[algorithm] Expand a random range from 1–5 to 1–7

This solution doesn't waste any entropy and gives the first available truly random number in range. With each iteration the probability of not getting an answer is provably decreased. The probability of getting an answer in N iterations is the probability that a random number between 0 and max (5^N) will be smaller than the largest multiple of seven in that range (max-max%7). Must iterate at least twice. But that's necessarily true for all solutions.

int random7() {
  range = 1;
  remainder = 0;

  while (1) {
    remainder = remainder * 5 + random5() - 1;
    range = range * 5;

    limit = range - (range % 7);
    if (remainder < limit) return (remainder % 7) + 1;

    remainder = remainder % 7;
    range = range % 7;

Numerically equivalent to:

while (1) {
   if (num<r7) return num%7+1;

The first code calculates it in modulo form. The second code is just plain math. Or I made a mistake somewhere. :-)