Programs & Examples On #Executable format

Objective C - Assign, Copy, Retain

  1. assign

    • assign is a default property attribute
    • assign is a property attribute tells the compiler how to synthesize the property’s setter implementation
  2. copy:

    • copy is required when the object is mutable
    • copy returns an object which you must explicitly release (e.g., in dealloc) in non-garbage collected environments
    • you need to release the object when finished with it because you are retaining the copy
  3. retain:

    • specifies the new value should be sent “-retain” on assignment and the old value sent “-release”
    • if you write retain it will auto work like strong
    • Methods like “alloc” include an implicit “retain”

How to set Status Bar Style in Swift 3

You need to add below key in your Info.plist file:

View controller-based status bar appearance with boolean value set to NO

In your appdelegate class, in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method before return.

let statusBar: UIView = UIApplication.shared.value(forKey: "statusBar") as! UIView
if statusBar.responds(to:#selector(setter: UIView.backgroundColor)) {
    statusBar.backgroundColor =
UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent

change backgroundColor and statusBarStyle as per requirement.

Export data from Chrome developer tool

In Chrome, in the Developer Tools, under Network, in the Name column, right-click and select "Save as HAR with content". Then open a new tab, go to and open the saved HAR file.

usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l<nameOfTheLibrary>

Apart from the answers already given, it may also be the case that the *.so file exists but is not named properly. Or it may be the case that *.so file exists but it is owned by another user / root.

Issue 1: Improper name

If you are linking the file as -l<nameOfLibrary> then library file name MUST be of the form lib<nameOfLibrary> If you only have <nameOfLibrary>.so file, rename it!

Issue 2: Wrong owner

To verify that this is not the problem - do

ls -l /path/to/.so/file

If the file is owned by root or another user, you need to do

sudo chown yourUserName:yourUserName /path/to/.so/file

How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?

I'm a bit surprised nobody suggested creating a pipe, which is in my opinion the far simplest way to pass a string to stdin of a subprocess:

read, write = os.pipe()
os.write(write, "stdin input here")

subprocess.check_call(['your-command'], stdin=read)

assign function return value to some variable using javascript

The result is undefined since $.ajax runs an asynchronous operation. Meaning that return status gets executed before the $.ajax operation finishes with the request.

You may use Promise to have a syntax which feels synchronous.

function doSomething() { 
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            type: "POST",
            data: dataString,
            success: function (txtBack) { 
                if(txtBack==1) {
                } else {
            error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

You can call the promise like this

doSomething.then(function (result) {
}).catch(function (error) {

or this

(async () => {
    try {
        let result = await doSomething();
    } catch (error) {

How to include a class in PHP

I suggest you also take a look at __autoload.
This will clean up the code of requires and includes.

Difference between nVidia Quadro and Geforce cards?

Surfing the web, you will find many technical justifications for Quadro price. Real answer is in "demand for reliable and task specific graphic cards".

Imagine you have an architectural firm with many fat projects on deadline. Your computers are only used in working with one specific CAD software. If foundation of your business is supposed to rely on these computers, you would want to make sure this foundation is strong.

For such clients, Nvidia engineered cards like Quadro, providing what they call "Professional Solution". And if you are among the targeted clients, you would really appreciate reliability of these graphic cards.

Many believe Geforce have become powerful and reliable enough to take Quadro's place. But in the end, it depends on the software you are mostly going to use and importance of reliability in what you do.

How do I clear the content of a div using JavaScript?

Just Javascript (as requested)

Add this function somewhere on your page (preferably in the <head>)

function clearBox(elementID)
    document.getElementById(elementID).innerHTML = "";

Then add the button on click event:

<button onclick="clearBox('cart_item')" />

In JQuery (for reference)

If you prefer JQuery you could do:


What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

What is saying is that your list is a List of unespecified objects. That is that Java does not know what kind of objects are inside the list. Then when you want to iterate the list you have to cast every element, to be able to access the properties of that element (in this case, String).

In general is a better idea to parametrize the collections, so you don't have conversion problems, you will only be able to add elements of the parametrized type and your editor will offer you the appropiate methods to select.

private static List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

How to cast/convert pointer to reference in C++


You don't need to cast it because it's the same Object type, you just need to dereference it.

How to prevent long words from breaking my div?

Use this

word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-all;

How to check status of PostgreSQL server Mac OS X

You probably did not init postgres.

If you installed using HomeBrew, the init must be run before anything else becomes usable.

To see the instructions, run brew info postgres

# Create/Upgrade a Database
If this is your first install, create a database with:
     initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8

To have launchd start postgresql at login:
   ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents 
Then to load postgresql now:     
   launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist 
Or, if you don't want/need launchctl, you can just run:
    pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start

Once you have run that, it should say something like:

Success. You can now start the database server using:

postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres or
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start

If you are still having issues, check your firewall. If you use a good one like HandsOff! and it was configured to block traffic, then your page will not see the database.

Sort list in C# with LINQ

Well, the simplest way using LINQ would be something like this:

list = list.OrderBy(x => x.AVC ? 0 : 1)


list = list.OrderByDescending(x => x.AVC)

I believe that the natural ordering of bool values is false < true, but the first form makes it clearer IMO, because everyone knows that 0 < 1.

Note that this won't sort the original list itself - it will create a new list, and assign the reference back to the list variable. If you want to sort in place, you should use the List<T>.Sort method.

How to do ToString for a possibly null object?

I disagree with that this:

String s = myObj == null ? "" : myObj.ToString();

is a hack in any way. I think it's a good example of clear code. It's absolutely obvious what you want to achieve and that you're expecting null.


I see now that you were not saying that this was a hack. But it's implied in the question that you think this way is not the way to go. In my mind it's definitely the clearest solution.

How to check if a string contains an element from a list in Python

Check if it matches this regex:


Note: if you extensions are not at the end of the url, remove the $ characters, but it does weaken it slightly

Adding a newline character within a cell (CSV)

This question was answered well at Can you encode CR/LF in into CSV files?.

Consider also reverse engineering multiple lines in Excel. To embed a newline in an Excel cell, press Alt+Enter. Then save the file as a .csv. You'll see that the double-quotes start on one line and each new line in the file is considered an embedded newline in the cell.

Change jsp on button click

Just use two forms.

In the first form action attribute will have name of the second jdp page and your 1st button. In the second form there will be 2nd button with action attribute thats giving the name of your 3rd jsp page.

It will be like this :

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
    <form name="main1"  method="get" action="2nd.jsp">
        <input type="submit" name="ter" value="LOGOUT" >
    <DIV ALIGN="left"><form name="main0" action="3rd.jsp" method="get">
        <input type="submit" value="FEEDBACK">

Can I use Objective-C blocks as properties?

@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^simpleBlock)(void);
@property (nonatomic, copy) BOOL (^blockWithParamter)(NSString *input);

If you are going to be repeating the same block in several places use a type def

typedef void(^MyCompletionBlock)(BOOL success, NSError *error);
@property (nonatomic) MyCompletionBlock completion;

Android Studio Rendering Problems : The following classes could not be found

I have faced this issue when I introduced additional supporting libraries in my project IntelliJ IDEA

So for me "File" -> "Invalidate Caches...", and select "Invalidate and Restart" option to fix this.

how to make UITextView height dynamic according to text length?

This answer may be late but I hope it helps someone.

For me, these 2 lines of code worked:

textView.isScrollEnabled = false

But don't set height constraint for your Textview

How to read from a text file using VBScript?

Dim obj : Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim outFile : Set outFile = obj.CreateTextFile("in.txt")
Dim inFile: Set inFile = obj.OpenTextFile("out.txt")

' Read file
Dim strRetVal : strRetVal = inFile.ReadAll

' Write file
outFile.write (strRetVal)

How do I convert the date from one format to another date object in another format without using any deprecated classes?

Please refer to the following method. It takes your date String as argument1, you need to specify the existing format of the date as argument2, and the result (expected) format as argument 3.

Refer to this link to understand various formats: Available Date Formats

public static String formatDateFromOnetoAnother(String date,String givenformat,String resultformat) {

    String result = "";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf;
    SimpleDateFormat sdf1;

    try {
        sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(givenformat);
        sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat(resultformat);
        result = sdf1.format(sdf.parse(date));
    catch(Exception e) {
        return "";
    finally {
    return result;

Css pseudo classes input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus

Instead of:

input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus {}


input:not([disabled]):not([type="submit"]):focus {}

disabled is an attribute so it needs the brackets, and you seem to have mixed up/missing colons and parentheses on the :not() selector.


One thing to note: I may be wrong, but I don't think disabled inputs can normally receive focus, so that part may be redundant.

Alternatively, use :enabled

input:enabled:not([type="submit"]):focus { /* styles here */ }

Again, I can't think of a case where disabled input can receive focus, so it seems unnecessary.

Is there a way to iterate over a dictionary?

Yes, NSDictionary supports fast enumeration. With Objective-C 2.0, you can do this:

// To print out all key-value pairs in the NSDictionary myDict
for(id key in myDict)
    NSLog(@"key=%@ value=%@", key, [myDict objectForKey:key]);

The alternate method (which you have to use if you're targeting Mac OS X pre-10.5, but you can still use on 10.5 and iPhone) is to use an NSEnumerator:

NSEnumerator *enumerator = [myDict keyEnumerator];
id key;
// extra parens to suppress warning about using = instead of ==
while((key = [enumerator nextObject]))
    NSLog(@"key=%@ value=%@", key, [myDict objectForKey:key]);

How can I stop "property does not exist on type JQuery" syntax errors when using Typescript?

For your example, you'd add this:

interface JQuery{

Edit: oops, basarat is correct below. I'm not sure why I thought it was compiling but I've updated this answer.

Getting attribute of element in ng-click function in angularjs

Even more simple, pass the $event object to ng-click to access the event properties. As an example:

<a ng-click="clickEvent($event)" class="exampleClass" id="exampleID" data="exampleData" href="">Click Me</a>

Within your clickEvent() = function(obj) {} function you can access the data value like this:

var dataValue =;

Which would return exampleData.

Here's a full jsFiddle.

How to throw RuntimeException ("cannot find symbol")

throw new RuntimeException(msg);

unlike any other Exceptions I think RuntimeException is the only one that will not stall the program but it can still keep running and recover just print out a bunch of Exception lines? correct me if I am wrong.

Is there an exponent operator in C#?

The lack of an exponential operator for C# was a big annoyance for us when looking for a new language to convert our calculation software to from the good ol' vb6.

I'm glad we went with C# but it still annoys me whenever I'm writing a complex equation including exponents. The Math.Pow() method makes equations quite hard to read IMO.

Our solution was to create a special DoubleX class where we override the ^-operator (see below)

This works fairly well as long as you declare at least one of the variables as DoubleX:

DoubleX a = 2;
DoubleX b = 3;

Console.WriteLine($"a = {a}, b = {b}, a^b = {a ^ b}");

or use an explicit converter on standard doubles:

double c = 2;
double d = 3;

Console.WriteLine($"c = {c}, d = {d}, c^d = {c ^ (DoubleX)d}");     // Need explicit converter

One problem with this method though is that the exponent is calculated in the wrong order compared to other operators. This can be avoided by always putting an extra ( ) around the operation which again makes it a bit harder to read the equations:

DoubleX a = 2;
DoubleX b = 3;

Console.WriteLine($"a = {a}, b = {b}, 3+a^b = {3 + a ^ b}");        // Wrong result
Console.WriteLine($"a = {a}, b = {b}, 3+a^b = {3 + (a ^ b)}");      // Correct result

I hope this can be of help to others who uses a lot of complex equations in their code, and maybe someone even has an idea of how to improve this method?!

DoubleX class:

using System;

namespace ExponentialOperator
    /// <summary>
    /// Double class that uses ^ as exponential operator
    /// </summary>
    public class DoubleX
        #region ---------------- Fields ----------------

        private readonly double _value;

        #endregion ------------- Fields ----------------

        #region -------------- Properties --------------

        public double Value
            get { return _value; }

        #endregion ----------- Properties --------------

        #region ------------- Constructors -------------

        public DoubleX(double value)
            _value = value;

        public DoubleX(int value)
            _value = Convert.ToDouble(value);

        #endregion ---------- Constructors -------------

        #region --------------- Methods ----------------

        public override string ToString()
            return _value.ToString();

        #endregion ------------ Methods ----------------

        #region -------------- Operators ---------------

        // Change the ^ operator to be used for exponents.

        public static DoubleX operator ^(DoubleX value, DoubleX exponent)
            return Math.Pow(value, exponent);

        public static DoubleX operator ^(DoubleX value, double exponent)
            return Math.Pow(value, exponent);

        public static DoubleX operator ^(double value, DoubleX exponent)
            return Math.Pow(value, exponent);

        public static DoubleX operator ^(DoubleX value, int exponent)
            return Math.Pow(value, exponent);

        #endregion ----------- Operators ---------------

        #region -------------- Converters --------------

        // Allow implicit convertion

        public static implicit operator DoubleX(double value)
            return new DoubleX(value);

        public static implicit operator DoubleX(int value)
            return new DoubleX(value);

        public static implicit operator Double(DoubleX value)
            return value._value;

        #endregion ----------- Converters --------------

Debug vs Release in CMake

A lot of the answers here are out of date/bad. So I'm going to attempt to answer it better. Granted I'm answering this question in 2020, so it's expected things would change.

How do I run CMake for each target type (debug/release)?

First off Debug/Release are called configurations in cmake (nitpick).

If you are using a single configuration generator (Ninja/Unix-Makefiles)

Then you need a build folder for each configuration.

Like this:

# Configure the build
cmake -S . -B build/Debug -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# Actually build the binaries
cmake --build build/Debug

For multi-configuration generators it's slightly different (Ninja Multi-Config, Visual Studio)

# Configure the build
cmake -S . -B build

# Actually build the binaries
cmake --build build --config Debug

If you are wondering why this is necessary it's because cmake isn't a build system. It's a meta-build system (IE a build system that build's build systems). This is basically the result of handling build systems that support multiple-configurations in 1 build. If you'd like a deeper understanding I'd suggest reading a bit about cmake in Craig Scott's book "Professional CMake: A Practical Guide

How do I specify debug and release C/C++ flags using CMake?

The modern practice is to use target's and properties.

Here is an example:


# Add this compile definition for debug builds, this same logic works for
# target_compile_options, target_link_options, etc.
target_compile_definitions(foobar PRIVATE

NOTE: How I'm using generator expressions to specify the configuration! Using CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE will result in bad builds for any multi-configuration generator!

Further more sometimes you need to set things globally and not just for one target. Use add_compile_definitions, add_compile_options, etc. Those functions support generator expressions. Don't use old style cmake unless you have to (that path is a land of nightmares)

How do I express that the main executable will be compiled with g++ and one nested library with gcc?

Your last question really doesn't make sense.

Nginx: Permission denied for nginx on Ubuntu

If i assume that your second code is the puppet config then i have a logical explaination, if the error and log files were create before, you can try this

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/nginx;
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/log/nginx;

Onclick event to remove default value in a text input field

You actually want to show a placeholder, HTML 5 offer this feature and it's very sweet !

Try this out :

<input name="Name" placeholder="Enter Your Name">

How to add a new column to a CSV file?

Append new column in existing csv file using python without header name

  default_text = 'Some Text'
# Open the input_file in read mode and output_file in write mode
    with open('problem-one-answer.csv', 'r') as read_obj, \
    open('output_1.csv', 'w', newline='') as write_obj:
# Create a csv.reader object from the input file object
    csv_reader = reader(read_obj)
# Create a csv.writer object from the output file object
    csv_writer = csv.writer(write_obj)
# Read each row of the input csv file as list
    for row in csv_reader:
# Append the default text in the row / list
# Add the updated row / list to the output file


OwinStartup not firing

In my case, my website's output path is changed by somebody, the IIS Express even not load OWIN, and the setup class will not be hit of course. After I set the output path as "bin\", it works well.

MongoDB logging all queries

I recommend checking out mongosniff. This can tool can do everything you want and more. Especially it can help diagnose issues with larger scale mongo systems and how queries are being routed and where they are coming from since it works by listening to your network interface for all mongo related communications.

Reducing the gap between a bullet and text in a list item

Here's yet another way.

  1. Add two divs to each li, one for the bullet, one for the text.
  2. Put a bullet character (or whatever you like, Unicode has plenty) in the bullet div. Put the text in the text div.
  3. Set each li to display:flex.


  • No extra bullet image to add.
  • No negative margins or anything, won't go outside of parent.
  • Works on any browser that supports flexbox.
  • Proper indentation of multiline items.
  • Use of bullet character means bullet will always be properly vertically aligned with text, no tweaks necessary.


  • Requires extra elements.

Also, if you don't want to hand code all the extra divs, you can just make a normal list and then run this function to transform it, passing your ul as the parameter:

function fixList (theList) {
  theList.find('li').each(function (_, li) {
    li = $(li);


li {_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
  list-style-type: none;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
li > div:first-child {_x000D_
  margin-right: 0.75ex; /* set to desired spacing */_x000D_
  <li><div>•</div><div>First list item.</div>_x000D_
  <li><div>•</div><div>Second list item.<br>It's on two lines.</div>_x000D_
  <li><div>•</div><div>Third <i>list</i> item.</div>_x000D_

Here's an example using the function:

function fixList (theList) {_x000D_
  $('li', theList).each(function (_, li) {_x000D_
    li = $(li);_x000D_
li {_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
  list-style-type: none;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
li > div:first-child {_x000D_
  margin-right: 0.75ex;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <li>First list item._x000D_
  <li>Second list item.<br>It's on two lines._x000D_
  <li>Third <i>list</i> item._x000D_

How to terminate the script in JavaScript?

i use return statement instead of throw as throw gives error in console. the best way to do it is to check the condition

 return //whatever you want to return

this simply stops the execution of the program from that line, instead of giving any errors in the console.

Using PUT method in HTML form

If you are using nodejs, you can install the package method-override that lets you do this using a middleware. Link to documentation:

After installing this, all I had to do was the following:

var methodOverride = require('method-override')

Why is this program erroneously rejected by three C++ compilers?

Unfortunately, you have selected three compilers that all support multiple languages, not just C++. They all have to guess at the programming language you used. As you probably already know, the PNG format is suitable for all programming languages, not just C++.

Usually the compiler can figure out the language itself. For instance, if the PNG is obviously drawn with crayons, the compiler will know it contains Visual Basic. If it looks like it's drawn with a mechanical pencil, it's easy to recognize the engineer at work, writing FORTRAN code.

This second step doesn't help the compiler either, in this case. C and C++ just look too similar, down to the #include. Therefore, you must help the compiler decide what language it really is. Now, you could use non-standard means. For instance, the Visual Studio compiler accepts the /TC and /TP command-line arguments, or you could use the "Compile as: C++" option in the project file. GCC and CLang have their own mechanisms, which I don't know.

Therefore, I'd recommend using the standard method instead to tell your compiler that the code following is in C++. As you've discovered by now, C++ compilers are very picky about what they accept. Therefore the standard way to identify C++ is by the intimidation programmers add to their C++ code. For instance, the following line will clarify to your compiler that what follows is C++ (and he'd better compile it without complaints).

// To the compiler: I know where you are installed. No funny games, capice?

Extract code country from phone number [libphonenumber]

Here's a an answer how to find country calling code without using third-party libraries (as real developer does):

Get list of all available country codes, Wikipedia can help here:

Parse data in a tree structure where each digit is a branch.

Traverse your tree digit by digit until you are at the last branch - that's your country code.

How can I add an item to a SelectList in MVC

Okay I like clean code so I made this an extension method

static public class SelectListHelper
    static public SelectList Add(this SelectList list, string text, string value = "", ListPosition listPosition = ListPosition.First)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            value = text;
        var listItems = list.ToList();
        var lp = (int)listPosition;
        switch (lp)
            case -1:
                lp = list.Count();
            case -2:
                lp = list.Count() / 2;
            case -3:
                var random = new Random();
                lp = random.Next(0, list.Count());
        listItems.Insert(lp, new SelectListItem { Value = value, Text = text });
        list = new SelectList(listItems, "Value", "Text");
        return list;

    public enum ListPosition
        First = 0,
        Last = -1,
        Middle = -2,
        Random = -3

Usage (by example):

var model = new VmRoutePicker
     Routes =
     new SelectList(_dataSource.Routes.Select(r => r.RouteID).Distinct())
  model.Routes = model.Routes.Add("All", "All", SelectListHelper.ListPosition.Random);
  model.Routes = model.Routes.Add("All");

SQL Logic Operator Precedence: And and Or

I'll add 2 points:

  • "IN" is effectively serial ORs with parentheses around them
  • AND has precedence over OR in every language I know

So, the 2 expressions are simply not equal.

WHERE some_col in (1,2,3,4,5) AND some_other_expr
--to the optimiser is this
     some_col = 1 OR
     some_col = 2 OR 
     some_col = 3 OR 
     some_col = 4 OR 
     some_col = 5

So, when you break the IN clause up, you split the serial ORs up, and changed precedence.

How to make an HTTP POST web request

Here's what i use in .NET 4.8 to make a HTTP POST request. With this code one can send multiple POST requests at a time Asynchronously. At the end of each request an event is raised. And also at the end of all request another event is raised.

The one bellow is the core class:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Timers
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports AeonLabs
Imports AeonLabs.Environment
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Public Class HttpDataCore
    Public Property url As String
    Public Property state As New environmentVarsCore
    Public Property errorMessage As String = ""
    Public Property statusMessage As String
    Public Property threadCount As Integer = 25
    Public Property numberOfRetryAttempts = 5
    Public Property queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)
    Public Property queueBWorker As Integer() ' has the size of threadCount
    Public Property queueLock As New Object
    Public Property retryAttempts As New _retry_attempts
    Public Property dataStatistics As List(Of _data_statistics)
    Public Property loadingCounter As Integer
    Public Property CompletionPercentage As Integer ' value range 0-100
    Public Property IsBusy As Boolean

    Public Structure _queue_data_struct
        Dim vars As Dictionary(Of String, String)
        Dim filenameOrSavePath As String                  ' full address file name or full adress folder path
        Dim misc As Dictionary(Of String, String)
        Dim status As Integer                             ' -1 - completed; 0- not sent yet; 1-already sent / processing 
    End Structure
    Public Structure _retry_attempts
        Dim counter As Integer
        Dim pattern As Integer
        Dim previousPattern As Integer
        Dim errorMessage As String
    End Structure
    Public Structure _data_statistics
        Dim filesize As Double
        Dim bytesSentReceived As Double
        Dim speed As Double
    End Structure

    Public WithEvents RestartQueueTimer As New Timers.Timer
    Public bwDataRequest() As BackgroundWorker

    Public Event requestCompleted(sender As Object, requestData As String) 'TODO add misc vars

    Private sendToQueue As Boolean
    Public Sub New(ByVal Optional _state As environmentVarsCore = Nothing, ByVal Optional _url As String = "")
        queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
        dataStatistics = New List(Of _data_statistics)
        loadingCounter = 0
        sendToQueue = False
        If _state IsNot Nothing AndAlso _url.Equals("") Then
            url = _state.ServerBaseAddr & _state.ApiServerAddrPath
        ElseIf Not _url.Equals("") Then
            url = _url
            Throw New System.Exception("Initialization err: state and url cannot be both null at same time")
        End If

        If _state IsNot Nothing Then
            state = _state
        End If

    End Sub
    Public Sub loadQueue(ByVal vars As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal Optional misc As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional filenameOrSavePath As String = Nothing)
        Dim queueItem As New _queue_data_struct
        queueItem.vars = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        queueItem.misc = New Dictionary(Of String, String)

        queueItem.vars = vars
        queueItem.status = 0
        queueItem.misc = misc
        queueItem.filenameOrSavePath = filenameOrSavePath
    End Sub

    Public Sub clearQueue()
        loadingCounter = 0
        queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
    End Sub
    Public Sub startRequest()
        If bwDataRequest(0) Is Nothing Then
            Throw New Exception("You need to call initialze first")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        IsBusy = True

        AddHandler RestartQueueTimer.Elapsed, New ElapsedEventHandler(AddressOf QueueTimerTick)
        With RestartQueueTimer
            .Enabled = True
            .Interval = 500
        End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub QueueTimerTick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ElapsedEventArgs)
        If QueuesToComplete(queue).Equals(0) And QueuesToSend(queue).Equals(0) Then
            queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
            RaiseEvent requestCompleted(Me, Nothing)
            IsBusy = False
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If retryAttempts.counter >= numberOfRetryAttempts Then 'ToDo a retry number of attempts before quits
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            Dim MsgBox As messageBoxForm
            MsgBox = New messageBoxForm(retryAttempts.errorMessage & ". " & My.Resources.strings.tryAgain & " ?", My.Resources.strings.question, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
            If MsgBox.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.Yes Then
                Dim retry As _retry_attempts
                With retry
                    .counter = 0
                    .previousPattern = -1
                    .pattern = 0
                    .errorMessage = ""
                End With
                retryAttempts = retry
                queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
                RaiseEvent requestCompleted(Me, Nothing)
                IsBusy = False
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf Not sendToQueue And QueuesToSend(queue) > 0 Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub startSendQueue()
        sendToQueue = True
        While QueuesToSend(queue) > 0
            For shtIndex = 0 To threadCount
                For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
                    If Not bwDataRequest(shtIndex).IsBusy Then
                        SyncLock queueLock
                            If queue.ElementAt(i).status.Equals(0) Then
                                Dim data As New _queue_data_struct
                                data.vars = queue.ElementAt(i).vars
                                data.status = 1
                                data.misc = queue.ElementAt(i).misc
                                data.filenameOrSavePath = queue.ElementAt(i).filenameOrSavePath
                                queue(i) = data
                                queueBWorker(shtIndex) = i
                                dataStatistics(shtIndex) = (New _data_statistics)

                            End If
                        End SyncLock
                    End If
                Next i
            Next shtIndex
        End While
        sendToQueue = False
    End Sub

    Public Function QueuesToSend(queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)) As Integer
        Dim counter As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
            If queue(i).status.Equals(0) Then
                counter += 1
            End If
        Next i
        Return counter
    End Function
    Public Function QueuesToComplete(queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)) As Integer
        Dim counter As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
            If queue(i).status.Equals(1) Then
                counter += 1
            End If
        Next i
        Return counter
    End Function
    Public Function QueuesMultiHash(queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)) As Integer
        Dim counter As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
            If queue(i).status.Equals(1) Then
                counter += i
            End If
        Next i
        Return counter
    End Function

    Public Function IsBase64String(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
        s = s.Trim()
        Return (s.Length Mod 4 = 0) AndAlso Regex.IsMatch(s, "^[a-zA-Z0-9\+/]*={0,3}$", RegexOptions.None)
    End Function

    Public Function ConvertDataToArray(key As String, fields As String(), response As String) As Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
        If GetMessage(response).Equals("1001") Then
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.errorNoRecordsFound & "'}"
            Return Nothing
        End If
            Dim jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(response)
            If jsonResult.ContainsKey(key) Then
                If Not jsonResult.Item(key).item(0).Count.Equals(fields.Length) Then
                    Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                    errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.JsonFieldsMismatch & ". table(" & key & "'}"
                    Return Nothing
                    Dim results = New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
                    For k = 0 To fields.Length - 1
                        Dim fieldValues As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
                        For i = 0 To jsonResult.Item(key).Count - 1
                        Next i
                        results.Add(fields(k), fieldValues)

                    Next k
                    Return results
                End If
                Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.JsonkeyNotFound & " (" & key & "'}"
                Return Nothing
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & ex.ToString & "'}"
            errorMessage = ex.ToString
            Return Nothing
        End Try
    End Function
End Class

the AeonLabs.Envoriment is a class with a collection or fields and properties.

And the one bellow is for making a POST request:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports AeonLabs.Environment
Imports AeonLabs.Security

Public Class HttpDataPostData
    Inherits HttpDataCore

    Public Event updateProgress(sender As Object, misc As Dictionary(Of String, String))
    Public Event dataArrived(sender As Object, requestData As String, misc As Dictionary(Of String, String))

    Public Sub New(ByVal Optional _state As environmentVarsCore = Nothing, ByVal Optional _url As String = "")
        MyBase.New(_state, _url)
    End Sub
    Public Sub initialize(ByVal Optional _threadCount As Integer = 0)
        If Not _threadCount.Equals(0) Then
            threadCount = _threadCount
        End If

        ReDim bwDataRequest(threadCount)
        ReDim queueBWorker(threadCount)

        For shtIndex = 0 To threadCount
            dataStatistics.Add(New _data_statistics)

            bwDataRequest(shtIndex) = New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
            bwDataRequest(shtIndex).WorkerReportsProgress = True
            bwDataRequest(shtIndex).WorkerSupportsCancellation = True

            AddHandler bwDataRequest(shtIndex).DoWork, AddressOf bwDataRequest_DoWork
            AddHandler bwDataRequest(shtIndex).RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf bwDataRequest_RunWorkerCompleted
        Next shtIndex
        Dim retry As _retry_attempts
        With retry
            .counter = 0
            .previousPattern = -1
            .pattern = 0
            .errorMessage = ""
        End With
        retryAttempts = retry
    End Sub

    Private Sub bwDataRequest_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)

        ' Find out the Index of the bWorker that called this DoWork (could be cleaner, I know)
        Dim Y As Integer
        Dim Index As Integer = Nothing
        For Y = 0 To UBound(bwDataRequest)
            If sender.Equals(bwDataRequest(Y)) Then
                Index = Y
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Y

        Dim queue As _queue_data_struct
        queue = e.Argument

        Dim vars As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        vars = queue.vars

        'TODO translation need to be local
        If Not System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() Then
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            e.Result = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.errorNoNetwork & "'}"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If vars Is Nothing Then
            e.Result = "{'error':true,'message':'missconfiguration vars'}"
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If Not vars.ContainsKey("id") Then
            vars.Add("id", state.userId)
        End If
        If Not vars.ContainsKey("pid") Then
            Dim appId As New FingerPrint
            vars.Add("pid", appId.Value)
        End If
        If Not vars.ContainsKey("language") Then
            vars.Add("language", state.currentLang)
        End If
        If Not vars.ContainsKey("origin") Then
            vars.Add("origin", state.softwareAccessMode)
        End If

        Dim serializer As New JavaScriptSerializer()
        Dim json As String = serializer.Serialize(vars)
        Dim encryption As New AesCipher(state)
        Dim encrypted As String = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(encryption.encrypt(json))
        Dim PostData = "origin=" & state.softwareAccessMode & "&data=" & encrypted
        Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
        Dim responseFromServer As String = ""
        Dim decrypted As String = ""

        request.Method = "POST"
        Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PostData)
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", state.ApiHttpHeaderToken & "-" & state.softwareAccessMode)
        request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
            Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
            dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
            Dim response As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
            dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()
            Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
            responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd()

            If response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted Or response.StatusCode = 200 Then
                If IsBase64String(responseFromServer) And Not responseFromServer.Equals("") Then
                    decrypted = encryption.decrypt((responseFromServer)).Replace("\'", "'")
                    Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                    decrypted = "{'error':true,'encrypted':false,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.contactingCommServer & " |" & responseFromServer & "|'}"
                End If
                Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                decrypted = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.contactingCommServer & " (" & response.StatusCode & ")', 'statuscode':'" & response.StatusCode & "'}"
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            decrypted = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.contactingCommServer & " (" & ex.Message.ToString.Replace("'", "\'") & ")'}"
        End Try

        e.Result = decrypted.Replace("\'", "'")
    End Sub

    Private Sub bwDataRequest_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
        ' Find out the Index of the bWorker that called this DoWork (could be cleaner, I know)
        Dim Y As Integer
        Dim Index As Integer = Nothing
        Dim data As New _queue_data_struct

        For Y = 0 To UBound(bwDataRequest)
            If sender.Equals(bwDataRequest(Y)) Then
                Index = Y
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Y

        If IsResponseOk(e.Result, "statuscode") Then
            data = New _queue_data_struct
            data = queue(queueBWorker(Index))
            data.status = 0 're queue the file
            SyncLock queueLock
                queue(queueBWorker(Index)) = data
            End SyncLock
            Dim errorMsg As String = GetMessage(e.Result)
            Dim retry As _retry_attempts
            With retry
                .counter = retryAttempts.counter
                .previousPattern = retryAttempts.previousPattern
                .pattern = retryAttempts.pattern
                .errorMessage = retryAttempts.errorMessage
            End With
            retry.errorMessage = If(retryAttempts.errorMessage.IndexOf(errorMsg) > -1, retryAttempts.errorMessage, retryAttempts.errorMessage & System.Environment.NewLine & errorMsg)

            retry.pattern = QueuesMultiHash(queue)
            If retry.previousPattern.Equals(retry.pattern) Then
                retry.counter += 1
                retry.counter = 1
                retry.previousPattern = retryAttempts.pattern
            End If

            retryAttempts = retry
            Exit Sub
        End If

        data = New _queue_data_struct
        data = queue(queueBWorker(Index))
        data.status = -1 'completed sucessfully status
        SyncLock queueLock
            queue(queueBWorker(Index)) = data
        End SyncLock

        loadingCounter += 1
        CompletionPercentage = (loadingCounter / queue.Count) * 100
        statusMessage = "Loading data from the cloud ..."
        RaiseEvent updateProgress(Me, queue(queueBWorker(Index)).misc)
        RaiseEvent dataArrived(Me, e.Result, queue(queueBWorker(Index)).misc)
    End Sub
End Class

The Aoenlabs.Security is a class for sending POST data encrypted using standard encryption algorithms

JS - window.history - Delete a state

You may have moved on by now, but... as far as I know there's no way to delete a history entry (or state).

One option I've been looking into is to handle the history yourself in JavaScript and use the window.history object as a carrier of sorts.

Basically, when the page first loads you create your custom history object (we'll go with an array here, but use whatever makes sense for your situation), then do your initial pushState. I would pass your custom history object as the state object, as it may come in handy if you also need to handle users navigating away from your app and coming back later.

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

Now when you navigate, you add to your own history object (or don't - the history is now in your hands!) and use replaceState to keep the browser out of the loop.

function nav_to_details() {
    window.history.replaceState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

When the user navigates backwards, they'll be hitting your "base" state (your state object will be null) and you can handle the navigation according to your custom history object. Afterward, you do another pushState.

function on_popState() {
    // Note that some browsers fire popState on initial load,
    // so you should check your state object and handle things accordingly.
    // (I did not do that in these examples!)

    if (myHistory.length > 0) {
        var pg = myHistory.pop();
        window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

        //Load page data for "pg".
    } else {
        //No "history" - let them exit or keep them in the app.

The user will never be able to navigate forward using their browser buttons because they are always on the newest page.

From the browser's perspective, every time they go "back", they've immediately pushed forward again.

From the user's perspective, they're able to navigate backwards through the pages but not forward (basically simulating the smartphone "page stack" model).

From the developer's perspective, you now have a high level of control over how the user navigates through your application, while still allowing them to use the familiar navigation buttons on their browser. You can add/remove items from anywhere in the history chain as you please. If you use objects in your history array, you can track extra information about the pages as well (like field contents and whatnot).

If you need to handle user-initiated navigation (like the user changing the URL in a hash-based navigation scheme), then you might use a slightly different approach like...

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    // When the user first hits your page...
    // Check the state to see what's going on.

    if (window.history.state === null) {
        // If the state is null, this is a NEW navigation,
        //    the user has navigated to your page directly (not using back/forward).

        // First we establish a "back" page to catch backward navigation.
            { isBackPage: true },

        // Then push an "app" page on top of that - this is where the user will sit.
        // (As browsers vary, it might be safer to put this in a short setTimeout).
            { isBackPage: false },

        // We also need to start our history tracking.


    // If the state is NOT null, then the user is returning to our app via history navigation.

    // (Load up the page based on the last entry of myHistory here)

    if (window.history.state.isBackPage) {
        // If the user came into our app via the back page,
        //     you can either push them forward one more step or just use pushState as above.

        // or window.history.pushState({ isBackPage: false }, "<name>", "<url>");

    setTimeout(function() {
        // Add our popstate event listener - doing it here should remove
        //     the issue of dealing with the browser firing it on initial page load.
        window.addEventListener("popstate", on_popstate);
    }, 100);

function on_popstate(e) {
    if (e.state === null) {
        // If there's no state at all, then the user must have navigated to a new hash.

        // <Look at what they've done, maybe by reading the hash from the URL>
        // <Change/load the new page and push it onto the myHistory stack>
        // <Alternatively, ignore their navigation attempt by NOT loading anything new or adding to myHistory>

        // Undo what they've done (as far as navigation) by kicking them backwards to the "app" page

        // Optionally, you can throw another replaceState in here, e.g. if you want to change the visible URL.
        // This would also prevent them from using the "forward" button to return to the new hash.
            { isBackPage: false },
            "<new name>",
            "<new url>"
    } else {
        if (e.state.isBackPage) {
            // If there is state and it's the 'back' page...

            if (myHistory.length > 0) {
                // Pull/load the page from our custom history...
                var pg = myHistory.pop();
                // <load/render/whatever>

                // And push them to our "app" page again
                    { isBackPage: false },
            } else {
                // No more history - let them exit or keep them in the app.

        // Implied 'else' here - if there is state and it's NOT the 'back' page
        //     then we can ignore it since we're already on the page we want.
        //     (This is the case when we push the user back with window.history.go(-1) above)

How to properly add 1 month from now to current date in moment.js

var currentDate = moment('2015-10-30');
var futureMonth = moment(currentDate).add(1, 'M');
var futureMonthEnd = moment(futureMonth).endOf('month');

if( != && futureMonth.isSame(futureMonthEnd.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) {
    futureMonth = futureMonth.add(1, 'd');




moment.addRealMonth = function addRealMonth(d) {
  var fm = moment(d).add(1, 'M');
  var fmEnd = moment(fm).endOf('month');
  return != && fm.isSame(fmEnd.format('YYYY-MM-DD')) ? fm.add(1, 'd') : fm;  

var nextMonth = moment.addRealMonth(moment());


Powershell: convert string to number

Simply casting the string as an int won't work reliably. You need to convert it to an int32. For this you can use the .NET convert class and its ToInt32 method. The method requires a string ($strNum) as the main input, and the base number (10) for the number system to convert to. This is because you can not only convert to the decimal system (the 10 base number), but also to, for example, the binary system (base 2).

Give this method a try:

[string]$strNum = "1.500"
[int]$intNum = [convert]::ToInt32($strNum, 10)


android - How to get view from context?

first use this:

LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) Read_file.this

Read file is current activity in which you want your context.

View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.your_layout_name,(ViewGroup)findViewById(;

then you can use this to find any element in layout.

ImageView myImage = (ImageView) layout.findViewById(;

Shorthand if/else statement Javascript

Here is a way to do it that works, but may not be best practise for any language really:

var x,y;
undefined === y || (x = y);


undefined !== y && (x = y);

Global constants file in Swift

Swift 4 Version

If you want to create a name for NotificationCenter:

extension Notification.Name {
    static let updateDataList1 = Notification.Name("updateDataList1")

Subscribe to notifications:

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(youFunction), name: .updateDataList1, object: nil)

Send notification: .updateDataList1, object: nil)

If you just want a class with variables to use:

class Keys {
    static let key1 = "YOU_KEY"
    static let key2 = "YOU_KEY"


struct Keys {
    static let key1 = "YOU_KEY"
    static let key2 = "YOU_KEY"

Expected response code 250 but got code "535", with message "535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted

This single step worked for me... No 2-step verification. As I had created a dummy account for my local development, so I was OK with this setting. Make sure you only do this if your account contains NO personal or any critical data. This is just another way of tackling this error and NOT secure.

I turned ON the setting to alow less secured apps to be allowed access. Form here :

android.widget.Switch - on/off event listener?

Use the following snippet to add a Switch to your layout via XML:


Then in your Activity's onCreate method, get a reference to your Switch and set its OnCheckedChangeListener:

Switch onOffSwitch = (Switch)  findViewById(; 
onOffSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {

public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
    Log.v("Switch State=", ""+isChecked);


Using String Format to show decimal up to 2 places or simple integer

If none of the other answers work for you, it may be because you are binding the ContentProperty of a control in the OnLoad function, which means this won't work:

private void UserControl_Load(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  Bind.SetBindingElement(labelName, String.Format("{0:0.00}", PropertyName), Label.ContentProperty) 

The solution is simple: there is a ContentStringFormat property in the xaml. So when you create the label do this:

//if you want the decimal places definite
<Label Content="0" Name="labelName" ContentStringFormat="0.00"/>


//if you want the decimal places to be optional
<Label Content="0" Name="labelName" ContentStringFormat="0.##"/>

WinSCP: Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message from server: Permission denied

You possibly do not have create permissions to the folder. So WinSCP fails to create a temporary file for the transfer.

You have two options:

C++ equivalent of java's instanceof

dynamic_cast is known to be inefficient. It traverses up the inheritance hierarchy, and it is the only solution if you have multiple levels of inheritance, and need to check if an object is an instance of any one of the types in its type hierarchy.

But if a more limited form of instanceof that only checks if an object is exactly the type you specify, suffices for your needs, the function below would be a lot more efficient:

template<typename T, typename K>
inline bool isType(const K &k) {
    return typeid(T).hash_code() == typeid(k).hash_code();

Here's an example of how you'd invoke the function above:

DerivedA k;
Base *p = &k;

cout << boolalpha << isType<DerivedA>(*p) << endl;  // true
cout << boolalpha << isType<DerivedB>(*p) << endl;  // false

You'd specify template type A (as the type you're checking for), and pass in the object you want to test as the argument (from which template type K would be inferred).

compare differences between two tables in mysql

Based on Haim's answer I created a PHP code to test and display all the differences between two databases. This will also display if a table is present in source or test databases. You have to change with your details the <> variables content.


    $User = "<DatabaseUser>";
    $Pass = "<DatabasePassword>";
    $SourceDB = "<SourceDatabase>";
    $TestDB = "<DatabaseToTest>";

    $link = new mysqli( "p:". "localhost", $User, $Pass, "" );

    if ( mysqli_connect_error() ) {

        die('Connect Error ('. mysqli_connect_errno() .') '. mysqli_connect_error());


    mysqli_set_charset( $link, "utf8" );
    mb_language( "uni" );
    mb_internal_encoding( "UTF-8" );


    $SourceDB_Content = query( $link, $sQuery );

    if ( !is_array( $SourceDB_Content) ) {

        echo "Table $SourceDB cannot be accessed";



    $TestDB_Content = query( $link, $sQuery );

    if ( !is_array( $TestDB_Content) ) {

        echo "Table $TestDB cannot be accessed";


    $SourceDB_Tables = array();
    foreach( $SourceDB_Content as $item ) {
        $SourceDB_Tables[] = $item["TABLE_NAME"];

    $TestDB_Tables = array();
    foreach( $TestDB_Content as $item ) {
        $TestDB_Tables[] = $item["TABLE_NAME"];
    //var_dump( $SourceDB_Tables, $TestDB_Tables );
    $LookupTables = array_merge( $SourceDB_Tables, $TestDB_Tables );
    $NoOfDiscrepancies = 0;
    echo "

    <table border='1' width='100%'>
        <td>Found in $SourceDB (". count( $SourceDB_Tables ) .")</td>
        <td>Found in $TestDB (". count( $TestDB_Tables ) .")</td>
        <td>Test result</td>


    foreach( $LookupTables as $table ) {

        $FoundInSourceDB = in_array( $table, $SourceDB_Tables ) ? 1 : 0;
        $FoundInTestDB = in_array( $table, $TestDB_Tables ) ? 1 : 0;
        echo "

        <td><input type='checkbox' ". ($FoundInSourceDB == 1 ? "checked" : "") ."></td> 
        <td><input type='checkbox' ". ($FoundInTestDB == 1 ? "checked" : "") ."></td>   
        <td>". compareTables( $SourceDB, $TestDB, $table ) ."</td>  


    echo "

    No of discrepancies found: $NoOfDiscrepancies

    function query( $link, $q ) {

        $result = mysqli_query( $link, $q );

        $errors = mysqli_error($link);
        if ( $errors > "" ) {

            echo $errors;


        if( $result == false ) return false;
        else if ( $result === true ) return true;
        else {

            $rset = array();

            while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {

                $rset[] = $row;


            return $rset;



    function compareTables( $source, $test, $table ) {

        global $link;
        global $NoOfDiscrepancies;

        $sQuery = "

    SELECT column_name,ordinal_position,data_type,column_type FROM
            data_type,column_type,COUNT(1) rowcount
        FROM information_schema.columns
            (table_schema='$source' AND table_name='$table') OR
            (table_schema='$test' AND table_name='$table')
        AND table_name IN ('$table')
        GROUP BY
        HAVING COUNT(1)=1
    ) A;    


        $result = query( $link, $sQuery );

        $data = "";
        if( is_array( $result ) && count( $result ) > 0 ) {

            $data = "<table><tr><td>column_name</td><td>ordinal_position</td><td>data_type</td><td>column_type</td></tr>";

            foreach( $result as $item ) {

                $data .= "<tr><td>". $item["column_name"] ."</td><td>". $item["ordinal_position"] ."</td><td>". $item["data_type"] ."</td><td>". $item["column_type"] ."</td></tr>";


            $data .= "</table>";

            return $data;

        else {

            return "Checked but no discrepancies found!";




What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

If someone is still interested in how to validate zip codes I've found a solution:

Using Google Geocoding API we can check validity of ZIP code having both Country code and a ZIP code itself.

For example I live in Ukraine so I can check like this:|country:UA

Or using JS API:

Where 80380 is valid ZIP for Ukraine, actually every (#####) is valid.

Google returns ZERO_RESULTS status if nothing found. Or OK and a result if both are correct.

Hope this will be helpful.

Ruby combining an array into one string

Here's my solution:

@arr = ['<p>Hello World</p>', '<p>This is a test</p>']
=> <p>Hello World</p><p>This is a test</p>

How can I find where Python is installed on Windows?

In the sys package, you can find a lot of useful information about your installation:

import sys
print sys.executable
print sys.exec_prefix

I'm not sure what this will give on your Windows system, but on my Mac executable points to the Python binary and exec_prefix to the installation root.

You could also try this for inspecting your sys module:

import sys
for k,v in sys.__dict__.items():
    if not callable(v):
        print "%20s: %s" % (k,repr(v))

Setting a spinner onClickListener() in Android

The Spinner class implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener, thereby effectively hijacking the standard View.OnClickListener.

If you are not using a sub-classed Spinner or don't intend to, choose another answer.

Otherwise just add the following code to your custom Spinner:

/** Override triggered on 'tap' of closed Spinner */
public boolean performClick() {
    // [ Do anything you like here ]
    return super.performClick();

Example: Display a pre-supplied hint via Snackbar whenever the Spinner is opened:

private String sbMsg=null;      // Message seen by user when Spinner is opened.
public void setSnackbarMessage(String msg) { sbMsg=msg; }
/** Override triggered on 'tap' of closed Spinner */
public boolean performClick() {
    if (sbMsg!=null && !sbMsg.isEmpty()) { /* issue Snackbar */ }
    return super.performClick();

Trapping 'click' of closed Spinner

A custom Spinner is a terrific starting point for programmatically standardising Spinner appearance throughout your project.

If interested, looky here

IndexOf function in T-SQL

One very small nit to pick:

The RFC for email addresses allows the first part to include an "@" sign if it is quoted. Example:


This is quite uncommon, but could happen. Theoretically, you should split on the last "@" symbol, not the first:

SELECT LEN(EmailField) - CHARINDEX('@', REVERSE(EmailField)) + 1

More information:

How to solve "Connection reset by peer: socket write error"?

It seems like your problem may be arising at


where it might go into an infinite loop for not advancing the offset (which is 0 always in the call). Try


which will by default try to read upto outputByte.length into the byte[]. This way you dont have to worry about the offset. See FileInputStrem's read method

link_to image tag. how to add class to a tag

Just adding that you can pass the link_to method a block:

<%= link_to href: '' do %>
    <%= image_tag 'happyface.png', width: 136, height: 67, alt: 'a face that is unnervingly happy'%>
<% end %>

results in:

<a href="/?href=http%3A%2F%2F">
    <img alt="a face that is unnervingly happy" height="67" src="/assets/happyface.png" width="136">

This has been a life saver when the designer has given me complex links with fancy css3 roll-over effects.

how to stop a running script in Matlab

If ctrl+c doesn't respond right away because your script is too long/complex, hold it.

The break command doesn't run when matlab is executing some of its deeper scripts, and either it won't log a ctrl sequence in the buffer, or it clears the buffer just before or just after it completes those pieces of code. In either case, when matlab returns to execute more of your script, it will recognize that you are holding ctrl+c and terminate.

For longer running programs, I usually try to find a good place to provide a status update and I always accompany that with some measure of time using tic and toc. Depending on what I am doing, I might use run time, segment time, some kind of average, etc...

For really long running programs, I found this to be exceptionally useful

but it looks like they have some newer functions for this too.

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Media Queries

For iPhone 5,

@media screen and (device-aspect-ratio: 40/71)

for iPhone 6,7,8

@media only screen and (min-device-width: 375px) and (max-device-width: 667px) and (orientation : portrait)

for iPhone 6+,7+,8+

@media screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3) and (min-device-width: 414px)

Working fine for me as of now.

Giving graphs a subtitle in matplotlib

The solution that worked for me is:

  • use suptitle() for the actual title
  • use title() for the subtitle and adjust it using the optional parameter y:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            some code here
    plt.title('My subtitle',fontsize=16)
    plt.suptitle('My title',fontsize=24, y=1)

There can be some nasty overlap between the two pieces of text. You can fix this by fiddling with the value of y until you get it right.

How to programmatically open the Permission Screen for a specific app on Android Marshmallow?

Try This

  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
  intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(appDetails.packageName,""));

Delete entire row if cell contains the string X

This is not necessarily a VBA task - This specific task is easiest sollowed with Auto filter.

1.Insert Auto filter (In Excel 2010 click on home-> (Editing) Sort & Filter -> Filter)
2. Filter on the 'Websites' column
3. Mark the 'none' and delete them
4. Clear filter

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

There are 2 differences:

2 methods creating a user and granting some privileges to him

create user userName identified by password;
grant connect to userName;


grant connect to userName identified by password;

do exactly the same. It creates a user and grants him the connect role.

different outcome

resource is a role in oracle, which gives you the right to create objects (tables, procedures, some more but no views!). ALL PRIVILEGES grants a lot more of system privileges.

To grant a user all privileges run you first snippet or

grant all privileges to userName identified by password;

When I catch an exception, how do I get the type, file, and line number?

You could achieve this without having to import traceback:

except Exception as ex:
    trace = []
    tb = ex.__traceback__
    while tb is not None:
            "filename": tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename,
            "name": tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name,
            "lineno": tb.tb_lineno
        tb = tb.tb_next
        'type': type(ex).__name__,
        'message': str(ex),
        'trace': trace



  'type': 'ZeroDivisionError',
  'message': 'division by zero',
  'trace': [
      'filename': '/var/playground/',
      'name': '<module>',
      'lineno': 16
      'filename': '/var/playground/',
      'name': 'func1',
      'lineno': 11
      'filename': '/var/playground/',
      'name': 'func2',
      'lineno': 7
      'filename': '/var/playground/',
      'name': 'test',
      'lineno': 2

Passing a local variable from one function to another

First way is

function function1()
  var variable1=12;

function function2(val)
  var variableOfFunction1 = val;

// Then you will have to use this function for the variable1 so it doesn't really help much unless that's what you want to do. }

Second way is

var globalVariable;
function function1()

function function2()
  var local = globalVariable;

Checking if an object is a given type in Swift

In Swift 2.2 - 5 you can now do:

if object is String

Then to filter your array:

let filteredArray = originalArray.filter({ $0 is Array })

If you have multiple types to check:

    switch object
    case is String:

    case is OtherClass:


How to check ASP.NET Version loaded on a system?

Here is some code that will return the installed .NET details:

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System.IO" %>
Dim cmnNETver, cmnNETdiv, aspNETver, aspNETdiv As Object
Dim winOSver, cmnNETfix, aspNETfil(2), aspNETtxt(2), aspNETpth(2), aspNETfix(2) As String

winOSver = Environment.OSVersion.ToString
cmnNETver = Environment.Version.ToString
cmnNETdiv = cmnNETver.Split(".")
cmnNETfix = "v" & cmnNETdiv(0) & "." & cmnNETdiv(1) & "." & cmnNETdiv(2)

For filndx As Integer = 0 To 2
  aspNETfil(0) = "ngen.exe"
  aspNETfil(1) = "clr.dll"
  aspNETfil(2) = "KernelBase.dll"

  If filndx = 2   
    aspNETpth(filndx) = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), aspNETfil(filndx))
    aspNETpth(filndx) = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows), "Microsoft.NET\Framework64", cmnNETfix, aspNETfil(filndx))
  End If

  If File.Exists(aspNETpth(filndx)) Then
    aspNETver = Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(aspNETpth(filndx))
    aspNETtxt(filndx) = aspNETver.FileVersion.ToString
    aspNETdiv = aspNETtxt(filndx).Split(" ")
    aspNETfix(filndx) = aspNETdiv(0)
    aspNETfix(filndx) = "Path not found... No version found..."
  End If

Response.Write("Common MS.NET Version (raw): " & cmnNETver & "<br>")
Response.Write("Common MS.NET path: " & cmnNETfix & "<br>")
Response.Write("Microsoft.NET full path: " & aspNETpth(0) & "<br>")
Response.Write("Microsoft.NET Version (raw): " & aspNETtxt(0) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<b>Microsoft.NET Version: " & aspNETfix(0) & "</b><br>")
Response.Write("ASP.NET full path: " & aspNETpth(1) & "<br>")
Response.Write("ASP.NET Version (raw): " & aspNETtxt(1) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<b>ASP.NET Version: " & aspNETfix(1) & "</b><br>")
Response.Write("OS Version (system): " & winOSver & "<br>")
Response.Write("OS Version full path: " & aspNETpth(2) & "<br>")
Response.Write("OS Version (raw): " & aspNETtxt(2) & "<br>")
Response.Write("<b>OS Version: " & aspNETfix(2) & "</b><br>")

Here is the new output, cleaner code, more output:

Common MS.NET Version (raw): 4.0.30319.42000
Common MS.NET path: v4.0.30319
Microsoft.NET full path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe
Microsoft.NET Version (raw): 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2
Microsoft.NET Version: 4.6.1586.0
ASP.NET full path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll
ASP.NET Version (raw): 4.7.2110.0 built by: NET47REL1LAST
ASP.NET Version: 4.7.2110.0
OS Version (system): Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
OS Version full path: C:\Windows\system32\KernelBase.dll
OS Version (raw): 10.0.14393.1715 (rs1_release_inmarket.170906-1810)
OS Version: 10.0.14393.1715

What is Haskell used for in the real world?

For example, for developing interactive, realtime HTML5 web applications. See Elm, the compiler of which is implemented in Haskell and the syntax of which borrows a lot from Haskell's.

How to run a script at a certain time on Linux?

The at command exists specifically for this purpose (unlike cron which is intended for scheduling recurring tasks).

at $(cat file) </path/to/script

Convert JS object to JSON string

The existing JSON replacements where too much for me, so I wrote my own function. This seems to work, but I might have missed several edge cases (that don't occur in my project). And will probably not work for any pre-existing objects, only for self-made data.

function simpleJSONstringify(obj) {
    var prop, str, val,
        isArray = obj instanceof Array;

    if (typeof obj !== "object") return false;

    str = isArray ? "[" : "{";

    function quote(str) {
        if (typeof str !== "string") str = str.toString();
        return str.match(/^\".*\"$/) ? str : '"' + str.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'

    for (prop in obj) {
        if (!isArray) {
            // quote property
            str += quote(prop) + ": ";

        // quote value
        val = obj[prop];
        str += typeof val === "object" ? simpleJSONstringify(val) : quote(val);
        str += ", ";

    // Remove last colon, close bracket
    str = str.substr(0, str.length - 2)  + ( isArray ? "]" : "}" );

    return str;

Rails - How to use a Helper Inside a Controller

In Rails 5+ you can simply use the function as demonstrated below with simple example:

module ApplicationHelper
  # format datetime in the format #2018-12-01 12:12 PM
  def datetime_format(datetime = nil)
    if datetime
      datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p')

class ExamplesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    current_datetime = helpers.datetime_format
    raise current_datetime.inspect


"2018-12-10 01:01 AM"

jQuery: selecting each td in a tr

Fully example to demonstrate how jQuery query all data in HTML table.

Assume there is a table like the following in your HTML code.

<table id="someTable">
      <td>title 0</td>
      <td>title 1</td>
      <td>title 2</td>
      <td>row 0 td 0</td>
      <td>row 0 td 1</td>
      <td>row 0 td 2</td>
      <td>row 1 td 0</td>
      <td>row 1 td 1</td>
      <td>row 1 td 2</td>
      <td>row 2 td 0</td>
      <td>row 2 td 1</td>
      <td>row 2 td 2</td>
    <tr> ... </tr>
    <tr> ... </tr>
    <tr> ... </tr>
      <td>row n td 0</td>
      <td>row n td 1</td>
      <td>row n td 2</td>

Then, The Answer, the code to print all row all column, should like this

$('#someTable tbody tr').each( (tr_idx,tr) => {
    $(tr).children('td').each( (td_idx, td) => {
        console.log( '[' +tr_idx+ ',' +td_idx+ '] => ' + $(td).text());

After running the code, the result will show

[0,0] => row 0 td 0
[0,1] => row 0 td 1
[0,2] => row 0 td 2
[1,0] => row 1 td 0
[1,1] => row 1 td 1
[1,2] => row 1 td 2
[2,0] => row 2 td 0
[2,1] => row 2 td 1
[2,2] => row 2 td 2
[n,0] => row n td 0
[n,1] => row n td 1
[n,2] => row n td 2

In the code,
tr_idx is the row index start from 0.
td_idx is the column index start from 0.

From this double-loop code,
you can get all loop-index and data in each td cell after comparing the Answer's source code and the output result.

How to vertically align label and input in Bootstrap 3?

The bootstrap 3 docs for horizontal forms let you use the .form-horizontal class to make your form labels and inputs vertically aligned. The structure for these forms is:

<form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="input1" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Label1</label>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <input type="text" class="form-control" id="input1" placeholder="Input1">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="input2" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Label2</label>
    <div class="col-lg-10">
      <input type="password" class="form-control" id="input2" placeholder="Input2">

Therefore, your form should look like this:

<form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-xs-3">
            <label for="class_type"><h2><span class=" label label-primary">Class Type</span></h2></label>
        <div class="col-xs-2">
            <select id="class_type" class="form-control input-lg" autocomplete="off">
                <option>Premium Economy</option>
                <option>Club World</option>
                <option>First Class</option>

VBA: How to delete filtered rows in Excel?

As an alternative to using UsedRange or providing an explicit range address, the AutoFilter.Range property can also specify the affected range.


As used here, Offset causes the first row after the AutoFilter range to also be deleted. In order to avoid that, I would try using .Resize() after .Offset().

How to deal with SettingWithCopyWarning in Pandas

As this question is already fully explained and discussed in existing answers I will just provide a neat pandas approach to the context manager using pandas.option_context (links to docs and example) - there is absolutely no need to create a custom class with all the dunder methods and other bells and whistles.

First the context manager code itself:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def SuppressPandasWarning():
    with pd.option_context("mode.chained_assignment", None):

Then an example:

import pandas as pd
from string import ascii_letters

a = pd.DataFrame({"A": list(ascii_letters[0:4]), "B": range(0,4)})

mask = a["A"].isin(["c", "d"])
# Even shallow copy below is enough to not raise the warning, but why is a mystery to me.
b = a.loc[mask]  # .copy(deep=False)

# Raises the `SettingWithCopyWarning`
b["B"] = b["B"] * 2

# Does not!
with SuppressPandasWarning():
    b["B"] = b["B"] * 2

Worth noticing is that both approches do not modify a, which is a bit surprising to me, and even a shallow df copy with .copy(deep=False) would prevent this warning to be raised (as far as I understand shallow copy should at least modify a as well, but it doesn't. pandas magic.).

Create a new TextView programmatically then display it below another TextView

Try this code:

final String[] str = {"one","two","three","asdfgf"};
final RelativeLayout rl = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
final TextView[] tv = new TextView[10];

for (int i=0; i<str.length; i++)
    tv[i] = new TextView(this); 
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params=new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
    params.leftMargin = 50;
    params.topMargin  = i*50;
    tv[i].setTextSize((float) 20);
    tv[i].setPadding(20, 50, 20, 50);

How do I show a running clock in Excel?

See the below code (taken from this post)

Put this code in a Module in VBA (Developer Tab -> Visual Basic)

Dim TimerActive As Boolean
Sub StartTimer()
End Sub
Private Sub Start_Timer()
    TimerActive = True
    Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Timer"
End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Timer()
    TimerActive = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer()
    If TimerActive Then
        ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = Time
        Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Timer"
    End If
End Sub

You can invoke the "StartTimer" function when the workbook opens and have it repeat every minute by adding the below code to your workbooks Visual Basic "This.Workbook" class in the Visual Basic editor.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Now, every time 1 minute passes the Timer procedure will be invoked, and set cell A1 equal to the current time.

How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

each JSF component renders itself out to HTML and has complete control over what HTML it produces. There are many tricks that can be used by JSF, and exactly which of those tricks will be used depends on the JSF implementation you are using.

  • Ensure that every from input has a totaly unique name, so that when the form gets submitted back to to component tree that rendered it, it is easy to tell where each component can read its value form.
  • The JSF component can generate javascript that submitts back to the serer, the generated javascript knows where each component is bound too, because it was generated by the component.
  • For things like hlink you can include binding information in the url as query params or as part of the url itself or as matrx parameters. for examples.

    http:..../somelink?componentId=123 would allow jsf to look in the component tree to see that link 123 was clicked. or it could e htp:..../jsf;LinkId=123

The easiest way to answer this question is to create a JSF page with only one link, then examine the html output it produces. That way you will know exactly how this happens using the version of JSF that you are using.

Getting the last element of a split string array

var item = "one,two,three";
var lastItem = item.split(",").pop();
console.log(lastItem); // three

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1922-1' for key 'IDX_STOCK_PRODUCT'

I just added an @ symbol and it started working. Like this: @$product->save();

ElasticSearch: Unassigned Shards, how to fix?

First use cluster health API to get the current health of cluster, where RED means one or more primary shards missing and Yellow means one of more replica shards are missing.

After this use the cluster allocation explain API to know why a particular shard is missing and elasticsearch is not able to allocate it on data-node.

Once you get the exact root cause, try to address the issue, which often requires, changing few cluster settings(mentioned in @wilfred answer earlier) But in some cases, if its replica shards, and you have another copy of same shard(ie another replica) available, you can reduce the replica count using update replica setting and later on again increase it, if you need it.

Apart from above, if your cluster allocation API mention it doesn'yt have a valid data nodes to allocate a shard, than you need to add a new data nodes, or change the shard allocation awareness settings.

T-SQL How to select only Second row from a table?

In SQL Server 2012+, you can use OFFSET...FETCH:

   <sort column(s)>
OFFSET 1 ROWS   -- Skip this number of rows
FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY;  -- Return this number of rows

How to round float numbers in javascript?

Number((6.688689).toFixed(1)); // 6.7

var number = 6.688689;
var roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 10) / 10;

Use toFixed() function.

(6.688689).toFixed(); // equal to "7"
(6.688689).toFixed(1); // equal to "6.7"
(6.688689).toFixed(2); // equal to "6.69"

How to merge a specific commit in Git

We will have to use git cherry-pick <commit-number>

Scenario: I am on a branch called release and I want to add only few changes from master branch to release branch.

Step 1: checkout the branch where you want to add the changes

git checkout release

Step 2: get the commit number of the changes u want to add

for example

git cherry-pick 634af7b56ec

Step 3: git push

Note: Every time your merge there is a separate commit number create. Do not take the commit number for merge that won't work. Instead, the commit number for any regular commit u want to add.

How do I find the duplicates in a list and create another list with them?

To remove duplicates use set(a). To print duplicates, something like:

a = [1,2,3,2,1,5,6,5,5,5]

import collections
print([item for item, count in collections.Counter(a).items() if count > 1])

## [1, 2, 5]

Note that Counter is not particularly efficient (timings) and probably overkill here. set will perform better. This code computes a list of unique elements in the source order:

seen = set()
uniq = []
for x in a:
    if x not in seen:

or, more concisely:

seen = set()
uniq = [x for x in a if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]    

I don't recommend the latter style, because it is not obvious what not seen.add(x) is doing (the set add() method always returns None, hence the need for not).

To compute the list of duplicated elements without libraries:

seen = {}
dupes = []

for x in a:
    if x not in seen:
        seen[x] = 1
        if seen[x] == 1:
        seen[x] += 1

If list elements are not hashable, you cannot use sets/dicts and have to resort to a quadratic time solution (compare each with each). For example:

a = [[1], [2], [3], [1], [5], [3]]

no_dupes = [x for n, x in enumerate(a) if x not in a[:n]]
print no_dupes # [[1], [2], [3], [5]]

dupes = [x for n, x in enumerate(a) if x in a[:n]]
print dupes # [[1], [3]]

WPF chart controls

Another one is OxyPlot, which is an open-source cross-platform (WPF, Silverlight, WinForms, Mono) .Net plotting library.

Python Matplotlib figure title overlaps axes label when using twiny

ax.set_title('My Title\n', fontsize="15", color="red")
plt.imshow(myfile, origin="upper")

If you put '\n' right after your title string, the plot is drawn just below the title. That might be a fast solution too.

How to change status bar color in Flutter?

This one will also work


No Android SDK found - Android Studio

I got the same "No Android SDK Found" error message... plus no rendering for Design window, no little cellphone screen.

My SDK path was correct, pointing to where the (downloaded during setup) SDK lives.

During Setup of the SDK Mgr, I didn't download the latest "preview edition (version 20)"...(I thought it better to use the next most recent version (19)) Later I found, there was no dropdown choice in the AVD Manager to pick Version 19, only the default value of the preview, 20.

I thought "Maybe the rendering was based on a version that wasn't present yet." So, I downloaded all the "preview edition's (version 20)" SDK Platform (2) and system images (4)...

Once download/install completed, RESTARTED Android Studio and Viola! success... error message gone, rendering ok.

How to use the priority queue STL for objects?

A priority queue is an abstract data type that captures the idea of a container whose elements have "priorities" attached to them. An element of highest priority always appears at the front of the queue. If that element is removed, the next highest priority element advances to the front.

The C++ standard library defines a class template priority_queue, with the following operations:

push: Insert an element into the prioity queue.

top: Return (without removing it) a highest priority element from the priority queue.

pop: Remove a highest priority element from the priority queue.

size: Return the number of elements in the priority queue.

empty: Return true or false according to whether the priority queue is empty or not.

The following code snippet shows how to construct two priority queues, one that can contain integers and another one that can contain character strings:

#include <queue>

priority_queue<int> q1;
priority_queue<string> q2;

The following is an example of priority queue usage:

#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;  // This is to make available the names of things defined in the standard library.

int main()
    piority_queue<string> pq; // Creates a priority queue pq to store strings, and initializes the queue to be empty.

    pq.push("the quick");
    pq.push("jumped over");
    pq.push("the lazy dog");

    // The strings are ordered inside the priority queue in lexicographic (dictionary) order:
    // "fox", "jumped over", "the lazy dog", "the quick"
    //  The lowest priority string is "fox", and the highest priority string is "the quick"

    while (!pq.empty()) {
       cout << << endl;  // Print highest priority string
       pq.pop();                    // Remmove highest priority string

    return 0;

The output of this program is:

the quick
the lazy dog
jumped over

Since a queue follows a priority discipline, the strings are printed from highest to lowest priority.

Sometimes one needs to create a priority queue to contain user defined objects. In this case, the priority queue needs to know the comparison criterion used to determine which objects have the highest priority. This is done by means of a function object belonging to a class that overloads the operator (). The overloaded () acts as < for the purpose of determining priorities. For example, suppose we want to create a priority queue to store Time objects. A Time object has three fields: hours, minutes, seconds:

struct Time {
    int h; 
    int m; 
    int s;

class CompareTime {
    bool operator()(Time& t1, Time& t2) // Returns true if t1 is earlier than t2
       if (t1.h < t2.h) return true;
       if (t1.h == t2.h && t1.m < t2.m) return true;
       if (t1.h == t2.h && t1.m == t2.m && t1.s < t2.s) return true;
       return false;

A priority queue to store times according the the above comparison criterion would be defined as follows:

priority_queue<Time, vector<Time>, CompareTime> pq;

Here is a complete program:

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct Time {
    int h; // >= 0
    int m; // 0-59
    int s; // 0-59

class CompareTime {
    bool operator()(Time& t1, Time& t2)
       if (t1.h < t2.h) return true;
       if (t1.h == t2.h && t1.m < t2.m) return true;
       if (t1.h == t2.h && t1.m == t2.m && t1.s < t2.s) return true;
       return false;

int main()
    priority_queue<Time, vector<Time>, CompareTime> pq;

    // Array of 4 time objects:

    Time t[4] = { {3, 2, 40}, {3, 2, 26}, {5, 16, 13}, {5, 14, 20}};

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

    while (! pq.empty()) {
       Time t2 =;
       cout << setw(3) << t2.h << " " << setw(3) << t2.m << " " <<
       setw(3) << t2.s << endl;

    return 0;

The program prints the times from latest to earliest:

5  16  13
5  14  20
3   2  40
3   2  26

If we wanted earliest times to have the highest priority, we would redefine CompareTime like this:

class CompareTime {
    bool operator()(Time& t1, Time& t2) // t2 has highest prio than t1 if t2 is earlier than t1
       if (t2.h < t1.h) return true;
       if (t2.h == t1.h && t2.m < t1.m) return true;
       if (t2.h == t1.h && t2.m == t1.m && t2.s < t1.s) return true;
       return false;

What is the command to exit a Console application in C#?

Several options, by order of most appropriate way:

  1. Return an int from the Program.Main method
  2. Throw an exception and don't handle it anywhere (use for unexpected error situations)
  3. To force termination elsewhere, System.Environment.Exit (not portable! see below)

Edited 9/2013 to improve readability

Returning with a specific exit code: As Servy points out in the comments, you can declare Main with an int return type and return an error code that way. So there really is no need to use Environment.Exit unless you need to terminate with an exit code and can't possibly do it in the Main method. Most probably you can avoid that by throwing an exception, and returning an error code in Main if any unhandled exception propagates there. If the application is multi-threaded you'll probably need even more boilerplate to properly terminate with an exit code so you may be better off just calling Environment.Exit.

Another point against using Evironment.Exit - even when writing multi-threaded applications - is reusability. If you ever want to reuse your code in an environment that makes Environment.Exit irrelevant (such as a library that may be used in a web server), the code will not be portable. The best solution still is, in my opinion, to always use exceptions and/or return values that represent that the method reached some error/finish state. That way, you can always use the same code in any .NET environment, and in any type of application. If you are writing specifically an app that needs to return an exit code or to terminate in a way similar to what Environment.Exit does, you can then go ahead and wrap the thread at the highest level and handle the errors/exceptions as needed.

Getting data-* attribute for onclick event for an html element

Like this:


Working example:

Windows CMD command for accessing usb?

Try this batch :

@echo off
Title List of connected external devices by Hackoo
Mode con cols=100 lines=20 & Color 9E
wmic LOGICALDISK where driveType=2 get deviceID > wmic.txt
for /f "skip=1" %%b IN ('type wmic.txt') DO (echo %%b & pause & Dir %%b)
Del wmic.txt

Difference Between One-to-Many, Many-to-One and Many-to-Many?


The one-to-many table relationship looks like this:


In a relational database system, a one-to-many table relationship associates two tables based on a Foreign Key column in the child table referencing the Primary Key of one record in the parent table.

In the table diagram above, the post_id column in the post_comment table has a Foreign Key relationship with the post table id Primary Key column:

    FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES post

@ManyToOne annotation

In JPA, the best way to map the one-to-many table relationship is to use the @ManyToOne annotation.

In our case, the PostComment child entity maps the post_id Foreign Key column using the @ManyToOne annotation:

    @Entity(name = "PostComment")
    @Table(name = "post_comment")
    public class PostComment {
        private Long id;
        private String review;
        @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        private Post post;

Using the JPA @OneToMany annotation

Just because you have the option of using the @OneToMany annotation, it doesn't mean it should be the default option for all the one-to-many database relationships.

The problem with JPA collections is that we can only use them when their element count is rather low.

The best way to map a @OneToMany association is to rely on the @ManyToOne side to propagate all entity state changes:

    @Entity(name = "Post")
    @Table(name = "post")
    public class Post {
        private Long id;
        private String title;
            mappedBy = "post", 
            cascade = CascadeType.ALL, 
            orphanRemoval = true
        private List<PostComment> comments = new ArrayList<>();
        //Constructors, getters and setters removed for brevity
        public void addComment(PostComment comment) {
        public void removeComment(PostComment comment) {

The parent Post entity features two utility methods (e.g. addComment and removeComment) which are used to synchronize both sides of the bidirectional association.

You should provide these methods whenever you are working with a bidirectional association as, otherwise, you risk very subtle state propagation issues.

The unidirectional @OneToMany association is to be avoided as it's less efficient than using @ManyToOne or the bidirectional @OneToMany association.


The one-to-one table relationship looks as follows:


In a relational database system, a one-to-one table relationship links two tables based on a Primary Key column in the child which is also a Foreign Key referencing the Primary Key of the parent table row.

Therefore, we can say that the child table shares the Primary Key with the parent table.

In the table diagram above, the id column in the post_details table has also a Foreign Key relationship with the post table id Primary Key column:


Using the JPA @OneToOne with @MapsId annotations

The best way to map a @OneToOne relationship is to use @MapsId. This way, you don't even need a bidirectional association since you can always fetch the PostDetails entity by using the Post entity identifier.

The mapping looks like this:

@Entity(name = "PostDetails")
@Table(name = "post_details")
public class PostDetails {

    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "created_on")
    private Date createdOn;

    @Column(name = "created_by")
    private String createdBy;

    @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "id")
    private Post post;

    public PostDetails() {}

    public PostDetails(String createdBy) {
        createdOn = new Date();
        this.createdBy = createdBy;

    //Getters and setters omitted for brevity

This way, the id property serves as both Primary Key and Foreign Key. You'll notice that the @Id column no longer uses a @GeneratedValue annotation since the identifier is populated with the identifier of the post association.


The many-to-many table relationship looks as follows:


In a relational database system, a many-to-many table relationship links two parent tables via a child table which contains two Foreign Key columns referencing the Primary Key columns of the two parent tables.

In the table diagram above, the post_id column in the post_tag table has also a Foreign Key relationship with the post table id Primary Key column:

    FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES post

And, the tag_id column in the post_tag table has a Foreign Key relationship with the tag table id Primary Key column:


Using the JPA @ManyToMany mapping

This is how you can map the many-to-many table relationship with JPA and Hibernate:

    @Entity(name = "Post")
    @Table(name = "post")
    public class Post {

        private Long id;

        private String title;

        @ManyToMany(cascade = { 
        @JoinTable(name = "post_tag",
            joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "post_id"),
            inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "tag_id")
        private Set<Tag> tags = new HashSet<>();

        //Getters and setters ommitted for brevity

        public void addTag(Tag tag) {

        public void removeTag(Tag tag) {

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (!(o instanceof Post)) return false;
            return id != null && id.equals(((Post) o).getId());

        public int hashCode() {
            return getClass().hashCode();

    @Entity(name = "Tag")
    @Table(name = "tag")
    public class Tag {

        private Long id;

        private String name;

        @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "tags")
        private Set<Post> posts = new HashSet<>();

        //Getters and setters ommitted for brevity

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            Tag tag = (Tag) o;
            return Objects.equals(name,;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(name);
  1. The tags association in the Post entity only defines the PERSIST and MERGE cascade types. The REMOVE entity state transition doesn't make any sense for a @ManyToMany JPA association since it could trigger a chain deletion that would ultimately wipe both sides of the association.
  2. The add/remove utility methods are mandatory if you use bidirectional associations so that you can make sure that both sides of the association are in sync.
  3. The Post entity uses the entity identifier for equality since it lacks any unique business key. You can use the entity identifier for equality as long as you make sure that it stays consistent across all entity state transitions.
  4. The Tag entity has a unique business key which is marked with the Hibernate-specific @NaturalId annotation. When that's the case, the unique business key is the best candidate for equality checks.
  5. The mappedBy attribute of the posts association in the Tag entity marks that, in this bidirectional relationship, the Post entity owns the association. This is needed since only one side can own a relationship, and changes are only propagated to the database from this particular side.
  6. The Set is to be preferred, as using a List with @ManyToMany is less efficient.

How to link 2 cell of excel sheet?

Just follow these Steps :

If you want the contents of, say, C1 to mirror the contents of cell A1, you just need to set the formula in C1 to =A1. From this point forward, anything you type in A1 will show up in C1 as well.

To Link Multiple Cells in Excel From Another Worksheet :

Step 1

Click the worksheet tab at the bottom of the screen that contains a range of precedent cells to which you want to link. A range is a block or group of adjacent cells. For example, assume you want to link a range of blank cells in “Sheet1” to a range of precedent cells in “Sheet2.” Click the “Sheet2” tab.

Step 2

Determine the precedent range’s width in columns and height in rows. In this example, assume cells A1 through A4 on “Sheet2” contain a list of numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, which will be your precedent cells. This precedent range is one column wide by four rows high.

Step 3

Click the worksheet tab at the bottom of the screen that contains the blank cells in which you will insert a link. In this example, click the “Sheet1” tab.

Step 4

Select the range of blank cells you want to link to the precedent cells. This range must be the same size as the precedent range, but can be in a different location on the worksheet. Click and hold the mouse button on the top left cell of the range, drag the mouse cursor to the bottom right cell in the range and release the mouse button to select the range. In this example, assume you want to link cells C1 through C4 to the precedent range. Click and hold on cell C1, drag the mouse to cell C4 and release the mouse to highlight the range.

Step 5

Type “=,” the worksheet name containing the precedent cells, “!,” the top left cell of the precedent range, “:” and the bottom right cell of the precedent range. Press “Ctrl,” “Shift” and “Enter” simultaneously to complete the array formula. Each dependent cell is now linked to the cell in the precedent range that’s in the same respective location within the range. In this example, type “=Sheet2!A1:A4” and press “Ctrl,” “Shift” and “Enter” simultaneously. Cells C1 through C4 on “Sheet1” now contain the array formula “{=Sheet2!A1:A4}” surrounded by curly brackets, and show the same data as the precedent cells in “Sheet2.”

Good Luck !!!

How to configure PHP to send e-mail?

Usually a good place to start when you run into problems is the manual. The page on configuring email explains that there's a big difference between the PHP mail command running on MSWindows and on every other operating system; it's a good idea when posting a question to provide relevant information on how that part of your system is configured and what operating system it is running on.

Your PHP is configured to talk to an SMTP server - the default for an MSWindows machine, but either you have no MTA installed or it's blocking connections. While for a commercial website running your own MTA robably comes quite high on the list of things to do, it is not a trivial exercise - you really need to know what you're doing to get one configured and running securely. It would make a lot more sense in your case to use a service configured and managed by someone else.

Since you'll be connecting to a remote MTA using a gmail address, then you should probably use Gmail's server; you will need SMTP authenticaton and probably SSL support - neither of which are supported by the mail() function in PHP. There's a simple example here using swiftmailer with gmail or here's an example using phpmailer

To delay JavaScript function call using jQuery

Very easy, just call the function within a specific amount of milliseconds using setTimeout()

setTimeout(myFunction, 2000)

function myFunction() {
    alert('Was called after 2 seconds');

Or you can even initiate the function inside the timeout, like so:

setTimeout(function() {
    alert('Was called after 2 seconds');
}, 2000)

How do I check if there are duplicates in a flat list?

A more simple solution is as follows. Just check True/False with pandas .duplicated() method and then take sum. Please also see pandas.Series.duplicated — pandas 0.24.1 documentation

import pandas as pd

def has_duplicated(l):
    return pd.Series(l).duplicated().sum() > 0

print(has_duplicated(['one', 'two', 'one']))
# True
print(has_duplicated(['one', 'two', 'three']))
# False

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()

This is from the official website.

After installation of PHP.


Move to Windows\system32 folder: libssh2.dll, php_curl.dll, ssleay32.dll, libeay32.dll


Move to Apache24\bin folder libssh2.dll

Then uncomment extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini

Compare two objects' properties to find differences?

Compare NET Objects can help you!

CompareLogic logic = new CompareLogic();
var compare = logic.Compare(obj1, obj2);
comparacao.Differences.ForEach(diff => Debug.Write(diff.PropertyName));
// Or formatted summary

multiprocessing.Pool: When to use apply, apply_async or map?

Here is an overview in a table format in order to show the differences between Pool.apply, Pool.apply_async, and Pool.map_async. When choosing one, you have to take multi-args, concurrency, blocking, and ordering into account:

                  | Multi-args   Concurrence    Blocking     Ordered-results
---------------------------------------------------------------------          | no           yes            yes          yes
Pool.map_async    | no           yes            no           yes
Pool.apply        | yes          no             yes          no
Pool.apply_async  | yes          yes            no           no
Pool.starmap      | yes          yes            yes          yes
Pool.starmap_async| yes          yes            no           no


  • Pool.imap and Pool.imap_async – lazier version of map and map_async.

  • Pool.starmap method, very much similar to map method besides it acceptance of multiple arguments.

  • Async methods submit all the processes at once and retrieve the results once they are finished. Use get method to obtain the results.

  • Pool.apply)methods are very much similar to Python built-in map(or apply). They block the main process until all the processes complete and return the result.



Is called for a list of jobs in one time

results =, [1, 2, 3])


Can only be called for one job

for x, y in [[1, 1], [2, 2]]:
    results.append(pool.apply(func, (x, y)))

def collect_result(result):


Is called for a list of jobs in one time

pool.map_async(func, jobs, callback=collect_result)


Can only be called for one job and executes a job in the background in parallel

for x, y in [[1, 1], [2, 2]]:
    pool.apply_async(worker, (x, y), callback=collect_result)


Is a variant of which support multiple arguments

pool.starmap(func, [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)])


A combination of starmap() and map_async() that iterates over iterable of iterables and calls func with the iterables unpacked. Returns a result object.

pool.starmap_async(calculate_worker, [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)], callback=collect_result)


Find complete documentation here:

jQuery selector for inputs with square brackets in the name attribute

If the selector is contained within a variable, the code below may be helpful:

selector_name = $this.attr('name');
//selector_name = users[0][first:name]

escaped_selector_name = selector_name.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\])/g,'\\$1');
//escaped_selector_name = users\\[0\\]\\[first\\:name\\]

In this case we prefix all special characters with double backslash.

Trim a string in C

You can use the standard isspace() function in ctype.h to achieve this. Simply compare the beginning and end characters of your character array until both ends no longer have spaces.

"spaces" include:

' ' (0x20) space (SPC)

'\t' (0x09) horizontal tab (TAB)

'\n' (0x0a) newline (LF)

'\v' (0x0b) vertical tab (VT)

'\f' (0x0c) feed (FF)

'\r' (0x0d) carriage return (CR)

although there is no function which will do all of the work for you, you will have to roll your own solution to compare each side of the given character array repeatedly until no spaces remain.


Since you have access to C++, Boost has a trim implementation waiting for you to make your life a lot easier.

Append value to empty vector in R?

> vec <- c(letters[1:3]) # vec <- c("a","b","c") ; or just empty vector: vec <- c()

> values<- c(1,2,3)

> for (i in 1:length(values)){
      print(paste("length of vec", length(vec))); 
      vec[length(vec)+1] <- values[i]  #Appends value at the end of vector

[1] "length of vec 3"
[1] "length of vec 4"
[1] "length of vec 5"

> vec
[1] "a" "b" "c" "1" "2" "3"

Which TensorFlow and CUDA version combinations are compatible?

You can use this configuration for cuda 10.0 (10.1 does not work as of 3/18), this runs for me:

  • tensorflow>=1.12.0
  • tensorflow_gpu>=1.4

Install version tensorflow gpu:

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.4.0

Display current path in terminal only

If you just want to get the information of current directory, you can type:


and you don't need to use the Nautilus, or you can use a teamviewer software to remote connect to the computer, you can get everything you want.

Android ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path

I faced this error once when I defined a class that extended a view but referred to this custom view in the layout file with the wrong name. Instead of <com.example.customview/>, I had included <com.customview/> in the XML layout file.

python capitalize first letter only

Here is a one-liner that will uppercase the first letter and leave the case of all subsequent letters:

import re

key = 'wordsWithOtherUppercaseLetters'
key = re.sub('([a-zA-Z])', lambda x: x.groups()[0].upper(), key, 1)
print key

This will result in WordsWithOtherUppercaseLetters

Better way to shuffle two numpy arrays in unison

you can make an array like:

s = np.arange(0, len(a), 1)

then shuffle it:


now use this s as argument of your arrays. same shuffled arguments return same shuffled vectors.

x_data = x_data[s]
x_label = x_label[s]

Remove all special characters with RegExp

Plain Javascript regex does not handle Unicode letters.

Do not use [^\w\s], this will remove letters with accents (like àèéìòù), not to mention to Cyrillic or Chinese, letters coming from such languages will be completed removed.

You really don't want remove these letters together with all the special characters. You have two chances:

  • Add in your regex all the special characters you don't want remove,
    for example: [^èéòàùì\w\s].
  • Have a look at XRegExp adds base support for Unicode matching via the \p{...} syntax.

var str = "????::: résd,$%& adùf"
var search = XRegExp('([^?<first>\\pL ]+)');
var res = XRegExp.replace(str, search, '',"all");

console.log(res); // returns "????::: resd,adf"
console.log(str.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '') ); // returns " rsd adf"
console.log(str.replace(/[^\wèéòàùì\s]/gi, '') ); // returns " résd adùf"
<script src=""></script>

Bitwise and in place of modulus operator

There is only a simple way to find modulo of 2^i numbers using bitwise.

There is an ingenious way to solve Mersenne cases as per the link such as n % 3, n % 7... There are special cases for n % 5, n % 255, and composite cases such as n % 6.

For cases 2^i, ( 2, 4, 8, 16 ...)

n % 2^i = n & (2^i - 1)

More complicated ones are hard to explain. Read up only if you are very curious.

LOAD DATA INFILE Error Code : 13



File '/home/root12/Downloads/task1.csv' not found (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied)



Query OK, 500 rows affected, 284 warnings (1.24 sec)
Query OK, 5000 rows affected, 2846 warnings (1.24 sec)

How to close an iframe within iframe itself

its kind of hacky but it works well-ish

 function close_frame(){
    }else if(window.should_close==1){
        //or iframe hide or whatever

 <iframe src="iframe_index.php" onload="close_frame()"></iframe>

then inside the frame

        window.location = 'iframe_index.php?close=1';

and if you want to get fancy through a


at the top of your frame page to make that reload unnoticeable

so basically the first time the frame loads it doesnt hide itself but the next time it loads itll call the onload function and the parent will have a the window var causing the frame to close

The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD. Laravel

I've seen your code in web.php as follows: Route::post('/edit/{id}','ProjectController@update');

Step 1: remove the {id} random parameter so it would be like this: Route::post('/edit','ProjectController@update');

Step 2: Then remove the @method('PUT') in your form, so let's say we'll just plainly use the POST method

Then how can I pass the ID to my method?

Step 1: make an input field in your form with the hidden attribute for example

<input type="hidden" value="{{$project->id}}" name="id">

Step 2: in your update method in your controller, fetch that ID for example:

$id = $request->input('id');

then you may not use it to find which project to edit

$project = Project::find($id)
$project = Project::where('id',$id);

Get unique values from a list in python

Getting unique elements from List

mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10]

Using Simple Logic from Sets - Sets are unique list of items


In [0]: mylist
Out[0]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Using Simple Logic

for i in mylist:
    if i not in newList:

In [0]: mylist
Out[0]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Using pop method ->pop removes the last or indexed item and displays that to user. video

while k < len(mylist):
    if mylist[k] in mylist[k+1:]:

In [0]: mylist
Out[0]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Using Numpy

import numpy as np

In [0]: mylist
Out[0]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


Oracle Add 1 hour in SQL

To add/subtract from a DATE, you have 2 options :

Method #1 : The easiest way is to use + and - to add/subtract days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.. from a DATE, and ADD_MONTHS() function to add/subtract months and years from a DATE. Why ? That's because from days, you can get hours and any smaller unit (1 hour = 1/24 days), (1 minute = 1/1440 days), etc... But you cannot get months and years, as that depends on the month and year themselves, hence ADD_MONTHS() and no add_years(), because from months, you can get years (1 year = 12 months).

Let's try them :

SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')             FROM dual;        -- prints current date:    19-OCT-2019 20:42:02 
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1/24), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')    FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 hour:   19-OCT-2019 21:42:02
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1/1440), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')  FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 minute: 19-OCT-2019 20:43:02 
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + 1/86400), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 second: 19-OCT-2019 20:42:03 
-- Same goes for subtraction.

SELECT SYSDATE                  FROM dual;       -- prints current date:     19-OCT-19
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, 1)   FROM dual;       -- prints date + 1 month:   19-NOV-19
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, 12)  FROM dual;       -- prints date + 1 year:    19-OCT-20
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -3)  FROM dual;       -- prints date - 3 months:  19-JUL-19

Method #2 : Using INTERVALs, you can or subtract an interval (duration) from a date easily. More than that, you can combine to add or subtract multiple units at once (e.g 5 hours and 6 minutes, etc..) Examples :

SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                                        FROM dual;        -- prints current date:                 19-OCT-2019 21:34:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '1' HOUR), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                  FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 hour:                19-OCT-2019 22:34:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 minute:              19-OCT-2019 21:35:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '1' SECOND), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')                FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 second:              19-OCT-2019 21:34:16
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '01:05:00' HOUR TO SECOND), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual;        -- prints date + 1 hour and 5 minutes:  19-OCT-2019 22:39:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE + INTERVAL '3 01' DAY TO HOUR), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')        FROM dual;        -- prints date + 3 days and 1 hour:     22-OCT-2019 22:34:15
SELECT TO_CHAR((SYSDATE - INTERVAL '10-3' YEAR TO MONTH), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')      FROM dual;        -- prints date - 10 years and 3 months: 19-JUL-2009 21:34:15

Split string with delimiters in C

Method below will do all the job (memory allocation, counting the length) for you. More information and description can be found here - Implementation of Java String.split() method to split C string

int split (const char *str, char c, char ***arr)
    int count = 1;
    int token_len = 1;
    int i = 0;
    char *p;
    char *t;

    p = str;
    while (*p != '\0')
        if (*p == c)

    *arr = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * count);
    if (*arr == NULL)

    p = str;
    while (*p != '\0')
        if (*p == c)
            (*arr)[i] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * token_len );
            if ((*arr)[i] == NULL)

            token_len = 0;
    (*arr)[i] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * token_len );
    if ((*arr)[i] == NULL)

    i = 0;
    p = str;
    t = ((*arr)[i]);
    while (*p != '\0')
        if (*p != c && *p != '\0')
            *t = *p;
            *t = '\0';
            t = ((*arr)[i]);

    return count;

How to use it:

int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    int i;
    char *s = "Hello, this is a test module for the string splitting.";
    int c = 0;
    char **arr = NULL;

    c = split(s, ' ', &arr);

    printf("found %d tokens.\n", c);

    for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
        printf("string #%d: %s\n", i, arr[i]);

    return 0;

MySQL Trigger - Storing a SELECT in a variable

You can declare local variables in MySQL triggers, with the DECLARE syntax.

Here's an example:



  SET x = NEW.i;
  SET @a = x; -- set user variable outside trigger


SET @a = 0;

SELECT @a; -- returns 0


SELECT @a; -- returns 1, the value it got during the trigger

When you assign a value to a variable, you must ensure that the query returns only a single value, not a set of rows or a set of columns. For instance, if your query returns a single value in practice, it's okay but as soon as it returns more than one row, you get "ERROR 1242: Subquery returns more than 1 row".

You can use LIMIT or MAX() to make sure that the local variable is set to a single value.

  SET x = (SELECT age FROM users WHERE name = 'Bill'); 
  -- ERROR 1242 if more than one row with 'Bill'

  SET x = (SELECT MAX(age) FROM users WHERE name = 'Bill');
  -- OK even when more than one row with 'Bill'

jQuery show/hide options from one select drop down, when option on other select dropdown is slected

How about:


$("#column_select").change(function () {
        .not("option[value*='" + this.value + "']").hide();



(assuming the third option should have a value col3)



  • Use the .change() event to define an event handler that executes when the value of select#column_select changes.
  • .show() all options in the second select.
  • .hide() all options in the second select whose value does not contain the value of the selected option in select#column_select, using the attribute contains selector.

grep exclude multiple strings

egrep -v "Nopaging the limit is|keyword to remove is"

Laravel Migration table already exists, but I want to add new not the older

Edit AppServiceProvider.php will be found at app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and add

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

public function boot()

Then run

composer update

On your terminal. It helped me, may be it will work for you as well.

Add resources, config files to your jar using gradle

Move the config files from src/main/java to src/main/resources.

How to change the value of ${user} variable used in Eclipse templates

dovescrywolf gave tip as a comment on article linked by Davide Inglima

It was was very useful for me on MacOS.

  • Close Eclipse if it's opened.
  • Open Termnal (bash console) and do below things:

    $ pwd /Users/You/YourEclipseInstalationDirectory  
    $ cd  
    $ echo " Name" >> eclipse.ini  
    $ cat eclipse.ini
  • Close Terminal and start/open Eclipse again.

Need to perform Wildcard (*,?, etc) search on a string using Regex

I think @Dmitri has nice solution at Matching strings with wildcard

Based on his solution, I have created two extension methods. (credit goes to him)

May be helpful.

public static String WildCardToRegular(this String value)
        return "^" + Regex.Escape(value).Replace("\\?", ".").Replace("\\*", ".*") + "$";

public static bool WildCardMatch(this String value,string pattern,bool ignoreCase = true)
        if (ignoreCase)
            return Regex.IsMatch(value, WildCardToRegular(pattern), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        return Regex.IsMatch(value, WildCardToRegular(pattern));


string pattern = "file.*";

var isMatched = "file.doc".WildCardMatch(pattern)


string xlsxFile = "file.xlsx"
var isMatched = xlsxFile.WildCardMatch(pattern)

How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

According to the jQuery Plugin Authoring page (, it's best not to muddy up the jQuery and jQuery.fn namespaces. They suggest this method:

(function( $ ){

    var methods = {
        init : function(options) {

        show : function( ) {    },// IS
        hide : function( ) {  },// GOOD
        update : function( content ) {  }// !!!

    $.fn.tooltip = function(methodOrOptions) {
        if ( methods[methodOrOptions] ) {
            return methods[ methodOrOptions ].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
        } else if ( typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || ! methodOrOptions ) {
            // Default to "init"
            return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
        } else {
            $.error( 'Method ' +  methodOrOptions + ' does not exist on jQuery.tooltip' );

})( jQuery );

Basically you store your functions in an array (scoped to the wrapping function) and check for an entry if the parameter passed is a string, reverting to a default method ("init" here) if the parameter is an object (or null).

Then you can call the methods like so...

$('div').tooltip(); // calls the init method
$('div').tooltip({  // calls the init method
  foo : 'bar'
$('div').tooltip('hide'); // calls the hide method
$('div').tooltip('update', 'This is the new tooltip content!'); // calls the update method

Javascripts "arguments" variable is an array of all the arguments passed so it works with arbitrary lengths of function parameters.

how to get current location in google map android

This Code in MapsActivity Class works for me :

public class MapsActivity extends FragmentActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback {

private GoogleMap mMap;
LocationManager locationManager;
LocationListener locationListener;

public void centreMapOnLocation(Location location, String title){

    LatLng userLocation = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(),location.getLongitude());
    mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(userLocation).title(title));


public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

    if (grantResults.length>0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){

        if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){

            Location lastKnownLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
            centreMapOnLocation(lastKnownLocation,"Your Location");

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Obtain the SupportMapFragment and get notified when the map is ready to be used.
    SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()

public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
    mMap = googleMap;

    Intent intent = getIntent();
    if (intent.getIntExtra("Place Number",0) == 0 ){

        // Zoom into users location
        locationManager = (LocationManager)this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
        locationListener = new LocationListener() {
            public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
                centreMapOnLocation(location,"Your Location");

            public void onStatusChanged(String s, int i, Bundle bundle) {


            public void onProviderEnabled(String s) {


            public void onProviderDisabled(String s) {


        if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
                Location lastKnownLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
                centreMapOnLocation(lastKnownLocation,"Your Location");
        } else {

            ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this,new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION},1);



html5 audio player - jquery toggle click play/pause?

Well, I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think jQuery extends/parses those functions and attributes (.paused, .pause(), .play()).

try to access those over the DOM element, like:

$('.player_audio').click(function() {
  if (this.paused == false) {
      alert('music paused');
  } else {;
      alert('music playing');

How to prevent IFRAME from redirecting top-level window

By doing so you'd be able to control any action of the framed page, which you cannot. Same-domain origin policy applies.

How can I see what I am about to push with git?

After git commit -m "{your commit message}", you will get a commit hash before the push. So you can see what you are about to push with git by running the following command:

git diff origin/{your_branch_name} commit hash

e.g: git diff origin/master c0e06d2

Android webview slow

Try this:

mWebView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null);

How to increase space between dotted border dots

In my case I needed curved corners and thin border so I came up with this solution:

/* For showing dependencies between attributes */
 :root {
  --border-width: 1px;
  --border-radius: 4px;
  --bg-color: #fff;

/* Required: */
.dropzone {
  position: relative;
  border: var(--border-width) solid transparent;
  border-radius: var(--border-radius);
  background-clip: padding-box;
  background-color: var(--bg-color);
.dropzone::before {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: calc(var(--border-width) * -1); /* or without variables: 'top: -1px;' */
  right: calc(var(--border-width) * -1);
  bottom: calc(var(--border-width) * -1);
  left: calc(var(--border-width) * -1);
  z-index: -1;
  background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, transparent 0 8px, var(--bg-color) 8px 16px);
  border-radius: var(--border-radius);
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38);

/* Optional: */
html {
  background-color: #fafafb;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
.dropzone {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  height: 168px;
  padding: 16px;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  cursor: pointer;
.dropzone::before {
  transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out;
.dropzone:hover::before {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
<div class='dropzone'>
  Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files

The idea is to put svg pattern behind element and display only thin line of this pattern as element border.

How do you subtract Dates in Java?

It's indeed one of the biggest epic failures in the standard Java API. Have a bit of patience, then you'll get your solution in flavor of the new Date and Time API specified by JSR 310 / ThreeTen which is (most likely) going to be included in the upcoming Java 8.

Until then, you can get away with JodaTime.

DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
int days = Days.daysBetween(dt1, dt2).getDays();

Its creator, Stephen Colebourne, is by the way the guy behind JSR 310, so it'll look much similar.

Difference between Grunt, NPM and Bower ( package.json vs bower.json )

Npm and Bower are both dependency management tools. But the main difference between both is npm is used for installing Node js modules but bower js is used for managing front end components like html, css, js etc.

A fact that makes this more confusing is that npm provides some packages which can be used in front-end development as well, like grunt and jshint.

These lines add more meaning

Bower, unlike npm, can have multiple files (e.g. .js, .css, .html, .png, .ttf) which are considered the main file(s). Bower semantically considers these main files, when packaged together, a component.

Edit: Grunt is quite different from Npm and Bower. Grunt is a javascript task runner tool. You can do a lot of things using grunt which you had to do manually otherwise. Highlighting some of the uses of Grunt:

  1. Zipping some files (e.g. zipup plugin)
  2. Linting on js files (jshint)
  3. Compiling less files (grunt-contrib-less)

There are grunt plugins for sass compilation, uglifying your javascript, copy files/folders, minifying javascript etc.

Please Note that grunt plugin is also an npm package.


When I want to add a package (and check in the dependency into git), where does it belong - into package.json or into bower.json

It really depends where does this package belong to. If it is a node module(like grunt,request) then it will go in package.json otherwise into bower json.


When should I ever install packages explicitly like that without adding them to the file that manages dependencies

It does not matter whether you are installing packages explicitly or mentioning the dependency in .json file. Suppose you are in the middle of working on a node project and you need another project, say request, then you have two options:

  • Edit the package.json file and add a dependency on 'request'
  • npm install


  • Use commandline: npm install --save request

--save options adds the dependency to package.json file as well. If you don't specify --save option, it will only download the package but the json file will be unaffected.

You can do this either way, there will not be a substantial difference.

Replace a newline in TSQL


REPLACE(myString, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ' ')

won't work. In that case use the following snippet code:

REPLACE(REPLACE(myString, CHAR(13),''), CHAR(10), ' ')

How would I get a cron job to run every 30 minutes?

Try this:

0,30 * * * * your command goes here

According to the official Mac OS X crontab(5) manpage, the / syntax is supported. Thus, to figure out why it wasn't working for you, you'll need to look at the logs for cron. In those logs, you should find a clear failure message.

Note: Mac OS X appears to use Vixie Cron, the same as Linux and the BSDs.

Remove a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

function removeParam(parameter)
  var url=document.location.href;
  var urlparts= url.split('?');

 if (urlparts.length>=2)
  var urlBase=urlparts.shift(); 
  var queryString=urlparts.join("?"); 

  var prefix = encodeURIComponent(parameter)+'=';
  var pars = queryString.split(/[&;]/g);
  for (var i= pars.length; i-->0;)               
      if (pars[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0)!==-1)   
          pars.splice(i, 1);
  url = urlBase+'?'+pars.join('&');
  window.history.pushState('',document.title,url); // added this line to push the new url directly to url bar .

return url;

This will resolve your problem

Convert char array to a int number in C

Why not just use atoi? For example:

char myarray[4] = {'-','1','2','3'};

int i = atoi(myarray);

printf("%d\n", i);

Gives me, as expected:


Update: why not - the character array is not null terminated. Doh!

Custom Date/Time formatting in SQL Server

The Datetime format field has the following format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.S'

That statement is false. That's just how Enterprise Manager or SQL Server chooses to show the date. Internally it's a 8-byte binary value, which is why some of the functions posted by Andrew will work so well.

Kibbee makes a valid point as well, and in a perfect world I would agree with him. However, sometimes you want to bind query results directly to display control or widgets and there's really not a chance to do any formatting. And sometimes the presentation layer lives on a web server that's even busier than the database. With those in mind, it's not necessarily a bad thing to know how to do this in SQL.

NotificationCompat.Builder deprecated in Android O

It is mentioned in the documentation that the builder method NotificationCompat.Builder(Context context) has been deprecated. And we have to use the constructor which has the channelId parameter:

NotificationCompat.Builder(Context context, String channelId)

NotificationCompat.Builder Documentation:

This constructor was deprecated in API level 26.0.0-beta1. use NotificationCompat.Builder(Context, String) instead. All posted Notifications must specify a NotificationChannel Id.

Notification.Builder Documentation:

This constructor was deprecated in API level 26. use Notification.Builder(Context, String) instead. All posted Notifications must specify a NotificationChannel Id.

If you want to reuse the builder setters, you can create the builder with the channelId, and pass that builder to a helper method and set your preferred settings in that method.

How to check if a JavaScript variable is NOT undefined?

var lastname = "Hi";

if(typeof lastname !== "undefined")
  alert("Hi. Variable is defined.");

How to Set Variables in a Laravel Blade Template

Assign variable to the blade template, Here are the solutions

We can use <?php ?> tag in blade page

<?php $var = 'test'; ?>
{{ $var }


We can use the blade comment with special syntax

{{--*/ $var = 'test' /*--}}
{{ $var }}

Jquery $(this) Child Selector

This is a lot simpler with .slideToggle():

jQuery('.class1 a').click( function() {

EDIT: made it .next instead of .siblings

You can also add cookie's to remember where you're at...

How can I disable HREF if onclick is executed?

You can use this simple code:

<a href="" onclick="return false;">add new action</a><br>

Find integer index of rows with NaN in pandas dataframe

One line solution. However it works for one column only.

df.loc[pandas.isna(df["b"]), :].index

Style disabled button with CSS


   cursor: not-allowed;
   pointer-events: none;

Them you can add any decoration to that button. For change the status you can use jquery


fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc110-mt-gd-1_51.lib'

I had the same problem. It was caused because I compiled the Boost with the Visual C++ 2010(v100) and I tried to use the library with the Visual Studio 2012 (v110) by mistake.

So, I changed the configurations (in Visual Studio 2012) going to Project properties -> General -> Plataform Toolset and change the value from Visual Studio 2012 (v110) to Visual Studio 2010 (v100).

How to check if a file is empty in Bash?

Misspellings are irritating, aren't they? Check your spelling of empty, but then also try this:

#!/bin/bash -e

if [ -s diff.txt ]
        rm -f empty.txt
        touch full.txt
        rm -f full.txt
        touch empty.txt

I like shell scripting a lot, but one disadvantage of it is that the shell cannot help you when you misspell, whereas a compiler like your C++ compiler can help you.

Notice incidentally that I have swapped the roles of empty.txt and full.txt, as @Matthias suggests.

Getting the "real" Facebook profile picture URL from graph API

I realize this is late, but there is another way to obtain the URL of the profile image.

To your original url, you can add the parameter redirect=false to obtain the actual URL of the image you'd normally be redirected to.

So, the new request would look like This will return a JSON object containing the URL of the picture and a boolean is_silhouette (true if the picture is the default Facebook picture).

The picture will be of the size you specified, as well. You can test this additionally by adding dimensions:

There was no endpoint listening at (url) that could accept the message

Try this:

  • Delete the service instance.
  • Create a new instance of the service.

Sometimes the port is changed and generated error.

jQuery Get Selected Option From Dropdown

For anyone who found out that best answer don't work.

Try to use:

  $( "#aioConceptName option:selected" ).attr("value");

Works for me in recent projects so it is worth to look on it.

Non-Static method cannot be referenced from a static context with methods and variables

Merely for the purposes of making your program work, take the contents of your main() method and put them in a constructor:

public BookStoreApp2()
   // Put contents of main method here

Then, in your main() method. Do this:

public void main( String[] args )
  new BookStoreApp2();

Is there a default password to connect to vagrant when using `homestead ssh` for the first time?

By default Vagrant uses a generated private key to login, you can try this:

ssh -l ubuntu -p 2222 -i .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key

Passing a variable to a powershell script via command line

Here's a good tutorial on Powershell params:

PowerShell ABC's - P is for Parameters

Basically, you should use a param statement on the first line of the script

param([type]$p1 = , [type]$p2 = , ...)

or use the $args built-in variable, which is auto-populated with all of the args.

Which comes first in a 2D array, rows or columns?

The best way to remember if rows or columns come first would be writing a comment and mentioning it.

Java does not store a 2D Array as a table with specified rows and columns, it stores it as an array of arrays, like many other answers explain. So you can decide, if the first or second dimension is your row. You just have to read the array depending on that.

So, since I get confused by this all the time myself, I always write a comment that tells me, which dimension of the 2d Array is my row, and which is my column.

How to control the width of select tag?

Add div wrapper

<div id=myForm>
<select name=countries>
 <option value=af>Afghanistan</option>
 <option value=ax>Åland Islands</option>
 <option value=gs>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>

and then write CSS

#myForm select { 
width:200px; }

#myForm select:focus {
width:auto; }

Hope this will help.

Redirect all output to file using Bash on Linux?

you can use this syntax to redirect all output stderr and stdout to stdout.txt

<cmd> <args> > allout.txt 2>&1 

Summarizing count and conditional aggregate functions on the same factor

Assuming that your original dataset is similar to the one you created (i.e. with NA as character. You could specify na.strings while reading the data using read.table. But, I guess NAs would be detected automatically.

The price column is factor which needs to be converted to numeric class. When you use as.numeric, all the non-numeric elements (i.e. "NA", FALSE) gets coerced to NA) with a warning.

df %>%
     mutate(price=as.numeric(as.character(price))) %>%  
     group_by(company, year, product) %>%
               max.price=max(price, na.rm=TRUE))


I am using the same dataset (except the ... row) that was showed.

df = tbl_df(data.frame(company=c("Acme", "Meca", "Emca", "Acme", "Meca","Emca"),
 year=c("2011", "2010", "2009", "2011", "2010", "2013"), product=c("Wrench", "Hammer",
 "Sonic Screwdriver", "Fairy Dust", "Kindness", "Helping Hand"), price=c("5.67",
 "7.12", "12.99", "10.99", "NA",FALSE)))

Unsetting array values in a foreach loop

$image is in your case the value of the item and not the key. Use the following syntax to get the key too:

foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
    /* … */

Now you can delete the item with unset($images[$key]).

JavaFX: How to get stage from controller during initialization?

Platform.runLater works to prevent execution until initialization is complete. In this case, i want to refresh a list view every time I resize the window width.

Platform.runLater(() -> {
    ((Stage) listView.getScene().getWindow()).widthProperty().addListener((obs, oldVal, newVal) -> {

in your case


SSIS Connection not found in package

In my case, I could solve this in an easier way. I opened the x.dtsConfig archive, and for an unknown reason this archive was not in the standard format, so ssis could not recognize the configurations. Fortunately, I had backed up the archive previously, so I just had to copy it to the original folder, and everything was working again.

How to call a PHP function on the click of a button

The onclick attribute in HTML calls JavaScript functions, not PHP functions.

How to deploy correctly when using Composer's develop / production switch?


There is IMHO a good reason why Composer will use the --dev flag by default (on install and update) nowadays. Composer is mostly run in scenario's where this is desired behavior:

The basic Composer workflow is as follows:

  • A new project is started: composer.phar install --dev, json and lock files are commited to VCS.
  • Other developers start working on the project: checkout of VCS and composer.phar install --dev.
  • A developer adds dependancies: composer.phar require <package>, add --dev if you want the package in the require-dev section (and commit).
  • Others go along: (checkout and) composer.phar install --dev.
  • A developer wants newer versions of dependencies: composer.phar update --dev <package> (and commit).
  • Others go along: (checkout and) composer.phar install --dev.
  • Project is deployed: composer.phar install --no-dev

As you can see the --dev flag is used (far) more than the --no-dev flag, especially when the number of developers working on the project grows.

Production deploy

What's the correct way to deploy this without installing the "dev" dependencies?

Well, the composer.json and composer.lock file should be committed to VCS. Don't omit composer.lock because it contains important information on package-versions that should be used.

When performing a production deploy, you can pass the --no-dev flag to Composer:

composer.phar install --no-dev

The composer.lock file might contain information about dev-packages. This doesn't matter. The --no-dev flag will make sure those dev-packages are not installed.

When I say "production deploy", I mean a deploy that's aimed at being used in production. I'm not arguing whether a composer.phar install should be done on a production server, or on a staging server where things can be reviewed. That is not the scope of this answer. I'm merely pointing out how to composer.phar install without installing "dev" dependencies.


The --optimize-autoloader flag might also be desirable on production (it generates a class-map which will speed up autoloading in your application):

composer.phar install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

Or when automated deployment is done:

composer.phar install --no-ansi --no-dev --no-interaction --no-plugins --no-progress --no-scripts --optimize-autoloader

If your codebase supports it, you could swap out --optimize-autoloader for --classmap-authoritative. More info here

Ways to insert javascript into URL?

I don't believe you can hack via the URL. Someone could try to inject code into your application if you are passing parameters (either GET or POST) into your app so your avoidance is going to be very similar to what you'd do for a local application.

Make sure you aren't adding parameters to SQL or other script executions that were passed into the code from the browser without making sure the strings don't contain any script language. Search the next for details about injection attacks for the development platform you are working with, that should yield lots of good advice and examples.

Change a branch name in a Git repo

Assuming you're currently on the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m newname

This is documented in the manual for git-branch, which you can view using

man git-branch


git help branch

Specifically, the command is

git branch (-m | -M) [<oldbranch>] <newbranch>

where the parameters are:

       The name of an existing branch to rename.

       The new name for an existing branch. The same restrictions as for <branchname> apply.

<oldbranch> is optional, if you want to rename the current branch.

Using sessions & session variables in a PHP Login Script

You need to begin the session at the top of a page or before you call session code


Java: Getting a substring from a string starting after a particular character

In Kotlin you can use substringAfterLast, specifying a delimiter.

val string = "/abc/def/ghfj.doc"
val result = url.substringAfterLast("/")
// It will show ghfj.doc

From the doc:

Returns a substring after the last occurrence of delimiter. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue which defaults to the original string.

Android dependency has different version for the compile and runtime

Use this code in your buildscript (build.gradle root):

subprojects {
  project.configurations.all {
     resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
        if ( == ''
              && !'multidex') ) {
           details.useVersion "version which should be used - in your case 26.0.0-beta2"

CSS disable text selection

Don't apply these properties to the whole body. Move them to a class and apply that class to the elements you want to disable select:

.disable-select {
  -webkit-user-select: none;  
  -moz-user-select: none;    
  -ms-user-select: none;      
  user-select: none;

How does strcmp() work?

Here is my version, written for small microcontroller applications, MISRA-C compliant. The main aim with this code was to write readable code, instead of the one-line goo found in most compiler libs.

int8_t strcmp (const uint8_t* s1, const uint8_t* s2)
  while ( (*s1 != '\0') && (*s1 == *s2) )

  return (int8_t)( (int16_t)*s1 - (int16_t)*s2 );

Note: the code assumes 16 bit int type.

How to keep :active css style after clicking an element

Combine JS & CSS :

  /* 1st state */

  /* hover state */

  /* click state */
  /* after click state */


How do I write stderr to a file while using "tee" with a pipe?

In my case, a script was running command while redirecting both stdout and stderr to a file, something like:

cmd > log 2>&1

I needed to update it such that when there is a failure, take some actions based on the error messages. I could of course remove the dup 2>&1 and capture the stderr from the script, but then the error messages won't go into the log file for reference. While the accepted answer from @lhunath is supposed to do the same, it redirects stdout and stderr to different files, which is not what I want, but it helped me to come up with the exact solution that I need:

(cmd 2> >(tee /dev/stderr)) > log

With the above, log will have a copy of both stdout and stderr and I can capture stderr from my script without having to worry about stdout.

Reading specific columns from a text file in python

for x in lines:
    result.append(x.split(' ')[1])

You can do the same using a list comprehension

print([x.split(' ')[1] for x in open(file).readlines()])

Docs on split()

string.split(s[, sep[, maxsplit]])

Return a list of the words of the string s. If the optional second argument sep is absent or None, the words are separated by arbitrary strings of whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, return, formfeed). If the second argument sep is present and not None, it specifies a string to be used as the word separator. The returned list will then have one more item than the number of non-overlapping occurrences of the separator in the string.

So, you can omit the space I used and do just x.split() but this will also remove tabs and newlines, be aware of that.

How to focus on a form input text field on page load using jQuery?

The line $('#myTextBox').focus() alone won't put the cursor in the text box, instead use:


C# Remove object from list of objects

There are two problems with this code:

  • Capacity represents the number of items the list can contain before resizing is required, not the actual count; you need to use Count instead, and
  • When you remove from the list, you should go backwards, otherwise you could skip the second item when two identical items are next to each other.

C# Telnet Library

Another one, it is an older project but shares the complete source code:

How do I reference a cell range from one worksheet to another using excel formulas?

Simple ---

I have created a Sheet 2 with 4 cells and Sheet 1 with a single Cell with a Formula:


Note, trying as you stated, it does not make sense to assign a Single Cell a value from a range. Send it to a Formula that uses a range to do something with it.

How to display the value of the bar on each bar with pyplot.barh()?

For pandas people :

ax = s.plot(kind='barh') # s is a Series (float) in [0,1]
[ax.text(v, i, '{:.2f}%'.format(100*v)) for i, v in enumerate(s)];

That's it. Alternatively, for those who prefer apply over looping with enumerate:

it = iter(range(len(s)))
s.apply(lambda x: ax.text(x, next(it),'{:.2f}%'.format(100*x)));

Also, ax.patches will give you the bars that you would get with In case you want to apply the functions of @SaturnFromTitan or techniques of others.

How to customize a Spinner in Android

Try this

i was facing lot of issues when i was trying other solution...... After lot of R&D now i got solution

  1. create custom_spinner.xml in layout folder and paste this code

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. in your activity

    Spinner spinner =(Spinner)view.findViewById(;
    String[] years = {"1996","1997","1998","1998"};
    spinner.setAdapter(new SpinnerAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner, years));
  3. create a new class of adapter

    public class SpinnerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> {
    private String[] objects;
    public SpinnerAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId, String[] objects) {
        super(context, textViewResourceId, objects);
    public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, @NonNull ViewGroup parent) {
        return getCustomView(position, convertView, parent);
    public View getView(int position, View convertView, @NonNull ViewGroup parent) {
        return getCustomView(position, convertView, parent);
    private View getCustomView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        View row = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.custom_spinner, parent, false);
        final TextView label=(TextView)row.findViewById(;
        return row;

Is it possible to hide/encode/encrypt php source code and let others have the system?

There are commercial products such as ionCube (which I use), source guardian, and Zen Guard.

There are also postings on the net which claim they can reverse engineer the encoded programs. How reliable they are is questionable, since I have never used them.

Note that most of these solutions require an encoder to be installed on their servers. So you may want to make sure your client is comfortable with that.

Remove files from Git commit

Do a sequence of the following commands:

//to remove the last commit, but preserve changes  
git reset --soft HEAD~1

//to remove unneded file from the staging area  
git reset HEAD `<your file>` 

//finally make a new commit  
git commit -m 'Your message'

Responsive css background images

Here is sass mixin for responsive background image that I use. It works for any block element. Of course the same can work in plain CSS you will just have to calculate padding manually.

@mixin responsive-bg-image($image-width, $image-height) {
  background-size: 100%;
  height: 0;
  padding-bottom: percentage($image-height / $image-width);
  display: block;

.my-element {
  background: url("images/my-image.png") no-repeat;

  // substitute for your image dimensions
  @include responsive-bg-image(204, 81);


How do I delay a function call for 5 seconds?

You can use plain javascript, this will call your_func once, after 5 seconds:

setTimeout(function() { your_func(); }, 5000);

If your function has no parameters and no explicit receiver you can call directly setTimeout(func, 5000)

There is also a plugin I've used once. It has oneTime and everyTime methods.

Calling Javascript from a html form

Remove javascript: from onclick=".., onsubmit=".. declarations

javascript: prefix is used only in href="" or similar attributes (not events related)

How can I compare strings in C using a `switch` statement?

If you mean, how to write something similar to this:

// switch statement
switch (string) {
  case "B1": 
    // do something
  /* more case "xxx" parts */

Then the canonical solution in C is to use an if-else ladder:

if (strcmp(string, "B1") == 0) 
  // do something
else if (strcmp(string, "xxx") == 0)
  // do something else
/* more else if clauses */
else /* default: */

Error message 'Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.'

I had the same issue (but on my local) when I was trying to add Entity Framework migration with Package Manager Console.

The way I solved it was by creating a console application where Main() had the following code:

 var dbConfig = new Configuration();
 var dbMigrator = new DbMigrator(dbConfig);

Make sure the Configuration class is the migration Configuration of your failing project. You will need System.Data.Entity.Migrations to use DbMigrator.

Set a breakpoint in your application, and run it. The exception should be caught by Visual Studio (unless you have that exception type set to not break the debug session), and you should be able to find the info you are looking for.

The missing reference in my case was EFProviderWrapperToolkit.

Calendar date to yyyy-MM-dd format in java

java.util.Date object can't represent date in custom format instead you've to use SimpleDateFormat.format method that returns string.

String myString=format1.format(date);

How to get an Android WakeLock to work?

You just have to write this:

 private PowerManager.WakeLock wl;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
            wl = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK, "DoNjfdhotDimScreen");
    }//End of onCreate

        protected void onPause() {
        }//End of onPause

        protected void onResume() {
        }//End of onResume

and then add permission in the manifest file

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

Now your activity will always be awake. You can do other things like w1.release() as per your requirement.

Is there a Java API that can create rich Word documents?

Even though this is much later than the request, it might help others. Docmosis provides a Java API for creating documents in doc,pdf,odt format using documents as templates. It uses OpenOffice as the engine to perform the format conversions. Document manipulation and population is performed by Docmosis itself.

How do you add an array to another array in Ruby and not end up with a multi-dimensional result?

If the new data could be an array or a scalar, and you want to prevent the new data to be nested if it was an array, the splat operator is awesome! It returns a scalar for a scalar, and an unpacked list of arguments for an array.

1.9.3-p551 :020 > a = [1, 2]
 => [1, 2] 
1.9.3-p551 :021 > b = [3, 4]
 => [3, 4] 
1.9.3-p551 :022 > c = 5
 => 5 
1.9.3-p551 :023 > a.object_id
 => 6617020 
1.9.3-p551 :024 > a.push *b
 => [1, 2, 3, 4] 
1.9.3-p551 :025 > a.object_id
 => 6617020 
1.9.3-p551 :026 > a.push *c
 => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 
1.9.3-p551 :027 > a.object_id
 => 6617020 

How to align an indented line in a span that wraps into multiple lines?

<!DOCTYPE html>

<span style="white-space:pre-wrap;">
Line no one
Line no two
And many more line.
This is Manik
End of Line


How to get Exception Error Code in C#

Another method would be to get the error code from the exception class directly. For example:

catch (Exception ex)
    if (ex.InnerException is ServiceResponseException)
        ServiceResponseException srex = ex.InnerException as ServiceResponseException;
        string ErrorCode = srex.ErrorCode.ToString();

Git push hangs when pushing to Github?

I thought my Git windows screen was struck but actually a sign in prompt comes behind it.Check for it and enter your credentials and that's it.

Remove Style on Element

Update: For a better approach, please refer to Blackus's answer in the same thread.

If you are not averse to using JavaScript and Regex, you can use the below solution to find all width and height properties in the style attribute and replace them with nothing.

//Get the value of style attribute based on element's Id
var originalStyle = document.getElementById('sample_id').getAttribute('style'); 

var regex = new RegExp(/(width:|height:).+?(;[\s]?|$)/g);
//Replace matches with null
var modStyle = originalStyle.replace(regex, ""); 

//Set the modified style value to element using it's Id
document.getElementById('sample_id').setAttribute('style', modStyle);