[directory] How to copy directories with spaces in the name

I am trying to use robocopy but am unable to make it work because of spaces in the directory names.
I am trying to copy 3 directories: My Documents, My Music and My Pictures to 'C:\test-backup' but want the end result to be
'C:\test-backup\My Documents'
'C:\test-backup\My Music'
'C:\test-backup\My Pictures'

My command does not work:
robocopy C:\Users\Angie C:\test-backup "My Documents" /B /E /R:0 /CREATE /NP /TEE /XJ /LOG+:"CompleteBackupLog.txt"

No matter what I do, it’s just not happening. Anybody have any suggestions or tricks?

This question is related to directory spaces robocopy

The answer is

What's with separating My Documents from C:\test-backup? And why the quotes only around My Documents?

I'm assuming it's a typo, try using robocopy C:\Users\Angie "C:\test-backup\My Documents" /B /E /R:0 /CREATE /NP /TEE /XJ /LOG+:"CompleteBackupLog.txt"

[Edit:] Since the syntax the documentation specifies (robocopy <Source> <Destination> [<File>[ ...]]) says File, it might not work with Folders.

You'll have to userobocopy "C:\Users\Angie\My Documents" "C:\test-backup\My Documents" /B /E /R:0 /CREATE /NP /TEE /XJ /LOG+:"CompleteBackupLog.txt"

You should write brackets only before path: "c:\program files\

robocopy "C:\Users\Angie\My Documents" "C:\test-backup\My Documents" /B /E /R:0 /CREATE /NP /TEE /XJ /LOG+:"CompleteBackupLog.txt"
robocopy "C:\Users\Angie\My Music" "C:\test-backup\My Music" /B /E /R:0 /CREATE /NP /TEE /XJ /LOG+:"CompleteBackupLog.txt"
robocopy "C:\Users\Angie\My Pictures" "C:\test-backup\My Pictures" /B /E /R:0 /CREATE /NP /TEE /XJ /LOG+:"CompleteBackupLog.txt"

There's no need to add space before closing quote if path doesn't contain trailing backslash, so following command should work:

robocopy "C:\Source Path" "C:\Destination Path" /option1 /option2...

But, following will not work:

robocopy "C:\Source Path\" "C:\Destination Path\" /option1 /option2...

This is due to the escaping issue that is described here:

The \ escape can cause problems with quoted directory paths that contain a trailing backslash because the closing quote " at the end of the line will be escaped \".

If this folder is the first in the command then it won't work with a space in the folder name, so replace the space in the folder name with an underscore.

When you specify the last Directory on the path remove the last .

for example "\server\directory with space\directory with space".

that should do it.

There is a bug in robocopy in interpreting the source name. If you include a back slash at the end of the path to describe a folder it keeps including the string for the source into the rest of the line. ie

robocopy "C:\back up\" %destination% /e Nothing here will go to the destination string

robocopy "C:\back up" %destination% /e but this works

I may be wrong but I think both should work!

After some trial and error and observing the results (in other words, I hacked it), I got it to work.

Quotes ARE required to use a path name with spaces. The trick is there MUST be a space after the path names before the closing quote...like this...

robocopy "C:\Source Path " "C:\Destination Path " /option1 /option2...

This almost seems like a bug and certainly not very intuitive.

Todd K.

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