Programs & Examples On #Maven assembly plugin

The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files into a single distributable archive.

Building a fat jar using maven

Note: If you are a spring-boot application, read the end of answer

Add following plugin to your pom.xml The latest version can be found at

            <version>CHOOSE LATEST VERSION HERE</version>

After configuring this plug-in, running mvn package will produce two jars: one containing just the project classes, and a second fat jar with all dependencies with the suffix "-jar-with-dependencies".

if you want correct classpath setup at runtime then also add following plugin


For spring boot application use just following plugin (choose appropriate version of it)


How to implement onBackPressed() in Fragments?

You should add interface to your project like below;

public interface OnBackPressed {

     void onBackPressed();

And then, you should implement this interface on your fragment;

public class SampleFragment extends Fragment implements OnBackPressed {

    public void onBackPressed() {
        //on Back Pressed


And you can trigger this onBackPressed event under your activities onBackPressed event like below;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        public void onBackPressed() {
                Fragment currentFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().getFragments().get(getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() - 1);
                if (currentFragment instanceof OnBackPressed) {  
                    ((OnBackPressed) currentFragment).onBackPressed();

Setting up a websocket on Apache?

I struggled to understand the proxy settings for websockets for https therefore let me put clarity here what i realized.

First you need to enable proxy and proxy_wstunnel apache modules and the apache configuration file will look like this.

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost _default_:443>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/your_project_public_folder

      SSLEngine on
      SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/path_to_your_ssl_certificate
      SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/path_to_your_ssl_key

      <Directory /var/www/your_project_public_folder>
              Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
              AllowOverride All
              Require all granted
              php_flag display_errors On
      ProxyRequests Off 
      ProxyPass /wss/  ws://

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

in your frontend application use the url "wss://" this is very important mostly if you are stuck with websockets you might be making mistake in the front end url. You probably putting url wrongly like below.

wss:// -> port no should not be mentioned
ws:// -> url should start with wss only.
wss:// -> url should end with / -> most important

also interesting part is the last /wss/ is same as proxypass value if you writing proxypass /ws/ then in the front end you should write /ws/ in the end of url.

Comments in Android Layout xml

From Federico Culloca's note:

Also you cannot use them inside tags

Means; you have to put the comment at the top or bottom of the file - all the places you really want to add comments are at least inside the top level layout tag

How to remove a file from the index in git?

Only use git rm --cached [file] to remove a file from the index.

git reset <filename> can be used to remove added files from the index given the files are never committed.

% git add First.txt
% git ls-files
% git commit -m "First"   
% git ls-files            
% git reset First.txt
% git ls-files              

NOTE: git reset First.txt has no effect on index after the commit.

Which brings me to the topic of git restore --staged <file>. It can be used to (presumably after the first commit) remove added files from the index given the files are never committed.

% git add Second.txt              
% git status        
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
    new file:   Second.txt
% git ls-files       
% git restore --staged Second.txt
% git ls-files 
% git add Second.txt 
% git commit -m "Second"
% git status            
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
% git ls-files 
Desktop/Test% git restore --staged .
Desktop/Test% git ls-files
Desktop/Test% git reset .                    
Desktop/Test% git ls-files
% git rm --cached -r .
rm 'First.txt'
rm 'Second.txt'
% git ls-files  

tl;dr Look at last 15 lines. If you don't want to be confused with first commit, second commit, before commit, after commit.... always use git rm --cached [file]

How can I change the Y-axis figures into percentages in a barplot?


+ scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)

Or, to specify formatting parameters for the percent:

+ scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1))

(the command labels = percent is obsolete since version 2.2.1 of ggplot2)

Add new field to every document in a MongoDB collection

if you are using mongoose try this,after mongoose connection

async ()=> await Mongoose.model("collectionName").updateMany({}, {$set: {newField: value}})

How do I implement interfaces in python?

Implementing interfaces with abstract base classes is much simpler in modern Python 3 and they serve a purpose as an interface contract for plug-in extensions.

Create the interface/abstract base class:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AccountingSystem(ABC):

    def create_purchase_invoice(self, purchase):

    def create_sale_invoice(self, sale):
        log.debug('Creating sale invoice', sale)

Create a normal subclass and override all abstract methods:

class GizmoAccountingSystem(AccountingSystem):

    def create_purchase_invoice(self, purchase):

    def create_sale_invoice(self, sale):

You can optionally have common implementation in the abstract methods as in create_sale_invoice(), calling it with super() explicitly in the subclass as above.

Instantiation of a subclass that does not implement all the abstract methods fails:

class IncompleteAccountingSystem(AccountingSystem):

>>> accounting = IncompleteAccountingSystem()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class IncompleteAccountingSystem with abstract methods
create_purchase_invoice, create_sale_invoice

You can also have abstract properties, static and class methods by combining corresponding annotations with @abstractmethod.

Abstract base classes are great for implementing plugin-based systems. All imported subclasses of a class are accessible via __subclasses__(), so if you load all classes from a plugin directory with importlib.import_module() and if they subclass the base class, you have direct access to them via __subclasses__() and you can be sure that the interface contract is enforced for all of them during instantiation.

Here's the plugin loading implementation for the AccountingSystem example above:

from importlib import import_module

class AccountingSystem(ABC):

    _instance = None

    def instance(cls):
        if not cls._instance:
            module_name = settings.ACCOUNTING_SYSTEM_MODULE_NAME
            subclasses = cls.__subclasses__()
            if len(subclasses) > 1:
                raise InvalidAccountingSystemError('More than one '
                        f'accounting module: {subclasses}')
            if not subclasses or module_name not in str(subclasses[0]):
                raise InvalidAccountingSystemError('Accounting module '
                        f'{module_name} does not exist or does not '
                        'subclass AccountingSystem')
            cls._instance = subclasses[0]()
        return cls._instance

Then you can access the accounting system plugin object through the AccountingSystem class:

>>> accountingsystem = AccountingSystem.instance()

(Inspired by this PyMOTW-3 post.)

Force browser to download image files on click

You can directly download this file using anchor tag without much code.
Copy the snippet and paste in your text-editor and try it...!

     <img src="" width="200" height="200">_x000D_
      <a href="#" download=""> Download Image </a>_x000D_

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

i. Please check the InnerException property of the TypeInitializationException

ii. Also, this may occur due to mismatch between the runtime versions of the assemblies. Please verify the runtime versions of the main assembly (calling application) and the referred assembly

How can I color a UIImage in Swift?

I ended up with this because other answers either lose resolution or work with UIImageView, not UIImage, or contain unnecessary actions:

Swift 3

extension UIImage {
    public func mask(with color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.size, false, self.scale)
        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
        let rect = CGRect(origin:, size: size)
        self.draw(in: rect)
        let resultImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
        return resultImage

Google Play error "Error while retrieving information from server [DF-DFERH-01]"

Issue resolved after installing Google Play Services (NEVER needed them until now, removed because used too many resources on my Android 2.3), and do the following steps:

From Ryan Lestage on Google+:

  1. Clear data for the following apps:

    • Play Store
    • Download Manager
    • Google Services Framework
  2. Restart your phone.

  3. Fire up the Play Store app.
  4. Wait for the device to show again on the web Play Store. It will appear under Settings > Devices. It may take a half-hour to several hours to appear.

When your phone has shown up in the Play Store with the date registered as today's date, proceed with the next steps, but not before.

  1. Open Google Settings from your device's apps menu.
  2. Touch Android Device Manager.
  3. Uncheck Allow remote factory reset.
  4. Go to your device's main Settings menu, then touch Apps > All > Google Play services.
  5. Touch Clear Data. Note that this action doesn't remove personal data.
  6. Go back to Google Settings and select Allow remote factory reset.
  7. Restart your device.

Notepad++ change text color?

You can use the "User-Defined Language" option available at the notepad++. You do not need to do the xml-based hacks, where the formatting would be available only in the searched window, with the formatting rules.

Sample for your reference here.

Convert time.Time to string

package main                                                                                                                                                           

import (

// @link

func main() {

    //caution : format string is `2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000`
    current := time.Now()

    fmt.Println("origin : ", current.String())
    // origin :  2016-09-02 15:53:07.159994437 +0800 CST

    fmt.Println("mm-dd-yyyy : ", current.Format("01-02-2006"))
    // mm-dd-yyyy :  09-02-2016

    fmt.Println("yyyy-mm-dd : ", current.Format("2006-01-02"))
    // yyyy-mm-dd :  2016-09-02

    // separated by .
    fmt.Println(" : ", current.Format("2006.01.02"))
    // :  2016.09.02

    fmt.Println("yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss : ", current.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
    // yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss :  2016-09-02 15:53:07

    // StampMicro
    fmt.Println("yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss: ", current.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000"))
    // yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss:  2016-09-02 15:53:07.159994

    fmt.Println("yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss: ", current.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000"))
    // yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss:  2016-09-02 15:53:07.159994437

Sum of values in an array using jQuery

var total = 0;
$.each(someArray,function() {
    total += parseInt(this, 10);

java SSL and cert keystore

SSL properties are set at the JVM level via system properties. Meaning you can either set them when you run the program (java -D....) Or you can set them in code by doing System.setProperty.

The specific keys you have to set are below: Location of the Java keystore file containing an application process's own certificate and private key. On Windows, the specified pathname must use forward slashes, /, in place of backslashes. - Password to access the private key from the keystore file specified by This password is used twice: To unlock the keystore file (store password), and To decrypt the private key stored in the keystore (key password). - Location of the Java keystore file containing the collection of CA certificates trusted by this application process (trust store). On Windows, the specified pathname must use forward slashes, /, in place of backslashes, \.

If a trust store location is not specified using this property, the SunJSSE implementation searches for and uses a keystore file in the following locations (in order):

  1. $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/jssecacerts
  2. $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts - Password to unlock the keystore file (store password) specified by - (Optional) For Java keystore file format, this property has the value jks (or JKS). You do not normally specify this property, because its default value is already jks. - To switch on logging for the SSL/TLS layer, set this property to ssl.

How to use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState()?

This happens because you use the savedValue in the onCreate() method. The savedValue is updated in onRestoreInstanceState() method, but onRestoreInstanceState() is called after the onCreate() method. You can either:

  1. Update the savedValue in onCreate() method, or
  2. Move the code that use the new savedValue in onRestoreInstanceState() method.

But I suggest you to use the first approach, making the code like this:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    int display_mode = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;

    if (display_mode == 1) {

        mGrid = (GridView) findViewById(;
        // mGrid.setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION);

    } else {
        mGrid = (GridView) findViewById(;
        Log.d("Mode", "land");
        // mGrid.setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION);

    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        savedUser = savedInstanceState.getString("TEXT");
    } else {
        savedUser = ""
    Log.d("savedUser", savedUser);
    if (savedUser.equals("admin")) { //value 0
    } else if (savedUser.equals("prof")) { //value 1
    } else {// default value
        appManager = new ApplicationManager(this, getPackageManager());

getting file size in javascript

You could probably try this to get file sizes in kB and MB Until the file size in bytes would be upto 7 digits, the outcome would be in kbs. 7 seems to be the magic number here. After which, if the bytes would have 7 to 10 digits, we would have to divide it by 10**3(n) where n is the appending action . This pattern would repeat for every 3 digits added.

let fileSize = myInp.files[0].size.toString();

if(fileSize.length < 7) return `${Math.round(+fileSize/1024).toFixed(2)}kb`
    return `${(Math.round(+fileSize/1024)/1000).toFixed(2)}MB`

accessing a file using [NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: ofType:inDirectory:

Go to "Target" -> "Build Phases", select your target, select the “Build Phases” tab, click “Add Build Phase”, and select “Add Copy Files”. Change the destination to “Products Directory”. Drag your file into the “Add files” section.

'React' must be in scope when using JSX react/react-in-jsx-scope?

For those who still don't get the accepted solution :


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

at the top of the file.

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

You can use a 3rd party library like Shield UI for charting - that is tested and works well on all legacy and new web browsers and devices.

How to make python Requests work via socks proxy

You need install pysocks , my version is 1.0 and the code works for me:

import socket
import socks
import requests
ip='localhost' # change your proxy's ip
port = 0000 # change your proxy's port
socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, ip, port)
socket.socket = socks.socksocket
url = u''

Getting the first character of a string with $str[0]

I've used that notation before as well, with no ill side effects and no misunderstandings. It makes sense -- a string is just an array of characters, after all.

Reading a key from the Web.Config using ConfigurationManager

Also you can try this line to get string value from app.config file.

var strName= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["stringName"];

How to get Node.JS Express to listen only on localhost?

You are having this problem because you are attempting to console log app.address() before the connection has been made. You just have to be sure to console log after the connection is made, i.e. in a callback or after an event signaling that the connection has been made.

Fortunately, the 'listening' event is emitted by the server after the connection is made so just do this:

var express = require('express');
var http = require('http');

var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.send("Hello World!");

server.listen(3000, 'localhost');
server.on('listening', function() {
    console.log('Express server started on port %s at %s', server.address().port, server.address().address);

This works just fine in nodejs v0.6+ and Express v3.0+.

SQL Server replace, remove all after certain character

Use LEFT combined with CHARINDEX:

SET MyText = LEFT(MyText, CHARINDEX(';', MyText) - 1)
WHERE CHARINDEX(';', MyText) > 0

Note that the WHERE clause skips updating rows in which there is no semicolon.

Here is some code to verify the SQL above works:

declare @MyTable table ([id] int primary key clustered, MyText varchar(100))
insert into @MyTable ([id], MyText)
select 1, 'some text; some more text'
union all select 2, 'text again; even more text'
union all select 3, 'text without a semicolon'
union all select 4, null -- test NULLs
union all select 5, '' -- test empty string
union all select 6, 'test 3 semicolons; second part; third part;'
union all select 7, ';' -- test semicolon by itself    

SET MyText = LEFT(MyText, CHARINDEX(';', MyText) - 1)
WHERE CHARINDEX(';', MyText) > 0

select * from @MyTable

I get the following results:

id MyText
-- -------------------------
1  some text
2  text again
3  text without a semicolon
5        (empty string)
6  test 3 semicolons
7        (empty string)

Javascript Iframe innerHTML

You can get the source from another domain if you install the ForceCORS filter on Firefox. When you turn on this filter, it will bypass the security feature in the browser and your script will work even if you try to read another webpage. For example, you could open in an iframe and then read its source. The reason modern web brwosers deny this ability by default is because if the other domain includes a piece of JavaScript and you're reading that and displaying it on your page, it could contain malicious code and pose a security threat. So, whenever you're displaying data from another domain on your page, you must beware of this real threat and implement a way to filter out all JavaScript code from your text before you're going to display it. Remember, when a supposed piece of raw text contains some code enclosed within script tags, they won't show up when you display it on your page, nevertheless they will run! So, realize this is a threat.

Javascript set img src

Pure JavaScript to Create img tag and add attributes manually ,

var image = document.createElement("img");
var imageParent = document.getElementById("body"); = "id";
image.className = "class";
image.src = searchPic.src;            // image.src = "IMAGE URL/PATH"

Set src in pic1

document["#pic1"].src = searchPic.src;

or with getElementById

document.getElementById("pic1").src= searchPic.src;

j-Query to archive this,

$("#pic1").attr("src", searchPic.src);

How to start IDLE (Python editor) without using the shortcut on Windows Vista?

there is a .bat script to start it (python 2.7).


Running a command as Administrator using PowerShell?

Here's a self-elevating snippet for Powershell scripts which preserves the working directory:

if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
    Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command `"cd '$pwd'; & '$PSCommandPath';`"";

# Your script here

Preserving the working directory is important for scripts that perform path-relative operations. Almost all of the other answers do not preserve this path, which can cause unexpected errors in the rest of the script.

If you'd rather not use a self-elevating script/snippet, and instead just want an easy way to launch a script as adminstrator (eg. from the Explorer context-menu), see my other answer here:

Install an apk file from command prompt?

I use this script on my windows machine ( insall all apks in current folder to all available devices )

Write-Host "Listing APKs..."

$List_Apks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.apk -File -Name| ForEach-Object {
    $apk_filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_)

Write-Host "Found apks "$List_Apks.Length
Write-Host ""

$raw_list = adb devices
$array_lines = $raw_list.Split("\n")

Write-Host "Listing devices "

$List_Device_Ids = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

1..($array_lines.Length-2) | foreach {
  $device_id = $array_lines[$_].Split([char]0x9)[0]

Write-Host "Found devices "$List_Device_Ids.Length

0..($List_Device_Ids.Length-1) | foreach {
    $device_id = $List_Device_Ids[$_]

    0..($List_Apks.Length-1) | foreach {
        $apk_file_name = $List_Apks[$_]

        Write-Host "Installing " $apk_file_name "->" $device_id

        adb -s $device_id install -r $apk_file_name

Write-Host "Endo"

Save this as install-apks.ps1

Then from the powershell :

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File .\install-apks.ps1

android pick images from gallery

Here is a full example for request permission (if need), pick image from gallery, then convert image to bitmap or file


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        button_pick_image.setOnClickListener {

    private fun pickImage() {
        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            val intent = Intent(
            intent.type = "image/*"
            intent.putExtra("crop", "true")
            intent.putExtra("scale", true)
            intent.putExtra("aspectX", 16)
            intent.putExtra("aspectY", 9)
            startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE)
        } else {

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            val uri = data?.data
            if (uri != null) {
                val imageFile = uriToImageFile(uri)
                // todo do something with file
            if (uri != null) {
                val imageBitmap = uriToBitmap(uri)
                // todo do something with bitmap

    override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)
        when (requestCode) {
                if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                    // pick image after request permission success

    private fun uriToImageFile(uri: Uri): File? {
        val filePathColumn = arrayOf(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA)
        val cursor = contentResolver.query(uri, filePathColumn, null, null, null)
        if (cursor != null) {
            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                val columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(filePathColumn[0])
                val filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex)
                return File(filePath)
        return null

    private fun uriToBitmap(uri: Uri): Bitmap {
        return MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(this.contentResolver, uri)

    companion object {
        const val PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE = 1000


Is there any way I can define a variable in LaTeX?

add the following to you preamble:

\newcommand{\newCommandName}{text to insert}

Then you can just use \newCommandName{} in the text

For more info on \newcommand, see e.g. wikibooks





Why is it that "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI" here?

I had that problem, if you are calling your REST Methods from another Assembly you must be sure that all your references have the same version as your main project references, otherwise will never find your controllers.


How to quickly drop a user with existing privileges

How about

DROP USER <username>

This is actually an alias for DROP ROLE.

You have to explicity drop any privileges associated with that user, also to move its ownership to other roles (or drop the object).

This is best achieved by

REASSIGN OWNED BY <olduser> TO <newuser>


DROP OWNED BY <olduser>

The latter will remove any privileges granted to the user.

See the postgres docs for DROP ROLE and the more detailed description of this.


Apparently, trying to drop a user by using the commands mentioned here will only work if you are executing them while being connected to the same database that the original GRANTS were made from, as discussed here:

Div show/hide media query

 Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
@media (min-width: 576px) { 

// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
@media (min-width: 768px) { 

// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
@media (min-width: 992px) { 
display: none;

// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
// Havent code only get for more informations 

How to show another window from mainwindow in QT

  1. Implement a slot in your QMainWindow where you will open your new Window,
  2. Place a widget on your QMainWindow,
  3. Connect a signal from this widget to a slot from the QMainWindow (for example: if the widget is a QPushButton connect the signal click() to the QMainWindow custom slot you have created).

Code example:


// ...
include "newwindow.h"
// ...
public slots:
   void openNewWindow();
// ...
   NewWindow *mMyNewWindow;
// ...


// ...
      // ...
      connect(mMyButton, SIGNAL(click()), this, SLOT(openNewWindow()));
      // ...
// ...
void MainWindow::openNewWindow()
   mMyNewWindow = new NewWindow(); // Be sure to destroy your window somewhere
   // ...

This is an example on how display a custom new window. There are a lot of ways to do this.

CSS disable text selection

you can disable all selection

.disable-all{-webkit-touch-callout: none;  -webkit-user-select: none;-khtml-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;}

now you can enable input and text-area enable

input, textarea{
-khtml-user-select: text;

replace \n and \r\n with <br /> in java

That should work, but don't kill yourself trying to figure it out. Just use 2 passes.

str  = str.replaceAll("(\r\n)", "<br />");
str  = str.replaceAll("(\n)", "<br />");

Disclaimer: this is not very efficient.

How can I pass data from Flask to JavaScript in a template?

Using a data attribute on an HTML element avoids having to use inline scripting, which in turn means you can use stricter CSP rules for increased security.

Specify a data attribute like so:

<div id="mydiv" data-geocode='{{ geocode|tojson }}'>...</div>

Then access it in a static JavaScript file like so:

// Raw JavaScript
var geocode = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("mydiv").dataset.geocode);

// jQuery
var geocode = JSON.parse($("#mydiv").data("geocode"));

TypeError : Unhashable type

... and so you should do something like this:

set(tuple ((a,b) for a in range(3)) for b in range(3))

... and if needed convert back to list

if arguments is equal to this string, define a variable like this string

You can use either "=" or "==" operators for string comparison in bash. The important factor is the spacing within the brackets. The proper method is for brackets to contain spacing within, and operators to contain spacing around. In some instances different combinations work; however, the following is intended to be a universal example.

if [ "$1" == "something" ]; then     ## GOOD

if [ "$1" = "something" ]; then      ## GOOD

if [ "$1"="something" ]; then        ## BAD (operator spacing)

if ["$1" == "something"]; then       ## BAD (bracket spacing)

Also, note double brackets are handled slightly differently compared to single brackets ...

if [[ $a == z* ]]; then   # True if $a starts with a "z" (pattern matching).
if [[ $a == "z*" ]]; then # True if $a is equal to z* (literal matching).

if [ $a == z* ]; then     # File globbing and word splitting take place.
if [ "$a" == "z*" ]; then # True if $a is equal to z* (literal matching).

I hope that helps!

C++ template constructor

Some points:

  • If you declare any constructor(including a templated one), the compiler will refrain from declaring a default constructor.
  • Unless you declare a copy-constructor (for class X one that takes X or X& or X const &) the compiler will generate the default copy-constructor.
  • If you provide a template constructor for class X which takes T const & or T or T& then the compiler will nevertheless generate a default non-templated copy-constructor, even though you may think that it shouldn't because when T = X the declaration matches the copy-constructor declaration.
  • In the latter case you may want to provide a non-templated copy-constructor along with the templated one. They will not conflict. When X is passed the nontemplated will be called. Otherwise the templated


Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters

I've just checked and i have the same code as you and it works perferctly. The only difference is how i fill my List for the params :

I use a : ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> params

and fill it this way :

 params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("apikey", apikey);

I do not use any JSONObject to send params to the webservices.

Are you obliged to use the JSONObject ?

XmlDocument - load from string?

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

Where str is your XML string. See the MSDN article for more info.

cannot convert 'std::basic_string<char>' to 'const char*' for argument '1' to 'int system(const char*)'

The system function requires const char *, and your expression is of the type std::string. You should write

string name = "john";
string system_str = " quickscan.exe resolution 300 selectscanner jpg showui showprogress filename '"+name+".jpg'";
system(system_str.c_str ());

Remote Connections Mysql Ubuntu

If testing on Windows, don't forget to open port 3306.

How Big can a Python List Get?

Sure it is OK. Actually you can see for yourself easily:

l = range(12000)
l = sorted(l, reverse=True)

Running the those lines on my machine took:

real    0m0.036s
user    0m0.024s
sys  0m0.004s

But sure as everyone else said. The larger the array the slower the operations will be.

Count length of array and return 1 if it only contains one element

A couple other options:

  1. Use the comma operator to create an array:

    $cars = ,"bmw"
    # Outputs: System.Object[]
  2. Use array subexpression syntax:

    $cars = @("bmw")
    # Outputs: System.Object[]

If you don't want an object array you can downcast to the type you want e.g. a string array.

 [string[]] $cars = ,"bmw"
 [string[]] $cars = @("bmw")

Android - Best and safe way to stop thread

Try Like this

Thread thread = new Thread() {
    public void run() {
            Log.d("Current Thread", "Running"); 
            }catch(Exeption exception){ }


Calendar date to yyyy-MM-dd format in java

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 7);
Date date = c.getTime();
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-YYYY");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ft.format(date));

This will display your date + 7 days in month, day and year format in a JOption window pane.

How to open the command prompt and insert commands using Java?

If you are running two commands at once just to change the directory the command prompt runs in, there is an overload for the Runtime.exec method that lets you specify the current working directory. Like,

Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
rt.exec("cmd.exe /c start command", null, new File(newDir));

This will open command prompt in the directory at newDir. I think your solution works as well, but this keeps your command string or array a little cleaner.

There is an overload for having the command as a string and having the command as a String array.

You may find it even easier, though, to use the ProcessBuilder, which has a directory method to set your current working directory.

Hope this helps.

How to replace all double quotes to single quotes using jquery?

You can also use replaceAll(search, replaceWith) [MDN].

Then, make sure you have a string by wrapping one type of quotes by a different type:

 'a "b" c'.replaceAll('"', "'")
 // result: "a 'b' c"
 'a "b" c'.replaceAll(`"`, `'`)
 // result: "a 'b' c"

 // Using RegEx. You MUST use a global RegEx(Meaning it'll match all occurrences).
 'a "b" c'.replaceAll(/\"/g, "'")
 // result: "a 'b' c"

Important(!) if you choose regex:

when using a regexp you have to set the global ("g") flag; otherwise, it will throw a TypeError: "replaceAll must be called with a global RegExp".

How to stop event propagation with inline onclick attribute?

According to this page, in IE you need:

event.cancelBubble = true

How can I change text color via keyboard shortcut in MS word 2010

Press Alt+H(h) and then you'll see the shortcuts on the toolbar, press FC to operate color menu and press A(Automatic) for black or browse through other colors using arrow keys.

Overloading and overriding

Simple definitions for overloading and overriding

Overloading (Compile Time Polymorphism):: Functions with same name and different parameters

public class A
    public void print(int x, int y)
        Console.WriteLine("Parent Method");

public class B : A
    public void child()
        Console.WriteLine("Child Method");

    public void print(float x, float y)
        Console.WriteLine("Overload child method");

Overriding (Run Time Polymorphism):: Functions in the extended class with same name and same parameters as in the base class, but with different behaviors.

public class A
    public virtual void print()
        Console.WriteLine("Parent Method");

public class B : A
    public void child()
        Console.WriteLine("Child Method");

    public override void print()
        Console.WriteLine("Overriding child method");

Jquery click event not working after append method

The .on() method is used to delegate events to elements, dynamically added or already present in the DOM:

// STATIC-PARENT              on  EVENT    DYNAMIC-CHILD_x000D_
$('#registered_participants').on('click', '.new_participant_form', function() {_x000D_
  var $td = $(this).closest('tr').find('td');_x000D_
  var part_name = $td.eq(1).text();_x000D_
  console.log( part_name );_x000D_
$('#add_new_participant').click(function() {_x000D_
  var first_name = $.trim( $('#f_name_participant').val() );_x000D_
  var last_name  = $.trim( $('#l_name_participant').val() );_x000D_
  var role       = $('#new_participant_role').val();_x000D_
  var email      = $('#email_participant').val();_x000D_
  if(!first_name && !last_name) return;_x000D_
  $('#registered_participants').append('<tr><td><a href="#" class="new_participant_form">Participant Registration</a></td><td>' + first_name + ' ' + last_name + '</td><td>' + role + '</td><td>0% done</td></tr>');_x000D_
<table id="registered_participants" class="tablesorter">_x000D_
      <th>Progress </th>_x000D_
      <td><a href="#" class="new_participant_form">Participant Registration</a></td>_x000D_
      <td>Smith Johnson</td>_x000D_
      <td>60% done</td>_x000D_
<input type="text" id="f_name_participant" placeholder="Name">_x000D_
<input type="text" id="l_name_participant" placeholder="Surname">_x000D_
<select id="new_participant_role">_x000D_
<button id="add_new_participant">Add New Entry</button>_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>

Read more:

Escape invalid XML characters in C#

string XMLWriteStringWithoutIllegalCharacters(string UnfilteredString)
    if (UnfilteredString == null)
        return string.Empty;

    return XmlConvert.EncodeName(UnfilteredString);

string XMLReadStringWithoutIllegalCharacters(string FilteredString)
    if (UnfilteredString == null)
        return string.Empty;

    return XmlConvert.DecodeName(UnfilteredString);

This simple method replace the invalid characters with the same value but accepted in the XML context.

To write string use XMLWriteStringWithoutIllegalCharacters(string UnfilteredString).
To read string use XMLReadStringWithoutIllegalCharacters(string FilteredString).

MVC 3 file upload and model binding

1st download jquery.form.js file from below url

Write below code in cshtml

@using (Html.BeginForm("Upload", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", id = "frmTemplateUpload" }))
    <div id="uploadTemplate">

        <input type="text" value="Asif" id="txtname" name="txtName" />

        <div id="dvAddTemplate">
            Add Template
            <br />
            <input type="file" name="file" id="file" tabindex="2" />
            <br />
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
            <input type="button" id="btnAttachFileCancel" tabindex="3" value="Cancel" />

        <div id="TemplateTree" style="overflow-x: auto;"></div>

    <div id="progressBarDiv" style="display: none;">
        <img id="loading-image" src="~/Images/progress-loader.gif" />


<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var status = $('#status');
            beforeSend: function () {
                if ($("#file").val() != "") {
                    //progress_run_id = setInterval(progress, 300);
            success: function () {
            complete: function (xhr) {
                if ($("#file").val() != "") {
                    var millisecondsToWait = 500;
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, millisecondsToWait);



Action method :-

 public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";

            return View();

 public void Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file, string txtname )

                string attachmentFilePath = file.FileName;
                string fileName = attachmentFilePath.Substring(attachmentFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

            catch (Exception ex)


The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead

  1. Why is this happening?

    The entire ext/mysql PHP extension, which provides all functions named with the prefix mysql_, was officially deprecated in PHP v5.5.0 and removed in PHP v7.

    It was originally introduced in PHP v2.0 (November 1997) for MySQL v3.20, and no new features have been added since 2006. Coupled with the lack of new features are difficulties in maintaining such old code amidst complex security vulnerabilities.

    The manual has contained warnings against its use in new code since June 2011.

  2. How can I fix it?

    As the error message suggests, there are two other MySQL extensions that you can consider: MySQLi and PDO_MySQL, either of which can be used instead of ext/mysql. Both have been in PHP core since v5.0, so if you're using a version that is throwing these deprecation errors then you can almost certainly just start using them right away—i.e. without any installation effort.

    They differ slightly, but offer a number of advantages over the old extension including API support for transactions, stored procedures and prepared statements (thereby providing the best way to defeat SQL injection attacks). PHP developer Ulf Wendel has written a thorough comparison of the features. has an excellent tutorial on migrating from ext/mysql to PDO.

  3. I understand that it's possible to suppress deprecation errors by setting error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_DEPRECATED:

    error_reporting = E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED

    What will happen if I do that?

    Yes, it is possible to suppress such error messages and continue using the old ext/mysql extension for the time being. But you really shouldn't do this—this is a final warning from the developers that the extension may not be bundled with future versions of PHP (indeed, as already mentioned, it has been removed from PHP v7). Instead, you should take this opportunity to migrate your application now, before it's too late.

    Note also that this technique will suppress all E_DEPRECATED messages, not just those to do with the ext/mysql extension: therefore you may be unaware of other upcoming changes to PHP that would affect your application code. It is, of course, possible to only suppress errors that arise on the expression at issue by using PHP's error control operator—i.e. prepending the relevant line with @—however this will suppress all errors raised by that expression, not just E_DEPRECATED ones.

What should you do?

  • You are starting a new project.

    There is absolutely no reason to use ext/mysql—choose one of the other, more modern, extensions instead and reap the rewards of the benefits they offer.

  • You have (your own) legacy codebase that currently depends upon ext/mysql.

    It would be wise to perform regression testing: you really shouldn't be changing anything (especially upgrading PHP) until you have identified all of the potential areas of impact, planned around each of them and then thoroughly tested your solution in a staging environment.

    • Following good coding practice, your application was developed in a loosely integrated/modular fashion and the database access methods are all self-contained in one place that can easily be swapped out for one of the new extensions.

      Spend half an hour rewriting this module to use one of the other, more modern, extensions; test thoroughly. You can later introduce further refinements to reap the rewards of the benefits they offer.

    • The database access methods are scattered all over the place and cannot easily be swapped out for one of the new extensions.

      Consider whether you really need to upgrade to PHP v5.5 at this time.

      You should begin planning to replace ext/mysql with one of the other, more modern, extensions in order that you can reap the rewards of the benefits they offer; you might also use it as an opportunity to refactor your database access methods into a more modular structure.

      However, if you have an urgent need to upgrade PHP right away, you might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being: but first be sure to identify any other deprecation errors that are also being thrown.

  • You are using a third party project that depends upon ext/mysql.

    Consider whether you really need to upgrade to PHP v5.5 at this time.

    Check whether the developer has released any fixes, workarounds or guidance in relation to this specific issue; or, if not, pressure them to do so by bringing this matter to their attention. If you have an urgent need to upgrade PHP right away, you might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being: but first be sure to identify any other deprecation errors that are also being thrown.

    It is absolutely essential to perform regression testing.

Should CSS always preceed Javascript?

I think this wont be true for all the cases. Because css will download parallel but js cant. Consider for the same case,

Instead of having single css, take 2 or 3 css files and try it out these ways,

1) css..css..js 2) css..js..css 3) js..css..css

I'm sure css..css..js will give better result than all others.

openssl s_client -cert: Proving a client certificate was sent to the server

I know this is an old question but it does not yet appear to have an answer. I've duplicated this situation, but I'm writing the server app, so I've been able to establish what happens on the server side as well. The client sends the certificate when the server asks for it and if it has a reference to a real certificate in the s_client command line. My server application is set up to ask for a client certificate and to fail if one is not presented. Here is the command line I issue:

Yourhostname here -vvvvvvvvvv s_client -connect <hostname>:443 -cert client.pem -key cckey.pem -CAfile rootcert.pem -cipher ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH -tls1 -state

When I leave out the "-cert client.pem" part of the command the handshake fails on the server side and the s_client command fails with an error reported. I still get the report "No client certificate CA names sent" but I think that has been answered here above.

The short answer then is that the server determines whether a certificate will be sent by the client under normal operating conditions (s_client is not normal) and the failure is due to the server not recognizing the CA in the certificate presented. I'm not familiar with many situations in which two-way authentication is done although it is required for my project.

You are clearly sending a certificate. The server is clearly rejecting it.

The missing information here is the exact manner in which the certs were created and the way in which the provider loaded the cert, but that is probably all wrapped up by now.

set the width of select2 input (through Angular-ui directive)

You can try like this. It works for me


On hide/show or ajax request, we have to reinitialize the select2 plugin

For example:


    var thisVal = $(this).val();
    if(thisVal == 'sailor'){

jQuery return ajax result into outside variable

So this is long after the initial question, and technically it isn't a direct answer to how to use Ajax call to populate exterior variable as the question asks. However in research and responses it's been found to be extremely difficult to do this without disabling asynchronous functions within the call, or by descending into what seems like the potential for callback hell. My solution for this has been to use Axios. Using this has dramatically simplified my usages of asynchronous calls getting in the way of getting at data.

For example if I were trying to access session variables in PHP, like the User ID, via a call from JS this might be a problem. Doing something like this..

async function getSession() {
 'use strict';
 const getSession = await axios("http:" + url + "auth/" + "getSession");

Which calls a PHP function that looks like this.

public function getSession() {
 $session = new SessionController();
 $sessionObj = new \stdClass();
 $sessionObj->user_id = $_SESSION["user_id"];
 echo json_encode($sessionObj);

To invoke this using Axios do something like this.

getSession().then(function (res) {
 anyVariable = res;
 anyFunction(res);//set any variable or populate another function waiting for the data

The result would be, in this case a Json object from PHP.


Which you can either use in a function directly in the response section of the Axios call or set a variable or invoke another function.

Proper syntax for the Axios call would actually look like this.

getSession().then(function (res) {
 anyVariable = res;
 anyFunction(res);//set any variable or populate another function waiting for the data
}).catch(function (error) {

For proper error handling.

I hope this helps anyone having these issues. And yes I am aware this technically is not a direct answer to the question but given the answers supplied already I felt the need to provide this alternative solution which dramatically simplified my code on the client and server sides.

Moving items around in an ArrayList

As Mikkel posted before Collections.rotate is a simple way. I'm using this method for moving items up- and downward in a List.

public static <T> void moveItem(int sourceIndex, int targetIndex, List<T> list) {
    if (sourceIndex <= targetIndex) {
        Collections.rotate(list.subList(sourceIndex, targetIndex + 1), -1);
    } else {
        Collections.rotate(list.subList(targetIndex, sourceIndex + 1), 1);

Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript

Detecting and embedding Flash within a web document is a surprisingly difficult task.

I was very disappointed with the quality and non-standards compliant markup generated from both SWFObject and Adobe's solutions. Additionally, my testing found Adobe's auto updater to be inconsistent and unreliable.

The JavaScript Flash Detection Library (Flash Detect) and JavaScript Flash HTML Generator Library (Flash TML) are a legible, maintainable and standards compliant markup solution.

-"Luke read the source!"

How to install xgboost in Anaconda Python (Windows platform)?

After trying some things the only thing that worked for me is:

conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost

Converting JSON data to Java object

HashMap keyArrayList = new HashMap();
Iterator itr = yourJson.keys();
while (itr.hasNext())
    String key = (String);
    keyArrayList.put(key, yourJson.get(key).toString());

How do I detect if Python is running as a 64-bit application?

While it may work on some platforms, be aware that platform.architecture is not always a reliable way to determine whether python is running in 32-bit or 64-bit. In particular, on some OS X multi-architecture builds, the same executable file may be capable of running in either mode, as the example below demonstrates. The quickest safe multi-platform approach is to test sys.maxsize on Python 2.6, 2.7, Python 3.x.

$ arch -i386 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
Python 2.7.9 (v2.7.9:648dcafa7e5f, Dec 10 2014, 10:10:46)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform, sys
>>> platform.architecture(), sys.maxsize
(('64bit', ''), 2147483647)
>>> ^D
$ arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
Python 2.7.9 (v2.7.9:648dcafa7e5f, Dec 10 2014, 10:10:46)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform, sys
>>> platform.architecture(), sys.maxsize
(('64bit', ''), 9223372036854775807)

a page can have only one server-side form tag

I think you did like this:

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MasterContent" runat="server">
  <form id="form1" runat="server">


The form tag isn't needed. because you already have the same tag in the master page.

So you just remove that and it should be working.

How to send Basic Auth with axios

The solution given by luschn and pillravi works fine unless you receive a Strict-Transport-Security header in the response.

Adding withCredentials: true will solve that issue., {
    withCredentials: true,
    headers: {
      "Accept": "application/json",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    auth: {
      username: "USERNAME",
      password: "PASSWORD"
  }}).then(function(response) {
  }).catch(function(error) {
    console.log('Error on Authentication');

problem with php mail 'From' header

I had the same Issue, I checked the site. And found the right format.
This is my updated code.

$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From:  ' . $fromName . ' <' . $fromEmail .'>' . " \r\n" .
            'Reply-To: '.  $fromEmail . "\r\n" .
            'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

The \r\n should be in double quotes(") itself, the single quotes(') will not work.

JavaFX 2.1 TableView refresh items

Instead of refreshing manually you should use observeable properties. The answers of this question examples the purpose: SimpleStringProperty and SimpleIntegerProperty TableView JavaFX

'uint32_t' identifier not found error

There is an implementation available at the msinttypes project page - "This project fills the absence of stdint.h and inttypes.h in Microsoft Visual Studio".

I don't have experience with this implementation, but I've seen it recommended by others on SO.

What is hashCode used for? Is it unique?

This is from the msdn article here:

"While you will hear people state that hash codes generate a unique value for a given input, the fact is that, while difficult to accomplish, it is technically feasible to find two different data inputs that hash to the same value. However, the true determining factors regarding the effectiveness of a hash algorithm lie in the length of the generated hash code and the complexity of the data being hashed."

So just use a hash algorithm suitable to your data size and it will have unique hashcodes.

How to delete or add column in SQLITE?

We cannot drop a specific column in SQLite 3. See the FAQ.

How to screenshot website in JavaScript client-side / how Google did it? (no need to access HDD)

I needed to snapshot a div on the page (for a webapp I wrote) that is protected by JWT's and makes very heavy use of Angular.

I had no luck with any of the above methods.

I ended up taking the outerHTML of the div I needed, cleaning it up a little (*) and then sending it to the server where I run wkhtmltopdf against it.

This is working very well for me.

(*) various input devices in my pages didn't render as checked or have their text values when viewed in the pdf... So I run a little bit of jQuery on the html before I send it up for rendering. ex: for text input items -- I copy their .val()'s into 'value' attributes, which then can be seen by wkhtmlpdf

How to read a single character at a time from a file in Python?

os.system("stty -icanon -echo")
while True:
    raw_c = sys.stdin.buffer.peek()
    c =
    print(f"Char: {c}")

How to know whether refresh button or browser back button is clicked in Firefox

Use for on refresh event

window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
  return 'Dialog text here.';


$(window).unload(function() {
      alert('Handler for .unload() called.');

Is this a good way to clone an object in ES6?

If the methods you used isn't working well with objects involving data types like Date, try this

Import _

import * as _ from 'lodash';

Deep clone object

myObjCopy = _.cloneDeep(myObj);

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences

public class VcareSharedPreference {
  private static VcareSharedPreference sharePref = new VcareSharedPreference(); 
  private static SharedPreferences sharedPreferences; 
  private static SharedPreferences.Editor editor;
  private VcareSharedPreference() {
public static VcareSharedPreference getInstance(Context context) {
    if (sharedPreferences == null) {
        sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(context.getPackageName(), Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
        editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
    return sharePref;
public void save(String KEY, String text) {
    editor.putString(KEY, text);
 public String getValue(String PREFKEY) {
    String text;

    //settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    text = sharedPreferences.getString(PREFKEY, null);
    return text;
public void removeValue(String KEY) {

public void clearAll() {
public void saveArrayList(String key, ArrayList<ModelWelcome> modelCourses) {
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(modelCourses);
    editor.putString(key, json);

public ArrayList<ModelWelcome> getArray(String key) {

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = sharedPreferences.getString(key, null);
    Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<ModelWelcome>>() {
 return gson.fromJson(json, type);}}

Python Tkinter clearing a frame

pack_forget and grid_forget will only remove widgets from view, it doesn't destroy them. If you don't plan on re-using the widgets, your only real choice is to destroy them with the destroy method.

To do that you have two choices: destroy each one individually, or destroy the frame which will cause all of its children to be destroyed. The latter is generally the easiest and most effective.

Since you claim you don't want to destroy the container frame, create a secondary frame. Have this secondary frame be the container for all the widgets you want to delete, and then put this one frame inside the parent you do not want to destroy. Then, it's just a matter of destroying this one frame and all of the interior widgets will be destroyed along with it.

SQL Server : Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int

Change SUM(billableDuration) AS NumSecondsDelivered to

sum(cast(billableDuration as bigint)) or

sum(cast(billableDuration as numeric(12, 0))) according to your need.

The resultant type of of Sum expression is the same as the data type used. It throws error at time of overflow. So casting the column to larger capacity data type and then using Sum operation works fine.

How do I insert non breaking space character &nbsp; in a JSF page?

just to add to options: <h:outputText value="&amp;nbsp;" escape="false"/> worked

Importing class/java files in Eclipse

import class folder does not work for me, but add jar worked!

1. put the class folder under the project folder

2. Zip the class folder

3. Highlight project name, click "Project" in the top toolbar, click "Properties", click "Libraries" tab, click "Add External jars".

4. Add the zip file. Done!

Prepend line to beginning of a file

The clear way to do this is as follows if you do not mind writing the file again

with open("a.txt", 'r+') as fp:
    lines = fp.readlines()     # lines is list of line, each element '...\n'
    lines.insert(0, one_line)  # you can use any index if you know the line index                 # file pointer locates at the beginning to write the whole file again
    fp.writelines(lines)       # write whole lists again to the same file

Note that this is not in-place replacement. It's writing a file again.

In summary, you read a file and save it to a list and modify the list and write the list again to a new file with the same filename.

How do I get JSON data from RESTful service using Python?

Well first of all I think rolling out your own solution for this all you need is urllib2 or httplib2 . Anyways in case you do require a generic REST client check this out .

However i think the feature set of the library will not work for most web services because they shall probably using oauth etc .. . Also I don't like the fact that it is written over httplib which is a pain as compared to httplib2 still should work for you if you don't have to handle a lot of redirections etc ..

Javascript objects: get parent

Many of the answers here involve looping through an object and "manually" (albeit programmatically) creating a parent property that stores the reference to the parent. The two ways of implementing this seem to be...

  1. Use an init function to loop through at the time the nested object is created, or...
  2. Supply the nested object to a function that fills out the parent property

Both approaches have the same issue...

How do you maintain parents as the nested object grows/changes??

If I add a new sub-sub-object, how does it get its parent property filled? If you're (1) using an init function, the initialization is already done and over, so you'd have to (2) pass the object through a function to search for new children and add the appropriate parent property.

Using ES6 Proxy to add parent whenever an object/sub-object is set

The approach below is to create a handler for a proxy always adds a parent property each time an object is set. I've called this handler the parenter handler. The parenter responsibilities are to recognize when an object is being set and then to...

  1. Create a dummy proxy with the appropriate parent and the parenter handler

    var p = new Proxy({parent: target}, parenter);
  2. Copy in the supplied objects properties-- Because you're setting the proxy properties in this loop the parenter handler is working recursively; nested objects are given parents at each level

    for(key in value){
        p[key] = value[key];
  3. Set the proxy not the supplied object

    return target[prop] = p;

Full code

var parenter = {
  set: function(target, prop, value){
    if(typeof value === "object"){
      var p = new Proxy({parent: target}, parenter);
      for(key in value){
        p[key] = value[key];
      return target[prop] = p;
      target[prop] = value;

var root = new Proxy({}, parenter);

// some examples
root.child1 = {
    color: "red", 
    value: 10, 
    otherObj: { 
       otherColor: "blue", 
       otherValue: 20

// parents exist/behave as expected
console.log(root.child1.color)                 // "red"
console.log(root.child1.otherObj.parent.color) // "red"

// new children automatically have correct parent
root.child2 = {color: "green", value3: 50};
console.log(root.child2.parent.child1.color)   // "red"

// changes are detected throughout
root.child1.color = "yellow"
console.log(root.child2.parent.child1.color)   // "yellow"

Notice that all root children always have parent properties, even children that are added later. Software caused connection abort: recv failed

I too had this problem. My solution was:

sc.setSoLinger(true, 10);

COPY FROM A WEBSITE -->By using the setSoLinger() method, you can explicitly set a delay before a reset is sent, giving more time for data to be read or send.

Maybe it is not the answer to everybody but to some people.

How can I create a temp file with a specific extension with .NET?

You can also do the following

string filename = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".csv");

and this also works as expected

string filename = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ".csv");

Print a variable in hexadecimal in Python

A way that will fail if your input string isn't valid pairs of hex characters...:

>>> import binascii
>>> ' '.join(hex(ord(i)) for i in binascii.unhexlify('deadbeef'))
'0xde 0xad 0xbe 0xef'

How to append one DataTable to another DataTable

use loop

  for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++)
           dt2.Rows.Add(dt1.Rows[i][0], dt1.Rows[i][1], ...);//you have to insert all Columns...

Error 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): The files c or directory could not be found

I fixed the same problem on Google Chrome with the following:

  1. Choose Customize and control Google Chrome (the button in the top right corner).

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. Go to Extensions.

  4. Unmark all the extensions there. (They should show as Enable instead of Enabled.)

What causes HttpHostConnectException?

A "connection refused" error happens when you attempt to open a TCP connection to an IP address / port where there is nothing currently listening for connections. If nothing is listening, the OS on the server side "refuses" the connection.

If this is happening intermittently, then the most likely explanations are (IMO):

  • the server you are talking ("" / port 60) to is going up and down, OR
  • there is something1 between your client and the proxy that is intermittently sending requests to a non-functioning host, or something.

Is this possible that this exception is caused when a search request is made from Android applications as our website don't support a request is being made from android applications.

It seems unlikely. You said that the "connection refused" exception message says that it is the proxy that is refusing the connection, not your server. Besides if a server was going to not handle certain kinds of request, it still has to accept the TCP connection to find out what the request is ... before it can reject it.

1 - For example, it could be a DNS that round-robin resolves the DNS name to different IP addresses. Or it could be an IP-based load balancer.

TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT maximum storage sizes

This is nice but doesn't answer the question:

"A VARCHAR should always be used instead of TINYTEXT." Tinytext is useful if you have wide rows - since the data is stored off the record. There is a performance overhead, but it does have a use.

phpmailer error "Could not instantiate mail function"

Try using SMTP to send email:-

$mail->Host = "";

// optional
// used only when SMTP requires authentication  
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = 'smtp_username';
$mail->Password = 'smtp_password';

What's the difference between git reset --mixed, --soft, and --hard?

mkarasek's Answer is great, in simple terms we can say...

  • git reset --soft : set the HEAD to the intended commit but keep your changes staged from last commits
  • git reset --mixed : it's same as git reset --soft but the only difference is it un stage your changes from last commits
  • git reset --hard : set your HEAD on the commit you specify and reset all your changes from last commits including un committed changes.

How to get GMT date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in PHP

You are repeating the y,m,d.

Instead of

gmdate('yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss \G\M\T', time());  

You should use it like

gmdate('Y-m-d h:m:s \G\M\T', time());

How can I use Timer (formerly NSTimer) in Swift?

Swift 5

I personally prefer the Timer with the block closure:

    Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: false) { (_) in
       // TODO: - whatever you want

Programmatically go back to the previous fragment in the backstack

To elaborate on the other answers provided, this is my solution (placed in an Activity):

public void onBackPressed(){
    FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
    if (fm.getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
        Log.i("MainActivity", "popping backstack");
    } else {
        Log.i("MainActivity", "nothing on backstack, calling super");

Is there a way to SELECT and UPDATE rows at the same time?

One way to handle this is to do it in a transaction, and make your SELECT query take an update lock on the rows selected until the transaction completes.



UPDATE Table1 SET AlertDate = getutcdate() 


This eliminates the possibility that a concurrent client updates the rows selected in the moment between your SELECT and your UPDATE.

When you commit the transaction, the update locks will be released.

Another way to handle this is to declare a cursor for your SELECT with the FOR UPDATE option. Then UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF CURSOR. The following is not tested, but should give you the basic idea:

  SELECT AlertDate FROM Table1 


SET @UpdateTime = GETUTCDATE()

OPEN cur1;



  UPDATE Table1 
  SET AlertDate = @UpdateTime  --set value


how do you view macro code in access?

This did the trick for me: I was able to find which macro called a particular query. Incidentally, the reason someone who does know how to code in VBA would want to write something like this is when they've inherited something macro-ish written by someone who doesn't know how to code in VBA.

Function utlFindQueryInMacro
       ( strMacroNameLike As String
       , strQueryName As String
       ) As String 
    ' (c) 2012 Doug Den Hoed 
    ' NOTE: requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Library
    Dim varItem As Variant
    Dim strMacroName As String
    Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject
    Dim oFS   
    Dim strFileContents As String
    Dim strMacroNames As String
    For Each varItem In CurrentProject.AllMacros
    strMacroName = varItem.Name
    If Len(strMacroName) = 0 _
    Or InStr(strMacroName, strMacroNameLike) > 0 Then
        'Debug.Print "*** MACRO *** "; strMacroName
        Application.SaveAsText acMacro, strMacroName, "c:\temp.txt"
        Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\temp.txt")
        strFileContents = ""
        Do Until oFS.AtEndOfStream
            strFileContents = strFileContents & oFS.ReadLine
        Set oFS = Nothing
        Set oFSO = Nothing
        Kill "c:\temp.txt"
        'Debug.Print strFileContents
        If InStr(strFileContents, strQueryName)     0 Then
            strMacroNames = strMacroNames & strMacroName & ", "
        End If
    End If
    Next varItem
    MsgBox strMacroNames
    utlFindQueryInMacro = strMacroNames
 End Function

What is the equivalent to a JavaScript setInterval/setTimeout in Android/Java?


You can also use CountDownTimer:

class Timer {
    companion object {
        fun call(ms: Long, f: () -> Unit) {
            object : CountDownTimer(ms,ms){
                override fun onFinish() { f() }
                override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {}

And in your code: { /*Whatever you want to execute after 5000 ms*/ }

Official reasons for "Software caused connection abort: socket write error"

ssl client side will throw such exception in below situation(I had tested), :

server is asked to authenticate client certificate, but the client provide a certificate which Extended Key Usage donot support client auth.

What is (x & 1) and (x >>= 1)?

(n & 1) will check if 'n' is odd or even, this is similar to (n%2).

  1. In case 'n' is odd (n & 1) will return true/1;

  2. Else it will return back false/0;

The '>>' in (n>>=1) is a bitwise operator called "Right shift", this operator will modify the value of 'n', the formula is:

(n >>= m) => (n = n>>m) => (n = n/2^m)

Go through GeeksforGeek's article on "Bitwise Operator's", recommended!

Inline elements shifting when made bold on hover

What about this? A javascript - CSS3 free solution.

li{float:left; list-style-type:none; }
a{position:relative; padding-right: 10px; text-decoration:none;}
a > .l1{}
a:hover > .l1{visibility:hidden;}
a:hover > .l2{display:inline;}
a > .l2{position: absolute; left:0; font-weight:bold; display:none;}

  <li><a href="/" title="Home"><span class="l1">Home</span><span class="l2">Home</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="/" title="Contact"><span class="l1">Contact</span><span class="l2">Contact</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="/" title="Sitemap"><span class="l1">Sitemap</span><span class="l2">Sitemap</span></a></li>

Copy tables from one database to another in SQL Server

On SQL Server? and on the same database server? Use three part naming.

INSERT INTO bar..tblFoobar( *fieldlist* )
SELECT *fieldlist* FROM foo..tblFoobar

This just moves the data. If you want to move the table definition (and other attributes such as permissions and indexes), you'll have to do something else.

Memory Allocation "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 75.1 Mb"

I had the same warning using the raster package.

> my_mask[my_mask[] != 1] <- NA
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 5.4 Gb

The solution is really simple and consist in increasing the storage capacity of R, here the code line:

##To know the current storage capacity
> memory.limit()
[1] 8103
## To increase the storage capacity
> memory.limit(size=56000)
[1] 56000    
## I did this to increase my storage capacity to 7GB

Hopefully, this will help you to solve the problem Cheers

Convert Array to Object

Use the javascript lodash library. There is a simple method _.mapKeys(object, [iteratee=_.identity]) that can do the conversion.

How do you print in Sublime Text 2

There is also the Simple Print package, which uses enscript to do the actual printing.

Similar to kenorb's answer, open the palette (ctrl/cmd+shift+p), "Install package", "Simple Print Function"

you MUST install enscript and here is how:

How to know elastic search installed version from kibana?

Another way to do it on Ubuntu 18.0.4

sudo /usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana --version

mySQL select IN range

You can't, but you can use BETWEEN

SELECT job FROM mytable WHERE id BETWEEN 10 AND 15

Note that BETWEEN is inclusive, and will include items with both id 10 and 15.

If you do not want inclusion, you'll have to fall back to using the > and < operators.

SELECT job FROM mytable WHERE id > 10 AND id < 15

Python - Convert a bytes array into JSON format

Your bytes object is almost JSON, but it's using single quotes instead of double quotes, and it needs to be a string. So one way to fix it is to decode the bytes to str and replace the quotes. Another option is to use ast.literal_eval; see below for details. If you want to print the result or save it to a file as valid JSON you can load the JSON to a Python list and then dump it out. Eg,

import json

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

# Decode UTF-8 bytes to Unicode, and convert single quotes 
# to double quotes to make it valid JSON
my_json = my_bytes_value.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"')
print('- ' * 20)

# Load the JSON to a Python list & dump it back out as formatted JSON
data = json.loads(my_json)
s = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


[{"Date": "2016-05-21T21:35:40Z", "CreationDate": "2012-05-05", "LogoType": "png", "Ref": 164611595, "Classe": ["Email addresses", "Passwords"],"Link":""}]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
        "Classe": [
            "Email addresses",
        "CreationDate": "2012-05-05",
        "Date": "2016-05-21T21:35:40Z",
        "Link": "",
        "LogoType": "png",
        "Ref": 164611595

As Antti Haapala mentions in the comments, we can use ast.literal_eval to convert my_bytes_value to a Python list, once we've decoded it to a string.

from ast import literal_eval
import json

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

data = literal_eval(my_bytes_value.decode('utf8'))
print('- ' * 20)

s = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Generally, this problem arises because someone has saved data by printing its Python repr instead of using the json module to create proper JSON data. If it's possible, it's better to fix that problem so that proper JSON data is created in the first place.

HTML form readonly SELECT tag/input

This is the simplest and best solution. You will set a readolny attr on your select, or anyother attr like data-readonly, and do the following

$("select[readonly]").live("focus mousedown mouseup click",function(e){

How can I use jQuery to move a div across the screen

Here i have done complete bins for above query. below is demo link, i think it may help you



<div id="edge">
  <div class="box" style="top:20; background:#f8a2a4;">
  <div class="box" style="top:70; background:#a2f8a4;">
  <div class="box" style="top:120; background:#5599fd;">
<input type="button" id="btnAnimate" name="btnAnimate" value="Animate" />


  border:1px solid #3377af;

  border:1px solid #a82244;


$(function() {
    $("#btnAnimate").click(function() {
        var move = "";
        if ($(".box:eq(0)").css('left') == "10px") {
            move = "+=" + ($("#edge").width() - 35);
        } else {
            move = "-=" + ($("#edge").width() - 35);
            left: move
        }, 500, function() {
            if ($(".box:eq(0)").css('left') == "475px") {
                $(this).css('background', '#afa799');
            } else {
                $(".box:eq(0)").css('background', '#f8a2a4');
                $(".box:eq(1)").css('background', '#a2f8a4');
                $(".box:eq(2)").css('background', '#5599fd');



What's the difference between ".equals" and "=="?

== operator compares two object references to check whether they refer to same instance. This also, will return true on successful match.for example

public class Example{
public static void main(String[] args){
String s1 = "Java";
String s2 = "Java";
String s3 = new string ("Java");
test(Sl == s2)     //true
test(s1 == s3)      //false

above example == is a reference comparison i.e. both objects point to the same memory location

String equals() is evaluates to the comparison of values in the objects.

   public class EqualsExample1{
   public static void main(String args[]){
   String s = "Hell";
   String s1 =new string( "Hello");
   String s2 =new string( "Hello");
   s1.equals(s2);    //true
    s.equals(s1) ;   //false

above example It compares the content of the strings. It will return true if string matches, else returns false.

In Spring MVC, how can I set the mime type header when using @ResponseBody

Register org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter as the message converter and return the object directly from the method.

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter">
  <property name="webBindingInitializer">
    <bean class=""/>
  <property name="messageConverters">
      <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter"/>

and the controller:

@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="foo/bar")
public @ResponseBody Object fooBar(){
    return myService.getActualObject();

This requires the dependency org.springframework:spring-webmvc.

Calculate age based on date of birth

PHP >= 5.3.0

# object oriented
$from = new DateTime('1970-02-01');
$to   = new DateTime('today');
echo $from->diff($to)->y;

# procedural
echo date_diff(date_create('1970-02-01'), date_create('today'))->y;


functions: date_create(), date_diff()

MySQL >= 5.0.0




Generate preview image from Video file?

Two ways come to mind:

  • Using a command-line tool like the popular ffmpeg, however you will almost always need an own server (or a very nice server administrator / hosting company) to get that

  • Using the "screenshoot" plugin for the LongTail Video player that allows the creation of manual screenshots that are then sent to a server-side script.

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from - but works on WAMP

You cant blame code all the time sometime may be your url is wrong , double check urls

custom facebook share button

You can use facebook javascript sdk. First add FB Js SDK to your code (please refer to

window.fbAsyncInit = function(){
    appId: 'xxxxx', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true }); 
(function(d, debug){var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk', ref = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    if(d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
    js = d.createElement('script'); = id; 
    js.async = true;js.src = "//" + (debug ? "/debug" : "") + ".js";
    ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref);}(document, /*debug*/ false));
function postToFeed(title, desc, url, image){
var obj = {method: 'feed',link: url, picture: ''+image,name: title,description: desc};
function callback(response){}
FB.ui(obj, callback);

So when you want to share something

<a href="" data-image="article-1.jpg" data-title="Article Title" data-desc="Some description for this article" class="btnShare">Share</a>

And finally JS to handle click:

elem = $(this);
postToFeed('title'),'desc'), elem.prop('href'),'image'));

return false;

Why use pip over easy_install?

From Ian Bicking's own introduction to pip:

pip was originally written to improve on easy_install in the following ways

  • All packages are downloaded before installation. Partially-completed installation doesn’t occur as a result.
  • Care is taken to present useful output on the console.
  • The reasons for actions are kept track of. For instance, if a package is being installed, pip keeps track of why that package was required.
  • Error messages should be useful.
  • The code is relatively concise and cohesive, making it easier to use programmatically.
  • Packages don’t have to be installed as egg archives, they can be installed flat (while keeping the egg metadata).
  • Native support for other version control systems (Git, Mercurial and Bazaar)
  • Uninstallation of packages.
  • Simple to define fixed sets of requirements and reliably reproduce a set of packages.

Is there an equivalent of CSS max-width that works in HTML emails?

The short answer: no.

The long answer:

Fixed formats work better for HTML emails. In my experience you're best off pretending it's 1999 when it comes to HTML emails. Be explicit and use HTML attributes (width="650") where ever possible in your table definitions, not CSS (style="width:650px"). Use fixed widths, no percentages. A table width of 650 pixels wide is a safe bet. Use inline CSS to set text properties.

It's not a matter of what works in "HTML emails", but rather the plethora of email clients and their limited (and sometimes deliberately so in the case of Gmail, Hotmail etc) ability to render HTML.

How to hide a TemplateField column in a GridView

Am I missing something ?

If you can't set visibility on TemplateField then set it on its content

    <asp:LinkButton Visible='<%# MyBoolProperty %>' ID="foo" runat="server" ... />

or if your content is complex then enclose it into a div and set visibility on the div

    <div runat="server" visible='<%# MyBoolProperty  %>' >
      <asp:LinkButton ID="attachmentButton" runat="server" ... />

How to test that a registered variable is not empty?

You can check for empty string (when stderr is empty)

- name: Check script
  shell: . {{ venv_name }}/bin/activate &&
    chdir: "{{ home }}"
  sudo_user: "{{ user }}"
  register: test_myscript

- debug: msg='myscritp is Ok'
  when: test_myscript.stderr == ""

If you want to check for fail:

- debug: msg='myscritp has error: {{test_myscript.stderr}}'
  when: test_myscript.stderr != ""

Also look at this stackoverflow question

How to change line width in IntelliJ (from 120 character)

IntelliJ IDEA 2018

File > Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Hard wrap at

Code Style > Hard wrap at

IntelliJ IDEA 2016 & 2017

File > Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Right margin (columns):

File > Settings

Editor > Code Style > Right margin

Install a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code

The answers above are good, but insufficient if you have more than 1 project (.csproj) in the same folder.

First, you easily add the "PackageReference" tag to the .csproj file (either manually, by using the nuget package manager or by using the dotnet add package command).

But then, you need to run the "restore" command manually so you can tell it which project you are trying to restore (if I just clicked the restore button that popped up, nothing happened). You can do that by running:

dotnet restore Project-File-Name.csproj

And that installs the package

Grep only the first match and stop

My grep-a-like program ack has a -1 option that stops at the first match found anywhere. It supports the -m 1 that @mvp refers to as well. I put it in there because if I'm searching a big tree of source code to find something that I know exists in only one file, it's unnecessary to find it and have to hit Ctrl-C.

How to remove underline from a name on hover

You can assign an id to the specific link and add CSS. See the steps below:

1.Add an id of your choice (must be a unique name; can only start with text, not a number):

<a href="/abc/xyz" id="smallLinkButton">def</a>
  1. Then add the necessary CSS as follows:

          text-decoration: none;

How to print instances of a class using print()?

For Python 3:

If the specific format isn't important (e.g. for debugging) just inherit from the Printable class below. No need to write code for every object.

Inspired by this answer

class Printable:
    def __repr__(self):
        from pprint import pformat
        return "<" + type(self).__name__ + "> " + pformat(vars(self), indent=4, width=1)

# Example Usage
class MyClass(Printable):

my_obj = MyClass()
my_obj.msg = "Hello"
my_obj.number = "46"

SQL join: selecting the last records in a one-to-many relationship

Please try this,

(SELECT pi.price FROM purchase pi WHERE pi.Id = MAX(p.Id)) AS [LastPurchasePrice]
FROM customer c INNER JOIN purchase p 
ON c.Id = p.customerId 

How do I get multiple subplots in matplotlib?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)

ax[0, 0].plot(range(10), 'r') #row=0, col=0
ax[1, 0].plot(range(10), 'b') #row=1, col=0
ax[0, 1].plot(range(10), 'g') #row=0, col=1
ax[1, 1].plot(range(10), 'k') #row=1, col=1

enter image description here

Simple If/Else Razor Syntax

To get rid of the if/else awkwardness you could use a using block:

    var count = 0;
    foreach (var item in Model)
        using(Html.TableRow(new { @class = (count++ % 2 == 0) ? "alt-row" : "" }))
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Title)
                @Html.Truncate(item.Details, 75)
                <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/Projects/")@item.Images.Where(i => i.IsMain == true).Select(i => i.Name).Single()" 
                    alt="@item.Images.Where(i => i.IsMain == true).Select(i => i.AltText).Single()" class="thumb" />
                @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.ProjectId }) |
                @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id = item.ProjectId }) |
                @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id=item.ProjectId })

Reusable element that make it easier to add attributes:

//Block is take from
public class TableRow : Block
    private object _htmlAttributes;
    private TagBuilder _tr;

    public TableRow(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, object htmlAttributes) : base(htmlHelper)
        _htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes;

    public override void BeginBlock()
        _tr = new TagBuilder("tr");

    protected override void EndBlock()

Helper method to make razor syntax clearer:

public static TableRow TableRow(this HtmlHelper self, object htmlAttributes)
    var tableRow = new TableRow(self, htmlAttributes);
    return tableRow;

forEach loop Java 8 for Map entry set

You can use the following code for your requirement

map.forEach((k,v)->System.out.println("Item : " + k + " Count : " + v));

How to change the length of a column in a SQL Server table via T-SQL

So, let's say you have this table:


And you want to change Col1 to VARCHAR(20). What you need to do is this:


That'll work without problems since the length of the column got bigger. If you wanted to change it to VARCHAR(5), then you'll first gonna need to make sure that there are not values with more chars on your column, otherwise that ALTER TABLE will fail.

<Django object > is not JSON serializable

Another great way of solving it while using a model is by using the values() function.

def returnResponse(date):
    response = ScheduledDate.objects.filter(date__startswith=date).values()
    return Response(response)

Why is datetime.strptime not working in this simple example?

You should use strftime static method from datetime class from datetime module. Try:

import datetime
dtDate = datetime.datetime.strptime("07/27/2012", "%m/%d/%Y")

How do I compile with -Xlint:unchecked?

If you work with an IDE like NetBeans, you can specify the Xlint:unchecked compiler option in the propertys of your project.

Just go to projects window, right click in the project and then click in Properties.

In the window that appears search the Compiling category, and in the textbox labeled Additional Compiler Options set the Xlint:unchecked option.

Thus, the setting will remain set for every time you compile the project.

Plugin is too old, please update to a more recent version, or set ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE environment variable to

Replace your class path with something ambiguous like this. Its a solution and it works but it may not be a good solution.

classpath ''

The best way is replacing the + with the latest version of gradle

Iterating over every two elements in a list

The polished Python3 solution is given in one of the itertools recipes:

import itertools

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
    "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
    # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    return itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

Docker: unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: GetFileAttributesEx

I got this on Windows when the path I was working in was under a Junction directory. So my fix was to not work under that path.

PHP regular expression - filter number only

To remove anything that is not a number:

$output = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $input);


  • [0-9] matches any number between 0 and 9 inclusively.
  • ^ negates a [] pattern.
  • So, [^0-9] matches anything that is not a number, and since we're using preg_replace, they will be replaced by nothing '' (second argument of preg_replace).

How to ping an IP address

I think this code will help you:

public class PingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args){
            InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("");
            boolean reachable = address.isReachable(10000);

            System.out.println("Is host reachable? " + reachable);
        } catch (Exception e){

Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?

I would suggest separating your code based on the functionality and purpose specific to each sheet or module. In this manner, you would only put code relative to a sheet's UI inside the sheet's module and only put code related to modules in respective modules. Also, use separate modules to encapsulate code that is shared or reused among several different sheets.

For example, let's say you multiple sheets that are responsible for displaying data from a database in a special way. What kinds of functionality do we have in this situation? We have functionality related to each specific sheet, tasks related to getting data from the database, and tasks related to populating a sheet with data. In this case, I might start with a module for the data access, a module for populating a sheet with data, and within each sheet I'd have code for accessing code in those modules.

It might be laid out like this.

Module: DataAccess:

Function GetData(strTableName As String, strCondition1 As String) As Recordset
    'Code Related to getting data from the database'
End Function

Module: PopulateSheet:

Sub PopulateASheet(wsSheet As Worksheet, rs As Recordset)
    'Code to populate a worksheet '
End Function

Sheet: Sheet1 Code:

Sub GetDataAndPopulate()
    'Sample Code'
     Dim rs As New Recordset
     Dim ws As Worksheet
     Dim strParam As String
     Set ws = ActiveSheet
     strParam = ws.Range("A1").Value

     Set rs = GetData("Orders",strParam)

     PopulateASheet ws, rs
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click()
    Call GetDataAndPopulate
End Sub

Unsetting array values in a foreach loop

$image is in your case the value of the item and not the key. Use the following syntax to get the key too:

foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
    /* … */

Now you can delete the item with unset($images[$key]).

How do you access the value of an SQL count () query in a Java program

Statement stmt3 = con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs3 = stmt3.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM "+lastTempTable+" ;");

count = rs3.getInt("count");

DISABLE the Horizontal Scroll

koala_dev answered that this will work:

html, body {
   max-width: 100%;
   overflow-x: hidden;

And MarkWPiper comments that ":-/ Caused touch / momentum scrolling to stop working on iPhone"

The solution to keep touch / momentum on iPhone is to add this line inside the css block for html,body:


How to suppress "error TS2533: Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'"?

As an option, you can use a type casting. If you have this error from typescript that means that some variable has type or is undefined:

let a: string[] | undefined;

let b: number = a.length; // [ts] Object is possibly 'undefined'
let c: number = (a as string[]).length; // ok

Be sure that a really exist in your code.

How to import and export components using React + ES6 + webpack?

MDN has really nice documentation for all the new ways to import and export modules is ES 6 Import-MDN . A brief description of it in regards to your question you could've either:

  1. Declared the component you were exporting as the 'default' component that this module was exporting: export default class MyNavbar extends React.Component { , and so when Importing your 'MyNavbar' you DON'T have to put curly braces around it : import MyNavbar from './comp/my-navbar.jsx';. Not putting curly braces around an import though is telling the document that this component was declared as an 'export default'. If it wasn't you'll get an error (as you did).

  2. If you didn't want to declare your 'MyNavbar' as a default export when exporting it : export class MyNavbar extends React.Component { , then you would have to wrap your import of 'MyNavbar in curly braces: import {MyNavbar} from './comp/my-navbar.jsx';

I think that since you only had one component in your './comp/my-navbar.jsx' file it's cool to make it the default export. If you'd had more components like MyNavbar1, MyNavbar2, MyNavbar3 then I wouldn't make either or them a default and to import selected components of a module when the module hasn't declared any one thing a default you can use: import {foo, bar} from "my-module"; where foo and bar are multiple members of your module.

Definitely read the MDN doc it has good examples for the syntax. Hopefully this helps with a little more of an explanation for anyone that's looking to toy with ES 6 and component import/exports in React.

How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object?

You can use the for-in loop as shown by others. However, you also have to make sure that the key you get is an actual property of an object, and doesn't come from the prototype.

Here is the snippet:

var p = {_x000D_
    "p1": "value1",_x000D_
    "p2": "value2",_x000D_
    "p3": "value3"_x000D_
for (var key in p) {_x000D_
    if (p.hasOwnProperty(key)) {_x000D_
        console.log(key + " -> " + p[key]);_x000D_

For-of with Object.keys() alternative:

var p = {_x000D_
    0: "value1",_x000D_
    "b": "value2",_x000D_
    key: "value3"_x000D_
for (var key of Object.keys(p)) {_x000D_
    console.log(key + " -> " + p[key])_x000D_

Notice the use of for-of instead of for-in, if not used it will return undefined on named properties, and Object.keys() ensures the use of only the object's own properties without the whole prototype-chain properties

Using the new Object.entries() method:

Note: This method is not supported natively by Internet Explorer. You may consider using a Polyfill for older browsers.

const p = {
    "p1": "value1",
    "p2": "value2",
    "p3": "value3"

for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(p)) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);

Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

I wanted to write this as a comment but I do not have 50 reputation.

All of the answers in this thread are essentially to use Invoke-Item or to use explorer.exe directly; however, this isn't completely synonymous with "open containing folder", so in terms of opening an Explorer window as the question states, if we wanted to apply the answer to a particular file the question still hasn't really been answered.


Invoke-Item C:\Users\Foo\bar.txt
explorer.exe C:\Users\Foo\bar.html

^ those two commands would result in Notepad.exe or Firefox.exe being invoked on the two files respectively, not an explorer.exe window on C:\Users\Foo\ (the containing directory).

Whereas if one was issuing this command from powershell, this would be no big deal (less typing anyway), if one is scripting and needs to "open containing folder" on a variable, it becomes a matter of string matching to extract the directory from the full path to the file.

Is there no simple command "Open-Containing-Folder" such that a variable could be substituted?


$foo = "C:\Users\Foo\foo.txt"    
[some code] $fooPath
# opens C:\Users\Foo\ and not the default program for .txt file extension

How do I get the entity that represents the current user in Symfony2?

In symfony >= 3.2, documentation states that:

An alternative way to get the current user in a controller is to type-hint the controller argument with UserInterface (and default it to null if being logged-in is optional):

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface\UserInterface;

public function indexAction(UserInterface $user = null)
    // $user is null when not logged-in or anon.

This is only recommended for experienced developers who don't extend from the Symfony base controller and don't use the ControllerTrait either. Otherwise, it's recommended to keep using the getUser() shortcut.

Blog post about it

jQuery.css() - marginLeft vs. margin-left?

Hi i tried this it is working.


Do I need to close() both FileReader and BufferedReader?

You Don't need to close the wrapped reader/writer.

If you've taken a look at the docs (Reader.close(),Writer.close()), You'll see that in Reader.close() it says:

Closes the stream and releases any system resources associated with it.

Which just says that it "releases any system resources associated with it". Even though it doesn't confirm.. it gives you a nudge to start looking deeper. and if you go to Writer.close() it only states that it closes itself.

In such cases, we refer to OpenJDK to take a look at the source code.

At BufferedWriter Line 265 you'll see out.close(). So it's not closing itself.. It's something else. If you search the class for occurences of "out" you'll notice that in the constructor at Line 87 that out is the writer the class wraps where it calls another constructor and then assigning out parameter to it's own out variable..

So.. What about others? You can see similar code at BufferedReader Line 514, BufferedInputStream Line 468 and InputStreamReader Line 199. Others i don't know but this should be enough to assume that they do.

How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd

I wrote a powerbasic program wait.exe, where you pass a millisecond parameter to it in your batch file

wait 3000

the code for the EXE:

  c$ = Command$
  s! = Val(c$)*1000
  Sleep s!         

What is the difference between ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader and ExecuteNonQuery?

ExecuteNonQuery method will return number of rows effected with INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE operations. This ExecuteNonQuery method will be used only for insert, update and delete, Create, and SET statements. (Read More)

ExecuteScalar will return single row single column value i.e. single value, on execution of SQL Query or Stored procedure using command object. It’s very fast to retrieve single values from database. (Read More)

ExecuteReader will be used to return the set of rows, on execution of SQL Query or Stored procedure using command object. This one is forward only retrieval of records and it is used to read the table values from first to last. (Read More)

What is the difference between % and %% in a cmd file?

In DOS you couldn't use environment variables on the command line, only in batch files, where they used the % sign as a delimiter. If you wanted a literal % sign in a batch file, e.g. in an echo statement, you needed to double it.

This carried over to Windows NT which allowed environment variables on the command line, however for backwards compatibility you still need to double your % signs in a .cmd file.

Android ImageButton with a selected state?

This works for me:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <!-- NOTE: order is important (the first matching state(s) is what is rendered) -->
        android:drawable="@drawable/info_icon_solid_with_shadow" />
        android:drawable="@drawable/info_icon_outline_with_shadow" />

And then in java:

//assign the image in code (or you can do this in your layout xml with the src attribute)

//set the click listener
imageButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View button) {
        //Set the button's appearance

        if (button.isSelected()) {
            //Handle selected state change
        } else {
            //Handle de-select state change



For smooth transition you can also mention animation time:

<selector xmlns:android="" android:exitFadeDuration="@android:integer/config_mediumAnimTime">

Alternative to iFrames with HTML5

object is an easy alternative in HTML5:

<object data=""
    Alternative Content

You can also try embed:

<embed src=""
onerror="alert('URL invalid !!');" />


As currently, StackOverflow has turned off support for showing external URL contents, run code snippet is not showing anything. But for your site, it will work perfactly.

How to retrieve data from a SQL Server database in C#?

    DataTable formerSlidesData = new DataTable();
    DformerSlidesData = searchAndFilterService.SearchSlideById(ids[i]);
                if (formerSlidesData.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow rowa = formerSlidesData.Rows[0];

                    cabinet = Convert.ToInt32(rowa["cabinet"]);
                    box = Convert.ToInt32(rowa["box"]);
                    drawer = Convert.ToInt32(rowa["drawer"]);

How to filter object array based on attributes?

var filterHome = homes.filter(home =>
  return (home.price <= 999 &&
         home.num_of_baths >= 2.5 &&
         home.num_of_beds >=2 &&
         home.sqft >= 998));

You can use this lambda function. More detail can be found here since we are filtering the data based on you have condition which return true or false and it will collect the data in different array so your actual array will be not modified.

@JGreig Please look into it.

Adding null values to arraylist

Yes, you can always use null instead of an object. Just be careful because some methods might throw error.

It would be 1.

also nulls would be factored in in the for loop, but you could use

 for(Item i : itemList) {
        if (i!= null) {
               //code here

AngularJS: ng-repeat list is not updated when a model element is spliced from the model array

Whenever you do some form of operation outside of AngularJS, such as doing an Ajax call with jQuery, or binding an event to an element like you have here you need to let AngularJS know to update itself. Here is the code change you need to do:

app.directive("remove", function () {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
        element.bind ("mousedown", function () {


app.directive("resize", function () {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
        element.bind ("mousedown", function () {

Here is the documentation on it:$rootScope.Scope#$apply

Total Number of Row Resultset getRow Method

The getRow() method retrieves the current row number, not the number of rows. So before starting to iterate over the ResultSet, getRow() returns 0.

To get the actual number of rows returned after executing your query, there is no free method: you are supposed to iterate over it.

Yet, if you really need to retrieve the total number of rows before processing them, you can:

  1. ResultSet.last()
  2. ResultSet.getRow() to get the total number of rows
  3. ResultSet.beforeFirst()
  4. Process the ResultSet normally

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null

put this line in parent construct : $this->load->database();

function  __construct() {

this way.. it should work..

How to name variables on the fly?

Use assign:

assign(paste("orca", i, sep = ""), list_name[[i]])

malloc an array of struct pointers

I agree with @maverik above, I prefer not to hide the details with a typedef. Especially when you are trying to understand what is going on. I also prefer to see everything instead of a partial code snippet. With that said, here is a malloc and free of a complex structure.

The code uses the ms visual studio leak detector so you can experiment with the potential leaks.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <string.h>
#include "msc-lzw.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h> 

// 32-bit version
int hash_fun(unsigned int key, int try_num, int max) {
    return (key + try_num) % max;  // the hash fun returns a number bounded by the number of slots.

// this hash table has
// key is int
// value is char buffer
struct key_value_pair {
    int key; // use this field as the key
    char *pValue;  // use this field to store a variable length string

struct hash_table {
    int max;
    int number_of_elements;
    struct key_value_pair **elements;  // This is an array of pointers to mystruct objects

int hash_insert(struct key_value_pair *data, struct hash_table *hash_table) {

    int try_num, hash;
    int max_number_of_retries = hash_table->max;

    if (hash_table->number_of_elements >= hash_table->max) {
        return 0; // FULL

    for (try_num = 0; try_num < max_number_of_retries; try_num++) {

        hash = hash_fun(data->key, try_num, hash_table->max);

        if (NULL == hash_table->elements[hash]) { // an unallocated slot
            hash_table->elements[hash] = data;
            return RC_OK;
    return RC_ERROR;

// returns the corresponding key value pair struct
// If a value is not found, it returns null
// 32-bit version
struct key_value_pair *hash_retrieve(unsigned int key, struct hash_table *hash_table) {

    unsigned int try_num, hash;
    unsigned int max_number_of_retries = hash_table->max;

    for (try_num = 0; try_num < max_number_of_retries; try_num++) {

        hash = hash_fun(key, try_num, hash_table->max);

        if (hash_table->elements[hash] == 0) {
            return NULL; // Nothing found

        if (hash_table->elements[hash]->key == key) {
            return hash_table->elements[hash];
    return NULL;

// Returns the number of keys in the dictionary
// The list of keys in the dictionary is returned as a parameter.  It will need to be freed afterwards
int keys(struct hash_table *pHashTable, int **ppKeys) {

    int num_keys = 0;

    *ppKeys = (int *) malloc( pHashTable->number_of_elements * sizeof(int) );

    for (int i = 0; i < pHashTable->max; i++) {
        if (NULL != pHashTable->elements[i]) {
            (*ppKeys)[num_keys] = pHashTable->elements[i]->key;
    return num_keys;

// The dictionary will need to be freed afterwards
int allocate_the_dictionary(struct hash_table *pHashTable) {

    // Allocate the hash table slots
    pHashTable->elements = (struct key_value_pair **) malloc(pHashTable->max * sizeof(struct key_value_pair));  // allocate max number of key_value_pair entries
    for (int i = 0; i < pHashTable->max; i++) {
        pHashTable->elements[i] = NULL;

    // alloc all the slots
    //struct key_value_pair *pa_slot;
    //for (int i = 0; i < pHashTable->max; i++) {
    //  // all that he could see was babylon
    //  pa_slot = (struct key_value_pair *)  malloc(sizeof(struct key_value_pair));
    //  if (NULL == pa_slot) {
    //      printf("alloc of slot failed\n");
    //      while (1);
    //  }
    //  pHashTable->elements[i] = pa_slot;
    //  pHashTable->elements[i]->key = 0;

    return RC_OK;

// This will make a dictionary entry where
//   o  key is an int
//   o  value is a character buffer
// The buffer in the key_value_pair will need to be freed afterwards
int make_dict_entry(int a_key, char * buffer, struct key_value_pair *pMyStruct) {

    // determine the len of the buffer assuming it is a string
    int len = strlen(buffer);

    // alloc the buffer to hold the string
    pMyStruct->pValue = (char *) malloc(len + 1); // add one for the null terminator byte
    if (NULL == pMyStruct->pValue) {
        printf("Failed to allocate the buffer for the dictionary string value.");
        return RC_ERROR;
    strcpy(pMyStruct->pValue, buffer);
    pMyStruct->key = a_key;

    return RC_OK;

// Assumes the hash table has already been allocated.
int add_key_val_pair_to_dict(struct hash_table *pHashTable, int key, char *pBuff) {

    int rc;
    struct key_value_pair *pKeyValuePair;

    if (NULL == pHashTable) {
        printf("Hash table is null.\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    // Allocate the dictionary key value pair struct
    pKeyValuePair = (struct key_value_pair *) malloc(sizeof(struct key_value_pair));
    if (NULL == pKeyValuePair) {
        printf("Failed to allocate key value pair struct.\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    rc = make_dict_entry(key, pBuff, pKeyValuePair);  // a_hash_table[1221] = "abba"
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("Failed to add buff to key value pair struct.\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    rc = hash_insert(pKeyValuePair, pHashTable);
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    return RC_OK;

void dump_hash_table(struct hash_table *pHashTable) {

    // Iterate the dictionary by keys
    char * pValue;
    struct key_value_pair *pMyStruct;
    int *pKeyList;
    int num_keys;

    num_keys = keys(pHashTable, &pKeyList);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
        pMyStruct = hash_retrieve(pKeyList[i], pHashTable);
        pValue = pMyStruct->pValue;
        printf("%d\t%d\t%s\n", i, pKeyList[i], pValue);

    // Free the key list


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int rc;
    int i;

    struct hash_table a_hash_table;
    a_hash_table.max = 20;   // The dictionary can hold at most 20 entries.
    a_hash_table.number_of_elements = 0;  // The intial dictionary has 0 entries.

    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 1221, "abba");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 2211, "bbaa");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 1122, "aabb");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 2112, "baab");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 1212, "abab");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;
    rc = add_key_val_pair_to_dict(&a_hash_table, 2121, "baba");
    if (RC_ERROR == rc) {
        printf("insert has failed!\n");
        return RC_ERROR;

    // Iterate the dictionary by keys

    // Free the individual slots
    for (i = 0; i < a_hash_table.max; i++) {
        // all that he could see was babylon
        if (NULL != a_hash_table.elements[i]) {
            free(a_hash_table.elements[i]->pValue);  // free the buffer in the struct
            free(a_hash_table.elements[i]);  // free the key_value_pair entry
            a_hash_table.elements[i] = NULL;

    // Free the overall dictionary

    return 0;

TypeError: window.initMap is not a function

turns out it has to do with ng-Route and the order of loading script wrote a directive and put the API script on top of everything works.

Git Bash: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

I would like to improve on the accepted answer

Downsides of using .bashrc with eval ssh-agent -s:

  1. Every git-bash will have it's own ssh-agent.exe process
  2. SSH key should be manually added every time you open git-bash

Here is my .bashrc that will eradicate above downsides

Put this .bashrc into your home directory (Windows 10: C:\Users\[username]\.bashrc) and it will be executed every time a new git-bash is opened and ssh-add will be working as a first class citizen

Read #comments to understand how it works

# Env vars used
# SSH_AUTH_SOCK - ssh-agent socket, should be set for ssh-add or git to be able to connect
# SSH_AGENT_PID - ssh-agent process id, should be set in order to check that it is running
# SSH_AGENT_ENV - env file path to share variable between instances of git-bash
# import env file and supress error message if it does not exist
. $SSH_AGENT_ENV 2> /dev/null

# if we know that ssh-agent was launched before ($SSH_AGENT_PID is set) and process with that pid is running 
if [ -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] && ps -p $SSH_AGENT_PID > /dev/null 
  # we don't need to do anything, ssh-add and git will properly connect since we've imported env variables required
  echo "Connected to ssh-agent"
  # start ssh-agent and save required vars for sharing in $SSH_AGENT_ENV file
  eval $(ssh-agent) > /dev/null
  echo "Started ssh-agent"

Also this script uses a little trick to ensure that provided environment variables are shared between git-bash instances by saving them into an .env file.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (PLSQL Developer)

copy paste pl sql developer in program files x86 and program files both. if client is installed in other partition/drive then copy pl sql developer to that drive also. and run from pl sql developer folder instead of desktop shortcut.

ultimate solution ! chill

How to kill a thread instantly in C#?

The reason it's hard to just kill a thread is because the language designers want to avoid the following problem: your thread takes a lock, and then you kill it before it can release it. Now anyone who needs that lock will get stuck.

What you have to do is use some global variable to tell the thread to stop. You have to manually, in your thread code, check that global variable and return if you see it indicates you should stop.

How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?

Your syntax probably isn't the best to keep. FF/Gecko defines RegExp as an extension of Function.
(FF2 went as far as typeof(/pattern/) == 'function')

It seems this is specific to FF -- IE, Opera, and Chrome all throw exceptions for it.

Instead, use either method previously mentioned by others: RegExp#exec or String#match.
They offer the same results:

var regex = /(?:^|\s)format_(.*?)(?:\s|$)/;
var input = "something format_abc";

regex(input);        //=> [" format_abc", "abc"]
regex.exec(input);   //=> [" format_abc", "abc"]
input.match(regex);  //=> [" format_abc", "abc"]

Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.Splitfn", or the name is ambiguous

A general answer

select * from [dbo].[SplitString]('1,2',',') -- Will work 


select [dbo].[SplitString]('1,2',',')  -- will not work and throws this error

Select current element in jQuery

When the jQuery click event calls your event handler, it sets "this" to the object that was clicked on. To turn it into a jQuery object, just pass it to the "$" function: $(this). So, to get, for example, the next sibling element, you would do this inside the click handler:

var nextSibling = $(this).next();

Edit: After reading Kevin's comment, I realized I might be mistaken about what you want. If you want to do what he asked, i.e. select the corresponding link in the other div, you could use $(this).index() to get the clicked link's position. Then you would select the link in the other div by its position, for example with the "eq" method.

var $clicked = $(this);
var linkIndex = $clicked.index();

If you want to be able to go both ways, you will need some way of determining which div you are in so you know if you need "next()" or "prev()" after "parent()"

Installing mcrypt extension for PHP on OSX Mountain Lion

So after running brew install mcrypt php, I had to install php-mcrypt via pecl:

pecl install mcrypt-1.0.1

At the time of writing, mcrypt does not have a stable pecl release, 1.0.1 being the current release for php 7.2 and 7.3, and brew install php will install php 7.2.

Python-equivalent of short-form "if" in C++

While a = 'foo' if True else 'bar' is the more modern way of doing the ternary if statement (python 2.5+), a 1-to-1 equivalent of your version might be:

a = (b == True and "123" or "456" )

... which in python should be shortened to:

a = b is True and "123" or "456"

... or if you simply want to test the truthfulness of b's value in general...

a = b and "123" or "456"

? : can literally be swapped out for and or

Disable same origin policy in Chrome


open -n -a /Applications/Google\ --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/someFolderName" --disable-web-security

Entity Framework - Include Multiple Levels of Properties

I made a little helper for Entity Framework 6 (.Net Core style), to include sub-entities in a nice way.

It is on NuGet now : Install-Package ThenInclude.EF6

using System.Data.Entity;

var thenInclude = context.One.Include(x => x.Twoes)
    .ThenInclude(x=> x.Threes)
    .ThenInclude(x=> x.Fours)
    .ThenInclude(x=> x.Fives)
    .ThenInclude(x => x.Sixes)
    .Include(x=> x.Other)

The package is available on GitHub.

Adding custom radio buttons in android

Below code is example of custom radio button. follow below steps..

  1. Xml file.


2.add the custom xml for the radio buttons

2.1.other drawable


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="true" android:drawable="@drawable/select_radio_other" />
    <item android:state_checked="false" android:drawable="@drawable/default_radio" />


2.2.female drawable


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="true" android:drawable="@drawable/select_radio_female" />
    <item android:state_checked="false" android:drawable="@drawable/default_radio" />


2.3. male drawable


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="true" android:drawable="@drawable/select_radio_male" />
    <item android:state_checked="false" android:drawable="@drawable/default_radio" />
  1. Output: this is the output screen

Regex: Check if string contains at least one digit

you could use look-ahead assertion for this:


How can I tell if a VARCHAR variable contains a substring?

Instead of LIKE (which does work as other commenters have suggested), you can alternatively use CHARINDEX:

declare @full varchar(100) = 'abcdefg'
declare @find varchar(100) = 'cde'
if (charindex(@find, @full) > 0)
    print 'exists'

how to use html2canvas and jspdf to export to pdf in a proper and simple way

This one shows how to print only selected element on the page with dpi/resolution adjustments



    <header>This is the header</header>
    <div id="content">
      This is the element you only want to capture
    <button id="print">Download Pdf</button>
    <footer>This is the footer</footer>



body {
  background: beige;

header {
  background: red;

footer {
  background: blue;

#content {
  background: yellow;
  width: 70%;
  height: 100px;
  margin: 50px auto;
  border: 1px solid orange;
  padding: 20px;


$('#print').click(function() {

  var w = document.getElementById("content").offsetWidth;
  var h = document.getElementById("content").offsetHeight;
  html2canvas(document.getElementById("content"), {
    dpi: 300, // Set to 300 DPI
    scale: 3, // Adjusts your resolution
    onrendered: function(canvas) {
      var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1);
      var doc = new jsPDF('L', 'px', [w, h]);
      doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG', 0, 0, w, h);'sample-file.pdf');


TypeError: $ is not a function when calling jQuery function

This solution worked for me

    // your code

Move your code inside the closure and use $ instead of jQuery

I found the above solution in

...after searching too much

Make page to tell browser not to cache/preserve input values

Another approach would be to reset the form using JavaScript right after the form in the HTML:

<form id="myForm">
  <input type="text" value="" name="myTextInput" />

<script type="text/javascript">

Best practices for adding .gitignore file for Python projects?

Covers most of the general stuff -

# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

# C extensions

# Distribution / packaging

# PyInstaller
#  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
#  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.

# Installer logs

# Unit test / coverage reports

# Translations

# Django stuff:

# Flask stuff:

# Scrapy stuff:

# Sphinx documentation

# PyBuilder

# Jupyter Notebook

# pyenv

# celery beat schedule file

# SageMath parsed files

# Environments

# Spyder project settings

# Rope project settings

# mkdocs documentation

# mypy

Reference: python .gitignore

Curl error: Operation timed out

I got same problem lot of time. Check your request url, if you are requesting on local server like 127.1.1/api or 192.168...., try to change it, make sure you are hitting cloud.

Sending data from HTML form to a Python script in Flask

You need a Flask view that will receive POST data and an HTML form that will send it.

from flask import request

@app.route('/addRegion', methods=['POST'])
def addRegion():
    return (request.form['projectFilePath'])
<form action="{{ url_for('addRegion') }}" method="post">
    Project file path: <input type="text" name="projectFilePath"><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Android refresh current activity

this is what worked for me as seen here.

Just use it or add it to a static class helper and just call it from anywher in your project.

Current Activity instance will go through its lifecycle to onDestroy() and a new instance then created after it.
  public static final void recreateActivityCompat(final Activity a) {
    } else {
      final Intent intent = a.getIntent();
      a.overridePendingTransition(0, 0);
      a.overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

Why does DEBUG=False setting make my django Static Files Access fail?

Support for string view arguments to url() is deprecated and will be removed in Django 1.10

My solution is just small correction to Conrado solution above.

from django.conf import settings
import os
from django.views.static import serve as staticserve

if settings.DEBUG404:
    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        (r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', staticserve,
            {'document_root': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')} ),

How to access POST form fields

I could find all parameters by using following code for both POST and GET requests.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
const util = require('util');'/', function (req, res) {
    console.log("Got a POST request for the homepage");

Calculate business days

Here's a function from the user comments on the date() function page in the PHP manual. It's an improvement of an earlier function in the comments that adds support for leap years.

Enter the starting and ending dates, along with an array of any holidays that might be in between, and it returns the working days as an integer:

//The function returns the no. of business days between two dates and it skips the holidays
function getWorkingDays($startDate,$endDate,$holidays){
    // do strtotime calculations just once
    $endDate = strtotime($endDate);
    $startDate = strtotime($startDate);

    //The total number of days between the two dates. We compute the no. of seconds and divide it to 60*60*24
    //We add one to inlude both dates in the interval.
    $days = ($endDate - $startDate) / 86400 + 1;

    $no_full_weeks = floor($days / 7);
    $no_remaining_days = fmod($days, 7);

    //It will return 1 if it's Monday,.. ,7 for Sunday
    $the_first_day_of_week = date("N", $startDate);
    $the_last_day_of_week = date("N", $endDate);

    //---->The two can be equal in leap years when february has 29 days, the equal sign is added here
    //In the first case the whole interval is within a week, in the second case the interval falls in two weeks.
    if ($the_first_day_of_week <= $the_last_day_of_week) {
        if ($the_first_day_of_week <= 6 && 6 <= $the_last_day_of_week) $no_remaining_days--;
        if ($the_first_day_of_week <= 7 && 7 <= $the_last_day_of_week) $no_remaining_days--;
    else {
        // (edit by Tokes to fix an edge case where the start day was a Sunday
        // and the end day was NOT a Saturday)

        // the day of the week for start is later than the day of the week for end
        if ($the_first_day_of_week == 7) {
            // if the start date is a Sunday, then we definitely subtract 1 day

            if ($the_last_day_of_week == 6) {
                // if the end date is a Saturday, then we subtract another day
        else {
            // the start date was a Saturday (or earlier), and the end date was (Mon..Fri)
            // so we skip an entire weekend and subtract 2 days
            $no_remaining_days -= 2;

    //The no. of business days is: (number of weeks between the two dates) * (5 working days) + the remainder
//---->february in none leap years gave a remainder of 0 but still calculated weekends between first and last day, this is one way to fix it
   $workingDays = $no_full_weeks * 5;
    if ($no_remaining_days > 0 )
      $workingDays += $no_remaining_days;

    //We subtract the holidays
    foreach($holidays as $holiday){
        //If the holiday doesn't fall in weekend
        if ($startDate <= $time_stamp && $time_stamp <= $endDate && date("N",$time_stamp) != 6 && date("N",$time_stamp) != 7)

    return $workingDays;



echo getWorkingDays("2008-12-22","2009-01-02",$holidays)
// => will return 7

did you specify the right host or port? error on Kubernetes

The correct answer, from all above, is to run the commands below:

sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/admin.conf

export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/admin.conf

Simplest way to download and unzip files in Node.js cross-platform?

It's 2017 (October 26th, to be exact).

For an ancient and pervasive technology such as unzip I would expect there to exist a fairly popular, mature node.js unzip library that is "stagnant" and "unmaintained" because it is "complete".

However, most libraries appear either to be completely terrible or to have commits recently as just a few months ago. This is quite concerning... so I've gone through several unzip libraries, read their docs, and tried their examples to try to figure out WTF. For example, I've tried these:

Update 2020: Haven't tried it yet, but there's also archiver

Top Recommendation: yauzl

Works great for completely downloaded file. Not as great for streaming.

Well documented. Works well. Makes sense.

2nd Pick: node-stream-zip

antelle's node-stream-zip seems to be the best


npm install --save node-stream-zip


'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip');

var zip = new StreamZip({
  file: './'
, storeEntries: true

zip.on('error', function (err) { console.error('[ERROR]', err); });

zip.on('ready', function () {
  console.log('All entries read: ' + zip.entriesCount);

zip.on('entry', function (entry) {
  var pathname = path.resolve('./temp',;
  if (/\.\./.test(path.relative('./temp', pathname))) {
      console.warn("[zip warn]: ignoring maliciously crafted paths in zip file:",;

  if ('/' ===[ - 1]) {

  console.log('[FILE]',;, function (err, stream) {
    if (err) { console.error('Error:', err.toString()); return; }

    stream.on('error', function (err) { console.log('[ERROR]', err); return; });

    // example: print contents to screen

    // example: save contents to file
      { recursive: true },
      function (err) {

Security Warning:

Not sure if this checks for maliciously crafted paths that would resolve incorrectly (such as ../../../foo or /etc/passwd).

You can easily check this yourself by comparing /\.\./.test(path.relative('./to/dir', path.resolve('./to/dir',

Pros: (Why do I think it's the best?)

  • can unzip normal files (maybe not some crazy ones with weird extensions)
  • can stream
  • seems to not have to load the whole zip to read entries
  • has examples in normal JavaScript (not compiled)
  • doesn't include the kitchen sink (i.e. url loading, S3, or db layers)
  • uses some existing code from a popular library
  • doesn't have too much senseless hipster or ninja-foo in the code


  • Swallows errors like a hungry hippo
  • Throws strings instead of errors (no stack traces)
  • zip.extract() doesn't seem to work (hence I used in my example)

Runner up: node-unzipper


npm install --save unzipper


'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var unzipper = require('unzipper');

  .on('entry', function (entry) {
    var fileName = entry.path;
    var type = entry.type; // 'Directory' or 'File'

    if (/\/$/.test(fileName)) {
      console.log('[DIR]', fileName, type);

    console.log('[FILE]', fileName, type);

    // TODO: probably also needs the security check

    // NOTE: To ignore use entry.autodrain() instead of entry.pipe()


  • Seems to work in a similar manner to node-stream-zip, but less control
  • A more functional fork of unzip
  • Seems to run in serial rather than in parallel


  • Kitchen sink much? Just includes a ton of stuff that's not related to unzipping
  • Reads the whole file (by chunk, which is fine), not just random seeks

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

Here is another way to do it:

isempty = (dict1 and True) or False

if dict1 is empty then dict1 and True will give {} and this when resolved with False gives False.

if dict1 is non-empty then dict1 and True gives True and this resolved with False gives True

Multiple files upload (Array) with CodeIgniter 2.0

All Posted files will be come in $_FILES variable, for use codeigniter upload library we need to give field_name that we are using in for upload (by default it will be 'userfile'), so we get all posted file and create another files array that create our own name for each files, and give this name to codeigniter library do_upload function.

    $j = 1;                 
    foreach($_FILES as $filekey=>$fileattachments){
        foreach($fileattachments as $key=>$val){
                $i = 1;
                foreach($val as $v){
                    $field_name = "multiple_".$filekey."_".$i;
                    $_FILES[$field_name][$key] = $v;
                $field_name = "single_".$filekey."_".$j;
                $_FILES[$field_name] = $fileattachments;
        // Unset the useless one 
    foreach($_FILES as $field_name => $file){
        if(isset($file['error']) && $file['error']==0){
            $config['upload_path'] = [upload_path];
            $config['allowed_types'] = [allowed_types];
            $config['max_size'] = 100;
            $config['max_width'] = 1024;
            $config['max_height'] = 768;
            $this->load->library('upload', $config);

            if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload($field_name)){
                $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
                echo "Error Message : ". $error['error'];
                $data = $this->upload->data();
                echo "Uploaded FileName : ".$data['file_name'];
                // Code for insert into database

Serialize an object to string

public static string SerializeObject<T>(T objectToSerialize)
            System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream memStr = new MemoryStream();

                bf.Serialize(memStr, objectToSerialize);
                memStr.Position = 0;

                return Convert.ToBase64String(memStr.ToArray());

        public static T DerializeObject<T>(string objectToDerialize)
            System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            byte[] byteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(objectToDerialize);
            MemoryStream memStr = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

                return (T)bf.Deserialize(memStr);

How to enable directory listing in apache web server

I had to disable selinux to make this work. Note. The system needs to be rebooted for selinux to take effect.

How do I find files with a path length greater than 260 characters in Windows?


Get-ChildItem –Force –Recurse –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue –ErrorVariable AccessDenied

the first part just iterates through this and sub-folders; using -ErrorVariable AccessDenied means push the offending items into the powershell variable AccessDenied.

You can then scan through the variable like so

$AccessDenied |
Where-Object { $_.Exception -match "must be less than 260 characters" } |
ForEach-Object { $_.TargetObject }

If you don't care about these files (may be applicable in some cases), simply drop the -ErrorVariable AccessDenied part.

Timestamp conversion in Oracle for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

VALUES(TO_DATE('2012-03-28 11:10:00','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));!4/22115/1