Programs & Examples On #Haskell

Haskell is a functional programming language featuring strong static typing, lazy evaluation, extensive parallelism and concurrency support, and unique abstraction capabilities.

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

First, the extensions and libraries that we're going to use:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeOperators #-}

import Control.Monad (join)

Of these, RankNTypes is the only one that's absolutely essential to the below. I once wrote an explanation of RankNTypes that some people seem to have found useful, so I'll refer to that.

Quoting Tom Crockett's excellent answer, we have:

A monad is...

  • An endofunctor, T : X -> X
  • A natural transformation, µ : T × T -> T, where × means functor composition
  • A natural transformation, ? : I -> T, where I is the identity endofunctor on X

...satisfying these laws:

  • µ(µ(T × T) × T)) = µ(T × µ(T × T))
  • µ(?(T)) = T = µ(T(?))

How do we translate this to Haskell code? Well, let's start with the notion of a natural transformation:

-- | A natural transformations between two 'Functor' instances.  Law:
-- > fmap f . eta g == eta g . fmap f
-- Neat fact: the type system actually guarantees this law.
newtype f :-> g =
    Natural { eta :: forall x. f x -> g x }

A type of the form f :-> g is analogous to a function type, but instead of thinking of it as a function between two types (of kind *), think of it as a morphism between two functors (each of kind * -> *). Examples:

listToMaybe :: [] :-> Maybe
listToMaybe = Natural go
    where go [] = Nothing
          go (x:_) = Just x

maybeToList :: Maybe :-> []
maybeToList = Natural go
    where go Nothing = []
          go (Just x) = [x]

reverse' :: [] :-> []
reverse' = Natural reverse

Basically, in Haskell, natural transformations are functions from some type f x to another type g x such that the x type variable is "inaccessible" to the caller. So for example, sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] cannot be made into a natural transformation, because it's "picky" about which types we may instantiate for a. One intuitive way I often use to think of this is the following:

  • A functor is a way of operating on the content of something without touching the structure.
  • A natural transformation is a way of operating on the structure of something without touching or looking at the content.

Now, with that out of the way, let's tackle the clauses of the definition.

The first clause is "an endofunctor, T : X -> X." Well, every Functor in Haskell is an endofunctor in what people call "the Hask category," whose objects are Haskell types (of kind *) and whose morphisms are Haskell functions. This sounds like a complicated statement, but it's actually a very trivial one. All it means is that that a Functor f :: * -> * gives you the means of constructing a type f a :: * for any a :: * and a function fmap f :: f a -> f b out of any f :: a -> b, and that these obey the functor laws.

Second clause: the Identity functor in Haskell (which comes with the Platform, so you can just import it) is defined this way:

newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }

instance Functor Identity where
    fmap f (Identity a) = Identity (f a)

So the natural transformation ? : I -> T from Tom Crockett's definition can be written this way for any Monad instance t:

return' :: Monad t => Identity :-> t
return' = Natural (return . runIdentity)

Third clause: The composition of two functors in Haskell can be defined this way (which also comes with the Platform):

newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }

-- | The composition of two 'Functor's is also a 'Functor'.
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where
    fmap f (Compose fga) = Compose (fmap (fmap f) fga)

So the natural transformation µ : T × T -> T from Tom Crockett's definition can be written like this:

join' :: Monad t => Compose t t :-> t
join' = Natural (join . getCompose)

The statement that this is a monoid in the category of endofunctors then means that Compose (partially applied to just its first two parameters) is associative, and that Identity is its identity element. I.e., that the following isomorphisms hold:

  • Compose f (Compose g h) ~= Compose (Compose f g) h
  • Compose f Identity ~= f
  • Compose Identity g ~= g

These are very easy to prove because Compose and Identity are both defined as newtype, and the Haskell Reports define the semantics of newtype as an isomorphism between the type being defined and the type of the argument to the newtype's data constructor. So for example, let's prove Compose f Identity ~= f:

Compose f Identity a
    ~= f (Identity a)                 -- newtype Compose f g a = Compose (f (g a))
    ~= f a                            -- newtype Identity a = Identity a

Getting started with Haskell

I suggest that you first start by reading BONUS' tutorial, And then reading Real World Haskell (online for free). Join the #Haskell IRC channel, on, and ask questions. These people are absolutely newbie friendly, and have helped me a lot over time. Also, right here on SO is a great place to get help with things you can't grasp! Try not to get discouraged, once it clicks, your mind will be blown.

BONUS' tutorial will prime you up, and get you ready for the thrill ride that Real World Haskell brings. I wish you luck!

Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell

Question 3: Can you offer me some hints how to optimize these implementations without changing the way I determine the factors? Optimization in any way: nicer, faster, more "native" to the language.

The C implementation is suboptimal (as hinted at by Thomas M. DuBuisson), the version uses 64-bit integers (i.e. long datatype). I'll investigate the assembly listing later, but with an educated guess, there are some memory accesses going on in the compiled code, which make using 64-bit integers significantly slower. It's that or generated code (be it the fact that you can fit less 64-bit ints in a SSE register or round a double to a 64-bit integer is slower).

Here is the modified code (simply replace long with int and I explicitly inlined factorCount, although I do not think that this is necessary with gcc -O3):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

static inline int factorCount(int n)
    double square = sqrt (n);
    int isquare = (int)square;
    int count = isquare == square ? -1 : 0;
    int candidate;
    for (candidate = 1; candidate <= isquare; candidate ++)
        if (0 == n % candidate) count += 2;
    return count;

int main ()
    int triangle = 1;
    int index = 1;
    while (factorCount (triangle) < 1001)
        triangle += index;
    printf ("%d\n", triangle);

Running + timing it gives:

$ gcc -O3 -lm -o euler12 euler12.c; time ./euler12
./euler12  2.95s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 2.956 total

For reference, the haskell implementation by Thomas in the earlier answer gives:

$ ghc -O2 -fllvm -fforce-recomp euler12.hs; time ./euler12                                                                                      [9:40]
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( euler12.hs, euler12.o )
Linking euler12 ...
./euler12  9.43s user 0.13s system 99% cpu 9.602 total

Conclusion: Taking nothing away from ghc, its a great compiler, but gcc normally generates faster code.

What is the difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)?

They have different types and different definitions:

infixr 9 .
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
(f . g) x = f (g x)

infixr 0 $
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x = f x

($) is intended to replace normal function application but at a different precedence to help avoid parentheses. (.) is for composing two functions together to make a new function.

In some cases they are interchangeable, but this is not true in general. The typical example where they are is:

f $ g $ h $ x


f . g . h $ x

In other words in a chain of $s, all but the final one can be replaced by .

Haskell: Converting Int to String

Anyone who is just starting with Haskell and trying to print an Int, use:

module Lib
    ( someFunc
    ) where

someFunc :: IO ()
x = 123
someFunc = putStrLn (show x)

What is Haskell used for in the real world?

I have a cool one, facebook created a automated tool for rewriting PHP code. They parse the source into an abstract syntax tree, do some transformations:

if ($f == false) -> if (false == $f)

I don't know why, but that seems to be their particular style and then they pretty print it.

We use haskell for making small domain specific languages. Huge amounts of data processing. Web development. Web spiders. Testing applications. Writing system administration scripts. Backend scripts, which communicate with other parties. Monitoring scripts (we have a DSL which works nicely together with munin, makes it much easier to write correct monitor code for your applications.)

All kind of stuff actually. It is just a everyday general purpose language with some very powerful and useful features, if you are somewhat mathematically inclined.

What is a monad?

In practice, monad is a custom implementation of function composition operator that takes care of side effects and incompatible input and return values (for chaining).

How can I get nth element from a list?

The straight answer was already given: Use !!.

However newbies often tend to overuse this operator, which is expensive in Haskell (because you work on single linked lists, not on arrays). There are several useful techniques to avoid this, the easiest one is using zip. If you write zip ["foo","bar","baz"] [0..], you get a new list with the indices "attached" to each element in a pair: [("foo",0),("bar",1),("baz",2)], which is often exactly what you need.

How to split a string in Haskell?

I started learning Haskell yesterday, so correct me if I'm wrong but:

split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split x y = func x y [[]]
        func x [] z = reverse $ map (reverse) z
        func x (y:ys) (z:zs) = if y==x then 
            func x ys ([]:(z:zs)) 
            func x ys ((y:z):zs)


*Main> split ' ' "this is a test"

or maybe you wanted

*Main> splitWithStr  " and " "this and is and a and test"

which would be:

splitWithStr :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitWithStr x y = func x y [[]]
        func x [] z = reverse $ map (reverse) z
        func x (y:ys) (z:zs) = if (take (length x) (y:ys)) == x then
            func x (drop (length x) (y:ys)) ([]:(z:zs))
            func x ys ((y:z):zs)

Trying to use fetch and pass in mode: no-cors

mode: 'no-cors' won’t magically make things work. In fact it makes things worse, because one effect it has is to tell browsers, “Block my frontend JavaScript code from looking at contents of the response body and headers under all circumstances.” Of course you almost never want that.

What happens with cross-origin requests from frontend JavaScript is that browsers by default block frontend code from accessing resources cross-origin. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin is in a response, then browsers will relax that blocking and allow your code to access the response.

But if a site sends no Access-Control-Allow-Origin in its responses, your frontend code can’t directly access responses from that site. In particular, you can’t fix it by specifying mode: 'no-cors' (in fact that’ll ensure your frontend code can’t access the response contents).

However, one thing that will work: if you send your request through a CORS proxy.

You can also easily deploy your own proxy to Heroku in literally just 2-3 minutes, with 5 commands:

git clone
cd cors-anywhere/
npm install
heroku create
git push heroku master

After running those commands, you’ll end up with your own CORS Anywhere server running at, for example,

Prefix your request URL with your proxy URL; for example:

Adding the proxy URL as a prefix causes the request to get made through your proxy, which then:

  1. Forwards the request to
  2. Receives the response from
  3. Adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the response.
  4. Passes that response, with that added header, back to the requesting frontend code.

The browser then allows the frontend code to access the response, because that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is what the browser sees.

This works even if the request is one that triggers browsers to do a CORS preflight OPTIONS request, because in that case, the proxy also sends back the Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Methods headers needed to make the preflight successful.

I can hit this endpoint, via Postman explains why it is that even though you can access the response with Postman, browsers won’t let you access the response cross-origin from frontend JavaScript code running in a web app unless the response includes an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. has no Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header, so there’s no way your frontend code can access the response cross-origin.

Your browser can get the response fine and you can see it in Postman and even in browser devtools—but that doesn’t mean browsers will expose it to your code. They won’t, because it has no Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. So you must instead use a proxy to get it.

The proxy makes the request to that site, gets the response, adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header and any other CORS headers needed, then passes that back to your requesting code. And that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header added is what the browser sees, so the browser lets your frontend code actually access the response.

So I am trying to pass in an object, to my Fetch which will disable CORS

You don’t want to do that. To be clear, when you say you want to “disable CORS” it seems you actually mean you want to disable the same-origin policy. CORS itself is actually a way to do that — CORS is a way to loosen the same-origin policy, not a way to restrict it.

But anyway, it’s true you can — in just your local environment — do things like give your browser runtime flags to disable security and run insecurely, or you can install a browser extension locally to get around the same-origin policy, but all that does is change the situation just for you locally.

No matter what you change locally, anybody else trying to use your app is still going to run into the same-origin policy, and there’s no way you can disable that for other users of your app.

You most likely never want to use mode: 'no-cors' in practice except in a few limited cases, and even then only if you know exactly what you’re doing and what the effects are. That’s because what setting mode: 'no-cors' actually says to the browser is, “Block my frontend JavaScript code from looking into the contents of the response body and headers under all circumstances.” In most cases that’s obviously really not what you want.

As far as the cases when you would want to consider using mode: 'no-cors', see the answer at What limitations apply to opaque responses? for the details. The gist of it is that the cases are:

  • In the limited case when you’re using JavaScript to put content from another origin into a <script>, <link rel=stylesheet>, <img>, <video>, <audio>, <object>, <embed>, or <iframe> element (which works because embedding of resources cross-origin is allowed for those) — but for some reason you don’t want to or can’t do that just by having the markup of the document use the resource URL as the href or src attribute for the element.

  • When the only thing you want to do with a resource is to cache it. As alluded to in the answer What limitations apply to opaque responses?, in practice the scenario that applies to is when you’re using Service Workers, in which case the API that’s relevant is the Cache Storage API.

But even in those limited cases, there are some important gotchas to be aware of; see the answer at What limitations apply to opaque responses? for the details.

I have also tried to pass in the object { mode: 'opaque'}

There is no mode: 'opaque' request mode — opaque is instead just a property of the response, and browsers set that opaque property on responses from requests sent with the no-cors mode.

But incidentally the word opaque is a pretty explicit signal about the nature of the response you end up with: “opaque” means you can’t see it.

from list of integers, get number closest to a given value

If I may add to @Lauritz's answer

In order not to have a run error don't forget to add a condition before the bisect_left line:

if (myNumber > myList[-1] or myNumber < myList[0]):
    return False

so the full code will look like:

from bisect import bisect_left

def takeClosest(myList, myNumber):
    Assumes myList is sorted. Returns closest value to myNumber.
    If two numbers are equally close, return the smallest number.
    If number is outside of min or max return False
    if (myNumber > myList[-1] or myNumber < myList[0]):
        return False
    pos = bisect_left(myList, myNumber)
    if pos == 0:
            return myList[0]
    if pos == len(myList):
            return myList[-1]
    before = myList[pos - 1]
    after = myList[pos]
    if after - myNumber < myNumber - before:
       return after
       return before

How to find the Windows version from the PowerShell command line

Since PowerShell 5:

Get-ComputerInfo -Property Windows*

I think this command pretty much tries the 1001 different ways so far discovered to collect system information...

Download files from SFTP with SSH.NET library

My version of @Merak Marey's Code. I am checking if files exist already and different download directories for .txt and other files

        static void DownloadAll()
        string host = "";
        string username = "@@@";
        string password = "123";string remoteDirectory = "/IN/";
        string finalDir = "";
        string localDirectory = @"C:\filesDN\";
        string localDirectoryZip = @"C:\filesDN\ZIP\";
        using (var sftp = new SftpClient(host, username, password))
            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to " + host + " as " + username);
            var files = sftp.ListDirectory(remoteDirectory);

            foreach (var file in files)

                string remoteFileName = file.Name;

                if ((!file.Name.StartsWith(".")) && ((file.LastWriteTime.Date == DateTime.Today)))

                    if (!file.Name.Contains(".TXT"))
                        finalDir = localDirectoryZip;
                        finalDir = localDirectory;

                    if (File.Exists(finalDir  + file.Name))
                        Console.WriteLine("File " + file.Name + " Exists");
                        Console.WriteLine("Downloading file: " + file.Name);
                          using (Stream file1 = File.OpenWrite(finalDir + remoteFileName))
                        sftp.DownloadFile(remoteDirectory + remoteFileName, file1);



Can I change the viewport meta tag in mobile safari on the fly?

I realize this is a little old, but, yes it can be done. Some javascript to get you started:

viewport = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0');

Just change the parts you need and Mobile Safari will respect the new settings.


If you don't already have the meta viewport tag in the source, you can append it directly with something like this:

var metaTag=document.createElement('meta'); = "viewport"
metaTag.content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"

Or if you're using jQuery:

$('head').append('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">');

Java Does Not Equal (!=) Not Working?

Sure, you can use equals if you want to go along with the crowd, but if you really want to amaze your fellow programmers check for inequality like this:

if ("success" != statusCheck.intern())

intern method is part of standard Java String API.

jQuery serialize does not register checkboxes

To build on azatoth's genius answer, I have slightly extended it for my scenario:

    /* Get input values from form */
    values = jQuery("#myform").serializeArray();

    /* Because serializeArray() ignores unset checkboxes and radio buttons: */
    values = values.concat(
            jQuery('#myform input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)').map(
                    function() {
                        return {"name":, "value": false}

Stop a gif animation onload, on mouseover start the activation

You can solve this by having a long stripe that you show in steps, like a filmstrip. Then you can stop the film on any frame. Example below (fiddle available at

the markup:

 <div class="thumbnail-wrapper">
     <img src="blah.jpg">

the css:

.thumbnail-wrapper img{

the js:

var gifTimer;
var currentGifId=null;
var step = 100; //height of a thumbnail
$('.thumbnail-wrapper img').hover(
      currentGifId = $(this)
      gifTimer = setInterval(playGif,500);

var playGif = function(){
   var top = parseInt(currentGifId.css('top'))-step;
   var max = currentGifId.height();

obviously, this can be optimized much further, but I simplified this example for readability

Error: Module not specified (IntelliJ IDEA)

This is because the className value which you are passing as argument for
forName(String className) method is not found or doesn't exists, or you a re passing the wrong value as the class name. Here is also a link which could help you.



Module not specified

According to the snapshot you have provided this problem is because you have not determined the app module of your project, so I suggest you to choose the app module from configuration. For example:

enter image description here - Add blank item at top of dropdownlist

The databinding takes place after you've added your blank list item, and it replaces what's there already, you need to add the blank item to the beginning of the List from your controller, or add it after databinding.


After googling this quickly as of ASP.Net 2.0 there's an "AppendDataBoundItems" true property that you can set to...append the databound items.

for details see or

how to call url of any other website in php

use curl php library:

direct example: CURL_EXEC:

// create a new cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();

// set URL and other appropriate options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

// grab URL and pass it to the browser

// close cURL resource, and free up system resources

How do I set a program to launch at startup

You can do this with the win32 class in the Microsoft namespace

using Microsoft.Win32;

using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
            key.SetValue("aldwin", "\"" + Application.ExecutablePath + "\"");

Using SSH keys inside docker container

Starting from docker API 1.39+ (Check API version with docker version) docker build allows the --ssh option with either an agent socket or keys to allow the Docker Engine to forward SSH agent connections.

Build Command

docker build --ssh default=~/.ssh/id_rsa .


# syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
FROM python:3.7

# Install ssh client (if required)
RUN apt-get update -qq
RUN apt-get install openssh-client -y

# Download public key for
RUN --mount=type=ssh mkdir -p -m 0600 ~/.ssh && ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

# Clone private repository
RUN --mount=type=ssh git clone [email protected]:myorg/myproject.git myproject

More Info:

Return multiple values to a method caller

No, you can't return multiple values from a function in C# (for versions lower than C# 7), at least not in the way you can do it in Python.

However, there are a couple alternatives:

You can return an array of type object with the multiple values you want in it.

private object[] DoSomething()
    return new [] { 'value1', 'value2', 3 };

You can use out parameters.

private string DoSomething(out string outparam1, out int outparam2)
    outparam1 = 'value2';
    outparam2 = 3;
    return 'value1';

npm throws error without sudo

I like to use ubuntu groups to achieve this instead of changing owner. Its quite simple.

  1. First install nodejs and npm using apt-get

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

  2. Figure out who is logged in i.e username, run following command to see it in terminal


  3. You can see the list of groups you are assigned by using a very simple command, normally the first group is your username itself


  4. Run following to allow access to logged in user

    sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/local && sudo chgrp $(whoami) -R /usr/local

  5. Update npm and nodejs

    npm install -g npm

You are allset, your user can run npm commands without sudo

You can also refer to this link

Online SQL syntax checker conforming to multiple databases

I am willing to bet some of my reputation that there is no such thing.

Partially because if you are worried about cross-platform SQL compatibility, your best bet in turn is to abstract your database code with some API or ORM tool that handles these things for you, and is well supported, so will deal with newer database versions as they come out.

Exact kind of API available to you will be dependent on your programming language/platform. For example, PHP has Pear:DB and others, I personally have found quite nice Python's ORM features implemented in Django framework. I presume there should be some of these things available on other platforms as well.

String vs. StringBuilder

Yes, the performance difference is significant. See the KB article "How to improve string concatenation performance in Visual C#".

I have always tried to code for clarity first, and then optimize for performance later. That's much easier than doing it the other way around! However, having seen the enormous performance difference in my applications between the two, I now think about it a little more carefully.

Luckily, it's relatively straightforward to run performance analysis on your code to see where you're spending the time, and then to modify it to use StringBuilder where needed.

How to Turn Off Showing Whitespace Characters in Visual Studio IDE

In Visual Studio 2015 From the top menu

Edit -> Advanced -> View White Space

or CTRL + E, S

Where to change the value of lower_case_table_names=2 on windows xampp

I have same problem while importing database from linux to Windows. It lowercases Database name aswell as Tables' name. Use following steps for same problem:

  1. Open c:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini in editor.
  2. look for

# The MySQL server


3 . Find


and change value to 2

if not avail copy this at the end of this [mysqld] portion.

lower_case_table_names = 2

This will surely work.

Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

Maybe this is what you want?

echo foo > test.txt
echo. >> test.txt
echo bar >> test.txt

results in the following within test.txt:



How to read a file into a variable in shell?

If you want to read the whole file into a variable:

value=`cat sources.xml`
echo $value

If you want to read it line-by-line:

while read line; do    
    echo $line    
done < file.txt

input checkbox true or checked or yes

Accordingly to W3C checked input's attribute can be absent/ommited or have "checked" as its value. This does not invalidate other values because there's no restriction to the browser implementation to allow values like "true", "on", "yes" and so on. To guarantee that you'll write a cross-browser checkbox/radio use checked="checked", as recommended by W3C.

disabled, readonly and ismap input's attributes go on the same way.


empty is not a valid value for checked, disabled, readonly and ismap input's attributes, as warned by @Quentin

How to get last N records with activerecord?

Solution is here:


Since rails is lazy, it will eventually hit the database with SQL like: "SELECT table.* FROM table ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 5".

How can I download a specific Maven artifact in one command line?

Regarding how to get the artifact binary, Pascal Thivent's answer is it, but to also get the artifact sources jar, we can use:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=groupId:artifactId:version:jar:sources


mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=junit:junit:4.12:jar:sources

This works because the artifact parameter actually consists of groupId:artifactId:version[:packaging][:classifier]. Just the packaging and classifier are optional.

With jar as packaging and sources as classifier, the maven dependency plugin understands we're asking for the sources jar, not the artifact jar.

Unfortunately for now sources jar files cannot be downloaded transitively, which does make sense, but ideally I do believe it can also respect the option downloadSources just like the maven eclipse plugin does.

Assign a synthesizable initial value to a reg in Verilog

The always @* would never trigger as no Right hand arguments change. Why not use a wire with assign?

module top (
    input wire clk,
    output wire [7:0] led   

wire [7:0] data_reg ; 
assign data_reg   = 8'b10101011;
assign led        = data_reg;


If you actually want a flop where you can change the value, the default would be in the reset clause.

module top
    input        clk,
    input        rst_n,
    input  [7:0] data,
    output [7:0] led   

reg [7:0] data_reg ; 
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
  if (!rst_n)
    data_reg <= 8'b10101011;
    data_reg <= data ; 

assign led = data_reg;


Hope this helps

Responsive width Facebook Page Plugin

I'm using the solution proposed by Robert Smith with max-width instead of width:

.fb-page span,
.fb-page span iframe[style] {
    max-width: 100% !important;

Also, i'm using the Yugal Jindle's proposal and so i've




Now my page is ok! Thank you alot!

Easy way to turn JavaScript array into comma-separated list?

Actually, the toString() implementation does a join with commas by default:

var arr = [ 42, 55 ];
var str1 = arr.toString(); // Gives you "42,55"
var str2 = String(arr); // Ditto

I don't know if this is mandated by the JS spec but this is what most pretty much all browsers seem to be doing.

Bold black cursor in Eclipse deletes code, and I don't know how to get rid of it

It sounds like you hit the "Insert" key .. in most applications this results in a fat (solid rectangle) cursor being displayed, as your screenshot suggests. This indicates that you are in overwrite mode rather than the default insert mode.

Just hit the "insert" key on your keyboard once more... it's usually near the 'delete' (not backspace), scroll lock and 'Print Screen' (often above the cursor keys in a full size keyboard.) This will switch back to insert mode and turn your cursor into a vertical line rather than a rectangle.

How to add java plugin for Firefox on Linux?

you should add plug in to your local setting of firefox in your user home

 vladimir@shinsengumi ~/.mozilla/plugins $ pwd
 vladimir@shinsengumi ~/.mozilla/plugins $ ls -ltr
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 vladimir vladimir 60 Jan  1 23:06 -> /home/vladimir/Install/jdk1.6.0_32/jre/lib/amd64/

Difference between socket and websocket?

WebSocket is just another application level protocol over TCP protocol, just like HTTP.

Some snippets < Spring in Action 4> quoted below, hope it can help you understand WebSocket better.

In its simplest form, a WebSocket is just a communication channel between two applications (not necessarily a browser is involved)...WebSocket communication can be used between any kinds of applications, but the most common use of WebSocket is to facilitate communication between a server application and a browser-based application.

Git pull a certain branch from GitHub

I did

git branch -f new_local_branch_name origin/remote_branch_name

Instead of

git branch -f new_local_branch_name upstream/remote_branch_name

As suggested by @innaM. When I used the upstream version, it said 'fatal: Not a valid object name: 'upstream/remote_branch_name''. I did not do git fetch origin as a comment suggested, but instead simply replaced upstream with origin. I guess they are equivalent.

How to use conditional statement within child attribute of a Flutter Widget (Center Widget)

You can use ternary operator for conditional statements in dart, It's use is simple

(condition) ? statement1 : statement2

if the condition is true then the statement1 will be executed otherwise statement2.

Taking a practical example

Center(child: condition ? Widget1() : Widget2())

Remember if you are going to use null as Widget2 it is better to use SizedBox.shrink() because some parent widgets will throw an exception after getting a null child.

How to Check if value exists in a MySQL database

preferred way, using MySQLi extension:

$mysqli = new mysqli(SERVER, DBUSER, DBPASS, DATABASE);
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE city = 'c7'");
if($result->num_rows == 0) {
     // row not found, do stuff...
} else {
    // do other stuff...


$result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE city = 'c7'");
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
     // row not found, do stuff...
} else {
    // do other stuff...

How to open a link in new tab (chrome) using Selenium WebDriver?

If you can get the link element you can use this. It will also take you to the tab that you have opened.

WebElement link= driver.findElement(By.tagname("a"));  
String keyString =   Keys.CONTROL+Keys.SHIFT.toString()+Keys.ENTER.toString());

Adding item to Dictionary within loop

In your current code, what Dictionary.update() does is that it updates (update means the value is overwritten from the value for same key in passed in dictionary) the keys in current dictionary with the values from the dictionary passed in as the parameter to it (adding any new key:value pairs if existing) . A single flat dictionary does not satisfy your requirement , you either need a list of dictionaries or a dictionary with nested dictionaries.

If you want a list of dictionaries (where each element in the list would be a diciotnary of a entry) then you can make case_list as a list and then append case to it (instead of update) .

Example -

case_list = []
for entry in entries_list:
    case = {'key1': entry[0], 'key2': entry[1], 'key3':entry[2] }

Or you can also have a dictionary of dictionaries with the key of each element in the dictionary being entry1 or entry2 , etc and the value being the corresponding dictionary for that entry.

case_list = {}
for entry in entries_list:
    case = {'key1': value, 'key2': value, 'key3':value }
    case_list[entryname] = case  #you will need to come up with the logic to get the entryname.

Best way to resolve file path too long exception

As the cause of the error is obvious, here's some information that should help you solve the problem:

See this MS article about Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces

Here's a quote from the link:

Maximum Path Length Limitation In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. A local path is structured in the following order: drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null character. For example, the maximum path on drive D is "D:\some 256-character path string<NUL>" where "<NUL>" represents the invisible terminating null character for the current system codepage. (The characters < > are used here for visual clarity and cannot be part of a valid path string.)

And a few workarounds (taken from the comments):

There are ways to solve the various problems. The basic idea of the solutions listed below is always the same: Reduce the path-length in order to have path-length + name-length < MAX_PATH. You may:

  • Share a subfolder
  • Use the commandline to assign a drive letter by means of SUBST
  • Use AddConnection under VB to assign a drive letter to a path

Jenkins CI: How to trigger builds on SVN commit

I made a tool using Python with some bash to trigger a Jenkins build. Basically you have to collect these two values from post-commit when a commit hits the SVN server:


Then you use "svnlook dirs-changed $1 -r $2" to get the path which is has just committed. Then from that you can check which repository you want to build. Imagine you have hundred of thousand of projects. You can't check the whole repository, right?

You can check out my script from GitHub.

Getting the array length of a 2D array in Java

There's not a cleaner way at the language level because not all multidimensional arrays are rectangular. Sometimes jagged (differing column lengths) arrays are necessary.

You could easy create your own class to abstract the functionality you need.

If you aren't limited to arrays, then perhaps some of the various collection classes would work as well, like a Multimap.

Two Divs next to each other, that then stack with responsive change

With a mediaquery based on a min-width you could achieve something like


.wrapper { 
  border : 2px dotted #ccc; padding: 2px; 

.wrapper div {
   width: 100%; 
   min-height: 200px;
   padding: 10px;
   -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
   box-sizing: border-box;
#one { background-color: gray; }
#two { background-color: white; }

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
   .wrapper {
      height: auto; overflow: hidden; // clearing 
   #one { width: 200px; float: left; }
   #two { margin-left: 200px; }

In my example the breakpoint is 600px but you could adapt it to your needs.

android listview get selected item

final ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById(;

lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
      public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> myAdapter, View myView, int myItemInt, long mylng) {
        String selectedFromList =(String) (lv.getItemAtPosition(myItemInt));


I hope this fixes your problem.

C#: Dynamic runtime cast


public static T Cast<T>(this dynamic obj) where T:class
   return obj as T;

AngularJS : Why ng-bind is better than {{}} in angular?

Basically the double-curly syntax is more naturally readable and requires less typing.

Both cases produce the same output but.. if you choose to go with {{}} there is a chance that the user will see for some milliseconds the {{}} before your template is rendered by angular. So if you notice any {{}} then is better to use ng-bind.

Also very important is that only in your index.html of your angular app you can have un-rendered {{}}. If you are using directives so then templates, there is no chance to see that because angular first render the template and after append it to the DOM.

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function on loading jquery-min.js

For those out there who still couldn't fix this, I did so by changing my 'this' to '$(this)' when using jQuery.


$('.icon').click(function() {


$('.icon').click(function() {

Retrieve specific commit from a remote Git repository

You only clone once, so if you already have a clone of the remote repository, pulling from it won't download everything again. Just indicate what branch you want to pull, or fetch the changes and checkout the commit you want.

Fetching from a new repository is very cheap in bandwidth, as it will only download the changes you don't have. Think in terms of Git making the right thing, with minimum load.

Git stores everything in .git folder. A commit can't be fetched and stored in isolation, it needs all its ancestors. They are interrelated.

To reduce download size you can however ask git to fetch only objects related to a specific branch or commit:

git fetch origin refs/heads/branch:refs/remotes/origin/branch

This will download only commits contained in remote branch branch (and only the ones that you miss), and store it in origin/branch. You can then merge or checkout.

You can also specify only a SHA1 commit:

git fetch origin 96de5297df870:refs/remotes/origin/foo-commit

This will download only the commit of the specified SHA-1 96de5297df870 (and its ancestors that you miss), and store it as (non-existing) remote branch origin/foo-commit.

Get value from a string after a special character

Assuming you have your hidden input in a jQuery object $myHidden, you then use JavaScript (not jQuery) to get the part after ?:

var myVal = $myHidden.val ();
var tmp = myVal.substr ( myVal.indexOf ( '?' ) + 1 ); // tmp now contains whatever is after ?

Set default host and port for ng serve in config file

enter image description here

Only one thing you have to do. Type this in in your Command Prompt: ng serve --port 4021 [or any other port you want to assign eg: 5050, 5051 etc ]. No need to do changes in files.

Pure JavaScript Send POST Data Without a Form

You can use the XMLHttpRequest object as follows:"POST", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");

That code would post someStuff to url. Just make sure that when you create your XMLHttpRequest object, it will be cross-browser compatible. There are endless examples out there of how to do that.

Creating and Naming Worksheet in Excel VBA

Are you using an error handler? If you're ignoring errors and try to name a sheet the same as an existing sheet or a name with invalid characters, it could be just skipping over that line. See the CleanSheetName function here

for a list of invalid characters that you may want to check for.


Other things to try: Fully qualified references, throwing in a Doevents, code cleaning. This code qualifies your Sheets reference to ThisWorkbook (you can change it to ActiveWorkbook if that suits). It also adds a thousand DoEvents (stupid overkill, but if something's taking a while to get done, this will allow it to - you may only need one DoEvents if this actually fixes anything).

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim i As Long

With ThisWorkbook
    Set WS = .Worksheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
End With

For i = 1 To 1000
Next i

WS.Name = txtSheetName.Value

Finally, whenever I have a goofy VBA problem that just doesn't make sense, I use Rob Bovey's CodeCleaner. It's an add-in that exports all of your modules to text files then re-imports them. You can do it manually too. This process cleans out any corrupted p-code that's hanging around.

windows batch file rename

I rename in code

echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for %%a in (*.txt) do (
    REM echo %%a
    set x=%%a
    set mes=!x:~17,3!

    if !mes!==JAN (
        set mes=01

    if !mes!==ENE (
        set mes=01

    if !mes!==FEB (
        set mes=02

    if !mes!==MAR (
        set mes=03

    if !mes!==APR (
        set mes=04

    if !mes!==MAY (
        set mes=05

    if !mes!==JUN (
        set mes=06

    if !mes!==JUL (
        set mes=07

    if !mes!==AUG (
        set mes=08

    if !mes!==SEP (
        set mes=09

    if !mes!==OCT (
        set mes=10

    if !mes!==NOV (
        set mes=11

    if !mes!==DEC (
        set mes=12

    ren %%a !x:~20,4!!mes!!x:~15,2!.txt 

    echo !x:~20,4!!mes!!x:~15,2!.txt 


How do I add a foreign key to an existing SQLite table?

You can try this:

ALTER TABLE [Child] ADD COLUMN column_name INTEGER REFERENCES parent_table_name(column_id);

Android: Color To Int conversion

Any color parse into int simplest two way here:

1) Get System Color

int redColorValue = Color.RED;

2) Any Color Hex Code as a String Argument

int greenColorValue = Color.parseColor("#00ff00")

MUST REMEMBER in above code Color class must be!

Hyphen, underscore, or camelCase as word delimiter in URIs?

You should use hyphens in a crawlable web application URL. Why? Because the hyphen separates words (so that a search engine can index the individual words), and is not a word character. Underscore is a word character, meaning it should be considered part of a word.

Double-click this in Chrome: camelCase
Double-click this in Chrome: under_score
Double-click this in Chrome: hyphen-ated

See how Chrome (I hear Google makes a search engine too) only thinks one of those is two words?

camelCase and underscore also require the user to use the shift key, whereas hyphenated does not.

So if you should use hyphens in a crawlable web application, why would you bother doing something different in an intranet application? One less thing to remember.

Set space between divs

For folks searching for solution to set spacing between N divs, here is another approach using pseudo selectors:

div:not(:last-child) {
  margin-right: 40px;

You can also combine child pseudo selectors:

div:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
  margin-left: 20px;
  margin-right: 20px;

How to change the text of a label?

ASP.Net automatically generates unique client IDs for server-side controls.

Change it to

 $('#<%= lblVessel.ClientID %>')

In ASP.Net 4.0, you could also set the ClientIDMode property to Static instead.

Python: get key of index in dictionary

You could do something like this:

i={'foo':'bar', 'baz':'huh?'}
keys=i.keys()  #in python 3, you'll need `list(i.keys())`
print keys[values.index("bar")]  #'foo'

However, any time you change your dictionary, you'll need to update your keys,values because dictionaries are not ordered in versions of Python prior to 3.7. In these versions, any time you insert a new key/value pair, the order you thought you had goes away and is replaced by a new (more or less random) order. Therefore, asking for the index in a dictionary doesn't make sense.

As of Python 3.6, for the CPython implementation of Python, dictionaries remember the order of items inserted. As of Python 3.7+ dictionaries are ordered by order of insertion.

Also note that what you're asking is probably not what you actually want. There is no guarantee that the inverse mapping in a dictionary is unique. In other words, you could have the following dictionary:

d={'i':1, 'j':1}

In that case, it is impossible to know whether you want i or j and in fact no answer here will be able to tell you which ('i' or 'j') will be picked (again, because dictionaries are unordered). What do you want to happen in that situation? You could get a list of acceptable keys ... but I'm guessing your fundamental understanding of dictionaries isn't quite right.

Duplicate and rename Xcode project & associated folders

I am using this script after I rename my iOS Project. It helps to change the directories name and make the names in sync.

NOTE: you will need to manually change the scheme's name.

Differences between Octave and MATLAB?

A more complete link to the list of differences is on the Octave's FAQ. In theory, all code that runs in Matlab should run in Octave and Octave developers treat incompatibility with Matlab as bugs. So the answer to your first question is yes in theory. Of course, all software has bugs, neither Octave or Matlab (yes, Matlab too) are safe from them. You can report them and someone will try to fix them

Octave also has extra features, most of them are extra syntax which in my opinion make the code more readable and more sense, specially if you are used to other programming languagues.

But there's more to Octave than just the monetary cost. Octave is free also in the sense of freedom, it's libre, but I don't think this is the place to rant about software freedom.

I do image processing in Octave only and find that the image package suits my needs. I don't know, however, what will be yours. So my answer to if it's worth the cost is no, but certainly others will disagree.

How to set time to 24 hour format in Calendar

Replace this:

c1.set(Calendar.HOUR, d1.getHours());

with this:

c1.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, d1.getHours());

Calendar.HOUR is strictly for 12 hours.

Checking if a collection is empty in Java: which is the best method?

You should absolutely use isEmpty(). Computing the size() of an arbitrary list could be expensive. Even validating whether it has any elements can be expensive, of course, but there's no optimization for size() which can't also make isEmpty() faster, whereas the reverse is not the case.

For example, suppose you had a linked list structure which didn't cache the size (whereas LinkedList<E> does). Then size() would become an O(N) operation, whereas isEmpty() would still be O(1).

Additionally of course, using isEmpty() states what you're actually interested in more clearly.

HTTP redirect: 301 (permanent) vs. 302 (temporary)

Mostly 301 vs 302 is important for indexing in search engines, as their crawlers take this into account and transfer PageRank when using 301.

See Peter Lee's answer for more details.

How can I find the location of origin/master in git, and how do I change it?

I had a problem that was similar to this where my working directory was ahead of origin by X commits but the git pull was resulting in Everything up-to-date. I did manage to fix it by following this advice. I'm posting this here in case it helps someone else with a similar problem.

The basic fix is as follows:

$ git push {remote} {localbranch}:{remotebranch}

Where the words in brackets should be replaced by your remote name, your local branch name and your remote branch name. e.g.

$ git push origin master:master

CSS - Syntax to select a class within an id

#navigation .navigationLevel2 li
    color: #f00;

How do I get the day of week given a date?

datetime library sometimes gives errors with strptime() so I switched to dateutil library. Here's an example of how you can use it :

from dateutil import parser
parser.parse('January 11, 2010').strftime("%a")

The output that you get from this is 'Mon'. If you want the output as 'Monday', use the following :

parser.parse('January 11, 2010').strftime("%A")

This worked for me pretty quickly. I was having problems while using the datetime library because I wanted to store the weekday name instead of weekday number and the format from using the datetime library was causing problems. If you're not having problems with this, great! If you are, you cand efinitely go for this as it has a simpler syntax as well. Hope this helps.

Accessing a class' member variables in Python?

The answer, in a few words

In your example, itsProblem is a local variable.

Your must use self to set and get instance variables. You can set it in the __init__ method. Then your code would be:

class Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()

But if you want a true class variable, then use the class name directly:

class Example(object):
    itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()
print (Example.itsProblem)

But be careful with this one, as theExample.itsProblem is automatically set to be equal to Example.itsProblem, but is not the same variable at all and can be changed independently.

Some explanations

In Python, variables can be created dynamically. Therefore, you can do the following:

class Example(object):

Example.itsProblem = "problem"

e = Example()
e.itsSecondProblem = "problem"

print Example.itsProblem == e.itsSecondProblem 



Therefore, that's exactly what you do with the previous examples.

Indeed, in Python we use self as this, but it's a bit more than that. self is the the first argument to any object method because the first argument is always the object reference. This is automatic, whether you call it self or not.

Which means you can do:

class Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()


class Example(object):
    def __init__(my_super_self):
        my_super_self.itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()

It's exactly the same. The first argument of ANY object method is the current object, we only call it self as a convention. And you add just a variable to this object, the same way you would do it from outside.

Now, about the class variables.

When you do:

class Example(object):
    itsProblem = "problem"

theExample = Example()

You'll notice we first set a class variable, then we access an object (instance) variable. We never set this object variable but it works, how is that possible?

Well, Python tries to get first the object variable, but if it can't find it, will give you the class variable. Warning: the class variable is shared among instances, and the object variable is not.

As a conclusion, never use class variables to set default values to object variables. Use __init__ for that.

Eventually, you will learn that Python classes are instances and therefore objects themselves, which gives new insight to understanding the above. Come back and read this again later, once you realize that.

Printing column separated by comma using Awk command line


awk -F',' '{print $3}' myfile.txt

Here in -F you are saying to awk that use "," as field separator.

jquery $(window).width() and $(window).height() return different values when viewport has not been resized

I was having a very similar problem. I was getting inconsistent height() values when I refreshed my page. (It wasn't my variable causing the problem, it was the actual height value.)

I noticed that in the head of my page I called my scripts first, then my css file. I switched so that the css file is linked first, then the script files and that seems to have fixed the problem so far.

Hope that helps.

How to make a char string from a C macro's value?

He who is Shy* gave you the germ of an answer, but only the germ. The basic technique for converting a value into a string in the C pre-processor is indeed via the '#' operator, but a simple transliteration of the proposed solution gets a compilation error:

#define TEST_FUNC test_func

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)

The syntax error is on the 'puts()' line - the problem is a 'stray #' in the source.

In section of the C standard, 'The # operator', it says:

Each # preprocessing token in the replacement list for a function-like macro shall be followed by a parameter as the next preprocessing token in the replacement list.

The trouble is that you can convert macro arguments to strings -- but you can't convert random items that are not macro arguments.

So, to achieve the effect you are after, you most certainly have to do some extra work.

#define FUNCTION_NAME(name) #name
#define TEST_FUNC_NAME  FUNCTION_NAME(test_func)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)

I'm not completely clear on how you plan to use the macros, and how you plan to avoid repetition altogether. This slightly more elaborate example might be more informative. The use of a macro equivalent to STR_VALUE is an idiom that is necessary to get the desired result.

#define STR_VALUE(arg)      #arg
#define FUNCTION_NAME(name) STR_VALUE(name)

#define TEST_FUNC      test_func

#include <stdio.h>

static void TEST_FUNC(void)
    printf("In function %s\n", TEST_FUNC_NAME);

int main(void)

* At the time when this answer was first written, shoosh's name used 'Shy' as part of the name.

How to show two figures using matplotlib?

I had this same problem.


f1 = plt.figure(1)

# code for figure 1

# don't write '' here

f2 = plt.figure(2)

# code for figure 2

Write '' only once, after the last figure. Worked for me.

Loading/Downloading image from URL on Swift

Xcode 12Swift 5

Leo Dabus's answer is awesome! I just wanted to provide an all-in-one function solution:

if let url = URL(string: "") {
    let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
        guard let data = data, error == nil else { return }
        DispatchQueue.main.async { /// execute on main thread
            self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)

How can I create an editable dropdownlist in HTML?

The best way to do this is probably to use a third party library.

There's an implementation of what you're looking for in jQuery UI jQuery UI and in dojo dojo. jQuery is more popular, but dojo allows you to declaratively define widgets in HTML, which sounds more like what you're looking for.

Which one you use will depend on your style, but both are developed for cross browser work, and both will be updated more often than copy and paste code.

VideoView Full screen in android application

I achieved it by switching to landscape orientation and setting layout params to MATCH_PARENT. Just before switching to fullscreen mode, we need to store current orientation mode and VideoView params indefaultScreenOrientationMode and defaultVideoViewParams variables correspondingly. So that we can use them when we exit from video fullscreen mode. Thus, when you want to open video in fullscreen mode, use makeVideoFullScreen() method, to exit - exitVideoFullScreen().

Please, note I used RelativeLayout for my VideoView, in your case it can be another layout type.

private RelativeLayout.LayoutParams defaultVideoViewParams;
private int defaultScreenOrientationMode;

// play video in fullscreen mode
private void makeVideoFullScreen() {

    defaultScreenOrientationMode = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
    defaultVideoViewParams = (LayoutParams) videoView.getLayoutParams();


    videoView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

            videoView.layout(10, 10, 10, 10);
    }, 700);

// close fullscreen mode
private void exitVideoFullScreen() {

    videoView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            videoView.layout(10, 10, 10, 10);
    }, 700);

How to disable GCC warnings for a few lines of code

For those who found this page looking for a way to do this in IAR, try this:

#pragma diag_suppress=Pe177
void foo1( void )
   /* The following line of code would normally provoke diagnostic 
      message #177-D: variable "x" was declared but never referenced.
      Instead, we have suppressed this warning throughout the entire 
      scope of foo1(). 
   int x;
#pragma diag_default=Pe177

See for reference.

Does the join order matter in SQL?

for regular Joins, it doesn't. TableA join TableB will produce the same execution plan as TableB join TableA (so your C and D examples would be the same)

for left and right joins it does. TableA left Join TableB is different than TableB left Join TableA, BUT its the same than TableB right Join TableA

paint() and repaint() in Java

It's not necessary to call repaint unless you need to render something specific onto a component. "Something specific" meaning anything that isn't provided internally by the windowing toolkit you're using.

Get timezone from users browser using moment(timezone).js

Using Moment library, see their website ->

i notice they also user their own library in their website, so you can have a try using the browser console before installing it


The moment#tz mutator will change the time zone and update the offset.

moment("2013-11-18").tz("America/Toronto").format('Z'); // -05:00
moment("2013-11-18").tz("Europe/Berlin").format('Z');   // +01:00

This information is used consistently in other operations, like calculating the start of the day.

var m ="2013-11-18 11:55", "America/Toronto");
m.format();                     // 2013-11-18T11:55:00-05:00
m.startOf("day").format();      // 2013-11-18T00:00:00-05:00"Europe/Berlin").format(); // 2013-11-18T06:00:00+01:00
m.startOf("day").format();      // 2013-11-18T00:00:00+01:00

Without an argument, moment#tz returns:

    the time zone name assigned to the moment instance or
    undefined if a time zone has not been set.

var m ="2013-11-18 11:55", "America/Toronto");;  // America/Toronto
var m ="2013-11-18 11:55"); === undefined;  // true

OpenCV Error: (-215)size.width>0 && size.height>0 in function imshow

You have to delay

Example Code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import time

cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:
    ret,frame =
    cv2.imshow('webcam', frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(1)&0xFF == ord('q'):


Get the current cell in Excel VB

Have you tried:

For one cell:


For multiple selected cells:


For example:

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range(Selection.Address)

How to add one day to a date?

best thing to use:

      long currenTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long oneHourLater = currentTime + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1l);

Similarly, you can add MONTHS, DAYS, MINUTES etc

LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

You can group by status and select a row from the largest group:

table.GroupBy(r => r.Status).OrderByDescending(g => g.Key).First().First();

The first First() gets the first group (the set of rows with the largest status); the second First() gets the first row in that group.
If the status is always unqiue, you can replace the second First() with Single().

How can I link a photo in a Facebook album to a URL

You can only do this to you own photos. Due to recent upgrades, Facebook has made this more difficult. To do this, go to the album page where the photo is that you want to link to. You should see thumbnail images of the photos in the album. Hold down the "Control" or "Command" key while clicking the photo that you wish to link to. A new browser tab will open with the picture you clicked. Under the picture there is a URL that you can send to others to share the photo. You might have to have the privacy settings for that album set so that anyone can see the photos in that album. If you don't the person who clicks the link may have to be signed in and also be your "friend."

Here is an example of one of my photos: -it's my cat.


The link below the photo no longer appears. Once you open the photo in a new tab you can right click the photo (Control+click for Mac users) and click "Copy Image URL" or similar and then share this link. Based on my tests the person who clicks the link doesn't need to use Facebook. The photo will load without the Facebook interface. Like this -

Sys is undefined

Make sure that any client scripts you have that interact with .NET AJAX have the following line at the end:

if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined')  Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

This tells the script manager that the whole script file has loaded and that it can begin to call client methods

Html/PHP - Form - Input as array

in addition: for those who have a empty POST variable, don't use this:


rather use this (as it is already here in this example):


Triggering a checkbox value changed event in DataGridView

I found a simple solution.

Just change the cell focus after click on cell.

private void DGV_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    if (e.ColumnIndex == "Here checkbox column id or name") {
        DGV.Item(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex + 1).Selected = true;
        //Here your code


Don't forget to check if the column of your (ckeckbox + 1) index exist.

How to revert multiple git commits?

I really wanted to avoid hard resets, this is what I came up with.

A -> B -> C -> D -> HEAD

To go back to A (which is 4 steps back):

git pull                  # Get latest changes
git reset --soft HEAD~4   # Set back 4 steps
git stash                 # Stash the reset
git pull                  # Go back to head
git stash pop             # Pop the reset 
git commit -m "Revert"    # Commit the changes

Node.js version on the command line? (not the REPL)

open node.js command prompt
run this command

node -v

Visual Studio Code Search and Replace with Regular Expressions

For beginners, I wanted to add to the accepted answer, because a couple of subtleties were unclear to me:

To find and modify text (not completely replace),

  1. In the "Find" step, you can use regex with "capturing groups," e.g. your search could be la la la (group1) blah blah (group2), using parentheses.

  2. And then in the "Replace" step, you can refer to the capturing groups via $1, $2 etc.

So, for example, in this case we could find the relevant text with just <h1>.+?<\/h1> (no parentheses), but putting in the parentheses <h1>(.+?)<\/h1> allows us to refer to the sub-match in between them as $1 in the replace step. Cool!


  • To turn on Regex in the Find Widget, click the .* icon, or press Cmd/Ctrl Alt R

  • $0 refers to the whole match

  • Finally, the original question states that the replace should happen "within a document," so you can use the "Find Widget" (Cmd or Ctrl + F), which is local to the open document, instead of "Search", which opens a bigger UI and looks across all files in the project.

Httpd returning 503 Service Unavailable with mod_proxy for Tomcat 8

On CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804, we were able to make this work by editing /etc/selinux/config and changing the setting of SELINUX like so:


Turning off eslint rule for a specific file

You can turn off specific rule for a file by using /*eslint [<rule: "off"], >]*/

/* eslint no-console: "off", no-mixed-operators: "off" */

Version: [email protected]

Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods?

Overriding depends on having an instance of a class. The point of polymorphism is that you can subclass a class and the objects implementing those subclasses will have different behaviors for the same methods defined in the superclass (and overridden in the subclasses). A static method is not associated with any instance of a class so the concept is not applicable.

There were two considerations driving Java's design that impacted this. One was a concern with performance: there had been a lot of criticism of Smalltalk about it being too slow (garbage collection and polymorphic calls being part of that) and Java's creators were determined to avoid that. Another was the decision that the target audience for Java was C++ developers. Making static methods work the way they do had the benefit of familiarity for C++ programmers and was also very fast, because there's no need to wait until runtime to figure out which method to call.

Jquery - How to make $.post() use contentType=application/json?

How about your own adapter/wrapper ?

var adapter = (function() {

return {

    post: function (url, params) {
        adapter.ajax(url, "post", params);
    get: function (url, params) {
        adapter.ajax(url, "get", params);
    put: function (url, params) {
        adapter.ajax(url, "put", params);
    delete: function (url, params) {
        adapter.ajax(url, "delete", params);
    ajax: function (url, type, params) {
        var ajaxOptions = {
            type: type.toUpperCase(),
            url: url,
            success: function (data, status) {
                var msgType = "";
                // checkStatus here if you haven't include data.success = true in your
                // response object
                if ((params.checkStatus && status) || 
                   (data.success && data.success == true)) {
                            msgType = "success";
                            params.onSuccess && params.onSuccess(data);
                    } else {
                            msgType = "danger";
                            params.onError && params.onError(data);
            error: function (xhr) {
                    params.onXHRError && params.onXHRError();
                    //api.showNotificationWindow(xhr.statusText, "danger");
        if ( =;
        if (api.isJSON( {
            ajaxOptions.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
            ajaxOptions.dataType = "json";
        $.ajax($.extend(ajaxOptions, params.options));

var api = {
  return {
    isJSON: function (json) {
        try {
            var o = JSON.parse(json);
            if (o && typeof o === "object" && o !== null) return true;
        } catch (e) {}
        return false;

And extremely simple usage:"where/to/go", {
    data: JSON.stringify(params),
    onSuccess: function (data) {
        //on success response...
    //, onError: function(data) {  //on error response... }
    //, onXHRError: function(xhr) {  //on XHR error response... }

Send an Array with an HTTP Get

I know this post is really old, but I have to reply because although BalusC's answer is marked as correct, it's not completely correct.

You have to write the query adding "[]" to foo like this:


How do I resolve a HTTP 414 "Request URI too long" error?

Based on John's answer, I changed the GET request to a POST request. It works, without having to change the server configuration. So I went looking how to implement this. The following pages were helpful:

jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP (Note the sanitize posted data remark) and

Basically, the difference is that the GET request has the url and parameters in one string and then sends null:"GET", url+"?"+params, true);

whereas the POST request sends the url and the parameters in separate commands:"POST", url, true);

Here is a working example:


<script type="text/javascript">
    function ajaxPOSTTest() {
        try {
            // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
            ajaxPOSTTestRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } catch (e) {
            // Internet Explorer Browsers
            try {
                ajaxPOSTTestRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    ajaxPOSTTestRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                } catch (e) {
                    // Something went wrong
                    alert("Your browser broke!");
                    return false;

        ajaxPOSTTestRequest.onreadystatechange = ajaxCalled_POSTTest;
        var url = "ajaxPOST.php";
        var params = "lorem=ipsum&name=binny";"POST", url, true);
        ajaxPOSTTestRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

    //Create a function that will receive data sent from the server
    function ajaxCalled_POSTTest() {
        if (ajaxPOSTTestRequest.readyState == 4) {
            document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = ajaxPOSTTestRequest.responseText;

    <button onclick="ajaxPOSTTest()">ajax POST Test</button>
    <div id="output"></div>



print $lorem.'<br>';


I just sent over 12,000 characters without any problems.

How to vertically align a html radio button to it's label?

Adding display:inline-block to the labels and giving them padding-top would fix this, I think. Also, just setting the line-height on the labels would also.

Difference between Visual Basic 6.0 and VBA

VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications and so is the small "for applications" scripting brother of VB. VBA is indeed available in Excel, but also in the other office applications.

With VB, one can create a stand-alone windows application, which is not possible with VBA.

It is possible for developers however to "embed" VBA in their own applications, as a scripting language to automate those applications.

Edit: From the VBA FAQ:

Q. What is Visual Basic for Applications?

A. Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an embeddable programming environment designed to enable developers to build custom solutions using the full power of Microsoft Visual Basic. Developers using applications that host VBA can automate and extend the application functionality, shortening the development cycle of custom business solutions.

Note that VB.NET is even another language, which only shares syntax with VB.

Check for a substring in a string in Oracle without LIKE

If you were only interested in 'z', you could create a function-based index.

CREATE INDEX users_z_idx ON users (INSTR(last_name,'z'))

Then your query would use WHERE INSTR(last_name,'z') > 0.

With this approach you would have to create a separate index for each character you might want to search for. I suppose if this is something you do often, it might be worth creating one index for each letter.

Also, keep in mind that if your data has the names capitalized in the standard way (e.g., "Zaxxon"), then both your example and mine would not match names that begin with a Z. You can correct for this by including LOWER in the search expression: INSTR(LOWER(last_name),'z').

Url decode UTF-8 in Python

The data is UTF-8 encoded bytes escaped with URL quoting, so you want to decode, with urllib.parse.unquote(), which handles decoding from percent-encoded data to UTF-8 bytes and then to text, transparently:

from urllib.parse import unquote

url = unquote(url)


>>> from urllib.parse import unquote
>>> url = ''
>>> unquote(url)

The Python 2 equivalent is urllib.unquote(), but this returns a bytestring, so you'd have to decode manually:

from urllib import unquote

url = unquote(url).decode('utf8')

Refresh a page using JavaScript or HTML

Here are 535 ways to reload a page using javascript, very cool:

Here are the first 20:

location = location
location = location.href
location = window.location
location = self.location
location = window.location.href
location = self.location.href
location = location['href']
location = window['location']
location = window['location'].href
location = window['location']['href']
location = window.location['href']
location = self['location']
location = self['location'].href
location = self['location']['href']
location = self.location['href']

and the last 10:


Original Article

I have created a table in hive, I would like to know which directory my table is created in?

All HIVE managed tables are stored in the below HDFS location.

hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/databasename.db/tablename

'NOT LIKE' in an SQL query

You need to specify the column in both expressions.

SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE id NOT LIKE '1%' AND id NOT LIKE '2%'

Java generics: multiple generic parameters?

a and b must both be sets of the same type. But nothing prevents you from writing

myfunction(Set<X> a, Set<Y> b)

Automatic HTTPS connection/redirect with node.js/express

Ryan, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I fleshed out your answer (2nd paragraph) a little bit with some code and it works. In this scenario these code snippets are put in my express app:

// set up plain http server
var http = express();

// set up a route to redirect http to https
http.get('*', function(req, res) {  
    res.redirect('https://' + + req.url);

    // Or, if you don't want to automatically detect the domain name from the request header, you can hard code it:
    // res.redirect('' + req.url);

// have it listen on 8080

The https express server listens ATM on 3000. I set up these iptables rules so that node doesn't have to run as root:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000

All together, this works exactly as I wanted it to.

To prevent theft of cookies over HTTP, see this answer (from the comments) or use this code:

const session = require('cookie-session');
    secret: "some secret",
    httpOnly: true,  // Don't let browser javascript access cookies.
    secure: true, // Only use cookies over https.

Why call git branch --unset-upstream to fixup?

delete your local branch by following command

git branch -d branch_name

you could also do

git branch -D branch_name 

which basically force a delete (even if local not merged to source)

Encoding Javascript Object to Json string

Unless the variable k is defined, that's probably what's causing your trouble. Something like this will do what you want:

var new_tweets = { };

new_tweets.k = { };

new_tweets.k.tweet_id = 98745521;
new_tweets.k.user_id = 54875; = { }; = 'other_user'; = 'tweet text';

// Will create the JSON string you're looking for.
var json = JSON.stringify(new_tweets);

You can also do it all at once:

var new_tweets = {
  k: {
    tweet_id: 98745521,
    user_id: 54875,
    data: {
      in_reply_to_screen_name: 'other_user',
      text: 'tweet_text'

Add CSS box shadow around the whole DIV

Use this below code

 border:2px soild #eee;

 margin: 15px 15px;
 -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px #eee;
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px #eee;
box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px #eee;


box-shadow requires you to set the horizontal & vertical offsets, you can then optionally set the blur and colour, you can also choose to have the shadow inset instead of the default outset. Colour can be defined as hex or rgba.

box-shadow : inset/outset h-offset v-offset blur spread color;

Explanation of the values...

inset/outset -- whether the shadow is inside or outside the box. If not specified it will default to outset.

h-offset -- the horizontal offset of the shadow (required value)

v-offset -- the vertical offset of the shadow (required value)

blur -- as it says, the blur of the shadow

spread -- moves the shadow away from the box equally on all sides. A positive value causes the shadow to expand, negative causes it to contract. Though this value isn't often used, it is useful with multiple shadows.

color -- as it says, the color of the shadow


box-shadow:2px 3px 8px #eee; a gray shadow with a horizontal outset of 2px, vertical of 3px and a blur of 8px

What is the difference between :focus and :active?

Active is when the user activating that point (Like mouse clicking, if we use tab from field-to-field there is no sign from active style. Maybe clicking need more time, just try hold click on that point), focus is happened after the point is activated. Try this :

<style type="text/css">
  input { font-weight: normal; color: black; }
  input:focus { color: green; outline: 1px solid green; }
  input:active { color: red; outline: 1px solid red; }

<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>

Rename a file in C#


int rename(const char * oldname, const char * newname);

The rename() function is defined in the stdio.h header file. It renames a file or directory from oldname to newname. The rename operation is the same as move, hence you can also use this function to move a file.

What is inf and nan?

I use inf/-inf as initial values to find minimum/maximum value of a measurement. Lets say that you measure temperature with a sensor and you want to keep track of minimum/maximum temperature. The sensor might provide a valid temperature or might be broken. Pseudocode:

# initial value of the temperature
t = float('nan')          
# initial value of minimum temperature, so any measured temp. will be smaller
t_min = float('inf')      
# initial value of maximum temperature, so any measured temp. will be bigger
t_max = float('-inf')     
while True:
    # measure temperature, if sensor is broken t is not changed
    t = measure()     
    # find new minimum temperature
    t_min = min(t_min, t) 
    # find new maximum temperature
    t_max = max(t_max, t) 

The above code works because inf/-inf/nan are valid for min/max operation, so there is no need to deal with exceptions.

Call js-function using JQuery timer

setInterval is the function you want. That repeats every x miliseconds.

window.setInterval(function() {
}, 10000);

Which mime type should I use for mp3

Your best bet would be using the RFC defined mime-type audio/mpeg.

Stored procedure return into DataSet in C# .Net

I should tell you the basic steps and rest depends upon your own effort. You need to perform following steps.

  • Create a connection string.
  • Create a SQL connection
  • Create SQL command
  • Create SQL data adapter
  • fill your dataset.

Do not forget to open and close connection. follow this link for more under standing.

How to combine multiple inline style objects?

Object.assign() is an easy solution, but the (currently) top answer's usage of it — while just fine for making stateless components, will cause problems for the OP's desired objective of merging two state objects.

With two arguments, Object.assign() will actually mutate the first object in-place, affecting future instantiations.


Consider two possible style configs for a box:

var styles =  {
  box: {backgroundColor: 'yellow', height: '100px', width: '200px'},
  boxA: {backgroundColor: 'blue'},

So we want all our boxes to have default 'box' styles, but want to overwrite some with a different color:

// this will be yellow
<div style={}></div>

// this will be blue
<div style={Object.assign(, styles.boxA)}></div>

// this SHOULD be yellow, but it's blue.
<div style={}></div>

Once Object.assign() executes, the '' object is changed for good.

The solution is to pass an empty object to Object.assign(). In so doing, you're telling the method to produce a NEW object with the objects you pass it. Like so:

// this will be yellow
<div style={}></div>

// this will be blue
<div style={Object.assign({},, styles.boxA)}></div>

// a beautiful yellow
<div style={}></div>

This notion of objects mutating in-place is critical for React, and proper use of Object.assign() is really helpful for using libraries like Redux.

How to Compare two strings using a if in a stored procedure in sql server 2008?

You can also try this for match string.

DECLARE @temp1 VARCHAR(1000)
    SET @temp1 = '<li>Error in connecting server.</li>'
DECLARE @temp2 VARCHAR(1000)
    SET @temp2 = '<li>Error in connecting server. connection timeout.</li>'

IF @temp1 like '%Error in connecting server.%' OR @temp1 like '%Error in connecting server. connection timeout.%'
  SELECT 'yes'
  SELECT 'no'

Export to xls using angularjs

If you load your data into ng-grid, you can use the CSV export plugin. The plugin creates a button with the grid data as csv inside an href tag.

Updating links as the library got renamed:

Github link:

Library page:

Documentation on csv export :

Unresolved Import Issues with PyDev and Eclipse

I had some issues importing additional libraries, after trying to resolve the problem, by understanding PYTHONPATH, Interpreter, and Grammar I found that I did everything write but the problems continue. After that, I just add a new empty line in the files that had the import errors and saved them and the error was resolved.

How to know when a web page was last updated?

01. Open the page for which you want to get the information.

02. Clear the address bar [where you type the address of the sites]:

and type or copy/paste from below:


03. Press Enter or Go button.

What is the Oracle equivalent of SQL Server's IsNull() function?

Instead of ISNULL(), use NVL().


SELECT ISNULL(SomeNullableField, 'If null, this value') FROM SomeTable


SELECT NVL(SomeNullableField, 'If null, this value') FROM SomeTable

Defining static const integer members in class definition

Not just int's. But you can't define the value in the class declaration. If you have:

class classname
       static int const N;

in the .h file then you must have:

int const classname::N = 10;

in the .cpp file.

Ruby send JSON request

data = {a: {b: [1, 2]}}.to_json
uri = URI ''
https =, uri.port
https.use_ssl = true
https.post2 uri.path, data, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'

How to remove .html from URL?

You will need to make sure you have Options -MultiViews as well.

None of the above worked for me on a standard cPanel host.

This worked:

Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L]

What do I use on linux to make a python program executable

Another way to do it could be by creating an alias. For example in terminal write:

alias printhello='python /home/'

Writing printhello will run, but this is only temporary. To make aliases permanent, you have to add them to bashrc, you can edit it by writing this in the terminal:

gedit ~/.bashrc

'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'

One easy way if you have App icon of size 1024 X 1024. just upload it on below site, It will generate icon folder Add AppIcon.appiconset in to your application.

Step 1:

Upload your existing 1024 X 1024 icon on Below Site :

Step 2 :

It will send you mail.

Download from email.

Step 3 : Drag and Drop AppIcon.appiconset to your application. It will contain all require icon.

It may help you all.

Edit : I am not owner/ promoter of this site. It will save our time.

Android API 21 Toolbar Padding

this works for me on my Android 7.11 phone:

<!-- TOOLBAR -->



note: I had absolutely no success with padding=0, or contentInsetLeft=0, or contentInsetStart=0

How is a tag different from a branch in Git? Which should I use, here?

Tags can be either signed or unsigned; branches are never signed.

Signed tags can never move because they are cryptographically bound (with a signature) to a particular commit. Unsigned tags are not bound and it is possible to move them (but moving tags is not a normal use case).

Branches can not only move to a different commit but are expected to do so. You should use a branch for your local development project. It doesn't quite make sense to commit work to a Git repository "on a tag".

How do I loop through children objects in javascript?

The trick is that the DOM Element.children attribute is not an array but an array-like collection which has length and can be indexed like an array, but it is not an array:

var children = tableFields.children;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
  var tableChild = children[i];
  // Do stuff

Incidentally, in general it is a better practice to iterate over an array using a basic for-loop instead of a for-in-loop.

How to link an input button to a file select window?

You could use JavaScript and trigger the hidden file input when the button input has been clicked. - simple - fancier with a little JQuery

Or, you could style a div directly over the file input and set pointer-events in CSS to none to allow the click events to pass through to the file input that is "behind" the fancy div. This only works in certain browsers though;

jQuery: How can I create a simple overlay?

What do you intend to do with the overlay? If it's static, say, a simple box overlapping some content, just use absolute positioning with CSS. If it's dynamic (I believe this is called a lightbox), you can write some CSS-modifying jQuery code to show/hide the overlay on-demand.

Time part of a DateTime Field in SQL

I know this is an old question, but since the other answers all

  • return strings (rather than datetimes),
  • rely on the internal representation of dates (conversion to float, int, and back) or
  • require SQL Server 2008 or beyond,

I thought I'd add a "pure" option which only requires datetime operations and works with SQL Server 2005+:

SELECT DATEADD(dd, -DATEDIFF(dd, 0, mydatetime), mydatetime)

This calculates the difference (in whole days) between date zero (1900-01-01) and the given date and then subtracts that number of days from the given date, thereby setting its date component to zero.

Best way to check if a URL is valid

You can use this function, but its will return false if website offline.

  function isValidUrl($url) {
    $url = parse_url($url);
    if (!isset($url["host"])) return false;
    return !(gethostbyname($url["host"]) == $url["host"]);

Split output of command by columns using Bash?

Getting the correct line (example for line no. 6) is done with head and tail and the correct word (word no. 4) can be captured with awk:

command|head -n 6|tail -n 1|awk '{print $4}'

Concat a string to SELECT * MySql

If you want to concatenate the fields using / as a separator, you can use concat_ws:

select concat_ws('/', col1, col2, col3) from mytable

You cannot escape listing the columns in the query though. The *-syntax works only in "select * from". You can list the columns and construct the query dynamically though.

Posting raw image data as multipart/form-data in curl

As of PHP 5.6 @$filePath will not work in CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS without CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD being set and it is completely removed in PHP 7. You will need to use a CurlFile object, RFC here.

$fields = [
    'name' => new \CurlFile($filePath, 'image/png', 'filename.png')
curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields);

Evaluating string "3*(4+2)" yield int 18

If you want to evaluate a string expression use the below code snippet.

using System.Data;

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
var v = dt.Compute("3 * (2+4)","");

How to extract epoch from LocalDate and LocalDateTime?

Look at this method to see which fields are supported. You will find for LocalDateTime:


The field INSTANT_SECONDS is - of course - not supported because a LocalDateTime cannot refer to any absolute (global) timestamp. But what is helpful is the field EPOCH_DAY which counts the elapsed days since 1970-01-01. Similar thoughts are valid for the type LocalDate (with even less supported fields).

If you intend to get the non-existing millis-since-unix-epoch field you also need the timezone for converting from a local to a global type. This conversion can be done much simpler, see other SO-posts.

Coming back to your question and the numbers in your code:

The result 1605 is correct
  => (2014 - 1970) * 365 + 11 (leap days) + 31 (in january 2014) + 3 (in february 2014)
The result 71461 is also correct => 19 * 3600 + 51 * 60 + 1

16105L * 86400 + 71461 = 1391543461 seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 (attention, no timezone) Then you can subtract the timezone offset (watch out for possible multiplication by 1000 if in milliseconds).

UPDATE after given timezone info:

local time = 1391543461 secs
offset = 3600 secs (Europe/Oslo, winter time in february)
utc = 1391543461 - 3600 = 1391539861

As JSR-310-code with two equivalent approaches:

long secondsSinceUnixEpoch1 =
  LocalDateTime.of(2014, 2, 4, 19, 51, 1).atZone(ZoneId.of("Europe/Oslo")).toEpochSecond();

long secondsSinceUnixEpoch2 =
    .of(2014, 2, 4)
    .atTime(19, 51, 1)

Android: How to programmatically access the device serial number shown in the AVD manager (API Version 8)

Up to Android 7.1 (SDK 25)

Until Android 7.1 you will get it with:


From Android 8 (SDK 26)

On Android 8 (SDK 26) and above, this field will return UNKNOWN and must be accessed with:


which requires the dangerous permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE.

From Android Q (SDK 29)

Since Android Q using Build.getSerial() gets a bit more complicated by requiring:

android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE (which can only be acquired by system apps), or for the calling package to be the device or profile owner and have the READ_PHONE_STATE permission. This means most apps won't be able to uses this feature. See the Android Q announcement from Google.

See Android SDK reference

Best Practice for Unique Device Identifier

If you just require a unique identifier, it's best to avoid using hardware identifiers as Google continuously tries to make it harder to access them for privacy reasons. You could just generate a UUID.randomUUID().toString(); and save it the first time it needs to be accessed in e.g. shared preferences. Alternatively you could use ANDROID_ID which is a 8 byte long hex string unique to the device, user and (only Android 8+) app installation. For more info on that topic, see Best practices for unique identifiers.

Creating a singleton in Python

  • If one wants to have multiple number of instances of the same class, but only if the args or kwargs are different, one can use the third-party python package Handy Decorators (package decorators).
  • Ex.
    1. If you have a class handling serial communication, and to create an instance you want to send the serial port as an argument, then with traditional approach won't work
    2. Using the above mentioned decorators, one can create multiple instances of the class if the args are different.
    3. For same args, the decorator will return the same instance which is already been created.
>>> from decorators import singleton
>>> @singleton
... class A:
...     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
...         pass
>>> a = A(name='Siddhesh')
>>> b = A(name='Siddhesh', lname='Sathe')
>>> c = A(name='Siddhesh', lname='Sathe')
>>> a is b  # has to be different
>>> b is c  # has to be same

Run CRON job everyday at specific time

Cron utility is an effective way to schedule a routine background job at a specific time and/or day on an on-going basis.

Linux Crontab Format


enter image description here

Example::Scheduling a Job For a Specific Time

The basic usage of cron is to execute a job in a specific time as shown below. This will execute the Full backup shell script (full-backup) on 10th June 08:30 AM.

Please note that the time field uses 24 hours format. So, for 8 AM use 8, and for 8 PM use 20.

30 08 10 06 * /home/yourname/full-backup
  • 30 – 30th Minute
  • 08 – 08 AM
  • 10 – 10th Day
  • 06 – 6th Month (June)
  • *– Every day of the week

In your case, for 2.30PM,

30 14 * * * YOURCMD
  1. 30 – 30th Minute
  2. 14 – 2PM
  3. *– Every day
  4. *– Every month
  5. *– Every day of the week

To know more about cron, visit this website.

Getting Index of an item in an arraylist;

for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
   if (list.get(i) .getName().equalsIgnoreCase("myName")) {

What are "named tuples" in Python?

namedtuple is a factory function for making a tuple class. With that class we can create tuples that are callable by name also.

import collections

#Create a namedtuple class with names "a" "b" "c"
Row = collections.namedtuple("Row", ["a", "b", "c"])   

row = Row(a=1,b=2,c=3) #Make a namedtuple from the Row class we created

print row    #Prints: Row(a=1, b=2, c=3)
print row.a  #Prints: 1
print row[0] #Prints: 1

row = Row._make([2, 3, 4]) #Make a namedtuple from a list of values

print row   #Prints: Row(a=2, b=3, c=4)

Can't concatenate 2 arrays in PHP

Both will have a key of 0, and that method of combining the arrays will collapse duplicates. Try using array_merge() instead.

$arr1 = array('foo'); // Same as array(0 => 'foo')
$arr2 = array('bar'); // Same as array(0 => 'bar')

// Will contain array('foo', 'bar');
$combined = array_merge($arr1, $arr2);

If the elements in your array used different keys, the + operator would be more appropriate.

$arr1 = array('one' => 'foo');
$arr2 = array('two' => 'bar');

// Will contain array('one' => 'foo', 'two' => 'bar');
$combined = $arr1 + $arr2;

Edit: Added a code snippet to clarify

400 vs 422 response to POST of data

Your case: HTTP 400 is the right status code for your case from REST perspective as its syntactically incorrect to send sales_tax instead of tax, though its a valid JSON. This is normally enforced by most of the server side frameworks when mapping the JSON to objects. However, there are some REST implementations that ignore new key in JSON object. In that case, a custom content-type specification to accept only valid fields can be enforced by server-side.

Ideal Scenario for 422:

In an ideal world, 422 is preferred and generally acceptable to send as response if the server understands the content type of the request entity and the syntax of the request entity is correct but was unable to process the data because its semantically erroneous.

Situations of 400 over 422:

Remember, the response code 422 is an extended HTTP (WebDAV) status code. There are still some HTTP clients / front-end libraries that aren't prepared to handle 422. For them, its as simple as "HTTP 422 is wrong, because it's not HTTP". From the service perspective, 400 isn't quite specific.

In enterprise architecture, the services are deployed mostly on service layers like SOA, IDM, etc. They typically serve multiple clients ranging from a very old native client to a latest HTTP clients. If one of the clients doesn't handle HTTP 422, the options are that asking the client to upgrade or change your response code to HTTP 400 for everyone. In my experience, this is very rare these days but still a possibility. So, a careful study of your architecture is always required before deciding on the HTTP response codes.

To handle situation like these, the service layers normally use versioning or setup configuration flag for strict HTTP conformance clients to send 400, and send 422 for the rest of them. That way they provide backwards compatibility support for existing consumers but at the same time provide the ability for the new clients to consume HTTP 422.

The latest update to RFC7321 says:

The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or
   will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be
   a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request
   message framing, or deceptive request routing).

This confirms that servers can send HTTP 400 for invalid request. 400 doesn't refer only to syntax error anymore, however, 422 is still a genuine response provided the clients can handle it.

How can I color Python logging output?

A simple but very flexible tool for coloring ANY terminal text is 'colout'.

pip install colout
myprocess | colout REGEX_WITH_GROUPS color1,color2...

Where any text in the output of 'myprocess' which matches group 1 of the regex will be colored with color1, group 2 with color2, etc.

For example:

tail -f /var/log/mylogfile | colout '^(\w+ \d+ [\d:]+)|(\w+\.py:\d+ .+\(\)): (.+)$' white,black,cyan bold,bold,normal

i.e. the first regex group (parens) matches the initial date in the logfile, the second group matches a python filename, line number and function name, and the third group matches the log message that comes after that. I also use a parallel sequence of 'bold/normals' as well as the sequence of colors. This looks like:

logfile with colored formatting

Note that lines or parts of lines which don't match any of my regex are still echoed, so this isn't like 'grep --color' - nothing is filtered out of the output.

Obviously this is flexible enough that you can use it with any process, not just tailing logfiles. I usually just whip up a new regex on the fly any time I want to colorize something. For this reason, I prefer colout to any custom logfile-coloring tool, because I only need to learn one tool, regardless of what I'm coloring: logging, test output, syntax highlighting snippets of code in the terminal, etc.

It also avoids actually dumping ANSI codes in the logfile itself, which IMHO is a bad idea, because it will break things like grepping for patterns in the logfile unless you always remember to match the ANSI codes in your grep regex.

PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?

Use parse_url() and parse_str().

(You can use regexes for just about anything, but they are very easy to make an error in, so if there are PHP functions specifically for what you are trying to accomplish, use those.)

parse_url takes a string and cuts it up into an array that has a bunch of info. You can work with this array, or you can specify the one item you want as a second argument. In this case we're interested in the query, which is PHP_URL_QUERY.

Now we have the query, which is v=C4kxS1ksqtw&feature=relate, but we only want the part after v=. For this we turn to parse_str which basically works like GET on a string. It takes a string and creates the variables specified in the string. In this case $v and $feature is created. We're only interested in $v.

To be safe, you don't want to just store all the variables from the parse_url in your namespace (see mellowsoon's comment). Instead store the variables as elements of an array, so that you have control over what variables you are storing, and you cannot accidentally overwrite an existing variable.

Putting everything together, we have:

$url = "";
parse_str( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $my_array_of_vars );
echo $my_array_of_vars['v'];    
  // Output: C4kxS1ksqtw

Working example


hehe - thanks Charles. That made me laugh, I've never seen the Zawinski quote before:

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, I’ll use regular expressions.’ Now they have two problems.Jamie Zawinski

How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

First of all, you need to login as root and than go to /etc directory and execute some commands which are given below.

[root@localhost~]# cd /etc
[root@localhost /etc]# vi sudoers

and enter this line at the end


where kundan is the username and than save it. and then try to transfer the file and add sudo as a prefix to the command you want to execute:

sudo cp hello.txt /home/rahul/program/

where rahul is the second user in the same server.

Merging dictionaries in C#

Merging using an extension method. It does not throw exception when there are duplicate keys, but replaces those keys with keys from the second dictionary.

internal static class DictionaryExtensions
    public static Dictionary<T1, T2> Merge<T1, T2>(this Dictionary<T1, T2> first, Dictionary<T1, T2> second)
        if (first == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("first");
        if (second == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("second");

        var merged = new Dictionary<T1, T2>();
        first.ToList().ForEach(kv => merged[kv.Key] = kv.Value);
        second.ToList().ForEach(kv => merged[kv.Key] = kv.Value);

        return merged;


Dictionary<string, string> merged = first.Merge(second);

How to remove part of a string before a ":" in javascript?

There is no need for jQuery here, regular JavaScript will do:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.substring(str.indexOf(":") + 1);

Or, the .split() and .pop() version:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.split(":").pop();

Or, the regex version (several variants of this):

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = /:(.+)/.exec(str)[1];

What is "X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff"?

The X-Content-Type-Options response HTTP header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed and be followed. This allows to opt-out of MIME type sniffing, or, in other words, it is a way to say that the webmasters knew what they were doing.

Syntax :

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Directives :

nosniff Blocks a request if the requested type is 1. "style" and the MIME type is not "text/css", or 2. "script" and the MIME type is not a JavaScript MIME type.

Note: nosniff only applies to "script" and "style" types. Also applying nosniff to images turned out to be incompatible with existing web sites.

Specification :

How to encode a URL in Swift

If it's possible that the value that you're adding to your URL can have reserved characters (as defined by section 2 of RFC 3986), you might have to refine your percent-escaping. Notably, while & and + are valid characters in a URL, they're not valid within a URL query parameter value (because & is used as delimiter between query parameters which would prematurely terminate your value, and + is translated to a space character). Unfortunately, the standard percent-escaping leaves those delimiters unescaped.

Thus, you might want to percent escape all characters that are not within RFC 3986's list of unreserved characters:

Characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

     unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

Later, in section 3.4, the RFC further contemplates adding ? and / to the list of allowed characters within a query:

The characters slash ("/") and question mark ("?") may represent data within the query component. Beware that some older, erroneous implementations may not handle such data correctly when it is used as the base URI for relative references (Section 5.1), apparently because they fail to distinguish query data from path data when looking for hierarchical separators. However, as query components are often used to carry identifying information in the form of "key=value" pairs and one frequently used value is a reference to another URI, it is sometimes better for usability to avoid percent- encoding those characters.

Nowadays, you'd generally use URLComponents to percent escape the query value:

var address = "American Tourister, Abids Road, Bogulkunta, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India"
var components = URLComponents(string: "")!
components.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "address", value: address)]
let url = components.url!

By the way, while it's not contemplated in the aforementioned RFC, section 5.2, URL-encoded form data, of the W3C HTML spec says that application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests should also replace space characters with + characters (and includes the asterisk in the characters that should not be escaped). And, unfortunately, URLComponents won't properly percent escape this, so Apple advises that you manually percent escape it before retrieving the url property of the URLComponents object:

// configure `components` as shown above, and then:

components.percentEncodedQuery = components.percentEncodedQuery?.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: "%2B")
let url = components.url!

For Swift 2 rendition, where I manually do all of this percent escaping myself, see the previous revision of this answer.

Replace given value in vector

Perhaps replace is what you are looking for:

> x = c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)
> replace(x, x==0, 1)
[1] 3 2 1 1 4 1

Or, if you don't have x (any specific reason why not?):

replace(c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0), c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)==0, 1)

Many people are familiar with gsub, so you can also try either of the following:

as.numeric(gsub(0, 1, x))
as.numeric(gsub(0, 1, c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)))


After reading the comments, perhaps with is an option:

with(data.frame(x = c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)), replace(x, x == 0, 1))

Bash script error [: !=: unary operator expected


if [ "$1" != -v ]; then

Otherwise, when $1 is completely empty, your test becomes:

[ != -v ]

instead of

[ "" != -v ]

...and != is not a unary operator (that is, one capable of taking only a single argument).

Spark DataFrame groupBy and sort in the descending order (pyspark)

Use orderBy:

df.orderBy('column_name', ascending=False)

Complete answer:

group_by_dataframe.count().filter("`count` >= 10").orderBy('count', ascending=False)

How to load images dynamically (or lazily) when users scrolls them into view

This Link work for me demo

1.Load the jQuery loadScroll plugin after jQuery library, but before the closing body tag.

<script src=""></script><script src="jQuery.loadScroll.js"></script>

2.Add the images into your webpage using Html5 data-src attribute. You can also insert placeholders using the regular img's src attribute.

<img data-src="1.jpg" src="Placeholder.jpg" alt="Image Alt"><img data-src="2.jpg" src="Placeholder.jpg" alt="Image Alt"><img data-src="3.jpg" src="Placeholder.jpg" alt="Image Alt">

3.Call the plugin on the img tags and specify the duration of the fadeIn effect as your images are come into view

$('img').loadScroll(500); // in ms

excel delete row if column contains value from to-remove-list

Here is how I would do it if working with a large number of "to remove" values that would take a long time to manually remove.

  • -Put Original List in Column A -Put To Remove list in Column B -Select both columns, then "Conditional Formatting"
    -Select "Hightlight Cells Rules" --> "Duplicate Values"
    -The duplicates should be hightlighted in both columns
    -Then select Column A and then "Sort & Filter" ---> "Custom Sort"
    -In the dialog box that appears, select the middle option "Sort On" and pick "Cell Color"
    -Then select the next option "Sort Order" and choose "No Cell Color" "On bottom"
    -All the highlighted cells should be at the top of the list. -Select all the highlighted cells by scrolling down the list, then click delete.

Generating a SHA-256 hash from the Linux command line

echo produces a trailing newline character which is hashed too. Try:

/bin/echo -n foobar | sha256sum 

How do I get the directory of the PowerShell script I execute?

PowerShell 3 has the $PSScriptRoot automatic variable:

Contains the directory from which a script is being run.

In Windows PowerShell 2.0, this variable is valid only in script modules (.psm1). Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, it is valid in all scripts.

Don't be fooled by the poor wording. PSScriptRoot is the directory of the current file.

In PowerShell 2, you can calculate the value of $PSScriptRoot yourself:

# PowerShell v2
$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

Running a shell script through Cygwin on Windows

Just wanted to add that you can do this to apply dos2unix fix for all files under a directory, as it saved me heaps of time when we had to 'fix' a bunch of our scripts.

find . -type f -exec dos2unix.exe {} \;

I'd do it as a comment to Roman's answer, but I don't have access to commenting yet.

Display Animated GIF

Use fresco. Here's how to do it:

Here's the repo with the sample:

Beware fresco does not support wrap content!

How to create an empty R vector to add new items

To create an empty vector use:

vec <- c();

Please note, I am not making any assumptions about the type of vector you require, e.g. numeric.

Once the vector has been created you can add elements to it as follows:

For example, to add the numeric value 1:

vec <- c(vec, 1);

or, to add a string value "a"

vec <- c(vec, "a");

“Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin” error for request made by application running from a file:// URL

There is a small problem in the solution posted by CodeGroover above , where if you change a file, you'll have to restart the server to actually use the updated file (at least, in my case).

So searching a bit, I found this one To use:

sudo npm -g install simple-http-server # to install
nserver # to use

And then it will serve at http://localhost:8000.

How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String?

Working well I'm using \u0020

<string name="hi"> Hi \u0020 </string>
<string name="ten"> \u0020 out of 10  </string>
<string name="youHaveScored">\u0020 you have Scored \u0020</string>

Java file

String finalScore = getString(R.string.hi) +name+ getString(R.string.youHaveScored)+score+ getString(R.string.ten);

Screenshot here Image of Showing Working of this code

SQLite in Android How to update a specific row

Method for updation in SQLite:

public void updateMethod(String name, String updatename){
    String query="update students set email = ? where name = ?";
    String[] selections={updatename, name};
    Cursor cursor=db.rawQuery(query, selections);

How do I get the selected element by name and then get the selected value from a dropdown using jQuery?

To add to the answers here, ensure there's no space between the select and [name...


'select [name=' + name + ']'


'select[name=' + name + ']'

Is it possible to cast a Stream in Java 8?

I don't think there is a way to do that out-of-the-box. A possibly cleaner solution would be:

    .filter(c -> c instanceof Client)
    .map(c -> (Client) c)

or, as suggested in the comments, you could use the cast method - the former may be easier to read though:


Git: Cannot see new remote branch

What ended up finally working for me was to add the remote repository name to the git fetch command, like this:

git fetch core

Now you can see all of them like this:

git branch --all

Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express

1. Installing OpenCV 2.4.3

First, get OpenCV 2.4.3 from Its a self-extracting so just double click to start the installation. Install it in a directory, say C:\.

OpenCV self-extractor

Wait until all files get extracted. It will create a new directory C:\opencv which contains OpenCV header files, libraries, code samples, etc.

Now you need to add the directory C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin to your system PATH. This directory contains OpenCV DLLs required for running your code.

Open Control PanelSystemAdvanced system settingsAdvanced Tab → Environment variables...

enter image description here

On the System Variables section, select Path (1), Edit (2), and type C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin; (3), then click Ok.

On some computers, you may need to restart your computer for the system to recognize the environment path variables.

This will completes the OpenCV 2.4.3 installation on your computer.

2. Create a new project and set up Visual C++

Open Visual C++ and select FileNewProject...Visual C++Empty Project. Give a name for your project (e.g: cvtest) and set the project location (e.g: c:\projects).

New project dialog

Click Ok. Visual C++ will create an empty project.

VC++ empty project

Make sure that "Debug" is selected in the solution configuration combobox. Right-click cvtest and select PropertiesVC++ Directories.

Project property dialog

Select Include Directories to add a new entry and type C:\opencv\build\include.

Include directories dialog

Click Ok to close the dialog.

Back to the Property dialog, select Library Directories to add a new entry and type C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib.

Library directories dialog

Click Ok to close the dialog.

Back to the property dialog, select LinkerInputAdditional Dependencies to add new entries. On the popup dialog, type the files below:


Note that the filenames end with "d" (for "debug"). Also note that if you have installed another version of OpenCV (say 2.4.9) these filenames will end with 249d instead of 243d (opencv_core249d.lib..etc).

enter image description here

Click Ok to close the dialog. Click Ok on the project properties dialog to save all settings.


These steps will configure Visual C++ for the "Debug" solution. For "Release" solution (optional), you need to repeat adding the OpenCV directories and in Additional Dependencies section, use:


instead of:


You've done setting up Visual C++, now is the time to write the real code. Right click your project and select AddNew Item...Visual C++C++ File.

Add new source file

Name your file (e.g: loadimg.cpp) and click Ok. Type the code below in the editor:

#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main()
    Mat im = imread("c:/full/path/to/lena.jpg");
    if (im.empty()) 
        cout << "Cannot load image!" << endl;
        return -1;
    imshow("Image", im);

The code above will load c:\full\path\to\lena.jpg and display the image. You can use any image you like, just make sure the path to the image is correct.

Type F5 to compile the code, and it will display the image in a nice window.

First OpenCV program

And that is your first OpenCV program!

3. Where to go from here?

Now that your OpenCV environment is ready, what's next?

  1. Go to the samples dir → c:\opencv\samples\cpp.
  2. Read and compile some code.
  3. Write your own code.

Get latitude and longitude automatically using php, API

Two ideas:

  • Are Address and Region URL Encoded?
  • Perhaps your computer running the code doesn't allow http access. Try loading another page (like '') and see if that works. If that also doesn't work, then there's something wrong with PHP settings.

Simple function to sort an array of objects

This isn't a JSON question, per se. Its a javascript array question.

Try this:

    var x = < -1:1; 
    return x; 

member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C#

As Constructor should be at the starting of the Class , you are facing the above issue . So, you can either change the name or if you want to use it as a constructor just copy the method at the beginning of the class.

How do I skip a header from CSV files in Spark?

Working in 2018 (Spark 2.3)


df =
    .option("header", "true")


val myDf =
  .option("header", "true")

PD1: myManualSchema is a predefined schema written by me, you could skip that part of code

UPDATE 2021 The same code works for Spark 3.x

df =
    .option("header", "true")
    .option("inferSchema", "true")

How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?

I know this is an old question but just for the record this can also be done by passing appropriate connection options as arguments to the _mysql.connect call. For example,

con = _mysql.connect(host='localhost', user='dell-pc', passwd='', db='test',

Notice the use of keyword parameters (host, passwd, etc.). They improve the readability of your code.

For detail about different arguments that you can pass to _mysql.connect, see MySQLdb API documentation

Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Got it! Log in as root and grant homestead@localhost the rights to everything.

From your terminal:

$ homestead ssh

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter password: secret

mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'homestead'@'localhost' identified by 'secret';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Now homesteads regular user has access to all of your tables, and as such, should be able to run things like migrations.

Angular CLI SASS options

As of 3/10/2019, Anguar dropped the support of sass. No mater what option you passed to --style when running ng new, you always get .scss files generated. It's a shame that sass support was dropped without any explanation.

calculate the mean for each column of a matrix in R

my.mean <- unlist(lapply(mtcars, mean)); my.mean

   mpg        cyl       disp         hp       drat         wt       qsec         vs 
 20.090625   6.187500 230.721875 146.687500   3.596563   3.217250  17.848750   0.437500 
        am       gear       carb 
  0.406250   3.687500   2.812500 

How can I start InternetExplorerDriver using Selenium WebDriver

Enable protected mode for all zones You need to enable protected mode for all zones from Internet Options -> Security tab. To enable protected mode for all zones.

Typescript: No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ "A": string; }

For anyone struggling with similar cases

No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type X

trying to use it with simple objects (used as dicts) like:

DNATranscriber = {
   C: "G",
   T: "A",
   A: "U"

and trying to dynamically access the value from a calculated key like:

const key = getFirstType(dnaChain);
const result = DNATranscriber[key];

and you faced the error as shown above, you can use the keyof operator and try something like

const key = getFirstType(dnaChain) as keyof typeof DNATranscriber;

certainly you will need a guard at the result but if it seems more intuitive than some custom types magic, it is ok.

How can I disable HREF if onclick is executed?

I solved a situation where I needed a template for the element that would handle alternatively a regular URL or a javascript call, where the js function needs a reference to the calling element. In javascript, "this" works as a self reference only in the context of a form element, e.g., a button. I didn't want a button, just the apperance of a regular link.


<a onclick="http://blahblah" href="http://blahblah" target="_blank">A regular link</a>
<a onclick="javascript:myFunc($(this));return false" href="javascript:myFunc($(this));"  target="_blank">javascript with self reference</a>

The href and onClick attributes have the same values, exept I append "return false" on onClick when it's a javascript call. Having "return false" in the called function did not work.

Reset all the items in a form

    function setToggleInputsinPnl(pnlName) {
    var domCount = pnlName.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < domCount; i++) {
        if (pnlName[i].type == 'text') {
            pnlName[i].value = '';
        } else if (pnlName[i].type == 'select-one') {
               pnlName[i].value = '';

Assigning the output of a command to a variable


output=$(ps -ef | awk '/siebsvc –s siebsrvr/ && !/awk/ { a++ } END { print a }'); echo $output

Wrapping your command in $( ) tells the shell to run that command, instead of attempting to set the command itself to the variable named "output". (Note that you could also use backticks `command`.)

I can highly recommend to learn more about command substitution.

Also, as 1_CR correctly points out in a comment, the extra space between the equals sign and the assignment is causing it to fail. Here is a simple example on my machine of the behavior you are experiencing:

jed@MBP:~$ foo=$(ps -ef |head -1);echo $foo

jed@MBP:~$ foo= $(ps -ef |head -1);echo $foo
-bash: UID: command not found

What is "overhead"?

its anything other than the data itself, ie tcp flags, headers, crc, fcs etc..

javascript - replace dash (hyphen) with a space

Imagine you end up with double dashes, and want to replace them with a single character and not doubles of the replace character. You can just use array split and array filter and array join.

var str = "This-is---a--news-----item----";

Then to replace all dashes with single spaces, you could do this:

var newStr = str.split('-').filter(function(item) {
  item = item ? item.replace(/-/g, ''): item
  return item;
}).join(' ');

Now if the string contains double dashes, like '----' then array split will produce an element with 3 dashes in it (because it split on the first dash). So by using this line:

item = item ? item.replace(/-/g, ''): item

The filter method removes those extra dashes so the element will be ignored on the filter iteration. The above line also accounts for if item is already an empty element so it doesn't crash on item.replace.

Then when your string join runs on the filtered elements, you end up with this output:

"This is a news item"

Now if you were using something like knockout.js where you can have computer observables. You could create a computed observable to always calculate "newStr" when "str" changes so you'd always have a version of the string with no dashes even if you change the value of the original input string. Basically they are bound together. I'm sure other JS frameworks can do similar things.

How to escape a JSON string to have it in a URL?


What are the First and Second Level caches in (N)Hibernate?

1.1) First-level cache

First-level cache always Associates with the Session object. Hibernate uses this cache by default. Here, it processes one transaction after another one, means wont process one transaction many times. Mainly it reduces the number of SQL queries it needs to generate within a given transaction. That is instead of updating after every modification done in the transaction, it updates the transaction only at the end of the transaction.

1.2) Second-level cache

Second-level cache always associates with the Session Factory object. While running the transactions, in between it loads the objects at the Session Factory level, so that those objects will be available to the entire application, not bound to single user. Since the objects are already loaded in the cache, whenever an object is returned by the query, at that time no need to go for a database transaction. In this way the second level cache works. Here we can use query level cache also.

Quoted from:

How to sort a Collection<T>?

I came across a similar problem. Had to sort a list of 3rd party class (objects).

List<ThirdPartyClass> tpc = getTpcList(...);

ThirdPartyClass does not implement the Java Comparable interface. I found an excellent illustration from mkyong on how to approach this problem. I had to use the Comparator approach to sorting.

//Sort ThirdPartyClass based on the value of some attribute/function
Collections.sort(tpc, Compare3rdPartyObjects.tpcComp);

where the Comparator is:

public abstract class Compare3rdPartyObjects {

public static Comparator<ThirdPartyClass> tpcComp = new Comparator<ThirdPartyClass>() {

    public int compare(ThirdPartyClass tpc1, ThirdPartyClass tpc2) {

        Integer tpc1Offset = compareUsing(tpc1);
        Integer tpc2Offset = compareUsing(tpc2);

        //ascending order
        return tpc1Offset.compareTo(tpc2Offset);


//Fetch the attribute value that you would like to use to compare the ThirdPartyClass instances 
public static Integer compareUsing(ThirdPartyClass tpc) {

    Integer value = tpc.getValueUsingSomeFunction();
    return value;

ASP.NET: HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error 0x8007000d

I turn on .Net Framework 3.5 and 4.5 Advance Service in Control Panel->Programs and Features->Turn Windows features on or work for me.

Is there a PowerShell "string does not contain" cmdlet or syntax?

If $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn is an [array] you should use -notcontains:

Get-Content $FileName | foreach-object { `
   if ($arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn -notcontains $_) { $) }

or better (IMO)

Get-Content $FileName | where { $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn -notcontains $_}

Import Script from a Parent Directory

If you want to run the script directly, you can:

  1. Add the FolderA's path to the environment variable (PYTHONPATH).
  2. Add the path to sys.path in the your script.


import module_you_wanted

"The public type <<classname>> must be defined in its own file" error in Eclipse

You can't use 2 public class instances, you need to use one. Try using class (name) instead of public class (name)

Makefile, header dependencies

I prefer this solution, over the accepted answer by Michael Williamson, it catches changes to sources+inline files, then sources+headers, and finally sources only. Advantage here is that the whole library is not recompiled if only a a few changes are made. Not a huge consideration for a project with a couple of files, bur if you have 10 or a 100 sources, you will notice the difference.

COMMAND= gcc -Wall -Iinclude ...

%.o: %.cpp %.inl

%.o: %.cpp %.hpp

%.o: %.cpp

Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS

It's complaining about


inside the subquery. Only one column can be returned from the subquery unless you are performing an exists query. I'm not sure why you want to do a count on the same column twice, superficially it looks redundant to what you are doing. The subquery here is only a filter it is not the same as a join. i.e. you use it to restrict data, not to specify what columns to get back.

Make docker use IPv4 for port binding

If you want your container ports to bind on your ipv4 address, just :

  • find the settings file
    • /etc/sysconfig/docker-network on RedHat alike
    • /etc/default/docker-network on Debian ans alike
  • edit the network settings
    • add DOCKER_NETWORK_OPTIONS=-ip=xx.xx.xx.xx
    • xx.xx.xx.xx being your real ipv4 (and not
  • restart docker deamon

works for me on docker 1.9.1

Is there an "exists" function for jQuery?

if ( $('#myDiv').size() > 0 ) { //do something }

size() counts the number of elements returned by the selector

Python Socket Receive Large Amount of Data

Disclaimer: There are very rare cases in which you really need to do this. If possible use an existing application layer protocol or define your own eg. precede each message with a fixed length integer indicating the length of data that follows or terminate each message with a '\n' character. (Adam Rosenfield's answer does a really good job at explaining that)

With that said, there is a way to read all of the data available on a socket. However, it is a bad idea to rely on this kind of communication as it introduces the risk of loosing data. Use this solution with extreme caution and only after reading the explanation below.

def recvall(sock):
    BUFF_SIZE = 4096
    data = bytearray()
    while True:
        packet = sock.recv(BUFF_SIZE)
        if not packet:  # Important!!
    return data

Now the if not packet: line is absolutely critical! Many answers here suggested using a condition like if len(packet) < BUFF_SIZE: which is broken and will most likely cause you to close your connection prematurely and loose data. It wrongly assumes that one send on one end of a TCP socket corresponds to one receive of sent number of bytes on the other end. It does not. There is a very good chance that sock.recv(BUFF_SIZE) will return a chunk smaller than BUFF_SIZE even if there's still data waiting to be received. There is a good explanation of the issue here and here.

By using the above solution you are still risking data loss if the other end of the connection is writing data slower than you are reading. You may just simply consume all data on your end and exit when more is on the way. There are ways around it that require the use of concurrent programming, but that's another topic of its own.

Importing JSON into an Eclipse project

Download the ZIP file from this URL and extract it to get the Jar. Add the Jar to your build path. To check the available classes in this Jar use this URL.

To Add this Jar to your build path Right click the Project > Build Path > Configure build path> Select Libraries tab > Click Add External Libraries > Select the Jar file Download

I hope this will solve your problem

Possible cases for Javascript error: "Expected identifier, string or number"

Using the word class as a key in a Javascript dictionary can also trigger the dreaded "Expected identifier, string or number" error because class is a reserved keyword in Internet Explorer.


{ class : 'overlay'} // ERROR: Expected identifier, string or number


{'class': 'overlay'}

When using a reserved keyword as a key in a Javascript dictionary, enclose the key in quotes.

Hope this hint saves you a day of debugging hell.

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?

You must override hashCode() in every class that overrides equals(). Failure to do so will result in a violation of the general contract for Object.hashCode(), which will prevent your class from functioning properly in conjunction with all hash-based collections, including HashMap, HashSet, and Hashtable.

   from Effective Java, by Joshua Bloch

By defining equals() and hashCode() consistently, you can improve the usability of your classes as keys in hash-based collections. As the API doc for hashCode explains: "This method is supported for the benefit of hashtables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable."

The best answer to your question about how to implement these methods efficiently is suggesting you to read Chapter 3 of Effective Java.

Count number of iterations in a foreach loop

Imagine a counter with an initial value of 0.

For every loop, increment the counter value by 1 using $counter = 0;

The final counter value returned by the loop will be the number of iterations of your for loop. Find the code below:

$counter = 0;
foreach ($Contents as $item) {
    $item[number];// if there are 15 $item[number] in this foreach, I want get the value `: 15`

Try that.