The coding standards I've worked with have had the following for most of class declarations.
// coding standard: disallow when not used
T(void) = delete; // default ctor (1)
~T(void) = delete; // default dtor (2)
T(const T&) = delete; // copy ctor (3)
T(const T&&) = delete; // move ctor (4)
T& operator= (const T&) = delete; // copy assignment (5)
T& operator= (const T&&) = delete; // move assignment (6)
If you use any of these 6, you simply comment out the corresponding line.
Example: class FizzBus require only dtor, and thus do not use the other 5.
// coding standard: disallow when not used
FizzBuzz(void) = delete; // default ctor (1)
// ~FizzBuzz(void); // dtor (2)
FizzBuzz(const FizzBuzz&) = delete; // copy ctor (3)
FizzBuzz& operator= (const FizzBuzz&) = delete; // copy assig (4)
FizzBuzz(const FizzBuzz&&) = delete; // move ctor (5)
FizzBuzz& operator= (const FizzBuzz&&) = delete; // move assign (6)
We comment out only 1 here, and install the implementation of it else where (probably where the coding standard suggests). The other 5 (of 6) are disallowed with delete.
You can also use '= delete' to disallow implicit promotions of different sized values ... example
// disallow implicit promotions
template <class T> operator T(void) = delete;
template <class T> Vuint64& operator= (const T) = delete;
template <class T> Vuint64& operator|= (const T) = delete;
template <class T> Vuint64& operator&= (const T) = delete;