Programs & Examples On #Hyperlink

A hyperlink is a reference to a document (or a section) that can be followed for retrieval using a navigation system that allows selecting emphasized content within an originating document.

How to create hyperlink to call phone number on mobile devices?

You can also use callto:########### replacing the email code mail with call, at least according to W3Cschool site but I haven't had an opportunity to test it out.

How to keep :active css style after clicking an element

The :target-pseudo selector is made for these type of situations:

It is supported by all modern browsers. To get some IE versions to understand it you can use something like Selectivizr

Here is a tab example with :target-pseudo selector.

Create tap-able "links" in the NSAttributedString of a UILabel?

Like there is reported in earlier answer the UITextView is able to handle touches on links. This can easily be extended by making other parts of the text work as links. The AttributedTextView library is a UITextView subclass that makes it very easy to handle these. For more info see:

You can make any part of the text interact like this (where textView1 is a UITextView IBOutlet):

textView1.attributer =
    "1. ".red
    .append("This is the first test. ").green
    .append("Click on ").black
    .append("").makeInteract { _ in "")!, options: [:], completionHandler: { completed in })
    .append(" for testing links. ").black
    .append("Next test").underline.makeInteract { _ in
    .all.font(UIFont(name: "SourceSansPro-Regular", size: 16))

And for handling hashtags and mentions you can use code like this:

textView1.attributer = "@test: What #hashtags do we have in @evermeer #AtributedTextView library"
    .makeInteract { link in "\(link.replacingOccurrences(of: "@", with: ""))")!, options: [:], completionHandler: { completed in })

Can Google Chrome open local links?

I've just came across the same problem and found the chrome extension Open IE.
That's the only one what works for me (Chrome V46 & V52). The only disadvantefge is, that you need to install an additional program, means you need admin rights.

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

This creates a "See Also" heading containing the link, i.e.:

 * @see <a href=""></a>

will render as:

See Also:

whereas this:

 * See <a href=""></a>

will create an in-line link:


call javascript function on hyperlink click

I would generally recommend using element.attachEvent (IE) or element.addEventListener (other browsers) over setting the onclick event directly as the latter will replace any existing event handlers for that element.

attachEvent / addEventListening allow multiple event handlers to be created.

How to change link color (Bootstrap)

ul.nav li a, ul.nav li a:visited {
    color: #anycolor !important;

ul.nav li a:hover, ul.nav li a:active {
    color: #anycolor !important;

ul.nav a {
    color: #anycolor !important;

Change the styles as you wish.

retrieve links from web page using python and BeautifulSoup

Under the hood BeautifulSoup now uses lxml. Requests, lxml & list comprehensions makes a killer combo.

import requests
import lxml.html

dom = lxml.html.fromstring(requests.get('').content)

[x for x in dom.xpath('//a/@href') if '//' in x and '' not in x]

In the list comp, the "if '//' and '' not in x" is a simple method to scrub the url list of the sites 'internal' navigation urls, etc.

Remove stubborn underline from link

The anchor tag (link) also has pseudo-classes such as visited, hover, link and active. Make sure your style is applied to the state(s) in question and that no other styles are conflicting.

For example:

a:hover, a:visited, a:link, a:active
    text-decoration: none;

See for more information on user action pseudo-classes :hover, :active, and :focus.

How to make links in a TextView clickable?

I'm using only android:autoLink="web" and it works fine. A click on the link opens the browser and shows the correct page.

One thing I could guess is that some other view is above the link. Something that is transparent fills the whole parent but don't displays anything above the link. In this case the click goes to this view instead of the link.

How can I get the Google cache age of any URL or web page?

This one good also to view cachepage

  1. Cache page view via google: Your url

  2. Cache page view via*/Your url

HTML - how to make an entire DIV a hyperlink?

Why don't you just do this

<a href="yoururl.html"><div>...</div></a>

That should work fine and will prompt the "clickable item" cursor change, which the aforementioned solution will not do.

The right way of setting <a href=""> when it's a local file

Organize your files in hierarchical directories and then just use relative paths.


HTML (index.html)

<a href='inner/file.html'>link</a>

Directory structure:


How to make a section of an image a clickable link

You can auto generate Image map from this website for selected area of image.

Easiest way to execute!

How can I make a link from a <td> table cell

This might be the most simple way to make a whole <td> cell an active hyperlink just using HTML.

I never had a satisfactory answer for this question, until about 10 minutes ago, so years in the making #humor.

Tested on Firefox 70, this is a bare-bones example where one full line-width of the cell is active:

<td><a href=""><div><br /></div></a></td>

Obviously the example just links to "this document," so fill in the href="" and replace the <br /> with anything appropriate.

Previously I used a style and class pair that I cobbled together from the answers above (Thanks to you folks.)

Today, working on a different issue, I kept stripping it down until <div>&nbsp;</div> was the only thing left, remove the <div></div> and it stops linking beyond the text. I didn't like the short "_" the &nbsp; displayed and found a single <br /> works without an "extra line" penalty.

If another <td></td> in the <tr> has multiple lines, and makes the row taller with word-wrap for instance, then use multiple <br /> to bring the <td> you want to be active to the correct number of lines and active the full width of each line.

The only problem is it isn't dynamic, but usually the mouse is closer in height than width, so active everywhere on one line is better than just the width of the text.

How do I add target="_blank" to a link within a specified div?

I use this for every external link:

window.onload = function(){
  var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
  for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){
    if (anchors[i].hostname != window.location.hostname) {
        anchors[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');

How to make HTML open a hyperlink in another window or tab?

below example with target="_blank" works for Safari and Mozilla

<a href="" `target="_blank"`>

Using target="new"worked for Chrome

<a href="" `target="new"`>

jQuery disable a link

You can remove click for link by following;


You can re-enable link by followings,


You can not use 'disabled' property for links.

How to put a link on a button with bootstrap?

If you don't really need the button element, just move the classes to a regular link:

<div class="btn-group">
    <a href="/save/1" class="btn btn-primary active">
        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk" aria-hidden="true"></i> Save
    <a href="/cancel/1" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</a>

Conversely, you can also change a button to appear like a link:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-link">Link</button>

Linking to a specific part of a web page

Just append a # followed by the ID of the <a> tag (or other HTML tag, like a <section>) that you're trying to get to. For example, if you are trying to link to the header in this HTML:

<p>This is some content.</p>
<h2><a id="target">Some Header</a></h2>
<p>This is some more content.</p>

You could use the link <a href="">Link</a>.

How can I make a HTML a href hyperlink open a new window?

<a href="#" onClick="'', '_blank')">test</a>

Easy as that.

Or without JS

<a href="" target="_blank">test</a>

Allow click on twitter bootstrap dropdown toggle link?

I'm not sure about the issue for making the top level anchor element a clickable anchor but here's the simplest solution for making desktop views have the hover effect, and mobile views maintaining their click-ability.

// Medium screens and up only
@media only screen and (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
    // Enable menu hover for bootstrap
    // dropdown menus
    .dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu {
        display: block;

This way the mobile menu still behaves as it should, while the desktop menu will expand on hover instead of on a click.

How to add hyperlink in JLabel?

I know I'm kinda late to the party but I made a little method others might find cool/useful.

public static JLabel linkify(final String text, String URL, String toolTip)
    URI temp = null;
        temp = new URI(URL);
    catch (Exception e)
    final URI uri = temp;
    final JLabel link = new JLabel();
    link.setText("<HTML><FONT color=\"#000099\">"+text+"</FONT></HTML>");
    link.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));
    link.addMouseListener(new MouseListener()
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0)
            link.setText("<HTML><FONT color=\"#000099\">"+text+"</FONT></HTML>");

        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0)
            link.setText("<HTML><FONT color=\"#000099\"><U>"+text+"</U></FONT></HTML>");

        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0)
            if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported())
                catch (Exception e)
                JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane("Could not open link.");
                JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(new JFrame(), "");

        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    return link;

It'll give you a JLabel that acts like a proper link.

In action:

public static void main(String[] args)
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Linkify Test");
    frame.setSize(400, 100);
    Container container = frame.getContentPane();
    container.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    container.add(new JLabel("Click "));
    container.add(linkify("this", "", "Facebook"));
    container.add(new JLabel(" link to open Facebook."));

If you'd like no tooltip just send a null.

Hope someone finds this useful! (If you do, be sure to let me know, I'd be happy to hear.)

Facebook share link - can you customize the message body text?

Like said in docs, use

<meta property="og:url"           content="" />
<meta property="og:type"          content="website" />
<meta property="og:title"         content="Your Website Title" />
<meta property="og:description"   content="Your description" />
<meta property="og:image"         content="" />

image size recommended: 1 200 x 630

how to make a cell of table hyperlink

Easy with onclick-function and a javascript link:

<td onclick="location.href='yourpage.html'">go to yourpage</td>

change html text from link with jquery

From W3 Schools HTML DOM Changes: If you look at the 3rd example it shows how you can change the text in your link, "click here". Example:

<a id="a_tbnotesverbergen" href="#nothing">click here</a>


var element=document.getElementById("a_tbnotesverbergen"); 
element.innerHTML="New Text";

Create hyperlink to another sheet

This macro adds a hyperlink to the worksheet with the same name, I also modify the range to be more flexible, just change the first cell in the code. Works like a charm

Sub hyper()
 Dim cl As Range
 Dim nS As String

 Set MyRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B16")
 Set MyRange = Range(MyRange, MyRange.End(xlDown))

 For Each cl In MyRange
  nS = cl.Value
  cl.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=cl, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & nS & "'" & "!B16", TextToDisplay:=nS
End Sub

What is href="#" and why is it used?

It's a link that links to nowhere essentially (it just adds "#" onto the URL). It's used for a number of different reasons. For instance, if you're using some sort of JavaScript/jQuery and don't want the actual HTML to link anywhere.

It's also used for page anchors, which is used to redirect to a different part of the page.

How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link

(Just a little bit of topic), but maybe if you searched you could stumble here... In markdown (tested with parsedown and on iOS / android) you could do :

   //[send sms](sms:1234567890;?&body=my%20very%20interesting%20text)

HTML favicon won't show on google chrome

I've found that (at Chrome 56, OSX) the favicon state appears to be cached for the browser lifetime, so if a favicon isn't being loaded, it won't be until after restarting Chrome. It appears that it doesn't show up in the "application" tab in dev tools and isn't cleared by a hard reload or 'Clear site data'.

How to force link from iframe to be opened in the parent window

There's a HTML element called base which allows you to:

Specify a default URL and a default target for all links on a page:

<base target="_blank" />

By specifying _blank you make sure all links inside the iframe will be opened outside.

html - table row like a link

The usual way is to assign some JavaScript to the onClick attribute of the TR element.

If you can't use JavaScript, then you must use a trick:

  1. Add the same link to each TD of the same row (the link must be the outermost element in the cell).

  2. Turn links into block elements: a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

The latter will force the link to fill the whole cell so clicking anywhere will invoke the link.

What are the ways to make an html link open a folder

Do you want to open a shared folder in Windows Explorer? You need to use a file: link, but there are caveats:

  • Internet Explorer will work if the link is a converted UNC path (file://server/share/folder/).
  • Firefox will work if the link is in its own mangled form using five slashes (file://///server/share/folder) and the user has disabled the security restriction on file: links in a page served over HTTP. Thankfully IE also accepts the mangled link form.
  • Opera, Safari and Chrome can not be convinced to open a file: link in a page served over HTTP.

How to add style from code behind?

:hover is a selector, and not a style. What you're doing in your example is adding inline styles to an element, and a selector equivalent for that obviously doesn't make much sense.

You can add a class to your link: hlRow.CssClass = 'abc'; And define your class as such: {

jQuery hyperlinks - href value?

Add return false to the end of your click handler, this prevents the browser default handler occurring which attempts to redirect the page:

$('a').click(function() {
// do stuff
return false;

Getting a link to go to a specific section on another page

I believe the example you've posted is using HTML5, which allows you to jump to any DOM element with the matching ID attribute. To support older browsers, you'll need to change:

<div id="timeline" name="timeline" ...>

To the old format:

<a name="timeline" />

You'll then be able to navigate to /academics/page.html#timeline and jump right to that section.

Also, check out this similar question.

How to change the href for a hyperlink using jQuery

Use the attr method on your lookup. You can switch out any attribute with a new value.

$("a.mylink").attr("href", "");

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

I had similar issue. try this $('#myAnchor').get(0).click();this works for me

link with target="_blank" does not open in new tab in Chrome

most simple answer

<a onclick=",'_blank');return false;" href="">Some Other Site</a>

it will work

Undefined Symbols for architecture x86_64: Compiling problems

There's no mystery here, the linker is telling you that you haven't defined the missing symbols, and you haven't.

Similarity::Similarity() or Similarity::~Similarity() are just missing and you have defined the others incorrectly,

void Similarity::readData(Scanner& inStream){


void readData(Scanner& inStream){

etc. etc.

The second one is a function called readData, only the first is the readData method of the Similarity class.

To be clear about this, in Similarity.h

void readData(Scanner& inStream);

but in Similarity.cpp

void Similarity::readData(Scanner& inStream){

Example using Hyperlink in WPF

I liked Arthur's idea of a reusable handler, but I think there's a simpler way to do it:

private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
    if (sender.GetType() != typeof (Hyperlink))
    string link = ((Hyperlink) sender).NavigateUri.ToString();

Obviously there could be security risks with starting any kind of process, so be carefull.

How to clear Facebook Sharer cache?

I found a solution to my problem. You could go to this site:

...then put in the URL of the page you want to share, and click "debug". It will automatically extract all the info on your meta tags and also clear the cache.

How do I convert a column of text URLs into active hyperlinks in Excel?

I shocked Excel didn't do this automatically so here is my solution I hope would be useful for others,

  1. Copy the whole column to clipboard
  2. Open this on your Chrome or Firefox

data:text/html,<button onclick="document.write(document.body.querySelector('textarea').value.split('\n').map(x => '<a href=\'' + x + '\'>' + x + '</a>').join('<br>'))">Linkify</button><br><textarea></textarea>

  1. Paste the column on the page you just opened on the browser and press "Linkify"
  2. Copy the result from the tab to the the column on Excel

Instead step two, you can use the below page, first, click on "Run code snippet" then paste the column on it

<button onclick="document.write(document.body.querySelector('textarea').value.split('\n').map(x => '<a href=\'' + x + '\'>' + x + '</a>').join('<br>'))">Linkify</button><br><textarea></textarea>

Wrapping a react-router Link in an html button

I use Router and < Button/>. No < Link/>

<Button onClick={()=> {this.props.history.replace('/mypage')}}>

How to make (link)button function as hyperlink?

There is a middle way. If you want a HTML control but you need to access it server side you can simply add the runat="server" attribute:

<a runat="server" Id="lnkBack">Back</a>

You can then alter the href server side using Attributes

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
       lnkBack.Attributes.Add("href", url);

resulting in:

<a id="ctl00_ctl00_mainContentPlaceHolder_contentPlaceHolder_lnkBack" 

Add target="_blank" in CSS

This is actually javascript but related/relevant because .querySelectorAll targets by CSS syntax:

var i_will_target_self = document.querySelectorAll(" li a#example")

this example uses css to target links in a menu with id = "example"

that creates a variable which is a collection of the elements we want to change, but we still have actually change them by setting the new target ("_blank"):

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
i_will_target_self[i].target = "_blank";

That code assumes that there are 5 or less elements. That can be changed easily by changing the phrase "i < 5."

read more here:

How to change the link color in a specific class for a div CSS

I think you want to put a, in front of a:link (a, a:link) in your CSS file. The only way I could get rid of that awful default blue link color. I'm not sure if this was necessary for earlier version of the browsers we have, because it's supposed to work without a

Display Image On Text Link Hover CSS Only

I did something like that:


<p class='parent'>text text text</p>
<img class='child' src='idk.png'>


.child {
    visibility: hidden;

.parent:hover .child {
    visibility: visible;

Simulate a click on 'a' element using javascript/jquery

Using jQuery:


How to reference a method in javadoc?

You will find much information about JavaDoc at the Documentation Comment Specification for the Standard Doclet, including the information on the

{@link package.class#member label}

tag (that you are looking for). The corresponding example from the documentation is as follows

For example, here is a comment that refers to the getComponentAt(int, int) method:

Use the {@link #getComponentAt(int, int) getComponentAt} method.

The package.class part can be ommited if the referred method is in the current class.

Other useful links about JavaDoc are:

How to convert an address into a Google Maps Link (NOT MAP)<?php echo urlencode($address); ?> 

the encode ur conver and adds all the extra elements like for spaces and all. so u can easily fetch plane text code from db and use it without worring about the special characters to be added

Smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link

The answer given works but disables outgoing links. Below a version with an added bonus ease out (swing) and respects outgoing links.

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('a[href^="#"]').on('click', function (e) {

        var target = this.hash;
        var $target = $(target);

        $('html, body').stop().animate({
            'scrollTop': $target.offset().top
        }, 900, 'swing', function () {
            window.location.hash = target;

How do I create a link using javascript?

Dynamically create a hyperlink with raw JavaScript:

   var anchorElem = document.createElement('a');
   anchorElem.setAttribute("href", yourLink);
   anchorElem.innerHTML = yourLinkText;

   document.body.appendChild(anchorElem); // append your new link to the body

HTML anchor tag with Javascript onclick event

Use following code to show menu instead go to href addres

function show_more_menu(e) {_x000D_
  if( !confirm(`Go to ${} ?`) ) e.preventDefault();_x000D_
<a href='more.php' onclick="show_more_menu(event)"> More >>> </a>

How to create an HTML button that acts like a link?

As of HTML5, buttons support the formaction attribute. Best of all, no Javascript or trickery is needed.

  <button formaction="">Go to Stack Overflow!</button>_x000D_


  • Must be surrounded by <form> tags.
  • <button> type must be "submit" (or unspecified), I couldn't get it working with type "button." Which brings up point below.
  • Overrides the default action in a form. In other words, if you do this inside another form it's going to cause a conflict.

Reference: Browser Support:

How can I link a photo in a Facebook album to a URL

Unfortunately, no. This feature is not available for facebook albums.

Is there a way to get a <button> element to link to a location without wrapping it in an <a href ... tag?

Inline Javascript:

<button onclick="window.location='';">Visit Page Now</button>

Defining a function in Javascript:

    function visitPage(){
<button onclick="visitPage();">Visit Page Now</button>

or in Jquery

<button id="some_id">Visit Page Now</button>

$('#some_id').click(function() {

How can I get href links from HTML using Python?

My answer probably sucks compared to the real gurus out there, but using some simple math, string slicing, find and urllib, this little script will create a list containing link elements. I test google and my output seems right. Hope it helps!

import urllib
test = urllib.urlopen("").read()
sane = 0
needlestack = []
while sane == 0:
  curpos = test.find("href")
  if curpos >= 0:
    testlen = len(test)
    test = test[curpos:testlen]
    curpos = test.find('"')
    testlen = len(test)
    test = test[curpos+1:testlen]
    curpos = test.find('"')
    needle = test[0:curpos]
    if needle.startswith("http" or "www"):
    sane = 1
for item in needlestack:
  print item

Getting URL

I'm not aware of any way to programmatically create these URLs, but the existing username space ( works on also (e.g. )

How to make button look like a link?

You can achieve this using simple css as shown in below example

button {_x000D_
    overflow: visible;_x000D_
    width: auto;_x000D_
}_x000D_ {_x000D_
    font-family: "Verdana" sans-serif;_x000D_
    font-size: 1em;_x000D_
    text-align: left;_x000D_
    color: blue;_x000D_
    background: none;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
    border: none;_x000D_
    cursor: pointer;_x000D_
    -moz-user-select: text;_x000D_
    /* override all your button styles here if there are any others */_x000D_
}_x000D_ span {_x000D_
    text-decoration: underline;_x000D_
}_x000D_ span,_x000D_ span {_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
<button type="submit" class="link"><span>Button as Link</span></button>

enter image description here

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web

Not sure if you still need this, but in , you look up the app and the package name is in the url. For example: is the link for fruit ninja. Notice the bold

Open URL in same window and in same tab

   Just Try in button.

   <button onclick="location.reload();location.href='url_name'" 
   id="myButton" class="btn request-callback" >Explore More</button>

   Using href 

  <a href="#" class="know_how" onclick="location.reload();location.href='url_name'">Know More</a> 

Use a normal link to submit a form

Two ways. Either create a button and style it so it looks like a link with css, or create a link and use onclick="this.closest('form').submit();return false;".

How to open link in new tab on html?

Set the 'target' attribute of the link to _blank:

<a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Link</a>

Edit: for other examples, see here:

(Note: I previously suggested blank instead of _blank because, if used, it'll open a new tab and then use the same tab if the link is clicked again. However, this is only because, as GolezTrol pointed out, it refers to the name a of a frame/window, which would be set and used when the link is pressed again to open it in the same tab).

Security Consideration!

The rel="noopener noreferrer" is to prevent the newly opened tab from being able to modify the original tab maliciously. For more information about this vulnerability see these resources:

How do I run PHP code when a user clicks on a link?

There is the only better way is AJAX as everyone is suggest in their posts. The alternative is using IFrames like below:

<iframe name="f1" id="f1"> </iframe>

<a href='yourpage.php' target='f1'>Click </a>

Now you will get the output in IFrame (you can place IFrame wherever you need in the page or event hide it and the result from the script).

Hope for non Ajax solution this is better.

Link to reload current page

Completely idempotent url that preserves path, parameters, and anchor.

 <a href="javascript:"> click me </a>

it only uses a little tiny bit of JS.

EDIT: this does not reload the page. It is a link that does nothing.

Android: textview hyperlink

This is my working implementation

private void showMessage()


        List<String> messages = db.getAllGCMMessages();

        for (int k = messages.size() - 1; k >= 0; --k)

            String message  =  messages.get(k).toString();
            lblMessage.append(message + "\n\n");

     Linkify.addLinks(lblMessage, Linkify.ALL);

and to change color of hyperlinks , i editted my xml for textview -


How to navigate to a section of a page

Wrap your div with

<a name="sushi">
  <div id="sushi">

and link to it by

<a href="#sushi">Sushi</a>

Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

It is OK, but at the same time can cause some browsers to become slow.

My advice is use <a href="#"></a>

If you're using JQuery remember to also use:

    // Click code here...

Can I create links with 'target="_blank"' in Markdown?

With Markdown-2.5.2, you can use this:


How to determine the current language of a wordpress page when using polylang?


if(pll_current_language() == 'en'){
   //do your work here
} Hyperlink control equivalent to <a href="#"></a>

Just write <a href="#"></a>.

If that's what you want, you don't need a server-side control.

How do I make a file:// hyperlink that works in both IE and Firefox?

Paste following link to directly under link button click event, otherwise use javascript to call code behind function

Protected Sub lnkOpen_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 
End Sub

How can I make a clickable link in an NSAttributedString?

I found this really useful but I needed to do it in quite a few places so I've wrapped my approach up in a simple extension to NSMutableAttributedString:

Swift 3

extension NSMutableAttributedString {

    public func setAsLink(textToFind:String, linkURL:String) -> Bool {

        let foundRange = self.mutableString.range(of: textToFind)
        if foundRange.location != NSNotFound {
            self.addAttribute(.link, value: linkURL, range: foundRange)
            return true
        return false

Swift 2

import Foundation

extension NSMutableAttributedString {

   public func setAsLink(textToFind:String, linkURL:String) -> Bool {

       let foundRange = self.mutableString.rangeOfString(textToFind)
       if foundRange.location != NSNotFound {
           self.addAttribute(NSLinkAttributeName, value: linkURL, range: foundRange)
           return true
       return false

Example usage:

let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:"I love stackoverflow!")
let linkWasSet = attributedString.setAsLink("stackoverflow", linkURL: "")

if linkWasSet {
    // adjust more attributedString properties


I've just hit a requirement to do the same in a pure Objective-C project, so here's the Objective-C category.

@interface NSMutableAttributedString (SetAsLinkSupport)

- (BOOL)setAsLink:(NSString*)textToFind linkURL:(NSString*)linkURL;


@implementation NSMutableAttributedString (SetAsLinkSupport)

- (BOOL)setAsLink:(NSString*)textToFind linkURL:(NSString*)linkURL {

     NSRange foundRange = [self.mutableString rangeOfString:textToFind];
     if (foundRange.location != NSNotFound) {
         [self addAttribute:NSLinkAttributeName value:linkURL range:foundRange];
         return YES;
     return NO;


Example usage:

NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:"I love stackoverflow!"];

BOOL linkWasSet = [attributedString setAsLink:@"stackoverflow" linkURL:@""];

if (linkWasSet) {
    // adjust more attributedString properties

Make Sure that the NSTextField's Behavior attribute is set as Selectable. Xcode NSTextField behavior attribute

how to attach url link to an image?


<style type="text/css">
#example {
    display: block;
    width: 30px;
    height: 10px;
    background: url(../images/example.png) no-repeat;
    text-indent: -9999px;

<a href="" id="example">See an example!</a>

More wordy, but it may benefit SEO, and it will look like nice simple text with CSS disabled.

How to make an HTML back link?

And another way:

<a href="javascript:history.back()">Go Back</a>

javascript popup alert on link click

just make it function,

<script type="text/javascript">
function AlertIt() {
var answer = confirm ("Please click on OK to continue.")
if (answer)

<a href="javascript:AlertIt();">click me</a>

How to make a hyperlink in telegram without using bots?

Try this link format:[YourUserName]

I was looking for such a thing, BUT with text in (like the one that WhatsApp got)

How to trigger click event on href element

In addition to romkyns's great answer.. here is some relevant documentation/examples.

DOM Elements have a native .click() method.

The method simulates a mouse click on an element.

When click is used, it also fires the element's click event which will bubble up to elements higher up the document tree (or event chain) and fire their click events too. However, bubbling of a click event will not cause an <a> element to initiate navigation as if a real mouse-click had been received. (mdn reference)

Relevant W3 documentation.

A few examples..

  • You can access a specific DOM element from a jQuery object: (example)

  • You can use the .get() method to retrieve a DOM element from a jQuery object: (example)

  • As expected, you can select the DOM element and call the .click() method. (example)


It's worth pointing out that jQuery is not required to trigger a native .click() event.

How to submit a form with JavaScript by clicking a link?

this works well without any special function needed. Much easier to write with php as well. <input onclick="this.form.submit()"/>

onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" not working in Chrome

It worked for me. No problems on using javascript:history.go(-1) on Google Chrome.

  1. To use it, ensure that you should have history on that tab.
  2. Add javascript:history.go(-1) on the enter URL space.
  3. It shall work for a few seconds.

How to close current tab in a browser window?

<button class="closeButton" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="window.close();">Close Window</button>

this did the work for me

how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs

This is how change the cursor from an arrow to a hand when you hover over a given object (myObject). = 'pointer';

Linking a UNC / Network drive on an html page

Alternative (Insert tooltip to user):

    a.tooltips {
        position: relative;
        display: inline;
    a.tooltips span {
        position: absolute;
        width: 240px;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        background: #000000;
        height: 30px;
        line-height: 30px;
        text-align: center;
        visibility: hidden;
        border-radius: 6px;
    a.tooltips span:after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: 100%;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -8px;
        width: 0;
        height: 0;
        border-top: 8px solid #000000;
        border-right: 8px solid transparent;
        border-left: 8px solid transparent;
    a:hover.tooltips span {
        visibility: visible;
        opacity: 0.8;
        bottom: 30px;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -76px;
        z-index: 999;
<a class="tooltips" href="#">\\server\share\docs<span>Copy link and open in Explorer</span></a>

Need to remove href values when printing in Chrome

To hide Page url .

use media="print" in style tage example :

<style type="text/css" media="print">
            @page {
                size: auto;   /* auto is the initial value */
                margin: 0;  /* this affects the margin in the printer settings */
            @page { size: portrait; }

If you want to remove links :

@media print {
   a[href]:after {
      visibility: hidden !important;

How do I programmatically click a link with javascript?

If you only want to change the current page address, you can do that by simply doing this in Javascript :

location.href = "";

React onClick and preventDefault() link refresh/redirect?

The Gist I found and works for me:

const DummyLink = ({onClick, children, props}) => (
    <a href="#" onClick={evt => {
        onClick && onClick();
    }} {...props}>

Credit for srph

Adding an onclick function to go to url in JavaScript?


 window.location = url;

Also use;

if you want to open in a new window.

Open a link in browser with java button?

Use the Desktop#browse(URI) method. It opens a URI in the user's default browser.

public static boolean openWebpage(URI uri) {
    Desktop desktop = Desktop.isDesktopSupported() ? Desktop.getDesktop() : null;
    if (desktop != null && desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
    return false;

public static boolean openWebpage(URL url) {
    try {
        return openWebpage(url.toURI());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    return false;

Open link in new tab or window

You should add the target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" in the anchor tag.

For example:

<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://your_url_here.html">Link</a>

Adding rel="noopener noreferrer" is not mandatory, but it's a recommended security measure. More information can be found in the links below.


Google Apps Script to open a URL

You can build a small UI that does the job like this :

function test(){
function showURL(href){
  var app = UiApp.createApplication().setHeight(50).setWidth(200);
  app.setTitle("Show URL");
  var link = app.createAnchor('open ', href).setId("link");
  var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();;

If you want to 'show' the URL, just change this line like this :

  var link = app.createAnchor(href, href).setId("link");

EDIT : link to a demo spreadsheet in read only because too many people keep writing unwanted things on it (just make a copy to use instead).

EDIT : UiApp was deprecated by Google on 11th Dec 2014, this method could break at any time and needs updating to use HTML service instead!

EDIT : below is an implementation using html service.

function testNew(){

function showAnchor(name,url) {
  var html = '<html><body><a href="'+url+'" target="blank" onclick="">'+name+'</a></body></html>';
  var ui = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html)

Link to a section of a webpage


Use <section>.

and use <a href="page.html#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>

How link to any local file with markdown syntax?

You link to a local file the same way you link to local images. Here is an example to link to file in the same directory as the markdown source:


youtube: link to display HD video by default

Nick Vogt at H3XED posted this syntax:

Take this link and replace the expression "VIDEOID" with the (shortened/shared) ID of the video.

Exapmple for ID: i3jNECZ3ybk looks like this: ... /v/i3jNECZ3ybk?version=3&vq=hd1080

What you get as a result is the standalone 1080p video but not in the Tube environment.

Should I make HTML Anchors with 'name' or 'id'?

You shouldn’t use <h1><a name="foo"/>Foo Title</h1> in any flavor of HTML served as text/html, because the XML empty element syntax isn’t supported in text/html. However, <h1><a name="foo">Foo Title</a></h1> is OK in HTML4. It is not valid in HTML5 as currently drafted.

<h1 id="foo">Foo Title</h1> is OK in both HTML4 and HTML5. This won’t work in Netscape 4, but you’ll probably use a dozen other features that don’t work in Netscape 4.

How to create a link to another PHP page

Just try like this:


$link_address1 = 'index.php';
echo "<a href='".$link_address1."'>Index Page</a>";

$link_address2 = 'page2.php';
echo "<a href='".$link_address2."'>Page 2</a>";

Easiest way

$link_address1 = 'index.php';
echo "<a href='$link_address1'>Index Page</a>";

$link_address2 = 'page2.php';
echo "<a href='$link_address2'>Page 2</a>";

How to implement a binary tree?

[What you need for interviews] A Node class is the sufficient data structure to represent a binary tree.

(While other answers are mostly correct, they are not required for a binary tree: no need to extend object class, no need to be a BST, no need to import deque).

class Node:

    def __init__(self, value = None):
        self.left  = None
        self.right = None
        self.value = value

Here is an example of a tree:

n1 = Node(1)
n2 = Node(2)
n3 = Node(3)
n1.left  = n2
n1.right = n3

In this example n1 is the root of the tree having n2, n3 as its children.

enter image description here

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred

Sounds a bit familiar with my problem: aapt not found under the right path

I needed to clean all open projects to get it working again...

Failed to resolve:

in build.gradle , the version of bellow line should be same

implementation ''
implementation ''

Run C++ in command prompt - Windows

Steps to perform the task:

  1. First, download and install the compiler.

  2. Then, type the C/C++ program and save it.

  3. Then, open the command line and change directory to the particular one where the source file is stored, using cd like so:

    cd C:\Documents and Settings\...
  4. Then, to compile, type in the command prompt:

    gcc sourcefile_name.c -o outputfile.exe
  5. Finally, to run the code, type:


Remove object from a list of objects in python

In python there are no arrays, lists are used instead. There are various ways to delete an object from a list:

my_list = [1,2,4,6,7]

del my_list[1] # Removes index 1 from the list
print my_list # [1,4,6,7]
my_list.remove(4) # Removes the integer 4 from the list, not the index 4
print my_list # [1,6,7]
my_list.pop(2) # Removes index 2 from the list

In your case the appropriate method to use is pop, because it takes the index to be removed:

x = object()
y = object()
array = [x, y]
# Using the del statement
del array[0]

JUnit Testing private variables?

Despite the danger of stating the obvious: With a unit test you want to test the correct behaviour of the object - and this is defined in terms of its public interface. You are not interested in how the object accomplishes this task - this is an implementation detail and not visible to the outside. This is one of the things why OO was invented: That implementation details are hidden. So there is no point in testing private members. You said you need 100% coverage. If there is a piece of code that cannot be tested by using the public interface of the object, then this piece of code is actually never called and hence not testable. Remove it.

How do I prevent a Gateway Timeout with FastCGI on Nginx

For those using nginx with unicorn and rails, most likely the timeout is in your unicorn.rb file

put a large timeout in unicorn.rb

timeout 500

if you're still facing issues, try having fail_timeout=0 in your upstream in nginx and see if this fixes your issue. This is for debugging purposes and might be dangerous in a production environment.

upstream foo_server {
        server fail_timeout=0;

Error System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater when installs setup

Install Nuget for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess

Make sure you are using header for Oracle:

using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

This Worked for me.

Makefile - missing separator

You need to precede the lines starting with gcc and rm with a hard tab. Commands in make rules are required to start with a tab (unless they follow a semicolon on the same line). The result should look like this:

PROG = semsearch
all: $(PROG)
%: %.c
        gcc -o $@ $< -lpthread

        rm $(PROG)

Note that some editors may be configured to insert a sequence of spaces instead of a hard tab. If there are spaces at the start of these lines you'll also see the "missing separator" error. If you do have problems inserting hard tabs, use the semicolon way:

PROG = semsearch
all: $(PROG)
%: %.c ; gcc -o $@ $< -lpthread

clean: ; rm $(PROG)

CSS media query to target only iOS devices

Yes, you can.

@supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none) {
  /* CSS specific to iOS devices */ 

@supports not (-webkit-touch-callout: none) {
  /* CSS for other than iOS devices */ 


It works because only Safari Mobile implements -webkit-touch-callout:

Please note that @supports does not work in IE. IE will skip both of the above @support blocks above. To find out more see It is recommended to not use @supports not because of this.

What about Chrome or Firefox on iOS? The reality is these are just skins over the WebKit rendering engine. Hence the above works everywhere on iOS as long as iOS policy does not change. See 2.5.6 in App Store Review Guidelines.

Warning: iOS may remove support for this in any new iOS release in the coming years. You SHOULD try a bit harder to not need the above CSS. An earlier version of this answer used -webkit-overflow-scrolling but a new iOS version removed it. As a commenter pointed out, there are other options to choose from: Go to Supported CSS Properties and search for "Safari on iOS".

Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings

Such behavior is described in Migrating from PHP 7.0.x to PHP 7.1.x/

The empty index operator is not supported for strings anymore Applying the empty index operator to a string (e.g. $str[] = $x) throws a fatal error instead of converting silently to array.

In my case it was a mere initialization. I fixed it by replacing $foo='' with $foo=[].


How do I set proxy for chrome in python webdriver?

Its working for me...

from selenium import webdriver


chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server=http://%s' % PROXY)

chrome = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)

PowerShell array initialization

$array = 1..5 | foreach { $false }

How to get all possible combinations of a list’s elements?

Combination from itertools

import itertools
col_names = ["aa","bb", "cc", "dd"]
all_combinations = itertools.chain(*[itertools.combinations(col_names,i+1) for i,_ in enumerate(col_names)])

Alternating Row Colors in Bootstrap 3 - No Table

I was having trouble coloring rows in table using bootstrap table-striped class then realized delete table-striped class and do this in css file

background-color: red;
background-color: blue;

The bootstrap table-striped class will over ride your selectors.

Hexadecimal value 0x00 is a invalid character

In my case, it took some digging, but found it.

My Context

I'm looking at exception/error logs from the website using Elmah. Elmah returns the state of the server at the of time the exception, in the form of a large XML document. For our reporting engine I pretty-print the XML with XmlWriter.

During a website attack, I noticed that some xmls weren't parsing and was receiving this '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. exception.

NON-RESOLUTION: I converted the document to a byte[] and sanitized it of 0x00, but it found none.

When I scanned the xml document, I found the following:

<item name="SomeField">
     string="C:\boot.ini&#x0;.htm" />

There was the nul byte encoded as an html entity &#x0; !!!

RESOLUTION: To fix the encoding, I replaced the &#x0; value before loading it into my XmlDocument, because loading it will create the nul byte and it will be difficult to sanitize it from the object. Here's my entire process:

XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
details.Xml = details.Xml.Replace("&#x0;", "[0x00]");  // in my case I want to see it, otherwise just replace with ""

string formattedXml = null;

// I have this in a helper function, but for this example I have put it in-line
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
    OmitXmlDeclaration = true,
    Indent = true,
    IndentChars = "\t",
    NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.None,
using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings)) {
    formattedXml = sb.ToString();

LESSON LEARNED: sanitize for illegal bytes using the associated html entity, if your incoming data is html encoded on entry.

How to create a library project in Android Studio and an application project that uses the library project

Google’s Gradle Plugin recommended way for configuring your gradle files to build multiple projects has some shortcomings If you have multiple projects depending upon one library project, this post briefly explain Google’s recommended configuration, its shortcomings, and recommend a different way to configure your gradle files to support multi-project setups in Android Studio:

An alternative multiproject setup for android studio

A Different Way :

It turns out there’s a better way to manage multiple projects in Android Studio. The trick is to create separate Android Studio projects for your libraries and to tell gradle that the module for the library that your app depends on is located in the library’s project directory. If you wanted to use this method with the project structure I’ve described above, you would do the following:

  1. Create an Android Studio project for the StickyListHeaders library
  2. Create an Android Studio project for App2
  3. Create an Android Studio project for App1
  4. Configure App1 and App2 to build the modules in the StickyListHeaders project.

The 4th step is the hard part, so that’s the only step that I’ll describe in detail. You can reference modules that are external to your project’s directory by adding a project statement in your settings.gradle file and by setting the projectDir property on the ProjectDescriptor object that’s returned by that project statement:

enter image description here

The code one has to put in settings.gradle:

include ':library1'
project(':library1').projectDir = new File('../StickyListHeader/library1')

If you’ve done this correctly, you’ll notice that the modules referenced by your project will show up in the project navigator, even if those modules are external to the project directory:

enter image description here

This allows you to work on library code and app code simultaneously. Version control integration also works just fine when you reference modules externally this way. You can commit and push your modifications to the library code just like you can commit and push modifications to your app code.

This way of setting up multiple projects avoids the difficulties that plague Google’s recommended configuration. Because we are referencing a module that is outside of the project directory we don’t have to make extra copies of the library module for every app that depends on it and we can version our libraries without any sort of git submodule nonsense.

Unfortunately, this other way of setting up multiple projects is very difficult to find. Obviously, its not something you’ll figure out from looking at Google’s guide, and at this point, there’s no way to configure your projects in this way by using the UI of Android Studio.

Reading a file line by line in Go

In the new version of Go 1.16 we can use package embed to read the file contents as shown below.

package main

import _"embed"

func main() {
    //go:embed "hello.txt"
    var s string

    //go:embed "hello.txt"
    var b []byte

    //go:embed hello.txt
    var f embed.FS
    data, _ := f.ReadFile("hello.txt")

For more details go through And

How can I remove non-ASCII characters but leave periods and spaces using Python?

Your question is ambiguous; the first two sentences taken together imply that you believe that space and "period" are non-ASCII characters. This is incorrect. All chars such that ord(char) <= 127 are ASCII characters. For example, your function excludes these characters !"#$%&\'()*+,-./ but includes several others e.g. []{}.

Please step back, think a bit, and edit your question to tell us what you are trying to do, without mentioning the word ASCII, and why you think that chars such that ord(char) >= 128 are ignorable. Also: which version of Python? What is the encoding of your input data?

Please note that your code reads the whole input file as a single string, and your comment ("great solution") to another answer implies that you don't care about newlines in your data. If your file contains two lines like this:

this is line 1
this is line 2

the result would be 'this is line 1this is line 2' ... is that what you really want?

A greater solution would include:

  1. a better name for the filter function than onlyascii
  2. recognition that a filter function merely needs to return a truthy value if the argument is to be retained:

    def filter_func(char):
        return char == '\n' or 32 <= ord(char) <= 126
    # and later:
    filtered_data = filter(filter_func, data).lower()

Crystal Reports 13 And Asp.Net 3.5

I have same problem. I solved install this setup. (I use vs 2015 (4.6))

Guzzlehttp - How get the body of a response from Guzzle 6?

For get response in JSON format :

  1.$response = (string) $res->getBody();
      $response =json_decode($response); // Using this you can access any key like below
     $key_value = $response->key_name; //access key  

  2. $response = json_decode($res->getBody(),true);
     $key_value =   $response['key_name'];//access key

Create an Android GPS tracking application

The source code for the Android mobile application open-gpstracker which you appreciated is available here.

You can checkout the code using SVN client application or via Git:

Debugging the source code will surely help you.

Playing MP4 files in Firefox using HTML5 video

I can confirm that mp4 just will not work in the video tag. No matter how much you try to mess with the type tag and the codec and the mime types from the server.

Crazy, because for the same exact video, on the same test page, the old embed tag for an mp4 works just fine in firefox. I spent all yesterday messing with this. Firefox is like IE all of a sudden, hours and hours of time, not billable. Yay.

Speaking of IE, it fails FAR MORE gracefully on this. When it can't match up the format it falls to the content between the tags, so it is possible to just put video around object around embed and everything works great. Firefox, nope, despite failing, it puts up the poster image (greyed out so that isn't even useful as a fallback) with an error message smack in the middle. So now the options are put in browser recognition code (meaning we've gained nothing on embedding videos in the last ten years) or ditch html5.

How to declare a inline object with inline variables without a parent class

You can also do this:

var x = new object[] {
    new { firstName = "john", lastName = "walter" },
    new { brand = "BMW" }

And if they are the same anonymous type (firstName and lastName), you won't need to cast as object.

var y = new [] {
    new { firstName = "john", lastName = "walter" },
    new { firstName = "jill", lastName = "white" }

Custom CSS for <audio> tag?

There are CSS options for the audio tag.

Like: html 5 audio tag width

But if you play around with it you'll see results can be unexpected - as of August 2012.

How to create a list of objects?

I have some hacky answers that are likely to be terrible... but I have very little experience at this point.

a way:

class myClass():
    myInstances = []
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myObj01 = myClass("Foo", "Bar")
myObj02 = myClass("FooBar",  "Baz")

for thisObj in myClass.myInstances:

A hack way to get this done:

import sys
class myClass():
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myObj01 = myClass("Foo", "Bar")
myObj02 = myClass("FooBar",  "Baz")

myInstances = []
myLocals = str(locals()).split("'")
thisStep = 0
for thisLocalsLine in myLocals:
    thisStep += 1
    if "myClass object at" in thisLocalsLine:
        print(myLocals[(thisStep - 2)])
        #myInstances.append(myLocals[(thisStep - 2)])
        myInstances.append(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], myLocals[(thisStep - 2)]))

for thisObj in myInstances:

Another more 'clever' hack:

import sys
class myClass():
    def __init__(self, myStr01, myStr02):
        self.myStr01 = myStr01
        self.myStr02 = myStr02

myInstances = []
myClasses = {
    "myObj01": ["Foo", "Bar"],
    "myObj02": ["FooBar",  "Baz"]

for thisClass in myClasses.keys():
    exec("%s = myClass('%s', '%s')" % (thisClass, myClasses[thisClass][0], myClasses[thisClass][1]))
    myInstances.append(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], thisClass))

for thisObj in myInstances:

How do I check my gcc C++ compiler version for my Eclipse?

Just type

gcc --version

in any terminal near you.. ;-)

Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements

If this is in SQL Server, your syntax is correct; however, you need to reference the COUNT(*) as the Total Count from your nested query. This should give you what you need:

  SELECT [Some Column], COUNT(*) TotalCount
  WHERE [Some Column] = 'Target Data'
  GROUP BY [Some Column]
) DerivedTable

Using this, you could assign TotalCount to a variable and then use an IF ELSE statement to execute your INSERT statements:

DECLARE @TotalCount int
SELECT @TotalCount = TotalCount FROM
  SELECT [Some Column], COUNT(*) TotalCount
  WHERE [Some Column] = 'Target Data'
  GROUP BY [Some Column]
) DerivedTable
IF @TotalCount > 0

MS Access VBA: Sending an email through Outlook

Add a reference to the Outlook object model in the Visual Basic editor. Then you can use the code below to send an email using outlook.

Sub sendOutlookEmail()
Dim oApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oMail As MailItem
Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")

Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
oMail.Body = "Body of the email"
oMail.Subject = "Test Subject"
oMail.To = "[email protected]"
Set oMail = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing

End Sub

If statements for Checkboxes

I simplification for Science_Fiction's answer I think is to use the exclusive or function so you can just have:

if(checkbox1.checked ^ checkbox2.checked)
//do stuff

That is assuming you want to do the same thing for both situations.

Convert a numpy.ndarray to string(or bytes) and convert it back to numpy.ndarray

I know, I am late but here is the correct way of doing it. using base64. This technique will convert the array to string.

import base64
import numpy as np
random_array = np.random.randn(32,32)
string_repr = base64.binascii.b2a_base64(random_array).decode("ascii")
array = np.frombuffer(base64.binascii.a2b_base64(string_repr.encode("ascii"))) 

For array to string

Convert binary data to a line of ASCII characters in base64 coding and decode to ASCII to get string repr.

For string to array

First, encode the string in ASCII format then Convert a block of base64 data back to binary and return the binary data.

How can you make a custom keyboard in Android?

Use KeyboardView:

KeyboardView kbd = new KeyboardView(context);
kbd.setKeyboard(new Keyboard(this, R.xml.custom));

kbd.setOnKeyboardActionListener(new OnKeyboardActionListener() {

now you have kbd which is a normal view.

The nice thing about this is that R.xml.custom refers to /res/xml/custom.xml, which defines in xml the layout of the keyboard. For more information on this file, look here: Keyboard, Keyboard.Row, Keyboard.Key.

Entity framework left join

Please make your life easier (don't use join into group):

var query = from ug in UserGroups
            from ugp in UserGroupPrices.Where(x => x.UserGroupId == ug.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new 
                UserGroupID = ug.UserGroupID,
                UserGroupName = ug.UserGroupName,
                Price = ugp != null ? ugp.Price : 0 //this is to handle nulls as even when Price is non-nullable prop it may come as null from SQL (result of Left Outer Join)

How to drop unique in MySQL?

Simply you can use the following SQL Script to delete the index in MySQL:

alter table fuinfo drop index email;

How to remove a branch locally?

Force Delete a Local Branch:

$ git branch -D <branch-name>


-D is a shortcut for --delete --force.

Matplotlib: "Unknown projection '3d'" error

Just to add to Joe Kington's answer (not enough reputation for a comment) there is a good example of mixing 2d and 3d plots in the documentation at which shows projection='3d' working in combination with the Axes3D import.

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')

In fact as long as the Axes3D import is present the line

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

as used by the OP also works. (checked with matplotlib version 1.3.1)

Set default syntax to different filetype in Sublime Text 2

In ST2 there's a package you can install called Default FileType which does just that.

More info here.

Installing jQuery?

There is no installation required. Just add jQuery to your application folder and give a reference to the js file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery.js"></script>

if jQuery is in the same folder of your referenced file.

Select something that has more/less than x character

If your experiencing the same problem while querying a DB2 database, you'll need to use the below query.

cast(STATE as varchar(40)) 

How to prepare a Unity project for git?

Since Unity 4.3 you also have to enable External option from preferences, so full setup process looks like:

  1. Enable External option in Unity ? Preferences ? Packages ? Repository
  2. Switch to Hidden Meta Files in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  3. Switch to Force Text in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  4. Save scene and project from File menu

Note that the only folders you need to keep under source control are Assets and ProjectSettigns.

More information about keeping Unity Project under source control you can find in this post.

How to align title at center of ActionBar in default theme(Theme.Holo.Light)

This actually works:

  ActionBar.LayoutParams p = new ActionBar.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
        p.gravity = Gravity.CENTER;

You have to define custom_actionbar.xml layout which is as per your requirement e.g. :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""


Make the current Git branch a master branch

I found this simple method to work the best. It does not rewrite history and all previous check-ins of branch will be appended to the master. Nothing is lost, and you can clearly see what transpired in the commit log.

Objective: Make current state of "branch" the "master"

Working on a branch, commit and push your changes to make sure your local and remote repositories are up to date:

git checkout master      # Set local repository to master
git reset --hard branch  # Force working tree and index to branch
git push origin master    # Update remote repository

After this, your master will be the exact state of your last commit of branch and your master commit log will show all check-ins of the branch.

What does 'public static void' mean in Java?

  • public means you can access the class from anywhere in the class/object or outside of the package or class
  • static means constant in which block of statement used only 1 time
  • void means no return type

How to set space between listView Items in Android

A lot of these solutions work. However, if all you want is to be able to set the margin between items the simplest method I have come up with is to wrap your item - in your case the CheckedTextView - in a LinearLayout and put your margin formatting for the item in that, not the root-layout. Be sure to give this wrapping layout an id and create it along with your CheckedTextView in your adapter.

That's it. In effect, you are instantiating the margin at the item level for the ListView. Because the ListView does not know about any item layout - only your adapter does. This basically inflates the part of the item layout that was being ignored before.

Filtering a spark dataframe based on date


Is there any way to install Composer globally on Windows?

Sure. Just put composer.phar somewhere like C:\php\composer.phar, then make a batch file somewhere within the PATH called composer.bat which does the following:

php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*

The "%*" repeats all of the arguments passed to the shell script.

Then you can run around doing composer update all ya want!

How to get table list in database, using MS SQL 2008?

Answering the question in your title, you can query sys.tables or sys.objects where type = 'U' to check for the existence of a table. You can also use OBJECT_ID('table_name', 'U'). If it returns a non-null value then the table exists:

IF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.My_Table', 'U') IS NULL)
    CREATE TABLE dbo.My_Table (...)

You can do the same for databases with DB_ID():

IF (DB_ID('My_Database') IS NULL)

If you want to create the database and then start using it, that needs to be done in separate batches. I don't know the specifics of your case, but there shouldn't be many cases where this isn't possible. In a SQL script you can use GO statements. In an application it's easy enough to send across a new command after the database is created.

The only place that you might have an issue is if you were trying to do this in a stored procedure and creating databases on the fly like that is usually a bad idea.

If you really need to do this in one batch, you can get around the issue by using EXEC to get around the parsing error of the database not existing:


IF (OBJECT_ID('Test_DB2.dbo.My_Table', 'U') IS NULL)
    EXEC('CREATE TABLE Test_DB2.dbo.My_Table (my_id INT)')

EDIT: As others have suggested, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES system view is probably preferable since it is supposedly a standard going forward and possibly between RDBMSs.

How to detect when keyboard is shown and hidden

In Swift 4.2 the notification names have moved to a different namespace. So now it's

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

func addKeyboardListeners() {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillHide), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillShow), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)

@objc private extension WhateverTheClassNameIs {

    func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: Notification) {
        // Do something here.

    func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification) {
        // Do something here.

Ternary operator ?: vs if...else

Depends on your compiler, but on any modern compiler there is generally no difference. It's something you shouldn't worry about. Concentrate on the maintainability of your code.

Open Sublime Text from Terminal in macOS

You can create a new alias in Terminal:

nano ~/.bash_profile

Copy this line and paste it into the editor:

alias subl='open -a "Sublime Text"'

Hit control + x, then y, then enter to save and close it.

Close all Terminal windows and open it up again.

That's it, you can now use subl filename or subl .

Instagram API: How to get all user media?

Instagram developer console has provided the solution for it.

To use this in PHP, here is the code snippet,

** Add this code snippet after your first curl call
** assume the response of the first call is stored in $userdata
** $access_token have your access token

$maximumNumberOfPost = 33; // it can be 20, depends on your instagram application
$no_of_images = 50 // Enter the number of images you want

if ($no_of_images > $maximumNumberOfPost) {

    $ImageArray = [];
    $next_url = $userdata->pagination->next_url;
    while ($no_of_images > $maximumNumberOfPost) {
           $originalNumbersOfImage = $no_of_images;
           $no_of_images = $no_of_images - $maximumNumberOfPost;
           $next_url = str_replace("count=" . $originalNumbersOfImage, "count=" . $no_of_images, $next_url);
           $chRepeat = curl_init();
           curl_setopt_array($chRepeat, [
                             CURLOPT_URL => $next_url,
                             CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => [
                                    "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"
                              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true
            $userRepeatdata = curl_exec($chRepeat);
            if ($userRepeatdata) {
                      $userRepeatdata = json_decode($userRepeatdata);
                      $next_url = $userRepeatdata->pagination->next_url;
                     if (isset($userRepeatdata->data) && $userRepeatdata->data) {
                          $ImageArray = $userRepeatdata->data;


Converting from hex to string

My Net 5 solution that also handles null characters at the end:

hex = ConvertFromHex( hex.AsSpan(), Encoding.Default );

static string ConvertFromHex( ReadOnlySpan<char> hexString, Encoding encoding )
    int realLength = 0;
    for ( int i = hexString.Length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 )
        byte b = byte.Parse( hexString.Slice( i, 2 ), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
        if ( b != 0 ) //not NULL character
            realLength = i + 2;
    var bytes = new byte[realLength / 2];
    for ( var i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++ )
        bytes[i] = byte.Parse( hexString.Slice( i * 2, 2 ), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );

    return encoding.GetString( bytes );

printf a variable in C

Your printf needs a format string:

printf("%d\n", x);

This reference page gives details on how to use printf and related functions.

Changing password with Oracle SQL Developer

I realise that there are many answers, but I found a solution that may be helpful to some. I ran into the same problem, I am running oracle sql develop on my local computer and I have a bunch of users. I happen to remember the password for one of my users and I used it to reset the password of other users.


  1. connect to a database using a valid user and password, in my case all my users expired except "system" and I remember that password

  2. find the "Other_users" node within the tree as the image below displays

enter image description here

3.within the "Other_users" tree find your users that you would like to reset password of and right click the note and select "Edit Users"

enter image description here

4.fill out the new password in edit user dialog and click "Apply". Make sure that you have unchecked "Password expired (user must change next login)".

enter image description here

And that worked for me, It is not as good as other solution because you need to be able to login to at least one account but it does work.

How to drop column with constraint?

You can also drop the column and its constraint(s) in a single statement rather than individually.

     Col2 INT

                    CONSTRAINT CK, 
                    COLUMN Col1


Some dynamic SQL that will look up the names of dependent check constraints and default constraints and drop them along with the column is below

(but not other possible column dependencies such as foreign keys, unique and primary key constraints, computed columns, indexes)

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable]


DECLARE @TwoPartTableNameQuoted nvarchar(500) = '[dbo].[TestTable]',
        @ColumnNameUnQuoted sysname = 'A',
        @DynSQL NVARCHAR(MAX);

     'ALTER TABLE ' + @TwoPartTableNameQuoted + ' DROP' + 
      ISNULL(' CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(c.default_object_id)) + ',','') + 
      ISNULL(check_constraints,'') + 
      '  COLUMN ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnNameUnQuoted)
FROM   sys.columns c
                    FROM   sys.sql_expression_dependencies
                    WHERE  referenced_id = c.object_id
                           AND referenced_minor_id = c.column_id
                           AND OBJECTPROPERTYEX(referencing_id, 'BaseType') = 'C'
                    FOR XML PATH('')) ck(check_constraints)
WHERE  c.object_id = object_id(@TwoPartTableNameQuoted)
       AND = @ColumnNameUnQuoted;

EXEC (@DynSQL); 

How do you POST to a page using the PHP header() function?

In addition to what Salaryman said, take a look at the classes in PEAR, there are HTTP request classes there that you can use even if you do not have the cURL extension installed in your PHP distribution.

jQuery: go to URL with target="_blank"

Question: How can I open the href in the new window or tab with jQuery?

var url = $(this).attr('href').attr('target','_blank');

How to run .sh on Windows Command Prompt?

On Windows 10 Anniversary Update, it's even easier to run shell commands in/with bash on ubuntu on windows

I was trying to set my region for my x-wrt r7000 netgear router, I found the following worked for me, using bash on ubuntu on windows, you do have to enable subsystem found in windows features, and dev mode on

ssh [email protected] < /mnt/c/

"Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly" when trying to start MySQL

I've got the same problem, and what worked for me is in THIS OTHER ANSWER.

I didn't replicated it here because it is NOT A CORRECT THING TO DO.

Basically is a re-install being sure to delete everything very well and using 32 bit versions.

How to convert List to Json in Java

For simplicity and well structured sake, use SpringMVC. It's just so simple.

public @ResponseBody List<String> getCarList() {
    return carService.getAllCars();

Reference and credit:

How exactly does the android:onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener?

Specifying android:onClick attribute results in Button instance calling setOnClickListener internally. Hence there is absolutely no difference.

To have clear understanding, let us see how XML onClick attribute is handled by the framework.

When a layout file is inflated, all Views specified in it are instantiated. In this specific case, the Button instance is created using public Button (Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) constructor. All of the attributes in the XML tag are read from the resource bundle and passed as AttributeSet to the constructor.

Button class is inherited from View class which results in View constructor being called, which takes care of setting the click call back handler via setOnClickListener.

The onClick attribute defined in attrs.xml, is referred in as R.styleable.View_onClick.

Here is the code of that does most of the work for you by calling setOnClickListener by itself.

 case R.styleable.View_onClick:
            if (context.isRestricted()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("The android:onClick attribute cannot "
                        + "be used within a restricted context");

            final String handlerName = a.getString(attr);
            if (handlerName != null) {
                setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                    private Method mHandler;

                    public void onClick(View v) {
                        if (mHandler == null) {
                            try {
                                mHandler = getContext().getClass().getMethod(handlerName,
                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                                int id = getId();
                                String idText = id == NO_ID ? "" : " with id '"
                                        + getContext().getResources().getResourceEntryName(
                                            id) + "'";
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find a method " +
                                        handlerName + "(View) in the activity "
                                        + getContext().getClass() + " for onClick handler"
                                        + " on view " + View.this.getClass() + idText, e);

                        try {
                            mHandler.invoke(getContext(), View.this);
                        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not execute non "
                                    + "public method of the activity", e);
                        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not execute "
                                    + "method of the activity", e);

As you can see, setOnClickListener is called to register the callback, as we do in our code. Only difference is it uses Java Reflection to invoke the callback method defined in our Activity.

Here are the reason for issues mentioned in other answers:

  • Callback method should be public : Since Java Class getMethod is used, only functions with public access specifier are searched for. Otherwise be ready to handle IllegalAccessException exception.
  • While using Button with onClick in Fragment, the callback should be defined in Activity : getContext().getClass().getMethod() call restricts the method search to the current context, which is Activity in case of Fragment. Hence method is searched within Activity class and not Fragment class.
  • Callback method should accept View parameter : Since Java Class getMethod searches for method which accepts View.class as parameter.

IE9 JavaScript error: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'ui': object is null or undefined

I have written code that sniffs IE4 or greater and is currently functioning perfectly in sites for my company's clients, as well as my own personal sites.

Include the following enumerated constant and function variables into a javascript include file on your page...

var BrowserTypes = {
    Unknown: 0,
    FireFox: 1,
    Chrome: 2,
    Safari: 3,
    IE: 4,
    IE7: 5,
    IE8: 6,
    IE9: 7,
    IE10: 8,
    IE11: 8,
    IE12: 8

var Browser = function () {
    try {
        var type;
        var version;
        var sVersion;

        switch (navigator.appName.toLowerCase()) {
            case "microsoft internet explorer":
                type = BrowserTypes.IE;
                sVersion = navigator.appVersion.substring(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') + 5, navigator.appVersion.length);
                version = parseFloat(sVersion.split(";")[0]);
                switch (parseInt(version)) {
                    case 7:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE7;
                    case 8:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE8;
                    case 9:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE9;
                    case 10:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE10;
                    case 11:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE11;
                    case 12:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE12;
            case "netscape":
                if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > -1) { type = BrowserTypes.Chrome; }
                else { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1) { type = BrowserTypes.FireFox } };
                type = BrowserTypes.Unknown;

        return type;
    } catch (ex) {

Then all you have to do is use any conditional functionality such as...

ie. value = (Browser() >= BrowserTypes.IE) ? node.text : node.textContent;

or WindowWidth = (((Browser() >= BrowserTypes.IE9) || (Browser() < BrowserTypes.IE)) ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth);

or sJSON = (Browser() >= BrowserTypes.IE) ? xmlElement.text : xmlElement.textContent;

Get the idea? Hope this helps.

Oh, you might want to keep it in mind to QA the Browser() function after IE10 is released, just to verify they didn't change the rules.

Write to .txt file?

Well, you need to first get a good book on C and understand the language.

FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("c:\\test.txt", "wb");
if(fp == null)
char x[10]="ABCDEFGHIJ";
fwrite(x, sizeof(x[0]), sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]), fp);

How to check if a String contains any of some strings

Here's a LINQ solution which is virtually the same but more scalable:

new[] { "a", "b", "c" }.Any(c => s.Contains(c))

AssertionError: View function mapping is overwriting an existing endpoint function: main

use flask 0.9 instead use the following commands sudo pip uninstall flask

sudo pip install flask==0.9

Convert Java Date to UTC String


Just use Instant of java.time.


This just printed:


Instant.toString always gives UTC time.

The output is usually sortable, but there are unfortunate exceptions. toString gives you enough groups of three decimals to render the precision it holds. On the Java 9 on my Mac the precision of seems to be microseconds, but we should expect that in approximately one case out of a thousand it will hit a whole number of milliseconds and print only three decimals. Strings with unequal numbers of decimals will be sorted in the wrong order (unless you write a custom comparator to take this into account).

Instant is one of the classes in java.time, the modern Java date and time API, which I warmly recommend that you use instead of the outdated Date class. java.time is built into Java 8 and later and has also been backported to Java 6 and 7.

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. > Could not delete folder "" in android studio

If it says:

The term 'gradlew' is not recognized

Then using following command

npm start -- --reset-cache

worked for me. cheers!

I want to exception handle 'list index out of range.'

You have two options; either handle the exception or test the length:

if len(dlist) > 1:


except IndexError:

Use the first if there often is no second item, the second if there sometimes is no second item.

How to use the CancellationToken property?

You can implement your work method as follows:

private static void Work(CancellationToken cancelToken)
    while (true)

That's it. You always need to handle cancellation by yourself - exit from method when it is appropriate time to exit (so that your work and data is in consistent state)

UPDATE: I prefer not writing while (!cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) because often there are few exit points where you can stop executing safely across loop body, and loop usually have some logical condition to exit (iterate over all items in collection etc.). So I believe it's better not to mix that conditions as they have different intention.

Cautionary note about avoiding CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested():

Comment in question by Eamon Nerbonne:

... replacing ThrowIfCancellationRequested with a bunch of checks for IsCancellationRequested exits gracefully, as this answer says. But that's not just an implementation detail; that affects observable behavior: the task will no longer end in the cancelled state, but in RanToCompletion. And that can affect not just explicit state checks, but also, more subtly, task chaining with e.g. ContinueWith, depending on the TaskContinuationOptions used. I'd say that avoiding ThrowIfCancellationRequested is dangerous advice.

How to change icon on Google map marker

we can change the icon of markers, i did it on right click event. Lets see if it works for you...

// Create a Marker
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: location,
    map: map,
    title:'Sample Tool Tip'

// Set Icon on any event
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "rightclick", function() {
        marker.setIcon('blank.png'); // set image path here...

programmatically add column & rows to WPF Datagrid

I found a solution that adds columns at runtime, and binds to a DataTable.

Unfortunately, with 47 columns defined this way, it doesn't bind to the data fast enough for me. Any suggestions?



xaml.cs using System.Windows.Data;

if (table != null) // table is a DataTable
  foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns)
      new DataGridTextColumn
        Header = col.ColumnName,
        Binding = new Binding(string.Format("[{0}]", col.ColumnName))

  dataGrid.DataContext = table;

Find control by name from Windows Forms controls

Use Control.ControlCollection.Find.

TextBox tbx = this.Controls.Find("textBox1", true).FirstOrDefault() as TextBox;
tbx.Text = "found!";

EDIT for asker:

Control[] tbxs = this.Controls.Find(txtbox_and_message[0,0], true);
if (tbxs != null && tbxs.Length > 0)
    tbxs[0].Text = "Found!";

How to enable Bootstrap tooltip on disabled button?

Try this example:

Tooltips must be initialized with jQuery: select the specified element and call the tooltip() method in JavaScript:

$(document).ready(function () {

Add CSS:

.tool-tip {
  display: inline-block;

.tool-tip [disabled] {
  pointer-events: none;

And your html:

<span class="tool-tip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="I am Tooltip">
    <button disabled="disabled">I am disabled</button>

Web API Put Request generates an Http 405 Method Not Allowed error

This simple problem can cause a real headache!

I can see your controller EDIT (PUT) method expects 2 parameters: a) an int id, and b) a department object.

It is the default code when you generate this from VS > add controller with read/write options. However, you have to remember to consume this service using the two parameters, otherwise you will get the error 405.

In my case, I did not need the id parameter for PUT, so I just dropped it from the header... after a few hours of not noticing it there! If you keep it there, then the name must also be retained as id, unless you go on to make necessary changes to your configurations.

Insert array into MySQL database with PHP

Here is my full solution to this based on the accepted answer.

Usage example:

$data = array('field1' => 'data1', 'field2'=> 'data2');
insertArr("databaseName.tableName", $data);


 * Class to initiate a new MySQL connection based on $dbInfo settings found in dbSettings.php
 * @example
 *    $db = new database(); // Initiate a new database connection
 *    mysql_close($db->get_link());
class database{
    protected $databaseLink;
    function __construct(){
        include "dbSettings.php";
        $this->database = $dbInfo['host'];
        $this->mysql_user = $dbInfo['user'];
        $this->mysql_pass = $dbInfo['pass'];
        return $this->get_link();
    function openConnection(){
    $this->databaseLink = mysql_connect($this->database, $this->mysql_user, $this->mysql_pass);

    function get_link(){
    return $this->databaseLink;

 * Insert an associative array into a MySQL database
 * @example
 *    $data = array('field1' => 'data1', 'field2'=> 'data2');
 *    insertArr("databaseName.tableName", $data);
function insertArr($tableName, $insData){
    $db = new database();
    $columns = implode(", ",array_keys($insData));
    $escaped_values = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', array_values($insData));
    foreach ($escaped_values as $idx=>$data) $escaped_values[$idx] = "'".$data."'";
    $values  = implode(", ", $escaped_values);
    $query = "INSERT INTO $tableName ($columns) VALUES ($values)";
    mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());


$dbInfo = array(
    'host'      => "localhost",
    'user'      => "root",
    'pass'      => "password"

How can I send an HTTP POST request to a server from Excel using VBA?

In addition to the anwser of Bill the Lizard:

Most of the backends parse the raw post data. In PHP for example, you will have an array $_POST in which individual variables within the post data will be stored. In this case you have to use an additional header "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded":

Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
URL = ""
objHTTP.Open "POST", URL, False
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objHTTP.send ("var1=value1&var2=value2&var3=value3")

Otherwise you have to read the raw post data on the variable "$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA".

How do I make the return type of a method generic?

 private static T[] prepareArray<T>(T[] arrayToCopy, T value)
        Array.Copy(arrayToCopy, 1, arrayToCopy, 0, arrayToCopy.Length - 1);
        arrayToCopy[arrayToCopy.Length - 1] = value;
        return (T[])arrayToCopy;

I was performing this throughout my code and wanted a way to put it into a method. I wanted to share this here because I didn't have to use the Convert.ChangeType for my return value. This may not be a best practice but it worked for me. This method takes in an array of generic type and a value to add to the end of the array. The array is then copied with the first value stripped and the value taken into the method is added to the end of the array. The last thing is that I return the generic array.

Remove row lines in twitter bootstrap

In Bootstrap 3 I've added a table-no-border class

.table-no-border>tfoot>tr>td {
  border-top: none; 

What's a clean way to stop mongod on Mac OS X?

If you installed mongodb with homebrew, there's an easier way:

List mongo job with launchctl:

launchctl list | grep mongo

Stop mongo job:

launchctl stop <job label>

(For me this is launchctl stop homebrew.mxcl.mongodb)

Start mongo job:

launchctl start <job label>

Sending mail attachment using Java

If you allow me, it works fine also for multi-attachments, the 1st above answer of NINCOMPOOP, with just a little modification like follows:

DataSource source,source2,source3,source4, ...;  
source = new FileDataSource(myfile);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));  

source2 = new FileDataSource(myfile2);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source2));  

source3 = new FileDataSource(myfile3);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source3));  

source4 = new FileDataSource(myfile4);  
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source4));  



Best way to copy a database (SQL Server 2008)

The fastest way to copy a database is to detach-copy-attach method, but the production users will not have database access while the prod db is detached. You can do something like this if your production DB is for example a Point of Sale system that nobody uses during the night.

If you cannot detach the production db you should use backup and restore.

You will have to create the logins if they are not in the new instance. I do not recommend you to copy the system databases.

You can use the SQL Server Management Studio to create the scripts that create the logins you need. Right click on the login you need to create and select Script Login As / Create.

This will lists the orphaned users:

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'

If you already have a login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user'

If you want to create a new login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user', 'login', 'password'

How can I center a div within another div?

This will work fine I think, though you might need to reset "top:200px;" according to your needs:

#main_content {
    top: 160px;
    left: 160px;
    width: 800px;
    min-height: 500px;
    height: auto;
    background-color: #2185C5;
    position: relative;
    border: 2px solid #CCCCCC;

#container {
    width: 100px;
    height: 20px;;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding-top: 10px;
    position: relative;
    top: 200px;
    border: 2px solid #CCCCCC;

PHP: How to remove specific element from an array?

if (in_array('strawberry', $array)) 

how to set select element as readonly ('disabled' doesnt pass select value on server)

without disabling the selected value on submitting..

$('#selectID option:not(:selected)').prop('disabled', true);

If you use Jquery version lesser than 1.7
$('#selectID option:not(:selected)').attr('disabled', true);

It works for me..

PHP function use variable from outside

I suppose this depends on your architecture and whatever else you may need to consider, but you could also take the object-oriented approach and use a class.

class ClassName {

    private $site_url;

    function __construct( $url ) {
        $this->site_url = $url;

    public function parts( string $part ) {
        echo 'http://' . $this->site_url . 'content/' . $part . '.php';

    # You could build a bunch of other things here
    # too and still have access to $this->site_url.

Then you can create and use the object wherever you'd like.

$obj = new ClassName($site_url);

This could be overkill for what OP was specifically trying to achieve, but it's at least an option I wanted to put on the table for newcomers since nobody mentioned it yet.

The advantage here is scalability and containment. For example, if you find yourself needing to pass the same variables as references to multiple functions for the sake of a common task, that could be an indicator that a class is in order.

How to display PDF file in HTML?

Portable Document Format (PDF).

  • Any Browser « Use _Embeddable Google Document Viewer to embed the PDF file in iframe.

    <iframe src="
        style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0">
  • Only for chrome browser « Chrome PDF viewer using plugin. pluginspage=

    <embed type="application/pdf" 
    width="100%" height="500" alt="pdf" pluginspage="" 
    background-color="0xFF525659" top-toolbar-height="56" full-frame="" internalinstanceid="21" 

Example Sippet:

   <body style=" height: 100%;">_x000D_
      <div style=" position: relative;">_x000D_
      <div style="width: 100%; /*overflow: auto;*/ position: relative;height: auto; margin-top: 70px;">_x000D_
         <p>An _x000D_
            <a href="" >image</a> is an artifact that depicts visual perception_x000D_
         <!-- To make div with scroll data [max-height: 500;]-->_x000D_
         <div style="/* overflow: scroll; */ max-height: 500; float: left; width: 49%; height: 100%; ">_x000D_
            <img width="" height="400" src="" title="Google" style="-webkit-user-select: none;background-position: 0px 0px, 10px 10px;background-size: 20px 20px;background-image:linear-gradient(45deg, #eee 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, #eee 75%, #eee 100%),linear-gradient(45deg, #eee 25%, white 25%, white 75%, #eee 75%, #eee 100%);cursor: zoom-in;" />_x000D_
            <p>Streaming an Image form Response Stream (binary data) «  This buffers the output in smaller chunks of data rather than sending the entire image as a single block. _x000D_
               <a href="" >StreamToBrowser</a>_x000D_
         <div style="float: left; width: 10%; background-color: red;"></div>_x000D_
         <div style="float: left;width: 49%; ">_x000D_
            <img width="" height="400" src="" alt="Red dot"/>_x000D_
            <p>Streaming an Image form Base64 String « embedding images directly into your HTML._x000D_
               <a href="">_x000D_
               <sup>Data URI scheme</sup>_x000D_
               <a href="">_x000D_
               <sup>, Convert Your Image to Base64</sup>_x000D_
            <pre>data:[&lt;media type&gt;][;base64],&lt;data&gt;</pre>_x000D_
      <div style="width: 100%;overflow: auto;position: relative;height: auto; margin-top: 70px;">_x000D_
      <video style="height: 500px;width: 100%;" name="media" controls="controls">_x000D_
         <!-- autoplay -->_x000D_
         <source src="" type="video/mp4">_x000D_
         <source src="" type="video/ogg">_x000D_
      <p>Video courtesy of _x000D_
         <a href="" >Big Buck Bunny</a>._x000D_
         <div style="width: 100%;overflow: auto;position: relative;height: auto; margin-top: 70px;">_x000D_
            <p>Portable Document Format _x000D_
               <a href="" >(PDF)</a>._x000D_
            <div style="float: left;width: 49%; overflow: auto;position: relative;height: auto;">_x000D_
               <embed type="application/pdf" src="" width="100%" height="500" alt="pdf" pluginspage="" background-color="0xFF525659" top-toolbar-height="56" full-frame="" internalinstanceid="21" title="CHROME">_x000D_
               <p>Chrome PDF viewer _x000D_
                  <a href="!topic/chrome/MP_1qzVgemo">_x000D_
                  <a href="">_x000D_
                  <sup> (surfingkeys)</sup>_x000D_
            <div style="float: left; width: 10%; background-color: red;"></div>_x000D_
            <div style="float: left;width: 49%; ">_x000D_
               <iframe src="" style="" width="100%" height="500px" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen=""></iframe>_x000D_
               <p>Embeddable _x000D_
                  <a href="" >Google</a> Document Viewer. Here's the code I used to embed the PDF file: _x000D_
&lt;iframe _x000D_
url=" _x000D_
style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;_x000D_

What is uintptr_t data type

Running the risk of getting another Necromancer badge, I would like to add one very good use for uintptr_t (or even intptr_t) and that is writing testable embedded code. I write mostly embedded code targeted at various arm and currently tensilica processors. These have various native bus width and the tensilica is actually a Harvard architecture with separate code and data buses that can be different widths. I use a test driven development style for much of my code which means I do unit tests for all the code units I write. Unit testing on actual target hardware is a hassle so I typically write everything on an Intel based PC either in Windows or Linux using Ceedling and GCC. That being said, a lot of embedded code involves bit twiddling and address manipulations. Most of my Intel machines are 64 bit. So if you are going to test address manipulation code you need a generalized object to do math on. Thus the uintptr_t give you a machine independent way of debugging your code before you try deploying to target hardware. Another issue is for the some machines or even memory models on some compilers, function pointers and data pointers are different widths. On those machines the compiler may not even allow casting between the two classes, but uintptr_t should be able to hold either. -- Edit -- Was pointed out by @chux, this is not part of the standard and functions are not objects in C. However it usually works and since many people don't even know about these types I usually leave a comment explaining the trickery. Other searches in SO on uintptr_t will provide further explanation. Also we do things in unit testing that we would never do in production because breaking things is good.

What is the "double tilde" (~~) operator in JavaScript?

It hides the intention of the code.

It's two single tilde operators, so it does a bitwise complement (bitwise not) twice. The operations take out each other, so the only remaining effect is the conversion that is done before the first operator is applied, i.e. converting the value to an integer number.

Some use it as a faster alternative to Math.floor, but the speed difference is not that dramatic, and in most cases it's just micro optimisation. Unless you have a piece of code that really needs to be optimised, you should use code that descibes what it does instead of code that uses a side effect of a non-operation.

Update 2011-08:

With optimisation of the JavaScript engine in browsers, the performance for operators and functions change. With current browsers, using ~~ instead of Math.floor is somewhat faster in some browsers, and not faster at all in some browsers. If you really need that extra bit of performance, you would need to write different optimised code for each browser.

See: tilde vs floor

Concatenating bits in VHDL

You are not allowed to use the concatenation operator with the case statement. One possible solution is to use a variable within the process:

   variable bcat : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
   bcat := b0 & b1 & b2 & b3;
   case bcat is
      when "0000" => x <= 1;
      when others => x <= 2;
   end case;
end process;

Default fetch type for one-to-one, many-to-one and one-to-many in Hibernate

For Single valued associations, i.e.-One-to-One and Many-to-One:-
Default Lazy=proxy
Proxy lazy loading:- This implies a proxy object of your associated entity is loaded. This means that only the id connecting the two entities is loaded for the proxy object of associated entity.
Eg: A and B are two entities with Many to one association. ie: There may be multiple A's for every B. Every object of A will contain a reference of B.

public class A{
    int aid;
    //some other A parameters;
    B b;
public class B{
    int bid;
     //some other B parameters;

The relation A will contain columns(aid,bid,...other columns of entity A).
The relation B will contain columns(bid,...other columns of entity B)

Proxy implies when A is fetched, only id is fetched for B and stored into a proxy object of B which contains only id. Proxy object of B is a an object of a proxy-class which is a subclass of B with only minimal fields. Since bid is already part of relation A, it is not necessary to fire a query to get bid from the relation B. Other attributes of entity B are lazily loaded only when a field other than bid is accessed.

For Collections, i.e.-Many-to-Many and One-to-Many:-
Default Lazy=true

Please also note that the fetch strategy(select,join etc) can override lazy. ie: If lazy='true' and fetch='join', fetching of A will also fetch B or Bs(In case of collections). You can get the reason if you think about it.
Default fetch for single valued association is "join".
Default fetch for collections is "select". Please verify the last two lines. I have deduced that logically.

symfony2 : failed to write cache directory

I move the whole directory from my Windows installation to a unix production server and I got the same error. To fix it, I just ran these two lines in unix and everything started to run fine

rm -rf app/cache/*
rm -rf app/logs/*

A JOIN With Additional Conditions Using Query Builder or Eloquent

The sql query sample like this

LEFT JOIN bookings  
    ON = bookings.room_type_id
    AND (bookings.arrival = ?
        OR bookings.departure = ?)

Laravel join with multiple conditions

->leftJoin('bookings', function($join) use ($param1, $param2) {
    $join->on('', '=', 'bookings.room_type_id');
    $join->on(function($query) use ($param1, $param2) {
        $query->on('bookings.arrival', '=', $param1);
        $query->orOn('departure', '=',$param2);

How do I POST JSON data with cURL?

You could also put your JSON content in a file and pass it to curl using the --upload-file option via standard input, like this:

 echo 'my.awesome.json.function({"do" : "whatever"})' | curl -X POST "http://url" -T -

What is the size of ActionBar in pixels?

To retrieve the height of the ActionBar in XML, just use


or if you're an ActionBarSherlock or AppCompat user, use this


If you need this value at runtime, use this

final TypedArray styledAttributes = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
                    new int[] { android.R.attr.actionBarSize });
mActionBarSize = (int) styledAttributes.getDimension(0, 0);

If you need to understand where this is defined:

  1. The attribute name itself is defined in the platform's /res/values/attrs.xml
  2. The platform's themes.xml picks this attribute and assigns a value to it.
  3. The value assigned in step 2 depends on different device sizes, which are defined in various dimens.xml files in the platform, ie. core/res/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml

WPF: simple TextBox data binding

Just for future needs.

In Visual Studio 2013 with .NET Framework 4.5, for a window property, try adding ElementName=window to make it work.

<Grid Name="myGrid" Height="437.274">
  <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name2, ElementName=window}"/>

Pandas sum by groupby, but exclude certain columns

If you are looking for a more generalized way to apply to many columns, what you can do is to build a list of column names and pass it as the index of the grouped dataframe. In your case, for example:

columns = ['Y'+str(i) for year in range(1967, 2011)]


There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'xxx'

In my case, I found that I set the post method as private mistakenly. after changing private to public.

private async Task<ActionResult> OnPostRemoveForecasting(){}

change to

public async Task<ActionResult> OnPostRemoveForecasting(){}

Now works fine.

Creating a file name as a timestamp in a batch job

For French Locale (France) ONLY, be careful because / appears in the date :

echo %DATE%

For our problem of log file, here is my proposal for French Locale ONLY:

set LOGFILE_DATE=%DATE:~6,4%.%DATE:~3,2%.%DATE:~0,2%
set LOGFILE_TIME=%TIME:~0,2%.%TIME:~3,2%
rem log-2014.05.19-22.18.txt
command > %LOGFILE%

JTable How to refresh table model after insert delete or update the data.

DefaultTableModel dm = (DefaultTableModel)table.getModel();
dm.fireTableDataChanged(); // notifies the JTable that the model has changed

How to access private data members outside the class without making "friend"s?

You can't. That member is private, it's not visible outside the class. That's the whole point of the public/protected/private modifiers.

(You could probably use dirty pointer tricks though, but my guess is that you'd enter undefined behavior territory pretty fast.)

Remove a HTML tag but keep the innerHtml

You can also use .replaceWith(), like this:

$("b").replaceWith(function() { return $(this).contents(); });

Or if you know it's just a string:

$("b").replaceWith(function() { return this.innerHTML; });

This can make a big difference if you're unwrapping a lot of elements since either approach above is significantly faster than the cost of .unwrap().

CSS Div stretch 100% page height

I ran into the same problem as you. I wanted to make a DIV as background, why, because its easy to manipulate div through javascript. Anyways three things I did in the css for that div.



Simple Popup by using Angular JS

Built a modal popup example using syarul's jsFiddle link. Here is the updated fiddle.

Created an angular directive called modal and used in html. Explanation:-


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="container">
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Success')" class="btn btn-default">Success</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Remove')" class="btn btn-default">Remove</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Deny')" class="btn btn-default">Deny</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Cancel')" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>
  <modal visible="showModal">
      Any additional data / buttons

On button click toggleModal() function is called with the button message as parameter. This function toggles the visibility of popup. Any tags that you put inside will show up in the popup as content since ng-transclude is placed on modal-body in the directive template.


var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $scope.buttonClicked = "";
    $scope.toggleModal = function(btnClicked){
        $scope.buttonClicked = btnClicked;
        $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ buttonClicked }} clicked!!</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.title = attrs.title;

        scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;


<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="mymodal">


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="container">
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Success')" class="btn btn-default">Success</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Remove')" class="btn btn-default">Remove</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Deny')" class="btn btn-default">Deny</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Cancel')" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>
  <modal visible="showModal">
      Any additional data / buttons
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <!-- Scripts -->
    <script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

    <!-- App -->
        var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $scope.buttonClicked = "";
    $scope.toggleModal = function(btnClicked){
        $scope.buttonClicked = btnClicked;
        $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ buttonClicked }} clicked!!</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
          scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;


UPDATE 2 restrict : 'E' : directive to be used as an HTML tag (element). Example in our case is


Other values are 'A' for attribute

<div modal>

'C' for class (not preferable in our case because modal is already a class in bootstrap.css)

<div class="modal">

Calculate median in c#

I have an histogram with the variable : group
Here how I calculate my median :

int[] group = new int[nbr]; 

// -- Fill the group with values---

// sum all data in median
int median = 0;
for (int i =0;i<nbr;i++) median += group[i];

// then divide by 2 
median = median / 2;

// find 50% first part 
for (int i = 0; i < nbr; i++)
   median -= group[i];
   if (median <= 0)
      median = i;

median is the group index of median

How to display Oracle schema size with SQL query?

select T.TABLE_NAME, T.TABLESPACE_NAME, t.avg_row_len*t.num_rows from dba_tables t
order by T.TABLE_NAME asc

See e.g. for more options

Html Agility Pack get all elements by class

You can solve your issue by using the 'contains' function within your Xpath query, as below:

var allElementsWithClassFloat = 

To reuse this in a function do something similar to the following:

string classToFind = "float";    
var allElementsWithClassFloat = 
   _doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//*[contains(@class,'{0}')]", classToFind));

How to restart service using command prompt?

PowerShell features a Restart-Service cmdlet, which either starts or restarts the service as appropriate.

The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error.

You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass an object that represents each service that you want to restart.

It is a little more foolproof than running two separate commands.

The easiest way to use it just pass either the service name or the display name directly:

Restart-Service 'Service Name'

It can be used directly from the standard cmd prompt with a command like:

powershell -command "Restart-Service 'Service Name'"

Git checkout - switching back to HEAD

You can stash (save the changes in temporary box) then, back to master branch HEAD.

$ git add .
$ git stash
$ git checkout master

Jump Over Commits Back and Forth:

  • Go to a specific commit-sha.

      $ git checkout <commit-sha>
  • If you have uncommitted changes here then, you can checkout to a new branch | Add | Commit | Push the current branch to the remote.

      # checkout a new branch, add, commit, push
      $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m 'Commit message'
      $ git push origin HEAD          # push the current branch to remote 
      $ git checkout master           # back to master branch now
  • If you have changes in the specific commit and don't want to keep the changes, you can do stash or reset then checkout to master (or, any other branch).

      # stash
      $ git add -A
      $ git stash
      $ git checkout master
      # reset
      $ git reset --hard HEAD
      $ git checkout master
  • After checking out a specific commit if you have no uncommitted change(s) then, just back to master or other branch.

      $ git status          # see the changes
      $ git checkout master
      # or, shortcut
      $ git checkout -      # back to the previous state

How to view file history in Git?

Use git log to view the commit history. Each commit has an associated revision specifier that is a hash key (e.g. 14b8d0982044b0c49f7a855e396206ee65c0e787 and b410ad4619d296f9d37f0db3d0ff5b9066838b39). To view the difference between two different commits, use git diff with the first few characters of the revision specifiers of both commits, like so:

# diff between commits 14b8... and b410...
git diff 14b8..b410
# only include diff of specified files
git diff 14b8..b410 path/to/file/a path/to/file/b

If you want to get an overview over all the differences that happened from commit to commit, use git log or git whatchanged with the patch option:

# include patch displays in the commit history
git log -p
git whatchanged -p
# only get history of those commits that touch specified paths
git log path/a path/b
git whatchanged path/c path/d

Representing Directory & File Structure in Markdown Syntax

I followed an example in another repository and wrapped the directory structure within a pair of triple backticks (```):

¦   file001.txt    
¦   ¦   file011.txt
¦   ¦   file012.txt
¦   ¦
¦   +---subfolder1
¦       ¦   file111.txt
¦       ¦   file112.txt
¦       ¦   ...
    ¦   file021.txt
    ¦   file022.txt

How to retrieve raw post data from HttpServletRequest in java

This worked for me: (notice that java 8 is required)

String requestData = request.getReader().lines().collect(Collectors.joining());
UserJsonParser u = gson.fromJson(requestData, UserJsonParser.class);

UserJsonParse is a class that shows gson how to parse the json formant.

class is like that:

public class UserJsonParser {

    private String username;
    private String name;
    private String lastname;
    private String mail;
    private String pass1;
//then put setters and getters

the json string that is parsed is like that:

$jsonData: {    "username": "testuser",    "pass1": "clave1234" }

The rest of values (mail, lastname, name) are set to null

Progress Bar with HTML and CSS

I like this one:

very slick with only this as HTML and the rest CSS3 that is backwards compatible (although it will have less eyecandy)

Edit Added code below, but taken directly from the page above, all credit to that author

.meter {_x000D_
  height: 20px;_x000D_
  /* Can be anything */_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  background: #555;_x000D_
  -moz-border-radius: 25px;_x000D_
  -webkit-border-radius: 25px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 25px;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);_x000D_
  -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);_x000D_
  box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);_x000D_
.meter>span {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 8px;_x000D_
  -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;_x000D_
  -moz-border-radius-topright: 8px;_x000D_
  -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 8px;_x000D_
  border-top-right-radius: 8px;_x000D_
  border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;_x000D_
  -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 20px;_x000D_
  -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;_x000D_
  -moz-border-radius-topleft: 20px;_x000D_
  -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 20px;_x000D_
  border-top-left-radius: 20px;_x000D_
  border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;_x000D_
  background-color: #f1a165;_x000D_
  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #f1a165), color-stop(1, #f36d0a));_x000D_
  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f1a165, #f36d0a);_x000D_
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f1a165, #f36d0a);_x000D_
  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f1a165, #f36d0a);_x000D_
  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f1a165, #f36d0a);_x000D_
  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 2px 9px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), inset 0 -2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);_x000D_
  -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 2px 9px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), inset 0 -2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
<div class="meter">_x000D_
  <span style="width: 33%"></span>_x000D_
  <!-- I use my viewmodel in MVC to calculate the progress and then use @Model.progress to place it in my HTML with Razor -->_x000D_

Eclipse add Tomcat 7 blank server name

In my case, the tomcat directory was owned by root, and I was not running eclipse as root.

So I had to

sudo chown -R  $USER apache-tomcat-VERSION/

Shell Scripting: Using a variable to define a path

To add to the above correct answer :- For my case in shell, this code worked (working on sqoop)

--options-file  $ROOT_PATH/query.txt

jquery $('.class').each() how many items?

If you are using a version of jQuery that is less than version 1.8 you can use the $('.class').size() which takes zero parameters. See documentation for more information on .size() method.

However if you are using (or plan to upgrade) to 1.8 or greater you can use $('.class').length property. See documentation for more information on .length property.

Using tr to replace newline with space

Best guess is you are on windows and your line ending settings are set for windows. See this topic: How to change line-ending settings

or use:

tr '\r\n' ' '

Format ints into string of hex

From Python documentation. Using the built in format() function you can specify hexadecimal base using an 'x' or 'X' Example:

x= 255 print('the number is {:x}'.format(x))


the number is ff

Here are the base options

'b' Binary format. Outputs the number in base 2. 'c' Character. Converts the integer to the corresponding unicode character before printing. 'd' Decimal Integer. Outputs the number in base 10. 'o' Octal format. Outputs the number in base 8. 'x' Hex format. Outputs the number in base 16, using lower- case letters for the digits above 9. 'X' Hex format. Outputs the number in base 16, using upper- case letters for the digits above 9. 'n' Number. This is the same as 'd', except that it uses the current locale setting to insert the appropriate number separator characters. None The same as 'd'.

Why does my favicon not show up?

  1. Is it really a .ico, or is it just named ".ico"?
  2. What browser are you testing in?

The absolutely easiest way to have a favicon is to place an icon called "favicon.ico" in the root folder. That just works everywhere, no code needed at all.

If you must have it in a subdirectory, use:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/img/favicon.ico" />

Note the / before img to ensure it is anchored to the root folder.

curl posting with header application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Try something like:


$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
$result = curl_exec($ch);

echo $result;

Linux Script to check if process is running and act on the result

I have adopted your script for my situation Jotne.

#! /bin/bash


case "$(pidof oscam1 | wc -w)" in

0)  echo "oscam1 not running, restarting oscam1:     $(date)" >> $logfile
    /usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1 &
2)  echo "oscam1 running, all OK:     $(date)" >> $logfile
*)  echo "multiple instances of oscam1 running. Stopping & restarting oscam1:     $(date)" >> $logfile
    kill $(pidof oscam1 | awk '{print $1}')

While I was testing, I ran into a problem.. I started 3 extra process's of oscam1 with this line: /usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1 which left me with 8 process for oscam1. the problem is this.. When I run the script, It only kills 2 process's at a time, so I would have to run it 3 times to get it down to 2 process..

Other than killall -9 oscam1 followed by /usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1, in *)is there any better way to killall apart from the original process? So there would be zero downtime?

How to pass multiple parameters from ajax to mvc controller?

function toggleCheck(employeeId) {
    var data =  'referenceid= '+ employeeId +'&referencestatus=' 1;
        type : 'POST',
        url : 'edit',
        data : data,
        cache: false,
        async : false,
        success : function(employeeId) {
            window.redirect = "Users.jsp";


Oracle pl-sql escape character (for a " ' ")

Your question implies that you're building the INSERT statement up by concatenating strings together. I suggest that this is a poor choice as it leaves you open to SQL injection attacks if the strings are derived from user input. A better choice is to use parameter markers and to bind the values to the markers. If you search for Oracle parameter markers you'll probably find some information for your specific implementation technology (e.g. C# and ADO, Java and JDBC, Ruby and RubyDBI, etc).

Share and enjoy.

Remove innerHTML from div

To remove all child elements from your div:


.removeData() and the corresponding .data() function are used to attach data behind an element, say if you wanted to note that a specific list element referred to user ID 25 in your database:

var $li = $('<li>Joe</li>').data('id', 25);


A missing intermediate certificate might be the problem.

You may want to check your https://hostname with curl, openssl or a website like

No idea why Chrome (possibly) sometimes has problems validating these certs.

Difference between array_push() and $array[] =

explain: 1.the first one declare the variable in array.

2.the second array_push method is used to push the string in the array variable.

3.finally it will print the result.

4.the second method is directly store the string in the array.

5.the data is printed in the array values in using print_r method.

this two are same

Show/hide widgets in Flutter programmatically

bool _visible = false;

 void _toggle() {
    setState(() {
      _visible = !_visible;

onPressed: _toggle,

            child: new Container(
            child: new  Container(
              padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(15.0, 0.0, 15.0, 10.0),
              child: new Material(
                elevation: 10.0,
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(25.0),
                child: new ListTile(
                  leading: new Icon(,
                  title: new TextField(
                    controller: controller,
                    decoration: new InputDecoration(
                        hintText: 'Search for brands and products', border: InputBorder.none,),
                    onChanged: onSearchTextChanged,
                  trailing: new IconButton(icon: new Icon(Icons.cancel), onPressed: () {

Initializing entire 2D array with one value

To initialize 2d array with zero use the below method: int arr[n][m] = {};

NOTE : The above method will only work to initialize with 0;

Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?

Try following, which will convert convert single and double digit numbers to 3 digit numbers by prefixing zeros.

var base_number = 2;
var zero_prefixed_string = ("000" + base_number).slice(-3);

How to select a single field for all documents in a MongoDB collection?

I just want to add to the answers that if you want to display a field that is nested in another object, you can use the following syntax

db.collection.find( {}, {{'object.key': true}})

Here key is present inside the object named object

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d2ef0702385"), "object" : { "key" : "value" } }

How to compare strings in sql ignoring case?

To avoid string conversions comparisons, use COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.


SELECT UserName FROM Users
WHERE UserName **COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS** = 'Angel'

That will return any usernames, whether ANGEL, angel, or Angel, etc.

Android: View.setID(int id) programmatically - how to avoid ID conflicts?

(This was a comment to dilettante's answer but it got too long...hehe)

Of course a static is not needed here. You could use SharedPreferences to save, instead of static. Either way, the reason is to save the current progress so that its not too slow for complicated layouts. Because, in fact, after its used once, it will be rather fast later. However, I dont feel this is a good way to do it because if you have to rebuild your screen again (say onCreate gets called again), then you probably want to start over from the beginning anyhow, eliminating the need for static. Therefore, just make it an instance variable instead of static.

Here is a smaller version that runs a bit faster and might be easier to read:

int fID = 0;

public int findUnusedId() {
    while( findViewById(++fID) != null );
    return fID;

This above function should be sufficient. Because, as far as I can tell, android-generated IDs are in the billions, so this will probably return 1 the first time and always be quite fast. Because, it wont actually be looping past the used IDs to find an unused one. However, the loop is there should it actually find a used ID.

However, if you still want the progress saved between subsequent recreations of your app, and want to avoid using static. Here is the SharedPreferences version:

SharedPreferences sp = getSharedPreferences("your_pref_name", MODE_PRIVATE);

public int findUnusedId() {
    int fID = sp.getInt("find_unused_id", 0);
    while( findViewById(++fID) != null );
    SharedPreferences.Editor spe = sp.edit();
    spe.putInt("find_unused_id", fID);
    return fID;

This answer to a similar question should tell you everything you need to know about IDs with android:

EDIT/FIX: Just realized I totally goofed up the save. I must have been drunk.

How to use bootstrap-theme.css with bootstrap 3?

Upon downloading Bootstrap 3.x, you'll get bootstrap.css and bootstrap-theme.css (not to mention the minified versions of these files that are also present).


bootstrap.css is completely styled and ready to use, if such is your desire. It is perhaps a bit plain but it is ready and it is there.

You do not need to use bootstrap-theme.css if you don't want to and things will be just fine.


bootstrap-theme.css is just what the name of the file is trying to suggest: it is a theme for bootstrap that is creatively considered 'THE bootstrap theme'. The name of the file confuses things just a bit since the base bootstrap.css already has styling applied and I, for one, would consider those styles to be the default. But that conclusion is apparently incorrect in light of things said in the Bootstrap documentation's examples section in regard to this bootstrap-theme.css file:

"Load the optional Bootstrap theme for a visually enhanced experience."

The above quote is found here on a thumbnail that links to this example page The idea is that bootstrap-theme.css is THE bootstrap theme AND it's optional.

Themes at

About the themes at These themes are not implemented like bootstrap-theme.css. The BootSwatch themes are modified versions of the original bootstrap.css. So, you should definitely NOT use a theme from BootSwatch AND the bootstrap-theme.css file at the same time.

Custom Theme

About Your Own Custom Theme: You might choose to modify bootstrap-theme.css when creating your own theme. Doing so may make it easier to make styling changes without accidentally breaking any of that built-in Bootstrap goodness.

Angular : Manual redirect to route

Angular routing : Manual navigation

First you need to import the angular router :

import {Router} from "@angular/router"

Then inject it in your component constructor :

constructor(private router: Router) { }

And finally call the .navigate method anywhere you need to "redirect" :


You can also put some parameters on your route, like user/5 :

this.router.navigate(['/user', 5])

Documentation: Angular official documentaiton

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE"

Run package declaration and body separately.

React Router with optional path parameter

for react-router V5 and above use below syntax for multiple paths

          path={[path1, path2]}

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

For anyone returning to this question. The correct "Angular Way" to remove items from an array is with $filter. Just inject $filter into your controller and do the following:

$scope.items = $filter('filter')($scope.items, {name: '!ted'})

You don't need to load any additional libraries or resort to Javascript primitives.

How to change the URL from "localhost" to something else, on a local system using wampserver?

WINDOWS + MAMP solution

Step 1
Go to S:\MAMPenter code here \bin\apache\conf\
open httpd.conf file and change
#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
i.e. uncomment the line so that it can includes the virtual hosts file.

Step 2
Go to S:\MAMP\bin\apache\conf\extra
and open httpd-vhosts.conf file and add the following code

<VirtualHost myWebsite.local>
    DocumentRoot "S:\MAMP\htdocs/myWebsite/"
    ServerName myWebsite.local
    ServerAlias myWebsite.local
    <Directory "S:\MAMP\htdocsmyWebsite/">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

change myWebsite.local and S:\MAMP\htdocs/myWebsite/ as per your requirements.

Step 3
Open hosts file in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/ and add the following line ( Don't delete anything ) myWebsite.local

change myWebsite.local as per your name requirements

Step 4
restart your server. That's it

How to do a num_rows() on COUNT query in codeigniter?


The number of rows returned by the query. Note: In this example, $query is the variable that the query result object is assigned to:

$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM my_table');

echo $query->num_rows();

docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

It's a shame that we need multiple ARG too, it results in multiple layers and slows down the build because of that, and for anyone also wondering that, currently there is no way to set multiple ARGs.

Only mkdir if it does not exist

mkdir -p

-p, --parents no error if existing, make parent directories as needed

How can I debug a .BAT script?

Or.... Call your main .bat file from another .bat file and output the result to a result file i.e.

runner.bat > mainresults.txt

Where runner.bat calls the main .bat file

You should see all the actions performed in the main .bat file now

Truncate a SQLite table if it exists?

It is the two step process:

  1. Delete all data from that table using:

    Delete from TableName
  2. Then:


jQuery onclick toggle class name

jQuery has a toggleClass function:

<button class="switch">Click me</button>

<div class="text-block collapsed pressed">some text</div>

    $('.switch').on('click', function(e) {
      $('.text-block').toggleClass("collapsed pressed"); //you can list several class names 

exec failed because the name not a valid identifier?

Try this instead in the end:

exec (@query)

If you do not have the brackets, SQL Server assumes the value of the variable to be a stored procedure name.


EXECUTE sp_executesql @query

And it should not be because of FULL JOIN.
But I hope you have already created the temp tables: #TrafficFinal, #TrafficFinal2, #TrafficFinal3 before this.

Please note that there are performance considerations between using EXEC and sp_executesql. Because sp_executesql uses forced statement caching like an sp.
More details here.

On another note, is there a reason why you are using dynamic sql for this case, when you can use the query as is, considering you are not doing any query manipulations and executing it the way it is?

How to get cookie expiration date / creation date from javascript?

you can't get the expiration date of a cookie through javascript because when you try to read the cookie from javascript the document.cookie return just the name and the value of the cookie as pairs

Conditional formatting using AND() function

I am currently responsible for an Excel application with a lot of legacy code. One of the slowest pieces of this code was looping through 500 Rows in 6 Columns, setting conditional formatting formulae for each. The formulae are to identify where the cell contents are non-blank but do not form part of a Named Range, therefore referring twice to the cell itself, originally written as:


Obviously the overheads would be much reduced by updating all Cells in each Column (Range) at once. However, as noted above, using ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN(),n) does not work in this circumstance, i.e. this does not work:


I experimented extensively with a blank workbook and could find no way around this, using various alternatives such as ISBLANK. In the end, to get around this, I created two User-Defined Functions (using a tip I found elsewhere on this site):

Public Function returnCellContent() As Variant

  returnCellContent = Application.Caller.Value

End Function

Public Function Cell_HasContent() As Boolean

  If Application.Caller.Value = "" Then
    Cell_HasContent = False
    Cell_HasContent = True
  End If

End Function

The conditional formula is now:


which works fine.

This has sped the code up, in Excel 2010, from 5s to 1s. Because this code is run whenever data is loaded into the application, this saving is significant and noticeable to the user. It's also a lot cleaner and reusable.

I've taken the time to post this because I could not find any answers on this site or elsewhere that cover all of the circumstances, whilst I'm sure that there are others who could benefit from the above approach, potentially with much larger numbers of cells to update.

What does servletcontext.getRealPath("/") mean and when should I use it

My Method:

protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    try {
        String path = request.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/");
        Properties p = new Properties();
        p.load(new FileInputStream(path));

        String StringConexion=p.getProperty("StringConexion");
        String User=p.getProperty("User");
        String Password=p.getProperty("Password");
    catch(Exception e){
        String msg = "Excepcion " + e;

How do I avoid the specification of the username and password at every git push?

Running the below command solved the problem for me.

git config --global credential.helper wincred

Please refer the below github documentation:

Is it possible to write data to file using only JavaScript?

Yes its possible Here the code is

const fs = require('fs') 
let data = "Learning how to write in a file."
fs.writeFile('Output.txt', data, (err) => { 
    // In case of a error throw err. 
    if (err) throw err; 

What is the best open XML parser for C++?

TinyXML can be best for simple XML work but if you need more features then try Xerces from the apache project. Go to the following page to read more about its features.

Printing out a linked list using toString

I do it the following way:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

String toString() {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    for(Object item:this) {
        result.append("\n"); //optional
    return result.toString();

What is the Eclipse shortcut for "public static void main(String args[])"?

As bmargulies mentioned:


enter image description here

enter image description here

Now, type psvm then Ctrl + Space on Mac or Windows.

Is the size of C "int" 2 bytes or 4 bytes?

Is the size of C “int” 2 bytes or 4 bytes?

Does an Integer variable in C occupy 2 bytes or 4 bytes?

C allows "bytes" to be something other than 8 bits per "byte".

CHAR_BIT number of bits for smallest object that is not a bit-field (byte) C11dr § 1

A value of something than 8 is increasingly uncommon. For maximum portability, use CHAR_BIT rather than 8. The size of an int in bits in C is sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT.

#include <limits.h>
printf("(int) Bit size %zu\n", sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT);

What are the factors that it depends on?

The int bit size is commonly 32 or 16 bits. C specified minimum ranges:

minimum value for an object of type int INT_MIN -32767
maximum value for an object of type int INT_MAX +32767
C11dr § 1

The minimum range for int forces the bit size to be at least 16 - even if the processor was "8-bit". A size like 64 bits is seen in specialized processors. Other values like 18, 24, 36, etc. have occurred on historic platforms or are at least theoretically possible. Modern coding rarely worries about non-power-of-2 int bit sizes.

The computer's processor and architecture drive the int bit size selection.

Yet even with 64-bit processors, the compiler's int size may be 32-bit for compatibility reasons as large code bases depend on int being 32-bit (or 32/16).

Java2D: Increase the line width

What is Stroke:

The BasicStroke class defines a basic set of rendering attributes for the outlines of graphics primitives, which are rendered with a Graphics2D object that has its Stroke attribute set to this BasicStroke.

Note that the Stroke setting:

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));

is setting the line width,since BasicStroke(float width):

Constructs a solid BasicStroke with the specified line width and with default values for the cap and join styles.

And, it also effects other methods like Graphics2D.drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) and Graphics2D.drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height):

The methods of the Graphics2D interface that use the outline Shape returned by a Stroke object include draw and any other methods that are implemented in terms of that method, such as drawLine, drawRect, drawRoundRect, drawOval, drawArc, drawPolyline, and drawPolygon.

jQuery add text to span within a div

You can use:

$("#tagscloud span").text("Your text here");

The same code will also work for the second case. You could also use:

$("#tagscloud #WebPartCaptionWPQ2").text("Your text here");

How do I test which class an object is in Objective-C?

What means about isKindOfClass in Apple Documentation

Be careful when using this method on objects represented by a class cluster. Because of the nature of class clusters, the object you get back may not always be the type you expected. If you call a method that returns a class cluster, the exact type returned by the method is the best indicator of what you can do with that object. For example, if a method returns a pointer to an NSArray object, you should not use this method to see if the array is mutable, as shown in the following code:

if ([myArray isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]])
    // Modify the object

If you use such constructs in your code, you might think it is alright to modify an object that in reality should not be modified. Doing so might then create problems for other code that expected the object to remain unchanged.

Foreign Key Django Model

I would advise, it is slightly better practise to use string model references for ForeignKey relationships if utilising an app based approach to seperation of logical concerns .

So, expanding on Martijn Pieters' answer:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    birthday = models.DateField()
    anniversary = models.ForeignKey(
        'app_label.Anniversary', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    address = models.ForeignKey(
        'app_label.Address', on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class Address(models.Model):
    line1 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    line2 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    postalcode = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    city = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=150)

class Anniversary(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()

How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

Try using double quotes if it's a char variable:

DEFINE stupidvar = "'stupidvarcontent'";


DEFINE stupidvar = 'stupidvarcontent';

SELECT stupiddata  
FROM stupidtable  
WHERE stupidcolumn = '&stupidvar'


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 25 17:13:26 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

SQL> conn od/od@etalon
SQL> define var = "'FL-208'";
SQL> select code from product where code = &var;
old   1: select code from product where code = &var
new   1: select code from product where code = 'FL-208'


SQL> define var = 'FL-208';
SQL> select code from product where code = &var;
old   1: select code from product where code = &var
new   1: select code from product where code = FL-208
select code from product where code = FL-208
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06553: PLS-221: 'FL' is not a procedure or is undefined

Generate preview image from Video file?

Solution #1 (Older) (not recommended)

Firstly install ffmpeg-php project (

And then you can use of this simple code:

$frame = 10;
$movie = 'test.mp4';
$thumbnail = 'thumbnail.png';

$mov = new ffmpeg_movie($movie);
$frame = $mov->getFrame($frame);
if ($frame) {
    $gd_image = $frame->toGDImage();
    if ($gd_image) {
        imagepng($gd_image, $thumbnail);
        echo '<img src="'.$thumbnail.'">';

Description: This project use binary extension .so file, It's very old and last update was for 2008. So, maybe don't works with newer version of FFMpeg or PHP.

Solution #2 (Update 2018) (recommended)

Firstly install PHP-FFMpeg project (
(just run for install: composer require php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg)

And then you can use of this simple code:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$sec = 10;
$movie = 'test.mp4';
$thumbnail = 'thumbnail.png';

$ffmpeg = FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open($movie);
$frame = $video->frame(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds($sec));
echo '<img src="'.$thumbnail.'">';

Description: It's newer and more modern project and works with latest version of FFMpeg and PHP. Note that it's required to proc_open() PHP function.

navbar color in Twitter Bootstrap

I actually just overwrite anything I want to change in the site.css, you should load the site.css after bootstrap so it will overwrite the classes. What I have done now is just made my own classes with my own little bootstrap theme. Little things like this

.navbar-nav li a{
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 15px;
    margin-top: 9px;
.navbar-nav li a:hover{

    background-color: #18678E;
    height: 61px;

I also changed the likes of the validations errors the same way.

Binding a generic list to a repeater - ASP.NET

It is surprisingly simple...

Code behind:

// Here's your object that you'll create a list of
private class Products
    public string ProductName { get; set; }
    public string ProductDescription { get; set; }
    public string ProductPrice { get; set; }

// Here you pass in the List of Products
private void BindItemsInCart(List<Products> ListOfSelectedProducts)
    // The the LIST as the DataSource
    this.rptItemsInCart.DataSource = ListOfSelectedProducts;

    // Then bind the repeater
    // The public properties become the columns of your repeater

ASPX code:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptItemsInCart" runat="server">
            <th>Product Name</th>
            <th>Product Description</th>
            <th>Product Price</th>
      <td><%# Eval("ProductName") %></td>
      <td><%# Eval("ProductDescription")%></td>
      <td><%# Eval("ProductPrice")%></td>

I hope this helps!

Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

If you face this issue only in Chrome and in IE, for instance, everything is fine, then just enable checkbutton "Disable cache" in Dev Tools (F12 -> "Network" tab) and clear history in the last hour.

I had this problem and above solution worked for me.

How to get resources directory path programmatically

Just use class. Example:

 URL url = Resources.getResource("file name")

After that you have methods like: .getContent(), .getFile(), .getPath() etc

Does Python have a toString() equivalent, and can I convert a db.Model element to String?

In function post(): = users.get_current_user()

So, to get str(, you need str(users.get_current_user()). What is returned by get_current_user() function ?

If it is an object, check does it contain a str()" function?

I think the error lies there.

CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

Like samplebias answer, again if Javascript is an acceptable answer, I made a jQuery plugin specifically for this purpose:

To use the plugin just type


Full example:


  • Fix in jsfiddle for IE compatibility.
  • Fix in jsfiddle for better browser compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, IE8+).

Equivalent of explode() to work with strings in MySQL

I'm not sure if this is fully answering the question (it isn't), but it's the solution I came up with for my very similar problem. I know some of the other solutions look shorter but they seem to use SUBSTRING_INDEX() way more than necessary. Here I try to just use LOCATE() just once per delimiter.

-- *****************************************************************************
-- test_PVreplace


delimiter //
CREATE FUNCTION test_PVreplace (
   str TEXT,   -- String to do search'n'replace on
   pv TEXT     -- Parameter/value pairs 'p1=v1|p2=v2|p3=v3'

-- Replace specific tags with specific values.

   DECLARE idx0 INT DEFAULT 1;   -- 1-origined, not 0-origined

   -- P/V string *must* end with a delimiter.

   IF (RIGHT (pv, 1) <> '|') THEN
      SET pv = CONCAT (pv, '|');
      END IF;

   -- Find all the P/V pairs.

   SELECT LOCATE ('|', pv, idx0) INTO idx;
   WHILE (idx > 0) DO
      SET len = idx - idx0;
      SELECT SUBSTRING(pv, idx0, len) INTO sPV;

      -- Found a P/V pair.  Break it up.

      SELECT LOCATE ('=', sPV) INTO iPV;
      IF (iPV = 0) THEN
         SET sP = sPV;
         SET sV = '';
         SELECT SUBSTRING(sPV, 1, iPV-1) INTO sP;
         END IF;

      -- Do the substitution(s).

      SELECT REPLACE (str, sP, sV) INTO str;

      -- Do next P/V pair.

      SET idx0 = idx + 1;
      SELECT LOCATE ('|', pv, idx0) INTO idx;
      END WHILE;
   RETURN (str);
delimiter ;

SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three%', '%one%=1|%two%=2|%three%=3');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three%', '%one%=I|%two%=II|%three%=III');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three% - %one% %two% %three%', '%one%=I|%two%=II|%three%=III');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three% - %one% %two% %three%', '');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three% - %one% %two% %three%', NULL);
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three%', '%one%=%two%|%two%=%three%|%three%=III');

Python - How to cut a string in Python?

You can use find()

>>> s = ''
>>> s[:s.find('&')]

Of course, if there is a chance that the searched for text will not be present then you need to write more lengthy code:

pos = s.find('&')
if pos != -1:
    s = s[:pos]

Whilst you can make some progress using code like this, more complex situations demand a true URL parser.

React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string

In my case, I have added the same custom component as a prop instead of actual prob

   import AddAddress from '../../components/Manager/AddAddress';
    class Add extends React.PureComponent {
      render() {
        const {
        } = this.props;


    return (
          addAddress={AddAddress} // here i have used the Component name as probs in same component itself instead of prob


return (
      addAddress={addAddress} // removed the component name and give prob name

What does O(log n) mean exactly?

It simply means that the time needed for this task grows with log(n) (example : 2s for n = 10, 4s for n = 100, ...). Read the Wikipedia articles on Binary Search Algorithm and Big O Notation for more precisions.

How do I remove the non-numeric character from a string in java?

Java 8 collection streams :

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
test.chars().mapToObj(i -> (char) i).filter(Character::isDigit).forEach(sb::append);

Convert Promise to Observable

If you are using RxJS 6.0.0:

import { from } from 'rxjs';
const observable = from(promise);

Python BeautifulSoup extract text between element

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
for hit in soup.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'MYCLASS'}):
  hit = hit.text.strip()
  print hit

This will print: THIS IS MY TEXT Try this..

Initialise a list to a specific length in Python

list multiplication works.

>>> [0] * 10
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] get file names in directory?

Try this:

Dim text As String = ""
Dim files() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles(sFolder)

For Each sFile As String In files
    text &= IO.File.ReadAllText(sFile)

Check if DataRow exists by column name in c#?

You can use

try {
   user.OtherFriend = row["US_OTHERFRIEND"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
   // do something if you want 

Bootstrap: Collapse other sections when one is expanded

The Method Works Properly For me:

var lanopt = $(".language-option");

lanopt.on("",".collapse", function(){

How to pass credentials to the Send-MailMessage command for sending emails

And here is a simple Send-MailMessage example with username/password for anyone looking for just that

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $secpasswd)
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer mysmptp -Credential $cred -UseSsl -From '[email protected]' -To '[email protected]' -Subject 'TEST'

Share variables between files in Node.js?

I'm unable to find an scenario where a global var is the best option, of course you can have one, but take a look at these examples and you may find a better way to accomplish the same:

Scenario 1: Put the stuff in config files

You need some value that it's the same across the application, but it changes depending on the environment (production, dev or test), the mailer type as example, you'd need:

// File: config/environments/production.json
    "mailerType": "SMTP",
    "mailerConfig": {
      "service": "Gmail",


// File: config/environments/test.json
    "mailerType": "Stub",
    "mailerConfig": {
      "error": false

(make a similar config for dev too)

To decide which config will be loaded make a main config file (this will be used all over the application)

// File: config/config.js
var _ = require('underscore');

module.exports = _.extend(
    require(__dirname + '/../config/environments/' + process.env.NODE_ENV + '.json') || {});

And now you can get the data like this:

// File: server.js
var config = require('./config/config');
mailer.setTransport(nodemailer.createTransport(config.mailerType, config.mailerConfig));

Scenario 2: Use a constants file

// File: constants.js
module.exports = {
  appName: 'My neat app',
  currentAPIVersion: 3

And use it this way

// File: config/routes.js

var constants = require('../constants');

module.exports = function(app, passport, auth) {
  var apiroot = '/api/v' + constants.currentAPIVersion;
... + '/users', users.create);

Scenario 3: Use a helper function to get/set the data

Not a big fan of this one, but at least you can track the use of the 'name' (citing the OP's example) and put validations in place.

// File: helpers/nameHelper.js

var _name = 'I shall not be null'

exports.getName = function() {
  return _name;

exports.setName = function(name) {
  //validate the name...
  _name = name;

And use it

// File: controllers/users.js

var nameHelper = require('../helpers/nameHelper.js');

exports.create = function(req, res, next) {
  var user = new User(); = || nameHelper.getName();

There could be a use case when there is no other solution than having a global var, but usually you can share the data in your app using one of these scenarios, if you are starting to use node.js (as I was sometime ago) try to organize the way you handle the data over there because it can get messy really quick.

importing external ".txt" file in python

This answer is modified from infrared's answer at Splitting large text file by a delimiter in Python

with open('words.txt') as fp:
    contents =
    for entry in contents:
        # do something with entry  

Executing <script> elements inserted with .innerHTML

Here is my solution in a recent project.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<meta charset="UTF-8">_x000D_
<h1 id="hello_world">Sample</h1>_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
 var div = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
  var t = document.createElement('template');_x000D_
  t.innerHTML =  "Check Console tab for javascript output: Hello world!!!<br/><script type='text/javascript' >console.log('Hello world!!!');<\/script>";_x000D_
  for (var i=0; i < t.content.childNodes.length; i++){_x000D_
    var node = document.importNode(t.content.childNodes[i], true);_x000D_

Is it possible to print a variable's type in standard C++?

The other answers involving RTTI (typeid) are probably what you want, as long as:

  • you can afford the memory overhead (which can be considerable with some compilers)
  • the class names your compiler returns are useful

The alternative, (similar to Greg Hewgill's answer), is to build a compile-time table of traits.

template <typename T> struct type_as_string;

// declare your Wibble type (probably with definition of Wibble)
template <>
struct type_as_string<Wibble>
    static const char* const value = "Wibble";

Be aware that if you wrap the declarations in a macro, you'll have trouble declaring names for template types taking more than one parameter (e.g. std::map), due to the comma.

To access the name of the type of a variable, all you need is

template <typename T>
const char* get_type_as_string(const T&)
    return type_as_string<T>::value;

How to create a testflight invitation code?

after you add the user for testing. the user should get an email. open that email by your iOS device, then click "Start testing" it will bring you to testFlight to download the app directly. If you open that email via computer, and then click "Start testing" it will show you another page which have the instruction of how to install the app. and that invitation code is on the last line. those All upper case letters is the code.

How to set cookies in laravel 5 independently inside controller

If you want to set cookie and get it outside of request, Laravel is not your friend.

Laravel cookies are part of Request, so if you want to do this outside of Request object, use good 'ole PHP setcookie(..) and $_COOKIE to get it.

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

Non-algorithmic answer, yet "efficient" when I do it:

  • step 1) discard all your existing socks

  • step 2) go to Walmart and buy them by packets of 10 - n packet of white and m packets of black. No need for other colors in everyday's life.

Yet times to times, I have to do this again (lost socks, damaged socks, etc.), and I hate to discard perfectly good socks too often (and I wished they kept selling the same socks reference!), so I recently took a different approach.

Algorithmic answer:

Consider than if you draw only one sock for the second stack of socks, as you are doing, your odds of finding the matching sock in a naive search is quite low.

  • So pick up five of them at random, and memorize their shape or their length.

Why five? Usually humans are good are remembering between five and seven different elements in the working memory - a bit like the human equivalent of a RPN stack - five is a safe default.

  • Pick up one from the stack of 2n-5.

  • Now look for a match (visual pattern matching - humans are good at that with a small stack) inside the five you drew, if you don't find one, then add that to your five.

  • Keep randomly picking socks from the stack and compare to your 5+1 socks for a match. As your stack grows, it will reduce your performance but raise your odds. Much faster.

Feel free to write down the formula to calculate how many samples you have to draw for a 50% odds of a match. IIRC it's an hypergeometric law.

I do that every morning and rarely need more than three draws - but I have n similar pairs (around 10, give or take the lost ones) of m shaped white socks. Now you can estimate the size of my stack of stocks :-)

BTW, I found that the sum of the transaction costs of sorting all the socks every time I needed a pair were far less than doing it once and binding the socks. A just-in-time works better because then you don't have to bind the socks, and there's also a diminishing marginal return (that is, you keep looking for that two or three socks that when somewhere in the laundry and that you need to finish matching your socks and you lose time on that).

How to install Boost on Ubuntu

Get the version of Boost that you require. This is for 1.55 but feel free to change or manually download yourself (Boost download page):

wget -O boost_1_55_0.tar.gz
tar xzvf boost_1_55_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_55_0/

Get the required libraries, main ones are icu for boost::regex support:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev 

Boost's bootstrap setup:

./ --prefix=/usr/local

If we want MPI then we need to set the flag in the user-config.jam file:

user_configFile=`find $PWD -name user-config.jam`
echo "using mpi ;" >> $user_configFile

Find the maximum number of physical cores:

n=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu cores" | uniq | awk '{print $NF}'`

Install boost in parallel:

sudo ./b2 --with=all -j $n install 

Assumes you have /usr/local/lib setup already. if not, you can add it to your LD LIBRARY PATH:

sudo sh -c 'echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/'

Reset the ldconfig:

sudo ldconfig

How to serialize/deserialize to `Dictionary<int, string>` from custom XML not using XElement?

I have a struct KeyValuePairSerializable:

public struct KeyValuePairSerializable<K, V>
    public KeyValuePairSerializable(KeyValuePair<K, V> pair)
        Key = pair.Key;
        Value = pair.Value;

    public K Key { get; set; }

    public V Value { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return "[" + StringHelper.ToString(Key, "") + ", " + StringHelper.ToString(Value, "") + "]";

Then, the XML serialization of a Dictionary property is by:

public Dictionary<string, string> Parameters { get; set; }

[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // not necessary
public KeyValuePairSerializable<string, string>[] ParametersXml
        return Parameters?.Select(p => new KeyValuePairSerializable<string, string>(p)).ToArray(); 
        Parameters = value?.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);

Just the property must be the array, not the List.

How to set Java classpath in Linux?

Can you provide some more details like which linux you are using? Are you loged in as root? On linux you have to run export CLASSPATH = %path%;LOG4J_HOME/og4j-1.2.16.jar If you want it permanent then you can add above lines in ~/.bashrc file.

How do I automatically scroll to the bottom of a multiline text box?

You can use the following code snippet:

myTextBox.SelectionStart = myTextBox.Text.Length;

which will automatically scroll to the end.

How to get number of rows using SqlDataReader in C#

Per above, a dataset or typed dataset might be a good temorary structure which you could use to do your filtering. A SqlDataReader is meant to read the data very quickly. While you are in the while() loop you are still connected to the DB and it is waiting for you to do whatever you are doing in order to read/process the next result before it moves on. In this case you might get better performance if you pull in all of the data, close the connection to the DB and process the results "offline".

People seem to hate datasets, so the above could be done wiht a collection of strongly typed objects as well.

'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

1 - Close CMD Window

2 - Add C:\Program Files\nodejs to PATH variable

3 - Open new CMD, type: npm -v and enjoy ;)

How to get the <html> tag HTML with JavaScript / jQuery?

In addition to some of the other answers, you could also access the HTML element via:

var htmlEl = document.body.parentNode;

Then you could get the inner HTML content:

var inner = htmlEl.innerHTML;

Doing so this way seems to be marginally faster. If you are just obtaining the HTML element, however, document.body.parentNode seems to be quite a bit faster.

After you have the HTML element, you can mess with the attributes with the getAttribute and setAttribute methods.

For the DOCTYPE, you could use document.doctype, which was elaborated upon in this question.

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?

There's something overly verbose to me about the if ((x & y) == y)... construct, especially if x AND y are both compound sets of flags and you only want to know if there's any overlap.

In this case, all you really need to know is if there's a non-zero value[1] after you've bitmasked.

[1] See Jaime's comment. If we were authentically bitmasking, we'd only need to check that the result was positive. But since enums can be negative, even, strangely, when combined with the [Flags] attribute, it's defensive to code for != 0 rather than > 0.

Building off of @andnil's setup...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace BitFlagPlay
    class Program
        public enum MyColor
            Yellow = 0x01,
            Green = 0x02,
            Red = 0x04,
            Blue = 0x08

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var myColor = MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Blue;
            var acceptableColors = MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Red;

            Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Blue) != 0);     // True
            Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Red) != 0);      // False                
            Console.WriteLine((myColor & acceptableColors) != 0); // True
            // ... though only Yellow is shared.

            Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Green) != 0);    // Wait a minute... ;^D


How to get the Google Map based on Latitude on Longitude?

Have you gone through google's geocoding api. The following link shall help you get started:

how to replace an entire column on Pandas.DataFrame

If the indices match then:

df['B'] = df1['E']

should work otherwise:

df['B'] = df1['E'].values

will work so long as the length of the elements matches

C# : "A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'"

The problem here is that your timer starts a thread and when it runs the callback function, the callback function ( updatelistview) is accessing controls on UI thread so this can not be done becuase of this

IPython/Jupyter Problems saving notebook as PDF

For Ubuntu users, an answer can be found here. I also quote it:

The most probable cause, is that you have not installed the appropriate dependencies. Your Ubuntu system has to have some packages installed regarding conversion of LaTeX and XeTeX files, in order to save your notebook as PDF. You can install them by:

sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-xetex texlive-generic-extra texlive-generic-recommended pandoc

Also, nbconvert is another dependency that is usually automatically installed with jupyter. But you can install it just to be sure, while having your virtual environment activated:

pip install -U nbconvert

Create autoincrement key in Java DB using NetBeans IDE

I couldn't get the accepted answer to work using the Netbeans IDE "Create Table" GUI, and I'm on Netbeans 8.2. To get it to working, create the id column with the following options e.g.

enter image description here

and then use 'New Entity Classes from Database' option to generate the entity for the table (I created a simple table called PERSON with an ID column created exactly as above and a NAME column which is simple varchar(255) column). These generated entities leave it to the user to add the auto generated id mechanism.

GENERATION.AUTO seems to try and use sequences which Derby doesn't seem to like (error stating failed to generate sequence/sequence does not exist), GENERATION.SEQUENCE therefore doesn't work either, GENERATION.IDENTITY doesn't work (get error stating ID is null), so that leaves GENERATION.TABLE.

Set your persistence unit's 'Table Generation Strategy' button to Create. This will create tables that don't exist in the DB when your jar is run (loaded?) i.e. the table your PU needs to create in order to store ID increments. In your entity replace the generated annotations above your id field with the following...

enter image description here

I also created a controller for my entity class using 'JPA Controller Classes from Entity Classes' option. I then create a simple main class to test the id was auto generated i.e.

enter image description here

The result is that the PERSON_ID_TABLE is generated correctly and my PERSON table has two PERSON entries in it with correct, auto generated ids.