Programs & Examples On #Hash function

A hash function is an algorithm that maps large data sets of keys to smaller data sets of a fixed length. Hash functions are not reversible.

Maximum length for MD5 input/output

Append Length

A 64-bit representation of b (the length of the message before the padding bits were added) is appended to the result of the previous step. In the unlikely event that b is greater than 2^64, then only the low-order 64 bits of b are used.

  • The hash is always 128 bits. If you encode it as a hexdecimal string you can encode 4 bits per character, giving 32 characters.
  • MD5 is not encryption. You cannot in general "decrypt" an MD5 hash to get the original string.

See more here.

MySQL Check if username and password matches in Database

1.) Storage of database passwords Use some kind of hash with a salt and then alter the hash, obfuscate it, for example add a distinct value for each byte. That way your passwords a super secured against dictionary attacks and rainbow tables.

2.) To check if the password matches, create your hash for the password the user put in. Then perform a query against the database for the username and just check if the two password hashes are identical. If they are, give the user an authentication token.

The query should then look like this:

select hashedPassword from users where username=?

Then compare the password to the input.

Further questions?

How does a Java HashMap handle different objects with the same hash code?

A hashmap works like this (this is a little bit simplified, but it illustrates the basic mechanism):

It has a number of "buckets" which it uses to store key-value pairs in. Each bucket has a unique number - that's what identifies the bucket. When you put a key-value pair into the map, the hashmap will look at the hash code of the key, and store the pair in the bucket of which the identifier is the hash code of the key. For example: The hash code of the key is 235 -> the pair is stored in bucket number 235. (Note that one bucket can store more then one key-value pair).

When you lookup a value in the hashmap, by giving it a key, it will first look at the hash code of the key that you gave. The hashmap will then look into the corresponding bucket, and then it will compare the key that you gave with the keys of all pairs in the bucket, by comparing them with equals().

Now you can see how this is very efficient for looking up key-value pairs in a map: by the hash code of the key the hashmap immediately knows in which bucket to look, so that it only has to test against what's in that bucket.

Looking at the above mechanism, you can also see what requirements are necessary on the hashCode() and equals() methods of keys:

  • If two keys are the same (equals() returns true when you compare them), their hashCode() method must return the same number. If keys violate this, then keys that are equal might be stored in different buckets, and the hashmap would not be able to find key-value pairs (because it's going to look in the same bucket).

  • If two keys are different, then it doesn't matter if their hash codes are the same or not. They will be stored in the same bucket if their hash codes are the same, and in this case, the hashmap will use equals() to tell them apart.

What is a NoReverseMatch error, and how do I fix it?

And make sure your route in the list of routes:

./ show_urls | grep path_or_name

How to implement oauth2 server in ASP.NET MVC 5 and WEB API 2

Gmail: OAuth

  • Goto the link
  • Login with your gmail username password
  • Click on the google menu at the top left
  • Click API Manager
  • Click on Credentials
  • Click Create Credentials and select OAuth Client
  • Select Web Application as Application type and Enter the Name-> Enter Authorised Redirect URL (Eg: http://localhost:53922/signin-google) ->Click on Create button. This will create the credentials. Pls make a note of Client ID and Secret ID. Finally click OK to close the credentials pop up.
  • Next important step is to enable the Google API. Click on Overview in the left pane.
  • Click on the Google API under Social APIs section.
  • Click Enable.

That’s all from the Google part.

Come back to your application, open App_start/Startup.Auth.cs and uncomment the following snippet

        app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
            ClientId = "",
            ClientSecret = ""

Update the ClientId and ClientSecret with the values from Google API credentials which you have created already.

  • Run your application
  • Click Login
  • You will see the Google button under ‘Use Another Section to log in’ section
  • Click on the Google button
  • Application will prompt you to enter the username and password
  • Enter the gmail username and password and click Sign In
  • This will perform the OAuth and come back to your application and prompting you to register with the Gmail id.
  • Click register to register the Gmail id into your application database.
  • You will see the Identity details appear in the top as normal registration
  • Try logout and login again thru Gmail. This will automatically logs you into the app.

Bootstrap: wider input field

I am going to assume you were having the same issue I was. Even though you specify larger sizes for the TextBox and mark it as important, the box would not get larger. That is likely because in your site.css file the MaxWidth is being set to 280px.

Add a style attribute to your input to remove the MaxWidth like this:

<input type="text"  style="max-width:none !important" class="input-medium">

Authentication issue when debugging in VS2013 - iis express

VS 2015 changes this. It added a .vs folder to my web project and the applicationhost.config was in there. I made the changes suggested (window authentication = true, anon=false) and it started delivering a username instead of a blank.

ASP.NET MVC Dropdown List From SelectList

Try this, just an example:

u.UserTypeOptions = new SelectList(new[]
        new { ID="1", Name="name1" },
        new { ID="2", Name="name2" },
        new { ID="3", Name="name3" },
    }, "ID", "Name", 1);


u.UserTypeOptions = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>
        new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = string.Empty, Value = "-1"},
        new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Homeowner", Value = "2"},
        new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Contractor", Value = "3"},

EditText, inputType values (xml)

Supplemental answer

Here is how the standard keyboard behaves for each of these input types.

enter image description here

See this answer for more details.

`getchar()` gives the same output as the input string

Strings, by C definition, are terminated by '\0'. You have no "C strings" in your program.

Your program reads characters (buffered till ENTER) from the standard input (the keyboard) and writes them back to the standard output (the screen). It does this no matter how many characters you type or for how long you do this.

To stop the program you have to indicate that the standard input has no more data (huh?? how can a keyboard have no more data?).

You simply press Ctrl+D (Unix) or Ctrl+Z (Windows) to pretend the file has reached its end.
Ctrl+D (or Ctrl+Z) are not really characters in the C sense of the word.

If you run your program with input redirection, the EOF is the actual end of file, not a make belief one
./a.out < source.c

How to sum a list of integers with java streams?

From the docs

Reduction operations A reduction operation (also called a fold) takes a sequence of input elements and combines them into a single summary result by repeated application of a combining operation, such as finding the sum or maximum of a set of numbers, or accumulating elements into a list. The streams classes have multiple forms of general reduction operations, called reduce() and collect(), as well as multiple specialized reduction forms such as sum(), max(), or count().

Of course, such operations can be readily implemented as simple sequential loops, as in:

int sum = 0;
for (int x : numbers) {
   sum += x;

However, there are good reasons to prefer a reduce operation over a mutative accumulation such as the above. Not only is a reduction "more abstract" -- it operates on the stream as a whole rather than individual elements -- but a properly constructed reduce operation is inherently parallelizable, so long as the function(s) used to process the elements are associative and stateless. For example, given a stream of numbers for which we want to find the sum, we can write:

int sum =, (x,y) -> x+y);


int sum =, Integer::sum);

These reduction operations can run safely in parallel with almost no modification:

int sum = numbers.parallelStream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);

So, for a map you would use:

integers.values().stream().mapToInt(i -> i).reduce(0, (x,y) -> x+y);


integers.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);

How to create a custom scrollbar on a div (Facebook style)

If you're looking for a Facebook like scroll bar, then I'd highly recommend you take a look at this one:

Use basic authentication with jQuery and Ajax

Let me show you and Apache alternative- IIS which is need it before start real JQuery Ajax authentication

If we have /secure/* path for example. We need to create web.config and to prohibited access. Only after before send applayed must be able to access it pages in /secure paths

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Anonymous users are denied access to this folder (and its subfolders) -->
      <deny users="?" />

      <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
      <basicAuthentication enabled="true" />

How to implement LIMIT with SQL Server?

FROM    (
        SELECT  TOP 20
                t.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY field1) AS rn
        FROM    table1 t
        ORDER BY
        ) t
WHERE   rn > 10

Git On Custom SSH Port

When you want a relative path from your home directory (on any UNIX) you use this strange syntax:


For Example, if the repo is in /home/jack/projects/jillweb on the server and you are logging in as jack with sshd listening on port 4242:

ssh://[email protected]:4242/~/projects/jillweb

And when logging in as jill (presuming you have file permissions):

ssh://[email protected]:4242/~jack/projects/jillweb

How can I clear event subscriptions in C#?

From within the class, you can set the (hidden) variable to null. A null reference is the canonical way of representing an empty invocation list, effectively.

From outside the class, you can't do this - events basically expose "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" and that's it.

It's worth being aware of what field-like events are actually doing - they're creating a variable and an event at the same time. Within the class, you end up referencing the variable. From outside, you reference the event.

See my article on events and delegates for more information.

How to set image button backgroundimage for different state?

Try this

btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

How do I catch a PHP fatal (`E_ERROR`) error?

I just came up with this solution (PHP 5.2.0+):

function shutDownFunction() {
    $error = error_get_last();
     // Fatal error, E_ERROR === 1
    if ($error['type'] === E_ERROR) {
         // Do your stuff

Different error types are defined at Predefined Constants.

Resolving IP Address from hostname with PowerShell

The Test-Connection command seems to be a useful alternative, and it can either provide either a Win32_PingStatus object, or a boolean value.


matplotlib savefig() plots different from show()

savefig specifies the DPI for the saved figure (The default is 100 if it's not specified in your .matplotlibrc, have a look at the dpi kwarg to savefig). It doesn't inheret it from the DPI of the original figure.

The DPI affects the relative size of the text and width of the stroke on lines, etc. If you want things to look identical, then pass fig.dpi to fig.savefig.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
fig.savefig('temp.png', dpi=fig.dpi)

How to remove the bottom border of a box with CSS

Just add in: border-bottom: none;

#index-03 {
    border: .1px solid #900;
    border-bottom: none;

How to remove leading zeros using C#

This is the code you need:

string strInput = "0001234";
strInput = strInput.TrimStart('0');

Java String import

String is present in package java.lang which is imported by default in all java programs.

Return a `struct` from a function in C

struct emp {
    int id;
    char *name;

struct emp get() {
    char *name = "John";

    struct emp e1 = {100, name};

    return (e1);

int main() {

    struct emp e2 = get();


works fine with newer versions of compilers. Just like id, content of the name gets copied to the assigned structure variable.

Remove a specific character using awk or sed

tr can be more concise for removing characters than sed or awk, especially when you want to remove different characters from a string.

Removing double quotes:

echo '"Hi"' | tr -d \"
# Produces Hi without quotes

Removing different kinds of brackets:

echo '[{Hi}]' | tr -d {}[]
# Produces Hi without brackets

-d stands for "delete".

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?

#include <windows.h>

double PCFreq = 0.0;
__int64 CounterStart = 0;

void StartCounter()
    cout << "QueryPerformanceFrequency failed!\n";

    PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0;

    CounterStart = li.QuadPart;
double GetCounter()
    return double(li.QuadPart-CounterStart)/PCFreq;

int main()
    cout << GetCounter() <<"\n";
    return 0;

This program should output a number close to 1000 (windows sleep isn't that accurate, but it should be like 999).

The StartCounter() function records the number of ticks the performance counter has in the CounterStart variable. The GetCounter() function returns the number of milliseconds since StartCounter() was last called as a double, so if GetCounter() returns 0.001 then it has been about 1 microsecond since StartCounter() was called.

If you want to have the timer use seconds instead then change

PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0;


PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart);

or if you want microseconds then use

PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000000.0;

But really it's about convenience since it returns a double.

What are the differences between ArrayList and Vector?

Vector is a broken class that is not threadsafe, despite it being "synchronized" and is only used by students and other inexperienced programmers.

ArrayList is the go-to List implementation used by professionals and experienced programmers.

Professionals wanting a threadsafe List implementation use a CopyOnWriteArrayList.

Is double square brackets [[ ]] preferable over single square brackets [ ] in Bash?

If you are into following Google's style guide:

Test, [ and [[

[[ ... ]] reduces errors as no path name expansion or word splitting takes place between [[ and ]], and [[ ... ]] allows for regular expression matching where [ ... ] does not.

# This ensures the string on the left is made up of characters in the
# alnum character class followed by the string name.
# Note that the RHS should not be quoted here.
# For the gory details, see
# E14 at
if [[ "filename" =~ ^[[:alnum:]]+name ]]; then
  echo "Match"

# This matches the exact pattern "f*" (Does not match in this case)
if [[ "filename" == "f*" ]]; then
  echo "Match"

# This gives a "too many arguments" error as f* is expanded to the
# contents of the current directory
if [ "filename" == f* ]; then
  echo "Match"

Maximum and Minimum values for ints

sys.maxsize is not the actually the maximum integer value which is supported. You can double maxsize and multiply it by itself and it stays a valid and correct value.

However, if you try sys.maxsize ** sys.maxsize, it will hang your machine for a significant amount of time. As many have pointed out, the byte and bit size does not seem to be relevant because it practically doesn't exist. I guess python just happily expands it's integers when it needs more memory space. So in general there is no limit.

Now, if you're talking about packing or storing integers in a safe way where they can later be retrieved with integrity then of course that is relevant. I'm really not sure about packing but I know python's pickle module handles those things well. String representations obviously have no practical limit.

So really, the bottom line is: what is your applications limit? What does it require for numeric data? Use that limit instead of python's fairly nonexistent integer limit.

Input widths on Bootstrap 3

Add and define terms for the style="" to the input field, that's the easiest way to go about it: Example:

    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="email">Email address:</label>
        <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" style="width:200px;">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="pwd">Password:</label>
        <input type="password" class="form-control" id="pwd" style="width:200px">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>

PHP - Get key name of array value

If the name's dynamic, then you must have something like


which'd mean that $key contains the value of the key.

You can use array_keys() to get ALL the keys of an array, e.g.

$arr = array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd')
$x = array_keys($arr);

would give you

$x = array(0 => 'a', 1 => 'c');

Avoid line break between html elements

nobr is too unreliable, use tables

          <td> something </td>
          <td> something </td>

It all goes on the same line, everything is level with eachother, and you have much more freedom if you want to change something later.

How many bytes is unsigned long long?

It must be at least 64 bits. Other than that it's implementation defined.

Strictly speaking, unsigned long long isn't standard in C++ until the C++0x standard. unsigned long long is a 'simple-type-specifier' for the type unsigned long long int (so they're synonyms).

The long long set of types is also in C99 and was a common extension to C++ compilers even before being standardized.

Open Facebook page from Android app?

I have created a method to open facebook page into facebook app, if app is not existing then opening in chrome

    String socailLink="";
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
    String facebookUrl = Utils.getFacebookUrl(getActivity(), socailLink);
    if (facebookUrl == null || facebookUrl.length() == 0) {
        Log.d("facebook Url", " is coming as " + facebookUrl);

Utils.class add these method

public static String getFacebookUrl(FragmentActivity activity, String facebook_url) {
    if (activity == null || activity.isFinishing()) return null;

    PackageManager packageManager = activity.getPackageManager();
    try {
        int versionCode = packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).versionCode;
        if (versionCode >= 3002850) { //newer versions of fb app
            Log.d("facebook api", "new");
            return "fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + facebook_url;
        } else { //older versions of fb app
            Log.d("facebook api", "old");
            return "fb://page/" + splitUrl(activity, facebook_url);
    } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        Log.d("facebook api", "exception");
        return facebook_url; //normal web url

and this

 * this method used to get the facebook profile name only , this method split domain into two part index 0 contains and index 1 contains after / part
 * @param context contain context
 * @param url contains facebook url like
 * @return if it successfully split then return "kfc"
 * if exception in splitting then return ""
 public static String splitUrl(Context context, String url) {
    if (context == null) return null;
    Log.d("Split string: ", url + " ");
    try {
        String splittedUrl[] = url.split(".com/");
        Log.d("Split string: ", splittedUrl[1] + " ");
        return splittedUrl.length == 2 ? splittedUrl[1] : url;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return url;

Using the "With Clause" SQL Server 2008

Try the sp_foreachdb procedure.

JSON.stringify doesn't work with normal Javascript array

I posted a fix for this here

You can use this function to modify JSON.stringify to encode arrays, just post it near the beginning of your script (check the link above for more detail):

// Upgrade for JSON.stringify, updated to allow arrays
    // Convert array to object
    var convArrToObj = function(array){
        var thisEleObj = new Object();
        if(typeof array == "object"){
            for(var i in array){
                var thisEle = convArrToObj(array[i]);
                thisEleObj[i] = thisEle;
        }else {
            thisEleObj = array;
        return thisEleObj;
    var oldJSONStringify = JSON.stringify;
    JSON.stringify = function(input){
        if(oldJSONStringify(input) == '[]')
            return oldJSONStringify(convArrToObj(input));
            return oldJSONStringify(input);
})(); drops 113 error: Could not find specified service

Perhaps the below method could be the cause if you've set it to

func webView(_ webView: WebView!,decidePolicyForNavigationAction actionInformation: [AnyHashable : Any]!, request: URLRequest!, frame: WebFrame!, decisionListener listener: WebPolicyDecisionListener!) 

ends with


for the default navigationAction.request.url

Hope it works!

Get custom product attributes in Woocommerce

woocommerce_get_product_terms() is now deprecated.

Use wc_get_product_terms() instead.


global $product;
$koostis = array_shift( wc_get_product_terms( $product->id, 'pa_koostis', array( 'fields' => 'names' ) ) );

Why not inherit from List<T>?

What is the correct C# way of representing a data structure...

Remeber, "All models are wrong, but some are useful." -George E. P. Box

There is no a "correct way", only a useful one.

Choose one that is useful to you and/your users. That's it. Develop economically, don't over-engineer. The less code you write, the less code you will need to debug. (read the following editions).

-- Edited

My best answer would be... it depends. Inheriting from a List would expose the clients of this class to methods that may be should not be exposed, primarily because FootballTeam looks like a business entity.

-- Edition 2

I sincerely don't remember to what I was referring on the “don't over-engineer” comment. While I believe the KISS mindset is a good guide, I want to emphasize that inheriting a business class from List would create more problems than it resolves, due abstraction leakage.

On the other hand, I believe there are a limited number of cases where simply to inherit from List is useful. As I wrote in the previous edition, it depends. The answer to each case is heavily influenced by both knowledge, experience and personal preferences.

Thanks to @kai for helping me to think more precisely about the answer.

Eclipse CDT: no rule to make target all

I just solved this exact issue for myself; even referenced this question.

I'm assuming you haven't written the "all" rule that Eclipse is complaining about. If this is the case, take these steps:

  1. Go to Project Properties > C/C++ Build > Behaviour Tab.
  2. Leave Build (Incremental Build) Checked.
  3. Remove "all" from the text box next to Build (Incremental Build).
  4. Compile away!

This lets Eclipse know you aren't trying to use a make target called "all". For some reason, that is the default.

How to sort Map values by key in Java?

Assuming TreeMap is not good for you (and assuming you can't use generics):

List sortedKeys=new ArrayList(yourMap.keySet());
// Do what you need with sortedKeys.

MySQL "WITH" clause

You might be interested in somethinkg like this:

select * from (
    select * from table
) as Subquery

Creating a file name as a timestamp in a batch job

used Martin's suggestion with a little tweak to add time stamp to the file name:

forfiles /p [foldername] /m rsync2.log /c "cmd /c ren @file %DATE:~6,4%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~0,2%_%time:~-11,2%-%time:~-8,2%-%time:~-5,2%-@file

For the 10:17:21 23/10/2019 The result is:


How to make an Android device vibrate? with different frequency?

Above answers are perfect. However I wanted to vibrate my app exactly twice on button click and this small information is missing here, hence posting for future readers like me. :)

We have to follow as mentioned above and the only change will be in the vibrate pattern as below,

long[] pattern = {0, 100, 1000, 300};
v.vibrate(pattern, -1); //-1 is important

This will exactly vibrate twice. As we already know

  1. 0 is for delay
  2. 100 says vibrate for 100ms for the first time
  3. next comes delay of 1000ms
  4. and post that vibrate again for 300ms

One can go on and on mentioning delay and vibration alternatively (e.g. 0, 100, 1000, 300, 1000, 300 for 3 vibrations and so on..) but remember @Dave's word use it responsibly. :)

Also note here that the repeat parameter is set to -1 which means the vibration will happen exactly as mentioned in the pattern. :)

check if "it's a number" function in Oracle

One additional idea, mentioned here is to use a regular expression to check:

SELECT  foo 
FROM    bar
WHERE   REGEXP_LIKE (foo,'^[[:digit:]]+$');

The nice part is you do not need a separate PL/SQL function. The potentially problematic part is that a regular expression may not be the most efficient method for a large number of rows.

All shards failed

It is possible on your restart some shards were not recovered, causing the cluster to stay red.
If you hit:
http://<yourhost>:9200/_cluster/health/?level=shards you can look for red shards.

I have had issues on restart where shards end up in a non recoverable state. My solution was to simply delete that index completely. That is not an ideal solution for everyone.

It is also nice to visualize issues like this with a plugin like:
Elasticsearch Head

Listing files in a specific "folder" of a AWS S3 bucket

As other have already said, everything in S3 is an object. To you, it may be files and folders. But to S3, they're just objects.

If you don't need objects which end with a '/' you can safely delete them e.g. via REST api or AWS Java SDK (I assume you have write access). You will not lose "nested files" (there no files, so you will not lose objects whose names are prefixed with the key you delete)

AmazonS3 amazonS3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider()).withRegion("region").build();
amazonS3.deleteObject(new DeleteObjectRequest("my-bucket", "users/<user-id>/contacts/<contact-id>/"));

Please note that I'm using ProfileCredentialsProvider so that my requests are not anonymous. Otherwise, you will not be able to delete an object. I have my AWS keep key stored in ~/.aws/credentials file.

How to open every file in a folder


You can list all files in the current directory using os.listdir:

import os
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
   with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename), 'r') as f: # open in readonly mode
      # do your stuff


Or you can list only some files, depending on the file pattern using the glob module:

import glob
for filename in glob.glob('*.txt'):
   with open(os.path.join(os.cwd(), filename), 'r') as f: # open in readonly mode
      # do your stuff

It doesn't have to be the current directory you can list them in any path you want:

path = '/some/path/to/file'
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')):
   with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename), 'r') as f: # open in readonly mode
      # do your stuff

Pipe Or you can even use the pipe as you specified using fileinput

import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input():
    # do your stuff

And then use it with piping:

ls -1 | python

Send POST request using NSURLSession

If you are using Swift, the Just library does this for you. Example from it's readme file:

//  talk to registration end point
    data: ["username": "barryallen", "password":"ReverseF1ashSucks"],
    files: ["profile_photo": .URL(fileURLWithPath:"flash.jpeg", nil)]
) { (r)
    if (r.ok) { /* success! */ }

AngularJS : When to use service instead of factory


Syntax: module.service( 'serviceName', function ); Result: When declaring serviceName as an injectable argument you will be provided the actual function reference passed to module.service.

Usage: Could be useful for sharing utility functions that are useful to invoke by simply appending () to the injected function reference. Could also be run with this ) or similar.


Syntax: module.factory( 'factoryName', function );

Result: When declaring factoryName as an injectable argument you will be provided the value that is returned by invoking the function reference passed to module.factory.

Usage: Could be useful for returning a 'class' function that can then be new'ed to create instances.


Syntax: module.provider( 'providerName', function );

Result: When declaring providerName as an injectable argument you will be provided the value that is returned by invoking the $get method of the function reference passed to module.provider.

Usage: Could be useful for returning a 'class' function that can then be new'ed to create instances but that requires some sort of configuration before being injected. Perhaps useful for classes that are reusable across projects? Still kind of hazy on this one.

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed

Please make sure you are using latest jdbc connector as per the mysql. I was facing this problem and when I replaced my old jdbc connector with the latest one, the problem was solved.

You can download latest jdbc driver from

Select Operating System as Platform Independent. It will show you two options. One as tar and one as zip. Download the zip and extract it to get the jar file and replace it with your old connector.

This is not only for hibernate framework, it can be used with any platform which requires a jdbc connector.

Marker content (infoWindow) Google Maps

We've solved this, although we didn't think having the addListener outside of the for would make any difference, it seems to. Here's the answer:

Create a new function with your information for the infoWindow in it:

function addInfoWindow(marker, message) {

            var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: message

            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
      , marker);

Then call the function with the array ID and the marker you want to create:

addInfoWindow(marker, hotels[i][3]);

What encoding/code page is cmd.exe using?

Yes, it’s frustrating—sometimes type and other programs print gibberish, and sometimes they do not.

First of all, Unicode characters will only display if the current console font contains the characters. So use a TrueType font like Lucida Console instead of the default Raster Font.

But if the console font doesn’t contain the character you’re trying to display, you’ll see question marks instead of gibberish. When you get gibberish, there’s more going on than just font settings.

When programs use standard C-library I/O functions like printf, the program’s output encoding must match the console’s output encoding, or you will get gibberish. chcp shows and sets the current codepage. All output using standard C-library I/O functions is treated as if it is in the codepage displayed by chcp.

Matching the program’s output encoding with the console’s output encoding can be accomplished in two different ways:

  • A program can get the console’s current codepage using chcp or GetConsoleOutputCP, and configure itself to output in that encoding, or

  • You or a program can set the console’s current codepage using chcp or SetConsoleOutputCP to match the default output encoding of the program.

However, programs that use Win32 APIs can write UTF-16LE strings directly to the console with WriteConsoleW. This is the only way to get correct output without setting codepages. And even when using that function, if a string is not in the UTF-16LE encoding to begin with, a Win32 program must pass the correct codepage to MultiByteToWideChar. Also, WriteConsoleW will not work if the program’s output is redirected; more fiddling is needed in that case.

type works some of the time because it checks the start of each file for a UTF-16LE Byte Order Mark (BOM), i.e. the bytes 0xFF 0xFE. If it finds such a mark, it displays the Unicode characters in the file using WriteConsoleW regardless of the current codepage. But when typeing any file without a UTF-16LE BOM, or for using non-ASCII characters with any command that doesn’t call WriteConsoleW—you will need to set the console codepage and program output encoding to match each other.

How can we find this out?

Here’s a test file containing Unicode characters:

ASCII     abcde xyz
German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß
Polish    aezznl
Russian   ??????? ???
CJK       ??

Here’s a Java program to print out the test file in a bunch of different Unicode encodings. It could be in any programming language; it only prints ASCII characters or encoded bytes to stdout.


public class Foo {

    private static final String BOM = "\ufeff";
    private static final String TEST_STRING
        = "ASCII     abcde xyz\n"
        + "German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß\n"
        + "Polish    aezznl\n"
        + "Russian   ??????? ???\n"
        + "CJK       ??\n";

    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
        String[] encodings = new String[] {
            "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-32LE", "UTF-32BE" };

        for (String encoding: encodings) {
            System.out.println("== " + encoding);

            for (boolean writeBom: new Boolean[] {false, true}) {
                System.out.println(writeBom ? "= bom" : "= no bom");

                String output = (writeBom ? BOM : "") + TEST_STRING;
                byte[] bytes = output.getBytes(encoding);
                FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("uc-test-"
                    + encoding + (writeBom ? "-bom.txt" : "-nobom.txt"));

The output in the default codepage? Total garbage!

Active code page: 850

Z:\andrew\projects\sx\1259084>java Foo
== UTF-8
= no bom
ASCII     abcde xyz
German    +ñ+Â++ +ä+û+£ +ƒ
Polish    -à-Ö+¦+++ä+é
Russian   ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ðÁð ÐìÐÄÐÅ
CJK       õ¢áÕÑ¢
= bom
´++ASCII     abcde xyz
German    +ñ+Â++ +ä+û+£ +ƒ
Polish    -à-Ö+¦+++ä+é
Russian   ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ðÁð ÐìÐÄÐÅ
CJK       õ¢áÕÑ¢
== UTF-16LE
= no bom
A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h         ????z?|?D?B?
 R u s s i a n       0?1?2?3?4?5?6?  M?N?O?
 C J K               `O}Y
 = bom
 ¦A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h         ????z?|?D?B?
 R u s s i a n       0?1?2?3?4?5?6?  M?N?O?
 C J K               `O}Y
 == UTF-16BE
= no bom
 A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h        ?????z?|?D?B
 R u s s i a n      ?0?1?2?3?4?5?6  ?M?N?O
 C J K              O`Y}
= bom
¦  A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h        ?????z?|?D?B
 R u s s i a n      ?0?1?2?3?4?5?6  ?M?N?O
 C J K              O`Y}
== UTF-32LE
= no bom
A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z
   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                   ??  ??  z?  |?  D?  B?
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n               0?  1?  2?  3?  4?  5?  6?      M?  N
?  O?
   C   J   K                               `O  }Y
   = bom
 ¦  A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z

   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                   ??  ??  z?  |?  D?  B?
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n               0?  1?  2?  3?  4?  5?  6?      M?  N
?  O?
   C   J   K                               `O  }Y
   == UTF-32BE
= no bom
   A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z
   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                  ??  ??  ?z  ?|  ?D  ?B
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n              ?0  ?1  ?2  ?3  ?4  ?5  ?6      ?M  ?N
   C   J   K                              O`  Y}
= bom
  ¦    A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z

   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                  ??  ??  ?z  ?|  ?D  ?B
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n              ?0  ?1  ?2  ?3  ?4  ?5  ?6      ?M  ?N
   C   J   K                              O`  Y}

However, what if we type the files that got saved? They contain the exact same bytes that were printed to the console.

Z:\andrew\projects\sx\1259084>type *.txt


¦  A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h        ?????z?|?D?B
 R u s s i a n      ?0?1?2?3?4?5?6  ?M?N?O
 C J K              O`Y}


 A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h        ?????z?|?D?B
 R u s s i a n      ?0?1?2?3?4?5?6  ?M?N?O
 C J K              O`Y}


ASCII     abcde xyz
German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß
Polish    aezznl
Russian   ??????? ???
CJK       ??


A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h         ????z?|?D?B?
 R u s s i a n       0?1?2?3?4?5?6?  M?N?O?
 C J K               `O}Y


  ¦    A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z

   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                  ??  ??  ?z  ?|  ?D  ?B
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n              ?0  ?1  ?2  ?3  ?4  ?5  ?6      ?M  ?N
   C   J   K                              O`  Y}


   A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z
   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                  ??  ??  ?z  ?|  ?D  ?B
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n              ?0  ?1  ?2  ?3  ?4  ?5  ?6      ?M  ?N
   C   J   K                              O`  Y}


 A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         ä ö ü   Ä Ö Ü   ß
 P o l i s h         a e z z n l
 R u s s i a n       ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   ? ? ?
 C J K               ? ?


A   S   C   I   I                       a   b   c   d   e       x   y   z
   G   e   r   m   a   n                   õ   ÷   ³       -   Í   _       ¯
   P   o   l   i   s   h                   ??  ??  z?  |?  D?  B?
   R   u   s   s   i   a   n               0?  1?  2?  3?  4?  5?  6?      M?  N
?  O?
   C   J   K                               `O  }Y


´++ASCII     abcde xyz
German    +ñ+Â++ +ä+û+£ +ƒ
Polish    -à-Ö+¦+++ä+é
Russian   ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ðÁð ÐìÐÄÐÅ
CJK       õ¢áÕÑ¢


ASCII     abcde xyz
German    +ñ+Â++ +ä+û+£ +ƒ
Polish    -à-Ö+¦+++ä+é
Russian   ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ð¦ðÁð ÐìÐÄÐÅ
CJK       õ¢áÕÑ¢

The only thing that works is UTF-16LE file, with a BOM, printed to the console via type.

If we use anything other than type to print the file, we get garbage:

Z:\andrew\projects\sx\1259084>copy uc-test-UTF-16LE-bom.txt CON
 ¦A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z
 G e r m a n         õ ÷ ³   - Í _   ¯
 P o l i s h         ????z?|?D?B?
 R u s s i a n       0?1?2?3?4?5?6?  M?N?O?
 C J K               `O}Y
         1 file(s) copied.

From the fact that copy CON does not display Unicode correctly, we can conclude that the type command has logic to detect a UTF-16LE BOM at the start of the file, and use special Windows APIs to print it.

We can see this by opening cmd.exe in a debugger when it goes to type out a file:

enter image description here

After type opens a file, it checks for a BOM of 0xFEFF—i.e., the bytes 0xFF 0xFE in little-endian—and if there is such a BOM, type sets an internal fOutputUnicode flag. This flag is checked later to decide whether to call WriteConsoleW.

But that’s the only way to get type to output Unicode, and only for files that have BOMs and are in UTF-16LE. For all other files, and for programs that don’t have special code to handle console output, your files will be interpreted according to the current codepage, and will likely show up as gibberish.

You can emulate how type outputs Unicode to the console in your own programs like so:

#include <stdio.h>
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>

static LPCSTR lpcsTest =
    "ASCII     abcde xyz\n"
    "German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß\n"
    "Polish    aezznl\n"
    "Russian   ??????? ???\n"
    "CJK       ??\n";

int main() {
    int n;
    wchar_t buf[1024];

    HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

    n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0,
            lpcsTest, strlen(lpcsTest),
            buf, sizeof(buf));

    WriteConsole(hConsole, buf, n, &n, NULL);

    return 0;

This program works for printing Unicode on the Windows console using the default codepage.

For the sample Java program, we can get a little bit of correct output by setting the codepage manually, though the output gets messed up in weird ways:

Z:\andrew\projects\sx\1259084>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001

Z:\andrew\projects\sx\1259084>java Foo
== UTF-8
= no bom
ASCII     abcde xyz
German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß
Polish    aezznl
Russian   ??????? ???
CJK       ??
? ???
CJK       ??
= bom
ASCII     abcde xyz
German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß
Polish    aezznl
Russian   ??????? ???
CJK       ??
?? ???
CJK       ??
== UTF-16LE
= no bom
A S C I I           a b c d e   x y z

However, a C program that sets a Unicode UTF-8 codepage:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main() {
    int c, n;
    UINT oldCodePage;
    char buf[1024];

    oldCodePage = GetConsoleOutputCP();
    if (!SetConsoleOutputCP(65001)) {

    freopen("uc-test-UTF-8-nobom.txt", "rb", stdin);
    n = fread(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), sizeof(buf), stdin);
    fwrite(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), n, stdout);


    return 0;

does have correct output:

ASCII     abcde xyz
German    äöü ÄÖÜ ß
Polish    aezznl
Russian   ??????? ???
CJK       ??

The moral of the story?

  • type can print UTF-16LE files with a BOM regardless of your current codepage
  • Win32 programs can be programmed to output Unicode to the console, using WriteConsoleW.
  • Other programs which set the codepage and adjust their output encoding accordingly can print Unicode on the console regardless of what the codepage was when the program started
  • For everything else you will have to mess around with chcp, and will probably still get weird output.

How to format an inline code in Confluence?

As of Confluence 4 and above, typing two curly brackets does not work.

You now need to select Monospace font. Highlight the text you want to change and:

Windows: Ctrl + Shift + M

Mac: Command + Shift + M

Alternatively, you can type a backtick (`) and Confluence will format everything until you type another backtick

Alternatively, next to the bold and italic options, you can click the "more" drop down and select Monospace:

enter image description here

Associating existing Eclipse project with existing SVN repository

I am using Tortoise SVN client. You can alternativley check out the required project from SVN in some folder. You can see a .SVN folder inside the project. Copy the .SVN folder into the workspace folder. Now remove the project from eclipse and import the same again into eclipse. You can see now the project is now associated with svn

Can a normal Class implement multiple interfaces?

It is true that a java class can implement multiple interfaces at the same time, but there is a catch here. If in a class, you are trying to implement two java interfaces, which contains methods with same signature but diffrent return type, in that case you will get compilation error.

interface One
    int m1();
interface Two
    float m1();
public class MyClass implements One, Two{
    int m1() {}
    float m1() {}
    public static void main(String... args) {


output : error: method m1() is already defined in class MyClass
    public float m1() {}
                 ^ error: MyClass is not abstract and does not override abstract method m1() in Two
public class MyClass implements One, Two{
       ^ error: m1() in MyClass cannot implement m1() in Two
    public int m1() {}
  return type int is not compatible with float
3 errors

Error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component into the closest module

There are two ways to solve this issue.

1) Skip (using --skip-import in command) default import and create component and once component is created import it manually wherever you want to use it.

ng generate component my-component --skip-import

2) Provide module name explicitly where you want it to be imported

ng generate  component  my-component --module=my-module.module

How can I get the current directory name in Javascript?

Assuming you are talking about the current URL, you can parse out part of the URL using window.location. See:

wamp server mysql user id and password

Previous answers might not work for later mysql versions. Try these steps if previous answers did not work for you:

  1. Click on the wamp icon &rarr: mysql → mysql console

  2. write following commands, one by one

    use mysql;
    update user set authentication_string=password('your_password') where user='root';

PHP array() to javascript array()

When we convert PHP array into JS array then we get all values in string. For example:

var ars= '<?php echo json_encode($abc); ?>';

The issue in above method is when we try to get the first element of ars[0] then it gives us bracket where as in we need first element as compare to bracket so the better way to this is

var packing_slip_orders = JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($packing_slip_orders); ?>');

You should use json_parse after json_encode to get the accurate array result.

Setting timezone in Python

It's not an answer, but...

To get datetime components individually, better use datetime.timetuple:

time =
#-> time.struct_time(
#    tm_year=2014, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=7, 
#    tm_hour=2, tm_min=38, tm_sec=5, 
#    tm_wday=6, tm_yday=250, tm_isdst=-1

It's now easy to get the parts:

ts = time.timetuple()

Are multiple `.gitignore`s frowned on?

You can have multiple .gitignore, each one of course in its own directory.
To check which gitignore rule is responsible for ignoring a file, use git check-ignore: git check-ignore -v -- afile.

And you can have different version of a .gitignore file per branch: I have already seen that kind of configuration for ensuring one branch ignores a file while the other branch does not: see this question for instance.

If your repo includes several independent projects, it would be best to reference them as submodules though.
That would be the actual best practices, allowing each of those projects to be cloned independently (with their respective .gitignore files), while being referenced by a specific revision in a global parent project.
See true nature of submodules for more.

Note that, since git 1.8.2 (March 2013) you can do a git check-ignore -v -- yourfile in order to see which gitignore run (from which .gitignore file) is applied to 'yourfile', and better understand why said file is ignored.
See "which gitignore rule is ignoring my file?"

Attempt to set a non-property-list object as an NSUserDefaults

I had this problem trying save a dictionary to NSUserDefaults. It turns out it wouldn't save because it contained NSNull values. So I just copied the dictionary into a mutable dictionary removed the nulls then saved to NSUserDefaults

NSMutableDictionary* dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dictionary_trying_to_save];
[dictionary removeObjectForKey:@"NullKey"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:dictionary forKey:@"key"];

In this case I knew which keys might be NSNull values.

How to change Label Value using javascript


use an id for hidden field and use id of checkbox in javascript.

and change the ClientIDMode="static" too

<input type="hidden" ClientIDMode="static" id="label1" name="label206451" value="0" />

   <script type="text/javascript"> 
    var cb = document.getElementById('txt206451');
    var label = document.getElementById('label1');

How to add link to flash banner

@Michiel is correct to create a button but the code for ActionScript 3 it is a little different - where movieClipName is the name of your 'button'.

movieClipName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, callLink);
function callLink:void {
  var url:String = "http://site";
  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
  try {
    navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
  } catch (e:Error) {
    trace("Error occurred!");



Here is a version with configurable parameters that you can set programmatically:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" />

  <xsl:param name="delim" select="','" />
  <xsl:param name="quote" select="'&quot;'" />
  <xsl:param name="break" select="'&#xA;'" />

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="projects/project" />

  <xsl:template match="project">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
    <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:value-of select="$break" />

  <xsl:template match="*">
    <!-- remove normalize-space() if you want keep white-space at it is --> 
    <xsl:value-of select="concat($quote, normalize-space(), $quote)" />
    <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:value-of select="$delim" />

  <xsl:template match="text()" />

font size in html code

            <td style="padding-left: 5px;padding-bottom:3px; font-size:35px;"> <b>Datum:</b><br/>
            November 2010 </td>

Export HTML table to pdf using jspdf

You can also use the jsPDF-AutoTable plugin. You can check out a demo here that uses the following code.

var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt');
var elem = document.getElementById("basic-table");
var res = doc.autoTableHtmlToJson(elem);

Java equivalent to C# extension methods

Technically C# Extension have no equivalent in Java. But if you do want to implement such functions for a cleaner code and maintainability, you have to use Manifold framework.


import manifold.ext.api.*;

public class MyStringExtension {

  public static void print(@This String thiz) {

  public static String lineSeparator() {
    return System.lineSeparator();

Convert a float64 to an int in Go

If its simply from float64 to int, this should work

package main

import (

func main() {
    nf := []float64{-1.9999, -2.0001, -2.0, 0, 1.9999, 2.0001, 2.0}

    fmt.Printf("Round : ")
    for _, f := range nf {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", round(f))

    //rounddown ie. math.floor
    fmt.Printf("RoundD: ")
    for _, f := range nf {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", roundD(f))

    //roundup ie. math.ceil
    fmt.Printf("RoundU: ")
    for _, f := range nf {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", roundU(f)) 


func roundU(val float64) int {
    if val > 0 { return int(val+1.0) }
    return int(val)

func roundD(val float64) int {
    if val < 0 { return int(val-1.0) }
    return int(val)

func round(val float64) int {
    if val < 0 { return int(val-0.5) }
    return int(val+0.5)


Round : -2 -2 -2 0 2 2 2 
RoundD: -2 -3 -3 0 1 2 2 
RoundU: -1 -2 -2 0 2 3 3 

Here's the code in the playground -

Accessing localhost:port from Android emulator

I had the same issue when I was trying to connect to my IIS .NET Webservice from the Android emulator.

  1. install npm install -g iisexpress-proxy
  2. iisexpress-proxy 53990 to 9000 to proxy IIS express port to 9000 and access port 9000 from emulator like ""

the reason seems to be by default, IIS Express doesn't allow connections from network

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

The text of a draft of the ANSI C standard (aka C.89) is available online. This was standardized by the ANSI committee prior to acceptance by the ISO C Standard (C.90), so the numbering of the sections differ (ANSI sections 2 through 4 correspond roughly to ISO sections 5 through 7), although the content is (supposed to be) largely identical.

Add php variable inside echo statement as href link address?

If you want to print in the tabular form with, then you can use this:

echo "<tr> <td><h3> ".$cat['id']."</h3></td><td><h3> ".$cat['title']."<h3></</td><td> <h3>".$cat['desc']."</h3></td><td><h3> ".$cat['process']."%"."<a href='taskUpdate.php' >Update</a>"."</h3></td></tr>" ;

How to inject a Map using the @Value Spring Annotation?

I had a simple code for Spring Cloud Config

like this:

In[email protected][email protected]


@Bean(name = "mongoConfig")
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> mongoConfig() {
    return new HashMap();


@Qualifier(value = "mongoConfig")
private Map<String, String> mongoConfig;

@Bean(name = "mongoTemplates")
public HashMap<String, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplateMap() throws UnknownHostException {
    HashMap<String, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplates = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String>> entry : mongoConfig.entrySet()) {
        String k = entry.getKey();
        String v = entry.getValue();
        MongoTemplate template = new MongoTemplate(new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI(v)));
        mongoTemplates.put(k, template);
    return mongoTemplates;

excel plot against a date time x series

[excel 2010] separate the date and time into separate columns and select both as X-Axis and data as graph series see

How can I get the SQL of a PreparedStatement?

It's nowhere definied in the JDBC API contract, but if you're lucky, the JDBC driver in question may return the complete SQL by just calling PreparedStatement#toString(). I.e.


At least MySQL 5.x and PostgreSQL 8.x JDBC drivers support it. However, most other JDBC drivers doesn't support it. If you have such one, then your best bet is using Log4jdbc or P6Spy.

Alternatively, you can also write a generic function which takes a Connection, a SQL string and the statement values and returns a PreparedStatement after logging the SQL string and the values. Kickoff example:

public static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection connection, String sql, Object... values) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, values[i]);
    logger.debug(sql + " " + Arrays.asList(values));
    return preparedStatement;

and use it as

try {
    connection = database.getConnection();
    preparedStatement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL, values);
    resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
    // ...

Another alternative is to implement a custom PreparedStatement which wraps (decorates) the real PreparedStatement on construction and overrides all the methods so that it calls the methods of the real PreparedStatement and collects the values in all the setXXX() methods and lazily constructs the "actual" SQL string whenever one of the executeXXX() methods is called (quite a work, but most IDE's provides autogenerators for decorator methods, Eclipse does). Finally just use it instead. That's also basically what P6Spy and consorts already do under the hoods.

Online PHP syntax checker / validator

In case you're interested, an offline checker that does complicated type analysis: It is not online however.

jQuery - how to check if an element exists?

if ($("#MyId").length) { ... write some code here ...}

This from will automatically check for the presence of the element and will return true if an element exists.

If you can decode JWT, how are they secure?

Only JWT's privateKey, which is on your server will decrypt the encrypted JWT. Those who know the privateKey will be able to decrypt the encrypted JWT.

Hide the privateKey in a secure location in your server and never tell anyone the privateKey.

Retrieving Android API version programmatically

i prefer have the version as number to be handeled more easyway than i wrote this:

  public static float getAPIVerison() {

    Float f = null;
    try {
        StringBuilder strBuild = new StringBuilder();
        strBuild.append(android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE.substring(0, 2));
        f = new Float(strBuild.toString());
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        Log.e("", "error retriving api version" + e.getMessage());

    return f.floatValue();

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

You can change the permissions of a folder with PHP's chmod(). More information on how to use the command is here:

If you get a 500 Error when setting the permissions to 777 (world writable), then it means your server is setup to prevent executing such files. This is done for security reasons. In that case, you will want to use 755 as the highest permissions on a file.

If there is an error_log file that is generated in the folder where you are executing the PHP document, you will want to view the last few entries. This will give you an idea where the script is failing.

For help with PHP file manipulation, I use as a resource.

URL for public Amazon S3 bucket

The URL structure you're referring to is called the REST endpoint, as opposed to the Web Site Endpoint.

Note: Since this answer was originally written, S3 has rolled out dualstack support on REST endpoints, using new hostnames, while leaving the existing hostnames in place. This is now integrated into the information provided, below.

If your bucket is really in the us-east-1 region of AWS -- which the S3 documentation formerly referred to as the "US Standard" region, but was subsequently officially renamed to the "U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region" -- then is not the correct form for that endpoint, even though it looks like it should be. The correct format for that region is either or

The format you're using is applicable to all the other S3 regions, but not US Standard US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1].

S3 now also has dual-stack endpoint hostnames for the REST endpoints, and unlike the original endpoint hostnames, the names of these have a consistent format across regions, for example These endpoints support both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and DNS resolution, but are otherwise functionally equivalent to the existing REST endpoints.

If your permissions and configuration are set up such that the web site endpoint works, then the REST endpoint should work, too.

However... the two endpoints do not offer the same functionality.

Roughly speaking, the REST endpoint is better-suited for machine access and the web site endpoint is better suited for human access, since the web site endpoint offers friendly error messages, index documents, and redirects, while the REST endpoint doesn't. On the other hand, the REST endpoint offers HTTPS and support for signed URLs, while the web site endpoint doesn't.

Choose the correct type of endpoint (REST or web site) for your application:

¹ has been referred to as the "Northern Virginia endpoint," in contrast to the "Global endpoint" It was unofficially possible to get read-after-write consistency on new objects in this region if the "s3-external-1" hostname was used, because this would send you to a subset of possible physical endpoints that could provide that functionality. This behavior is now officially supported on this endpoint, so this is probably the better choice in many applications. Previously, s3-external-2 had been referred to as the "Pacific Northwest endpoint" for US-Standard, though it is now a CNAME in DNS for s3-external-1 so s3-external-2 appears to have no purpose except backwards-compatibility.

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

On windows you need to specify the mysql bin where the mysqldump.exe resides.

cd C:\xampp\mysql\bin

mysqldump -u[username] -p[password] --all-databases > C:\localhost.sql

save this into a text file such as backup.cmd

Calling async method synchronously


Task has Wait method, Task.Wait(), which waits for the "promise" to resolve and then continues, thus rendering it synchronous. example:

async Task<String> MyAsyncMethod() { ... }

String mySyncMethod() {

    return MyAsyncMethod().Wait();

Why use 'virtual' for class properties in Entity Framework model definitions?

In the context of EF, marking a property as virtual allows EF to use lazy loading to load it. For lazy loading to work EF has to create a proxy object that overrides your virtual properties with an implementation that loads the referenced entity when it is first accessed. If you don't mark the property as virtual then lazy loading won't work with it.

Anonymous method in Invoke call

For the sake of completeness, this can also be accomplished via an Action method/anonymous method combination:

//Process is a method, invoked as a method group
Dispatcher.Current.BeginInvoke((Action) Process);
//or use an anonymous method
Dispatcher.Current.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate => {

How to read a file in reverse order?

import re

def filerev(somefile, buffer=0x20000):, os.SEEK_END)
  size = somefile.tell()
  lines = ['']
  rem = size % buffer
  pos = max(0, (size // buffer - 1) * buffer)
  while pos >= 0:, os.SEEK_SET)
    data = + buffer) + lines[0]
    rem = 0
    lines = re.findall('[^\n]*\n?', data)
    ix = len(lines) - 2
    while ix > 0:
      yield lines[ix]
      ix -= 1
    pos -= buffer
    yield lines[0]

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
  for line in filerev(f):

How to show two figures using matplotlib?

Alternatively to calling at the end of the script, you can also control each figure separately doing:

f = plt.figure(1)

g = plt.figure(2)


In this case you must call raw_input to keep the figures alive. This way you can select dynamically which figures you want to show

Note: raw_input() was renamed to input() in Python 3

drop down list value in

<asp:DropDownList ID="DdlMonths" runat="server">
    <asp:ListItem Enabled="true" Text="Select Month" Value="-1"></asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem Text="January" Value="1"></asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem Text="February" Value="2"></asp:ListItem>
    <asp:ListItem Text="December" Value="12"></asp:ListItem>

You can even use a RequiredFieldValidator which ignore this item, it considers it as unselected.

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="ReqMonth" runat="server" ControlToValidate="DdlMonths"

Split String into an array of String

You need a regular expression like "\\s+", which means: split whenever at least one whitespace is encountered. The full Java code is:

try {
    String[] splitArray = input.split("\\s+");
} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {

C++ compile time error: expected identifier before numeric constant

You cannot do this:

vector<string> name(5); //error in these 2 lines
vector<int> val(5,0);

in a class outside of a method.

You can initialize the data members at the point of declaration, but not with () brackets:

class Foo {
    vector<string> name = vector<string>(5);
    vector<int> val{vector<int>(5,0)};

Before C++11, you need to declare them first, then initialize them e.g in a contructor

class Foo {
    vector<string> name;
    vector<int> val;
  Foo() : name(5), val(5,0) {}

What's the most useful and complete Java cheat sheet?

This Quick Reference looks pretty good if you're looking for a language reference. It's especially geared towards the user interface portion of the API.

For the complete API, however, I always use the Javadoc. I reference it constantly.

How to check if an int is a null

You can use

if (person == null || String.valueOf(person.getId() == null)) 

in addition to regular approach

person.getId() == 0

How can you tell when a layout has been drawn?

When onMeasure is called the view gets its measured width/height. After this, you can call layout.getMeasuredHeight().

Storing an object in state of a React component?

Easier way to do it in one line of code

this.setState({ object: { ...this.state.object, objectVarToChange: newData } })

Java : How to determine the correct charset encoding of a stream

Can you pick the appropriate char set in the Constructor:

new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(in), "ISO8859_1");

Call Javascript onchange event by programmatically changing textbox value

You can put it in a different class and then call a function. This works when ajax refresh

$(document).on("change", ".inputQty", function(e) {

//Call a function(input,input);

How should we manage jdk8 stream for null values

Current thinking seems to be to "tolerate" nulls, that is, to allow them in general, although some operations are less tolerant and may end up throwing NPE. See the discussion of nulls on the Lambda Libraries expert group mailing list, specifically this message. Consensus around option #3 subsequently emerged (with a notable objection from Doug Lea). So yes, the OP's concern about pipelines blowing up with NPE is valid.

It's not for nothing that Tony Hoare referred to nulls as the "Billion Dollar Mistake." Dealing with nulls is a real pain. Even with classic collections (without considering lambdas or streams) nulls are problematic. As fge mentioned in a comment, some collections allow nulls and others do not. With collections that allow nulls, this introduces ambiguities into the API. For example, with Map.get(), a null return indicates either that the key is present and its value is null, or that the key is absent. One has to do extra work to disambiguate these cases.

The usual use for null is to denote the absence of a value. The approach for dealing with this proposed for Java SE 8 is to introduce a new java.util.Optional type, which encapsulates the presence/absence of a value, along with behaviors of supplying a default value, or throwing an exception, or calling a function, etc. if the value is absent. Optional is used only by new APIs, though, everything else in the system still has to put up with the possibility of nulls.

My advice is to avoid actual null references to the greatest extent possible. It's hard to see from the example given how there could be a "null" Otter. But if one were necessary, the OP's suggestions of filtering out null values, or mapping them to a sentinel object (the Null Object Pattern) are fine approaches.

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?

Technically YAML offers a lot more than JSON (YAML v1.2 is a superset of JSON):

  • comments
  • anchors and inheritance - example of 3 identical items:

    item1: &anchor_name
      name: Test
      title: Test title
    item2: *anchor_name
      <<: *anchor_name
      # You may add extra stuff.
  • ...

Most of the time people will not use those extra features and the main difference is that YAML uses indentation whilst JSON uses brackets. This makes YAML more concise and readable (for the trained eye).

Which one to choose?

  • YAML extra features and concise notation makes it a good choice for configuration files (non-user provided files).
  • JSON limited features, wide support, and faster parsing makes it a great choice for interoperability and user provided data.

Display label text with line breaks in c#

I had to replace new lines with br

string newString = oldString.Replace("\n", "<br />");

or if you use xml

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# ShowLineBreaks(Eval("Comments")) %>'></asp:Label>

Then in code behind

public string ShowLineBreaks(object text)
    return (text.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>"));

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values

when i received this error i spent tons of hours searching solution for this but nothing works, finally i found solution to this problem which is very simple. when ''Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header added more than one time to your response this error occur, check your apache.conf or httpd.conf (Apache server), server side script, and remove unwanted entry header from these files.

ProcessStartInfo hanging on "WaitForExit"? Why?

I solved it this way:

            Process proc = new Process();
            proc.StartInfo.FileName = batchFile;
            proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
            proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
            proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
            proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;      
            StreamWriter streamWriter = proc.StandardInput;
            StreamReader outputReader = proc.StandardOutput;
            StreamReader errorReader = proc.StandardError;
            while (!outputReader.EndOfStream)
                string text = outputReader.ReadLine();                    

            while (!errorReader.EndOfStream)
                string text = errorReader.ReadLine();


I redirected both input, output and error and handled reading from output and error streams. This solution works for SDK 7- 8.1, both for Windows 7 and Windows 8

How do I disable a jquery-ui draggable?

To temporarily disable the draggable behavior use:

$('#item-id').draggable( "disable" )

To remove the draggable behavior permanently use:

$('#item-id').draggable( "destroy" )

Can I restore a single table from a full mysql mysqldump file?

This tool may be is what you want:

e.g. Restore a table from database dump file: -t yourtable -s yourdb -f backup.sql

IndentationError expected an indented block

I got the same error, This is what i did to solve the issue.

Before Indentation:

enter image description here

Indentation Error: expected an indented block.

After Indentation:

enter image description here

Working fine. After TAB space.

Error 'LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt' after installing Visual Studio 2012 Release Preview

I tried a few times and finally solved the problem by uninstalling several times the VS2010. I think I hadn't uninstalled all the files and that's why it didn't work for the first time.

In the installation of VS2012, it is said that if you have VS2010 SP1 you can't work on the same project in both programs. It is recommended to have only one program.


Iterate through the fields of a struct in Go

Taking Chetan Kumar solution and in case you need to apply to a map[string]int

package main

import (

type BaseStats struct {
    Hp           int
    HpMax        int
    Mp           int
    MpMax        int
    Strength     int
    Speed        int
    Intelligence int

type Stats struct {
    Base map[string]int
    Modifiers []string

func StatsCreate(stats BaseStats) Stats {
    s := Stats{
        Base: make(map[string]int),

    //Iterate through the fields of a struct
    v := reflect.ValueOf(stats)
    typeOfS := v.Type()

    for i := 0; i< v.NumField(); i++ {
        val := v.Field(i).Interface().(int)
        s.Base[typeOfS.Field(i).Name] = val
    return s

func (s Stats) GetBaseStat(id string) int {
    return s.Base[id]

func main() {
    m := StatsCreate(BaseStats{300, 300, 300, 300, 10, 10, 10})


Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process

i found Cody Gray 's answer partially helpful, in that it did direct me to the real source of my problem which some of you may also be experiencing: visual studio's test execution stays open by default and maintains a lock on the files.

To stop that predominantly useless behaviour, follow the instructions from

Uncheck Test menu -> Test Settings -> "Keep Test Execution Engine Running"

How to disable spring security for particular url

I faced the same problem here's the solution:(Explained)

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST,"/form").hasRole("ADMIN")  // Specific api method request based on role.
            .antMatchers("/home","/basic").permitAll()  // permited urls to guest users(without login).
        .formLogin()       // not specified form page to use default login page of spring security.
        .logout().deleteCookies("JSESSIONID")  // delete memory of browser after logout.

        .rememberMe().key("uniqueAndSecret"); // remember me check box enabled.

    http.csrf().disable();  **// ADD THIS CODE TO DISABLE CSRF IN PROJECT.**

Import-CSV and Foreach

You can create the headers on the fly (no need to specify delimiter when the delimiter is a comma):

Import-CSV $filepath -Header IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4 | Foreach-Object{
   Write-Host $_.IP1
   Write-Host $_.IP2

C++ catching all exceptions

In short, use catch(...). However, note that catch(...) is meant to be used in conjunction with throw; basically:

    foo = new Foo;
    bar = new Bar;
catch(...)       // will catch all possible errors thrown. 
    delete foo;
    delete bar;
    throw;       // throw the same error again to be handled somewhere else

This is the proper way to use catch(...).

data type not understood


mmatrix = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))

Since the shape parameter has to be an int or sequence of ints

Otherwise you are passing ncols to np.zeros as the dtype.

Selenium and xpath: finding a div with a class/id and verifying text inside

To account for leading and trailing whitespace, you probably want to use normalize-space()

//div[contains(@class, 'Caption') and normalize-space(.)='Model saved']


//div[@id='alertLabel' and normalize-space(.)='Save to server successful']

Note that //div[contains(@class, 'Caption') and normalize-space(.//text())='Model saved'] also works.

Why is this printing 'None' in the output?

Because there are two print statements. First is inside function and second is outside function. When function not return any thing that time it return None value.

Use return statement at end of function to return value.


Return None value.

>>> def test1():
...    print "In function."
>>> a = test1()
In function.
>>> print a
>>> print test1()
In function.
>>> test1()
In function.

Use return statement

>>> def test():
...   return "ACV"
>>> print test()
>>> a = test()
>>> print a

Swap two items in List<T>

Maybe someone will think of a clever way to do this, but you shouldn't. Swapping two items in a list is inherently side-effect laden but LINQ operations should be side-effect free. Thus, just use a simple extension method:

static class IListExtensions {
    public static void Swap<T>(
        this IList<T> list,
        int firstIndex,
        int secondIndex
    ) {
        Contract.Requires(list != null);
        Contract.Requires(firstIndex >= 0 && firstIndex < list.Count);
        Contract.Requires(secondIndex >= 0 && secondIndex < list.Count);
        if (firstIndex == secondIndex) {
        T temp = list[firstIndex];
        list[firstIndex] = list[secondIndex];
        list[secondIndex] = temp;

Python Checking a string's first and last character

You should either use

if str1[0] == '"' and str1[-1] == '"'


if str1.startswith('"') and str1.endswith('"')

but not slice and check startswith/endswith together, otherwise you'll slice off what you're looking for...

How to use <DllImport> in VB.NET?

I know this has already been answered, but here is an example for the people who are trying to use SQL Server Types in a vb project:

            Imports System
            Imports System.IO
            Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

            Namespace SqlServerTypes
                Public Class Utilities

                    <DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)>
                    Public Shared Function LoadLibrary(ByVal libname As String) As IntPtr

                    End Function

                    Public Shared Sub LoadNativeAssemblies(ByVal rootApplicationPath As String)
                        Dim nativeBinaryPath = If(IntPtr.Size > 4, Path.Combine(rootApplicationPath, "SqlServerTypes\x64\"), Path.Combine(rootApplicationPath, "SqlServerTypes\x86\"))
                        LoadNativeAssembly(nativeBinaryPath, "msvcr120.dll")
                        LoadNativeAssembly(nativeBinaryPath, "SqlServerSpatial140.dll")
                    End Sub

                    Private Shared Sub LoadNativeAssembly(ByVal nativeBinaryPath As String, ByVal assemblyName As String)
                        Dim path = System.IO.Path.Combine(nativeBinaryPath, assemblyName)
                        Dim ptr = LoadLibrary(path)

                        If ptr = IntPtr.Zero Then
                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Error loading {0} (ErrorCode: {1})", assemblyName, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()))
                        End If
                    End Sub
                End Class
            End Namespace

Disable text input history

<input type="text" autocomplete="off" />

Date formatting in WPF datagrid

This is a very old question, but I found a new solution, so I wrote about it.

First of all, is this way of solution possible while using AutoGenerateColumns?

Yes, that can be done with AttachedProperty as follows.

<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="True" 
   ItemsSource="{Binding}" />


There are two AttachedProperty defined that allow you to specify two formats. DateTimeFormatAutoGenerate for DateTime and TimeSpanFormatAutoGenerate for TimeSpan.

class DataGridOperation
    public static string GetDateTimeFormatAutoGenerate(DependencyObject obj) => (string)obj.GetValue(DateTimeFormatAutoGenerateProperty);
    public static void SetDateTimeFormatAutoGenerate(DependencyObject obj, string value) => obj.SetValue(DateTimeFormatAutoGenerateProperty, value);
    public static readonly DependencyProperty DateTimeFormatAutoGenerateProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("DateTimeFormatAutoGenerate", typeof(string), typeof(DataGridOperation),
            new PropertyMetadata(null, (d, e) => AddEventHandlerOnGenerating<DateTime>(d, e)));

    public static string GetTimeSpanFormatAutoGenerate(DependencyObject obj) => (string)obj.GetValue(TimeSpanFormatAutoGenerateProperty);
    public static void SetTimeSpanFormatAutoGenerate(DependencyObject obj, string value) => obj.SetValue(TimeSpanFormatAutoGenerateProperty, value);
    public static readonly DependencyProperty TimeSpanFormatAutoGenerateProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("TimeSpanFormatAutoGenerate", typeof(string), typeof(DataGridOperation),
            new PropertyMetadata(null, (d, e) => AddEventHandlerOnGenerating<TimeSpan>(d, e)));

    private static void AddEventHandlerOnGenerating<T>(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (!(d is DataGrid dGrid))

        if ((e.NewValue is string format))
            dGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += (o, e) => AddFormat_OnGenerating<T>(e, format);

    private static void AddFormat_OnGenerating<T>(DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e, string format)
        if (e.PropertyType == typeof(T))
            (e.Column as DataGridTextColumn).Binding.StringFormat = format;

How to use


   Width="400" Height="250">
      <local:MainWindowViewModel />
      <TextBlock Text="DEFAULT FORMAT" />
      <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Dates}" />

      <TextBlock Margin="0,30,0,0" Text="CUSTOM FORMAT" />
         ItemsSource="{Binding Dates}" />


public class MainWindowViewModel
    public DatePairs[] Dates { get; } = new DatePairs[]
        new (){StartDate= new (2011,1,1), EndDate= new (2011,2,1) },
        new (){StartDate= new (2020,1,1), EndDate= new (2021,1,1) },

public class DatePairs
    public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan Span => EndDate - StartDate;


How to set password for Redis?

using redis-cli:

root@server:~# redis-cli> CONFIG SET requirepass secret_password

this will set password temporarily (until redis or server restart)

test password:

root@server:~# redis-cli> AUTH secret_password

Set Page Title using PHP

Here's the method I use (for similar things, not just title):

ob_start (); // Buffer output
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">


$pageTitle = 'Title of Page'; // Call this in your pages' files to define the page title
$pageContents = ob_get_contents (); // Get all the page's HTML into a string
ob_end_clean (); // Wipe the buffer

// Replace <!--TITLE--> with $pageTitle variable contents, and print the HTML
echo str_replace ('<!--TITLE-->', $pageTitle, $pageContents);

PHP usually works be executing any bits of code and printing all output directly to the browser. If you say "echo 'Some text here.';", that string will get sent the browser and is emptied from memory.

What output buffering does is say "Print all output to a buffer. Hold onto it. Don't send ANYTHING to the browser until I tell you to."

So what this does is it buffers all your pages' HTML into the buffer, then at the very end, after the tag, it uses ob_get_contents () to get the contents of the buffer (which is usually all your page's HTML source code which would have been sent the browser already) and puts that into a string.

ob_end_clean () empties the buffer and frees some memory. We don't need the source code anymore because we just stored it in $pageContents.

Then, lastly, I do a simple find & replace on your page's source code ($pageContents) for any instances of '' and replace them to whatever the $pageTitle variable was set to. Of course, it will then replace <title><!--TITLE--></title> with Your Page's Title. After that, I echo the $pageContents, just like the browser would have.

It effectively holds onto output so you can manipulate it before sending it to the browser.

Hopefully my comments are clear enough. Look up ob_start () in the php manual ( ) if you want to know exactly how that works (and you should) :)

Difference between natural join and inner join

Inner join, join two table where column name is same.

Natural join, join two table where column name and data types are same.

Objective-C Static Class Level variables

As pgb said, there are no "class variables," only "instance variables." The objective-c way of doing class variables is a static global variable inside the .m file of the class. The "static" ensures that the variable can not be used outside of that file (i.e. it can't be extern).

Combine two arrays

$array1 = array("color" => "red", 2, 4);
$array2 = array("a", "b", "color" => "green", "shape" => "trapezoid", 4);
$result = array_merge($array1, $array2);

Android Call an method from another class

You should use the following code :

Class2 cls2 = new Class2();

In case you don't want to create a new instance to call the method, you can decalre the method as static and then you can just call Class2.UpdateEmployee().

Minimum and maximum date

To augment T.J.'s answer, exceeding the min/max values generates an Invalid Date.

let maxDate = new Date(8640000000000000);_x000D_
let minDate = new Date(-8640000000000000);_x000D_
console.log(new Date(maxDate.getTime()).toString());_x000D_
console.log(new Date(maxDate.getTime() - 1).toString());_x000D_
console.log(new Date(maxDate.getTime() + 1).toString()); // Invalid Date_x000D_
console.log(new Date(minDate.getTime()).toString());_x000D_
console.log(new Date(minDate.getTime() + 1).toString());_x000D_
console.log(new Date(minDate.getTime() - 1).toString()); // Invalid Date

How do I create a table based on another table

There is no such syntax in SQL Server, though CREATE TABLE AS ... SELECT does exist in PDW. In SQL Server you can use this query to create an empty table:

SELECT * INTO schema.newtable FROM schema.oldtable WHERE 1 = 0;

(If you want to make a copy of the table including all of the data, then leave out the WHERE clause.)

Note that this creates the same column structure (including an IDENTITY column if one exists) but it does not copy any indexes, constraints, triggers, etc.

How can I mock an ES6 module import using Jest?

I solved this another way. Let's say you have your dependency.js

export const myFunction = () => { }

I create a depdency.mock.js file besides it with the following content:

export const mockFunction = jest.fn();

jest.mock('dependency.js', () => ({ myFunction: mockFunction }));

And in the test, before I import the file that has the dependency, I use:

import { mockFunction } from 'dependency.mock'
import functionThatCallsDep from './tested-code'

it('my test', () => {




How do I find my host and username on mysql?

You should be able to access the local database by using the name localhost. There is also a way to determine the hostname of the computer you're running on, but it doesn't sound like you need that. As for the username, you can either (1) give permissions to the account that PHP runs under to access the database without a password, or (2) store the username and password that you need to connect with (hard-coded or stored in a config file), and pass those as arguments to mysql_connect. See

Is there a C# case insensitive equals operator?

You can use

if (stringA.equals(StringB, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

jQuery posting valid json in request body

An actual JSON request would look like this:

data: '{"command":"on"}',

Where you're sending an actual JSON string. For a more general solution, use JSON.stringify() to serialize an object to JSON, like this:

data: JSON.stringify({ "command": "on" }),

To support older browsers that don't have the JSON object, use json2.js which will add it in.

What's currently happening is since you have processData: false, it's basically sending this: ({"command":"on"}).toString() which is [object Object]...what you see in your request.

How to Convert Datetime to Date in dd/MM/yyyy format

You need to use convert in order by as well:

SELECT  Convert(varchar,A.InsertDate,103) as Tran_Date
order by Convert(varchar,A.InsertDate,103)

.NET data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary -- Speed, memory, and when to use each?

Hashtables/Dictionaries are O(1) performance, meaning that performance is not a function of size. That's important to know.

EDIT: In practice, the average time complexity for Hashtable/Dictionary<> lookups is O(1).

How to download image using requests

Following code snippet downloads a file.

The file is saved with its filename as in specified url.

import requests

url = ""
filename = url.split("/")[-1]
r = requests.get(url, timeout=0.5)

if r.status_code == 200:
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

Can an Option in a Select tag carry multiple values?

put values for each options like

   <OPTION VALUE="1" value="1:2:3:4"> 1-4  
   <OPTION VALUE="2" value="5:6:7:8"> 5-8  
   <OPTION VALUE="3" value="9:10:11:12"> 9-12

at server side in case of php, use functions like explode [array] = explode([delimeter],[posted value]);

$values = explode(':',$_POST['val']

the above code return an array have only the numbers and the ':' get removed

How to check if a string array contains one string in JavaScript?

Create this function prototype:

Array.prototype.contains = function ( needle ) {
   for (i in this) {
      if (this[i] == needle) return true;
   return false;

and then you can use following code to search in array x

if (x.contains('searchedString')) {
    // do a
      // do b

Java: How to resolve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException

You only need 1 dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation ("jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.2")

sequelize findAll sort order in nodejs

If you are using MySQL, you can use order by FIELD(id, ...) approach:

    where: {id : {$in : companyIds}},
    order: sequelize.literal("FIELD(,"+companyIds.join(',')+")")

Keep in mind, it might be slow. But should be faster, than manual sorting with JS.

Fill DataTable from SQL Server database

Try with following:

public DataTable fillDataTable(string table)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM dstut.dbo." +table;

        SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(conSTR);
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConn);
        SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        return dt;

Hope it is helpful.

Java foreach loop: for (Integer i : list) { ... }

The API does not support that directly. You can use the for(int i..) loop and count the elements or use subLists(0, size - 1) and handle the last element explicitly:

  if(x.isEmpty()) return;
  int last = x.size() - 1;
  for(Integer i : x.subList(0, last)) out.println(i);
  out.println("last " + x.get(last));

This is only useful if it does not introduce redundancy. It performs better than the counting version (after the subList overhead is amortized). (Just in case you cared after the boxing anyway).

Regex for Comma delimited list

This one will reject extraneous commas at the start or end of the line, if that's important to you.

((, )?(^)?(possible|value|patterns))*

Replace possible|value|patterns with a regex that matches your allowed values.

Watch multiple $scope attributes

Beginning with AngularJS 1.1.4 you can use $watchCollection:

$scope.$watchCollection('[item1, item2]', function(newValues, oldValues){
    // do stuff here
    // newValues and oldValues contain the new and respectively old value
    // of the observed collection array

Plunker example here

Documentation here

Tell Ruby Program to Wait some amount of time

sleep 6 will sleep for 6 seconds. For a longer duration, you can also use sleep(6.minutes) or sleep(6.hours).

Java better way to delete file if exists

  File xx = new File("filename.txt");
    if (xx.exists()) {
       System.gc();//Added this part
       Thread.sleep(2000);////This part gives the Bufferedreaders and the InputStreams time to close Completely

How to list all methods for an object in Ruby?

If You are looking list of methods which respond by an instance (in your case @current_user). According to ruby documentation methods

Returns a list of the names of public and protected methods of obj. This will include all the methods accessible in obj's ancestors. If the optional parameter is false, it returns an array of obj's public and protected singleton methods, the array will not include methods in modules included in obj.

@current_user.methods(false) #only public and protected singleton methods and also array will not include methods in modules included in @current_user class or parent of it.

Alternatively, You can also check that a method is callable on an object or not?.


If you don't want parent class methods then just subtract the parent class methods from it.

@current_user.methods - #methods that are available to @current_user instance.

How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?

See for a comparison of net-ioc-frameworks on google code including linfu and that are not on your list while i write this text.

I worked with It has many features (aop, libraries , docu, ...) and there is a lot of experience with it in the dotnet and the java-world. The features are modularized so you donot have to take all features. The features are abstractions of common issues like databaseabstraction, loggingabstraction. however it is difficuilt to do and debug the IoC-configuration.

From what i have read so far: If i had to chooseh for a small or medium project i would use ninject since ioc-configuration is done and debuggable in c#. But i havent worked with it yet. for large modular system i would stay with because of abstraction-libraries.

How to create a new branch from a tag?

An exemple of the only solution that works for me in the simple usecase where I am on a fork and I want to checkout a new branch from a tag that is on the main project repository ( here upstream )

git fetch upstream --tags

Give me

   90b29b0e31..0ba9055d28  stage      -> upstream/stage
 * [new tag]    11.0.0     -> 11.0.0

Then I can create a new branch from this tag and checkout on it

git checkout -b tags/<name> <newbranch>

git checkout tags/11.0.0 -b v11.0.0

Retrieving data from a POST method in ASP.NET

You can get a form value posted to a page using code similiar to this (C#) -

string formValue;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtFormValue"]))
  formValue= Request.Form["txtFormValue"];

or this (VB)

Dim formValue As String
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form("txtFormValue")) Then
    formValue = Request.Form("txtFormValue")
End If

Once you have the values you need you can then construct a SQL statement and and write the data to a database.

How do I POST JSON data with cURL?

Here is another way to do it, if you have dynamic data to be included.


branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
repo_full_name=$(git config --get remote.origin.url | sed 's/.*:\/\/\///;s/.git$//')
token=$(git config --global github.token)

  cat <<EOF
  "tag_name": "$version",
  "target_commitish": "$branch",
  "name": "$version",
  "body": "$text",
  "draft": false,
  "prerelease": false

echo "Create release $version for repo: $repo_full_name branch: $branch"
curl --data "$(generate_post_data)" "$repo_full_name/releases?access_token=$token"

only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

I believe your problem is this: in your while loop, n is divided by 2, but never cast as an integer again, so it becomes a float at some point. It is then added onto y, which is then a float too, and that gives you the warning.

In Android EditText, how to force writing uppercase?

Xamarin equivalent of ErlVolton's answer:

editText.SetFilters(editText.GetFilters().Append(new InputFilterAllCaps()).ToArray());

Can Windows' built-in ZIP compression be scripted?

Yes, this can be scripted with VBScript. For example the following code can create a zip from a directory:

Dim fso, winShell, MyTarget, MySource, file
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set winShell = createObject("shell.application")

MyTarget = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
MySource = Wscript.Arguments.Item(1)

Wscript.Echo "Adding " & MySource & " to " & MyTarget

'create a new clean zip archive
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile(MyTarget, True)
file.write("PK" & chr(5) & chr(6) & string(18,chr(0)))

winShell.NameSpace(MyTarget).CopyHere winShell.NameSpace(MySource).Items

do until winShell.namespace(MyTarget).items.count = winShell.namespace(MySource).items.count
    wscript.sleep 1000 

Set winShell = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

You may also find helpful as it includes a full Unzip/Zip implementation in VBScript.

If you do a size check every 500 ms rather than a item count it works better for large files. Win 7 writes the file instantly although it's not finished compressing:

set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set h=fso.getFile(DestZip)
    wscript.sleep 500
    max = h.size
loop while h.size > max 

Works great for huge amounts of log files.

How to add an image in the title bar using html?

I tried in my angular7 project by writing these lines and worked.

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="filepath/filename.ico">

please be noted that the image file should be in icon format (.ico)

How to import a single table in to mysql database using command line

If you're in the pwd of an SQL dump and you need a table from that, do this:

sed -n '/-- Table structure for table `'TableNameTo_GrabHere'`/,/-- Table/{ /^--.*$/d;p }' dump_file_to_extract_from.sql > table_name_here.sql

Then just import the table you extracted from the above into the needed database

What is the simplest SQL Query to find the second largest value?

At first make a dummy table without max salary then query max value from dummy table

SELECT max(salary) from (Select * FROM emp WHERE salary<> (SELECT MAX(salary) from emp)) temp

Pandas group-by and sum

You can set the groupby column to index then using sum with level

Fruit   Name         
Apples  Bob        16
        Mike        9
        Steve      10
Oranges Bob        67
        Tom        15
        Mike       57
        Tony        1
Grapes  Bob        35
        Tom        87
        Tony       15

adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X)

Important Update : As @equiman points out, there are some USB cables that are for charging only and do not transmit data. Sometimes just swapping cables will help.

Update for some versions of adb, ~/.android/adb_usb.ini has to be removed.

Executive summary: Add the Vendor ID to ~/.android/adb_usb.ini and restart adb

Full Details: Most of the time nothing will need to be done to get the Mac to recognize the phone/device. Seriously, 99% of the time "it just works."

That being said, the quickest way to reset adb is to restart it with the following commands in sequence:

  adb kill-server
  adb devices

But every now and then the adb devices command just fails to find your device. Maybe if you're working with some experimental or prototype or out-of-the-ordinary device, maybe it's just unknown and won't show up.

You can help adb to find your device by telling it about your device's "Vendor ID," essentially providing it with a hint. This can be done by putting the hex Vendor ID in the file ~/.android/adb_usb.ini

But first you have to find the Vendor ID value. Fortunately on Mac this is pretty easy. Launch the System Information application. It is located in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder, or you can get to it via the Apple Menu in the top left corner of the screen, select "About this Mac", then click the "More Info..." button. Screen grab here:

System Information, Hardware USB tree

Expand the "Hardware" tree, select "USB", then look for your target device. In the above example, my device is named "SomeDevice" (I did that in photoshop to hide the real device manufacturer). Another example would be a Samsung tablet which shows up as "SAMSUNG_Android" (btw, I didn't have to do anything special to make the Samsung tablet work.) Anyway, click your device and the full details will display in the pane below. This is where it lists the Vendor ID. In my example from the screenshot the value is 0x9d17 -- use this value in the next command

echo 0x9d17 >> ~/.android/adb_usb.ini

It's okay if you didn't already have that adb_usb.ini file before this, most of the time it's just not needed for finding your device so it's not unusual for that file to not be present. The above command will create it or append to the bottom of it if it already exists. Now run the commands listed way above to restart adb and you should be good to go.

adb kill-server ; adb devices

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached 
123ABC456DEF001 device

How to change the background color of a UIButton while it's highlighted?

Swift 3:

extension UIButton {
    private func imageWithColor(color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
        let rect = CGRect(x:0.0,y:0.0,width: 1.0,height: 1.0)
        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()


        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return image!

    func setBackgroundColor(color: UIColor, forUIControlState state: UIControlState) {
        self.setBackgroundImage(imageWithColor(color: color), for: state)

Stack Memory vs Heap Memory

Stack memory is specifically the range of memory that is accessible via the Stack register of the CPU. The Stack was used as a way to implement the "Jump-Subroutine"-"Return" code pattern in assembly language, and also as a means to implement hardware-level interrupt handling. For instance, during an interrupt, the Stack was used to store various CPU registers, including Status (which indicates the results of an operation) and Program Counter (where was the CPU in the program when the interrupt occurred).

Stack memory is very much the consequence of usual CPU design. The speed of its allocation/deallocation is fast because it is strictly a last-in/first-out design. It is a simple matter of a move operation and a decrement/increment operation on the Stack register.

Heap memory was simply the memory that was left over after the program was loaded and the Stack memory was allocated. It may (or may not) include global variable space (it's a matter of convention).

Modern pre-emptive multitasking OS's with virtual memory and memory-mapped devices make the actual situation more complicated, but that's Stack vs Heap in a nutshell.

How to do a SOAP Web Service call from Java class?

I found a much simpler alternative way to generating soap message. Given a Person Object:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;

public class Person {
  private String name;
  private int age;
  private String address; //setter and getters below

Below is a simple Soap Message Generator:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper;

public class SoapGenerator {

  protected static final ObjectMapper XML_MAPPER = new XmlMapper()
      .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
      .configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false)
      .registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());

  private static final String SOAP_BODY_OPEN = "<soap:Body>";
  private static final String SOAP_BODY_CLOSE = "</soap:Body>";
  private static final String SOAP_ENVELOPE_OPEN = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\">";
  private static final String SOAP_ENVELOPE_CLOSE = "</soap:Envelope>";

  public static String soapWrap(String xml) {

  public static String soapUnwrap(String xml) {
    return StringUtils.substringBetween(xml, SOAP_BODY_OPEN, SOAP_BODY_CLOSE);

You can use by:

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        Person p = new Person();

        String xml = SoapGenerator.soapWrap(XML_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(p));"Generated String");;

did you specify the right host or port? error on Kubernetes

After running "kubeinit" command, kubernetes asks you to run following as regular user

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube

sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

But if you run this as a regular user, you will get "The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?" when trying to access as a root user and vice versa. So try accessing "kubectl" as the user who executed the above commands.

How do I create a unique constraint that also allows nulls?

It is possible to create a unique constraint on a Clustered Indexed View

You can create the View like this:

SELECT YourUniqueColumnWithNullValues FROM dbo.YourTable
WHERE YourUniqueColumnWithNullValues IS NOT NULL;

and the unique constraint like this:

  ON dbo.VIEW_OfYourTable(YourUniqueColumnWithNullValues)

VB.NET - Remove a characters from a String

Function RemoveCharacter(ByVal stringToCleanUp, ByVal characterToRemove)
  ' replace the target with nothing
  ' Replace() returns a new String and does not modify the current one
  Return stringToCleanUp.Replace(characterToRemove, "")
End Function

Here's more information about VB's Replace function

React-Redux: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions

Make use of Arrow functions it improves the readability of code. No need to return anything in API.fetchComments, Api call is asynchronous when the request is completed then will get the response, there you have to just dispatch type and data.

Below code does the same job by making use of Arrow functions.

export const bindComments = postId => {
  return dispatch => {
    API.fetchComments(postId).then(comments => {
        type: BIND_COMMENTS,

Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

If you don't want to install MySQL workbench, and are looking for an online tool, this might help:

I use it quite often to create simple DB schemas for various apps I build.

how to rename an index in a cluster?

You can use REINDEX to do that.

Reindex does not attempt to set up the destination index. It does not copy the settings of the source index. You should set up the destination index prior to running a _reindex action, including setting up mappings, shard counts, replicas, etc.

  1. First copy the index to a new name
POST /_reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "twitter"
  "dest": {
    "index": "new_twitter"
  1. Now delete the Index
DELETE /twitter

Switch between two frames in tkinter

One way is to stack the frames on top of each other, then you can simply raise one above the other in the stacking order. The one on top will be the one that is visible. This works best if all the frames are the same size, but with a little work you can get it to work with any sized frames.

Note: for this to work, all of the widgets for a page must have that page (ie: self) or a descendant as a parent (or master, depending on the terminology you prefer).

Here's a bit of a contrived example to show you the general concept:

    import tkinter as tk                # python 3
    from tkinter import font as tkfont  # python 3
except ImportError:
    import Tkinter as tk     # python 2
    import tkFont as tkfont  # python 2

class SampleApp(tk.Tk):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.title_font = tkfont.Font(family='Helvetica', size=18, weight="bold", slant="italic")

        # the container is where we'll stack a bunch of frames
        # on top of each other, then the one we want visible
        # will be raised above the others
        container = tk.Frame(self)
        container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
        container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

        self.frames = {}
        for F in (StartPage, PageOne, PageTwo):
            page_name = F.__name__
            frame = F(parent=container, controller=self)
            self.frames[page_name] = frame

            # put all of the pages in the same location;
            # the one on the top of the stacking order
            # will be the one that is visible.
            frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")


    def show_frame(self, page_name):
        '''Show a frame for the given page name'''
        frame = self.frames[page_name]

class StartPage(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        label = tk.Label(self, text="This is the start page", font=controller.title_font)
        label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)

        button1 = tk.Button(self, text="Go to Page One",
                            command=lambda: controller.show_frame("PageOne"))
        button2 = tk.Button(self, text="Go to Page Two",
                            command=lambda: controller.show_frame("PageTwo"))

class PageOne(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        label = tk.Label(self, text="This is page 1", font=controller.title_font)
        label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        button = tk.Button(self, text="Go to the start page",
                           command=lambda: controller.show_frame("StartPage"))

class PageTwo(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        label = tk.Label(self, text="This is page 2", font=controller.title_font)
        label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        button = tk.Button(self, text="Go to the start page",
                           command=lambda: controller.show_frame("StartPage"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = SampleApp()

start page page 1 page 2

If you find the concept of creating instance in a class confusing, or if different pages need different arguments during construction, you can explicitly call each class separately. The loop serves mainly to illustrate the point that each class is identical.

For example, to create the classes individually you can remove the loop (for F in (StartPage, ...) with this:

self.frames["StartPage"] = StartPage(parent=container, controller=self)
self.frames["PageOne"] = PageOne(parent=container, controller=self)
self.frames["PageTwo"] = PageTwo(parent=container, controller=self)

self.frames["StartPage"].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
self.frames["PageOne"].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
self.frames["PageTwo"].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")

Over time people have asked other questions using this code (or an online tutorial that copied this code) as a starting point. You might want to read the answers to these questions:

How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript?

You can use the following function to replace Character or String at a particular position of a String. To replace all the following match cases use String.prototype.replaceAllMatches() function.

String.prototype.replaceMatch = function(matchkey, replaceStr, matchIndex) {
    var retStr = this, repeatedIndex = 0;
    for (var x = 0; (matchkey != null) && (retStr.indexOf(matchkey) > -1); x++) {
        if (repeatedIndex == 0 && x == 0) {
            repeatedIndex = retStr.indexOf(matchkey);
        } else { // matchIndex > 0
            repeatedIndex = retStr.indexOf(matchkey, repeatedIndex + 1);
        if (x == matchIndex) {
            retStr = retStr.substring(0, repeatedIndex) + replaceStr + retStr.substring(repeatedIndex + (matchkey.length));
            matchkey = null; // To break the loop.
    return retStr;


var str = "yash yas $dfdas.**";

console.log('Index Matched replace : ', str.replaceMatch('as', '*', 2) );
console.log('Index Matched replace : ', str.replaceMatch('y', '~', 1) );


Index Matched replace :  yash yas $dfd*.**
Index Matched replace :  yash ~as $dfdas.**

How to add Active Directory user group as login in SQL Server

Here is my observation. I created a login (readonly) for a group windows(AD) user account but, its acting defiantly in different SQL servers. In the SQl servers that users can not see the databases I added view definition checked and also gave database execute permeation to the master database for avoiding error 229. I do not have this issue if I create a login for a user.

How to remove the Flutter debug banner?

Well this is simple answer you want.

 debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false

But if you want to go deep with app (Want a release apk (which don't have debug banner) and if you are using android studio then go to

Run -> Flutter Run 'main.dart' in Relese mode

How can I pass some data from one controller to another peer controller

Definitely use a service to share data between controllers, here is a working example. $broadcast is not the way to go, you should avoid using the eventing system when there is a more appropriate way. Use a 'service', 'value' or 'constant' (for global constants).

Here is an example with an input so you can see the data mirror on the page:

var testModule = angular.module('testmodule', []);

    ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'myservice',
    function ($rootScope, $scope, myservice) {
       $scope.myservice = myservice;   

    ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'myservice',
    function ($rootScope, $scope, myservice) {
      $scope.myservice = myservice;

    .service('myservice', function() { = "yyy";

How to check if two arrays are equal with JavaScript?

[2021 changelog: bugfix for option4: no total ordering on js objects (even excluding NaN!=NaN and '5'==5 ('5'===5, '2'<3, etc.)), so cannot use .sort on Map.keys() (though you can on Object.keys(obj), since even 'numerical' keys are strings)]

Option 1

Easiest option, works in almost all cases, except that null!==undefined but they both are converted to JSON representation null and considered equal:

function arraysEqual(a1,a2) {
    /* WARNING: arrays must not contain {objects} or behavior may be undefined */
    return JSON.stringify(a1)==JSON.stringify(a2);

(This might not work if your array contains objects. Whether this still works with objects depends on whether the JSON implementation sorts keys. For example, the JSON of {1:2,3:4} may or may not be equal to {3:4,1:2}; this depends on the implementation, and the spec makes no guarantee whatsoever. [2017 update: Actually the ES6 specification now guarantees object keys will be iterated in order of 1) integer properties, 2) properties in the order they were defined, then 3) symbol properties in the order they were defined. Thus IF the JSON.stringify implementation follows this, equal objects (in the === sense but NOT NECESSARILY in the == sense) will stringify to equal values. More research needed. So I guess you could make an evil clone of an object with properties in the reverse order, but I cannot imagine it ever happening by accident...] At least on Chrome, the JSON.stringify function tends to return keys in the order they were defined (at least that I've noticed), but this behavior is very much subject to change at any point and should not be relied upon. If you choose not to use objects in your lists, this should work fine. If you do have objects in your list that all have a unique id, you can do}{return {id:x.uniqueId}}). If you have arbitrary objects in your list, you can read on for option #2.)

This works for nested arrays as well.

It is, however, slightly inefficient because of the overhead of creating these strings and garbage-collecting them.

Option 2

More "proper" option, which you can override to deal with special cases (like regular objects and null/undefined and custom objects, if you so desire):

// generally useful functions
function type(x) { // does not work in general, but works on JSONable objects we care about... modify as you see fit
    // e.g.  type(/asdf/g) --> "[object RegExp]"
function zip(arrays) {
    // e.g. zip([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) --> [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
    return arrays[0].map(function(_,i){
        return{return array[i]})


// helper functions
function allCompareEqual(array) {
    // e.g.  allCompareEqual([2,2,2,2]) --> true
    // does not work with nested arrays or objects
    return array.every(function(x){return x==array[0]});

function isArray(x){ return type(x)==type([]) }
function getLength(x){ return x.length }
function allTrue(array){ return array.reduce(function(a,b){return a&&b},true) }
    // e.g. allTrue([true,true,true,true]) --> true
    // or just array.every(function(x){return x});


function allDeepEqual(things) {
    // works with nested arrays
    if( things.every(isArray) )
        return allCompareEqual(     // all arrays of same length
               && allTrue(zip(things).map(allDeepEqual)); // elements recursively equal

    //else if( this.every(isObject) )
    //  return {all have exactly same keys, and for 
    //          each key k, allDeepEqual([o1[k],o2[k],...])}
    //  e.g. ... && allTrue(objectZip(objects).map(allDeepEqual)) 

    //else if( ... )
    //  extend some more

        return allCompareEqual(things);


allDeepEqual([ [], [], [] ])
allDeepEqual([ [1], [1], [1] ])
allDeepEqual([ [1,2], [1,2] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],[3]], [[1,2],[3]] ])

allDeepEqual([ [1,2,3], [1,2,3,4] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],[3]], [[1,2],[],3] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],[3]], [[1],[2,3]] ])
allDeepEqual([ [[1,2],3], [1,[2,3]] ])

To use this like a regular function, do:

function allDeepEqual2() {
    return allDeepEqual([];


allDeepEqual2([[1,2],3], [[1,2],3])

Options 3

edit: It's 2016 and my previous overcomplicated answer was bugging me. This recursive, imperative "recursive programming 101" implementation keeps the code really simple, and furthermore fails at the earliest possible point (giving us efficiency). It also doesn't generate superfluous ephemeral datastructures (not that there's anything wrong with functional programming in general, but just keeping it clean here).

If we wanted to apply this to a non-empty arrays of arrays, we could do seriesOfArrays.reduce(arraysEqual).

This is its own function, as opposed to using Object.defineProperties to attach to Array.prototype, since that would fail with a key error if we passed in an undefined value (that is however a fine design decision if you want to do so).

This only answers OPs original question.

function arraysEqual(a,b) {
        Array-aware equality checker:
        Returns whether arguments a and b are == to each other;
        however if they are equal-lengthed arrays, returns whether their 
        elements are pairwise == to each other recursively under this
    if (a instanceof Array && b instanceof Array) {
        if (a.length!=b.length)  // assert same length
            return false;
        for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++)  // assert each element equal
            if (!arraysEqual(a[i],b[i]))
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        return a==b;  // if not both arrays, should be the same


arraysEqual([[1,2],3], [[1,2],3])
arraysEqual([1,2,3], [1,2,3,4])
arraysEqual([[1,2],[3]], [[1,2],[],3])
arraysEqual([[1,2],[3]], [[1],[2,3]])
arraysEqual([[1,2],3], undefined)
arraysEqual(undefined, undefined)
arraysEqual(1, 2)
arraysEqual(null, null)
arraysEqual(1, 1)
arraysEqual([], 1)
arraysEqual([], undefined)
arraysEqual([], [])

If you wanted to apply this to JSON-like data structures with js Objects, you could do so. Fortunately we're guaranteed that all objects keys are unique, so iterate over the objects OwnProperties and sort them by key, then assert that both the sorted key-array is equal and the value-array are equal, and just recurse. We can extend this to include Maps as well (where the keys are also unique). (However if we extend this to Sets, we run into the tree isomorphism problem - fortunately it's not as hard as general graph isomorphism; there is in fact an O(#vertices) algorithm to solve it, but it can get very complicated to do it efficiently. The pathological case is if you have a set made up of lots of seemingly-indistinguishable objects, but upon further inspection some of those objects may differ as you delve deeper into them. You can also work around this by using hashing to reject almost all cases.)

Option 4: (continuation of 2016 edit)

This should work with most objects:

const STRICT_EQUALITY = (a,b)=> a===b;
function deepEquals(a,b, areEqual=STRICT_EQUALITY) {
    /* compares objects hierarchically using the provided 
       notion of equality (defaulting to ===);
       supports Arrays, Objects, Maps, ArrayBuffers */
    if (a instanceof Array && b instanceof Array)
        return arraysEqual(a,b, areEqual);
    if (Object.getPrototypeOf(a)===Object.prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(b)===Object.prototype)
        return objectsEqual(a,b, areEqual);
    if (a instanceof Map && b instanceof Map)
        return mapsEqual(a,b, areEqual);        
    if (a instanceof Set && b instanceof Set) {
        if (areEquals===STRICT_EQUALITY)
            return setsEqual(a,b);
            throw "Error: set equality by hashing not implemented because cannot guarantee custom notion of equality is transitive without programmer intervention."
    if ((a instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(a)) && (b instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(b)))
        return typedArraysEqual(a,b);
    return areEqual(a,b);  // see note[1] -- IMPORTANT

function arraysEqual(a,b, areEqual) {
    if (a.length!=b.length)
        return false;
    for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (!deepEquals(a[i],b[i], areEqual))
            return false;
    return true;
function objectsEqual(a,b, areEqual) {
    var aKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
    var bKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b);
    if (aKeys.length!=bKeys.length)
        return false;
    for(var i=0; i<aKeys.length; i++)
        if (!areEqual(aKeys[i],bKeys[i])) // keys must be strings
            return false;
    return deepEquals(>a[k]),>b[k]), areEqual);
function mapsEqual(a,b, areEqual) { // assumes Map's keys use the '===' notion of equality, which is also the assumption of .has and .get methods in the spec; however, Map's values use our notion of the areEqual parameter
    if (a.size!=b.size)
        return false;
    return [...a.keys()].every(k=> 
        b.has(k) && deepEquals(a.get(k), b.get(k), areEqual)
function setsEqual(a,b) {
    // see discussion in below rest of StackOverflow answer
    return a.size==b.size && [...a.keys()].every(k=> 
function typedArraysEqual(a,b) {
    // we use the obvious notion of equality for binary data
    a = new Uint8Array(a);
    b = new Uint8Array(b);
    if (a.length != b.length)
        return false;
    for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (a[i]!=b[i])
            return false;
    return true;

Demo (not extensively tested):

var nineTen = new Float32Array(2);
nineTen[0]=9; nineTen[1]=10;

> deepEquals(
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {a:5,'111':6}, new Map([['c',7],['d',8]]), nineTen],
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {111:6,a:5}, new Map([['d',8],['c',7]]), nineTen]

> deepEquals(
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {a:'5','111':6}, new Map([['c',7],['d',8]]), nineTen],
    [[1,[2,3]], 4, {111:6,a:5}, new Map([['d',8],['c',7]]), nineTen],

Note that if one is using the == notion of equality, then know that falsey values and coercion means that == equality is NOT TRANSITIVE. For example ''==0 and 0=='0' but ''!='0'. This is relevant for Sets: I do not think one can override the notion of Set equality in a meaningful way. If one is using the built-in notion of Set equality (that is, ===), then the above should work. However if one uses a non-transitive notion of equality like ==, you open a can of worms: Even if you forced the user to define a hash function on the domain (hash(a)!=hash(b) implies a!=b) I'm not sure that would help... Certainly one could do the O(N^2) performance thing and remove pairs of == items one by one like a bubble sort, and then do a second O(N^2) pass to confirm things in equivalence classes are actually == to each other, and also != to everything not thus paired, but you'd STILL have to throw a runtime error if you have some coercion going on... You'd also maybe get weird (but potentially not that weird) edge cases with and Truthy values (with the exception that NaN==NaN... but just for Sets!). This is not an issue usually with most Sets of homogenous datatype.

(sidenote: Maps are es6 dictionaries. I can't tell if they have O(1) or O(log(N)) lookup performance, but in any case they are 'ordered' in the sense that they keep track of the order in which key-value pairs were inserted into them. However, the semantic of whether two Maps should be equal if elements were inserted in a different order into them is ambiguous. I give a sample implementation below of a deepEquals that considers two maps equal even if elements were inserted into them in a different order.)

(note [1]: IMPORTANT: NOTION OF EQUALITY: You may want to override the noted line with a custom notion of equality, which you'll also have to change in the other functions anywhere it appears. For example, do you or don't you want NaN==NaN? By default this is not the case. There are even more weird things like 0=='0'. Do you consider two objects to be the same if and only if they are the same object in memory? See . You should document the notion of equality you use. )

You should be able to extend the above to WeakMaps, WeakSets. Not sure if it makes sense to extend to DataViews. Should also be able to extend to RegExps probably, etc.

As you extend it, you realize you do lots of unnecessary comparisons. This is where the type function that I defined way earlier (solution #2) can come in handy; then you can dispatch instantly. Whether that is worth the overhead of (possibly? not sure how it works under the hood) string representing the type is up to you. You can just then rewrite the dispatcher, i.e. the function deepEquals, to be something like:

var dispatchTypeEquals = {
    number: function(a,b) {...a==b...},
    array: function(a,b) {...deepEquals(x,y)...},
function deepEquals(a,b) {
    var typeA = extractType(a);
    var typeB = extractType(a);
    return typeA==typeB && dispatchTypeEquals[typeA](a,b);

Set default option in mat-select

It took me several hours to figure out this until the similarity of the datatypes between the array and that of the default value worked for me...

Postgresql tables exists, but getting "relation does not exist" when querying

I was using pgAdmin to create my tables and while I was not using reserved words, the generated table had a quote in the name and a couple of columns had quotes in them. Here is an example of the generated SQL.

CREATE TABLE public."Test"
    id serial NOT NULL,
    data text NOT NULL,
    updater character varying(50) NOT NULL,
    "updateDt" time with time zone NOT NULL,

TABLESPACE pg_default;

ALTER TABLE public."Test"
    OWNER to svc_newnews_app;

All of these quotes were inserted at "random". I just needed to drop and re-create the table again without the quotes.

Tested on pgAdmin 4.26

Can I set text box to readonly when using Html.TextBoxFor?

In case if you have to apply your custom class you can use

  @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Birthday,   new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"readonly", "true"}, {"class", "commonField"} } )

Where are

commonField is CSS class

and Birthday could be string field that you probably can use to keep jQuery Datapicker date :)

             $(function () {


That's a real life example.

Display a decimal in scientific notation

My decimals are too big for %E so I had to improvize:

def format_decimal(x, prec=2):
    tup = x.as_tuple()
    digits = list(tup.digits[:prec + 1])
    sign = '-' if tup.sign else ''
    dec = ''.join(str(i) for i in digits[1:])
    exp = x.adjusted()
    return '{sign}{int}.{dec}e{exp}'.format(sign=sign, int=digits[0], dec=dec, exp=exp)

Here's an example usage:

>>> n = decimal.Decimal(4.3) ** 12314
>>> print format_decimal(n)
>>> print '%e' % n

RESTful call in Java

Most Easy Solution will be using Apache http client library. refer following sample code.. this code uses basic security for authenticating.

Add following Dependency.

CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
Credentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password");
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, credentials);
HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider).build();
HttpPost request = new HttpPost("");HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
    // Get the response
    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()));
    String line = "";
    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {    
    textView = textView + line;

How can I represent a range in Java?

Apache Commons Lang has a Range class for doing arbitrary ranges.

Range<Integer> test = Range.between(1, 3);

Guava Range has similar API.

If you are just wanting to check if a number fits into a long value or an int value, you could try using it through BigDecimal. There are methods for longValueExact and intValueExact that throw exceptions if the value is too big for those precisions.

How to run a specific Android app using Terminal?

I used all the above answers and it was giving me errors so I tried

adb shell monkey -p -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1

and it worked. One advantage is you dont have to specify your launcher activity if you use this command.

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

I wanted a solution to copy files modified after a certain date and time which mean't I need to use Get-ChildItem piped through a filter. Below is what I came up with:

$SourceFolder = "C:\Users\RCoode\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyProject"
$ArchiveFolder = "J:\Temp\Robin\Deploy\MyProject"
$ChangesStarted = New-Object System.DateTime(2013,10,16,11,0,0)
$IncludeFiles = ("*.vb","*.cs","*.aspx","*.js","*.css")

Get-ChildItem $SourceFolder -Recurse -Include $IncludeFiles | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $ChangesStarted} | ForEach-Object {
    $PathArray = $_.FullName.Replace($SourceFolder,"").ToString().Split('\') 

    $Folder = $ArchiveFolder

    for ($i=1; $i -lt $PathArray.length-1; $i++) {
        $Folder += "\" + $PathArray[$i]
        if (!(Test-Path $Folder)) {
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Folder
    $NewPath = Join-Path $ArchiveFolder $_.FullName.Replace($SourceFolder,"")

    Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $NewPath  

How to get to a particular element in a List in java?

You have about 98% right. The only issue is that you're trying to print out an String[] which does not print the way you'd like. Instead try this...

for (String[] s : myEntries) {
    System.out.print("Next item: " + s[0]);
    for(int i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
        System.out.print(", " + s[i]);

This way you're accessing each string in the array instead of the array itself.

Hope this helps!

make: Nothing to be done for `all'

Remove the hello file from your folder and try again.

The all target depends on the hello target. The hello target first tries to find the corresponding file in the filesystem. If it finds it and it is up to date with the dependent files—there is nothing to do.

How to clear/delete the contents of a Tkinter Text widget?

from Tkinter import *

app = Tk()

# Text Widget + Font Size
txt = Text(app, font=('Verdana',8))

# Delete Button
btn = Button(app, text='Delete', command=lambda: txt.delete(1.0,END))


Here's an example of txt.delete(1.0,END) as mentioned.

The use of lambda makes us able to delete the contents without defining an actual function.

Add Favicon to Website

  1. This is not done in PHP. It's part of the <head> tags in a HTML page.
  2. That icon is called a favicon. According to Wikipedia:

    A favicon (short for favorites icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon is a 16×16 or 32×32 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage.

  3. Adding it is easy. Just add an .ico image file that is either 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels. Then, in the web pages, add <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> to the <head> element.
  4. You can easily generate favicons here.

Could not load file or assembly '***.dll' or one of its dependencies

I recently hit this issue, the app would run fine on the developer machines and select others machines but not on recently installed machines. It turned out that the machines it did work on had the Visual C++ 11 Runtime installed while the freshly installed machines didn't. Adding the Visual C++ 11 Runtime redistributable to the app installer fixed the issue...

how to add script inside a php code?

Exactly the same way you add HTML tags. Echo it

How to add a list item to an existing unordered list?

jQuery comes with the following options which could fulfil your need in this case:

append is used to add an element at the end of the parent div specified in the selector:

$('ul.tabs').append('<li>An element</li>');

prepend is used to add an element at the top/start of the parent div specified in the selector:

$('ul.tabs').prepend('<li>An element</li>');

insertAfter lets you insert an element of your selection next after an element you specify. Your created element will then be put in the DOM after the specified selector closing tag:

$('<li>An element</li>').insertAfter('ul.tabs>li:last');
will result in:
<li><a href="/user/edit"><span class="tab">Edit</span></a></li>
<li>An element</li>

insertBefore will do the opposite of the above:

$('<li>An element</li>').insertBefore('ul.tabs>li:last');
will result in:
<li>An element</li>
<li><a href="/user/edit"><span class="tab">Edit</span></a></li>

How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list?

In addition for the accepted answer you'll need the following permissions into your AndroidManifest to get it working:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" /> 

How to fix 'Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received' chrome issue?

This error is generally caused by one of your Chrome extensions.

I recommend installing this One-Click Extension Disabler, I use it with the keyboard shortcut COMMAND (?) + SHIFT (?) + D — to quickly disable/enable all my extensions.

Once the extensions are disabled this error message should go away.

Peace! ??

What is the difference between Java RMI and RPC?

The only real difference between RPC and RMI is that there is objects involved in RMI: instead of invoking functions through a proxy function, we invoke methods through a proxy.

What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

Eclipse is not that hard to learn (I use both Eclipse and NetBeans, and I switch back and forth pretty effortlessly). If you're going to be learning Android development from the start, I can recommend Hello, Android, which I just finished. It shows you exactly how to use all the features of Eclipse that are useful for developing Android apps. There's also a brief section on getting set up to develop from the command line and from other IDEs.

How to make (link)button function as hyperlink?

You can use OnClientClick event to call a JavaScript function:

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclientclick='redirect()' />

JavaScript code:

function redirect() {
  location.href = 'page.aspx';

But i think the best would be to style a hyperlink with css.

Example :

.button {
  display: block;
  height: 25px;
  background: #f1f1f1;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  border-radius: 5px;
  border: 1px solid #e1e1e2;
  color: #000;
  font-weight: bold;

How to use sudo inside a docker container?

Unlike accepted answer, I use usermod instead.

Assume already logged-in as root in docker, and "fruit" is the new non-root username I want to add, simply run this commands:

apt update && apt install sudo
adduser fruit
usermod -aG sudo fruit

Remember to save image after update. Use docker ps to get current running docker's <CONTAINER ID> and <IMAGE>, then run docker commit -m "added sudo user" <CONTAINER ID> <IMAGE> to save docker image.

Then test with:

su fruit
sudo whoami

Or test by direct login(ensure save image first) as that non-root user when launch docker:

docker run -it --user fruit <IMAGE>
sudo whoami

You can use sudo -k to reset password prompt timestamp:

sudo whoami # No password prompt
sudo -k # Invalidates the user's cached credentials
sudo whoami # This will prompt for password

How to approach a "Got minus one from a read call" error when connecting to an Amazon RDS Oracle instance

I would like to augment to Stephen C's answer, my case was on the first dot. So since we have DHCP to allocate IP addresses in the company, DHCP changed my machine's address without of course asking neither me nor Oracle. So out of the blue oracle refused to do anything and gave the minus one dreaded exception. So if you want to workaround this once and for ever, and since TCP.INVITED_NODES of SQLNET.ora file does not accept wildcards as stated here, you can add you machine's hostname instead of the IP address.

Sending cookies with postman

Based @RBT's answer above, I tried Postman native app and want to give a couple of additional details.

In the latest postman desktop app, you can find the cookies option on the extreme right:

enter image description here

You can see the cookies for your localhost (these cookies are linked with the cookies in your chrome browser, although the app is running natively). Also you can set the cookies for a particular domain too.

enter image description here

Removing duplicates in the lists

If you don't care about order and want something different than the pythonic ways suggested above (that is, it can be used in interviews) then :

def remove_dup(arr):
    size = len(arr)
    j = 0    # To store index of next unique element
    for i in range(0, size-1):
        # If current element is not equal
        # to next element then store that
        # current element
        if(arr[i] != arr[i+1]):
            arr[j] = arr[i]

    arr[j] = arr[size-1] # Store the last element as whether it is unique or repeated, it hasn't stored previously

    return arr[0:j+1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9]

Time Complexity : O(n)

Auxiliary Space : O(n)


"detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code


Let's say you have two entities Album and Photo. Album contains many photos, so it's a one to many relationship.

Album class

public class Album {
    Integer albumId;

    String albumName;

    Set<Photo> photos = new HashSet<Photo>();

Photo class

public class Photo{
    Integer photo_id;

    String photoName;

    Album album;


What you have to do before persist or merge is to set the Album reference in each photos.

        Album myAlbum = new Album();
        Photo photo1 = new Photo();
        Photo photo2 = new Photo();


That is how to attach the related entity before you persist or merge.

Check if a Windows service exists and delete in PowerShell

PowerShell Core (v6+) now has a Remove-Service cmdlet.

I don't know about plans to back-port it to Windows PowerShell, where it is not available as of v5.1.


# PowerShell *Core* only (v6+)
Remove-Service someservice

Note that invocation fails if the service doesn't exist, so to only remove it if it currently exists, you could do:

# PowerShell *Core* only (v6+)
$name = 'someservice'
if (Get-Service $name -ErrorAction Ignore) {
  Remove-Service $name

How to convert comma-separated String to List?

You can do it as follows.

This removes white space and split by comma where you do not need to worry about white spaces.

    String myString= "A, B, C, D";

    //Remove whitespace and split by comma 
    List<String> finalString= Arrays.asList(myString.split("\\s*,\\s*"));


Regex replace (in Python) - a simpler way?

The short version is that you cannot use variable-width patterns in lookbehinds using Python's re module. There is no way to change this:

>>> import re
>>> re.sub("(?<=foo)bar(?=baz)", "quux", "foobarbaz")
>>> re.sub("(?<=fo+)bar(?=baz)", "quux", "foobarbaz")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
    re.sub("(?<=fo+)bar(?=baz)", "quux", string)
  File "C:\Development\Python25\lib\", line 150, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, 0).sub(repl, string, count)
  File "C:\Development\Python25\lib\", line 241, in _compile
    raise error, v # invalid expression
error: look-behind requires fixed-width pattern

This means that you'll need to work around it, the simplest solution being very similar to what you're doing now:

>>> re.sub("(fo+)bar(?=baz)", "\\1quux", "foobarbaz")
>>> # If you need to turn this into a callable function:
>>> def replace(start, replace, end, replacement, search):
        return re.sub("(" + re.escape(start) + ")" + re.escape(replace) + "(?=" + re.escape + ")", "\\1" + re.escape(replacement), search)

This doesn't have the elegance of the lookbehind solution, but it's still a very clear, straightforward one-liner. And if you look at what an expert has to say on the matter (he's talking about JavaScript, which lacks lookbehinds entirely, but many of the principles are the same), you'll see that his simplest solution looks a lot like this one.

Bootstrap combining rows (rowspan)

Note: This was for Bootstrap 2 (relevant when the question was asked).

You can accomplish this by using row-fluid to make a fluid (percentage) based row inside an existing block.

<div class="row">
   <div class="span5">span5</div>
   <div class="span3">span3</div>
   <div class="span2">
      <div class="row-fluid">
         <div class="span12">span2</div>
         <div class="span12">span2</div>
   <div class="span2">span2</div>
<div class="row">
   <div class="span6">
      <div class="row-fluid">
         <div class="span12">span6</div>
         <div class="span12">span6</div>
   <div class="span6">span6</div>

Here's a JSFiddle example.

I did notice that there was an odd left margin that appears (or does not appear) for the spans inside of the row-fluid after the first one. This can be fixed with a small CSS tweak (it's the same CSS that is applied to the first child, expanded to those past the first child):

.row-fluid [class*="span"] {
    margin-left: 0;