[java] Using Regular Expressions to Extract a Value in Java

Look you can do it using StringTokenizer

String str = "as:"+123+"as:"+234+"as:"+345;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str,"as:");

  String k = st.nextToken();    // you will get first numeric data i.e 123
  int kk = Integer.parseInt(k);
  System.out.println("k string token in integer        " + kk);

  String k1 = st.nextToken();   //  you will get second numeric data i.e 234
  int kk1 = Integer.parseInt(k1);
  System.out.println("new string k1 token in integer   :" + kk1);

  String k2 = st.nextToken();   //  you will get third numeric data i.e 345
  int kk2 = Integer.parseInt(k2);
  System.out.println("k2 string token is in integer   : " + kk2);

Since we are taking these numeric data into three different variables we can use this data anywhere in the code (for further use)