Programs & Examples On #Livesearch

What is a singleton in C#?

Whilst the there can only ever be one instance of a singleton, it is not the same as a static class. A static class can only contain static methods and can never be instantiated, whereas the instance of a singleton may be used in the same way as any other object.

Remove empty strings from array while keeping record Without Loop?

You can use lodash's method, it works for string, number and boolean type

_.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]);
// => [1, 2, 3]

How do I iterate over the words of a string?

No Boost, no string streams, just the standard C library cooperating together with std::string and std::list: C library functions for easy analysis, C++ data types for easy memory management.

Whitespace is considered to be any combination of newlines, tabs and spaces. The set of whitespace characters is established by the wschars variable.

#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

const char *wschars = "\t\n ";

list<string> split(const string &str)
  const char *cstr = str.c_str();
  list<string> out;

  while (*cstr) {                     // while remaining string not empty
    size_t toklen;
    cstr += strspn(cstr, wschars);    // skip leading whitespace
    toklen = strcspn(cstr, wschars);  // figure out token length
    if (toklen)                       // if we have a token, add to list
      out.push_back(string(cstr, toklen));
    cstr += toklen;                   // skip over token

  // ran out of string; return list

  return out;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  list<string> li = split(argv[1]);
  for (list<string>::iterator i = li.begin(); i != li.end(); i++)
    cout << "{" << *i << "}" << endl;
  return 0;


$ ./split ""
$ ./split "a"
$ ./split " a "
$ ./split " a b"
$ ./split " a b c"
$ ./split " a b c d  "

Tail-recursive version of split (itself split into two functions). All destructive manipulation of variables is gone, except for the pushing of strings into the list!

void split_rec(const char *cstr, list<string> &li)
  if (*cstr) {
    const size_t leadsp = strspn(cstr, wschars);
    const size_t toklen = strcspn(cstr + leadsp, wschars);

    if (toklen)
      li.push_back(string(cstr + leadsp, toklen));

    split_rec(cstr + leadsp + toklen, li);

list<string> split(const string &str)
  list<string> out;
  split_rec(str.c_str(), out);
  return out;

How to change the default charset of a MySQL table?

The ALTER TABLE MySQL command should do the trick. The following command will change the default character set of your table and the character set of all its columns to UTF8.

ALTER TABLE etape_prospection CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

This command will convert all text-like columns in the table to the new character set. Character sets use different amounts of data per character, so MySQL will convert the type of some columns to ensure there's enough room to fit the same number of characters as the old column type.

I recommend you read the ALTER TABLE MySQL documentation before modifying any live data.

NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

i have experienced same issue in my spring boot application. after removing manually javax.persistance.jar file from lib folder. issue was fixed. in pom.xml file i have remained following dependency only


ThreadStart with parameters

I propose using Task<T>instead of Thread; it allows multiple parameters and executes really fine.

Here is a working example:

    public static void Main()
        List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();

        Console.WriteLine("Awaiting threads to finished...");

        string par1 = "foo";
        string par2 = "boo";
        int par3 = 3;

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Calculate(par1, par2, par3))); 


        Console.WriteLine("All threads finished!");

    static bool Calculate1(string par1, string par2, int par3)
            return true;

    // if need to lock, use this:
    private static Object _locker = new Object();"

    static bool Calculate2(string par1, string par2, int par3)
            return true;

Batch Files - Error Handling

I guess this feature was added since the OP but for future reference errors that would output in the command window can be redirected to a file independent of the standard output

command 1> file - Write the standard output of command to file

command 2> file - Write the standard error of command to file

How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?

Use the group collection of the Match object, indexing it with the capturing group name, e.g.

foreach (Match m in mc){

Why does the 'int' object is not callable error occur when using the sum() function?

This means that somewhere else in your code, you have something like:

sum = 0

Which shadows the builtin sum (which is callable) with an int (which isn't).

How to lock specific cells but allow filtering and sorting

Here is an article that explains the problem and solution with alot more detail:

Sorting Locked Cells in Protected Worksheets

The thing to understand is that the purpose of locking cells is to prevent them from being changed, and sorting permanently changes cell values. You can write a macro, but a much better solution is to use the "Allow Users to Edit Ranges" feature. This makes the cells editable so sorting can work, but because the cells are still technically locked you can prevent users from selecting them.

PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

unnest2() as exercise

Older versions before pg v8.4 need a user-defined unnest(). We can adapt this old function to return elements with an index:

CREATE FUNCTION unnest2(anyarray)
  RETURNS setof record  AS
  SELECT $1[i], i
  FROM   generate_series(array_lower($1,1),
                         array_upper($1,1)) i;

Return a `struct` from a function in C

As far as I can remember, the first versions of C only allowed to return a value that could fit into a processor register, which means that you could only return a pointer to a struct. The same restriction applied to function arguments.

More recent versions allow to pass around larger data objects like structs. I think this feature was already common during the eighties or early nineties.

Arrays, however, can still be passed and returned only as pointers.

How do I get AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for Amazon?

Amazon changes the admin console from time to time, hence the previous answers above are irrelevant in 2020.

The way to get the secret access key (Oct.2020) is:

  1. go to IAM console:
  2. click on "Users". (see image) enter image description here
  3. go to the user you need his access key. enter image description here

As i see the answers above, I can assume my answer will become irrelevant in a year max :-)


What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF?

Looking at the code always helps too. That is, you can actually take a look at the generated partial class (that calls LoadComponent) by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Solution Explorer pane in the Visual Studio solution that you are interested in.
  2. There is a button in the tool bar of the Solution Explorer titled 'Show All Files'. Toggle that button.
  3. Now, expand the obj folder and then the Debug or Release folder (or whatever configuration you are building) and you will see a file titled YourClass.g.cs.

The YourClass.g.cs ... is the code for generated partial class. Again, if you open that up you can see the InitializeComponent method and how it calls LoadComponent ... and much more.

Getting each individual digit from a whole integer

//this can be easily understandable for beginners     
int score=12344534;
int div;
for (div = 1; div <= score; div *= 10)

/*for (div = 1; div <= score; div *= 10); for loop with semicolon or empty body is same*/
    div /= 10;
    printf("%d\n`enter code here`", score / div);
    score %= div;

JSON order mixed up

Real answer can be found in specification, json is unordered. However as a human reader I ordered my elements in order of importance. Not only is it a more logic way, it happened to be easier to read. Maybe the author of the specification never had to read JSON, I do.. So, Here comes a fix:

 * I got really tired of JSON rearranging added properties.
 * Specification states:
 * "An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs"
 * StackOverflow states:
 * As a consequence, JSON libraries are free to rearrange the order of the elements as they see fit.
 * I state:
 * My implementation will freely arrange added properties, IN SEQUENCE ORDER!
 * Why did I do it? Cause of readability of created JSON document!
private static class OrderedJSONObjectFactory {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OrderedJSONObjectFactory.class.getName());
    private static boolean setupDone = false;
    private static Field JSONObjectMapField = null;

    private static void setupFieldAccessor() {
        if( !setupDone ) {
            setupDone = true;
            try {
                JSONObjectMapField = JSONObject.class.getDeclaredField("map");
            } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) {
                log.warning("JSONObject implementation has changed, returning unmodified instance");

    private static JSONObject create() {
        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        try {
            if (JSONObjectMapField != null) {
                JSONObjectMapField.set(result, new LinkedHashMap<>());
        }catch (IllegalAccessException ignored) {}
        return result;

Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8

Try decoding it first, then encoding:


How to calculate rolling / moving average using NumPy / SciPy?

Here are a variety of ways to do this, along with some benchmarks. The best methods are versions using optimized code from other libraries. The bottleneck.move_mean method is probably best all around. The scipy.convolve approach is also very fast, extensible, and syntactically and conceptually simple, but doesn't scale well for very large window values. The numpy.cumsum method is good if you need a pure numpy approach.

Note: Some of these (e.g. bottleneck.move_mean) are not centered, and will shift your data.

import numpy as np
import scipy as sci
import scipy.signal as sig
import pandas as pd
import bottleneck as bn
import time as time

def rollavg_direct(a,n): 
    'Direct "for" loop'
    assert n%2==1
    b = a*0.0
    for i in range(len(a)) :
    return b

def rollavg_comprehension(a,n):
    'List comprehension'
    assert n%2==1
    r,N = int(n/2),len(a)
    return np.array([a[max(i-r,0):min(i+r+1,N)].mean() for i in range(N)]) 

def rollavg_convolve(a,n):
    assert n%2==1
    return sci.convolve(a,np.ones(n,dtype='float')/n, 'same')[n//2:-n//2+1]  

def rollavg_convolve_edges(a,n):
    'scipy.convolve, edge handling'
    assert n%2==1
    return sci.convolve(a,np.ones(n,dtype='float'), 'same')/sci.convolve(np.ones(len(a)),np.ones(n), 'same')  

def rollavg_cumsum(a,n):
    assert n%2==1
    cumsum_vec = np.cumsum(np.insert(a, 0, 0)) 
    return (cumsum_vec[n:] - cumsum_vec[:-n]) / n

def rollavg_cumsum_edges(a,n):
    'numpy.cumsum, edge handling'
    assert n%2==1
    N = len(a)
    cumsum_vec = np.cumsum(np.insert(np.pad(a,(n-1,n-1),'constant'), 0, 0)) 
    d = np.hstack((np.arange(n//2+1,n),np.ones(N-n)*n,np.arange(n,n//2,-1)))  
    return (cumsum_vec[n+n//2:-n//2+1] - cumsum_vec[n//2:-n-n//2]) / d

def rollavg_roll(a,n):
    'Numpy array rolling'
    assert n%2==1
    N = len(a)
    rolling_idx = np.mod((N-1)*np.arange(n)[:,None] + np.arange(N), N)
    return a[rolling_idx].mean(axis=0)[n-1:] 

def rollavg_roll_edges(a,n):
    # see
    'Numpy array rolling, edge handling'
    assert n%2==1
    a = np.pad(a,(0,n-1-n//2), 'constant')*np.ones(n)[:,None]
    m = a.shape[1]
    idx = np.mod((m-1)*np.arange(n)[:,None] + np.arange(m), m) # Rolling index
    out = a[np.arange(-n//2,n//2)[:,None], idx]
    d = np.hstack((np.arange(1,n),np.ones(m-2*n+1+n//2)*n,np.arange(n,n//2,-1)))
    return (out.sum(axis=0)/d)[n//2:]

def rollavg_pandas(a,n):
    'Pandas rolling average'
    return pd.DataFrame(a).rolling(n, center=True, min_periods=1).mean().to_numpy()

def rollavg_bottlneck(a,n):
    return bn.move_mean(a, window=n, min_count=1)

N = 10**6
a = np.random.rand(N)
functions = [rollavg_direct, rollavg_comprehension, rollavg_convolve, 
        rollavg_convolve_edges, rollavg_cumsum, rollavg_cumsum_edges, 
        rollavg_pandas, rollavg_bottlneck, rollavg_roll, rollavg_roll_edges]

print('Small window (n=3)')
%load_ext memory_profiler
for f in functions : 
    print('\n'+f.__doc__+ ' : ')
    %timeit b=f(a,3)

print('\nLarge window (n=1001)')
for f in functions[0:-2] : 
    print('\n'+f.__doc__+ ' : ')
    %timeit b=f(a,1001)

print('Small window (n=3)')
N = 10**7
a = np.random.rand(N)
%load_ext memory_profiler
for f in functions[2:] : 
    print('\n'+f.__doc__+ ' : ')
    %memit b=f(a,3)

print('\nLarge window (n=1001)')
for f in functions[2:-2] : 
    print('\n'+f.__doc__+ ' : ')
    %memit b=f(a,1001)

Timing, Small window (n=3)

Direct "for" loop : 

4.14 s ± 23.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

List comprehension : 
3.96 s ± 27.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

scipy.convolve : 
1.07 ms ± 26.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

scipy.convolve, edge handling : 
4.68 ms ± 9.69 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

numpy.cumsum : 
5.31 ms ± 5.11 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

numpy.cumsum, edge handling : 
8.52 ms ± 11.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Pandas rolling average : 
9.85 ms ± 9.63 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

bottleneck.move_mean : 
1.3 ms ± 12.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Numpy array rolling : 
31.3 ms ± 91.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Numpy array rolling, edge handling : 
61.1 ms ± 55.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Timing, Large window (n=1001)

Direct "for" loop : 
4.67 s ± 34 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

List comprehension : 
4.46 s ± 14.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

scipy.convolve : 
103 ms ± 165 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

scipy.convolve, edge handling : 
272 ms ± 1.23 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

numpy.cumsum : 
5.19 ms ± 12.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

numpy.cumsum, edge handling : 
8.7 ms ± 11.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Pandas rolling average : 
9.67 ms ± 199 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

bottleneck.move_mean : 
1.31 ms ± 15.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Memory, Small window (n=3)

The memory_profiler extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext memory_profiler

scipy.convolve : 
peak memory: 362.66 MiB, increment: 73.61 MiB

scipy.convolve, edge handling : 
peak memory: 510.24 MiB, increment: 221.19 MiB

numpy.cumsum : 
peak memory: 441.81 MiB, increment: 152.76 MiB

numpy.cumsum, edge handling : 
peak memory: 518.14 MiB, increment: 228.84 MiB

Pandas rolling average : 
peak memory: 449.34 MiB, increment: 160.02 MiB

bottleneck.move_mean : 
peak memory: 374.17 MiB, increment: 75.54 MiB

Numpy array rolling : 
peak memory: 661.29 MiB, increment: 362.65 MiB

Numpy array rolling, edge handling : 
peak memory: 1111.25 MiB, increment: 812.61 MiB

Memory, Large window (n=1001)

scipy.convolve : 
peak memory: 370.62 MiB, increment: 71.83 MiB

scipy.convolve, edge handling : 
peak memory: 521.98 MiB, increment: 223.18 MiB

numpy.cumsum : 
peak memory: 451.32 MiB, increment: 152.52 MiB

numpy.cumsum, edge handling : 
peak memory: 527.51 MiB, increment: 228.71 MiB

Pandas rolling average : 
peak memory: 451.25 MiB, increment: 152.50 MiB

bottleneck.move_mean : 
peak memory: 374.64 MiB, increment: 75.85 MiB

How to properly import a selfsigned certificate into Java keystore that is available to all Java applications by default?

The simple command 'keytool' also works on Windows and/or with Cygwin.

IF you're using Cygwin here is the modified command that I used from the bottom of "S.Botha's" answer :

  1. make sure you identify the JRE inside the JDK that you will be using
  2. Start your prompt/cygwin as admin
  3. go inside the bin directory of that JDK e.g. cd /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_121/jre/bin
  4. Execute the keytool command from inside it, where you provide the path to your new Cert at the end, like so:

    ./keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts  -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias myownaliasformysystem -file "D:\Stuff\saved-certs\ca.cert"

Notice, because if this is under Cygwin you're giving a path to a non-Cygwin program, so the path is DOS-like and in quotes.

HttpGet with HTTPS : SSLPeerUnverifiedException

This answer follows on to owlstead and Mat's responses. It applies to SE/EE installations, not ME/mobile/Android SSL.

Since no one has yet mentioned it, I'll mention the "production way" to fix this: Follow the steps from the AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory class in HttpClient to update your trust store & key stores.

  1. Import a trusted certificate and generate a truststore file

keytool -import -alias "my server cert" -file server.crt -keystore my.truststore

  1. Generate a new key (use the same password as the truststore)

keytool -genkey -v -alias "my client key" -validity 365 -keystore my.keystore

  1. Issue a certificate signing request (CSR)

keytool -certreq -alias "my client key" -file mycertreq.csr -keystore my.keystore

  1. (self-sign or get your cert signed)

  2. Import the trusted CA root certificate

keytool -import -alias "my trusted ca" -file caroot.crt -keystore my.keystore

  1. Import the PKCS#7 file containg the complete certificate chain

keytool -import -alias "my client key" -file mycert.p7 -keystore my.keystore

  1. Verify the resultant keystore file's contents

keytool -list -v -keystore my.keystore

If you don't have a server certificate, generate one in JKS format, then export it as a CRT file. Source: keytool documentation

keytool -genkey -alias server-alias -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit
    -storepass changeit -keystore my.keystore

keytool -export -alias server-alias -storepass changeit
    -file server.crt -keystore my.keystore

Remove ':hover' CSS behavior from element

Use the :not pseudo-class to exclude the classes you don't want the hover to apply to:


<div class="test"> blah </div>
<div class="test"> blah </div>
<div class="test nohover"> blah </div>

.test:not(.nohover):hover {  
    border: 1px solid red; 

This does what you want in one css rule!

How can I change all input values to uppercase using Jquery?

Try like below,

$('input[type=text]').val (function () {
    return this.value.toUpperCase();

You should use input[type=text] instead of :input or input as I believe your intention are to operate on textbox only.

How to preview a part of a large pandas DataFrame, in iPython notebook?

This line will allow you to see all rows (up to the number that you set as 'max_rows') without any rows being hidden by the dots ('.....') that normally appear between head and tail in the print output.

pd.options.display.max_rows = 500

Git resolve conflict using --ours/--theirs for all files

In case anyone else is looking to simply overwrite everything from one branch (say master) with the contents of another, there's an easier way:

git merge origin/master --strategy=ours

Thanks to

Or for the other way around, see Is there a "theirs" version of "git merge -s ours"?

Remove all items from RecyclerView

Another way to clear the recycleview items is to instanciate a new empty adapter.

mRecyclerView.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(this, new ArrayList<MyDataSet>()));

It's probably not the most optimized solution but it's working like a charm.

Adding Table rows Dynamically in Android

You also can, as Fredigato said, declare a RelativeLayout in a separate Layout file. Then instantiate it using:

for(int i = 0; i < 6; i ++){
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)getApplicationContext().getSystemService
RelativeLayout row = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.table_view,null);

In this approach you can easily design one custom row using XML and reuse it.

Now, to be able to change the children views in the instantiated RelativeLayout. You can call row.childAt(index).

So lets say you have a TextView in the RelativeLayout, you can use:

TextView tv = (TextView) row.childAt(0);

How to test android apps in a real device with Android Studio?

Step 1: Firstly, Go to the Settings in your real device whose device are used to run android app.

Step 2: After that go to the “About phone” if Developer Options is not shown in your device

Step 3: Then Tap 7 times on Build number to create Developer Options.

Step 4: After that go back and Developer options will be created in your device.

Step 5: After that go to Developer options and Enable USB debugging in your device as shown in figure below.

Step 6: Connect your device with your system via data cable and after that allow USB debugging message shown on your device and press OK.

Step 7: After that Go to the menu bar and Run app as shown in figure below.

Step 8: If real device is connected to your system then it will show Online. Now click on your Mobile phone device and you App will be run in real device.

Step 9: After that your Android app run in Real device.

Regards, Guruji Softwares (

No function matches the given name and argument types

That error means that a function call is only matched by an existing function if all its arguments are of the same type and passed in same order. So if the next f() function

create function f() returns integer as $$ 
    select 1;
$$ language sql;

is called as

select f(1);

It will error out with

ERROR:  function f(integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select f(1);
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

because there is no f() function that takes an integer as argument.

So you need to carefully compare what you are passing to the function to what it is expecting. That long list of table columns looks like bad design.

add image to uitableview cell

Try this code:--

UIImageView *imv = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(3,2, 20, 25)];
imv.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"arrow2.png"];
[cell addSubview:imv];
[imv release];

How to dynamically set bootstrap-datepicker's date value?

@Imran answer works for textboxes

for applying the datepicker to a div use this:

$('#div_id').attr("data-date", '1 January 2017');

comma-delim multiple dates:

$('#div_id').attr("data-date", '1 January 2017,2 January 2017,3 January 2017');

Unable to import a module that is definitely installed

When you install via easy_install or pip, is it completing successfully? What is the full output? Which python installation are you using? You may need to use sudo before your installation command, if you are installing modules to a system directory (if you are using the system python installation, perhaps). There's not a lot of useful information in your question to go off of, but some tools that will probably help include:

  • echo $PYTHONPATH and/or echo $PATH: when importing modules, Python searches one of these environment variables (lists of directories, : delimited) for the module you want. Importing problems are often due to the right directory being absent from these lists

  • which python, which pip, or which easy_install: these will tell you the location of each executable. It may help to know.

  • Use virtualenv, like @JesseBriggs suggests. It works very well with pip to help you isolate and manage the modules and environment for separate Python projects.

How to easily duplicate a Windows Form in Visual Studio?

Its Really Easy. "In Design mode FORM" (form1.cs[Design]) copy the whole Form "ctrl A" then ctrl C. All objects at once. Then add a new windows form to the project. Change the size of the form to the size that you want then paste ctrl V all of the new objects will be copied to the new form. When they are all still picked double click on any of the objects. NOT THE FORM!!!..... This will create the code on the Form side matching the objects you just pasted. if it doesn't you can double click on each object and it will create the code one at a time. I use a text box area to double click in and it works almost every time. I use this method everyday WORKS GREAT.

Test if executable exists in Python?

On the basis that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission (and, importantly, that the command is safe to run) I would just try to use it and catch the error (OSError in this case - I checked for file does not exist and file is not executable and they both give OSError).

It helps if the executable has something like a --version flag that is a quick no-op.

import subprocess
myexec = "python2.8"
try:[myexec, '--version']
except OSError:
    print "%s not found on path" % myexec

This is not a general solution, but will be the easiest way for a lot of use cases - those where the code needs to look for a single well known executable which is safe to run, or at least safe to run with a given flag.

How to debug JavaScript / jQuery event bindings with Firebug or similar tools?

The WebKit Developer Console (found in Chrome, Safari, etc.) lets you view attached events for elements.

More detail in this Stack Overflow question

embedding image in html email

  1. You need 3 boundaries for inline images to be fully compliant.

  2. Everything goes inside the multipart/mixed.

  3. Then use the multipart/related to contain your multipart/alternative and your image attachment headers.

  4. Lastly, include your downloadable attachments inside the last boundary of multipart/mixed.

Use string in switch case in java

Here is a possible pre-1.7 way, which I can't recommend:

public class PoorSwitch
    final static public int poorHash (String s) {
        long l = 0L;
        for (char c: s.toCharArray ()) {
            l = 97*l + c;
        return (int) l;

    public static void main (String args[])
        String param = "foo";
        if (args.length == 1)
            param = args[0];
        // uncomment these lines, to evaluate your hash
        // test ("foo");
        // test ("bar");
        switch (poorHash (param)) {
            // this doesn't work, since you need a literal constant
            // so we have to evaluate our hash beforehand:
            // case poorHash ("foo"): {
            case 970596: {
                System.out.println ("Foo!");
            // case poorHash ("bar"): {
            case 931605: {
                System.out.println ("Bar!");
            default: {
                System.out.println ("unknown\t" + param);

    public static void test (String s)
        System.out.println ("Hash:\t " + s + " =\t" + poorHash (s));

Maybe you could work with such a trick in a generated code. Else I can't recommend it. Not so much that the possibility of a hash collision makes me worry, but if something is mixed up (cut and paste), it is hard to find the error. 931605 is not a good documentation.

Take it just as proof of concept, as curiosity.

How to iterate for loop in reverse order in swift?

For Swift 2.0 and above you should apply reverse on a range collection

for i in (0 ..< 10).reverse() {
  // process

It has been renamed to .reversed() in Swift 3.0

How to run a cron job on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday?

This is how I configure it on my server:

0  19  *  *  1,3,5 root bash /home/divo/data/support_files/

The above command will run my script at 19:00 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

NB: For cron entries for day of the week (dow)

0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday

How to format date in angularjs

This isn't really exactly what you are asking for - but you could try creating a date input field in html something like:

<input type="date" ng-model="myDate" />

Then to print this on the page you would use:

<span ng-bind="convertToDate(myDate) | date:'medium'"></span>

Finally, in my controller I declared a method that creates a date from the input value (which in chrome is apparently parsed 1 day off):

$scope.convertToDate = function (stringDate){
  var dateOut = new Date(stringDate);
  dateOut.setDate(dateOut.getDate() + 1);
  return dateOut;

So there you have it. To see the whole thing working see the following plunker: .Best of luck!

How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?

Those of you using Git on Windows: What tool do you use to edit your commit messages, and what did you have to do to make it work?

The tool that I find the most useful as both my git editor and my general-purpose code editor, in both Windows and Linux, is Sublime Text 3. It works really well, but requires a little bit of setup to get it just right, so I've fully documented that fully here:

Side note about my main editor: for big projects I use Eclipse as my primary editor, and Sublime Text 3 as my git editor and additional file editor when I need to make use of its advanced features such as multi-cursor mode, vertical/column selection mode, etc. For small to medium projects I use just Sublime Text 3 by itself. For setup instructions for Eclipse, see my PDF document here.

An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found

After upgrading build tools in DevOps build agent to visual studio 2019, we started getting the below error for 64-bit build step of a WPF application.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3975,5): error MSB3482: An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe was not found at path

I tried all the above answers except the ones to disable signing or signing security and nothing helped.

Disabled the default MSBUILD step enter image description here

Added a cmd prompt step enter image description here

The path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MsBuild.exe"

Note: Removed amd64 from the path above.

This is still a workaround. I hope Microsoft will fix it in the following release.

How to get all table names from a database?

 public void getDatabaseMetaData()
        try {

            DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
            String[] types = {"TABLE"};
            ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTables(null, null, "%", types);
            while ( {
            catch (SQLException e) {

Get json value from response

Normally you could access it by its property name:

var foo = {"id":"2231f87c-a62c-4c2c-8f5d-b76d11942301"};

or perhaps you've got a JSON string that needs to be turned into an object:

var foo = jQuery.parseJSON(data);

Git - Won't add files?

Silly solution from me, but I thought that it wasn't adding and pushing new files because wasn't showing the files I had just pushed. I had forgotten that the files I added were on a different branch. The files had push just fine. I had to switch from my master branch to the new branch in github to see them. Lost a few minutes on that one :)

How to read GET data from a URL using JavaScript?

Try like this.. Eg :

$.urlParam = function (name) {
    var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(;
    return (results !== null) ? results[1] || 0 : false;

Hope it helps. :)

Change default icon

Your application icon shows in the taskbar. The icon on the topleft (window) is the form-icon. Go to your form and fill the property "icon" with the same icon; problem solved. You don't need to put the icon in the outputfolder (that's just for setups).

How to handle anchor hash linking in AngularJS

If you always know the route, you can simply append the anchor like this:


where route is the current angular route and anchorID matches an <a id="anchorID"> somewhere on the page

Set Background color programmatically

If you save color code in the colors.xml which is under the values folder,then you should call the following:


name means you declare in the <color/> tag.

How to compare DateTime in C#?

Here's a typical simple example in the Unity milieu

using UnityEngine;

public class Launch : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("today " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));

        // don't allow the app to be run after June 10th
        System.DateTime lastDay = new System.DateTime(2020, 6, 10);
        System.DateTime today = System.DateTime.Now;

        if (lastDay < today) {
            Debug.Log("quit the app");

ToggleButton in C# WinForms

Check FlatStyle property. Setting it to "System" makes the checkbox sunken in my environment.

How to cast/convert pointer to reference in C++


You don't need to cast it because it's the same Object type, you just need to dereference it.

How to zero pad a sequence of integers in bash so that all have the same width?

Use awk like this:

awk -v start=1 -v end=10 'BEGIN{for (i=start; i<=end; i++) printf("%05d\n", i)}'




As pure bash alternative you can do this to get same output:

for i in {1..10}
   printf "%05d\n" $i

This way you can avoid using an external program seq which is NOT available on all the flavors of *nix.

How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory?

A modern stdlib way is using sysconfig module, available in version 2.7 and 3.2+. Unlike the current accepted answer, this method still works regardless of whether or not you have a virtual environment active.

Note: sysconfig (source) is not to be confused with the distutils.sysconfig submodule (source) mentioned in several other answers here. The latter is an entirely different module and it's lacking the get_paths function discussed below.

Python currently uses eight paths (docs):

  • stdlib: directory containing the standard Python library files that are not platform-specific.
  • platstdlib: directory containing the standard Python library files that are platform-specific.
  • platlib: directory for site-specific, platform-specific files.
  • purelib: directory for site-specific, non-platform-specific files.
  • include: directory for non-platform-specific header files.
  • platinclude: directory for platform-specific header files.
  • scripts: directory for script files.
  • data: directory for data files.

In most cases, users finding this question would be interested in the 'purelib' path (in some cases, you might be interested in 'platlib' too). The purelib path is where ordinary Python packages will be installed by tools like pip.

At system level, you'll see something like this:

# Linux
$ python3 -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('purelib'))"

# macOS (brew installed python3.8)
$ python3 -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('purelib'))"
/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/3.8.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages

# Windows
C:\> py -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('purelib'))"

With a venv, you'll get something like this

# Linux

# macOS

# Windows

The function sysconfig.get_paths() returns a dict of all of the relevant installation paths, example on Linux:

>>> import sysconfig
>>> sysconfig.get_paths()
{'stdlib': '/usr/local/lib/python3.8',
 'platstdlib': '/usr/local/lib/python3.8',
 'purelib': '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages',
 'platlib': '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages',
 'include': '/usr/local/include/python3.8',
 'platinclude': '/usr/local/include/python3.8',
 'scripts': '/usr/local/bin',
 'data': '/usr/local'}

A shell script is also available to display these details, which you can invoke by executing sysconfig as a module:

python -m sysconfig

setting system property

System.setProperty("gate.home", "/some/directory");

For more information, see:

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

  1. Right click on My Computer
  2. Click on Manage
  3. Go to Services and Application
  4. Select Services and find MySQL service
  5. Right click on MySQL and select Start

OR operator in switch-case?

foreach (array('one', 'two', 'three') as $v) {
    switch ($v) {
        case (function ($v) {
            if ($v == 'two') return $v;
            return 'one';
            echo "$v min \n";


this works fine for languages supporting enclosures

Rethrowing exceptions in Java without losing the stack trace

I would prefer:

catch (FooException fe){
   throw fe;
catch (Exception e)
    // Note: don't catch all exceptions like this unless you know what you
    // are doing.

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in

The mySQL client by default attempts to connect through a local file called a socket instead of connecting to the loopback address ( for localhost.

The default location of this socket file, at least on OSX, is /tmp/mysql.sock.


Create a symlink to fool the OS into finding the correct socket.

ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp


Change the socket path defined in the file in /Applications/MAMP/bin.

Retrieve version from maven pom.xml in code

Packaged artifacts contain a META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId}/ file which content looks like:

#Generated by Maven
#Sun Feb 21 23:38:24 GMT 2010

Many applications use this file to read the application/jar version at runtime, there is zero setup required.

The only problem with the above approach is that this file is (currently) generated during the package phase and will thus not be present during tests, etc (there is a Jira issue to change this, see MJAR-76). If this is an issue for you, then the approach described by Alex is the way to go.

How to extract table as text from the PDF using Python?

If your pdf is text-based and not a scanned document (i.e. if you can click and drag to select text in your table in a PDF viewer), then you can use the module camelot-py with

import camelot
tables = camelot.read_pdf('foo.pdf')

You then can choose how you want to save the tables (as csv, json, excel, html, sqlite), and whether the output should be compressed in a ZIP archive.

tables.export('foo.csv', f='csv', compress=False)

Edit: tabula-py appears roughly 6 times faster than camelot-py so that should be used instead.

import camelot
import cProfile
import pstats
import tabula

cmd_tabula = "tabula.read_pdf('table.pdf', pages='1', lattice=True)"
prof_tabula = cProfile.Profile().run(cmd_tabula)
time_tabula = pstats.Stats(prof_tabula).total_tt

cmd_camelot = "camelot.read_pdf('table.pdf', pages='1', flavor='lattice')"
prof_camelot = cProfile.Profile().run(cmd_camelot)
time_camelot = pstats.Stats(prof_camelot).total_tt

print(time_tabula, time_camelot, time_camelot/time_tabula)


1.8495559890000015 11.057014036000016 5.978199147125147

How to increment a pointer address and pointer's value?

The following is an instantiation of the various "just print it" suggestions. I found it instructive.

#include "stdio.h"

int main() {
    static int x = 5;
    static int *p = &x;
    printf("(int) p   => %d\n",(int) p);
    printf("(int) p++ => %d\n",(int) p++);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("(int) ++p => %d\n",(int) ++p);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("++*p      => %d\n",++*p);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("++(*p)    => %d\n",++(*p));
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("++*(p)    => %d\n",++*(p));
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("*p++      => %d\n",*p++);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("(*p)++    => %d\n",(*p)++);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("*(p)++    => %d\n",*(p)++);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("*++p      => %d\n",*++p);
    x = 5; p = &x;
    printf("*(++p)    => %d\n",*(++p));
    return 0;

It returns

(int) p   => 256688152
(int) p++ => 256688152
(int) ++p => 256688156
++*p      => 6
++(*p)    => 6
++*(p)    => 6
*p++      => 5
(*p)++    => 5
*(p)++    => 5
*++p      => 0
*(++p)    => 0

I cast the pointer addresses to ints so they could be easily compared.

I compiled it with GCC.

List all files from a directory recursively with Java

Assuming this is actual production code you'll be writing, then I suggest using the solution to this sort of thing that's already been solved - Apache Commons IO, specifically FileUtils.listFiles(). It handles nested directories, filters (based on name, modification time, etc).

For example, for your regex:

Collection files = FileUtils.listFiles(
  new RegexFileFilter("^(.*?)"), 

This will recursively search for files matching the ^(.*?) regex, returning the results as a collection.

It's worth noting that this will be no faster than rolling your own code, it's doing the same thing - trawling a filesystem in Java is just slow. The difference is, the Apache Commons version will have no bugs in it.

How to change button text in Swift Xcode 6?

It is now this For swift 3,

    let button = (sender as AnyObject)
    button.setTitle("Your text", for: .normal)

(The constant declaration of the variable is not necessary just make sure you use the sender from the button like this) :

    (sender as AnyObject).setTitle("Your text", for: .normal)

Remember this is used inside the IBAction of your button.

HTML5 Dynamically create Canvas

 <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
  var sun = new Image();
  var moon = new Image();
  var earth = new Image();
  function init() {
  sun.src = '';
  moon.src = '';
  earth.src = '';

  function draw() {
  var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');

  ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 300, 300);

  ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)';
  ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0, 153, 255, 0.4)';;
  ctx.translate(150, 150);

  // Earth
  var time = new Date();
  ctx.rotate(((2 * Math.PI) / 60) * time.getSeconds() + ((2 * Math.PI) / 60000) * 
  ctx.translate(105, 0);
  ctx.fillRect(10, -19, 55, 31); 
  ctx.drawImage(earth, -12, -12);

   // Moon;
  ctx.rotate(((2 * Math.PI) / 6) * time.getSeconds() + ((2 * Math.PI) / 6000) * 
  ctx.translate(0, 28.5);
  ctx.drawImage(moon, -3.5, -3.5);


   ctx.arc(150, 150, 105, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);

   ctx.drawImage(sun, 0, 0, 300, 300);



How to put an image in div with CSS?

This answer by Jaap :

<div class="image"></div>?

and in CSS :

div.image {

you can try it on this link :

this is a link about css content

This has been tested on Chrome, firefox and Safari. (I'm on a mac, so if someone has the result on IE, tell me to add it)

The import javax.persistence cannot be resolved

If anyone is using Maven, you'll need to add the dependency in the POM.XML file. The latest version as of this post is below:


Fit Image into PictureBox

Imam Mahdi aj SizeMode Change in properties

You can use the properties section

Android: Scale a Drawable or background image?

To keep the aspect ratio you have to use android:scaleType=fitCenter or fitStart etc. Using fitXY will not keep the original aspect ratio of the image!

Note this works only for images with a src attribute, not for the background image.

Minimum Hardware requirements for Android development

I did the following experiment at home:

let's compare how 2 computers compile the same android application in eclipse. Here are the competitors:

"the monster" - pentinum i7 - 16 gig RAM - solid state hard drive

"peabody" - pentinum i3 - 4 gig RAM

The results: when I compiled the same application in eclipse, the monster and peabody took exactly the same amount of time to bring up the emulator to the point where you have to slide the button to run the app: 1 minute 12 seconds.

After that point, the monster executed the app 30-40 seconds faster than peabody.

The monster costs about $500 more than the peabody. So the question is, is it really worth it? In my opinion, No. I can wait the extra 30-40 seconds

Best way to store password in database

You are correct that storing the password in a plain-text field is a horrible idea. However, as far as location goes, for most of the cases you're going to encounter (and I honestly can't think of any counter-examples) storing the representation of a password in the database is the proper thing to do. By representation I mean that you want to hash the password using a salt (which should be different for every user) and a secure 1-way algorithm and store that, throwing away the original password. Then, when you want to verify a password, you hash the value (using the same hashing algorithm and salt) and compare it to the hashed value in the database.

So, while it is a good thing you are thinking about this and it is a good question, this is actually a duplicate of these questions (at least):

To clarify a bit further on the salting bit, the danger with simply hashing a password and storing that is that if a trespasser gets a hold of your database, they can still use what are known as rainbow tables to be able to "decrypt" the password (at least those that show up in the rainbow table). To get around this, developers add a salt to passwords which, when properly done, makes rainbow attacks simply infeasible to do. Do note that a common misconception is to simply add the same unique and long string to all passwords; while this is not horrible, it is best to add unique salts to every password. Read this for more.

React won't load local images

I too would like to add to the answers from @Hawkeye Parker and @Kiszuriwalilibori:

As was noted from the docs here, it is typically best to import the images as needed.

However, I needed many files to be dynamically loaded, which led me to put the images in the public folder (also stated in the README), because of this recommendation below from the documentation:

Normally we recommend importing stylesheets, images, and fonts from JavaScript. The public folder is useful as a workaround for a number of less common cases:

  • You need a file with a specific name in the build output, such as manifest.webmanifest.
  • You have thousands of images and need to dynamically reference their paths.
  • You want to include a small script like pace.js outside of the bundled code.
  • Some library may be incompatible with Webpack and you have no other option but to include it as a tag.

Hope that helps someone else! Leave me a comment if I need to clear any of that up.

window.close() doesn't work - Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it

The below code worked for me :)'your current page URL', '_self', '');

Write HTML to string

This is not a generic solution, however, if your pupose is to have or maintain email templates then System.Web has a built-in class called MailDefinition. This class is used by the ASP.NET membership controls to create HTML emails.

Does the same kind of 'string replace' things as mentioned above, but packs it all into a MailMessage for you.

Here is an example from MSDN:

ListDictionary replacements = new ListDictionary();
replacements.Add("<%From%>", md.From);
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage fileMsg;
fileMsg = md.CreateMailMessage(toAddresses, replacements, emailTemplate, this); 
return fileMsg;

How to extract the decision rules from scikit-learn decision-tree?

Apparently a long time ago somebody already decided to try to add the following function to the official scikit's tree export functions (which basically only supports export_graphviz)

def export_dict(tree, feature_names=None, max_depth=None) :
    """Export a decision tree in dict format.

Here is his full commit:

Not exactly sure what happened to this comment. But you could also try to use that function.

I think this warrants a serious documentation request to the good people of scikit-learn to properly document the sklearn.tree.Tree API which is the underlying tree structure that DecisionTreeClassifier exposes as its attribute tree_.

How to copy directories with spaces in the name

There's no need to add space before closing quote if path doesn't contain trailing backslash, so following command should work:

robocopy "C:\Source Path" "C:\Destination Path" /option1 /option2...

But, following will not work:

robocopy "C:\Source Path\" "C:\Destination Path\" /option1 /option2...

This is due to the escaping issue that is described here:

The \ escape can cause problems with quoted directory paths that contain a trailing backslash because the closing quote " at the end of the line will be escaped \".

Directory.GetFiles: how to get only filename, not full path?

Use this to obtain only the filename.


How do I import an existing Java keystore (.jks) file into a Java installation?

You can bulk import all aliases from one keystore to another:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore source.jks -destkeystore dest.jks

Using str_replace so that it only acts on the first match?

To expand on zombat's answer (which I believe to be the best answer), I created a recursive version of his function that takes in a $limit parameter to specify how many occurrences you want to replace.

function str_replace_limit($haystack, $needle, $replace, $limit, $start_pos = 0) {
    if ($limit <= 0) {
        return $haystack;
    } else {
        $pos = strpos($haystack,$needle,$start_pos);
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $newstring = substr_replace($haystack, $replace, $pos, strlen($needle));
            return str_replace_limit($newstring, $needle, $replace, $limit-1, $pos+strlen($replace));
        } else {
            return $haystack;

pySerial write() won't take my string

It turns out that the string needed to be turned into a bytearray and to do this I editted the code to


This solved the problem

jQuery $("#radioButton").change(...) not firing during de-selection

With Ajax, for me worked:


<div id='anID'>
 <form name="nameOfForm">
            <p><b>Your headline</b></p>
            <input type='radio' name='nameOfRadio' value='seed' 
             <?php if ($interviewStage == 'seed') {echo" checked ";}?> 
            onchange='funcInterviewStage()'><label>Your label</label><br>


 function funcInterviewStage() {

                var dis = document.nameOfForm.nameOfRadio.value;

                //Auswahltafel anzeigen
                  if (dis == "") {
                      document.getElementById("anID").innerHTML = "";
                  } else { 
                      if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
                          // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
                          xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
                      } else {
                          // code for IE6, IE5
                          xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                          if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
                              document.getElementById("anID").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;

And php:

//// Get Value
$id = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_GET['id']);

//// Insert to database
$insert = mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE [TABLE] SET [column] = '$id' WHERE [...]");

//// Show radio buttons again
$mysqliAbfrage = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT [column] FROM [Table] WHERE [...]");
                  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($mysqliAbfrage)) {
                  <form name='nameOfForm'>
                      <p><b>Your headline</b></p>
                      <input type='radio' name='nameOfRadio' value='seed'"; if ($interviewStage == 'seed') {echo" checked ";} echo" onchange='funcInterviewStage()'><label>Yourr Label</label><br>
                      <input type='radio' name='nameOfRadio' value='startup'"; if ($interviewStage == 'startup') {echo" checked ";} echo" onchange='funcInterviewStage()'><label>Your label</label><br>

                  </form> ";

Transfer git repositories from GitLab to GitHub - can we, how to and pitfalls (if any)?

If you have MFA enabled on GitLab you should go to Repository Settings/Repository ->Deploy Keys and create one, then use it as login while importing repo on GitHub

Reading numbers from a text file into an array in C

5623125698541159 is treated as a single number (out of range of int on most architecture). You need to write numbers in your file as

5 6 2 3 1 2 5  6 9 8 5 4 1 1 5 9  

for 16 numbers.

If your file has input


then change %d specifier in your fscanf to %d,.

  fscanf(myFile, "%d,", &numberArray[i] );  

Here is your full code after few modifications:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){

    FILE *myFile;
    myFile = fopen("somenumbers.txt", "r");

    //read file into array
    int numberArray[16];
    int i;

    if (myFile == NULL){
        printf("Error Reading File\n");
        exit (0);

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++){
        fscanf(myFile, "%d,", &numberArray[i] );

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++){
        printf("Number is: %d\n\n", numberArray[i]);


    return 0;

Main differences between SOAP and RESTful web services in Java


Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a standard, an XML language, defining a message architecture and message formats. It is used by Web services. It contains a description of the operations.

WSDL is an XML-based language for describing Web services and how to access them. It will run on SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. It requires middleware support and well-defined mechanism to define services like WSDL+XSD and WS-Policy. SOAP will return XML based data


Representational State Transfer (RESTful) web services. They are second-generation Web services.

RESTful web services communicate via HTTP rather than SOAP-based services and do not require XML messages or WSDL service-API definitions. For REST middleware is not required, only HTTP support is needed. It is a WADL standard, REST can return XML, plain text, JSON, HTML, etc.

How to get Java Decompiler / JD / JD-Eclipse running in Eclipse Helios

To Make it work in Eclipse Juno - I had to do some additional steps.

In General -> Editors -> File Association

  1. Select "*.class" and mark "Class File Editor" as default
  2. Select "*.class without source" -> Add -> "Class File Editor" -> Make it as default
  3. Restart eclipse

How to use variables in SQL statement in Python?

The syntax for providing a single value can be confusing for inexperienced Python users.

Given the query

INSERT INTO mytable (fruit) VALUES (%s)

The value passed to cursor.execute must still be a tuple even though it is a singleton, so we must provide a single element tuple, like this: (value,).

cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO mytable (fruit) VALUES (%s)""", ('apple',))

Adding external resources (CSS/JavaScript/images etc) in JSP

The reason that you get the 404 File Not Found error, is that your path to CSS given as a value to the href attribute is missing context path.

An HTTP request URL contains the following parts:


The request path is further composed of the following elements:

  • Context path: A concatenation of a forward slash (/) with the context root of the servlet's web application. Example: http://host[:port]/context-root[/url-pattern]

  • Servlet path: The path section that corresponds to the component alias that activated this request. This path starts with a forward slash (/).

  • Path info: The part of the request path that is not part of the context path or the servlet path.

Read more here.


There are several solutions to your problem, here are some of them:

1) Using <c:url> tag from JSTL

In my Java web applications I usually used <c:url> tag from JSTL when defining the path to CSS/JavaScript/image and other static resources. By doing so you can be sure that those resources are referenced always relative to the application context (context path).

If you say, that your CSS is located inside WebContent folder, then this should work:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/globalCSS.css" />" />

The reason why it works is explained in the "JavaServer Pages™ Standard Tag Library" version 1.2 specification chapter 7.5 (emphasis mine):

7.5 <c:url>
Builds a URL with the proper rewriting rules applied.
The URL must be either an absolute URL starting with a scheme (e.g. "http:// server/context/page.jsp") or a relative URL as defined by JSP 1.2 in JSP.2.2.1 "Relative URL Specification". As a consequence, an implementation must prepend the context path to a URL that starts with a slash (e.g. "/page2.jsp") so that such URLs can be properly interpreted by a client browser.

Don't forget to use Taglib directive in your JSP to be able to reference JSTL tags. Also see an example JSP page here.

2) Using JSP Expression Language and implicit objects

An alternative solution is using Expression Language (EL) to add application context:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/globalCSS.css" />

Here we have retrieved the context path from the request object. And to access the request object we have used the pageContext implicit object.

3) Using <c:set> tag from JSTL

The idea of this solution was taken from here.

To make accessing the context path more compact than in the solution ?2, you can first use the JSTL <c:set> tag, that sets the value of an EL variable or the property of an EL variable in any of the JSP scopes (page, request, session, or application) for later access.

<c:set var="root" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${root}/globalCSS.css" />

By default, in order to set the variable in such manner, the JSP that contains this set tag must be accessed at least once (including in case of setting the value in the application scope using scope attribute, like <c:set var="foo" value="bar" scope="application" />), before using this new variable. For instance, you can have several JSP files where you need this variable. So you must ether a) both set the new variable holding context path in the application scope AND access this JSP first, before using this variable in other JSP files, or b) set this context path holding variable in EVERY JSP file, where you need to access to it.

4) Using ServletContextListener

The more effective way to make accessing the context path more compact is to set a variable that will hold the context path and store it in the application scope using a Listener. This solution is similar to solution ?3, but the benefit is that now the variable holding context path is set right at the start of the web application and is available application wide, no need for additional steps.

We need a class that implements ServletContextListener interface. Here is an example of such class:

package com.example.listener;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener;

public class AppContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
        ServletContext sc = event.getServletContext();
        sc.setAttribute("ctx", sc.getContextPath());

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {}


Now in a JSP we can access this global variable using EL:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/globalCSS.css" />

@WebListener annotation is available since Servlet version 3.0. If you use a servlet container or application server that supports older Servlet specifications, remove the @WebServlet annotation and instead configure the listener in the deployment descriptor (web.xml). Here is an example of web.xml file for the container that supports maximum Servlet version 2.5 (other configurations are omitted for the sake of brevity):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

5) Using scriptlets

As suggested by user @gavenkoa you can also use scriptlets like this:

<%= request.getContextPath() %>

For such a small thing it is probably OK, just note that generally the use of scriptlets in JSP is discouraged.


I personally prefer either the first solution (used it in my previous projects most of the time) or the second, as they are most clear, intuitive and unambiguous (IMHO). But you choose whatever suits you most.

Other thoughts

You can deploy your web app as the default application (i.e. in the default root context), so it can be accessed without specifying context path. For more info read the "Update" section here.

Switch statement: must default be the last case?

The case statements and the default statement can occur in any order in the switch statement. The default clause is an optional clause that is matched if none of the constants in the case statements can be matched.

Good Example :-

switch(5) {
  case 1:
    echo "1";
  case 2:
    echo "2, default";
  case 3;
    echo "3";

Outputs '2,default'

very useful if you want your cases to be presented in a logical order in the code (as in, not saying case 1, case 3, case 2/default) and your cases are very long so you do not want to repeat the entire case code at the bottom for the default

Use URI builder in Android or create URL with variables

Excellent answer from above turned into a simple utility method.

private Uri buildURI(String url, Map<String, String> params) {

    // build url with parameters.
    Uri.Builder builder = Uri.parse(url).buildUpon();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
        builder.appendQueryParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());


How do I toggle an ng-show in AngularJS based on a boolean?

You just need to toggle the value of "isReplyFormOpen" on ng-click event

<a ng-click="isReplyFormOpen = !isReplyFormOpen">Reply</a>
 <div ng-show="isReplyFormOpen" id="replyForm">

Align image in center and middle within div

for a long time, i also tried the solution to put the img at the center of the div, but for my case i just need this type of component on ajax loading progress so i simply tried the following solution, hope this helps for you!

<div id="loader" style="position: absolute;top: 0;right: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;z-index: 1;background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5) url('your_image_url') no-repeat center;background-size: 135px;display: none;"></div>

SQL Query to find missing rows between two related tables






Please note that these queries do not require that ABC_ID be in table B at all. I think that does what you want.

How to collapse blocks of code in Eclipse?

Try this option: Preferences > Java > Editor > Folding > Enable folding

How to determine if OpenSSL and mod_ssl are installed on Apache2

Usually, when you compile your apache2 server (or install it by packages facility stuff), you can check any directive that're available to be used by tapping this command:

~# $(which httpd) -L | grep SSL # on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora
~# $(which apache2) -L | grep SSL # on Ubuntu/Debian

If you don't see any SSL* directive, it means that you don't have apache2 with mod_ssl compiled.

Hopes it helps ;)

PHP - cannot use a scalar as an array warning

Make sure that you don't declare it as a integer, float, string or boolean before.

Objective-C: Extract filename from path string

If you're displaying a user-readable file name, you do not want to use lastPathComponent. Instead, pass the full path to NSFileManager's displayNameAtPath: method. This basically does does the same thing, only it correctly localizes the file name and removes the extension based on the user's preferences.

How do I create test and train samples from one dataframe with pandas?

You can use ~ (tilde operator) to exclude the rows sampled using df.sample(), letting pandas alone handle sampling and filtering of indexes, to obtain two sets.

train_df = df.sample(frac=0.8, random_state=100)
test_df = df[~df.index.isin(train_df.index)]

Get specific objects from ArrayList when objects were added anonymously?

As per your question requirement , I would like to suggest that Map will solve your problem very efficient and without any hassle.

In Map you can give the name as key and your original object as value.

  Map<String,Cave> myMap=new HashMap<String,Cave>();

How to change language settings in R

A simple solution would be setting export Lang=C in your bash script. I had a similar issue where the default language was german so it reverted back to english.

Is there a way to comment out markup in an .ASPX page?

FYI | ctrl + K, C is the comment shortcut in Visual Studio. ctrl + K, U uncomments.

error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘{’ token

Error happens in your function declarations,look the following sentence!You need a semicolon!

AST_NODE* Statement(AST_NODE* node)

How to write one new line in Bitbucket markdown?

Feb 3rd 2020:

  • Atlassian Bitbucket v5.8.3 local installation.
  • I wanted to add a new line around an horizontal line. --- did produce the line, but I could not get new lines to work with suggestions above.
  • note: I did not want to use the [space][space] suggestion, since my editor removes trailing spaces on save, and I like this feature on.

I ended up doing this:


Resulting in:

----------------- AN HORIZONTAL LINE ----------------

C# declare empty string array

Arrays' constructors are different. Here are some ways to make an empty string array:

var arr = new string[0];
var arr = new string[]{};
var arr = Enumerable.Empty<string>().ToArray()

(sorry, on mobile)

Center fixed div with dynamic width (CSS)

Here's another method if you can safely use CSS3's transform property:

    position: fixed;
    top: 100px; /* or whatever top you need */
    left: 50%;
    width: auto;
    -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
    -moz-transform: translateX(-50%);
    -ms-transform: translateX(-50%);
    -o-transform: translateX(-50%);
    transform: translateX(-50%);

...or if you want both horizontal AND vertical centering:

    position: fixed;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    -moz-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    -ms-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    -o-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    transform: translate(-50%,-50%);

Applying Comic Sans Ms font style

The font may exist with different names, and not at all on some systems, so you need to use different variations and fallback to get the closest possible look on all systems:

font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;

Be careful what you use this font for, though. Many consider it as ugly and overused, so it should not be use for something that should look professional.

Best practice to validate null and empty collection in Java

Personally, I prefer to use empty collections instead of null and have the algorithms work in a way that for the algorithm it does not matter if the collection is empty or not.

How to create a static library with g++?

You can create a .a file using the ar utility, like so:

ar crf lib/libHeader.a header.o

lib is a directory that contains all your libraries. it is good practice to organise your code this way and separate the code and the object files. Having everything in one directory generally looks ugly. The above line creates libHeader.a in the directory lib. So, in your current directory, do:

mkdir lib

Then run the above ar command.

When linking all libraries, you can do it like so:

g++ test.o -L./lib -lHeader -o test  

The -L flag will get g++ to add the lib/ directory to the path. This way, g++ knows what directory to search when looking for libHeader. -llibHeader flags the specific library to link.

where test.o is created like so:

g++ -c test.cpp -o test.o 

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'

By turning them into integers instead:

percent = (int(pyc) / int(tpy)) * 100;

In python 3, the input() function returns a string. Always. This is a change from Python 2; the raw_input() function was renamed to input().

How to change the colors of a PNG image easily?

Use Photoshop, Paint.NET or similar software and adjust Hue.

Python Binomial Coefficient

The simplest way is using the Multiplicative formula. It works for (n,n) and (n,0) as expected.

def coefficient(n,k):
    c = 1.0
    for i in range(1, k+1):
        c *= float((n+1-i))/float(i)
    return c

Multiplicative formula

What does it mean to "program to an interface"?

An interface is like a contract, where you want your implementation class to implement methods written in the contract (interface). Since Java does not provide multiple inheritance, "programming to interface" is a good way to achieve multiple inheritance.

If you have a class A that is already extending some other class B, but you want that class A to also follow certain guidelines or implement a certain contract, then you can do so by the "programming to interface" strategy.

How to get a Char from an ASCII Character Code in c#

It is important to notice that in C# the char type is stored as Unicode UTF-16.

From ASCII equivalent integer to char

char c = (char)88;


char c = Convert.ToChar(88)

From char to ASCII equivalent integer

int asciiCode = (int)'A';

The literal must be ASCII equivalent. For example:

string str = "X?????????";

will print


Extended ASCII ranges from 0 to 255.

From default UTF-16 literal to char

Using the Symbol

char c = 'X';

Using the Unicode code

char c = '\u0058';

Using the Hexadecimal

char c = '\x0058';

How to implement a custom AlertDialog View

The easiest way to do this is by using instead of where public AlertDialog.Builder setView (int layoutResId) can be used below API 21.

new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                //Do something
        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                //Do something

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

You don't need an IIF() at all here. The comparisons return true or false anyway.

Also, since this row visibility is on a group row, make sure you use the same aggregate function on the fields as you use in the fields in the row. So if your group row shows sums, then you'd put this in the Hidden property.

=Sum(Fields!OpeningStock.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!GrossDispatched.Value) = 0 And 
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!NetDispatched.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!QtySold.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!StockAdjustment.Value) = 0 And
Sum(Fields!ClosingStock.Value) = 0

But with the above version, if one record has value 1 and one has value -1 and all others are zero then sum is also zero and the row could be hidden. If that's not what you want you could write a more complex expression:

        Fields!OpeningStock.Value=0 AND
        Fields!GrossDispatched.Value=0 AND
        Fields!TransferOutToMW.Value=0 AND
        Fields!TransferOutToDW.Value=0 AND 
        Fields!TransferOutToOW.Value=0 AND
        Fields!NetDispatched.Value=0 AND
        Fields!QtySold.Value=0 AND
        Fields!StockAdjustment.Value=0 AND
) = 0

This is essentially a fancy way of counting the number of rows in which any field is not zero. If every field is zero for every row in the group then the expression returns true and the row is hidden.

Define constant variables in C++ header

I like the namespace better for this kind of purpose.

Option 1 :


//  File Name : LibConstants.hpp    Purpose : Global Constants for Lib Utils
namespace LibConstants
  const int CurlTimeOut = 0xFF;     // Just some example

// source.cpp
#include <LibConstants.hpp>
int value = LibConstants::CurlTimeOut;

Option 2 :

//  File Name : LibConstants.hpp    Purpose : Global Constants for Lib Utils
namespace CurlConstants
  const int CurlTimeOut = 0xFF;     // Just some example

namespace MySQLConstants
  const int DBPoolSize = 0xFF;      // Just some example

// source.cpp
#include <LibConstants.hpp>
int value = CurlConstants::CurlTimeOut;
int val2  = MySQLConstants::DBPoolSize;

And I would never use a Class to hold this type of HardCoded Const variables.

JavaScript is in array

if(array.indexOf("67") != -1) // is in array

Python, print all floats to 2 decimal places in output

If you just want to convert the values to nice looking strings do the following:

twodecimals = ["%.2f" % v for v in vars]

Alternatively, you could also print out the units like you have in your question:

vars = [0, 1, 2, 3] # just some example values
units = ['kg', 'lb', 'gal', 'l']
delimiter = ', ' # or however you want the values separated

print delimiter.join(["%.2f %s" % (v,u) for v,u in zip(vars, units)])
Out[189]: '0.00 kg, 1.00 lb, 2.00 gal, 3.00 l'

The second way allows you to easily change the delimiter (tab, spaces, newlines, whatever) to suit your needs easily; the delimiter could also be a function argument instead of being hard-coded.

Edit: To use your 'name = value' syntax simply change the element-wise operation within the list comprehension:

print delimiter.join(["%s = %.2f" % (u,v) for v,u in zip(vars, units)])
Out[190]: 'kg = 0.00, lb = 1.00, gal = 2.00, l = 3.00'

java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\xBD\xF0\x9F...'

How I solved my problem.

I had


In my hibernate jdbc connection url and I changed the string datatype to longtext in database, which was varchar before.

How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other metadata when sharing my URL?

Use facebook feed dialog instead of share dialog to show custom Images


jQuery Validate Required Select

An easier solution has been outlined here: Validate select box

Make the value be empty and add the required attribute

<select id="select" class="required">
<option value="">Choose an option</option> 
<option value="option1">Option1</option>
<option value="option2">Option2</option>
<option value="option3">Option3</option>

Hexadecimal To Decimal in Shell Script

The error as reported appears when the variables are null (or empty):

$ unset var3 var4; var5=$(($var4-$var3))
bash: -: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "-")

That could happen because the value given to bc was incorrect. That might well be that bc needs UPPERcase values. It needs BFCA3000, not bfca3000. That is easily fixed in bash, just use the ^^ expansion:

var3=bfca3000; var3=`echo "ibase=16; ${var1^^}" | bc`

That will change the script to this:



var3="$(echo "ibase=16; ${var1^^}" | bc)"
var4="$(echo "ibase=16; ${var2^^}" | bc)"


echo "Diference $var5"

But there is no need to use bc [1], as bash could perform the translation and substraction directly:



var5="$(( 16#$var2 - 16#$var1 ))"

echo "Diference $var5"

[1]Note: I am assuming the values could be represented in 64 bit math, as the difference was calculated in bash in your original script. Bash is limited to integers less than ((2**63)-1) if compiled in 64 bits. That will be the only difference with bc which does not have such limit.

Counting the occurrences / frequency of array elements

Solution using a map with O(n) time complexity.

var arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 9];

const countOccurrences = (arr) => {
    const map = {};
    for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
        map[arr[i]] = ~~map[arr[i]] + 1;
    return map;


Cannot find name 'require' after upgrading to Angular4

I moved the tsconfig.json file into a new folder to restructure my project.

So it wasn't able to resolve the path to node_modules/@types folder inside typeRoots property of tsconfig.json

So just update the path from

"typeRoots": [


"typeRoots": [

To just ensure that the path to node_modules is resolved from the new location of the tsconfig.json

Function to calculate distance between two coordinates

I implemeneted this algorithm in typescript and ES6

export type Coordinate = {
  lat: number;
  lon: number;

get the distance between two points:

function getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(cord1: Coordinate, cord2: Coordinate) {
  if ( == && cord1.lon == cord2.lon) {
    return 0;

  const radlat1 = (Math.PI * / 180;
  const radlat2 = (Math.PI * / 180;

  const theta = cord1.lon - cord2.lon;
  const radtheta = (Math.PI * theta) / 180;

  let dist =
    Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) +
    Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta);

  if (dist > 1) {
    dist = 1;

  dist = Math.acos(dist);
  dist = (dist * 180) / Math.PI;
  dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
  dist = dist * 1.609344; //convert miles to km
  return dist;

get the distance between an array of coordinates

export function getTotalDistance(coordinates: Coordinate[]) {
  coordinates = coordinates.filter((cord) => {
    if ( && cord.lon) {
      return true;
  let totalDistance = 0;

  if (!coordinates) {
    return 0;

  if (coordinates.length < 2) {
    return 0;

  for (let i = 0; i < coordinates.length - 2; i++) {
    if (
      !coordinates[i].lon ||
      !coordinates[i].lat ||
      !coordinates[i + 1].lon ||
      !coordinates[i + 1].lat
    ) {
      totalDistance = totalDistance;
    totalDistance =
      totalDistance +
      getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(coordinates[i], coordinates[i + 1]);

  return totalDistance.toFixed(2);

How to upload a file from Windows machine to Linux machine using command lines via PuTTy?

Better and quicker approach without any software to download.

  • Open command prompt and follow steps mentioned below
  • cd path/from/where/file/istobe/copied
  • ftp (serverip or name)
  • It will ask for Server(AIX) User: (username)
  • It will ask for password : (password)
  • cd path/where/file/istobe/copied
  • pwd (to check current path)
  • mput (directory name which is to be copied)

This should work.

How to get column by number in Pandas?

Another way is to select a column with the columns array:

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2], [3,4]], columns=['a', 'b'])

In [6]: df
   a  b
0  1  2
1  3  4

In [7]: df[df.columns[0]]
0    1
1    3
Name: a, dtype: int64

How to print a linebreak in a python function?

All three way you can use for newline character :




Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?

feof() is not very intuitive. In my very humble opinion, the FILE's end-of-file state should be set to true if any read operation results in the end of file being reached. Instead, you have to manually check if the end of file has been reached after each read operation. For example, something like this will work if reading from a text file using fgetc():

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *in = fopen("testfile.txt", "r");

  while(1) {
    char c = fgetc(in);
    if (feof(in)) break;
    printf("%c", c);

  return 0;

It would be great if something like this would work instead:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *in = fopen("testfile.txt", "r");

  while(!feof(in)) {
    printf("%c", fgetc(in));

  return 0;

Save bitmap to file function

In kotlin :

private fun File.writeBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap, format: Bitmap.CompressFormat, quality: Int) {
    outputStream().use { out ->
        bitmap.compress(format, quality, out)

usage example:

File(exportDir, "map.png").writeBitmap(bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 85)

How to handle back button in activity

This is a simple way of doing something.

        public void onBackPressed() {
            // do what you want to do when the "back" button is pressed.
            startActivity(new Intent(Activity.this, MainActivity.class));

I think there might be more elaborate ways of going about it, but I like simplicity. For example, I used the template above to make the user sign out of the application AND THEN go back to another activity of my choosing.

VB.NET - How to move to next item a For Each Loop?

What about:

If Not I = x Then

  ' Do something '

End If

' Move to next item '

How to determine one year from now in Javascript

Use this:

var startDate = new Date();
    startDate.setFullYear(startDate.getFullYear() - 1);

Form Validation With Bootstrap (jQuery)

You can get another validation on this tutorial :

They use JQuery validation.




enter image description here

And you'll get the source code there.

 <form id="registration-form" class="form-horizontal">
 <h2>Sample Registration form <small>(Fill up the forms to get register)</small></h2>
 <div class="form-control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="name">Your Name</label>
 <div class="controls">
          <input type="text" class="input-xlarge" name="name" id="name"></div>
 <div class="form-control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="name">User Name</label>
 <div class="controls">
          <input type="text" class="input-xlarge" name="username" id="username"></div>
 <div class="form-control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="name">Password</label>
 <div class="controls">
          <input type="password" class="input-xlarge" name="password" id="password">

<div class="form-control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="name"> Retype Password</label>
<div class="controls">
              <input type="password" class="input-xlarge" name="confirm_password" id="confirm_password"></div>
<div class="form-control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label>
<div class="controls">
              <input type="text" class="input-xlarge" name="email" id="email"></div>
<div class="form-control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="message">Your Address</label>
<div class="controls">
              <textarea class="input-xlarge" name="address" id="address" rows="3"></textarea></div>
<div class="form-control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="message"> Please agree to our policy</label>
<div class="controls">
             <input id="agree" class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="agree"></div>
<div class="form-actions">
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-large">Register</button>
            <button type="reset" class="btn">Cancel</button></div>

And The JQuery :

<script src="assets/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="assets/js/jquery.validate.js"></script>

<script src="script.js"></script>
            addEventListener('load', prettyPrint, false);
            $('pre').addClass('prettyprint linenums');

Here is the live example of the code:

Check the full tutorial:

happy coding.

Authentication failed to bitbucket

I got the same issue when password reset has happend for the domain. I tried almost all the steps in
(Tools > Options > Authentication). But nothing worked. At last i got below answer from atlassian community page and it worked.

The only thing that worked for me was navigating to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree and removing the passwd file

Once that file was deleted, I just did a "Push" and it finally asked for my password

NUnit vs. MbUnit vs. MSTest vs.

NUnit is probably the most supported by the 3rd party tools. It's also been around longer than the other three.

I personally don't care much about unit test frameworks, mocking libraries are IMHO much more important (and lock you in much more). Just pick one and stick with it.

Injection of autowired dependencies failed;

public class Organization {

    private int id;

    private String name;

    private String address1;

    private String address2;

    private String city;

    private String state;

    private String country;

    private int pkgId;

    public int getPkgId() {
        return pkgId;

    public void setPkgId(int pkgId) {
        this.pkgId = pkgId;

    public String getCountry() {
        return country;

    public void setCountry(String country) { = country;

    private String pincode;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "organization", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Set<OrganizationBranch> organizationBranch = new HashSet<OrganizationBranch>(0);

    private String status = "ACTIVE";

    private int redmineProjectId;

    public int getRedmineProjectId() {
        return redmineProjectId;

    public void setRedmineProjectId(int redmineProjectId) {
        this.redmineProjectId = redmineProjectId;

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

    public Set<OrganizationBranch> getOrganizationBranch() {
        return organizationBranch;

    public void setOrganizationBranch(Set<OrganizationBranch> organizationBranch) {
        this.organizationBranch = organizationBranch;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getAddress1() {
        return address1;

    public void setAddress1(String address1) {
        this.address1 = address1;

    public String getAddress2() {
        return address2;

    public void setAddress2(String address2) {
        this.address2 = address2;

    public String getCity() {
        return city;

    public void setCity(String city) { = city;

    public String getState() {
        return state;

    public void setState(String state) {
        this.state = state;

    public String getPincode() {
        return pincode;

    public void setPincode(String pincode) {
        this.pincode = pincode;

You change the private int pkgId line in change datatype int to primitive class name or add annotation @autowired


MySQL will assume the part before the equals references the columns named in the INSERT INTO clause, and the second part references the SELECT columns.

INSERT INTO lee(exp_id, created_by, location, animal, starttime, endtime, entct, 
                inact, inadur, inadist, 
                smlct, smldur, smldist, 
                larct, lardur, lardist, 
                emptyct, emptydur)
SELECT id, uid, t.location, t.animal, t.starttime, t.endtime, t.entct, 
       t.inact, t.inadur, t.inadist, 
       t.smlct, t.smldur, t.smldist, 
       t.larct, t.lardur, t.lardist, 
       t.emptyct, t.emptydur 
FROM tmp t WHERE uid=x
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE entct=t.entct, inact=t.inact, ...

Correct path for img on React.js

Adding file-loader npm to webpack.config.js per its official usage instruction like so:

        test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
        use: [
                loader: 'file-loader',
                options: {}

worked for me.

Turning Sonar off for certain code

This is a FAQ. You can put //NOSONAR on the line triggering the warning. I prefer using the FindBugs mechanism though, which consists in adding the @SuppressFBWarnings annotation:

    justification = "Why you choose to ignore it")

I keep getting this error for my simple python program: "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"

As shown below, range only supports integers:

>>> range(15.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got float.
>>> range(15)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

However, c/10 is a float because / always returns a float.

Before you put it in range, you need to make c/10 an integer. This can be done by putting it in int:


or by using //, which returns an integer:


Convert comma separated string to array in PL/SQL

Yes, it is very frustrating that dbms_utility.comma_to_table only supports comma delimieted lists and then only when elements in the list are valid PL/SQL identifies (so numbers cause an error).

I have created a generic parsing package that will do what you need (pasted below). It is part of my "" file, a repository of over 2000 files that support my training materials, all available at PL/SQL Obsession:

Regards, Steven Feuerstein (daily PL/SQL quiz)

   Generalized delimited string parsing package

   Author: Steven Feuerstein, [email protected]

   Latest version always available on PL/SQL Obsession:

   Click on "Trainings, Seminars and Presentations" and
   then download the file.

   Modification History
      Date          Change
      10-APR-2009   Add support for nested list variations

     * This package does not validate correct use of delimiters.
       It assumes valid construction of lists.
     * Import the Q##PARSE.qut file into an installation of 
       Quest Code Tester 1.8.3 or higher in order to run
       the regression test for this package.

   SUBTYPE maxvarchar2_t IS VARCHAR2 (32767);

   Each of the collection types below correspond to (are returned by)
   one of the parse functions.

   items_tt - a simple list of strings
   nested_items_tt - a list of lists of strings
   named_nested_items_tt - a list of named lists of strings

   This last type also demonstrates the power and elegance of string-indexed
   collections. The name of the list of elements is the index value for
   the "outer" collection.
   TYPE items_tt IS TABLE OF maxvarchar2_t
                       INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;

   TYPE nested_items_tt IS TABLE OF items_tt
                              INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;

   TYPE named_nested_items_tt IS TABLE OF items_tt
                                    INDEX BY maxvarchar2_t;

   Parse lists with a single delimiter.
   Example: a,b,c,d

   Here is an example of using this function:

      l_list parse.items_tt;
      l_list := parse.string_to_list ('a,b,c,d', ',');
   FUNCTION string_to_list (string_in IN VARCHAR2, delim_in IN VARCHAR2)
      RETURN items_tt;

   Parse lists with nested delimiters.
   Example: a,b,c,d|1,2,3|x,y,z

   Here is an example of using this function:

      l_list parse.nested_items_tt;
      l_list := parse.string_to_list ('a,b,c,d|1,2,3,4', '|', ',');
   FUNCTION string_to_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                          , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                          , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
      RETURN nested_items_tt;

   Parse named lists with nested delimiters.
   Example: letters:a,b,c,d|numbers:1,2,3|names:steven,george

   Here is an example of using this function:

      l_list parse.named_nested_items_tt;
   l_list := parse.string_to_list ('letters:a,b,c,d|numbers:1,2,3,4', '|', ':', ',');
   FUNCTION string_to_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                          , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                          , name_delim_in  IN VARCHAR2
                          , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
      RETURN named_nested_items_tt;

   PROCEDURE display_list (string_in IN VARCHAR2
                         , delim_in  IN VARCHAR2:= ','

   PROCEDURE display_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                         , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                         , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2

   PROCEDURE display_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                         , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                         , name_delim_in  IN VARCHAR2
                         , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2

   PROCEDURE show_variations;

   /* Helper function for automated testing */
   FUNCTION nested_eq (list1_in    IN items_tt
                     , list2_in    IN items_tt
                     , nulls_eq_in IN BOOLEAN

END parse;

   FUNCTION string_to_list (string_in IN VARCHAR2, delim_in IN VARCHAR2)
      RETURN items_tt
      c_end_of_list   CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := -99;
      l_item          maxvarchar2_t;
      l_startloc      PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      items_out       items_tt;

      PROCEDURE add_item (item_in IN VARCHAR2)
         IF item_in = delim_in
            /* We don't put delimiters into the collection. */
            items_out (items_out.COUNT + 1) := item_in;
         END IF;

      PROCEDURE get_next_item (string_in         IN     VARCHAR2
                             , start_location_io IN OUT PLS_INTEGER
                             , item_out             OUT VARCHAR2
         l_loc   PLS_INTEGER;
         l_loc := INSTR (string_in, delim_in, start_location_io);

         IF l_loc = start_location_io
            /* A null item (two consecutive delimiters) */
            item_out := NULL;
         ELSIF l_loc = 0
            /* We are at the last item in the list. */
            item_out := SUBSTR (string_in, start_location_io);
            /* Extract the element between the two positions. */
            item_out :=
               SUBSTR (string_in
                     , start_location_io
                     , l_loc - start_location_io
         END IF;

         IF l_loc = 0
            /* If the delimiter was not found, send back indication
               that we are at the end of the list. */

            start_location_io := c_end_of_list;
            /* Move the starting point for the INSTR search forward. */
            start_location_io := l_loc + 1;
         END IF;
      END get_next_item;
      IF string_in IS NULL OR delim_in IS NULL
         /* Nothing to do except pass back the empty collection. */
            get_next_item (string_in, l_startloc, l_item);
            add_item (l_item);
            EXIT WHEN l_startloc = c_end_of_list;
         END LOOP;
      END IF;

      RETURN items_out;
   END string_to_list;

   FUNCTION string_to_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                          , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                          , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
      RETURN nested_items_tt
      l_elements   items_tt;
      l_return     nested_items_tt;
      /* Separate out the different lists. */
      l_elements := string_to_list (string_in, outer_delim_in);

      /* For each list, parse out the separate items
         and add them to the end of the list of items
         for that list. */   
      FOR indx IN 1 .. l_elements.COUNT
         l_return (l_return.COUNT + 1) :=
            string_to_list (l_elements (indx), inner_delim_in);
      END LOOP;

      RETURN l_return;
   END string_to_list;

   FUNCTION string_to_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                          , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                          , name_delim_in  IN VARCHAR2
                          , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
      RETURN named_nested_items_tt
      c_name_position constant pls_integer := 1;
      c_items_position constant pls_integer := 2;
      l_elements          items_tt;
      l_name_and_values   items_tt;
      l_return            named_nested_items_tt;
      /* Separate out the different lists. */
      l_elements := string_to_list (string_in, outer_delim_in);

      FOR indx IN 1 .. l_elements.COUNT
         /* Extract the name and the list of items that go with 
            the name. This collection always has just two elements:
              index 1 - the name
              index 2 - the list of values
         l_name_and_values :=
            string_to_list (l_elements (indx), name_delim_in);
         Use the name as the index value for this list.
         l_return (l_name_and_values (c_name_position)) :=
            string_to_list (l_name_and_values (c_items_position), inner_delim_in);
      END LOOP;

      RETURN l_return;
   END string_to_list;

   PROCEDURE display_list (string_in IN VARCHAR2
                         , delim_in  IN VARCHAR2:= ','
      l_items   items_tt;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
         'Parse "' || string_in || '" using "' || delim_in || '"'

      l_items := string_to_list (string_in, delim_in);

      FOR indx IN 1 .. l_items.COUNT
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('> ' || indx || ' = ' || l_items (indx));
      END LOOP;
   END display_list;

   PROCEDURE display_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                         , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                         , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
      l_items   nested_items_tt;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   'Parse "'
                           || string_in
                           || '" using "'
                           || outer_delim_in
                           || '-'
                           || inner_delim_in
                           || '"');
      l_items := string_to_list (string_in, outer_delim_in, inner_delim_in);

      FOR outer_index IN 1 .. l_items.COUNT
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   'List '
                              || outer_index
                              || ' contains '
                              || l_items (outer_index).COUNT
                              || ' elements');

         FOR inner_index IN 1 .. l_items (outer_index).COUNT
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   '> Value '
                                 || inner_index
                                 || ' = '
                                 || l_items (outer_index) (inner_index));
         END LOOP;
      END LOOP;
   END display_list;

   PROCEDURE display_list (string_in      IN VARCHAR2
                         , outer_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
                         , name_delim_in  IN VARCHAR2
                         , inner_delim_in IN VARCHAR2
      l_items   named_nested_items_tt;
      l_index   maxvarchar2_t;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   'Parse "'
                           || string_in
                           || '" using "'
                           || outer_delim_in
                           || '-'
                           || name_delim_in
                           || '-'
                           || inner_delim_in
                           || '"');
      l_items :=
         string_to_list (string_in
                       , outer_delim_in
                       , name_delim_in
                       , inner_delim_in

      l_index := l_items.FIRST;

      WHILE (l_index IS NOT NULL)
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   'List "'
                              || l_index
                              || '" contains '
                              || l_items (l_index).COUNT
                              || ' elements');

         FOR inner_index IN 1 .. l_items (l_index).COUNT
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(   '> Value '
                                 || inner_index
                                 || ' = '
                                 || l_items (l_index) (inner_index));
         END LOOP;

         l_index := l_items.NEXT (l_index);
      END LOOP;
   END display_list;

   PROCEDURE show_variations
      PROCEDURE show_header (title_in IN VARCHAR2)
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (RPAD ('=', 60, '='));
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (title_in);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (RPAD ('=', 60, '='));
      END show_header;
      show_header ('Single Delimiter Lists');
      display_list ('a,b,c');
      display_list ('a;b;c', ';');
      display_list ('a,,b,c');
      display_list (',,b,c,,');

      show_header ('Nested Lists');
      display_list ('a,b,c,d|1,2,3|x,y,z', '|', ',');

      show_header ('Named, Nested Lists');
      display_list ('letters:a,b,c,d|numbers:1,2,3|names:steven,george'
                  , '|'
                  , ':'
                  , ','

   FUNCTION nested_eq (list1_in    IN items_tt
                     , list2_in    IN items_tt
                     , nulls_eq_in IN BOOLEAN
      l_return   BOOLEAN := list1_in.COUNT = list2_in.COUNT;
      l_index    PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      WHILE (l_return AND l_index IS NOT NULL)
         l_return := list1_in (l_index) = list2_in (l_index);
         l_index := list1_in.NEXT (l_index);
      END LOOP;

      RETURN l_return;
         RETURN FALSE;
   END nested_eq;
/ cannot be cast to

You are getting this error because the parameter required is Activity and you are passing it the Application. So, either you cast application to the Activity like: (Activity)getApplicationContext(); Or you can just type the Activity like: MyActivity.this

python plot normal distribution

Use seaborn instead i am using distplot of seaborn with mean=5 std=3 of 1000 values

value = np.random.normal(loc=5,scale=3,size=1000)

You will get a normal distribution curve

Round double value to 2 decimal places

 value = (round(value*100)) / 100.0;

How do I format a number to a dollar amount in PHP

In php.ini add this (if it is missing):



Then do this:

$amount = 123.456;

// for Canadian Dollars
$currency = 'CAD';

// for Canadian English
$locale = 'en_CA';

$fmt = new \NumberFormatter( $locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
echo $fmt->formatCurrency($amount, $currency);

Google Maps shows "For development purposes only"

If your mapTypeId is SATELLITE or HYBRID

well, it is just a watermark, you can hide it if you change the <div> that has z-index=100 I use

    $("*").each(function() {
        if ($(this).css("zIndex") == 100) {
            $(this).css("zIndex", "-100");
, 10);

or you can use

map.addListener('idle', function(e) {
    //same function

but it is not as responsive as setInterval

C# LINQ select from list

In likeness of how I found this question using Google, I wanted to take it one step further. Lets say I have a string[] states and a db Entity of StateCounties and I just want the states from the list returned and not all of the StateCounties.

I would write:

db.StateCounties.Where(x => states.Any(s => x.State.Equals(s))).ToList();

I found this within the sample of CheckBoxList for nu-get.

Using ng-if as a switch inside ng-repeat?

This one is noteworthy as well

<div ng-repeat="post in posts" ng-if="post.type=='article'">

How to call an action after click() in Jquery?

you can write events on elements like chain,

   //action on click
   //action on mouseup (just before click event)

i've used it for removing cart items. same object, doing some action, after another action

Spring @Autowired and @Qualifier

@Autowired to autowire(or search) by-type
@Qualifier to autowire(or search) by-name
Other alternate option for @Qualifier is @Primary

public class A{}

public class B{

public B(@Qualifier("beanname")A a){...} //  you need to add @autowire also 

private A a;


//If you don't want to add the two annotations, we can use @Resource
public class B{

private A a;

//Importing properties is very similar
@Value("${}")  //@Value know how to interpret ${}
private String name;

more about @value

Order by descending date - month, day and year

You have the field in a string, so you'll need to convert it to datetime

order by CONVERT(datetime, EventDate ) desc

How to check if a column exists in Pandas

To check if one or more columns all exist, you can use set.issubset, as in:

if set(['A','C']).issubset(df.columns):
   df['sum'] = df['A'] + df['C']                

As @brianpck points out in a comment, set([]) can alternatively be constructed with curly braces,

if {'A', 'C'}.issubset(df.columns):

See this question for a discussion of the curly-braces syntax.

Or, you can use a list comprehension, as in:

if all([item in df.columns for item in ['A','C']]):

event Action<> vs event EventHandler<>

I realize that this question is over 10 years old, but it appears to me that not only has the most obvious answer not been addressed, but that maybe its not really clear from the question a good understanding of what goes on under the covers. In addition, there are other questions about late binding and what that means with regards to delegates and lambdas (more on that later).

First to address the 800 lb elephant/gorilla in the room, when to choose event vs Action<T>/Func<T>:

  • Use a lambda to execute one statement or method. Use event when you want more of a pub/sub model with multiple statements/lambdas/functions that will execute (this is a major difference right off the bat).
  • Use a lambda when you want to compile statements/functions to expression trees. Use delegates/events when you want to participate in more traditional late binding such as used in reflection and COM interop.

As an example of an event, lets wire up a simple and 'standard' set of events using a small console application as follows:

public delegate void FireEvent(int num);

public delegate void FireNiceEvent(object sender, SomeStandardArgs args);

public class SomeStandardArgs : EventArgs
    public SomeStandardArgs(string id)
        ID = id;

    public string ID { get; set; }

class Program
    public static event FireEvent OnFireEvent;

    public static event FireNiceEvent OnFireNiceEvent;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        OnFireEvent += SomeSimpleEvent1;
        OnFireEvent += SomeSimpleEvent2;

        OnFireNiceEvent += SomeStandardEvent1;
        OnFireNiceEvent += SomeStandardEvent2;

        Console.WriteLine("Firing events.....");
        OnFireNiceEvent?.Invoke(null, new SomeStandardArgs("Fred"));


    private static void SomeSimpleEvent1(int num)
    private static void SomeSimpleEvent2(int num)

    private static void SomeStandardEvent1(object sender, SomeStandardArgs args)

    private static void SomeStandardEvent2(object sender, SomeStandardArgs args)

The output will look as follows:

enter image description here

If you did the same with Action<int> or Action<object, SomeStandardArgs>, you would only see SomeSimpleEvent2 and SomeStandardEvent2.

So whats going on inside of event?

If we expand out FireNiceEvent, the compiler is actually generating the following (I have omitted some details with respect to thread synchronization that isn't relevant to this discussion):

   private EventHandler<SomeStandardArgs> _OnFireNiceEvent;

    public void add_OnFireNiceEvent(EventHandler<SomeStandardArgs> handler)
        Delegate.Combine(_OnFireNiceEvent, handler);

    public void remove_OnFireNiceEvent(EventHandler<SomeStandardArgs> handler)
        Delegate.Remove(_OnFireNiceEvent, handler);

    public event EventHandler<SomeStandardArgs> OnFireNiceEvent


The compiler generates a private delegate variable which is not visible to the class namespace in which it is generated. That delegate is what is used for subscription management and late binding participation, and the public facing interface is the familiar += and -= operators we have all come to know and love : )

You can customize the code for the add/remove handlers by changing the scope of the FireNiceEvent delegate to protected. This now allows developers to add custom hooks to the hooks, such as logging or security hooks. This really makes for some very powerful features that now allows for customized accessibility to subscription based on user roles, etc. Can you do that with lambdas? (Actually you can by custom compiling expression trees, but that's beyond the scope of this response).

To address a couple of points from some of the responses here:

  • There really is no difference in the 'brittleness' between changing the args list in Action<T> and changing the properties in a class derived from EventArgs. Either will not only require a compile change, they will both change a public interface and will require versioning. No difference.

  • With respect to which is an industry standard, that depends on where this is being used and why. Action<T> and such is often used in IoC and DI, and event is often used in message routing such as GUI and MQ type frameworks. Note that I said often, not always.

  • Delegates have different lifetimes than lambdas. One also has to be aware of capture... not just with closure, but also with the notion of 'look what the cat dragged in'. This does affect memory footprint/lifetime as well as management a.k.a. leaks.

One more thing, something I referenced earlier... the notion of late binding. You will often see this when using framework like LINQ, regarding when a lambda becomes 'live'. That is very different than late binding of a delegate, which can happen more than once (i.e. the lambda is always there, but binding occurs on demand as often as is needed), as opposed to a lambda, which once it occurs, its done -- the magic is gone, and the method(s)/property(ies) will always bind. Something to keep in mind.

What bitrate is used for each of the youtube video qualities (360p - 1080p), in regards to flowplayer?

Looking at this official google link: Youtube Live encoder settings, bitrates and resolutions they have this table:

                   240p       360p        480p        720p        1080p
Resolution      426 x 240   640 x 360   854x480     1280x720    1920x1080
Video Bitrates                   
Maximum         700 Kbps    1000 Kbps   2000 Kbps   4000 Kbps   6000 Kbps
Recommended     400 Kbps    750 Kbps    1000 Kbps   2500 Kbps   4500 Kbps
Minimum         300 Kbps    400 Kbps    500 Kbps    1500 Kbps   3000 Kbps

It would appear as though this is the case, although the numbers dont sync up to the google table above:

// the bitrates, video width and file names for this clip
      bitrates: [
        { url: "bbb-800.mp4", width: 480, bitrate: 800 }, //360p video
        { url: "bbb-1200.mp4", width: 720, bitrate: 1200 }, //480p video
        { url: "bbb-1600.mp4", width: 1080, bitrate: 1600 } //720p video

Keytool is not recognized as an internal or external command

Make sure JAVA_HOME is set and the path in environment variables. The PATH should be able to find the keytools.exe

Open “Windows search” and search for "Environment Variables"

Under “System variables” click the “New…” button and enter JAVA_HOME as “Variable name” and the path to your Java JDK directory under “Variable value” it should be similar to this C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231

Matplotlib scatter plot legend

Here's an easier way of doing this (source: here):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import rand

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
    n = 750
    x, y = rand(2, n)
    scale = 200.0 * rand(n)
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=color, s=scale, label=color,
               alpha=0.3, edgecolors='none')


And you'll get this:

enter image description here

Take a look at here for legend properties

TypeScript add Object to array with push

class PushObjects {
    testMethod(): Array<number> { 
        //declaration and initialisation of array onject
        var objs: number[] = [1,2,3,4,5,7];
        //push the elements into the array object
        //pop the elements from the array
        return objs;

let pushObj = new PushObjects();
//create the button element from the dom object 
let btn = document.createElement('button');
//set the text value of the button
btn.textContent = "Click here";
//button click event
btn.onclick = function () { 




How to print formatted BigDecimal values?

public static String currencyFormat(BigDecimal n) {
    return NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(n);

It will use your JVM’s current default Locale to choose your currency symbol. Or you can specify a Locale.


For more info, see NumberFormat class.

Hide Button After Click (With Existing Form on Page)

This is my solution. I Hide and then confirm check

onclick="return ConfirmSubmit(this);" />

function ConfirmSubmit(sender)
        sender.disabled = true;
        var displayValue = = 'none'

        if (confirm('Seguro que desea entregar los paquetes?')) {
            sender.disabled = false
            return true;

        sender.disabled = false; = displayValue;
        return false;

Get $_POST from multiple checkboxes

Edit To reflect what @Marc said in the comment below.

You can do a loop through all the posted values.


<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="<?=$rowid?>" />
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="<?=$rowid?>" />
<input type="checkbox" name="check_list[]" value="<?=$rowid?>" />


foreach($_POST['check_list'] as $item){
  // query to delete where item = $item

How to convert a Base64 string into a Bitmap image to show it in a ImageView?

You can just basically revert your code using some other built in methods.

byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(encodedImage, Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length); 

All libraries must use the exact same version specification

I had the exact same problem after updating to Android Studio 2.3

Adding this line to dependencies solved my problem:

compile ''

How do I make an attributed string using Swift?

I would highly recommend using a library for attributed strings. It makes it much easier when you want, for example, one string with four different colors and four different fonts. Here is my favorite. It is called SwiftyAttributes

If you wanted to make a string with four different colors and different fonts using SwiftyAttributes:

let magenta = "Hello ".withAttributes([
    .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 15.0))
let cyan = "Sir ".withAttributes([
    .font(.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 15.0))
let green = "Lancelot".withAttributes([
    .font(.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 15.0))

let blue = "!".withAttributes([
    .font(.preferredFont(forTextStyle: UIFontTextStyle.headline))

let finalString = magenta + cyan + green + blue

finalString would show as

Shows as image

How to prepare a Unity project for git?

On the Unity Editor open your project and:

  1. Enable External option in Unity ? Preferences ? Packages ? Repository (only if Unity ver < 4.5)
  2. Switch to Visible Meta Files in Edit ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  3. Switch to Force Text in Edit ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  4. Save Scene and Project from File menu.
  5. Quit Unity and then you can delete the Library and Temp directory in the project directory. You can delete everything but keep the Assets and ProjectSettings directory.

If you already created your empty git repo on-line (eg. now it's time to upload your code. Open a command prompt and follow the next steps:

cd to/your/unity/project/folder

git init

git add *

git commit -m "First commit"

git remote add origin [email protected]:username/project.git

git push -u origin master

You should now open your Unity project while holding down the Option or the Left Alt key. This will force Unity to recreate the Library directory (this step might not be necessary since I've seen Unity recreating the Library directory even if you don't hold down any key).

Finally have git ignore the Library and Temp directories so that they won’t be pushed to the server. Add them to the .gitignore file and push the ignore to the server. Remember that you'll only commit the Assets and ProjectSettings directories.

And here's my own .gitignore recipe for my Unity projects:

# =============== #
# Unity generated #
# =============== #

# ===================================== #
# Visual Studio / MonoDevelop generated #
# ===================================== #

# ============ #
# OS generated #
# ============ #

Generics/templates in python?

After coming up with some good thoughts on making generic types in python, I started looking for others who had the same idea, but I couldn't find any. So, here it is. I tried this out and it works well. It allows us to parameterize our types in python.

class List( type ):

    def __new__(type_ref, member_type):

        class List(list):

            def append(self, member):
                if not isinstance(member, member_type):
                    raise TypeError('Attempted to append a "{0}" to a "{1}" which only takes a "{2}"'.format(

                    list.append(self, member)

        return List 

You can now derive types from this generic type.

class TestMember:

class TestList(List(TestMember)):

    def __init__(self):

test_list = TestList()
test_list.append('test') # This line will raise an exception

This solution is simplistic, and it does have it's limitations. Each time you create a generic type, it will create a new type. Thus, multiple classes inheriting List( str ) as a parent would be inheriting from two separate classes. To overcome this, you need to create a dict to store the various forms of the inner class and return the previous created inner class, rather than creating a new one. This would prevent duplicate types with the same parameters from being created. If interested, a more elegant solution can be made with decorators and/or metaclasses.

How do I view cookies in Internet Explorer 11 using Developer Tools

Not quite an answer (not “using Developer Tools”), but there is a third-party tool for it: IECookiesView from NirSoft. Hope this helps someone.


image taken from Softpedia

C# Telnet Library

Best C# Telnet Lib I've found is called Minimalistic Telnet. Very easy to understand, use and modify. It works great for the Cisco routers I need to configure.

How to compare dates in Java?

Try this

public static boolean compareDates(String psDate1, String psDate2) throws ParseException{
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd/MM/yyyy");
        Date date1 = dateFormat.parse(psDate1);
        Date date2 = dateFormat.parse(psDate2);
        if(date2.after(date1)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

How to quickly drop a user with existing privileges

Here's what's finally worked for me :

REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA myschem FROM user_mike;
REASSIGN OWNED BY user_mike TO masteruser;
DROP USER user_mike ;

C# Timer or Thread.Sleep

I would have to say a sleep is a better implementation with a state machine behind it. This would still keep you in control of the application at all times, but allowing any response needed at any specific time. This also will handle timer callbacks that are shorter than the "Processing execution time in the loop"

For example..

<!-- language: c# -->
public enum State
    Idle = 0,
    Processing = 1,
    Stop = 100,
public void Run()
    State state = State.Idle;   // could be a member variable, so a service could stop this too

    double intervalInSeconds = 60;
    System.DateTime nextExecution = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(intervalInSeconds);
    while (state != State.Stop)
        switch (state)
            case State.Idle:
                    if (nextExecution > System.DateTime.Now)
                        state = State.Processing;
            case State.Processing:
                    // do your once-per-minute code here

                    // if you want it to stop, just set it state to stop.
                    // if this was a service, you could stop execution by setting state to stop, also
                    // only time it would not stop is if it was waiting for the process to finish, which you can handle in other ways

                    state = State.Idle;
                    nextExecution = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(intervalInSeconds);


How to force Laravel Project to use HTTPS for all routes?

Here are several ways. Choose most convenient.

  1. Configure your web server to redirect all non-secure requests to https. Example of a nginx config:

    server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server;
        return 301$request_uri;
  2. Set your environment variable APP_URL using https:

  3. Use helper secure_url() (Laravel5.6)

  4. Add following string to AppServiceProvider::boot() method (for version 5.4+):



  1. Implicitly setting scheme for route group (Laravel5.6):

    Route::group(['scheme' => 'https'], function () {
        // Route::get(...)->name(...);

Currency formatting in Python

New in 2.7

>>> '{:20,.2f}'.format(18446744073709551616.0)

Unique Key constraints for multiple columns in Entity Framework

If you're using Code-First, you can implement a custom extension HasUniqueIndexAnnotation

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.Annotations;
using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Configuration;

internal static class TypeConfigurationExtensions
    public static PrimitivePropertyConfiguration HasUniqueIndexAnnotation(
        this PrimitivePropertyConfiguration property, 
        string indexName,
        int columnOrder)
        var indexAttribute = new IndexAttribute(indexName, columnOrder) { IsUnique = true };
        var indexAnnotation = new IndexAnnotation(indexAttribute);

        return property.HasColumnAnnotation(IndexAnnotation.AnnotationName, indexAnnotation);

Then use it like so:

this.Property(t => t.Email)
    .HasUniqueIndexAnnotation("UQ_User_EmailPerApplication", 0);

this.Property(t => t.ApplicationId)
    .HasUniqueIndexAnnotation("UQ_User_EmailPerApplication", 1);

Which will result in this migration:

public override void Up()
    CreateIndex("dbo.User", new[] { "Email", "ApplicationId" }, unique: true, name: "UQ_User_EmailPerApplication");

public override void Down()
    DropIndex("dbo.User", "UQ_User_EmailPerApplication");

And eventually end up in database as:

CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UQ_User_EmailPerApplication] ON [dbo].[User]
    [Email] ASC,
    [ApplicationId] ASC

How to set a JavaScript breakpoint from code in Chrome?

On the "Scripts" tab, go to where your code is. At the left of the line number, click. This will set a breakpoint.


screenshot of breakpoint in chrome

You will then be able to track your breakpoints within the right tab (as shown in the screenshot).

Is there any "font smoothing" in Google Chrome?

Chrome doesn't render the fonts like Firefox or any other browser does. This is generally a problem in Chrome running on Windows only. If you want to make the fonts smooth, use the -webkit-font-smoothing property on yer h4 tags like this.

h4 {
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

You can also use subpixel-antialiased, this will give you different type of smoothing (making the text a little blurry/shadowed). However, you will need a nightly version to see the effects. You can learn more about font smoothing here.

What do I do when my program crashes with exception 0xc0000005 at address 0?

Exception code 0xc0000005 is an Access Violation. An AV at fault offset 0x00000000 means that something in your service's code is accessing a nil pointer. You will just have to debug the service while it is running to find out what it is accessing. If you cannot run it inside a debugger, then at least install a third-party exception logger framework, such as EurekaLog or MadExcept, to find out what your service was doing at the time of the AV.

Find out the history of SQL queries

    select v.SQL_TEXT,
      from v$sql v
where to_date(v.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')>ADD_MONTHS(trunc(sysdate,'MM'),-2)

where clause is optional. You can sort the results according to FIRST_LOAD_TIME and find the records up to 2 months ago.

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

Not just tab icons, notification and launcher lives an app. I was confused about the sizes of the other icons used for different situations in the app.

I'm using 32px mdpi (Action Bar icons) dimensions and I cannot say if it would be correct.

mdpi 32px

Declaring an HTMLElement Typescript

Okay: weird syntax!

var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');

fixes the problem. I wonder why the example didn't do this in the first place?

complete code:

class Greeter {
    element: HTMLElement;
    span: HTMLElement;
    timerToken: number;

    constructor (element: HTMLElement) { 
        this.element = element;
        this.element.innerText += "The time is: ";
        this.span = document.createElement('span');
        this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString();

    start() {
        this.timerToken = setInterval(() => this.span.innerText = new Date().toUTCString(), 500);

    stop() {


window.onload = () => {
    var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('content');
    var greeter = new Greeter(el);

Decrementing for loops

for i in range(10,0,-1):
    print i,

The range() function will include the first value and exclude the second.

SQL Error: ORA-00936: missing expression

You didn't use FROM expression for a table

SELECT DISTINCT Description, Date as treatmentDate
WHERE doothey.Patient P, doothey.Account A, doothey.AccountLine AL, doothey.Item.I
AND P.PatientID = A.PatientID
AND A.AccountNo = AL.AccountNo
AND AL.ItemNo = I.ItemNo
AND (p.FamilyName = 'Stange' AND p.GivenName = 'Jessie');

How to upgrade rubygems

I wouldn't use the debian packages, have a look at RVM or Rbenv.

How to programmatically round corners and set random background colors

Here's an example using an extension. This assumes the view has the same width and height.

Need to use a layout change listener to get the view size. Then you can just call this on a view like this myView.setRoundedBackground(Color.WHITE)

fun View.setRoundedBackground(@ColorInt color: Int) {
    addOnLayoutChangeListener(object: View.OnLayoutChangeListener {
        override fun onLayoutChange(v: View?, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, oldLeft: Int, oldTop: Int, oldRight: Int, oldBottom: Int) {

            val shape = GradientDrawable()
            shape.cornerRadius = measuredHeight / 2f

            background = shape


how to specify new environment location for conda create

I ran into a similar situation. I did have access to a larger data drive. Depending on your situation, and the access you have to the server you can consider

ln -s /datavol/path/to/your/.conda /home/user/.conda

Then subsequent conda commands will put data to the symlinked dir in datavol

Global javascript variable inside document.ready

Unlike another programming languages, any variable declared outside any function automatically becomes global,


//declare global variable
var __foo = '123';

function __test(){
 //__foo is global and visible here

//so, it will alert '123'


You problem is that you declare variable inside ready() function, which means that it becomes visible (in scope) ONLY inside ready() function, but not outside,

Solution: So just make it global, i.e declare this one outside $(document).ready(function(){});

Custom pagination view in Laravel 5

beside the answer of @MantasD I would like to offer comprehensive customized Laravel pagination. Assuming using Laravel 5.2 and the following included view:

@include('pagination.default', ['pager' => $users])


  • Showing Previous and Next buttons and disable them when not applicable
  • Showing First and Last page icon only if the Previous and Next page not doing the same
  • Generate relative links ex: (10, 100, 500 .. etc.) instead of limiting pages
  • Showing result from x to y of each page using a helper function.


@if($pager->lastPage() != 1)
<ul class="pagination">

    @unless($pager->currentPage() < 3)
        <li class="paginate_button previous">
            <a href="{{ $pager->url(1) }}" title="First Page"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></a>

    <li class="paginate_button previous @unless($pager->previousPageUrl())disabled @endunless">
        <a href="{{ $pager->previousPageUrl() }}"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></a>

    @while($pager->paging++ < $pager->lastPage())
        @if (abs($pager->paging - $pager->currentPage()) >= 2)
            {{-- Generate relative links (eg. +10,etc) --}}
            @if(in_array(abs($pager->paging - $pager->currentPage()), array(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000))
            and $pager->paging != 1 and $pager->paging != $pager->lastPage())
                <li class="paginate_button @unless($pager->currentPage() != $pager->paging)active @endunless">
                    <a title="Results from {{ PaginationStartEnd($pager->paging, $pager->perPage(), $pager->total())['start'] }} to {{ PaginationStartEnd($pager->paging, $pager->perPage(), $pager->total())['end'] }} of {{ $pager->total() }}" href="{{ $pager->url($pager->paging) }}">
                        <!-- + {{ $pager->paging - $pager->currentPage() }} -->{{ $pager->paging }}
            <li class="paginate_button @unless($pager->currentPage() != $pager->paging)active @endunless">
                <a title="Results from {{ PaginationStartEnd($pager->paging, $pager->perPage(), $pager->total())['start'] }} to {{ PaginationStartEnd($pager->paging, $pager->perPage(), $pager->total())['end'] }} of {{ $pager->total() }}" href="{{ $pager->url($pager->paging) }}">
                    {{ $pager->paging }}

    <li class="paginate_button next @unless($pager->nextPageUrl())disabled @endunless">
        <a href="{{ $pager->nextPageUrl() }}"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a>

    @unless($pager->lastPage() - $pager->currentPage() < 2)
        <li class="paginate_button next">
            <a href="{{ $pager->url($pager->lastPage()) }}" title="Last Page"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a>


PaginationStartEnd function

if (!function_exists('PaginationStartEnd')) {
function PaginationStartEnd($currentPage, $perPage, $total)
    $pageStart = number_format( $perPage * ($currentPage - 1));
    $pageEnd = $pageStart +  $perPage;

    if ($pageEnd > $total)
        $pageEnd = $total;


    return array('start' => number_format($pageStart), 'end' => number_format($pageEnd));

You can use and customize this more as you wish.

Note: $pager->paging is variable set to 0 declared in the controller action

SQL Server stored procedure creating temp table and inserting value

A SELECT INTO statement creates the table for you. There is no need for the CREATE TABLE statement before hand.

What is happening is that you create #ivmy_cash_temp1 in your CREATE statement, then the DB tries to create it for you when you do a SELECT INTO. This causes an error as it is trying to create a table that you have already created.

Either eliminate the CREATE TABLE statement or alter your query that fills it to use INSERT INTO SELECT format.

If you need a unique ID added to your new row then it's best to use SELECT INTO... since IDENTITY() only works with this syntax.

Regex matching in a Bash if statement

I'd prefer to use [:punct:] for that. Also, a-zA-Z09-9 could be just [:alnum:]:

[[ $TEST =~ ^[[:alnum:][:blank:][:punct:]]+$ ]]

How to word wrap text in HTML?

you can use this CSS

p {
  width: min-content;
  min-width: 100%;

Pad a number with leading zeros in JavaScript

Not a lot of "slick" going on so far:

function pad(n, width, z) {
  z = z || '0';
  n = n + '';
  return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;

When you initialize an array with a number, it creates an array with the length set to that value so that the array appears to contain that many undefined elements. Though some Array instance methods skip array elements without values, .join() doesn't, or at least not completely; it treats them as if their value is the empty string. Thus you get a copy of the zero character (or whatever "z" is) between each of the array elements; that's why there's a + 1 in there.

Example usage:

pad(10, 4);      // 0010
pad(9, 4);       // 0009
pad(123, 4);     // 0123

pad(10, 4, '-'); // --10

OS detecting makefile

I had a case where I had to detect the difference between two versions of Fedora, to tweak the command-line options for inkscape:
- in Fedora 31, the default inkscape is 1.0beta which uses --export-file
- in Fedora < 31, the default inkscape is 0.92 which uses --export-pdf

My Makefile contains the following

# set VERSION_ID from /etc/os-release

$(eval $(shell grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release))

# select the inkscape export syntax

ifeq ($(VERSION_ID),31)
EXPORT = export-file
EXPORT = export-pdf

# rule to convert inkscape SVG (drawing) to PDF

%.pdf : %.svg
    inkscape --export-area-drawing $< --$(EXPORT)=$@

This works because /etc/os-release contains a line


so the shell command in the Makefile returns the string VERSION_ID=<value>, then the eval command acts on this to set the Makefile variable VERSION_ID. This can obviously be tweaked for other OS's depending how the metadata is stored. Note that in Fedora there is not a default environment variable that gives the OS version, otherwise I would have used that!

ngOnInit not being called when Injectable class is Instantiated

Lifecycle hooks, like OnInit() work with Directives and Components. They do not work with other types, like a service in your case. From docs:

A Component has a lifecycle managed by Angular itself. Angular creates it, renders it, creates and renders its children, checks it when its data-bound properties change and destroy it before removing it from the DOM.

Directive and component instances have a lifecycle as Angular creates, updates, and destroys them.

How do I convert a Swift Array to a String?

In Swift 4

let array:[String] = ["Apple", "Pear ","Orange"]

array.joined(separator: " ")

Convert to absolute value in Objective-C

Depending on the type of your variable, one of abs(int), labs(long), llabs(long long), imaxabs(intmax_t), fabsf(float), fabs(double), or fabsl(long double).

Those functions are all part of the C standard library, and so are present both in Objective-C and plain C (and are generally available in C++ programs too.)

(Alas, there is no habs(short) function. Or scabs(signed char) for that matter...)

Apple's and GNU's Objective-C headers also include an ABS() macro which is type-agnostic. I don't recommend using ABS() however as it is not guaranteed to be side-effect-safe. For instance, ABS(a++) will have an undefined result.

If you're using C++ or Objective-C++, you can bring in the <cmath> header and use std::abs(), which is templated for all the standard integer and floating-point types.

How can I get the index from a JSON object with value?

In all previous solutions, you must know the name of the attribute or field. A more generic solution for any attribute is this:

let data = 
    "name": "placeHolder",
    "section": "right"
}, {
    "name": "Overview",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "ByFunction",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "Time",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "allFit",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "allbMatches",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "allOffers",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "allInterests",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "allResponses",
    "section": "left"
}, {
    "name": "divChanged",
    "section": "right"

function findByKey(key, value) {
    return (item, i) => item[key] === value

let findParams = findByKey('name', 'allOffers')
let index = data.findIndex(findParams)

hexadecimal string to byte array in python

Suppose your hex string is something like

>>> hex_string = "deadbeef"

Convert it to a string (Python = 2.7):

>>> hex_data = hex_string.decode("hex")
>>> hex_data

or since Python 2.7 and Python 3.0:

>>> bytes.fromhex(hex_string)  # Python = 3

>>> bytearray.fromhex(hex_string)

Note that bytes is an immutable version of bytearray.

How to execute only one test spec with angular-cli

Just small change need in test.ts file inside src folder:

const context = require.context('./', true, /test-example\.spec\.ts$/);

Here, test-example is the exact file name which we need to run

In the same way, if you need to test the service file only you can replace the filename like "/test-example.service"

Why doesn't TFS get latest get the latest?

This worked for me:
1. Exit Visual Studio
2. Open a command window and navigate to the folder: "%localappdata%\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\"
3. Navigate to the sub folders for every version and delete the sub folder "cache" and its contents
4. Restart Visual Studio and connect to TFS.
5. Test the Get Latest Version.

Import existing source code to GitHub

Create your repository in git hub

Allow to track your project by GIT

  1. using CMD go to folder where your project file is kept->cd /automation/xyz/codebase check for git intialization with command git status If you get this error message: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git, that means the folder you are currently in is not being tracked by git. In that case, initialize git inside your project folder by typing git init, then going through the process of adding and committing your project.

If you get another error message, read carefully what it says. Is it saying git isn't installed on your computer by saying that the word 'git' is not recognized? Is it saying that you're already in a folder or sub-folder where git is initialized? Google your error and/or output to understand it, and to figure out how to fix it.

now run following command


echo "your git hub repository name" >> git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin https:// #

above block you will get when first time you are opening your repository

If error occurs or nothing happens after last command run"git push -u origin master" dont worry

go to folder where code is available and through git extention push it to git [URL], branch