Programs & Examples On #File search

This tag can refer to the process of searching a system for a specific file or the process of searching the contents of a file for specific keywords.

How can I use grep to find a word inside a folder?

The answer you selected is fine, and it works, but it isn't the correct way to do it, because:

grep -nr yourString* .

This actually searches the string "yourStrin" and "g" 0 or many times.

So the proper way to do it is:

grep -nr \w*yourString\w* .

This command searches the string with any character before and after on the current folder.

Facebook Callback appends '#_=_' to Return URL

With angular and angular ui router, you can fix this

    app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {

      // Make a trailing slash optional for all routes
      // - Note: You'll need to specify all urls with a trailing slash if you use this method.
      $urlRouterProvider.rule(function ($injector, $location) {
        Angular misbehaves when the URL contains a "#_=_" hash.

        From Facebook:
          Change in Session Redirect Behavior
          This week, we started adding a fragment #_=_ to the redirect_uri when this field is left blank.
          Please ensure that your app can handle this behavior.


        if ($location.hash() === '_=_'){

        var path = $location.url();

        // check to see if the path already has a slash where it should be
        if (path[path.length - 1] === '/' || path.indexOf('/?') > -1) {
        else if (path.indexOf('?') > -1) {
          $location.replace().path(path.replace('?', '/?'));
        else {
          $location.replace().path(path + '/');

      // etc ...

No == operator found while comparing structs in C++

C++20 introduced default comparisons, aka the "spaceship" operator<=>, which allows you to request compiler-generated </<=/==/!=/>=/ and/or > operators with the obvious/naive(?) implementation...

auto operator<=>(const MyClass&) const = default;

...but you can customise that for more complicated situations (discussed below). See here for the language proposal, which contains justifications and discussion. This answer remains relevant for C++17 and earlier, and for insight in to when you should customise the implementation of operator<=>....

It may seem a bit unhelpful of C++ not to have already Standardised this earlier, but often structs/classes have some data members to exclude from comparison (e.g. counters, cached results, container capacity, last operation success/error code, cursors), as well as decisions to make about myriad things including but not limited to:

  • which fields to compare first, e.g. comparing a particular int member might eliminate 99% of unequal objects very quickly, while a map<string,string> member might often have identical entries and be relatively expensive to compare - if the values are loaded at runtime, the programmer may have insights the compiler can't possibly
  • in comparing strings: case sensitivity, equivalence of whitespace and separators, escaping conventions...
  • precision when comparing floats/doubles
  • whether NaN floating point values should be considered equal
  • comparing pointers or pointed-to-data (and if the latter, how to know how whether the pointers are to arrays and of how many objects/bytes needing comparison)
  • whether order matters when comparing unsorted containers (e.g. vector, list), and if so whether it's ok to sort them in-place before comparing vs. using extra memory to sort temporaries each time a comparison is done
  • how many array elements currently hold valid values that should be compared (is there a size somewhere or a sentinel?)
  • which member of a union to compare
  • normalisation: for example, date types may allow out-of-range day-of-month or month-of-year, or a rational/fraction object may have 6/8ths while another has 3/4ers, which for performance reasons they correct lazily with a separate normalisation step; you may have to decide whether to trigger a normalisation before comparison
  • what to do when weak pointers aren't valid
  • how to handle members and bases that don't implement operator== themselves (but might have compare() or operator< or str() or getters...)
  • what locks must be taken while reading/comparing data that other threads may want to update

So, it's kind of nice to have an error until you've explicitly thought about what comparison should mean for your specific structure, rather than letting it compile but not give you a meaningful result at run-time.

All that said, it'd be good if C++ let you say bool operator==() const = default; when you'd decided a "naive" member-by-member == test was ok. Same for !=. Given multiple members/bases, "default" <, <=, >, and >= implementations seem hopeless though - cascading on the basis of order of declaration's possible but very unlikely to be what's wanted, given conflicting imperatives for member ordering (bases being necessarily before members, grouping by accessibility, construction/destruction before dependent use). To be more widely useful, C++ would need a new data member/base annotation system to guide choices - that would be a great thing to have in the Standard though, ideally coupled with AST-based user-defined code generation... I expect it'll happen one day.

Typical implementation of equality operators

A plausible implementation

It's likely that a reasonable and efficient implementation would be:

inline bool operator==(const MyStruct1& lhs, const MyStruct1& rhs)
    return lhs.my_struct2 == rhs.my_struct2 &&
           lhs.an_int     == rhs.an_int;

Note that this needs an operator== for MyStruct2 too.

Implications of this implementation, and alternatives, are discussed under the heading Discussion of specifics of your MyStruct1 below.

A consistent approach to ==, <, > <= etc

It's easy to leverage std::tuple's comparison operators to compare your own class instances - just use std::tie to create tuples of references to fields in the desired order of comparison. Generalising my example from here:

inline bool operator==(const MyStruct1& lhs, const MyStruct1& rhs)
    return std::tie(lhs.my_struct2, lhs.an_int) ==
           std::tie(rhs.my_struct2, rhs.an_int);

inline bool operator<(const MyStruct1& lhs, const MyStruct1& rhs)
    return std::tie(lhs.my_struct2, lhs.an_int) <
           std::tie(rhs.my_struct2, rhs.an_int);

// ...etc...

When you "own" (i.e. can edit, a factor with corporate and 3rd party libs) the class you want to compare, and especially with C++14's preparedness to deduce function return type from the return statement, it's often nicer to add a "tie" member function to the class you want to be able to compare:

auto tie() const { return std::tie(my_struct1, an_int); }

Then the comparisons above simplify to:

inline bool operator==(const MyStruct1& lhs, const MyStruct1& rhs)
    return lhs.tie() == rhs.tie();

If you want a fuller set of comparison operators, I suggest boost operators (search for less_than_comparable). If it's unsuitable for some reason, you may or may not like the idea of support macros (online):

    inline bool operator OP(const STRUCT& lhs, const STRUCT& rhs) \
    { \
        return std::tie(GET_FIELDS(lhs)) OP std::tie(GET_FIELDS(rhs)); \


...that can then be used a la...

#define MY_STRUCT_FIELDS(X) X.my_struct2, X.an_int

(C++14 member-tie version here)

Discussion of specifics of your MyStruct1

There are implications to the choice to provide a free-standing versus member operator==()...

Freestanding implementation

You have an interesting decision to make. As your class can be implicitly constructed from a MyStruct2, a free-standing / non-member bool operator==(const MyStruct2& lhs, const MyStruct2& rhs) function would support...

my_MyStruct2 == my_MyStruct1 first creating a temporary MyStruct1 from my_myStruct2, then doing the comparison. This would definitely leave MyStruct1::an_int set to the constructor's default parameter value of -1. Depending on whether you include an_int comparison in the implementation of your operator==, a MyStruct1 might or might not compare equal to a MyStruct2 that itself compares equal to the MyStruct1's my_struct_2 member! Further, creating a temporary MyStruct1 can be a very inefficient operation, as it involves copying the existing my_struct2 member to a temporary, only to throw it away after the comparison. (Of course, you could prevent this implicit construction of MyStruct1s for comparison by making that constructor explicit or removing the default value for an_int.)

Member implementation

If you want to avoid implicit construction of a MyStruct1 from a MyStruct2, make the comparison operator a member function:

struct MyStruct1
    bool operator==(const MyStruct1& rhs) const
        return tie() == rhs.tie(); // or another approach as above

Note the const keyword - only needed for the member implementation - advises the compiler that comparing objects doesn't modify them, so can be allowed on const objects.

Comparing the visible representations

Sometimes the easiest way to get the kind of comparison you want can be...

    return lhs.to_string() == rhs.to_string();

...which is often very expensive too - those strings painfully created just to be thrown away! For types with floating point values, comparing visible representations means the number of displayed digits determines the tolerance within which nearly-equal values are treated as equal during comparison.

Disabling submit button until all fields have values

For all solutions instead of ".keyup" ".change" should be used or else the submit button wont be disabled when someone just selects data stored in cookies for any of the text fields.

not None test in Python

The best bet with these types of questions is to see exactly what python does. The dis module is incredibly informative:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis("val != None")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (val)
              2 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              4 COMPARE_OP               3 (!=)
              6 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis.dis("not (val is None)")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (val)
              2 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              4 COMPARE_OP               9 (is not)
              6 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis.dis("val is not None")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (val)
              2 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              4 COMPARE_OP               9 (is not)
              6 RETURN_VALUE

Notice that the last two cases reduce to the same sequence of operations, Python reads not (val is None) and uses the is not operator. The first uses the != operator when comparing with None.

As pointed out by other answers, using != when comparing with None is a bad idea.

How to mark-up phone numbers?

The tel: scheme was used in the late 1990s and documented in early 2000 with RFC 2806 (which was obsoleted by the more-thorough RFC 3966 in 2004) and continues to be improved. Supporting tel: on the iPhone was not an arbitrary decision.

callto:, while supported by Skype, is not a standard and should be avoided unless specifically targeting Skype users.

Me? I'd just start including properly-formed tel: URIs on your pages (without sniffing the user agent) and wait for the rest of the world's phones to catch up :) .


<a href="tel:+18475555555">1-847-555-5555</a>

Get List of connected USB Devices

If you change the ManagementObjectSearcher to the following:

ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = 
       new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", 
       @"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity where DeviceID Like ""USB%"""); 

So the "GetUSBDevices() looks like this"

static List<USBDeviceInfo> GetUSBDevices()
  List<USBDeviceInfo> devices = new List<USBDeviceInfo>();

  ManagementObjectCollection collection;
  using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity where DeviceID Like ""USB%"""))
    collection = searcher.Get();      

  foreach (var device in collection)
    devices.Add(new USBDeviceInfo(

  return devices;


Your results will be limited to USB devices (as opposed to all types on your system)

Anaconda / Python: Change Anaconda Prompt User Path

Go to Start and search for "Anaconda Prompt" - right click this and choose "Open File Location", which will open a folder of shortcuts. Right click the "Anaconda Prompt" shortcut, choose "Properties" and you can adjust the starting dir in the "Start in" box.

Convert Long into Integer

The best simple way of doing so is:

public static int safeLongToInt( long longNumber ) 
        if ( longNumber < Integer.MIN_VALUE || longNumber > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( longNumber + " cannot be cast to int without changing its value." );
        return (int) longNumber;

String's Maximum length in Java - calling length() method

The Return type of the length() method of the String class is int.

public int length()


So the maximum value of int is 2147483647.

String is considered as char array internally,So indexing is done within the maximum range. This means we cannot index the 2147483648th member.So the maximum length of String in java is 2147483647.

Primitive data type int is 4 bytes(32 bits) in java.As 1 bit (MSB) is used as a sign bit,The range is constrained within -2^31 to 2^31-1 (-2147483648 to 2147483647). We cannot use negative values for indexing.So obviously the range we can use is from 0 to 2147483647.

Does "display:none" prevent an image from loading?

we're talking about images not loading on mobile, right? so what if you just did an @media (min-width: 400px){background-image:thing.jpg}

wouldn't it then only look for the image at above a certain screen width?

What does [object Object] mean?

The default conversion from an object to string is "[object Object]".

As you are dealing with jQuery objects, you might want to do


to print the element's ID.

As mentioned in the comments, you should use the tools included in browsers like Firefox or Chrome to introspect objects by doing console.log(whichIsVisible()) instead of alert.

Sidenote: IDs should not start with digits.

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB

Take a substr of the CLOB and then convert it to a char:

  SET TEST_Category           = 'just testing' 
WHERE to_char(substr(TEST_SCRIPT, 1, 9))    = 'something'
  AND ID                      = '10000239';

Changing the sign of a number in PHP?

A trivial

$num = $num <= 0 ? $num : -$num ;

or, the better solution, IMHO:

$num = -1 * abs($num)

As @VegardLarsen has posted,

the explicit multiplication can be avoided for shortness but I prefer readability over shortness

I suggest to avoid if/else (or equivalent ternary operator) especially if you have to manipulate a number of items (in a loop or using a lambda function), as it will affect performance.

"If the float is a negative, make it a positive."

In order to change the sign of a number you can simply do:

$num = 0 - $num;

or, multiply it by -1, of course :)

How to add a button dynamically in Android?

Actually I add to the xml layout file anything that could be used! Then from the source code of the specific Activity I get the object by its id and I "play" with the visibility method.

Here is an example:


Checking if an object is a given type in Swift

I have 2 ways of doing it:

if let thisShape = aShape as? Square 



Here is a detailed example:

class Shape { }
class Square: Shape { } 
class Circle: Shape { }

var aShape = Shape()
aShape = Square()

if let thisShape = aShape as? Square {
    println("Its a square")
} else {
    println("Its not a square")

if aShape.isKindOfClass(Square) {
    println("Its a square")
} else {
    println("Its not a square")

Edit: 3 now:

let myShape = Shape()
if myShape is Shape {
    print("yes it is")

How to get to a particular element in a List in java?

The toString method of array types in Java isn't particularly meaningful, other than telling you what that is an array of.

You can use java.util.Arrays.toString for that.

Or if your lines only contain numbers, and you want a line as 1,2,3,4... instead of [1, 2, 3, ...], you can use:

java.util.Arrays.toString(someArray).replaceAll("\\]| |\\[","")

Where's my JSON data in my incoming Django request?

request.raw_response is now deprecated. Use request.body instead to process non-conventional form data such as XML payloads, binary images, etc.

Django documentation on the issue.

List tables in a PostgreSQL schema

For those coming across this in the future:

If you would like to see a list of relations for several schemas:

$psql mydatabase
mydatabase=# SET search_path TO public, usa;   #schema examples
mydatabase=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public | counties        | table | postgres
 public | spatial_ref_sys | table | postgres
 public | states          | table | postgres
 public | us_cities       | table | postgres
 usa    | census2010      | table | postgres

Catch checked change event of a checkbox

use the click event for best compatibility with MSIE

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("input[type=checkbox]").click(function() {
        alert("state changed");

Event system in Python

I found this small script on Valued Lessons. It seems to have just the right simplicity/power ratio I'm after. Peter Thatcher is the author of following code (no licensing is mentioned).

class Event:
    def __init__(self):
        self.handlers = set()

    def handle(self, handler):
        return self

    def unhandle(self, handler):
            raise ValueError("Handler is not handling this event, so cannot unhandle it.")
        return self

    def fire(self, *args, **kargs):
        for handler in self.handlers:
            handler(*args, **kargs)

    def getHandlerCount(self):
        return len(self.handlers)

    __iadd__ = handle
    __isub__ = unhandle
    __call__ = fire
    __len__  = getHandlerCount

class MockFileWatcher:
    def __init__(self):
        self.fileChanged = Event()

    def watchFiles(self):
        source_path = "foo"

def log_file_change(source_path):
    print "%r changed." % (source_path,)

def log_file_change2(source_path):
    print "%r changed!" % (source_path,)

watcher              = MockFileWatcher()
watcher.fileChanged += log_file_change2
watcher.fileChanged += log_file_change
watcher.fileChanged -= log_file_change2

JDBC connection failed, error: TCP/IP connection to host failed

If you are using a named instance, the port you using likely is 1434, instead of 1433, so please check that out using telnet or netstat aforementioned too.

Visual Studio setup problem - 'A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup.'

I think this sort of question is entirely appropriate to the forum, especially if an easy solution can be found, as would save others hours of pain.

Unfortunately I dont have the solution, but would suggest (if you haven't already)

  1. Run FileMon to see if the installer is looking for specific files which are no longer there - this may give some clues.

  2. Painful, but try uninstalling other apps based upon the VS shell (eg 2005) first.

Removing Spaces from a String in C?

Code taken from zString library

/* search for character 's' */
int zstring_search_chr(char *token,char s){
        if (!token || s=='\0')
        return 0;

    for (;*token; token++)
        if (*token == s)
            return 1;

    return 0;

char *zstring_remove_chr(char *str,const char *bad) {
    char *src = str , *dst = str;

    /* validate input */
    if (!(str && bad))
        return NULL;

            *dst++ = *src++;  /* assign first, then incement */

    return str;

Code example

  Exmaple Usage
      char s[]="this is a trial string to test the function.";
      char *d=" .";

  Example Output

Have a llok at the zString code, you may find it useful

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Laravel 5.0

The logs are located in storage directory. If you want laravel to display the error for you rather than the cryptic 'Whoops' message, copy the .env.example to .env and make sure APP_ENV=local is in there. It should then show you the detailed error messaging.

Recursively looping through an object to build a property list

var flatten = require('flat')
key1: {
    keyA: 'valueI'
key2: {
    keyB: 'valueII'
key3: { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }

// {
//   'key1.keyA': 'valueI',
//   'key2.keyB': 'valueII',
//   'key3.a.b.c': 2
// }

Just loop to get the indexes after.

SQL ON DELETE CASCADE, Which Way Does the Deletion Occur?

Cascade will work when you delete something on table Courses. Any record on table BookCourses that has reference to table Courses will be deleted automatically.

But when you try to delete on table BookCourses only the table itself is affected and not on the Courses

follow-up question: why do you have CourseID on table Category?

Maybe you should restructure your schema into this,

CREATE TABLE Categories 

  CatCode CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
  CourseNum CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  CourseSec CHAR(1) NOT NULL,

REFERENCES Categories(Code)

How to use adb command to push a file on device without sd card

In my case, I had an already removed SDCard still registered in Android. So I longpressed the entry for my old SDCard under:

Settings | Storage & USB

and selected "Forget".

Afterwards a normal

adb push /sdcard/

worked fine.

Get all rows from SQLite

public List<String> getAllData(String email)

    db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    String[] projection={email};

    List<String> list=new ArrayList<>();

    Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_USER, //Table to query
            null,    //columns to return
            "user_email=?",        //columns for the WHERE clause
            projection,        //The values for the WHERE clause
            null,       //group the rows
            null,       //filter by row groups
    //  cursor.moveToFirst();

    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        do {

            // cursor.moveToNext();

        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    return list;

Can I clear cell contents without changing styling?

You should use the ClearContents method if you want to clear the content but preserve the formatting.


Using <style> tags in the <body> with other HTML

I guess this will vary from browser to browser: The global display rules will probably be updated as the browser goes along through the code.

You can see such changes in the global display rules sometimes when an external style sheet is loaded with a delay. Something similar might happen here but in such short succession that it doesn't actually get rendered.

It's not valid HTML anyway, so I'd say that it is a futile thing to think about. <style> tags belong in the head section of the page.

Jquery Open in new Tab (_blank)

Replace this line:

$(this).target = "_blank";


$( this ).attr( 'target', '_blank' );

That will set its HREF to _blank.

Jinja2 template not rendering if-elif-else statement properly

You are testing if the values of the variables error and Already are present in RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)]. If these variables don't exist then an undefined object is used.

Both of your if and elif tests therefore are false; there is no undefined object in the value of RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)].

I think you wanted to test if certain strings are in the value instead:

{% if "error" in RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)] %}
    <td id="error"> {{ RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)] }} </td>
{% elif "Already" in RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo) %}
    <td id="good"> {{ RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)] }} </td>
{% else %}
    <td id="error"> {{ RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)] }} </td>
{% endif %}

Other corrections I made:

  • Used {% elif ... %} instead of {$ elif ... %}.
  • moved the </tr> tag out of the if conditional structure, it needs to be there always.
  • put quotes around the id attribute

Note that most likely you want to use a class attribute instead here, not an id, the latter must have a value that must be unique across your HTML document.

Personally, I'd set the class value here and reduce the duplication a little:

{% if "Already" in RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)] %}
    {% set row_class = "good" %}
{% else %}
    {% set row_class = "error" %}
{% endif %}
<td class="{{ row_class }}"> {{ RepoOutput[RepoName.index(repo)] }} </td>

How to "set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug"

I had given permissions I shouldn't have to write in some folders (especially /usr/bin/), and that caused the problem. I fixed it by opening Disk Utility and running 'Repair Disk Permissions' on the Macintosh HD disk.

How to get the current time in milliseconds from C in Linux?

This version need not math library and checked the return value of clock_gettime().

#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

 * @return milliseconds
uint64_t get_now_time() {
  struct timespec spec;
  if (clock_gettime(1, &spec) == -1) { /* 1 is CLOCK_MONOTONIC */

  return spec.tv_sec * 1000 + spec.tv_nsec / 1e6;

Getting a list of values from a list of dicts

[x['value'] for x in list_of_dicts]

Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

There is a RawFormat property of Image parameter which returns the file format of the image. You might try the following:

// extension method
public static byte[] imageToByteArray(this System.Drawing.Image image)
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
        image.Save(ms, image.RawFormat);
        return ms.ToArray();

How can I find the version of php that is running on a distinct domain name?

There is a surprisingly effective way that consists of using the easter eggs.

They differ from version to version.

How to check if a String contains any letter from a to z?

What about:

//true if it doesn't contain letters
bool result = hello.Any(x => !char.IsLetter(x));

How to include static library in makefile


LDFLAGS= -L<Directory where the library resides> -l<library name>

Like :

LDFLAGS = -L. -lmine

for ensuring static compilation you can also add

LDFLAGS = -static

Or you can just get rid of the whole library searching, and link with with it directly.

say you have main.c fun.c

and a static library libmine.a

then you can just do in your final link line of the Makefile

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.o fun.o libmine.a

scp from Linux to Windows

This one worked for me.

scp /home/ubuntu/myfile username@IP_of_windows_machine:/C:/Users/Anshul/Desktop 

How do I convert strings between uppercase and lowercase in Java?

Assuming that all characters are alphabetic, you can do this:

From lowercase to uppercase:

// Uppercase letters. 
class UpperCase {  
  public static void main(String args[]) { 
    char ch;
    for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { 
      ch = (char) ('a' + i);

      // This statement turns off the 6th bit.   
      ch = (char) ((int) ch & 65503); // ch is now uppercase
      System.out.print(ch + " ");  

From uppercase to lowercase:

// Lowercase letters. 
class LowerCase {  
  public static void main(String args[]) { 
    char ch;
    for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { 
      ch = (char) ('A' + i);
      ch = (char) ((int) ch | 32); // ch is now uppercase
      System.out.print(ch + " ");  

ImportError: No module named tensorflow

Try installing tensorflow in the user site - This installation only works for you.

pip install tensorflow --user

Calling Non-Static Method In Static Method In Java

public class StaticMethod{

    public static void main(String []args)throws Exception{

    public int methodOne(){
        System.out.println("we are in first methodOne");
        return 1;

the above code not executed because static method must have that class reference.

public class StaticMethod{
    public static void main(String []args)throws Exception{

        StaticMethod sm=new StaticMethod();

    public int methodOne(){
        System.out.println("we are in first methodOne");
        return 1;

This will be definitely get executed. Because here we are creating reference which nothing but "sm" by using that reference of that class which is nothing but (StaticMethod=new Static method()) we are calling method one (sm.methodOne()).

I hope this will be helpful.

Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication

I noticed this question a couple of days late, but I feel that I can add some insight. I hope this can be helpful towards your RESTful venture.

Point 1: Am I understanding it right?

You understood right. That is a correct representation of a RESTful architecture. You may find the following matrix from Wikipedia very helpful in defining your nouns and verbs:

When dealing with a Collection URI like:

  • GET: List the members of the collection, complete with their member URIs for further navigation. For example, list all the cars for sale.

  • PUT: Meaning defined as "replace the entire collection with another collection".

  • POST: Create a new entry in the collection where the ID is assigned automatically by the collection. The ID created is usually included as part of the data returned by this operation.

  • DELETE: Meaning defined as "delete the entire collection".

When dealing with a Member URI like:

  • GET: Retrieve a representation of the addressed member of the collection expressed in an appropriate MIME type.

  • PUT: Update the addressed member of the collection or create it with the specified ID.

  • POST: Treats the addressed member as a collection in its own right and creates a new subordinate of it.

  • DELETE: Delete the addressed member of the collection.

Point 2: I need more verbs

In general, when you think you need more verbs, it may actually mean that your resources need to be re-identified. Remember that in REST you are always acting on a resource, or on a collection of resources. What you choose as the resource is quite important for your API definition.

Activate/Deactivate Login: If you are creating a new session, then you may want to consider "the session" as the resource. To create a new session, use POST to with the credentials in the body. To expire it use PUT or a DELETE (maybe depending on whether you intend to keep a session history) to

Change Password: This time the resource is "the user". You would need a PUT to with the old and new passwords in the body. You are acting on "the user" resource, and a change password is simply an update request. It's quite similar to the UPDATE statement in a relational database.

My instinct would be to do a GET call to a URL like /api/users/1/activate_login

This goes against a very core REST principle: The correct usage of HTTP verbs. Any GET request should never leave any side effect.

For example, a GET request should never create a session on the database, return a cookie with a new Session ID, or leave any residue on the server. The GET verb is like the SELECT statement in a database engine. Remember that the response to any request with the GET verb should be cache-able when requested with the same parameters, just like when you request a static web page.

Point 3: How to return error messages and codes

Consider the 4xx or 5xx HTTP status codes as error categories. You can elaborate the error in the body.

Failed to Connect to Database: / Incorrect Database Login: In general you should use a 500 error for these types of errors. This is a server-side error. The client did nothing wrong. 500 errors are normally considered "retryable". i.e. the client can retry the same exact request, and expect it to succeed once the server's troubles are resolved. Specify the details in the body, so that the client will be able to provide some context to us humans.

The other category of errors would be the 4xx family, which in general indicate that the client did something wrong. In particular, this category of errors normally indicate to the client that there is no need to retry the request as it is, because it will continue to fail permanently. i.e. the client needs to change something before retrying this request. For example, "Resource not found" (HTTP 404) or "Malformed Request" (HTTP 400) errors would fall in this category.

Point 4: How to do authentication

As pointed out in point 1, instead of authenticating a user, you may want to think about creating a session. You will be returned a new "Session ID", along with the appropriate HTTP status code (200: Access Granted or 403: Access Denied).

You will then be asking your RESTful server: "Can you GET me the resource for this Session ID?".

There is no authenticated mode - REST is stateless: You create a session, you ask the server to give you resources using this Session ID as a parameter, and on logout you drop or expire the session.

VBA code to show Message Box popup if the formula in the target cell exceeds a certain value

I don't think a message box is the best way to go with this as you would need the VB code running in a loop to check the cell contents, or unless you plan to run the macro manually. In this case I think it would be better to add conditional formatting to the cell to change the background to red (for example) if the value exceeds the upper limit.

How to call a mysql stored procedure, with arguments, from command line?

With quotes around the date:

mysql> CALL insertEvent('2012.01.01 12:12:12');

How to prevent a browser from storing passwords

Thank you for giving a reply to me. I followed the below link

Disable browser 'Save Password' functionality

I resolved the issue by just adding readonly & onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');" attributes besides autocomplete="off" to the inputs as shown below.

<input type="text" name="UserName" autocomplete="off" readonly 
onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');" >

<input type="password" name="Password" autocomplete="off" readonly 
onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');" >

This is working fine for me.

convert string array to string

Like this:

string str= test[0]+test[1];

You can also use a loop:

for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
    str += test[i];

How to properly add cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token using PHP

Security Warning: md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)) is not a secure way to generate random numbers. See this answer for more information and a solution that leverages a cryptographically secure random number generator.

Looks like you need an else with your if.

if (!isset($_SESSION['token'])) {
    $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));
    $_SESSION['token'] = $token;
    $_SESSION['token_time'] = time();
    $token = $_SESSION['token'];

How to read XML response from a URL in java?

Ok I think I have solves the problem below is a working code

package xmlhttp;

import org.jdesktop.http.Response;

import org.jdesktop.http.Session;

import org.jdesktop.http.State;

public class GetXmlHttp{

    public static void main(String[] args) {



    public static void getResponse()

        final Session session = new Session();

        try {
            String url=",topp:tehsil&bbox=73.07846689124875,33.67929015631999,73.07946689124876,33.68029015632,EPSG:4326";
            final Response res=session.get(url);
            boolean notDone=true;

                    String xml=res.toString();



        } catch (Exception e1) {




How do I change button size in Python?

Configuring a button (or any widget) in Tkinter is done by calling a configure method "config"

To change the size of a button called button1 you simple call

button1.config( height = WHATEVER, width = WHATEVER2 )

If you know what size you want at initialization these options can be added to the constructor.

button1 = Button(self, text = "Send", command = self.response1, height = 100, width = 100) 

How to add Tomcat Server in eclipse

This is very simple steps involved as you mentioned you have already installed JAVAEE plugin so the first step for you is go to Windows->Show View->Server in add select the AppacheTOMcat and select the tomcat version you have downloaded and set the path and start the server after that.

How to find a value in an excel column by vba code Cells.Find

Just use

Dim Cell As Range
Set cell = Selection.Find(What:="celda", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
        LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
        MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

If cell Is Nothing Then
    'do it something

    'do it another thing
End If

How to increase size of DOSBox window?

Looking again at your question, I think I see what's wrong with your conf file. You set:

fullresolution=1366x768 windowresolution=1366x768

That's why you're getting the letterboxing (black on either side). You've essentially told Dosbox that your screen is the same size as your window, but your screen is actually bigger, 1600x900 (or higher) per the Googled specs for that computer. So the 'difference' shows up in black. So you either should change fullresolution to your actual screen resolution, or revert to fullresolution=original default, and only specify the window resolution.

So now I wonder if you really want fullscreen, though your question asks about only a window. For you are getting a window, but you sized it short of your screen, hence the two black stripes (letterboxing). If you really want fullscreen, then you need to specify the actual resolution of your screen. 1366x768 is not big enough.

The next issue is, what's the resolution of the program itself? It won't go past its own resolution. So if the program/game is (natively) say 1280x720 (HD), then your window resolution setting shouldn't be bigger than that (remember, it's fixed not dynamic when you use AxB as windowresolution).

Example: DOS Lotus 123 will only extend eight columns and 20 rows. The bigger the Dosbox, the bigger the text, but not more columns and rows. So setting a higher windowresolution for that, only results in bigger text, not more columns and rows. After that you'll have letterboxing.

Hope this helps you better.

Verilog generate/genvar in an always block

You need to reverse the nesting inside the generate block:

genvar c;
    for (c = 0; c < ROWBITS; c = c + 1) begin: test
        always @(posedge sysclk) begin
            temp[c] <= 1'b0;

Technically, this generates four always blocks:

always @(posedge sysclk) temp[0] <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge sysclk) temp[1] <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge sysclk) temp[2] <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge sysclk) temp[3] <= 1'b0;

In this simple example, there's no difference in behavior between the four always blocks and a single always block containing four assignments, but in other cases there could be.

The genvar-dependent operation needs to be resolved when constructing the in-memory representation of the design (in the case of a simulator) or when mapping to logic gates (in the case of a synthesis tool). The always @posedge doesn't have meaning until the design is operating.

Subject to certain restrictions, you can put a for loop inside the always block, even for synthesizable code. For synthesis, the loop will be unrolled. However, in that case, the for loop needs to work with a reg, integer, or similar. It can't use a genvar, because having the for loop inside the always block describes an operation that occurs at each edge of the clock, not an operation that can be expanded statically during elaboration of the design.

Why use pointers?

Pointers are one way of getting an indirect reference to another variable. Instead of holding the value of a variable, they tell you its address. This is particularly useful when dealing with arrays, since using a pointer to the first element in an array (its address) you can quickly find the next element by incrementing the pointer (to the next address location).

The best explanation of pointers and pointer arithmetic that I've read is in K & R's The C Programming Language. A good book for beginning learning C++ is C++ Primer.

How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable?

Try setting the width on the table itself:

<table id="ratesandcharges1" class="grid" style="width: 650px;">

You'll have to adjust the 650 by a couple pixels to account for whatever padding, margins, and borders you have.

You'll probably still have some issues though. I don't see enough horizontal space for all those columns without mangling the headers, reducing the font sizes, or some other bit of ugliness.

What algorithms compute directions from point A to point B on a map?

I had some more thoughts on this:

1) Remember that maps represent a physical organization. Store the latitude/longitude of every intersection. You don't need to check much beyond the points that lie in the direction of your target. Only if you find yourself blocked do you need to go beyond this. If you store an overlay of superior connections you can limit it even more--you will normally never go across one of those in a way that goes away from your final destination.

2) Divide up the world into a whole bunch of zones defined by limited connectivity, define all connectivity points between the zones. Find what zones your source and target are in, for the start and end zone route from your location to each connection point, for the zones between simply map between connection points. (I suspect a lot of the latter is already pre-calculated.)

Note that zones can be smaller than a metropolitan area. Any city with terrain features that divide it up (say, a river) would be multiple zones.

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?

Idea is to wrap the element & unwrap the contents:

function renameElement($element,newElement){

    $newElement = $element.parent();

    //Copying Attributes
    $.each($element.prop('attributes'), function() {


    return $newElement;

Sample usage:



Is there a "between" function in C#?

What about

somenumber == Math.Max(0,Math.Min(10,somenumber));

returns true when somenumber is 5. returns false when somenumber is 11.

Creating a config file in PHP

What about something like this ?

class Configuration

    private $config;

    public function __construct($configIniFilePath)
        $this->config = parse_ini_file($configIniFilePath, true);

     * Gets the value for the specified setting name.
     * @param string $name the setting name
     * @param string $section optional, the name of the section containing the
     *     setting
     * @return string|null the value of the setting, or null if it doesn't exist
    public function getConfiguration($name, $section = null)
        $configValue = null;

        if ($section === null) {
            if (array_key_exists($name, $this->config)) {
                $configValue = $this->config[$name];
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists($section, $this->config)) {
                $sectionSettings = $this->config[$section];
                if (array_key_exists($name, $sectionSettings)) {
                    $configValue = $sectionSettings[$name];

        return $configValue;

Can I bind an array to an IN() condition?

After going through the same problem, i went to a simpler solution (although still not as elegant as an PDO::PARAM_ARRAY would be) :

given the array $ids = array(2, 4, 32):

$newparams = array();
foreach ($ids as $n => $val){ $newparams[] = ":id_$n"; }

try {
    $stmt = $conn->prepare("DELETE FROM $table WHERE ($ IN (" . implode(", ",$newparams). "))");
    foreach ($ids as $n => $val){
        $stmt->bindParam(":id_$n", intval($val), PDO::PARAM_INT);

... and so on

So if you are using a mixed values array, you will need more code to test your values before assigning the type param:

// inside second foreach..

$valuevar = (is_float($val) ? floatval($val) : is_int($val) ? intval($val) :  is_string($val) ? strval($val) : $val );
$stmt->bindParam(":id_$n", $valuevar, (is_int($val) ? PDO::PARAM_INT :  is_string($val) ? PDO::PARAM_STR : NULL ));

But i have not tested this one.

Using "Object.create" instead of "new"

You could make the init method return this, and then chain the calls together, like this:

var userB = {
    init: function(nameParam) { = MY_GLOBAL.nextId(); = nameParam;
        return this;
    sayHello: function() {
        console.log('Hello '+;

var bob = Object.create(userB).init('Bob');

Simple post to Web Api

It's been quite sometime since I asked this question. Now I understand it more clearly, I'm going to put a more complete answer to help others.

In Web API, it's very simple to remember how parameter binding is happening.

  • if you POST simple types, Web API tries to bind it from the URL
  • if you POST complex type, Web API tries to bind it from the body of the request (this uses a media-type formatter).

  • If you want to bind a complex type from the URL, you'll use [FromUri] in your action parameter. The limitation of this is down to how long your data going to be and if it exceeds the url character limit.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromUri] ViewModel data) { ... }

  • If you want to bind a simple type from the request body, you'll use [FromBody] in your action parameter.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name) { ... }

as a side note, say you are making a PUT request (just a string) to update something. If you decide not to append it to the URL and pass as a complex type with just one property in the model, then the data parameter in jQuery ajax will look something like below. The object you pass to data parameter has only one property with empty property name.

var myName = 'ABC';
$.ajax({url:.., data: {'': myName}});

and your web api action will look something like below.

public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name){ ... }

This page explains it all.

What is the HTML tabindex attribute?

Tabbing through controls usually happens sequentially as they appear on the HTML code.

Using tabindex, the tabbing will flow from control with the lowest tabindex to the control with the highest tabindex in tabindex sequential order

Remove duplicate values from JS array

Quick and dirty using jQuery:

var names = ["Mike","Matt","Nancy","Adam","Jenny","Nancy","Carl"];
var uniqueNames = [];
$.each(names, function(i, el){
    if($.inArray(el, uniqueNames) === -1) uniqueNames.push(el);

How to resolve this JNI error when trying to run LWJGL "Hello World"?

I had same issue using different dependancy what helped me is to set scope to compile.


How to get the PID of a process by giving the process name in Mac OS X ?

The answer above was mostly correct, just needed some tweaking for the different parameters in Mac OSX.

ps -A | grep [f]irefox | awk '{print $1}'

jQuery How do you get an image to fade in on load?

You have a syntax error on line 5:


Should be:


Get Android .apk file VersionName or VersionCode WITHOUT installing apk

For the upgrade scenario specifically an alternative approach might be to have a web service that delivers the current version number and check that instead of downloading the entire apk just to check its version. It would save some bandwidth, be a little more performant (much faster to download than an apk if the whole apk isn't needed most of the time) and much simpler to implement.

In the simplest form you could have a simple text file on your server...

Inside of that text file have something like


and then download that file and check against the currently installed version.

Building a more advanced solution to that would be to implement a proper web service and have an api call at launch which could return some json, i.e.

    "current_version": "3.1.4"

how to read xml file from url using php

It is working for me. I think you probably need to use urlencode() on each of the components of $map_url.

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname IIS7

For Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015, IIS Express settings is stored in the hidden .vs directory and the path is something like this .vs\config\applicationhost.config, add binding like below will work

    <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:8802:localhost" />
    <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:8802:" />


Android Animation Alpha

Try this

AlphaAnimation animation1 = new AlphaAnimation(0.2f, 1.0f);

Send push to Android by C# using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)

I have posted this answer as this question was viewed most and this server side code was written in VS 2015 in C# for sending push notification either single device based on device id or subscribed topic to Xamarin Android app

public class FCMPushNotification
    public FCMPushNotification()
        // TODO: Add constructor logic here

    public bool Successful

    public string Response
    public Exception Error

    public FCMPushNotification SendNotification(string _title, string _message, string _topic)
        FCMPushNotification result = new FCMPushNotification();
            result.Successful = true;
            result.Error = null;
           // var value = message;
            var requestUri = "";

            WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(requestUri);
            webRequest.Method = "POST";
            webRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Authorization: key={0}", YOUR_FCM_SERVER_API_KEY));
            webRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Sender: id={0}", YOUR_FCM_SENDER_ID));
            webRequest.ContentType = "application/json";

            var data = new
               // to = YOUR_FCM_DEVICE_ID, // Uncoment this if you want to test for single device
               to="/topics/"+_topic, // this is for topic 
            var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var json = serializer.Serialize(data);

            Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);

            webRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
            using (Stream dataStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream())
                dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

                using (WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse())
                    using (Stream dataStreamResponse = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader tReader = new StreamReader(dataStreamResponse))
                            String sResponseFromServer = tReader.ReadToEnd();
                            result.Response = sResponseFromServer;

        catch(Exception ex)
            result.Successful = false;
            result.Response = null;
            result.Error = ex;
        return result;

and its uses

// start sending push notification to apps
                FCMPushNotification fcmPush = new FCMPushNotification();                    
                fcmPush.SendNotification("your notificatin title", "Your body message","news");
                // end push notification

Is there an exponent operator in C#?

There is a blog post on MSDN about why an exponent operator does NOT exists from the C# team.

It would be possible to add a power operator to the language, but performing this operation is a fairly rare thing to do in most programs, and it doesn't seem justified to add an operator when calling Math.Pow() is simple.

You asked:

Do I have to write a loop or include another namespace to handle exponential operations? If so, how do I handle exponential operations using non-integers?

Math.Pow supports double parameters so there is no need for you to write your own.

Does dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{...}); wait until done?

No, it won't wait.

You could use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:.

What does @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) mean in CSS?

That's Media Queries. It allows you to apply part of CSS rules only to the specific devices on specific configuration.

Kotlin - Property initialization using "by lazy" vs. "lateinit"

Everything is correct above, but one of facts simple explanation LAZY----There are cases when you want to delay the creation of an instance of your object until its first usage. This technique is known as lazy initialization or lazy instantiation. The main purpose of lazy initialization is to boost performance and reduce your memory footprint. If instantiating an instance of your type carries a large computational cost and the program might end up not actually using it, you would want to delay or even avoid wasting CPU cycles.

SQL: Return "true" if list of records exists?

Where is this list of products that you're trying to determine the existence of? If that list exists within another table you could do this

declare @are_equal bit
declare @products int

SELECT @products = 
FROM ProductList pl
JOIN Products p
ON pl.productId = p.productId

select @are_equal = @products == select count(id) from ProductList


Then do ALL the work in C#. Cache the actual list of products in your application somewhere, and do a LINQ query.

var compareProducts = new List<Product>(){p1,p2,p3,p4,p5};
var found = From p in GetAllProducts()
            Join cp in compareProducts on cp.Id equals p.Id
            select p;

return compareProducts.Count == found.Count;

This prevents constructing SQL queries by hand, and keeps all your application logic in the application.

Which loop is faster, while or for?

In C#, the For loop is slightly faster.

For loop average about 2.95 to 3.02 ms.

The While loop averaged about 3.05 to 3.37 ms.

Quick little console app to prove:

 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int max = 1000000000;
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].ToString() == "While")
                Console.WriteLine("While Loop: ");
                Console.WriteLine("For Loop: ");

        private static void WhileLoop(int max)
            int i = 0;
            while (i <= max)

        private static void ForLoop(int max)
            for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++)

        private static void DisplayElapsedTime(TimeSpan ts)
            // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
            string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,
                ts.Milliseconds / 10);
            Console.WriteLine(elapsedTime, "RunTime");

Center text in table cell

How about simply (Please note, come up with a better name for the class name this is simply an example):

   text-align: center;

   <table style="width:100%">
      <td class="centerText">Cell 1</td>
      <td>Cell 2</td>
      <td class="centerText">Cell 3</td>
      <td>Cell 4</td>

Example here

You can place the css in a separate file, which is recommended. In my example, I created a file called styles.css and placed my css rules in it. Then include it in the html document in the <head> section as follows:

    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

The alternative, not creating a seperate css file, not recommended at all... Create <style> block in your <head> in the html document. Then just place your rules there.

 <style type="text/css">
       text-align: center;

ERROR 403 in loading resources like CSS and JS in my index.php

You need to change permissions on the folder bootstrap/css. Your super user may be able to access it but it doesn't mean apache or nginx have access to it, that's why you still need to change the permissions.

Tip: I usually make the apache/nginx's user group owner of that kind of folders and give 775 permission to it.

Using module 'subprocess' with timeout

The solution I use is to prefix the shell command with timelimit. If the comand takes too long, timelimit will stop it and Popen will have a returncode set by timelimit. If it is > 128, it means timelimit killed the process.

See also python subprocess with timeout and large output (>64K)

git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files

git commit -a -m "message"

-a : Includes all currently changed/deleted files in this commit. Keep in mind, however, that untracked (new) files are not included.

-m : Sets the commit's message

JavaScript post request like a form submit

One solution is to generate the form and submit it. One implementation is

function post_to_url(url, params) {
    var form = document.createElement('form');
    form.action = url;
    form.method = 'POST';

    for (var i in params) {
        if (params.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            var input = document.createElement('input');
            input.type = 'hidden';
   = i;
            input.value = params[i];


So I can implement a URL shortening bookmarklet with a simple

javascript:post_to_url('', {'URL': location.href});

How to instantiate a File object in JavaScript?

Because this is javascript and dynamic you could define your own class that matches the File interface and use that instead.

I had to do just that with dropzone.js because I wanted to simulate a file upload and it works on File objects.

Is there an equivalent of CSS max-width that works in HTML emails?

There is a trick you can do for Outlook 2007 using conditional html comments.
The code below will make sure that Outlook table is 800px wide, its not max-width but it works better than letting the table span across the entire window.

<!--[if gte mso 9]>
#tableForOutlook {

<table style="width:98%;max-width:800px">
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
  <table id="tableForOutlook"><tr><td>
    [Your Content Goes Here]
<!--[if gte mso 9]>

How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project

Adding into and creating file in the project directory works fine in NB 6.9 and should work also in NB 6.8.

Apache could not be started - ServerRoot must be a valid directory and Unable to find the specified module

I would think that ServerRoot needs to be absolute. Use something like "/apache/docroot"

How does one convert a HashMap to a List in Java?

If you wanna maintain the same order in your list, say: your Map looks like:

map.put(1, "msg1")
map.put(2, "msg2")
map.put(3, "msg3")

and you want your list looks like

["msg1", "msg2", "msg3"]   // same order as the map

you will have to iterate through the Map:

// sort your map based on key, otherwise you will get IndexOutofBoundException
Map<String, String> treeMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(map)

List<String> list = new List<String>();
for (treeMap.Entry<Integer, String> entry : treeMap.entrySet()) {
    list.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

How can I rename a project folder from within Visual Studio?

I have written a small tool that automates all these steps. It also supports Subversion for now.

Information about current releases can be found at Visual Studio Project Renamer Infos.

The latest releases can now be downloaded from the Visual Studio Project Renamer Download Page.

Feedback is much appreciated.

XSLT - How to select XML Attribute by Attribute?

Note: using // at the beginning of the xpath is a bit CPU intensitve -- it will search every node for a match. Using a more specific path, such as /root/DataSet will create a faster query.

How to present a simple alert message in java?

Assuming you already have a JFrame to call this from:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "thank you for using java");

See The Java Tutorials: How to Make Dialogs
See the JavaDoc

Find child element in AngularJS directive

In your link function, do this:

// link function
function (scope, element, attrs) {
  var myEl = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.list-scrollable'));

Also, in your link function, don't name your scope variable using a $. That is an angular convention that is specific to built in angular services, and is not something that you want to use for your own variables.

How to save picture to iPhone photo library?

Deprecated in iOS 9.0.

There`s much more fast then UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum way to do it using iOS 4.0+ AssetsLibrary framework

    ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];

    [library writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:[image CGImage] orientation:(ALAssetOrientation)[image imageOrientation] completionBlock:^(NSURL *assetURL, NSError *error){
    if (error) {
    // TODO: error handling
    } else {
    // TODO: success handling
[library release];

Take the content of a list and append it to another list

If we have list like below:

list  = [2,2,3,4]

two ways to copy it into another list.


x = [list]  # x =[] x.append(list) same 
print("length is {}".format(len(x)))
for i in x:
length is 1
[2, 2, 3, 4]


x = [l for l in list]
print("length is {}".format(len(x)))
for i in x:
length is 4

Why do we assign a parent reference to the child object in Java?

I think all explanations above are a bit too technical for the people who are new to Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Years ago, it took me a while to wrap my head around this (as Jr Java Developer) and I really did no understand why we use a parent class or an interface to hide the actual class we are actually calling under the covers.

  1. The immediate reason why is to hide complexity, so that the caller does not need to change often (be hacked and jacked in laymen's terms). This makes a lot of sense, especially if you goals is to avoid creating bugs. And the more you modify code, the more likely it is that you will have some of them creep up on you. On the other hand, if you just extend code, it is way less likely that you will have bugs because you concentrate on one thing at a time and your old code does not change or changes just a bit. Imagine that you have simple application that allows the employees in the medical profession to create profiles. For simplicity, let's assume that we have only GeneralPractitioners, Surgeons, and Nurses (in reality there are many more specific professions, of course). For each profession, you want to store some general information and some specific to that professional alone. For example, a Surgeon may have general fields like firstName, lastName, yearsOfExperience as general fields but also specific fields, e.g. specializations stored in an list instance variable, like List with contents simiar to "Bone Surgery", "Eye Surgery", etc. A Nurse would not have any of that but may have list procedures they are familiar with, GeneralPractioners would have their own specifics. As a result, how you save a profile of a specifics. However, you don't want your ProfileManager class to know about these differences, as they will inevitably change and increase over time as your application expands its functionality to cover more medical professions, e.g. Physio Therapist, Cardiologist, Oncologist, etc. All you want your ProfileManger to do is just say save(), no matter whose profile it is saving. Thus, it is common practice to hide this behind and Interface, and Abstract Class, or a Parent Class (if you plan to allow creating a general medical employee). In this case, let's choose a Parent class and call it MedicalEmployee. Under the covers, it can reference any of the above specific classes that extend it. When the ProfileManager calls the save() method will be polymorphically (many-structurally) be resolved to the correct class type that was used to create the profile originally, for example Nurse and call the save() method in that class.

  2. In many cases, you don't really know what implementation you will need at runtime. From the example above, you have no idea if a GeneralPractitioner, a Surgeon, or a Nurse would create a profile. Yet, you know that you need to save that profile once completed, no matter what. MedicalEmployee.profile() does exactly that. It is replicated (overridden) by each specific type of MedicalEmployee - GeneralPractitioner, Surgeon, Nurse,

  3. The result of (1) and (2) above is that you now can add new medical professions, implement save() in each new class, thereby overriding the save() method in MedicalEmployee, and you don't have to modify ProfileManager at all.

Execute a SQL Stored Procedure and process the results

Simplest way? It works. :)

    Dim queryString As String = "Stor_Proc_Name " & data1 & "," & data2
        Using connection As New SqlConnection(ConnStrg)
            Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection)
            Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
            Dim DTResults As New DataTable


        End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Error while executing .. " & ex.Message, "")
    End Try

error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated

This warning is about unsafe use of strcpy. Try IOBname[ii]='\0'; instead.

What is the difference between signed and unsigned int

Sometimes we know in advance that the value stored in a given integer variable will always be positive-when it is being used to only count things, for example. In such a case we can declare the variable to be unsigned, as in, unsigned int num student;. With such a declaration, the range of permissible integer values (for a 32-bit compiler) will shift from the range -2147483648 to +2147483647 to range 0 to 4294967295. Thus, declaring an integer as unsigned almost doubles the size of the largest possible value that it can otherwise hold.

How do you convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string in C?


Function btox converts arbitrary data *bb to an unterminated string *xp of n hexadecimal digits:

void btox(char *xp, const char *bb, int n) 
    const char xx[]= "0123456789ABCDEF";
    while (--n >= 0) xp[n] = xx[(bb[n>>1] >> ((1 - (n&1)) << 2)) & 0xF];


#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned char uint8;

void main(void) 
    uint8 buf[] = {0, 1, 10, 11};
    int n = sizeof buf << 1;
    char hexstr[n + 1];

    btox(hexstr, buf, n);
    hexstr[n] = 0; /* Terminate! */
    printf("%s\n", hexstr);

Result: 00010A0B.


How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

I'm very disappointed to see that nobody has responded with the functional master race recursive solution, by far the purest one (and can be used with any bit length!):

template<typename T>
int popcnt(T n)
  if (n>0)
    return n&1 + popcnt(n>>1);
  return 0; 

Html attributes for EditorFor() in ASP.NET MVC

Why not just use

@Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Control.PeriodType)

Location of my.cnf file on macOS

Copy /usr/local/opt/mysql/support-files/my-default.cnf as /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf and then restart mysql.

Converting HTML to XML

I was successful using tidy command line utility. On linux I installed it quickly with apt-get install tidy. Then the command:

tidy -q -asxml --numeric-entities yes source.html >file.xml

gave an xml file, which I was able to process with xslt processor. However I needed to set up xhtml1 dtds correctly.

This is their homepage: (and the legacy one: HTML Tidy)

Disable html5 video autoplay

<video class="embed-responsive-item"  controls>_x000D_
   <source src="" autostart="false">_x000D_
   Your browser does not support the video tag._x000D_

Difference between session affinity and sticky session?

They are Synonyms. No Difference At all

Sticky Session / Session Affinity:

Affinity/Stickiness/Contact between user session and, the server to which user request is sent is retained.

Python loop to run for certain amount of seconds

If I understand you, you can do it with a datetime.timedelta -

import datetime

endTime = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
while True:
  if >= endTime:
  # Blah
  # Blah

How to uninstall Jenkins?

run this on Terminal:

sh "/Library/Application Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command"

The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest

Check if the manifest is a valid xml file. I had the same problem by doing a DOS copy command at the end of the build, and it turns out that for some reason I can not understand "copy" was adding a strange character (->) at the end of the manifest files. The problem was solved by adding "/b" switch to force binary copy.

Convert base class to derived class

You can implement the conversion yourself, but I would not recommend that. Take a look at the Decorator Pattern if you want to do this in order to extend the functionality of an existing object.

How to load image to WPF in runtime?

Make sure that your sas.png is marked as Build Action: Content and Copy To Output Directory: Copy Always in its Visual Studio Properties...

I think the C# source code goes like this...

Image image = new Image();
image.Source = (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString("pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png") as ImageSource;

and XAML should be

<Image Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,12,0,0" 
       Name="image1" Stretch="Fill" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
       Width="350" />  


Dynamically I think XAML would provide best way to load Images ...

<Image Source="{Binding Converter={StaticResource MyImageSourceConverter}}"

where image.DataContext is string path.

MyImage.DataContext = "pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png";

public class MyImageSourceConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value_, Type targetType_, 
    object parameter_, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture_)
        return (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString (value.ToString());

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, 
    object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
          throw new NotImplementedException();

Now as you set a different data context, Image would be automatically loaded at runtime.

Java program to connect to Sql Server and running the sample query From Eclipse

Just Change the query like this:

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [HumanResources].[Employee]

where Employee is your table name and HumanResources is your Schema name if I am not wrong.

Hope your problem will be resolved. :)

How to read until end of file (EOF) using BufferedReader in Java?

With text files, maybe the EOF is -1 when using, char by char. I made a test with BufferReader.readLine()!=null and it worked properly.

How can I pad an int with leading zeros when using cout << operator?

I would use the following function. I don't like sprintf; it doesn't do what I want!!

#define hexchar(x)    ((((x)&0x0F)>9)?((x)+'A'-10):((x)+'0'))
typedef signed long long   Int64;

// Special printf for numbers only
// See formatting information below.
//    Print the number "n" in the given "base"
//    using exactly "numDigits".
//    Print +/- if signed flag "isSigned" is TRUE.
//    Use the character specified in "padchar" to pad extra characters.
//    Examples:
//    sprintfNum(pszBuffer, 6, 10, 6,  TRUE, ' ',   1234);  -->  " +1234"
//    sprintfNum(pszBuffer, 6, 10, 6, FALSE, '0',   1234);  -->  "001234"
//    sprintfNum(pszBuffer, 6, 16, 6, FALSE, '.', 0x5AA5);  -->  "..5AA5"
void sprintfNum(char *pszBuffer, int size, char base, char numDigits, char isSigned, char padchar, Int64 n)
    char *ptr = pszBuffer;

    if (!pszBuffer)

    char *p, buf[32];
    unsigned long long x;
    unsigned char count;

    // Prepare negative number
    if (isSigned && (n < 0))
        x = -n;
        x = n;

    // Set up small string buffer
    count = (numDigits-1) - (isSigned?1:0);
    p = buf + sizeof (buf);
    *--p = '\0';

    // Force calculation of first digit
    // (to prevent zero from not printing at all!!!)
    *--p = (char)hexchar(x%base);
    x = x / base;

    // Calculate remaining digits
        if(x != 0)
            // Calculate next digit
            *--p = (char)hexchar(x%base);
            x /= base;
            // No more digits left, pad out to desired length
            *--p = padchar;

    // Apply signed notation if requested
    if (isSigned)
        if (n < 0)
            *--p = '-';
        else if (n > 0)
            *--p = '+';
            *--p = ' ';

    // Print the string right-justified
    count = numDigits;
    while (count--)
        *ptr++ = *p++;

How to open select file dialog via js?

To expand on the answer from 'levi' and to show how to get the response from the upload so you can process the file upload:

selectFile(event) {

    file_input = document.createElement('input');
    file_input.addEventListener("change", uploadFile, false);
    file_input.type = 'file';;

uploadFile() {
    let dataArray = new FormData();
    dataArray.append('file', file_input.files[0]);

    // Obviously, you can substitute with JQuery or whatever'/your_super_special_url', dataArray).then(function() {

How to import existing *.sql files in PostgreSQL 8.4?

in command line first reach the directory where psql is present then write commands like this:

psql [database name] [username]

and then press enter psql asks for password give the user password:

then write

> \i [full path and file name with extension]

then press enter insertion done.

How to check that a string is parseable to a double?

Google's Guava library provides a nice helper method to do this: Doubles.tryParse(String). You use it like Double.parseDouble but it returns null rather than throwing an exception if the string does not parse to a double.

How do I pass multiple parameter in URL?

I do not know much about Java but URL query arguments should be separated by "&", not "?" is good place for reference using "sub-delim" as keyword. is another good source.

Javascript objects: get parent

A nested object (child) inside another object (parent) cannot get data directly from its parent.

Have a look on this:

var main = {
    name : "main object",
    child : {
        name : "child object"

If you ask the main object what its child name is ( you will get it.
Instead you cannot do it vice versa because the child doesn't know who its parent is.
(You can get but you won't get

By the way, a function could be useful to solve this clue.
Let's extend the code above:

var main = {
    name : "main object",
    child : {
        name : "child object"
    init : function() {
        this.child.parent = this;
        delete this.init;
        return this;

Inside the init function you can get the parent object simply calling this.
So we define the parent property directly inside the child object.
Then (optionally) we can remove the init method.
Finally we give the main object back as output from the init function.

If you try to get now you will get it right.
It is a little bit tricky but it works fine.

How to add RSA key to authorized_keys file?

I know I am replying too late but for anyone else who needs this, run following command from your local machine

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh [email protected] "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

this has worked perfectly fine. All you need to do is just to replace

[email protected]

with your own user for that particular host

How do you create a dropdownlist from an enum in ASP.NET MVC?

To solve the problem of getting the number instead of text using Prise's extension method.

public static SelectList ToSelectList<TEnum>(this TEnum enumObj)
  var values = from TEnum e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TEnum))
               select new { ID = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum),e.ToString())
                         , Name = e.ToString() };

  return new SelectList(values, "Id", "Name", enumObj);

Open an html page in default browser with VBA?

I find the most simple is

shell "explorer.exe URL"

This also works to open local folders.

Python Remove last char from string and return it

Yes, python strings are immutable and any modification will result in creating a new string. This is how it's mostly done.

So, go ahead with it.

How can I use nohup to run process as a background process in linux?

In general, I use nohup CMD & to run a nohup background process. However, when the command is in a form that nohup won't accept then I run it through bash -c "...".

For example:

nohup bash -c "(time ./script arg1 arg2 > script.out) &> time_n_err.out" &

stdout from the script gets written to script.out, while stderr and the output of time goes into time_n_err.out.

So, in your case:

nohup bash -c "(time bash executeScript 1 input fileOutput > scrOutput) &> timeUse.txt" &

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING

For people that find this question by searching for the error message, you can also see this error if you make a mistake in your @JsonProperty annotations such that you annotate a List-typed property with the name of a single-valued field:

@JsonProperty("someSingleValuedField") // Oops, should have been "someMultiValuedField"
public List<String> getMyField() { // deserialization fails - single value into List
  return myField;

Getting file names without extensions

This solution also prevents the addition of a trailing comma.

var filenames = String.Join(
                    ", ",
                    Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\", "*.txt")
                       .Select(filename => 

I dislike the DirectoryInfo, FileInfo for this scenario.

DirectoryInfo and FileInfo collect more data about the folder and the files than is needed so they take more time and memory than necessary.

How to get current date in jquery?

Using the jQuery-ui datepicker, it has a handy date conversion routine built in so you can format dates:

var my_date_string = $.datepicker.formatDate( "yy-mm-dd",  new Date() );


Java correct way convert/cast object to Double

In Java version prior to 1.7 you cannot cast object to primitive type

double d = (double) obj;

You can cast an Object to a Double just fine

Double d = (Double) obj;

Beware, it can throw a ClassCastException if your object isn't a Double

How to implement common bash idioms in Python?

I have published a package on PyPI: ez.
Use pip install ez to install it.

It has packed common commands in shell and nicely my lib uses basically the same syntax as shell. e.g., cp(source, destination) can handle both file and folder! (wrapper of shutil.copy shutil.copytree and it decides when to use which one). Even more nicely, it can support vectorization like R!

Another example: no os.walk, use fls(path, regex) to recursively find files and filter with regular expression and it returns a list of files with or without fullpath

Final example: you can combine them to write very simply scripts:
files = fls('.','py$'); cp(files, myDir)

Definitely check it out! It has cost me hundreds of hours to write/improve it!

How are VST Plugins made?

I wrote up a HOWTO for VST development on C++ with Visual Studio awhile back which details the steps necessary to create a basic plugin for the Windows platform (the Mac version of this article is forthcoming). On Windows, a VST plugin is just a normal DLL, but there are a number of "gotchas", and you need to build the plugin using some specific compiler/linker switches or else it won't be recognized by some hosts.

As for the Mac, a VST plugin is just a bundle with the .vst extension, though there are also a few settings which must be configured correctly in order to generate a valid plugin. You can also download a set of Xcode VST plugin project templates I made awhile back which can help you to write a working plugin on that platform.

As for AudioUnits, Apple has provided their own project templates which are included with Xcode. Apple also has very good tutorials and documentation online:

I would also highly recommend checking out the Juce Framework, which has excellent support for creating cross-platform VST/AU plugins. If you're going open-source, then Juce is a no-brainer, but you will need to pay licensing fees for it if you plan on releasing your work without source code.

Why does "return list.sort()" return None, not the list?

Python has two kinds of sorts: a sort method (or "member function") and a sort function. The sort method operates on the contents of the object named -- think of it as an action that the object is taking to re-order itself. The sort function is an operation over the data represented by an object and returns a new object with the same contents in a sorted order.

Given a list of integers named l the list itself will be reordered if we call l.sort():

>>> l = [1, 5, 2341, 467, 213, 123]
>>> l.sort()
>>> l
[1, 5, 123, 213, 467, 2341]

This method has no return value. But what if we try to assign the result of l.sort()?

>>> l = [1, 5, 2341, 467, 213, 123]
>>> r = l.sort()
>>> print(r)

r now equals actually nothing. This is one of those weird, somewhat annoying details that a programmer is likely to forget about after a period of absence from Python (which is why I am writing this, so I don't forget again).

The function sorted(), on the other hand, will not do anything to the contents of l, but will return a new, sorted list with the same contents as l:

>>> l = [1, 5, 2341, 467, 213, 123]
>>> r = sorted(l)
>>> l
[1, 5, 2341, 467, 213, 123]
>>> r
[1, 5, 123, 213, 467, 2341]

Be aware that the returned value is not a deep copy, so be cautious about side-effecty operations over elements contained within the list as usual:

>>> spam = [8, 2, 4, 7]
>>> eggs = [3, 1, 4, 5]
>>> l = [spam, eggs]
>>> r = sorted(l)
>>> l
[[8, 2, 4, 7], [3, 1, 4, 5]]
>>> r
[[3, 1, 4, 5], [8, 2, 4, 7]]
>>> spam.sort()
>>> eggs.sort()
>>> l
[[2, 4, 7, 8], [1, 3, 4, 5]]
>>> r
[[1, 3, 4, 5], [2, 4, 7, 8]]

Oracle: Import CSV file

Somebody asked me to post a link to the framework! that I presented at Open World 2012. This is the full blog post that demonstrates how to architect a solution with external tables.

Visual Studio loading symbols

I had a similar issue where visual studio keeps loading symbol and got stuck.

It turns out I added some "Command line arguments" in the Debug options, and one of the parameters is invalid(I am supposed to pass in some values). enter image description here

After I remove the extra parameter, it starts working again.

AngularJS: ng-model not binding to ng-checked for checkboxes

You don't need ng-checked when you use ng-model. If you're performing CRUD on your HTML Form, just create a model for CREATE mode that is consistent with your EDIT mode during the data-binding:

CREATE Mode: Model with default values only

$scope.dataModel = {
   isItemSelected: true,
   isApproved: true,
   somethingElse: "Your default value"

EDIT Mode: Model from database

$scope.dataModel = getFromDatabaseWithSameStructure()

Then whether EDIT or CREATE mode, you can consistently make use of your ng-model to sync with your database.

Sending email from Azure

For people wanting to use the built-in .NET SmtpClient rather than the SendGrid client library (not sure if that was the OP's intent), I couldn't get it to work unless I used apikey as my username and the api key itself as the password as outlined here.

        <network host="" port="587" userName="apikey" password="<your key goes here>" />

Insert multiple lines into a file after specified pattern using shell script

This answer is easy to understand

  • Copy before the pattern
  • Add your lines
  • Copy after the pattern
  • Replace original file


STEP 1 copy until the pattern


STEP 2 add your lines

cat << 'EOL' >> ${FILENAME}_temp




STEP 3 add the rest of the file


REPLACE original file


if you need variables, in step 2 replace 'EOL' with EOL

cat << EOL >> ${FILENAME}_temp

this variable will expand: $variable1


How to see if an object is an array without using reflection?

You can use instanceof.

JLS 15.20.2 Type Comparison Operator instanceof

    RelationalExpression instanceof ReferenceType

At run time, the result of the instanceof operator is true if the value of the RelationalExpression is not null and the reference could be cast to the ReferenceType without raising a ClassCastException. Otherwise the result is false.

That means you can do something like this:

Object o = new int[] { 1,2 };
System.out.println(o instanceof int[]); // prints "true"        

You'd have to check if the object is an instanceof boolean[], byte[], short[], char[], int[], long[], float[], double[], or Object[], if you want to detect all array types.

Also, an int[][] is an instanceof Object[], so depending on how you want to handle nested arrays, it can get complicated.

For the toString, java.util.Arrays has a toString(int[]) and other overloads you can use. It also has deepToString(Object[]) for nested arrays.

public String toString(Object arr) {
   if (arr instanceof int[]) {
      return Arrays.toString((int[]) arr);
   } else //...

It's going to be very repetitive (but even java.util.Arrays is very repetitive), but that's the way it is in Java with arrays.

See also

How to print current date on python3?

The following seems to work:

import datetime
print ("%y"))

The object that it wants is on the "left" of the dot rather than the right. You need an instance of the datetime to call the method on, which you get through now()

clk'event vs rising_edge()

The linked comment is incorrect : 'L' to '1' will produce a rising edge.

In addition, if your clock signal transitions from 'H' to '1', rising_edge(clk) will (correctly) not trigger while (clk'event and clk = '1') (incorrectly) will.

Granted, that may look like a contrived example, but I have seen clock waveforms do that in real hardware, due to failures elsewhere.

How to open an external file from HTML

Your first idea used to be the way but I've also noticed issues doing this using Firefox, try a straight http:// to the file - href='http://server/directory/file.xlsx'

React.js: Wrapping one component into another

In addition to Sophie's answer, I also have found a use in sending in child component types, doing something like this:

var ListView = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        var items = {
            return this.props.delegate({data:item});
        return <ul>{items}</ul>;

var ItemDelegate = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <li>{}</li>

var Wrapper = React.createClass({    
    render: function() {
        return <ListView delegate={ItemDelegate} data={someListOfData} />

How to trigger a phone call when clicking a link in a web page on mobile phone

The proper URL scheme is tel:[number] so you would do

<a href="tel:5551234567"><img src="callme.jpg" /></a>

fatal error C1010 - "stdafx.h" in Visual Studio how can this be corrected?

The first line of every source file of your project must be the following:

#include <stdafx.h>

Visit here to understand Precompiled Headers

Converting Swagger specification JSON to HTML documentation

I spent a lot of time and tried a lot of different solutions - in the end I did it this way :

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/swagger-ui.css">
        <script src="//"></script>

            function render() {
                var ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
                    url:  `path/to/my/swagger.yaml`,
                    dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
                    presets: [


    <body onload="render()">
        <div id="swagger-ui"></div>

You just need to have path/to/my/swagger.yaml served from the same location.
(or use CORS headers)

Mongoimport of json file

Using mongoimport you can able to achieve the same

mongoimport --db test --collection user --drop --file ~/downloads/user.json


test - Database name
user - collection name
user.json - dataset file

--drop is drop the collection if already exist.

Python dict how to create key or append an element to key?

Use dict.setdefault():



        D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D

Convert unsigned int to signed int C

To answer the question posted in the comment above - try something like this:

unsigned short int x = 65529U;
short int y = (short int)x;

printf("%d\n", y);


unsigned short int x = 65529U;
short int y = 0;

memcpy(&y, &x, sizeof(short int);
printf("%d\n", y);

Remove privileges from MySQL database

The USAGE-privilege in mysql simply means that there are no privileges for the user 'phpadmin'@'localhost' defined on global level *.*. Additionally the same user has ALL-privilege on database phpmyadmin phpadmin.*.

So if you want to remove all the privileges and start totally from scratch do the following:

  • Revoke all privileges on database level:

    REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpmyadmin.* FROM 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost';

  • Drop the user 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'

    DROP USER 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost';

Above procedure will entirely remove the user from your instance, this means you can recreate him from scratch.

To give you a bit background on what described above: as soon as you create a user the mysql.user table will be populated. If you look on a record in it, you will see the user and all privileges set to 'N'. If you do a show grants for 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'; you will see, the allready familliar, output above. Simply translated to "no privileges on global level for the user". Now your grant ALL to this user on database level, this will be stored in the table mysql.db. If you do a SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE db = 'nameofdb'; you will see a 'Y' on every priv.

Above described shows the scenario you have on your db at the present. So having a user that only has USAGE privilege means, that this user can connect, but besides of SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES; SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; he has no other privileges.

.NET - How do I retrieve specific items out of a Dataset?

You can do like...

If you want to access using ColumnName

Int32 First = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["column4Name"].ToString());
Int32 Second = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["column5Name"].ToString());

OR, if you want to access using Index

Int32 First = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString());
Int32 Second = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString());

Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

If this is a recent mysql install, then before changing anything else, try simply to execute this command and then try again:

flush privileges;

This alone fixes the issue for me on Ubuntu 16.04, mysql 5.7.20. YMMV.

Java: Check the date format of current string is according to required format or not

For your case, you may use regex:

boolean checkFormat;

if (input.matches("([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})"))

For a larger scope or if you want a flexible solution, refer to MadProgrammer's answer.


Almost 5 years after posting this answer, I realize that this is a stupid way to validate a date format. But i'll just leave this here to tell people that using regex to validate a date is unacceptable

How to pass an array into a SQL Server stored procedure

Based on my experience, by creating a delimited expression from the employeeIDs, there is a tricky and nice solution for this problem. You should only create an string expression like ';123;434;365;' in-which 123, 434 and 365 are some employeeIDs. By calling the below procedure and passing this expression to it, you can fetch your desired records. Easily you can join the "another table" into this query. This solution is suitable in all versions of SQL server. Also, in comparison with using table variable or temp table, it is very faster and optimized solution.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.DoSomethingOnSomeEmployees  @List AS varchar(max)
  SELECT EmployeeID 
  FROM EmployeesTable
  -- inner join AnotherTable on ...
  where @List like '%;'+cast(employeeID as varchar(20))+';%'

How can I center a div within another div?

To make a div in center. There isn't any need to assign the width of the div.

A working demo is here:

    .container {
        width: 100%;
        height: 500px;
        display: table;
        border: 1px solid red;
        text-align: center;}

    .center {
        display: table-cell;
        vertical-align: middle;

    .content {
        display: inline-block;
        text-align: center;
        border: 1px solid green;
    <section class="container">
        <div class="center">
            <div class="content">
                <h1>Helllo Center Text</h1>

Pass Additional ViewData to a Strongly-Typed Partial View

The easiest way to pass additional data is to add the data to the existing ViewData for the view as @Joel Martinez notes. However, if you don't want to pollute your ViewData, RenderPartial has a method that takes three arguments as well as the two-argument version you show. The third argument is a ViewDataDictionary. You can construct a separate ViewDataDictionary just for your partial containing just the extra data that you want to pass in.

How do I check that a number is float or integer?

I like this little function, which will return true for both positive and negative integers:

function isInt(val) {
    return ["string","number"].indexOf(typeof(val)) > -1 && val !== '' && !isNaN(val+".0");

This works because 1 or "1" becomes "1.0", which isNaN() returns false on (which we then negate and return), but 1.0 or "1.0" becomes "1.0.0", while "string" becomes "string.0", neither of which are numbers, so isNaN() returns false (and, again, gets negated).

If you only want positive integers, there's this variant:

function isPositiveInt(val) {
    return ["string","number"].indexOf(typeof(val)) > -1 && val !== '' && !isNaN("0"+val);

or, for negative integers:

function isNegativeInt(val) {
    return `["string","number"].indexOf(typeof(val)) > -1` && val !== '' && isNaN("0"+val);

isPositiveInt() works by moving the concatenated numeric string ahead of the value to be tested. For example, isPositiveInt(1) results in isNaN() evaluating "01", which evaluates false. Meanwhile, isPositiveInt(-1) results in isNaN() evaluating "0-1", which evaluates true. We negate the return value and that gives us what we want. isNegativeInt() works similarly, but without negating the return value of isNaN().


My original implementation would also return true on arrays and empty strings. This implementation doe not have that defect. It also has the benefit of returning early if val is not a string or number, or if it's an empty string, making it faster in these cases. You can further modify it by replacing the first two clauses with

typeof(val) != "number"

if you only want to match literal numbers (and not strings)


I can't post comments yet, so I'm adding this to my answer. The benchmark posted by @Asok is very informative; however, the fastest function does not fit the requirements, as it also returns TRUE for floats, arrays, booleans, and empty strings.

I created the following test suite to test each of the functions, adding my answer to the list, as well (function 8, which parses strings, and function 9, which does not):

funcs = [
    function(n) {
        return n % 1 == 0;
    function(n) {
        return typeof n === 'number' && n % 1 == 0;
    function(n) {
        return typeof n === 'number' && parseFloat(n) == parseInt(n, 10) && !isNaN(n);
    function(n) {
        return n.toString().indexOf('.') === -1;
    function(n) {
        return n === +n && n === (n|0);
    function(n) {
        return parseInt(n) === n;
    function(n) {
        return /^-?[0-9]+$/.test(n.toString());
    function(n) {
        if ((undefined === n) || (null === n)) {
            return false;
        if (typeof n == 'number') {
            return true;
        return !isNaN(n - 0);
    function(n) {
        return ["string","number"].indexOf(typeof(n)) > -1 && n !== '' && !isNaN(n+".0");
vals = [

for (var i in funcs) {
    var pass = true;
    console.log("Testing function "+i);
    for (var ii in vals) {
        var n = vals[ii][0];
        var ns;
        if (n === null) {
            ns = n+"";
        } else {
            switch (typeof(n)) {
                case "string":
                    ns = "'" + n + "'";
                case "object":
                    ns =;
                    ns = n;
            ns = "("+typeof(n)+") "+ns;

        var x = vals[ii][1];
        var xs;
        if (x === null) {
            xs = "(ANY)";
        } else {
            switch (typeof(x)) {
                case "string":
                    xs = "'" + n + "'";
                case "object":
                    xs =;
                    xs = x;
            xs = "("+typeof(x)+") "+xs;

        var rms;
        try {
            var r = funcs[i](n);
            var rs;
            if (r === null) {
                rs = r+"";
            } else {
                switch (typeof(r)) {
                    case "string":
                        rs = "'" + r + "'";
                    case "object":
                        rs =;
                        rs = r;
                rs = "("+typeof(r)+") "+rs;

            var m;
            var ms;
            if (x === null) {
                m = true;
                ms = "N/A";
            } else if (typeof(x) == 'object') {
                m = (xs === rs);
                ms = m;
            } else {
                m = (x === r);
                ms = m;
            if (!m) {
                pass = false;
            rms = "Result: "+rs+", Match: "+ms;
        } catch (e) {
            rms = "Test skipped; function threw exception!"

        console.log("    Value: "+ns+", Expect: "+xs+", "+rms);
    console.log(pass ? "PASS!" : "FAIL!");

I also reran the benchmark with function #8 added to the list. I won't post the result, as they're a bit embarrassing (e.g. that function is NOT fast)...

The (abridged -- I removed successful tests, since the output is quite long) results are as follows:

Testing function 0
Value: (object) [object Array], Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (boolean) true, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (boolean) false, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: null, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (string) '', Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 1
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 2
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 3
Value: (object) true, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (object) false, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (boolean) [object Array], Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (boolean) [object Object], Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: null, Expect: (boolean) false, Test skipped; function threw exception!
Value: (string) '', Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (string) 'a', Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 4
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 5
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 6
Value: null, Expect: (boolean) false, Test skipped; function threw exception!
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 7
Value: (number) 1.1, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (number) -1.1, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (object) true, Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (boolean) [object Array], Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (boolean) [object Object], Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (string) '', Expect: (boolean) false, Result: (boolean) true, Match: false
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A

Testing function 8
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) true, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

Testing function 9
Value: (string) '1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A
Value: (string) '-1.1', Expect: (ANY), Result: (boolean) false, Match: N/A

I've left in failures so you can see where each function is failing, and the (string) '#' tests so you can see how each function handles integer and float values in strings, as some may want these parsed as numbers and some may not.

Out of the 10 functions tested, the ones that actually fit OP's requirements are [1,3,5,6,8,9]

C++ callback using class member

MyClass and YourClass could both be derived from SomeonesClass which has an abstract (virtual) Callback method. Your addHandler would accept objects of type SomeonesClass and MyClass and YourClass can override Callback to provide their specific implementation of callback behavior.

Dialog with transparent background in Android

In case you extended the DialogFrament class, you can set the theme with:


And then make the custom theme in your styles.xml file (see @LongLv's answer for parameters)

Don't forget to add <item name="android:windowCloseOnTouchOutside">true</item> if you want the dialog to close if the user touches outside the dialog.

How to hide the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA badge

Set the data-badge attribute to inline

<button type="submit" data-sitekey="your_site_key" data-callback="onSubmit" data-badge="inline" />

And add the following CSS

.grecaptcha-badge {
    display: none;

How to find the length of an array list?


Since no elements are in the list

output => 0

myList.add("newString");  // use myList.add() to insert elements to the arraylist

Since one element is added to the list

output => 1

How to use enums as flags in C++?

You are confusing objects and collections of objects. Specifically, you are confusing binary flags with sets of binary flags. A proper solution would look like this:

// These are individual flags
enum AnimalFlag // Flag, not Flags
    HasClaws = 0,

class AnimalFlagSet
    int m_Flags;


    AnimalFlagSet() : m_Flags(0) { }

    void Set( AnimalFlag flag ) { m_Flags |= (1 << flag); }

    void Clear( AnimalFlag flag ) { m_Flags &= ~ (1 << flag); }

    bool Get( AnimalFlag flag ) const { return (m_Flags >> flag) & 1; }


How to remove an unpushed outgoing commit in Visual Studio?

Open the history tab in Team Explorer from the Branches tile (right-click your branch). Then in the history right-click the commit before the one you don't want to push, choose Reset. That will move the branch back to that commit and should get rid of the extra commit you made. In order to reset before a given commit you thus have to select its parent.

Depending on what you want to do with the changes choose hard, which will get rid of them locally. Or choose soft which will undo the commit but will leave your working directory with the changes in your discarded commit.

Multiple parameters in a List. How to create without a class?

If you do not mind the items being imutable you can use the Tuple class added to .net 4

var list = new List<Tuple<string,int>>();
list.Add(new Tuple<string,int>("hello", 1));

list[0].Item1 //Hello
list[0].Item2 //1

However if you are adding two items every time and one of them is unique id you can use a Dictionary

How do I update the element at a certain position in an ArrayList?

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;

 public class javaClass {

public static void main(String args[]) {

    ArrayList<String> alstr = new ArrayList<>();

    for(String str : alstr) {
    // update value here
    alstr.set(3, "Ramveer");
    System.out.println("with Iterator");
    Iterator<String>  itr = alstr.iterator();

    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        Object obj =;


Append same text to every cell in a column in Excel

Highlight the column and then Ctrl + F.

Find and replace

Find ".com"

Replace ".com, "

And then one for .in

Find and replace

Find ".in"

Replace ".in, "

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

As per this question's answer

You will want something like this:

         <binding name="basicHttp" allowCookies="true"
             <readerQuotas maxDepth="32"
     </basicHttpBinding> </bindings>

Please also read comments to the accepted answer there, those contain valuable input.

How to delete a file or folder?

How do I delete a file or folder in Python?

For Python 3, to remove the file and directory individually, use the unlink and rmdir Path object methods respectively:

from pathlib import Path
dir_path = Path.home() / 'directory' 
file_path = dir_path / 'file'

file_path.unlink() # remove file

dir_path.rmdir()   # remove directory

Note that you can also use relative paths with Path objects, and you can check your current working directory with Path.cwd.

For removing individual files and directories in Python 2, see the section so labeled below.

To remove a directory with contents, use shutil.rmtree, and note that this is available in Python 2 and 3:

from shutil import rmtree



New in Python 3.4 is the Path object.

Let's use one to create a directory and file to demonstrate usage. Note that we use the / to join the parts of the path, this works around issues between operating systems and issues from using backslashes on Windows (where you'd need to either double up your backslashes like \\ or use raw strings, like r"foo\bar"):

from pathlib import Path

# .home() is new in 3.5, otherwise use os.path.expanduser('~')
directory_path = Path.home() / 'directory'

file_path = directory_path / 'file'

and now:

>>> file_path.is_file()

Now let's delete them. First the file:

>>> file_path.unlink()     # remove file
>>> file_path.is_file()
>>> file_path.exists()

We can use globbing to remove multiple files - first let's create a few files for this:

>>> (directory_path / '').touch()
>>> (directory_path / '').touch()

Then just iterate over the glob pattern:

>>> for each_file_path in directory_path.glob('*.my'):
...     print(f'removing {each_file_path}')
...     each_file_path.unlink()
removing ~/directory/
removing ~/directory/

Now, demonstrating removing the directory:

>>> directory_path.rmdir() # remove directory
>>> directory_path.is_dir()
>>> directory_path.exists()

What if we want to remove a directory and everything in it? For this use-case, use shutil.rmtree

Let's recreate our directory and file:


and note that rmdir fails unless it's empty, which is why rmtree is so convenient:

>>> directory_path.rmdir()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/", line 1270, in rmdir
  File "~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/", line 387, in wrapped
    return strfunc(str(pathobj), *args)
OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/home/username/directory'

Now, import rmtree and pass the directory to the funtion:

from shutil import rmtree
rmtree(directory_path)      # remove everything 

and we can see the whole thing has been removed:

>>> directory_path.exists()

Python 2

If you're on Python 2, there's a backport of the pathlib module called pathlib2, which can be installed with pip:

$ pip install pathlib2

And then you can alias the library to pathlib

import pathlib2 as pathlib

Or just directly import the Path object (as demonstrated here):

from pathlib2 import Path

If that's too much, you can remove files with os.remove or os.unlink

from os import unlink, remove
from os.path import join, expanduser

remove(join(expanduser('~'), 'directory/file'))


unlink(join(expanduser('~'), 'directory/file'))

and you can remove directories with os.rmdir:

from os import rmdir

rmdir(join(expanduser('~'), 'directory'))

Note that there is also a os.removedirs - it only removes empty directories recursively, but it may suit your use-case.

UIImage: Resize, then Crop

This is a version of Jane Sales' answer in Swift. Cheers!

public func resizeImage(image: UIImage, size: CGSize) -> UIImage? {
    var returnImage: UIImage?

    var scaleFactor: CGFloat = 1.0
    var scaledWidth = size.width
    var scaledHeight = size.height
    var thumbnailPoint = CGPointMake(0, 0)

    if !CGSizeEqualToSize(image.size, size) {
        let widthFactor = size.width / image.size.width
        let heightFactor = size.height / image.size.height

        if widthFactor > heightFactor {
            scaleFactor = widthFactor
        } else {
            scaleFactor = heightFactor

        scaledWidth = image.size.width * scaleFactor
        scaledHeight = image.size.height * scaleFactor

        if widthFactor > heightFactor {
            thumbnailPoint.y = (size.height - scaledHeight) * 0.5
        } else if widthFactor < heightFactor {
            thumbnailPoint.x = (size.width - scaledWidth) * 0.5

    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, true, 0)

    var thumbnailRect = CGRectZero
    thumbnailRect.origin = thumbnailPoint
    thumbnailRect.size.width = scaledWidth
    thumbnailRect.size.height = scaledHeight

    returnImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()


    return returnImage

LINQ - Left Join, Group By, and Count

from p in context.ParentTable
join c in context.ChildTable on p.ParentId equals c.ChildParentId into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group j2 by p.ParentId into grouped
select new { ParentId = grouped.Key, Count = grouped.Count(t=>t.ChildId != null) }

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement

Can't do CLOBs in a Statement.

And: (OraclePreparedStatement) ps

Composer - the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

# if your are using php 7.1
sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring

# if your are using php 7.2
sudo apt-get install php7.2-mbstring

Change line width of lines in matplotlib pyplot legend

@ImportanceOfBeingErnest 's answer is good if you only want to change the linewidth inside the legend box. But I think it is a bit more complex since you have to copy the handles before changing legend linewidth. Besides, it can not change the legend label fontsize. The following two methods can not only change the linewidth but also the legend label text font size in a more concise way.

Method 1

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# make some data
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi)

y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)

# plot sin(x) and cos(x)
fig = plt.figure()
ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, y1, c='b', label='y1')
ax.plot(x, y2, c='r', label='y2')

leg = plt.legend()
# get the individual lines inside legend and set line width
for line in leg.get_lines():
# get label texts inside legend and set font size
for text in leg.get_texts():


Method 2

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# make some data
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi)

y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)

# plot sin(x) and cos(x)
fig = plt.figure()
ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, y1, c='b', label='y1')
ax.plot(x, y2, c='r', label='y2')

leg = plt.legend()
# get the lines and texts inside legend box
leg_lines = leg.get_lines()
leg_texts = leg.get_texts()
# bulk-set the properties of all lines and texts
plt.setp(leg_lines, linewidth=4)
plt.setp(leg_texts, fontsize='x-large')

The above two methods produce the same output image:

output image

Add number of days to a date

Even though this is an old question, this way of doing it would take of many situations and seems to be robust. You need to have PHP 5.3.0 or above.

$EndDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', "16/07/2017");
$EndDateTime->modify('+6 days');
echo $EndDateTime->format('d/m/Y');

You can have any type of format for the date string and this would work.

How can I tell what edition of SQL Server runs on the machine?

select @@version

Sample Output

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 (X64) Mar 29 2009 10:11:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600: )

If you just want to get the edition, you can use:

select serverproperty('Edition')

To use in an automated script, you can get the edition ID, which is an integer:

select serverproperty('EditionID')
  • -1253826760 = Desktop
  • -1592396055 = Express
  • -1534726760 = Standard
  • 1333529388 = Workgroup
  • 1804890536 = Enterprise
  • -323382091 = Personal
  • -2117995310 = Developer
  • 610778273 = Enterprise Evaluation
  • 1044790755 = Windows Embedded SQL
  • 4161255391 = Express with Advanced Services

How to get the root dir of the Symfony2 application?

If you are using this path to access parts of the projects which are not code (for example an upload directory, or a SQLite database) then it might be better to turn the path into a parameter, like this:

    database_path: '%kernel.root_dir%/../var/sqlite3.db'

This parameter can be injected everywhere you need it, so you don't have to mess around with paths in your code any more. Also, the parameter can be overridden at deployment time. Finally, every maintaining programmer will have a better idea what you are using it for.

Update: Fixed kernel.root_dir constant usage.

List all devices, partitions and volumes in Powershell

Though this isn't 'powershell' specific... you can easily list the drives and partitions using diskpart, list volume

PS C:\Dev> diskpart

Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: Box

DISKPART> list volume

Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
Volume 0     D                       DVD-ROM         0 B  No Media
Volume 1         C = System   NTFS   Partition    100 MB  Healthy    System
Volume 2     G   C = Box      NTFS   Partition    244 GB  Healthy    Boot
Volume 3     H   D = Data     NTFS   Partition    687 GB  Healthy
Volume 4     E   System Rese  NTFS   Partition    100 MB  Healthy

Using Javamail to connect to Gmail smtp server ignores specified port and tries to use 25

Maybe useful for anyone else running into this issue: When setting the port on the properties:

props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort);

..make sure to use a string object. Using a numeric (ie Long) object will cause this statement to seemingly have no effect.

How to add data into ManyToMany field?

In case someone else ends up here struggling to customize admin form Many2Many saving behaviour, you can't call self.instance.my_m2m.add(obj) in your override, as later populates your m2m from self.cleaned_data['my_m2m'] which overwrites your changes. Instead call:

my_m2ms = list(self.cleaned_data['my_m2ms'])
self.cleaned_data['my_m2ms'] = my_m2ms

(It is fine to convert the incoming QuerySet to a list - the ManyToManyField does that anyway.)

How to find locked rows in Oracle

you can find the locked tables in oralce by querying with following query

   v$locked_object a ,
   v$session b,
   dba_objects c
   b.sid = a.session_id
   a.object_id = c.object_id;

Could not find a part of the path ... bin\roslyn\csc.exe

Your build is trying to find \bin\roslyn\csc.exe because the following packages have been added to your project. Just review your packages.config file, you can have both of them there


What is Roslyn and Who added them(packages) in the project : If you’re using .net Framework 4.5.2 to create projects using VS2015, you might have noticed that the project templates use Roslyn by default. Actually Roslyn is one of open-source compilers for .NET languages from Microsoft.

Why should we delete Roslyn : If your project has Roslyn references and you are interested to deploy it no server, you will get unwanted errors on the website as many hosting providers still have not upgraded their servers and hence do not support Roslyn. To resolve this issue, you will need to remove the Roslyn compiler from the project template.

if you are not interested in using Roslyn, follow steps bellow to delete it

1. Remove NuGet packages, use the following commands from Nuget Package Console

PM> Uninstall-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
PM> Uninstall-package Microsoft.Net.Compilers

2. After you do this, your web.config file should be auto-updated. In case it is not, look for the below code in web.config file and if it is found, delete this piece of code.

      <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:6 /nowarn:1659;1699;1701"></compiler>
      <compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.VBCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+"></compiler>

Format a JavaScript string using placeholders and an object of substitutions?

You can use a custom replace function like this:

var str = "My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.";
var replaceData = {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"};

function substitute(str, data) {
    var output = str.replace(/%[^%]+%/g, function(match) {
        if (match in data) {
        } else {

var output = substitute(str, replaceData);

You can see it work here:

How do I get the last inserted ID of a MySQL table in PHP?

I prefer use a pure MySQL syntax to get last auto_increment id of the table I want.

php mysql_insert_id() and mysql last_insert_id() give only last transaction ID.

If you want last auto_incremented ID of any table in your schema (not only last transaction one), you can use this query

    WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'my_database' 
    AND TABLE_NAME = 'my_table_name';

That's it.

How can I beautify JSON programmatically?

Here's something that might be interesting for developers hacking (minified or obfuscated) JavaScript more frequently.

You can build your own CLI JavaScript beautifier in under 5 mins and have it handy on the command-line. You'll need Mozilla Rhino, JavaScript file of some of the JS beautifiers available online, small hack and a script file to wrap it all up.

I wrote an article explaining the procedure: Command-line JavaScript beautifier implemented in JavaScript.

Cast object to T

Actually, the problem here is the use of ReadContentAsObject. Unfortunately, this method does not live up to its expectations; while it should detect the most appropirate type for the value, it actually returns a string, no matter what(this can be verified using Reflector).

However, in your specific case, you already know the type you want to cast to, therefore i would say you are using the wrong method.

Try using ReadContentAs instead, it's exactly what you need.

private static T ReadData<T>(XmlReader reader, string value)
    object readData = reader.ReadContentAs(typeof(T), null);
    return (T)readData;

How can I update my ADT in Eclipse?

I viewed the Eclipse ADT documentation and found out the way to get around this issue. I was able to Update My SDK Tool to 22.0.4 (Latest Version).

Solution is: First Update ADT to 22.0.4 and then Update SDK Tool to 22.0.4

The above link says,

ADT 22.0.4 is designed for use with SDK Tools r22.0.4. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r22.0.4 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so

What I had to do was update my ADT to 22.0.4 (Latest Version) and then I was able to update SDK tool to 22.0.4. I thought only SDK Tool has been updated not ADT, so I was updating the SDK Tool with Older ADT Version (22.0.1).

How to Update your ADT to Latest Version

  1. In Eclipse go to Help

  2. Install New Software ---> Add

  3. inside Add Repository write the Name: ADT (or whatever you want)

  4. Location:

  5. after loading you should get Developer Tools and NDK Plugins

  6. check both if you want to use the Native Developer Kit (NDK) in the future or check

  7. Developer Tool only

  8. click Next

  9. Finish

What's the best way to add a full screen background image in React Native

Easiest way to implemet background:

<ImageBackground style={styles.container} source={require('../../images/screen_login.jpg')}>
  <View style={styles.logoContainer}>
    <Image style={styles.logo}
  <View style={styles.containerTextInput}>
    < LoginForm />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    //   backgroundColor:"#0984e3"
  containerTextInput: {
    marginTop: 10,
    justifyContent: 'center'

  logoContainer: {
    marginTop: 100,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center'
  logo: {
    height: 150,
    width: 150

How do I remove/delete a virtualenv?

The following command works for me.

rm -rf /path/to/virtualenv

How to URL encode a string in Ruby

I created a gem to make URI encoding stuff cleaner to use in your code. It takes care of binary encoding for you.

Run gem install uri-handler, then use:

require 'uri-handler'

str = "\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a\xbc\xde\xf1\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef\x12\x34\x56\x78\x9a".to_uri
# => "%124Vx%9A%BC%DE%F1%23Eg%89%AB%CD%EF%124Vx%9A"

It adds the URI conversion functionality into the String class. You can also pass it an argument with the optional encoding string you would like to use. By default it sets to encoding 'binary' if the straight UTF-8 encoding fails.

How to determine the current shell I'm working on

$SHELL need not always show the current shell. It only reflects the default shell to be invoked.

To test the above, say bash is the default shell, try echo $SHELL, and then in the same terminal, get into some other shell (KornShell (ksh) for example) and try $SHELL. You will see the result as bash in both cases.

To get the name of the current shell, Use cat /proc/$$/cmdline. And the path to the shell executable by readlink /proc/$$/exe.

Sending private messages to user

If you want to send the message to a predetermined person, such as yourself, you can set it so that the channel it would be messaging to would be their (your) own userID. So for instance, if you're using the discord bot tutorials from Digital Trends, where it says "to: ", you would continue with their (or your) userID. For instance, with how that specific code is set up, you could do "to: userID", and it would message that person. Or, if you want the bot to message you any time someone uses a specific command, you could do "to: '12345678890'", the numbers being a filler for the actual userID. Hope this helps!

How can I get Docker Linux container information from within the container itself?

I've found that in 17.09 there is a simplest way to do it within docker container:

$ cat /proc/self/cgroup | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f3

Or like it has already been told, a shorter version with

$ cat /etc/hostname

Or simply:

$ hostname

How does Task<int> become an int?

No requires converting the Task to int. Simply Use The Task Result.

int taskResult = AccessTheWebAndDouble().Result;

public async Task<int> AccessTheWebAndDouble()
    int task = AccessTheWeb();
    return task;

It will return the value if available otherwise it return 0.

How to pass the id of an element that triggers an `onclick` event to the event handling function

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" >
function openOnImageClick(event)
//alert("Jai Sh Raam");
// document.getElementById("images").src = "fruits.jpg";
var target = || event.srcElement; // IE

 var img = document.createElement('img');
 img.setAttribute('src', target.src);
  img.setAttribute('width', '200');
   img.setAttribute('height', '150');



<h1>Screen Shot View</h1>
<p>Click the Tiger to display the Image</p>

<div id="images" >

<img id="muID1" src="tiger.jpg" width="100" height="50" alt="unfinished bingo card" onclick="openOnImageClick(event)" />
<img id="myID2" src="sabaLogo1.jpg" width="100" height="50" alt="unfinished bingo card" onclick="openOnImageClick(event)" />


Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

Add the following:

using System.Linq

...and call ToList() on the IQueryable<>.

How to remove all duplicate items from a list

No, it's simply a typo, the "list" at the end must be capitalized. You can nest loops over the same variable just fine (although there's rarely a good reason to).

However, there are other problems with the code. For starters, you're iterating through lists, so i and j will be items not indices. Furthermore, you can't change a collection while iterating over it (well, you "can" in that it runs, but madness lies that way - for instance, you'll propably skip over items). And then there's the complexity problem, your code is O(n^2). Either convert the list into a set and back into a list (simple, but shuffles the remaining list items) or do something like this:

seen = set()
new_x = []
for x in xs:
    if x in seen:

Both solutions require the items to be hashable. If that's not possible, you'll probably have to stick with your current approach sans the mentioned problems.

Image comparison - fast algorithm

Picking 100 random points could mean that similar (or occasionally even dissimilar) images would be marked as the same, which I assume is not what you want. MD5 hashes wouldn't work if the images were different formats (png, jpeg, etc), had different sizes, or had different metadata. Reducing all images to a smaller size is a good bet, doing a pixel-for- pixel comparison shouldn't take too long as long as you're using a good image library / fast language, and the size is small enough.

You could try making them tiny, then if they are the same perform another comparison on a larger size - could be a good combination of speed and accuracy...

What's a redirect URI? how does it apply to iOS app for OAuth2.0?

Read this:

or an even simpler but quick explanation:

The redirect URI is the callback entry point of the app. Think about how OAuth for Facebook works - after end user accepts permissions, "something" has to be called by Facebook to get back to the app, and that "something" is the redirect URI. Furthermore, the redirect URI should be different than the initial entry point of the app.

The other key point to this puzzle is that you could launch your app from a URL given to a webview. To do this, i simply followed the guide on here:


note: on those last 2 links, "http://" works in opening mobile safari but "tel://" doesn't work in simulator

in the first app, I call

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"secondApp://"]];

In my second app, I register "secondApp" (and NOT "secondApp://") as the name of URL Scheme, with my company as the URL identifier.

What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor?

The simplest way is this:

while (cursor.moveToNext()) {

The cursor starts before the first result row, so on the first iteration this moves to the first result if it exists. If the cursor is empty, or the last row has already been processed, then the loop exits neatly.

Of course, don't forget to close the cursor once you're done with it, preferably in a finally clause.

Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(...);
try {
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
} finally {

If you target API 19+, you can use try-with-resources.

try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(...)) {
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {

python replace single backslash with double backslash

Use escape characters: "full\\path\\here", "\\" and "\\\\"