Programs & Examples On #Html rendering

nodejs send html file to client

After years, I want to add another approach by using a view engine in Express.js

var fs = require('fs');

app.get('/test', function(req, res, next) {
    var html = fs.readFileSync('./html/test.html', 'utf8')
    res.render('test', { html: html })
    // or res.send(html)

Then, do that in your views/test if you choose res.render method at the above code (I'm writing in EJS format):

<%- locals.html %>

That's all.

In this way, you don't need to break your View Engine arrangements.

Draw a connecting line between two elements

jsPlumb is an option available that supports drag and drop, as seen by its numerous demos, including the Flowchart demo.

It is available in a free Community edition, and a paid Toolkit edition.

The Toolkit edition wraps the Community edition with a comprehensive data binding layer, as well as several UI widgets for building applications and integrations for popular libraries, and is commercially licensed.

MySQL JOIN the most recent row only?

You may want to try the following:

SELECT    CONCAT(title, ' ', forename, ' ', surname) AS name
FROM      customer c
JOIN      (
              SELECT    MAX(id) max_id, customer_id 
              FROM      customer_data 
              GROUP BY  customer_id
          ) c_max ON (c_max.customer_id = c.customer_id)
JOIN      customer_data cd ON ( = c_max.max_id)
WHERE     CONCAT(title, ' ', forename, ' ', surname) LIKE '%Smith%' 
LIMIT     10, 20;

Note that a JOIN is just a synonym for INNER JOIN.

Test case:

CREATE TABLE customer (customer_id int);
CREATE TABLE customer_data (
   id int, 
   customer_id int, 
   title varchar(10),
   forename varchar(10),
   surname varchar(10)

INSERT INTO customer VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO customer VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO customer VALUES (3);

INSERT INTO customer_data VALUES (1, 1, 'Mr', 'Bobby', 'Smith');
INSERT INTO customer_data VALUES (2, 1, 'Mr', 'Bob', 'Smith');
INSERT INTO customer_data VALUES (3, 2, 'Mr', 'Jane', 'Green');
INSERT INTO customer_data VALUES (4, 2, 'Miss', 'Jane', 'Green');
INSERT INTO customer_data VALUES (5, 3, 'Dr', 'Jack', 'Black');

Result (query without the LIMIT and WHERE):

SELECT    CONCAT(title, ' ', forename, ' ', surname) AS name
FROM      customer c
JOIN      (
              SELECT    MAX(id) max_id, customer_id 
              FROM      customer_data 
              GROUP BY  customer_id
          ) c_max ON (c_max.customer_id = c.customer_id)
JOIN      customer_data cd ON ( = c_max.max_id);

| name            |
| Mr Bob Smith    |
| Miss Jane Green |
| Dr Jack Black   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

How do I select last 5 rows in a table without sorting?

In SQL Server, it does not seem possible without using ordering in the query. This is what I have used.

    SELECT TOP 5 *
    FROM [MyTable]
    ORDER BY Id DESC /*Primary Key*/
) AS T
ORDER BY T.Id ASC; /*Primary Key*/

Share data between AngularJS controllers

There are multiple ways to do this.

  1. Events - already explained well.

  2. ui router - explained above.

  3. Service - with update method displayed above
  4. BAD - Watching for changes.
  5. Another parent child approach rather than emit and brodcast -


<superhero flight speed strength> Superman is here! </superhero>
<superhero speed> Flash is here! </superhero>


app.directive('superhero', function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope:{}, // IMPORTANT - to make the scope isolated else we will pollute it in case of a multiple components.
        controller: function($scope){
            $scope.abilities = [];
            this.addStrength = function(){
            this.addSpeed = function(){
            this.addFlight = function(){
        link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            element.on('mouseenter', function(){
app.directive('strength', function(){
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, superHeroCtrl){
app.directive('speed', function(){
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, superHeroCtrl){
app.directive('flight', function(){
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, superHeroCtrl){

Show "loading" animation on button click

I know this a very much late reply but I saw this query recently And found a working scenario,

OnClick of Submit use the below code:

 $('#Submit').click(function ()
 { $(this).html('<img src="icon-loading.gif" />'); // A GIF Image of Your choice
 return false });

To Stop the Gif use the below code:


Create a sample login page using servlet and JSP?

As I can see, you are comparing the message with the empty string using ==.

Its very hard to write the full code, but I can tell the flow of code - first, create db class & method inide that which will return the connection. second, create a servelet( & import that db class onto that servlet. third, create instance of imported db class with the help of new operator & call the connection method of that db class. fourth, creaet prepared statement & execute statement & put this code in try catch block for exception handling.Use if-else condition in the try block to navigate your login page based on success or failure.

I hope, it will help you. If any problem, then please revert.

Nikhil Pahariya

How to dynamically build a JSON object with Python?

  myjson["Country"]= {"KR": { "id": "220", "name": "South Korea"}}
  myjson["Creative"]= {
                    "1067405": {
                        "id": "1067405",
                        "url": ""
                    "1067406": {
                        "id": "1067406",
                        "url": ""
                    "1067407": {
                        "id": "1067407",
                        "url": ""
   myjson["Offer"]= {
                    "advanced_targeting_enabled": "f",
                    "category_name": "E-commerce/ Shopping",
                    "click_lifespan": "168",
                    "conversion_cap": "50",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "default_payout": "1.5"

   json_data = json.dumps(myjson)

   #reverse back into a json

   def walk_the_tree(inputDict,suffix=None):
       for key, value in inputDict.items():
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                if suffix==None:


 #split and build your nested dictionary
 json_specs = {}
 for path in paths:
     for p in parts[:-1]:
         if p==parts[-2]:
             d = d.setdefault(p,value)
             d = d.setdefault(p,{})

 ['Country:KR:id:220', 'Country:KR:name:South Korea', 'Country:Creative:1067405:id:1067405', 'Country:Creative:1067405:url:', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:id:1067406', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:url:', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:1067407:id:1067407', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:1067407:url:', 'Country:Creative:Offer:advanced_targeting_enabled:f', 'Country:Creative:Offer:category_name:E-commerce/ Shopping', 'Country:Creative:Offer:click_lifespan:168', 'Country:Creative:Offer:conversion_cap:50', 'Country:Creative:Offer:currency:USD', 'Country:Creative:Offer:default_payout:1.5']

Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?

I recommend Google protocol buffers. I had the chance to test drive the library on a new project and it's remarkably easy to use. The library is heavily optimized for performance.

Protobuf is different than other serialization solutions mentioned here in the sense that it does not serialize your objects, but rather generates code for objects that are serialization according to your specification.

How to convert the following json string to java object?

No need to go with GSON for this; Jackson can do either plain Maps/Lists:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String,Object> map = mapper.readValue(json, Map.class);

or more convenient JSON Tree:

JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readTree(json);

By the way, there is no reason why you could not actually create Java classes and do it (IMO) more conveniently:

public class Library {
  public String name;

  public List<Song> songs;
public class Song {
  @JsonProperty("Artist Name") public String artistName;
  @JsonProperty("Song Name") public String songName;

Library lib = mapper.readValue(jsonString, Library.class);

Setting the User-Agent header for a WebClient request

const string ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)";
Request.Headers["User-Agent"] = ua;
var httpWorkerRequestField = Request.GetType().GetField("_wr", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (httpWorkerRequestField != null)
    var httpWorkerRequest = httpWorkerRequestField.GetValue(Request);
    var knownRequestHeadersField = httpWorkerRequest.GetType().GetField("_knownRequestHeaders", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    if (knownRequestHeadersField != null)
        string[] knownRequestHeaders = (string[])knownRequestHeadersField.GetValue(httpWorkerRequest);
                    knownRequestHeaders[39] = ua;

How to get a product's image in Magento?

$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); //getting product model
$_products = $model->getCollection(); //getting product object for particular product id
foreach($_products as $_product) { ?>
    <a href = '<?php echo $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getUrl_path(); ?>'> <img src= '<?php echo $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getImageUrl();  ?>' width="75px" height="75px"/></a>
     <?php echo "<br/>".$model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getPrice()."<br/>". $model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getSpecial_price()."<br/>".$model->load($_product->getData("entity_id"))->getName()?>

How do I obtain a Query Execution Plan in SQL Server?

Query plans can be obtained from an Extended Events session via the query_post_execution_showplan event. Here's a sample XEvent session:

    Generated via "Query Detail Tracking" template.
ADD EVENT sqlserver.query_post_execution_showplan(

/* Remove any of the following events (or include additional events) as desired. */
ADD EVENT sqlserver.error_reported(
    WHERE ([package0].[greater_than_uint64]([sqlserver].[database_id],(4)) AND [package0].[equal_boolean]([sqlserver].[is_system],(0)))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.module_end(SET collect_statement=(1)
    WHERE ([package0].[greater_than_uint64]([sqlserver].[database_id],(4)) AND [package0].[equal_boolean]([sqlserver].[is_system],(0)))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed(
    WHERE ([package0].[greater_than_uint64]([sqlserver].[database_id],(4)) AND [package0].[equal_boolean]([sqlserver].[is_system],(0)))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sp_statement_completed(SET collect_object_name=(1)
    WHERE ([package0].[greater_than_uint64]([sqlserver].[database_id],(4)) AND [package0].[equal_boolean]([sqlserver].[is_system],(0)))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_batch_completed(
    WHERE ([package0].[greater_than_uint64]([sqlserver].[database_id],(4)) AND [package0].[equal_boolean]([sqlserver].[is_system],(0)))),
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed(
    WHERE ([package0].[greater_than_uint64]([sqlserver].[database_id],(4)) AND [package0].[equal_boolean]([sqlserver].[is_system],(0)))) 
ADD TARGET package0.ring_buffer

After you create the session, (in SSMS) go to the Object Explorer and delve down into Management | Extended Events | Sessions. Right-click the "GetExecutionPlan" session and start it. Right-click it again and select "Watch Live Data".

Next, open a new query window and run one or more queries. Here's one for AdventureWorks:

USE AdventureWorks;

SELECT p.Name AS ProductName, 
    NonDiscountSales = (OrderQty * UnitPrice),
    Discounts = ((OrderQty * UnitPrice) * UnitPriceDiscount)
FROM Production.Product AS p 
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS sod
    ON p.ProductID = sod.ProductID 
ORDER BY ProductName DESC;

After a moment or two, you should see some results in the "GetExecutionPlan: Live Data" tab. Click one of the query_post_execution_showplan events in the grid, and then click the "Query Plan" tab below the grid. It should look similar to this:

enter image description here

EDIT: The XEvent code and the screen shot were generated from SQL/SSMS 2012 w/ SP2. If you're using SQL 2008/R2, you might be able to tweak the script to make it run. But that version doesn't have a GUI, so you'd have to extract the showplan XML, save it as a *.sqlplan file and open it in SSMS. That's cumbersome. XEvents didn't exist in SQL 2005 or earlier. So, if you're not on SQL 2012 or later, I'd strongly suggest one of the other answers posted here.

How to set True as default value for BooleanField on Django?

In DJango 3.0 the default value of a BooleanField in is set like this:

class model_name(models.Model):
example_name = models.BooleanField(default=False)

How to create streams from string in Node.Js?

Another solution is passing the read function to the constructor of Readable (cf doc stream readeable options)

var s = new Readable({read(size) {
    this.push("your string here")

you can after use s.pipe for exemple

jQuery remove special characters from string and more

str.toLowerCase().replace(/[\*\^\'\!]/g, '').split(' ').join('-')

What is considered a good response time for a dynamic, personalized web application?

Not only does it depend on what keeps your users happy, but how much development time do you have? What kind of resources can you throw at the problem (software, hardware, and people)?

I don't mind a couple-few second delay for hosted applications if they're doing something "complex". If it's really simple, delays bother me.

Understanding Popen.communicate

Do not use communicate(input=""). It writes input to the process, closes its stdin and then reads all output.

Do it like this:


# get output from process "Something to print"
one_line_output = p.stdout.readline()

# write 'a line\n' to the process
p.stdin.write('a line\n')

# get output from process "not time to break"
one_line_output = p.stdout.readline() 

# write "n\n" to that process for if r=='n':

# read the last output from the process  "Exiting"
one_line_output = p.stdout.readline()

What you would do to remove the error:

all_the_process_will_tell_you = p.communicate('all you will ever say to this process\nn\n')[0]

But since communicate closes the stdout and stdin and stderr, you can not read or write after you called communicate.

How to start an application using android ADB tools?

adb shell
am start -n

Or you can use this directly:

adb shell am start -n

You can also specify actions to be filter by your intent-filters:

am start -a com.example.ACTION_NAME -n 

Why do we not have a virtual constructor in C++?

  1. When a constructor is invoked, although there is no object created till that point, we still know the kind of object that is gonna be created because the specific constructor of the class to which the object belongs to has already been called.

    Virtual keyword associated with a function means the function of a particular object type is gonna be called.

    So, my thinking says that there is no need to make the virtual constructor because already the desired constructor whose object is gonna be created has been invoked and making constructor virtual is just a redundant thing to do because the object-specific constructor has already been invoked and this is same as calling class-specific function which is achieved through the virtual keyword.

    Although the inner implementation won’t allow virtual constructor for vptr and vtable related reasons.

  1. Another reason is that C++ is a statically typed language and we need to know the type of a variable at compile-time.

    The compiler must be aware of the class type to create the object. The type of object to be created is a compile-time decision.

    If we make the constructor virtual then it means that we don’t need to know the type of the object at compile-time(that’s what virtual function provide. We don’t need to know the actual object and just need the base pointer to point an actual object call the pointed object’s virtual functions without knowing the type of the object) and if we don’t know the type of the object at compile time then it is against the statically typed languages. And hence, run-time polymorphism cannot be achieved.

    Hence, Constructor won’t be called without knowing the type of the object at compile-time. And so the idea of making a virtual constructor fails.

Trigger standard HTML5 validation (form) without using submit button?

Short answer, no, there's no way to 'trigger' the default functionality of the html5 bubble inline before submission of the form, you can checkValidity() on certain inputs, but again doesn't work as you would want. Short of preventing the default if you still want to submit the form once validation is complete, you can still process this style by doing the following:

Note, on forms you don't want the validation css styles to be applied, you can simply add the novalidate attribute to the form.


<form name="login" id="loginForm" method="POST">
    <input type="email" name="username" placeholder="Email">
    <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password">
    <input type="submit" value="LOG IN" class="hero left clearBoth">

If you're not using SCSS, I would highly recommend looking into it, it's much more manageable, easy to write and less convoluted. Note: In the fiddle example, i do have the exact css that this will compile. I've also included a bubble style example.


form:not([novalidate])            {
  input, textarea                 {
    &:required                    {background: transparent url('/../../images/icons/red_asterisk.png') no-repeat 98% center;}
    &:required:valid              {background: transparent url('/../../images/icons/valid.png') no-repeat 98% center; @include box-shadow(0 0 5px #5cd053);border-color: #28921f;}
    &:not(:focus):valid           {box-shadow: none;border: 1px solid $g4;}
    &:focus:invalid               {background: transparent url('/../../images/icons/invalid.png') no-repeat 98% center;  @include box-shadow(0 0 5px #d45252); border-color: #b03535}  
span.formHintBubble {position:absolute; background:$g7; margin-top:50px;@include borderRadius(10px); padding:5px 40px 5px 10px; color:white; @include opacity(0.9); @include box-shadow(1px 1px 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2));
  &:after {
     @include triangle(30px, $g7, up); content: " "; margin-bottom:27px; left:25px;
  .cross {background:black; border:1px solid $g3; @include borderRadius(10px); width:15px; height:15px; color:#fff; display:block; line-height:15px; position:absolute; right:5px; top:50%; margin-top:-7.5px; padding:0; text-align:center; font-size:10px; cursor:pointer;}


Here, we can do some funky stuff to use the default messages and inherit them inside your own 'bubble' or error message box.

var form    = $('form');
var item    = form.find(':invalid').first();
var node    = item.get(0);                       
var pos     = item.position();                
var message = node.validationMessage || 'Invalid value.'; 
var bubble  = $('<span/>').html('<span class="formHintBubble" style="left: ' + pos.left  + 'px; top:' + + 'px;">' + message + '<div class="cross">X</div></span>').contents();        


Enjoy and I hope I help others with HTML5 form validation as it's awesome, and it needs to get out there!


What's the best way to do a backwards loop in C/C#/C++?

// this is how I always do it
for (i = n; --i >= 0;){

Android Studio 3.0 Flavor Dimension Issue

in KotlinDSL you can use like this :

flavorDimensions ("PlaceApp")
productFlavors {
    create("tapsi") {
        buildConfigField("String", "API_BASE_URL", "https://xxx/x/x/")


"Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist" error connecting to SQL Server from PHP

I had the same issue, my problem was that the firewall on the server wasn't open from the current ip address.

What are the differences between using the terminal on a mac vs linux?

@Michael Durrant's answer ably covers the shell itself, but the shell environment also includes the various commands you use in the shell and these are going to be similar -- but not identical -- between OS X and linux. In general, both will have the same core commands and features (especially those defined in the Posix standard), but a lot of extensions will be different.

For example, linux systems generally have a useradd command to create new users, but OS X doesn't. On OS X, you generally use the GUI to create users; if you need to create them from the command line, you use dscl (which linux doesn't have) to edit the user database (see here). (Update: starting in macOS High Sierra v10.13, you can use sysadminctl -addUser instead.)

Also, some commands they have in common will have different features and options. For example, linuxes generally include GNU sed, which uses the -r option to invoke extended regular expressions; on OS X, you'd use the -E option to get the same effect. Similarly, in linux you might use ls --color=auto to get colorized output; on macOS, the closest equivalent is ls -G.

EDIT: Another difference is that many linux commands allow options to be specified after their arguments (e.g. ls file1 file2 -l), while most OS X commands require options to come strictly first (ls -l file1 file2).

Finally, since the OS itself is different, some commands wind up behaving differently between the OSes. For example, on linux you'd probably use ifconfig to change your network configuration. On OS X, ifconfig will work (probably with slightly different syntax), but your changes are likely to be overwritten randomly by the system configuration daemon; instead you should edit the network preferences with networksetup, and then let the config daemon apply them to the live network state.

Move column by name to front of table in pandas

You can use the df.reindex() function in pandas. df is

                      Net  Upper   Lower  Mid  Zsore
Answer option                                      
More than once a day  0%  0.22%  -0.12%    2     65
Once a day            0%  0.32%  -0.19%    3     45
Several times a week  2%  2.45%   1.10%    4     78
Once a week           1%  1.63%  -0.40%    6     65

define an list of column names

cols = df.columns.tolist()
Out[13]: ['Net', 'Upper', 'Lower', 'Mid', 'Zsore']

move the column name to wherever you want

cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('Mid')))
Out[16]: ['Mid', 'Net', 'Upper', 'Lower', 'Zsore']

then use df.reindex() function to reorder

df = df.reindex(columns= cols)

out put is: df

                      Mid  Upper   Lower Net  Zsore
Answer option                                      
More than once a day    2  0.22%  -0.12%  0%     65
Once a day              3  0.32%  -0.19%  0%     45
Several times a week    4  2.45%   1.10%  2%     78
Once a week             6  1.63%  -0.40%  1%     65

Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK

I found that decreasing contrast, brightness and saturation a little makes blurred images more pretty so I combined various methods from stack overflow and made this Blur Class which deals with blurring images, changing brightness, saturation, contrast and size of the blurred images. It can also convert images from drawable to bitmap and vice-versa.

How to convert an NSString into an NSNumber

You can use -[NSString integerValue], -[NSString floatValue], etc. However, the correct (locale-sensitive, etc.) way to do this is to use -[NSNumberFormatter numberFromString:] which will give you an NSNumber converted from the appropriate locale and given the settings of the NSNumberFormatter (including whether it will allow floating point values).

MySQL date formats - difficulty Inserting a date

Put the date in single quotes and move the parenthesis (after the 'yes') to the end:

INSERT INTO custorder 
  VALUES ('Kevin', 'yes' , STR_TO_DATE('1-01-2012', '%d-%m-%Y') ) ;
                        ^                                     ^
---parenthesis removed--|                and added here ------|

But you can always use dates without STR_TO_DATE() function, just use the (Y-m-d) '20120101' or '2012-01-01' format. Check the MySQL docs: Date and Time Literals

INSERT INTO custorder 
  VALUES ('Kevin', 'yes', '2012-01-01') ;

Copy entire contents of a directory to another using php

Full thanks must go to Felix Kling for his excellent answer which I have gratefully used in my code. I offer a small enhancement of a boolean return value to report success or failure:

function recurse_copy($src, $dst) {

  $dir = opendir($src);
  $result = ($dir === false ? false : true);

  if ($result !== false) {
    $result = @mkdir($dst);

    if ($result === true) {
      while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) { 
        if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' ) && $result) { 
          if ( is_dir($src . '/' . $file) ) { 
            $result = recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); 
          }     else { 
            $result = copy($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); 

  return $result;

JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory

I was getting this error even when all the relevant dependencies were in place because I hadn't created the schema in MySQL.

I thought it would be created automatically but it wasn't. Although the table itself will be created, you have to create the schema.

Plot bar graph from Pandas DataFrame

To plot just a selection of your columns you can select the columns of interest by passing a list to the subscript operator:

ax = df[['V1','V2']].plot(kind='bar', title ="V comp", figsize=(15, 10), legend=True, fontsize=12)

What you tried was df['V1','V2'] this will raise a KeyError as correctly no column exists with that label, although it looks funny at first you have to consider that your are passing a list hence the double square brackets [[]].

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = df[['V1','V2']].plot(kind='bar', title ="V comp", figsize=(15, 10), legend=True, fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlabel("Hour", fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel("V", fontsize=12)

enter image description here

How to generate a QR Code for an Android application?

Maybe this old topic but i found this library is very helpful and easy to use


example for using it in android

 Bitmap myBitmap = QRCode.from("").bitmap();
ImageView myImage = (ImageView) findViewById(;

How to recursively download a folder via FTP on Linux

There is 'ncftp' which is available for installation in linux. This works on the FTP protocol and can be used to download files and folders recursively. works on linux. Has been used and is working fine for recursive folder/file transfer.

Check this link...

Check existence of directory and create if doesn't exist

I had an issue with R 2.15.3 whereby while trying to create a tree structure recursively on a shared network drive I would get a permission error.

To get around this oddity I manually create the structure;

mkdirs <- function(fp) {
    if(!file.exists(fp)) {


Hash and salt passwords in C#

I've been reading that hashing functions like SHA256 weren't really intended for use with storing passwords:

Instead adaptive key derivation functions like PBKDF2, bcrypt or scrypt were. Here is a PBKDF2 based one that Microsoft wrote for PasswordHasher in their Microsoft.AspNet.Identity library:

/* =======================
 * =======================
 * Version 3:
 * PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 10000 iterations.
 * Format: { 0x01, prf (UInt32), iter count (UInt32), salt length (UInt32), salt, subkey }
 * (All UInt32s are stored big-endian.)

public string HashPassword(string password)
    var prf = KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256;
    var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
    const int iterCount = 10000;
    const int saltSize = 128 / 8;
    const int numBytesRequested = 256 / 8;

    // Produce a version 3 (see comment above) text hash.
    var salt = new byte[saltSize];
    var subkey = KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(password, salt, prf, iterCount, numBytesRequested);

    var outputBytes = new byte[13 + salt.Length + subkey.Length];
    outputBytes[0] = 0x01; // format marker
    WriteNetworkByteOrder(outputBytes, 1, (uint)prf);
    WriteNetworkByteOrder(outputBytes, 5, iterCount);
    WriteNetworkByteOrder(outputBytes, 9, saltSize);
    Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, outputBytes, 13, salt.Length);
    Buffer.BlockCopy(subkey, 0, outputBytes, 13 + saltSize, subkey.Length);
    return Convert.ToBase64String(outputBytes);

public bool VerifyHashedPassword(string hashedPassword, string providedPassword)
    var decodedHashedPassword = Convert.FromBase64String(hashedPassword);

    // Wrong version
    if (decodedHashedPassword[0] != 0x01)
        return false;

    // Read header information
    var prf = (KeyDerivationPrf)ReadNetworkByteOrder(decodedHashedPassword, 1);
    var iterCount = (int)ReadNetworkByteOrder(decodedHashedPassword, 5);
    var saltLength = (int)ReadNetworkByteOrder(decodedHashedPassword, 9);

    // Read the salt: must be >= 128 bits
    if (saltLength < 128 / 8)
        return false;
    var salt = new byte[saltLength];
    Buffer.BlockCopy(decodedHashedPassword, 13, salt, 0, salt.Length);

    // Read the subkey (the rest of the payload): must be >= 128 bits
    var subkeyLength = decodedHashedPassword.Length - 13 - salt.Length;
    if (subkeyLength < 128 / 8)
        return false;
    var expectedSubkey = new byte[subkeyLength];
    Buffer.BlockCopy(decodedHashedPassword, 13 + salt.Length, expectedSubkey, 0, expectedSubkey.Length);

    // Hash the incoming password and verify it
    var actualSubkey = KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(providedPassword, salt, prf, iterCount, subkeyLength);
    return actualSubkey.SequenceEqual(expectedSubkey);

private static void WriteNetworkByteOrder(byte[] buffer, int offset, uint value)
    buffer[offset + 0] = (byte)(value >> 24);
    buffer[offset + 1] = (byte)(value >> 16);
    buffer[offset + 2] = (byte)(value >> 8);
    buffer[offset + 3] = (byte)(value >> 0);

private static uint ReadNetworkByteOrder(byte[] buffer, int offset)
    return ((uint)(buffer[offset + 0]) << 24)
        | ((uint)(buffer[offset + 1]) << 16)
        | ((uint)(buffer[offset + 2]) << 8)
        | ((uint)(buffer[offset + 3]));

Note this requires Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation nuget package installed which requires .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET 4.6.1 or higher). For earlier versions of .NET see the Crypto class from Microsoft's System.Web.Helpers library.

Update Nov 2015
Updated answer to use an implementation from a different Microsoft library which uses PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 hashing instead of PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 (note PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 is still secure if iterCount is high enough). You can check out the source the simplified code was copied from as it actually handles validating and upgrading hashes implemented from previous answer, useful if you need to increase iterCount in the future.

How to set different colors in HTML in one statement?

Use the span tag


<span class="redText">My Name is:</span>&nbsp;<span class="blackText">Tintincute</span>

It's also a good idea to avoid inline styling. Use a custom CSS class instead.

useState set method not reflecting change immediately

// replace
return <p>hello</p>;
// with
return <p>{JSON.stringify(movies)}</p>;

Now you should see, that your code actually does work. What does not work is the console.log(movies). This is because movies points to the old state. If you move your console.log(movies) outside of useEffect, right above the return, you will see the updated movies object.

Remove Item in Dictionary based on Value

Are you trying to remove a single value or all matching values?

If you are trying to remove a single value, how do you define the value you wish to remove?

The reason you don't get a key back when querying on values is because the dictionary could contain multiple keys paired with the specified value.

If you wish to remove all matching instances of the same value, you can do this:

foreach(var item in dic.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == value).ToList())

And if you wish to remove the first matching instance, you can query to find the first item and just remove that:

var item = dic.First(kvp => kvp.Value == value);


Note: The ToList() call is necessary to copy the values to a new collection. If the call is not made, the loop will be modifying the collection it is iterating over, causing an exception to be thrown on the next attempt to iterate after the first value is removed.

How to turn on front flash light programmatically in Android?

For this problem you should:

  1. Check whether the flashlight is available or not?

  2. If so then Turn Off/On

  3. If not then you can do whatever, according to your app needs.

For Checking availability of flash in the device:

You can use the following:


which will return true if a flash is available, false if not.

See: for more information.

For turning on/off flashlight:

I googled out and got this about android.permission.FLASHLIGHT. Android manifests' permission looks promising:

 <!-- Allows access to the flashlight -->
 <permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT"
             android:description="@string/permdesc_flashlight" />

Then make use of Camera and set Camera.Parameters. The main parameter used here is FLASH_MODE_TORCH.


Code Snippet to turn on camera flashlight.

Camera cam =;     
Parameters p = cam.getParameters();

Code snippet to turn off camera led light.


I just found a project that uses this permission. Check quick-settings' src code. here (Note: This link is now broken)

For Flashlight directly look (Note: This link is now broken)

Update6 You could also try to add a SurfaceView as described in this answer LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? This seems to be a solution that works on many phones.

Update 5 Major Update

I have found an alternative Link (for the broken links above): You can now use this link. [Update: 14/9/2012 This link is now broken]

Update 1

Another OpenSource Code :

Update 2

Example showing how to enable the LED on a Motorola Droid:

Another Open Source Code :

Update 3 (Widget for turning on/off camera led)

If you want to develop a widget that turns on/off your camera led, then you must refer my answer Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android..

Update 4

If you want to set the intensity of light emerging from camera LED you can refer Can I change the LED intensity of an Android device? full post. Note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature.

** Issues:**

There are also some problems while turning On/Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having FLASH_MODE_TORCH or even if it has, then flashlight does not turn ON etc.

Typically Samsung creates a lot of problems.

You can refer to problems in the given below list:

Use camera flashlight in Android

Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab

setTimeout / clearTimeout problems

That's because timer is a local variable to your function.

Try creating it outside of the function.

How do you append to a file?

when we using this line open(filename, "a"), that a indicates the appending the file, that means allow to insert extra data to the existing file.

You can just use this following lines to append the text in your file

def FileSave(filename,content):
    with open(filename, "a") as myfile:

FileSave("test.txt","test1 \n")
FileSave("test.txt","test2 \n")

Convert JSON to Map

The JsonTools library is very complete. It can be found at Github.

How to find a value in an array and remove it by using PHP array functions?

To search an element in an array, you can use array_search function and to remove an element from an array you can use unset function. Ex:

$hackers = array ('Alan Kay', 'Peter Norvig', 'Linus Trovalds', 'Larry Page');


// Search
$pos = array_search('Linus Trovalds', $hackers);

echo 'Linus Trovalds found at: ' . $pos;

// Remove from array


You can refer: for more array related functions.

3-dimensional array in numpy

Read this article for better insight. Note: Numpy reports the shape of 3D arrays in the order layers, rows, columns.,order%20layers%2C%20rows%2C%20columns.

Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery?

$('.input').keypress(function (e) {
  if (e.which == 13) {
    return false;    //<---- Add this line

Check out this stackoverflow answer: event.preventDefault() vs. return false

Essentially, "return false" is the same as calling e.preventDefault and e.stopPropagation().

Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

I was running into the same issue but was able to package all dependencies into my jar file using the Maven Shade Plugin

Date Difference in php on days?

Below code will give the output for number of days, by taking out the difference between two dates..

$str = "Jul 02 2013";
$str = strtotime(date("M d Y ")) - (strtotime($str));
echo floor($str/3600/24);

Bootstrap Modal before form Submit

You can use browser default prompt window. Instead of basic <input type="submit" (...) > try:

<button onClick="if(confirm(\'are you sure ?\')){ this.form.submit() }">Save</button>

Delete with "Join" in Oracle sql Query

Based on the answer I linked to in my comment above, this should work:

delete from
select pf.* From PRODUCTFILTERS pf 
And pf.rowid in 
     Select rowid from PRODUCTFILTERS 
     And PRODUCTS.NAME= 'Mark'


delete from PRODUCTFILTERS where rowid in
select pf.rowid From PRODUCTFILTERS pf 
And pf.rowid in 
     And PRODUCTS.NAME= 'Mark'

Objective-C: Calling selectors with multiple arguments

iOS users also expect autocapitalization: In a standard text field, the first letter of a sentence in a case-sensitive language is automatically capitalized.

You can decide whether or not to implement such features; there is no dedicated API for any of the features just listed, so providing them is a competitive advantage.

Apple document is saying there is no API available for this feature and some other expected feature in a customkeyboard. so you need to find out your own logic to implement this.

Examples of GoF Design Patterns in Java's core libraries

  1. Observer pattern throughout whole swing (Observable, Observer)
  2. MVC also in swing
  3. Adapter pattern: InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter NOTE: ContainerAdapter, ComponentAdapter, FocusAdapter, KeyAdapter, MouseAdapter are not adapters; they are actually Null Objects. Poor naming choice by Sun.
  4. Decorator pattern (BufferedInputStream can decorate other streams such as FilterInputStream)
  5. AbstractFactory Pattern for the AWT Toolkit and the Swing pluggable look-and-feel classes
  6. java.lang.Runtime#getRuntime() is Singleton
  7. ButtonGroup for Mediator pattern
  8. Action, AbstractAction may be used for different visual representations to execute same code -> Command pattern
  9. Interned Strings or CellRender in JTable for Flyweight Pattern (Also think about various pools - Thread pools, connection pools, EJB object pools - Flyweight is really about management of shared resources)
  10. The Java 1.0 event model is an example of Chain of Responsibility, as are Servlet Filters.
  11. Iterator pattern in Collections Framework
  12. Nested containers in AWT/Swing use the Composite pattern
  13. Layout Managers in AWT/Swing are an example of Strategy

and many more I guess

What is the difference between "mvn deploy" to a local repo and "mvn install"?

From the Maven docs, sounds like it's just a difference in which repository you install the package into:

  • install - install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
  • deploy - done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.

Maybe there is some confusion in that "install" to the CI server installs it to it's local repository, which then you as a user are sharing?

Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing

npm start runs a script that the app maker built for easy starting of the app npm install installs all the packages in package.json

run npm install first

then run npm start

Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap

In Microsoft SQL SERVER - SQL Function

    @startDate1 as datetime,
    @endDate1 as datetime,
    @startDate2 as datetime,
    @endDate2 as datetime
DECLARE @Overlap as int
        (@startDate1 BETWEEN @startDate2 AND @endDate2) -- caters for inner and end date outer
        (@endDate1 BETWEEN @startDate2 AND @endDate2) -- caters for inner and start date outer
        (@startDate2 BETWEEN @startDate1 AND @endDate1) -- only one needed for outer range where dates are inside.
        ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    RETURN @Overlap


--Execution of the above code
DECLARE @startDate1 as datetime
DECLARE @endDate1 as datetime
DECLARE @startDate2 as datetime
DECLARE @endDate2 as datetime
DECLARE @Overlap as int
SET @startDate1 = '2014-06-01 01:00:00' 
SET @endDate1 =   '2014-06-01 02:00:00'
SET @startDate2 = '2014-06-01 01:00:00' 
SET @endDate2 =   '2014-06-01 01:30:00'

SET @Overlap = [dbo].[IsOverlapDates]  (@startDate1, @endDate1, @startDate2, @endDate2)

SELECT Overlap = @Overlap

How to create a label inside an <input> element?

In my opinion, the best solution involves neither images nor using the input's default value. Rather, it looks something like David Dorward's solution.

It's easy to implement and degrades nicely for screen readers and users with no javascript.

Take a look at the two examples here:

I usually use the second method (labels2) on my forms.

How to run a C# console application with the console hidden

Simple answer is that: Go to your console app's properties(project's properties).In the "Application" tab, just change the "Output type" to "Windows Application". That's all.

'ssh-keygen' is not recognized as an internal or external command

In my machine, ssh-keygen was available from powershell.

ObjectiveC Parse Integer from String

Basically, the third parameter in loggedIn should not be an integer, it should be an object of some kind, but we can't know for sure because you did not name the parameters in the method call. Provide the method signature so we can see for sure. Perhaps it takes an NSNumber or something.

Using other keys for the waitKey() function of opencv

This prints the key combination directly to the image:

z pressed an ctrl + z pressed

The first window shows 'z' pressed, the second shows 'ctrl' + 'z' pressed. When a key combination is used, a question mark appear.

Don't mess up with the question mark code, which is 63.

import numpy as np
import cv2

im = np.zeros((100, 300), np.uint8)
cv2.imshow('Keypressed', im)
while True:
  key = cv2.waitKey(0)
  im_c = im.copy()
    f'{chr(key)} -> {key}',
    (10, 60), 
  cv2.imshow('Keypressed', im_c)
  if key == 27: break # 'ESC'

String is immutable. What exactly is the meaning?

String is immutable it means that,the content of the String Object can't be change, once it is created. If you want to modify the content then you can go for StringBuffer/StringBuilder instead of String. StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable classes.

Regular expression to stop at first match

Because you are using quantified subpattern and as descried in Perl Doc,

By default, a quantified subpattern is "greedy", that is, it will match as many times as possible (given a particular starting location) while still allowing the rest of the pattern to match. If you want it to match the minimum number of times possible, follow the quantifier with a "?" . Note that the meanings don't change, just the "greediness":

*?        //Match 0 or more times, not greedily (minimum matches)
+?        //Match 1 or more times, not greedily

Thus, to allow your quantified pattern to make minimum match, follow it by ? :


Change Button color onClick

Using jquery, try this. if your button id is say id= clickme

$("clickme").on('çlick', function(){

$(this).css('background-color', 'grey'); .......

JComboBox Selection Change Listener?

you can do this with jdk >= 8



public void comboBoxitemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
    if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
        YourObject selectedItem = (YourObject) e.getItem();
        //TODO your actitons

Why am I seeing net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED errors after upgrading to Cordova Android 8?

Adding the following attribute within the opening < widget > tag worked for me. Simple and live reloads correctly on a Android 9 emulator. xmlns:android=""

<widget id="" version="1.0.0" 

Add a property to a JavaScript object using a variable as the name?

With the advent of ES2015 Object.assign and computed property names the OP's code boils down to:

var obj = Object.assign.apply({}, $(itemsFromDom).map((i, el) => ({[]: el.value})));

Parse v. TryParse

double.Parse("-"); raises an exception, while double.TryParse("-", out parsed); parses to 0 so I guess TryParse does more complex conversions.

Finding partial text in range, return an index

I just found this when googling to solve the same problem, and had to make a minor change to the solution to make it work in my situation, as I had 2 similar substrings, "Sun" and "Sunstruck" to search for. The offered solution was locating the wrong entry when searching for "Sun". Data in column B

I added another column C, formulaes C1=" "&B1&" " and changed the search to =COUNTIF(B1:B10,"* "&A1&" *")>0, the extra column to allow finding the first of last entry in the concatenated string.

The most efficient way to remove first N elements in a list?

You can use list slicing to archive your goal:

n = 5
mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
newlist = mylist[n:]
print newlist


[6, 7, 8, 9]

Or del if you only want to use one list:

n = 5
mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
del mylist[:n]
print mylist


[6, 7, 8, 9]

Mark error in form using Bootstrap

Bootstrap V3:

Once i was searching for laravel features then i got to know this amazing form validation. Later on, i amended glyphicon icon features. Now, it looks great.

<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
    <input id="enter email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter email" class="form-control ">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>       
    <span class="help-block"><p>The Email field is required.</p></span>                                        
<div class="clearfix"></div>

<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
    <input id="account_holder_name" name="name" type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control ">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>                                            
    <span class="help-block"><p>The Name field is required.</p></span>                                        
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
 <input id="check_np" name="check_no" type="text" placeholder="Check no" class="form-control ">
 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>
<span class="help-block"><p>The Check No. field is required.</p></span>                                       

This is what it looks like: enter image description here

Once i completed it i thought i should implement it in Codeigniter as well. So here is the Codeigniter-3 validation with Bootstrap:


function addData()
if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
//validation fails. Load your view.
$this->loadViews('Load your view','pass your data to view if any');
 //validation pass. Your code here.


<div class="col-md-12">
 $email_error = (form_error('email') ? 'has-error has-feedback' : '');
 $emailData = '<span class="help-block">'.form_error('email').'</span>';
 $emailClass = $email_error;
 $emailIcon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>';
    $emailClass = $emailIcon = $emailData = '';
<div class="form-group <?= $emailClass ?>">
<input id="enter email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter email" class="form-control ">
<?= $emailIcon ?>
<?= $emailData ?>

Output: enter image description here

HTML Mobile -forcing the soft keyboard to hide

Those answers aren't bad, but they are limited in that they don't actually allow you to enter data. We had a similar problem where we were using barcode readers to enter data into a field, but we wanted to suppress the keyboard.

This is what I put together, it works pretty well:

<!-- must be a select box with no children to suppress the keyboard -->
input: <select id="hiddenField" /> 
<span id="fakecursor" />

<input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="visibleField" />
<div id="cursorMeasuringDiv" />

#hiddenField {
  border-width:0px 0px 0px 1px;

#cursorMeasuringDiv {

#hiddenField:focus {
  border:1px solid gray;  
  border-width:0px 0px 0px 1px;
  animation-name: cursor;
  animation-duration: 1s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;

@keyframes cursor {
    from {opacity:0;}
    to {opacity:1;}

// whenever the visible field gets focused
$("#visibleField").bind("focus", function(e) {
  // silently shift the focus to the hidden select box
  $("#cursorMeasuringDiv").css("font", $("#visibleField").css("font"));

// whenever the user types on his keyboard in the select box
// which is natively supported for jumping to an <option>
$("#hiddenField").bind("keypress",function(e) {
  // get the current value of the readonly field
  var currentValue = $("#visibleField").val();

  // and append the key the user pressed into that field
  $("#visibleField").val(currentValue + e.key);
  $("#cursorMeasuringDiv").text(currentValue + e.key);

  // measure the width of the cursor offset
  var offset = 3;
  var textWidth = $("#cursorMeasuringDiv").width();


When you click in the <input> box, it simulates a cursor in that box but really puts the focus on an empty <select> box. Select boxes naturally allow for keypresses to support jumping to an element in the list so it was only a matter of rerouting the keypress to the original input and offsetting the simulated cursor.

This won't work for backspace, delete, etc... but we didn't need those. You could probably use jQuery's trigger to send the keyboard event directly to another input box somewhere but we didn't need to bother with that so I didn't do it.

HTML "overlay" which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it

For the record an alternative approach might be to make the clickable layer the overlay: you make it semi-transparent and then place the "overlay" image behind it (somewhat counterintuitively, the "overlay" image could then be opaque). Depending on what you're trying to do, you might well be able to get the exact same visual effect (of an image and a clickable layer semi-transparently superimposed on top of each other), while avoiding clickability problems (because the "overlay" is in fact in the background).

How to parse JSON array in jQuery?

I am trying to parse JSON data returned from an ajax call, and the following is working for me:

Sample PHP code

$portfolio_array= Array('desc'=>'This is test description1','item1'=>'1.jpg','item2'=>'2.jpg');

echo json_encode($portfolio_array);

And in the .js, i am parsing like this:

var req=$.post("json.php", { id: "" + id + ""},
function(data) {
    $.each(data, function(i,item){
.error(function(){alert('There was problem loading portfolio details.');})

If you have multidimensional array like below

$portfolio_array= Array('desc'=>'This is test description 1','items'=> array('item1'=>'1.jpg','item2'=>'2.jpg'));
echo json_encode($portfolio_array);

Then the code below should work:

var req=$.post("json.php", { id: "" + id + 
    function(data) {
    $.each(data.items, function(i,item){
.error(function(){alert('There was problem loading portfolio details.');})

Please note the sub array key here is items, and suppose if you have xyz then in place of data.items use

How can I create a simple index.html file which lists all files/directories?

This can't be done with pure HTML.

However if you have access to PHP on the Apache server (you tagged the post "apache") it can be done easilly - se the PHP glob function. If not - you might try Server Side Include - it's an Apache thing, and I don't know much about it.

How to wait for the 'end' of 'resize' event and only then perform an action?

You can use setTimeout() and clearTimeout() in conjunction with

$(window).resize(function() {
    clearTimeout($.data(this, 'resizeTimer'));
    $.data(this, 'resizeTimer', setTimeout(function() {
        //do something
        alert("Haven't resized in 200ms!");
    }, 200));


I wrote an extension to enhance jQuery's default on (& bind)-event-handler. It attaches an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements if the event was not triggered for a given interval. This is useful if you want to fire a callback only after a delay, like the resize event, or else.

;(function ($) {
    var methods = { on: $.fn.on, bind: $.fn.bind };
    $.each(methods, function(k){
        $.fn[k] = function () {
            var args = [],
                delay = args.pop(),
                fn = args.pop(),

            args.push(function () {
                var self = this,
                    arg = arguments;
                timer = setTimeout(function(){
                    fn.apply(self, [];
                }, delay);

            return methods[k].apply(this, isNaN(delay) ? arguments : args);

Use it like any other on or bind-event handler, except that you can pass an extra parameter as a last:

$(window).on('resize', function(e) {
    console.log(e.type + '-event was 200ms not triggered');
}, 200);

How to Create simple drag and Drop in angularjs

small scripts for drag and drop by angular

(function(angular) {
  'use strict';
angular.module('drag', []).
  directive('draggable', function($document) {
    return function(scope, element, attr) {
      var startX = 0, startY = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
       position: 'relative',
       border: '1px solid red',
       backgroundColor: 'lightgrey',
       cursor: 'pointer',
       display: 'block',
       width: '65px'
      element.on('mousedown', function(event) {
        // Prevent default dragging of selected content
        startX = event.screenX - x;
        startY = event.screenY - y;
        $document.on('mousemove', mousemove);
        $document.on('mouseup', mouseup);

      function mousemove(event) {
        y = event.screenY - startY;
        x = event.screenX - startX;
          top: y + 'px',
          left:  x + 'px'

      function mouseup() {
        $'mousemove', mousemove);
        $'mouseup', mouseup);

source link

regular expression to validate datetime format (MM/DD/YYYY)

The answer marked is perfect but for one scenario, where in the dd and mm are actually single digits. the following regex is perfect in this case:

    function validateDate(testdate) {_x000D_
        var date_regex = /^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0?[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])\/(19|20)\d{2}$/ ;_x000D_
        return date_regex.test(testdate);_x000D_

Ranges of floating point datatype in C?

A 32 bit floating point number has 23 + 1 bits of mantissa and an 8 bit exponent (-126 to 127 is used though) so the largest number you can represent is:

(1 + 1 / 2 + ... 1 / (2 ^ 23)) * (2 ^ 127) = 
(2 ^ 23 + 2 ^ 23 + .... 1) * (2 ^ (127 - 23)) = 
(2 ^ 24 - 1) * (2 ^ 104) ~= 3.4e38

How to open a new tab in GNOME Terminal from command line?

Consider using Roxterm instead.

roxterm --tab

opens a tab in the current window.

How to get 'System.Web.Http, Version=

I did Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core -version 5.2.3 but it still did not work. Then looked in my project bin folder and saw that it still had the old System.Web.Mvc file.

So I manually copied the newer file from the package to the bin folder. Then I was up and running again.

Apply pandas function to column to create multiple new columns?

I usually do this using zip:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[i] for i in range(10)], columns=['num'])
>>> df
0    0
1    1
2    2
3    3
4    4
5    5
6    6
7    7
8    8
9    9

>>> def powers(x):
>>>     return x, x**2, x**3, x**4, x**5, x**6

>>> df['p1'], df['p2'], df['p3'], df['p4'], df['p5'], df['p6'] = \
>>>     zip(*df['num'].map(powers))

>>> df
        num     p1      p2      p3      p4      p5      p6
0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1
2       2       2       4       8       16      32      64
3       3       3       9       27      81      243     729
4       4       4       16      64      256     1024    4096
5       5       5       25      125     625     3125    15625
6       6       6       36      216     1296    7776    46656
7       7       7       49      343     2401    16807   117649
8       8       8       64      512     4096    32768   262144
9       9       9       81      729     6561    59049   531441

creating a random number using MYSQL

This is correct formula to find integers from i to j where i <= R <= j


Proper way of checking if row exists in table in PL/SQL block

Many ways to skin this cat. I put a simple function in each table's package...

function exists( id_in in ) return boolean is
  res boolean := false;
  for c1 in ( select 1 from yourTable where id = id_in and rownum = 1 ) loop
    res := true;
    exit; -- only care about one record, so exit.
  end loop;
  return( res );
end exists;

Makes your checks really clean...

IF pkg.exists(someId) THEN

RegEx - Match Numbers of Variable Length


try adding plus(es)

Copy table to a different database on a different SQL Server

Create the database, with Script Database as... CREATE To

Within SSMS on the source server, use the export wizard with the destination server database as the destination.

  • Source instance > YourDatabase > Tasks > Export data
  • Data Soure = SQL Server Native Client
    • Validate/enter Server & Database
  • Destination = SQL Server Native Client
    • Validate/enter Server & Database
  • Follow through wizard

In angular $http service, How can I catch the "status" of error?

Your arguments are incorrect, error doesn't return an object containing status and message, it passed them as separate parameters in the order described below.

Taken from the angular docs:

  • data – {string|Object} – The response body transformed with the transform functions.
  • status – {number} – HTTP status code of the response.
  • headers – {function([headerName])} – Header getter function.
  • config – {Object} – The configuration object that was used to generate the request.
  • statusText – {string} – HTTP status text of the response.

So you'd need to change your code to:

    .success(function (data){
        $ = data;
    .error(function (error, status){
        $ = { message: error, status: status};

Obviously, you don't have to create an object representing the error, you could just create separate scope properties but the same principle applies.

Conditional replacement of values in a data.frame

Here is one approach. ifelse is vectorized and it checks all rows for zero values of b and replaces est with (a - 5)/2.53 if that is the case.

df <- transform(df, est = ifelse(b == 0, (a - 5)/2.53, est))

Format cell if cell contains date less than today


Returns true for dates up to and including today, false otherwise.

python: changing row index of pandas data frame

you can do

followers_df.index = range(20)

Check for database connection, otherwise display message

very basic:

$username = 'user';
$password = 'password';
$server = 'localhost'; 
// Opens a connection to a MySQL server
$connection = mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password) or die('try again in some minutes, please');
//if you want to suppress the error message, substitute the connection line for:
//$connection = @mysql_connect($server, $username, $password) or die('try again in some minutes, please');


Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/user/public_html/zdel1.php on line 6 try again in some minutes, please

as per Wrikken's recommendation below, check out a complete error handler for more complex, efficient and elegant solutions:

Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter

You can't use it in the way you describe. The point about generic types, is that although you may not know them at "coding time", the compiler needs to be able to resolve them at compile time. Why? Because under the hood, the compiler will go away and create a new type (sometimes called a closed generic type) for each different usage of the "open" generic type.

In other words, after compilation,


is a different type to


This is how the compiler is able to enfore compile-time type safety.

For the scenario you describe, you should pass the type as an argument that can be examined at run time.

The other option, as mentioned in other answers, is that of using reflection to create the closed type from the open type, although this is probably recommended in anything other than extreme niche scenarios I'd say.

Writing outputs to log file and console

Yes, you want to use tee:

tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files

Just pipe your command to tee and pass the file as an argument, like so:

exec 1 | tee ${LOG_FILE}
exec 2 | tee ${LOG_FILE}

This both prints the output to the STDOUT and writes the same output to a log file. See man tee for more information.

Note that this won't write stderr to the log file, so if you want to combine the two streams then use:

exec 1 2>&1 | tee ${LOG_FILE}

When should I use curly braces for ES6 import?

  • If there is any default export in the file, there isn't any need to use the curly braces in the import statement.

  • if there are more than one export in the file then we need to use curly braces in the import file so that which are necessary we can import.

  • You can find the complete difference when to use curly braces and default statement in the below YouTube video (very heavy Indian accent, including rolling on the r's...).

    21. ES6 Modules. Different ways of using import/export, Default syntax in the code. ES6 | ES2015

Setting focus on an HTML input box on page load

This line:

<input type="password" name="PasswordInput"/>

should have an id attribute, like so:

<input type="password" name="PasswordInput" id="PasswordInput"/>

Filtering Sharepoint Lists on a "Now" or "Today"

Warning about using TODAY (or any calcs in a column).

If you set up a filter and have JUST [Today] it it you should be fine.

But the moment you do something like [Today]-1 ... the view will no longer show up when trying to pick it for alerts.

Another microsoft wonder.

How to change bower's default components folder?

Something worth mentioning...

As noted above by other contributors, using a .bowerrc file with the JSON

{ "directory": "some/path" }

is necessary -- HOWEVER, you may run into an issue on Windows while creating that file. If Windows gives you a message imploring you to add a "file name", simply use a text editor / IDE such as Notepad++.

Add the JSON to an unnamed file, save it as .bowerrc -- you're good to go!

Probably an easy assumption, but I hope this save others the unnecessary headache :)

Regular Expressions- Match Anything

$str = "I bought _ sheep";
preg_match("/I bought (.*?) sheep", $str, $match);

What is the standard exception to throw in Java for not supported/implemented operations?

If you want more granularity and better decription, you could use NotImplementedException from commons-lang

Warning: Available before versions 2.6 and after versions 3.2, only.

How to sum array of numbers in Ruby?

You can also do it in easy way

def sum(numbers)
  return 0 if numbers.length < 1
  result = 0
  numbers.each { |num| result += num }

How to do scanf for single char in C

Use string instead of char like

char c[10];
scanf ("%s", c);

I belive it works nice.

How to close current tab in a browser window?

Try this

<a href="'','_self').close();">close</a>

How to do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL?

Modified shA.t's query for more clarity:

-- t1 left join t2
SELECT t1.value, t2.value
FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.value = t2.value   

    UNION ALL -- include duplicates

-- t1 right exclude join t2 (records found only in t2)
SELECT t1.value, t2.value
FROM t1 RIGHT JOIN t2 ON t1.value = t2.value
WHERE t1.value IS NULL 

Getting error "No such module" using Xcode, but the framework is there

I had similar problem with loading FacebookSDK, I added ~/Documents/FacebookSDK (search where your frameworks are) to Framework search paths in Build settings and after that I was able to import the FBSDKShareKit module

How to implement a ConfigurationSection with a ConfigurationElementCollection

If you are looking for a custom configuration section like following

        <Credentials Username="itsme" Password="mypassword"/>
        <PrimaryAgent Address="" Port="3560"/>
        <SecondaryAgent Address="" Port="3570"/>
        <Site Id="123" />
          <Lane Id="1" PointId="north" Direction="Entry"/>
          <Lane Id="2" PointId="south" Direction="Exit"/>

then you can use my implementation of configuration section so to get started add System.Configuration assembly reference to your project

Look at the each nested elements I used, First one is Credentials with two attributes so lets add it first

Credentials Element

public class CredentialsConfigElement : System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement
        public string Username
                return base["Username"] as string;

        public string Password
                return base["Password"] as string;

PrimaryAgent and SecondaryAgent

Both has the same attributes and seem like a Address to a set of servers for a primary and a failover, so you just need to create one element class for both of those like following

public class ServerInfoConfigElement : ConfigurationElement
        public string Address
                return base["Address"] as string;

        public int? Port
                return base["Port"] as int?;

I'll explain how to use two different element with one class later in this post, let us skip the SiteId as there is no difference in it. You just have to create one class same as above with one property only. let us see how to implement Lanes collection

it is splitted in two parts first you have to create an element implementation class then you have to create collection element class


public class LaneConfigElement : ConfigurationElement
        public string Id
                return base["Id"] as string;

        public string PointId
                return base["PointId"] as string;

        public Direction? Direction
                return base["Direction"] as Direction?;

    public enum Direction

you can notice that one attribute of LanElement is an Enumeration and if you try to use any other value in configuration which is not defined in Enumeration application will throw an System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException on startup. Ok lets move on to Collection Definition

[ConfigurationCollection(typeof(LaneConfigElement), AddItemName = "Lane", CollectionType = ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap)]
    public class LaneConfigCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
        public LaneConfigElement this[int index]
            get { return (LaneConfigElement)BaseGet(index); }
                if (BaseGet(index) != null)
                BaseAdd(index, value);

        public void Add(LaneConfigElement serviceConfig)

        public void Clear()

        protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
            return new LaneConfigElement();

        protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
            return ((LaneConfigElement)element).Id;

        public void Remove(LaneConfigElement serviceConfig)

        public void RemoveAt(int index)

        public void Remove(String name)


you can notice that I have set the AddItemName = "Lane" you can choose whatever you like for your collection entry item, i prefer to use "add" the default one but i changed it just for the sake of this post.

Now all of our nested Elements have been implemented now we should aggregate all of those in a class which has to implement System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection


public class CustomApplicationConfigSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
        private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CustomApplicationConfigSection));
        public const string SECTION_NAME = "CustomApplicationConfig";

        public CredentialsConfigElement Credentials
                return base["Credentials"] as CredentialsConfigElement;

        public ServerInfoConfigElement PrimaryAgent
                return base["PrimaryAgent"] as ServerInfoConfigElement;

        public ServerInfoConfigElement SecondaryAgent
                return base["SecondaryAgent"] as ServerInfoConfigElement;

        public SiteConfigElement Site
                return base["Site"] as SiteConfigElement;

        public LaneConfigCollection Lanes
            get { return base["Lanes"] as LaneConfigCollection; }

Now you can see that we have two properties with name PrimaryAgent and SecondaryAgent both have the same type now you can easily understand why we had only one implementation class against these two element.

Before you can use this newly invented configuration section in your app.config (or web.config) you just need to tell you application that you have invented your own configuration section and give it some respect, to do so you have to add following lines in app.config (may be right after start of root tag).

    <section name="CustomApplicationConfig" type="MyNameSpace.CustomApplicationConfigSection, MyAssemblyName" />

NOTE: MyAssemblyName should be without .dll e.g. if you assembly file name is myDll.dll then use myDll instead of myDll.dll

to retrieve this configuration use following line of code any where in your application

CustomApplicationConfigSection config = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection(CustomApplicationConfigSection.SECTION_NAME) as CustomApplicationConfigSection;

I hope above post would help you to get started with a bit complicated kind of custom config sections.

Happy Coding :)

****Edit**** To Enable LINQ on LaneConfigCollection you have to implement IEnumerable<LaneConfigElement>

And Add following implementation of GetEnumerator

public new IEnumerator<LaneConfigElement> GetEnumerator()
            int count = base.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                yield return base.BaseGet(i) as LaneConfigElement;

for the people who are still confused about how yield really works read this nice article

Two key points taken from above article are

it doesn’t really end the method’s execution. yield return pauses the method execution and the next time you call it (for the next enumeration value), the method will continue to execute from the last yield return call. It sounds a bit confusing I think… (Shay Friedman)

Yield is not a feature of the .Net runtime. It is just a C# language feature which gets compiled into simple IL code by the C# compiler. (Lars Corneliussen)

Using NOT operator in IF conditions

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the ! operator in if..then..else statements.

The naming of variables, and in your example, methods is what is important. If you are using:

if(!isPerson()) { ... } // Nothing wrong with this


if(!balloons()) { ... } // method is named badly

It all comes down to readability. Always aim for what is the most readable and you won't go wrong. Always try to keep your code continuous as well, for instance, look at Bill the Lizards answer.

No assembly found containing an OwinStartupAttribute Error

Add this code in web.config under the <configuration> tag as shown in image below. Your error should then be gone.

    <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false" />

Check Image Below

Is it possible to compile a program written in Python?

If you really want, you could always compile with Cython. This will generate C code, which you can then compile with any C compiler such as GCC.

Jquery, checking if a value exists in array or not

Try jQuery.inArray()

Here is a jsfiddle link using the same code :

The $.inArray() method is similar to JavaScript's native .indexOf() method in that it returns -1 when it doesn't find a match. If the first element within the array matches value, $.inArray() returns 0

Example Code :

         div { color:blue; }
         span { color:red; }
      <script src=""></script>
      <div>"John" found at <span></span></div>
      <div>4 found at <span></span></div>
      <div>"Karl" not found, so <span></span></div>
         "Pete" is in the array, but not at or after index 2, so <span></span>
         var arr = [ 4, "Pete", 8, "John" ];
         var $spans = $("span");
         $spans.eq(0).text(jQuery.inArray("John", arr));
         $spans.eq(1).text(jQuery.inArray(4, arr));
         $spans.eq(2).text(jQuery.inArray("Karl", arr));
         $spans.eq(3).text(jQuery.inArray("Pete", arr, 2));


"John" found at 3
4 found at 0
"Karl" not found, so -1
"Pete" is in the array, but not at or after index 2, so -1

How to pass variable number of arguments to printf/sprintf

Have a look at the example, they pass the number of arguments to the method but you can ommit that and modify the code appropriately (see the example).

Laravel Update Query

This error would suggest that User::where('email', '=', $userEmail)->first() is returning null, rather than a problem with updating your model.

Check that you actually have a User before attempting to change properties on it, or use the firstOrFail() method.

$UpdateDetails = User::where('email', $userEmail)->first();

if (is_null($UpdateDetails)) {
    return false;

or using the firstOrFail() method, theres no need to check if the user is null because this throws an exception (ModelNotFoundException) when a model is not found, which you can catch using App::error()

$UpdateDetails = User::where('email', $userEmail)->firstOrFail();

How to import image (.svg, .png ) in a React Component

You can use require as well to render images like

//then in the render function of Jsx insert the mainLogo variable

class NavBar extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <nav className="nav" style={nbStyle}>
        <div className="container">
          //right below here
          <img src={require('./logoWhite.png')} style={nbStyle.logo} alt="fireSpot"/>

Adb Devices can't find my phone

Try doing this:

  • Unplug the device
  • Execute adb kill-server && adb start-server(that restarts adb)
  • Re-plug the device

Also you can try to edit an adb config file .android/adb_usb.ini and add a line 04e8 after the header. Restart adb required for changes to take effect.

Invoking modal window in AngularJS Bootstrap UI using JavaScript

Quick and Dirty Way!

It's not a good way, but for me it seems the most simplest.

Add an anchor tag which contains the modal data-target and data-toggle, have an id associated with it. (Can be added mostly anywhere in the html view)

<a href="" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" id="myModalShower"></a>


Inside the angular controller, from where you want to trigger the modal just use


This will mimic a click to the button based on the angular code and the modal will appear.

pass JSON to HTTP POST Request

I think the following should work:

// fire request
    url: url,
    method: "POST",
    json: requestData
}, ...

In this case, the Content-type: application/json header is automatically added.

Is there a Google Chrome-only CSS hack?

Try to use the new '@supports' feature, here is one good hack that you might like:

* UPDATE!!! * Microsoft Edge and Safari 9 both added support for the @supports feature in Fall 2015, Firefox also -- so here is my updated version for you:

/* Chrome 29+ (Only) */

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) and (not (overflow:-webkit-marquee))
and (not (-ms-ime-align:auto)) and (not (-moz-appearance:none)) { 
   .selector { color:red; } 

More info on this here (the reverse... Safari but not Chrome): [ is there a css hack for safari only NOT chrome? ]

The previous CSS Hack [before Edge and Safari 9 or newer Firefox versions]:

/* Chrome 28+ (now also Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Safari 9+) */

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) { .selector { color:red; } }

This worked for (only) chrome, version 28 and newer.

(The above chrome 28+ hack was not one of my creations. I found this on the web and since it was so good I sent it to recently, there are others coming.)

August 17th, 2014 update: As I mentioned, I have been working on reaching more versions of chrome (and many other browsers), and here is one I crafted that handles chrome 35 and newer.

/* Chrome 35+ */

_::content, _:future, .selector:not(*:root) { color:red; }

In the comments below it was mentioned by @BoltClock about future, past, not... etc... We can in fact use them to go a little farther back in Chrome history.

So then this is one that also works but not 'Chrome-only' which is why I did not put it here. You still have to separate it by a Safari-only hack to complete the process. I have created css hacks to do this however, not to worry. Here are a few of them, starting with the simplest:

/* Chrome 26+, Safari 6.1+ */

_:past, .selector:not(*:root) { color:red; }

Or instead, this one which goes back to Chrome 22 and newer, but Safari as well...

/* Chrome 22+, Safari 6.1+ */

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
and (min-resolution:.001dpcm),
screen and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
    .selector { color:red; } 

The block of Chrome versions 22-28 (more complicated but works nicely) are also possible to target via a combination I worked out:

/* Chrome 22-28 (Only!) */

@media screen and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
    .selector  {-chrome-:only(;



Now follow up with this next couple I also created that targets Safari 6.1+ (only) in order to still separate Chrome and Safari. Updated to include Safari 8

/* Safari 6.1-7.0 */

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-color-index:0)
    .selector {(;  color:blue;  );} 

/* Safari 7.1+ */

_::-webkit-full-page-media, _:future, :root .selector { color:blue; } 

So if you put one of the Chrome+Safari hacks above, and then the Safari 6.1-7 and 8 hacks in your styles sequentially, you will have Chrome items in red, and Safari items in blue.

Add items in array angular 4

Push object into your array. Try this:

export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
    name: string;
    empoloyeeID : number;
    empList: Array<{name: string, empoloyeeID: number}> = []; 
    constructor() {}
    ngOnInit() {}
        this.empList.push({ name:, empoloyeeID: this.empoloyeeID }); = "";
        this.empoloyeeID = 0;

Difference between Activity Context and Application Context

You can see a difference between the two contexts when you launch your app directly from the home screen vs when your app is launched from another app via share intent.

Here a practical example of what "non-standard back stack behaviors", mentioned by @CommonSenseCode, means:

Suppose that you have two apps that communicate with each other, App1 and App2.

Launch App2:MainActivity from launcher. Then from MainActivity launch App2:SecondaryActivity. There, either using activity context or application context, both activities live in the same task and this is ok (given that you use all standard launch modes and intent flags). You can go back to MainActivity with a back press and in the recent apps you have only one task.

Suppose now that you are in App1 and launch App2:MainActivity with a share intent (ACTION_SEND or ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE). Then from there try to launch App2:SecondaryActivity (always with all standard launch modes and intent flags). What happens is:

  • if you launch App2:SecondaryActivity with application context on Android < 10 you cannot launch all the activities in the same task. I have tried with android 7 and 8 and the SecondaryActivity is always launched in a new task (I guess is because App2:SecondaryActivity is launched with the App2 application context but you're coming from App1 and you didn't launch the App2 application directly. Maybe under the hood android recognize that and use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK). This can be good or bad depending on your needs, for my application was bad.
    On Android 10 the app crashes with the message
    "Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag. Is this really what you want?".
    So to make it work on Android 10 you have to use FALG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK and you cannot run all activities in the same task.
    As you can see the behavior is different between android versions, weird.

  • if you launch App2:SecondaryActivity with activity context all goes well and you can run all the activities in the same task resulting in a linear backstack navigation.

I hope I have added some useful information

How to use Comparator in Java to sort

Java 8 added a new way of making Comparators that reduces the amount of code you have to write, Comparator.comparing. Also check out Comparator.reversed

Here's a sample

import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

public class ComparatorTest {

    public void test() {
        List<Person> peopleList = new ArrayList<>();
        peopleList.add(new Person("A", 1000));
        peopleList.add(new Person("B", 1));
        peopleList.add(new Person("C", 50));
        peopleList.add(new Person("Z", 500));
        //sort by name, ascending
        assertTrue(peopleList.get(peopleList.size() - 1).getName().equals("Z"));
        //sort by name, descending
        assertTrue(peopleList.get(peopleList.size() - 1).getName().equals("A"));
        //sort by age, ascending
        assertTrue(peopleList.get(0).getAge() == 1);
        assertTrue(peopleList.get(peopleList.size() - 1).getAge() == 1000);
        //sort by age, descending
        assertTrue(peopleList.get(0).getAge() == 1000);
        assertTrue(peopleList.get(peopleList.size() - 1).getAge() == 1);

    class Person {

        String name;
        int age;

        Person(String n, int a) {
            name = n;
            age = a;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public int getAge() {
            return age;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;

        public void setAge(int age) {
            this.age = age;


datetimepicker is not a function jquery

Place your scripts in this order:   

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- Optional theme -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

    <script src=""></script>   
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script src=""></script>

Find UNC path of a network drive?

The answer is a simple PowerShell one-liner:

Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkConnection | ft "RemoteName","LocalName" -A

If you only want to pull the UNC for one particular drive, add a where statement:

Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkConnection | where -Property 'LocalName' -eq 'Z:'  | ft "RemoteName","LocalName" -A

Xamarin 2.0 vs Appcelerator Titanium vs PhoneGap

There's also AppGyver Steroids that unites PhoneGap and Native UI nicely.

With Steroids you can add things like native tabs, native navigation bar, native animations and transitions, native modal windows, native drawer/panel (facebooks side menu) etc. to your PhoneGap app.

Here's a demo:

Closing JFrame with button click

You will need a reference to the specific frame you want to close but assuming you have the reference dispose() should close the frame.

jButton1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

Remove Primary Key in MySQL

ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY( `column_name`);

Sheet.getRange(1,1,1,12) what does the numbers in bracket specify?

Found these docu on the google docu pages:

  • row --- int --- top row of the range
  • column --- int--- leftmost column of the range
  • optNumRows --- int --- number of rows in the range.
  • optNumColumns --- int --- number of columns in the range

In your example, you would get (if you picked the 3rd row) "C3:O3", cause C --> O is 12 columns


Using the example on the docu:

// The code below will get the number of columns for the range C2:G8
// in the active spreadsheet, which happens to be "4"
var count = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(2, 3, 6, 4).getNumColumns(); Browser.msgBox(count);

The values between brackets:
2: the starting row = 2
3: the starting col = C
6: the number of rows = 6 so from 2 to 8
4: the number of cols = 4 so from C to G

So you come to the range: C2:G8

jQuery: Get height of hidden element in jQuery

Here's a script I wrote to handle all of jQuery's dimension methods for hidden elements, even descendants of hidden parents. Note that, of course, there's a performance hit using this.

// Correctly calculate dimensions of hidden elements
(function($) {
    var originals = {},
        keys = [
        isVisible = function(el) {
            el = $(el);
  'hidden', []);

            var visible = true,
                parents = el.parents(),
                hiddenData ='hidden');

            if(!':visible')) {
                visible = false;
                hiddenData[hiddenData.length] = el;

            parents.each(function(i, parent) {
                parent = $(parent);
                if(!':visible')) {
                    visible = false;
                    hiddenData[hiddenData.length] = parent;
            return visible;

    $.each(keys, function(i, dimension) {
        originals[dimension] = $.fn[dimension];

        $.fn[dimension] = function(size) {
            var el = $(this[0]);

                    size !== undefined &&
                        (dimension == 'outerHeight' || 
                            dimension == 'outerWidth') &&
                        (size === true || size === false)
                ) ||
            ) {
                return originals[dimension].call(this, size);

            var hiddenData ='hidden'),
                topHidden = hiddenData[hiddenData.length - 1],
                topHiddenClone = topHidden.clone(true),
                topHiddenDescendants = topHidden.find('*').andSelf(),
                topHiddenCloneDescendants = topHiddenClone.find('*').andSelf(),
                elIndex = topHiddenDescendants.index(el[0]),
                clone = topHiddenCloneDescendants[elIndex],

            $.each(hiddenData, function(i, hidden) {
                var index = topHiddenDescendants.index(hidden);

            if(dimension == 'outerHeight' || dimension == 'outerWidth') {
                ret = $(clone)[dimension](size ? true : false);
            } else {
                ret = $(clone)[dimension]();

            return ret;

Apply .gitignore on an existing repository already tracking large number of files

Here is one way to “untrack” any files that are would otherwise be ignored under the current set of exclude patterns:

(GIT_INDEX_FILE=some-non-existent-file \
git ls-files --exclude-standard --others --directory --ignored -z) |
xargs -0 git rm --cached -r --ignore-unmatch --

This leaves the files in your working directory but removes them from the index.

The trick used here is to provide a non-existent index file to git ls-files so that it thinks there are no tracked files. The shell code above asks for all the files that would be ignored if the index were empty and then removes them from the actual index with git rm.

After the files have been “untracked”, use git status to verify that nothing important was removed (if so adjust your exclude patterns and use git reset -- path to restore the removed index entry). Then make a new commit that leaves out the “crud”.

The “crud” will still be in any old commits. You can use git filter-branch to produce clean versions of the old commits if you really need a clean history (n.b. using git filter-branch will “rewrite history”, so it should not be undertaken lightly if you have any collaborators that have pulled any of your historical commits after the “crud” was first introduced).

sql use statement with variable

I case that someone need a solution for this, this is one:

if you use a dynamic USE statement all your query need to be dynamic, because it need to be everything in the same context.

You can try with SYNONYM, is basically an ALIAS to a specific Table, this SYNONYM is inserted into the sys.synonyms table so you have access to it from any context

Look this static statement:


Now dynamic:



EXEC sp_sqlexec @SQL

--Your not dynamic Code

Now just change the value of @CATALOG and you will be able to list the same table but from different catalog.

Chrome extension id - how to find it

All extension ID are listed here:



Adding a new SQL column with a default value

Like this?

ALTER TABLE `tablename` ADD `new_col_name` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?

How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?

Changing Editor's Background

Open Preference > Editor (In IDE Settings Section) > Colors & Fonts > Darcula or Any item available there

IDE will display a dialog like this, Press 'No'

Darcula color scheme has been set for editors. Would you like to set Darcula as default Look and Feel?

Changing IDE's Theme

Open Preference > Appearance (In IDE Settings Section) > Theme > Darcula or Any item available there

Press OK. Android Studio will ask you to restart the IDE.

View more than one project/solution in Visual Studio

This is the way Visual Studio is designed: One solution, one Visual Studio (VS) instance.

Besides switching between solutions in one VS instance, you can also open another VS instance and open your other solution with that one. Next to solutions there are as you said "projects". You can have multiple projects within one solution and therefore view many projects at the same time.

Edit a commit message in SourceTree Windows (already pushed to remote)


Note: this answer was originally written with regard to older versions of SourceTree for Windows, and is now out-of-date.

See my new answer for the current version of SourceTree for Windows, I'm leaving this answer behind for historical purposes.

Original Answer

as I'm on Windows I don't have a command line tool nor do I know how to use one :( Is it the only way to get that sorted out? The GUI doesn't cover all the git's functions? — Original Poster

Regarding Git GUIs, no, they don't cover all of Git's functions. They don't even come close. I suggest you check out one of the answers in How do I edit an incorrect commit message in Git?, Git is flexible enough that there are multiple solutions...from the command line.

SourceTree might actually come with the msysgit bash shell already, or it might be able to use the standard Windows command shell. Either way, you open it up form SourceTree by clicking the Terminal button:

enter image description here

You set which terminal SourceTree uses (bash or Windows) here:

enter image description here

One way to solve the problem in SourceTree

That being said, here's one way you can do it in SourceTree. Since you mentioned in the comments that you don't mind "reverting back to the faulty commit" (by which I assume you actually mean resetting, which is a different operation in Git), then here are the steps:

  1. Do a hard reset in SourceTree to the bad commit by right-clicking on it and selecting Reset current branch to this commit, and selecting the hard reset option from the drop down. enter image description here
  2. Click the Commit button, then
  3. Click on the checkbox at the bottom that says "Amend latest commit". enter image description here
  4. Make the changes you want to the message, then click Commit again. Voila!

Regarding this comment:

if it's not possible because it's already pushed to Bitbucket, I would not mind creating a new repository and starting over.

Does this mean that you're the only person working on the repo? This is important because it's not trivial to change the history of a repo (like by amending a commit) without causing problems for your collaborators. However, assuming that you're the only person working on the repo, then the next thing you would want to do is force push your changed history to the remote.

Be aware, though, that because you did a hard reset to the faulty commit, then force pushing causes you to lose all work that come after it previously. If that's okay, then you might need to use the following command at the command line to do the force push, because I couldn't find an option to do it in SourceTree:

git push remote-repo head -f

This also assumes that BitBucket will allow you to force push to a repo.

You should really learn how to use Git from the command line anyways though, it'll make you more proficient in Git. #ProTip, use msysgit and turn on Quick Edit mode on in the terminal properties, so that you can double click to highlight a line of text, right click to copy, and right click again to paste. It's pretty quick.

How to stick table header(thead) on top while scrolling down the table rows with fixed header(navbar) in bootstrap 3?

I accomplished something similar using jQuery Waypoints.

There's a lot of moving parts, and quite a bit of logic (that I hope to get on GitHub some day soon), but essentially what you could do is...

  1. Duplicate the table DOM structure in JavaScript and add a class called fixed.
  2. Add styles for table.fixed that make it invisible.
  3. Set a way point at the bottom of the header navigation that adds a class called sticky to table.fixed
  4. Add styles for table.sticky.fixed that position it just below the navbar and also make just the thead content visible. This also has a z-index so it is laid above the rest of the content.
  5. Add another waypoint, but in the downward scroll event, that removes .sticky from the table.fixed

You have to duplicate the entire table DOM in order to ensure column widths line up appropriately.

If that sounds really complicated, you might want to try playing around with the DataTables plugin and the FixedHeader extension:

String escape into XML

Thanks to @sehe for the one-line escape:

var escaped = new System.Xml.Linq.XText(unescaped).ToString();

I add to it the one-line un-escape:

var unescapedAgain = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(new StringReader("<r>" + escaped + "</r>")).ReadElementString();

Is there any way to kill a Thread?

It is better if you don't kill a thread. A way could be to introduce a "try" block into the thread's cycle and to throw an exception when you want to stop the thread (for example a break/return/... that stops your for/while/...). I've used this on my app and it works...

Find everything between two XML tags with RegEx

It is not a good idea to use regex for HTML/XML parsing...

However, if you want to do it anyway, search for regex pattern


and replace it with empty string...

How to consume a webApi from Web API to store result in database?

public class EmployeeApiController : ApiController
    private readonly IEmployee _employeeRepositary;

    public EmployeeApiController()
        _employeeRepositary = new EmployeeRepositary();

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Create(EmployeeModel Employee)
        var returnStatus = await _employeeRepositary.Create(Employee);
        return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, returnStatus);


public async Task<ResponseStatusViewModel> Create(EmployeeModel Employee)
    var responseStatusViewModel = new ResponseStatusViewModel();
    var connection = new SqlConnection(EmployeeConfig.EmployeeConnectionString);
                var command = new SqlCommand("usp_CreateEmployee", connection);
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                var pEmployeeName = new SqlParameter("@EmployeeName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                pEmployeeName.Value = Employee.EmployeeName;

                    await connection.OpenAsync();
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


                catch (Exception ex)

                    throw ex;
                return responseStatusViewModel;


Task<ResponseStatusViewModel> Create(EmployeeModel Employee);

public class EmployeeConfig
    public static string EmployeeConnectionString;
    private const string EmployeeConnectionStringKey = "EmployeeConnectionString";
    public static void InitializeConfig()
        EmployeeConnectionString = GetConnectionStringValue(EmployeeConnectionStringKey);

    private static string GetConnectionStringValue(string connectionStringName)
        return Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionStringName]);

Get docker container id from container name

I tried sudo docker container stats, and it will give out Container ID along with details of memory usage and Name, etc. If you want to stop viewing the process, do Ctrl+C. I hope you find it useful.

Excel date to Unix timestamp

You're apparently off by one day, exactly 86400 seconds. Use the number 2209161600 Not the number 2209075200 If you Google the two numbers, you'll find support for the above. I tried your formula but was always coming up 1 day different from my server. It's not obvious from the unix timestamp unless you think in unix instead of human time ;-) but if you double check then you'll see this might be correct.

How to open a web server port on EC2 instance

You need to configure the security group as stated by cyraxjoe. Along with that you also need to open System port. Steps to open port in windows :-

  1. On the Start menu, click Run, type WF.msc, and then click OK.
  2. In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, in the left pane, right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule in the action pane.
  3. In the Rule Type dialog box, select Port, and then click Next.
  4. In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select TCP. Select Specific local ports, and then type the port number , such as 8787 for the default instance. Click Next.
  5. In the Action dialog box, select Allow the connection, and then click Next.
  6. In the Profile dialog box, select any profiles that describe the computer connection environment when you want to connect , and then click Next.
  7. In the Name dialog box, type a name and description for this rule, and then click Finish.

Ref:- Microsoft Docs for port Opening

How to execute python file in linux

yes there is. add

#!/usr/bin/env python

to the beginning of the file and do

chmod u+rx <file>

assuming your user owns the file, otherwise maybe adjust the group or world permissions.

.py files under windows are associated with python as the program to run when opening them just like MS word is run when opening a .docx for example.

Java Try Catch Finally blocks without Catch

Regardless of exception thrown or not in try block - finally block will be executed. Exception would not be caught.

How is Docker different from a virtual machine?

Most of the answers here talk about virtual machines. I'm going to give you a one-liner response to this question that has helped me the most over the last couple years of using Docker. It's this:

Docker is just a fancy way to run a process, not a virtual machine.

Now, let me explain a bit more about what that means. Virtual machines are their own beast. I feel like explaining what Docker is will help you understand this more than explaining what a virtual machine is. Especially because there are many fine answers here telling you exactly what someone means when they say "virtual machine". So...

A Docker container is just a process (and its children) that is compartmentalized using cgroups inside the host system's kernel from the rest of the processes. You can actually see your Docker container processes by running ps aux on the host. For example, starting apache2 "in a container" is just starting apache2 as a special process on the host. It's just been compartmentalized from other processes on the machine. It is important to note that your containers do not exist outside of your containerized process' lifetime. When your process dies, your container dies. That's because Docker replaces pid 1 inside your container with your application (pid 1 is normally the init system). This last point about pid 1 is very important.

As far as the filesystem used by each of those container processes, Docker uses UnionFS-backed images, which is what you're downloading when you do a docker pull ubuntu. Each "image" is just a series of layers and related metadata. The concept of layering is very important here. Each layer is just a change from the layer underneath it. For example, when you delete a file in your Dockerfile while building a Docker container, you're actually just creating a layer on top of the last layer which says "this file has been deleted". Incidentally, this is why you can delete a big file from your filesystem, but the image still takes up the same amount of disk space. The file is still there, in the layers underneath the current one. Layers themselves are just tarballs of files. You can test this out with docker save --output /tmp/ubuntu.tar ubuntu and then cd /tmp && tar xvf ubuntu.tar. Then you can take a look around. All those directories that look like long hashes are actually the individual layers. Each one contains files (layer.tar) and metadata (json) with information about that particular layer. Those layers just describe changes to the filesystem which are saved as a layer "on top of" its original state. When reading the "current" data, the filesystem reads data as though it were looking only at the top-most layers of changes. That's why the file appears to be deleted, even though it still exists in "previous" layers, because the filesystem is only looking at the top-most layers. This allows completely different containers to share their filesystem layers, even though some significant changes may have happened to the filesystem on the top-most layers in each container. This can save you a ton of disk space, when your containers share their base image layers. However, when you mount directories and files from the host system into your container by way of volumes, those volumes "bypass" the UnionFS, so changes are not stored in layers.

Networking in Docker is achieved by using an ethernet bridge (called docker0 on the host), and virtual interfaces for every container on the host. It creates a virtual subnet in docker0 for your containers to communicate "between" one another. There are many options for networking here, including creating custom subnets for your containers, and the ability to "share" your host's networking stack for your container to access directly.

Docker is moving very fast. Its documentation is some of the best documentation I've ever seen. It is generally well-written, concise, and accurate. I recommend you check the documentation available for more information, and trust the documentation over anything else you read online, including Stack Overflow. If you have specific questions, I highly recommend joining #docker on Freenode IRC and asking there (you can even use Freenode's webchat for that!).

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this cause problems with NDK tools

just change the path:

"c:\program files\android\sdk" to "c:\progra~1\android\sdk"
"c:\program files (x86)\android\sdk" to "c:\progra~2\android\sdk"

note that the paths should not contain spaces.

How can I overwrite file contents with new content in PHP?

MY PREFERRED METHOD is using fopen,fwrite and fclose [it will cost less CPU]

fwrite($f,'new content');

Warning for those using file_put_contents

It'll affect a lot in performance, for example [on the same class/situation] file_get_contents too: if you have a BIG FILE, it'll read the whole content in one shot and that operation could take a long waiting time

IIS7 Cache-Control

That's not true Jeff.

You simply have to select a folder within your IIS 7 Manager UI (e.g. Images or event the Default Web Application folder) and then click on "HTTP Response Headers". Then you have to click on "Set Common Header.." in the right pane and select the "Expire Web content". There you can easily configure a max-age of 24 hours by choosing "After:", entering "24" in the Textbox and choose "Hours" in the combobox.

Your first paragraph regarding the web.config entry is right. I'd add the cacheControlCustom-attribute to set the cache control header to "public" or whatever is needed in that case.

You can, of course, achieve the same by providing web.config entries (or files) as needed.

Edit: removed a confusing sentence :)

ImportError: No module named 'django.core.urlresolvers'

if you want to import reverse, import it from django.urls

from django.urls import reverse

Eclipse keyboard shortcut to indent source code to the left?

Obviously this is only for Pydev, but I've worked out that you can get the very useful functions "Shift Right" and "Shift Left" (mapped by default to CTRL+ALT+. and CTRL+ALT+,) to become useful by changing their keybindings to "Pydev Editor Scope" from "Pydev View"

Scroll RecyclerView to show selected item on top

I use the code below to smooth-scroll an item (thisView) to the top.
It works also for GridLayoutManager with views of different heights:

View firstView = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(0);
int toY = firstView.getTop();
int firstPosition = mRecyclerView.getChildAdapterPosition(firstView);
View thisView = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(thisPosition - firstPosition);
int fromY = thisView.getTop();

mRecyclerView.smoothScrollBy(0, fromY - toY);

Seems to work good enough for a quick solution.

How to delete parent element using jQuery

You could also use this:


Get filename in batch for loop

If you want to remain both filename (only) and extension, you may use %~nxF:

FOR /R C:\Directory %F in (*.*) do echo %~nxF

How to print a single backslash?

A hacky way of printing a backslash that doesn't involve escaping is to pass its character code to chr:

>>> print(chr(92))

Int to Char in C#

Although not exactly answering the question as formulated, but if you need or can take the end result as string you can also use

string s = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(56);

which will give you surrogate UTF-16 pairs if needed, protecting you if you are out side of the BMP.

jackson deserialization json to java-objects

Your product class needs a parameterless constructor. You can make it private, but Jackson needs the constructor.

As a side note: You should use Pascal casing for your class names. That is Product, and not product.

Sanitizing user input before adding it to the DOM in Javascript

You need to take extra precautions when using user supplied data in HTML attributes. Because attributes has many more attack vectors than output inside HTML tags.

The only way to avoid XSS attacks is to encode everything except alphanumeric characters. Escape all characters with ASCII values less than 256 with the &#xHH; format. Which unfortunately may cause problems in your scenario, if you are using CSS classes and javascript to fetch those elements.

OWASP has a good description of how to mitigate HTML attribute XSS:

Html ordered list 1.1, 1.2 (Nested counters and scope) not working

I encountered similar problem recently. The fix is to set the display property of the li items in the ordered list to list-item, and not display block, and ensure that the display property of ol is not list-item. i.e

li { display: list-item;}

With this, the html parser sees all li as the list item and assign the appropriate value to it, and sees the ol, as an inline-block or block element based on your settings, and doesn't try to assign any count value to it.

Should 'using' directives be inside or outside the namespace?

As Jeppe Stig Nielsen said, this thread already has great answers, but I thought this rather obvious subtlety was worth mentioning too.

using directives specified inside namespaces can make for shorter code since they don't need to be fully qualified as when they're specified on the outside.

The following example works because the types Foo and Bar are both in the same global namespace, Outer.

Presume the code file Foo.cs:

namespace Outer.Inner
    class Foo { }

And Bar.cs:

namespace Outer
    using Outer.Inner;

    class Bar
        public Foo foo;

That may omit the outer namespace in the using directive, for short:

namespace Outer
    using Inner;

    class Bar
        public Foo foo;

Date Comparison using Java

It is easier to compare dates using the java.util.Calendar. Here is what you might do:

Calendar toDate = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar nowDate = Calendar.getInstance();
if(!toDate.before(nowDate)) {
    //display your report
} else {
    // don't display the report

Convert file to byte array and vice versa

There is no such functionality but you can use a temporary file by File.createTempFile().

File temp = File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix);
// tell system to delete it when vm terminates.

What exactly is the function of Application.CutCopyMode property in Excel

Normally, When you copy a cell you will find the below statement written down in the status bar (in the bottom of your sheet)

"Select destination and Press Enter or Choose Paste"

Then you press whether Enter or choose paste to paste the value of the cell.

If you didn't press Esc afterwards you will be able to paste the value of the cell several times

Application.CutCopyMode = False does the same like the Esc button, if you removed it from your code you will find that you are able to paste the cell value several times again.

And if you closed the Excel without pressing Esc you will get the warning 'There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard....'

using sql count in a case statement

    COUNT(CASE WHEN rsp_ind = 0 then 1 ELSE NULL END) as "New",
    COUNT(CASE WHEN rsp_ind = 1 then 1 ELSE NULL END) as "Accepted"
from tb_a

You can see the output for this request HERE

AngularJS performs an OPTIONS HTTP request for a cross-origin resource

If you are using Jersey for REST API's you can do as below

You don't have to change your webservices implementation.

I will explain for Jersey 2.x

1) First add a ResponseFilter as shown below



public class CorsResponseFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter {

public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,   ContainerResponseContext responseContext)
    throws IOException {
        responseContext.getHeaders().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT");


2) then in the web.xml , in the jersey servlet declaration add the below

        <param-value>YOUR PACKAGE.CorsResponseFilter</param-value>

Swift apply .uppercaseString to only the first letter of a string

If your string is all caps then below method will work

labelTitle.text = remarks?.lowercased().firstUppercased

This extension will helps you

extension StringProtocol {
    var firstUppercased: String {
        guard let first = first else { return "" }
        return String(first).uppercased() + dropFirst()

Generate a random number in a certain range in MATLAB

Generate values from the uniform distribution on the interval [a, b].

      r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1);

Vertical rulers in Visual Studio Code

Combining the answers of kiamlaluno and Mark, along with formatOnSave to autointent code for Python:

    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.autoIndent": "advanced",
    "editor.detectIndentation": true,
    "files.insertFinalNewline": true,
    "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
    "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
    "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd",
    "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
    "editor.rulers": [
            "column": 79,
            "color": "#424142"
        100, // <- a ruler in the default color or as customized at column 0
            "column": 120,
            "color": "#ff0000"


How does one capture a Mac's command key via JavaScript?

I found that you can detect the command key in the latest version of Safari (7.0: 9537.71) if it is pressed in conjunction with another key. For example, if you want to detect ?+x:, you can detect the x key AND check if event.metaKey is set to true. For example:

var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode || 0;
console.log(key, event.metaKey);

When pressing x on it's own, this will output 120, false. When pressing ?+x, it will output 120, true

This only seems to work in Safari - not Chrome

How to handle button clicks using the XML onClick within Fragments

I'd like to add to Adjorn Linkz's answer.

If you need multiple handlers, you could just use lambda references

void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
void handler(View v)

The trick here is that handler method's signature matches View.OnClickListener.onClick signature. This way, you won't need the View.OnClickListener interface.

Also, you won't need any switch statements.

Sadly, this method is only limited to interfaces that require a single method, or a lambda.

Getting the number of filled cells in a column (VBA)

You may also use:


Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

if using /bin/sh you can use:

if [ <condition> ] && [ <condition> ]; then

if using /bin/bash you can use:

if [[ <condition> && <condition> ]]; then

Jackson how to transform JsonNode to ArrayNode without casting?

Is there a method equivalent to getJSONArray in org.json so that I have proper error handling in case it isn't an array?

It depends on your input; i.e. the stuff you fetch from the URL. If the value of the "datasets" attribute is an associative array rather than a plain array, you will get a ClassCastException.

But then again, the correctness of your old version also depends on the input. In the situation where your new version throws a ClassCastException, the old version will throw JSONException. Reference:

.substring error: "is not a function"

you can also quote string


JQuery select2 set default value from an option in list?

$("#id").select2("val", null); //this will not can try

You should actually do this...intialise and then set the value..well this is also the way it worked for me.

$("#id").select2().select2("val", null);
$("#id").select2().select2("val", 'oneofthevaluehere');

Reactive forms - disabled attribute

Only who are using reactive forms : For native HTML elements [attr.disabled] will work but for material elements we need to dynamically disable the element.


Otherwise it will show in console warning message.

Including jars in classpath on commandline (javac or apt)


apt -classpath /sac/tools/thirdparty/jaxws-ri/jaxws-ri-2.1.4/lib/jsr181-api.jar:.

works but it gives me another error, see new question

How to allow user to pick the image with Swift?

Incase if you don't want to have a separate button, here is a another way. Attached a gesture on imageView itself, where on tap of image a alert will popup with two option. You will have the option to choose either from gallery/photo library or to cancel the alert.

import UIKit
import CoreData

class AddDetailsViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate {

@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!

var picker:UIImagePickerController? = UIImagePickerController()

@IBAction func saveButton(sender: AnyObject) {
    let managedContext = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as? AppDelegate)!.managedObjectContext

    let entity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Person", inManagedObjectContext: managedContext)

    let person = Person(entity: entity!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: managedContext)

    person.image = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imageView.image!, 1.0) //imageView.image

    do {
         try person.managedObjectContext?.save()
       } catch let error as NSError {
         print("Could not save \(error)")

override func viewDidLoad() {
    let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(AddDetailsViewController.tapGesture(_:)))
    imageView.userInteractionEnabled = true

    picker?.delegate = self
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

func tapGesture(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    let alert:UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "Profile Picture Options", message: nil, preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet)

    let gallaryAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Open Gallary", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default) {
        UIAlertAction in self.openGallary()

    let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel) {
        UIAlertAction in self.cancel()


    self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)


func openGallary() {
    picker!.allowsEditing = false
    picker!.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.PhotoLibrary
    presentViewController(picker!, animated: true, completion: nil)

func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : AnyObject]) {
    if let pickedImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage {
        imageView.contentMode = .ScaleAspectFit
        imageView.image = pickedImage

    dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

func cancel(){
    print("Cancel Clicked")


Adding more to the question, implemented the logic to store images in CoreData.

PHP GuzzleHttp. How to make a post request with params?

Since Marco's answer is deprecated, you must use the following syntax (according jasonlfunk's comment) :

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
    'form_params' => [
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'name' => 'Test user',
        'password' => 'testpassword',

Request with POST files

$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
    'multipart' => [
            'name'     => 'file_name',
            'contents' => fopen('/path/to/file', 'r')
            'name'     => 'csv_header',
            'contents' => 'First Name, Last Name, Username',
            'filename' => 'csv_header.csv'

REST verbs usage with params

// PUT
$client->put('', [
    'body' => [
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'name' => 'Test user',
        'password' => 'testpassword',
    'timeout' => 5


Async POST data

Usefull for long server operations.

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$promise = $client->requestAsync('POST', '', [
    'form_params' => [
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'name' => 'Test user',
        'password' => 'testpassword',
    function (ResponseInterface $res) {
        echo $res->getStatusCode() . "\n";
    function (RequestException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
        echo $e->getRequest()->getMethod();

Set headers

According to documentation, you can set headers :

// Set various headers on a request
$client->request('GET', '/get', [
    'headers' => [
        'User-Agent' => 'testing/1.0',
        'Accept'     => 'application/json',
        'X-Foo'      => ['Bar', 'Baz']

More information for debugging

If you want more details information, you can use debug option like this :

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
    'form_params' => [
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'name' => 'Test user',
        'password' => 'testpassword',
    // If you want more informations during request
    'debug' => true

Documentation is more explicits about new possibilities.

How to check Django version

If you want to make Django version comparison, you could use django-nine (pip install django-nine). For example, if Django version installed in your environment is 1.7.4, then the following would be true.

from nine import versions

versions.DJANGO_1_7 # True
versions.DJANGO_LTE_1_7 # True
versions.DJANGO_GTE_1_7 # True
versions.DJANGO_GTE_1_8 # False
versions.DJANGO_GTE_1_4 # True
versions.DJANGO_LTE_1_6 # False

how to count the spaces in a java string?

The simple and fastest way to count spaces

 String fav="foo hello me hi";
for( int i=0; i<fav.length(); i++ ) {
        if(fav.charAt(i) == ' ' ) {

Pandas How to filter a Series

If you like a chained operation, you can also use compress function:

test = pd.Series({
383:    3.000000,
663:    1.000000,
726:    1.000000,
737:    9.000000,
833:    8.166667

test.compress(lambda x: x != 1)

# 383    3.000000
# 737    9.000000
# 833    8.166667
# dtype: float64

How to use the PI constant in C++

From the Posix man page of math.h:

   The  <math.h>  header  shall  provide for the following constants.  The
   values are of type double and are accurate within the precision of  the
   double type.

   M_PI   Value of pi

   M_PI_2 Value of pi/2

   M_PI_4 Value of pi/4

   M_1_PI Value of 1/pi

   M_2_PI Value of 2/pi

          Value of 2/ sqrt pi

How to enable CORS in flask

OK, I don't think the official snippet mentioned by galuszkak should be used everywhere, we should concern the case that some bug may be triggered during the handler such as hello_world function. Whether the response is correct or uncorrect, the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is what we should concern. So, thing is very simple, just like bellow:

@blueprint.after_request # blueprint can also be app~~
def after_request(response):
    header = response.headers
    header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return response

That is all~~

ActionBarActivity cannot resolve a symbol

Make sure that in the path to the project there is no foldername having whitespace. While creating a project the specified path folders must not contain any space in their naming.

What does EntityManager.flush do and why do I need to use it?

A call to EntityManager.flush(); will force the data to be persist in the database immediately as EntityManager.persist() will not (depending on how the EntityManager is configured : FlushModeType (AUTO or COMMIT) by default it's set to AUTO and a flush will be done automatically by if it's set to COMMIT the persitence of the data to the underlying database will be delayed when the transaction is commited).

Image encryption/decryption using AES256 symmetric block ciphers


import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

class SecurityUtils {

  private static final byte[] salt = { (byte) 0xA4, (byte) 0x0B, (byte) 0xC8,
      (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0x95, (byte) 0xF3, (byte) 0x13 };

  private static int BLOCKS = 128;

  public static byte[] encryptAES(String seed, String cleartext)
      throws Exception {
    byte[] rawKey = getRawKey(seed.getBytes("UTF8"));
    SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(rawKey, "AES");
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
    return cipher.doFinal(cleartext.getBytes("UTF8"));

  public static byte[] decryptAES(String seed, byte[] data) throws Exception {
    byte[] rawKey = getRawKey(seed.getBytes("UTF8"));
    SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(rawKey, "AES");
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
    return cipher.doFinal(data);

  private static byte[] getRawKey(byte[] seed) throws Exception {
    KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
    SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
    kgen.init(BLOCKS, sr); // 192 and 256 bits may not be available
    SecretKey skey = kgen.generateKey();
    byte[] raw = skey.getEncoded();
    return raw;

  private static byte[] pad(byte[] seed) {
    byte[] nseed = new byte[BLOCKS / 8];
    for (int i = 0; i < BLOCKS / 8; i++)
      nseed[i] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < seed.length; i++)
      nseed[i] = seed[i];

    return nseed;

  public static byte[] encryptPBE(String password, String cleartext)
      throws Exception {
    SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory
    KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray(), salt, 1024, 256);
    SecretKey tmp = factory.generateSecret(spec);
    SecretKey secret = new SecretKeySpec(tmp.getEncoded(), "AES");

    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secret);
    AlgorithmParameters params = cipher.getParameters();
    byte[] iv = params.getParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec.class).getIV();
    return cipher.doFinal(cleartext.getBytes("UTF-8"));

  public static String decryptPBE(SecretKey secret, String ciphertext,
      byte[] iv) throws Exception {
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secret, new IvParameterSpec(iv));
    return new String(cipher.doFinal(ciphertext.getBytes()), "UTF-8");


How to play a notification sound on websites?

var audio = new Audio('audio_file.mp3');

function post()
  var tval=document.getElementById("mess").value;   
  var inhtml=document.getElementById("chat_div");
  inhtml.innerHTML=inhtml.innerHTML+"<p class='me'>Me:-"+tval+"</p>";
  inhtml.innerHTML=inhtml.innerHTML+"<p class='demo'>Demo:-Hi! how are you</p>";;

this code is from talkerscode For complete tutorial visit

How to count the number of rows in excel with data?

For greater clarity, I want to add a clear example and running

            openFileDialog1.FileName = "Select File"; 
            openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = ".xls"; 
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel documents (.xls)|*.xls"; 

            DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();

            if (result==DialogResult.OK)

                string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                Excel.Application xlApp;
                Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
                Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;
                object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                xlApp = new Excel.Application();
                xlApp.Visible = false;
                xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false;

                xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);

                xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);

                var numRows = xlWorkSheet.Range["A1"].Offset[xlWorkSheet.Rows.Count - 1, 0].End[Excel.XlDirection.xlUp].Row;

                MessageBox.Show("Number of max row is : "+ numRows.ToString());

                xlWorkBook.Close(true, misValue, misValue);


Sublime Text 2 Code Formatting

Maybe this answer is not quite what you're looking for, but it will fomat any language with the same keyboard shortcut. The solution are language specific keyboard shortcuts.

For every language you want to format, you must find and download a plugin for that, for example a html formatter and a C# formatter. And then you map the command for every plugin to the same key, but with a differnt context (see the link).


How do I determine if my python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit?

Try using ctypes to get the size of a void pointer:

import ctypes
print ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp)

It'll be 4 for 32 bit or 8 for 64 bit.

"Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference" error

I had a similar problem.

I think the problem is that when you try to enclose two or more functions that deals with an array type of variable, php will return an error.

Let's say for example this one.

$data = array('key1' => 'Robert', 'key2' => 'Pedro', 'key3' => 'Jose');

// This function returns the last key of an array (in this case it's $data)
$lastKey = array_pop(array_keys($data));

// Output is "key3" which is the last array.
// But php will return “Strict Standards: Only variables should 
// be passed by reference” error.
// So, In order to solve this one... is that you try to cut 
// down the process one by one like this.

$data1  = array_keys($data);
$lastkey = array_pop($data1);

echo $lastkey;

There you go!

Error : Program type already present:$Behavior

I downgrade the support

previously it was
implementation ''

Use it

implementation ''

implementation ''

Its Working Happy Codng

Rename specific column(s) in pandas

There are at least five different ways to rename specific columns in pandas, and I have listed them below along with links to the original answers. I also timed these methods and found them to perform about the same (though YMMV depending on your data set and scenario). The test case below is to rename columns A M N Z to A2 M2 N2 Z2 in a dataframe with columns A to Z containing a million rows.

# Import required modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import timeit

# Create sample data
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,9999,size=(1000000, 26)), columns=list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'))

# Standard way -
def method_1():
    df_renamed = df.rename(columns={'A': 'A2', 'M': 'M2', 'N': 'N2', 'Z': 'Z2'})

# Lambda function -
def method_2():
    df_renamed = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x + '2' if x in ['A', 'M', 'N', 'Z'] else x)

# Mapping function -
def rename_some(x):
    if x=='A' or x=='M' or x=='N' or x=='Z':
        return x + '2'
    return x
def method_3():
    df_renamed = df.rename(columns=rename_some)

# Dictionary comprehension -
def method_4():
    df_renamed = df.rename(columns={col: col + '2' for col in df.columns[
        np.asarray([i for i, col in enumerate(df.columns) if 'A' in col or 'M' in col or 'N' in col or 'Z' in col])

# Dictionary comprehension -
def method_5():
    df_renamed = df.rename(columns=dict(zip(df[['A', 'M', 'N', 'Z']], ['A2', 'M2', 'N2', 'Z2'])))

print('Method 1:', timeit.timeit(method_1, number=10))
print('Method 2:', timeit.timeit(method_2, number=10))
print('Method 3:', timeit.timeit(method_3, number=10))
print('Method 4:', timeit.timeit(method_4, number=10))
print('Method 5:', timeit.timeit(method_5, number=10))


Method 1: 3.650640267
Method 2: 3.163998427
Method 3: 2.998530871
Method 4: 2.9918436889999995
Method 5: 3.2436501520000007

Use the method that is most intuitive to you and easiest for you to implement in your application.

Roblox Admin Command Script

for i=1,#target do[i].Character:BreakJoints()

Is incorrect, if "target" contains "FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers" then the run code would be:

Which is completely incorrect.

c = game.Players:GetChildren()

Never use "Players:GetChildren()", it is not guaranteed to return only players.

Instead use:

c = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

if msg:lower()=="me" then
    table.insert(people, source)
    return people

Here you add the player's name in the list "people", where you in the other places adds the player object.

Fixed code:

local Admins = {"FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers"}

function Kill(Players)
    for i,Player in ipairs(Players) do
        if Player.Character then

function IsAdmin(Player)
    for i,AdminName in ipairs(Admins) do
        if Player.Name:lower() == AdminName:lower() then return true end
    return false

function GetPlayers(Player,Msg)
    local Targets = {}
    local Players = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

    if Msg:lower() == "me" then
        Targets = { Player }
    elseif Msg:lower() == "all" then
        Targets = Players
    elseif Msg:lower() == "others" then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr ~= Player then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr.Name:lower():sub(1,Msg:len()) == Msg then
    return Targets

    if IsAdmin(Player) then
            if Msg:lower():sub(1,6) == ":kill " then

How to set the height of an input (text) field in CSS?

Don't use height property in input field.


    padding:15px 10px;

Always use padding and line-height css property. Its work perfect for all mobile device and all browser.

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

At the time you emit the very first line,

Artist  Title   Price   Genre   Disc    Sale    Tax Cash

to achieve "alignment", you have to know "in advance" how wide each column will need to be (otherwise, alignment is impossible). Once you do know the needed width for each column (there are several possible ways to achieve that depending on where your data's coming from), then the setw function mentioned in the other answer will help, or (more brutally;-) you could emit carefully computed number of extra spaces (clunky, to be sure), etc. I don't recommend tabs anyway as you have no real control on how the final output device will render those, in general.

Back to the core issue, if you have each column's value in a vector<T> of some sort, for example, you can do a first formatting pass to determine the maximum width of the column, for example (be sure to take into account the width of the header for the column, too, of course).

If your rows are coming "one by one", and alignment is crucial, you'll have to cache or buffer the rows as they come in (in memory if they fit, otherwise on a disk file that you'll later "rewind" and re-read from the start), taking care to keep updated the vector of "maximum widths of each column" as the rows do come. You can't output anything (not even the headers!), if keeping alignment is crucial, until you've seen the very last row (unless you somehow magically have previous knowledge of the columns' widths, of course;-).

Append integer to beginning of list in Python


>>> from collections import deque

>>> my_list = deque()
>>> my_list.append(1)       # append right
>>> my_list.append(2)       # append right
>>> my_list.append(3)       # append right
>>> my_list.appendleft(100) # append left
>>> my_list

deque([100, 1, 2, 3])

>>> my_list[0]



collections.deque is faster than Python pure list in a loop Relevant-Post.

Arduino COM port doesn't work

Did you install the drivers? See the Arduino installation instructions under #4. I don't know that machine but I doubt it doesn't have any COM ports.