Programs & Examples On #Git config

This command allows get and set repository or global options.

Is it possible to have different Git configuration for different projects?

Thanks @crea1

A small variant:

As it is written on

If the pattern ends with /, ** will be automatically added. For example, the pattern foo/ becomes foo/**. In other words, it matches foo and everything inside, recursively.

So I use in my case,
~/.gitconfig :

[user] # as default, personal needs
    email = [email protected]
    name = bcag2
[includeIf "gitdir:~/workspace/"] # job needs, like workspace/* so all included projects
    path = .gitconfig-job

# all others section: core, alias, log…

So If the project directory is in my ~/wokspace/, default user settings is replace with
~/.gitconfig-job :

name = John Smith
email = [email protected]

Can I specify multiple users for myself in .gitconfig?

Another option to get git to work with multiple names / emails is by aliasing git and using the -c flag to override the global and repository-specific config.

For example, by defining an alias:

alias git='/usr/bin/git -c"Your name" -c"[email protected]"'

To see whether it works, simply type git config

$ git config
[email protected]

Instead of an alias, you could also put a custom git executable within your $PATH.

/usr/bin/git -c"Your name" -c"[email protected]" "$@"

An advantage of these method over a repository-specific .git/config is that it applies to every git repository when the custom git program is active. In this way, you can easily switch between users/names without modifying any (shared) configuration.

How to tell git to use the correct identity (name and email) for a given project?

If you don't use the --global parameter it will set the variables for the current project only.

How do I commit case-sensitive only filename changes in Git?

Using SourceTree I was able to do this all from the UI

  1. Rename FILE.ext to whatever.ext
  2. Stage that file
  3. Now rename whatever.ext to file.ext
  4. Stage that file again

It's a bit tedious, but if you only need to do it to a few files it's pretty quick

How to save username and password in Git?

Recommended and Secure Method: SSH

Create an ssh Github key. Go to -> Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH Key. Now save your private key to your computer.

Then, if the private key is saved as id_rsa in the ~/.ssh/ directory, we add it for authentication as such:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa

A More Secure Method: Caching

We can use git-credential-store to cache our username and password for a time period. Simply enter the following in your CLI (terminal or command prompt):

git config --global credential.helper cache

You can also set the timeout period (in seconds) as such:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'

An Even Less Secure Method

Git-credential-store may also be used, but saves passwords in plain text file on your disk as such:

git config credential.helper store

Outdated Answer - Quick and Insecure

This is an insecure method of storing your password in plain text. If someone gains control of your computer, your password will be exposed!

You can set your username and password like this:

git config --global "your username"

git config --global user.password "your password"

How to change my Git username in terminal?

If you have created a new Github account and you want to push commits with your new account instead of your previous account then the .gitconfig must be updated, otherwise, you will push with the already owned Github account to the new account.

In order to fix this, you have to navigate to your home directory and open the .gitconfig with an editor. The editor can be vim, notepad++, or even notepad.

Once you have the .gitconfig open, just modify the "name" with your new Github account username that you want to push with.

Is there a way to cache GitHub credentials for pushing commits?

I know this is not a secure solution, but sometimes you need just a simple solution - without installing anything else. And since helper = store did not work for me, I created a dummy helper:

Create a script and put it in your users bin folder, here named credfake, this script will provide your username and your password:

while read line
  echo "$line"
done < "/dev/stdin"
echo username=mahuser
echo password=MahSecret12345

make it executable:

chmod u+x /home/mahuser/bin/credfake

then configure it in git:

git config --global credential.helper /home/mahuser/bin/credfake

(or use it without --global for the one repo only)

and - voilá - git will use this user + password.

How to know the git username and email saved during configuration?

Considering what @Robert said, I tried to play around with the config command and it seems that there is a direct way to know both the name and email.

To know the username, type:

git config

To know the email, type:

git config

These two output just the name and email respectively and one doesn't need to look through the whole list. Comes in handy.

git: fatal unable to auto-detect email address

I'm running Ubuntu through Windows Subsystem for Linux and had properly set my credentials through Git Bash, including in VS Code's terminal (where I was getting the error every time I tried to commit.)

Apparently even tho VS is using Bash in the terminal, the UI git controls still run through Windows, where I had not set my credentials.

Setting the credentials in Windows Powershell fixed the issue

Unable to auto-detect email address

Just type like "correct" case


git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global  "mike"


git config --global "[email protected]"    
git config --global "mike" is your account name in git-hub is your email when you sign in git-hub.

git: 'credential-cache' is not a git command

From a blog I found:

"This [git-credential-cache] doesn’t work for Windows systems as git-credential-cache communicates through a Unix socket."

Git for Windows

Since msysgit has been superseded by Git for Windows, using Git for Windows is now the easiest option. Some versions of the Git for Windows installer (e.g. 2.7.4) have a checkbox during the install to enable the Git Credential Manager. Here is a screenshot:

screenshot of Git For Windows 2.7.4 install wizard

Still using msysgit? For msysgit versions 1.8.1 and above

The wincred helper was added in msysgit 1.8.1. Use it as follows:

git config --global credential.helper wincred

For msysgit versions older than 1.8.1

First, download git-credential-winstore and install it in your git bin directory.

Next, make sure that the directory containing git.cmd is in your Path environment variable. The default directory for this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd on a 64-bit system or C:\Program Files\Git\cmd on a 32-bit system. An easy way to test this is to launch a command prompt and type git. If you don't get a list of git commands, then it's not set up correctly.

Finally, launch a command prompt and type:

git config --global credential.helper winstore

Or you can edit your .gitconfig file manually:

    helper = winstore

Once you've done this, you can manage your git credentials through Windows Credential Manager which you can pull up via the Windows Control Panel.

HTTPS connection Python

I had some code that was failing with an HTTPConnection (MOVED_PERMANENTLY error), but as soon as I switched to HTTPS it worked perfectly again with no other changes needed. That's a very simple fix!

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xyz.h': No such file or directory?

I ran into this error in a different situation, posting the resolution for those arriving via search: from within Visual Studio, I had copied a file from one project and pasted into another. Turns out that creates a symbolic link, not an actual copy. Thus the project did not find the file in the current working directory as expected. When I made a physical copy instead, in Windows Explorer, suddenly #include "myfile.h" worked.

Among $_REQUEST, $_GET and $_POST which one is the fastest?

if (isset($_GET['s'])) {
  $temp = $_GET['s'];
else {
  $temp = $_POST['s'];

Use that because it is safer and it won't make noticeable speed difference

Splitting a C++ std::string using tokens, e.g. ";"

You could use a string stream and read the elements into the vector.

Here are many different examples...

A copy of one of the examples:

std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s, char seperator)
   std::vector<std::string> output;

    std::string::size_type prev_pos = 0, pos = 0;

    while((pos = s.find(seperator, pos)) != std::string::npos)
        std::string substring( s.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) );


        prev_pos = ++pos;

    output.push_back(s.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos)); // Last word

    return output;

How to get first character of a string in SQL?

LEFT(colName, 1) will also do this, also. It's equivalent to SUBSTRING(colName, 1, 1).

I like LEFT, since I find it a bit cleaner, but really, there's no difference either way.

Issue with background color and Google Chrome

Ok guys, I found a solution, . It's not great but does the trick with no side effects.


<span id="chromeFix"></span> 

(put this below the body tags)

The CSS:

#chromeFix { display: block; position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; }

What this does to solve the issue:

It forces Chrome to think the page's content is 100% when it's not - this stops the body 'appearing' the size of the content and resolves the missing background bug. This is basically doing what height: 100% does when applied to the body or html but you don't get the side effect of having your backgrounds cut off when scrolling (past 100% page height) like you do with a 100% height on those elements.

I can sleep now =]

Extract digits from string - StringUtils Java

try this :

String s = "helloThisIsA1234Sample";
s = s.replaceAll("\\D+","");

This means: replace all occurrences of digital characters (0 -9) by an empty string !

Can you do a For Each Row loop using MySQL?

Not a for each exactly, but you can do nested SQL

    distinct a.ID, 
        tableb b 
    WHERE = a.col3)
    tablea a

How to apply a low-pass or high-pass filter to an array in Matlab?

You can design a lowpass Butterworth filter in runtime, using butter() function, and then apply that to the signal.

fc = 300; % Cut off frequency
fs = 1000; % Sampling rate

[b,a] = butter(6,fc/(fs/2)); % Butterworth filter of order 6
x = filter(b,a,signal); % Will be the filtered signal

Highpass and bandpass filters are also possible with this method. See

Calculating Covariance with Python and Numpy

Thanks to unutbu for the explanation. By default numpy.cov calculates the sample covariance. To obtain the population covariance you can specify normalisation by the total N samples like this:

Covariance = numpy.cov(a, b, bias=True)[0][1]

or like this:

Covariance = numpy.cov(a, b, ddof=0)[0][1]

Get ID from URL with jQuery

Using the jQuery URL Parser plugin, you should be able to do this:


How do I set 'semi-bold' font via CSS? Font-weight of 600 doesn't make it look like the semi-bold I see in my Photoshop file

font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-weight: 600; important to change to a different font-family

What is the difference between a heuristic and an algorithm?

Heuristics are algorithms, so in that sense there is none, however, heuristics take a 'guess' approach to problem solving, yielding a 'good enough' answer, rather than finding a 'best possible' solution.

A good example is where you have a very hard (read NP-complete) problem you want a solution for but don't have the time to arrive to it, so have to use a good enough solution based on a heuristic algorithm, such as finding a solution to a travelling salesman problem using a genetic algorithm.

How do I calculate a point on a circle’s circumference?

Who needs trig when you have complex numbers:

#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>

#define PI      3.14159265358979323846

typedef complex double Point;

Point point_on_circle ( double radius, double angle_in_degrees, Point centre )
    return centre + radius * cexp ( PI * I * ( angle_in_degrees  / 180.0 ) );

Oracle date to string conversion

Another thing to notice is you are trying to convert a date in mm/dd/yyyy but if you have any plans of comparing this converted date to some other date then make sure to convert it in yyyy-mm-dd format only since to_char literally converts it into a string and with any other format we will get undesired result. For any more explanation follow this: Comparing Dates in Oracle SQL

How to read file with async/await properly?

You can easily wrap the readFile command with a promise like so:

async function readFile(path) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
        if (err) {

then use:

await readFile("path/to/file");

When to use .First and when to use .FirstOrDefault with LINQ?

.First will throw an exception when there are no results. .FirstOrDefault won't, it will simply return either null (reference types) or the default value of the value type. (e.g like 0 for an int.) The question here is not when you want the default type, but more: Are you willing to handle an exception or handle a default value? Since exceptions should be exceptional, FirstOrDefault is preferred when you're not sure if you're going to get results out of your query. When logically the data should be there, exception handling can be considered.

Skip() and Take() are normally used when setting up paging in results. (Like showing the first 10 results, and the next 10 on the next page, etc.)

Hope this helps.

Ruby/Rails: converting a Date to a UNIX timestamp

The code date.to_time.to_i should work fine. The Rails console session below shows an example:

=> Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 -0800 2009
=> 1259222400
=> Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 -0800 2009

Note that the intermediate DateTime object is in local time, so the timestamp might be a several hours off from what you expect. If you want to work in UTC time, you can use the DateTime's method "to_utc".

Create a symbolic link of directory in Ubuntu

This is the behavior of ln if the second arg is a directory. It places a link to the first arg inside it. If you want /etc/nginx to be the symlink, you should remove that directory first and run that same command.

How to use "raise" keyword in Python

It has 2 purposes.

yentup has given the first one.

It's used for raising your own errors.

if something:
    raise Exception('My error!')

The second is to reraise the current exception in an exception handler, so that it can be handled further up the call stack.

except SomeException as e:
  if not can_handle(e):

Converting Long to Date in Java returns 1970


java.time.Instant                    // Represent a moment as seen in UTC. Internally, a count of nanoseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00Z.
.ofEpochSecond( 1_220_227_200L )     // Pass a count of whole seconds since the same epoch reference of 1970-01-01T00:00Z.

Know Your Data

People use various precisions in tracking time as a number since an epoch. So when you obtain some numbers to be interpreted as a count since an epoch, you must determine:

  • What epoch?
    Many epochs dates have been used in various systems. Commonly used is POSIX/Unix time, where the epoch is the first moment of 1970 in UTC. But you should not assume this epoch.
  • What precision?
    Are we talking seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds since the epoch?
  • What time zone?
    Usually a count since epoch is in UTC/GMT time zone, that is, has no time zone offset at all. But sometimes, when involving inexperienced or date-time ignorant programmers, there may be an implied time zone.

In your case, as others noted, you seem to have been given seconds since the Unix epoch. But you are passing those seconds to a constructor that expects milliseconds. So the solution is to multiply by 1,000.

Lessons learned:

  • Determine, don't assume, the meaning of received data.
  • Read the doc.

Graph showing various granularities of resolution in date-time systems including whole seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds.

Your Data

Your data seems to be in whole seconds. If we assume an epoch of the beginning of 1970, and if we assume UTC time zone, then 1,220,227,200 is the first moment of the first day of September 2008.


The java.util.Date and .Calendar classes bundled with Java are notoriously troublesome. Avoid them. Use instead either the Joda-Time library or the new java.time package bundled in Java 8 (and inspired by Joda-Time).

Note that unlike j.u.Date, a DateTime in Joda-Time truly knows its own assigned time zone. So in the example Joda-Time 2.4 code seen below, note that we first parse the milliseconds using the default assumption of UTC. Then, secondly, we assign a time zone of Paris to adjust. Same moment in the timeline of the Universe, but different wall-clock time. For demonstration, we adjust again, to UTC. Almost always better to explicitly specify your desired/expected time zone rather than rely on an implicit default (often the cause of trouble in date-time work).

We need milliseconds to construct a DateTime. So take your input of seconds, and multiply by a thousand. Note that the result must be a 64-bit long as we would overflow a 32-bit int.

long input = 1_220_227_200L;  // Note the "L" appended to long integer literals.
long milliseconds = ( input * 1_000L ); // Use a "long", not the usual "int". Note the appended "L".

Feed that count of milliseconds to constructor. That particular constructor assumes the count is from the Unix epoch of 1970. So adjust time zone as desired, after construction.

Use proper time zone names, a combination of continent and city/region. Never use 3 or 4 letter codes such as EST as they are neither standardized not unique.

DateTime dateTimeParis = new DateTime( milliseconds ).withZone( DateTimeZone.forID( "Europe/Paris" ) );

For demonstration, adjust the time zone again.

DateTime dateTimeUtc = dateTimeParis.withZone( DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeMontréal = dateTimeParis.withZone( DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Montreal" ) );

Dump to console. Note how the date is different in Montréal, as the new day has begun in Europe but not yet in America.

System.out.println( "dateTimeParis: " + dateTimeParis );
System.out.println( "dateTimeUTC: " + dateTimeUtc );
System.out.println( "dateTimeMontréal: " + dateTimeMontréal );

When run.

dateTimeParis: 2008-09-01T02:00:00.000+02:00
dateTimeUTC: 2008-09-01T00:00:00.000Z
dateTimeMontréal: 2008-08-31T20:00:00.000-04:00


The makers of Joda-Time have asked us to migrate to its replacement, the java.time framework as soon as is convenient. While Joda-Time continues to be actively supported, all future development will be done on the java.time classes and their extensions in the ThreeTen-Extra project.

The java-time framework is defined by JSR 310 and built into Java 8 and later. The java.time classes have been back-ported to Java 6 & 7 on the ThreeTen-Backport project and to Android in the ThreeTenABP project.

An Instant is a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds. Its epoch is the first moment of 1970 in UTC.

Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond( 1_220_227_200L );

Apply an offset-from-UTC ZoneOffset to get an OffsetDateTime.

Better yet, if known, apply a time zone ZoneId to get a ZonedDateTime.

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( instant , zoneId );

Table of all date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy

Eclipse - Installing a new JRE (Java SE 8 1.8.0)

You can have many java versions in your system.

I think you should add the java 8 in yours JREs installed or edit.

Take a look my screen:

enter image description here

If you click in edit (check your java 8 path):

enter image description here

How to get the Full file path from URI

Working for all api version (tested on Android 10)

val returnCursor: Cursor? = context.contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null)
            val columnIndex = returnCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
            val path = returnCursor.getString(columnIndex)

How do I loop through rows with a data reader in C#?

int count = reader.FieldCount;
while(reader.Read()) {
    for(int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {

Note; if you have multiple grids, then:

do {
    int count = reader.FieldCount;
    while(reader.Read()) {
        for(int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
} while (reader.NextResult())

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

Let's look at this,


    let apple; // Only declare the variable as apple
    alert(apple); // undefined

    In the above, the variable is only declared as apple. In this case, if we call method alert it will display undefined.


       let apple = null; /* Declare the variable as apple and initialized but the value is null */
       alert(apple); // null

In the second one it displays null, because variable of apple value is null.

So you can check whether a value is undefined or null.

if(apple !== undefined || apple !== null) {
    // Can use variable without any error

How to remove a column from an existing table?

The simple answer to this is to use this:


More than one column can be specified like this:

ALTER TABLE MEN DROP COLUMN Lname, secondcol, thirdcol;

From SQL Server 2016 it is also possible to only drop the column only if it exists. This stops you getting an error when the column doesn't exist which is something you probably don't care about.


There are some prerequisites to dropping columns. The columns dropped can't be:

  • Used by an Index
  • Used by CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, or PRIMARY KEY constraints
  • Associated with a DEFAULT
  • Bound to a rule

If any of the above are true you need to drop those associations first.

Also, it should be noted, that dropping a column does not reclaim the space from the hard disk until the table's clustered index is rebuilt. As such it is often a good idea to follow the above with a table rebuild command like this:


Finally as some have said this can be slow and will probably lock the table for the duration. It is possible to create a new table with the desired structure and then rename like this:

   -- Note LName the column not wanted is not selected

EXEC sp_rename 'MEN', 'old_MEN';
EXEC sp_rename 'new_MEN', 'MEN';


But be warned there is a window for data loss of inserted rows here between the first select and the last rename command.

Unicode characters in URLs

What Tgr said. Background:üsseldorf?neighbourhood=Lörick

That's not a URI. But it is an IRI.

You can't include an IRI in an HTML4 document; the type of attributes like href is defined as URI and not IRI. Some browsers will handle an IRI here anyway, but it's not really a good idea.

To encode an IRI into a URI, take the path and query parts, UTF-8-encode them then percent-encode the non-ASCII bytes:

If there are non-ASCII characters in the hostname part of the IRI, eg. http://??.???/, they have be encoded using Punycode instead.

Now you have a URI. It's an ugly URI. But most browsers will hide that for you: copy and paste it into the address bar or follow it in a link and you'll see it displayed with the original Unicode characters. Wikipedia have been using this for years, eg.:

The one browser whose behaviour is unpredictable and doesn't always display the pretty IRI version is...

...well, you know.

How can I create an array/list of dictionaries in python?

This is how I did it and it works:

dictlist = [dict() for x in range(n)]

It gives you a list of n empty dictionaries.

How to get the difference between two dictionaries in Python?

Another solution would be dictdiffer (

import dictdiffer                                          

a_dict = {                                                 
  'a': 'foo',
  'b': 'bar',
  'd': 'barfoo'

b_dict = {                                                 
  'a': 'foo',                                              
  'b': 'BAR',
  'c': 'foobar'

for diff in list(dictdiffer.diff(a_dict, b_dict)):         
    print diff

A diff is a tuple with the type of change, the changed value, and the path to the entry.

('change', 'b', ('bar', 'BAR'))
('add', '', [('c', 'foobar')])
('remove', '', [('d', 'barfoo')])

How to have PHP display errors? (I've added ini_set and error_reporting, but just gives 500 on errors)

What you have is a parse error. Those are thrown before any code is executed. A PHP file needs to be parsed in its entirety before any code in it can be executed. If there's a parse error in the file where you're setting your error levels, they won't have taken effect by the time the error is thrown.

Either break your files up into smaller parts, like setting the error levels in one file and then includeing another file which contains the actual code (and errors), or set the error levels outside PHP using php.ini or .htaccess directives.

Converting a string to an integer on Android

You should covert String to float. It is working.

float result = 0;
 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(et.getText().toString()) {

result = Float.parseFloat(et.getText().toString());


How can I exclude one word with grep?

Invert match using grep -v:

grep -v "unwanted word" file pattern

Extracting columns from text file with different delimiters in Linux

You can use cut with a delimiter like this:

with space delim:

cut -d " " -f1-100,1000-1005 infile.csv > outfile.csv

with tab delim:

cut -d$'\t' -f1-100,1000-1005 infile.csv > outfile.csv

I gave you the version of cut in which you can extract a list of intervals...

Hope it helps!

Check for a substring in a string in Oracle without LIKE

If you were only interested in 'z', you could create a function-based index.

CREATE INDEX users_z_idx ON users (INSTR(last_name,'z'))

Then your query would use WHERE INSTR(last_name,'z') > 0.

With this approach you would have to create a separate index for each character you might want to search for. I suppose if this is something you do often, it might be worth creating one index for each letter.

Also, keep in mind that if your data has the names capitalized in the standard way (e.g., "Zaxxon"), then both your example and mine would not match names that begin with a Z. You can correct for this by including LOWER in the search expression: INSTR(LOWER(last_name),'z').

How to call a VbScript from a Batch File without opening an additional command prompt

rem This is the command line version
cscript "C:\Users\guest\Desktop\123\MyScript.vbs"


rem This is the windowed version
wscript "C:\Users\guest\Desktop\123\MyScript.vbs"

You can also add the option //e:vbscript to make sure the scripting engine will recognize your script as a vbscript.

Windows/DOS batch files doesn't require escaping \ like *nix.

You can still use "C:\Users\guest\Desktop\123\MyScript.vbs", but this requires the user has *.vbs associated to wscript.

How to generate a Makefile with source in sub-directories using just one makefile

Thing is $@ will include the entire (relative) path to the source file which is in turn used to construct the object name (and thus its relative path)

We use:

# rules to build the object files
$(OBJDIR_1)/%.o: %.c
    @$(ECHO) "$< -> $@"
    @test -d $(OBJDIR_1) || mkdir -pm 775 $(OBJDIR_1)
    @test -d $(@D) || mkdir -pm 775 $(@D)
    @-$(RM) $@
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_1) $(ALL_FLAGS) $(ALL_DEFINES) $(ALL_INCLUDEDIRS:%=-I%) -c $< -o $@

This creates an object directory with name specified in $(OBJDIR_1) and subdirectories according to subdirectories in source.

For example (assume objs as toplevel object directory), in Makefile:


results in following object directory:


How To Set Up GUI On Amazon EC2 Ubuntu server

1) Launch Ubuntu Instance on EC2.
2) Open SSH Port in instance security.
3) Do SSH to instance.
4) Execute:

sudo apt-get update    sudo apt-get upgrade

5) Because you will be connecting from Windows Remote Desktop, edit the sshd_config file on your Linux instance to allow password authentication.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

6) Change PasswordAuthentication to yes from no, then save and exit.
7) Restart the SSH daemon to make this change take effect.

sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

8) Temporarily gain root privileges and change the password for the ubuntu user to a complex password to enhance security. Press the Enter key after typing the command passwd ubuntu, and you will be prompted to enter the new password twice.

sudo –i
passwd ubuntu

9) Switch back to the ubuntu user account and cd to the ubuntu home directory.

su ubuntu

10) Install Ubuntu desktop functionality on your Linux instance, the last command can take up to 15 minutes to complete.

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo -E apt-get update
sudo -E apt-get install -y ubuntu-desktop

11) Install xrdp

sudo apt-get install xfce4
sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

12) Make xfce4 the default window manager for RDP connections.

echo xfce4-session > ~/.xsession

13) Copy .xsession to the /etc/skel folder so that xfce4 is set as the default window manager for any new user accounts that are created.

sudo cp /home/ubuntu/.xsession /etc/skel

14) Open the xrdp.ini file to allow changing of the host port you will connect to.

sudo vim /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

(xrdp is not installed till now. First Install the xrdp with sudo apt-get install xrdp then edit the above mentioned file)

15) Look for the section [xrdp1] and change the following text (then save and exit [:wq]).

- to -

16) Restart xrdp.

sudo service xrdp restart

17) On Windows, open the Remote Desktop Connection client, paste the fully qualified name of your Amazon EC2 instance for the Computer, and then click Connect.

18) When prompted to Login to xrdp, ensure that the sesman-Xvnc module is selected, and enter the username ubuntu with the new password that you created in step 8. When you start a session, the port number is -1.

19) When the system connects, several status messages are displayed on the Connection Log screen. Pay close attention to these status messages and make note of the VNC port number displayed. If you want to return to a session later, specify this number in the port field of the xrdp login dialog box.

See more details:

How can I prevent the textarea from stretching beyond his parent DIV element? (google-chrome issue only)

textarea {
width: 700px;  
height: 100px;
resize: none; }

assign your required width and height for the textarea and then use. resize: none ; css property which will disable the textarea's stretchable property.

How to check if number is divisible by a certain number?

package lecture3;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class divisibleBy2and5 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        System.out.println("Enter an integer number:");
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        int x;
        x = input.nextInt();
         if (x % 2==0){
             System.out.println("The integer number you entered is divisible by 2");
             System.out.println("The integer number you entered is not divisible by 2");
             if(x % 5==0){
                 System.out.println("The integer number you entered is divisible by 5");
                 System.out.println("The interger number you entered is not divisible by 5");


How do I create a MessageBox in C#?

In the System.Windows.Forms class, you can find more on the MSDN page for this here. Among other things you can control the message box text, title, default button, and icons. Since you didn't specify, if you are trying to do this in a webpage you should look at triggering the javascript alert("my message"); or confirm("my question"); functions.

How to smooth a curve in the right way?

EDIT: look at this answer. Using np.cumsum is much faster than np.convolve

A quick and dirty way to smooth data I use, based on a moving average box (by convolution):

x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
y = np.sin(x) + np.random.random(100) * 0.8

def smooth(y, box_pts):
    box = np.ones(box_pts)/box_pts
    y_smooth = np.convolve(y, box, mode='same')
    return y_smooth

plot(x, y,'o')
plot(x, smooth(y,3), 'r-', lw=2)
plot(x, smooth(y,19), 'g-', lw=2)

enter image description here

how to query for a list<String> in jdbctemplate

Use following code

List data = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(query,String.class)

How do I get a value of a <span> using jQuery?

    $(document).ready(function () {

            $.each($(".classBalence").find("span"), function () {
            if ($(this).text() >1) {
                $(this).css("color", "green")

            if ($(this).text() < 1) {
                $(this).css("color", "red")
                $(this).css("font-weight", "bold")


Can someone provide an example of a $destroy event for scopes in AngularJS?

$destroy can refer to 2 things: method and event

1. method - $scope.$destroy

.directive("colorTag", function(){
  return {
    restrict: "A",
    scope: {
      value: "=colorTag"
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
      var colors = new App.Colors();
      element.css("background-color", stringToColor(scope.value));
      element.css("color", contrastColor(scope.value));

      // Destroy scope, because it's no longer needed.

2. event - $scope.$on("$destroy")

See @SunnyShah's answer.

How do I open a URL from C++?

There're already answers for windows. In linux, I noticed open always launch browser from shell, so you can try:

system("open https://your.domain/uri");

that's say

system(("open "s + url).c_str()); // c++

WHERE statement after a UNION in SQL?

select column1..... from table1
where column1=''
select column1..... from table2
where column1= ''

JPQL SELECT between date statement

Try this query (replace t.eventsDate with e.eventsDate):

SELECT e FROM Events e WHERE e.eventsDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate

Why does git revert complain about a missing -m option?

I had this problem, the solution was to look at the commit graph (using gitk) and see that I had the following:

*   commit I want to cherry-pick (x)
| * branch I want to cherry-pick to (y)
* | 
* common parent (x)

I understand now that I want to do

git cherry-pick -m 2 mycommitsha

This is because -m 1 would merge based on the common parent where as -m 2 merges based on branch y, that is the one I want to cherry-pick to.

Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing

This issue can also raise when you change your system password but not the same updated on your .npmrc file that exist on path C:\Users\user_name, so update your password there too.

please check on it and run npm install first and then npm start.

Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?

You can achieve this by controlling the formatting of the old/new/unchanged lines in GNU diff output:

diff --new-line-format="" --unchanged-line-format=""  file1 file2

The input files should be sorted for this to work. With bash (and zsh) you can sort in-place with process substitution <( ):

diff --new-line-format="" --unchanged-line-format="" <(sort file1) <(sort file2)

In the above new and unchanged lines are suppressed, so only changed (i.e. removed lines in your case) are output. You may also use a few diff options that other solutions don't offer, such as -i to ignore case, or various whitespace options (-E, -b, -v etc) for less strict matching.


The options --new-line-format, --old-line-format and --unchanged-line-format let you control the way diff formats the differences, similar to printf format specifiers. These options format new (added), old (removed) and unchanged lines respectively. Setting one to empty "" prevents output of that kind of line.

If you are familiar with unified diff format, you can partly recreate it with:

diff --old-line-format="-%L" --unchanged-line-format=" %L" \
     --new-line-format="+%L" file1 file2

The %L specifier is the line in question, and we prefix each with "+" "-" or " ", like diff -u (note that it only outputs differences, it lacks the --- +++ and @@ lines at the top of each grouped change). You can also use this to do other useful things like number each line with %dn.

The diff method (along with other suggestions comm and join) only produce the expected output with sorted input, though you can use <(sort ...) to sort in place. Here's a simple awk (nawk) script (inspired by the scripts linked-to in Konsolebox's answer) which accepts arbitrarily ordered input files, and outputs the missing lines in the order they occur in file1.

# output lines in file1 that are not in file2
BEGIN { FS="" }                         # preserve whitespace
(NR==FNR) { ll1[FNR]=$0; nl1=FNR; }     # file1, index by lineno
(NR!=FNR) { ss2[$0]++; }                # file2, index by string
    for (ll=1; ll<=nl1; ll++) if (!(ll1[ll] in ss2)) print ll1[ll]

This stores the entire contents of file1 line by line in a line-number indexed array ll1[], and the entire contents of file2 line by line in a line-content indexed associative array ss2[]. After both files are read, iterate over ll1 and use the in operator to determine if the line in file1 is present in file2. (This will have have different output to the diff method if there are duplicates.)

In the event that the files are sufficiently large that storing them both causes a memory problem, you can trade CPU for memory by storing only file1 and deleting matches along the way as file2 is read.

BEGIN { FS="" }
(NR==FNR) {  # file1, index by lineno and string
  ll1[FNR]=$0; ss1[$0]=FNR; nl1=FNR;
(NR!=FNR) {  # file2
  if ($0 in ss1) { delete ll1[ss1[$0]]; delete ss1[$0]; }
  for (ll=1; ll<=nl1; ll++) if (ll in ll1) print ll1[ll]

The above stores the entire contents of file1 in two arrays, one indexed by line number ll1[], one indexed by line content ss1[]. Then as file2 is read, each matching line is deleted from ll1[] and ss1[]. At the end the remaining lines from file1 are output, preserving the original order.

In this case, with the problem as stated, you can also divide and conquer using GNU split (filtering is a GNU extension), repeated runs with chunks of file1 and reading file2 completely each time:

split -l 20000 --filter='gawk -f linesnotin.awk - file2' < file1

Note the use and placement of - meaning stdin on the gawk command line. This is provided by split from file1 in chunks of 20000 line per-invocation.

For users on non-GNU systems, there is almost certainly a GNU coreutils package you can obtain, including on OSX as part of the Apple Xcode tools which provides GNU diff, awk, though only a POSIX/BSD split rather than a GNU version.

What does OpenCV's cvWaitKey( ) function do?

. argument of 0 is interpreted as infinite

. in order to drag the highGUI windows, you need to continually call the cv::waitKey() function. eg for static images:

cv::imshow("winname", img);

while(cv::waitKey(1) != 27); // 27 = ascii value of ESC

How to get table list in database, using MS SQL 2008?

This should give you a list of all the tables in your database

SELECT Distinct TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES

So you can use it similar to your database check.

If NOT EXISTS(SELECT Distinct TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES Where TABLE_NAME = 'Your_Table')
    --CREATE TABLE Your_Table

How do I run PHP code when a user clicks on a link?

I know this post is old but I just wanted to add my answer!

You said to log a user out WITHOUT directing... this method DOES redirect but it returns the user to the page they were on! here's my implementation:

// every page with logout button
        // get the full url of current page
        $page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        // find position of the last '/'
        $file_name_begin_pos = strripos($page, "/");
        // get substring from position to end 
        $file_name = substr($page, ++$fileNamePos);

// the logout link in your html
<a href="logout.php?redirect_to=<?=$file_name?>">Log Out</a>

// logout.php page
    $_SESSION = array();
    $page = "index.php";
        $file = $_GET["redirect_to"];
        if ($file == "user.php"){
            // if redirect to is a restricted page, redirect to index
            $file = "index.php";
    header("Location: $file");

and there we go!

the code that gets the file name from the full url isn't bug proof. for example if query strings are involved with un-escaped '/' in them, it will fail.

However there are many scripts out there to get the filename from url!

Happy Coding!


Set adb vendor keys

I tried every method listed here and in Android adb devices unauthorized

What eventually worked for me was the option just below USB Debugging 'Revoke auths'

raw vs. html_safe vs. h to unescape html

I think it bears repeating: html_safe does not HTML-escape your string. In fact, it will prevent your string from being escaped.

<%= "<script>alert('Hello!')</script>" %>

will put:


into your HTML source (yay, so safe!), while:

<%= "<script>alert('Hello!')</script>".html_safe %>

will pop up the alert dialog (are you sure that's what you want?). So you probably don't want to call html_safe on any user-entered strings.

How would I access variables from one class to another?

class ClassA(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.var1 = 1
        self.var2 = 2
    def method(self):
        self.var1 = self.var1 + self.var2
        return self.var1

class ClassB(ClassA):
    def __init__(self):

object1 = ClassA() 
sum = object1.method()  
object2 = ClassB() 
print sum

PHP get dropdown value and text

Is there a reason you didn't just use this?

<select id="animal" name="animal">                      
  <option value="0">--Select Animal--</option>
  <option value="Cat">Cat</option>
  <option value="Dog">Dog</option>
  <option value="Cow">Cow</option>

if($_POST['submit'] && $_POST['submit'] != 0)

Huge performance difference when using group by vs distinct

The two queries express the same question. Apparently the query optimizer chooses two different execution plans. My guess would be that the distinct approach is executed like:

  • Copy all business_key values to a temporary table
  • Sort the temporary table
  • Scan the temporary table, returning each item that is different from the one before it

The group by could be executed like:

  • Scan the full table, storing each value of business key in a hashtable
  • Return the keys of the hashtable

The first method optimizes for memory usage: it would still perform reasonably well when part of the temporary table has to be swapped out. The second method optimizes for speed, but potentially requires a large amount of memory if there are a lot of different keys.

Since you either have enough memory or few different keys, the second method outperforms the first. It's not unusual to see performance differences of 10x or even 100x between two execution plans.

On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing "back" button from opening logged-in-only Activities

One option is to have each activity's onCreate check logged-in status, and finish() if not logged-in. I do not like this option, as the back button will still be available for use, navigating back as activities close themselves.

What you want to do is call logout() and finish() on your onStop() or onPause() methods. This will force Android to call onCreate() when the activity is brought back on since it won't have it in its activity's stack any longer. Then do as you say, in onCreate() check logged in status and forward to login screen if not logged in.

Another thing you could do is check logged in status in onResume(), and if not logged in, finish() and launch login activity.

Android SDK folder taking a lot of disk space. Do we need to keep all of the System Images?

You do not need to keep the system images unless you want to use the emulator on your desktop. Along with it you can remove other unwanted stuff to clear disk space.

Adding as an answer to my own question as I've had to narrate this to people in my team more than a few times. Hence this answer as a reference to share with other curious ones.

In the last few weeks there were several colleagues who asked me how to safely get rid of the unwanted stuff to release disk space (most of them were beginners). I redirected them to this question but they came back to me for steps. So for android beginners here is a step by step guide to safely remove unwanted stuff.


  • Do not blindly delete everything directly from disk that you "think" is not required occupying. I did that once and had to re-download.
  • Make sure you have a list of all active projects with the kind of emulators (if any) and API Levels and Build tools required for those to continue working/compiling properly.

First, be sure you are not going to use emulators and will always do you development on a physical device. In case you are going to need emulators, note down the API Levels and type of emulators you'll need. Do not remove those. For the rest follow the below steps:

Steps to safely clear up unwanted stuff from Android SDK folder on the disk

  1. Open the Stand Alone Android SDK Manager. To open do one of the following:
  • Click the SDK Manager button on toolbar in android studio or eclipse
  • In Android Studio, go to settings and search "Android SDK". Click Android SDK -> "Open Standalone SDK Manager"
  • In Eclipse, open the "Window" menu and select "Android SDK Manager"
  • Navigate to the location of the android-sdk directory on your computer and run "SDK Manager.exe"


  1. Uncheck all items ending with "System Image". Each API Level will have more than a few. In case you need some and have figured the list already leave them checked to avoid losing them and having to re-download.


  1. Optional (may help save a marginally more amount of disk space): To free up some more space, you can also entirely uncheck unrequired API levels. Be careful again to avoid re-downloading something you are actually using in other projects.


  1. In the end make sure you have at least the following (check image below) for the remaining API levels to be able to seamlessly work with your physical device.

In the end the clean android sdk installed components should look something like this in the SDK manager.

enter image description here

Compare two MySQL databases

Take a look at dbForge Data Compare for MySQL. It's a shareware with 30-days free trial period. It's a fast MySQL GUI tool for data comparison and synchronization, management of data differences, and customizable synchronization.

dbForge Data Compare for MySQL

FIX CSS <!--[if lt IE 8]> in IE

<!--[if lt IE 8]><![endif]-->

The lt in the above statement means less than, so 'if less than IE 8'.

For all versions of IE you can just use

<!--[if IE]><![endif]-->

or for all versions above ie 6 for example.

<!--[if gt IE 6]><![endif]-->

Where gt is 'greater than'

If you would like to write specific styles for versions below and including IE8 you can write

<!--[if lte IE 8]><![endif]-->

where lte is 'less than and equal' to

Convert string to Color in C#

Since the OP mentioned in a comment that he's using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Color rather than System.Drawing.Color you can first create a System.Drawing.Color then convert it to a Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Color

public static Color FromName(string colorName)
    System.Drawing.Color systemColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(colorName);   
    return new Color(systemColor.R, systemColor.G, systemColor.B, systemColor.A); //Here Color is Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Color

What's the name for hyphen-separated case?

I've always called it, and heard it be called, 'dashcase.'

Bash checking if string does not contain other string

Use !=.

if [[ ${testmystring} != *"c0"* ]];then
    # testmystring does not contain c0

See help [[ for more information.

Apply function to each element of a list

Sometimes you need to apply a function to the members of a list in place. The following code worked for me:

>>> def func(a, i):
...     a[i] = a[i].lower()
>>> a = ['TEST', 'TEXT']
>>> list(map(lambda i:func(a, i), range(0, len(a))))
[None, None]
>>> print(a)
['test', 'text']

Please note, the output of map() is passed to the list constructor to ensure the list is converted in Python 3. The returned list filled with None values should be ignored, since our purpose was to convert list a in place

How to change button text in Swift Xcode 6?



someButton.setTitle("New Title", forState: .normal)

works only when Title type is Plain.

enter image description here

Write to file, but overwrite it if it exists


cat <<EOF > SampleFile

Put Some text here 
Put some text here
Put some text here


Create a temporary table in a SELECT statement without a separate CREATE TABLE

Use this syntax:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (select * from t2);

List of lists into numpy array

Just use pandas


this only works for a list of lists

if you have a list of list of lists you might want to try something along the lines of


GROUP BY + CASE statement

Try adding the other two non COUNT columns to the GROUP BY:

select CURRENT_DATE-1 AS day,, 
CASE WHEN attempt.result = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, 
from attempt attempt, prod_hw_id prod_hw_id, model model
where time >= '2013-11-06 00:00:00'  
AND time < '2013-11-07 00:00:00'
AND attempt.hard_id = prod_hw_id.hard_id
AND prod_hw_id.model_id = model.model_id
group by 1,2,3,4
order by, attempt.type, attempt.result;

jQuery DIV click, with anchors

<div class="info">
   <a href="item-list.php"> Click Me !</a>

$(document).delegate("", "click", function() {
   window.location = $(this).find("a").attr("href");

What does the ^ (XOR) operator do?

One thing that other answers don't mention here is XOR with negative numbers -

 a  |  b  | a ^ b
 0  |  0  |  0
 0  |  1  |  1
 1  |  0  |  1
 1  |  1  |  0

While you could easily understand how XOR will work using the above functional table, it doesn't tell how it will work on negative numbers.

How XOR works with Negative Numbers :

Since this question is also tagged as python, I will be answering it with that in mind. The XOR ( ^ ) is an logical operator that will return 1 when the bits are different and 0 elsewhere.

A negative number is stored in binary as two's complement. In 2's complement, The leftmost bit position is reserved for the sign of the value (positive or negative) and doesn't contribute towards the value of number.

In, Python, negative numbers are written with a leading one instead of a leading zero. So if you are using only 8 bits for your two's-complement numbers, then you treat patterns from 00000000 to 01111111 as the whole numbers from 0 to 127, and reserve 1xxxxxxx for writing negative numbers.

With that in mind, lets understand how XOR works on negative number with an example. Lets consider the expression - ( -5 ^ -3 ) .

  • The binary representation of -5 can be considered as 1000...101 and
  • Binary representation of -3 can be considered as 1000...011.

Here, ... denotes all 0s, the number of which depends on bits used for representation (32-bit, 64-bit, etc). The 1 at the MSB ( Most Significant Bit ) denotes that the number represented by the binary representation is negative. The XOR operation will be done on all bits as usual.

XOR Operation :

      -5   :  10000101          |
     ^                          | 
      -3   :  10000011          |  
    ===================         |
    Result :  00000110  =  6    |

     ? -5 ^ -3 = 6

Since, the MSB becomes 0 after the XOR operation, so the resultant number we get is a positive number. Similarly, for all negative numbers, we consider their representation in binary format using 2's complement (one of most commonly used) and do simple XOR on their binary representation.

The MSB bit of result will denote the sign and the rest of the bits will denote the value of the final result.

The following table could be useful in determining the sign of result.

  a   |   b   | a ^ b
  +   |   +   |   +
  +   |   -   |   -
  -   |   +   |   -
  -   |   -   |   +

The basic rules of XOR remains same for negative XOR operations as well, but how the operation really works in negative numbers could be useful for someone someday .

Flask raises TemplateNotFound error even though template file exists

I think Flask uses the directory templates by default. So your code should be like this

suppose this is your

from flask import Flask,render_template


def home():
    return render_template('home.html')

def about():
    return render_template('about.html')

if __name__=="__main__":

And you work space structure like


also you have create two html files with name of home.html and about.html and put those files in templates folder.

MySQL Select all columns from one table and some from another table

I need more information really but it will be along the lines of..

SELECT table1.*, table2.col1, table2.col3 FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING(id)

Removing multiple keys from a dictionary safely

Another map() way to remove list of keys from dictionary

and avoid raising KeyError exception

    dic = {
        'key1': 1,
        'key2': 2,
        'key3': 3,
        'key4': 4,
        'key5': 5,
keys_to_remove = ['key_not_exist', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3']
k = list(map(dic.pop, keys_to_remove, keys_to_remove))

print('k=', k)
print('dic after =  \n', dic)

**this will produce output** 

k= ['key_not_exist', 1, 2, 3]
dic after =  {'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}

Duplicate keys_to_remove is artificial, it needs to supply defaults values for dict.pop() function. You can add here any array with len_ = len(key_to_remove)

For example

dic = {
    'key1': 1,
    'key2': 2,
    'key3': 3,
    'key4': 4,
    'key5': 5,

keys_to_remove = ['key_not_exist', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3']    
k = list(map(dic.pop, keys_to_remove, np.zeros(len(keys_to_remove))))

print('k=', k)
print('dic after = ', dic)

** will produce output **

k= [0.0, 1, 2, 3]
dic after =  {'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}

CSS: how to add white space before element's content?

/* Most Accurate Setting if you only want
   to do this with CSS Pseudo Element */
p:before { 
   content: "\00a0";
   padding-right: 5px; /* If you need more space b/w contents */

How to compare two lists in python?

Given the code you provided in comments, I assume you want to do this:

>>> dateList = "Thu Sep 16 13:14:15 CDT 2010".split()
>>> sdateList = "Thu Sep 16 14:14:15 CDT 2010".split()
>>> dateList == sdataList

The split-method of the string returns a list. A list in Python is very different from an array. == in this case does an element-wise comparison of the two lists and returns if all their elements are equal and the number and order of the elements is the same. Read the documentation.

Select records from NOW() -1 Day

Didn't see any answers correctly using DATE_ADD or DATE_SUB:

Subtract 1 day from NOW()


Add 1 day from NOW()


How do I access my SSH public key?

It can be found on this path (default path):


john is your Mac username.

Is Android using NTP to sync time?

Not an exact answer to your question, but a bit of information: if your device does use NTP for time (eg. if it is a tablet with no 3G or GPS capabilities), the server can be configured in /system/etc/gps.conf - obviously this file can only be edited with root access, but is viewable on non-rooted devices.

How to avoid the "Circular view path" exception with Spring MVC test

@Controller ? @RestController

I had the same issue and I noticed that my controller was also annotated with @Controller. Replacing it with @RestController solved the issue. Here is the explanation from Spring Web MVC:

@RestController is a composed annotation that is itself meta-annotated with @Controller and @ResponseBody indicating a controller whose every method inherits the type-level @ResponseBody annotation and therefore writes directly to the response body vs view resolution and rendering with an HTML template.

.NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number

This is the best format. Works in all of those cases:

String.Format( "{0:#,##0.##}", 0 ); // 0
String.Format( "{0:#,##0.##}", 0.5 ); // 0.5 - some of the formats above fail here. 
String.Format( "{0:#,##0.##}", 12314 ); // 12,314
String.Format( "{0:#,##0.##}", 12314.23123 ); // 12,314.23
String.Format( "{0:#,##0.##}", 12314.2 ); // 12,314.2
String.Format( "{0:#,##0.##}", 1231412314.2 ); // 1,231,412,314.2

How to sort an associative array by its values in Javascript?

Here is a variation of ben blank's answer, if you don't like tuples.

This saves you a few characters.

var keys = [];
for (var key in sortme) {

keys.sort(function(k0, k1) {
  var a = sortme[k0];
  var b = sortme[k1];
  return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);

for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
  var key = keys[i];
  var value = sortme[key];
  // Do something with key and value.

Freezing Row 1 and Column A at the same time

Select cell B2 and click "Freeze Panes" this will freeze Row 1 and Column A.

For future reference, selecting Freeze Panes in Excel will freeze the rows above your selected cell and the columns to the left of your selected cell. For example, to freeze rows 1 and 2 and column A, you could select cell B3 and click Freeze Panes. You could also freeze columns A and B and row 1, by selecting cell C2 and clicking "Freeze Panes".

Visual Aid on Freeze Panes in Excel 2010 -

Microsoft Reference Guide (More Complicated, but resourceful none the less) -

How to update the value of a key in a dictionary in Python?

You are modifying the list book_shop.values()[i], which is not getting updated in the dictionary. Whenever you call the values() method, it will give you the values available in dictionary, and here you are not modifying the data of the dictionary.

Which version of C# am I using

.NET version through registry

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\ explore the children and look into each version. The one with key 'Full' is the version on the system.

.NET version through Visual Studio

Help -> About Microsoft Visual Studio -> The .NET version is specified on the top right.

As I understand at this time the Visual studio uses .NET Framework from the OS.

The target .NET Framework version of a project in Visual Studio can be modified with Project Properties -> Application -> Target Framework

Through the dll

If you know the .NET Framework directory e.g. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319

Open System.dll, right click -> properties -> Details tab

C# version

Help -> About Microsoft Visual Studio

In the installed products lists there is Visual C#. In my case Visual C# 2015

Visual Studio (Microsoft) ships C# by name Visual C#.

C# 6, Visual Studio .NET 2015 Current version, see below

How can I get the root domain URI in ASP.NET?

This works also:

string url = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority;

Select subset of columns in data.table R

Use with=FALSE:

cols = paste("V", c(1,2,3,5), sep="")

dt[, !cols, with=FALSE]

I suggest going through the "Introduction to data.table" vignette.

Update: From v1.10.2 onwards, you can also do:

dt[, ..cols]

See the first NEWS item under v1.10.2 here for additional explanation.

Why call super() in a constructor?

It simply calls the default constructor of the superclass.

JavaScript: Passing parameters to a callback function

A new version for the scenario where the callback will be called by some other function, not your own code, and you want to add additional parameters.

For example, let's pretend that you have a lot of nested calls with success and error callbacks. I will use angular promises for this example but any javascript code with callbacks would be the same for the purpose.

someObject.doSomething(param1, function(result1) {
  console.log("Got result from doSomething: " + result1);
  result.doSomethingElse(param2, function(result2) {
    console.log("Got result from doSomethingElse: " + result2);
  }, function(error2) {
    console.log("Got error from doSomethingElse: " + error2);
}, function(error1) {
  console.log("Got error from doSomething: " + error1);

Now you may want to unclutter your code by defining a function to log errors, keeping the origin of the error for debugging purposes. This is how you would proceed to refactor your code:

someObject.doSomething(param1, function (result1) {
  console.log("Got result from doSomething: " + result1);
  result.doSomethingElse(param2, function (result2) {
    console.log("Got result from doSomethingElse: " + result2);
  }, handleError.bind(null, "doSomethingElse"));
}, handleError.bind(null, "doSomething"));

 * Log errors, capturing the error of a callback and prepending an id
var handleError = function (id, error) {
  var id = id || "";
  console.log("Got error from " + id + ": " + error);

The calling function will still add the error parameter after your callback function parameters.

How to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome

You can use the below code to run test cases in Chrome using Selenium WebDriver:

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class ChromeTest {

     * @param args
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws IOException
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
        // Telling the system where to find the Chrome driver

        WebDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver();

        // Open

        String html = webDriver.getPageSource();

        // Printing result here.


cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

The error is due to corrupt or missing SSL chain certificate files in the PKI directory. You’ll need to make sure the files ca-bundle, following steps: In your console/terminal:

mkdir /usr/src/ca-certificates && cd /usr/src/ca-certificates

Enter this site: , get your ca-certificate, for yout SO, for example: << CentOS. Copy url of download and paste in url: wget your_url_donwload_ca-ceritificated.rpm now, install yout rpm:

rpm2cpio your_url_donwload_ca-ceritificated.rpm | cpio -idmv

now restart your service: my example this command:

sudo service2 httpd restart

very great good look

The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage

I wanted to make a simple and understandable example

if you call a method like this, your client will not know return type

var interestPoints = Mediator.Handle(new InterestPointTypeRequest
                LanguageCode = request.LanguageCode,
                AgentId = request.AgentId,
                InterestPointId = request.InterestPointId,

Then you should say to compiler i know the return type is List<InterestPointTypeMap>

var interestPoints  = Mediator.Handle<List<InterestPointTypeMap>>(new InterestPointTypeRequest
                LanguageCode = request.LanguageCode,
                AgentId = request.AgentId,
                InterestPointId = request.InterestPointId,
                InterestPointTypeId = request.InterestPointTypeId

the compiler will no longer be mad at you for knowing the return type

Pandas groupby month and year

You can use either resample or Grouper (which resamples under the hood).

First make sure that the datetime column is actually of datetimes (hit it with pd.to_datetime). It's easier if it's a DatetimeIndex:

In [11]: df1
            abc  xyz
2013-06-01  100  200
2013-06-03  -20   50
2013-08-15   40   -5
2014-01-20   25   15
2014-02-21   60   80

In [12]: g = df1.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq="M"))  # DataFrameGroupBy (grouped by Month)

In [13]: g.sum()
            abc  xyz
2013-06-30   80  250
2013-07-31  NaN  NaN
2013-08-31   40   -5
2013-09-30  NaN  NaN
2013-10-31  NaN  NaN
2013-11-30  NaN  NaN
2013-12-31  NaN  NaN
2014-01-31   25   15
2014-02-28   60   80

In [14]: df1.resample("M", how='sum')  # the same
            abc  xyz
2013-06-30   40  125
2013-07-31  NaN  NaN
2013-08-31   40   -5
2013-09-30  NaN  NaN
2013-10-31  NaN  NaN
2013-11-30  NaN  NaN
2013-12-31  NaN  NaN
2014-01-31   25   15
2014-02-28   60   80

Note: Previously pd.Grouper(freq="M") was written as pd.TimeGrouper("M"). The latter is now deprecated since 0.21.

I had thought the following would work, but it doesn't (due to as_index not being respected? I'm not sure.). I'm including this for interest's sake.

If it's a column (it has to be a datetime64 column! as I say, hit it with to_datetime), you can use the PeriodIndex:

In [21]: df
        Date  abc  xyz
0 2013-06-01  100  200
1 2013-06-03  -20   50
2 2013-08-15   40   -5
3 2014-01-20   25   15
4 2014-02-21   60   80

In [22]: pd.DatetimeIndex(df.Date).to_period("M")  # old way
<class 'pandas.tseries.period.PeriodIndex'>
[2013-06, ..., 2014-02]
Length: 5, Freq: M

In [23]: per = df.Date.dt.to_period("M")  # new way to get the same

In [24]: g = df.groupby(per)

In [25]: g.sum()  # dang not quite what we want (doesn't fill in the gaps)
         abc  xyz
2013-06   80  250
2013-08   40   -5
2014-01   25   15
2014-02   60   80

To get the desired result we have to reindex...

MomentJS getting JavaScript Date in UTC

Or simply:

From MDN documentation:

The method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970

Available since ECMAScript 5.1

It's the same as was mentioned above (new Date().getTime()), but more shortcutted version.

Bootstrap how to get text to vertical align in a div container

Could you not have simply added:


to a new class in your row div. Essentially:

<div class="row align_center">

.align_center { align-items:center; }

How to ensure that there is a delay before a service is started in systemd?

You can create a .timer systemd unit file to control the execution of your .service unit file.

So for example, to wait for 1 minute after boot-up before starting your foo.service, create a foo.timer file in the same directory with the contents:


It is important that the service is disabled (so it doesn't start at boot), and the timer enabled, for all this to work (thanks to user tride for this):

systemctl disable foo.service
systemctl enable foo.timer

You can find quite a few more options and all information needed here:

Elegant ways to support equivalence ("equality") in Python classes

From this answer: I have demonstrated that, while it's correct to define __ne__ in terms __eq__ - instead of

def __ne__(self, other):
    return not self.__eq__(other)

you should use:

def __ne__(self, other):
    return not self == other

How to rename files and folder in Amazon S3?

This works for renaming the file in the same folder

aws s3  mv s3://bucketname/folder_name1/test_original.csv s3://bucket/folder_name1/test_renamed.csv

How to format date and time in Android?

The other answers are generally correct. I should like to contribute the modern answer. The classes Date, DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat used in most of the other answers, are long outdated and have caused trouble for many programmers over many years. Today we have so much better in java.time, AKA JSR-310, the modern Java date & time API. Can you use this on Android yet? Most certainly! The modern classes have been backported to Android in the ThreeTenABP project. See this question: How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project for all the details.

This snippet should get you started:

    int year = 2017, month = 9, day = 28, hour = 22, minute = 45;
    LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute);
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM);

When I set my computer’s preferred language to US English or UK English, this prints:

Sep 28, 2017 10:45:00 PM

When instead I set it to Danish, I get:

28-09-2017 22:45:00

So it does follow the configuration. I am unsure exactly to what detail it follows your device’s date and time settings, though, and this may vary from phone to phone.

How to execute an external program from within Node.js?

exec has memory limitation of buffer size of 512k. In this case it is better to use spawn. With spawn one has access to stdout of executed command at run time

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var prc = spawn('java',  ['-jar', '-Xmx512M', '-Dfile.encoding=utf8', 'script/importlistings.jar']);

//noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
prc.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
    var str = data.toString()
    var lines = str.split(/(\r?\n)/g);

prc.on('close', function (code) {
    console.log('process exit code ' + code);

How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?

Ex: Dialog (2-way) with a Popen()

p = subprocess.Popen('Your Command Here',
out = p.stdout.readline()
while out:
  line = out
  line = line.rstrip("\n")

  if "WHATEVER1" in line:
      pr = 1
      p.stdin.write('DO 1\n')
      out = p.stdout.readline()

  if "WHATEVER2" in line:
      pr = 2
      p.stdin.write('DO 2\n')
      out = p.stdout.readline()

out = p.stdout.readline()


Getting data from Yahoo Finance

Since Yahoo Finances API was disabled, I found Alpha Vantage API

This a stock query sample that I'm using with Excel's Power Query:

Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)

The difference between (R,) and (1,R) is literally the number of indices that you need to use. ones((1,R)) is a 2-D array that happens to have only one row. ones(R) is a vector. Generally if it doesn't make sense for the variable to have more than one row/column, you should be using a vector, not a matrix with a singleton dimension.

For your specific case, there are a couple of options:

1) Just make the second argument a vector. The following works fine:[:,0], np.ones(R))

2) If you want matlab like matrix operations, use the class matrix instead of ndarray. All matricies are forced into being 2-D arrays, and operator * does matrix multiplication instead of element-wise (so you don't need dot). In my experience, this is more trouble that it is worth, but it may be nice if you are used to matlab.

How to use Console.WriteLine in ASP.NET (C#) during debug?

If for whatever reason you'd like to catch the output of Console.WriteLine, you CAN do this:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var writer = new LogWriter();

public class LogWriter : TextWriter
    public override void WriteLine(string value)
        //do whatever with value

    public override Encoding Encoding
        get { return Encoding.Default; }

How can I generate an apk that can run without server with react-native?

You should just use android studio for this process. It is just simpler. But first run this command in your react native app directory:

For Newer version of react-native(e.g. react native 0.49.0 & so on...)

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

For Older Version of react-native (0.49.0 & below)

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file   --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/   --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/

Then Use android studio to open the 'android' folder in you react native app directory, it will ask to upgrade gradle and some other stuff. go to build-> Generate signed APK and follow the instructions from there. It's really straight forward.

Android Error Building Signed APK: keystore.jks not found for signing config 'externalOverride'

On Linux or Ubuntu you need to use the complete path.

For example


In my case I was using ~ instead of /home/user/. Using shorthands like the below does not work


What is the equivalent of 'describe table' in SQL Server?

There are a few methods to get metadata about a table:

EXEC sp_help tablename

Will return several result sets, describing the table, it's columns and constraints.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA views will give you the information you want, though unfortunately you have to query the views and join them manually.

How to convert DateTime to a number with a precision greater than days in T-SQL?

If the purpose of this is to create a unique value from the date, here is what I would do

SET @ts = CAST(getdate() AS TIMESTAMP)

This gets the date and declares it as a simple timestamp

What should every programmer know about security?

The Web Security team at Mozilla put together a great guide, which we abide by in the development of our sites and services.

How to get the cell value by column name not by index in GridView in

//get the value of a gridview
public string getUpdatingGridviewValue(GridView gridviewEntry, string fieldEntry)
    {//start getGridviewValue
        //scan gridview for cell value
            string result = Convert.ToString(functionsOther.getCurrentTime()); 
            for(int i = 0; i < gridviewEntry.HeaderRow.Cells.Count; i++)
                {//start i for
                    if(gridviewEntry.HeaderRow.Cells[i].Text == fieldEntry)
                        {//start check field match
                            result = gridviewEntry.Rows[rowUpdateIndex].Cells[i].Text;
                        }//end check field match
                }//end i for
            return result;
    }//end getGridviewValue

Instant run in Android Studio 2.0 (how to turn off)

Turn off Instant Run from Settings ? Build, Execution, Deployment ? Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run.

enter image description here

Decode UTF-8 with Javascript

I searched for a simple solution and this works well for me:

//input data
view = new Uint8Array(data);

//output string
serialString = ua2text(view);

//convert UTF8 to string
function ua2text(ua) {
    s = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < ua.length; i++) {
        s += String.fromCharCode(ua[i]);
    return s;               

Only issue I have is sometimes I get one character at a time. This might be by design with my source of the arraybuffer. I'm using to read serial data on an android device.

Calling a user defined function in jQuery

Try this $('div').myFunction();

This should work

$(document).ready(function() {

function myFunction()

Git fails when pushing commit to github

Looks like a server issue (i.e. a "GitHub" issue).
If you look at this thread, it can happen when the git-http-backend gets a corrupted heap.(and since they just put in place a smart http support...)
But whatever the actual cause is, it may also be related with recent sporadic disruption in one of the GitHub fileserver.

Do you still see this error message? Because if you do:

  • check your local Git version (and upgrade to the latest one)
  • report this as a GitHub bug.

Note: the Smart HTTP Support is a big deal for those of us behind an authenticated-based enterprise firewall proxy!

From now on, if you clone a repository over the http:// url and you are using a Git client version 1.6.6 or greater, Git will automatically use the newer, better transport mechanism.
Even more amazing, however, is that you can now push over that protocol and clone private repositories as well. If you access a private repository, or you are a collaborator and want push access, you can put your username in the URL and Git will prompt you for the password when you try to access it.

Older clients will also fall back to the older, less efficient way, so nothing should break - just newer clients should work better.

So again, make sure to upgrade your Git client first.

How to hide the keyboard when I press return key in a UITextField?

Try this,

[textField setDelegate: self];

Then, in textField delegate method

- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {
    [textField resignFirstResponder];
    return YES;

Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern

Lee's approach can be simplified further

public static void InvokeIfRequired(this Control control, MethodInvoker action)
    // See Update 2 for edits Mike de Klerk suggests to insert here.

    if (control.InvokeRequired) {
    } else {

And can be called like this

richEditControl1.InvokeIfRequired(() =>
    // Do anything you want with the control here
    richEditControl1.RtfText = value;

There is no need to pass the control as parameter to the delegate. C# automatically creates a closure.


According to several other posters Control can be generalized as ISynchronizeInvoke:

public static void InvokeIfRequired(this ISynchronizeInvoke obj,
                                         MethodInvoker action)
    if (obj.InvokeRequired) {
        var args = new object[0];
        obj.Invoke(action, args);
    } else {

DonBoitnott pointed out that unlike Control the ISynchronizeInvoke interface requires an object array for the Invoke method as parameter list for the action.


Edits suggested by Mike de Klerk (see comment in 1st code snippet for insert point):

// When the form, thus the control, isn't visible yet, InvokeRequired  returns false,
// resulting still in a cross-thread exception.
while (!control.Visible)

See ToolmakerSteve's comment below for concerns about this suggestion.

C# winforms combobox dynamic autocomplete

Here is my final solution. It works fine with a large amount of data. I use Timer to make sure the user want find current value. It looks like complex but it doesn't. Thanks to Max Lambertini for the idea.

        private bool _canUpdate = true; 

        private bool _needUpdate = false;       

        //If text has been changed then start timer
        //If the user doesn't change text while the timer runs then start search
        private void combobox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_needUpdate)
                if (_canUpdate)
                    _canUpdate = false;

        private void UpdateData()
            if (combobox1.Text.Length > 1)
                List<string> searchData = Search.GetData(combobox1.Text);

        //If an item was selected don't start new search
        private void combobox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _needUpdate = false;

        //Update data only when the user (not program) change something
        private void combobox1_TextUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _needUpdate = true;

        //While timer is running don't start search
        //timer1.Interval = 1500;
        private void RestartTimer()
            _canUpdate = false;

        //Update data when timer stops
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _canUpdate = true;

        //Update combobox with new data
        private void HandleTextChanged(List<string> dataSource)
            var text = combobox1.Text;

            if (dataSource.Count() > 0)
                combobox1.DataSource = dataSource;  

                var sText = combobox1.Items[0].ToString();
                combobox1.SelectionStart = text.Length;
                combobox1.SelectionLength = sText.Length - text.Length;
                combobox1.DroppedDown = true;

                combobox1.DroppedDown = false;
                combobox1.SelectionStart = text.Length;

This solution isn't very cool. So if someone has another solution please share it with me.

how to align all my li on one line?

This works as you wish:

    <style type="text/css"> 

height: 1em;
width: 100%;




Working with time DURATION, not time of day

The best way I found to resolve this issue was by using a combination of the above. All my cells were entered as a Custom Format to only show "HH:MM" - if I entered in "4:06" (being 4 minutes and 6 seconds) the field would show the numbers I entered correctly - but the data itself would represent HH:MM in the background.

Fortunately time is based on factors of 60 (60 seconds = 60 minutes). So 7H:15M / 60 = 7M:15S - I hope you can see where this is going. Accordingly, if I take my 4:06 and divide by 60 when working with the data (eg. to total up my total time or average time across 100 cells I would use the normal SUM or AVERAGE formulas and then divide by 60 in the formula.

Example =(SUM(A1:A5))/60. If my data was across the 5 time tracking fields was the 4:06, 3:15, 9:12, 2:54, 7:38 (representing MM:SS for us, but the data in the background is actually HH:MM) then when I work out the sum of those 5 fields are, what I want should be 27M:05S but what shows instead is 1D:03H:05M:00S. As mentioned above, 1D:3H:5M divided by 60 = 27M:5S ... which is the sum I am looking for.

Further examples of this are: =(SUM(G:G))/60 and =(AVERAGE(B2:B90)/60) and =MIN(C:C) (this is a direct check so no /60 needed here!).

Note that your "formula" or "calculation" fields (average, total time, etc) MUST have the custom format of MM:SS once you have divided by 60 as Excel's default thinking is in HH:MM (hence this issue). Your data fields where you are entering in your times should need to be changed from "General" or "Number" format to the custom format of HH:MM.

This process is still a little bit cumbersome to use - but it does mean that your data entry is still entered in very easy and is "correctly" displayed on screen as 4:06 (which most people would view as minutes:seconds when under a "Minutes" header). Generally there will only be a couple of fields needing to be used for formulas such as "best time", "average time", "total time" etc when tracking times and they will not usually be changed once the formula is entered so this will be a "one off" process - I use this for my call tracking sheet at work to track "average call", "total call time for day".

How to get dictionary values as a generic list

Another variant:

    List<MyType> items = new List<MyType>();

How do I include a path to libraries in g++

To specify a directory to search for (binary) libraries, you just use -L:


To specify the actual library name, you use -l:

-lfoo  # (links libfoo.a or

To specify a directory to search for include files (different from libraries!) you use -I:


So I think what you want is something like

g++ -g -Wall -I/data[...]/lib testing.cpp fileparameters.cpp main.cpp -o test

These compiler flags (amongst others) can also be found at the GNU GCC Command Options manual:

How to insert a newline in front of a pattern?

You can also do this with awk, using -v to provide the pattern:

awk -v patt="pattern" '$0 ~ patt {gsub(patt, "\n"patt)}1' file

This checks if a line contains a given pattern. If so, it appends a new line to the beginning of it.

See a basic example:

$ cat file
this is some pattern and we are going ahead
$ awk -v patt="pattern" '$0 ~ patt {gsub(patt, "\n"patt)}1' file
this is some 
pattern and we are going ahead

Note it will affect to all patterns in a line:

$ cat file
this pattern is some pattern and we are going ahead
$ awk -v patt="pattern" '$0 ~ patt {gsub(patt, "\n"patt)}1' d
pattern is some 
pattern and we are going ahead

Change window location Jquery

I'm assuming you're using jquery to make the AJAX call so you can do this pretty easily by putting the redirect in the success like so:

       url: 'ajax_location.html',
       success: function(data) {
          //this is the redirect

How to limit depth for recursive file list?

Checkout the -maxdepth flag of find

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec ls -ld "{}" \;

Here I used 1 as max level depth, -type d means find only directories, which then ls -ld lists contents of, in long format.

Define global constants

This is my recent experience with this scenario:

  • @angular/cli: 1.0.0
  • node: 6.10.2
  • @angular/core: 4.0.0

I've followed the official and updated docs here:!#dependency-injection-tokens

Seems OpaqueToken is now deprecated and we must use InjectionToken, so these are my files running like a charm:


export interface IAppConfig {

  STORE_KEY: string;



import { InjectionToken } from "@angular/core";
import { IAppConfig } from "./app-config.interface";

export const APP_DI_CONFIG: IAppConfig = {

  STORE_KEY: 'l@_list@'


export let APP_CONFIG = new InjectionToken< IAppConfig >( 'app.config' );


import { APP_CONFIG, APP_DI_CONFIG } from "./app-config/app-config.constants";

@NgModule( {
  declarations: [ ... ],
  imports: [ ... ],
  providers: [
      provide: APP_CONFIG,
      useValue: APP_DI_CONFIG
  bootstrap: [ ... ]
} )
export class AppModule {}


  constructor( ...,
               @Inject( APP_CONFIG ) private config: IAppConfig) {

    console.log("This is the App's Key: ", this.config.STORE_KEY);
    //> This is the App's Key:  l@_list@


The result is clean and there's no warnings on console thank's to recent comment of John Papa in this issue:

The key was implement in a different file the interface.

Get jQuery version from inspecting the jQuery object

FYI, for the cases where your page is loading with other javascript libraries like mootools that are conflicting with the $ symbol, you can use jQuery instead.

For instance, jQuery.fn.jquery or jQuery().jquery would work just fine:

screen shot for checking jQuery version

Can't connect to docker from docker-compose

logging out then in again helped me. In my case it was fresh install, I created a new user, new group then added the user to the docker group.

exit exit

then ssh into the server again

How to convert a pymongo.cursor.Cursor into a dict?

I suggest create a list and append dictionary into it.

x   = []
cur = db.dbname.find()
for i in cur:

Now x is a list of dictionary, you can manipulate the same in usual python way.

Extract subset of key-value pairs from Python dictionary object?

Okay, this is something that has bothered me a few times, so thank you Jayesh for asking it.

The answers above seem like as good a solution as any, but if you are using this all over your code, it makes sense to wrap the functionality IMHO. Also, there are two possible use cases here: one where you care about whether all keywords are in the original dictionary. and one where you don't. It would be nice to treat both equally.

So, for my two-penneth worth, I suggest writing a sub-class of dictionary, e.g.

class my_dict(dict):
    def subdict(self, keywords, fragile=False):
        d = {}
        for k in keywords:
                d[k] = self[k]
            except KeyError:
                if fragile:
        return d

Now you can pull out a sub-dictionary with


Usage examples:

## our keywords are letters of the alphabet
keywords = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
## our dictionary maps letters to their index
d = my_dict([(k,i) for i,k in enumerate(keywords)])
print('Original dictionary:\n%r\n\n' % (d,))
## constructing a sub-dictionary with good keywords
oddkeywords = keywords[::2]
subd = d.subdict(oddkeywords)
print('Dictionary from odd numbered keys:\n%r\n\n' % (subd,))
## constructing a sub-dictionary with mixture of good and bad keywords
somebadkeywords = keywords[1::2] + 'A'
    subd2 = d.subdict(somebadkeywords)
    print("We shouldn't see this message")
except KeyError:
    print("subd2 construction fails:")
    print("\toriginal dictionary doesn't contain some keys\n\n")
## Trying again with fragile set to false
    subd3 = d.subdict(somebadkeywords, fragile=False)
    print('Dictionary constructed using some bad keys:\n%r\n\n' % (subd3,))
except KeyError:
    print("We shouldn't see this message")

If you run all the above code, you should see (something like) the following output (sorry for the formatting):

Original dictionary:
{'a': 0, 'c': 2, 'b': 1, 'e': 4, 'd': 3, 'g': 6, 'f': 5, 'i': 8, 'h': 7, 'k': 10, 'j': 9, 'm': 12, 'l': 11, 'o': 14, 'n': 13, 'q': 16, 'p': 15, 's': 18, 'r': 17, 'u': 20, 't': 19, 'w': 22, 'v': 21, 'y': 24, 'x': 23, 'z': 25}

Dictionary from odd numbered keys:
{'a': 0, 'c': 2, 'e': 4, 'g': 6, 'i': 8, 'k': 10, 'm': 12, 'o': 14, 'q': 16, 's': 18, 'u': 20, 'w': 22, 'y': 24}

subd2 construction fails:
original dictionary doesn't contain some keys

Dictionary constructed using some bad keys:
{'b': 1, 'd': 3, 'f': 5, 'h': 7, 'j': 9, 'l': 11, 'n': 13, 'p': 15, 'r': 17, 't': 19, 'v': 21, 'x': 23, 'z': 25}

JSON: why are forward slashes escaped?

The JSON spec says you CAN escape forward slash, but you don't have to.

how to log in to mysql and query the database from linux terminal

I assume you are looking to use mysql client, which is a good thing and much more efficient to use than any phpMyAdmin alternatives.

The proper way to log in with the commandline client is by typing:

mysql -u username -p

Notice I did not type the password. Doing so would of made the password visible on screen, that is not good in multi-user environnment!

After typing this hit enter key, mysql will ask you for your password.

Once logged in, of course you will need:

use databaseName;

to do anything.


Xcode warning: "Multiple build commands for output file"

One of simple way is,

  • Go to App target
  • Go to Build Phases
  • Output files
  • Delete path of out put files, then build project. It will run successfully.

Google Play app description formatting

Another alternative to cut, copy and paste emojis is:

Oracle: how to UPSERT (update or insert into a table?)

Copy & paste example for upserting one table into another, with MERGE:

    (id VARCHAR2(5) ,
     value VARCHAR2(5),
     value2 VARCHAR2(5)

    (id VARCHAR2(5) ,
     value VARCHAR2(5),
     value2 VARCHAR2(5))

insert into t1 values ('a','1','1');
insert into t1 values ('b','4','5');
insert into t2 values ('b','2','2');
insert into t2 values ('c','3','3');

merge into t2
using t1
on ( = 
when matched then 
  update set t2.value = t1.value,
  t2.value2 = t1.value2
when not matched then
  insert (, t2.value, t2.value2)  
  values(, t1.value, t1.value2);

select * from t2


  1. b 4 5
  2. c 3 3
  3. a 1 1

How to set "value" to input web element using selenium?

Use findElement instead of findElements

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='invoice_supplier_id'])).sendKeys("your value");


driver.findElement("invoice_supplier_id")).sendKeys("value", "your value");

OR using JavascriptExecutor

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("enter the xpath here")); // you can use any locator
 JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
 jse.executeScript("arguments[0].value='enter the value here';", element);


(JavascriptExecutor) driver.executeScript("document.evaluate(xpathExpresion, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue.innerHTML="+ DesiredText);

OR (in javascript)

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='invoice_supplier_id'])).setAttribute("value", "your value")

Hope it will help you :)

How do I get the full path to a Perl script that is executing?

Getting the absolute path to $0 or __FILE__ is what you want. The only trouble is if someone did a chdir() and the $0 was relative -- then you need to get the absolute path in a BEGIN{} to prevent any surprises.

FindBin tries to go one better and grovel around in the $PATH for something matching the basename($0), but there are times when that does far-too-surprising things (specifically: when the file is "right in front of you" in the cwd.)

File::Fu has File::Fu->program_name and File::Fu->program_dir for this.

Converting from Integer, to BigInteger

You can do in this way:

    Integer i = 1;
    new BigInteger("" + i);

What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?

In short, Passed by value is WHAT it is and passed by reference is WHERE it is.

If your value is VAR1 = "Happy Guy!", you will only see "Happy Guy!". If VAR1 changes to "Happy Gal!", you won't know that. If it's passed by reference, and VAR1 changes, you will.

How to add extra whitespace in PHP?

to make your code look better when viewing source

$variable = 'foo';
echo "this is my php variable $variable \n";
echo "this is another php echo here $variable\n";

your code when view source will look like, with nice line returns thanks to \n

this is my php variable foo
this is another php echo here foo

Have bash script answer interactive prompts

I found the best way to send input is to use cat and a text file to pass along whatever input you need.

cat "input.txt" | ./

Count textarea characters

This solution will respond to keyboard and mouse events, and apply to initial text.

    $(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
        $('textarea').bind('input propertychange', function () {_x000D_
        $('textarea').each(function () {_x000D_
    function atualizaTextoContador(textarea) {_x000D_
        var spanContador ='span.contador');_x000D_
        var maxlength = textarea.attr('maxlength');_x000D_
        if (!spanContador || !maxlength)_x000D_
        var numCaracteres = textarea.val().length;_x000D_
        spanContador.html(numCaracteres + ' / ' + maxlength);_x000D_
    span.contador {_x000D_
        display: block;_x000D_
        margin-top: -20px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<textarea maxlength="100" rows="4">initial text</textarea>_x000D_
<span class="contador"></span>

Powershell: count members of a AD group

How about this?

Get-ADGroupMember 'Group name' | measure-object | select count

How to stop a thread created by implementing runnable interface?

Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() is superbly working. but this code is only pause the timer.

This code is stop and reset the thread timer. h1 is handler name. This code is add on inside your button click listener. w_h =minutes w_m =milli sec i=counter

            w_h = 0;
            w_m = 0;

            textView.setText(String.format("%02d", w_h) + ":" + String.format("%02d", w_m));




standard size for html newsletter template

Ideally the email content should be about 550px wide to fit within most email clients preview window. If you know for sure your target market can view bigger then you can design bigger. Loads of email examples over on

Plotting 4 curves in a single plot, with 3 y-axes

Multi-scale plots are rare to find beyond two axes... Luckily in Matlab it is possible, but you have to fully overlap axes and play with tickmarks so as not to hide info.

Below is a nice working sample. I hope this is what you are looking for (although colors could be much nicer)!

close all
clear all 

display('Generating data');

x = 0:10;
y1 = rand(1,11);
y2 = 10.*rand(1,11);
y3 = 100.*rand(1,11);
y4 = 100.*rand(1,11);


ax1 = gca;
    'YTick',[0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]);
line(x, y1, 'Color', 'b', 'LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', '.', 'Parent', ax1)

ax2 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),...
           'YTick',[1, 3, 5, 7, 9],...
line(x, y2, 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', '.', 'Parent', ax2)

ax3 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),...
           'YTick',[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100],...
line(x, y3, 'Color', 'g', 'LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', '.', 'Parent', ax3)

ax4 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),...
           'YTick',[10, 30, 50, 70, 90],...
line(x, y4, 'Color', 'c', 'LineStyle', '-', 'Marker', '.', 'Parent', ax4)

alt text

Post an object as data using Jquery Ajax

You may pass an object to the data option in $.ajax. jQuery will send this as regular post data, just like a normal HTML form.

    type: "POST",
    url: "TelephoneNumbers.aspx/DeleteNumber",
    data: dataO, // same as using {numberId: 1, companyId: 531}
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(msg) {
        alert('In Ajax');

NodeJS / Express: what is "app.use"?

Middleware is a general term for software that serves to "glue together" so app.use is a method to configure the middleware, for example: to parse and handle the body of request: app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.use(bodyParser.json()); there are many middlewares you can use in your express application just read the doc :

Recursive search and replace in text files on Mac and Linux

None of the above work on OSX.

Do the following:

perl -pi -w -e 's/SEARCH_FOR/REPLACE_WITH/g;' *.txt

How to import/include a CSS file using PHP code and not HTML code?

  define('CSSPATH', 'template/css/'); //define css path
  $cssItem = 'style.css'; //css item to display
 <title>Including css</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo (CSSPATH . "$cssItem"); ?>" type="text/css">


VBA collection: list of keys

I don't thinks that possible with a vanilla collection without storing the key values in an independent array.

The easiest alternative to do this is to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime & use a more capable Dictionary instead:

Dim dict As Dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary

dict.Add "key1", "value1"
dict.Add "key2", "value2"

Dim key As Variant
For Each key In dict.Keys
    Debug.Print "Key: " & key, "Value: " & dict.Item(key)

How do I close an open port from the terminal on the Mac?

In 2018 here is what worked for me using MacOS HighSierra:

sudo lsof -nPi :yourPortNumber


sudo kill -9 yourPIDnumber

Regex pattern to match at least 1 number and 1 character in a string

I can see that other responders have given you a complete solution. Problem with regexes is that they can be difficult to maintain/understand.

An easier solution would be to retain your existing regex, then create two new regexes to test for your "at least one alphabetic" and "at least one numeric".

So, test for this :-


Then this :-


Then this :-


If your string passes all three regexes, you have the answer you need.

Valid content-type for XML, HTML and XHTML documents

HTML: text/html, full-stop.

XHTML: application/xhtml+xml, or only if following HTML compatbility guidelines, text/html. See the W3 Media Types Note.

XML: text/xml, application/xml (RFC 2376).

There are also many other media types based around XML, for example application/rss+xml or image/svg+xml. It's a safe bet that any unrecognised but registered ending in +xml is XML-based. See the IANA list for registered media types ending in +xml.

(For unregistered x- types, all bets are off, but you'd hope +xml would be respected.)

Regular expression that matches valid IPv6 addresses

I was unable to get @Factor Mystic's answer to work with POSIX regular expressions, so I wrote one that works with POSIX regular expressions and PERL regular expressions.

It should match:

IPv6 Regular Expression:


For ease of reading, the following is the above regular expression split at major OR points into separate lines:

# IPv6 RegEx
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|          # 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|                         # 1::                              1:2:3:4:5:6:7::
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|         # 1::8             1:2:3:4:5:6::8  1:2:3:4:5:6::8
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|  # 1::7:8           1:2:3:4:5::7:8  1:2:3:4:5::8
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|  # 1::6:7:8         1:2:3:4::6:7:8  1:2:3:4::8
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|  # 1::5:6:7:8       1:2:3::5:6:7:8  1:2:3::8
([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|  # 1::4:5:6:7:8     1:2::4:5:6:7:8  1:2::8
[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|       # 1::3:4:5:6:7:8   1::3:4:5:6:7:8  1::8  
:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|                     # ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8  ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::8       ::     
fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|     # fe80::7:8%eth0   fe80::7:8%1     (link-local IPv6 addresses with zone index)
(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|          # ::   ::ffff:  ::ffff:0:  (IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses and IPv4-translated addresses)
(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])           # 2001:db8:3:4::  64:ff9b:: (IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Address)

# IPv4 RegEx

To make the above easier to understand, the following "pseudo" code replicates the above:

IPV4SEG  = (25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])
IPV6SEG  = [0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}
           (IPV6SEG:){7,7}IPV6SEG|                # 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
           (IPV6SEG:){1,7}:|                      # 1::                                 1:2:3:4:5:6:7::
           (IPV6SEG:){1,6}:IPV6SEG|               # 1::8               1:2:3:4:5:6::8   1:2:3:4:5:6::8
           (IPV6SEG:){1,5}(:IPV6SEG){1,2}|        # 1::7:8             1:2:3:4:5::7:8   1:2:3:4:5::8
           (IPV6SEG:){1,4}(:IPV6SEG){1,3}|        # 1::6:7:8           1:2:3:4::6:7:8   1:2:3:4::8
           (IPV6SEG:){1,3}(:IPV6SEG){1,4}|        # 1::5:6:7:8         1:2:3::5:6:7:8   1:2:3::8
           (IPV6SEG:){1,2}(:IPV6SEG){1,5}|        # 1::4:5:6:7:8       1:2::4:5:6:7:8   1:2::8
           IPV6SEG:((:IPV6SEG){1,6})|             # 1::3:4:5:6:7:8     1::3:4:5:6:7:8   1::8
           :((:IPV6SEG){1,7}|:)|                  # ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8    ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8  ::8       ::       
           fe80:(:IPV6SEG){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|  # fe80::7:8%eth0     fe80::7:8%1  (link-local IPv6 addresses with zone index)
           ::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}IPV4ADDR|  # ::  ::ffff:  ::ffff:0: (IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses and IPv4-translated addresses)
           (IPV6SEG:){1,4}:IPV4ADDR               # 2001:db8:3:4::  64:ff9b:: (IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Address)

I posted a script on GitHub which tests the regular expression:

PHP: How to get current time in hour:minute:second?

You can have both formats as an argument to the function date():

date("d-m-Y H:i:s")

Check the manual for more info :

As pointed out by @ThomasVdBerge to display minutes you need the 'i' character

Bootstrap 3: Text overlay on image

You need to set the thumbnail class to position relative then the post-content to absolute.

Check this fiddle

.post-content {
    position: absolute;



Giving it top and left 0 will make it appear in the top left corner.

Ansible: get current target host's IP address

You can use in your template.j2 {{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }} the same way you use {{inventory_hostname}}.

ps: Please refer to the following blogpost to have more information about HOW TO COLLECT INFORMATION ABOUT REMOTE HOSTS WITH ANSIBLE GATHERS FACTS .

'hoping it’ll help someone one day ?

Find unique rows in numpy.array

For general purpose like 3D or higher multidimensional nested arrays, try this:

import numpy as np

def unique_nested_arrays(ar):
    origin_shape = ar.shape
    origin_dtype = ar.dtype
    ar = ar.reshape(origin_shape[0],[1:]))
    ar = np.ascontiguousarray(ar)
    unique_ar = np.unique(ar.view([('', origin_dtype)]*[1:])))
    return unique_ar.view(origin_dtype).reshape((unique_ar.shape[0], ) + origin_shape[1:])

which satisfies your 2D dataset:

a = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
       [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]])


array([[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
   [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
   [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]])

But also 3D arrays like:

b = np.array([[[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]],
              [[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]],
              [[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]],
              [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]])


array([[[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]],
   [[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]],
   [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]])

MySQL match() against() - order by relevance and column?

This might give the increased relevance to the head part that you want. It won't double it, but it might possibly good enough for your sake:

SELECT pages.*,
       MATCH (head, body) AGAINST ('some words') AS relevance,
       MATCH (head) AGAINST ('some words') AS title_relevance
FROM pages
WHERE MATCH (head, body) AGAINST ('some words')
ORDER BY title_relevance DESC, relevance DESC

-- alternatively:
ORDER BY title_relevance + relevance DESC

An alternative that you also want to investigate, if you've the flexibility to switch DB engine, is Postgres. It allows to set the weight of operators and to play around with the ranking.

Scala: join an iterable of strings

How about mkString ?


A variant exists in which you can specify a prefix and suffix too.

See here for an implementation using foldLeft, which is much more verbose, but perhaps worth looking at for education's sake.

$(this).val() not working to get text from span using jquery

You can use .html() to get content of span and or div elements.


    var monthname =  $(this).html();

Python urllib2: Receive JSON response from url

Return JSON to webpage
Adding to wonderful answer by @Sanal
For Django 3.4
Adding a working url that returns a json (Source:

import json
import urllib

url = ''
respons = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads('charset') or 'utf-8'))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")

Unix command to find lines common in two files

On limited version of Linux (like a QNAP (nas) I was working on):

  • comm did not exist
  • grep -f file1 file2 can cause some problems as said by @ChristopherSchultz and using grep -F -f file1 file2 was really slow (more than 5 minutes - not finished it - over 2-3 seconds with the method below on files over 20MB)

So here is what I did :

sort file1 > file1.sorted
sort file2 > file2.sorted

diff file1.sorted file2.sorted | grep "<" | sed 's/^< *//' > files.diff
diff file1.sorted files.diff | grep "<" | sed 's/^< *//' > files.same.sorted

If files.same.sorted shall have been in same order than the original ones, than add this line for same order than file1 :

awk 'FNR==NR {a[$0]=$0; next}; $0 in a {print a[$0]}' files.same.sorted file1 > files.same

or, for same order than file2 :

awk 'FNR==NR {a[$0]=$0; next}; $0 in a {print a[$0]}' files.same.sorted file2 > files.same

Why an abstract class implementing an interface can miss the declaration/implementation of one of the interface's methods?

Abstract classes are not required to implement the methods. So even though it implements an interface, the abstract methods of the interface can remain abstract. If you try to implement an interface in a concrete class (i.e. not abstract) and you do not implement the abstract methods the compiler will tell you: Either implement the abstract methods or declare the class as abstract.

M_PI works with math.h but not with cmath in Visual Studio

This is still an issue in VS Community 2015 and 2017 when building either console or windows apps. If the project is created with precompiled headers, the precompiled headers are apparently loaded before any of the #includes, so even if the #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES is the first line, it won't compile. #including math.h instead of cmath does not make a difference.

The only solutions I can find are either to start from an empty project (for simple console or embedded system apps) or to add /Y- to the command line arguments, which turns off the loading of precompiled headers.

For information on disabling precompiled headers, see for example

It would be nice if MS would change/fix this. I teach introductory programming courses at a large university, and explaining this to newbies never sinks in until they've made the mistake and struggled with it for an afternoon or so.

How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date?

You must FIRST call datepicker() > then use 'setDate' to get the current date.

$(".date-pick").datepicker("setDate", new Date());

OR chain your setDate method call after your datepicker initialization, as noted in a comment on this answer

$('.date-pick').datepicker({ /* optional option parameters... */ })
               .datepicker("setDate", new Date());

It will NOT work with just

$(".date-pick").datepicker("setDate", new Date());

NOTE : Acceptable setDate parameters are described here

How can I make Bootstrap 4 columns all the same height?

Equal height columns is the default behaviour for Bootstrap 4 grids.

.col { background: red; }_x000D_
.col:nth-child(odd) { background: yellow; }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col">_x000D_
      1 of 3_x000D_
    <div class="col">_x000D_
      1 of 3_x000D_
      Line 2_x000D_
      Line 3_x000D_
    <div class="col">_x000D_
      1 of 3_x000D_

How to refresh an access form

No, it is like I want to run Form_Load of Form A,if it is possible

-- Varun Mahajan

The usual way to do this is to put the relevant code in a procedure that can be called by both forms. It is best put the code in a standard module, but you could have it on Form a:

Form B:

Sub RunFormALoad()
End Sub

Form A:

Public Sub Form_Load()
End Sub    

Sub ToDoOnLoad()
    txtText = "Hi"
End Sub

MySQL - select data from database between two dates

Maybe use in between better. It worked for me to get range then filter it

What is offsetHeight, clientHeight, scrollHeight?

My descriptions for the three:

  • offsetHeight: How much of the parent's "relative positioning" space is taken up by the element. (ie. it ignores the element's position: absolute descendents)
  • clientHeight: Same as offset-height, except it excludes the element's own border, margin, and the height of its horizontal scroll-bar (if it has one).
  • scrollHeight: How much space is needed to see all of the element's content/descendents (including position: absolute ones) without scrolling.

Then there is also:

How to allow http content within an iframe on a https site

All you need to do is just use Google as a Proxy server.[YourHttpLink].

<iframe src="[Your http link]"></frame>

It worked for me.


Updating Anaconda fails: Environment Not Writable Error

If you face this issue in Linux, one of the common reasons can be that the folder "anaconda3" or "anaconda2" has root ownership. This prevents other users from writing into the folder. This can be resolved by changing the ownership of the folder from root to "USER" by running the command:

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER anaconda3

or sudo chown -R $USER:$USER <path of anaconda 3/2 folder>

Note: How to figure out whether a folder has root ownership? -- There will be a lock symbol on the top right corner of the respective folder. Or right-click on the folder->properties and you will be able to see the owner details

The -R argument lets the $USER access all the folders and files within the folder anaconda3 or anaconda2 or any respective folder. It stands for "recursive".

Commenting in a Bash script inside a multiline command

In addition to the examples by DigitalRoss, here's another form that you can use if you prefer $() instead of backticks `

echo abc $(: comment) \
     def $(: comment) \

Of course, you can use the colon syntax with backticks as well:

echo abc `: comment` \
     def `: comment` \

Additional Notes

The reason $(#comment) doesn't work is because once it sees the #, it treats the rest of the line as comments, including the closing parentheses: comment). So the parentheses is never closed.

Backticks parse differently and will detect the closing backtick even after a #.

Java equivalent of unsigned long long?

Seems like in Java 8 some methods are added to Long to treat old good [signed] long as unsigned. Seems like a workaround, but may help sometimes.

Python "SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file"

When I have a similar issue when reading text files i use...

f = open('file','rt', errors='ignore')

How can I print using JQuery

function printResult() {
    var DocumentContainer = document.getElementById('your_div_id');
    var WindowObject ='', "PrintWindow", "width=750,height=650,top=50,left=50,toolbars=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,resizable=yes");

How to add a custom CA Root certificate to the CA Store used by pip in Windows?

I think nt86's solution is the most appropriate because it leverages the underlying Windows infrastructure (certificate store). But it doesn't explain how to install python-certifi-win32 to start with since pip is non functional.

The trick is to use --trustedhost to install python-certifi-win32 and then after that, pip will automatically use the windows certificate store to load the certificate used by the proxy.

So in a nutshell, you should do:

pip install python-certifi-win32 -trustedhost

and after that you should be good to go

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

You only need to delete one folder it is throwing error for. Just go to your M2 repo and org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-compiler-plugins and delete the folder 2.3.2

Change Row background color based on cell value DataTable

Since datatables v1.10.18, you should specify the column key instead of index, it should be like this:

rowCallback: function(row, data, index){
            if(data["column_key"] == "ValueHere"){
                $('td', row).css('background-color', 'blue');

Can Windows' built-in ZIP compression be scripted?

to create a compressed archive you can use the utility MAKECAB.EXE

C++ Vector of pointers

By dynamically allocating a Movie object with new Movie(), you get a pointer to the new object. You do not need a second vector for the movies, just store the pointers and you can access them. Like Brian wrote, the vector would be defined as

std::vector<Movie *> movies

But be aware that the vector will not delete your objects afterwards, which will result in a memory leak. It probably doesn't matter for your homework, but normally you should delete all pointers when you don't need them anymore.

Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

I've written a post about this once: Resolving circular dependencies in c++

The basic technique is to decouple the classes using interfaces. So in your case:

class Printer {
    virtual Print() = 0;

#include "Printer.h"
class A: public Printer
    int _val;
    Printer *_b;

    A(int val)

    void SetB(Printer *b)
        _b = b;

    void Print()
        cout<<"Type:A val="<<_val<<endl;

#include "Printer.h"
class B: public Printer
    double _val;
    Printer* _a;

    B(double val)

    void SetA(Printer *a)
        _a = a;

    void Print()
        cout<<"Type:B val="<<_val<<endl;

#include <iostream>
#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    A a(10);
    B b(3.14);
    return 0;

Generate MD5 hash string with T-SQL

declare @hash nvarchar(50)
--declare @hash varchar(50)

set @hash = '1111111-2;20190110143334;001'  -- result a5cd84bfc56e245bbf81210f05b7f65f
declare @value varbinary(max);
set @value = convert(varbinary(max),@hash);

 SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('MD5', '1111111-2;20190110143334;001')),3,32) as 'OK'
,SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('MD5', @hash)),3,32) as 'ERROR_01'
,SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('MD5',convert(varbinary(max),@hash))),3,32) as 'ERROR_02'

CSS float right not working correctly

you need to wrap your text inside div and float it left while wrapper div should have height, and I've also added line height for vertical alignment

<div style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: gray;height:30px;">
   <div style="float:left;line-height:30px;">Contact Details</div>

    <button type="button" class="edit_button" style="float: right;">My Button</button>


also js fiddle here =)

Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP

** Finally!!! Resolved App transport Security **

  1. Follow the follow the screen shot. Do it in Targets info Section.

enter image description here

SQL Server: use CASE with LIKE

This is the syntax you need:

CASE WHEN countries LIKE '%'+@selCountry+'%' THEN 'national' ELSE 'regional' END

Although, as per your original problem, I'd solve it differently, splitting the content of @selcountry int a table form and joining to it.

Laravel 5 Class 'form' not found

Use Form, not form. The capitalization counts.

Gson: Directly convert String to JsonObject (no POJO)

Came across a scenario with remote sorting of data store in EXTJS 4.X where the string is sent to the server as a JSON array (of only 1 object).
Similar approach to what is presented previously for a simple string, just need conversion to JsonArray first prior to JsonObject.

String from client: [{"property":"COLUMN_NAME","direction":"ASC"}]

String jsonIn = "[{\"property\":\"COLUMN_NAME\",\"direction\":\"ASC\"}]";
JsonArray o = (JsonArray)new JsonParser().parse(jsonIn);

String sortColumn = o.get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("property").getAsString());
String sortDirection = o.get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("direction").getAsString());

Create a remote branch on GitHub

Git is supposed to understand what files already exist on the server, unless you somehow made a huge difference to your tree and the new changes need to be sent.

To create a new branch with a copy of your current state

git checkout -b new_branch #< create a new local branch with a copy of your code
git push origin new_branch #< pushes to the server

Can you please describe the steps you did to understand what might have made your repository need to send that much to the server.

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

I like to use xargs instead of while. xargs is powerful and command line friendly

cat peptides.txt | xargs -I % sh -c "echo %"

With xargs, you can also add verbosity with -t and validation with -p

Create Map in Java

Map<Integer, Point2D> hm = new HashMap<Integer, Point2D>();

How do I parse a YAML file in Ruby?

Here is the one liner i use, from terminal, to test the content of yml file(s):

$ ruby  -r yaml -r pp  -e 'pp YAML.load_file("/Users/za/project/application.yml")'
    {"root"=>"WARN", "org"=>{"springframework"=>{"security"=>"DEBUG"}}}}}

How to do 3 table JOIN in UPDATE query?

Yes, you can do a 3 table join for an update statement. Here is an example :

    UPDATE customer_table c 

          employee_table e
          ON c.city_id = e.city_id  
          anyother_ table a
          ON a.someID = e.someID

    SET = "Yes"

    WHERE = "New york";

swift UITableView set rowHeight

Try code like this copy and paste in the class

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
    return 100

How to filter empty or NULL names in a QuerySet?

You could do this:


If you need to exclude null values and empty strings, the preferred way to do so is to chain together the conditions like so:


Chaining these methods together basically checks each condition independently: in the above example, we exclude rows where alias is either null or an empty string, so you get all Name objects that have a not-null, not-empty alias field. The generated SQL would look something like:

SELECT * FROM Name WHERE alias IS NOT NULL AND alias != ""

You can also pass multiple arguments to a single call to exclude, which would ensure that only objects that meet every condition get excluded:

Name.objects.exclude(some_field=True, other_field=True)

Here, rows in which some_field and other_field are true get excluded, so we get all rows where both fields are not true. The generated SQL code would look a little like this:

SELECT * FROM Name WHERE NOT (some_field = TRUE AND other_field = TRUE)

Alternatively, if your logic is more complex than that, you could use Django's Q objects:

from django.db.models import Q
Name.objects.exclude(Q(alias__isnull=True) | Q(alias__exact=''))

For more info see this page and this page in the Django docs.

As an aside: My SQL examples are just an analogy--the actual generated SQL code will probably look different. You'll get a deeper understanding of how Django queries work by actually looking at the SQL they generate.