Programs & Examples On #Jquery attributes

jQuery .attr("disabled", "disabled") not working in Chrome

It's an old post but I none of this solution worked for me so I'm posting my solution if anyone find this helpful.

I just had the same problem.

In my case the control I needed to disable was a user control with child dropdowns which I could disable in IE but not in chrome.

my solution was to disable each child object, not just the usercontrol, with that code:

$('#controlName').find('*').each(function () { $(this).attr("disabled", true); })

It's working for me in chrome now.

How to style a disabled checkbox?

If you're trying to stop someone from updating the checkbox so it appears disabled then just use JQuery


You can then style the checkbox.

Print list without brackets in a single row

For array of integer type, we need to change it to string type first and than use join function to get clean output without brackets.

    arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]    
    print(', '.join(map(str, arr)))

OUTPUT - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

For array of string type, we need to use join function directly to get clean output without brackets.

    arr = ["Ram", "Mohan", "Shyam", "Dilip", "Sohan"]
    print(', '.join(arr)

OUTPUT - Ram, Mohan, Shyam, Dilip, Sohan

Android LinearLayout Gradient Background

My problem was the .xml extension was not added to the filename of the newly created XML file. Adding the .xml extension fixed my problem.

How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

Postgres arrays are awesome. Example:

Create some test data:

postgres=# \c test
You are now connected to database "test" as user "hgimenez".
test=# create table names (name text);
CREATE TABLE                                      
test=# insert into names (name) values ('Peter'), ('Paul'), ('Mary');                                                          
test=# select * from names;
(3 rows)

Aggregate them in an array:

test=# select array_agg(name) from names;
(1 row)

Convert the array to a comma delimited string:

test=# select array_to_string(array_agg(name), ', ') from names;
 Peter, Paul, Mary
(1 row)


Since PostgreSQL 9.0 it is even easier.

Super-simple example of C# observer/observable with delegates

The observer pattern is usually implemented with events.

Here's an example:

using System;

class Observable
    public event EventHandler SomethingHappened;

    public void DoSomething() =>
        SomethingHappened?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

class Observer
    public void HandleEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
        Console.WriteLine("Something happened to " + sender);

class Test
    static void Main()
        Observable observable = new Observable();
        Observer observer = new Observer();
        observable.SomethingHappened += observer.HandleEvent;


See the linked article for a lot more detail.

Note that the above example uses C# 6 null-conditional operator to implement DoSomething safely to handle cases where SomethingHappened has not been subscribed to, and is therefore null. If you're using an older version of C#, you'd need code like this:

public void DoSomething()
    var handler = SomethingHappened;
    if (handler != null)
        handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

Bootstrap 3 navbar active li not changing background-color

In my own bootstrap.css that I load after the bootstrap.min.css only that, switch of the background image with !important works for me:

.navbar-nav li a:hover, .navbar-nav > .active > a {
  color: #fff !important;

  background-color:#f4511e !important;
  background-image: none !important;

How to read values from properties file?

I'll recommend reading this link from SpringBoot docs about injecting external configs. They didn't only talk about retrieving from a properties file but also YAML and even JSON files. I found it helpful. I hope you do too.

Format ints into string of hex

''.join('%02x'%i for i in input)

Update div with jQuery ajax response html

It's also possible to use jQuery's .load()

$('#submitform').click(function() {
  $('#showresults').load('getinfo.asp #showresults', {
    txtsearch: $('#appendedInputButton').val()
  }, function() {
    // alert('Load was performed.')
    // $('#showresults').slideDown('slow')

unlike $.get(), allows us to specify a portion of the remote document to be inserted. This is achieved with a special syntax for the url parameter. If one or more space characters are included in the string, the portion of the string following the first space is assumed to be a jQuery selector that determines the content to be loaded.

We could modify the example above to use only part of the document that is fetched:

$( "#result" ).load( "ajax/test.html #container" );

When this method executes, it retrieves the content of ajax/test.html, but then jQuery parses the returned document to find the element with an ID of container. This element, along with its contents, is inserted into the element with an ID of result, and the rest of the retrieved document is discarded.

Error sending json in POST to web API service

another tip...where to add "content-type: application/json" the textbox field on the Composer/Parsed tab. There are 3 lines already filled in there, so I added this Content-type as the 4th line. That made the Post work.

Display SQL query results in php

You need to fetch the data from each row of the resultset obtained from the query. You can use mysql_fetch_array() for this.

// Process all rows
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo $row['column_name']; // Print a single column data
    echo print_r($row);       // Print the entire row data

Change your code to this :

$sql="SELECT * FROM  modul1open WHERE idM1O>=(SELECT FLOOR( MAX( idM1O ) * RAND( ) )  FROM  modul1open) 

$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo $row['fieldname']; 

What is the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token exactly?

Bearer Token
A security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (a "bearer") can use the token in any way that any other party in possession of it can. Using a bearer token does not require a bearer to prove possession of cryptographic key material (proof-of-possession).

The Bearer Token is created for you by the Authentication server. When a user authenticates your application (client) the authentication server then goes and generates for you a Token. Bearer Tokens are the predominant type of access token used with OAuth 2.0. A Bearer token basically says "Give the bearer of this token access".

The Bearer Token is normally some kind of opaque value created by the authentication server. It isn't random; it is created based upon the user giving you access and the client your application getting access.

In order to access an API for example you need to use an Access Token. Access tokens are short lived (around an hour). You use the bearer token to get a new Access token. To get an access token you send the Authentication server this bearer token along with your client id. This way the server knows that the application using the bearer token is the same application that the bearer token was created for. Example: I can't just take a bearer token created for your application and use it with my application it wont work because it wasn't generated for me.

Google Refresh token looks something like this: 1/mZ1edKKACtPAb7zGlwSzvs72PvhAbGmB8K1ZrGxpcNM

copied from comment: I don't think there are any restrictions on the bearer tokens you supply. Only thing I can think of is that its nice to allow more than one. For example a user can authenticate the application up to 30 times and the old bearer tokens will still work. oh and if one hasn't been used for say 6 months I would remove it from your system. It's your authentication server that will have to generate them and validate them so how it's formatted is up to you.


A Bearer Token is set in the Authorization header of every Inline Action HTTP Request. For example:

POST /rsvp?eventId=123 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer AbCdEf123456
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/1.0 (KHTML, like Gecko; Gmail Actions)


The string "AbCdEf123456" in the example above is the bearer authorization token. This is a cryptographic token produced by the authentication server. All bearer tokens sent with actions have the issue field, with the audience field specifying the sender domain as a URL of the form https://. For example, if the email is from [email protected], the audience is

If using bearer tokens, verify that the request is coming from the authentication server and is intended for the the sender domain. If the token doesn't verify, the service should respond to the request with an HTTP response code 401 (Unauthorized).

Bearer Tokens are part of the OAuth V2 standard and widely adopted by many APIs.

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

one url to the same view! like so!

url(r'^$', views.landing.as_view(), name = 'landing'),

class landing(View):
        template_name = '/home.html'
        form_class1 = forms.pynamehere1
        form_class2 = forms.pynamehere2
            def get(self, request):
                form1 = self.form_class1(None)
                form2 = self.form_class2(None)
                return render(request, self.template_name, { 'register':form1, 'login':form2,})

             def post(self, request):
                 if request.method=='POST' and 'htmlsubmitbutton1' in request.POST:
                        ## do what ever you want to do for first function ####
                 if request.method=='POST' and 'htmlsubmitbutton2' in request.POST:
                         ## do what ever you want to do for second function ####
                        ## return def post###  
                 return render(request, self.template_name, {'form':form,})
    <!-- #### form 1 #### -->
    <form action="" method="POST" >
      {% csrf_token %}
      {{ register.as_p }}
    <button type="submit" name="htmlsubmitbutton1">Login</button>
    <!--#### form 2 #### -->
    <form action="" method="POST" >
      {% csrf_token %}
      {{ login.as_p }}
    <button type="submit" name="htmlsubmitbutton2">Login</button>

How to write inline if statement for print?

You can use:

print (1==2 and "only if condition true" or "in case condition is false")

Just as well you can keep going like:

print 1==2 and "aa" or ((2==3) and "bb" or "cc")

Real world example:

>>> print "%d item%s found." % (count, (count>1 and 's' or ''))
1 item found.
>>> count = 2
>>> print "%d item%s found." % (count, (count>1 and 's' or ''))
2 items found.

Basic text editor in command prompt?

notepad filename.extension will open notepad editor

How can I convert radians to degrees with Python?

You can simply convert your radian result to degree by using

math.degrees and rounding appropriately to the required decimal places

for example

>>> round(math.degrees(math.asin(0.5)),2)

Html code as IFRAME source rather than a URL

You can do this with a data URL. This includes the entire document in a single string of HTML. For example, the following HTML:


can be encoded as this:


and then set as the src attribute of the iframe. Example.

Edit: The other alternative is to do this with Javascript. This is almost certainly the technique I'd choose. You can't guarantee how long a data URL the browser will accept. The Javascript technique would look something like this:

var iframe = document.getElementById('foo'),
    iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;

iframedoc.body.innerHTML = 'Hello world';


Edit 2 (December 2017): use the Html5's srcdoc attribute, just like in Saurabh Chandra Patel's answer, who now should be the accepted answer! If you can detect IE/Edge efficiently, a tip is to use srcdoc-polyfill library only for them and the "pure" srcdoc attribute in all non-IE/Edge browsers (check to be sure).

<iframe srcdoc="<html><body>Hello, <b>world</b>.</body></html>"></iframe>

cast a List to a Collection

Not knowing your code, it's a bit hard to answer your question, but based on all the info here, I believe the issue is you're trying to use Collections.sort passing in an object defined as Collection, and sort doesn't support that.

First question. Why is client defined so generically? Why isn't it a List, Map, Set or something a little more specific?

If client was defined as a List, Map or Set, you wouldn't have this issue, as then you'd be able to directly use Collections.sort(client).


How to change the application launcher icon on Flutter?

The one marked as correct answer, is not enough, you need one more step, type this command in the terminal in order to create the icons:

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Best way to write to the console in PowerShell

Default behaviour of PowerShell is just to dump everything that falls out of a pipeline without being picked up by another pipeline element or being assigned to a variable (or redirected) into Out-Host. What Out-Host does is obviously host-dependent.

Just letting things fall out of the pipeline is not a substitute for Write-Host which exists for the sole reason of outputting text in the host application.

If you want output, then use the Write-* cmdlets. If you want return values from a function, then just dump the objects there without any cmdlet.

What exactly does the .join() method do?

On providing this as input ,

li = ['server=mpilgrim', 'uid=sa', 'database=master', 'pwd=secret']
s = ";".join(li)

Python returns this as output :


A SQL Query to select a string between two known strings

You're getting the starting position of 'punishment immediately', but passing that in as the length parameter for your substring.

You would need to substract the starting position of 'the dog' from the charindex of 'punishment immediately', and then add the length of the 'punishment immediately' string to your third parameter. This would then give you the correct text.

Here's some rough, hacky code to illustrate the process:

SET @text = 'All I knew was that the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately regardless of what anyone else thought.'

SELECT @start = CHARINDEX('the dog',@text)

SELECT @endLen = LEN('immediately')

SELECT @end = CHARINDEX('immediately',@text)
SET @end = @end - @start + @endLen


SELECT SUBSTRING(@text,@start,@end)

Result: the dog had been very bad and required harsh punishment immediately

How to clear File Input

This works to


Calculate a MD5 hash from a string

A faster alternative of existing answer for .NET Core 2.1 and higher:

public static string CreateMD5(string s)
    using (System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create())
        var encoding = Encoding.ASCII;
        var data = encoding.GetBytes(s);

        Span<byte> hashBytes = stackalloc byte[16];
        md5.TryComputeHash(data, hashBytes, out int written);
        if(written != hashBytes.Length)
            throw new OverflowException();

        Span<char> stringBuffer = stackalloc char[32];
        for (int i = 0; i < hashBytes.Length; i++)
            hashBytes[i].TryFormat(stringBuffer.Slice(2 * i), out _, "x2");
        return new string(stringBuffer);

You can optimize it even more if you are sure that your strings are small enough and replace encoding.GetBytes by unsafe int GetBytes(ReadOnlySpan chars, Span bytes) alternative.

NodeJS accessing file with relative path

Simple! The folder named .. is the parent folder, so you can make the path to the file you need as such

var foobar = require('../config/dev/foobar.json');

If you needed to go up two levels, you would write ../../ etc

Some more details about this in this SO answer and it's comments

Is it possible to play music during calls so that the partner can hear it ? Android

Note: You can play back the audio data only to the standard output device.
Currently, that is the mobile device speaker or a Bluetooth headset. You 
cannot play sound files in the conversation audio during a call.

See official link

Adding days to $Date in PHP

Using a variable for Number of days

$myDate = "2014-01-16";
$nDays = 16;
$newDate = strtotime($myDate . '+ '.$nDays.'days');
echo new Date('d/m/Y', $soma); //format new date 

CSS transition between left -> right and top -> bottom positions

This worked for me on Chromium. The % for translate is in reference to the size of the bounding box of the element it is applied to so it perfectly gets the element to the lower right edge while not having to switch which property is used to specify it's location.

topleft {
  top: 0%;
  left: 0%;
bottomright {
  top: 100%;
  left: 100%;
  -webkit-transform: translate(-100%,-100%);

Token Authentication vs. Cookies

A typical web app is mostly stateless, because of its request/response nature. The HTTP protocol is the best example of a stateless protocol. But since most web apps need state, in order to hold the state between server and client, cookies are used such that the server can send a cookie in every response back to the client. This means the next request made from the client will include this cookie and will thus be recognized by the server. This way the server can maintain a session with the stateless client, knowing mostly everything about the app's state, but stored in the server. In this scenario at no moment does the client hold state, which is not how Ember.js works.

In Ember.js things are different. Ember.js makes the programmer's job easier because it holds indeed the state for you, in the client, knowing at every moment about its state without having to make a request to the server asking for state data.

However, holding state in the client can also sometimes introduce concurrency issues that are simply not present in stateless situations. Ember.js, however, deals also with these issues for you; specifically ember-data is built with this in mind. In conclusion, Ember.js is a framework designed for stateful clients.

Ember.js does not work like a typical stateless web app where the session, the state and the corresponding cookies are handled almost completely by the server. Ember.js holds its state completely in Javascript (in the client's memory, and not in the DOM like some other frameworks) and does not need the server to manage the session. This results in Ember.js being more versatile in many situations, e.g. when your app is in offline mode.

Obviously, for security reasons, it does need some kind of token or unique key to be sent to the server everytime a request is made in order to be authenticated. This way the server can look up the send token (which was initially issued by the server) and verify if it's valid before sending a response back to the client.

In my opinion, the main reason why to use an authentication token instead of cookies as stated in Ember Auth FAQ is primarily because of the nature of the Ember.js framework and also because it fits more with the stateful web app paradigm. Therefore the cookie mechanism is not the best approach when building an Ember.js app.

I hope my answer will give more meaning to your question.

What does it mean when MySQL is in the state "Sending data"?

This is quite a misleading status. It should be called "reading and filtering data".

This means that MySQL has some data stored on the disk (or in memory) which is yet to be read and sent over. It may be the table itself, an index, a temporary table, a sorted output etc.

If you have a 1M records table (without an index) of which you need only one record, MySQL will still output the status as "sending data" while scanning the table, despite the fact it has not sent anything yet.

Where in memory are my variables stored in C?

Linux minimal runnable examples with disassembly analysis

Since this is an implementation detail not specified by standards, let's just have a look at what the compiler is doing on a particular implementation.

In this answer, I will either link to specific answers that do the analysis, or provide the analysis directly here, and summarize all results here.

All of those are in various Ubuntu / GCC versions, and the outcomes are likely pretty stable across versions, but if we find any variations let's specify more precise versions.

Local variable inside a function

Be it main or any other function:

void f(void) {
    int my_local_var;

As shown at: What does <value optimized out> mean in gdb?

  • -O0: stack
  • -O3: registers if they don't spill, stack otherwise

For motivation on why the stack exists see: What is the function of the push / pop instructions used on registers in x86 assembly?

Global variables and static function variables

/* BSS */
int my_global_implicit;
int my_global_implicit_explicit_0 = 0;

/* DATA */
int my_global_implicit_explicit_1 = 1;

void f(void) {
    /* BSS */
    static int my_static_local_var_implicit;
    static int my_static_local_var_explicit_0 = 0;

    /* DATA */
    static int my_static_local_var_explicit_1 = 1;
  • if initialized to 0 or not initialized (and therefore implicitly initialized to 0): .bss section, see also: Why is the .bss segment required?
  • otherwise: .data section

char * and char c[]

As shown at: Where are static variables stored in C and C++?

void f(void) {
    /* RODATA / TEXT */
    char *a = "abc";

    /* Stack. */
    char b[] = "abc";
    char c[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', '\0'};

TODO will very large string literals also be put on the stack? Or .data? Or does compilation fail?

Function arguments

void f(int i, int j);

Must go through the relevant calling convention, e.g.: for X86, which specifies either specific registers or stack locations for each variable.

Then as shown at What does <value optimized out> mean in gdb?, -O0 then slurps everything into the stack, while -O3 tries to use registers as much as possible.

If the function gets inlined however, they are treated just like regular locals.


I believe that it makes no difference because you can typecast it away.

Conversely, if the compiler is able to determine that some data is never written to, it could in theory place it in .rodata even if not const.

TODO analysis.


They are variables (that contain addresses, which are numbers), so same as all the rest :-)


The question does not make much sense for malloc, since malloc is a function, and in:

int *i = malloc(sizeof(int));

*i is a variable that contains an address, so it falls on the above case.

As for how malloc works internally, when you call it the Linux kernel marks certain addresses as writable on its internal data structures, and when they are touched by the program initially, a fault happens and the kernel enables the page tables, which lets the access happen without segfaul: How does x86 paging work?

Note however that this is basically exactly what the exec syscall does under the hood when you try to run an executable: it marks pages it wants to load to, and writes the program there, see also: How does kernel get an executable binary file running under linux? Except that exec has some extra limitations on where to load to (e.g. is the code is not relocatable).

The exact syscall used for malloc is mmap in modern 2020 implementations, and in the past brk was used: Does malloc() use brk() or mmap()?

Dynamic libraries

Basically get mmaped to memory:

envinroment variables and main's argv

Above initial stack: TODO why not in .data?

How to set java_home on Windows 7?

One Image can fix this issue. enter image description here

For More

Adding files to java classpath at runtime

The way I have done this is by using my own class loader

URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
DynamicURLClassLoader dynalLoader = new DynamicURLClassLoader(urlClassLoader);

And create the following class:

public class DynamicURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {

    public DynamicURLClassLoader(URLClassLoader classLoader) {

    public void addURL(URL url) {

Works without any reflection

Remove the last three characters from a string

read last 3 characters from string [Initially asked question]

You can use string.Substring and give it the starting index and it will get the substring starting from given index till end.


Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position. MSDN

Edit, for updated post

Remove last 3 characters from string [Updated question]

To remove the last three characters from the string you can use string.Substring(Int32, Int32) and give it the starting index 0 and end index three less than the string length. It will get the substring before last three characters.

myString = myString.Substring(0, myString.Length-3);

String.Substring Method (Int32, Int32)

Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length.

You can also using String.Remove(Int32) method to remove the last three characters by passing start index as length - 3, it will remove from this point to end of string.

myString = myString.Remove(myString.Length-3)

String.Remove Method (Int32)

Returns a new string in which all the characters in the current instance, beginning at a specified position and continuing through the last position, have been deleted

Web scraping with Java

If you wish to automate scraping of large amount pages or data, then you could try Gotz ETL.

It is completely model driven like a real ETL tool. Data structure, task workflow and pages to scrape are defined with a set of XML definition files and no coding is required. Query can be written either using Selectors with JSoup or XPath with HtmlUnit.

Adding a tooltip to an input box

It seems to be a bug, it work for all input type that aren't textbox (checkboxes, radio,...)

There is a quick workaround that will work.

<div data-tip="This is the text of the tooltip2">
    <input type="text" name="test" value="44"/>


Batch file to restart a service. Windows

net stop <your service> && net start <your service>

No net restart, unfortunately.

window.history.pushState refreshing the browser

As others have suggested, you are not clearly explaining your problem, what you are trying to do, or what your expectations are as to what this function is actually supposed to do.

If I have understood correctly, then you are expecting this function to refresh the page for you (you actually use the term "reloads the browser").

But this function is not intended to reload the browser.

All the function does, is to add (push) a new "state" onto the browser history, so that in future, the user will be able to return to this state that the web-page is now in.

Normally, this is used in conjunction with AJAX calls (which refresh only a part of the page).

For example, if a user does a search "CATS" in one of your search boxes, and the results of the search (presumably cute pictures of cats) are loaded back via AJAX, into the lower-right of your page -- then your page state will not be changed. In other words, in the near future, when the user decides that he wants to go back to his search for "CATS", he won't be able to, because the state doesn't exist in his history. He will only be able to click back to your blank search box.

Hence the need for the function

history.pushState({},"Results for `Cats`",'url.html?s=cats');

It is intended as a way to allow the programmer to specifically define his search into the user's history trail. That's all it is intended to do.

When the function is working properly, the only thing you should expect to see, is the address in your browser's address-bar change to whatever you specify in your URL.

If you already understand this, then sorry for this long preamble. But it sounds from the way you pose the question, that you have not.

As an aside, I have also found some contradictions between the way that the function is described in the documentation, and the way it works in reality. I find that it is not a good idea to use blank or empty values as parameters.

See my answer to this SO question. So I would recommend putting a description in your second parameter. From memory, this is the description that the user sees in the drop-down, when he clicks-and-holds his mouse over "back" button.

How to install an APK file on an Android phone?

For debugging:

  • Enable USB debugging on your phone (settings -> applications -> development).
  • Connect your phone to the computer, and make sure you have the correct drivers installed.
  • In Eclipse, run your project as an Android application (right click project -> run as -> Android application).

Installing the APK file:

  • Export the APK file, make sure you sign it (right click project -> Android tools -> export signed application package).
  • Connect your phone, USB debugging enabled.
  • from the terminal, use ADB to install the APK file (adb install path-to-your-apk-file.apk).

Timeout a command in bash without unnecessary delay

You can do this entirely with bash 4.3 and above:

_timeout() { ( set +b; sleep "$1" & "${@:2}" & wait -n; r=$?; kill -9 `jobs -p`; exit $r; ) }
  • Example: _timeout 5 longrunning_command args
  • Example: { _timeout 5 producer || echo KABOOM $?; } | consumer
  • Example: producer | { _timeout 5 consumer1; consumer2; }
  • Example: { while date; do sleep .3; done; } | _timeout 5 cat | less

  • Needs Bash 4.3 for wait -n

  • Gives 137 if the command was killed, else the return value of the command.
  • Works for pipes. (You do not need to go foreground here!)
  • Works with internal shell commands or functions, too.
  • Runs in a subshell, so no variable export into the current shell, sorry.

If you do not need the return code, this can be made even simpler:

_timeout() { ( set +b; sleep "$1" & "${@:2}" & wait -n; kill -9 `jobs -p`; ) }


  • Strictly speaking you do not need the ; in ; ), however it makes thing more consistent to the ; }-case. And the set +b probably can be left away, too, but better safe than sorry.

  • Except for --forground (probably) you can implement all variants timeout supports. --preserve-status is a bit difficult, though. This is left as an exercise for the reader ;)

This recipe can be used "naturally" in the shell (as natural as for flock fd):

set +b
sleep 20 &
} &
wait -n
kill `jobs -p`

However, as explained above, you cannot re-export environment variables into the enclosing shell this way naturally.


Real world example: Time out __git_ps1 in case it takes too long (for things like slow SSHFS-Links):

eval "__orig$(declare -f __git_ps1)" && __git_ps1() { ( git() { _timeout 0.3 /usr/bin/git "$@"; }; _timeout 0.3 __orig__git_ps1 "$@"; ) }

Edit2: Bugfix. I noticed that exit 137 is not needed and makes _timeout unreliable at the same time.

Edit3: git is a die-hard, so it needs a double-trick to work satisfyingly.

Edit4: Forgot a _ in the first _timeout for the real world GIT example.

Limit on the WHERE col IN (...) condition

For MS SQL 2016, passing ints into the in, it looks like it can handle close to 38,000 records.

select * from user where userId in (1,2,3,etc)

How to set iframe size dynamically

Not quite sure what the 300 is supposed to mean? Miss typo? However for iframes it would be best to use CSS :) - Ive found befor when importing youtube videos that it ignores inline things.

    #myFrame { width:100%; height:100%; }

<iframe src="html_intro.asp" id="myFrame">
<p>Hi SOF</p>

Use JAXB to create Object from XML String

If you want to parse using InputStreams

public Object xmlToObject(String xmlDataString) {
        Object converted = null;
        try {
            JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Response.class);
            Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
            InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlDataString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            converted = unmarshaller.unmarshal(stream);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return converted;

What does "exited with code 9009" mean during this build?

I fixed this by simply restarting Visual Studio - I had just run dotnet tool install xxx in a console window and VS hadn't yet picked up the new environment variables and/or path settings that were changed, so a quick restart fixed the issue.

How to get 0-padded binary representation of an integer in java?

Starting with Java 11, you can use the repeat(...) method:

"0".repeat(Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i) - 16) + Integer.toBinaryString(i)

Or, if you need 32-bit representation of any integer:

"0".repeat(Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i != 0 ? i : 1)) + Integer.toBinaryString(i)

How to convert a Collection to List?

Collections.sort( new ArrayList( coll ) );

Valid to use <a> (anchor tag) without href attribute?

I think you can find your answer here : Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

Also if you want to no link operation with href , you can use it like :

<a href="javascript:void(0);">something</a>

Duplicate line in Visual Studio Code

You can use the following depending on your OS:


Shift+ Alt + ? or Shift+ Alt + ?


Shift + Option + ? or Shift +Option + ?


Ctrl+Shift+Alt+? or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+?

Note: For some linux distros use Numpad arrows

Render HTML in React Native

Edit Jan 2021: The React Native docs currently recommend React Native WebView:

    source={{ html: '<p>Here I am</p>' }}

Edit March 2017: the html prop has been deprecated. Use source instead:

<WebView source={{html: '<p>Here I am</p>'}} />

Thanks to Justin for pointing this out.

Edit Feb 2017: the PR was accepted a while back, so to render HTML in React Native, simply:

<WebView html={'<p>Here I am</p>'} />

Original Answer:

I don't think this is currently possible. The behavior you're seeing is expected, since the Text component only outputs... well, text. You need another component that outputs HTML - and that's the WebView.

Unfortunately right now there's no way of just directly setting the HTML on this component:

However I've just created this PR which implements a basic version of this feature so hopefully it'll land in some form soonish.

Exception 'open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)' on Android

I'm experiencing the same. What I found is that if you go to Settings -> Application Manager -> Your App -> Permissions -> Enable Storage, it solves the issue.

What is the purpose of nameof?

I find that nameof increases the readability of very long and complex SQL statements in my applications. It makes the variables stand out of that sea of strings and eliminates your job of figuring out where the variables are used in your SQL statements.

public bool IsFooAFoo(string foo, string bar)
    var aVeryLongAndComplexQuery = $@"SELECT yada, yada
    -- long query in here
    WHERE fooColumn = @{nameof(foo)}
    AND barColumn = @{nameof(bar)}
    -- long query here";

    SqlParameter[] parameters = {
        new SqlParameter(nameof(foo), SqlDBType.VarChar, 10){ Value = foo },
        new SqlParameter(nameof(bar), SqlDBType.VarChar, 10){ Value = bar },

Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)

function getDistanceFromLatLonInKm(position1, position2) {
    "use strict";
    var deg2rad = function (deg) { return deg * (Math.PI / 180); },
        R = 6371,
        dLat = deg2rad( -,
        dLng = deg2rad(position2.lng - position1.lng),
        a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2)
            + Math.cos(deg2rad(
            * Math.cos(deg2rad(
            * Math.sin(dLng / 2) * Math.sin(dLng / 2),
        c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    return R * c;

    {lat: 48.7931459, lng: 1.9483572},
    {lat: 48.827167, lng: 2.2459745}

CS0120: An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'foo'

Your method must be static

static void setTextboxText(int result)
    if (this.InvokeRequired)
        this.Invoke(new IntDelegate(SetTextboxTextSafe), new object[] { result }); 

How is a CRC32 checksum calculated?

Then there is always Rosetta Code, which shows crc32 implemented in dozens of computer languages. and has links to many explanations and implementations.

How to sort an STL vector?

this is my approach to solve this generally. It extends the answer from Steve Jessop by removing the requirement to set template arguments explicitly and adding the option to also use functoins and pointers to methods (getters)

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

template <typename T, typename U>
struct CompareByGetter {
    U (T::*getter)() const;
    CompareByGetter(U (T::*getter)() const) : getter(getter) {};
    bool operator()(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) {
        (lhs.*getter)() < (rhs.*getter)();

template <typename T, typename U>
CompareByGetter<T,U> by(U (T::*getter)() const) {
    return CompareByGetter<T,U>(getter);

//// sort_by
template <typename T, typename U>
struct CompareByMember {
    U T::*field;
    CompareByMember(U T::*f) : field(f) {}
    bool operator()(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) {
        return lhs.*field < rhs.*field;

template <typename T, typename U>
CompareByMember<T,U> by(U T::*f) {
    return CompareByMember<T,U>(f);

template <typename T, typename U>
struct CompareByFunction {
    function<U(T)> f;
    CompareByFunction(function<U(T)> f) : f(f) {}
    bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const {
        return f(a) < f(b);

template <typename T, typename U>
CompareByFunction<T,U> by(function<U(T)> f) {
    CompareByFunction<T,U> cmp{f};
    return cmp;

struct mystruct {
    double x,y,z;
    string name;
    double length() const {
        return sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );

ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const mystruct& ms) {
    return os << "{ " << ms.x << ", " << ms.y << ", " << ms.z << ", " << << " len: " << ms.length() << "}";

template <class T>
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, std::vector<T> v) {
    os << "[";
    for (auto it = begin(v); it != end(v); ++it) {
        if ( it != begin(v) ) {
            os << " ";
        os << *it;
    os << "]";
    return os;

void sorting() {
    vector<mystruct> vec1 = { {1,1,0,"a"}, {0,1,2,"b"}, {-1,-5,0,"c"}, {0,0,0,"d"} };

    function<string(const mystruct&)> f = [](const mystruct& v){return;};

    cout << "unsorted  " << vec1 << endl;
    sort(begin(vec1), end(vec1), by(&mystruct::x) );
    cout << "sort_by x " << vec1 << endl;
    sort(begin(vec1), end(vec1), by(&mystruct::length));
    cout << "sort_by len " << vec1 << endl;
    sort(begin(vec1), end(vec1), by(f) );
    cout << "sort_by name " << vec1 << endl;

c++ parse int from string

There is no "right way". If you want a universal (but suboptimal) solution you can use a boost::lexical cast.

A common solution for C++ is to use std::ostream and << operator. You can use a stringstream and stringstream::str() method for conversion to string.

If you really require a fast mechanism (remember the 20/80 rule) you can look for a "dedicated" solution like C++ String Toolkit Library

Best Regards,

UTF-8 output from PowerShell

Not an expert on encoding, but after reading these...

... it seems fairly clear that the $OutputEncoding variable only affects data piped to native applications.

If sending to a file from withing PowerShell, the encoding can be controlled by the -encoding parameter on the out-file cmdlet e.g.

write-output "hello" | out-file "enctest.txt" -encoding utf8

Nothing else you can do on the PowerShell front then, but the following post may well help you:.

Check if all elements in a list are identical

Regarding using reduce() with lambda. Here is a working code that I personally think is way nicer than some of the other answers.

reduce(lambda x, y: (x[1]==y, y), [2, 2, 2], (True, 2))

Returns a tuple where the first value is the boolean if all items are same or not.

sklearn error ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')

None of the answers here worked for me. This was what worked.

Test_y = np.nan_to_num(Test_y)

It replaces the infinity values with high finite values and the nan values with numbers

Setting width to wrap_content for TextView through code

TextView pf = new TextView(context);
pf.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));

For different layouts like ConstraintLayout and others, they have their own LayoutParams, like so:

pf.setLayoutParams(new ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); 


parentView.addView(pf, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));

How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?

You can use the code below to find a specific value.

WHERE col1 LIKE '%[%]75%'

When you want a single digit number after the% sign, you can write the following code.

WHERE col2 LIKE '%[%]_'

Draw text in OpenGL ES

Look at the "Sprite Text" sample in the GLSurfaceView samples.

Using JAXB to unmarshal/marshal a List<String>

I have encountered this pattern a few times, I found that the easiest way is to define an inner class with JaxB annotations. (anyways, you'll probably want to define the root tag name)

so your code would look something like this

public Object test2(){
   MyResourceWrapper wrapper = new MyResourceWrapper();
   wrapper .add("a");
   wrapper .add("b");
   return wrapper ;

private static class MyResourceWrapper {
       List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>();
       MyResourceWrapper (){}

       public void add(String s){ list.add(s);}

if you work with (jax-rs) I'd return Response object with the wrapper set as its entity

how to read certain columns from Excel using Pandas - Python

You can use column indices (letters) like this:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
file_loc = "path.xlsx"
df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], usecols = "A,C:AA")

[Corresponding documentation][1]:

usecolsint, str, list-like, or callable default None

  • If None, then parse all columns.
  • If str, then indicates comma separated list of Excel column letters and column ranges (e.g. “A:E” or “A,C,E:F”). Ranges are inclusive of both sides.
  • If list of int, then indicates list of column numbers to be parsed.
  • If list of string, then indicates list of column names to be parsed.

    New in version 0.24.0.

  • If callable, then evaluate each column name against it and parse the column if the callable returns True.

Returns a subset of the columns according to behavior above.

New in version 0.24.0.

How to set min-height for bootstrap container

Usually, if you are using bootstrap you can do this to set a min-height of 100%.

 <div class="container-fluid min-vh-100"></div>

this will also solve the footer not sticking at the bottom.

you can also do this from CSS with the following class

.stickDamnFooter{min-height: 100vh;}

if this class does not stick your footer just add position: fixed; to that same css class and you will not have this issue in a lifetime. Cheers.

Force drop mysql bypassing foreign key constraint

Drop database exist in all versions of MySQL. But if you want to keep the table structure, here is an idea

mysqldump --no-data --add-drop-database --add-drop-table -hHOSTNAME -uUSERNAME -p > dump.sql

This is a program, not a mysql command

Then, log into mysql and

source dump.sql;

Create an array of strings

New features have been added to MATLAB recently:

String arrays were introduced in R2016b (as Budo and gnovice already mentioned):

String arrays store pieces of text and provide a set of functions for working with text as data. You can index into, reshape, and concatenate strings arrays just as you can with arrays of any other type.

In addition, starting in R2017a, you can create a string using double quotes "".

Therefore if your MATLAB version is >= R2017a, the following will do:

for i = 1:3
    Names(i) = "Sample Text";

Check the output:

>> Names

Names = 

  1×3 string array

    "Sample Text"    "Sample Text"    "Sample Text"

No need to deal with cell arrays anymore.

How to get a barplot with several variables side by side grouped by a factor

You can use aggregate to calculate the means:

Group.1      tea     coke     beer    water gender
1       1 87.70171 27.24834 24.27099 37.24007      1
2       2 24.73330 25.27344 25.64657 24.34669      2

Get rid of the Group.1 column


Then you have reformat the data to be in long format:

  gender variable    value
1      1      tea 87.70171
2      2      tea 24.73330
3      1     coke 27.24834
4      2     coke 25.27344
5      1     beer 24.27099
6      2     beer 25.64657
7      1    water 37.24007
8      2    water 24.34669

Finally, you can use ggplot2 to create your plot:

                      breaks=c(1, 2),
                      labels=c("Male", "Female"))+
  xlab("Beverage")+ylab("Mean Percentage")

enter image description here

Can Json.NET serialize / deserialize to / from a stream?

UPDATE: This no longer works in the current version, see below for correct answer (no need to vote down, this is correct on older versions).

Use the JsonTextReader class with a StreamReader or use the JsonSerializer overload that takes a StreamReader directly:

var serializer = new JsonSerializer();

How to create .ipa file using Xcode?

In addition to kus answer.

There are some changes in Xcode 8.0

Step 1: Change scheme destination to Generic IOS device.

Step 2: Click Product > Archive > once this is complete open up the Organiser and click the latest version.

Step 3: Click on Export... option from right side of organiser window.

Step 4: Select a method for export > Choose correct signing > Save to Destination.

Xcode 10.0

Step 3: From Right Side Panel Click on Distribute App.

Step 4: Select Method of distribution and click next.

Step 5: It Opens up distribution option window. Select All compatible device variants and click next.

Step 6: Choose signing certificate.

Step 7: It will open up Preparing archive for distribution window. it takes few min.

Step 8: It will open up Archives window. Click on export and save it.

passing several arguments to FUN of lapply (and others *apply)

You can do it in the following way:

 myfxn <- function(var1,var2,var3){



and you will get the answer:

[[1]] [1] 200

[[2]] [1] 400

[[3]] [1] 600

how to create a list of lists

First of all do not use list as a variable name- that is a builtin function.

I'm not super clear of what you're asking (a little more context would help), but maybe this is helpful-

my_list = []
my_list.append(np.genfromtxt('temp.txt', usecols=3, dtype=[('floatname','float')], skip_header=1))
my_list.append(np.genfromtxt('temp2.txt', usecols=3, dtype=[('floatname','float')], skip_header=1))

That will create a list (a type of mutable array in python) called my_list with the output of the np.getfromtext() method in the first 2 indexes.

The first can be referenced with my_list[0] and the second with my_list[1]

How to set limits for axes in ggplot2 R plots?

Basically you have two options

scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-5000, 5000))


coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-5000, 5000)) 

Where the first removes all data points outside the given range and the second only adjusts the visible area. In most cases you would not see the difference, but if you fit anything to the data it would probably change the fitted values.

You can also use the shorthand function xlim (or ylim), which like the first option removes data points outside of the given range:

+ xlim(-5000, 5000)

For more information check the description of coord_cartesian.

The RStudio cheatsheet for ggplot2 makes this quite clear visually. Here is a small section of that cheatsheet:

enter image description here

Distributed under CC BY.

httpd Server not started: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:88

Start with root user or with sudo, it works fine, here is sample output:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-12-164 ~]$ service httpd start
Starting httpd: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-12-164 ~]$ sudo service httpd start
Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-12-164 ~]$ sudo service httpd status
httpd (pid  3077) is running...

How do I install Python libraries in wheel format?

If you want to be relax for installing libraries for python.

You should using pip, that is python installer package.

To install pip:

  1. Download and then run:

  2. Then download and run:

  3. upgrade installed setuptools by pip:

    pip install setuptools --upgrade

    If you got this error:

    Wheel installs require setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support.
    pip's wheel support requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support.

    Add --no-use-wheel to above cmd:

    pip install setuptools --no-use-wheel --upgrade

Now, you can install libraries for python, just by:

pip install library_name

For example:

pip install requests

Note that to install some library may they need to compile, so you need to have compiler.

On windows there is a site for Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages that have huge python packages and complied python packages for windows.

For example to install pip using this site, just download and install setuptools and pip installer from that.

How to delete all instances of a character in a string in python?

Try str.replace():

string = "it is icy"
print string.replace("i", "")

How to update specific key's value in an associative array in PHP?

This a single solution, in where your_field is a field that will set and new_value is a new value field, that can a function or a single value

foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
   $item["your_field"] = "new_value";
   $array[$key] = $item;

In your case new_value will be a date() function

how to get docker-compose to use the latest image from repository

I spent half a day with this problem. The reason was that be sure to check where the volume was recorded.

volumes: - api-data:/src/patterns

But the fact is that in this place was the code that we changed. But when updating the docker, the code did not change.

Therefore, if you are checking someone else's code and for some reason you are not updating, check this.

And so in general this approach works:

docker-compose down

docker-compose build

docker-compose up -d

To show error message without alert box in Java Script

try this

  <script type="text/javascript">
  function validate() {
   document.getElementById("error").innerHTML="this is invalid name ";
  <form name="myform">
  <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" onblur="validate()"> </input>
<span style="color:red;" id="error" > </span>
  <br> <br>
  <input type="text" id="lname" name="lname" onblur="validate()"> </input>

  <input type=button value=check> 


@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring

@RequestBody : Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body of the HTTP request.

For example:

@RequestMapping(path = "/something", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public void handle(@RequestBody String body, Writer writer) throws IOException {

@ResponseBody annotation can be put on a method and indicates that the return type should be written straight to the HTTP response body (and not placed in a Model, or interpreted as a view name).

For example:

@RequestMapping(path = "/something", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public  @ResponseBody String helloWorld() {
    return "Hello World";

Alternatively, we can use @RestController annotation in place of @Controller annotation. This will remove the need to using @ResponseBody.

for more details

Is it possible to access an SQLite database from JavaScript?

You could use SQL.js which is the SQLlite lib compiled to JavaScript and store the database in the local storage introduced in HTML5.

How to reload the current state?

I had this problem it was wrecking my head, my routing is read from a JSON file and then fed into a directive. I could click on a ui-state but I couldn't reload the page. So a collegue of mine showed me a nice little trick for it.

  1. Get your Data
  2. In your apps config create a loading state
  3. Save the state you want to go to in the rootscope.
  4. Set your location to "/loading" in your
  5. In the loading controller resolve the routing promise and then set the location to your intended target.

This worked for me.

Hope it helps

One line if/else condition in linux shell scripting

You can use like bellow:

(( var0 = var1<98?9:21 ))

the same as

if [ "$var1" -lt 98 ]; then



I found the interested thing on the book "Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide"

Asynchronously load images with jQuery

If you just want to set the source of the image you can use this.


How to use setArguments() and getArguments() methods in Fragments?

Eg: Add data:-

   Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
   bundle.putString("latitude", latitude);
   bundle.putString("longitude", longitude);
   bundle.putString("board_id", board_id);
   MapFragment mapFragment = new MapFragment();

Eg: Get data :-

String latitude =  getArguments().getString("latitude")

How to reload current page without losing any form data?

You have to submit data and reload page (server side render form with data), just reloading will not preserve data. It is just your browser might be caching form data on manual refresh (not same across browsers).

jQuery - Add active class and remove active from other element on click

Try this one:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".tab").click(function () {

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. App pool stops on accessing website

For my situation is that my login password changed, while the application pool still uses the old one. So just click the "Advanced Settings" of your application pool and reset your "Identity".

Android open pdf file

The reason you don't have permissions to open file is because you didn't grant other apps to open or view the file on your intent. To grant other apps to open the downloaded file, include the flag(as shown below): FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION

Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
browserIntent.setDataAndType(getUriFromFile(localFile), "application/pdf");

And for function:


private Uri getUriFromFile(File file){
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        return Uri.fromFile(file);
    }else {
        return FileProvider.getUriForFile(itemView.getContext(), itemView.getContext().getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".provider", file);

How to enable php7 module in apache?

First, disable the php5 module:

a2dismod php5

then, enable the php7 module:

a2enmod php7.0

Next, reload/restart the Apache service:

service apache2 restart

Update 2018-09-04

wrt the comment, you need to specify exact installed version.

Check if SQL Connection is Open or Closed

you can also use this

if (SQLCON.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

how to sort order of LEFT JOIN in SQL query?

Older MySQL versions this is enough:

FROM `users`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM `cars` ORDER BY `carPrice`) as `cars`
WHERE `id`='4'

Nowdays, if you use MariaDB the subquery should be limited.

FROM `users`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM `cars` ORDER BY `carPrice` LIMIT 18446744073709551615) as `cars`
WHERE `id`='4'

declaring a priority_queue in c++ with a custom comparator

The third template parameter must be a class who has operator()(Node,Node) overloaded. So you will have to create a class this way:

class ComparisonClass {
    bool operator() (Node, Node) {
        //comparison code here

And then you will use this class as the third template parameter like this:

priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, ComparisonClass> q;

In CSS how do you change font size of h1 and h2

h1 {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #fff;
  font-size: 32px;

h2 {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #fff;
  font-size: 24px;

Note that after color you can use a word (e.g. white), a hex code (e.g. #fff) or RGB (e.g. rgb(255,255,255)) or RGBA (e.g. rgba(255,255,255,0.3)).

How to retrieve field names from temporary table (SQL Server 2008)

To use information_schema and not collide with other sessions:

select * 
where table_name =
        (select database_id from sys.databases where name = 'tempdb'))

HTTP response header content disposition for attachments

This has nothing to do with the MIME type, but the Content-Disposition header, which should be something like:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=genome.jpeg;

Make sure it is actually correctly passed to the client (not filtered by the server, proxy or something). Also you could try to change the order of writing headers and set them before getting output stream.

Properties order in Margin

Just because @MartinCapodici 's comment is awesome I write here as an answer to give visibility.

All clockwise:

  • WPF start West (left->top->right->bottom)
  • Netscape (ie CSS) start North (top->right->bottom->left)

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

This is ssh certificate store issue. You need to download the valid certificate pem file from target CA website, and then build the soft link file to instruct ssl the trusted certifacate.

openssl x509 -hash -noout -in DigiCert_Global_Root_G3.pem

you will get dd8e9d41

build solf link with hash number and suffix the file with a .0 (dot-zero)


Then try again.

How to set Java environment path in Ubuntu

To set up system wide scope you need to use the

/etc/environment file sudo gedit /etc/environment

is the location where you can define any environment variable. It can be visible in the whole system scope. After variable is defined system need to be restarted.


sudo gedit /etc/environment

Add like following :


Here is the site you can find more :

MySQL: #1075 - Incorrect table definition; autoincrement vs another key?

You can make the id the primary key, and set member_id to NOT NULL UNIQUE. (Which you've done.) Columns that are NOT NULL UNIQUE can be the target of foreign key references, just like a primary key can. (I'm pretty sure that's true of all SQL platforms.)

At the conceptual level, there's no difference between PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL UNIQUE. At the physical level, this is a MySQL issue; other SQL platforms will let you use a sequence without making it the primary key.

But if performance is really important, you should think twice about widening your table by four bytes per row for that tiny visual convenience. In addition, if you switch to INNODB in order to enforce foreign key constraints, MySQL will use your primary key in a clustered index. Since you're not using your primary key, I imagine that could hurt performance.

How do I include a newline character in a string in Delphi?

I dont have a copy of Delphi to hand, but I'm fairly certain if you set the wordwrap property to true and the autosize property to false it should wrap any text you put it at the size you make the label. If you want to line break in a certain place then it might work if you set the above settings and paste from a text editor.

Hope this helps.

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

In ES2015 a.k.a ES6 version of JavaScript, a new datatype called Map is introduced.

let map = new Map([["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"]]);
map.get("key1"); // => value1

check this reference for more info.

Bootstrap 3 Navbar Collapse

I am concerned about maintenance and upgrade problems down the road from customizing Bootstrap. I can document the customization steps today and hope that the person upgrading Bootstrap three years from now will find the documentation and reapply the steps (that may or may not work at that point). An argument can be made either way, I suppose, but I prefer keeping any customizations in my code.

I don't quite understand how Seb33300's approach can work, though. It certainly did not work with Bootstrap 4.0.3. For the nav bar to expand at 1200 instead of 768, rules for both media queries must be overridden to prevent expanding at 768 and force expanding at 1200.

I have a longer menu that would wrap on the iPad in Portrait mode. The following keeps the menu collapsed until the 1200 breakpoint:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .navbar-header {
        float: none; }
    .navbar-toggle {
        display: block; }
    .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
        padding-right: 15px;
        padding-left: 15px; }
    .navbar-collapse.collapse {
        display: none !important; } { 
        display: block!important; 
        margin-top: 0px; }
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .navbar-header {
        float: left; }
    .navbar-toggle {
    display: none; }
    .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
        display: block !important; }

How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)

you can set your logging configuration file through command line:

$ java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/path/to/ MainClass

this way seems cleaner and easier to maintain.

How to get summary statistics by group

dplyr package could be nice alternative to this problem:


df %>% 
  group_by(group) %>% 
  summarize(mean = mean(dt),
            sum = sum(dt))

To get 1st quadrant and 3rd quadrant

df %>% 
  group_by(group) %>% 
  summarize(q1 = quantile(dt, 0.25),
            q3 = quantile(dt, 0.75))

Why should I use the keyword "final" on a method parameter in Java?

Sometimes it's nice to be explicit (for readability) that the variable doesn't change. Here's a simple example where using final can save some possible headaches:

public void setTest(String test) {
    test = test;

If you forget the 'this' keyword on a setter, then the variable you want to set doesn't get set. However, if you used the final keyword on the parameter, then the bug would be caught at compile time.

Warning: The method assertEquals from the type Assert is deprecated

You're using junit.framework.Assert instead of org.junit.Assert.

Specify system property to Maven project

Is there a way ( I mean how do I ) set a system property in a maven project? I want to access a property from my test [...]

You can set system properties in the Maven Surefire Plugin configuration (this makes sense since tests are forked by default). From Using System Properties:


and my webapp ( running locally )

Not sure what you mean here but I'll assume the webapp container is started by Maven. You can pass system properties on the command line using:

mvn -DargLine="-DpropertyName=propertyValue"

Update: Ok, got it now. For Jetty, you should also be able to set system properties in the Maven Jetty Plugin configuration. From Setting System Properties:


How to outline text in HTML / CSS

With HTML5's support for svg, you don't need to rely on shadow hacks.

<svg  width="100%" viewBox="0 0 600 100">_x000D_
<text x=0 y=20 font-size=12pt fill=white stroke=black stroke-width=0.75>_x000D_
    This text exposes its vector representation, _x000D_
    making it easy to style shape-wise without hacks. _x000D_
    HTML5 supports it, so no browser issues. Only downside _x000D_
    is that svg has its own quirks and learning curve _x000D_
    (c.f. bounding box issue/no typesetting by default)_x000D_

Difference in days between two dates in Java?

public static int getDifferenceIndays(long timestamp1, long timestamp2) {
    final int SECONDS = 60;
    final int MINUTES = 60;
    final int HOURS = 24;
    final int MILLIES = 1000;
    long temp;
    if (timestamp1 < timestamp2) {
        temp = timestamp1;
        timestamp1 = timestamp2;
        timestamp2 = temp;
    Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
    Calendar endDate = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
    if ((timestamp1 - timestamp2) < 1 * HOURS * MINUTES * SECONDS * MILLIES) {
        int day1 = endDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int day2 = startDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        if (day1 == day2) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return 1;
    int diffDays = 0;
    startDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, diffDays);
    while (startDate.before(endDate)) {
        startDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
    return diffDays;

Is it possible to use a batch file to establish a telnet session, send a command and have the output written to a file?

The microsoft telnet.exe is not scriptable without using another script (which needs keyboard focus), as shown in another answer to this question, but there is a free

Telnet Scripting Tool v.1.0 by Albert Yale

that you can google for and which is both scriptable and loggable and can be launched from a batch file without needing keyboard focus.

The problem with telnet.exe and a second script when keyboard focus is being used is that if someone is using the computer at the time the script runs, then it is highly likely that the script will fail due to mouse clicks and keyboard use at that moment in time.

How to deep watch an array in angularjs?

Setting the objectEquality parameter (third parameter) of the $watch function is definitely the correct way to watch ALL properties of the array.

$scope.$watch('columns', function(newVal) {
    alert('columns changed');
},true); // <- Right here

Piran answers this well enough and mentions $watchCollection as well.

More Detail

The reason I'm answering an already answered question is because I want to point out that wizardwerdna's answer is not a good one and should not be used.

The problem is that the digests do not happen immediately. They have to wait until the current block of code has completed before executing. Thus, watch the length of an array may actually miss some important changes that $watchCollection will catch.

Assume this configuration:

$scope.testArray = [

$scope.$watch('testArray.length', function(newLength, oldLength) {
    console.log('length changed: ', oldLength, ' -> ', newLength);

$scope.$watchCollection('testArray', function(newArray) {
    console.log('testArray changed');

At first glance, it may seem like these would fire at the same time, such as in this case:

function pushToArray() {

// Console output
// length changed: 2 -> 3
// testArray changed

That works well enough, but consider this:

function spliceArray() {
    // Starting at index 1, remove 1 item, then push {val: 3}.
    $testArray.splice(1, 1, {val: 3});

// Console output
// testArray changed

Notice that the resulting length was the same even though the array has a new element and lost an element, so as watch as the $watch is concerned, length hasn't changed. $watchCollection picked up on it, though.

function pushPopArray() {
    $testArray.push({val: 3});

// Console output
// testArray change

The same result happens with a push and pop in the same block.


To watch every property in the array, use a $watch on the array iteself with the third parameter (objectEquality) included and set to true. Yes, this is expensive but sometimes necessary.

To watch when object enter/exit the array, use a $watchCollection.

Do NOT use a $watch on the length property of the array. There is almost no good reason I can think of to do so.

Auto line-wrapping in SVG text

Text wrapping is not part of SVG1.1, the currently implemented spec. You should rather use HTML via the <foreignObject/> element.

<svg ...>

<foreignObject x="20" y="90" width="150" height="200">
<p xmlns="">Text goes here</p>

<text x="20" y="20">Your SVG viewer cannot display html.</text>


Send HTTP GET request with header

Here's a code excerpt we're using in our app to set request headers. You'll note we set the CONTENT_TYPE header only on a POST or PUT, but the general method of adding headers (via a request interceptor) is used for GET as well.

 * HTTP request types
public static final int POST_TYPE   = 1;
public static final int GET_TYPE    = 2;
public static final int PUT_TYPE    = 3;
public static final int DELETE_TYPE = 4;

 * HTTP request header constants
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE         = "Content-Type";
public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING      = "Accept-Encoding";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING     = "Content-Encoding";
public static final String ENCODING_GZIP        = "gzip";
public static final String MIME_FORM_ENCODED    = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String MIME_TEXT_PLAIN      = "text/plain";

private InputStream performRequest(final String contentType, final String url, final String user, final String pass,
    final Map<String, String> headers, final Map<String, String> params, final int requestType) 
            throws IOException {

    DefaultHttpClient client = HTTPClientFactory.newClient();

    client.getParams().setParameter(HttpProtocolParams.USER_AGENT, mUserAgent);

    // add user and pass to client credentials if present
    if ((user != null) && (pass != null)) {
        client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass));

    // process headers using request interceptor
    final Map<String, String> sendHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if ((headers != null) && (headers.size() > 0)) {
    if (requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.POST_TYPE || requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.PUT_TYPE ) {
        sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
    // request gzip encoding for response
    sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTPRequestHelper.ENCODING_GZIP);

    if (sendHeaders.size() > 0) {
        client.addRequestInterceptor(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {

            public void process(final HttpRequest request, final HttpContext context) throws HttpException,
                IOException {
                for (String key : sendHeaders.keySet()) {
                    if (!request.containsHeader(key)) {
                        request.addHeader(key, sendHeaders.get(key));

    //.... code omitted ....//


Remove git mapping in Visual Studio 2015

I spent some time to remove the git integration from my visual studio 2015 project. any time i remove git from visual studio, and add TFS by following this -- Tools -> option -> sourceControl -> plugin selection -> Visual Studio Team foundation server, it used to come back.

My solution was -

making the physical location of my project- Show all hidden files. you can do this by show hidden files and folder option of windows. then i realize, there was a hidden folder called .git something. I kept a full back up of my project folder and also the git folder any other back up that necessary (I kept this back up incase my project breaks, so that i can go back to previous condition).

then i have deleted the hidden .git folder and any other .git related files.

then i try to Tools -> option -> sourceControl -> plugin selection -> Visual Studio Team foundation server. then i open the project by visual studio- File -> open -> project/solution..

after that i noiticed in solution explorer , right clicking the solution namei see "Source control" option , and also in project - right click i see "Add soution to source control".. and this time it didn't add solution to git..

also it is good to remove any git connection from your source control exploerer..if there is any..

so the main thing is that make sure there is no hidden git file in your project file and any other git extension.. hope this will be helpful to someone..

JavaScript: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

You have an extra closing } in your function.

var nav = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-coll');
for (var i = 0; i < button.length; i++) {
        }        // <== remove this brace
    }, false);

You really should be using something like JSHint or JSLint to help find these things. These tools integrate with many editors and IDEs, or you can just paste a code fragment into the above web sites and ask for an analysis.

python request with authentication (access_token)

Have you tried the uncurl package ( You can install it via pip, pip install uncurl. Your curl request returns:

>>> uncurl "curl --header \"Authorization:access_token myToken\""

        "Authorization": "access_token myToken"

How to make an Android device vibrate? with different frequency?

You can Vibrate the Device and its work

   Vibrator v = (Vibrator) context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);

Permission is necessary but not on runtime permission required

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>

Finding the length of a Character Array in C

Provided the char array is null terminated,

char chararray[10] = { 0 };
size_t len = strlen(chararray);

Importing files from different folder

This works for me on windows

# on mainApp/app2 
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, sys.path[0]+'\\app2')

import some_file

onchange event for html.dropdownlist

You can do this

@Html.DropDownList("Sortby", new SelectListItem[] { new SelectListItem() 

       Text = "Newest to Oldest", Value = "0" }, new SelectListItem() { Text = "Oldest to Newest", Value = "1" } , new
           onchange = @"form.submit();"

How to allow only numbers in textbox in mvc4 razor

function NumValidate(e) {
    var evt = (e) ? e : window.event;
    var charCode = (evt.keyCode) ? evt.keyCode : evt.which;
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
        alert('Only Number ');
        return false;
    }    return true;
}  function NumValidateWithDecimal(e) {

var evt = (e) ? e : window.event;
var charCode = (evt.keyCode) ? evt.keyCode : evt.which;

if (!(charCode == 8 || charCode == 46 || charCode == 110 || charCode == 13 || charCode == 9) && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
    alert('Only Number With desimal e.g.: 0.0');
    return false;
else {
    return true;
} } function onlyAlphabets(e) {
try {
    if (window.event) {
        var charCode = window.event.keyCode;
    else if (e) {
        var charCode = e.which;
    else { return true; }

    if ((charCode > 64 && charCode < 91) || (charCode > 96 && charCode < 123) || (charCode == 46) || (charCode == 32))
        return true;
        alert("Only text And White Space And . Allow");
    return false;

catch (err) {
}} function checkAlphaNumeric(e) {

if (window.event) {
    var charCode = window.event.keyCode;
else if (e) {
    var charCode = e.which;
else { return true; }

if ((charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) || (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) || (charCode == 32) || (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122)) {
    return true;
} else {
    alert('Only Text And Number');
    return false;

AngularJS does not send hidden field value

In the controller:

$scope.entityId = $routeParams.entityId;

In the view:

<input type="hidden" name="entityId" ng-model="entity.entityId" ng-init="entity.entityId = entityId" />

How can I get current location from user in iOS

The answer of RedBlueThing worked quite well for me. Here is some sample code of how I did it.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>

@interface yourController : UIViewController <CLLocationManagerDelegate> {
    CLLocationManager *locationManager;



In the init method

locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
locationManager.delegate = self;
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];

Callback function

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation {
    NSLog(@"OldLocation %f %f", oldLocation.coordinate.latitude, oldLocation.coordinate.longitude);
    NSLog(@"NewLocation %f %f", newLocation.coordinate.latitude, newLocation.coordinate.longitude);

iOS 6

In iOS 6 the delegate function was deprecated. The new delegate is

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations

Therefore to get the new position use

[locations lastObject]

iOS 8

In iOS 8 the permission should be explicitly asked before starting to update location

locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
locationManager.delegate = self;
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;

if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8.0)
    [self.locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization];

[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];

You also have to add a string for the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription or NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription keys to the app's Info.plist. Otherwise calls to startUpdatingLocation will be ignored and your delegate will not receive any callback.

And at the end when you are done reading location call stopUpdating location at suitable place.

[locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];

Only on Firefox "Loading failed for the <script> with source"

Today I ran into the exact same problem while working on a progressive web app (PWA) page and deleting some cache and service worker data for that page from Firefox. The dev console reported that none of the 4 Javascript files on the page would load anymore. The problem persisted in Safe mode, so it was not an add-on issue. The same script files loaded fine from other web pages on the same website. No amount of clearing the Firefox cache or wiping web page data from Firefox would help, nor would rebooting the Windows 10 PC. Chrome all the time worked fine on the problem page. In the end I did a restore of the entire Firefox profile folder from a day-old backup, and the problem was immediately gone, so it was not a problem with my PWA app. Apparently something in Firefox got corrupted.

ASP.NET Web API session or something?

Well, REST by design is stateless. By adding session (or anything else of that kind) you are making it stateful and defeating any purpose of having a RESTful API.

The whole idea of RESTful service is that every resource is uniquely addressable using a universal syntax for use in hypermedia links and each HTTP request should carry enough information by itself for its recipient to process it to be in complete harmony with the stateless nature of HTTP".

So whatever you are trying to do with Web API here, should most likely be re-architectured if you wish to have a RESTful API.

With that said, if you are still willing to go down that route, there is a hacky way of adding session to Web API, and it's been posted by Imran here

Code (though I wouldn't really recommend that):

public class MyHttpControllerHandler
  : HttpControllerHandler, IRequiresSessionState
    public MyHttpControllerHandler(RouteData routeData): base(routeData)
    { }

public class MyHttpControllerRouteHandler : HttpControllerRouteHandler
    protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
        return new MyHttpControllerHandler(requestContext.RouteData);

public class ValuesController : ApiController
   public string GET(string input)
       var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
       if (session != null)
           if (session["Time"] == null)
               session["Time"] = DateTime.Now;
           return "Session Time: " + session["Time"] + input;
       return "Session is not availabe" + input;

and then add the HttpControllerHandler to your API route:

route.RouteHandler = new MyHttpControllerRouteHandler();

How to install the current version of Go in Ubuntu Precise

I like to use GVM for managing my Go versions in my Ubuntu box. Pretty simple to use, and if you're familiar with RVM, it's a nobrainer. It allows you to have multiple versions of Go installed in your system and switch between whichever version you want at any point in time.

Install GVM with:

sudo apt-get install bison mercurial
bash < <(curl -LSs '')
. "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm"

and then it's as easy as doing this:

gvm install go1.1.1
gvm use go1.1.1 --default

The default flag at the end of the second command will set go1.1.1 to be your default Go version whenever you start a new terminal session.

Can scrapy be used to scrape dynamic content from websites that are using AJAX?

Another solution would be to implement a download handler or download handler middleware. (see scrapy docs for more information on downloader middleware) The following is an example class using selenium with headless phantomjs webdriver:

1) Define class within the script.

from selenium import webdriver
from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse

class JsDownload(object):

    def process_request(self, request, spider):
        driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path='D:\phantomjs.exe')
        return HtmlResponse(request.url, encoding='utf-8', body=driver.page_source.encode('utf-8'))

2) Add JsDownload() class to variable DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARE within

DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = {'MyProj.middleware.MiddleWareModule.MiddleWareClass': 500}

3) Integrate the HTMLResponse within Decoding the response body will get you the desired output.

class Spider(CrawlSpider):
    # define unique name of spider
    name = "spider"

    start_urls = [""] 

    def parse(self, response):
        # initialize items
        item = CrawlerItem()

        # store data as items
        item["js_enabled"] = response.body.decode("utf-8") 

Optional Addon:
I wanted the ability to tell different spiders which middleware to use so I implemented this wrapper:

def check_spider_middleware(method):
def wrapper(self, request, spider):
    msg = '%%s %s middleware step' % (self.__class__.__name__,)
    if self.__class__ in spider.middleware:
        spider.log(msg % 'executing', level=log.DEBUG)
        return method(self, request, spider)
        spider.log(msg % 'skipping', level=log.DEBUG)
        return None

return wrapper

for wrapper to work all spiders must have at minimum:

middleware = set([])

to include a middleware:

middleware = set([MyProj.middleware.ModuleName.ClassName])

The main advantage to implementing it this way rather than in the spider is that you only end up making one request. In A T's solution for example: The download handler processes the request and then hands off the response to the spider. The spider then makes a brand new request in it's parse_page function -- That's two requests for the same content.

How can I use a JavaScript variable as a PHP variable?

I had the same problem a few weeks ago like yours; but I invented a brilliant solution for exchanging variables between PHP and JavaScript. It worked for me well:

  1. Create a hidden form on a HTML page

  2. Create a Textbox or Textarea in that hidden form

  3. After all of your code written in the script, store the final value of your variable in that textbox

  4. Use $_REQUEST['textbox name'] line in your PHP to gain access to value of your JavaScript variable.

I hope this trick works for you.

Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

I know this is an old question but I'm astonished that a rather obvious and disgusting hack isn't here.

You can exploit the ability to define your own ctor function to grab necessary values out of your services as you define them... obviously this would be ran every time the service was requested unless you explicitly remove/clear and re-add the definition of this service within the first construction of the exploiting ctor.

This method has the advantage of not requiring you to build the service tree, or use it, during the configuration of the service. You are still defining how services will be configured.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    //Prey this doesn't get GC'd or promote to a static class var
    string? somevalue = null;

    services.AddSingleton<IServiceINeedToUse, ServiceINeedToUse>(scope => {
         //create service you need
         var service = new ServiceINeedToUse(scope.GetService<IDependantService>())
         //get the values you need
         somevalue = somevalue ?? service.MyDirtyHack();
         //return the instance
         return service;
    services.AddTransient<IOtherService, OtherService>(scope => {
         //Explicitly ensuring the ctor function above is called, and also showcasing why this is an anti-pattern.
         //TODO: Clean up both the IServiceINeedToUse and IOtherService configuration here, then somehow rebuild the service tree.
         return new OtherService(somevalue);

The way to fix this pattern would be to give OtherService an explicit dependency on IServiceINeedToUse, rather than either implicitly depending on it or its method's return value... or resolving that dependency explicitly in some other fashion.

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is Open source HTML Framework. which compatible at almost every Browser. Basically Large Screen Browser width is >992px and extra Large 1200px. so by using Bootstrap defined classes we can adjust screen resolution for displaying contents at every screen from small mobiles to Larger Screen. I tried to explain very short. for Example :

<div class="col-sm-3">....</div>
<div class="col-sm-9">....</div>

How can I install the VS2017 version of msbuild on a build server without installing the IDE?

The Visual Studio Build tools are a different download than the IDE. They appear to be a pretty small subset, and they're called Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (download).

You can use the GUI to do the installation, or you can script the installation of msbuild:

vs_buildtools.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --quiet

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools is a "wrapper" ID for the three subcomponents you need:

  • Microsoft.Component.MSBuild
  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreBuildTools
  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler

You can find documentation about the other available CLI switches here.

The build tools installation is much quicker than the full IDE. In my test, it took 5-10 seconds. With --quiet there is no progress indicator other than a brief cursor change. If the installation was successful, you should be able to see the build tools in %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin.

If you don't see them there, try running without --quiet to see any error messages that may occur during installation.

Rewrite left outer join involving multiple tables from Informix to Oracle

Write one table per join, like this:

select tab1.a,tab2.b,tab3.c,tab4.d 
  table1 tab1
  inner join table2 tab2 on tab2.fg = tab1.fg
  left join table3 tab3 on = and tab3.desc = "XYZ"
  left join table4 tab4 on tab4.xya = tab3.xya and =
  left join table5 tab5 on tab5.dd = tab3.dd and tab5.kk = tab4.kk

Note that while my query contains actual left join, your query apparently doesn't. Since the conditions are in the where, your query should behave like inner joins. (Although I admit I don't know Informix, so maybe I'm wrong there).

The specfific Informix extension used in the question works a bit differently with regards to left joins. Apart from the exact syntax of the join itself, this is mainly in the fact that in Informix, you can specify a list of outer joined tables. These will be left outer joined, and the join conditions can be put in the where clause. Note that this is a specific extension to SQL. Informix also supports 'normal' left joins, but you can't combine the two in one query, it seems.

In Oracle this extension doesn't exist, and you can't put outer join conditions in the where clause, since the conditions will be executed regardless.

So look what happens when you move conditions to the where clause:

select tab1.a,tab2.b,tab3.c,tab4.d 
  table1 tab1
  inner join table2 tab2 on tab2.fg = tab1.fg
  left join table3 tab3 on =
  left join table4 tab4 on tab4.xya = tab3.xya
  left join table5 tab5 on tab5.dd = tab3.dd and tab5.kk = tab4.kk
  tab3.desc = "XYZ" and =

Now, only rows will be returned for which those two conditions are true. They cannot be true when no row is found, so if there is no matching row in table3 and/or table4, or if ss is null in either of the two, one of these conditions is going to return false, and no row is returned. This effectively changed your outer join to an inner join, and as such changes the behavior significantly.

PS: left join and left outer join are the same. It means that you optionally join the second table to the first (the left one). Rows are returned if there is only data in the 'left' part of the join. In Oracle you can also right [outer] join to make not the left, but the right table the leading table. And there is and even full [outer] join to return a row if there is data in either table.

jquery - check length of input field?

If you mean that you want to enable the submit after the user has typed at least one character, then you need to attach a key event that will check it for you.

Something like:

$("#fbss").keypress(function() {
    if($(this).val().length > 1) {
         // Enable submit button
    } else {
         // Disable submit button

Python conversion from binary string to hexadecimal

Using no messy concatenations and padding :

'{:0{width}x}'.format(int(temp,2)), width=4)

Will give a hex representation with padding preserved

int to hex string

Use ToString("X4").

The 4 means that the string will be 4 digits long.

Reference: The Hexadecimal ("X") Format Specifier on MSDN.

Duplicate / Copy records in the same MySQL table

Your approach is good but the problem is that you use "*" instead enlisting fields names. If you put all the columns names excep primary key your script will work like charm on one or many records.

INSERT INTO invoices (iv.field_name, iv.field_name,iv.field_name
) SELECT iv.field_name, iv.field_name,iv.field_name FROM invoices AS iv     

Open button in new window?

<input type="button" onclick="; return false;" value="click me" />

javascript create empty array of a given size

var arr = new Array(5);
console.log(arr.length) // 5

Git pull a certain branch from GitHub

git pull <gitreponame> <branchname>

Usually if you have only repo assigned to your code then the gitreponame would be origin.

If you are working on two repo's like one is local and another one for remote like you can check repo's list from git remote -v. this shows how many repo's are assigned to your current code.

BranchName should exists into corresponding gitreponame.

you can use following two commands to add or remove repo's

git remote add <gitreponame> <repourl>
git remote remove <gitreponame>

Send JSON data via POST (ajax) and receive json response from Controller (MVC)

Use JSON.stringify(<data>).

Change your code: data: sendInfo to data: JSON.stringify(sendInfo). Hope this can help you.

jQuery when element becomes visible

There are no events in JQuery to detect css changes.
Refer here: onHide() type event in jQuery

It is possible:

DOM L2 Events module defines mutation events; one of them - DOMAttrModified is the one you need. Granted, these are not widely implemented, but are supported in at least Gecko and Opera browsers.
Source: Event detect when css property changed using Jquery

Without events, you can use setInterval function, like this:

var maxTime = 5000, // 5 seconds
    startTime =;

var interval = setInterval(function () {
        if ($('#element').is(':visible')) {
            // visible, do something
        } else {
            // still hidden
            if ( - startTime > maxTime) {
                // hidden even after 'maxTime'. stop checking.
    100 // 0.1 second (wait time between checks)

Note that using setInterval this way, for keeping a watch, may affect your page's performance.

7th July 2018:
Since this answer is getting some visibility and up-votes recently, here is additional update on detecting css changes:

Mutation Events have been now replaced by the more performance friendly Mutation Observer.

The MutationObserver interface provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. It is designed as a replacement for the older Mutation Events feature which was part of the DOM3 Events specification.


how to make password textbox value visible when hover an icon

function demo(){
    var d=document.getElementById('s1');
    var e=document.getElementById('show_f').value;
    var f=document.getElementById('show_f').type; 

        var f= document.getElementById('show_f').type="text";
        var g=document.getElementById('show_f').value=e;

    } else{
        var f= document.getElementById('show_f').type="password";
        var g=document.getElementById('show_f').value=e;

<form method='post'>
Password: <input type='password' name='pass_f' maxlength='30' id='show_f'><input type="button" onclick="demo()" id="s1" value="show" style="height:25px; margin-left:5px;margin-top:3px;"><br><br>
<input type='submit' name='sub' value='Submit Now'>


How to use __DATE__ and __TIME__ predefined macros in as two integers, then stringify?

For anyone just looking to replace the extra ' ' (space) if day is less than 10 then use:

#define BUILD_DATE (char const[]) { __DATE__[0], __DATE__[1], __DATE__[2], __DATE__[3], (__DATE__[4] == ' ' ?  '0' : __DATE__[4]), __DATE__[5], __DATE__[6], __DATE__[7], __DATE__[8], __DATE__[9], __DATE__[10], __DATE__[11] }

Output: Sep 06 2019

Placing a textview on top of imageview in android

you can use framelayout to achieve this.

how to use framelayout

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""


   android:text="Frame Demo"

ref: tutorialspoint

Add/remove class with jquery based on vertical scroll?

For Android mobile $(window).scroll(function() and $(document).scroll(function() may or may not work. So instead use the following.

jQuery(document.body).scroll(function() {
        var scroll = jQuery(document.body).scrollTop();

        if (scroll >= 300) {
        } else {

This code worked for me. Hope it will help you.

Routing for custom ASP.NET MVC 404 Error page

This solution doesn't need web.config file changes or catch-all routes.

First, create a controller like this;

public class ErrorController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Title = "Regular Error";
        return View();

    public ActionResult NotFound404()
        ViewBag.Title = "Error 404 - File not Found";
        return View("Index");

Then create the view under "Views/Error/Index.cshtml" as;

      Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
  <p>We're sorry, page you're looking for is, sadly, not here.</p>

Then add the following in the Global asax file as below:

protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Do whatever you want to do with the error

        //Show the custom error page...
        var routeData = new RouteData();
        routeData.Values["controller"] = "Error";

        if ((Context.Server.GetLastError() is HttpException) && ((Context.Server.GetLastError() as HttpException).GetHttpCode() != 404))
            routeData.Values["action"] = "Index";
            // Handle 404 error and response code
            Response.StatusCode = 404;
            routeData.Values["action"] = "NotFound404";
        Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; // If you are using IIS7, have this line
        IController errorsController = new ErrorController();
        HttpContextWrapper wrapper = new HttpContextWrapper(Context);
        var rc = new System.Web.Routing.RequestContext(wrapper, routeData);


If you still get the custom IIS error page after doing this, make sure the following sections are commented out(or empty) in the web config file:

   <customErrors mode="Off" />

How to pass optional arguments to a method in C++?

Here is an example of passing mode as optional parameter

void myfunc(int blah, int mode = 0)
    if (mode == 0)

you can call myfunc in both ways and both are valid

myfunc(10);     // Mode will be set to default 0
myfunc(10, 1);  // Mode will be set to 1

What is duck typing?

Wikipedia has a fairly detailed explanation:

duck typing is a style of dynamic typing in which an object's current set of methods and properties determines the valid semantics, rather than its inheritance from a particular class or implementation of a specific interface.

The important note is likely that with duck typing a developer is concerned more with the parts of the object that are consumed rather than what the actual underlying type is.

Adding multiple columns AFTER a specific column in MySQL

If you want to add a single column after a specific field, then the following MySQL query should work:

    AFTER lastname

If you want to add multiple columns, then you need to use 'ADD' command each time for a column. Here is the MySQL query for this:

    AFTER lastname

Point to note

In the second method, the last ADD COLUMN column should actually be the first column you want to append to the table.

E.g: if you want to add count, log, status in the exact order after lastname, then the syntax would actually be:


How to handle anchor hash linking in AngularJS

This may be a new attribute for ngView, but I've been able to get it anchor hash links to work with angular-route using the ngView autoscroll attribute and 'double-hashes'.

ngView (see autoscroll)

(The following code was used with angular-strap)

<!-- use the autoscroll attribute to scroll to hash on $viewContentLoaded -->    
<div ng-view="" autoscroll></div>

<!-- A.href link for bs-scrollspy from angular-strap -->
<!-- A.ngHref for autoscroll on current route without a location change -->
<ul class="nav bs-sidenav">
  <li data-target="#main-html5"><a href="#main-html5" ng-href="##main-html5">HTML5</a></li>
  <li data-target="#main-angular"><a href="#main-angular" ng-href="##main-angular" >Angular</a></li>
  <li data-target="#main-karma"><a href="#main-karma" ng-href="##main-karma">Karma</a></li>

How to determine previous page URL in Angular?

Angular 8 & rxjs 6 in 2019 version

I would like to share the solution based on others great solutions.

First make a service to listen for routes changes and save the last previous route in a Behavior Subject, then provide this service in the main app.component in constructor then use this service to get the previous route you want when ever you want.

use case: you want to redirect the user to an advertise page then auto redirect him/her to where he did came from so you need the last previous route to do so.

// service : route-events.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Router, RoutesRecognized } from '@angular/router';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, pairwise } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';

export class RouteEventsService {

    // save the previous route
  public previousRoutePath = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');

    private router: Router,
    private location: Location
  ) {

    // ..initial prvious route will be the current path for now;

    // on every route change take the two events of two routes changed(using pairwise)
    // and save the old one in a behavious subject to access it in another component
    // we can use if another component like intro-advertise need the previous route
    // because he need to redirect the user to where he did came from.
      filter(e => e instanceof RoutesRecognized),
    .subscribe((event: any[]) => {[0].urlAfterRedirects);


provide the service in app.module

  providers: [

Inject it in app.component

    private routeEventsService: RouteEventsService

finally use the saved previous route in the component you want

    // navigate the user to where he did came from

How do I view cookies in Internet Explorer 11 using Developer Tools

  1. Click on the Network button
  2. Enable capture of network traffic by clicking on the green triangular button in top toolbar
  3. Capture some network traffic by interacting with the page
  4. Click on DETAILS/Cookies
  5. Step through each captured traffic segment; detailed information about cookies will be displayed

How to get the new value of an HTML input after a keypress has modified it?

You can try this code (requires jQuery):

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#foo').keyup(function(e) {
                var v = $('#foo').val();
        <input type="text" id="foo" value="bar"><br>
        <textarea id="debug"></textarea>

Sequence Permission in Oracle

To grant a permission:

grant select on schema_name.sequence_name to user_or_role_name;

To check which permissions have been granted

select * from all_tab_privs where TABLE_NAME = 'sequence_name'

XPath query to get nth instance of an element

This seems to work:


I go this from "XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition" by Michael Kay.

There is also a note in the "Abbreviated Syntax" section of the XML Path Language specification that provided a clue.

System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7

For me, the issue was some plugin in my Visual Studio started forcing my application into x64 64bit mode, so the Oracle driver wasn't being found as I had Oracle 32bit installed.

So if you are having this issue, try running Visual Studio in safemode (devenv /safemode). I could find that it was looking in SYSWOW64 for the ic.dll file by using the ProcMon app by SysInternals/Microsoft.

Update: For me it was the Telerik JustTrace product that was causing the issue, it was probably hooking in and affecting the runtime version somehow to do tracing.

Update2: It's not just JustTrace causing an issue, JustMock is causing the same processor mode issue. JustMock is easier to fix though: Click JustMock-> Disable Profiler and then my web app's oracle driver runs in the correct CPU mode. This might be fixed by Telerik in the future.

How to stop a JavaScript for loop?

To stop a for loop early in JavaScript, you use break:

var remSize = [], 

/* ...I assume there's code here putting entries in `remSize` and assigning something to `remData`... */

remIndex = -1; // Set a default if we don't find it
for (i = 0; i < remSize.length; i++) {      
     // I'm looking for the index i, when the condition is true
     if (remSize[i].size === remData.size) {
          remIndex = i;
          break;       // <=== breaks out of the loop early

If you're in an ES2015 (aka ES6) environment, for this specific use case, you can use Array#findIndex (to find the entry's index) or Array#find (to find the entry itself), both of which can be shimmed/polyfilled:

var remSize = [], 

/* ...I assume there's code here putting entries in `remSize` and assigning something to `remData`... */

remIndex = remSize.findIndex(function(entry) {
     return entry.size === remData.size;


var remSize = [], 

/* ...I assume there's code here putting entries in `remSize` and assigning something to `remData`... */

remEntry = remSize.find(function(entry) {
     return entry.size === remData.size;

Array#findIndex stops the first time the callback returns a truthy value, returning the index for that call to the callback; it returns -1 if the callback never returns a truthy value. Array#find also stops when it finds what you're looking for, but it returns the entry, not its index (or undefined if the callback never returns a truthy value).

If you're using an ES5-compatible environment (or an ES5 shim), you can use the new some function on arrays, which calls a callback until the callback returns a truthy value:

var remSize = [], 

/* ...I assume there's code here putting entries in `remSize` and assigning something to `remData`... */

remIndex = -1; // <== Set a default if we don't find it
remSize.some(function(entry, index) {
    if (entry.size === remData.size) {
        remIndex = index;
        return true; // <== Equivalent of break for `Array#some`

If you're using jQuery, you can use jQuery.each to loop through an array; that would look like this:

var remSize = [], 

/* ...I assume there's code here putting entries in `remSize` and assigning something to `remData`... */

remIndex = -1; // <== Set a default if we don't find it
jQuery.each(remSize, function(index, entry) {
    if (entry.size === remData.size) {
        remIndex = index;
        return false; // <== Equivalent of break for jQuery.each

Text Progress Bar in the Console

A very simple solution is to put this code into your loop:

Put this in the body (i.e. top) of your file:

import sys

Put this in the body of your loop:

sys.stdout.write("-") # prints a dash for each iteration of loop
sys.stdout.flush() # ensures bar is displayed incrementally

How can I select rows by range?

Using Between condition


Or using Just operators,


Bootstrap 3 Horizontal and Vertical Divider

Add the right lines this way and and the horizontal borders using HR or border-bottom or .col-right-line:after. Don't forget media queries to get rid of the lines on small devices.

.col-right-line:before {
  position: absolute;
  content: " ";
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  height: 100%;
  width: 1px;
  background-color: @color-neutral;

Slick.js: Get current and total slides (ie. 3/5)

The slider object contains the slide count as property.

Slick < 1.5

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true,
    dotsClass: 'custom_paging',
    customPaging: function (slider, i) {
        //FYI just have a look at the object to find available information
        //press f12 to access the console in most browsers
        //you could also debug or look in the source
        return  (i + 1) + '/' + slider.slideCount;


Update for Slick 1.5+ (tested until 1.8.1)

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    $status.text(i + '/' + slick.slideCount);

    slide: 'img',
    autoplay: true,
    dots: true


Update for Slick 1.9+

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
    //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
    var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
    $status.text(i + '/' + slick.slideCount);

    autoplay: true,
    dots: true


Example when using slidesToShow

var $status = $('.pagingInfo');
var $slickElement = $('.slideshow');

$slickElement.on('init reInit afterChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
  // no dots -> no slides

  //currentSlide is undefined on init -- set it to 0 in this case (currentSlide is 0 based)
  var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1;
  // use dots to get some count information
  $status.text(i + '/' + (slick.$dots[0].children.length));

  infinite: false,
  slidesToShow: 4,
  autoplay: true,
  dots: true


NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

You can find some technical comparison on npmcompare

Comparing browserify vs. grunt vs. gulp vs. webpack

As you can see webpack is very well maintained with a new version coming out every 4 days on average. But Gulp seems to have the biggest community of them all (with over 20K stars on Github) Grunt seems a bit neglected (compared to the others)

So if need to choose one over the other i would go with Gulp

How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)?

If you are able to copy the actual SQLite database file to your desktop, you can use this tools to browse the data.

How to vertically center an image inside of a div element in HTML using CSS?

In your example, the div's height is static and the image's height is static. Give the image a margin-top value of ( div_height - image_height ) / 2

If the image is 50px, then

img {
    margin-top: 25px;

What are good grep tools for Windows?

I wanted a free grep tool for Windows that allowed you to right click on a folder and do a regex search of every file - without any nag screen.

The following is a quick solution based on the findstr mentioned in a previous post.

Create a text file somewhere on your hard drive where you keep long lived tools. Rename to .bat or .cmd and paste the following into it:

@echo off
set /p term="Search term> "
del %temp%\grepresult.txt
findstr /i /S /R /n /C:"%term%" "%~1\*.*" > "%temp%\grepresult.txt"
start notepad "%temp%\grepresult.txt"

Then browse to the SendTo folder. On Windows 7 browse to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo and drag a shortcut of the batch file to that SendTo folder.

I renamed the shortcut to 1 GREP to keep it at the top of the SendTo list.

Things that I'd like to do next with this is pipe the output of findstr through something that would generate an html file so that you could click on each output line to open that file. Also, I don't think it works with shortcuts to folders. I'd have to inspect the parameter and see if it contains ".lnk".

Update multiple rows in same query using PostgreSQL

You can also use update ... from syntax and use a mapping table. If you want to update more than one column, it's much more generalizable:

update test as t set
    column_a = c.column_a
from (values
    ('123', 1),
    ('345', 2)  
) as c(column_b, column_a) 
where c.column_b = t.column_b;

You can add as many columns as you like:

update test as t set
    column_a = c.column_a,
    column_c = c.column_c
from (values
    ('123', 1, '---'),
    ('345', 2, '+++')  
) as c(column_b, column_a, column_c) 
where c.column_b = t.column_b;

sql fiddle demo

How to add a where clause in a MySQL Insert statement?

For Empty row how we can insert values on where clause

Try this

UPDATE table_name SET username="",password="" WHERE id =""

JavaScript Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined; Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

You did not include jquery library. In jsfiddle its already there. Just include this line in your head section.

 <script src="">

How to monitor network calls made from iOS Simulator

FLEX is a great tool to monitor network traffic from your iOS app.

FLEX iOS Screenshot 1

On clicking on any of the requests listed in the above screenshot, I will be redirected to another screen where I can see more details about that request. FLEX iOS Screenshot 2

However, I had a use case where the app which I was working on would redirect the user to Safari. I wanted to monitor the network traffic in Safari as well, but FLEX could only monitor the traffic from your iOS app, not from any other app ( at the time of writing this answer ).

Then I switched to Proxyman to monitor network traffic from the iOS simulator.

  • It has a clear set of instructions on how to set it up with both iOS simulators and Android emulators.
  • It has a simple, intuitive UI, which makes it easy to work with.

enter image description here

My C# application is returning 0xE0434352 to Windows Task Scheduler but it is not crashing

In case it helps others, I got this error when the service the task was running at didn't have write permission to the executable location. It was attempting to write a log file there.

How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

If you need to know the class name that was called from inside a class, and don't want the namespace, you can use this one

$calledClass = get_called_class();
$name = strpos($calledClass, '\\') === false ?
    $calledClass : substr($calledClass, strrpos($calledClass, '\\') + 1);

This is great when you have a method inside a class which is extended by other classes. Furthermore, this also works if namespaces aren't used at all.


namespace One\Two {
    class foo
        public function foo()
            $calledClass = get_called_class();
            $name = strpos($calledClass, '\\') === false ?
                $calledClass : substr($calledClass, strrpos($calledClass, '\\') + 1);


namespace Three {
    class bar extends \One\Two\foo
        public function bar()

namespace {
    (new One\Two\foo)->foo();
    (new Three\bar)->bar();

// test.php:11:string 'foo' (length=3)
// test.php:11:string 'bar' (length=3)

Find TODO tags in Eclipse

Go TO Window>Show View >Markers

than you will get java task .

java task have all TODOs of your project

ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token) using cElementTree

The only thing that worked for me is I had to add mode and encoding while opening the file like below:

with open(filenames[0], mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:

Otherwise it was failing every time with invalid token error if I simply do this:

 f = open(filenames[0], 'r')

How to check null objects in jQuery

if ( $('#whatever')[0] ) {...}

The jQuery object which is returned by all native jQuery methods is NOT an array, it is an object with many properties; one of them being a "length" property. You can also check for size() or get(0) or get() - 'get(0)' works the same as accessing the first element, i.e. $(elem)[0]

How to display all methods of an object?

You can use Object.getOwnPropertyNames() to get all properties that belong to an object, whether enumerable or not. For example:

//-> ["E", "LN10", "LN2", "LOG2E", "LOG10E", "PI", ...etc ]

You can then use filter() to obtain only the methods:

console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math).filter(function (p) {
    return typeof Math[p] === 'function';
//-> ["random", "abs", "acos", "asin", "atan", "ceil", "cos", "exp", ...etc ]

In ES3 browsers (IE 8 and lower), the properties of built-in objects aren't enumerable. Objects like window and document aren't built-in, they're defined by the browser and most likely enumerable by design.

From ECMA-262 Edition 3:

Global Object
There is a unique global object (15.1), which is created before control enters any execution context. Initially the global object has the following properties:

• Built-in objects such as Math, String, Date, parseInt, etc. These have attributes { DontEnum }.
• Additional host defined properties. This may include a property whose value is the global object itself; for example, in the HTML document object model the window property of the global object is the global object itself.

As control enters execution contexts, and as ECMAScript code is executed, additional properties may be added to the global object and the initial properties may be changed.

I should point out that this means those objects aren't enumerable properties of the Global object. If you look through the rest of the specification document, you will see most of the built-in properties and methods of these objects have the { DontEnum } attribute set on them.

Update: a fellow SO user, CMS, brought an IE bug regarding { DontEnum } to my attention.

Instead of checking the DontEnum attribute, [Microsoft] JScript will skip over any property in any object where there is a same-named property in the object's prototype chain that has the attribute DontEnum.

In short, beware when naming your object properties. If there is a built-in prototype property or method with the same name then IE will skip over it when using a loop.

MSSQL Error 'The underlying provider failed on Open'

In IIS set the App Pool Identity As Service Account user or Administrator Account or ant account which has permission to do the operation on that DataBase.

Load HTML File Contents to Div [without the use of iframes]

this would explain how to write your own clientsideinlcude but jQuery is a lot, A LOT easier option ... plus you will gain a lot more by using jQuery anyways

Creating a div element inside a div element in javascript

'b' should be in capital letter in document.getElementById modified code jsfiddle

function test()

var element = document.createElement("div");
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('The man who mistook his wife for a hat'));

Get selected value/text from Select on change

Wow, no really reusable solutions among answers yet.. I mean, a standart event handler should get only an event argument and doesn't have to use ids at all.. I'd use:

function handleSelectChange(event) {

    // if you want to support some really old IEs, add
    // event = event || window.event;

    var selectElement =;

    var value = selectElement.value;
    // to support really old browsers, you may use
    // selectElement.value || selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].value;
    // like el Dude has suggested

    // do whatever you want with value

You may use this handler with each – inline js:

<select onchange="handleSelectChange(event)">
    <option value="1">one</option>
    <option value="2">two</option>



or vanilla JS handler setting:

var selector = document.getElementById("select_id");
selector.onchange = handleSelectChange;
// or
selector.addEventListener('change', handleSelectChange);

And don't have to rewrite this for each select element you have.

Example snippet:

function handleSelectChange(event) {_x000D_
    var selectElement =;_x000D_
    var value = selectElement.value;_x000D_
<select onchange="handleSelectChange(event)">_x000D_
    <option value="1">one</option>_x000D_
    <option value="2">two</option>_x000D_

Global npm install location on windows?

According to:

  • Local install (default): puts stuff in ./node_modules of the current package root.
  • Global install (with -g): puts stuff in /usr/local or wherever node is installed.
  • Install it locally if you're going to require() it.
  • Install it globally if you're going to run it on the command line. -> If you need both, then install it in both places, or use npm link.

prefix Configuration

The prefix config defaults to the location where node is installed. On most systems, this is /usr/local. On windows, this is the exact location of the node.exe binary.

The docs might be a little outdated, but they explain why global installs can end up in different directories:

(dev) go|c:\srv> npm config ls -l | grep prefix
; prefix = "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs" (overridden)
prefix = "C:\\Users\\bjorn\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"

Based on the other answers, it may seem like the override is now the default location on Windows, and that I may have installed my office version prior to this override being implemented.

This also suggests a solution for getting all team members to have globals stored in the same absolute path relative to their PC, i.e. (run as Administrator):

mkdir %PROGRAMDATA%\npm
npm config set prefix %PROGRAMDATA%\npm

open a new cmd.exe window and reinstall all global packages.

Explanation (by lineno.):

  1. Create a folder in a sensible location to hold the globals (Microsoft is adamant that you shouldn't write to ProgramFiles, so %PROGRAMDATA% seems like the next logical place.
  2. The directory needs to be on the path, so use setx .. /M to set the system path (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). This is what requires you to run this in a shell with administrator permissions.
  3. Tell npm to use this new path. (Note: folder isn't visible in %PATH% in this shell, so you must open a new window).

What are differences between AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion?

AssemblyVersion pretty much stays internal to .NET, while AssemblyFileVersion is what Windows sees. If you go to the properties of an assembly sitting in a directory and switch to the version tab, the AssemblyFileVersion is what you'll see up top. If you sort files by version, this is what's used by Explorer.

The AssemblyInformationalVersion maps to the "Product Version" and is meant to be purely "human-used".

AssemblyVersion is certainly the most important, but I wouldn't skip AssemblyFileVersion, either. If you don't provide AssemblyInformationalVersion, the compiler adds it for you by stripping off the "revision" piece of your version number and leaving the

-bash: export: `=': not a valid identifier

Try to surround the path with quotes, and remove the spaces

export PYTHONPATH="/home/user/my_project":$PYTHONPATH

And don't forget to preserve previous content suffixing by :$PYTHONPATH (which is the value of the variable)

Execute the following command to check everything is configured correctly:


Difference between VARCHAR and TEXT in MySQL

There is an important detail that has been omitted in the answer above.

MySQL imposes a limit of 65,535 bytes for the max size of each row. The size of a VARCHAR column is counted towards the maximum row size, while TEXT columns are assumed to be storing their data by reference so they only need 9-12 bytes. That means even if the "theoretical" max size of your VARCHAR field is 65,535 characters you won't be able to achieve that if you have more than one column in your table.

Also note that the actual number of bytes required by a VARCHAR field is dependent on the encoding of the column (and the content). MySQL counts the maximum possible bytes used toward the max row size, so if you use a multibyte encoding like utf8mb4 (which you almost certainly should) it will use up even more of your maximum row size.

Correction: Regardless of how MySQL computes the max row size, whether or not the VARCHAR/TEXT field data is ACTUALLY stored in the row or stored by reference depends on your underlying storage engine. For InnoDB the row format affects this behavior. (Thanks Bill-Karwin)

Reasons to use TEXT:

  • If you want to store a paragraph or more of text
  • If you don't need to index the column
  • If you have reached the row size limit for your table

Reasons to use VARCHAR:

  • If you want to store a few words or a sentence
  • If you want to index the (entire) column
  • If you want to use the column with foreign-key constraints

Why use pointers?

The need for pointers in C language is described here

The basic idea is that many limitations in the language (like using arrays, strings and modifying multiple variables in functions) could be removed by manipulating with the memory location of the data. To overcome these limitations, pointers were introduced in C.

Further, it is also seen that using pointers, you can run your code faster and save memory in cases where you are passing big data types (like a structure with many fields) to a function. Making a copy of such data types before passing would take time and would consume memory. This is another reason why programmers prefer pointers for big data types.

PS: Please refer the link provided for detailed explanation with sample code.

How to get first two characters of a string in oracle query?

take a look here

SELECT SUBSTR('Take the first four characters', 1, 4) FIRST_FOUR FROM DUAL;

Visual Studio move project to a different folder

It's easy in VS2012; just use the change mapping feature:

  1. Create the folder where you want the solution to be moved to.
  2. Check-in all your project files (if you want to keep you changes), or rollback any checked out files.
  3. Close the solution.
  4. Open the Source Control Explorer.
  5. Right-click the solution, and select "Advanced -> Remove Mapping..."
  6. Change the "Local Folder" value to the one you created in step #1.
  7. Select "Change".
  8. Open the solution by double-clicking it in the source control explorer.

Filename timestamp in Windows CMD batch script getting truncated

Here's a batch script I made to return a timestamp. An optional first argument may be provided to be used as a field delimiter. For example:

c:\sys\tmp>timestamp.bat -
c:\sys\tmp>timestamp.bat :

@echo off
:: put your desired field delimiter here.
:: for example, setting DELIMITER to a hyphen will separate fields like so:
:: yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss
:: setting DELIMITER to nothing will output like so:
:: yyyyMMdd_hhmmss

SET DATESTRING=%date:~-4,4%%DELIMITER%%date:~-7,2%%DELIMITER%%date:~-10,2%
::TRIM OFF the LAST 3 characters of TIMESTRING, which is the decimal point and hundredths of a second

:: Replace colons from TIMESTRING with DELIMITER

:: if there is a preceeding space substitute with a zero

Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

If you have to do group by using hibernate criteria use projections.groupPropery like the following,

private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
Criteria crit = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(studentModel.class);
List result = crit.setResultTransformer(Criteria.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP).list(); 
return result;  

How does one convert a grayscale image to RGB in OpenCV (Python)?

One you convert your image to gray-scale you cannot got back. You have gone from three channel to one, when you try to go back all three numbers will be the same. So the short answer is no you cannot go back. The reason your backtorgb function this throwing that error is because it needs to be in the format:

CvtColor(input, output, CV_GRAY2BGR)

OpenCV use BGR not RGB, so if you fix the ordering it should work, though your image will still be gray.

Maven Run Project

See the exec maven plugin. You can run Java classes using:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main" [-Dexec.args="argument1"] ...

The invocation can be as simple as mvn exec:java if the plugin configuration is in your pom.xml. The plugin site on Mojohaus has a more detailed example.


MySQL SELECT AS combine two columns into one

You do not need to select the columns separately in order to use them in your CONCAT. Simply remove them, and your query will become:

SELECT FirstName AS First_Name
     , LastName AS Last_Name
     , CONCAT(ContactPhoneAreaCode1, ContactPhoneNumber1) AS Contact_Phone 

How to make IPython notebook matplotlib plot inline

If your matplotlib version is above 1.4, it is also possible to use

IPython 3.x and above

%matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

older versions

%matplotlib nbagg

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Both will activate the nbagg backend, which enables interactivity.

Example plot with the nbagg backend

How do I get which JRadioButton is selected from a ButtonGroup

jRadioOne = new javax.swing.JRadioButton();
jRadioTwo = new javax.swing.JRadioButton();
jRadioThree = new javax.swing.JRadioButton();

... then for every button:



ActionListener radioButtonActionListener = new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
        }; whatever you need as response to event

protected void radioButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {            

Using SSH keys inside docker container

If you don't care about the security of your SSH keys, there are many good answers here. If you do, the best answer I found was from a link in a comment above to this GitHub comment by diegocsandrim. So that others are more likely to see it, and just in case that repo ever goes away, here is an edited version of that answer:

Most solutions here end up leaving the private key in the image. This is bad, as anyone with access to the image has access to your private key. Since we don't know enough about the behavior of squash, this may still be the case even if you delete the key and squash that layer.

We generate a pre-sign URL to access the key with aws s3 cli, and limit the access for about 5 minutes, we save this pre-sign URL into a file in repo directory, then in dockerfile we add it to the image.

In dockerfile we have a RUN command that do all these steps: use the pre-sing URL to get the ssh key, run npm install, and remove the ssh key.

By doing this in one single command the ssh key would not be stored in any layer, but the pre-sign URL will be stored, and this is not a problem because the URL will not be valid after 5 minutes.

The build script looks like:

aws s3 presign s3://my_bucket/my_key --expires-in 300 > ./pre_sign_url
docker build -t my-service .

Dockerfile looks like this:

FROM node

COPY . .

RUN eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && \
    wget -i ./pre_sign_url -q -O - > ./my_key && \
    chmod 700 ./my_key && \
    ssh-add ./my_key && \
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] || true && \
    npm install --production && \
    rm ./my_key && \
    rm -rf ~/.ssh/*

ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "run"]

CMD ["start"]

Side-by-side list items as icons within a div (css)

add this line in your css file:

.classname ul li {
    float: left;

Best way to check if a URL is valid

Actually... filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); doesn't work very well. When you type in a real url, it works but, it only checks for http:// so if you type something like "http://weirtgcyaurbatc", it will still say it's real.

Copy folder recursively in Node.js

The one with symbolic link support:

import path from "path"
import {
  existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, lstatSync,
  copyFileSync, symlinkSync, readlinkSync
} from "fs"

export function copyFolderSync(src, dest) {
  if (!existsSync(dest)) mkdirSync(dest)

  readdirSync(src).forEach(dirent => {
    const [srcPath, destPath] = [src, dest].map(dirPath => path.join(dirPath, dirent))
    const stat = lstatSync(srcPath)

    switch (true) {
      case stat.isFile():
        copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath); break
      case stat.isDirectory():
        copyFolderSync(srcPath, destPath); break
      case stat.isSymbolicLink():
        symlinkSync(readlinkSync(srcPath), destPath); break

How to access POST form fields

Update for Express 4.4.1

Middleware of the following is removed from Express.

  • bodyParser
  • json
  • urlencoded
  • multipart

When you use the middleware directly like you did in express 3.0. You will get the following error:

Error: Most middleware (like urlencoded) is no longer bundled with Express and 
must be installed separately.

In order to utilize those middleware, now you need to do npm for each middleware separately.

Since bodyParser is marked as deprecated, so I recommend the following way using json, urlencode and multipart parser like formidable, connect-multiparty. (Multipart middleware is deprecated as well).

Also remember, just defining urlencode + json, the form data will not be parsed and req.body will be undefined. You need to define a middleware handle the multipart request.

var urlencode = require('urlencode');
var json = require('json-middleware');
var multipart = require('connect-multiparty');
var multipartMiddleware = multipart();

app.use('/url/that/accepts/form-data', multipartMiddleware);