition tables, where the ID values in those tables must always start at 1. The first time the DB is being created (e.g. during SSDT-DB publishing) @Reseed must be 0, but when resetting the data i.e. removing the data and re-inserting it, then @Reseed must be 1. So this code is intended for use in a stored procedure for resetting the DB data, which can be called manually but is also called from the post-deployment script in the SSDT-DB project. In that way the reference data inserts are only defined in one place but aren't restricted to be used only in post-deployment during publishing, they are also available for subsequent use (to support dev and automated test etc.) by calling the stored procedure to reset the DB back to a known good state.

How can I parse a YAML file from a Linux shell script?

I know this is very specific, but I think my answer could be helpful for certain users.
If you have node and npm installed on your machine, you can use js-yaml.
First install :

npm i -g js-yaml
# or locally
npm i js-yaml

then in your bash script

js-yaml your-yaml-file.yml

Also if you are using jq you can do something like that

json="$(js-yaml your-yaml-file.yml)"
aproperty="$(jq '.apropery' <<< "$json")"
echo "$aproperty"

Because js-yaml converts a yaml file to a json string literal. You can then use the string with any json parser in your unix system.

What jar should I include to use javax.persistence package in a hibernate based application?

In general, i agree with above answers that recommend to add maven dependency, but i prefer following solution.

Add a dependency with API classes for full JavaEE profile:



Also add dependency with particular JPA provider like antonycc suggested:


Note <scope>provided</scope> in API dependency section: this means that corresponding jar will not be exported into artifact's lib/, but will be provided by application server. Make sure your application server implements specified version of JavaEE API.

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

Just check the dictionary:

d = {'hello':'world'}
if d:
  print 'not empty'
  print 'empty'

d = {}
if d:
  print 'not empty'
  print 'empty'

Run "mvn clean install" in Eclipse

Right click on pom.xml, Run As, you should see the list of m2 options if you have Maven installed, you can select Maven Clean from there

Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

Sometimes You just open too much applications in Windows and make the gradle have no enough memory to start the daemon process.So when you come across with this situation,you can just close some applications such as Chrome and so on. Then restart your android studio.

How do I truncate a .NET string?

Just in case there's not enough answers here, here's mine :)

public static string Truncate(this string str, 
                              int totalLength, 
                              string truncationIndicator = "")
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length < totalLength) 
        return str;

    return str.Substring(0, totalLength - truncationIndicator.Length) 
           + truncationIndicator;

to use:

"I use it like this".Truncate(5,"~")

Intercept and override HTTP requests from WebView

As far as I know, shouldOverrideUrlLoading is not called for images but rather for hyperlinks... I think the appropriate method is

@Override public void onLoadResource(WebView view, String url)

This method is called for every resource (image, styleesheet, script) that's loaded by the webview, but since it's a void, I haven't found a way to change that url and replace it so that it loads a local resource ...

height style property doesn't work in div elements

Set positioning to absolute. That will solve the problem immediately, but might cause some problems in layout later. You can always figure out a way around them ;)



TypeError: Router.use() requires middleware function but got a Object

You are missing router exports module and that is the reason why this error is present.

use module.exports = router; and that would work

error, string or binary data would be truncated when trying to insert

Kevin Pope's comment under the accepted answer was what I needed.

The problem, in my case, was that I had triggers defined on my table that would insert update/insert transactions into an audit table, but the audit table had a data type mismatch where a column with VARCHAR(MAX) in the original table was stored as VARCHAR(1) in the audit table, so my triggers were failing when I would insert anything greater than VARCHAR(1) in the original table column and I would get this error message.

Cocoa Touch: How To Change UIView's Border Color And Thickness?

You need to use view's layer to set border property. e.g:

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
view.layer.borderColor = [UIColor redColor].CGColor;
view.layer.borderWidth = 3.0f;

You also need to link with QuartzCore.framework to access this functionality.

How do I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows?

If you're using Windows Terminal then the killing process might be little less tedious. I've been using windows terminal and kill PID works fine for me to kill processes on the port as the new Windows Terminal supports certain bash commands. For example: kill 13300

So, the complete process will look like this-

  • Open Windows Terminal
  • Type the following command to show processes running on the port you're looking to kill processes. netstat -ano | findstr :PORT
  • Type following to kill the process. kill PID

For Example:

PS C:\Users\username> netstat -ano | findstr :4445
  TCP               LISTENING       7368
  TCP    [::]:4445              [::]:0                 LISTENING       7368
PS C:\Users\username> kill 7368
PS C:\Users\username> netstat -ano | findstr :4445
PS C:\Users\username>

See when I typed the first command to list processes on the port it returned empty. That means all processes are killed now.

Update: kill is an alias for Stop-Process. Thanks, @FSCKur for letting us know.

How do I remove leading whitespace in Python?

To remove everything before a certain character, use a regular expression:

re.sub(r'^[^a]*', '')

to remove everything up to the first 'a'. [^a] can be replaced with any character class you like, such as word characters.

Boto3 Error: botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials

If you have multiple aws profiles in ~/.aws/credentials like...

[Profile 1]
aws_access_key_id = *******************
aws_secret_access_key = ******************************************
[Profile 2]
aws_access_key_id = *******************
aws_secret_access_key = ******************************************

Follow two steps:

  1. Make one you want to use as a default using export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=Profile 1 command in terminal.

  2. Make sure to run above command in the same terminal from where you use boto3 or you open an editor.[Understand the following scenario]


  • If you have two terminal open called t1 and t2.
  • And you run the export command in t1 and you open JupyterLab or any other from t2, you will get NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials error.


  • Run the export command in t1 and then open JupyterLab or any other from the same terminal t1.

CSS – why doesn’t percentage height work?

Another option is to add style to div

<div style="position: absolute; height:somePercentage%; overflow:auto(or other overflow value)">
 //to be scrolled 

And it means that an element is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor.

How to get the python.exe location programmatically?

I think it depends on how you installed python. Note that you can have multiple installs of python, I do on my machine. However, if you install via an msi of a version of python 2.2 or above, I believe it creates a registry key like so:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Python.exe

which gives this value on my machine:


You just read the registry key to get the location.

However, you can install python via an xcopy like model that you can have in an arbitrary place, and you just have to know where it is installed.

Jquery validation plugin - TypeError: $(...).validate is not a function

I had the same problem. I am using jquery-validation as an npm module and the fix for me was to require the module at the start of my js file:


Display List in a View MVC

You are passing wrong mode to you view. Your view is looking for @model IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams> and you are passing var model = tm.Name.ToList(); name list. You have to pass list of Teams.

You have to pass following model

var model = new List<Teams>();

model.Add(new Teams { Name =  new List<string>(){"Sky","ABC"}});
model.Add(new Teams { Name =  new List<string>(){"John","XYZ"} });
return View(model);

Ubuntu - Run command on start-up with "sudo"

Nice answers. You could also set Jobs (i.e., commands) with "Crontab" for more flexibility (which provides different options to run scripts, loggin the outputs, etc.), although it requires more time to be understood and set properly:

Using '@reboot' you can Run a command once, at startup.

Wrapping up: run $ sudo crontab -e -u root

And add a line at the end of the file with your command as follows:

@reboot sudo searchd

How to determine whether a substring is in a different string

Can also use this method

if substring in string:
    print(string + '\n Yes located at:'.format(string.find(substring)))

How to get a unique device ID in Swift?

if (UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString) != nil
            self.lblDeviceIdValue.text = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString

Find everything between two XML tags with RegEx

You should be able to match it with: /<primaryAddress>(.+?)<\/primaryAddress>/

The content between the tags will be in the matched group.

How to make an ImageView with rounded corners?

With the help of glide library and RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory class it's easy to achieve. You may need to create circular placeholder image.

        .into(new BitmapImageViewTarget(imgProfilePicture) {
            protected void setResource(Bitmap resource) {
                RoundedBitmapDrawable drawable = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(context.getResources(),
                        Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(resource, 50, 50, false));
                drawable.setCornerRadius(10); //drawable.setCircular(true);

"getaddrinfo failed", what does that mean?

The problem, in my case, was that some install at some point defined an environment variable http_proxy on my machine when I had no proxy.

Removing the http_proxy environment variable fixed the problem.

C error: Expected expression before int

{ } -->

defines scope, so if(a==1) { int b = 10; } says, you are defining int b, for {}- this scope. For

  int b =10;

there is no scope. And you will not be able to use b anywhere.

How to retry after exception?

A generic solution with a timeout:

import time

def onerror_retry(exception, callback, timeout=2, timedelta=.1):
    end_time = time.time() + timeout
    while True:
            yield callback()
        except exception:
            if time.time() > end_time:
            elif timedelta > 0:


for retry in onerror_retry(SomeSpecificException, do_stuff):

ReCaptcha API v2 Styling

A bit late but I tried this and it worked to make the Recaptcha responsive on screens smaller than 460px width. You can't use css selector to select elements inside the iframe. So, better use the outermost parent element which is the class g-recaptcha to basically zoom-out i.e transform the size of the entire container. Here's my code which worked:

@media(max-width:459.99px) {
    .modal .g-recaptcha {
        -webkit-transform:scale(0.75); }

Extract public/private key from PKCS12 file for later use in SSH-PK-Authentication

Update: I noticed that my answer was just a poor duplicate of a well explained question on by BryKKan

Here is an extract from it:

openssl pkcs12 -in <filename.pfx> -nocerts -nodes | sed -ne '/-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-/,/-END PRIVATE KEY-/p' > <clientcert.key>

openssl pkcs12 -in <filename.pfx> -clcerts -nokeys | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > <clientcert.cer>

openssl pkcs12 -in <filename.pfx> -cacerts -nokeys -chain | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > <cacerts.cer>

Two dimensional array list

I know that's an old question with good answers, but I believe I can add my 2 cents.

The simplest and most flexible way which works for me is just using an almost "Plain and Old Java Object" class2D to create each "row" of your array.

The below example has some explanations and is executable (you can copy and paste it, but remember to check the package name):

package my2darraylist;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class My2DArrayList
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // This is your "2D" ArrayList
        List<Box> boxes = new ArrayList<>();

        // Add your stuff
        Box stuff = new Box();
        stuff.setAString( "This is my stuff");
        stuff.addString("My Stuff 01");
        stuff.addInteger( 1 );
        boxes.add( stuff );

        // Add other stuff
        Box otherStuff = new Box();
        otherStuff.setAString( "This is my other stuff");
        otherStuff.addString("My Other Stuff 01");
        otherStuff.addInteger( 1 );
        otherStuff.addString("My Other Stuff 02");
        otherStuff.addInteger( 2 );
        boxes.add( otherStuff );

        // List the whole thing
        for ( Box box : boxes)
            System.out.println( box.getAString() );
            System.out.println( box.getMyStrings().size() );
            System.out.println( box.getMyIntegers().size() );


class Box
    // Each attribute is a "Column" in you array
    private String aString;
    private List<String> myStrings = new ArrayList<>() ;
    private List<Integer> myIntegers = new ArrayList<>();
    // Use your imagination...
    private JPanel jpanel;

    public void addString( String s )
        myStrings.add( s );

    public void addInteger( int i )
        myIntegers.add( i );

    // Getters & Setters

    public String getAString()
        return aString;

    public void setAString(String aString)
        this.aString = aString;

    public List<String> getMyStrings()
        return myStrings;

    public void setMyStrings(List<String> myStrings)
        this.myStrings = myStrings;

    public List<Integer> getMyIntegers()
        return myIntegers;

    public void setMyIntegers(List<Integer> myIntegers)
        this.myIntegers = myIntegers;

    public JPanel getJpanel()
        return jpanel;

    public void setJpanel(JPanel jpanel)
        this.jpanel = jpanel;

UPDATE - To answer the question from @Mohammed Akhtar Zuberi, I've created the simplified version of the program, to make it easier to show the results.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class My2DArrayListSimplified

    public static void main(String[] args)
        ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>();
        Row row;
        // Insert the columns for each row
        //             First Name, Last Name, Age
        row = new Row("John",      "Doe",     30);
        row = new Row("Jane",      "Doe",     29);
        row = new Row("Mary",      "Doe",      1);

        // Show the Array
        System.out.println("First\t Last\tAge");
        for (Row printRow : rows)
                    printRow.getFirstName() + "\t " +
                    printRow.getLastName() + "\t" +



class Row

    // REMEMBER: each attribute is a column
    private final String firstName;
    private final String lastName;
    private final int age;

    public Row(String firstName, String lastName, int age)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = age;

    public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName()
        return lastName;

    public int getAge()
        return age;


The code above produces the following result (I ran it on NetBeans):

First    Last   Age
John     Doe    30
Jane     Doe    29
Mary     Doe    1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

std::string formatting like sprintf

inline void format(string& a_string, const char* fmt, ...)
    va_list vl;
    va_start(vl, fmt);
    int size = _vscprintf( fmt, vl );
    a_string.resize( ++size );
    vsnprintf_s((char*), size, _TRUNCATE, fmt, vl);

Can Keras with Tensorflow backend be forced to use CPU or GPU at will?

Just import tensortflow and use keras, it's that easy.

import tensorflow as tf
# your code here
with tf.device('/gpu:0'):, y, epochs=20, batch_size=128, callbacks=callbacks_list)

Disable Proximity Sensor during call

I have been researching this for a while, tested and wrote apps.

If you have no option in Settings ? Phone ? Use proximity sensor, then the only choice, seem to be to disable or modify its settings in rooted devices.

Also consider, that if you plug the headset, the screen will remain on :D

How to get progress from XMLHttpRequest

If you have access to your apache install and trust third-party code, you can use the apache upload progress module (if you use apache; there's also a nginx upload progress module).

Otherwise, you'd have to write a script that you can hit out of band to request the status of the file (checking the filesize of the tmp file for instance).

There's some work going on in firefox 3 I believe to add upload progress support to the browser, but that's not going to get into all the browsers and be widely adopted for a while (more's the pity).

Array to Hash Ruby

a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
h = Hash[*a] # => { "item 1" => "item 2", "item 3" => "item 4" }

That's it. The * is called the splat operator.

One caveat per @Mike Lewis (in the comments): "Be very careful with this. Ruby expands splats on the stack. If you do this with a large dataset, expect to blow out your stack."

So, for most general use cases this method is great, but use a different method if you want to do the conversion on lots of data. For example, @Lukasz Niemier (also in the comments) offers this method for large data sets:

h = Hash[a.each_slice(2).to_a]

Create a pointer to two-dimensional array

You could also add an offset if you want to use negative indexes:

uint8_t l_matrix[10][20];
uint8_t (*matrix_ptr)[20] = l_matrix+5;

If your compiler gives an error or warning you could use:

uint8_t (*matrix_ptr)[20] = (uint8_t (*)[20]) l_matrix;

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

 public static string RandomString(int length)
        const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        var random = new Random();
        return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());

How to sort by Date with DataTables jquery plugin?

Follow the link

A very easy way to integrate ordering by date.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src=""></script>

Put this code in before initializing the datatable:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // ......
    $.fn.dataTable.moment('DD-MMM-YY HH:mm:ss');
    $.fn.dataTable.moment('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss');
    // And any format you need

Using python's eval() vs. ast.literal_eval()?

I was stuck with ast.literal_eval(). I was trying it in IntelliJ IDEA debugger, and it kept returning None on debugger output.

But later when I assigned its output to a variable and printed it in code. It worked fine. Sharing code example:

import ast
sample_string = '[{"id":"XYZ_GTTC_TYR", "name":"Suction"}]'
output_value = ast.literal_eval(sample_string)

Its python version 3.6.

Find the number of downloads for a particular app in apple appstore

There is no way to know unless the particular company reveals the info. The best you can do is find a few companies that are sharing and then extrapolate based on app ranking (which is available publicly). The best you'll get is a ball park estimate.

How to fix the error "Windows SDK version 8.1" was not found?

I faced this problem too. Re-ran the Visual Studio 2017 Installer, go to 'Individual Components' and select Windows 8.1 SDK. Go back to to the project > Right click and Re-target to match the SDK required as shown below:enter image description here

What is the difference between substr and substring?

let str = "Hello World"

console.log(str.substring(1, 3))  // el -> Excludes the last index
console.log(str.substr(1, 3))  // ell -> Includes the last index

Why does MSBuild look in C:\ for Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props instead of c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild? ( error MSB4019)

I had this problem on Visual Studio 2015 edition. When I used cmake to generate a project this error appeared.

error MSB4019: The imported project "D:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found

I fixed it by adding a String


with value


in the registry path


Connection failed: SQLState: '01000' SQL Server Error: 10061

Received SQLSTATE 01000 in the following error message below:

SQL Agent - Jobs Failed: The SQL Agent Job "LiteSpeed Backup Full" has failed with the message "The job failed. The Job was invoked by User X. The last step to run was step 1 (Step1). NOTE: Failed to notify via email. - Executed as user: X. LiteSpeed(R) for SQL Server Version Copyright 2011 Quest Software, Inc. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 1) LiteSpeed for SQL Server could not open backup file: (N:\BACKUP2\filename.BAK). The previous system message is the reason for the failure. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 60405). The step failed."

In my case this was related to permission on drive N following an SQL Server failover on an Active/Passive SQL cluster.

All SQL resources where failed over to the seconary resouce and back to the preferred node following maintenance. When the Quest LiteSpeed job then executed on the preferred node it was clear the previous permissions for SQL server user X had been lost on drive N and SQLSTATE 10100 was reported.

Simply added the permissions again to the backup destination drive and the issue was resolved.

Hope that helps someone.

Windows 2008 Enterprise

SQL Server 2008 Active/Passive cluster.

OS X cp command in Terminal - No such file or directory

I know this question has already been answered, but another option is simply to open the destination and source folders in Finder and then drag and drop them into the terminal. The paths will automatically be copied and properly formatted (thus negating the need to actually figure out proper file names/extensions).

I have to do over-network copies between Mac and Windows machines, sometimes fairly deep down in filetrees, and have found this the most effective way to do so.

So, as an example:

cp -r [drag and drop source folder from finder] [drag and drop destination folder from finder]

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

Threading Model in UI

Please read the Threading Model in UI applications (old VB link is here) in order to understand basic concepts. The link navigates to page that describes the WPF threading model. However, Windows Forms utilizes the same idea.

The UI Thread

  • There is only one thread (UI thread), that is allowed to access System.Windows.Forms.Control and its subclasses members.
  • Attempt to access member of System.Windows.Forms.Control from different thread than UI thread will cause cross-thread exception.
  • Since there is only one thread, all UI operations are queued as work items into that thread:

enter image description here

enter image description here

BeginInvoke and Invoke methods

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

Code solution

Read answers on question How to update the GUI from another thread in C#?. For C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5 the recommended solution is here.

How to Convert date into MM/DD/YY format in C#

Look into using the ToString() method with a specified format.

How to find out when a particular table was created in Oracle?

You can query the data dictionary/catalog views to find out when an object was created as well as the time of last DDL involving the object (example: alter table)

select * 
  from all_objects 
 where owner = '<name of schema owner>'
   and object_name = '<name of table>'

The column "CREATED" tells you when the object was created. The column "LAST_DDL_TIME" tells you when the last DDL was performed against the object.

As for when a particular row was inserted/updated, you can use audit columns like an "insert_timestamp" column or use a trigger and populate an audit table

How do I create an executable in Visual Studio 2013 w/ C++?

Just click on "Build" on the top menu and then click on "Publish ".... Then a pop up will open and there u can define the folder which u want to save the .exe file and by clicking "Next" will allow u to set up the advanced settings... DONE!

CSS Selector that applies to elements with two classes

Chain both class selectors (without a space in between): {
    /* Styles for element(s) with foo AND bar classes */

If you still have to deal with ancient browsers like IE6, be aware that it doesn't read chained class selectors correctly: it'll only read the last class selector (.bar in this case) instead, regardless of what other classes you list.

To illustrate how other browsers and IE6 interpret this, consider this CSS:

* {
    color: black;
} {
    color: red;

Output on supported browsers is:

<div class="foo">Hello Foo</div>       <!-- Not selected, black text [1] -->
<div class="foo bar">Hello World</div> <!-- Selected, red text [2] -->
<div class="bar">Hello Bar</div>       <!-- Not selected, black text [3] -->

Output on IE6 is:

<div class="foo">Hello Foo</div>       <!-- Not selected, black text [1] -->
<div class="foo bar">Hello World</div> <!-- Selected, red text [2] -->
<div class="bar">Hello Bar</div>       <!-- Selected, red text [2] -->


  • Supported browsers:
    1. Not selected as this element only has class foo.
    2. Selected as this element has both classes foo and bar.
    3. Not selected as this element only has class bar.

  • IE6:
    1. Not selected as this element doesn't have class bar.
    2. Selected as this element has class bar, regardless of any other classes listed.

ToggleButton in C# WinForms

How about this?

Assuming you have System.Windows.Forms referenced.

var cbtnToggler = new CheckBox();
cbtnToggler.Appearance = Appearance.Button;
cbtnToggler.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
cbtnToggler.MinimumSize = new Size(75, 25); //To prevent shrinkage!

Hope this helps ;)

How to echo in PHP, HTML tags

Separating HTML from PHP is the best method. It's less confusing and easy to debug.


         <h3><a href="User<?php echo $i;?>"><?php echo $i;?></a></h3>
         <div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</div>


How to use css style in php

Absolute easiest way (with your current code) is to add a require_once("path/to/file") statement to your php code.

echo "<table>";

Also, as an aside: the opening <?php tag does not have a > on the end, and the closing ?> php tag does not start with <. Weird, but true.

Adding headers when using httpClient.GetAsync

When using GetAsync with the HttpClient you can add the authorization headers like so:

                         = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "Your Oauth token");

This does add the authorization header for the lifetime of the HttpClient so is useful if you are hitting one site where the authorization header doesn't change.

Here is an detailed SO answer

Format Instant to String

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy MM dd");
String text = date.toString(formatter);
LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(text, formatter);

I believe this might help, you may need to use some sort of localdate variation instead of instant

Call a Subroutine from a different Module in VBA

Prefix the call with Module2 (ex. Module2.IDLE). I'm assuming since you asked this that you have IDLE defined multiple times in the project, otherwise this shouldn't be necessary.

iPhone - Grand Central Dispatch main thread

One place where it's useful is for UI activities, like setting a spinner before a lengthy operation:

- (void) handleDoSomethingButton{

    [mySpinner startAnimating];

    (do something lengthy)
    [mySpinner stopAnimating];

will not work, because you are blocking the main thread during your lengthy thing and not letting UIKit actually start the spinner.

- (void) handleDoSomethingButton{
     [mySpinner startAnimating];

     dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
          (do something lengthy)
          [mySpinner stopAnimating];

will return control to the run loop, which will schedule UI updating, starting the spinner, then will get the next thing off the dispatch queue, which is your actual processing. When your processing is done, the animation stop is called, and you return to the run loop, where the UI then gets updated with the stop.

How to get mouse position in jQuery without mouse-events?

I used this method:

$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    window.x = e.pageX;
    window.y = e.pageY;

function show_popup(str) {
    $("#popup").css("top", y);
    $("#popup").css("left", x);

In this way I'll always have the distance from the top saved in y and the distance from the left saved in x.

Convert RGB values to Integer

if r, g, b = 3 integer values from 0 to 255 for each color


rgb = 65536 * r + 256 * g + b;

the single rgb value is the composite value of r,g,b combined for a total of 16777216 possible shades.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0


That'll clear the stored data. Then refresh and things should start to work.

How do I tell Matplotlib to create a second (new) plot, then later plot on the old one?

When you call figure, simply number the plot.

x = arange(5)
y = np.exp(5)
plt.plot(x, y)

z = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, z)

w = np.cos(x)
plt.figure(0) # Here's the part I need
plt.plot(x, w)

Edit: Note that you can number the plots however you want (here, starting from 0) but if you don't provide figure with a number at all when you create a new one, the automatic numbering will start at 1 ("Matlab Style" according to the docs).

Setting up Gradle for api 26 (Android)

Appears to be resolved by Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4 and Gradle 3.0.0-alpha4.

How to view an HTML file in the browser with Visual Studio Code

For Mac - Opens in Chrome - Tested on VS Code v 1.9.0

  1. Use Command + shift + p to open the Command Palette.

enter image description here

  1. Type in Configure Task Runner, the first time you do this, VS Code will give you the scroll down menu, if it does select "Other." If you have done this before, VS Code will just send you directly to tasks.json.

  2. Once in the tasks.json file. Delete the script displayed and replace it by the following:

    "version": "0.1.0",
    "command": "Chrome",
    "osx": {
        "command": "/Applications/Google Chrome"
    "args": ["${file}"]
  1. Switch back to your html file and press Command + Shift + b to view your page in Chrome.

Convert canvas to PDF

So for today, jspdf-1.5.3. To answer the question of having the pdf file page exactly same as the canvas. After many tries of different combinations, I figured you gotta do something like this. We first need to set the height and width for the output pdf file with correct orientation, otherwise the sides might be cut off. Then we get the dimensions from the 'pdf' file itself, if you tried to use the canvas's dimensions, the sides might be cut off again. I am not sure why that happens, my best guess is the jsPDF convert the dimensions in other units in the library.

  // Download button
  $("#download-image").on('click', function () {
    let width = __CANVAS.width; 
    let height = __CANVAS.height;

    //set the orientation
    if(width > height){
      pdf = new jsPDF('l', 'px', [width, height]);
      pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'px', [height, width]);
    //then we get the dimensions from the 'pdf' file itself
    width = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
    height = pdf.internal.pageSize.getHeight();
    pdf.addImage(__CANVAS, 'PNG', 0, 0,width,height);"download.pdf");

Learnt about switching orientations from here:

How to set up a Web API controller for multipart/form-data

I normally use the HttpPostedFileBase parameter only in Mvc Controllers. When dealing with ApiControllers try checking the HttpContext.Current.Request.Files property for incoming files instead:

public string UploadFile()
    var file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count > 0 ?
        HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0] : null;

    if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
        var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

        var path = Path.Combine(


    return file != null ? "/uploads/" + file.FileName : null;

Android: I am unable to have ViewPager WRAP_CONTENT

From Popcorn time android app's source code I found this solution which dynamically adjusts size of viewpager with nice animation depending on the size of current child.

public class WrappingViewPager extends ViewPager {

    private Boolean mAnimStarted = false;

    public WrappingViewPager(Context context) {

    public WrappingViewPager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs){
        super(context, attrs);

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

        if(!mAnimStarted && null != getAdapter()) {
            int height = 0;
            View child = ((FragmentPagerAdapter) getAdapter()).getItem(getCurrentItem()).getView();
            if (child != null) {
                child.measure(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
                height = child.getMeasuredHeight();
                if (VersionUtils.isJellyBean() && height < getMinimumHeight()) {
                    height = getMinimumHeight();

            // Not the best place to put this animation, but it works pretty good.
            int newHeight = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
            if (getLayoutParams().height != 0 && heightMeasureSpec != newHeight) {
                    final int targetHeight = height;
                    final int currentHeight = getLayoutParams().height;
                    final int heightChange = targetHeight - currentHeight;

                    Animation a = new Animation() {
                        protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
                            if (interpolatedTime >= 1) {
                                getLayoutParams().height = targetHeight;
                            } else {
                                int stepHeight = (int) (heightChange * interpolatedTime);
                                getLayoutParams().height = currentHeight + stepHeight;

                        public boolean willChangeBounds() {
                            return true;

                    a.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
                        public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
                            mAnimStarted = true;

                        public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
                            mAnimStarted = false;

                        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {

                    mAnimStarted = true;
            } else {
                heightMeasureSpec = newHeight;

        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

How to trap on UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints?

You'll want to add a Symbolic Breakpoint. Apple provides an excellent guide on how to do this.

  1. Open the Breakpoint Navigator cmd+7 (cmd+8 in Xcode 9)
  2. Click the Add button in the lower left
  3. Select Add Symbolic Breakpoint...
  4. Where it says Symbol just type in UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints

You can also treat it like any other breakpoint, turning it on and off, adding actions, or log messages.

jquery - check length of input field?

If you mean that you want to enable the submit after the user has typed at least one character, then you need to attach a key event that will check it for you.

Something like:

$("#fbss").keypress(function() {
    if($(this).val().length > 1) {
         // Enable submit button
    } else {
         // Disable submit button

Laravel Fluent Query Builder Join with subquery

I can't comment because my reputation is not high enough. @Franklin Rivero if you are using Laravel 5.2 you can set the bindings on the main query instead of the join using the setBindings method.

So the main query in @ph4r05's answer would look something like this:

$q = DnsResult::query()
    ->from($dnsTable . ' AS s')
        DB::raw('(' . $qqSql. ') AS ss'),
        function(JoinClause $join) {
            $join->on('s.watch_id', '=', 'ss.watch_id')
                 ->on('s.last_scan_at', '=', 'ss.last_scan');

Save each sheet in a workbook to separate CSV files

Please look into Von Pookie's answer, all credits to him/her.

 Sub asdf()
Dim ws As Worksheet, newWb As Workbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("EID Upload", "Wages with Locals Upload", "Wages without Local Upload"))
   Set newWb = ActiveWorkbook
   With newWb
      .SaveAs ws.Name, xlCSV
      .Close (False)
   End With
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sequelize OR condition object

In Sequelize version 5 you might also can use this way (full use Operator Sequelize) :

var condition = 
  [Op.or]: [ 
     LastName: {
      [Op.eq]: "Doe"
     FirstName: {
      [Op.or]: ["John", "Jane"]
        []: 18

And then, you must include this :

const Op = require('Sequelize').Op

and pass it in :


It could beautifully generate SQL like this :

"SELECT * FROM Student WHERE LastName='Doe' OR FirstName in ("John","Jane") OR Age>18"

How to add and remove item from array in components in Vue 2

You can use Array.push() for appending elements to an array.

For deleting, it is best to use this.$delete(array, index) for reactive objects.

Vue.delete( target, key ): Delete a property on an object. If the object is reactive, ensure the deletion triggers view updates. This is primarily used to get around the limitation that Vue cannot detect property deletions, but you should rarely need to use it.

Maven error "Failure to transfer..."

Give correct maven setting.xml path in eclipse.

  • Windows --> Preference --> Maven --> User Settings

Enter correct setting.xml path in user settings text box

How to encode the plus (+) symbol in a URL

In order to encode + value using JavaScript, you can use encodeURIComponent function.


var url = "+11";
var encoded_url = encodeURIComponent(url);

How to get screen width without (minus) scrollbar?

Here is what I use

function windowSizes(){
    var e = window,
        a = 'inner';
    if (!('innerWidth' in window)) {
        a = 'client';
        e = document.documentElement || document.body;
    return {
        width: e[a + 'Width'],
        height: e[a + 'Height']

$(window).on('resize', function () {
    console.log( windowSizes().width,windowSizes().height );

How do I center content in a div using CSS?

with all the adjusting css. if possible, wrap it with a table with height and width as 100% and td set it to vertical align to middle, text-align to center

Squaring all elements in a list

You could use a list comprehension:

def square(list):
    return [i ** 2 for i in list]

Or you could map it:

def square(list):
    return map(lambda x: x ** 2, list)

Or you could use a generator. It won't return a list, but you can still iterate through it, and since you don't have to allocate an entire new list, it is possibly more space-efficient than the other options:

def square(list):
    for i in list:
        yield i ** 2

Or you can do the boring old for-loop, though this is not as idiomatic as some Python programmers would prefer:

def square(list):
    ret = []
    for i in list:
        ret.append(i ** 2)
    return ret

How to count string occurrence in string?

You could try this

let count = s.length - s.replace(/is/g, "").length;

Inline JavaScript onclick function

This isn't really recommended, but you can do it all inline like so:

<a href="#" onClick="function test(){ /* Do something */  } test(); return false;"></a>

But I can't think of any situations off hand where this would be better than writing the function somewhere else and invoking it onClick.

Is there a way to follow redirects with command line cURL?

I had a similar problem. I am posting my solution here because I believe it might help one of the commenters.

For me, the obstacle was that the page required a login and then gave me a new URL through javascript. Here is what I had to do:

curl -c cookiejar -g -O -J -L -F "j_username=username" -F "j_password=password" <URL>

Note that j_username and j_password is the name of the fields for my website's login form. You will have to open the source of the webpage to see what the 'name' of the username field and the 'name' of the password field is in your case. After that I go an html file with java script in which the new URL was embedded. After parsing this out just resubmit with the new URL:

curl -c cookiejar -g -O -J -L -F "j_username=username" -F "j_password=password" <NEWURL>

What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

The issue as others have stated more elegantly is that you either have a Cartesian product of the OneToMany columns or you're doing N+1 Selects. Either possible gigantic resultset or chatty with the database, respectively.

I'm surprised this isn't mentioned but this how I have gotten around this issue... I make a semi-temporary ids table. I also do this when you have the IN () clause limitation.

This doesn't work for all cases (probably not even a majority) but it works particularly well if you have a lot of child objects such that the Cartesian product will get out of hand (ie lots of OneToMany columns the number of results will be a multiplication of the columns) and its more of a batch like job.

First you insert your parent object ids as batch into an ids table. This batch_id is something we generate in our app and hold onto.

INSERT INTO temp_ids 
    (product_id, batch_id)
    (SELECT p.product_id, ? 
    FROM product p ORDER BY p.product_id
    LIMIT ? OFFSET ?);

Now for each OneToMany column you just do a SELECT on the ids table INNER JOINing the child table with a WHERE batch_id= (or vice versa). You just want to make sure you order by the id column as it will make merging result columns easier (otherwise you will need a HashMap/Table for the entire result set which may not be that bad).

Then you just periodically clean the ids table.

This also works particularly well if the user selects say 100 or so distinct items for some sort of bulk processing. Put the 100 distinct ids in the temporary table.

Now the number of queries you are doing is by the number of OneToMany columns.

How to make a pure css based dropdown menu?

see this is pure css bases dropdown menu:-


<ul id="menu">
      <li><a href="">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="">About Us</a>
        <li><a href="">The Team</a></li>
        <li><a href="">History</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Vision</a></li>
      <li><a href="">Products</a>
        <li><a href="">Cozy Couch</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Great Table</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Small Chair</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Shiny Shelf</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Invisible Nothing</a></li>
      <li><a href="">Contact</a>
        <li><a href="">Online</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Right Here</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Somewhere Else</a></li>


    font-family: Arial, Verdana;
    font-size: 14px;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;

ul li
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    float: left;

li ul
    display: none;

ul li a 
    display: block;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #ffffff;
    border-top: 1px solid #ffffff;
    padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px;
    background: #2C5463;
    margin-left: 1px;
    white-space: nowrap;

ul li a:hover 
    background: #617F8A;
li:hover ul 
    display: block;
    position: absolute;

li:hover li
    float: none;
    font-size: 11px;

li:hover a 
    background: #617F8A;

li:hover li a:hover 
    background: #95A9B1;

see the demo:-

Getting byte array through input type = file

This is a long post, but I was tired of all these examples that weren't working for me because they used Promise objects or an errant this that has a different meaning when you are using Reactjs. My implementation was using a DropZone with reactjs, and I got the bytes using a framework similar to what is posted at this following site, when nothing else above would work: . There were 2 keys, for me:

  1. You have to get the bytes from the event object, using and during a FileReader's onload function.
  2. I tried various combinations, but in the end, what worked was:

    const bytes ='base64,')[1];

Where e is the event. React requires const, you could use var in plain Javascript. But that gave me the base64 encoded byte string.

So I'm just going to include the applicable lines for integrating this as if you were using React, because that's how I was building it, but try to also generalize this, and add comments where necessary, to make it applicable to a vanilla Javascript implementation - caveated that I did not use it like that in such a construct to test it.

These would be your bindings at the top, in your constructor, in a React framework (not relevant to a vanilla Javascript implementation):

this.uploadFile = this.uploadFile.bind(this);
this.processFile = this.processFile.bind(this);
this.errorHandler = this.errorHandler.bind(this);
this.progressHandler = this.progressHandler.bind(this);

And you'd have onDrop={this.uploadFile} in your DropZone element. If you were doing this without React, this is the equivalent of adding the onclick event handler you want to run when you click the "Upload File" button.

<button onclick="uploadFile(event);" value="Upload File" />

Then the function (applicable lines... I'll leave out my resetting my upload progress indicator, etc.):

    // This is for React, only
      files: event,
    console.log('File count: ' + this.state.files.length);

    // You might check that the "event" has a file & assign it like this 
    // in vanilla Javascript:
    // var files =;
    // if (!files && files.length > 0)
    //     files = (event.dataTransfer ? event.dataTransfer.files : 
    //            event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files);

    // You cannot use "files" as a variable in React, however:
    const in_files = this.state.files;

    // iterate, if files length > 0
    if (in_files.length > 0) {
      for (let i = 0; i < in_files.length; i++) {
      // use this, instead, for vanilla JS:
      // for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        const a = i + 1;
        console.log('in loop, pass: ' + a);
        const f = in_files[i];  // or just files[i] in vanilla JS

        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onerror = this.errorHandler;
        reader.onprogress = this.progressHandler;
        reader.onload = this.processFile(f);

There was this question on that syntax, for vanilla JS, on how to get that file object:

JavaScript/HTML5/jQuery Drag-And-Drop Upload - "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'files' of undefined"

Note that React's DropZone will already put the File object into this.state.files for you, as long as you add files: [], to your this.state = { .... } in your constructor. I added syntax from an answer on that post on how to get your File object. It should work, or there are other posts there that can help. But all that Q/A told me was how to get the File object, not the blob data, itself. And even if I did fileData = new Blob([files[0]]); like in sebu's answer, which didn't include var with it for some reason, it didn't tell me how to read that blob's contents, and how to do it without a Promise object. So that's where the FileReader came in, though I actually tried and found I couldn't use their readAsArrayBuffer to any avail.

You will have to have the other functions that go along with this construct - one to handle onerror, one for onprogress (both shown farther below), and then the main one, onload, that actually does the work once a method on reader is invoked in that last line. Basically you are passing your event.dataTransfer.files[0] straight into that onload function, from what I can tell.

So the onload method calls my processFile() function (applicable lines, only):

processFile(theFile) {
  return function(e) {
    const bytes ='base64,')[1];

And bytes should have the base64 bytes.

Additional functions:

    switch ( {
        alert('File not found.');
        alert('File is not readable.');
        break;    // no operation
        alert('An error occurred reading this file.');

progressHandler(e) {
    if (e.lengthComputable){
      const loaded = Math.round((e.loaded / * 100);
      let zeros = '';

      // Percent loaded in string
      if (loaded >= 0 && loaded < 10) {
        zeros = '00';
      else if (loaded < 100) {
        zeros = '0';

      // Display progress in 3-digits and increase bar length
      document.getElementById("progress").textContent = zeros + loaded.toString();
      document.getElementById("progressBar").style.width = loaded + '%';

And applicable progress indicator markup:

<table id="tblProgress">
      <td><b><span id="progress">000</span>%</b> <span className="progressBar"><span id="progressBar" /></span></td>

And CSS:

.progressBar {
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);
  width: 100%;
  height: 26px;
#progressBar {
  background-color: rgba(87, 184, 208, .5);
  content: '';
  width: 0;
  height: 26px;


Inside processFile(), for some reason, I couldn't add bytes to a variable I carved out in this.state. So, instead, I set it directly to the variable, attachments, that was in my JSON object, RequestForm - the same object as my this.state was using. attachments is an array so I could push multiple files. It went like this:

  const fileArray = [];
  // Collect any existing attachments
  if (RequestForm.state.attachments.length > 0) {
    for (let i=0; i < RequestForm.state.attachments.length; i++) {
  // Add the new one to this.state
  // Update the state
    attachments: fileArray,

Then, because this.state already contained RequestForm:

this.stores = [

I could reference it as this.state.attachments from there on out. React feature that isn't applicable in vanilla JS. You could build a similar construct in plain JavaScript with a global variable, and push, accordingly, however, much easier:

var fileArray = new Array();  // place at the top, before any functions

// Within your processFile():
var newFileArray = [];
if (fileArray.length > 0) {
  for (var i=0; i < fileArray.length; i++) {
// Add the new one
// Now update the global variable
fileArray = newFileArray;

Then you always just reference fileArray, enumerate it for any file byte strings, e.g. var myBytes = fileArray[0]; for the first file.

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?

One part missing in all these explanations is how are Cookies and Session linked- By SessionID cookie. Cookie goes back and forth between client and server - the server links the user (and its session) by session ID portion of the cookie. You can send SessionID via url also (not the best best practice) - in case cookies are disabled by client.

Did I get this right?

Query an XDocument for elements by name at any depth

Following @Francisco Goldenstein answer, I wrote an extension method

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace Mediatel.Framework
    public static class XDocumentHelper
        public static IEnumerable<XElement> DescendantElements(this XDocument xDocument, string nodeName)
            return xDocument.Descendants().Where(p => p.Name.LocalName == nodeName);

Catching an exception while using a Python 'with' statement

Catching an exception while using a Python 'with' statement

The with statement has been available without the __future__ import since Python 2.6. You can get it as early as Python 2.5 (but at this point it's time to upgrade!) with:

from __future__ import with_statement

Here's the closest thing to correct that you have. You're almost there, but with doesn't have an except clause:

with open("a.txt") as f: 
except:                    # <- with doesn't have an except clause.

A context manager's __exit__ method, if it returns False will reraise the error when it finishes. If it returns True, it will suppress it. The open builtin's __exit__ doesn't return True, so you just need to nest it in a try, except block:

    with open("a.txt") as f:
except Exception as error: 

And standard boilerplate: don't use a bare except: which catches BaseException and every other possible exception and warning. Be at least as specific as Exception, and for this error, perhaps catch IOError. Only catch errors you're prepared to handle.

So in this case, you'd do:

>>> try:
...     with open("a.txt") as f:
...         print(f.readlines())
... except IOError as error: 
...     print('oops')

Binding arrow keys in JS/jQuery

You can use jQuery bind:

$(window).bind('keydown', function(e){
    if (e.keyCode == 37) {
    } else if (e.keyCode == 38) {
    } else if (e.keyCode == 39) {
    } else if (e.keyCode == 40) {

php string to int

If you want to leave only numbers - use preg_replace like: (int)preg_replace("/[^\d]+/","",$b).

Reverse a comparator in Java 8

You can use Comparator.reverseOrder() to have a comparator giving the reverse of the natural ordering.

If you want to reverse the ordering of an existing comparator, you can use Comparator.reversed().

Sample code:

Stream.of(1, 4, 2, 5)
    // stream is now [5, 4, 2, 1]

Stream.of("foo", "test", "a")
    // stream is now [test, foo, a], sorted by descending length

How to include js and CSS in JSP with spring MVC

If you using java-based annotation you can do this:

    public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

Where static folder


Populating a ComboBox using C#

but do you not just get your combo box name and then items.add("")?

For instance


Hope this helped :D

Access files stored on Amazon S3 through web browser

You can use a bucket policy to give anonymous users full read access to your objects. Depending on whether you need them to LIST or just perform a GET, you'll want to tweak this. (I.e. permissions for listing the contents of a bucket have the action set to "s3:ListBucket").

Your policy will look something like the following. You can use the S3 console at to upload it.

      "Principal": {
            "AWS": "*"

If you're truly opening up your objects to the world, you'll want to look into setting up CloudWatch rules on your billing so you can shut off permissions to your objects if they become too popular.

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

This is not mentioned in you post but I suspect you are initiating an SSL connection from the browser to Apache, where VirtualHosts are configured, and Apache does a revese proxy to your Tomcat.

There is a serious bug in (some versions ?) of IE that sends the 'wrong' host information in an SSL connection (see EDIT below) and confuses the Apache VirtualHosts. In short the server name presented is the one of the reverse DNS resolution of the IP, not the one in the URL.

The workaround is to have one IP address per SSL virtual hosts/server name. Is short, you must end up with something like

1 server name == 1 IP address == 1 certificate == 1 Apache Virtual Host


Though the conclusion is correct, the identification of the problem is better described here

How to prevent default event handling in an onclick method?

You can catch the event and then block it with preventDefault() -- works with pure Javascript

document.getElementById("xyz").addEventListener('click', function(event){
    /* Do some other things*/

FormData.append("key", "value") is not working

If you are in Chrome you can check the Post Data

Here is How to check the Post data

  1. Go to Network Tab
  2. Look for the Link to which you are sending Post Data
  3. Click on it
  4. In the Headers, you can check Request Payload to check the post data

Chrome's DevTools

Maven: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact

I don't know if this is the answer or not but it might lead you in the right direction...

The command install:install is actually a goal on the maven-install-plugin. This is different than the install maven lifecycle phase.

Maven lifecycle phases are steps in a build which certain plugins can bind themselves to. Many different goals from different plugins may execute when you invoke a single lifecycle phase.

What this boils down to is the command...

mvn clean install

is different from...

mvn clean install:install

The former will run all goals in every cycle leading up to and including the install (like compile, package, test, etc.). The latter will not even compile or package your code, it will just run that one goal. This kinda makes sense, looking at the exception; it talks about:

StarTeamCollisionUtil: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact

Try the former and your error might just go away!

Overriding !important style

If you want to update / add single style in DOM Element style attribute you can use this function:

function setCssTextStyle(el, style, value) {
  var result = RegExp("(?:[;\\s]|^)(" +
      style.replace("-", "\\-") + "\\s*:(.*?)(;|$))")),
  if (result) {
    idx = result.index + result[0].indexOf(result[1]); =, idx) +
      style + ": " + value + ";" + + result[1].length);
  } else { += " " + style + ": " + value + ";";

style.cssText is supported for all major browsers.

Use case example:

var elem = document.getElementById("elementId");
setCssTextStyle(elem, "margin-top", "10px !important");

Here is link to demo

How to change the floating label color of TextInputLayout

This is simple but the developer gets confused due to multiple views having the same attributes in different configurations/namespaces.

In the case of the TextInputLayout we have every time a different view and with params either with TextInputEditText or directly to TextInputLayout.

I was using all the above fixes: But I found that I was using


actually i should be using


As an attribute of TextinputLayout


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:color="@color/black_txt" android:state_enabled="true" />
    <item android:color="@color/black_txt" android:state_selected="true" />
    <item android:color="@color/txtColorGray" android:state_selected="false" />
    <item android:color="@color/txtColorGray" android:state_enabled="false" />

Set content of HTML <span> with Javascript

This is standards compliant and cross-browser safe.


var span = document.getElementById('someID');

while( span.firstChild ) {
    span.removeChild( span.firstChild );
span.appendChild( document.createTextNode("some new content") );

How to tell if JRE or JDK is installed

according to JAVA documentation, the JDK should be installed in this path:


See the uninstall JDK part at

So if you can find such folder then the JDK is installed

How to remove &quot; from my Json in javascript?

i used replace feature in Notepad++ and replaced &quot; (without quotes) with " and result was valid json

How to change a single value in a NumPy array?

Is this what you are after? Just index the element and assign a new value.


array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 150, 11, 12],
       [13, 14, 15, 16]])

How do I change the font-size of an <option> element within <select>?

One solution could be to wrap the options inside optgroup:

optgroup { font-size:40px; }
    <option selected="selected" class="service-small">Service area?</option>
    <option class="service-small">Volunteering</option>
    <option class="service-small">Partnership &amp; Support</option>
    <option class="service-small">Business Services</option>

How do you redirect HTTPS to HTTP?

This has not been tested but I think this should work using mod_rewrite

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteRule (.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

How to get the nth element of a python list or a default if not available

Combining @Joachim's with the above, you could use

next(iter(my_list[index:index+1]), default)


next(iter(range(10)[8:9]), 11)
>>> next(iter(range(10)[12:13]), 11)

Or, maybe more clear, but without the len

my_list[index] if my_list[index:index + 1] else default

Case-Insensitive List Search

You're checking if the result of IndexOf is larger or equal 0, meaning whether the match starts anywhere in the string. Try checking if it's equal to 0:

if (testList.FindAll(x => x.IndexOf(keyword, 
                   StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0).Count > 0)
   Console.WriteLine("Found in list");

Now "goat" and "oat" won't match, but "goat" and "goa" will. To avoid this, you can compare the lenghts of the two strings.

To avoid all this complication, you can use a dictionary instead of a list. They key would be the lowercase string, and the value would be the real string. This way, performance isn't hurt because you don't have to use ToLower for each comparison, but you can still use Contains.

How to open the terminal in Atom?

I didn't want to install a package just for that purpose so I ended up using this in my

spawn = require('child_process').spawn
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'open-terminal', ->
  file = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor().getPath()
  dir = atom.project.getDirectoryForProjectPath(file).path
  spawn 'mate-terminal', ["--working-directory=#{dir}"], {
    detached: true

With that, I could map ctrl-shift-t to the open-terminal command and it opens a mate-terminal.

Java: how to convert HashMap<String, Object> to array

If you are using Java 8+ and need a 2 dimensional Array, perhaps for TestNG data providers, you can try:

    .map(e -> new Object[]{e.getKey(), e.getValue()})

If your Objects are Strings and you need a String[][], try:

    .map(e -> new String[]{e.getKey(), e.getValue().toString()})

How to remove backslash on json_encode() function?

Simpler way would be

$mystring = json_encode($my_json,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

What is :: (double colon) in Python when subscripting sequences?

Python uses the :: to separate the End, the Start, and the Step value.

Use tnsnames.ora in Oracle SQL Developer

I had the same problem, tnsnames.ora worked fine for all other tools but SQL Developer would not use it. I tried all the suggestions on the web I could find, including the solutions on the link provided here.
Nothing worked.

It turns out that the database was caching backup copies of tnsnames.ora like tnsnames.ora.bk2, tnsnames09042811AM4501.bak, tnsnames.ora.bk etc. These files were not readable by the average user.

I suspect sqldeveloper is pattern matching for the name and it was trying to read one of these backup copies and couldn't. So it just fails gracefully and shows nothing in drop down list.

The solution is to make all the files readable or delete or move the backup copies out of the Admin directory.

When is " reset by peer" thrown? Connection reset by peer

In my case, the problem was with PUT requests (GET and POST were passing successfully).

Communication went through VPN tunnel and ssh connection. And there was a firewall with default restrictions on PUT requests... PUT requests haven't been passing throughout, to the server...

Problem was solved after exception was added to the firewall for my IP address.

Creating runnable JAR with Gradle

I checked quite some links for the solution, finally did the below mentioned steps to get it working. I am using Gradle 2.9.

Make the following changes in your build,gradle file :

  1. Mention plugin:

    apply plugin: 'eu.appsatori.fatjar'
  2. Provide the Buildscript:

    buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "eu.appsatori:gradle-fatjar-plugin:0.3"
  3. Provide the Main Class:

    fatJar {
      classifier 'fat'
      manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'my.project.core.MyMainClass'
      exclude 'META-INF/*.DSA', 'META-INF/*.RSA', 'META-INF/*.SF'
  4. Create the fatjar:

    ./gradlew clean fatjar
  5. Run the fatjar from /build/libs/ :

    java -jar MyFatJar.jar

MySQL Data Source not appearing in Visual Studio

i install mysql for visual studio and the problem simply solved.although version of my visual studio is 2012!

Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute

the first time when you are returning your form make sure you pass the model attribute the form requires which can be done by adding the below code

@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String login(Login login)
    return "test";

By default the model attribute name is taken as Bean class's name with first lowercase letter

By doing this the form which expects a backing object naming "login" will be made available to it

after the form is submitted you can do the validation by passing your bean object and bindingresult as the method parameters as shown below

@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String login(    @ModelAttribute("login") Login login,
                        BindingResult result) 

How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client?

This one was a hard nut to crack, so for the record:

To solve this, it required a custom KeyManager and a SSLSocketFactory that uses this custom KeyManager to access the separated KeyStore. I found the base code for this KeyStore and SSLFactory on this excellent blog entry: how-to-dynamically-select-a-certificate-alias-when-invoking-web-services

Then, the specialized SSLSocketFactory needs to be inserted into the WebService context:

service = getWebServicePort(getWSDLLocation());
BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) service; 
bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put("", getCustomSocketFactory()); 

Where the getCustomSocketFactory() returns a SSLSocketFactory created using the method mentioned above. This would only work for JAX-WS RI from the Sun-Oracle impl built into the JDK, given that the string indicating the SSLSocketFactory property is proprietary for this implementation.

At this stage, the JAX-WS service communication is secured through SSL, but if you are loading the WSDL from the same secure server () then you'll have a bootstrap problem, as the HTTPS request to gather the WSDL will not be using the same credentials than the Web Service. I worked around this problem by making the WSDL locally available (file:///...) and dynamically changing the web service endpoint: (a good discussion on why this is needed can be found in this forum)

bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, webServiceLocation); 

Now the WebService gets bootstrapped and is able to communicate through SSL with the server counterpart using a named (alias) Client-Certificate and mutual authentication. ?

CSS to hide INPUT BUTTON value text

overflow:hidden and padding-left are working fine for me.

For Firefox:


For the IEs:


How to select only date from a DATETIME field in MySQL?

Simply You can do

SELECT DATE(date_field) AS date_field FROM table_name

Failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

You can use npm i y-websockets-server and then use the below command

y-websockets-server --port 11000

and here in my case, the port No is 11000.

Download text/csv content as files from server in Angular

$http service returns a promise which has two callback methods as shown below.

$http({method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl'}).
  success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
     var anchor = angular.element('<a/>');
         href: 'data:attachment/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(data),
         target: '_blank',
         download: 'filename.csv'

  error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    // handle error