Programs & Examples On #Gridfs

GridFS is a specification for storing large files in MongoDB. All of the supported drivers implement the GridFS spec.

Table and Index size in SQL Server

The exec sp_spaceused without parameter shows the summary for the whole database. The foreachtable solution generates one result set per table - which SSMS might not be able to handle if you have too many tables.

I created a script which collects the table infos via sp_spaceused and displays a summary in a single record set, sorted by size.

create table #t
  name nvarchar(128),
  rows varchar(50),
  reserved varchar(50),
  data varchar(50),
  index_size varchar(50),
  unused varchar(50)

declare @id nvarchar(128)
declare c cursor for
select '[' + + '].[' + + ']' FROM sysobjects s INNER JOIN sys.schemas sc ON s.uid = sc.schema_id where s.xtype='U'

open c
fetch c into @id

while @@fetch_status = 0 begin

  insert into #t
  exec sp_spaceused @id

  fetch c into @id

close c
deallocate c

select * from #t
order by convert(int, substring(data, 1, len(data)-3)) desc

drop table #t

read file from assets

Here is a way to get an InputStream for a file in the assets folder without a Context, Activity, Fragment or Application. How you get the data from that InputStream is up to you. There are plenty of suggestions for that in other answers here.


val inputStream ="assets/your_file.ext")


InputStream inputStream = ClassLoader.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("assets/your_file.ext");

All bets are off if a custom ClassLoader is in play.

Sending E-mail using C#

You could use the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class of the .NET framework.

You can find the MSDN documentation here.

Here is a simple example (code snippet):

using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Net.Mime;


   SmtpClient mySmtpClient = new SmtpClient("");

    // set smtp-client with basicAuthentication
    mySmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
   System.Net.NetworkCredential basicAuthenticationInfo = new
      System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
   mySmtpClient.Credentials = basicAuthenticationInfo;

   // add from,to mailaddresses
   MailAddress from = new MailAddress("[email protected]", "TestFromName");
   MailAddress to = new MailAddress("[email protected]", "TestToName");
   MailMessage myMail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(from, to);

   // add ReplyTo
   MailAddress replyTo = new MailAddress("[email protected]");

   // set subject and encoding
   myMail.Subject = "Test message";
   myMail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

   // set body-message and encoding
   myMail.Body = "<b>Test Mail</b><br>using <b>HTML</b>.";
   myMail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
   // text or html
   myMail.IsBodyHtml = true;


catch (SmtpException ex)
  throw new ApplicationException
    ("SmtpException has occured: " + ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
   throw ex;

Maven build failed: "Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: jre or jdk issue"

It sounds like Maven is using the JRE, not the JDK. Perhaps you installed Maven before installing the JDK?

Check the settings files. There are three in total, system, user, and project. It's most likely in the installation configuration ($M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml) or, possibly, the per-user configuration (${user.dir}/.m2/settings.xml).

Using cURL with a username and password?

Use the -u flag to include a username, and curl will prompt for a password:

curl -u username

You can also include the password in the command, but then your password will be visible in bash history:

curl -u username:password

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

Here is an example that should give you some idea..

=IIF(First(Fields!Gender.Value,"vw_BrgyClearanceNew")="Female" and 

I think you have to identify the datasource name or the table name where your data is coming from.

Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

You could also extend the jquery framework yourself with something like:

jQuery.fn.margin = function() {
var marginTop = this.outerHeight(true) - this.outerHeight();
var marginLeft = this.outerWidth(true) - this.outerWidth();

return {
    top: marginTop,
    left: marginLeft

Thereby adding a function on your jquery objects called margin(), which returns a collection like the offset function.



Filename too long in Git for Windows

The better solution is enable the longpath parameter from Git.

git config --system core.longpaths true

But a workaround that works is remove the node_modules folder from Git:

$ git rm -r --cached node_modules
$ vi .gitignore

Add node_modules in a new row inside the .gitignore file. After doing this, push your modifications:

$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit -m "node_modules removed"
$ git push

Java : Accessing a class within a package, which is the better way?

They're equivalent. The access is the same.

The import is just a convention to save you from having to type the fully-resolved class name each time. You can write all your Java without using import, as long as you're a fast touch typer.

But there's no difference in efficiency or class loading.

Print all properties of a Python Class

Another way is to call the dir() function (see

a = Animal()
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__',
 '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
 '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 
 '__weakref__', 'age', 'color', 'kids', 'legs', 'name', 'smell']

Note, that dir() tries to reach any attribute that is possible to reach.

Then you can access the attributes e.g. by filtering with double underscores:

attributes = [attr for attr in dir(a) 
              if not attr.startswith('__')]

This is just an example of what is possible to do with dir(), please check the other answers for proper way of doing this.

Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" in Laravel

In my case I had to set the

MAIL_PORT=465           <<<<<<<------------------------- (FOCUS THIS)
MAIL_USERNAME=<<your email address>>
MAIL_PASSWORD=<<app password>>

MAIL_ENCRYPTION= ssl    <<<<<<<------------------------- (FOCUS THIS)

to work it.. Might be useful. Rest of the code was same as @Sid said.

And I think that editing both environment file and app/config/mail.php is unnecessary. Just use one method.

Edit as per the comment by @Zan

If you need to enable tls protection use following settings.


See here for some other gmail settings

Node.js: how to consume SOAP XML web service

For those who are new to SOAP and want a quick explanation and guide, I strongly recommend this awesome medium article.

You can also use node-soap package, with this simple tutorial.

How to [recursively] Zip a directory in PHP?

Following @user2019515 answer, I needed to handle exclusions to my archive. here is the resulting function with an example.

Zip Function :

function Zip($source, $destination, $include_dir = false, $exclusions = false){
    // Remove existing archive
    if (file_exists($destination)) {
        unlink ($destination);

    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    if (!$zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)) {
        return false;
    $source = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($source));
    if (is_dir($source) === true){
        $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
        if ($include_dir) {
            $arr = explode("/",$source);
            $maindir = $arr[count($arr)- 1];
            $source = "";
            for ($i=0; $i < count($arr) - 1; $i++) {
                $source .= '/' . $arr[$i];
            $source = substr($source, 1);
        foreach ($files as $file){
            // Ignore "." and ".." folders
            $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file);
            if(in_array(substr($file, strrpos($file, '/')+1), array('.', '..'))){

            // Add Exclusion
                if(in_array(str_replace($source.'/', '', $file), $exclusions)){

            $file = realpath($file);
            if (is_dir($file) === true){
                $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file . '/'));
            } elseif (is_file($file) === true){
                $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file), file_get_contents($file));
    } elseif (is_file($source) === true){
        $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source));
    return $zip->close();

How to use it :

function backup(){
    $backup = 'tmp/backup-'.$this->site['version'].'.zip';
    $exclusions = [];
    // Excluding an entire directory
    $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('tmp/'), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
    foreach ($files as $file){
    // Excluding a file
    // Excluding the backup file
    $this->Zip('.',$backup, false, $exclusions);

'xmlParseEntityRef: no name' warnings while loading xml into a php file

I use a combined version :

strip_tags(preg_replace("/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/", "&amp;",$textorhtml))

Hunk #1 FAILED at 1. What's that mean?

I got the "hunks failed" message when I wasn't applying the patch in the top directory of the associated git project. I was applying the patch (where I created it) in a subdirectory.

It seems patches can be created from subdirectories within a git project, but not applied. serialize/deserialize derived types?

If you are storing the type in your text (as you should be in this scenario), you can use the JsonSerializerSettings.

See: how to deserialize JSON into IEnumerable<BaseType> with Newtonsoft JSON.NET

Be careful, though. Using anything other than TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None could open yourself up to a security vulnerability. Server returned HTTP response code: 500

I had this problem i.e. works fine when pasted into browser but 505s when done through java. It was simply the spaces that needed to be escaped/encoded.

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12:test (default-test) on project.

It worked for me with version 3.0.0-M1.


You might need to run it with sudo.

Java int to String - Integer.toString(i) vs new Integer(i).toString()

Simple way is just concatenate "" with integer:

int i = 100;

String s = "" + i;

now s will have 100 as string value.

How to download an entire directory and subdirectories using wget?

This link just gave me the best answer:

$ wget --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p --level 1 -E -e robots=off -U mozilla

Worked like a charm.

How to convert an image to base64 encoding?


$imagedata = file_get_contents("/path/to/image.jpg");
             // alternatively specify an URL, if PHP settings allow
$base64 = base64_encode($imagedata);

bear in mind that this will enlarge the data by 33%, and you'll have problems with files whose size exceed your memory_limit.

Adding local .aar files to Gradle build using "flatDirs" is not working

Update : As @amram99 mentioned, the issue has been fixed as of the release of Android Studio v1.3.

Tested and verified with below specifications

  • Android Studio v1.3
  • gradle plugin v1.2.3
  • Gradle v2.4

What works now

  • Now you can import a local aar file via the File>New>New Module>Import .JAR/.AAR Package option in Android Studio v1.3

  • However the below answer holds true and effective irrespective of the Android Studio changes as this is based of gradle scripting.

Old Answer : In a recent update the people at android broke the inclusion of local aar files via the Android Studio's add new module menu option. Check the Issue listed here. Irrespective of anything that goes in and out of IDE's feature list , the below method works when it comes to working with local aar files.(Tested it today):

Put the aar file in the libs directory (create it if needed), then, add the following code in your build.gradle :

dependencies {
   compile(name:'nameOfYourAARFileWithoutExtension', ext:'aar')
              dirs 'libs'

Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout

Extend LinearLayout/RelativeLayout and use it straight on the XML

package com.pkg_name ;
public class LinearLayoutOutlined extends LinearLayout {
    Paint paint;    

    public LinearLayoutOutlined(Context context) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        setWillNotDraw(false) ;
        paint = new Paint();
    public LinearLayoutOutlined(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        setWillNotDraw(false) ;
        paint = new Paint();
    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        Paint fillPaint = paint;
        fillPaint.setARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
        canvas.drawPaint(fillPaint) ;

        Paint strokePaint = paint;
        strokePaint.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
        Rect r = canvas.getClipBounds() ;
        Rect outline = new Rect( 1,1,r.right-1, r.bottom-1) ;
        canvas.drawRect(outline, strokePaint) ;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

   ... your widgets here ...


Gradle - Could not target platform: 'Java SE 8' using tool chain: 'JDK 7 (1.7)'

Finally I imported my Gradle project. These are the steps:

  1. I switched from local Gradle distrib to Intellij Idea Gradle Wrapper (gradle-2.14).
  2. I pointed system variable JAVA_HOME to JDK 8 (it was 7th previously) as I had figured out by experiments that Gradle Wrapper could process the project with JDK 8 only.
  3. I deleted previously manually created file (with in windows user .gradle directory as, I guessed, it didn't bring any additional value to Gradle.

How to represent empty char in Java Character class

char means exactly one character. You can't assign zero characters to this type.

That means that there is no char value for which String.replace(char, char) would return a string with a diffrent length.

How to create a pulse effect using -webkit-animation - outward rings

You have a lot of unnecessary keyframes. Don't think of keyframes as individual frames, think of them as "steps" in your animation and the computer fills in the frames between the keyframes.

Here is a solution that cleans up a lot of code and makes the animation start from the center:

.gps_ring {
    border: 3px solid #999;
    -webkit-border-radius: 30px;
    height: 18px;
    width: 18px;
    position: absolute;
    -webkit-animation: pulsate 1s ease-out;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; 
    opacity: 0.0
@-webkit-keyframes pulsate {
    0% {-webkit-transform: scale(0.1, 0.1); opacity: 0.0;}
    50% {opacity: 1.0;}
    100% {-webkit-transform: scale(1.2, 1.2); opacity: 0.0;}

You can see it in action here:

Redirect stderr and stdout in Bash

# Close STDOUT file descriptor
exec 1<&-
exec 2<&-

# Open STDOUT as $LOG_FILE file for read and write.
exec 1<>$LOG_FILE

# Redirect STDERR to STDOUT
exec 2>&1

echo "This line will appear in $LOG_FILE, not 'on screen'"

Now, simple echo will write to $LOG_FILE. Useful for daemonizing.

To the author of the original post,

It depends what you need to achieve. If you just need to redirect in/out of a command you call from your script, the answers are already given. Mine is about redirecting within current script which affects all commands/built-ins(includes forks) after the mentioned code snippet.

Another cool solution is about redirecting to both std-err/out AND to logger or log file at once which involves splitting "a stream" into two. This functionality is provided by 'tee' command which can write/append to several file descriptors(files, sockets, pipes, etc) at once: tee FILE1 FILE2 ... >(cmd1) >(cmd2) ...

exec 3>&1 4>&2 1> >(tee >(logger -i -t 'my_script_tag') >&3) 2> >(tee >(logger -i -t 'my_script_tag') >&4)
trap 'cleanup' INT QUIT TERM EXIT

get_pids_of_ppid() {
    local ppid="$1"

    local pids=`ps x -o pid,ppid | awk "\\$2 == \\"$ppid\\" { print \\$1 }"`

# Needed to kill processes running in background
cleanup() {
    local current_pid element
    local pids=( "$$" )


    while :; do
        [ -z "$current_pid" ] && break

        get_pids_of_ppid $current_pid
        local new_pids="$RETVAL"
        [ -z "$new_pids" ] && continue

        for element in $new_pids; do
            pids=("$element" "${pids[@]}")

    kill ${pids[@]} 2>/dev/null

So, from the beginning. Let's assume we have terminal connected to /dev/stdout(FD #1) and /dev/stderr(FD #2). In practice, it could be a pipe, socket or whatever.

  • Create FDs #3 and #4 and point to the same "location" as #1 and #2 respectively. Changing FD #1 doesn't affect FD #3 from now on. Now, FDs #3 and #4 point to STDOUT and STDERR respectively. These will be used as real terminal STDOUT and STDERR.
  • 1> >(...) redirects STDOUT to command in parens
  • parens(sub-shell) executes 'tee' reading from exec's STDOUT(pipe) and redirects to 'logger' command via another pipe to sub-shell in parens. At the same time it copies the same input to FD #3(terminal)
  • the second part, very similar, is about doing the same trick for STDERR and FDs #2 and #4.

The result of running a script having the above line and additionally this one:

echo "Will end up in STDOUT(terminal) and /var/log/messages" as follows:

$ ./my_script
Will end up in STDOUT(terminal) and /var/log/messages

$ tail -n1 /var/log/messages
Sep 23 15:54:03 wks056 my_script_tag[11644]: Will end up in STDOUT(terminal) and /var/log/messages

If you want to see clearer picture, add these 2 lines to the script:

ls -l /proc/self/fd/
ps xf

Powershell v3 Invoke-WebRequest HTTPS error

The following worked worked for me (and uses the latest non deprecated means to interact with the SSL Certs/callback functionality), and doesn't attempt to load the same code multiple times within the same powershell session:

if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type)
    using System;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Security;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback
        public static void Ignore()
            if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null)
                ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += 
                        Object obj, 
                        X509Certificate certificate, 
                        X509Chain chain, 
                        SslPolicyErrors errors
                        return true;
    Add-Type $certCallback

This was adapted from the following article

How to set Highcharts chart maximum yAxis value

Alternatively one can use the setExtremes method also,

yAxis.setExtremes(0, 100);

Or if only one value is needed to be set, just leave other as null

yAxis.setExtremes(null, 100);

How to generate a number of most distinctive colors in R?

I found a website offering a list of 20 distinctive colours:

col_vector<-c('#e6194b', '#3cb44b', '#ffe119', '#4363d8', '#f58231', '#911eb4', '#46f0f0', '#f032e6', '#bcf60c', '#fabebe', '#008080', '#e6beff', '#9a6324', '#fffac8', '#800000', '#aaffc3', '#808000', '#ffd8b1', '#000075', '#808080', '#ffffff', '#000000')

You can have a try!

How to return a result from a VBA function

Just setting the return value to the function name is still not exactly the same as the Java (or other) return statement, because in java, return exits the function, like this:

public int test(int x) {
    if (x == 1) {
        return 1; // exits immediately

    // still here? return 0 as default.
    return 0;

In VB, the exact equivalent takes two lines if you are not setting the return value at the end of your function. So, in VB the exact corollary would look like this:

Public Function test(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
    If x = 1 Then
        test = 1 ' does not exit immediately. You must manually terminate...
        Exit Function ' to exit
    End If

    ' Still here? return 0 as default.
    test = 0
    ' no need for an Exit Function because we're about to exit anyway.
End Function 

Since this is the case, it's also nice to know that you can use the return variable like any other variable in the method. Like this:

Public Function test(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer

    test = x ' <-- set the return value

    If test <> 1 Then ' Test the currently set return value
        test = 0 ' Reset the return value to a *new* value
    End If

End Function 

Or, the extreme example of how the return variable works (but not necessarily a good example of how you should actually code)—the one that will keep you up at night:

Public Function test(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer

    test = x ' <-- set the return value

    If test > 0 Then

        test = test(test - 1)

    End If

End Function

Error With Port 8080 already in use

You've another instance of Tomcat already running. You can confirm this by going to http://localhost:8080 in your webbrowser and check if you get the Tomcat default home page or a Tomcat-specific 404 error page. Both are equally valid evidence that Tomcat runs fine; if it didn't, then you would have gotten a browser specific HTTP connection timeout error message.

You need to shutdown it. Go to /bin subfolder of the Tomcat installation folder and execute the shutdown.bat (Windows) or (Unix) script.

check this answer for more information.

Implement paging (skip / take) functionality with this query

The fix is to modify your EDMX file, using the XML editor, and change the value of ProviderManifestToken from 2012 to 2008. I found that on line 7 in my EDMX file. After saving that change, the paging SQL will be generated using the “old”, SQL Server 2008 compatible syntax.

My apologies for posting an answer on this very old thread. Posting it for the people like me, I solved this issue today.

MS SQL compare dates?

I am always used DateDiff(day,date1,date2) to compare two date.

Checkout following example. Just copy that and run in Ms sql server. Also, try with change date by 31 dec to 30 dec and check result


declare @firstDate datetime
declare @secondDate datetime

declare @chkDay int

set @firstDate ='2010-12-31 15:13:48.593'
set @secondDate ='2010-12-31 00:00:00.000'

set @chkDay=Datediff(day,@firstDate ,@secondDate )

if @chkDay=0
        Print 'Date is Same'
        Print 'Date is not Same'

jQuery find element by data attribute value

You can also use .filter()


Regular expression to match URLs in Java

Try the following regex string instead. Your test was probably done in a case-sensitive manner. I have added the lowercase alphas as well as a proper string beginning placeholder.

String regex = "^(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]";

This works too:

String regex = "\\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]";


String regex = "<\\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]>"; // matches <>

String regex = "<^(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]>"; // does not match <>

Find the index of a char in string?


returns 3

In general returns first occurrence index, if not present returns -1

Column/Vertical selection with Keyboard in SublimeText 3

This should do it:

  1. Ctrl+A - select all.
  2. Ctrl+Shift+L - split selection into lines.
  3. Then move all cursors with left/right, select with Shift+left/right. Move all cursors to start of line with Home.

python location on mac osx

Run this in your interactive terminal

import os

It will give you the folder where python is installed

Convert javascript array to string

I needed an array to became a String rappresentation of an array I mean I needed that

var a = ['a','b','c'];
//became a "real" array string-like to pass on query params so was easy to do:
JSON.stringify(a); //-->"['a','b','c']"

maybe someone need it :)

How do I trim whitespace?

Python trim method is called strip:

str.strip() #trim
str.lstrip() #ltrim
str.rstrip() #rtrim

How to calculate UILabel height dynamically?

To summarize, you can calculate the height of a label by using its string and calling boundingRectWithSize. You must provide the font as an attribute, and include .usesLineFragmentOrigin for multi-line labels.

let labelWidth = label.frame.width
let maxLabelSize = CGSize(width: labelWidth, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let actualLabelSize = label.text!.boundingRect(with: maxLabelSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], attributes: [.font: label.font], context: nil)
let labelHeight = actualLabelSize.height(withWidth:labelWidth)

Some extensions to do just that:

Swift Version:

extension UILabel {
    func textHeight(withWidth width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        guard let text = text else {
            return 0
        return text.height(withWidth: width, font: font)

    func attributedTextHeight(withWidth width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        guard let attributedText = attributedText else {
            return 0
        return attributedText.height(withWidth: width)

extension String {
    func height(withWidth width: CGFloat, font: UIFont) -> CGFloat {
        let maxSize = CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        let actualSize = self.boundingRect(with: maxSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], attributes: [.font : font], context: nil)
        return actualSize.height

extension NSAttributedString {
    func height(withWidth width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        let maxSize = CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        let actualSize = boundingRect(with: maxSize, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin], context: nil)
        return actualSize.height

Objective-C Version:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface UILabel (Utility)
- (CGFloat)textHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;
- (CGFloat)attributedTextHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;


@implementation NSString (Utility)
- (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width font:(UIFont *)font {
    CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
    CGSize actualSize = [self boundingRectWithSize:maxSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : font} context:nil].size;
    return actualSize.height;

@implementation NSAttributedString (Utility)
- (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width {
    CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX);
    CGSize actualSize = [self boundingRectWithSize:maxSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil].size;
    return actualSize.height;

@implementation UILabel (Utility)
- (CGFloat)textHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width {
    return [self.text heightForWidth:width font:self.font];
- (CGFloat)attributedTextHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width {
    return [self.attributedText heightForWidth:width];

Text inset for UITextField?

How about an @IBInspectable, @IBDesignable swift class.

class TextField: UITextField {
    @IBInspectable var insetX: CGFloat = 6 {
       didSet {
    @IBInspectable var insetY: CGFloat = 6 {
       didSet {

    // placeholder position
    override func textRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        return CGRectInset(bounds , insetX , insetY)

    // text position
    override func editingRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        return CGRectInset(bounds , insetX , insetY)

You'll see this in your storyboard.

enter image description here

Update - Swift 3

class TextField: UITextField {
    @IBInspectable var insetX: CGFloat = 0
    @IBInspectable var insetY: CGFloat = 0

    // placeholder position
    override func textRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: insetX, dy: insetY)

    // text position
    override func editingRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: insetX, dy: insetY)

What is a CSRF token? What is its importance and how does it work?

The root of it all is to make sure that the requests are coming from the actual users of the site. A csrf token is generated for the forms and Must be tied to the user's sessions. It is used to send requests to the server, in which the token validates them. This is one way of protecting against csrf, another would be checking the referrer header.

How to convert numbers to words without using num2word library?


num2words = {1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three', 4: 'Four', 5: 'Five', \
            6: 'Six', 7: 'Seven', 8: 'Eight', 9: 'Nine', 10: 'Ten', \
            11: 'Eleven', 12: 'Twelve', 13: 'Thirteen', 14: 'Fourteen', \
            15: 'Fifteen', 16: 'Sixteen', 17: 'Seventeen', 18: 'Eighteen', 19: 'Nineteen'}
num2words2 = ['Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety']
def spell(num):
    if num == 0:
        return ""
    if num < 20:
        return (num2words[num])
    elif num < 100:
        ray = divmod(num,10)
        return (num2words2[ray[0]-2]+" "+spell(ray[1]))
    elif num <1000:
        ray = divmod(num,100)
        if ray[1] == 0:
            mid = " hundred"
            mid =" hundred and "

Foreach Control in form, how can I do something to all the TextBoxes in my Form?

private IEnumerable<TextBox> GetTextBoxes(Control control)
    if (control is TextBox textBox)
        yield return textBox;

    if (control.HasChildren)
        foreach (Control ctr in control.Controls)
            foreach (var textbox in GetTextBoxes(ctr))
                yield return textbox;

Two submit buttons in one form

I think you should be able to read the name/value in your GET array. I think that the button that wasn't clicked wont appear in that list.

How do I terminate a thread in C++11?

I guess the thread that needs to be killed is either in any kind of waiting mode, or doing some heavy job. I would suggest using a "naive" way.

Define some global boolean:

std::atomic_bool stop_thread_1 = false;

Put the following code (or similar) in several key points, in a way that it will cause all functions in the call stack to return until the thread naturally ends:

if (stop_thread_1)

Then to stop the thread from another (main) thread:

stop_thread_1 = true;
thread1.join ();
stop_thread_1 = false; //(for next time. this can be when starting the thread instead)

Multiple Buttons' OnClickListener() android

I find that using a long if/else chain (or switch), in addition to the list of findViewById(btn).setOnClickListener(this) is ugly. how about creating new View.OnlickListeners with override, in-line:

findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { signIn(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { signOut(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { decryptThisTest(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getBookTickers(); }});
findViewById( View.OnClickListener()
    { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getBalances(); }});

Multiple FROMs - what it means

The first answer is too complex, historic, and uninformative for my tastes.

It's actually rather simple. Docker provides for a functionality called multi-stage builds the basic idea here is to,

  • Free you from having to manually remove what you don't want, by forcing you to whitelist what you do want,
  • Free resources that would otherwise be taken up because of Docker's implementation.

Let's start with the first. Very often with something like Debian you'll see.

RUN apt-get update \ 
  && apt-get dist-upgrade \
  && apt-get install <whatever> \
  && apt-get clean

We can explain all of this in terms of the above. The above command is chained together so it represents a single change with no intermediate Images required. If it was written like this,

RUN apt-get update ;
RUN apt-get dist-upgrade;
RUN apt-get install <whatever>;
RUN apt-get clean;

It would result in 3 more temporary intermediate Images. Having it reduced to one image, there is one remaining problem: apt-get clean doesn't clean up artifacts used in the install. If a Debian maintainer includes in his install a script that modifies the system that modification will also be present in the final solution (see something like pepperflashplugin-nonfree for an example of that).

By using a multi-stage build you get all the benefits of a single changed action, but it will require you to manually whitelist and copy over files that were introduced in the temporary image using the COPY --from syntax documented here. Moreover, it's a great solution where there is no alternative (like an apt-get clean), and you would otherwise have lots of un-needed files in your final image.

See also

calling another method from the main method in java

If you want to use do() in your main method there are 2 choices because one is static but other (do()) not

  1. Create new instance and invoke do() like new Foo().do();
  2. make static do() method

Have a look at this sun tutorial

What is the best way to filter a Java Collection?

How about some plain and straighforward Java

 List<Customer> list ...;
 List<Customer> newList = new ArrayList<>();
 for (Customer c : list){
    if (c.getName().equals("dd")) newList.add(c);

Simple, readable and easy (and works in Android!) But if you're using Java 8 you can do it in a sweet one line:

List<Customer> newList = -> c.getName().equals("dd")).collect(toList());

Note that toList() is statically imported

Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C?

Please don't let the question of "which one is faster" be the deciding factor of which to use. Chances are you're never going to care that much, and besides, programmer reading time is far more expensive than machine time.

Use whichever makes most sense to the human reading the code.

Common xlabel/ylabel for matplotlib subplots

It will look better if you reserve space for the common labels by making invisible labels for the subplot in the bottom left corner. It is also good to pass in the fontsize from rcParams. This way, the common labels will change size with your rc setup, and the axes will also be adjusted to leave space for the common labels.

fig_size = [8, 6]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=fig_size)
# Reserve space for axis labels
ax[-1, 0].set_xlabel('.', color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ax[-1, 0].set_ylabel('.', color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
# Make common axis labels
fig.text(0.5, 0.04, 'common X', va='center', ha='center', fontsize=rcParams['axes.labelsize'])
fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'common Y', va='center', ha='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=rcParams['axes.labelsize'])

enter image description here enter image description here

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

To answer your extra question:

You can set which rows should be repeated on every page using:

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getPageSetup()->setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd(1, 5);

Now, row 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be repeated.

Convert Linq Query Result to Dictionary

Looking at your example, I think this is what you want:

var dict = TableObj.ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t=> t.TimeStamp);

How to retrieve the first word of the output of a command in bash?

echo "word1 word2" | cut -f 1 -d " "

cut cuts the 1st field (-f 1) from a list of fields delimited by the string " " (-d " ")

How to convert LINQ query result to List?

You need to somehow convert each tbcourse object to an instance of course. For instance course could have a constructor that takes a tbcourse. You could then write the query like this:

var qry = from c in obj.tbCourses
          select new course(c);

List<course> lst = qry.ToList();

How can I loop through a C++ map of maps?

Old question but the remaining answers are outdated as of C++11 - you can use a ranged based for loop and simply do:

std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>> mymap;

for(auto const &ent1 : mymap) {
  // ent1.first is the first key
  for(auto const &ent2 : ent1.second) {
    // ent2.first is the second key
    // ent2.second is the data

this should be much cleaner than the earlier versions, and avoids unnecessary copies.

Some favour replacing the comments with explicit definitions of reference variables (which get optimised away if unused):

for(auto const &ent1 : mymap) {
  auto const &outer_key = ent1.first;
  auto const &inner_map = ent1.second;
  for(auto const &ent2 : inner_map) {
    auto const &inner_key   = ent2.first;
    auto const &inner_value = ent2.second;

HTTPS and SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed, CA is OK

Sometimes if the application you try to contact has self signed certificates, the normal cacert.pem from does not solve the problem.

If you are sure about the service endpoint url, hit it through browser, save the certificate manually in "X 509 certificate with chain (PEM)" format. Point this certificate file with the

curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "pathto/{downloaded certificate chain file}");   

MySQL LEFT JOIN 3 tables

Select Persons.Name, Persons.SS, Fears.Fear
From Persons
LEFT JOIN Persons_Fear
ON Persons.PersonID = Person_Fear.PersonID
ON Person_Fear.FearID = Fears.FearID;

Convert dictionary to bytes and back again python?

If you need to convert the dictionary to binary, you need to convert it to a string (JSON) as described in the previous answer, then you can convert it to binary.

For example:

my_dict = {'key' : [1,2,3]}

import json
def dict_to_binary(the_dict):
    str = json.dumps(the_dict)
    binary = ' '.join(format(ord(letter), 'b') for letter in str)
    return binary

def binary_to_dict(the_binary):
    jsn = ''.join(chr(int(x, 2)) for x in the_binary.split())
    d = json.loads(jsn)  
    return d

bin = dict_to_binary(my_dict)
print bin

dct = binary_to_dict(bin)
print dct

will give the output

1111011 100010 1101011 100010 111010 100000 1011011 110001 101100 100000 110010 101100 100000 110011 1011101 1111101

{u'key': [1, 2, 3]}

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Since I realize there's no answer specific to spyder,I'll add one: Basically, carefully look at your if statement and make sure all if, elif and else have the same spacing that is they're in the same line at the start like so:

def your_choice(answer):
    if answer>5:
        print("You're overaged")
    elif answer<=5 and answer>1: 
            print("Welcome to the toddler's club!")
            print("No worries mate!")

How to show validation message below each textbox using jquery?

You could put static elements after the fields and show them, or you could inject the validation message dynamically. See the below example for how to inject dynamically.

This example also follows the best practice of setting focus to the blank field so user can easily correct the issue.

Note that you could easily genericize this to work with any label & field (for required fields anyway), instead of my example which specifically codes each validation.

Your fiddle is updated, see here: jsfiddle

The code:

$('form').on('submit', function (e) {
    var focusSet = false;
    if (!$('#email').val()) {
        if ($("#email").parent().next(".validation").length == 0) // only add if not added
            $("#email").parent().after("<div class='validation' style='color:red;margin-bottom: 20px;'>Please enter email address</div>");
        e.preventDefault(); // prevent form from POST to server
        focusSet = true;
    } else {
        $("#email").parent().next(".validation").remove(); // remove it
    if (!$('#password').val()) {
        if ($("#password").parent().next(".validation").length == 0) // only add if not added
            $("#password").parent().after("<div class='validation' style='color:red;margin-bottom: 20px;'>Please enter password</div>");
        e.preventDefault(); // prevent form from POST to server
        if (!focusSet) {
    } else {
        $("#password").parent().next(".validation").remove(); // remove it

The CSS:

      color: red;
      margin-bottom: 20px;

Create URL from a String

URL url = new URL(yourUrl, "/api/v1/status.xml");

According to the javadocs this constructor just appends whatever resource to the end of your domain, so you would want to create 2 urls:

URL domain = new URL("");
URL url = new URL(domain + "/files/resource.xml");


How do I import a .sql file in mysql database using PHP?

I use this code and RUN SUCCESS FULL:

$filename = 'apptoko-2016-12-23.sql'; //change to ur .sql file
                            $handle = fopen($filename, "r+");
                            $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));

                            $sql = explode(";",$contents);// 
                            foreach($sql as $query){
                                if ($result){
                                 echo '<tr><td><BR></td></tr>';
                                 echo '<tr><td>' . $query . ' <b>SUCCESS</b></td></tr>';
                                 echo '<tr><td><BR></td></tr>';

Show/hide div if checkbox selected

<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="checkbox" onchange="showMe('div1')" /> checkbox

<div id="div1" style="display:none;">NOTICE</div>

  <script type="text/javascript">
   function showMe (box) {
    var chboxs = document.getElementById("div1").style.display;
    var vis = "none";
         vis = "block"; }
         vis = "none"; }
    document.getElementById(box).style.display = vis;

int to unsigned int conversion

This conversion is well defined and will yield the value UINT_MAX - 61. On a platform where unsigned int is a 32-bit type (most common platforms, these days), this is precisely the value that others are reporting. Other values are possible, however.

The actual language in the standard is

If the destination type is unsigned, the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2^n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type).

React / JSX Dynamic Component Name

Across all options with component maps I haven't found the simplest way to define the map using ES6 short syntax:

import React from 'react'
import { PhotoStory, VideoStory } from './stories'

const components = {

function Story(props) {
    //given that props.story contains 'PhotoStory' or 'VideoStory'
    const SpecificStory = components[props.story]
    return <SpecificStory/>

Removing multiple keys from a dictionary safely

I have no problem with any of the existing answers, but I was surprised to not find this solution:

keys_to_remove = ['a', 'b', 'c']
my_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip("a b c d e f g".split(' '), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])}

for k in keys_to_remove:
        del my_dict[k]
    except KeyError:

assert my_dict == {'d': 3, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, 'g': 6}

Note: I stumbled across this question coming from here. And my answer is related to this answer.

Temporarily disable all foreign key constraints

A good reference is given at : under the section "Disabling All Foreign Keys"

Inspired from it, an approach can be made by creating a temporary table and inserting the constraints in that table, and then dropping the constraints and then reapplying them from that temporary table. Enough said here is what i am talking about


    DECLARE @temptable TABLE(
       FKConstraintName VARCHAR(255),
       FKConstraintTableSchema VARCHAR(255),
       FKConstraintTableName VARCHAR(255),
       FKConstraintColumnName VARCHAR(255),
       PKConstraintName VARCHAR(255),
       PKConstraintTableSchema VARCHAR(255),
       PKConstraintTableName VARCHAR(255),
       PKConstraintColumnName VARCHAR(255)    

    INSERT INTO @temptable(FKConstraintName, FKConstraintTableSchema, FKConstraintTableName, FKConstraintColumnName)
             ON KeyColumnUsage.CONSTRAINT_NAME = TableConstraints.CONSTRAINT_NAME
       TableConstraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY'

    UPDATE @temptable SET
       PKConstraintName = UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME
       @temptable tt
             ON tt.FKConstraintName = ReferentialConstraint.CONSTRAINT_NAME

    UPDATE @temptable SET
       PKConstraintTableSchema  = TABLE_SCHEMA,
       PKConstraintTableName  = TABLE_NAME
    FROM @temptable tt
          ON tt.PKConstraintName = TableConstraints.CONSTRAINT_NAME

    UPDATE @temptable SET
       PKConstraintColumnName = COLUMN_NAME
    FROM @temptable tt
          ON tt.PKConstraintName = KeyColumnUsage.CONSTRAINT_NAME

    --Now to drop constraint:
       ALTER TABLE [' + FKConstraintTableSchema + '].[' + FKConstraintTableName + '] 
       DROP CONSTRAINT ' + FKConstraintName + '


    --Finally to add constraint:
       ALTER TABLE [' + FKConstraintTableSchema + '].[' + FKConstraintTableName + '] 
       ADD CONSTRAINT ' + FKConstraintName + ' FOREIGN KEY(' + FKConstraintColumnName + ') REFERENCES [' + PKConstraintTableSchema + '].[' + PKConstraintTableName + '](' + PKConstraintColumnName + ')



What's a Good Javascript Time Picker?

I wasn't happy with any of the suggested time pickers, so I created my own with inspiration from Perifer's and the HTML5 spec:

You can either use the new html5 attributes for time input (step, min, max), or use an options object:

<input type="time" name="myTime" class="time-mm-hh" min="9:00" max="18:00" step="1800" />
<input type="time" name="myTime2" class="time-mm-hh" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    $("input[name='myTime']").timeInput(); // use default or html5 attributes
    $("input[name='myTime2']").timeInput({min: "6:00", max: "15:00", step: 900}); // 15 min intervals from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm

Validates input like this:

  • Insert ":" if missing
  • Not valid time? Replace with blank
  • Not a valid time according to step? Round up/down to closest step

The HTML5 spec doesn't allow am/pm or localized time syntax, so it only allowes the format hh:mm. Seconds is allowed according to spec, but I have not implemented it yet.

It's very "alpha", so there might be some bugs. Feel free to send me patches/pull requests. Have manually tested in IE 6&8, FF, Chrome and Opera (Latest stable on Linux for the latter ones).

How to loop through an array of objects in swift

You can try using the simple NSArray in syntax for iterating over the array in swift which makes for shorter code. The following is working for me:

class ModelAttachment {
    var id: String?
    var url: String?
    var thumb: String?

var modelAttachementObj = ModelAttachment() = "1"
modelAttachementObj.url = ""
modelAttachementObj.thumb = "thumb"

var imgs: Array<ModelAttachment> = [modelAttachementObj]

for img in imgs  {
    let url = img.url

See docs here

Flexbox and Internet Explorer 11 (display:flex in <html>?)

Sometimes it's as simple as adding: '-ms-' in front of the style Like -ms-flex-flow: row wrap; to get it to work also.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in Angular 2 app

Unfortunately, that's not an Angular2 error, that's an error your browser is running into (i.e. outside of your app).

That CORS header will have to be added to that endpoint on the server before you can make ANY requests.

How to import a module in Python with importlib.import_module

I think it's better to use importlib.import_module('.c', __name__) since you don't need to know about a and b.

I'm also wondering that, if you have to use importlib.import_module('a.b.c'), why not just use import a.b.c?

How to check whether a Button is clicked by using JavaScript

All the answers here discuss about onclick method, however you can also use addEventListener().

Syntax of addEventListener()

document.getElementById('button').addEventListener("click",{function defination});

The function defination above is known as anonymous function.

If you don't want to use anonymous functions you can also use function refrence.

function functionName(){
//function defination


You can check the detail differences between onclick() and addEventListener() in this answer here.

Combine multiple JavaScript files into one JS file

If you're running PHP, I recommend Minify because it does combines and minifies on the fly for both CSS and JS. Once you've configured it, just work as normal and it takes care of everything.

How to check if object has been disposed in C#

A good way is to derive from TcpClient and override the Disposing(bool) method:

class MyClient : TcpClient {
    public bool IsDead { get; set; }
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
        IsDead = true;

Which won't work if the other code created the instance. Then you'll have to do something desperate like using Reflection to get the value of the private m_CleanedUp member. Or catch the exception.

Frankly, none is this is likely to come to a very good end. You really did want to write to the TCP port. But you won't, that buggy code you can't control is now in control of your code. You've increased the impact of the bug. Talking to the owner of that code and working something out is by far the best solution.

EDIT: A reflection example:

using System.Reflection;
public static bool SocketIsDisposed(Socket s)
   BindingFlags bfIsDisposed = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty;
   // Retrieve a FieldInfo instance corresponding to the field
   PropertyInfo field = s.GetType().GetProperty("CleanedUp", bfIsDisposed);
   // Retrieve the value of the field, and cast as necessary
   return (bool)field.GetValue(s, null);

Create a folder if it doesn't already exist

This is the most up-to-date solution without error suppression:

if (!is_dir('path/to/directory')) {

In c# is there a method to find the max of 3 numbers?

This function takes an array of integers. (I completely understand @Jon Skeet's complaint about sending arrays.)

It's probably a bit overkill.

    public static int GetMax(int[] array) // must be a array of ints
        int current_greatest_value = array[0]; // initializes it

        for (int i = 1; i <= array.Length; i++)
            // compare current number against next number

            if (i+1 <= array.Length-1) // prevent "index outside bounds of array" error below with array[i+1]
                // array[i+1] exists
                if (array[i] < array[i+1] || array[i] <= current_greatest_value)
                    // current val is less than next, and less than the current greatest val, so go to next iteration
            } else
                // array[i+1] doesn't exist, we are at the last element
                if (array[i] > current_greatest_value)
                    // current iteration val is greater than current_greatest_value
                    current_greatest_value = array[i];
                break; // next for loop i index will be invalid

            // if it gets here, current val is greater than next, so for now assign that value to greatest_value
            current_greatest_value = array[i];

        return current_greatest_value;

Then call the function :

int highest_val = GetMax (new[] { 1,6,2,72727275,2323});

// highest_val = 72727275

Create Map in Java

With the newer Java versions (i.e., Java 9 and forwards) you can use :

Map.of(1, new Point2D.Double(50, 50), 2, new Point2D.Double(100, 50), ...)


Map.of(Key1, Value1, Key2, Value2, KeyN, ValueN)

Bear in mind however that Map.of only works for at most 10 entries, if you have more than 10 entries that you can use :

Map.ofEntries(entry(1, new Point2D.Double(50, 50)), entry(2,  new Point2D.Double(100, 50)), ...);

CURL ERROR: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer - PHP Curl

Normally this error means that a connection was established with a server but that connection was closed by the remote server. This could be due to a slow server, a problem with the remote server, a network problem, or (maybe) some kind of security error with data being sent to the remote server but I find that unlikely.

Normally a network error will resolve itself given a bit of time, but it sounds like you’ve already given it a bit of time.

cURL sometimes having issue with SSL and SSL certificates. I think that your Apache and/or PHP was compiled with a recent version of the cURL and cURL SSL libraries plus I don't think that OpenSSL was installed in your web server.

Although I can not be certain However, I believe cURL has historically been flakey with SSL certificates, whereas, Open SSL does not.

Anyways, try installing Open SSL on the server and try again and that should help you get rid of this error.

IE11 prevents ActiveX from running

We started finding some machines with IE 11 not playing video (via flash) after we set the emulation mode of our app (web browser control) to 110001. Adding the meta tag to our htm files worked for us.

How to add a class to body tag?

This should do it:

var newClass = window.location.href;
newClass = newClass.substring(newClass.lastIndexOf('/')+1, 5);

The whole "five characters" thing is a little worrisome; that kind of arbitrary cutoff is usually a red flag. I'd recommend catching everything until an _ or .:

newClass = newClass.match(/\/[^\/]+(_|\.)[^\/]+$/);

That pattern should yield the following:

  • ../about_us.html : about
  • ../something.html : something
  • ../has_two_underscores.html : has

https connection using CURL from command line

having dignosed the problem I was able to use the existing system default CA file, on debian6 this is:


as root this can be done like:

echo curl.cainfo=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt >> /etc/php5/mods-available/curl.ini

then re-start the web-server.

C: printf a float value

printf("%9.6f", myFloat) specifies a format with 9 total characters: 2 digits before the dot, the dot itself, and six digits after the dot.

Encrypt Password in Configuration Files?

A simple way of doing this is to use Password Based Encryption in Java. This allows you to encrypt and decrypt a text by using a password.

This basically means initializing a javax.crypto.Cipher with algorithm "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" and getting a key from javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory with the "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512" algorithm.

Here is a code example (updated to replace the less secure MD5-based variant):

import java.util.Base64;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class ProtectedConfigFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String password = System.getProperty("password");
        if (password == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Run with -Dpassword=<password>");

        // The salt (probably) can be stored along with the encrypted data
        byte[] salt = new String("12345678").getBytes();

        // Decreasing this speeds down startup time and can be useful during testing, but it also makes it easier for brute force attackers
        int iterationCount = 40000;
        // Other values give me Illegal key size or default parameters
        int keyLength = 128;
        SecretKeySpec key = createSecretKey(password.toCharArray(),
                salt, iterationCount, keyLength);

        String originalPassword = "secret";
        System.out.println("Original password: " + originalPassword);
        String encryptedPassword = encrypt(originalPassword, key);
        System.out.println("Encrypted password: " + encryptedPassword);
        String decryptedPassword = decrypt(encryptedPassword, key);
        System.out.println("Decrypted password: " + decryptedPassword);

    private static SecretKeySpec createSecretKey(char[] password, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, int keyLength) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
        SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512");
        PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, iterationCount, keyLength);
        SecretKey keyTmp = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
        return new SecretKeySpec(keyTmp.getEncoded(), "AES");

    private static String encrypt(String property, SecretKeySpec key) throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
        pbeCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
        AlgorithmParameters parameters = pbeCipher.getParameters();
        IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = parameters.getParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec.class);
        byte[] cryptoText = pbeCipher.doFinal(property.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        byte[] iv = ivParameterSpec.getIV();
        return base64Encode(iv) + ":" + base64Encode(cryptoText);

    private static String base64Encode(byte[] bytes) {
        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes);

    private static String decrypt(String string, SecretKeySpec key) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
        String iv = string.split(":")[0];
        String property = string.split(":")[1];
        Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
        pbeCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(base64Decode(iv)));
        return new String(pbeCipher.doFinal(base64Decode(property)), "UTF-8");

    private static byte[] base64Decode(String property) throws IOException {
        return Base64.getDecoder().decode(property);

One problem remains: Where should you store the password that you use to encrypt the passwords? You can store it in the source file and obfuscate it, but it's not too hard to find it again. Alternatively, you can give it as a system property when you start the Java process (-DpropertyProtectionPassword=...).

The same issue remains if you use the KeyStore, which also is protected by a password. Basically, you will need to have one master password somewhere, and it's pretty hard to protect.

Using a remote repository with non-standard port

SSH doesn't use the : syntax when specifying a port. The easiest way to do this is to edit your ~/.ssh/config file and add:

  Port 4019

Then specify just without a port number.

When maven says "resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of MyRepo has elapsed", where is that interval specified?

If you are using Eclipse then go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven and uncheck the "Do not automatically update dependencies from remote repositories" checkbox.

This works with Maven 3 as well.

Sibling package imports

Here is another alternative that I insert at top of the Python files in tests folder:

# Path hack.
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))

Laravel: Validation unique on update

an even simpler solution tested with version 5.2

in your model

// validator rules
public static $rules = array(
    'email_address' => 'email|required|unique:users,id'

How to select a dropdown value in Selenium WebDriver using Java

code to select dropdown using xpath

Select select = new 

code to select particaular option using selectByVisibleText

select.selectByVisibleText(Last 52 Weeks);

Create a unique number with javascript time

let uuid = ((new Date().getTime()).toString(36))+'_'+( + Math.random().toString()).split('.').join("_")

sample result "k3jobnvt_15750033412250_18299601769317408"

How to change the data type of a column without dropping the column with query?

ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY (column_name data_type);

How to start an application without waiting in a batch file?

If your exe takes arguments,

start MyApp.exe -arg1 -arg2

Why would anybody use C over C++?

Oh my, C vs C++, a great way to start a flame war. :)

I think C is better for driver and embedded code.

C++ has some great features that C doesn't have, but many of the object oriented features of C++ can cause monumental coding messes when people write code with non-obvious side-effects that occur behinds the scenes. Crazy code can be hidden in constructors, destructors, virtual functions, ... The beauty of C code is the language does nothing non-obvious behind your back, thus you can read the code and not have to look up at every constructor and destructor and so on. A lot of the problem is bad coding practices by SOME people.

My perfect language would be a combination of C99 plus a minimal subset of safer C++ capabilities that adds ZERO (or near zero) compiler overhead to the binary output. Perfect additions would be class encapsulation and naming concepts of data and functions.

In SQL, is UPDATE always faster than DELETE+INSERT?

Obviously, the answer varies based on what database you are using, but UPDATE can always be implemented faster than DELETE+INSERT. Since in-memory ops are mostly trivial anyways, given a hard-drive based database, an UPDATE can change a database field in-place on the hdd, while a delete would remove a row (leaving an empty space), and insert a new row, perhaps to the end of the table (again, it's all in the implementation).

The other, minor, issue is that when you UPDATE a single variable in a single row, the other columns in that row remain the same. If you DELETE and then do an INSERT, you run the risk of forgetting about other columns and consequently leaving them behind (in which case you would have to do a SELECT before your DELETE to temporarily store your other columns before writing them back with INSERT).

Default value in Doctrine

 * @Entity
class myEntity {
     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="myColumn", type="integer", options={"default" : 0})
    private $myColumn;

Note that this uses SQL DEFAULT, which is not supported for some fields like BLOB and TEXT.

How to use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR properly?

HTTP_CLIENT_IP is the most reliable way of getting the user's IP address. Next is HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, followed by REMOTE_ADDR. Check all three, in that order, assuming that the first one that is set (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) returns true if that variable is set) is correct. You can independently check if the user is using a proxy using various methods. Check this out.

Difference between JSON.stringify and JSON.parse

JSON.parse() takes a JSON string and transforms it into a JavaScript object.

JSON.stringify() takes a JavaScript object and transforms it into a JSON string.

const myObj = {
      name: 'bipon',
      age: 25,
      favoriteFood: 'fish curry'

 const myObjStr = JSON.stringify(myObj);

// "{"name":"bipon","age":26,"favoriteFood":"fish curry"}"

 // Object {name:"bipon",age:26,favoriteFood:"fish curry"}
And although the methods are usually used on objects, they can also be used on arrays:
const myArr = ['simon', 'gomez', 'john'];

const myArrStr = JSON.stringify(myArr);

// "["simon","gomez","john"]"

// ["simon","gomez","john"]

Retrieving subfolders names in S3 bucket from boto3

Why not use the s3path package which makes it as convenient as working with pathlib? If you must however use boto3:

Using boto3.resource

This builds upon the answer by itz-azhar to apply an optional limit. It is obviously substantially simpler to use than the boto3.client version.

import logging
from typing import List, Optional

import boto3
from boto3_type_annotations.s3 import ObjectSummary  # pip install boto3_type_annotations

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_S3_RESOURCE = boto3.resource("s3")

def s3_list(bucket_name: str, prefix: str, *, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> List[ObjectSummary]:
    """Return a list of S3 object summaries."""
    # Ref:
    return list(_S3_RESOURCE.Bucket(bucket_name).objects.limit(count=limit).filter(Prefix=prefix))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s3_list("noaa-gefs-pds", "gefs.20190828/12/pgrb2a", limit=10_000)

Using boto3.client

This uses list_objects_v2 and builds upon the answer by CpILL to allow retrieving more than 1000 objects.

import logging
from typing import cast, List

import boto3

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_S3_CLIENT = boto3.client("s3")

def s3_list(bucket_name: str, prefix: str, *, limit: int = cast(int, float("inf"))) -> List[dict]:
    """Return a list of S3 object summaries."""
    # Ref:
    contents: List[dict] = []
    continuation_token = None
    if limit <= 0:
        return contents
    while True:
        max_keys = min(1000, limit - len(contents))
        request_kwargs = {"Bucket": bucket_name, "Prefix": prefix, "MaxKeys": max_keys}
        if continuation_token:
    # type: ignore
                "Listing %s objects in s3://%s/%s using continuation token ending with %s with %s objects listed thus far.",
                max_keys, bucket_name, prefix, continuation_token[-6:], len(contents))  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
            response = _S3_CLIENT.list_objects_v2(**request_kwargs, ContinuationToken=continuation_token)
  "Listing %s objects in s3://%s/%s with %s objects listed thus far.", max_keys, bucket_name, prefix, len(contents))
            response = _S3_CLIENT.list_objects_v2(**request_kwargs)
        assert response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200
        is_truncated = response["IsTruncated"]
        if (not is_truncated) or (len(contents) >= limit):
        continuation_token = response["NextContinuationToken"]
    assert len(contents) <= limit"Returning %s objects from s3://%s/%s.", len(contents), bucket_name, prefix)
    return contents

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s3_list("noaa-gefs-pds", "gefs.20190828/12/pgrb2a", limit=10_000)

LoDash: Get an array of values from an array of object properties

In the new lodash release v4.0.0 _.pluck has removed in favor of

Then you can use this:, 'id'); // [12, 14, 16, 18]

You can see in Github Changelog

How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?

A simple JSF Url Prettyfier filter based in the steps of BalusC's answer. The filter forwards all the requests starting with the /ui path (supposing you've got all your xhtml files stored there) to the same path, but adding the xhtml suffix.

public class UrlPrettyfierFilter implements Filter {

    private static final String JSF_VIEW_ROOT_PATH = "/ui";

    private static final String JSF_VIEW_SUFFIX = ".xhtml";

    public void destroy() {


    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = ((HttpServletRequest) request);
        String requestURI = httpServletRequest.getRequestURI();
        //Only process the paths starting with /ui, so as other requests get unprocessed. 
        //You can register the filter itself for /ui/* only, too
        if (requestURI.startsWith(JSF_VIEW_ROOT_PATH) 
                && !requestURI.contains(JSF_VIEW_SUFFIX)) {
        } else {
            chain.doFilter(httpServletRequest, response);

    public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {



"TypeError: (Integer) is not JSON serializable" when serializing JSON in Python?

Alternatively you can convert your object into a dataframe first:

df = pd.DataFrame(obj)

and then save this dataframe in a json file:


Hope this helps

Accessing dictionary value by index in python

Standard Python dictionaries are inherently unordered, so what you're asking to do doesn't really make sense.

If you really, really know what you're doing, use

value_at_index = dic.values()[index]

Bear in mind that adding or removing an element can potentially change the index of every other element.

How does Python manage int and long?

Just to continue to all the answers that were given here, especially @James Lanes

the size of the integer type can be expressed by this formula:

total range = (2 ^ bit system)

lower limit = -(2 ^ bit system)*0.5 upper limit = ((2 ^ bit system)*0.5) - 1

How do I create a ListView with rounded corners in Android?


For those having issues with selection highlight for the top and bottom row where the background rectangle shows up on selection you need to set the selector for your listview to transparent color.


In color.xml just add the following -

<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>

Delete all the records

For one table

truncate table [table name]

For all tables

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="truncate table ?"

Instantiate and Present a viewController in Swift

guard let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "add") else { return }
        vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
        present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)

Get Android .apk file VersionName or VersionCode WITHOUT installing apk

Following worked for me from the command line:

aapt dump badging myapp.apk

NOTE: aapt.exe is found in a build-tools sub-folder of SDK. For example:


Perform .join on value in array of objects

On node or ES6+: =>', ')

Python3 integer division

Try this:

a = 1
b = 2
int_div  = a // b

Make copy of an array

If you must work with raw arrays and not ArrayList then Arrays has what you need. If you look at the source code, these are the absolutely best ways to get a copy of an array. They do have a good bit of defensive programming because the System.arraycopy() method throws lots of unchecked exceptions if you feed it illogical parameters.

You can use either Arrays.copyOf() which will copy from the first to Nth element to the new shorter array.

public static <T> T[] copyOf(T[] original, int newLength)

Copies the specified array, truncating or padding with nulls (if necessary) so the copy has the specified length. For all indices that are valid in both the original array and the copy, the two arrays will contain identical values. For any indices that are valid in the copy but not the original, the copy will contain null. Such indices will exist if and only if the specified length is greater than that of the original array. The resulting array is of exactly the same class as the original array.

2771    public static <T,U> T[] More ...copyOf(U[] original, int newLength, Class<? extends T[]> newType) {
2772        T[] copy = ((Object)newType == (Object)Object[].class)
2773            ? (T[]) new Object[newLength]
2774            : (T[]) Array.newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newLength);
2775        System.arraycopy(original, 0, copy, 0,
2776                         Math.min(original.length, newLength));
2777        return copy;
2778    }

or Arrays.copyOfRange() will also do the trick:

public static <T> T[] copyOfRange(T[] original, int from, int to)

Copies the specified range of the specified array into a new array. The initial index of the range (from) must lie between zero and original.length, inclusive. The value at original[from] is placed into the initial element of the copy (unless from == original.length or from == to). Values from subsequent elements in the original array are placed into subsequent elements in the copy. The final index of the range (to), which must be greater than or equal to from, may be greater than original.length, in which case null is placed in all elements of the copy whose index is greater than or equal to original.length - from. The length of the returned array will be to - from. The resulting array is of exactly the same class as the original array.

3035    public static <T,U> T[] More ...copyOfRange(U[] original, int from, int to, Class<? extends T[]> newType) {
3036        int newLength = to - from;
3037        if (newLength < 0)
3038            throw new IllegalArgumentException(from + " > " + to);
3039        T[] copy = ((Object)newType == (Object)Object[].class)
3040            ? (T[]) new Object[newLength]
3041            : (T[]) Array.newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newLength);
3042        System.arraycopy(original, from, copy, 0,
3043                         Math.min(original.length - from, newLength));
3044        return copy;
3045    }

As you can see, both of these are just wrapper functions over System.arraycopy with defensive logic that what you are trying to do is valid.

System.arraycopy is the absolute fastest way to copy arrays.

How to install Python MySQLdb module using pip?

If pip3 isn't working, you can try:

sudo apt install python3-mysqldb

Convert character to ASCII numeric value in java

It's simple, get the character you want, and convert it to int.

String name = "admin";
int ascii = name.charAt(0);

How do I get my Maven Integration tests to run

You can split them very easily using JUnit categories and Maven.
This is shown very, very briefly below by splitting unit and integration tests.

Define A Marker Interface

The first step in grouping a test using categories is to create a marker interface.
This interface will be used to mark all of the tests that you want to be run as integration tests.

public interface IntegrationTest {}

Mark your test classes

Add the category annotation to the top of your test class. It takes the name of your new interface.

import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;

public class ExampleIntegrationTest{

    public void longRunningServiceTest() throws Exception {


Configure Maven Unit Tests

The beauty of this solution is that nothing really changes for the unit test side of things.
We simply add some configuration to the maven surefire plugin to make it to ignore any integration tests.


When you do a mvn clean test, only your unmarked unit tests will run.

Configure Maven Integration Tests

Again the configuration for this is very simple.
We use the standard failsafe plugin and configure it to only run the integration tests.


The configuration uses a standard execution goal to run the failsafe plugin during the integration-test phase of the build.

You can now do a mvn clean install.
This time as well as the unit tests running, the integration tests are run during the integration-test phase.

How to darken a background using CSS?

Setting background-blend-mode to darken would be the most direct and shortest way to achieve the purpose however you must set a background-color first for the blend mode to work.
This is also the best way if you need to manipulate the values in javascript later on.

background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .65) url('');
background-blend-mode: darken;

Can I use for background-blend

program cant start because php5.dll is missing

I just now faced this issue while trying to restart XAMPP Apache.

What you can do to solve this is:

  1. download PHP5.dll from
  2. Copy the downloaded php5.dll to C:\xampp\php
  3. Start APACHE and MySql from XAMPP control panel

Hope my solution solves your problem.

Thank You!

Visual Studio Code open tab in new window

With Visual Studio 1.43 (Q1 2020), the Ctrl+K then O keyboard shortcut will work for a file.

See issue 89989:

It should be possible to e.g. invoke the "Open Active File in New Window" command and open that file into an empty workspace in the web.

new windows --

Get name of object or class

All we need:

  1. Wrap a constant in a function (where the name of the function equals the name of the object we want to get)
  2. Use arrow functions inside the object

function App(){ // name of my constant is App_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
  a: {_x000D_
    b: {_x000D_
      c: ()=>{ // very important here, use arrow function _x000D_
const obj = new App(); // usage_x000D_
obj.a.b.c(); // App_x000D_
// usage with react props etc, _x000D_
// For instance, we want to pass this callback to some component_x000D_
const myComponent = {};_x000D_
myComponent.customProps = obj.a.b.c;_x000D_
myComponent.customProps(); // App

Dictionary returning a default value if the key does not exist

I know this is an old post and I do favor extension methods, but here's a simple class I use from time to time to handle dictionaries when I need default values.

I wish this were just part of the base Dictionary class.

public class DictionaryWithDefault<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
  TValue _default;
  public TValue DefaultValue {
    get { return _default; }
    set { _default = value; }
  public DictionaryWithDefault() : base() { }
  public DictionaryWithDefault(TValue defaultValue) : base() {
    _default = defaultValue;
  public new TValue this[TKey key]
    get { 
      TValue t;
      return base.TryGetValue(key, out t) ? t : _default;
    set { base[key] = value; }

Beware, however. By subclassing and using new (since override is not available on the native Dictionary type), if a DictionaryWithDefault object is upcast to a plain Dictionary, calling the indexer will use the base Dictionary implementation (throwing an exception if missing) rather than the subclass's implementation.

How can I check if a string only contains letters in Python?

(1) Use str.isalpha() when you print the string.

(2) Please check below program for your reference:-

 str = "this";  # No space & digit in this string
 print str.isalpha() # it gives return True

 str = "this is 2";
 print str.isalpha() # it gives return False

Note:- I checked above example in Ubuntu.

Android Calling JavaScript functions in WebView


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



import android.os.Bundle;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;

import com.bluapp.androidview.R;

public class WebViewActivity3 extends AppCompatActivity {
    private WebView webView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        webView = (WebView) findViewById(;
        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());

        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient(){
            public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String weburl){
                webView.loadUrl("javascript:testEcho('Javascript function in webview')");

assets file

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta forua="true" http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="max-age=0"/>

<body style="background-color:#212121">
<script type="text/javascript">
function testEcho(p1){


Django - filtering on foreign key properties

student_user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
available_subjects = Subject.objects.exclude(subject_grade__student__user=student_user) # My ans
enrolled_subjects = SubjectGrade.objects.filter(student__user=student_user)
context.update({'available_subjects': available_subjects, 'student_user': student_user, 
                'request':request, 'enrolled_subjects': enrolled_subjects})

In my application above, i assume that once a student is enrolled, a subject SubjectGrade instance will be created that contains the subject enrolled and the student himself/herself.

Subject and Student User model is a Foreign Key to the SubjectGrade Model.

In "available_subjects", i excluded all the subjects that are already enrolled by the current student_user by checking all subjectgrade instance that has "student" attribute as the current student_user

PS. Apologies in Advance if you can't still understand because of my explanation. This is the best explanation i Can Provide. Thank you so much

Leader Not Available Kafka in Console Producer

When LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE error throws, just restart the kafka broker:


followed by

/bin/ config/

(Note: Zookeeper must be running by this time ,if you do otherway it wont work )

Add element to a list In Scala

I will try to explain the results of all the commands you tried.

scala> val l = 1.0 :: 5.5 :: Nil
l: List[Double] = List(1.0, 5.5)

First of all, List is a type alias to scala.collection.immutable.List (defined in Predef.scala).

Using the List companion object is more straightforward way to instantiate a List. Ex: List(1.0,5.5)

scala> l
res0: List[Double] = List(1.0, 5.5)

scala> l ::: List(2.2, 3.7)
res1: List[Double] = List(1.0, 5.5, 2.2, 3.7)

::: returns a list resulting from the concatenation of the given list prefix and this list

The original List is NOT modified

scala> List(l) :+ 2.2
res2: List[Any] = List(List(1.0, 5.5), 2.2)

List(l) is a List[List[Double]] Definitely not what you want.

:+ returns a new list consisting of all elements of this list followed by elem.

The type is List[Any] because it is the common superclass between List[Double] and Double

scala> l
res3: List[Double] = List(1.0, 5.5)

l is left unmodified because no method on immutable.List modified the List.

Cannot retrieve string(s) from preferences (settings)

All your exercise conditionals are separate and the else is only tied to the last if statement. Use else if to bind them all together in the way I believe you intend.

Preferred Java way to ping an HTTP URL for availability

Is this any good at all (will it do what I want?)

You can do so. Another feasible way is using

public static boolean pingHost(String host, int port, int timeout) {
    try (Socket socket = new Socket()) {
        socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout);
        return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return false; // Either timeout or unreachable or failed DNS lookup.

There's also the InetAddress#isReachable():

boolean reachable = InetAddress.getByName(hostname).isReachable();

This however doesn't explicitly test port 80. You risk to get false negatives due to a Firewall blocking other ports.

Do I have to somehow close the connection?

No, you don't explicitly need. It's handled and pooled under the hoods.

I suppose this is a GET request. Is there a way to send HEAD instead?

You can cast the obtained URLConnection to HttpURLConnection and then use setRequestMethod() to set the request method. However, you need to take into account that some poor webapps or homegrown servers may return HTTP 405 error for a HEAD (i.e. not available, not implemented, not allowed) while a GET works perfectly fine. Using GET is more reliable in case you intend to verify links/resources not domains/hosts.

Testing the server for availability is not enough in my case, I need to test the URL (the webapp may not be deployed)

Indeed, connecting a host only informs if the host is available, not if the content is available. It can as good happen that a webserver has started without problems, but the webapp failed to deploy during server's start. This will however usually not cause the entire server to go down. You can determine that by checking if the HTTP response code is 200.

HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode != 200) {
    // Not OK.

// < 100 is undetermined.
// 1nn is informal (shouldn't happen on a GET/HEAD)
// 2nn is success
// 3nn is redirect
// 4nn is client error
// 5nn is server error

For more detail about response status codes see RFC 2616 section 10. Calling connect() is by the way not needed if you're determining the response data. It will implicitly connect.

For future reference, here's a complete example in flavor of an utility method, also taking account with timeouts:

 * Pings a HTTP URL. This effectively sends a HEAD request and returns <code>true</code> if the response code is in 
 * the 200-399 range.
 * @param url The HTTP URL to be pinged.
 * @param timeout The timeout in millis for both the connection timeout and the response read timeout. Note that
 * the total timeout is effectively two times the given timeout.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the given HTTP URL has returned response code 200-399 on a HEAD request within the
 * given timeout, otherwise <code>false</code>.
public static boolean pingURL(String url, int timeout) {
    url = url.replaceFirst("^https", "http"); // Otherwise an exception may be thrown on invalid SSL certificates.

    try {
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
        int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
        return (200 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 399);
    } catch (IOException exception) {
        return false;

Open files always in a new tab

for me, shift + enter did the trick.

What is the difference between a web API and a web service?

Difference between Web Service and Web API nicely explained here:

Text from the link:

Web Services - that's standard defined by W3C, so they can be accessed semi-automatically or automatically (WSDL / UDDI). The whole thing is based on XML, so anyone can call it. And every aspect of the service is very well defined. There's parameters description standard, parameter passing standard, response standard, discovery standard, etc. etc. You could probably write 2000 pages book that'd describe the standard. There are even some "additional" standards for doing "standard" things, like authentication.

Despite the fact that automatic invoking and discovery is barely working because clients are rather poor, and you have no real guarantee that any service can be called from any client.

Web API is typically done as HTTP/REST, nothing is defined, output can be for eg. JSON/XML, input can be XML/JSON/or plain data. There are no standards for anything => no automatic calling and discovery. You can provide some description in text file or PDF, you can return the data in Windows-1250 instead of unicode, etc. For describing the standard it'd be 2 pages brochure with some simple info and you'll define everything else.

Web is switching towards Web API / REST. Web Services are really no better than Web API. Very complicated to develop and they eat much more resources (bandwidth and RAM)... and because of all data conversions (REQUEST->XML->DATA->RESPONSE->XML->VALIDATION->CONVERSION->DATA) are very slow.

Eg. In WebAPI you can pack the data, send it compressed and un-compress+un-pack on the client. In SOAP you could only compress HTML request.

How to clear form after submit in Angular 2?

To reset your form after submitting, you can just simply invoke this.form.reset(). By calling reset() it will:

  1. Mark the control and child controls as pristine.
  2. Mark the control and child controls as untouched.
  3. Set the value of control and child controls to custom value or null.
  4. Update value/validity/errors of affected parties.

Please find this pull request for a detailed answer. FYI, this PR has already been merged to 2.0.0.

Hopefully this can be helpful and let me know if you have any other questions in regards to Angular2 Forms.

Changing precision of numeric column in Oracle

Assuming that you didn't set a precision initially, it's assumed to be the maximum (38). You're reducing the precision because you're changing it from 38 to 14.

The easiest way to handle this is to rename the column, copy the data over, then drop the original column:

alter table EVAPP_FEES rename column AMOUNT to AMOUNT_OLD;

alter table EVAPP_FEES add AMOUNT NUMBER(14,2);


alter table EVAPP_FEES drop column AMOUNT_OLD;

If you really want to retain the column ordering, you can move the data twice instead:

alter table EVAPP_FEES add AMOUNT_TEMP NUMBER(14,2);


update EVAPP_FEES set AMOUNT = null;

alter table EVAPP_FEES modify AMOUNT NUMBER(14,2);


alter table EVAPP_FEES drop column AMOUNT_TEMP;

How do I configure git to ignore some files locally?

this is a kind of brief solution,that add a row to local exclude file.

 echo YOURFILE_OR_DIRECTOY >> .git/info/exclude 

Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles

If nothing else helped, you could do as Android Studio suddenly cannot resolve symbols recommends:

  • Exit Android Studio
  • Back up your project
  • Delete all the .iml files and the .idea folder
  • Relaunch Android Studio and reimport your project

How can I declare a two dimensional string array?

you can also write the code below.

Array lbl_array = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(string), i, j);

where 'i' is the number of rows and 'j' is the number of columns. using the 'typeof(..)' method you can choose the type of your array i.e. int, string, double

How to connect to LocalDB in Visual Studio Server Explorer?

Fix doesn't work.

Exactly as in the example illustration, all these steps only provide access to "system" databases, and no option to select existing user databases that you want to access.

The solution to access a local (not Express Edition) Microsoft SQL server instance resides on the SQL Server side:

  1. Open the Run dialog (WinKey + R)
  2. Type: "services.msc"
  3. Select SQL Server Browser
  4. Click Properties
  5. Change "disabled" to either "Manual" or "Automatic"
  6. When the "Start" service button gets enable, click on it.

Done! Now you can select your local SQL Server from the Server Name list in Connection Properties.

Missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar

I had the same trouble while developing a simple, web service application, in my case I had to add a codehous plug in in order to get jaxws libraries. However, maven pom kept on asking about the tools jar file.

I have to say above comments are correct, you can include the below entry in the pom file:

   <systemPath>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\lib\tools.jar</systemPath>

But, what will it happen when you have to deploy to a production instance? You could replace the path with a reference to a system environment variable but that still does not look good, at least to me.

I found another solution in a StackOverflow comment:

Maven 3 Artifact problem


They suggest including an exclusion statement for tool jar and it works. So summarizing: you can include an exclusion rule within your dependency and avoid having the tool.jar issue:


Should I use `import os.path` or `import os`?

Common sense works here: os is a module, and os.path is a module, too. So just import the module you want to use:

  • If you want to use functionalities in the os module, then import os.

  • If you want to use functionalities in the os.path module, then import os.path.

  • If you want to use functionalities in both modules, then import both modules:

    import os
    import os.path

For reference:

What's the advantage of a Java enum versus a class with public static final fields?

There are many advantages of enums that are posted here, and I am creating such enums right now as asked in the question. But I have an enum with 5-6 fields.

enum Planet{
EARTH(1000000, 312312321,31232131, "some text", "", 12),
other planets

In these kinds of cases, when you have multiple fields in enums, it is much difficult to understand which value belongs to which field as you need to see constructor and eye-ball.

Class with static final constants and using Builder pattern to create such objects makes it more readable. But, you would lose all other advantages of using an enum, if you need them. One disadvantage of such classes is, you need to add the Planet objects manually to the list/set of Planets.

I still prefer enum over such class, as values() comes in handy and you never know if you need them to use in switch or EnumSet or EnumMap in future :)

using mailto to send email with an attachment

what about this

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="mailto:[email protected]" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
Attachment: <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="attachedfile" MAXLENGTH=50 ALLOW="text/*" >
 <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Email"/>

Use success() or complete() in AJAX call

complete executes after either the success or error callback were executed.

Maybe you should check the second parameter complete offers too. It's a String holding the type of success the ajaxCall had.

The different callbacks are described a little more in detail here jQuery.ajax( options )

I guess you missed the fact that the complete and the success function (I know inconsistent API) get different data passed in. success gets only the data, complete gets the whole XMLHttpRequest object. Of course there is no responseText property on the data string.

So if you replace complete with success you also have to replace data.responseText with data only.


The function gets passed two arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to the 'dataType' parameter, and a string describing the status.


The function gets passed two arguments: The XMLHttpRequest object and a string describing the type of success of the request.

If you need to have access to the whole XMLHttpRequest object in the success callback I suggest trying this.

var myXHR = $.ajax({
    success: function(data, status) { whatever with myXHR; e.g. myXHR.responseText...

Print a div using javascript in angularJS single page application

This is what worked for me in Chrome and Firefox! This will open the little print window and close it automatically once you've clicked print.

var printContents = document.getElementById('div-id-selector').innerHTML;
            var popupWin ='', '_blank', 'width=800,height=800,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,titlebar=no,top=50');
            popupWin.document.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>TITLE OF THE PRINT OUT</title>' 
                                    +'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="app/directory/file.css" />' 
                                    +'</head><body onload="window.print(); window.close();"><div>' 
                                    + printContents + '</div></html>');

How to set null value to int in c#?

 public static int? Timesaday { get; set; } = null;


 public static Nullable<int> Timesaday { get; set; }


 public static int? Timesaday = null;


 public static int? Timesaday

or just

 public static int? Timesaday { get; set; } 

    static void Main(string[] args)

    Console.WriteLine(Timesaday == null);

     //you also can check using 


The null keyword is a literal that represents a null reference, one that does not refer to any object. In programming, nullable types are a feature of the type system of some programming languages which allow the value to be set to the special value NULL instead of the usual possible values of the data type.

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

All three template options - <%@include>, <jsp:include> and <%@tag> are valid, and all three cover different use cases.

With <@include>, the JSP parser in-lines the content of the included file into the JSP before compilation (similar to a C #include). You'd use this option with simple, static content: for example, if you wanted to include header, footer, or navigation elements into every page in your web-app. The included content becomes part of the compiled JSP and there's no extra cost at runtime.

<jsp:include> (and JSTL's <c:import>, which is similar and even more powerful) are best suited to dynamic content. Use these when you need to include content from another URL, local or remote; when the resource you're including is itself dynamic; or when the included content uses variables or bean definitions that conflict with the including page. <c:import> also allows you to store the included text in a variable, which you can further manipulate or reuse. Both these incur an additional runtime cost for the dispatch: this is minimal, but you need to be aware that the dynamic include is not "free".

Use tag files when you want to create reusable user interface components. If you have a List of Widgets, say, and you want to iterate over the Widgets and display properties of each (in a table, or in a form), you'd create a tag. Tags can take arguments, using <%@tag attribute> and these arguments can be either mandatory or optional - somewhat like method parameters.

Tag files are a simpler, JSP-based mechanism of writing tag libraries, which (pre JSP 2.0) you had to write using Java code. It's a lot cleaner to write JSP tag files when there's a lot of rendering to do in the tag: you don't need to mix Java and HTML code as you'd have to do if you wrote your tags in Java.

define() vs. const

Most of these answers are wrong or are only telling half the story.

  1. You can scope your constants by using namespaces.
  2. You can use the "const" keyword outside of class definitions. However, just like in classes the values assigned using the "const" keyword must be constant expressions.

For example:

const AWESOME = 'Bob'; // Valid

Bad example:

const AWESOME = whatIsMyName(); // Invalid (Function call)
const WEAKNESS = 4+5+6; // Invalid (Arithmetic) 
const FOO = BAR . OF . SOAP; // Invalid (Concatenation)

To create variable constants use define() like so:

define('AWESOME', whatIsMyName()); // Valid
define('WEAKNESS', 4 + 5 + 6); // Valid
define('FOO', BAR . OF . SOAP); // Valid

How to get records randomly from the oracle database?

( SELECT column, dbms_random.value FROM table ORDER BY 2 )
where rownum <= 20;

Find elements inside forms and iframe using Java and Selenium WebDriver

By using You can find webElement across all frames:

SearchByFramesFactory searchFactory = new SearchByFramesFactory(driver);
SearchByFrames searchInFrame = -> driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")));
Optional<WebElement> elem = searchInFrame.getElem();

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object not found

i use colname(train) = paste("A", colname(train)) and it turns out to the same problem as yours.

I finally figure out that randomForest is more stingy than rpart, it can't recognize the colname with space, comma or other specific punctuation.

paste function will prepend "A" and " " as seperator with each colname. so we need to avert the space and use this sentence instead:

colname(train) = paste("A", colname(train), sep = "")

this will prepend string without space.

How do you create a static class in C++?

One (of the many) alternative, but the most (in my opinion) elegant (in comparison to using namespaces and private constructors to emulate the static behavior), way to achieve the "class that cannot be instantiated" behavior in C++ would be to declare a dummy pure virtual function with the private access modifier.

class Foo {
     static int someMethod(int someArg);

     virtual void __dummy() = 0;

If you are using C++11, you could go the extra mile to ensure that the class is not inherited (to purely emulate the behavior of a static class) by using the final specifier in the class declaration to restrict the other classes from inheriting it.

// C++11 ONLY
class Foo final {
     static int someMethod(int someArg);

      virtual void __dummy() = 0;

As silly and illogical as it may sound, C++11 allows the declaration of a "pure virtual function that cannot be overridden", which you can use alongside declaring the class final to purely and fully implement the static behavior as this results in the resultant class to not be inheritable and the dummy function to not be overridden in any way.

// C++11 ONLY
class Foo final {
     static int someMethod(int someArg);

     // Other private declarations

     virtual void __dummy() = 0 final;
}; // Foo now exhibits all the properties of a static class

How to test if a file is a directory in a batch script?

This works:

if exist %1\* echo Directory

Works with directory names that contains spaces:

C:\>if exist "c:\Program Files\*" echo Directory

Note that the quotes are necessary if the directory contains spaces:

C:\>if exist c:\Program Files\* echo Directory

Can also be expressed as:

C:\>SET D="C:\Program Files"
C:\>if exist %D%\* echo Directory

This is safe to try at home, kids!

How to do ToString for a possibly null object?

Even though this is an old question and the OP asked for C# I would like to share a VB.Net solution for those, who work with VB.Net rather than C#:

Dim myObj As Object = Nothing
Dim s As String = If(myObj, "").ToString()

myObj = 42
s = If(myObj, "").ToString()

Unfortunatly VB.Net doesn't allow the ?-operator after a variable so myObj?.ToString isn't valid (at least not in .Net 4.5, which I used for testing the solution). Instead I use the If to return an empty string in case myObj ist Nothing. So the first Tostring-Call return an an empty string, while the second (where myObj is not Nothing) returns "42".

How to wrap text of HTML button with fixed width?

If we have some inner divisions inside <button> tag like this-

<button class="top-container">
    <div class="classA">
       <div class="classB">
           puts " some text to get print." 
     <div class="class1">
       <div class="class2">
           puts " some text to get print." 

Sometime Text of class A get overlap on class1 data because these both are in a single button tag. I try to break the tex using-

 word-wrap: break-word;         /* All browsers since IE 5.5+ */
 overflow-wrap: break-word;     /* Renamed property in CSS3 draft spec */ 

But this won't worked then I try this-

white-space: normal;

after removing above css properties and got my task done.

Hope will work for all !!!

Uppercase first letter of variable

var country= $('#country').val();

var con=country[0].toUpperCase();

ctr= country.replace(country[0], con);

no need to create any function just jugaaar

How to make git mark a deleted and a new file as a file move?

The way I understand this question is "How to make git recognize a deletion of an old file and creation of a new file as a file move".

Yes in the working directory once you delete an old file and inserted an old file, git status will say "deleted: old_file" and "Untracked files: ... new_file"

But in the staging index/level once you add and remove file using git it will be recognized as a file move. To do so, assuming you have done the deletion and creation using your Operation System, give the following commands:

git add new_file
git rm old_file

If the contents of the file are 50% or more similar, running git status command should give you:

renamed: old_file -> new_file

What are the differences between a multidimensional array and an array of arrays in C#?

In addition to the other answers, note that a multidimensional array is allocated as one big chunky object on the heap. This has some implications:

  1. Some multidimensional arrays will get allocated on the Large Object Heap (LOH) where their equivalent jagged array counterparts would otherwise not have.
  2. The GC will need to find a single contiguous free block of memory to allocate a multidimensional array, whereas a jagged array might be able to fill in gaps caused by heap fragmentation... this isn't usually an issue in .NET because of compaction, but the LOH doesn't get compacted by default (you have to ask for it, and you have to ask every time you want it).
  3. You'll want to look into <gcAllowVeryLargeObjects> for multidimensional arrays way before the issue will ever come up if you only ever use jagged arrays.

The best node module for XML parsing

This answer concerns developers for Windows. You want to pick an XML parsing module that does NOT depend on node-expat. Node-expat requires node-gyp and node-gyp requires you to install Visual Studio on your machine. If your machine is a Windows Server, you definitely don't want to install Visual Studio on it.

So, which XML parsing module to pick?

Save yourself a lot of trouble and use either xml2js or xmldoc. They depend on sax.js which is a pure Javascript solution that doesn't require node-gyp.

Both libxmljs and xml-stream require node-gyp. Don't pick these unless you already have Visual Studio on your machine installed or you don't mind going down that road.

Update 2015-10-24: it seems somebody found a solution to use node-gyp on Windows without installing VS:

How to include the reference of DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll on Mono2.10?

What worked for me:

  1. Add a folder to the project call it ThirdParty.
  2. Add in the ThirdParty folder both DocumentFormat.OpenXML.dll and WindowsBase.dll
  3. Make sure the the project uses the ThirdParty dir as reference for both the DLLs
  4. Build and published to an external server. Unable to resolve host "<url>": No address associated with hostname and End of input at character 0 of

I had the same problem, but with small difference. I had added NetworkConnectionCallback to check situation when internet connection had changed at runtime, and checking like this before sending all requests:

private fun isConnected(): Boolean {
    val activeNetwork = cManager.activeNetworkInfo
    return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnected

There can be state like CONNECTING (you can see i? when you turn on wifi, icon starts blinking, after connecting to network, image is static). So, we have two different states: one CONNECT another CONNECTING, and when Retrofit tried to send request internet connection is disabled and it throws UnknownHostException. I forgot to add another type of exception in function which was responsible for sending requests.

//for example, retrofit call
catch (e: Exception) {
        is UnknownHostException -> "Unknown host!"
        is ConnectException -> "No internet!"
        else -> "Unknown exception!"

It's just a tricky moment that can by related with this problem.

Hope, I will help somebody)

Case statement with multiple values in each 'when' block

In a case statement, a , is the equivalent of || in an if statement.

case car
   when 'toyota', 'lexus'
      # code

Some other things you can do with a Ruby case statement

How to scale down a range of numbers with a known min and max value

For convenience, here is Irritate's algorithm in a Java form. Add error checking, exception handling and tweak as necessary.

public class Algorithms { 
    public static double scale(final double valueIn, final double baseMin, final double baseMax, final double limitMin, final double limitMax) {
        return ((limitMax - limitMin) * (valueIn - baseMin) / (baseMax - baseMin)) + limitMin;


final double baseMin = 0.0;
final double baseMax = 360.0;
final double limitMin = 90.0;
final double limitMax = 270.0;
double valueIn = 0;
System.out.println(Algorithms.scale(valueIn, baseMin, baseMax, limitMin, limitMax));
valueIn = 360;
System.out.println(Algorithms.scale(valueIn, baseMin, baseMax, limitMin, limitMax));
valueIn = 180;
System.out.println(Algorithms.scale(valueIn, baseMin, baseMax, limitMin, limitMax));


Spring Data JPA findOne() change to Optional how to use this?

Optional api provides methods for getting the values. You can check isPresent() for the presence of the value and then make a call to get() or you can make a call to get() chained with orElse() and provide a default value.

The last thing you can try doing is using @Query() over a custom method.

MySQL default datetime through phpmyadmin

You can't set CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value with DATETIME.

But you can do it with TIMESTAMP.

See the difference here.

Words from this blog

The DEFAULT value clause in a data type specification indicates a default value for a column. With one exception, the default value must be a constant; it cannot be a function or an expression.

This means, for example, that you cannot set the default for a date column to be the value of a function such as NOW() or CURRENT_DATE.

The exception is that you can specify CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as the default for a TIMESTAMP column.

What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

The supplied link has a very simply example of the n + 1 problem. If you apply it to Hibernate it's basically talking about the same thing. When you query for an object, the entity is loaded but any associations (unless configured otherwise) will be lazy loaded. Hence one query for the root objects and another query to load the associations for each of these. 100 objects returned means one initial query and then 100 additional queries to get the association for each, n + 1.

Elasticsearch query to return all records

Note the size param, which increases the hits displayed from the default (10) to 1000 per shard.

How do I get started with Node.js

First, learn the core concepts of Node.js:

Then, you're going to want to see what the community has to offer:

The gold standard for Node.js package management is NPM.

Finally, you're going to want to know what some of the more popular packages are for various tasks:

Useful Tools for Every Project:

  • Underscore contains just about every core utility method you want.
  • Lo-Dash is a clone of Underscore that aims to be faster, more customizable, and has quite a few functions that underscore doesn't have. Certain versions of it can be used as drop-in replacements of underscore.
  • TypeScript makes JavaScript considerably more bearable, while also keeping you out of trouble!
  • JSHint is a code-checking tool that'll save you loads of time finding stupid errors. Find a plugin for your text editor that will automatically run it on your code.

Unit Testing:

  • Mocha is a popular test framework.
  • Vows is a fantastic take on asynchronous testing, albeit somewhat stale.
  • Expresso is a more traditional unit testing framework.
  • node-unit is another relatively traditional unit testing framework.
  • AVA is a new test runner with Babel built-in and runs tests concurrently.

Web Frameworks:

  • Express.js is by far the most popular framework.
  • Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express.js, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.
  • sails.js the most popular MVC framework for Node.js, and is based on express. It is designed to emulate the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps: data-driven APIs with a scalable, service-oriented architecture.
  • Meteor bundles together jQuery, Handlebars, Node.js, WebSocket, MongoDB, and DDP and promotes convention over configuration without being a Ruby on Rails clone.
  • Tower (deprecated) is an abstraction of a top of Express.js that aims to be a Ruby on Rails clone.
  • Geddy is another take on web frameworks.
  • RailwayJS is a Ruby on Rails inspired MVC web framework.
  • Sleek.js is a simple web framework, built upon Express.js.
  • Hapi is a configuration-centric framework with built-in support for input validation, caching, authentication, etc.
  • Trails is a modern web application framework. It builds on the pedigree of Rails and Grails to accelerate development by adhering to a straightforward, convention-based, API-driven design philosophy.

  • Danf is a full-stack OOP framework providing many features in order to produce a scalable, maintainable, testable and performant applications and allowing to code the same way on both the server (Node.js) and client (browser) sides.

  • Derbyjs is a reactive full-stack JavaScript framework. They are using patterns like reactive programming and isomorphic JavaScript for a long time.

  • is a powerful Node.js framework for creating APIs and easily connecting to backend data sources. It has an Angular.js SDK and provides SDKs for iOS and Android.

Web Framework Tools:


  • Connect is the Rack or WSGI of the Node.js world.
  • Request is a very popular HTTP request library.
  • is handy for building WebSocket servers.

Command Line Interaction:

  • minimist just command line argument parsing.
  • Yargs is a powerful library for parsing command-line arguments.
  • Commander.js is a complete solution for building single-use command-line applications.
  • Vorpal.js is a framework for building mature, immersive command-line applications.
  • Chalk makes your CLI output pretty.

Code Generators:

  • Yeoman Scaffolding tool from the command-line.
  • Skaffolder Code generator with visual and command-line interface. It generates a customizable CRUD application starting from the database schema or an OpenAPI 3.0 YAML file.

Work with streams:

What are some ways of accessing Microsoft SQL Server from Linux?

You don't say what you want to do with the resulting data, but if it's general queries for development/maintenance then I'd have thought Remote Desktop to the windows server and then using the actual SQL Server tools on their would always have been a more productive option over any hacked together solution on Linux itself.

Shell Script: Execute a python program from within a shell script

You should be able to invoke it as python e.g.

# !/bin/bash

python /home/user/ 

Also make sure the script has permissions to run.

You can make it executable by using chmod u+x

Using Regular Expressions to Extract a Value in Java

Allain basically has the java code, so you can use that. However, his expression only matches if your numbers are only preceded by a stream of word characters.


should be able to find the first string of digits. You don't need to specify what's before it, if you're sure that it's going to be the first string of digits. Likewise, there is no use to specify what's after it, unless you want that. If you just want the number, and are sure that it will be the first string of one or more digits then that's all you need.

If you expect it to be offset by spaces, it will make it even more distinct to specify


might be better.

If you need all three parts, this will do:


EDIT The Expressions given by Allain and Jack suggest that you need to specify some subset of non-digits in order to capture digits. If you tell the regex engine you're looking for \d then it's going to ignore everything before the digits. If J or A's expression fits your pattern, then the whole match equals the input string. And there's no reason to specify it. It probably slows a clean match down, if it isn't totally ignored.

NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

I could solve the issue simply by replacing the JPA api jar file which is located jboss7/modules/javax/persistence/api/main with 'hibernate-jpa-2.1-api'. also with updating module.xml in the directory.

Conda uninstall one package and one package only

You can use conda remove --force.

The documentation says:

--force               Forces removal of a package without removing packages
                      that depend on it. Using this option will usually
                      leave your environment in a broken and inconsistent

endsWith in JavaScript

If you're using lodash:

_.endsWith('abc', 'c'); // true

If not using lodash, you can borrow from its source.

Running Selenium Webdriver with a proxy in Python

This worked for me and allow to use an headless browser, you just need to call the method passing your proxy.

def setProxy(proxy):
        options = Options()
        options.headless = True
        prox = Proxy()
        prox.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL
        prox.http_proxy = proxy
        prox.ssl_proxy = proxy
        capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
        return webdriver.Chrome(desired_capabilities=capabilities, options=options, executable_path=DRIVER_PATH)

TSQL Default Minimum DateTime

I agree with the sentiment in "don't use magic values". But I would like to point out that there are times when it's legit to resort to such solutions.

There is a price to pay for setting columns nullable: NULLs are not indexable. A query like "get all records that haven't been modified since the start of 2010" includes those that have never been modified. If we use a nullable column we're thus forced to use [modified] < @cutoffDate OR [modified] IS NULL, and this in turn forces the database engine to perform a table scan, since the nulls are not indexed. And this last can be a problem.

In practice, one should go with NULL if this does not introduce a practical, real-world performance penalty. But it can be difficult to know, unless you have some idea what realistic data volumes are today and will be in the so-called forseeable future. You also need to know if there will be a large proportion of the records that have the special value - if so, there's no point in indexing it anyway.

In short, by deafult/rule of thumb one should go for NULL. But if there's a huge number of records, the data is frequently queried, and only a small proportion of the records have the NULL/special value, there could be significant performance gain for locating records based on this information (provided of course one creates the index!) and IMHO this can at times justify the use of "magic" values.

IIS7 Settings File Locations

Also check this answer from here: Cannot manually edit applicationhost.config

The answer is simple, if not that obvious: win2008 is 64bit, notepad++ is 32bit. When you navigate to Windows\System32\inetsrv\config using explorer you are using a 64bit program to find the file. When you open the file using using notepad++ you are trying to open it using a 32bit program. The confusion occurs because, rather than telling you that this is what you are doing, windows allows you to open the file but when you save it the file's path is transparently mapped to Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config.

So in practice what happens is you open applicationhost.config using notepad++, make a change, save the file; but rather than overwriting the original you are saving a 32bit copy of it in Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config, therefore you are not making changes to the version that is actually used by IIS. If you navigate to the Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config you will find the file you just saved.

How to get around this? Simple - use a 64bit text editor, such as the normal notepad that ships with windows.

How do I remove objects from an array in Java?

My little contribution to this problem.

public class DeleteElementFromArray {
public static String foo[] = {"a","cc","a","dd"};
public static String search = "a";

public static void main(String[] args) {
    long stop = 0;
    long time = 0;
    long start = 0;
    System.out.println("Searched value in Array is: "+search);
    System.out.println("foo length before is: "+foo.length);
    for(int i=0;i<foo.length;i++){ System.out.println("foo["+i+"] = "+foo[i]);}
    start = System.nanoTime();
    foo = removeElementfromArray(search, foo);
    stop = System.nanoTime();
    time = stop - start;
    System.out.println("Equal search took in nano seconds = "+time);
    for(int i=0;i<foo.length;i++){ System.out.println("foo["+i+"] = "+foo[i]);}
public static String[] removeElementfromArray( String toSearchfor, String arr[] ){
     int i = 0;
     int t = 0;
     String tmp1[] = new String[arr.length];     
              if(arr[i] == toSearchfor){     
             tmp1[t] = arr[i];
     String tmp2[] = new String[arr.length-t];   
     System.arraycopy(tmp1, 0, tmp2, 0, tmp2.length);
     arr = tmp2; tmp1 = null; tmp2 = null;
    return arr;


Connecting to via command line

gmail uses an encrypted connection. So, even after you establish a connection, you wont be able to send any email. The encryption is a little complex to manage. Try using openssl instead.

The thread below should help-

How to send email using simple SMTP commands via Gmail?

Change / Add syntax highlighting for a language in Sublime 2/3

Use the PackageResourceViewer plugin installed via Package Control (as mentioned by MattDMo). This allows you to override the compressed resources by simply opening it in Sublime Text and saving the file. It automatically saves only the edited resources to %APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ or ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/.

Specific to the op, once the plugin is installed, execute the PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource command. Then select JavaScript followed by JavaScript.tmLanguage. This will open an xml file in the editor. You can edit any of the language definitions and save the file. This will write an override copy of the JavaScript.tmLanguage file in the user directory.

The same method can be used to edit the language definition of any language in the system.

Git fails when pushing commit to github

If this command not help

git config http.postBuffer 524288000

Try to change ssh method to https

git remote -v
git remote rm origin 
git remote add origin

Remove Sub String by using Python

BeautifulSoup(text, features="html.parser").text 

For the people who were seeking deep info in my answer, sorry.

I'll explain it.

Beautifulsoup is a widely use python package that helps the user (developer) to interact with HTML within python.

The above like just take all the HTML text (text) and cast it to Beautifulsoup object - that means behind the sense its parses everything up (Every HTML tag within the given text)

Once done so, we just request all the text from within the HTML object.

Meaning of = delete after function declaration

Deleting a function is a C++11 feature:

The common idiom of "prohibiting copying" can now be expressed directly:

class X {
    // ...
    X& operator=(const X&) = delete;  // Disallow copying
    X(const X&) = delete;


The "delete" mechanism can be used for any function. For example, we can eliminate an undesired conversion like this:

struct Z {
    // ...

    Z(long long);     // can initialize with an long long         
    Z(long) = delete; // but not anything less

Typescript: No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ "A": string; }

You can fix the errors by validating your input, which is something you should do regardless of course.

The following typechecks correctly, via type guarding validations

const DNATranscriber = {
    G: 'C',
    C: 'G',
    T: 'A',
    A: 'U'

export default class Transcriptor {
    toRna(dna: string) {
        const codons = [...dna];
        if (!isValidSequence(codons)) {
            throw Error('invalid sequence');
        const transcribedRNA = => DNATranscriber[codon]);
        return transcribedRNA;

function isValidSequence(values: string[]): values is Array<keyof typeof DNATranscriber> {
    return values.every(isValidCodon);
function isValidCodon(value: string): value is keyof typeof DNATranscriber {
    return value in DNATranscriber;

It is worth mentioning that you seem to be under the misapprehention that converting JavaScript to TypeScript involves using classes.

In the following, more idiomatic version, we leverage TypeScript to improve clarity and gain stronger typing of base pair mappings without changing the implementation. We use a function, just like the original, because it makes sense. This is important! Converting JavaScript to TypeScript has nothing to do with classes, it has to do with static types.

const DNATranscriber = {
    G = 'C',
    C = 'G',
    T = 'A',
    A = 'U'

export default function toRna(dna: string) {
    const codons = [...dna];
    if (!isValidSequence(codons)) {
        throw Error('invalid sequence');
    const transcribedRNA = => DNATranscriber[codon]);
    return transcribedRNA;

function isValidSequence(values: string[]): values is Array<keyof typeof DNATranscriber> {
    return values.every(isValidCodon);
function isValidCodon(value: string): value is keyof typeof DNATranscriber {
    return value in DNATranscriber;


Since TypeScript 3.7, we can write this more expressively, formalizing the correspondence between input validation and its type implication using assertion signatures.

const DNATranscriber = {
    G = 'C',
    C = 'G',
    T = 'A',
    A = 'U'
} as const;

type DNACodon = keyof typeof DNATranscriber;
type RNACodon = typeof DNATranscriber[DNACodon];

export default function toRna(dna: string): RNACodon[] {
    const codons = [...dna];
    const transcribedRNA = => DNATranscriber[codon]);
    return transcribedRNA;

function validateSequence(values: string[]): asserts values is DNACodon[] {
    if (!values.every(isValidCodon)) {
        throw Error('invalid sequence');    
function isValidCodon(value: string): value is DNACodon {
    return value in DNATranscriber;

You can read more about assertion signatures in the TypeScript 3.7 release notes.

Get index of a key/value pair in a C# dictionary based on the value

Let's say you have a Dictionary called fooDictionary


Values.ToList() converts your dictionary values into a List of someValue objects.

IndexOf(someValue) searches your new List looking for the someValue object in question and returns the Index which would match the index of the Key/Value pair in the dictionary.

This method does not care about the dictionary keys, it simply returns the index of the value that you are looking for.

This does not however account for the issue that there may be several matching "someValue" objects.

LocalDate to java.util.Date and vice versa simplest conversion?

You can convert the java.util.Date object into a String object, which will format the date as yyyy-mm-dd.

LocalDate has a parse method that will convert it to a LocalDate object. The string must represent a valid date and is parsed using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE.

Date to LocalDate


jQuery get the id/value of <li> element after click function

If you change your html code a bit - remove the ids

<ul id='myid'>  

Then the jquery code you want is...

$("#myid li").click(function() {

You don't need to place any ids, just keep on adding li items.

Take a look at demo

Useful links

Spring MVC Multipart Request with JSON

This is how I implemented Spring MVC Multipart Request with JSON Data.

Multipart Request with JSON Data (also called Mixed Multipart):

Based on RESTful service in Spring 4.0.2 Release, HTTP request with the first part as XML or JSON formatted data and the second part as a file can be achieved with @RequestPart. Below is the sample implementation.

Java Snippet:

Rest service in Controller will have mixed @RequestPart and MultipartFile to serve such Multipart + JSON request.

@RequestMapping(value = "/executesampleservice", method = RequestMethod.POST,
    consumes = {"multipart/form-data"})
public boolean executeSampleService(
        @RequestPart("properties") @Valid ConnectionProperties properties,
        @RequestPart("file") @Valid @NotNull @NotBlank MultipartFile file) {
    return projectService.executeSampleService(properties, file);

Front End (JavaScript) Snippet:

  1. Create a FormData object.

  2. Append the file to the FormData object using one of the below steps.

    1. If the file has been uploaded using an input element of type "file", then append it to the FormData object. formData.append("file", document.forms[formName].file.files[0]);
    2. Directly append the file to the FormData object. formData.append("file", myFile, "myfile.txt"); OR formData.append("file", myBob, "myfile.txt");
  3. Create a blob with the stringified JSON data and append it to the FormData object. This causes the Content-type of the second part in the multipart request to be "application/json" instead of the file type.

  4. Send the request to the server.

  5. Request Details:
    Content-Type: undefined. This causes the browser to set the Content-Type to multipart/form-data and fill the boundary correctly. Manually setting Content-Type to multipart/form-data will fail to fill in the boundary parameter of the request.

Javascript Code:

formData = new FormData();

formData.append("file", document.forms[formName].file.files[0]);
formData.append('properties', new Blob([JSON.stringify({
                "name": "root",
                "password": "root"                    
            })], {
                type: "application/json"

Request Details:

method: "POST",
headers: {
         "Content-Type": undefined
data: formData

Request Payload:

Accept:application/json, text/plain, */*
Content-Type:multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryEBoJzS3HQ4PgE1QB

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="myfile.txt"
Content-Type: application/txt

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="properties"; filename="blob"
Content-Type: application/json


How to vertically align into the center of the content of a div with defined width/height?

This could also be done using display: flex with only a few lines of code. Here is an example:

.container {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

Live Demo

How do you pass a function as a parameter in C?

This question already has the answer for defining function pointers, however they can get very messy, especially if you are going to be passing them around your application. To avoid this unpleasantness I would recommend that you typedef the function pointer into something more readable. For example.

typedef void (*functiontype)();

Declares a function that returns void and takes no arguments. To create a function pointer to this type you can now do:

void dosomething() { }

functiontype func = &dosomething;

For a function that returns an int and takes a char you would do

typedef int (*functiontype2)(char);

and to use it

int dosomethingwithchar(char a) { return 1; }

functiontype2 func2 = &dosomethingwithchar
int result = func2('a');

There are libraries that can help with turning function pointers into nice readable types. The boost function library is great and is well worth the effort!

boost::function<int (char a)> functiontype2;

is so much nicer than the above.

Getter and Setter of Model object in Angular 4

The way you declare the date property as an input looks incorrect but its hard to say if it's the only problem without seeing all your code. Rather than using @Input('date') declare the date property like so: private _date: string;. Also, make sure you are instantiating the model with the new keyword. Lastly, access the property using regular dot notation.

Check your work against this example from :

let passcode = "secret passcode";

class Employee {
    private _fullName: string;

    get fullName(): string {
        return this._fullName;

    set fullName(newName: string) {
        if (passcode && passcode == "secret passcode") {
            this._fullName = newName;
        else {
            console.log("Error: Unauthorized update of employee!");

let employee = new Employee();
employee.fullName = "Bob Smith";
if (employee.fullName) {

And here is a plunker demonstrating what it sounds like you're trying to do:

SQL query to find third highest salary in company

select min (salary) from Employee where Salary in (Select Top 3 Salary from Employee order by Salary desc)

How to convert string values from a dictionary, into int/float datatypes?

Gotta love list comprehensions.

[dict([a, int(x)] for a, x in b.items()) for b in list]

(remark: for Python 2 only code you may use "iteritems" instead of "items")

Passing data between view controllers

For SwiftUI

Think of @EnvironmentObject as a smarter, simpler way of using @ObservedObject on lots of views. Rather than creating some data in view A, then passing it to view B, then view C, then view D before finally using it, you can create it in view and put it into the environment so that views B, C, and D will automatically have access to it.

Note: Environment objects must be supplied by an ancestor view – if SwiftUI can’t find an environment object of the correct type you’ll get a crash. This applies for previews too, so be careful.

As an example, here’s an observable object that stores user settings:

class UserSettings: ObservableObject {
     @Published var score = 0

Is there a Python Library that contains a list of all the ascii characters?

ASCII defines 128 characters whose byte values range from 0 to 127 inclusive. So to get a string of all the ASCII characters, you could just do

''.join([chr(i) for i in range(128)])

Only some of those are printable, however- the printable ASCII characters can be accessed in Python via

import string

What is [Serializable] and when should I use it?

Here is short example of how serialization works. I was also learning about the same and I found two links useful. What Serialization is and how it can be done in .NET.

A sample program explaining serialization

If you don't understand the above program a much simple program with explanation is given here.

Git merge two local branches

Here's a clear picture:

Assuming we have branch-A and branch-B

We want to merge branch-B into branch-A

on branch-B -> A: switch to branch-A

on branch-A: git merge branch-B