Programs & Examples On #Image loading

image.onload event and browser cache

There are two possible solutions for these kind of situations:

  1. Use the solution suggested on this post
  2. Add a unique suffix to the image src to force browser downloading it again, like this:

    var img = new Image();
    img.src = "img.jpg?_="+(new Date().getTime());
    img.onload = function () {
        alert("image is loaded");

In this code every time adding current timestamp to the end of the image URL you make it unique and browser will download the image again

Dynamically Add Images React Webpack

So you have to add an import statement on your parent component:

class ParentClass extends Component {
  render() {
    const img = require('../images/img.png');
    return (

and in the child class:

class ChildClass extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

How do I put my website's logo to be the icon image in browser tabs?

This is the favicon and is explained in the link.

e.g. from W3C

  <link rel="icon" 

Plus, of course the image file in the appropriate place.

Error 500: Premature end of script headers

Check your line endings! If you see an error about the file not being found, followed by this "premature of end headers" error in your Apache log - it may be that you have Windows line endings in your script in instead of Unix style. I ran into that problem / solution.

IntelliJ does not show 'Class' when we right click and select 'New'

Another possible solution is that the project name is not acceptable. For example, creating a project with spaces in the name does not block the project creation but the proper sources are not marked and when those are marked manually, I still was unable to create classes. Recreating the project with hyphens (-) instead of spaces corrected the problem for me.

Escape double quotes in Java

For a String constant you have no choice other than escaping via backslash.

Maybe you find the MyBatis project interesting. It is a thin layer over JDBC where you can externalize your SQL queries in XML configuration files without the need to escape double quotes.

Declaring an HTMLElement Typescript

Okay: weird syntax!

var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');

fixes the problem. I wonder why the example didn't do this in the first place?

complete code:

class Greeter {
    element: HTMLElement;
    span: HTMLElement;
    timerToken: number;

    constructor (element: HTMLElement) { 
        this.element = element;
        this.element.innerText += "The time is: ";
        this.span = document.createElement('span');
        this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString();

    start() {
        this.timerToken = setInterval(() => this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString(), 500);

    stop() {


window.onload = () => {
    var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');
    var greeter = new Greeter(el);

Create a SQL query to retrieve most recent records

The derived table would work, but if this is SQL 2005, a CTE and ROW_NUMBER might be cleaner:

WITH UserStatus (User, Date, Status, Notes, Ord)
SELECT Date, User, Status, Notes, 

SELECT User, Date, Status, Notes from UserStatus where Ord = 1

This would also facilitate the display of the most recent x statuses from each user.

How to have the formatter wrap code with IntelliJ?

Do you mean that the formatter does not break long lines? Check Settings / Project Settings / Code Style / Wrapping.

Update: in later versions of IntelliJ, the option is under Settings / Editor / Code Style. And select Wrap when typing reaches right margin.

Change image size with JavaScript

//  This one has print statement so you can see the result at every stage if     you would like.  They are not needed

function crop(image, width, height)
    image.width = width;
    image.height = height;
    //print ("in function", image, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    return image;

var image = new SimpleImage("name of your image here");
//print ("original", image, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
print ("final", image, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

What is the purpose and uniqueness SHTML?

SHTML is a file extension that lets the web server know the file should be processed as using Server Side Includes (SSI).

(HTML know what it is, and DHTML is Microsoft's name for Javascript+HTML+CSS or something).

You can use SSI to include a common header and footer in your pages, so you don't have to repeat code as much. Changing one included file updates all of your pages at once. You just put it in your HTML page as per normal.

It's embedded in a standard XML comment, and looks like this:

<!--#include virtual="top.shtml" -->

It's been largely superseded by other mechanisms, such as PHP includes, but some hosting packages still support it and nothing else.

You can read more in this Wikipedia article.

ListView with OnItemClickListener

1) Check if you are using OnItemClickListener or OnClickListener (which is not supported for ListView)
Documentation Android Developers ListView

2) Check if you added Listener to your ListView properly. It's hooked on ListView not on ListAdapter!


3) If you need to use OnClickListener, check if you do use DialogInterface.OnClickListener or View.OnClickListener (they can be easily exchanged if not validated or if using both of them)

How to master AngularJS?

Try out these videos They are awesome to get started


These 2 will be feel same as first as both are used to say about a condition to filter data. Though we can use ‘having’ in place of ‘where’ in any case, there are instances when we can’t use ‘where’ instead of ‘having’. This is because in a select query, ‘where’ filters data before ‘select’ while ‘having’ filter data after ‘select’. So, when we use alias names that are not actually in the database, ‘where’ can’t identify them but ‘having’ can.

Ex: let the table Student contain student_id,name, birthday,address.Assume birthday is of type date.

SELECT * FROM Student WHERE YEAR(birthday)>1993; /*this will work as birthday is in database.if we use having in place of where too this will work*/

SELECT student_id,(YEAR(CurDate())-YEAR(birthday)) AS Age FROM Student HAVING Age>20; 
/*this will not work if we use ‘where’ here, ‘where’ don’t know about age as age is defined in select part.*/

What is the difference between the float and integer data type when the size is the same?

Floats are used to store a wider range of number than can be fit in an integer. These include decimal numbers and scientific notation style numbers that can be bigger values than can fit in 32 bits. Here's the deep dive into them:

Use NSInteger as array index

According to the error message, you declared myLoc as a pointer to an NSInteger (NSInteger *myLoc) rather than an actual NSInteger (NSInteger myLoc). It needs to be the latter.

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

In Python it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Don't sweat the nested exception handling.

(Besides, has* almost always uses exceptions under the cover anyway.)

Python Function to test ping

Here is a simplified function that returns a boolean and has no output pushed to stdout:

import subprocess, platform
def pingOk(sHost):
        output = subprocess.check_output("ping -{} 1 {}".format('n' if platform.system().lower()=="windows" else 'c', sHost), shell=True)

    except Exception, e:
        return False

    return True

How can I make a countdown with NSTimer?

Add this to the end of your code... and call startTimer function with a parameter of where you want to count down to... For example (2 hours to the future of the date right now) -> startTimer(for: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*2))

Click here to view a screenshot of iPhone Simulator of how it'll look

extension ViewController
    func startTimer(for theDate: String)
        let todaysDate = Date()
        let tripDate = Helper.getTripDate(forDate: theDate)
        let diffComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: Date(), to: tripDate)
        if let hours = diffComponents.hour
            hoursLeft = hours
        if let minutes = diffComponents.minute
            minutesLeft = minutes
        if tripDate > todaysDate
            timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.00, target: self, selector: #selector(onTimerFires), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
            timerLabel.text = "00:00:00"
    @objc func onTimerFires()
        secondsLeft -= 1
        //timerLabel.text = "\(hoursLeft):\(minutesLeft):\(secondsLeft)"
        timerLabel.text = String(format: "%02d:%02d:%02d", hoursLeft, minutesLeft, secondsLeft)
        if secondsLeft <= 0 {
            if minutesLeft != 0
                secondsLeft = 59
                minutesLeft -= 1
        if minutesLeft <= 0 {
            if hoursLeft != 0
                minutesLeft = 59
                hoursLeft -= 1
        if(hoursLeft == 0 && minutesLeft == 0 && secondsLeft == 0)

Smooth scroll to specific div on click

There are many examples of smooth scrolling using JS libraries like jQuery, Mootools, Prototype, etc.

The following example is on pure JavaScript. If you have no jQuery/Mootools/Prototype on page or you don't want to overload page with heavy JS libraries the example will be of help.

HTML Part:

<div class="first"><button type="button" onclick="smoothScroll(document.getElementById('second'))">Click Me!</button></div>
<div class="second" id="second">Hi</div>

CSS Part:

.first {
    width: 100%;
    height: 1000px;
    background: #ccc;

.second {
    width: 100%;
    height: 1000px;
    background: #999;

JS Part:

window.smoothScroll = function(target) {
    var scrollContainer = target;
    do { //find scroll container
        scrollContainer = scrollContainer.parentNode;
        if (!scrollContainer) return;
        scrollContainer.scrollTop += 1;
    } while (scrollContainer.scrollTop == 0);

    var targetY = 0;
    do { //find the top of target relatively to the container
        if (target == scrollContainer) break;
        targetY += target.offsetTop;
    } while (target = target.offsetParent);

    scroll = function(c, a, b, i) {
        i++; if (i > 30) return;
        c.scrollTop = a + (b - a) / 30 * i;
        setTimeout(function(){ scroll(c, a, b, i); }, 20);
    // start scrolling
    scroll(scrollContainer, scrollContainer.scrollTop, targetY, 0);

How do I use Node.js Crypto to create a HMAC-SHA1 hash?

Documentation for crypto:

const crypto = require('crypto')

const text = 'I love cupcakes'
const key = 'abcdeg'

crypto.createHmac('sha1', key)

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?

I would extend this question with a NDIS driver example on getting time. As one knows, KeQuerySystemTime (mimicked under NdisGetCurrentSystemTime) has a low resolution above milliseconds, and there are some processes like network packets or other IRPs which may need a better timestamp;

The example is just as simple:

LONG_INTEGER data, frequency;
data = KeQueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&frequency)
diff = data.QuadPart / (Frequency.QuadPart/$divisor)

where divisor is 10^3, or 10^6 depending on required resolution.

How to schedule a periodic task in Java?

Have you tried Spring Scheduler using annotations ?

@Scheduled(cron = "0 0 0/8 ? * * *")
public void scheduledMethodNoReturnValue(){
    //body can be another method call which returns some value.

you can do this with xml as well.

   <task:scheduled ref = "reference" method = "methodName" cron = "<cron expression here> -or- ${<cron expression from property files>}"

Apache: Restrict access to specific source IP inside virtual host

For Apache 2.4, you would use the Require IP directive. So to only allow machines from the network (range -

<VirtualHost *:80>
    <Location />
      Require ip

And if you just want the localhost machine to have access, then there's a special Require local directive.

The local provider allows access to the server if any of the following conditions is true:

  • the client address matches
  • the client address is ::1
  • both the client and the server address of the connection are the same

This allows a convenient way to match connections that originate from the local host:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    <Location />
      Require local

Class Not Found Exception when running JUnit test

I fixed my issue by running maven update. Right click project your project > Maven > Update Project

Spring MVC Controller redirect using URL parameters instead of in response

I had the same problem. solved it like this:

return new ModelAndView("redirect:/user/list?success=true");

And then my controller method look like this:

public ModelMap list(@RequestParam(required=false) boolean success) {
    ModelMap mm = new ModelMap();
    mm.put(SEARCH_MODEL_KEY, campaignService.listAllCampaigns());
        mm.put("successMessageKey", "campaign.form.msg.success");
    return mm;

Works perfectly unless you want to send simple data, not collections let's say. Then you'd have to use session I guess.

how to list all sub directories in a directory

show all directry and sub directories

def dir():

from glob import glob

dir = []

dir = glob("path")

def all_sub_dir(dir):

     for item in dir:

                b = "{}\*".format(item)
                dir += glob(b)

Find the number of columns in a table

It is possible to find the number of columns in a table just by using 3 simple lines of PHP code.

$sql="SELECT * FROM table";

$num would return the number of columns on a given table in this case.

Hopefully,it would help others.

Calling a function every 60 seconds

use the

setInterval(function, 60000);

EDIT : (In case if you want to stop the clock after it is started)

Script section

var int=self.setInterval(function, 60000);

and HTML Code

<!-- Stop Button -->
<a href="#" onclick="window.clearInterval(int);return false;">Stop</a>

How to change the background-color of jumbrotron?

In the HTML file itself, modify the background-color of the jumbotron using the style attribute:
<div class="jumbotron" style="background-color:#CFD8DC;"></div>

How to create a file in Android?

I used the following code to create a temporary file for writing bytes. And its working fine.

File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + File.separator + "test.txt");
byte[] data1={1,1,0,0};
//write the bytes in file
     OutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(file);              
     System.out.println("file created: "+file);

//deleting the file             
System.out.println("file deleted");

Which Eclipse version should I use for an Android app?

You can use the Eclipse Indigo EE version for Android development. It is quite good, and I haven't faced any issues so far.

How can I join elements of an array in Bash?

Using no external commands:

$ FOO=( a b c )     # initialize the array
$ BAR=${FOO[@]}     # create a space delimited string from array
$ BAZ=${BAR// /,}   # use parameter expansion to substitute spaces with comma
$ echo $BAZ

Warning, it assumes elements don't have whitespaces.

Format a Go string without printing?

I came to this page specifically looking for a way to format an error string. So if someone needs help with the same, you want to use the fmt.Errorf() function.

The method signature is func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error. It returns the formatted string as a value that satisfies the error interface.

You can look up more details in the documentation -

How do I remove objects from a JavaScript associative array?

var myArray = newmyArray = new Object();
myArray["firstname"] = "Bob";
myArray["lastname"] = "Smith";
myArray["age"] = 25;

var s = JSON.stringify(myArray);

s.replace(/"lastname[^,}]+,/g, '');
newmyArray = JSON.parse(p);

Without looping/iterates we get the same result.

How do I access ViewBag from JS

try: var cc = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.CC)

How do browser cookie domains work?

Although there is the RFC 2965 (Set-Cookie2, had already obsoleted RFC 2109) that should define the cookie nowadays, most browsers don’t fully support that but just comply to the original specification by Netscape.

There is a distinction between the Domain attribute value and the effective domain: the former is taken from the Set-Cookie header field and the latter is the interpretation of that attribute value. According to the RFC 2965, the following should apply:

  • If the Set-Cookie header field does not have a Domain attribute, the effective domain is the domain of the request.
  • If there is a Domain attribute present, its value will be used as effective domain (if the value does not start with a . it will be added by the client).

Having the effective domain it must also domain-match the current requested domain for being set; otherwise the cookie will be revised. The same rule applies for choosing the cookies to be sent in a request.

Mapping this knowledge onto your questions, the following should apply:

  • Cookie with will be available for
  • Cookie with will be available for
  • Cookie with will be converted to and thus will also be available for
  • Cookie with will not be available for
  • will be able to set cookie for
  • will not be able to set cookie for
  • will not be able to set cookie for .com

And to set and read a cookie for/by and, set it for and respectively. But the first ( will only be accessible for other domains below that domain (e.g. or where can also be accessed by any other domain below (e.g. or

Change values on matplotlib imshow() graph axis

I would try to avoid changing the xticklabels if possible, otherwise it can get very confusing if you for example overplot your histogram with additional data.

Defining the range of your grid is probably the best and with imshow it can be done by adding the extent keyword. This way the axes gets adjusted automatically. If you want to change the labels i would use set_xticks with perhaps some formatter. Altering the labels directly should be the last resort.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))

ax.imshow(hist,, interpolation='none', extent=[80,120,32,0])
ax.set_aspect(2) # you may also use am.imshow(..., aspect="auto") to restore the aspect ratio

enter image description here

Display current path in terminal only

If you just want to get the information of current directory, you can type:


and you don't need to use the Nautilus, or you can use a teamviewer software to remote connect to the computer, you can get everything you want.

Appending a list or series to a pandas DataFrame as a row?

Consider an array A of N x 2 dimensions. To add one more row, use the following.

A.loc[A.shape[0]] = [3,4]

Javascript/jQuery: Set Values (Selection) in a multiple Select

in jQuery:

$("#strings").val(["Test", "Prof", "Off"]);

or in pure JavaScript:

var element = document.getElementById('strings');
var values = ["Test", "Prof", "Off"];
for (var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++) {
    element.options[i].selected = values.indexOf(element.options[i].value) >= 0;

jQuery does significant abstraction here.

Why is there no tuple comprehension in Python?

As another poster macm mentioned, the fastest way to create a tuple from a generator is tuple([generator]).

Performance Comparison

  • List comprehension:

    $ python3 -m timeit "a = [i for i in range(1000)]"
    10000 loops, best of 3: 27.4 usec per loop
  • Tuple from list comprehension:

    $ python3 -m timeit "a = tuple([i for i in range(1000)])"
    10000 loops, best of 3: 30.2 usec per loop
  • Tuple from generator:

    $ python3 -m timeit "a = tuple(i for i in range(1000))"
    10000 loops, best of 3: 50.4 usec per loop
  • Tuple from unpacking:

    $ python3 -m timeit "a = *(i for i in range(1000)),"
    10000 loops, best of 3: 52.7 usec per loop

My version of python:

$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.3

So you should always create a tuple from a list comprehension unless performance is not an issue.

Difference between modes a, a+, w, w+, and r+ in built-in open function?

I find it important to note that python 3 defines the opening modes differently to the answers here that were correct for Python 2.

The Pyhton 3 opening modes are:

'r' open for reading (default)
'w' open for writing, truncating the file first
'x' open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists
'a' open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists
'b' binary mode
't' text mode (default)
'+' open a disk file for updating (reading and writing)
'U' universal newlines mode (for backwards compatibility; should not be used in new code)

The modes r, w, x, a are combined with the mode modifiers b or t. + is optionally added, U should be avoided.

As I found out the hard way, it is a good idea to always specify t when opening a file in text mode since r is an alias for rt in the standard open() function but an alias for rb in the open() functions of all compression modules (when e.g. reading a *.bz2 file).

Thus the modes for opening a file should be:

rt / wt / xt / at for reading / writing / creating / appending to a file in text mode and

rb / wb / xb / ab for reading / writing / creating / appending to a file in binary mode.

Use + as before.

Reverse / invert a dictionary mapping

For instance, you have the following dictionary:

dict = {'a': 'fire', 'b': 'ice', 'c': 'fire', 'd': 'water'}

And you wanna get it in such an inverted form:

inverted_dict = {'fire': ['a', 'c'], 'ice': ['b'], 'water': ['d']}

First Solution. For inverting key-value pairs in your dictionary use a for-loop approach:

# Use this code to invert dictionaries that have non-unique values

inverted_dict = dict()
for key, value in dict.items():
    inverted_dict.setdefault(value, list()).append(key)

Second Solution. Use a dictionary comprehension approach for inversion:

# Use this code to invert dictionaries that have unique values

inverted_dict = {value: key for key, value in dict.items()}

Third Solution. Use reverting the inversion approach (relies on second solution):

# Use this code to invert dictionaries that have lists of values

dict = {value: key for key in inverted_dict for value in my_map[key]}

Create two threads, one display odd & other even numbers

public class OddEvenPrinetr {
    private static Object printOdd = new Object();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Runnable oddPrinter =  new Runnable() {
            int count = 1;
            public void run() {
                    synchronized (printOdd) {
                        if(count >= 101){
                        count = count + 2;                                              
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        Runnable evenPrinter =  new Runnable() {
            int count = 0;
            public void run() {
                    synchronized (printOdd) {
                        if(count >= 100){                       
                        count = count + 2;
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        new Thread(oddPrinter).start();
        new Thread(evenPrinter).start();

Error: could not find function "%>%"

the following can be used:


Convert string to BigDecimal in java

May I add something. If you are using currency you should use Scale(2), and you should probably figure out a round method.

Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?

The main reason I used Reflector (and, I think, the main reason most people used it) was for its decompiler: it can translate a method's IL back into source code.

On that count, Monoflector would be the project to watch. It uses Cecil, which does the reflection, and Cecil.Decompiler, which does the decompilation. But Monoflector layers a UI on top of both libraries, which should give you a very good idea of how to use the API.

Monoflector is also a decent alternative to Reflector outright. It lets you browse the types and decompile the methods, which is 99% of what people used Reflector for. It's very rough around the edges, but I'm thinking that will change quickly.

Very Simple Image Slider/Slideshow with left and right button. No autoplay

<script type="text/javascript">
                    $(document).ready(function(e) {
                            $("#imgprev").animate({height: "250px",width: "70%",left: "15%"},100).html("<img src='"+$(this).attr('src')+"' width='100%' height='100%' />"); 
                            $("#imgprev").animate({height: "0px",width: "0%",left: "50%"},100);
                    .mqimg{ cursor:pointer;}
                    <div style="position:relative; width:100%; height:1px; text-align:center;">`enter code here`
                    <div id="imgprev" style="position:absolute; display:block; box-shadow:2px 5px 10px #333; width:70%; height:0px; background:#999; left:15%; bottom:15px; "></div>
<img class='mqimg' src='spppimages/1.jpg' height='100px' />
<img class='mqimg' src='spppimages/2.jpg' height='100px' />
<img class='mqimg' src='spppimages/3.jpg' height='100px' />
<img class='mqimg' src='spppimages/4.jpg' height='100px' />
<img class='mqimg' src='spppimages/5.jpg' height='100px' />

Is there a way to use use text as the background with CSS?

Ciro's solution about an SVG Data URI background containing the text is very clever.

However, it won't work in IE if you just add the plain SVG source to the data URI.

In order to get around this and make it work in IE9 and up, encode the SVG to base64. This is a great tool.

So this:

background:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=""><text x="5%" y="5%" font-size="30" fill="red">I love SVG!</text></svg>');

Becomes this:


Tested and it works in IE9-10-11, WebKit (Chrome 37, Opera 23) and Gecko (Firefox 31).

How can I put an icon inside a TextInput in React Native?

Here you have an example I took from my own project, i have just removed what i thought we didnt need for the example.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

class YourComponent extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this._makeYourEffectHere = this._makeYourEffectHere.bind(this);

    this.state = {
        showPassword: false,
        image: '../statics/showingPassImage.png'

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={this._makeYourEffectHere}>
          <Image style={styles.image} source={require(this.state.image)}></Image>
        <TextInput password={this.state.showPassword} style={styles.input} value="abc" />

  _makeYourEffectHere() {
    var png = this.state.showPassword ? '../statics/showingPassImage.png' : '../statics/hidingPassImage.png';
    this.setState({showPassword: !this.state.showPassword, image: png});

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    flexDirection: 'column',
    alignItems: 'center',
  button: {
    width: Dimensions.get('window').width * 0.94,
    height: 40,
    backgroundColor: '#3b5998',
    marginTop: Dimensions.get('window').width * 0.03,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    borderRadius: Dimensions.get('window').width * 0.012
  image: {
    width: 25,
    height: 25,
    position: 'absolute',
    left: 7,
    bottom: 7
  input: {
    width: Dimensions.get('window').width * 0.94,
    height: 30

module.exports = YourComponent;

I hope It helps you.

Let me know if it was useful.

How to Test Facebook Connect Locally

You don't have to do anything difficult!

Facebook ? Settings ? Basic:
write "localhost" in the "App Domains" field then click on "+Add Platform" choose "Web Site".

After that, in the "Site Url" field write your localhost url
(e.g.: http://localhost:1337/something).

This will allow you to test your facebook plugins locally.

Add space between HTML elements only using CSS

Just use margin or padding.

In your specific case, you could use margin:0 10px only on the 2nd <span>.


Here's a nice CSS3 solution (jsFiddle):

span {
    margin: 0 10px;

span:first-of-type {
    margin-left: 0;

span:last-of-type {
    margin-right: 0;

Advanced element selection using selectors like :nth-child(), :last-child, :first-of-type, etc. is supported since Internet Explorer 9.

Property '...' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor

Just go to tsconfig.json and set

"strictPropertyInitialization": false

to get rid of the compilation error.

Otherwise you need to initialize all your variables which is a little bit annoying

Finding an elements XPath using IE Developer tool

You can find/debug XPath/CSS locators in the IE as well as in different browsers with the tool called SWD Page Recorder

The only restrictions/limitations:

  1. The browser should be started from the tool
  2. Internet Explorer Driver Server - IEDriverServer.exe - should be downloaded separately and placed near SwdPageRecorder.exe

How to initialize weights in PyTorch?

Here is the better way, just pass your whole model

import torch.nn as nn
def initialize_weights(model):
    # Initializes weights according to the DCGAN paper
    for m in model.modules():
        if isinstance(m, (nn.Conv2d, nn.ConvTranspose2d, nn.BatchNorm2d)):
            nn.init.normal_(, 0.0, 0.02)
        # if you also want for linear layers ,add one more elif condition 

WPF checkbox binding

Should be easier than that. Just use:

<Checkbox IsChecked="{Binding Path=myVar, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />

cpp / c++ get pointer value or depointerize pointer

To get the value of a pointer, just de-reference the pointer.

int *ptr;
int value;
*ptr = 9;

value = *ptr;

value is now 9.

I suggest you read more about pointers, this is their base functionality.

How to return rows from left table not found in right table?

I also like to use NOT EXISTS. When it comes to performance if index correctly it should perform the same as a LEFT JOIN or better. Plus its easier to read.

SELECT Column1
FROM TableA a
                   FROM Tableb b
                   WHERE a.Column1 = b.Column1

Change Bootstrap tooltip color

It will change the color of the tooltip in bootstrap4 you can use bottom, left, right to add CSS for respective in place of top in .bs-tooltip-top

.tooltip-inner {
background-color: #00acd6 !important;
color: #fff;
.bs-tooltip-top .arrow::before, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="top"] 
.arrow::before {
border-top-color: #00acd6;

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't match value '1700' in CppFile1.obj

You are trying to link objects compiled by different versions of the compiler. That's not supported in modern versions of VS, at least not if you are using the C++ standard library. Different versions of the standard library are binary incompatible and so you need all the inputs to the linker to be compiled with the same version. Make sure you re-compile all the objects that are to be linked.

The compiler error names the objects involved so the information the the question already has the answer you are looking for. Specifically it seems that the static library that you are linking needs to be re-compiled.

So the solution is to recompile Projectname1.lib with VS2012.

Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures

A little modification of @Mirek Rusin answer and now you can detect multitouch swipes. This code is on Kotlin:

class OnSwipeTouchListener(ctx: Context, val onGesture: (gestureCode: Int) -> Unit) : OnTouchListener {

private val SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 200

private val gestureDetector: GestureDetector

var fingersCount = 0

fun resetFingers() {
    fingersCount = 0

init {
    gestureDetector = GestureDetector(ctx, GestureListener())

override fun onTouch(v: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
    if (event.pointerCount > fingersCount) {
        fingersCount = event.pointerCount
    return gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event)

private inner class GestureListener : SimpleOnGestureListener() {

    override fun onDown(e: MotionEvent): Boolean {
        return true

    override fun onFling(e1: MotionEvent, e2: MotionEvent, velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float): Boolean {
        var result = false
        try {
            val diffY = e2.y - e1.y
            val diffX = e2.x - e1.x
            if (Math.abs(diffX) > Math.abs(diffY)) {
                if (Math.abs(diffX) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD && Math.abs(velocityX) > SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
                    if (diffX > 0) {
                        val gesture = when (fingersCount) {
                            1 -> Gesture.SWIPE_RIGHT
                            2 -> Gesture.TWO_FINGER_SWIPE_RIGHT
                            3 -> Gesture.THREE_FINGER_SWIPE_RIGHT
                            else -> -1
                        if (gesture > 0) {
                    } else {
                        val gesture = when (fingersCount) {
                            1 -> Gesture.SWIPE_LEFT
                            2 -> Gesture.TWO_FINGER_SWIPE_LEFT
                            3 -> Gesture.THREE_FINGER_SWIPE_LEFT
                            else -> -1
                        if (gesture > 0) {
            } else if (Math.abs(diffY) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD && Math.abs(velocityY) > SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
                if (diffY > 0) {
                    val gesture = when (fingersCount) {
                        1 ->  Gesture.SWIPE_DOWN
                        2 -> Gesture.TWO_FINGER_SWIPE_DOWN
                        3 -> Gesture.THREE_FINGER_SWIPE_DOWN
                        else -> -1
                    if (gesture > 0) {
                } else {
                    val gesture = when (fingersCount) {
                        1 ->  Gesture.SWIPE_UP
                        2 -> Gesture.TWO_FINGER_SWIPE_UP
                        3 -> Gesture.THREE_FINGER_SWIPE_UP
                        else -> -1
                    if (gesture > 0) {
            result = true

        } catch (exception: Exception) {

        return result

Where Gesture.SWIPE_RIGHT and others are unique integer indentificator of gesture that I`m using to detect kind of gesture later in my activity:

rootView?.setOnTouchListener(OnSwipeTouchListener(this, {
    gesture -> log(Gesture.parseName(this, gesture))

So you see gesture here is an integer variable that holds value I have passed before.

Receive JSON POST with PHP

It is worth pointing out that if you use json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")) (as others have mentioned), this will fail if the string is not valid JSON.

This can be simply resolved by first checking if the JSON is valid. i.e.

function isValidJSON($str) {
   return json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE;

$json_params = file_get_contents("php://input");

if (strlen($json_params) > 0 && isValidJSON($json_params))
  $decoded_params = json_decode($json_params);

Edit: Note that removing strlen($json_params) above may result in subtle errors, as json_last_error() does not change when null or a blank string is passed, as shown here:

How to create new folder?

You can create a folder with os.makedirs()
and use os.path.exists() to see if it already exists:

newpath = r'C:\Program Files\arbitrary' 
if not os.path.exists(newpath):

If you're trying to make an installer: Windows Installer does a lot of work for you.

Modelling an elevator using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming Vol.1 has a demonstration of elevator and the data-structures. Knuth presents a very thorough discussion and program.

Knuth(1997) "Information Structures", The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 1 pp.302-308

Automatic prune with Git fetch or pull

Since git 1.8.5 (Q4 2013):

"git fetch" (hence "git pull" as well) learned to check "fetch.prune" and "remote.*.prune" configuration variables and to behave as if the "--prune" command line option was given.

That means that, if you set remote.origin.prune to true:

git config remote.origin.prune true

Any git fetch or git pull will automatically prune.

Note: Git 2.12 (Q1 2017) will fix a bug related to this configuration, which would make git remote rename misbehave.
See "How do I rename a git remote?".

See more at commit 737c5a9:

Without "git fetch --prune", remote-tracking branches for a branch the other side already has removed will stay forever.
Some people want to always run "git fetch --prune".

To accommodate users who want to either prune always or when fetching from a particular remote, add two new configuration variables "fetch.prune" and "remote.<name>.prune":

  • "fetch.prune" allows to enable prune for all fetch operations.
  • "remote.<name>.prune" allows to change the behaviour per remote.

The latter will naturally override the former, and the --[no-]prune option from the command line will override the configured default.

Since --prune is a potentially destructive operation (Git doesn't keep reflogs for deleted references yet), we don't want to prune without users consent, so this configuration will not be on by default.

How to hide the soft keyboard from inside a fragment?

Exception for DialogFragment though, focus of the embedded Dialog must be hidden, instead only the first EditText within the embedded Dialog


Overcoming "Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options"

I'm not sure how relevant it is, but I built a work-around to this. On my site, I wanted to display link in a modal window that contained an iframe which loads the URL.

What I did is, I linked the click event of the link to this javascript function. All this does is make a request to a PHP file that checks the URL headers for X-FRAME-Options before deciding whether to load the URL within the modal window or to redirect.

Here's the function:

  function opentheater(link, title){
        $.get( "url_origin_helper.php?url="+encodeURIComponent(link), function( data ) {
  if(data == "ya"){
      $(".modal-title").html("<h3 style='color:480060;'>"+title+"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>"+link+"</small></h3>");
        $("#linkcontent").attr("src", link);
      window.location.href = link;


Here's the PHP file code that checks for it:

$url = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['url']);
$header = get_headers($url, 1);
if(array_key_exists("X-Frame-Options", $header)){
    echo "nein";
    echo "ya";


Hope this helps.

Angular 2 - Setting selected value on dropdown list

Thanks for the tip Günter, it got me moving in the right direction. There was a mis-matched spelling of 'color' in my solution which was causing issues and I needed to use 'ngValue' not 'value' in the template html.

Here is the complete solution using objects for the ngModel and select list options and avoiding use of the [selected] attribute.

I have updated the Plunker to show the full working solution.

Component template

        <div *ngIf="car != null">
            <select [(ngModel)]="car.colour">
                <option *ngFor="let x of colours" [ngValue]="x" >{{}}</option>


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import {AbstractControl,FORM_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/common';

export class DropdownComponent implements OnInit
    colours: Array<Colour>;

    ngOnInit(): void {

        this.colours = Array<Colour>();
        this.colours.push(new Colour(-1, 'Please select'));
        this.colours.push(new Colour(1, 'Green'));
        this.colours.push(new Colour(2, 'Pink')); = new Car(); = this.colours[1];        

export class Car  

export class Colour
    constructor(id:number, name:string) {;;


How to disassemble a memory range with GDB?

This isn't the direct answer to your question, but since you seem to just want to disassemble the binary, perhaps you could just use objdump:

objdump -d program

This should give you its dissassembly. You can add -S if you want it source-annotated.

Does Eclipse have line-wrap

Ctrl+Shift+F will format a file in Eclipse, breaking long lines into multiple lines and nicely word-wrapping comments. You can also highlight just a section of text and format that.

I realize this is not an automatic soft/hard word wrap like the other answers, but I don't think the question was asking for anything fancy.

Adding days to $Date in PHP

All have to use bellow code:

$nday = time() + ( 24 * 60 * 60);    
echo 'Now:       '. date('Y-m-d') ."\n";    
echo 'Next Day: '. date('Y-m-d', $nday) ."\n";

why are there two different kinds of for loops in java?

The For-each loop, as it is called, is a type of for loop that is used with collections to guarantee that all items in a collection are iterated over. For example

for ( Object o : objects ) {

Will call the toString() method on each object in the collection "objects". One nice thing about this is that you cannot get an out of bounds exception.

jquery: animate scrollLeft

First off I should point out that css animations would probably work best if you are doing this a lot but I ended getting the desired effect by wrapping .scrollLeft inside .animate


    $('.swipeBox').animate( { scrollLeft: '+=460' }, 1000);

    $('.swipeBox').animate( { scrollLeft: '-=460' }, 1000);

The second parameter is speed, and you can also add a third parameter if you are using smooth scrolling of some sort.

how to get docker-compose to use the latest image from repository

in order to make sure, that you are using the latest version for your :latest tag from your registry (e.g. docker hub) you need to also pull the latest tag again. in case it changed, the diff will be downloaded and started when you docker-compose up again.

so this would be the way to go:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose pull   
docker-compose up -d

i glued this into an image that i run to start docker-compose and make sure images stay up-to-date:

ASP.NET 5 MVC: unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express'

Make sure the following registry key \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters\ListenOnlyList does not contain IP addresses that are not bound to an enabled network adapter on your machine.

This was the cause of my issue after attempting the various other solutions listed in this SO question and many others, such as:

  1. Deleting applicationhost.config
  2. Toggling SSL on and off.
  3. Changing Port number.
  4. Manually killing IIS Express process.
  5. Reinstalling IIS Express.
  6. Repairing Visual Studio.
  7. Installing a new version of Visual Studio
  8. Creating a new .Net Framework Web Application.
  9. Creating a new .Net Core Web Application.
  10. Running netsh urlacl commands
  11. Running netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=::
  12. Running Visual Studio as an administrator.
  13. Assuring bypass traversal rights where applied..

Apparently, when IIS express was attempting to start it was trying to bind to this invalid IP. The fix was to delete the invalid IP. This additional invalid possibly came from my home wireless network while at work I am assigned a different IP via the hard wired adapter.

A catch-all solution may be to delete all IPs out of the registry key and run netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=:: to allow listening on all addresses.

I was able to track this issue down after noticing the following event log entries:

  • IIS Express: The worker process for app pool 'WebApplicationNetCore AppPool', PID='23260', failed to initialize the http.sys communication when asked to start processing http requests and therefore will be considered ill by W3SVC and terminated. The data field contains the error number.
  • IIS Express: The worker process failed to initialize correctly and therefore could not be started. The data is the error.
  • HTTP Event: Unable to bind to the underlying transport for The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number.

How to view .img files?

At first you should use file to identify the image:

file foo.img

List of Java processes

jps & jcmd wasn't showing me any results when I tried it using using openjdk-1.8 on redhat linux. But even if it did it only shows processes under the current user which doesn't work in my case. Using the ps|grep is what I ended up doing but the class path for some java apps can be extremely long which makes results illegible so I used sed to remove it. This is a bit rough still but removes everything except: PID, User, java-class/jar, args.

ps -o pid,user,cmd -C java | sed -e 's/\([0-9]\+ *[^ ]*\) *[^ ]* *\([^$]*\)/\1 \2/' -e 's/-c[^ ]* [^ ]* \|-[^ ]* //g'

Results look something like:

11251 userb org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain ../config/
19574 userb com.intellij.idea.Main
28807 root org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi run
28829 root org.apache.nifi.NiFi

An alternative on windows to list all processes is:

WMIC path win32_process where "Caption='java.exe'" get ProcessId,Commandline

But that is going to need some parsing to make it more legible.

How to get root directory in yii2

If you want to get the root directory of your yii2 project use, assuming that the name of your project is project_app you'll need to use:

echo Yii::getAlias('@app');

on windows you'd see "C:\dir\to\project_app"

on linux you'll get "/var/www/dir/to/your/project_app"

I was formally using:

echo Yii::getAlias('@webroot').'/..';

I hope this helps someone

Seeing the console's output in Visual Studio 2010?

To keep open your windows console and to not use other output methods rather than the standard output stream cout go to Name-of-your-project -> Properties -> Linker -> System.

Once there, select the SubSytem Tab and mark Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE). Once you have done this, whenever you want to compile use Ctrl + F5 (Start without debugging) and your console will keep opened. :)

CSS How to set div height 100% minus nPx

If you don't want to use absolute positioning and all that jazz, here's a fix I like to use:

your html:

   <div id="header"></div>
   <div id="wrapper"></div>

your css:

body {
#header {
#wrapper {

Copy to Clipboard for all Browsers using javascript

This works on firefox 3.6.x and IE:

    function copyToClipboardCrossbrowser(s) {           
        s = document.getElementById(s).value;               

        if( window.clipboardData && clipboardData.setData )
            clipboardData.setData("Text", s);
            // You have to sign the code to enable this or allow the action in about:config by changing
            //user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

            var clip = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
            if (!clip) return;

            // create a transferable

            var trans = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
            if (!trans) return;

            // specify the data we wish to handle. Plaintext in this case.

            // To get the data from the transferable we need two new objects
            var str = new Object();
            var len = new Object();

            var str = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);


            trans.setTransferData("text/unicode",str, * 2);

            var clipid=Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard;              
            if (!clip) return false;

When a 'blur' event occurs, how can I find out which element focus went *to*?

i think it's not possibe, with IE you can try to use window.event.toElement, but it dosn't work with firefox!

IsNumeric function in c#

Is numeric can be achieved via many ways, but i use my way

public bool IsNumeric(string value)
    bool isNumeric = true;
    char[] digits = "0123456789".ToCharArray();
    char[] letters = value.ToCharArray();
    for (int k = 0; k < letters.Length; k++)
        for (int i = 0; i < digits.Length; i++)
            if (letters[k] != digits[i])
                isNumeric = false;
    return isNumeric;

Difference between window.location.href=window.location.href and window.location.reload()

A difference in Firefox (12.0) is that on a page rendered from a POST, reload() will pop up a warning and do a re-post, while a URL assignment will do a GET.

Google Chrome does a GET for both.

JPG vs. JPEG image formats

The term "JPEG" is an acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created the standard. .jpeg and .jpg files are identical. JPEG images are identified with 6 different standard file name extensions:

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .jpe
  • .jif
  • .jfif
  • .jfi

The jpg was used in Microsoft Operating Systems when they only supported 3 chars-extensions.

The JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF - last three extensions in my list) is an image file format standard for exchanging JPEG encoded files compliant with the JPEG Interchange Format (JIF) standard, solving some of JIF's limitations in regard. Image data in JFIF files is compressed using the techniques in the JPEG standard, hence JFIF is sometimes referred to as "JPEG/JFIF".

SQL Statement with multiple SETs and WHEREs

You can also use case then like this:

UPDATE  table
SET ID = case

when ID = 2555 then 111111259

when ID = 2724 then 111111261

when ID = 2021 then 111111263

when ID = 2017 then 111111264

else ID

Matplotlib color according to class labels

The accepted answer has it spot on, but if you might want to specify which class label should be assigned to a specific color or label you could do the following. I did a little label gymnastics with the colorbar, but making the plot itself reduces to a nice one-liner. This works great for plotting the results from classifications done with sklearn. Each label matches a (x,y) coordinate.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = [4,8,12,16,1,4,9,16]
y = [1,4,9,16,4,8,12,3]
label = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3]
colors = ['red','green','blue','purple']

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
plt.scatter(x, y, c=label, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors))

cb = plt.colorbar()
loc = np.arange(0,max(label),max(label)/float(len(colors)))

Scatter plot color labels

Using a slightly modified version of this answer, one can generalise the above for N colors as follows:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 23 # Number of labels

# setup the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,6))
# define the data
x = np.random.rand(1000)
y = np.random.rand(1000)
tag = np.random.randint(0,N,1000) # Tag each point with a corresponding label    

# define the colormap
cmap =
# extract all colors from the .jet map
cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)]
# create the new map
cmap = cmap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, cmap.N)

# define the bins and normalize
bounds = np.linspace(0,N,N+1)
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)

# make the scatter
scat = ax.scatter(x,y,c=tag,s=np.random.randint(100,500,N),cmap=cmap,     norm=norm)
# create the colorbar
cb = plt.colorbar(scat, spacing='proportional',ticks=bounds)
cb.set_label('Custom cbar')
ax.set_title('Discrete color mappings')

Which gives:

enter image description here

How To Show And Hide Input Fields Based On Radio Button Selection

You'll need to also set the height of the element to 0 when it's hidden. I ran into this problem while using jQuery, my solution was to set the height and opacity to 0 when it's hidden, then change height to auto and opacity to 1 when it's un-hidden.

I'd recommend looking at jQuery. It's pretty easy to pick up and will allow you to do things like this a lot more easily.

$('#yesCheck').click(function() {
$('#noCheck').click(function() {

It's slightly better for performance to change the CSS with jQuery and use CSS3 animations to do the dropdown, but that's also more complex. The example above should work, but I haven't tested it.

Git error on commit after merge - fatal: cannot do a partial commit during a merge

You probably got a conflict in something that you haven't staged for commit. git won't let you commit things independently (because it's all part of the merge, I guess), so you need to git add that file and then git commit -m "Merge conflict resolution". The -i flag for git commit does the add for you.

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

The only way to do this is via various CSS hacks, which will make your page much more likely to fail on the next browser updates. If anything, it will be LESS safe than using a js-browser sniffer.

What's the best way to limit text length of EditText in Android

A note to people who are already using a custom input filter and also want to limit the max length:

When you assign input filters in code all previously set input filters are cleared, including one set with android:maxLength. I found this out when attempting to use a custom input filter to prevent the use of some characters that we don't allow in a password field. After setting that filter with setFilters the maxLength was no longer observed. The solution was to set maxLength and my custom filter together programmatically. Something like this:

myEditText.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {
        new PasswordCharFilter(), new InputFilter.LengthFilter(20)

What is a wrapper class?

Wrapper classes provide a way to use primitive types as objects. For each primitive , we have a wrapper class such as,

int Integer
byte Byte 

Integer and Byte are the wrapper classes of primitive int and byte. There are times/restrictions when you need to use the primitives as objects so wrapper classes provide a mechanism called as boxing/unboxing.

Concept can be well understood by the following example as

double d = 135.0 d;
Double doubleWrapper = new Double(d);

int integerValue = doubleWrapper.intValue();
byte byteValue = doubleWrapper.byteValue();
string stringValue = doubleWrapper.stringValue();

so this is the way , we can use wrapper class type to convert into other primitive types as well. This type of conversion is used when you need to convert a primitive type to object and use them to get other primitives as well.Though for this approach , you need to write a big code . However, the same can be achieved with the simple casting technique as code snippet can be achieved as below

double d = 135.0;
int integerValue = (int) d ;

Though double value is explicitly converted to integer value also called as downcasting.

How to bind Close command to a button

For .NET 4.5 SystemCommands class will do the trick (.NET 4.0 users can use WPF Shell Extension google - Microsoft.Windows.Shell or Nicholas Solution).

        <CommandBinding Command="{x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}" 
                        Executed="CloseWindow_Exec" />
    <!-- Binding Close Command to the button control -->
    <Button ToolTip="Close Window" Content="Close" Command="{x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}"/>

In the Code Behind you can implement the handlers like this:

    private void CloseWindow_CanExec(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
        e.CanExecute = true;

    private void CloseWindow_Exec(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)

replace anchor text with jquery



to access the text inside your element. The # indicates you're searching by id. You aren't looking for a child element, so you don't need children(). Instead you want to access the text inside the element your jQuery function returns.

Gradle - Could not target platform: 'Java SE 8' using tool chain: 'JDK 7 (1.7)'

Although this question specifically asks about IntelliJ, this was the first result I received on Google, so I believe that many Eclipse users may have the same problem using Buildship.

You can set your Gradle JVM in Eclipse by going to Gradle Tasks (in the default view, down at the bottom near the console), right-clicking on the specific task you are trying to run, clicking "Open Gradle Run Configuration..." and moving to the Java Home tab and picking the correct JVM for your project.

Python - difference between two strings

You can use ndiff in the difflib module to do this. It has all the information necessary to convert one string into another string.

A simple example:

import difflib

cases=[('afrykanerskojezyczny', 'afrykanerskojezycznym'),
       ('afrykanerskojezyczni', 'nieafrykanerskojezyczni'),
       ('afrykanerskojezycznym', 'afrykanerskojezyczny'),
       ('nieafrykanerskojezyczni', 'afrykanerskojezyczni'),
       ('nieafrynerskojezyczni', 'afrykanerskojzyczni'),

for a,b in cases:     
    print('{} => {}'.format(a,b))  
    for i,s in enumerate(difflib.ndiff(a, b)):
        if s[0]==' ': continue
        elif s[0]=='-':
            print(u'Delete "{}" from position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
        elif s[0]=='+':
            print(u'Add "{}" to position {}'.format(s[-1],i))    


afrykanerskojezyczny => afrykanerskojezycznym
Add "m" to position 20

afrykanerskojezyczni => nieafrykanerskojezyczni
Add "n" to position 0
Add "i" to position 1
Add "e" to position 2

afrykanerskojezycznym => afrykanerskojezyczny
Delete "m" from position 20

nieafrykanerskojezyczni => afrykanerskojezyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2

nieafrynerskojezyczni => afrykanerskojzyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2
Add "k" to position 7
Add "a" to position 8
Delete "e" from position 16

abcdefg => xac
Add "x" to position 0
Delete "b" from position 2
Delete "d" from position 4
Delete "e" from position 5
Delete "f" from position 6
Delete "g" from position 7

Check if an array contains any element of another array in JavaScript

Vanilla JS


const found = arr1.some(r=> arr2.includes(r))


const found = arr1.some(r=> arr2.indexOf(r) >= 0)

How it works

some(..) checks each element of the array against a test function and returns true if any element of the array passes the test function, otherwise, it returns false. indexOf(..) >= 0 and includes(..) both return true if the given argument is present in the array.

ERROR: Error 1005: Can't create table (errno: 121)

I faced this error (errno 121) but it was caused by mysql-created intermediate tables that had been orphaned, preventing me from altering a table even though no such constraint name existed across any of my tables. At some point, my MySQL had crashed or failed to cleanup an intermediate table (table name starting with a #sql-) which ended up presenting me with an error such as: Can't create table '#sql-' (errno 121) when trying to run an ALTER TABLE with certain constraint names.

According to the docs at , you can search for these orphan tables with:


The version I was working with was 5.1, but the above command only works on versions >= 5.6 (manual is incorrect about it working for 5.5 or earlier, because INNODB_SYS_TABLES does not exist in such versions). I was able to find the orphaned temporary table (which did not match the one named in the message) by searching my mysql data directory in command line:

find . -iname '#*'

After discovering the filename, such as #sql-9ad_15.frm, I was able to drop that orphaned table in MySQL:

USE myschema;
DROP TABLE `#mysql50##sql-9ad_15`;

After doing so, I was then able to successfully run my ALTER TABLE.

For completeness, as per the MySQL documentation linked, "the #mysql50# prefix tells MySQL to ignore file name safe encoding introduced in MySQL 5.1."

Watch multiple $scope attributes

Why not simply wrap it in a forEach?

angular.forEach(['a', 'b', 'c'], function (key) {
  scope.$watch(key, function (v) {

It's about the same overhead as providing a function for the combined value, without actually having to worry about the value composition.

Highcharts - redraw() vs. new Highcharts.chart

you have to call set and add functions on chart object before calling redraw.

chart.xAxis[0].setCategories([2,4,5,6,7], false);

    name: "acx",
    data: [4,5,6,7,8]
}, false);


What is the difference between sed and awk?

sed is a stream editor. It works with streams of characters on a per-line basis. It has a primitive programming language that includes goto-style loops and simple conditionals (in addition to pattern matching and address matching). There are essentially only two "variables": pattern space and hold space. Readability of scripts can be difficult. Mathematical operations are extraordinarily awkward at best.

There are various versions of sed with different levels of support for command line options and language features.

awk is oriented toward delimited fields on a per-line basis. It has much more robust programming constructs including if/else, while, do/while and for (C-style and array iteration). There is complete support for variables and single-dimension associative arrays plus (IMO) kludgey multi-dimension arrays. Mathematical operations resemble those in C. It has printf and functions. The "K" in "AWK" stands for "Kernighan" as in "Kernighan and Ritchie" of the book "C Programming Language" fame (not to forget Aho and Weinberger). One could conceivably write a detector of academic plagiarism using awk.

GNU awk (gawk) has numerous extensions, including true multidimensional arrays in the latest version. There are other variations of awk including mawk and nawk.

Both programs use regular expressions for selecting and processing text.

I would tend to use sed where there are patterns in the text. For example, you could replace all the negative numbers in some text that are in the form "minus-sign followed by a sequence of digits" (e.g. "-231.45") with the "accountant's brackets" form (e.g. "(231.45)") using this (which has room for improvement):

sed 's/-\([0-9.]\+\)/(\1)/g' inputfile

I would use awk when the text looks more like rows and columns or, as awk refers to them "records" and "fields". If I was going to do a similar operation as above, but only on the third field in a simple comma delimited file I might do something like:

awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS = ","} {gsub("-([0-9.]+)", "(" substr($3, 2) ")", $3); print}' inputfile

Of course those are just very simple examples that don't illustrate the full range of capabilities that each has to offer.

How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?

Crawlers (or bots) are designed to crawl HTML content of web pages but due to AJAX operations for asynchronous data fetching, this became a problem as it takes sometime to render page and show dynamic content on it. Similarly, AngularJS also use asynchronous model, which creates problem for Google crawlers.

Some developers create basic html pages with real data and serve these pages from server side at the time of crawling. We can render same pages with PhantomJS on serve side which has _escaped_fragment_ (Because Google looks for #! in our site urls and then takes everything after the #! and adds it in _escaped_fragment_ query parameter). For more detail please read this blog .

Set line spacing

I am not sure if this is what you meant:

line-height: size;

Copying Code from Inspect Element in Google Chrome

Click on the line or element you want to copy. Copy to clipboard. Paste.

The only tricky thing is if you click on a line, you get everything that line includes if it was folded. For example if you click on a div, and copy, you get everything that the div includes.

You can also get only what you want by Right Clicking, and select 'Edit as HTML'. This will make that section essentially text, with none of the folding activated. You can then select, copy and paste the relevant bits.

JAVA How to remove trailing zeros from a double

You should use DecimalFormat("0.#")

For 4.3000

Double price = 4.3000;
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.#");

output is:


In case of 5.000 we have

Double price = 5.000;
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.#");

And the output is:


SQL SELECT everything after a certain character

select SUBSTRING_INDEX(supplier_reference,'=',-1) from ps_product;

Please use for further reference.

How to disable right-click context-menu in JavaScript

Capture the onContextMenu event, and return false in the event handler.

You can also capture the click event and check which mouse button fired the event with event.button, in some browsers anyway.

python pip on Windows - command 'cl.exe' failed

In my case I need to install more tools from Visual Studio (I'm using VS 2017 Community and Python 3.6.4). I installed those tools (see installer screenshot here):

  1. Desktop development with C++: I included all defaulted items and the next ones:

    • Windows XP support for C++
    • Support for C++/CLI
    • VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset
  2. Linux development with C++

Then I opened the Windows PowerShell as Administrator privilegies (Right click to open) and move folder of Visual Studio installation and find that path:

cd [Visual Studio Path]\VC\Auxiliary\Build

Then I executed this file:


After that I use pip as normal, for instance, I wanted to install Mayavi:

pip install mayavi

I hope that it helps someone too.

How do I paste multi-line bash codes into terminal and run it all at once?

iTerm handles multiple-line command perfectly, it saves multiple-lines command as one command, then we can use Cmd+ Shift + ; to navigate the history.

Check more iTerm tips at Working effectively with iTerm

Adding a Scrollable JTextArea (Java)

You don't need two JScrollPanes.


JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta);  

// Add the scroll pane into the content pane
JFrame f = new JFrame();

How can I update npm on Windows?

I was also facing similar issues. I followed below mentioned steps and it worked for me:

  • go to Windows > Start > Node.js

    • right click on Node.js command prompt
    • click on Run as administrator
  • ping

  • npm view npm version

  • cd %ProgramFiles%\nodejs

  • npm install npm@latest

and npm updated successfully. Earlier I was trying for CMD and that was throwing error. may be some path issue that got resolved by running NodeJs Command Prompt. hope it'll work for you. try this.

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

You can check your numbers by checking their constructor.

var i = "5";

if( i.constructor !== Number )
 console.log('This is not number'));

Close Window from ViewModel

I know this is an old post, probably no one would scroll this far, I know I didn't. So, after hours of trying different stuff, I found this blog and dude killed it. Simplest way to do this, tried it and it works like a charm.


In the ViewModel:


public bool CanClose { get; set; }

private RelayCommand closeCommand;
public ICommand CloseCommand
        if(closeCommand == null)
            closeCommand = new RelayCommand(param => Close(), param => CanClose);

public void Close()


add an Action property to the ViewModel, but define it from the View’s code-behind file. This will let us dynamically define a reference on the ViewModel that points to the View.

On the ViewModel, we’ll simply add:

public Action CloseAction { get; set; }

And on the View, we’ll define it as such:

public View()
    InitializeComponent() // this draws the View
    ViewModel vm = new ViewModel(); // this creates an instance of the ViewModel
    this.DataContext = vm; // this sets the newly created ViewModel as the DataContext for the View
    if ( vm.CloseAction == null )
        vm.CloseAction = new Action(() => this.Close());

NameError: name 'self' is not defined

For cases where you also wish to have the option of setting 'b' to None:

def p(self, **kwargs):
    b = kwargs.get('b', self.a)
    print b

Setting selection to Nothing when programming Excel

If using a button to call the paste procedure,

try activating the button after the operation. this successfully clears the selection


  • having to mess around with hidden things
  • selecting another cell (which is exactly the opposite of what was asked)
  • affecting the clipboard mode
  • having the hacky method of pressing escape which doesn't always work


Sub BtnCopypasta_Worksheet_Click()
End sub


How to create a jQuery function (a new jQuery method or plugin)?

To make a function available on jQuery objects you add it to the jQuery prototype (fn is a shortcut for prototype in jQuery) like this:

jQuery.fn.myFunction = function() {
    // Usually iterate over the items and return for chainability
    // 'this' is the elements returns by the selector
    return this.each(function() { 
         // do something to each item matching the selector

This is usually called a jQuery plugin.

Example -

How to retrieve checkboxes values in jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(':checkbox').click(function() {
    var cObj = $(this);
    var cVal = cObj.val();
    var tObj = $('#t');
    var tVal = tObj.val();
    if (cObj.attr("checked")) {
      tVal = tVal + "," + cVal;
      $('#t').attr("value", tVal);
    } else {
      //TODO remove unchecked value.

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash

Assuming the terminal app in question is named 'app' (and you expect it to be in your $PATH):

if [[ ! `which app` ]]; then
    # run code if app not installed
    # run code if app is installed

GoogleTest: How to skip a test?

Here's the expression to include tests whose names have the strings foo1 or foo2 in them and exclude tests whose names have the strings bar1 or bar2 in them:


"break;" out of "if" statement?

As already mentioned that, break-statement works only with switches and loops. Here is another way to achieve what is being asked. I am reproducing as nobody else mentioned it. It's just a trick involving the do-while loop.

do {
  // do something
  if (error) {
  // do something else
  if (error) {
  // etc..
} while (0);

Though I would prefer the use of goto-statement.

How to activate the Bootstrap modal-backdrop?

Pretty strange, it should work out of the box as the ".modal-backdrop" class is defined top-level in the css.

<div class="modal-backdrop"></div>

Made a small demo:

How do I create the small icon next to the website tab for my site?

It is called favicon.ico and you can generate it from this site.

How to persist data in a dockerized postgres database using volumes

I would avoid using a relative path. Remember that docker is a daemon/client relationship.

When you are executing the compose, it's essentially just breaking down into various docker client commands, which are then passed to the daemon. That ./database is then relative to the daemon, not the client.

Now, the docker dev team has some back and forth on this issue, but the bottom line is it can have some unexpected results.

In short, don't use a relative path, use an absolute path.

Add SUM of values of two LISTS into new LIST

From docs

import operator
list(map(operator.add, first,second))

How do I fix the error 'Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to' SQL Server'?

Enable TCP/Ip , Piped Protocol by going to Computer Management ->SQL and Services, ensure the Service is On. Enbale the port on the Firewall. Try to login through Command Prompt -> as Admin; last the User Name should be (local)\SQLEXPRESS. Hope this helps.

Random "Element is no longer attached to the DOM" StaleElementReferenceException

You can solve this by using explicit wait so that you don't have to use hard wait.

If you fetching all the elements with one property and iterating through it using for each loop you can use wait inside the loop like this,

List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements("Object property");
for(WebElement element:elements)
    new WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy("Object property"));;//or any other action

or for single element you can use below code,

new WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy("Your object property"));
driver.findElement("Your object property").click();//or anyother action 

How to read lines of a file in Ruby

I believe my answer covers your new concerns about handling any type of line endings since both "\r\n" and "\r" are converted to Linux standard "\n" before parsing the lines.

To support the "\r" EOL character along with the regular "\n", and "\r\n" from Windows, here's what I would do:

text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
text.each_line do |line|
  print "#{line_num += 1} #{line}"

Of course this could be a bad idea on very large files since it means loading the whole file into memory.

Where Sticky Notes are saved in Windows 10 1607

It depends on the version of Windows 10 you're using. Starting with Windows 10 Anniversary Update version 1607, Sticky Notes is storing its data in the following directory:


If your Windows 10 has an older version, it is storing the date in the following directory:


"for line in..." results in UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte

Try this to read using Pandas:

pd.read_csv('u.item', sep='|', names=m_cols, encoding='latin-1')

li:before{ content: "¦"; } How to Encode this Special Character as a Bullit in an Email Stationery?

Lea's converter is no longer available. I just used this converter


  1. Enter the Unicode decimal version such as 8226 in the tool's green input field.
  2. Press Dec code points
  3. See the result in the box Unicode U+hex notation (eg U+2022)
  4. Use it in your CSS. Eg content: '\2022'

ps. I have no connection with the web site.

How do I use tools:overrideLibrary in a build.gradle file?

Open Android Studio -> Open Manifest File

add <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary=""/> don't forget to include xmlns:tools="" too, before the <application> tag

enter image description here

batch script - run command on each file in directory

for /r %%v in (*.xls) do ssconvert "%%v" "%%vx"

a couple have people have asked me to explain this, so:

Part 1: for /r %%v in (*.xls)

This part returns an array of files in the current directory that have the xls extension. The %% may look a little curious. This is basically the special % character from command line as used in %PATH% or %TEMP%. To use it in a batch file we need to escape it like so: %%PATH%% or %%TEMP%%. In this case we are simply escaping the temporary variable v, which will hold our array of filenames.

We are using the /r switch to search for files recursively, so any matching files in child folders will also be located.

Part 2: do ssconvert "%%v" "%%vx"

This second part is what will get executed once per matching filename, so if the following files were present in the current folder:

c:\temp\mySheet.xls, c:\temp\mySheet_yesterday.xls, c:\temp\mySheet_20160902.xls

the following commands would be executed:

ssconvert "c:\temp\mySheet.xls" "c:\temp\mySheet.xlsx" ssconvert "c:\temp\mySheet_yesterday.xls" "c:\temp\mySheet_yesterday.xlsx" ssconvert "c:\temp\mySheet_20160902.xls" "c:\temp\mySheet_20160902.xlsx"

Adding a Time to a DateTime in C#

Depending on how you format (and validate!) the date entered in the textbox, you can do this:

TimeSpan time;

if (TimeSpan.TryParse(textboxTime.Text, out time))
   // calendarDate is the DateTime value of the calendar control
   calendarDate = calendarDate.Add(time);
   // notify user about wrong date format

Note that TimeSpan.TryParse expects the string to be in the 'hh:mm' format (optional seconds).

C# Convert List<string> to Dictionary<string, string>

You can use:

var dictionary = myList.ToDictionary(x => x);

successful/fail message pop up box after submit?

Instead of using a submit button, try using a <button type="button">Submit</button>

You can then call a javascript function in the button, and after the alert popup is confirmed, you can manually submit the form with document.getElementById("form").submit(); ... so you'll need to name and id your form for that to work.

SVN 405 Method Not Allowed

The quickest way for me to fix it was to duplicate the affected folder, and commit it with an alternative name. Then svn mv duplicateFolder originalFolder. Pretty easy.

So, take folder1 and make a folder1Copy:

svn delete folder1
svn add folder1Copy

Commit and update:

svn mv folder1Copy/ folder1/

Commit again and it's fixed.

Android DialogFragment vs Dialog

Use Dialog for simple yes or no dialogs.

When you need more complex views in which you need get hold of the lifecycle such as oncreate, request permissions, any life cycle override I would use a dialog fragment. Thus you separate the permissions and any other code the dialog needs to operate without having to communicate with the calling activity.

Convert double to Int, rounded down

Another option either using Double or double is use Double.valueOf(double d).intValue();. Simple and clean

How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

I have gone through some basic javascript example using onkeypress and onchange event handlers for making binding view to our js and js to view

Here example plunker

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <p>Two way binding data.</p>

    <p>Binding data from  view to JS</p>

    <input type="text" onkeypress="myFunction()" id="myinput">
    <p id="myid"></p>
    <p>Binding data from  js to view</p>
    <input type="text" id="myid2" onkeypress="myFunction1()" oninput="myFunction1()">
    <p id="myid3" onkeypress="myFunction1()" id="myinput" oninput="myFunction1()"></p>


        document.getElementById('myid2').value="myvalue from script";
        document.getElementById('myid3').innerHTML="myvalue from script";
        function myFunction() {





        function myFunction1() {



How to activate a specific worksheet in Excel?

Would the following Macro help you?

Sub activateSheet(sheetname As String)
'activates sheet of specific name
End Sub

Basically you want to make use of the .Activate function. Or you can use the .Select function like so:

Sub activateSheet(sheetname As String)
'selects sheet of specific name
End Sub

Override intranet compatibility mode IE8

Our system admin resolved this issue by unchecking the box globally for our organization. Users did not even need to log off.

enter image description here

Are arrays passed by value or passed by reference in Java?

Everything in Java is passed by value .

In the case of the array the reference is copied into a new reference, but remember that everything in Java is passed by value .

Take a look at this interesting article for further information ...

php create object without class

you can always use new stdClass(). Example code:

   $object = new stdClass();
   $object->property = 'Here we go';


   object(stdClass)#2 (1) {
      string(10) "Here we go"

Also as of PHP 5.4 you can get same output with:

$object = (object) ['property' => 'Here we go'];

check if "it's a number" function in Oracle

Here's a simple method which :

  • does not rely on TRIM
  • does not rely on REGEXP
  • allows to specify decimal and/or thousands separators ("." and "," in my example)
  • works very nicely on Oracle versions as ancient as 8i (personally tested on; yes, you read that right)

        TRANSLATE(TEST_TABLE.TEST_COLUMN, 'a.,0123456789', 'a') IS NULL
    THEN 'Y'
    ELSE 'N'



----------- ----------
.,          Y
1           Y
1,000.00    Y
xyz 123     N
xyz1        N

5 rows selected.

Granted this might not be the most powerful method of all; for example ".," is falsely identified as a numeric. However it is quite simple and fast and it might very well do the job, depending on the actual data values that need to be processed.

For integers, we can simplify the Translate operation as follows :


How it works

From the above, note the Translate function's syntax is TRANSLATE(string, from_string, to_string). Now the Translate function cannot accept NULL as the to_string argument. So by specifying 'a0123456789' as the from_string and 'a' as the to_string, two things happen:

  • character a is left alone;
  • numbers 0 to 9 are replaced with nothing since no replacement is specified for them in the to_string.

In effect the numbers are discarded. If the result of that operation is NULL it means it was purely numbers to begin with.

Implement paging (skip / take) functionality with this query

OFFSET     10 ROWS       -- skip 10 rows
FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; -- take 10 rows

use this in the end of your select syntax. =)

Calculate a MD5 hash from a string

Idk anything about 16 character hex strings....

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

But here is mine for creating MD5 hash in one line.

string hash = BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("THIS STRING TO MD5"))).Replace("-","");

How to specify font attributes for all elements on an html web page?

If you want to set styles of all elements in body you should use next code^

    color: green;

How do I compare version numbers in Python?

Posting my full function based on Kindall's solution. I was able to support any alphanumeric characters mixed in with the numbers by padding each version section with leading zeros.

While certainly not as pretty as his one-liner function, it seems to work well with alpha-numeric version numbers. (Just be sure to set the zfill(#) value appropriately if you have long strings in your versioning system.)

def versiontuple(v):
   filled = []
   for point in v.split("."):
   return tuple(filled)


>>> versiontuple("10a.4.5.23-alpha") > versiontuple("2a.4.5.23-alpha")

>>> "10a.4.5.23-alpha" > "2a.4.5.23-alpha"

Converting HTML files to PDF

If you have the funding, nothing beats Prince XML as this video shows

JSON parsing using Gson for Java

Firstly generate getter and setter using below parsing site

Now use Gson

GettetSetterClass object=new Gson().fromjson(jsonLine, GettetSetterClass.class);

Now use object to get values such as data,translationText

Identifier is undefined

Are you missing a function declaration?

void ac_search(uint num_patterns, uint pattern_length, const char *patterns, 
               uint num_records, uint record_length, const char *records, int *matches, Node* trie);

Add it just before your implementation of ac_benchmark_search.

How to use Morgan logger?

You might want to try using mongo-morgan-ext

The usage is:

var logger = require('mongo-morgan-ext');

var db = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/MyDB';

var collection = 'Logs'

var skipfunction = function(req, res) {

return res.statusCode > 399;
} //Thiw would skip if HTTP request response is less than 399 i.e no errors.

app.use(logger(db,collection,skipfunction)); //In your express-application

The expected output is

    "RequestID": "",
    "status": "",
    "method": "",
    "Remote-user": "",
    "Remote-address": "",
    "URL": "",
    "HTTPversion": "",
    "Response-time": "",
    "Referrer": "",
    "REQUEST": { //10
        "Accept": "",
        "Accept-Charset": "",
        "Accept-Encoding": "",
        "Accept-Language": "",
        "Authorization": "",
        "Cache-Control": "",
        "Connection": "",
        "Cookie": "",
        "Content-Length": "",
        "Content-MD5": "",
        "Content-Type": "",
        "Expect": "",
        "Forwarded": "",
        "From": "",
        "Host": "",
        "Max-Forwards": "",
        "Origin": "",
        "Pragma": "",
        "Proxy-Authorization": "",
        "Range": "",
        "TE": "",
        "User-Agent": "",
        "Via": "",
        "Warning": "",
        "Upgrade": "",
        "Referer": "",
        "Date": "",
        "X-requested-with": "",
        "X-Csrf-Token": "",
        "X-UIDH": "",
        "Proxy-Connection": "",
        "X-Wap-Profile": "",
        "X-ATT-DeviceId": "",
        "Front-End-Https": "",
        "X-Forwarded-Proto": "",
        "X-Forwarded-Host": "",
        "X-Forwarded-For": "",
        "DNT": "",
        "Accept-Datetime": "",
        "If-Match": "",
        "If-Modified-Since": "",
        "If-None-Match": "",
        "If-Range": "",
        "If-Unmodified-Since": ""
    "RESPONSE": {
        "Status": "",
        "X-Frame-Options": "",
        "Accept-Ranges": "",
        "Age": "",
        "Allow": "",
        "Cache-Control": "",
        "Connection": "",
        "Content-Disposition": "",
        "Content-Encoding": "",
        "Content-Language": "",
        "Content-Length": "",
        "Content-Location": "",
        "Content-Range": "",
        "Last-Modified": "",
        "Link": "",
        "Location": "",
        "P3P": "",
        "Pragma": "",
        "Proxy-Authenticate": "",
        "Public-Key-Pins": "",
        "Retry-After": "",
        "Server": "",
        "Trailer": "",
        "Transfer-Encoding": "",
        "TSV": "",
        "Upgrade": "",
        "Vary": "",
        "Via": "",
        "Warning": "",
        "WWW-Authenticate": "",
        "Expires": "",
        "Set-Cookie": "",
        "Strict-Transport-Security": "",
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "",
        "X-XSS-Protection": "",
        "X-Content-Security-Policy": "",
        "Content-Security-Policy": "",
        "X-Content-Type-Options": "",
        "X-Powered-By": "",
        "X-UA-Compatible": "",
        "X-Content-Duration": "",
        "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "",
        "X-Request-ID": "",
        "ETag": "",
        "Accept-Patch": ""


html <input type="text" /> onchange event not working

I encountered issues where Safari wasn't firing "onchange" events on a text input field. I used a jQuery 1.7.2 "change" event and it didn't work either. I ended up using ZURB's textchange event. It works with mouseevents and can fire without leaving the field:

$('.inputClassToBind').bind('textchange', function (event, previousText) {

add maven repository to build.gradle

You will need to define the repository outside of buildscript. The buildscript configuration block only sets up the repositories and dependencies for the classpath of your build script but not your application.

I want my android application to be only run in portrait mode?

Old post I know. In order to run your app always in portrait mode even when orientation may be or is swapped etc (for example on tablets) I designed this function that is used to set the device in the right orientation without the need to know how the portrait and landscape features are organised on the device.

   private void initActivityScreenOrientPortrait()
        // Avoid screen rotations (use the manifests android:screenOrientation setting)
        // Set this to nosensor or potrait

        // Set window fullscreen
        this.activity.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);

        DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();

         // Test if it is VISUAL in portrait mode by simply checking it's size
        boolean bIsVisualPortrait = ( metrics.heightPixels >= metrics.widthPixels ); 

        if( !bIsVisualPortrait )
            // Swap the orientation to match the VISUAL portrait mode
            if( this.activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT )
             { this.activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); }
            else { this.activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT ); }
        else { this.activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR); }


Works like a charm!

NOTICE: Change this.activity by your activity or add it to the main activity and remove this.activity ;-)

Get the height and width of the browser viewport without scrollbars using jquery?


The following will give you the size of the browsers viewport.


$(window).height();   // returns height of browser viewport
$(window).width();   // returns width of browser viewport

More Information

Create view with primary key?

This worked for me..

select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by column_name_of your choice ) as pri_key, the other columns of the view

What is the best way to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?

This maybe is a bit ugly hack, but it works pretty well when you don't need more than the default float precision (about 11 decimals).

The round_to function uses the format method from the built-in str class to round up the float to a string that represents the float with the number of decimals needed, and then applies the eval built-in function to the rounded float string to get back to the float numeric type.

The is_close function just applies a simple conditional to the rounded up float.

def round_to(float_num, prec):
    return eval("'{:." + str(int(prec)) + "f}'.format(" + str(float_num) + ")")

def is_close(float_a, float_b, prec):
    if round_to(float_a, prec) == round_to(float_b, prec):
        return True
    return False

>>>a = 10.0
>>>b = 10.0001
>>>print is_close(a, b, prec=3)
>>>print is_close(a, b, prec=4)


As suggested by @stepehjfox, a cleaner way to build a rount_to function avoiding "eval" is using nested formatting:

def round_to(float_num, prec):
    return '{:.{precision}f}'.format(float_num, precision=prec)

Following the same idea, the code can be even simpler using the great new f-strings (Python 3.6+):

def round_to(float_num, prec):
    return f'{float_num:.{prec}f}'

So, we could even wrap it up all in one simple and clean 'is_close' function:

def is_close(a, b, prec):
    return f'{a:.{prec}f}' == f'{b:.{prec}f}'

How to split a string in two and store it in a field

I would suggest the following:

String[] parsedInput = str.split("\n"); String firstName = parsedInput[0].split(": ")[1]; String lastName = parsedInput[1].split(": ")[1]; myMap.put(firstName,lastName); 

Android Studio Stuck at Gradle Download on create new project

Quick Fix: Just turn off your firewall, it seems that android studio wants to download something and because our firewall prevents it from downloading the file that it wants it becomes stuck.

Note: Turning your firewall off can lower your security, if you have time you can just allow android studio in your firewall. By doing this you can turn on your firewall while allowing android studio to download anything that it wants.

Access elements in json object like an array

The your seems a multi-array, not a JSON object.

If you want access the object like an array, you have to use some sort of key/value, such as:

var JSONObject = {
  "city": ["Blankaholm, "Gamleby"],
  "date": ["2012-10-23", "2012-10-22"],
  "description": ["Blankaholm. Under natten har det varit inbrott", "E22 i med Gamleby. Singelolycka. En bilist har.],
  "lat": ["57.586174","16.521841"], 
  "long": ["57.893162","16.406090"]

and access it with:[0] // => Blankaholm[1] // => 2012-10-22

and so on...


JSONObject['city'][0] // => Blankaholm
JSONObject['date'][1] // => 2012-10-22

and so on...

or, in last resort, if you don't want change your structure, you can do something like that:

var JSONObject = {
  "data": [
    ["Blankaholm, "Gamleby"],
    ["2012-10-23", "2012-10-22"],
    ["Blankaholm. Under natten har det varit inbrott", "E22 i med Gamleby. Singelolycka. En bilist har.],
}[0][1] // => Gambleby

from jquery $.ajax to angular $http

you can use $.param to assign data :

  url: "",
  method: "POST",
  data: $.param({"foo":"bar"})
  }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
   $ = data;
  }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
   $scope.status = status;

look at this : AngularJS + ASP.NET Web API Cross-Domain Issue

How to call a REST web service API from JavaScript?

           "key":"your key",
     "Accept":"application/json",//depends on your api
      "Content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"//depends on your api
        },   url:"url you need",
          var r=JSON.parse(response);

Force index use in Oracle

You can use:

WITH index = ...

more info

Filtering Table rows using Jquery

i have a very simple function:

function busca(busca){
    $("#listagem tr:not(contains('"+busca+"'))").css("display", "none");
    $("#listagem tr:contains('"+busca+"')").css("display", "");

Which Java library provides base64 encoding/decoding?

Java 9

Use the Java 8 solution. Note DatatypeConverter can still be used, but it is now within the java.xml.bind module which will need to be included.

module {
    requires java.xml.bind;

Java 8

Java 8 now provides java.util.Base64 for encoding and decoding base64.


byte[] message = "hello world".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(message);
// => aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=


byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=");
System.out.println(new String(decoded, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// => hello world

Java 6 and 7

Since Java 6 the lesser known class javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter can be used. This is part of the JRE, no extra libraries required.


byte[] message = "hello world".getBytes("UTF-8");
String encoded = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(message);
// => aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=  


byte[] decoded = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=");
System.out.println(new String(decoded, "UTF-8"));
// => hello world

Can I use a case/switch statement with two variables?

I don't believe a switch/case is any faster than a series of if/elseif's. They do the same thing, but if/elseif's you can check multiple variables. You cannot use a switch/case on more than one value.

PHP - Insert date into mysql

try converting the date first.

$date = "2012-08-06";

mysql_query("INSERT INTO data_table (title, date_of_event)
               VALUES('" . $_POST['post_title'] . "',
                      '" . $date . "')") 
           or die(mysql_error());

Android textview usage as label and value

You can use <LinearLayout> to group elements horizontaly. Also you should use style to set margins, background and other properties. This will allow you not to repeat code for every label you use. Here is an example:



Also you can create a custom view base on the layout above. Have you looked at Creating custom view ?

Programmatically shut down Spring Boot application

This will make sure that the SpringBoot application is closed properly and the resources are released back to the operating system,

private ApplicationContext context;

public void shutdownApp() {

    int exitCode = SpringApplication.exit(context, (ExitCodeGenerator) () -> 0);

JavaScript check if value is only undefined, null or false

Boolean(val) === false. This worked for me to check if value was falsely.

Convert between UIImage and Base64 string

For iOS 7+, Objective-C, here's how to make the conversion starting with an image URL:

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:self.groove.thumbnailURL];

UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]];

NSString *base64String = [UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)

How to use the PI constant in C++

Pi can be calculated as atan(1)*4. You could calculate the value this way and cache it.

How do I iterate over a range of numbers defined by variables in Bash?

The seq method is the simplest, but Bash has built-in arithmetic evaluation.

for ((i=1;i<=END;i++)); do
    echo $i
# ==> outputs 1 2 3 4 5 on separate lines

The for ((expr1;expr2;expr3)); construct works just like for (expr1;expr2;expr3) in C and similar languages, and like other ((expr)) cases, Bash treats them as arithmetic.

Mac SQLite editor

Try this SQLite Database Browser

See full document here. This is very simple and fast database browser for SQLite.

Use string.Contains() with switch()

Nope, switch statement requires compile time constants. The statement message.Contains("test") can evaluate true or false depending on the message so it is not a constant thus cannot be used as a 'case' for switch statement.

How to get the id of the element clicked using jQuery

I wanted to share how you can use this to change a attribute of the button, because it took me some time to figure it out...

For example in order to change it's background to yellow:


ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined in SELECT *

You have multiple columns named the same thing in your inner query, so the error is raised in the outer query. If you get rid of the outer query, it should run, although still be confusing:

    INNER JOIN people ON = coaches.person_id
    INNER JOIN users ON coaches.person_id = users.person_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN organizations_users ON organizations_users.user_id =
    rownum <= 25

It would be much better (for readability and performance both) to specify exactly what fields you need from each of the tables instead of selecting them all anyways. Then if you really need two fields called the same thing from different tables, use column aliases to differentiate between them.

DateTime and CultureInfo

InvariantCulture is similar to en-US, so i would use the correct CultureInfo instead:

var dutchCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-NL");
var date1 = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss", dutchCulture);


And what about when the culture is en-us? Will I have to code for every single language there is out there?

If you want to know how to display the date in another culture like "en-us", you can use date1.ToString(CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")).

'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error

The error TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable means that you tried to call a numpy array as a function. We can reproduce the error like so in the repl:

In [16]: import numpy as np

In [17]: np.array([1,2,3])()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-17-1abf8f3c8162> in <module>()
----> 1 np.array([1,2,3])()

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

If we are to assume that the error is indeed coming from the snippet of code that you posted (something that you should check,) then you must have reassigned either pd.rolling_mean or pd.rolling_std to a numpy array earlier in your code.

What I mean is something like this:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Works
Out[3]: array([ nan,  nan,  nan])

In [4]: pd.rolling_mean = np.array([1,2,3])

In [5]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-5-f528129299b9> in <module>()
----> 1 pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

So, basically you need to search the rest of your codebase for pd.rolling_mean = ... and/or pd.rolling_std = ... to see where you may have overwritten them.

Also, if you'd like, you can put in reload(pd) just before your snippet, which should make it run by restoring the value of pd to what you originally imported it as, but I still highly recommend that you try to find where you may have reassigned the given functions.

How to write palindrome in JavaScript

/* Following function does the below mentioned task.

 1. Fetch all the substrings of a given string. 
 2. Find which of the substrings are palindromes.
 3. Find the longest palindrome.
 4. Find if the longest palindrome is a lucky palindrome.


function SubstringMnipulations(S) {
    let Str = S.toString(); 
    let AllSubStrs = splitSubstrings(Str);
    let Pelindromes = arePelindrome(AllSubStrs);
    let LongestPelindrome = getLongestString(Pelindromes);
    let isPrimeVar = isPrime(LongestPelindrome);
    return {
      "possibleSubstrings": AllSubStrs,
      "pelindromes": Pelindromes,
      "longestPelindrome": LongestPelindrome,
      "isLuckyPelindrome": isPrimeVar

function splitSubstrings(Str) {
  let StrLength = Str.length;
  let maxIndex = StrLength;
  let AllSubStrs = [];
  for(var index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++ ) {
    for(var innerIndex = 1; innerIndex <= maxIndex-index; innerIndex++) {
      AllSubStrs.push(Str.substring(index, (index+innerIndex)));
  return AllSubStrs;

function arePelindrome(StrArr) {
  let pelindrome = [];
  for(i=0; i<StrArr.length;i++) {
    if(isPelindrome(StrArr[i])) {
      if(StrArr[i].length>1) {

  return pelindrome;

function isPelindrome(Str) {
  let strLen = Str.length;
  let firstHalfIndex = 0;
  if(strLen==1) {
    return true;

  let firstHalf = "";
  let secondHalf = "";

  if(strLen>1 && strLen%2==0) {
    firstHalfIndex = strLen/2;
    firstHalf = Str.substring(0, firstHalfIndex);
    secondHalf = Str.substring((firstHalfIndex), strLen);
  } else {
    firstHalfIndex = (strLen-1)/2;
    firstHalf = Str.substring(0, firstHalfIndex);
    secondHalf = Str.substring((1+firstHalfIndex), strLen);

  secondHalf = reverseString(secondHalf);
  return firstHalf === secondHalf;

function reverseString(Str) {
  return Str.split("").reverse().join("");

function getLongestString(Str) {
  let lengthCount = [];
  for(i=0; i<Str.length;i++) {

  return Str[lengthCount.indexOf(Math.max(...lengthCount))];

function isPrime(Str) {
  let input = Str.length;
  let prime = true;
    for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(input); i++) {
        if (input % i == 0) {
            prime = false;
    return prime && (input > 1);

How to take off line numbers in Vi?

If you are talking about show line number command in vi/vim

you could use

set nu

in commandline mode to turn on and

set nonu

will turn off the line number display or

set nu!

to toggle off display of line numbers

intelliJ IDEA 13 error: please select Android SDK

I had same problem once. every things seems right. I restart, delete and invalidate cache of Android studio, rebuild, clean and nothings changed. It is finally solved by click on Sync Project with Gradle Files button in android studio 3.0

Sync Project with Gradle Files button

Return JsonResult from web api without its properties

return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(images.ToList(), Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None, ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore });

using Newtonsoft.Json;

Where do I put a single filter that filters methods in two controllers in Rails

Two ways.

i. You can put it in ApplicationController and add the filters in the controller

    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base       def filter_method       end     end      class FirstController < ApplicationController       before_filter :filter_method     end      class SecondController < ApplicationController       before_filter :filter_method     end 

But the problem here is that this method will be added to all the controllers since all of them extend from application controller

ii. Create a parent controller and define it there

 class ParentController < ApplicationController   def filter_method   end  end  class FirstController < ParentController   before_filter :filter_method end  class SecondController < ParentController   before_filter :filter_method end 

I have named it as parent controller but you can come up with a name that fits your situation properly.

You can also define the filter method in a module and include it in the controllers where you need the filter

SHOW PROCESSLIST in MySQL command: sleep

It's not a query waiting for connection; it's a connection pointer waiting for the timeout to terminate.

It doesn't have an impact on performance. The only thing it's using is a few bytes as every connection does.

The really worst case: It's using one connection of your pool; If you would connect multiple times via console client and just close the client without closing the connection, you could use up all your connections and have to wait for the timeout to be able to connect again... but this is highly unlikely :-)

See MySql Proccesslist filled with "Sleep" Entries leading to "Too many Connections"? and for more information.

What is 'PermSize' in Java?

lace to store your loaded class definition and metadata. If a large code-base project is loaded, the insufficient Perm Gen size will cause the popular Java.Lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen.

How to make remote REST call inside Node.js? any CURL?

If you have Node.js 4.4+, take a look at reqclient, it allows you to make calls and log the requests in cURL style, so you can easily check and reproduce the calls outside the application.

Returns Promise objects instead of pass simple callbacks, so you can handle the result in a more "fashion" way, chain the result easily, and handle errors in a standard way. Also removes a lot of boilerplate configurations on each request: base URL, time out, content type format, default headers, parameters and query binding in the URL, and basic cache features.

This is an example of how to initialize it, make a call and log the operation with curl style:

var RequestClient = require("reqclient").RequestClient;
var client = new RequestClient({
    baseUrl:"", debugRequest:true, debugResponse:true});"client/orders", {"client": 1234, "ref_id": "A987"},{"x-token": "AFF01XX"});

This will log in the console...

[Requesting client/orders]-> -X POST -d '{"client": 1234, "ref_id": "A987"}' -H '{"x-token": "AFF01XX"}' -H Content-Type:application/json

And when the response is returned ...

[Response   client/orders]<- Status 200 - {"orderId": 1320934}

This is an example of how to handle the response with the promise object:

  .then(function(response) {
    // Do something with the result
  }).catch(console.error);  // In case of error ...

Of course, it can be installed with: npm install reqclient.

Online SQL Query Syntax Checker

SQLFiddle will let you test out your queries, while it doesn't explicitly correct syntax etc. per se it does let you play around with the script and will definitely let you know if things are working or not.

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?

I would like to add a word of warning when you are dealing with C++11-style allocator-aware containers. Swapping and assignment have subtly different semantics.

For concreteness, let us consider a container std::vector<T, A>, where A is some stateful allocator type, and we'll compare the following functions:

void fs(std::vector<T, A> & a, std::vector<T, A> & b)
    b.clear(); // not important what you do with b

void fm(std::vector<T, A> & a, std::vector<T, A> & b)
    a = std::move(b);

The purpose of both functions fs and fm is to give a the state that b had initially. However, there is a hidden question: What happens if a.get_allocator() != b.get_allocator()? The answer is: It depends. Let's write AT = std::allocator_traits<A>.

  • If AT::propagate_on_container_move_assignment is std::true_type, then fm reassigns the allocator of a with the value of b.get_allocator(), otherwise it does not, and a continues to use its original allocator. In that case, the data elements need to be swapped individually, since the storage of a and b is not compatible.

  • If AT::propagate_on_container_swap is std::true_type, then fs swaps both data and allocators in the expected fashion.

  • If AT::propagate_on_container_swap is std::false_type, then we need a dynamic check.

    • If a.get_allocator() == b.get_allocator(), then the two containers use compatible storage, and swapping proceeds in the usual fashion.
    • However, if a.get_allocator() != b.get_allocator(), the program has undefined behaviour (cf. [container.requirements.general/8].

The upshot is that swapping has become a non-trivial operation in C++11 as soon as your container starts supporting stateful allocators. That's a somewhat "advanced use case", but it's not entirely unlikely, since move optimizations usually only become interesting once your class manages a resource, and memory is one of the most popular resources.

What's a clean way to stop mongod on Mac OS X?

If you have installed mongodb community server via homebrew, then you can do:

brew services list

This will list the current services as below:

Name              Status  User          Plist
mongodb-community started thehaystacker /Users/thehaystacker/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-community.plist

redis             stopped

Then you can restart mongodb by first stopping and restart:

brew services stop mongodb
brew services start mongodb

How do I convert a float number to a whole number in JavaScript?


Today 2020.11.28 I perform tests on MacOs HighSierra 10.13.6 on Chrome v85, Safari v13.1.2 and Firefox v80 for chosen solutions.


  • for all browsers all solutions (except B and K) gives very similar speed results
  • solutions B and K are slow

enter image description here


I perform test case which you can run HERE

Below snippet presents differences between solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L

function A(float) {
    return Math.trunc( float );

function B(float) {
    return parseInt(float);

function C(float) {
    return float | 0;

function D(float) {
    return ~~float;

function E(float) {
    return float >> 0;

function F(float) {
    return float - float%1;

function G(float) {
    return float ^ 0;

function H(float) {
    return Math.floor( float );

function I(float) {
    return Math.ceil( float );

function J(float) {
    return Math.round( float );

function K(float) {
    return float.toFixed(0);

function L(float) {
    return float >>> 0;

// ---------
// ---------

  .forEach(f=> console.log(`${} ${f(1.5)} ${f(-1.5)} ${f(2.499)} ${f(-2.499)}`))
This snippet only presents functions used in performance tests - it not perform tests itself!

And here are example results for chrome

enter image description here

Reading in a JSON File Using Swift

First create a Struc codable like this:

  struct JuzgadosList : Codable {
    var CP : Int
    var TEL : String
    var LOCAL : String
    var ORGANO : String
    var DIR : String

Now declare the variable

 var jzdosList = [JuzgadosList]()

Read from main directory

func getJsonFromDirectory() {

        if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "juzgados", ofType: "json") {
            do {
                let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path), options: .alwaysMapped)
                let jList = try JSONDecoder().decode([JuzgadosList].self, from: data)
                self.jzdosList = jList

                DispatchQueue.main.async() { () -> Void in

            } catch let error {
                print("parse error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        } else {
            print("Invalid filename/path.")

Read from web

func getJsonFromUrl(){

        self.jzdosList.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)

        print("Internet Connection Available!")

        guard let url = URL(string: "yourURL")  else { return }

        let request = URLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, timeoutInterval: 60.0)
        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, err) in
            guard let data = data else { return }
            do {
                let jList = try JSONDecoder().decode([JuzgadosList].self, from: data)
                self.jzdosList = jList

                DispatchQueue.main.async() { () -> Void in
            } catch let jsonErr {
                print("Error serializing json:", jsonErr)

Javascript, Time and Date: Getting the current minute, hour, day, week, month, year of a given millisecond time

Here is another method to get date

new Date().getDate()          // Get the day as a number (1-31)
new Date().getDay()           // Get the weekday as a number (0-6)
new Date().getFullYear()      // Get the four digit year (yyyy)
new Date().getHours()         // Get the hour (0-23)
new Date().getMilliseconds()  // Get the milliseconds (0-999)
new Date().getMinutes()       // Get the minutes (0-59)
new Date().getMonth()         // Get the month (0-11)
new Date().getSeconds()       // Get the seconds (0-59)
new Date().getTime()          // Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)

In CSS how do you change font size of h1 and h2

 h1 { font-size: 150%; }
 h2 { font-size: 120%; }

Tune as needed.

How to connect access database in c#

Try this code,

public void ConnectToAccess()
    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn = new 
    // TODO: Modify the connection string and include any
    // additional required properties for your database.
    conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
        @"Data source= C:\Documents and Settings\username\" +
        @"My Documents\AccessFile.mdb";
        // Insert code to process data.
        catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to data source");

How to debug ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms?

I'm using the following sql to find entries in all_synonyms where there is no corresponding object for the object_name (in user_objects):

 select * 
   from all_synonyms 
   where table_owner = 'SCOTT' 
     and synonym_name not like '%/%'
     and table_name not in (
       select object_name from user_objects
         where object_type in (
           'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'PACKAGE', 'SEQUENCE',
           'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'TYPE'

C++ error : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'

Something throws an exception of type std::bad_alloc, indicating that you ran out of memory. This exception is propagated through until main, where it "falls off" your program and causes the error message you see.

Since nobody here knows what "RectInvoice", "rectInvoiceVector", "vect", "im" and so on are, we cannot tell you what exactly causes the out-of-memory condition. You didn't even post your real code, because w h looks like a syntax error.

Reading HTTP headers in a Spring REST controller

Instead of taking the HttpServletRequest object in every method, keep in controllers' context by auto-wiring via the constructor. Then you can access from all methods of the controller.

public class OAuth2ClientController {
    private OAuth2ClientService oAuth2ClientService;

    private HttpServletRequest request;

    public OAuth2ClientController(HttpServletRequest request) {
        this.request = request;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<String> createClient(@RequestBody OAuth2Client client) {

        return ResponseEntity.ok();