Programs & Examples On #Mkpinannotationview

MKPinAnnotationView implements an MKAnnotationView to display a push pin and is the only system-provided annotation view.

Can you target an elements parent element using

function getParent(event)

Examples: 1. document.body.addEventListener("click", getParent, false); returns the parent element of the current element that you have clicked.

  1. If you want to use inside any function then pass your event and call the function like this : function yourFunction(event){ var parentElement = getParent(event); }

Compare two objects with .equals() and == operator

Statements a == object2 and a.equals(object2) both will always return false because a is a string while object2 is an instance of MyClass

Expand a random range from 1–5 to 1–7

Here's a solution that fits entirely within integers and is within about 4% of optimal (i.e. uses 1.26 random numbers in {0..4} for every one in {0..6}). The code's in Scala, but the math should be reasonably clear in any language: you take advantage of the fact that 7^9 + 7^8 is very close to 5^11. So you pick an 11 digit number in base 5, and then interpret it as a 9 digit number in base 7 if it's in range (giving 9 base 7 numbers), or as an 8 digit number if it's over the 9 digit number, etc.:

abstract class RNG {
  def apply(): Int

class Random5 extends RNG {
  val rng = new scala.util.Random
  var count = 0
  def apply() = { count += 1 ; rng.nextInt(5) }

class FiveSevener(five: RNG) {
  val sevens = new Array[Int](9)
  var nsevens = 0
  val to9 = 40353607;
  val to8 = 5764801;
  val to7 = 823543;
  def loadSevens(value: Int, count: Int) {
    nsevens = 0;
    var remaining = value;
    while (nsevens < count) {
      sevens(nsevens) = remaining % 7
      remaining /= 7
      nsevens += 1
  def loadSevens {
    var fivepow11 = 0;
    var i=0
    while (i<11) { i+=1 ; fivepow11 = five() + fivepow11*5 }
    if (fivepow11 < to9) { loadSevens(fivepow11 , 9) ; return }
    fivepow11 -= to9
    if (fivepow11 < to8) { loadSevens(fivepow11 , 8) ; return }
    fivepow11 -= to8
    if (fivepow11 < 3*to7) loadSevens(fivepow11 % to7 , 7)
    else loadSevens
  def apply() = {
    if (nsevens==0) loadSevens
    nsevens -= 1

If you paste a test into the interpreter (REPL actually), you get:

scala> val five = new Random5
five: Random5 = Random5@e9c592

scala> val seven = new FiveSevener(five)
seven: FiveSevener = FiveSevener@143c423

scala> val counts = new Array[Int](7)
counts: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

scala> var i=0 ; while (i < 100000000) { counts( seven() ) += 1 ; i += 1 }
i: Int = 100000000

scala> counts
res0: Array[Int] = Array(14280662, 14293012, 14281286, 14284836, 14287188,
14289332, 14283684)

scala> five.count
res1: Int = 125902876

The distribution is nice and flat (within about 10k of 1/7 of 10^8 in each bin, as expected from an approximately-Gaussian distribution).

MySQL Foreign Key Error 1005 errno 150 primary key as foreign key

It's not your specific case, but it's worth noting for anybody else that this error can occur if you try to reference some fields in a table that are not the whole primary key of that table. Obviously this is not allowed.

how to create inline style with :before and :after

You can't. With inline styles you are targeting the element directly. You can't use other selectors there.

What you can do however is define different classes in your stylesheet that define different colours and then add the class to the element.

How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application?

Google Play Developers Console actually gives you the Stack traces from those apps that have crashed and had sent the reports, it has also a very good charts to help you see the information, see example below:

enter image description here

How do I position an image at the bottom of div?

Add relative positioning to the wrapping div tag, then absolutely position the image within it like this:


.div-wrapper {
    position: relative;
    height: 300px;
    width: 300px;

.div-wrapper img {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;


<div class="div-wrapper">
    <img src="blah.png"/>

Now the image sits at the bottom of the div.

conflicting types error when compiling c program using gcc

If you don't declare a function and it only appears after being called, it is automatically assumed to be int, so in your case, you didn't declare

void my_print (char *);
void my_print2 (char *);

before you call it in main, so the compiler assume there are functions which their prototypes are int my_print2 (char *); and int my_print2 (char *); and you can't have two functions with the same prototype except of the return type, so you get the error of conflicting types.

As Brian suggested, declare those two methods before main.

Get current cursor position in a textbox

Here's one possible method.

function isMouseInBox(e) {
  var textbox = document.getElementById('textbox');

  // Box position & sizes
  var boxX = textbox.offsetLeft;
  var boxY = textbox.offsetTop;
  var boxWidth = textbox.offsetWidth;
  var boxHeight = textbox.offsetHeight;

  // Mouse position comes from the 'mousemove' event
  var mouseX = e.pageX;
  var mouseY = e.pageY;
  if(mouseX>=boxX && mouseX<=boxX+boxWidth) {
    if(mouseY>=boxY && mouseY<=boxY+boxHeight){
       // Mouse is in the box
       return true;

document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e){

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

NSE website has changed and the older scripts are semi-optimum to current website. This snippet can gather daily details of security. Details include symbol, security type, previous close, open price, high price, low price, average price, traded quantity, turnover, number of trades, deliverable quantities and ratio of delivered vs traded in percentage. These conveniently presented as list of dictionary form.

Python 3.X version with requests and BeautifulSoup

from requests import get
from csv import DictReader
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from datetime import date
from io import StringIO 

SECURITY_NAME="3MINDIA" # Change this to get quote for another stock
START_DATE= date(2017, 1, 1) # Start date of stock quote data DD-MM-YYYY
END_DATE= date(2017, 9, 14)  # End date of stock quote data DD-MM-YYYY

BASE_URL = "{security}&segmentLink=3&symbolCount=1&series=ALL&dateRange=+&fromDate={start_date}&toDate={end_date}&dataType=PRICEVOLUMEDELIVERABLE"

def getquote(symbol, start, end):
    start = start.strftime("%-d-%-m-%Y")
    end = end.strftime("%-d-%-m-%Y")

    hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
         'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
         'Referer': '',
         'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
         'Accept-Encoding': 'none',
         'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
         'Connection': 'keep-alive'}

    url = BASE_URL.format(security=symbol, start_date=start, end_date=end)
    d = get(url, headers=hdr)
    soup = Soup(d.content, 'html.parser')
    payload = soup.find('div', {'id': 'csvContentDiv'}).text.replace(':', '\n')
    csv = DictReader(StringIO(payload))
    for row in csv:
        print({k:v.strip() for k, v in row.items()})

 if __name__ == '__main__':

Besides this is relatively modular and ready to use snippet.

Get first element in PHP stdObject

Update PHP 7.4

Curly brace access syntax is deprecated since PHP 7.4

Update 2019

Moving on to the best practices of OOPS, @MrTrick's answer must be marked as correct, although my answer provides a hacked solution its not the best method.

Simply iterate its using {}



This way your object is not destroyed and you can easily iterate through object.

For PHP 5.6 and below use this


Both array() and the stdClass objects can be accessed using the current() key() next() prev() reset() end() functions.

So, if your object looks like

object(stdClass)#19 (3) {
  object(stdClass)#20 (22) {
    string(1) "123"

Then you can just do;

$id = reset($obj)->id; //Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

If you need the key for some reason, you can do;

reset($obj); //Ensure that we're at the first element
$key = key($obj);

Hope that works for you. :-) No errors, even in super-strict mode, on PHP 5.4

2022 Update:
After PHP 7.4, using current(), end(), etc functions on objects is deprecated.

In newer versions of PHP, use the ArrayIterator class:

$objIterator = new ArrayIterator($obj);

$id = $objIterator->current()->id; // Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

$key = $objIterator->key(); // and gets the key

Actionbar notification count icon (badge) like Google has

Edit Since version 26 of the support library (or androidx) you no longer need to implement a custom OnLongClickListener to display the tooltip. Simply call this:

TooltipCompat.setTooltipText(menu_hotlist, getString(R.string.hint_show_hot_message));

I'll just share my code in case someone wants something like this: enter image description here

  • layout/menu/menu_actionbar.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <menu xmlns:android="">
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_hotlist"
            android:title="@string/hotlist" />
  • layout/action_bar_notifitcation_icon.xml

    Note style and android:clickable properties. these make the layout the size of a button and make the background gray when touched.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
        <TextView xmlns:android=""
  • drawable-xhdpi/ic_bell.png

    A 64x64 pixel image with 10 pixel wide paddings from all sides. You are supposed to have 8 pixel wide paddings, but I find most default items being slightly smaller than that. Of course, you'll want to use different sizes for different densities.

  • drawable/rounded_square.xml

    Here, #ff222222 (color #222222 with alpha #ff (fully visible)) is the background color of my Action Bar.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <corners android:radius="2dp" />
        <solid android:color="#ffff0000" />
        <stroke android:color="#ff222222" android:width="2dp"/>
  • com/ubergeek42/WeechatAndroid/

    Here we make it clickable and updatable! I created an abstract listener that provides Toast creation on onLongClick, the code was taken from from the sources of ActionBarSherlock.

    private int hot_number = 0;
    private TextView ui_hot = null;
    @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) {
        MenuInflater menuInflater = getSupportMenuInflater();
        menuInflater.inflate(, menu);
        final View menu_hotlist = menu.findItem(;
        ui_hot = (TextView) menu_hotlist.findViewById(;
        new MyMenuItemStuffListener(menu_hotlist, "Show hot message") {
            public void onClick(View v) {
        return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
    // call the updating code on the main thread,
    // so we can call this asynchronously
    public void updateHotCount(final int new_hot_number) {
        hot_number = new_hot_number;
        if (ui_hot == null) return;
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (new_hot_number == 0)
                else {
    static abstract class MyMenuItemStuffListener implements View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener {
        private String hint;
        private View view;
        MyMenuItemStuffListener(View view, String hint) {
            this.view = view;
            this.hint = hint;
        @Override abstract public void onClick(View v);
        @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
            final int[] screenPos = new int[2];
            final Rect displayFrame = new Rect();
            final Context context = view.getContext();
            final int width = view.getWidth();
            final int height = view.getHeight();
            final int midy = screenPos[1] + height / 2;
            final int screenWidth = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
            Toast cheatSheet = Toast.makeText(context, hint, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
            if (midy < displayFrame.height()) {
                cheatSheet.setGravity(Gravity.TOP | Gravity.RIGHT,
                        screenWidth - screenPos[0] - width / 2, height);
            } else {
                cheatSheet.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0, height);
            return true;

Difference between id and name attributes in HTML

Generally, it is assumed that name is always superseded by id. This is true, to some extent, but not for form fields and frame names, practically speaking. For example, with form elements the name attribute is used to determine the name-value pairs to be sent to a server-side program and should not be eliminated. Browsers do not use id in that manner. To be on the safe side, you could use name and id attributes on form elements. So, we would write the following:

<form id="myForm" name="myForm">
     <input type="text" id="userName" name="userName" />

To ensure compatibility, having matching name and id attribute values when both are defined is a good idea. However, be careful—some tags, particularly radio buttons, must have nonunique name values, but require unique id values. Once again, this should reference that id is not simply a replacement for name; they are different in purpose. Furthermore, do not discount the old-style approach, a deep look at modern libraries shows such syntax style used for performance and ease purposes at times. Your goal should always be in favor of compatibility.

Now in most elements, the name attribute has been deprecated in favor of the more ubiquitous id attribute. However, in some cases, particularly form fields (<button>, <input>, <select>, and <textarea>), the name attribute lives on because it continues to be required to set the name-value pair for form submission. Also, we find that some elements, notably frames and links, may continue to use the name attribute because it is often useful for retrieving these elements by name.

There is a clear distinction between id and name. Very often when name continues on, we can set the values the same. However, id must be unique, and name in some cases shouldn’t—think radio buttons. Sadly, the uniqueness of id values, while caught by markup validation, is not as consistent as it should be. CSS implementation in browsers will style objects that share an id value; thus, we may not catch markup or style errors that could affect our JavaScript until runtime.

This is taken from the book JavaScript- The Complete Reference by Thomas-Powell

How to convert comma-separated String to List?

Same result you can achieve using the Splitter class.

var list = Splitter.on(",").splitToList(YourStringVariable)

(written in kotlin)

Any way of using frames in HTML5?

Maybe some AJAX page content injection could be used as an alternative, though I still can't get around why your teacher would refuse to rid the website of frames.

Additionally, is there any specific reason you personally want to us HTML5?

But if not, I believe <iframe>s are still around.

A general tree implementation?


I recommend


from anytree import Node, RenderTree

udo = Node("Udo")
marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo)
lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc)
dan = Node("Dan", parent=udo)
jet = Node("Jet", parent=dan)
jan = Node("Jan", parent=dan)
joe = Node("Joe", parent=dan)


for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(udo):
    print("%s%s" % (pre,
+-- Marc
¦   +-- Lian
+-- Dan
    +-- Jet
    +-- Jan
    +-- Joe

(Node('/Udo/Dan/Jet'), Node('/Udo/Dan/Jan'), Node('/Udo/Dan/Joe'))


anytree has also a powerful API with:

  • simple tree creation
  • simple tree modification
  • pre-order tree iteration
  • post-order tree iteration
  • resolve relative and absolute node paths
  • walking from one node to an other.
  • tree rendering (see example above)
  • node attach/detach hookups

Run a PHP file in a cron job using CPanel

It is actually very simple,

php -q /home/username/public_html/cron/cron.php

Remove shadow below actionbar

For those working on fragments and it disappeared after setting toolbar.getBackground().setAlpha(0); or any disappearance, i think you have to bring your AppBarLayout to the last in the xml, so its Fragment then AppBarLayout then relativelayout/constraint/linear whichever u use.

Inline JavaScript onclick function

This should work

 <a href="#" onclick="function hi(){alert('Hi!')};hi()">click</a>

You may inline any javascript inside the onclick as if you were assigning the method through javascript. I think is just a matter of making code cleaner keeping your js inside a script block

What does the 'export' command do?

export in sh and related shells (such as bash), marks an environment variable to be exported to child-processes, so that the child inherits them.

export is defined in POSIX:

The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.

HashMap and int as key

Use Integer instead.

HashMap<Integer, MyObject> myMap = new HashMap<Integer, MyObject>();

Java will automatically autobox your int primitive values to Integer objects.

Read more about autoboxing from Oracle Java documentations.

Datetime in where clause

select * from tblErrorLog
where errorDate BETWEEN '12/20/2008' AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, '12/20/2008')

Count number of records returned by group by

How about using a COUNT OVER (PARTITION BY {column to group by}) partitioning function in SQL Server?

For example, if you want to group product sales by ItemID and you want a count of each distinct ItemID, simply use:

{columns you want} ,
COUNT(ItemID) OVER (PARTITION BY ItemID) as BandedItemCount ,
{more columns you want}... ,
FROM {MyTable}

If you use this approach, you can leave the GROUP BY out of the picture -- assuming you want to return the entire list (as you might do report banding where you need to know the entire count of items you are going to band without having to display the entire set of data, i.e. Reporting Services).

How to get value by key from JObject?

You can also get the value of an item in the jObject like this:

JToken value;
if (json.TryGetValue(key, out value))

How can I build a recursive function in python?

Recursion in Python works just as recursion in an other language, with the recursive construct defined in terms of itself:

For example a recursive class could be a binary tree (or any tree):

class tree():
    def __init__(self):
        '''Initialise the tree'''
        self.Data = None
        self.Count = 0
        self.LeftSubtree = None
        self.RightSubtree = None

    def Insert(self, data):
        '''Add an item of data to the tree'''
        if self.Data == None:
            self.Data = data
            self.Count += 1
        elif data < self.Data:
            if self.LeftSubtree == None:
                # tree is a recurive class definition
                self.LeftSubtree = tree()
            # Insert is a recursive function
        elif data == self.Data:
            self.Count += 1
        elif data > self.Data:
            if self.RightSubtree == None:
                self.RightSubtree = tree()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    T = tree()
    # The root node
    # Will be put into the left subtree
    # Will be put into the right subtree

As already mentioned a recursive structure must have a termination condition. In this class, it is not so obvious because it only recurses if new elements are added, and only does it a single time extra.

Also worth noting, python by default has a limit to the depth of recursion available, to avoid absorbing all of the computer's memory. On my computer this is 1000. I don't know if this changes depending on hardware, etc. To see yours :

import sys

and to set it :

import sys #(if you haven't already)

edit: I can't guarentee that my binary tree is the most efficient design ever. If anyone can improve it, I'd be happy to hear how

jQuery, simple polling example

(function poll() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        var search = {}
        search["ssn"] = "831-33-6049";
        search["first"] = "Harve";
        search["last"] = "Veum";
        search["gender"] = "M";
        search["street"] = "5017 Ottis Tunnel Apt. 176";
        search["city"] = "Shamrock";
        search["state"] = "OK";
        search["zip"] = "74068";
        search["lat"] = "35.9124";
        search["long"] = "-96.578";
        search["city_pop"] = "111";
        search["job"] = "Higher education careers adviser";
        search["dob"] = "1995-08-14";
        search["acct_num"] = "11220423";
        search["profile"] = "millenials.json";
        search["transnum"] = "9999999";
        search["transdate"] = $("#datepicker").val();
        search["category"] = $("#category").val();
        search["amt"] = $("#amt").val();
        search["row_key"] = "831-33-6049_9999999";

            type : "POST",
            headers : {
                contentType : "application/json"
            contentType : "application/json",
            url : "/stream_more",
            data : JSON.stringify(search),
            dataType : 'json',
            complete : poll,
            cache : false,
            timeout : 600000,
            success : function(data) {
                console.log("SUCCESS : ", data);
                //$("#btn-search").prop("disabled", false);
                // $('#feedback').html("");
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                            '<tr><td>' + data[i].ssn + '</td><td>'
                                    + data[i].transdate + '</td><td>'
                                    + data[i].category + '</td><td>'
                                    + data[i].amt + '</td><td>'
                                    + data[i].purch_prob + '</td><td>'
                                    + data[i].offer + '</td></tr>').html();

            error : function(e) {
                //alert("error" + e);

                var json = "<h4>Ajax Response</h4><pre>" + e.responseText
                        + "</pre>";

                console.log("ERROR : ", e);
                $("#btn-search").prop("disabled", false);


    }, 3000);

Generate preview image from Video file?

Solution #1 (Older) (not recommended)

Firstly install ffmpeg-php project (

And then you can use of this simple code:

$frame = 10;
$movie = 'test.mp4';
$thumbnail = 'thumbnail.png';

$mov = new ffmpeg_movie($movie);
$frame = $mov->getFrame($frame);
if ($frame) {
    $gd_image = $frame->toGDImage();
    if ($gd_image) {
        imagepng($gd_image, $thumbnail);
        echo '<img src="'.$thumbnail.'">';

Description: This project use binary extension .so file, It's very old and last update was for 2008. So, maybe don't works with newer version of FFMpeg or PHP.

Solution #2 (Update 2018) (recommended)

Firstly install PHP-FFMpeg project (
(just run for install: composer require php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg)

And then you can use of this simple code:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$sec = 10;
$movie = 'test.mp4';
$thumbnail = 'thumbnail.png';

$ffmpeg = FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open($movie);
$frame = $video->frame(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds($sec));
echo '<img src="'.$thumbnail.'">';

Description: It's newer and more modern project and works with latest version of FFMpeg and PHP. Note that it's required to proc_open() PHP function.

Getting the value of an attribute in XML

This is more of an xpath question, but like this, assuming the context is the parent element:

<xsl:value-of select="name/@attribute1" />

How to actually search all files in Visual Studio

I think you are talking about ctrl + shift + F, by default it should be on "look in: entire solution" and there you go.

npm - EPERM: operation not permitted on Windows

The simplest and easiest thing to do is simply delete the


And make sure your internet is stable then run:

npm install @amcharts/amcharts4

OR, if you are using yarn

yarn add @amcharts/amcharts4

This worked for me seamlessly.

What is the difference between, and localhost? is normally the IP address assigned to the "loopback" or local-only interface. This is a "fake" network adapter that can only communicate within the same host. It's often used when you want a network-capable application to only serve clients on the same host. A process that is listening on for connections will only receive local connections on that socket.

"localhost" is normally the hostname for the IP address. It's usually set in /etc/hosts (or the Windows equivalent named "hosts" somewhere under %WINDIR%). You can use it just like any other hostname - try "ping localhost" to see how it resolves to has a couple of different meanings, but in this context, when a server is told to listen on that means "listen on every available network interface". The loopback adapter with IP address from the perspective of the server process looks just like any other network adapter on the machine, so a server told to listen on will accept connections on that interface too.

That hopefully answers the IP side of your question. I'm not familiar with Jekyll or Vagrant, but I'm guessing that your port forwarding 8080 => 4000 is somehow bound to a particular network adapter, so it isn't in the path when you connect locally to

Access Control Request Headers, is added to header in AJAX request with jQuery

Because you send custom headers so your CORS request is not a simple request, so the browser first sends a preflight OPTIONS request to check that the server allows your request.

Enter image description here

If you turn on CORS on the server then your code will work. You can also use JavaScript fetch instead (here)

let url=',My-Second-Header';_x000D_
    type: 'POST',_x000D_
    url: url,_x000D_
    headers: {_x000D_
        "My-First-Header":"first value",_x000D_
        "My-Second-Header":"second value"_x000D_
}).done(function(data) {_x000D_
    alert(data[0].request.httpMethod + ' was send - open chrome console> network to see it');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Here is an example configuration which turns on CORS on nginx (nginx.conf file):

location ~ ^/index\.php(/|$) {_x000D_
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin" always;_x000D_
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' always;_x000D_
    if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {_x000D_
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin"; # DO NOT remove THIS LINES (doubled with outside 'if' above)_x000D_
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';_x000D_
        add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000; # cache preflight value for 20 days_x000D_
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';_x000D_
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'My-First-Header,My-Second-Header,Authorization,Content-Type,Accept,Origin';_x000D_
        add_header 'Content-Length' 0;_x000D_
        add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain charset=UTF-8';_x000D_
        return 204;_x000D_

Here is an example configuration which turns on CORS on Apache (.htaccess file)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------_x000D_
# | Cross-domain Ajax requests                                                 |_x000D_
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------_x000D_
# Enable cross-origin Ajax requests._x000D_
# <IfModule mod_headers.c>_x000D_
#    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"_x000D_
# </IfModule>_x000D_
#Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""_x000D_
#Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true"_x000D_
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"_x000D_
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE, PUT"_x000D_
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "My-First-Header,My-Second-Header,Authorization, content-type, csrf-token"

Python if-else short-hand

Try this:

x = a > b and 10 or 11

This is a sample of execution:

>>> a,b=5,7
>>> x = a > b and 10 or 11
>>> print x

is it possible to add colors to python output?

IDLE's console does not support ANSI escape sequences, or any other form of escapes for coloring your output.

You can learn how to talk to IDLE's console directly instead of just treating it like normal stdout and printing to it (which is how it does things like color-coding your syntax), but that's pretty complicated. The idle documentation just tells you the basics of using IDLE itself, and its idlelib library has no documentation (well, there is a single line of documentation—"(New in 2.3) Support library for the IDLE development environment."—if you know where to find it, but that isn't very helpful). So, you need to either read the source, or do a whole lot of trial and error, to even get started.

Alternatively, you can run your script from the command line instead of from IDLE, in which case you can use whatever escape sequences your terminal handles. Most modern terminals will handle at least basic 16/8-color ANSI. Many will handle 16/16, or the expanded xterm-256 color sequences, or even full 24-bit colors. (I believe gnome-terminal is the default for Ubuntu, and in its default configuration it will handle xterm-256, but that's really a question for SuperUser or AskUbuntu.)

Learning to read the termcap entries to know which codes to enter is complicated… but if you only care about a single console—or are willing to just assume "almost everything handles basic 16/8-color ANSI, and anything that doesn't, I don't care about", you can ignore that part and just hardcode them based on, e.g., this page.

Once you know what you want to emit, it's just a matter of putting the codes in the strings before printing them.

But there are libraries that can make this all easier for you. One really nice library, which comes built in with Python, is curses. This lets you take over the terminal and do a full-screen GUI, with colors and spinning cursors and anything else you want. It is a little heavy-weight for simple uses, of course. Other libraries can be found by searching PyPI, as usual.

I do not understand how execlp() works in Linux

this prototype:

  int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg, ...);

Says that execlp ìs a variable argument function. It takes 2 const char *. The rest of the arguments, if any, are the additional arguments to hand over to program we want to run - also char * - all these are C strings (and the last argument must be a NULL pointer)

So, the file argument is the path name of an executable file to be executed. arg is the string we want to appear as argv[0] in the executable. By convention, argv[0] is just the file name of the executable, normally it's set to the same as file.

The ... are now the additional arguments to give to the executable.

Say you run this from a commandline/shell:

$ ls

That'd be execlp("ls", "ls", (char *)NULL); Or if you run

$ ls -l /

That'd be execlp("ls", "ls", "-l", "/", (char *)NULL);

So on to execlp("/bin/sh", ..., "ls -l /bin/??", ...);

Here you are going to the shell, /bin/sh , and you're giving the shell a command to execute. That command is "ls -l /bin/??". You can run that manually from a commandline/shell:

 $ ls -l /bin/??

Now, how do you run a shell and tell it to execute a command ? You open up the documentation/man page for your shell and read it.

What you want to run is:

$ /bin/sh -c "ls -l /bin/??"

This becomes

  execlp("/bin/sh","/bin/sh", "-c", "ls -l /bin/??", (char *)NULL);

Side note: The /bin/?? is doing pattern matching, this pattern matching is done by the shell, and it expands to all files under /bin/ with 2 characters. If you simply did

  execlp("ls","ls", "-l", "/bin/??", (char *)NULL);

Probably nothing would happen (unless there's a file actually named /bin/??) as there's no shell that interprets and expands /bin/??

Return a string method in C#

These answers are all way too complicated!

The way he wrote the method is fine. The problem is where he invoked the method. He did not include parentheses after the method name, so the compiler thought he was trying to get a value from a variable instead of a method.

In Visual Basic and Delphi, those parentheses are optional, but in C#, they are required. So, to correct the last line of the original post:

Console.WriteLine("{0}", x.fullNameMethod());

Get Absolute Position of element within the window in wpf

I think what BrandonS wants is not the position of the mouse relative to the root element, but rather the position of some descendant element.

For that, there is the TransformToAncestor method:

Point relativePoint = myVisual.TransformToAncestor(rootVisual)
                              .Transform(new Point(0, 0));

Where myVisual is the element that was just double-clicked, and rootVisual is Application.Current.MainWindow or whatever you want the position relative to.

CSS: Change image src on img:hover

You can't change img tag's src attribute using CSS. Possible using Javascript onmouseover() event handler.


<img id="my-img" src="" onmouseover='hover()'/>


function hover() {
  document.getElementById("my-img").src = "";

Get the difference between two dates both In Months and days in sql

MsSql Syntax : DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )

Oracle: This will returns number of days

  round(Second_date - First_date)  as Diff_InDays,round ((Second_date - First_date) / (30),1)  as Diff_InMonths,round ((Second_date - First_date) * (60*24),2)  as TimeIn_Minitues
    to_date('01/01/2012 01:30:00 PM','mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am') as First_date
   ,to_date('05/02/2012 01:35:00 PM','mm/dd/yyyy HH:MI:SS AM') as Second_date
  ) result;

Demo :!4/c26e8/36

How to Bulk Insert from XLSX file extension?

It can be done using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard. But if you're familiar with SSIS and don't want to run the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, create an SSIS package that uses the Excel Source and the SQL Server Destination in the data flow.

How to pass data from Javascript to PHP and vice versa?

There's a few ways, the most prominent being getting form data, or getting the query string. Here's one method using JavaScript. When you click on a link it will call the _vals('mytarget', 'theval') which will submit the form data. When your page posts back you can check if this form data has been set and then retrieve it from the form values.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function _vals(target, value){

Alternatively you can get it via the query string. PHP has your _GET and _SET global functions to achieve this making it much easier.

I'm sure there's probably more methods which are better, but these are just a few that spring to mind.

EDIT: Building on this from what others have said using the above method you would have an anchor tag like

<a onclick="_vals('name', 'val')" href="#">My Link</a>

And then in your PHP you can get form data using

$val = $_POST['value'];

So when you click on the link which uses JavaScript it will post form data and when the page posts back from this click you can then retrieve it from the PHP.

Running CMake on Windows

The default generator for Windows seems to be set to NMAKE. Try to use:

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles"

Or use the GUI, and select MinGW Makefiles when prompted for a generator. Don't forget to cleanup the directory where you tried to run CMake, or delete the cache in the GUI. Otherwise, it will try again with NMAKE.

background-image: url("images/plaid.jpg") no-repeat; wont show up

    background: url(images/Untitled-2.fw.png);
background-size: cover;

Kill python interpeter in linux from the terminal

If you want to show the name of processes and kill them by the command of the kill, I recommended using this script to kill all python3 running process and set your ram memory free :

ps auxww | grep 'python3' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

How to use jQuery in AngularJS

This should be working. Please have a look at this fiddle.

$(function() {
   $( "#slider" ).slider();
});//Links to jsfiddle must be accompanied by code

Make sure you're loading the libraries in this order: jQuery, jQuery UI CSS, jQuery UI, AngularJS.

Removing packages installed with go get

You can delete the archive files and executable binaries that go install (or go get) produces for a package with go clean -i importpath.... These normally reside under $GOPATH/pkg and $GOPATH/bin, respectively.

Be sure to include ... on the importpath, since it appears that, if a package includes an executable, go clean -i will only remove that and not archive files for subpackages, like gore/gocode in the example below.

Source code then needs to be removed manually from $GOPATH/src.

go clean has an -n flag for a dry run that prints what will be run without executing it, so you can be certain (see go help clean). It also has a tempting -r flag to recursively clean dependencies, which you probably don't want to actually use since you'll see from a dry run that it will delete lots of standard library archive files!

A complete example, which you could base a script on if you like:

$ go get -u

$ which gore

$ go clean -i -n
cd /Users/ches/src/go/src/
rm -f gore gore.exe gore.test gore.test.exe commands commands.exe commands_test commands_test.exe complete complete.exe complete_test complete_test.exe debug debug.exe helpers_test helpers_test.exe liner liner.exe log log.exe main main.exe node node.exe node_test node_test.exe quickfix quickfix.exe session_test session_test.exe terminal_unix terminal_unix.exe terminal_windows terminal_windows.exe utils utils.exe
rm -f /Users/ches/src/go/bin/gore
cd /Users/ches/src/go/src/
rm -f gocode.test gocode.test.exe
rm -f /Users/ches/src/go/pkg/darwin_amd64/

$ go clean -i

$ which gore

$ tree $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/

0 directories, 0 files

# If that empty directory really bugs you...
$ rmdir $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/

$ rm -rf $GOPATH/src/

Note that this information is based on the go tool in Go version 1.5.1.

How to install a specific JDK on Mac OS X?

I bought a MacBook Pro yesterday (Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion)) and there is no JDK installed by default...

As well as javac, I also found it didn't have packages such as SVN installed. It turns out you can get everything from the Apple developer page (you will need to register with your AppleID). SVN is part of the "Command Line Tools" package.

Enter image description here

This is what happens on a fresh MacBook:

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

Hopefully this will help out other newbies like me ;)

What does this error mean: "error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'type_name'"?

I got it with an import loop:

---FILE B.h
#import "A.h"
@interface B{
  A *a;

---FILE A.h
#import "B.h"
@interface A{      

Can Linux apps be run in Android?

Yes, they can. If you do not have a rooted phone/tablet, then you could download c4droid here to compile your apps. Then, you could download Kevin Boone's KBOX here to run the program.

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect inside batch

set myPATH="C:\Users\DEB\Downloads\"
cd %myPATH%
  • The single quotes do not indicate a string, they make it starts: 'C:\ instead of C:\ so

  • %name% is the usual syntax for expanding a variable, the !name! syntax needs to be enabled using the command setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION first, or by running the command prompt with CMD /V:ON.

  • Don't use PATH as your name, it is a system name that contains all the locations of executable programs. If you overwrite it, random bits of your script will stop working. If you intend to change it, you need to do set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\DEB\Downloads\ to keep the current PATH content, and add something to the end.

Converting VS2012 Solution to VS2010

Simple solution which worked for me.

  1. Install Vim editor for windows.
  2. Open VS 2012 project solution using Vim editor and modify the version targetting Visual studio solution 10.
  3. Open solution with Visual studio 2010.. and continue with your work ;)

MySql: Tinyint (2) vs tinyint(1) - what is the difference?

About the INT, TINYINT... These are different data types, INT is 4-byte number, TINYINT is 1-byte number. More information here - INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, MEDIUMINT, BIGINT.

The syntax of TINYINT data type is TINYINT(M), where M indicates the maximum display width (used only if your MySQL client supports it).

Numeric Type Attributes.

How to disable the resize grabber of <textarea>?

Just use resize: none

textarea {
   resize: none;

You can also decide to resize your textareas only horizontal or vertical, this way:

textarea { resize: vertical; }

textarea { resize: horizontal; }

Finally, resize: both enables the resize grabber.

Can I read the hash portion of the URL on my server-side application (PHP, Ruby, Python, etc.)?

I think the hash-value is only used client-side, so you can't get it with php.

you could redirect it with javascript to php though.

Run C++ in command prompt - Windows

  • first Command is :

g++ -o program file_name.cpp

  • Second command is :


Let us Check this image

Python: avoiding pylint warnings about too many arguments

I came across the same nagging error, which I realized has something to do with a cool feature PyCharm automatically detects...just add the @staticmethod decorator, and it will automatically remove that error where the method is used

Disabled href tag

We can't disable it directly but we can do the following:

  1. add type="button".
  2. remove the href="" attribute.
  3. add disabled attribute so it shows that it's disabled by changing the cursor and it becomes dimmed.

example in PHP:

  <a type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" disabled> EDIT
  <a href="index.php" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"> EDIT

What's the best way to add a drop shadow to my UIView

Try this:

UIBezierPath *shadowPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:view.bounds];
view.layer.masksToBounds = NO;
view.layer.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0f, 5.0f);
view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5f;
view.layer.shadowPath = shadowPath.CGPath;

First of all: The UIBezierPath used as shadowPath is crucial. If you don't use it, you might not notice a difference at first, but the keen eye will observe a certain lag occurring during events like rotating the device and/or similar. It's an important performance tweak.

Regarding your issue specifically: The important line is view.layer.masksToBounds = NO. It disables the clipping of the view's layer's sublayers that extend further than the view's bounds.

For those wondering what the difference between masksToBounds (on the layer) and the view's own clipToBounds property is: There isn't really any. Toggling one will have an effect on the other. Just a different level of abstraction.

Swift 2.2:

override func layoutSubviews()

    let shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds)
    layer.masksToBounds = false
    layer.shadowColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0, 5.0)
    layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
    layer.shadowPath = shadowPath.CGPath

Swift 3:

override func layoutSubviews()

    let shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds)
    layer.masksToBounds = false
    layer.shadowColor =
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 5.0)
    layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
    layer.shadowPath = shadowPath.cgPath

push object into array

Create an array of object like this:

var nietos = [];
nietos.push({"01": nieto.label, "02": nieto.value});
return nietos;

First you create the object inside of the push method and then return the newly created array.

Removing elements from an array in C

I usually do this and works always.

/try this/

for (i = res; i < *size-1; i++) { 

    arrb[i] = arrb[i + 1];

*size = *size - 1; /*in some ides size -- could give problems*/

How to make a text box have rounded corners?

This can be done with CSS3:

<input type="text" />

  -moz-border-radius: 15px;
 border-radius: 15px;
    border:solid 1px black;

However, an alternative would be to put the input inside a div with a rounded background, and no border on the input

Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

If you're using Python3, you can try changing your (connection.json file) JSON to:

  "connection1": {
    "DSN": "con1",
    "UID": "abc",
    "PWD": "1234",
  "connection2": {
    "DSN": "con2",
    "UID": "def",
    "PWD": "1234"

Then using the following code:

connection_file = open('connection.json', 'r')
conn_string = json.load(connection_file)
>>> test1

In Tensorflow, get the names of all the Tensors in a graph

There is a way to do it slightly faster than in Yaroslav's answer by using get_operations. Here is a quick example:

import tensorflow as tf

a = tf.constant(1.3, name='const_a')
b = tf.Variable(3.1, name='variable_b')
c = tf.add(a, b, name='addition')
d = tf.multiply(c, a, name='multiply')

for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations():

Spring AMQP + RabbitMQ 3.3.5 ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN

I was facing this issue due to empty space at the end of the password(spring.rabbitmq.password=rabbit ) in spring boot got resolved on removing the empty space. Hope this checklist helps some one facing this issue.

in a "using" block is a SqlConnection closed on return or exception?

In your first example, the C# compiler will actually translate the using statement to the following:

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString));


    string storedProc = "GetData";
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(storedProc, connection);
    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", employeeID));

    return (byte[])command.ExecuteScalar();

Finally statements will always get called before a function returns and so the connection will be always closed/disposed.

So, in your second example the code will be compiled to the following:


        string storedProc = "GetData";
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(storedProc, connection);
        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", employeeID));

        return (byte[])command.ExecuteScalar();
catch (Exception)

The exception will be caught in the finally statement and the connection closed. The exception will not be seen by the outer catch clause.

Remove items from one list in another

As Except does not modify the list, you can use ForEach on List<T>:

list2.ForEach(item => list1.Remove(item));

It may not be the most efficient way, but it is simple, therefore readable, and it updates the original list (which is my requirement).

What is Ad Hoc Query?

An Ad-Hoc Query is a query that cannot be determined prior to the moment the query is issued. It is created in order to get information when need arises and it consists of dynamically constructed SQL which is usually constructed by desktop-resident query tools.


How to exit a 'git status' list in a terminal?

for windows :

Ctrl + q and c for exit the running situation .

adding text to an existing text element in javascript via DOM

What about this.

var p = document.getElementById("p")_x000D_
p.innerText = p.innerText+" And this is addon."
<p id ="p">This is some text</p>

AngularJS: How do I manually set input to $valid in controller?

I came across this post w/a similar issue. My fix was to add a hidden field to hold my invalid state for me.

<input type="hidden" ng-model="vm.application.isValid" required="" />

In my case I had a nullable bool which a person had to select one of two different buttons. if they answer yes, an entity is added to the collection and the state of the button changes. Until all of the questions get answered, (one of the buttons in each of the pairs has a click) the form is not valid.

vm.hasHighSchool = function (attended) { 
  vm.application.hasHighSchool = attended;
  applicationSvc.addSchool(attended, 1, vm.application);
<input type="hidden" ng-model="vm.application.hasHighSchool" required="" />
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-lg-3"><label>Did You Attend High School?</label><label class="required" ng-hide="vm.application.hasHighSchool != undefined">*</label></div>
  <div class="col-lg-2">
    <button value="Yes" title="Yes" ng-click="vm.hasHighSchool(true)" class="btn btn-default" ng-class="{'btn-success': vm.application.hasHighSchool == true}">Yes</button>
    <button value="No" title="No" ng-click="vm.hasHighSchool(false)" class="btn btn-default" ng-class="{'btn-success':  vm.application.hasHighSchool == false}">No</button>

SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

If the column has a 0 value, you are fine, my guess is that you have a problem with a Null value, in that case you would need to use IsNull(Column, 0) to ensure it is always 0 at minimum.

Parsing arguments to a Java command line program

You could just do it manually.

NB: might be better to use a HashMap instead of an inner class for the opts.

/** convenient "-flag opt" combination */
private class Option {
     String flag, opt;
     public Option(String flag, String opt) { this.flag = flag; this.opt = opt; }

static public void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>();  
    List<Option> optsList = new ArrayList<Option>();
    List<String> doubleOptsList = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        switch (args[i].charAt(0)) {
        case '-':
            if (args[i].length < 2)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid argument: "+args[i]);
            if (args[i].charAt(1) == '-') {
                if (args[i].length < 3)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid argument: "+args[i]);
                // --opt
                doubleOptsList.add(args[i].substring(2, args[i].length));
            } else {
                if (args.length-1 == i)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected arg after: "+args[i]);
                // -opt
                optsList.add(new Option(args[i], args[i+1]));
            // arg
    // etc

Getting Date or Time only from a DateTime Object

var day = value.Date; // a DateTime that will just be whole days
var time = value.TimeOfDay; // a TimeSpan that is the duration into the day

How do I assert equality on two classes without an equals method?

This is a generic compare method , that compares two objects of a same class for its values of it fields(keep in mind those are accessible by get method)

public static <T> void compare(T a, T b) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
    AssertionError error = null;
    Class A = a.getClass();
    Class B = a.getClass();
    for (Method mA : A.getDeclaredMethods()) {
        if (mA.getName().startsWith("get")) {
            Method mB = B.getMethod(mA.getName(),null );
            try {
                Assert.assertEquals("Not Matched = ",mA.invoke(a),mB.invoke(b));
            }catch (AssertionError e){
                    error = new AssertionError(e);
                else {
        throw error ;

Go build: "Cannot find package" (even though GOPATH is set)

Edit: since you meant GOPATH, see fasmat's answer (upvoted)

As mentioned in "How do I make go find my package?", you need to put a package xxx in a directory xxx.

See the Go language spec:

package math

A set of files sharing the same PackageName form the implementation of a package.
An implementation may require that all source files for a package inhabit the same directory.

The Code organization mentions:

When building a program that imports the package "widget" the go command looks for src/pkg/widget inside the Go root, and then—if the package source isn't found there—it searches for src/widget inside each workspace in order.

(a "workspace" is a path entry in your GOPATH: that variable can reference multiple paths for your 'src, bin, pkg' to be)

(Original answer)

You also should set GOPATH to ~/go, not GOROOT, as illustrated in "How to Write Go Code".

The Go path is used to resolve import statements. It is implemented by and documented in the go/build package.

The GOPATH environment variable lists places to look for Go code.
On Unix, the value is a colon-separated string.
On Windows, the value is a semicolon-separated string.
On Plan 9, the value is a list.

That is different from GOROOT:

The Go binary distributions assume they will be installed in /usr/local/go (or c:\Go under Windows), but it is possible to install them in a different location.
If you do this, you will need to set the GOROOT environment variable to that directory when using the Go tools.

Calculate a Running Total in SQL Server

Here are 2 simple ways to calculate running total:

Approach 1: It can be written this way if your DBMS supports Analytical Functions

SELECT     id
           ,runningtotal = SUM(somevalue) OVER (ORDER BY somedate ASC)
FROM       TestTable

Approach 2: You can make use of OUTER APPLY if your database version / DBMS itself does not support Analytical Functions

           ,runningtotal = OA.runningtotal
FROM       TestTable T
           OUTER APPLY (
                           SELECT   runningtotal = SUM(TI.somevalue)
                           FROM     TestTable TI
                           WHERE    TI.somedate <= S.somedate
                       ) OA;

Note:- If you have to calculate the running total for different partitions separately, it can be done as posted here: Calculating Running totals across rows and grouping by ID

Keep placeholder text in UITextField on input in IOS

Instead of using the placeholder text, you'll want to set the actual text property of the field to MM/YYYY, set the delegate of the text field and listen for this method:

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {     // update the text of the label } 

Inside that method, you can figure out what the user has typed as they type, which will allow you to update the label accordingly.

java.lang.Exception: No runnable methods exception in running JUnits

I got this error because I didn't create my own test suite correctly:

Here is how I did it correctly:

Put this in

public class Foobar{
    public int getfifteen(){
        return 15;

Put this in

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FoobarTest {
    public void mytest() {
        Foobar f = new Foobar();

    public static junit.framework.Test suite(){
       return new JUnit4TestAdapter(FoobarTest.class);

Download junit4-4.8.2.jar I used the one from here:

Compile it:

javac -cp .:./libs/junit4-4.8.2.jar

Run it:

el@failbox /home/el $ java -cp .:./libs/* org.junit.runner.JUnitCore FoobarTest
JUnit version 4.8.2
Time: 0.009    
OK (1 test)

One test passed.

how to remove new lines and returns from php string?

Replace a string :

$str = str_replace("\n", '', $str);

u using also like, (%n, %t, All Special characters, numbers, char,. etc)

which means any thing u can replace in a string.

Send and Receive a file in socket programming in Linux with C/C++ (GCC/G++)

Do aman 2 sendfile. You only need to open the source file on the client and destination file on the server, then call sendfile and the kernel will chop and move the data.

master branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, how to 'undiverge' branches'?

git pull --rebase origin/master 

is a single command that can help you most of the time.

Edit: Pulls the commits from the origin/master and applies your changes upon the newly pulled branch history.

How do I create a singleton service in Angular 2?

From Angular@6, you can have providedIn in an Injectable.

  providedIn: 'root'
export class UserService {


Check the docs here

There are two ways to make a service a singleton in Angular:

  1. Declare that the service should be provided in the application root.
  2. Include the service in the AppModule or in a module that is only imported by the AppModule.

Beginning with Angular 6.0, the preferred way to create a singleton services is to specify on the service that it should be provided in the application root. This is done by setting providedIn to root on the service's @Injectable decorator:

How to test for $null array in PowerShell

It's an array, so you're looking for Count to test for contents.

I'd recommend

$foo.count -gt 0

The "why" of this is related to how PSH handles comparison of collection objects

Compare data of two Excel Columns A & B, and show data of Column A that do not exist in B

Put this in C2 and copy down

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,$B$2:$B$65535,1,FALSE)),"not in B","")

Then if the value in A isn't in B the cell in column C will say "not in B".

jQuery.animate() with css class only, without explicit styles

The jQueryUI provides a extension to animate function that allows you to animate css class.

edit: Example here

There are also methods to add/remove/toggle class which you might also be interested in.

Is it possible to specify condition in Count()?

Assuming you do not want to restrict the rows that are returned because you are aggregating other values as well, you can do it like this:

select count(case when Position = 'Manager' then 1 else null end) as ManagerCount
from ...

Let's say within the same column you had values of Manager, Supervisor, and Team Lead, you could get the counts of each like this:

select count(case when Position = 'Manager' then 1 else null end) as ManagerCount,
    count(case when Position = 'Supervisor' then 1 else null end) as SupervisorCount,
    count(case when Position = 'Team Lead' then 1 else null end) as TeamLeadCount,
from ...

Performing Breadth First Search recursively

Here is a JavaScript Implementation that fakes Breadth First Traversal with Depth First recursion. I'm storing the node values at each depth inside an array, inside of a hash. If a level already exists(we have a collision), so we just push to the array at that level. You could use an array instead of a JavaScript object as well since our levels are numeric and can serve as array indices. You can return nodes, values, convert to a Linked List, or whatever you want. I'm just returning values for the sake of simplicity.

BinarySearchTree.prototype.breadthFirstRec = function() {

    var levels = {};

    var traverse = function(current, depth) {
        if (!current) return null;
        if (!levels[depth]) levels[depth] = [current.value];
        else levels[depth].push(current.value);
        traverse(current.left, depth + 1);
        traverse(current.right, depth + 1);

    traverse(this.root, 0);
    return levels;

var bst = new BinarySearchTree();
bst.add(20, 22, 8, 4, 12, 10, 14, 24);
console.log('Recursive Breadth First: ', bst.breadthFirstRec());
/*Recursive Breadth First:  
{ '0': [ 20 ],
  '1': [ 8, 22 ],
  '2': [ 4, 12, 24 ],
  '3': [ 10, 14 ] } */

Here is an example of actual Breadth First Traversal using an iterative approach.

BinarySearchTree.prototype.breadthFirst = function() {

    var result = '',
        queue = [],
        current = this.root;

    if (!current) return null;

    while (current = queue.shift()) {
        result += current.value + ' ';
        current.left && queue.push(current.left);
        current.right && queue.push(current.right);
    return result;

console.log('Breadth First: ', bst.breadthFirst());
//Breadth First:  20 8 22 4 12 24 10 14

How to Decode Json object in laravel and apply foreach loop on that in laravel

your string is NOT a valid json to start with.

a valid json will be,

    "area": [
            "area": "kothrud"
            "area": "katraj"

if you do a json_decode, it will yield,

stdClass Object
    [area] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [area] => kothrud

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [area] => katraj



Update: to use

$string = '

    "area": [
            "area": "kothrud"
            "area": "katraj"

            $area = json_decode($string, true);

            foreach($area['area'] as $i => $v)
                echo $v['area'].'<br/>';



Update #2:

for that true:

When TRUE, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays. for more information, click here

How to move a git repository into another directory and make that directory a git repository?

It's very simple. Git doesn't care about what's the name of its directory. It only cares what's inside. So you can simply do:

# copy the directory into newrepo dir that exists already (else create it)
$ cp -r gitrepo1 newrepo

# remove .git from old repo to delete all history and anything git from it
$ rm -rf gitrepo1/.git

Note that the copy is quite expensive if the repository is large and with a long history. You can avoid it easily too:

# move the directory instead
$ mv gitrepo1 newrepo

# make a copy of the latest version
# Either:
$ mkdir gitrepo1; cp -r newrepo/* gitrepo1/  # doesn't copy .gitignore (and other hidden files)

# Or:
$ git clone --depth 1 newrepo gitrepo1; rm -rf gitrepo1/.git

# Or (look further here:
$ git archive --format=tar --remote=<repository URL> HEAD | tar xf -

Once you create newrepo, the destination to put gitrepo1 could be anywhere, even inside newrepo if you want it. It doesn't change the procedure, just the path you are writing gitrepo1 back.

Basic HTTP authentication with Node and Express 4

I used the code for the original basicAuth to find the answer:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    var user = auth(req);

    if (user === undefined || user['name'] !== 'username' || user['pass'] !== 'password') {
        res.statusCode = 401;
        res.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="MyRealmName"');
    } else {

Best way to check for nullable bool in a condition expression (if ...)

Another way is to use constant pattern matching:

if (nullableBool is true) {}
if (nullableBool is false) {}
if (nullableBool is null) {}

Unlike the operator ==, when reading the code, this will distinguish the nullable type check from ordinary "code with a smell".

How to set HTML Auto Indent format on Sublime Text 3?

This is an adaptation of the above answer, but should be more complete.

To be clear, this is to re-introduce previous auto-indent features when HTML files are open in Sublime Text. So when you finish a tag, it automatically indents for the next element.

Windows Users

Go to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages extract HTML.sublime-package as if it is a zip file to a directory.

Open Miscellaneous.tmPreferences and copy this contents into the file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Then re-zip the file as HTML.sublime-package and replace the existing HTML.sublime-package with the one you just created.

Close and open Sublime Text 3 and you're done!

How do I fetch only one branch of a remote Git repository?

If you want to change the default for "git pull" and "git fetch" to only fetch specific branches then you can edit .git/config so that the remote config looks like:

[remote "origin"]
  fetch = +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master

This will only fetch master from origin by default. See for more info:

EDIT: Just realized this is the same thing that the -t option does for git remote add. At least this is a nice way to do it after the remote is added if you don't want ot delete the remote and add it again using -t.

Best way to do a split pane in HTML

Improving on Reza's answer:

  • prevent the browser from interfering with a drag
  • prevent setting an element to a negative size
  • prevent drag getting out of sync with the mouse due to incremental delta interaction with element width saturation


.splitter {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100px;
    display: flex;

#separator {
    cursor: col-resize;
    background-color: #aaa;
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='10' height='30'><path d='M2 0 v30 M5 0 v30 M8 0 v30' fill='none' stroke='black'/></svg>");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    width: 10px;
    height: 100%;

    /* Prevent the browser's built-in drag from interfering */
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

#first {
    background-color: #dde;
    width: 20%;
    height: 100%;
    min-width: 10px;

#second {
    background-color: #eee;
    width: 80%;
    height: 100%;
    min-width: 10px;


<div class="splitter">
    <div id="first"></div>
    <div id="separator" ></div>
    <div id="second" ></div>


// A function is used for dragging and moving
function dragElement(element, direction)
    var   md; // remember mouse down info
    const first  = document.getElementById("first");
    const second = document.getElementById("second");

    element.onmousedown = onMouseDown;

    function onMouseDown(e)
        //console.log("mouse down: " + e.clientX);
        md = {e,
              offsetLeft:  element.offsetLeft,
              offsetTop:   element.offsetTop,
              firstWidth:  first.offsetWidth,
              secondWidth: second.offsetWidth

        document.onmousemove = onMouseMove;
        document.onmouseup = () => {
            //console.log("mouse up");
            document.onmousemove = document.onmouseup = null;

    function onMouseMove(e)
        //console.log("mouse move: " + e.clientX);
        var delta = {x: e.clientX - md.e.clientX,
                     y: e.clientY - md.e.clientY};

        if (direction === "H" ) // Horizontal
            // Prevent negative-sized elements
            delta.x = Math.min(Math.max(delta.x, -md.firstWidth),

   = md.offsetLeft + delta.x + "px";
   = (md.firstWidth + delta.x) + "px";
   = (md.secondWidth - delta.x) + "px";

dragElement( document.getElementById("separator"), "H" );


Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

Google provides a library called the Room Persitence Library which provides a very clean way of writing SQL for Android Apps, basically an abstraction layer over underlying SQLite Database. Bellow is short code snippet from the official website:

public interface UserDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM user")
    List<User> getAll();

    @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid IN (:userIds)")
    List<User> loadAllByIds(int[] userIds);

    @Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE first_name LIKE :first AND "
           + "last_name LIKE :last LIMIT 1")
    User findByName(String first, String last);

    void insertAll(User... users);

    void delete(User user);

There are more examples and better documentation in the official docs for the library.

There is also one called MentaBean which is a Java ORM. It has nice features and seems to be pretty simple way of writing SQL.

How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android?

If you are working with Android's MediaStore database, here is how to store an image and then display it after it is saved.

on button click write this

 Intent in = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
            in.putExtra("crop", "true");
            in.putExtra("outputX", 100);
            in.putExtra("outputY", 100);
            in.putExtra("scale", true);
            in.putExtra("return-data", true);

            startActivityForResult(in, 1);

then do this in your activity

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

        if (requestCode == 1 && resultCode == RESULT_OK && data != null) {

            Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data");


            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
            byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
            String encodedImageString = Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.DEFAULT);

            byte[] bytarray = Base64.decode(encodedImageString, Base64.DEFAULT);
            Bitmap bmimage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytarray, 0,



Extract a page from a pdf as a jpeg

from pdf2image import convert_from_path
import glob

pdf_dir = glob.glob(r'G:\personal\pdf\*')  #your pdf folder path
img_dir = "G:\\personal\\img\\"           #your dest img path

for pdf_ in pdf_dir:
    pages = convert_from_path(pdf_, 500)
    for page in pages:"\\")[-1][:-3]+"jpg", 'JPEG')

Linux Script to check if process is running and act on the result

Programs to monitor if a process on a system is running.

Script is stored in crontab and runs once every minute.

This works with if process is not running or process is running multiple times:

#! /bin/bash

case "$(pidof amadeus.x86 | wc -w)" in

0)  echo "Restarting Amadeus:     $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
    /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
1)  # all ok
*)  echo "Removed double Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
    kill $(pidof amadeus.x86 | awk '{print $1}')

0 If process is not found, restart it.
1 If process is found, all ok.
* If process running 2 or more, kill the last.

A simpler version. This just test if process is running, and if not restart it.

It just tests the exit flag $? from the pidof program. It will be 0 of process is running and 1 if not.

pidof  amadeus.x86 >/dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
        echo "Restarting Amadeus:     $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
        /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &

And at last, a one liner

pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null ; [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "Restarting Amadeus:     $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt && /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &

cccam oscam

Error occurred during initialization of VM (java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object)

Check that downloaded eclipse/JDK/JRE is compatible with your processor/OS architecture that is are they 32bit or 64bit?

React native text going off my screen, refusing to wrap. What to do?

you just need to have a wrapper for your <Text> with flex like below;

<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
  <Text>Your Text</Text>

Getting the parent of a directory in Bash

This would go up to the parent folder

cd ../

regex error - nothing to repeat

It seems to be a python bug (that works perfectly in vim). The source of the problem is the (\s*...)+ bit. Basically , you can't do (\s*)+ which make sense , because you are trying to repeat something which can be null.

>>> re.compile(r"(\s*)+")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 180, in compile
    return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 233, in _compile
    raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: nothing to repeat

However (\s*\1) should not be null, but we know it only because we know what's in \1. Apparently python doesn't ... that's weird.

JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

This Code May be Help you : [ Both maximizing and preventing resizing on a JFrame ]


How to count items in JSON object using command line?

The shortest expression is

curl 'http://…' | jq length

Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager

I implemented this easy with a bit different approach.

My custom FragmentAdapter.getItem method returned not new MyFragment(), but the instance of MyFragment that was created in FragmentAdapter constructor.

In my activity I then got the fragment from the adapter, check if it is instanceOf needed Fragment, then cast and use needed methods.

Could not find or load main class with a Jar File

I had this error because I wrote a wrong Class-Path in my MANIFEST.MF

500.21 Bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

I got this error on my ASP.Net 4.5 app on Windows Server 2012 R2.

Go to start menu -> "Turn windows features on or off". A wizard popped up for me.

Click Next to Server Roles

I had to check these to get this to work, located under Web Server IIS->Web Server-> Application Development (these are based on Jeremy Cook's answer above):

enter image description here

Then click next to Features and make sure the following is checked:

enter image description here

Then click next and Install. At this point, the error went away for me. Good luck!

How to explain callbacks in plain english? How are they different from calling one function from another function?

Let's pretend you were to give me a potentially long-running task: get the names of the first five unique people you come across. This might take days if I'm in a sparsely populated area. You're not really interested in sitting on your hands while I'm running around so you say, "When you've got the list, call me on my cell and read it back to me. Here's the number.".

You've given me a callback reference--a function that I'm supposed to execute in order to hand off further processing.

In JavaScript it might look something like this:

var lottoNumbers = [];
var callback = function(theNames) {
  for (var i=0; i<theNames.length; i++) {

db.executeQuery("SELECT name " +
                "FROM tblEveryOneInTheWholeWorld " +
                "ORDER BY proximity DESC " +
                "LIMIT 5", callback);

while (lottoNumbers.length < 5) {

This could probably be improved in lots of ways. E.g., you could provide a second callback: if it ends up taking longer than an hour, call the red phone and tell the person that answers that you've timed out.

How to modify STYLE attribute of element with known ID using JQuery

Use the CSS function from jQuery to set styles to your items :

$('#buttonId').css({ "background-color": 'brown'});

Adjust table column width to content size

The problem was the table width. I had used width: 100% for the table. The table columns are adjusted automatically after removing the width tag.

How to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome

All the previous answers are correct. Following is the little deep dive into the problem and solution.

The driver constructor in Selenium for example

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

searches for the driver executable, in this case the Google Chrome driver searches for a Chrome driver executable. In case the service is unable to find the executable, the exception is thrown.

This is where the exception comes from (note the check state method)

   * @param exeName Name of the executable file to look for in PATH
   * @param exeProperty Name of a system property that specifies the path to the executable file
   * @param exeDocs The link to the driver documentation page
   * @param exeDownload The link to the driver download page
   * @return The driver executable as a {@link File} object
   * @throws IllegalStateException If the executable not found or cannot be executed
  protected static File findExecutable(
      String exeName,
      String exeProperty,
      String exeDocs,
      String exeDownload) {
    String defaultPath = new ExecutableFinder().find(exeName);
    String exePath = System.getProperty(exeProperty, defaultPath);
    checkState(exePath != null,
        "The path to the driver executable must be set by the %s system property;"
            + " for more information, see %s. "
            + "The latest version can be downloaded from %s",
            exeProperty, exeDocs, exeDownload);

    File exe = new File(exePath);
    return exe;

The following is the check state method which throws the exception:

   * Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not
   * involving any parameters to the calling method.
   * <p>See {@link #checkState(boolean, String, Object...)} for details.
  public static void checkState(
      boolean b,
      @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate,
      @Nullable Object p1,
      @Nullable Object p2,
      @Nullable Object p3) {
    if (!b) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(format(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2, p3));

SOLUTION: set the system property before creating driver object as follows.

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "path/to/chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

The following is the code snippet (for Chrome and Firefox) where the driver service searches for the driver executable:


    protected File findDefaultExecutable() {
      return findExecutable("chromedriver", CHROME_DRIVER_EXE_PROPERTY,


 protected File findDefaultExecutable() {
      return findExecutable(
        "geckodriver", GECKO_DRIVER_EXE_PROPERTY,

where CHROME_DRIVER_EXE_PROPERTY = "" and GECKO_DRIVER_EXE_PROPERTY = "webdriver.gecko.driver"

Similar is the case for other browsers, and the following is the snapshot of the list of the available browser implementation:

Enter image description here

Opening a remote machine's Windows C drive

By default, Windows makes the root of each drive available (provided you've got Administrator privileges) as (e.g.) \\server\c$. These are known as Administrative Shares.

How to pause javascript code execution for 2 seconds

You can use setTimeout to do this

function myFunction() {
    // your code to run after the timeout

// stop for sometime if needed
setTimeout(myFunction, 5000);

How to increase space between dotted border dots

I made a javascript function to create dots with an svg. You can adjust dot spacing and size in the javascript code.

var make_dotted_borders = function() {_x000D_
    var spacing = 8;_x000D_
    var dot_width = 2;_x000D_
    var dot_height = 2;_x000D_
    var dotteds = document.getElementsByClassName("dotted");_x000D_
    for (var i = 0; i < dotteds.length; i++) {_x000D_
        var width = dotteds[i].clientWidth + 1.5;_x000D_
        var height = dotteds[i].clientHeight;_x000D_
        var horizontal_count = Math.floor(width / spacing);_x000D_
        var h_spacing_percent = 100 / horizontal_count;_x000D_
        var h_subtraction_percent = ((dot_width / 2) / width) * 100;_x000D_
        var vertical_count = Math.floor(height / spacing);_x000D_
        var v_spacing_percent = 100 / vertical_count;_x000D_
        var v_subtraction_percent = ((dot_height / 2) / height) * 100;_x000D_
        var dot_container = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
        dot_container.classList.add("dot_container");_x000D_ = getComputedStyle(dotteds[i], null).display;_x000D_
        var clone = dotteds[i].cloneNode(true);_x000D_
        dotteds[i].parentElement.replaceChild(dot_container, dotteds[i]);_x000D_
        for (var x = 0; x < horizontal_count; x++) {_x000D_
            // The Top Dots_x000D_
            var dot = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
   = dot_width + "px";_x000D_
   = dot_height + "px";_x000D_
            var left_percent = (h_spacing_percent * x) - h_subtraction_percent;_x000D_
   = left_percent + "%";_x000D_
   = (-dot_height / 2) + "px";_x000D_
            // The Bottom Dots_x000D_
            var dot = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
   = dot_width + "px";_x000D_
   = dot_height + "px";_x000D_
   = (h_spacing_percent * x) - h_subtraction_percent + "%";_x000D_
   = height - (dot_height / 2) + "px";_x000D_
        for (var y = 1; y < vertical_count; y++) {_x000D_
            // The Left Dots:_x000D_
            var dot = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
   = dot_width + "px";_x000D_
   = dot_height + "px";_x000D_
   = (-dot_width / 2) + "px";_x000D_
   = (v_spacing_percent * y) - v_subtraction_percent + "%";_x000D_
        for (var y = 0; y < vertical_count + 1; y++) {_x000D_
            // The Right Dots:_x000D_
            var dot = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
   = dot_width + "px";_x000D_
   = dot_height + "px";_x000D_
   = width - (dot_width / 2) + "px";_x000D_
            if (y < vertical_count) {_x000D_
       = (v_spacing_percent * y) - v_subtraction_percent + "%";_x000D_
            else {_x000D_
       = height - (dot_height / 2) + "px";_x000D_
div.dotted {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    padding: 0.5em;_x000D_
div.dot_container {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    margin-left: 0.25em;_x000D_
    margin-right: 0.25em;_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    content: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" height="100" width="100"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="black" /></svg>');_x000D_
<div class="dotted">Lorem Ipsum</div>

How to convert an object to a byte array in C#

Well a cast from myObject to byte[] is never going to work unless you've got an explicit conversion or if myObject is a byte[]. You need a serialization framework of some kind. There are plenty out there, including Protocol Buffers which is near and dear to me. It's pretty "lean and mean" in terms of both space and time.

You'll find that almost all serialization frameworks have significant restrictions on what you can serialize, however - Protocol Buffers more than some, due to being cross-platform.

If you can give more requirements, we can help you out more - but it's never going to be as simple as casting...

EDIT: Just to respond to this:

I need my binary file to contain the object's bytes. Only the bytes, no metadata whatsoever. Packed object-to-object. So I'll be implementing custom serialization.

Please bear in mind that the bytes in your objects are quite often references... so you'll need to work out what to do with them.

I suspect you'll find that designing and implementing your own custom serialization framework is harder than you imagine.

I would personally recommend that if you only need to do this for a few specific types, you don't bother trying to come up with a general serialization framework. Just implement an instance method and a static method in all the types you need:

public void WriteTo(Stream stream)
public static WhateverType ReadFrom(Stream stream)

One thing to bear in mind: everything becomes more tricky if you've got inheritance involved. Without inheritance, if you know what type you're starting with, you don't need to include any type information. Of course, there's also the matter of versioning - do you need to worry about backward and forward compatibility with different versions of your types?

How do I dynamically set HTML5 data- attributes using react?

You should not wrap JavaScript expressions in quotes.

<option data-img-src={this.props.imageUrl} value="1">{this.props.title}</option>

Take a look at the JavaScript Expressions docs for more info.

How do I use hexadecimal color strings in Flutter?

Thanks for asking this question, simples solution is as:

// Color to Hex String

colorToHexString(Color color) {
  return '#FF${color.value.toRadixString(16).substring(2, 8)}';

// Hex String to Color

hexStringToColor(String hexColor) {
  hexColor = hexColor.toUpperCase().replaceAll("#", "");
  if (hexColor.length == 6) {
    hexColor = "FF" + hexColor;
  return Color(int.parse(hexColor, radix: 16));

// How to call function

String hexCode = colorToHexString(;
Color bgColor = hexStringToColor(hexCode);
print("$hexCode = $bgColor");

Enjoy code and help others :)

Send private messages to friends

One workaround, though not a great one, is to use the new email address. There are a few downsides to this:

1) Not everyone (as of this posting) has the new messages application enabled in their account.

2) Not everyone will have setup their email in their messages app.

3) Not everyone will choose their username (if they even have a facebook username) as their email address.

.crx file install in chrome

I arrived to this question looking for the same but for Chromium (actually I'm using So in case anyone else is looking for the same:

  1. Go to chrome://flags/
  2. Search for Handling of extension MIME type requests
  3. Select Always prompt for install
  4. Search for an extension and copy its URL (something like
  5. Paste the URL in and download the .CRX
  6. Voilà, Chromium will prompt for installation

Comparing mongoose _id and strings

The three possible solutions suggested here have different use cases.

  1. Use .equals when comparing ObjectID on two mongoDocuments like this


  2. Use .toString() when comparing a string representation of ObjectID to an ObjectID of a mongoDocument. like this

    results.userId === AnotherMongoDocument._id.toString()

How to add row in JTable?

The TableModel behind the JTable handles all of the data behind the table. In order to add and remove rows from a table, you need to use a DefaultTableModel

To create the table with this model:

JTable table = new JTable(new DefaultTableModel(new Object[]{"Column1", "Column2"}));

To add a row:

DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) table.getModel();
model.addRow(new Object[]{"Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"});

You can also remove rows with this method.

Full details on the DefaultTableModel can be found here

open cv error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cvtColor

I've had this error message show up, for completely unrelated reasons to the flags 0 or 1 mentionned in the other answers. You might be seeing it too because cv2.imread will not error out if the path string you pass it is not an image:

In [1]: import cv2
   ...: img = cv2.imread('asdfasdf')  # This is clearly not an image file
   ...: gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (scn == 3 || scn == 4) in cv::cvtColor, file C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp, line 10638
error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-19408d38116b> in <module>()
      1 import cv2
      2 img = cv2.imread('asdfasdf')  # This is clearly not an image file
----> 3 gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

error: C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp:10638: error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cv::cvtColor

So you're seeing a cvtColor failure when it's in fact a silent imread error. Keep that in mind next time you go wasting an hour of your life with that cryptic metaphor.


You might need to check that your path string represents a valid file before passing it to cv2.imread:

import os

def read_img(path):
    """Given a path to an image file, returns a cv2 array

    str -> np.ndarray"""
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        return cv2.imread(path)
        raise ValueError('Path provided is not a valid file: {}'.format(path))

path = '2015-05-27-191152.jpg'
img = read_img(path)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

Written this way, your code will fail gracefully.

What's "this" in JavaScript onclick?

In JavaScript this refers to the element containing the action. For example, if you have a function called hide():

function hide(element){ = 'none';

Calling hide with this will hide the element. It returns only the element clicked, even if it is similar to other elements in the DOM.

For example, you may have this clicking a number in the HTML below will only hide the bullet point clicked.

  <li class="bullet" onclick="hide(this);">1</li>
  <li class="bullet" onclick="hide(this);">2</li>
  <li class="bullet" onclick="hide(this);">3</li>
  <li class="bullet" onclick="hide(this);">4</li>

oracle varchar to number

select to_number(exception_value) from exception where to_number(exception_value) = 105

What is a callback?


A callback is executable code that is passed as an argument to other code.


// Parent can Read
public class Parent
    public string Read(){ /*reads here*/ };

// Child need Info
public class Child
    private string information;
    // declare a Delegate
    delegate string GetInfo();
    // use an instance of the declared Delegate
    public GetInfo GetMeInformation;

    public void ObtainInfo()
        // Child will use the Parent capabilities via the Delegate
        information = GetMeInformation();


Parent Peter = new Parent();
Child Johny = new Child();

// Tell Johny from where to obtain info
Johny.GetMeInformation = Peter.Read;

Johny.ObtainInfo(); // here Johny 'asks' Peter to read


Reading column names alone in a csv file

How about

with open(csv_input_path + file, 'r') as ft:
    header = ft.readline() # read only first line; returns string
    header_list = header.split(',') # returns list

I am assuming your input file is CSV format. If using pandas, it takes more time if the file is big size because it loads the entire data as the dataset.

UIButton title text color

Besides de color, my problem was that I was setting the text using textlabel

bt.titleLabel?.text = title

and I solved changing to:

bt.setTitle(title, for: .normal)

How often should Oracle database statistics be run?

What Oracle version are you using? Check this page which refers to Oracle 10:

It says:

The recommended approach to gathering statistics is to allow Oracle to automatically gather the statistics. Oracle gathers statistics on all database objects automatically and maintains those statistics in a regularly-scheduled maintenance job.

How is the java memory pool divided?

With Java8, non heap region no more contains PermGen but Metaspace, which is a major change in Java8, supposed to get rid of out of memory errors with java as metaspace size can be increased depending on the space required by jvm for class data.

Check if string doesn't contain another string

Use this as your WHERE condition

WHERE CHARINDEX('Apples', column) = 0 

How to read a value from the Windows registry

Here is some pseudo-code to retrieve the following:

  1. If a registry key exists
  2. What the default value is for that registry key
  3. What a string value is
  4. What a DWORD value is

Example code:

Include the library dependency: Advapi32.lib

HKEY hKey;
bool bExistsAndSuccess (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS);
bool bDoesNotExistsSpecifically (lRes == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
std::wstring strValueOfBinDir;
std::wstring strKeyDefaultValue;
GetStringRegKey(hKey, L"BinDir", strValueOfBinDir, L"bad");
GetStringRegKey(hKey, L"", strKeyDefaultValue, L"bad");

LONG GetDWORDRegKey(HKEY hKey, const std::wstring &strValueName, DWORD &nValue, DWORD nDefaultValue)
    nValue = nDefaultValue;
    DWORD dwBufferSize(sizeof(DWORD));
    DWORD nResult(0);
    LONG nError = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey,
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nError)
        nValue = nResult;
    return nError;

LONG GetBoolRegKey(HKEY hKey, const std::wstring &strValueName, bool &bValue, bool bDefaultValue)
    DWORD nDefValue((bDefaultValue) ? 1 : 0);
    DWORD nResult(nDefValue);
    LONG nError = GetDWORDRegKey(hKey, strValueName.c_str(), nResult, nDefValue);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nError)
        bValue = (nResult != 0) ? true : false;
    return nError;

LONG GetStringRegKey(HKEY hKey, const std::wstring &strValueName, std::wstring &strValue, const std::wstring &strDefaultValue)
    strValue = strDefaultValue;
    WCHAR szBuffer[512];
    DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(szBuffer);
    ULONG nError;
    nError = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, strValueName.c_str(), 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &dwBufferSize);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nError)
        strValue = szBuffer;
    return nError;

What are enums and why are they useful?

In my experience I have seen Enum usage sometimes cause systems to be very difficult to change. If you are using an Enum for a set of domain-specific values that change frequently, and it has a lot of other classes and components that depend on it, you might want to consider not using an Enum.

For example, a trading system that uses an Enum for markets/exchanges. There are a lot of markets out there and it's almost certain that there will be a lot of sub-systems that need to access this list of markets. Every time you want a new market to be added to your system, or if you want to remove a market, it's possible that everything under the sun will have to be rebuilt and released.

A better example would be something like a product category type. Let's say your software manages inventory for a department store. There are a lot of product categories, and many reasons why this list of categories could change. Managers may want to stock a new product line, get rid of other product lines, and possibly reorganize the categories from time to time. If you have to rebuild and redeploy all of your systems simply because users want to add a product category, then you've taken something that should be simple and fast (adding a category) and made it very difficult and slow.

Bottom line, Enums are good if the data you are representing is very static over time and has a limited number of dependencies. But if the data changes a lot and has a lot of dependencies, then you need something dynamic that isn't checked at compile time (like a database table).

How can I pass a parameter to a t-sql script?

Two options save vijay.sql

execute immediate 
SELECT wk.*,bbc.distance_km ,NVL(bbc.tactical_broadband_offer,0) tactical_broadband_offer ,
FROM   spineowner.pop_wkly_refresh_20100201 wk,
       dms_bb_coverage_102009 bbc,
       dms_select_executive_group sel,
       DMS_RESIGN_CAMPAIGN_26052009 res,
       DMS_PRIORITY_CLUB pclub
WHERE  wk.mpn = bbc.mpn(+)
AND    wk.mpn = sel.mpn (+)
AND    wk.mpn = res.mpn (+)
AND    wk.mpn = pclub.mpn (+)'

The above will generate table names automatically based on sysdate. If you still need to pass as variable, then save vijay.sql as

execute immediate 
SELECT wk.*,bbc.distance_km ,NVL(bbc.tactical_broadband_offer,0) tactical_broadband_offer ,
FROM   spineowner.pop_wkly_refresh_20100201 wk,
       dms_bb_coverage_102009 bbc,
       dms_select_executive_group sel,
       DMS_RESIGN_CAMPAIGN_26052009 res,
       DMS_PRIORITY_CLUB pclub
WHERE  wk.mpn = bbc.mpn(+)
AND    wk.mpn = sel.mpn (+)
AND    wk.mpn = res.mpn (+)
AND    wk.mpn = pclub.mpn (+)'

and then run as sqlplus -s username/password @vijay.sql '20100101'

GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe

Starting from API 21, the GridLayout now supports the weight like LinearLayout. For details please see the link below:

How to Clear Console in Java?

Use the following code:


'\f' is an escape sequence which represents FormFeed. This is what I have used in my projects to clear the console. This is simpler than the other codes, I guess.

Writing MemoryStream to Response Object

I had the same issue. try this: copy to MemoryStream -> delete file -> download.

string absolutePath = "~/your path";
try {
    //copy to MemoryStream
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(Server.MapPath(absolutePath))) 

    //Delete file

    //Download file
    Response.ContentType = "image/jpg";
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + absolutePath + "\"");
catch {}


GroupBy pandas DataFrame and select most common value

Formally, the correct answer is the @eumiro Solution. The problem of @HYRY solution is that when you have a sequence of numbers like [1,2,3,4] the solution is wrong, i. e., you don't have the mode. Example:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
            'client': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'D', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'A'], 
            'total': [1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4], 
            'bla': [10, 40, 30, 20, 40, 10, 20, 30, 50, 10, 20, 20, 20, 30, 40]

If you compute like @HYRY you obtain:

>>> print(df.groupby(['client']).agg(lambda x: x.value_counts().index[0]))
        total  bla
A           4   30
B           4   40
C           1   10
D           3   30
E           2   20

Which is clearly wrong (see the A value that should be 1 and not 4) because it can't handle with unique values.

Thus, the other solution is correct:

>>> import scipy.stats
>>> print(df.groupby(['client']).agg(lambda x: scipy.stats.mode(x)[0][0]))
        total  bla
A           1   10
B           4   40
C           1   10
D           3   30
E           2   20

Find TODO tags in Eclipse

  1. Push Ctrl+H
  2. Got to File Search tab
  3. Enter "// TODO Auto-generated method stub" in Containing Text field
  4. Enter "*.java" in Filename patterns field
  5. Select proper scope

How to safely upgrade an Amazon EC2 instance from t1.micro to large?

Create AMI -> Boot AMI on large instance.

More info

You can do this all from the admin console too at

Spring Boot - Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource

From the looks of things you haven't passed enough data to Spring Boot to configure the datasource

Create/In your existing add the following


making sure you append a value for each of properties.

Is it a bad practice to use break in a for loop?

You can find all sorts of professional code with 'break' statements in them. It perfectly make sense to use this whenever necessary. In your case this option is better than creating a separate variable just for the purpose of coming out of the loop.

Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

    var response = '';
    $.ajax({ type: "GET",   
         url: "Records.php",   
         async: false,
         success : function(text)
             response = text;


needs to be:


     $.ajax({ type: "GET",   
         url: "Records.php",   
         async: false,
         success : function(text)


How can you run a Java program without main method?

public class X { static {
  System.out.println("Main not required to print this");

Run from the cmdline with java X.

When do I have to use interfaces instead of abstract classes?

From Java How to Program about abstract classes:

Because they’re used only as superclasses in inheritance hierarchies, we refer to them as abstract superclasses. These classes cannot be used to instantiate objects, because abstract classes are incomplete. Subclasses must declare the “missing pieces” to become “concrete” classes, from which you can instantiate objects. Otherwise, these subclasses, too, will be abstract.

To answer your question "What is the reason to use interfaces?":

An abstract class’s purpose is to provide an appropriate superclass from which other classes can inherit and thus share a common design.

As opposed to an interface:

An interface describes a set of methods that can be called on an object, but does not provide concrete implementations for all the methods... Once a class implements an interface, all objects of that class have an is-a relationship with the interface type, and all objects of the class are guaranteed to provide the functionality described by the interface. This is true of all subclasses of that class as well.

So, to answer your question "I was wondering when I should use interfaces", I think you should use interfaces when you want a full implementation and use abstract classes when you want partial pieces for your design (for reusability)

When should iteritems() be used instead of items()?

As the dictionary documentation for python 2 and python 3 would tell you, in python 2 items returns a list, while iteritems returns a iterator.

In python 3, items returns a view, which is pretty much the same as an iterator.

If you are using python 2, you may want to user iteritems if you are dealing with large dictionaries and all you want to do is iterate over the items (not necessarily copy them to a list)

Linux delete file with size 0

To search and delete empty files in the current directory and subdirectories:

find . -type f -empty -delete

-type f is necessary because also directories are marked to be of size zero.

The dot . (current directory) is the starting search directory. If you have GNU find (e.g. not Mac OS), you can omit it in this case:

find -type f -empty -delete

From GNU find documentation:

If no files to search are specified, the current directory (.) is used.

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon on macOS

I first tried docker and docker-compose via homebrew, but it had the problem listed here. I had to install docker's official install from and then everything worked as expected.

Calling other function in the same controller?

To call a function inside a same controller in any laravel version follow as bellow

$role = $this->sendRequest('parameter');
// sendRequest is a public function

PHP Unset Session Variable

Unset is a function. Therefore you have to submit which variable has to be destroyed.


In your case

unset ($_SESSION["products"]);

If you need to reset whole session variable just call

session_destroy ();

how to declare global variable in SQL Server..?

Try to use ; instead of GO. It worked for me for 2008 R2 version



USE "DB_1";


USE "DB_2";


How do I check whether a checkbox is checked in jQuery?

I would actually prefere the change event.

$('#isAgeSelected').change(function() {

Demo Fiddle

Command copy exited with code 4 when building - Visual Studio restart solves it

What fixed it for me: dig down to the specific solution for the project you want i.e NOT the overall solution file for all the projects.

Do try - I tried everything else mentioned here but to no avail.

How do you format code on save in VS Code

No need to add commands anymore. For those who are new to Visual Studio Code and searching for an easy way to format code on saving, kindly follow the below steps.

  1. Open Settings by pressing [Cmd+,] in Mac or using the below screenshot.

VS Code - Open Settings Command Image

  1. Type 'format' in the search box and enable the option 'Format On Save'.

enter image description here

You are done. Thank you.

Get the system date and split day, month and year

You should use DateTime.TryParseExcact if you know the format, or if not and want to use the system settings DateTime.TryParse. And to print the date,DateTime.ToString with the right format in the argument. To get the year, month or day you have DateTime.Year, DateTime.Month or DateTime.Day.

See DateTime Structures in MSDN for additional references.

Jackson and generic type reference

This is a well-known problem with Java type erasure: T is just a type variable, and you must indicate actual class, usually as Class argument. Without such information, best that can be done is to use bounds; and plain T is roughly same as 'T extends Object'. And Jackson will then bind JSON Objects as Maps.

In this case, tester method needs to have access to Class, and you can construct

JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().
  constructCollectionType(List.class, Foo.class)

and then

List<Foo> list = mapper.readValue(new File("input.json"), type);

Tomcat Server not starting with in 45 seconds

I know it's a bit late, but I've tried everything above and nothing worked. The real problem was that I'm using hibernate, so it was trying to connect to mysql but was not able, thats why it showed time out.

Just to let u guys know, I'm using RDS(Amazon), so just to make a test I changed to my local mysql and it worked perfectly.

Hope that this answer helps somebody.


how to split the ng-repeat data with three columns using bootstrap

A simple trick with "clearfix" CSS recommended by Bootstrap:

<div class="row">_x000D_
      <div ng-repeat-start="value in values" class="col-md-4">_x000D_
      <div ng-repeat-end ng-if="$index % 3 == 0" class="clearfix"></div>_x000D_

Many advantages: Efficient, fast, using Boostrap recommendations, avoiding possible $digest issues, and not altering Angular model.

Why doesn't Python have multiline comments?

Besides, multiline comments are a bitch. Sorry to say, but regardless of the language, I don't use them for anything else than debugging purposes. Say you have code like this:

void someFunction()
    /*Some comments*/
    Something else

Then you find out that there is something in your code you can't fix with the debugger, so you start manually debugging it by commenting out smaller and smaller chuncks of code with theese multiline comments. This would then give the function:

void someFunction()
{ /*
   /* Comments */
   Something more*/

This is really irritating.

Best Way to read rss feed in .net Using C#

Use this :

private string GetAlbumRSS(SyndicationItem album)

        string url = "";
        foreach (SyndicationElementExtension ext in album.ElementExtensions)
            if (ext.OuterName == "itemRSS") url = ext.GetObject<string>();
        return (url);

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string albumRSS;
        string url = "";
        XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(url);
        SyndicationFeed albums = SyndicationFeed.Load(r);
        foreach (SyndicationItem album in albums.Items)

            cell.InnerHtml = cell.InnerHtml +string.Format("<br \'><a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", album.Links[0].Uri, album.Title.Text);
            albumRSS = GetAlbumRSS(album);



Parse a URI String into Name-Value Collection

If you are using servlet doGet try this


Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request.

Returns: an immutable java.util.Map containing parameter names as keys and parameter values as map values. The keys in the parameter map are of type String. The values in the parameter map are of type String array.

(Java doc)

Drawing a line/path on Google Maps

Try this one:
Add itemizedOverlay class:

public class AndroidGoogleMapsActivity extends MapActivity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Displaying Zooming controls
        MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;

        MapController mc = mapView.getController();
        double lat = Double.parseDouble("48.85827758964043");
        double lon = Double.parseDouble("2.294543981552124");
        GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint((int)(lat * 1E6), (int)(lon * 1E6));

         * Placing Marker
         * */
        List<Overlay> mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();
        Drawable drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.mark_red);
        AddItemizedOverlay itemizedOverlay = 
             new AddItemizedOverlay(drawable, this);

        OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(geoPoint, "Hello", "Sample Overlay item");



    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
        return false;

How to generate random number with the specific length in python

If you need a 3 digit number and want 001-099 to be valid numbers you should still use randrange/randint as it is quicker than alternatives. Just add the neccessary preceding zeros when converting to a string.

import random
num = random.randrange(1, 10**3)
# using format
num_with_zeros = '{:03}'.format(num)
# using string's zfill
num_with_zeros = str(num).zfill(3)

Alternatively if you don't want to save the random number as an int you can just do it as a oneliner:

'{:03}'.format(random.randrange(1, 10**3))

python 3.6+ only oneliner:

f'{random.randrange(1, 10**3):03}'

Example outputs of the above are:

  • '026'
  • '255'
  • '512'

Implemented as a function:

import random

def n_len_rand(len_, floor=1):
    top = 10**len_
    if floor > top:
        raise ValueError(f"Floor {floor} must be less than requested top {top}")
    return f'{random.randrange(floor, top):0{len_}}'

Getting Error "Form submission canceled because the form is not connected"

I was able to get rid of the message by using adding the attribute type="button" to the button element in vue.

Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue?

This was considered a bug in 2013:

and was fixed with version 3.2.2. Problem shouldn't occur in any versions after that and your code should work just fine.

Show Hide div if, if statement is true

You can use css or js for hiding a div. In else statement you can write it as:

<style type="text/css">#divId{

Or in jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">$('#divId').hide()</script>

Or in javascript

<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('divId').style.display = 'none';</script>

How To Auto-Format / Indent XML/HTML in Notepad++

It's been the third time that I install Windows and npp and after some time I realize the tidy function no longer work. So I google for a solution, come to this thread, then with the help of few more so threads I finally fix it. I'll put a summary of all my actions once and for all.

  1. Install TextFX plugin: Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager. Select TextFX Characters and install. After a restart of npp, the menu 'TextFX' should be visible. (credits: @remipod).

  2. Install libtidy.dll by pasting the Config folder from an old npp package: Follow instructions in this answer.

  3. After having a Config folder in your latest npp installation destination (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins), npp needs write access to that folder. Right click Config folder -> Properties -> Security tab -> select Users, click Edit -> check Full control to allow read/write access. Note that you need administrator privileges to do that.

  4. Restart npp and verify TextFX -> TextFX HTML Tidy -> Tidy: Reindent XML works.

How to clear Flutter's Build cache?

I found a way to automate running the clean before you debug your code. (Warning, this runs everytime you hit the button, even for hot restart)

  1. First, find the Run > Edit Configurations Menu

  2. Click the External tool '+' icon under Before launch: External tool, Activate tool window.

  3. Run External Tool
  4. Configure it like so. Put the working directory as a directory in your project.

Edit Configurations. Configurations

Run External Tool Add Flutter Clean

How can I truncate a double to only two decimal places in Java?

      double value = 3.4555;
      String value1 =  String.format("% .3f", value) ;
      String value2 = value1.substring(0, value1.length() - 1);
      double doublevalue= Double.valueOf(value2);

How to resize an image with OpenCV2.0 and Python2.6

def rescale_by_height(image, target_height, method=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4):
    """Rescale `image` to `target_height` (preserving aspect ratio)."""
    w = int(round(target_height * image.shape[1] / image.shape[0]))
    return cv2.resize(image, (w, target_height), interpolation=method)

def rescale_by_width(image, target_width, method=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4):
    """Rescale `image` to `target_width` (preserving aspect ratio)."""
    h = int(round(target_width * image.shape[0] / image.shape[1]))
    return cv2.resize(image, (target_width, h), interpolation=method)

Hide HTML element by id

If you want to do it via javascript rather than CSS you can use:

var link = document.getElementById('nav-ask'); = 'none'; //or = 'hidden';

depending on what you want to do.

passing several arguments to FUN of lapply (and others *apply)

You can do it in the following way:

 myfxn <- function(var1,var2,var3){



and you will get the answer:

[[1]] [1] 200

[[2]] [1] 400

[[3]] [1] 600

How do I set cell value to Date and apply default Excel date format?

To set to default Excel type Date (defaulted to OS level locale /-> i.e. xlsx will look different when opened by a German or British person/ and flagged with an asterisk if you choose it in Excel's cell format chooser) you should:

    CellStyle cellStyle = xssfWorkbook.createCellStyle();

I did it with xlsx and it worked fine.

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

Try \vspace{-5mm} before the itemize.

svn : how to create a branch from certain revision of trunk

Try below one:

svn copy 
  -m "Creating a private branch of /calc/trunk."  --parents

No slash "\" between the svn URLs.

jQuery Event : Detect changes to the html/text of a div

If you don't want use timer and check innerHTML you can try this event

$('mydiv').bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function(){

More details and browser support datas are Here.

Attention: in newer jQuery versions bind() is deprecated, so you should use on() instead:

$('body').on('DOMSubtreeModified', 'mydiv', function(){

Remove by _id in MongoDB console

Do you have multiple mongodb nodes in a replica set?

I found (I am using via Robomongo gui mongo shell, I guess same applies in other cases) that the correct remove syntax, i.e.

db.test_users.remove({"_id": ObjectId("4d512b45cc9374271b02ec4f")})

...does not work unless you are connected to the primary node of the replica set.

Creating random numbers with no duplicates

Here is an efficient solution for fast creation of a randomized array. After randomization you can simply pick the n-th element e of the array, increment n and return e. This solution has O(1) for getting a random number and O(n) for initialization, but as a tradeoff requires a good amount of memory if n gets large enough.

Convert List<T> to ObservableCollection<T> in WP7

Apparently, your project is targeting Windows Phone 7.0. Unfortunately the constructors that accept IEnumerable<T> or List<T> are not available in WP 7.0, only the parameterless constructor. The other constructors are available in Silverlight 4 and above and WP 7.1 and above, just not in WP 7.0.

I guess your only option is to take your list and add the items into a new instance of an ObservableCollection individually as there are no readily available methods to add them in bulk. Though that's not to stop you from putting this into an extension or static method yourself.

var list = new List<SomeType> { /* ... */ };
var oc = new ObservableCollection<SomeType>();
foreach (var item in list)

But don't do this if you don't have to, if you're targeting framework that provides the overloads, then use them.

How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?


    .listener(object : RequestListener<Drawable> {
        override fun onLoadFailed(
            e: GlideException?,
            model: Any?,
            target: Target<Drawable>?,
            isFirstResource: Boolean
        ): Boolean {
            return false

        override fun onResourceReady(
            resource: Drawable?,
            model: Any?,
            dataSource: DataSource?,
            isFirstResource: Boolean
        ): Boolean {
            return false



@outlyer's answer is correct, but there're some changes in new Glide version

My version: 4.7.1


                .into(object : SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL, Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL) {
                    override fun onResourceReady(resource: Bitmap, transition: com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition<in Bitmap>?) {
                        callback.onReady(createMarkerIcon(resource, iconId))

Note: this code run in UI Thread, thus you can use AsyncTask, Executor or somethings else for concurrency (like @outlyer's code) If you want to get original size, put Target.SIZE_ORIGINA as my code. Don't use -1, -1

Flatten List in LINQ

iList.SelectMany(x => x).ToArray()

Access an arbitrary element in a dictionary in Python

In python3, The way :


return a value in type : dict_keys(), we'll got an error when got 1st member of keys of dict by this way:

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

Finally, I convert dict.keys() to list @1st, and got 1st member by list splice method:



Based on your description of what you want to do, the code seems to be correct as it is. ENDIF isn't a valid SQL loop control keyword. Are you sure that the INSERTS are actually pulling data to put into @Classes? In fact, if it was bad it just wouldn't run.

What you might want to try is to put a few PRINT statements in there. Put a PRINT above each of the INSERTS just outputting some silly text to show that that line is executing. If you get both outputs, then your SELECT...INSERT... is suspect. You could also just do the SELECT in place of the PRINT (that is, without the INSERT) and see exactly what data is being pulled.

Ternary operator ?: vs if...else

Ternary Operator always returns a value. So in situation when you want some output value from result and there are only 2 conditions always better to use ternary operator. Use if-else if any of the above mentioned conditions are not true.

Get img thumbnails from Vimeo?

2020 solution:

I wrote a PHP function which uses the Vimeo Oembed API.

 * Get video thumbnail URL
 * Set the referer parameter if your video is domain restricted.
 * @param  int    $videoid   Video id
 * @param  URL    $referer   Your website domain
 * @return bool/string       Thumbnail URL or false if can't access the video
function get_vimeo_thumbnail_url( $videoid, $referer=null ){

    // if referer set, create context
    $ctx = null;
    if( isset($referer) ){
        $ctxa = array(
            'http' => array(
                'header' => array("Referer: $referer\r\n"),
                'request_fulluri' => true,
        $ctx = stream_context_create($ctxa);

    $resp = @file_get_contents("$videoid", False, $ctx);
    $resp = json_decode($resp, true);

return $resp["thumbnail_url"]??false;


echo get_vimeo_thumbnail_url("1084537");

Error "File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it"

Go to the configuration file from the developer's site and paste it in the app level directory of your current project.

Android RecyclerView addition & removal of items

The Problem

RecyclerView is, by default, unaware of your dataset changes. This means that whenever you make a deletion/addition on your data list, those changes won't be reflected to your RecyclerView directly. (i.e. you remove the item at index 5, but the 6th element remains in your recycler view).

A "ok" Solution

RecyclerView exposes some methods for you to communicate your dataset changes, reflecting those changes directly on your list items. The standard Android APIs allow you to bind the process of data removal (for the purpose of the question) with the process of View removal.

The methods we talked about are:

notifyItemChanged(index: Int)
notifyItemInserted(index: Int)
notifyItemRemoved(index: Int)
notifyItemRangeChanged(startPosition: Int, itemCount: Int)
notifyItemRangeInserted(startPosition: Int, itemCount: Int)
notifyItemRangeRemoved(startPosition: Int, itemCount: Int)

Better Solution

If you don't properly specify what happens on each addition, change or removal of items, RecyclerView children are animated unresponsively because of a lack of information about how to move the different views around the list.

Instead, the following code will precisely play the animation, just on the child that is being removed (And as a side note, it fixed any IndexOutOfBoundExceptions, marked by the stacktrace as "data inconsistency").

void remove(position: Int) {
    notifyItemRangeRemoved(position, 1)

Under the hood, if we look into RecyclerView we can find documentation explaining that the second parameter we pass to notifyItemRangeRemoved is the number of items that are removed from the dataset, not the total number of items (As wrongly reported in some others information sources).

     * Notify any registered observers that the <code>itemCount</code> items previously
     * located at <code>positionStart</code> have been removed from the data set. The items
     * previously located at and after <code>positionStart + itemCount</code> may now be found
     * at <code>oldPosition - itemCount</code>.
     * <p>This is a structural change event. Representations of other existing items in the data
     * set are still considered up to date and will not be rebound, though their positions
     * may be altered.</p>
     * @param positionStart Previous position of the first item that was removed
     * @param itemCount Number of items removed from the data set
    public final void notifyItemRangeRemoved(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
        mObservable.notifyItemRangeRemoved(positionStart, itemCount);

Even Better Solution (Opinionated)

Do not use any of those functions. That's my personal view. They are counterintuitive, error-prone and they feel really verbose and unnecessary. Let a library like FastAdapter, Epoxy or Groupie take care of this business, or use an observable recycler view with data binding.

Radio Buttons ng-checked with ng-model

I solved my problem simply using ng-init for default selection instead of ng-checked

<div ng-init="person.billing=FALSE"></div>
<input id="billing-no" type="radio" name="billing" ng-model="person.billing" ng-value="FALSE" />
<input id="billing-yes" type="radio" name="billing" ng-model="person.billing" ng-value="TRUE" />

MySQL load NULL values from CSV data

The behaviour is different depending upon the database configuration. In the strict mode this would throw an error else a warning. Following query may be used for identifying the database configuration.

mysql> show variables like 'sql_mode';

Unresponsive KeyListener for JFrame

Hmm.. what class is your constructor for? Probably some class extending JFrame? The window focus should be at the window, of course but I don't think that's the problem.

I expanded your code, tried to run it and it worked - the key presses resulted as print output. (run with Ubuntu through Eclipse):

public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
    public MyFrame() {
        addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {

            public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

            public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyFrame f = new MyFrame();

How to throw a C++ exception

Wanted to ADD to the other answers described here an additional note, in the case of custom exceptions.

In the case where you create your own custom exception, that derives from std::exception, when you catch "all possible" exceptions types, you should always start the catch clauses with the "most derived" exception type that may be caught. See the example (of what NOT to do):

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class MyException : public exception
    MyException(const string& msg) : m_msg(msg)
        cout << "MyException::MyException - set m_msg to:" << m_msg << endl;

        cout << "MyException::~MyException" << endl;

   virtual const char* what() const throw () 
        cout << "MyException - what" << endl;
        return m_msg.c_str();

   const string m_msg;

void throwDerivedException()
    cout << "throwDerivedException - thrown a derived exception" << endl;
    string execptionMessage("MyException thrown");
    throw (MyException(execptionMessage));

void illustrateDerivedExceptionCatch()
    cout << "illustrateDerivedExceptionsCatch - start" << endl;
    catch (const exception& e)
        cout << "illustrateDerivedExceptionsCatch - caught an std::exception, e.what:" << e.what() << endl;
        // some additional code due to the fact that std::exception was thrown...
    catch(const MyException& e)
        cout << "illustrateDerivedExceptionsCatch - caught an MyException, e.what::" << e.what() << endl;
        // some additional code due to the fact that MyException was thrown...

    cout << "illustrateDerivedExceptionsCatch - end" << endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    cout << "main - start" << endl;
    cout << "main - end" << endl;
    return 0;


0) The proper order should be vice-versa, i.e.- first you catch (const MyException& e) which is followed by catch (const std::exception& e).

1) As you can see, when you run the program as is, the first catch clause will be executed (which is probably what you did NOT wanted in the first place).

2) Even though the type caught in the first catch clause is of type std::exception, the "proper" version of what() will be called - cause it is caught by reference (change at least the caught argument std::exception type to be by value - and you will experience the "object slicing" phenomena in action).

3) In case that the "some code due to the fact that XXX exception was thrown..." does important stuff WITH RESPECT to the exception type, there is misbehavior of your code here.

4) This is also relevant if the caught objects were "normal" object like: class Base{}; and class Derived : public Base {}...

5) g++ 7.3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 produces a warning that indicates the mentioned issue:

In function ‘void illustrateDerivedExceptionCatch()’: item12Linux.cpp:48:2: warning: exception of type ‘MyException’ will be caught catch(const MyException& e) ^~~~~

item12Linux.cpp:43:2: warning: by earlier handler for ‘std::exception’ catch (const exception& e) ^~~~~

Again, I will say, that this answer is only to ADD to the other answers described here (I thought this point is worth mention, yet could not depict it within a comment).

How can I convert string to datetime with format specification in JavaScript?

Just for an updated answer here, there's a good js lib at

Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing.

ConcurrentHashMap vs Synchronized HashMap

SynchronizedMap and ConcurrentHashMap are both thread safe class and can be used in multithreaded application, the main difference between them is regarding how they achieve thread safety.

SynchronizedMap acquires lock on the entire Map instance , while ConcurrentHashMap divides the Map instance into multiple segments and locking is done on those.

enter image description here

enter image description here

AngularJS access scope from outside js function

This is how I did for my CRUDManager class initialized in Angular controller, which later passed over to jQuery button-click event defined outside the controller:

In Angular Controller:

        // Note that I can even pass over the $scope to my CRUDManager's constructor.
        var crudManager = new CRUDManager($scope, contextData, opMode);

            .then(() => {
                $scope.crudManager = crudManager;
            .catch(error => {

In jQuery Save button click event outside the controller:

    $(document).on("click", "#ElementWithNgControllerDefined #btnSave", function () {
        var ngScope = angular.element($("#ElementWithNgControllerDefined")).scope();
        var crudManager = ngScope.crudManager;
            .then(finalData => {
               alert("Successfully saved!");
            .catch(error => {
               alert("Failed to save.");

This is particularly important and useful when your jQuery events need to be placed OUTSIDE OF CONTROLLER in order to prevent it from firing twice.

How to draw circle in html page?

You can use border-radius property, or make a div with fixed height and width and a background with png circle.

How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?

The following works from within the buttons click function:

$(function() {
        height: 'auto', width: 700, modal: true,
        buttons: {
            'Add to request list': function(evt) {

                // get DOM element for button
                var buttonDomElement =;
                // Disable the button
                $(buttonDomElement).attr('disabled', true);

            'Cancel': function() {

Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

echo "text to echo" > file.txt

What is the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm?

A generative algorithm model will learn completely from the training data and will predict the response.

A discriminative algorithm job is just to classify or differentiate between the 2 outcomes.

Updating PartialView mvc 4

You can also try this.

 $(document).ready(function () {
            var url = "@(Html.Raw(Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")))";
        setInterval(function () {
            var url = "@(Html.Raw(Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")))";
        }, 30000); //Refreshes every 30 seconds

        $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });  //Turn off caching

It makes an initial call to load the div, and then subsequent calls are on a 30 second interval.

In the controller section you can update the object and pass the object to the partial view.

public class ControllerName: Controller
    public ActionResult ActionName()
        .   // code for update object
        return PartialView("PartialViewName", updatedObject);

postgreSQL - psql \i : how to execute script in a given path

Postgres started on Linux/Unix. I suspect that reversing the slash with fix it.

\i somedir/script2.sql 

If you need to fully qualify something

\i c:/somedir/script2.sql

If that doesn't fix it, my next guess would be you need to escape the backslash.

\i somedir\\script2.sql