I wasn't happy with the code provided by @Pr0gr4mm3r in https://stackoverflow.com/a/13592567/1211082 . The Stream-based solution does not do URLDecoding, the mutable version clumpsy.
Thus I elaborated a solution that
Map<String, List<Optional<String>>>
instead of null
into a runtime exception RuntimeUnsupportedEncodingException
that allows interplay with stream. (Wrapping regular function into functions throwing checked exceptions is a pain. And Scala Try
is not available in the Java language default.)import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;
public class URIParameterDecode {
* Decode parameters in query part of a URI into a map from parameter name to its parameter values.
* For parameters that occur multiple times each value is collected.
* Proper decoding of the parameters is performed.
* Example
* <pre>a=1&b=2&c=&a=4</pre>
* is converted into
* <pre>{a=[Optional[1], Optional[4]], b=[Optional[2]], c=[Optional.empty]}</pre>
* @param query the query part of an URI
* @return map of parameters names into a list of their values.
public static Map<String, List<Optional<String>>> splitQuery(String query) {
if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
return Arrays.stream(query.split("&"))
.map(p -> splitQueryParameter(p))
.collect(groupingBy(e -> e.get0(), // group by parameter name
mapping(e -> e.get1(), toList())));// keep parameter values and assemble into list
public static Pair<String, Optional<String>> splitQueryParameter(String parameter) {
final String enc = "UTF-8";
List<String> keyValue = Arrays.stream(parameter.split("="))
.map(e -> {
try {
return URLDecoder.decode(e, enc);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new RuntimeUnsupportedEncodingException(ex);
if (keyValue.size() == 2) {
return new Pair(keyValue.get(0), Optional.of(keyValue.get(1)));
} else {
return new Pair(keyValue.get(0), Optional.empty());
/** Runtime exception (instead of checked exception) to denote unsupported enconding */
public static class RuntimeUnsupportedEncodingException extends RuntimeException {
public RuntimeUnsupportedEncodingException(Throwable cause) {
* A simple pair of two elements
* @param <U> first element
* @param <V> second element
public static class Pair<U, V> {
U a;
V b;
public Pair(U u, V v) {
this.a = u;
this.b = v;
public U get0() {
return a;
public V get1() {
return b;
... and for the sake of completeness I can not resist to provide the solution in Scala that dominates by brevity and beauty
import java.net.URLDecoder
object Decode {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val input = "a=1&b=2&c=&a=4";
def separate(input: String) : Map[String, List[Option[String]]] = {
case class Parameter(key: String, value: Option[String])
def separateParameter(parameter: String) : Parameter =
.map(e => URLDecoder.decode(e, "UTF-8")) match {
case Array(key, value) => Parameter(key, Some(value))
case Array(key) => Parameter(key, None)
.map(p => separateParameter(p))
.groupBy(p => p.key)
.mapValues(vs => vs.map(p => p.value))