Programs & Examples On #Enterprise manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM or EM) is a set of web-based tools aimed at managing software and hardware produced by Oracle Corporation as well as by some non-Oracle entities.

Error:Cause: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I had the same problem. I fixed it by removing/commenting proxy settings in Check your, if you have some like this


comment it with #. Which will look like this


Using HTML data-attribute to set CSS background-image url

How about using some Sass? Here's what I did to achieve something like this (although note that you have to create a Sass list for each of the data-attributes).

  Iterate over list and use "data-social" to put in the appropriate background-image.
$social: "fb", "twitter", "youtube";

@each $i in $social {
  [data-social="#{$i}"] {
    background: url('#{$image-path}/icons/#{$i}.svg') no-repeat 0 0;
    background-size: cover; // Only seems to work if placed below background property

Essentially, you list all of your data attribute values. Then use Sass @each to iterate through and select all the data-attributes in the HTML. Then, bring in the iterator variable and have it match up to a filename.

Anyway, as I said, you have to list all of the values, then make sure that your filenames incorporate the values in your list.

How do you run a command for each line of a file?

The logic applies to many other objectives. And how to read .sh_history of each user from /home/ filesystem? What if there are thousand of them?

last |head -10|awk '{print $1}'|
 while IFS= read -r line
su - "$line" -c 'tail .sh_history'

Here is the script

Plotting histograms from grouped data in a pandas DataFrame

One solution is to use matplotlib histogram directly on each grouped data frame. You can loop through the groups obtained in a loop. Each group is a dataframe. And you can create a histogram for each one.

from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
x = ['A']*300 + ['B']*400 + ['C']*300
y = np.random.randn(1000)
df = DataFrame({'Letter':x, 'N':y})
grouped = df.groupby('Letter')

for group in grouped:

How to convert/parse from String to char in java?

An Essay way :

public class CharToInt{  
public static void main(String[] poo){  
String ss="toyota";
for(int i=0;i<ss.length();i++)
     char c = ss.charAt(i); 
    // int a=c;  
     System.out.println(c); } } 

For Output see this link: Click here

Thanks :-)

Regular expression for first and last name

As macek said:

Don't forget about names like:

Mathias d'Arras

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hector Sausage-Hausen

and to remove cases like:


Martin king, Jr.-

This will cover more cases:

^([a-z]+[,.]?[ ]?|[a-z]+['-]?)+$

RESTful Authentication

First and foremost, a RESTful web service is STATELESS (or in other words, SESSIONLESS). Therefore, a RESTful service does not have and should not have a concept of session or cookies involved. The way to do authentication or authorization in the RESTful service is by using the HTTP Authorization header as defined in the RFC 2616 HTTP specifications. Every single request should contain the HTTP Authorization header, and the request should be sent over an HTTPs (SSL) connection. This is the correct way to do authentication and to verify the authorization of requests in a HTTP RESTful web services. I have implemented a RESTful web service for the Cisco PRIME Performance Manager application at Cisco Systems. And as part of that web service, I have implemented authentication/authorization as well.

Uploading Laravel Project onto Web Server

Had this problem too and found out that the easiest way is to point your domain to the public folder and leave everything else the way they are.


batch script - run command on each file in directory

I am doing similar thing to compile all the c files in a directory.
for iterating files in different directory try this.

set codedirectory=C:\Users\code
for /r  %codedirectory% %%i in (*.c) do 
( some GCC commands )

Is JavaScript object-oriented?

For me personally the main attraction of OOP programming is the ability to have self-contained classes with unexposed (private) inner workings.

What confuses me to no end in Javascript is that you can't even use function names, because you run the risk of having that same function name somewhere else in any of the external libraries that you're using.

Even though some very smart people have found workarounds for this, isn't it weird that Javascript in its purest form requires you to create code that is highly unreadable?

The beauty of OOP is that you can spend your time thinking about your app's logic, without having to worry about syntax.

Multiplying Two Columns in SQL Server

In a query you can just do something like:

SELECT ColumnA * ColumnB FROM table


SELECT ColumnA - ColumnB FROM table

You can also create computed columns in your table where you can permanently use your formula.

How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in ASP.NET

You could modify the query. If you are using SQL Server at the back, you can use Select top n query for such need. The current implements fetch the whole data from database. Selecting only the required number of rows will give you a performance boost as well.

Private class declaration

private makes the class accessible only to the class in which it is declared. If we make entire class private no one from outside can access the class and makes it useless.

Inner class can be made private because the outer class can access inner class where as it is not the case with if you make outer class private.

How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package

I have been running with the Ribo code posted above for over a year, and it has served us well. With recent updates (Gradle 3.x) though, I was no longer able to parse the AndroidManifest.xml, I was getting index out of bounds errors, and in general it was no longer able to parse the file.

Update: I now believe that our issues was with upgrading to Gradle 3.x. This article describes how AirWatch had issues and can be fixed by using a Gradle setting to use aapt instead of aapt2 AirWatch seems to be incompatible with Android Plugin for Gradle 3.0.0-beta1

In searching around I came across this open source project, and it's being maintained and I was able to get to the point and read both my old APKs that I could previously parse, and the new APKs that the logic from Ribo threw exceptions

From his example this is what I'm doing

  zf = new ZipFile(apkFile);

  //Getting the manifest
  ZipEntry entry = zf.getEntry("AndroidManifest.xml");
  InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(entry);

     // Read our manifest Document
     Document manifestDoc = new CompressedXmlParser().parseDOM(is);

     // Make sure we got a doc, and that it has children
     if (null != manifestDoc && manifestDoc.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) {
        Node firstNode = manifestDoc.getFirstChild();

        // Now get the attributes out of the node
        NamedNodeMap nodeMap = firstNode.getAttributes();

        // Finally to a point where we can read out our values
        versionName = nodeMap.getNamedItem("android:versionName").getNodeValue();
        versionCode = nodeMap.getNamedItem("android:versionCode").getNodeValue();

Find the unique values in a column and then sort them

sorted return a new sorted list from the items in iterable.


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,1,3,2,6,2,8]})
a = df['A'].unique()
print sorted(a)


[1, 2, 3, 6, 8]

Java POI : How to read Excel cell value and not the formula computing it?

SelThroughJava's answer was very helpful I had to modify a bit to my code to be worked . I used and as dependencies . Full code is given below with exact imports.


    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference;
    import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    public class ReadExcelFormulaValue {

        private static final CellType NUMERIC = null;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        public static void readFormula() throws IOException {
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("C:eclipse-workspace\\sam-webdbriver-diaries\\resources\\tUser_WS.xls");
   workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(fis);
   sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);

            FormulaEvaluator evaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

            CellReference cellReference = new CellReference("G2"); // pass the cell which contains the formula
            Row row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
            Cell cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol());

            CellValue cellValue = evaluator.evaluate(cell);
            System.out.println("Cell type month  is "+cellValue.getCellTypeEnum());
            System.out.println("getNumberValue month is  "+cellValue.getNumberValue());     
          //  System.out.println("getStringValue "+cellValue.getStringValue());

            cellReference = new CellReference("H2"); // pass the cell which contains the formula
             row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
             cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol());

            cellValue = evaluator.evaluate(cell);
            System.out.println("getNumberValue DAY is  "+cellValue.getNumberValue());    



Callback functions in Java

Since Java 8, there are lambda and method references:

For example, if you want a functional interface A -> B such as:

import java.util.function.Function;

public MyClass {
    public static String applyFunction(String name, Function<String,String> function){
        return function.apply(name);

then you can call it like so

MyClass.applyFunction("42", str -> "the answer is: " + str);
// returns "the answer is: 42"

Also you can pass class method. Say you have:

@Value // lombok
public class PrefixAppender {
    private String prefix;

    public String addPrefix(String suffix){
        return prefix +":"+suffix;

Then you can do:

PrefixAppender prefixAppender= new PrefixAppender("prefix");
MyClass.applyFunction("some text", prefixAppender::addPrefix);
// returns "prefix:some text"


Here I used the functional interface Function<A,B>, but there are many others in the package java.util.function. Most notable ones are

  • Supplier: void -> A
  • Consumer: A -> void
  • BiConsumer: (A,B) -> void
  • Function: A -> B
  • BiFunction: (A,B) -> C

and many others that specialize on some of the input/output type. Then, if it doesn't provide the one you need, you can create your own functional interface like so:

interface Function3<In1, In2, In3, Out> { // (In1,In2,In3) -> Out
    public Out apply(In1 in1, In2 in2, In3 in3);

Example of use:

String computeAnswer(Function3<String, Integer, Integer, String> f){
    return f.apply("6x9=", 6, 9);

computeAnswer((question, a, b) -> question + "42");
// "6*9=42"

And you can also do that with thrown exception:

interface FallibleFunction<In, Out, Ex extends Exception> {
    Out get(In input) throws Ex;
public <Ex extends IOException> String yo(FallibleFunction<Integer, String, Ex> f) throws Ex {
    return f.get(42);

Rounding BigDecimal to *always* have two decimal places

value = value.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING)

php - insert a variable in an echo string

echo '<p class="paragraph'.$i.'"></p>'

should do the trick.

Float a div above page content

You want to use absolute positioning.

An absolute position element is positioned relative to the first parent element that has a position other than static. If no such element is found, the containing block is html

For instance :

  top: 123px;

To get it to work, the parent needs to be relative (position:relative)

In your case this should do the trick:

.suggestionsBox{position:absolute; top:40px;}

Return index of greatest value in an array

If you are utilizing underscore, you can use this nice short one-liner:

_.indexOf(arr, _.max(arr))

It will first find the value of the largest item in the array, in this case 22. Then it will return the index of where 22 is within the array, in this case 2.

ngrok command not found

run sudo npm install ngrok --g a very simple way to install

sudo because you are installing it globally

PL/SQL ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

It can also be due to a duplicate entry in any of the tables that are used.

How to cut a string after a specific character in unix

You don't say which shell you're using. If it's a POSIX-compatible one such as Bash, then parameter expansion can do what you want:

Parameter Expansion



Remove Smallest Prefix Pattern.
The word is expanded to produce a pattern. The parameter expansion then results in parameter, with the smallest portion of the prefix matched by the pattern deleted.

In other words, you can write


which will remove anything matching *: from $var (i.e. everything up to and including the first :). If you want to match up to the last :, then you could use ## in place of #.

This is all assuming that the part to remove does not contain : (true for IPv4 addresses, but not for IPv6 addresses)

How do I make CMake output into a 'bin' dir?

cat CMakeLists.txt
project (hello)
set(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR "/bin")
add_executable (hello hello.c)

What is the proper way to URL encode Unicode characters?

I would always encode in UTF-8. From the Wikipedia page on percent encoding:

The generic URI syntax mandates that new URI schemes that provide for the representation of character data in a URI must, in effect, represent characters from the unreserved set without translation, and should convert all other characters to bytes according to UTF-8, and then percent-encode those values. This requirement was introduced in January 2005 with the publication of RFC 3986. URI schemes introduced before this date are not affected.

It seems like because there were other accepted ways of doing URL encoding in the past, browsers attempt several methods of decoding a URI, but if you're the one doing the encoding you should use UTF-8.

Permission denied (publickey) when SSH Access to Amazon EC2 instance

My private key was set to permission 400 and was resulting in Permission denied setting it to '644' helped me .

key_load_private_type: Permission denied is the specific error I was getting

Solution: Sudo chmod 644 <key.pem>

Note: set to 644 is must, it was not working with 400

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type

I was facing same issue for long time then comes to know have to convert object into JSON using Object Mapper and pass it as JSON Object

@RequestMapping(value = "/getTags", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody String getTags(@RequestParam String tagName) throws
        JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
    List<Tag> result = new ArrayList<Tag>();
    for (Tag tag : data) {
        if (tag.getTagName().contains(tagName)) {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(result);
    return json;

How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

Use a library to (a) read the sound file(s) and (b) play them back. (I'd recommend trying both yourself at some point in your spare time, but...)

Perhaps (*nix):

Windows: DirectX.

Assigning more than one class for one event

It's like this:

$('.tag.clickedTag').click(function (){ 
 // this will catch with two classes

$('.tag.clickedTag.otherclass').click(function (){ 
 // this will catch with three classes

$('.tag:not(.clickedTag)').click(function (){ 
 // this will catch tag without clickedTag

Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL server error log for potential causes

Simple Steps

  1. 1 Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
  2. Under SQL Server Services Select Your Server
  3. Right Click and Select Properties
  4. Log on Tab Change Built-in-account tick
  5. in the drop down list select Network Service
  6. Apply and start The service

How to unmount a busy device

If possible, let us locate/identify the busy process, kill that process and then unmount the samba share/ drive to minimize damage:

  • lsof | grep '<mountpoint of /dev/sda1>' (or whatever the mounted device is)

  • pkill target_process (kills busy proc. by name | kill PID | killall target_process)

  • umount /dev/sda1 (or whatever the mounted device is)

CSS Circular Cropping of Rectangle Image

The best way I've been able to do this is with using the new css object-fit (1) property and the padding-bottom (2) hack.

You need a wrapper element around the image. You can use whatever you want, but I like using the new HTML picture tag.

.rounded {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 0;
  padding-bottom: 100%;
  border-radius: 50%;
  overflow: hidden;

.rounded img {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;

/* These classes just used for demo */
.w25 {
  width: 25%;

.w50 {
  width: 50%;
<div class="w25">
<picture class="rounded">
  <img src="">

<!-- example using a div -->
<div class="w50">
<div class="rounded">
  <img src="">

<picture class="rounded">
  <img src="">


  1. CSS Image size, how to fill, not stretch?

  2. Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

Selecting Multiple Values from a Dropdown List in Google Spreadsheet

To Add to AlexG's answer, a better and enhanced version of multi-select is found in this following link (which I tried and worked as expected):

For general guidance on setting up a script in Google Sheets, see this quickstart guide.

To use this script:

  1. In your Google Sheet, set up data validation for a cell (or cells), using data from a range. In cell validation, do not select 'Reject input'.
  2. Go to Tools > Script editor...
  3. In the script editor, go to File > New > Script file
  4. Name the file and paste in the contents of File > Save.
  5. In the script editor, go to File > New > Html file Name the file dialog.html and paste in the contents of dialog.html. File > Save.
  6. Back in your spreadsheet, you should now have a new menu called 'Scripts'. Refresh the page if necessary.
  7. Select the cell you want to fill with multiple items from your validation range.
  8. Go to Scripts > Multi-select for this cell... and the sidebar should open, showing a checklist of valid items.
  9. Tick the items you want and click the 'Set' button to fill your cell with those selected items, comma separated.

You can leave the script sidebar open. When you select any cell that has validation, click 'Refresh validation' in the script sidebar to bring up that cell's checklist.

The above mentioned steps are taken from this link

Check if cookies are enabled

But to check whether cookies are enabled using isset($_COOKIE["cookie"]) you have to refresh. Im doing it ths way (with sessions based on cookies :)

$a = session_id();

$b = session_id();

if ($a == $b)
    echo"Cookies ON";
    echo"Cookies OFF";

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

Unfinished Stubbing Detected in Mockito

For those who use com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock {}

This error occurs when, for example, we create a mock inside another mock

mock {
    on { x() } doReturn mock {
        on { y() } doReturn z()

The solution to this is to create the child mock in a variable and use the variable in the scope of the parent mock to prevent the mock creation from being explicitly nested.

val liveDataMock = mock {
        on { y() } doReturn z()
mock {
    on { x() } doReturn liveDataMock


Gray out image with CSS?

Does it have to be gray? You could just set the opacity of the image lower (to dull it). Alternatively, you could create a <div> overlay and set that to be gray (change the alpha to get the effect).

  • html:

    <div id="wrapper">
        <img id="myImage" src="something.jpg" />
  • css:

    #myImage {
        opacity: 0.4;
        filter: alpha(opacity=40); /* msie */
    /* or */
    #wrapper {
        opacity: 0.4;
        filter: alpha(opacity=40); /* msie */
        background-color: #000;

How can I get the status code from an http error in Axios?

In order to get the http status code returned from the server, you can add validateStatus: status => true to axios options:

    method: 'POST',
    url: 'http://localhost:3001/users/login',
    data: { username, password },
    validateStatus: () => true
}).then(res => {

This way, every http response resolves the promise returned from axios.

How do I disable form fields using CSS?

This can be helpful:

<input type="text" name="username" value="admin" >

<style type="text/css">
input[name=username] {
    pointer-events: none;


and if want to disable from tab index you can use it this way:

 <input type="text" name="username" value="admin" tabindex="-1" >

 <style type="text/css">
  input[name=username] {
    pointer-events: none;

Setting user agent of a java URLConnection

its work for me set the User-Agent in the addRequestProperty.

URL url = new URL(<URL>);
HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0");

What does from __future__ import absolute_import actually do?

The difference between absolute and relative imports come into play only when you import a module from a package and that module imports an other submodule from that package. See the difference:

$ mkdir pkg
$ touch pkg/
$ touch pkg/
$ echo 'import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "pkg/", line 1, in <module>
    import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ echo 'from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2

In particular:

$ python2 pkg/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/", line 1, in <module>
    from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2
$ python2 -m pkg.main2

Note that python2 pkg/ has a different behaviour then launching python2 and then importing pkg.main2 (which is equivalent to using the -m switch).

If you ever want to run a submodule of a package always use the -m switch which prevents the interpreter for chaining the sys.path list and correctly handles the semantics of the submodule.

Also, I much prefer using explicit relative imports for package submodules since they provide more semantics and better error messages in case of failure.

How do I find my host and username on mysql?

The default username is root. You can reset the root password if you do not know it: You should not, however, use the root account from PHP, set up a limited permission user to do that:

If MySql is running on the same computer as your webserver, you can just use "localhost" as the host

Automating running command on Linux from Windows using PuTTY

You can write a TCL script and establish SSH session to that Linux machine and issue commands automatically. Check for a short tutorial.

Text not wrapping inside a div element

you can add this line: word-break:break-all; to your CSS-code

R: numeric 'envir' arg not of length one in predict()

There are several problems here:

  1. The newdata argument of predict() needs a predictor variable. You should thus pass it values for Coupon, instead of Total, which is the response variable in your model.

  2. The predictor variable needs to be passed in as a named column in a data frame, so that predict() knows what the numbers its been handed represent. (The need for this becomes clear when you consider more complicated models, having more than one predictor variable).

  3. For this to work, your original call should pass df in through the data argument, rather than using it directly in your formula. (This way, the name of the column in newdata will be able to match the name on the RHS of the formula).

With those changes incorporated, this will work:

model <- lm(Total ~ Coupon, data=df)
new <- data.frame(Coupon = df$Coupon)
predict(model, newdata = new, interval="confidence")

Eclipse plugin for generating a class diagram

Must it be an Eclipse plug-in? I use doxygen, just supply your code folder, it handles the rest.

How can I correctly format currency using jquery?

I used to use the jquery format currency plugin, but it has been very buggy recently. I only need formatting for USD/CAD, so I wrote my own automatic formatting.

$(".currencyMask").change(function () {
            if (!$.isNumeric($(this).val()))

            $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val(), 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,").toString());

Simply set the class of whatever input should be formatted as currency <input type="text" class="currencyMask" /> and it will format it perfectly in any browser.

new DateTime() vs default(DateTime)

The simpliest way to understand it is that DateTime is a struct. When you initialize a struct it's initialize to it's minimum value : DateTime.Min

Therefore there is no difference between default(DateTime) and new DateTime() and DateTime.Min

how to put focus on TextBox when the form load?

Set theActiveControl property of the form and you should be fine.

this.ActiveControl = yourtextboxname;

How does a hash table work?

Short and sweet:

A hash table wraps up an array, lets call it internalArray. Items are inserted into the array in this way:

let insert key value =
    internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length] <- (key, value)
    //oversimplified for educational purposes

Sometimes two keys will hash to the same index in the array, and you want to keep both values. I like to store both values in the same index, which is simple to code by making internalArray an array of linked lists:

let insert key value =
    internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length].AddLast(key, value)

So, if I wanted to retrieve an item out of my hash table, I could write:

let get key =
    let linkedList = internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length]
    for (testKey, value) in linkedList
        if (testKey = key) then return value
    return null

Delete operations are just as simple to write. As you can tell, inserts, lookups, and removal from our array of linked lists is nearly O(1).

When our internalArray gets too full, maybe at around 85% capacity, we can resize the internal array and move all of the items from the old array into the new array.

How to enable curl in Wamp server

The steps are as follows :

  1. Close WAMP (if running)
  2. Navigate to WAMP\bin\php\(your version of php)\
  3. Edit php.ini
  4. Search for curl, uncomment extension=php_curl.dll
  5. Navigate to WAMP\bin\Apache\(your version of apache)\bin\
  6. Edit php.ini
  7. Search for curl, uncomment extension=php_curl.dll
  8. Save both
  9. Restart WAMP

Docker-Compose with multiple services

The thing is that you are using the option -t when running your container.

Could you check if enabling the tty option (see reference) in your docker-compose.yml file the container keeps running?

version: '2'
        build: .
        container_name: ubuntu
            - ~/sph/laravel52:/www/laravel
          - "80:80"
        tty: true

How to Use -confirm in PowerShell

Write-Warning "This is only a test warning." -WarningAction Inquire


How to count number of unique values of a field in a tab-delimited text file?

This script outputs the number of unique values in each column of a given file. It assumes that first line of given file is header line. There is no need for defining number of fields. Simply save the script in a bash file (.sh) and provide the tab delimited file as a parameter to this script.



awk '
    for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++)
    for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++) 
    for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++){
        for (item in arr[fname[fi]])
' $1

Execution Example:

bash> ./ <path to tab-delimited file>

Output Example

isRef    A_15      C_42     G_24     T_18
isCar    YEA_10    NO_40    NA_50
isTv     FALSE_33  TRUE_66

How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?

I wanted to do this the angular (2/4) way, here is what I did:

<div []="visible" []="visible" class="modal fade" id="confirm-dialog-modal" role="dialog">

Important things to note:

  • visible is a variable (boolean) in the component which governs modal's visibility.
  • show and in are bootstrap classes.

An example component & html


@ViewChild('rsvpModal', { static: false }) rsvpModal: ElementRef;
@HostListener('document:keydown.escape', ['$event'])
  onEscapeKey(event: KeyboardEvent) {
  hideRsvpModal(event?: Event) {
    if (!event || ( as Element).classList.contains('modal')) {
      this.renderer.setStyle(this.rsvpModal.nativeElement, 'display', 'none');
      this.renderer.removeClass(this.rsvpModal.nativeElement, 'show');
      this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'modal-open');
  showRsvpModal() {
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    this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'modal-open');


<div class="modal fade" #rsvpModal role="dialog" aria-labelledby="niviteRsvpModalTitle" (click)="hideRsvpModal($event)">
    <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable" role="document">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <h5 class="modal-title" id="niviteRsvpModalTitle">

                <button type="button" class="close" (click)="hideRsvpModal()" aria-label="Close">
                    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
            <div class="modal-body">

            <div class="modal-footer">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary bg-white text-dark"

How to embed image or picture in jupyter notebook, either from a local machine or from a web resource?

Here is a Solution for Jupyter and Python3:

I droped my images in a folder named ImageTest. My directory is:


To show the image I used this expression:

![title](/notebooks/ImageTest/image.png "ShowMyImage")

Also watch out for / and \

JavaScript get child element

ULs don't have a name attribute, but you can reference the ul by tag name.

Try replacing line 3 in your script with this:

var sub = cat.getElementsByTagName("UL");

NameError: name 'python' is not defined

It looks like you are trying to start the Python interpreter by running the command python.

However the interpreter is already started. It is interpreting python as a name of a variable, and that name is not defined.

Try this instead and you should hopefully see that your Python installation is working as expected:

print("Hello world!")

Calculating the difference between two Java date instances

If you don't want to use JodaTime or similar, the best solution is probably this:

final static long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * 3600 * 1000;
long msDiff= date1.getTime() - date2.getTime();
long daysDiff = Math.round(msDiff / ((double)MILLIS_PER_DAY));

The number of ms per day is not always the same (because of daylight saving time and leap seconds), but it's very close, and at least deviations due to daylight saving time cancel out over longer periods. Therefore dividing and then rounding will give a correct result (at least as long as the local calendar used does not contain weird time jumps other than DST and leap seconds).

Note that this still assumes that date1 and date2 are set to the same time of day. For different times of day, you'd first have to define what "date difference" means, as pointed out by Jon Skeet.

syntaxerror: "unexpected character after line continuation character in python" math

The division operator is / rather than \.

Also, the backslash has a special meaning inside a Python string. Either escape it with another backslash:

"\\ 1.5 = "`

or use a raw string

r" \ 1.5 = "

What is the use of static constructors?

you can use static constructor to initializes static fields. It runs at an indeterminate time before those fields are used. Microsoft's documentation and many developers warn that static constructors on a type impose a substantial overhead.
It is best to avoid static constructors for maximum performance.
update: you can't use more than one static constructor in the same class, however you can use other instance constructors with (maximum) one static constructor.

Material Design not styling alert dialogs

UPDATED ON Aug 2019 WITH The Material components for android library:

With the new Material components for Android library you can use the new class, which extends from the existing androidx.appcompat.AlertDialog.Builder class and provides support for the latest Material Design specifications.

Just use something like this:

new MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(context)
            .setMessage("Lorem ipsum dolor ....")
            .setPositiveButton("Ok", /* listener = */ null)
            .setNegativeButton("Cancel", /* listener = */ null)

You can customize the colors extending the ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.MaterialAlertDialog style:

  <style name="CustomMaterialDialog" parent="@style/ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.MaterialAlertDialog">
     <!-- Background Color-->
     <item name="android:background">#006db3</item>
     <!-- Text Color for title and message -->
     <item name="colorOnSurface">@color/secondaryColor</item>
     <!-- Text Color for buttons -->
     <item name="colorPrimary">@color/white</item> 

To apply your custom style just use the constructor:

new MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(context,

enter image description here

To customize the buttons, the title and the body text check this post for more details.

You can also change globally the style in your app theme:

 <!-- Base application theme. -->
 <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light">
    <item name="materialAlertDialogTheme">@style/CustomMaterialDialog</item>


With the new AppCompat v22.1 you can use the new

Just use a code like this:


AlertDialog.Builder builder =
       new AlertDialog.Builder(this,;
builder.setMessage("Lorem ipsum dolor ....");
builder.setPositiveButton("OK", null);
builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", null);;

And use a style like this:

<style name="AppCompatAlertDialogStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
        <item name="colorAccent">#FFCC00</item>
        <item name="android:textColorPrimary">#FFFFFF</item>
        <item name="android:background">#5fa3d0</item>

Otherwise you can define in your current theme:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <!-- your style -->
    <item name="alertDialogTheme">@style/AppCompatAlertDialogStyle</item>

and then in your code:


    AlertDialog.Builder builder =
           new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

Here the AlertDialog on Kitkat: enter image description here

.NET Out Of Memory Exception - Used 1.3GB but have 16GB installed

Its worth mentioning that the default for an 'Any CPU' compile now checks the 'Prefer 32bit' check box. Being set to AnyCPU, on a 64bit OS with 16gb of RAM can still hit an out of memory exception at 2gb if this is checked.


Deprecated Java HttpClient - How hard can it be?

This is the solution that I have applied to the problem that httpclient deprecated in this version of android 22

 public static String getContenxtWeb(String urlS) {
    String pagina = "", devuelve = "";
    URL url;
    try {
        url = new URL(urlS);
        HttpURLConnection conexion = (HttpURLConnection) url
                "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)");
        if (conexion.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(conexion.getInputStream()));
            String linea = reader.readLine();
            while (linea != null) {
                pagina += linea;
                linea = reader.readLine();

            devuelve = pagina;
        } else {
            return null;
        return devuelve;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return devuelve;

Jupyter/IPython Notebooks: Shortcut for "run all"?

Easiest solution:

Esc, Ctrl-A, Shift-Enter.

How to wait for async method to complete?

The most important thing to know about async and await is that await doesn't wait for the associated call to complete. What await does is to return the result of the operation immediately and synchronously if the operation has already completed or, if it hasn't, to schedule a continuation to execute the remainder of the async method and then to return control to the caller. When the asynchronous operation completes, the scheduled completion will then execute.

The answer to the specific question in your question's title is to block on an async method's return value (which should be of type Task or Task<T>) by calling an appropriate Wait method:

public static async Task<Foo> GetFooAsync()
    // Start asynchronous operation(s) and return associated task.

public static Foo CallGetFooAsyncAndWaitOnResult()
    var task = GetFooAsync();
    task.Wait(); // Blocks current thread until GetFooAsync task completes
                 // For pedagogical use only: in general, don't do this!
    var result = task.Result;
    return result;

In this code snippet, CallGetFooAsyncAndWaitOnResult is a synchronous wrapper around asynchronous method GetFooAsync. However, this pattern is to be avoided for the most part since it will block a whole thread pool thread for the duration of the asynchronous operation. This an inefficient use of the various asynchronous mechanisms exposed by APIs that go to great efforts to provide them.

The answer at "await" doesn't wait for the completion of call has several, more detailed, explanations of these keywords.

Meanwhile, @Stephen Cleary's guidance about async void holds. Other nice explanations for why can be found at and

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

It cost me a little bit to understand what was the difference, but this is a simple explanation. master in your localhost is a branch.

When you clone a repository you fetch the entire repository to you local host. This means that at that time you have an origin/master pointer to HEAD and master pointing to the same HEAD.

when you start working and do commits you advance the master pointer to HEAD + your commits. But the origin/master pointer is still pointing to what it was when you cloned.

So the difference will be:

  • If you do a git fetch it will just fetch all the changes in the remote repository (GitHub) and move the origin/master pointer to HEAD. Meanwhile your local branch master will keep pointing to where it has.
  • If you do a git pull, it will do basically fetch (as explained previously) and merge any new changes to your master branch and move the pointer to HEAD.

How to include a child object's child object in Entity Framework 5

I ended up doing the following and it works:

return DatabaseContext.Applications

Neither user 10102 nor current process has android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

On Android >=6.0, We have to request permission runtime.

Step1: add in AndroidManifest.xml file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

Step2: Request permission.

int permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE);

if (permissionCheck != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE}, REQUEST_READ_PHONE_STATE);
} else {

Step3: Handle callback when you request permission.

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) {
    switch (requestCode) {
            if ((grantResults.length > 0) && (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)) {


Edit: Read official guide here Requesting Permissions at Run Time

first-child and last-child with IE8

Since :last-child is a CSS3 pseudo-class, it is not supported in IE8. I believe :first-child is supported, as it's defined in the CSS2.1 specification.

One possible solution is to simply give the last child a class name and style that class.

Another would be to use JavaScript. jQuery makes this particularly easy as it provides a :last-child pseudo-class which should work in IE8. Unfortunately, that could result in a flash of unstyled content while the DOM loads.

how to find host name from IP with out login to the host

It depends on the context. I think you're referring to the operating system's hostname (returned by hostname when you're logged in). This command is for internal names only, so to query for a machine's name requires different naming systems. There are multiple systems which use names to identify hosts including DNS, DHCP, LDAP (DN's), hostname, etc. and many systems use zeroconf to synchronize names between multiple naming systems. For this reason, results from hostname will sometimes match results from dig (see below) or other naming systems, but often times they will not match.

DNS is by far the most common and is used both on the internet (like A and at home (mDNS/LLMNR), so here's how to perform a reverse DNS lookup: dig -x <address> (nslookup and host are simpler, provide less detail, and may even return different results; however, dig is not included in Windows).

Note that hostnames within a CDN will not resolve to the canonical domain name (e.g. ""), but rather the hostname of the host IP you queried (e.g. ""; interesting tidbit: 1e100 is 1 googol).

Also note that DNS hosts can have more than one name. This is common for hosts with more than one webserver (virtual hosting), although this is becoming less common thanks to the proliferation of virtualization technologies. These hosts have multiple PTR DNS records.

Finally, note that DNS host records can be overridden by the local machine via /etc/hosts. If you're not getting the hostname you expect, be sure you check this file.

DHCP hostnames are queried differently depending on which DHCP server software is used, because (as far as I know) the protocol does not define a method for querying; however, most servers provide some way of doing this (usually with a privileged account).

Note DHCP names are usually synchronized with DNS server(s), so it's common to see the same hostnames in a DHCP client least table and in the DNS server's A (or AAAA for IPv6) records. Again, this is usually done as part of zeroconf.

Also note that just because a DHCP lease exists for a client, doesn't mean it's still being used.

NetBIOS for TCP/IP (NBT) was used for decades to perform name resolution, but has since been replaced by LLMNR for name resolution (part of zeroconf on Windows). This legacy system can still be queried with the nbtstat (Windows) or nmblookup (Linux).

Deserialize json object into dynamic object using

If you use JSON.NET with old version which didn't JObject.

This is another simple way to make a dynamic object from JSON:

NuGet Install

PM> Install-Package JDynamic

Support using string index to access member like:

dynamic json = new JDynamic("{a:{a:1}}");
Assert.AreEqual(1, json["a"]["a"]);

Test Case

And you can use this util as following :

Get the value directly

dynamic json = new JDynamic("1");


2.Get the member in the json object

dynamic json = new JDynamic("{a:'abc'}");
//json.a is a string "abc"

dynamic json = new JDynamic("{a:3.1416}");
//json.a is 3.1416m

dynamic json = new JDynamic("{a:1}");
//json.a is integer: 1


dynamic json = new JDynamic("[1,2,3]");
/json.Length/json.Count is 3
//And you can use json[0]/ json[2] to get the elements

dynamic json = new JDynamic("{a:[1,2,3]}");
//json.a.Length /json.a.Count is 3.
//And you can use  json.a[0]/ json.a[2] to get the elements

dynamic json = new JDynamic("[{b:1},{c:1}]");
//json.Length/json.Count is 2.
//And you can use the  json[0].b/json[1].c to get the num.


dynamic json = new JDynamic("{a:{a:1} }");

//json.a.a is 1.

ES6 modules implementation, how to load a json file

Found this thread when I couldn't load a json-file with ES6 TypeScript 2.6. I kept getting this error:

TS2307 (TS) Cannot find module 'json-loader!./suburbs.json'

To get it working I had to declare the module first. I hope this will save a few hours for someone.

declare module "json-loader!*" {
  let json: any;
  export default json;


import suburbs from 'json-loader!./suburbs.json';

If I tried to omit loader from json-loader I got the following error from webpack:

BREAKING CHANGE: It's no longer allowed to omit the '-loader' suffix when using loaders. You need to specify 'json-loader' instead of 'json', see

How to remove an iOS app from the App Store

I just changed availability date to a future date. After doing that, I received following message -

You have selected an Available Date in the future. This will remove your currently live version from the App Store until the new date. Changing Available Date affects all versions of the application, both Ready For Sale and In Review.

Which means that the app is removed and no longer available.

How to process a file in PowerShell line-by-line as a stream

If you are really about to work on multi-gigabyte text files then do not use PowerShell. Even if you find a way to read it faster processing of huge amount of lines will be slow in PowerShell anyway and you cannot avoid this. Even simple loops are expensive, say for 10 million iterations (quite real in your case) we have:

# "empty" loop: takes 10 seconds
measure-command { for($i=0; $i -lt 10000000; ++$i) {} }

# "simple" job, just output: takes 20 seconds
measure-command { for($i=0; $i -lt 10000000; ++$i) { $i } }

# "more real job": 107 seconds
measure-command { for($i=0; $i -lt 10000000; ++$i) { $i.ToString() -match '1' } }

UPDATE: If you are still not scared then try to use the .NET reader:

$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText("my.log")
try {
    for() {
        $line = $reader.ReadLine()
        if ($line -eq $null) { break }
        # process the line
finally {


There are comments about possibly better / shorter code. There is nothing wrong with the original code with for and it is not pseudo-code. But the shorter (shortest?) variant of the reading loop is

$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText("my.log")
while($null -ne ($line = $reader.ReadLine())) {

Make Div Draggable using CSS

You can do it now by using the CSS property -webkit-user-drag:

#drag_me {_x000D_
  -webkit-user-drag: element;_x000D_
<div draggable="true" id="drag_me">_x000D_
  Your draggable content here_x000D_

This property is only supported by webkit browsers, such as Safari or Chrome, but it is a nice approach to get it working using only CSS.

The HTML5 draggable attribute is only set to ensure dragging works for other browsers.

You can find more information here:

Convert integer to binary in C#

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var @decimal = 42;
        var binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 2);

        var binary = "101010";
        var decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 2);

        Console.WriteLine("Binary value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of binary '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        @decimal = 6;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 3);

        binary = "20";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 3);

        Console.WriteLine("Base3 value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of base3 '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        @decimal = 47;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 4);

        binary = "233";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 4);

        Console.WriteLine("Base4 value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of base4 '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        @decimal = 99;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 5);

        binary = "344";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 5);

        Console.WriteLine("Base5 value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of base5 '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        Console.WriteLine("And so forth.. excluding after base 10 (decimal) though :)");

        @decimal = 16;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 11);

        binary = "b";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 11);

        Console.WriteLine("Hexidecimal value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of Hexidecimal '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Uh oh.. this aint right :( ... but let's cheat :P");

        @decimal = 11;
        binaryVal = Convert.ToString(@decimal, 16);

        binary = "b";
        decimalVal = Convert.ToInt32(binary, 16);

        Console.WriteLine("Hexidecimal value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of Hexidecimal '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);


    static string ToBinary(decimal number, int @base)
        var round = 0;
        var reverseBinary = string.Empty;

        while (number > 0)
            var remainder = number % @base;
            reverseBinary += remainder;

            round = (int)(number / @base);
            number = round;

        var binaryArray = reverseBinary.ToCharArray();

        var binary = new string(binaryArray);
        return binary;

    static double ToDecimal(string binary, int @base)
        var val = 0d;

        if (!binary.All(char.IsNumber))
            return 0d;

        for (int i = 0; i < binary.Length; i++)
            var @char = Convert.ToDouble(binary[i].ToString());

            var pow = (binary.Length - 1) - i;
            val += Math.Pow(@base, pow) * @char;

        return val;

Learning sources:

Everything you need to know about binary

including algorithm to convert decimal to binary

In Python, when to use a Dictionary, List or Set?

When use them, I make an exhaustive cheatsheet of their methods for your reference:

class ContainerMethods:
    def __init__(self):
        self.list_methods_11 = {
                    'Sort':{'reverse', 'sort'},
                    'Search':{'count', 'index'},
        self.tuple_methods_2 = {'Search':'count','index'}

        self.dict_methods_11 = {
                    'Views':{'keys', 'values', 'items'},
                    'Subtract':{'pop', 'popitem',},
                    'Entire':{ 'clear', 'copy','fromkeys'},
        self.set_methods_17 ={
                    'Add':{['add', 'update'],['difference_update','symmetric_difference_update','intersection_update']},
                    'Subtract':{'pop', 'remove','discard'},
                    'Relation':{'isdisjoint', 'issubset', 'issuperset'},
                    'operation':{'union' 'intersection','difference', 'symmetric_difference'}
                    'Entire':{'clear', 'copy'}}

Using custom fonts using CSS?

Today there are four font container formats in use on the web: EOT, TTF, WOFF,andWOFF2.

Unfortunately, despite the wide range of choices, there isn't a single universal format that works across all old and new browsers:

  • EOT is IE only,
  • TTF has partial IE support,
  • WOFF enjoys the widest support but is not available in some older browsers
  • WOFF 2.0 support is a work in progress for many browsers.

If you want your web app to have the same font across all browsers then you might want to provide all 4 font type in CSS

 @font-face {
      font-family: 'besom'; !important
      src: url('fonts/besom/besom.eot');
      src: url('fonts/besom/besom.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
           url('fonts/besom/besom.woff2') format('woff2'),
           url('fonts/besom/besom.woff') format('woff'),
           url('fonts/besom/besom.ttf') format('truetype'),
           url('fonts/besom/besom.svg#besom_2regular') format('svg');
      font-weight: normal;
      font-style: normal;

Cannot redeclare function php

Remove the function and check the output of:


In which case, change the name of the function.

If you get false, you're including the file with that function twice, replace :




And replace :




EDIT : I'm just a little too late, post before beat me to it !

Preferred Java way to ping an HTTP URL for availability

The following code performs a HEAD request to check whether the website is available or not.

public static boolean isReachable(String targetUrl) throws IOException
    HttpURLConnection httpUrlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(

        int responseCode = httpUrlConnection.getResponseCode();

        return responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
    } catch (UnknownHostException noInternetConnection)
        return false;

Best implementation for hashCode method for a collection

Here is another JDK 1.7+ approach demonstration with superclass logics accounted. I see it as pretty convinient with Object class hashCode() accounted, pure JDK dependency and no extra manual work. Please note Objects.hash() is null tolerant.

I have not include any equals() implementation but in reality you will of course need it.

import java.util.Objects;

public class Demo {

    public static class A {

        private final String param1;

        public A(final String param1) {
            this.param1 = param1;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(


    public static class B extends A {

        private final String param2;
        private final String param3;

        public B(
            final String param1,
            final String param2,
            final String param3) {

            this.param2 = param2;
            this.param3 = param3;

        public final int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(

    public static void main(String [] args) {

        A a = new A("A");
        B b = new B("A", "B", "C");

        System.out.println("A: " + a.hashCode());
        System.out.println("B: " + b.hashCode());


Finding common rows (intersection) in two Pandas dataframes

If I understand you correctly, you can use a combination of Series.isin() and DataFrame.append():

In [80]: df1
   rating  user_id
0       2  0x21abL
1       1  0x21abL
2       1   0xdafL
3       0  0x21abL
4       4  0x1d14L
5       2  0x21abL
6       1  0x21abL
7       0   0xdafL
8       4  0x1d14L
9       1  0x21abL

In [81]: df2
   rating      user_id
0       2      0x1d14L
1       1    0xdbdcad7
2       1      0x21abL
3       3      0x21abL
4       3      0x21abL
5       1  0x5734a81e2
6       2      0x1d14L
7       0       0xdafL
8       0      0x1d14L
9       4  0x5734a81e2

In [82]: ind = df2.user_id.isin(df1.user_id) & df1.user_id.isin(df2.user_id)

In [83]: ind
0     True
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
5    False
6     True
7     True
8     True
9    False
Name: user_id, dtype: bool

In [84]: df1[ind].append(df2[ind])
   rating  user_id
0       2  0x21abL
2       1   0xdafL
3       0  0x21abL
4       4  0x1d14L
6       1  0x21abL
7       0   0xdafL
8       4  0x1d14L
0       2  0x1d14L
2       1  0x21abL
3       3  0x21abL
4       3  0x21abL
6       2  0x1d14L
7       0   0xdafL
8       0  0x1d14L

This is essentially the algorithm you described as "clunky", using idiomatic pandas methods. Note the duplicate row indices. Also, note that this won't give you the expected output if df1 and df2 have no overlapping row indices, i.e., if

In [93]: df1.index & df2.index
Out[93]: Int64Index([], dtype='int64')

In fact, it won't give the expected output if their row indices are not equal.

Binding an Image in WPF MVVM

If you have a process that already generates and returns an Image type, you can alter the bind and not have to modify any additional image creation code.

Refer to the ".Source" of the image in the binding statement.


<Image Name="imgOpenClose" Source="{Binding ImageOpenClose.Source}"/>

View Model Field

private Image _imageOpenClose;
public Image ImageOpenClose
        return _imageOpenClose;
        _imageOpenClose = value;

Where is the IIS Express configuration / metabase file found?

For VS 2015 & VS 2017: Right-click the IIS Express system tray icon (when running the application), and select "Show all applications":

Context menu for IIS Express system tray icon showing the alternative "Show all applications" highlighted

Then, select the relevant application and click the applicationhost.config file path:

Dialog showing arbritrary website with accompanying applicationhost.config file path

Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe

The quick answer is: No, sorry.

It's not possible using just CSS. You basically need to have control over the iframe content in order to style it. There are methods using javascript or your web language of choice (which I've read a little about, but am not to familiar with myself) to insert some needed styles dynamically, but you would need direct control over the iframe content, which it sounds like you do not have.

How to add 30 minutes to a JavaScript Date object?

Here is the IsoString version:

console.log(new Date(new Date().setMinutes(new Date().getMinutes() - (30))).toISOString());

How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?

Yes and you don't need to learn Objective-C and buying Apple software and hardware.

Adobe have created compilator from ActionScript 3 to program for iOS. And later Apple approved this method of application creation.

This is best way to create Apple applications under Windows or Linux/BSD (and another one for MacOS-X)

Selenium Webdriver submit() vs click()

Neither submit() nor click() is good enough. However, it works fine if you follow it with an ENTER key:

search_form = driver.find_element_by_id(elem_id)
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

Tested on Mac 10.11, python 2.7.9, Selenium 2.53.5. This runs in parallel, meaning returns after entering the ENTER key, doesn't wait for page to load.

Equivalent of *Nix 'which' command in PowerShell?

I like Get-Command | Format-List, or shorter, using aliases for the two and only for powershell.exe:

gcm powershell | fl

You can find aliases like this:

alias -definition Format-List

Tab completion works with gcm.

How to find length of digits in an integer?

If you want the length of an integer as in the number of digits in the integer, you can always convert it to string like str(133) and find its length like len(str(123)).

How to convert a set to a list in python?

It is already a list

>>> <type 'list'>

Do you want something like

my_set = set([1,2,3,4])
my_list = list(my_set)
print my_list
>> [1, 2, 3, 4]

EDIT : Output of your last comment

>>> my_list = [1,2,3,4]
>>> my_set = set(my_list)
>>> my_new_list = list(my_set)
>>> print my_new_list
[1, 2, 3, 4]

I'm wondering if you did something like this :

>>> set=set()
>>> set([1,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'set' object is not callable

Remove row lines in twitter bootstrap

The other way around, if you have problems ADDING the lines to your panel dont forget to add the to your TABLE. By default (, it is suppose to add the line but It helped me to add the tag so now the row lines are shown.

The following example "probably" wont display the lines between rows:

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <!-- Default panel contents -->
    <div class="panel-heading">Panel heading</div>
    <!-- Table -->
    <table class="table">
        <tr><td> Hi 1! </td></tr>
        <tr><td> Hi 2! </td></tr>

The following example WILL display the lines between rows:

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <!-- Default panel contents -->
    <div class="panel-heading">Panel heading</div>
    <!-- Table -->
    <table class="table">
        <tr><td> Hi 1! </td></tr>
        <tr><td> Hi 2! </td></tr>

JavaScript window resize event

The resize event should never be used directly as it is fired continuously as we resize.

Use a debounce function to mitigate the excess calls.

window.addEventListener('resize',debounce(handler, delay, immediate),false);

Here's a common debounce floating around the net, though do look for more advanced ones as featuerd in lodash.

const debounce = (func, wait, immediate) => {
    var timeout;
    return () => {
        const context = this, args = arguments;
        const later = function() {
            timeout = null;
            if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
        const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
        if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);

This can be used like so...

window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(() => console.log('hello'),
200, false), false);

It will never fire more than once every 200ms.

For mobile orientation changes use:

window.addEventListener('orientationchange', () => console.log('hello'), false);

Here's a small library I put together to take care of this neatly.

Java how to sort a Linked List?

If you'd like to know how to sort a linked list without using standard Java libraries, I'd suggest looking at different algorithms yourself. Examples here show how to implement an insertion sort, another StackOverflow post shows a merge sort, and ehow even gives some examples on how to create a custom compare function in case you want to further customize your sort.

Subset dataframe by multiple logical conditions of rows to remove<-data[ data[,1] != "b"  & data[,1] != "d" & data[,1] != "e" , ]

Larger but simple to understand (I guess) and can be used with multiple columns, even with ! data[,1]).

Formatting a float to 2 decimal places

As already mentioned, you will need to use a formatted result; which is all done through the Write(), WriteLine(), Format(), and ToString() methods.

What has not been mentioned is the Fixed-point Format which allows for a specified number of decimal places. It uses an 'F' and the number following the 'F' is the number of decimal places outputted, as shown in the examples.

Console.WriteLine("{0:F2}", 12);    // 12.00 - two decimal places
Console.WriteLine("{0:F0}", 12.3);  // 12 - ommiting fractions

Iterate through the fields of a struct in Go

After you've retrieved the reflect.Value of the field by using Field(i) you can get a interface value from it by calling Interface(). Said interface value then represents the value of the field.

There is no function to convert the value of the field to a concrete type as there are, as you may know, no generics in go. Thus, there is no function with the signature GetValue() T with T being the type of that field (which changes of course, depending on the field).

The closest you can achieve in go is GetValue() interface{} and this is exactly what reflect.Value.Interface() offers.

The following code illustrates how to get the values of each exported field in a struct using reflection (play):

import (

func main() {
    x := struct{Foo string; Bar int }{"foo", 2}

    v := reflect.ValueOf(x)

    values := make([]interface{}, v.NumField())

    for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
        values[i] = v.Field(i).Interface()


How do I copy SQL Azure database to my local development server?

Download Optillect SQL Azure Backup - it has 15-day trial, so it will be enough to move your database :)

How to query data out of the box using Spring data JPA by both Sort and Pageable?

in 2020, the accepted answer is kinda out of date since the PageRequest is deprecated, so you should use code like this :

Pageable page = PageRequest.of(pageable.getPageNumber(), pageable.getPageSize(),"id").descending());
return repository.findAll(page);

Add new line in text file with Windows batch file

I believe you are using the

echo Text >> Example.txt 


If so the answer would be simply adding a "." (Dot) directly after the echo with nothing else there.


echo Blah
echo Blah 2
echo. #New line is added
echo Next Blah

Adding git branch on the Bash command prompt

Follow the below steps to show the name of the branch of your GIT repo in ubuntu terminal:

step1: open terminal and edit .bashrc using the following command.

vi .bashrc

step2: add the following line at the end of the .bashrc file :

parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/' }

export PS1="\u@\h \W\[\033[32m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "

step3: source .bashrc in the root (home) directory by doing:

/rootfolder:~$ source .bashrc

Step4: Restart and open the terminal and check the cmd. Navigate to your GIt repo directory path and you are done. :)

SQLite DateTime comparison

I had the same issue recently, and I solved it like this:

    strftime('%s', date) BETWEEN strftime('%s', start_date) AND strftime('%s', end_date)

What is the purpose of nameof?

Previously we were using something like that:

// Some form.
SetFieldReadOnly( () => Entity.UserName );
// Base form.
private void SetFieldReadOnly(Expression<Func<object>> property)
    var propName = GetPropNameFromExpr(property);

private void SetFieldReadOnly(string propertyName)

Reason - compile time safety. No one can silently rename property and break code logic. Now we can use nameof().

Left join only selected columns in R with the merge() function

I think it's a little simpler to use the dplyr functions select and left_join ; at least it's easier for me to understand. The join function from dplyr are made to mimic sql arguments.


 DF2 <- DF2 %>%
   select(client, LO)

 joined_data <- left_join(DF1, DF2, by = "Client")

You don't actually need to use the "by" argument in this case because the columns have the same name.

TypeScript - Append HTML to container element in Angular 2

You could do something like this:


htmlVariable: string = "<b>Some html.</b>"; //this is html in TypeScript code that you need to display


<div [innerHtml]="htmlVariable"></div> //this is how you display html code from TypeScript in your html

Hibernate: flush() and commit()

One common case for explicitly flushing is when you create a new persistent entity and you want it to have an artificial primary key generated and assigned to it, so that you can use it later on in the same transaction. In that case calling flush would result in your entity being given an id.

Another case is if there are a lot of things in the 1st-level cache and you'd like to clear it out periodically (in order to reduce the amount of memory used by the cache) but you still want to commit the whole thing together. This is the case that Aleksei's answer covers.

What does "opt" mean (as in the "opt" directory)? Is it an abbreviation?

Add-on software packages.

See for details.

Also described at Wikipedia.

Its use dates back at least to the late 1980s, when it was a standard part of System V UNIX. These days, it's also seen in Linux, Solaris (which is SysV), OSX Cygwin, etc. Other BSD unixes (FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc) tend to follow other rules, so you don't usually see BSD systems with an /opt unless they're administered by someone who is more comfortable in other environments.

Comparing arrays in JUnit assertions, concise built-in way?

Use org.junit.Assert's method assertArrayEquals:

import org.junit.Assert;

Assert.assertArrayEquals( expectedResult, result );

If this method is not available, you may have accidentally imported the Assert class from junit.framework.

Detect if a jQuery UI dialog box is open

jQuery dialog has an isOpen property that can be used to check if a jQuery dialog is open or not.

You can see example at this link:

How can you create pop up messages in a batch script?

msg * message goes here

That method is very simple and easy and should work in any batch file i believe. The only "downside" to this method is that it can only show 1 message at once, if there is more than one message it will show each one after the other depending on the order you put them inside the code. Also make sure there is a different looping or continuous operator in your batch file or it will close automatically and only this message will appear. If you need a "quiet" background looping opperator, heres one:

pause >nul

That should keep it running but then it will close after a button is pressed.

Also to keep all the commands "quiet" when running, so they just run and dont display that they were typed into the file, just put the following line at the beginning of the batch file:

@echo off

I hope all these tips helped!

jQuery vs document.querySelectorAll

I think the true answer is that jQuery was developed long before querySelector/querySelectorAll became available in all major browsers.

Initial release of jQuery was in 2006. In fact, even jQuery was not the first which implemented CSS selectors.

IE was the last browser to implement querySelector/querySelectorAll. Its 8th version was released in 2009.

So now, DOM elements selectors is not the strongest point of jQuery anymore. However, it still has a lot of goodies up its sleeve, like shortcuts to change element's css and html content, animations, events binding, ajax.

Sql Server string to date conversion

For this problem the best solution I use is to have a CLR function in Sql Server 2005 that uses one of DateTime.Parse or ParseExact function to return the DateTime value with a specified format.

Iterate over each line in a string in PHP

If you need to handle newlines in diferent systems you can simply use the PHP predefined constant PHP_EOL ( and simply use explode to avoid the overhead of the regular expression engine.

$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $subject);

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

The fact that a static class is implemented in C# by Microsoft creating a special instance of a class with the static elements is just an oddity of how static functionality is achieved. It is isn't a theoretical point.

An interface SHOULD be a descriptor of the class interface - or how it is interacted with, and that should include interactions that are static. The general definition of interface (from Meriam-Webster): the place or area at which different things meet and communicate with or affect each other. When you omit static components of a class or static classes entirely, we are ignoring large sections of how these bad boys interact.

Here is a very clear example of where being able to use interfaces with static classes would be quite useful:

public interface ICrudModel<T, Tk>
    Boolean Create(T obj);
    T Retrieve(Tk key);
    Boolean Update(T obj);
    Boolean Delete(T obj);

Currently, I write the static classes that contain these methods without any kind of checking to make sure that I haven't forgotten anything. Is like the bad old days of programming before OOP.

Saving image from PHP URL

See file()PHP Manual:

$url    = '';
$img    = 'miki.png';
$file   = file($url);
$result = file_put_contents($img, $file)

How to find length of dictionary values

A common use case I have is a dictionary of numpy arrays or lists where I know they're all the same length, and I just need to know one of them (e.g. I'm plotting timeseries data and each timeseries has the same number of timesteps). I often use this:

length = len(next(iter(d.values())))

Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>?

When you want to treat lambda expressions as expression trees and look inside them instead of executing them. For example, LINQ to SQL gets the expression and converts it to the equivalent SQL statement and submits it to server (rather than executing the lambda).

Conceptually, Expression<Func<T>> is completely different from Func<T>. Func<T> denotes a delegate which is pretty much a pointer to a method and Expression<Func<T>> denotes a tree data structure for a lambda expression. This tree structure describes what a lambda expression does rather than doing the actual thing. It basically holds data about the composition of expressions, variables, method calls, ... (for example it holds information such as this lambda is some constant + some parameter). You can use this description to convert it to an actual method (with Expression.Compile) or do other stuff (like the LINQ to SQL example) with it. The act of treating lambdas as anonymous methods and expression trees is purely a compile time thing.

Func<int> myFunc = () => 10; // similar to: int myAnonMethod() { return 10; }

will effectively compile to an IL method that gets nothing and returns 10.

Expression<Func<int>> myExpression = () => 10;

will be converted to a data structure that describes an expression that gets no parameters and returns the value 10:

Expression vs Func larger image

While they both look the same at compile time, what the compiler generates is totally different.

Changing ImageView source

Supplemental visual answer

ImageView: setImageResource() (standard method, aspect ratio is kept)

enter image description here

View: setBackgroundResource() (image is stretched)

enter image description here


enter image description here

My fuller answer is here.

How to do "If Clicked Else .."

 var flag = 0;

 $('#target').click(function() {
    flag = 1;

 if (flag == 1)
   alert("Not clicked");

Eclipse: stop code from running (java)

For Eclipse: menu bar-> window -> show view then find "debug" option if not in list then select other ...

new window will open and then search using keyword "debug" -> select debug from list

it will added near console tab. use debug tab to terminate and remove previous executions. ( right clicking on executing process will show you many option including terminate)

How to redirect a URL path in IIS?

If you have loads of re-directs to create, having loads of virtual directories over the places is a nightmare to maintain. You could try using ISAPI redirect an IIS extension. Then all you re-directs are managed in one place.

It allows also you to match patterns based on reg ex expressions etc. I've used where I've had to re-direct 100's of pages and its saved a lot of time.

Event for Handling the Focus of the EditText

  1. Declare object of EditText on top of class:

     EditText myEditText;
  2. Find EditText in onCreate Function and setOnFocusChangeListener of EditText:

    myEditText = findViewById(; 
    myEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
                public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean hasFocus) {
                    if (!hasFocus) {
                         Toast.makeText(this, "Focus Lose", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        Toast.makeText(this, "Get Focus", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

It works fine.


I had the same problem in bash and i'm doing something like this:

mysql -D "dbname" -e "insert into table1 (myvalue) values ('${foo}');"

which works fine:-) But

mysql -D "dbname" -e "insert into table1 (myvalue) values ('${foo}');set @last_insert_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();"
mysql -D "dbname" -e "insert into table2 (id_tab1) values (@last_insert_id);"

don't work. Because after the first command, the shell will be logged out from mysql and logged in again for the second command, and then the variable @last_insert_id isn't set anymore. My solution is:

lastinsertid=$(mysql -B -N -D "dbname" -e "insert into table1 (myvalue) values ('${foo}');select LAST_INSERT_ID();")
mysql -D "dbname" -e "insert into table2 (id_tab1) values (${lastinsertid});"

Maybe someone is searching for a solution an bash :-)

git push rejected

Actually I got the same error but the below comment worked for me

git push -f origin master

When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?

There are lots of misconceptions in the existing answers.

Both class and struct declare a class.

Yes, you may have to rearrange your access modifying keywords inside the class definition, depending on which keyword you used to declare the class.

But, beyond syntax, the only reason to choose one over the other is convention/style/preference.

Some people like to stick with the struct keyword for classes without member functions, because the resulting definition "looks like" a simple structure from C.

Similarly, some people like to use the class keyword for classes with member functions and private data, because it says "class" on it and therefore looks like examples from their favourite book on object-oriented programming.

The reality is that this completely up to you and your team, and it'll make literally no difference whatsoever to your program.

The following two classes are absolutely equivalent in every way except their name:

struct Foo
   int x;

class Bar
   int x;

You can even switch keywords when redeclaring:

class Foo;
struct Bar;

(although this breaks Visual Studio builds due to non-conformance, so that compiler will emit a warning when you do this.)

and the following expressions both evaluate to true:


Do note, though, that you can't switch the keywords when redefining; this is only because (per the one-definition rule) duplicate class definitions across translation units must "consist of the same sequence of tokens". This means you can't even exchange const int member; with int const member;, and has nothing to do with the semantics of class or struct.

Adding attribute in jQuery

best solution: from jQuery v1.6 you can use prop() to add a property

$('#someid').prop('disabled', true);

to remove it, use removeProp()



Also note that the .removeProp() method should not be used to set these properties to false. Once a native property is removed, it cannot be added again. See .removeProp() for more information.

How to normalize a signal to zero mean and unit variance?

If you have the stats toolbox, then you can compute

Z = zscore(S);

New line character in VB.Net?

Environment.NewLine is the most ".NET" way of getting the character, it will also emit a carriage return and line feed on Windows and just a carriage return in Unix if this is a concern for you.

However, you can also use the VB6 style vbCrLf or vbCr, giving a carriage return and line feed or just a carriage return respectively.

What is pipe() function in Angular

Two very different types of Pipes Angular - Pipes and RxJS - Pipes


A pipe takes in data as input and transforms it to a desired output. In this page, you'll use pipes to transform a component's birthday property into a human-friendly date.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-hero-birthday',
  template: `<p>The hero's birthday is {{ birthday | date }}</p>`
export class HeroBirthdayComponent {
  birthday = new Date(1988, 3, 15); // April 15, 1988

RxJS - Pipe

Observable operators are composed using a pipe method known as Pipeable Operators. Here is an example.

import {Observable, range} from 'rxjs';
import {map, filter} from 'rxjs/operators';

const source$: Observable<number> = range(0, 10);

    map(x => x * 2),
    filter(x => x % 3 === 0)
).subscribe(x => console.log(x));

The output for this in the console would be the following:





For any variable holding an observable, we can use the .pipe() method to pass in one or multiple operator functions that can work on and transform each item in the observable collection.

So this example takes each number in the range of 0 to 10, and multiplies it by 2. Then, the filter function to filter the result down to only the odd numbers.

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

Create a hash table which will be used for unmatched socks, using the pattern as the hash. Iterate over the socks one by one. If the sock has a pattern match in the hash table, take the sock out of the table and make a pair. If the sock does not have a match, put it into the table.

jquery - Check for file extension before uploading

The following code allows to upload gif, png, jpg, jpeg and bmp files.

var extension = $('#your_file_id').val().split('.').pop().toLowerCase();

if($.inArray(extension, ['gif','png','jpg','jpeg','bmp']) == -1) {
    alert('Sorry, invalid extension.');
    return false;

Json.NET serialize object with root name

Well, you can at least tell Json.NET to include the type name: . Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer jser = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer(); jser.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects;

The type will be included at the beginning in the "$type" property of the object.

This is not exactly what you are looking for, but it was good enough for me when facing a similiar problem.

convert string array to string

In the accepted answer, String.Join isn't best practice per its usage. String.Concat should have be used since OP included a trailing space in the first item: "Hello " (instead of using a null delimiter).

However, since OP asked for the result "Hello World!", String.Join is still the appropriate method, but the trailing whitespace should be moved to the delimiter instead.

// string[] test = new string[2];

// test[0] = "Hello ";
// test[1] = "World!";

string[] test = { "Hello", "World" }; // Alternative array creation syntax 
string result = String.Join(" ", test);

How to check if a value is not null and not empty string in JS

if (data?.trim().length > 0) {
   //use data

the ?. optional chaining operator will short-circuit and return undefined if data is nullish (null or undefined) which will evaluate to false in the if expression.

Executing multiple SQL queries in one statement with PHP

This may be created sql injection point "SQL Injection Piggy-backed Queries". attackers able to append multiple malicious sql statements. so do not append user inputs directly to the queries.

Security considerations

The API functions mysqli_query() and mysqli_real_query() do not set a connection flag necessary for activating multi queries in the server. An extra API call is used for multiple statements to reduce the likeliness of accidental SQL injection attacks. An attacker may try to add statements such as ; DROP DATABASE mysql or ; SELECT SLEEP(999). If the attacker succeeds in adding SQL to the statement string but mysqli_multi_query is not used, the server will not execute the second, injected and malicious SQL statement.


How do I get a value of in Python that is "timezone aware"?

If you are using Django, you can set dates non-tz aware (only UTC).

Comment the following line in

USE_TZ = True

How to enable CORS in apache tomcat

CORS support in Tomcat is provided via a filter. You need to add this filter to your web.xml file and configure it to match your requirements. Full details on the configuration options available can be found in the Tomcat Documentation.

Ajax passing data to php script

You can also use bellow code for pass data using ajax.

var dataString = "album" + title;
    type: 'POST',  
    url: 'test.php', 
    data: dataString,
    success: function(response) {

What is the difference between Eclipse for Java (EE) Developers and Eclipse Classic?

If you want to build Java EE applications, it's best to use Eclipse IDE for Java EE. It has editors from HTML to JSP/JSF, Javascript. It's rich for webapps development, and provide plugins and tools to develop Java EE applications easily (all bundled).

Eclipse Classic is basically the full featured Eclipse without the Java EE part.

Getting file names without extensions

This solution also prevents the addition of a trailing comma.

var filenames = String.Join(
                    ", ",
                    Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\", "*.txt")
                       .Select(filename => 

I dislike the DirectoryInfo, FileInfo for this scenario.

DirectoryInfo and FileInfo collect more data about the folder and the files than is needed so they take more time and memory than necessary.

How to check if element has any children in Javascript?

A couple of ways:

if (element.firstChild) {
    // It has at least one

or the hasChildNodes() function:

if (element.hasChildNodes()) {
    // It has at least one

or the length property of childNodes:

if (element.childNodes.length > 0) { // Or just `if (element.childNodes.length)`
    // It has at least one

If you only want to know about child elements (as opposed to text nodes, attribute nodes, etc.) on all modern browsers (and IE8 — in fact, even IE6) you can do this: (thank you Florian!)

if (element.children.length > 0) { // Or just `if (element.children.length)`
    // It has at least one element as a child

That relies on the children property, which wasn't defined in DOM1, DOM2, or DOM3, but which has near-universal support. (It works in IE6 and up and Chrome, Firefox, and Opera at least as far back as November 2012, when this was originally written.) If supporting older mobile devices, be sure to check for support.

If you don't need IE8 and earlier support, you can also do this:

if (element.firstElementChild) {
    // It has at least one element as a child

That relies on firstElementChild. Like children, it wasn't defined in DOM1-3 either, but unlike children it wasn't added to IE until IE9. The same applies to childElementCount:

if (element.childElementCount !== 0) {
    // It has at least one element as a child

If you want to stick to something defined in DOM1 (maybe you have to support really obscure browsers), you have to do more work:

var hasChildElements, child;
hasChildElements = false;
for (child = element.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
    if (child.nodeType == 1) { // 1 == Element
        hasChildElements = true;

All of that is part of DOM1, and nearly universally supported.

It would be easy to wrap this up in a function, e.g.:

function hasChildElement(elm) {
    var child, rv;

    if (elm.children) {
        // Supports `children`
        rv = elm.children.length !== 0;
    } else {
        // The hard way...
        rv = false;
        for (child = element.firstChild; !rv && child; child = child.nextSibling) {
            if (child.nodeType == 1) { // 1 == Element
                rv = true;
    return rv;

Python Array with String Indices

Even better, try an OrderedDict (assuming you want something like a list). Closer to a list than a regular dict since the keys have an order just like list elements have an order. With a regular dict, the keys have an arbitrary order.

Note that this is available in Python 3 and 2.7. If you want to use with an earlier version of Python you can find installable modules to do that.

Tensorflow import error: No module named 'tensorflow'

Visual Studio in left panel is Python "interactive Select karnel"

Pyton 3.7.x anaconda3/python.exe ('base':conda) I'm this fixing

matplotlib colorbar in each subplot

Please have a look at this matplotlib example page. There it is shown how to get the following plot with four individual colorbars for each subplot: enter image description here

I hope this helps.
You can further have a look here, where you can find a lot of what you can do with matplotlib.

Rotate a div using javascript

To rotate a DIV we can add some CSS that, well, rotates the DIV using CSS transform rotate.

To toggle the rotation we can keep a flag, a simple variable with a boolean value that tells us what way to rotate.

var rotated = false;

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66; = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; 

    rotated = !rotated;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

To add some animation to the rotation all we have to do is add CSS transitions

div {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Another way to do it is using classes, and setting all the styles in a stylesheet, thus keeping them out of the javascript

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
#div.rotated {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -moz-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -ms-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -o-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Angular 6: saving data to local storage

you can use localStorage for storing the json data:

the example is given below:-

let JSONDatas = [
    {"id": "Open"},
    {"id": "OpenNew", "label": "Open New"},
    {"id": "ZoomIn", "label": "Zoom In"},
    {"id": "ZoomOut", "label": "Zoom Out"},
    {"id": "Find", "label": "Find..."},
    {"id": "FindAgain", "label": "Find Again"},
    {"id": "Copy"},
    {"id": "CopyAgain", "label": "Copy Again"},
    {"id": "CopySVG", "label": "Copy SVG"},
    {"id": "ViewSVG", "label": "View SVG"}

localStorage.setItem("datas", JSON.stringify(JSONDatas));

let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("datas"));


How do I connect to this localhost from another computer on the same network?

it may be that your firewalls are preventing you from accessing the localhost's webserver.
Put the IP addresses of both of your computers' internet security antivirus network security as safe IP addresses if required.
How to find the IP address of your windows PC: Start > (Run) type in: cmd (Enter)
(This opens the black box command prompt)
type in ipconfig (Enter)
Let's say your Apache or IIS webserver is installed on your PC:
and you want to access your webserver with your laptop. (laptop's IP is
On your PC you type in: http://localhost/ inside your Firefox or Internet Eplorer browser to access your data on your webserver.
On your laptop you type in to access your webserver on your PC.

For all these things to work you need have installed a webserver correctly (e.g. IIS, Apache, XAMP, WAMP etc).

If it does not work, try to ping your PC from your laptop:
Open up command propmt on your laptop: Start > cmd (Enter)
ping (Enter)
If the pinging fails, then firewalls are blocking your connection or your network cabling is faulty. Restart your modem or network switch and your machines.
Close programs such as chat programs that are using your ports.
You can also try a diffrent port number: http: or http: or any random number at the end

How to have conditional elements and keep DRY with Facebook React's JSX?

You can conditionally include elements using the ternary operator like so:

render: function(){

         return <div id="page">

                  //conditional statement
                  {this.state.banner ? <div id="banner">{this.state.banner}</div> : null}

                  <div id="other-content">
                      blah blah blah...


Unable to open project... cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed

And once you get things working again you should look into using something like subversion or mercurial for backup and revision control. Remember that he electrons don't always go where they are supposed to, backup early and often!

Lua String replace


name = "^aH^ai"
name = name:gsub("%^a", "")

See also:

Convert ArrayList<String> to String[] array

Use like this.

List<String> stockList = new ArrayList<String>();

String[] stockArr = new String[stockList.size()];
stockArr = stockList.toArray(stockArr);

for(String s : stockArr)

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

Note: Since someone claimed that the external link is dead in Sushant Butta's answer I've posted the content here as a separate answer.

Beware of NULLS.

Today I came across a very strange behaviour of query while using IN and NOT IN operators. Actually I wanted to compare two tables and find out whether a value from table b existed in table a or not and find out its behavior if the column containsnull values. So I just created an environment to test this behavior.

We will create table table_a.

SQL> create table table_a ( a number);
Table created.

We will create table table_b.

SQL> create table table_b ( b number);
Table created.

Insert some values into table_a.

SQL> insert into table_a values (1);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into table_a values (2);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into table_a values (3);
1 row created.

Insert some values into table_b.

SQL> insert into table_b values(4);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into table_b values(3);
1 row created.

Now we will execute a query to check the existence of a value in table_a by checking its value from table_b using IN operator.

SQL> select * from table_a where a in (select * from table_b);

Execute below query to check the non existence.

SQL> select * from table_a where a not in (select * from table_b);

The output came as expected. Now we will insert a null value in the table table_b and see how the above two queries behave.

SQL> insert into table_b values(null);
1 row created.

SQL> select * from table_a where a in (select * from table_b);

SQL> select * from table_a where a not in (select * from table_b);

no rows selected

The first query behaved as expected but what happened to the second query? Why didn't we get any output, what should have happened? Is there any difference in the query? No.

The change is in the data of table table_b. We have introduced a null value in the table. But how come it's behaving like this? Let's split the two queries into "AND" and "OR" operator.

First Query:

The first query will be handled internally something like this. So a null will not create a problem here as my first two operands will either evaluate to true or false. But my third operand a = null will neither evaluate to true nor false. It will evaluate to null only.

select * from table_a whara a = 3 or a = 4 or a = null;

a = 3  is either true or false
a = 4  is either true or false
a = null is null

Second Query:

The second query will be handled as below. Since we are using an "AND" operator and anything other than true in any of the operand will not give me any output.

select * from table_a whara a <> 3 and a <> 4 and a <> null;

a <> 3 is either true or false
a <> 4 is either true or false
a <> null is null

So how do we handle this? We will pick all the not null values from table table_b while using NOT IN operator.

SQL> select * from table_a where a not in (select * from table_b where b is not null);


So always be careful about NULL values in the column while using NOT IN operator.

Beware of NULL!!

what is the difference between OLE DB and ODBC data sources?

ODBC and OLE DB are two competing data access technologies. Specifically regarding SQL Server, Microsoft has promoted both of them as their Preferred Future Direction - though at different times.


ODBC is an industry-wide standard interface for accessing table-like data. It was primarily developed for databases and presents data in collections of records, each of which is grouped into a collection of fields. Each field has its own data type suitable to the type of data it contains. Each database vendor (Microsoft, Oracle, Postgres, …) supplies an ODBC driver for their database.

There are also ODBC drivers for objects which, though they are not database tables, are sufficiently similar that accessing data in the same way is useful. Examples are spreadsheets, CSV files and columnar reports.


OLE DB is a Microsoft technology for access to data. Unlike ODBC it encompasses both table-like and non-table-like data such as email messages, web pages, Word documents and file directories. However, it is procedure-oriented rather than object-oriented and is regarded as a rather difficult interface with which to develop access to data sources. To overcome this, ADO was designed to be an object-oriented layer on top of OLE DB and to provide a simpler and higher-level – though still very powerful – way of working with it. ADO’s great advantage it that you can use it to manipulate properties which are specific to a given type of data source, just as easily as you can use it to access those properties which apply to all data source types. You are not restricted to some unsatisfactory lowest common denominator.

While all databases have ODBC drivers, they don’t all have OLE DB drivers. There is however an interface available between OLE and ODBC which can be used if you want to access them in OLE DB-like fashion. This interface is called MSDASQL (Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC).

SQL Server Data Access Technologies

Since SQL Server is (1) made by Microsoft, and (2) the Microsoft database platform, both ODBC and OLE DB are a natural fit for it.


Since all other database platforms had ODBC interfaces, Microsoft obviously had to provide one for SQL Server. In addition to this, DAO, the original default technology in Microsoft Access, uses ODBC as the standard way of talking to all external data sources. This made an ODBC interface a sine qua non. The version 6 ODBC driver for SQL Server, released with SQL Server 2000, is still around. Updated versions have been released to handle the new data types, connection technologies, encryption, HA/DR etc. that have appeared with subsequent releases. As of 09/07/2018 the most recent release is v13.1 “ODBC Driver for SQL Server”, released on 23/03/2018.


This is Microsoft’s own technology, which they were promoting strongly from about 2002 – 2005, along with its accompanying ADO layer. They were evidently hoping that it would become the data access technology of choice. (They even made ADO the default method for accessing data in Access 2002/2003.) However, it eventually became apparent that this was not going to happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  1. The world was not going to convert to Microsoft technologies and away from ODBC;
  2. DAO/ODBC was faster than ADO/OLE DB and was also thoroughly integrated into MS Access, so wasn’t going to die a natural death;
  3. New technologies that were being developed by Microsoft, specifically ADO.NET, could also talk directly to ODBC. ADO.NET could talk directly to OLE DB as well (thus leaving ADO in a backwater), but it was not (unlike ADO) solely dependent on it.

For these reasons and others, Microsoft actually deprecated OLE DB as a data access technology for SQL Server releases after v11 (SQL Server 2012). For a couple of years before this point, they had been producing and updating the SQL Server Native Client, which supported both ODBC and OLE DB technologies. In late 2012 however, they announced that they would be aligning with ODBC for native relational data access in SQL Server, and encouraged everybody else to do the same. They further stated that SQL Server releases after v11/SQL Server 2012 would actively not support OLE DB!

This announcement provoked a storm of protest. People were at a loss to understand why MS was suddenly deprecating a technology that they had spent years getting them to commit to. In addition, SSAS/SSRS and SSIS, which were MS-written applications intimately linked to SQL Server, were wholly or partly dependent on OLE DB. Yet another complaint was that OLE DB had certain desirable features which it seemed impossible to port back to ODBC – after all, OLE DB had many good points.

In October 2017, Microsoft relented and officially un-deprecated OLE DB. They announced the imminent arrival of a new driver (MSOLEDBSQL) which would have the existing feature set of the Native Client 11 and would also introduce multi-subnet failover and TLS 1.2 support. The driver was released in March 2018.

Remove all special characters from a string

Here, check out this function:

function seo_friendly_url($string){
    $string = str_replace(array('[\', \']'), '', $string);
    $string = preg_replace('/\[.*\]/U', '', $string);
    $string = preg_replace('/&(amp;)?#?[a-z0-9]+;/i', '-', $string);
    $string = htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    $string = preg_replace('/&([a-z])(acute|uml|circ|grave|ring|cedil|slash|tilde|caron|lig|quot|rsquo);/i', '\\1', $string );
    $string = preg_replace(array('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '/[-]+/') , '-', $string);
    return strtolower(trim($string, '-'));

"Cannot GET /" with Connect on Node.js

This code should work:

var connect = require("connect");

var app = connect.createServer().use(connect.static(__dirname + '/public'));


Also in connect 2.0 .createServer() method deprecated. Use connect() instead.

var connect = require("connect");

var app = connect().use(connect.static(__dirname + '/public'));


Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot

You need to map attributes to aesthetics (colours within the aes statement) to produce a legend.

cols <- c("LINE1"="#f04546","LINE2"="#3591d1","BAR"="#62c76b")
ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h, fill = "BAR"),colour="#333333")+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols) + scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols) +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

I understand where Roland is coming from, but since this is only 3 attributes, and complications arise from superimposing bars and error bars this may be reasonable to leave the data in wide format like it is. It could be slightly reduced in complexity by using geom_pointrange.

To change the background color for the error bars legend in the original, add + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white",colour = "white")) to the plot specification. To merge different legends, you typically need to have a consistent mapping for all elements, but it is currently producing an artifact of a black background for me. I thought guide = guide_legend(fill = NULL,colour = NULL) would set the background to null for the legend, but it did not. Perhaps worth another question.

ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR", colour="BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, guide = guide_legend(fill = NULL,colour = NULL)) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

To get rid of the black background in the legend, you need to use the override.aes argument to the guide_legend. The purpose of this is to let you specify a particular aspect of the legend which may not be being assigned correctly.

ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR", colour="BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, 
                      guide = guide_legend(override.aes=aes(fill=NA))) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

Python: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

Have you noticed that you don't get the error if you run

python ./

instead of


This is because sys.argv[0] will read ./ in the former case, which gives os.path.dirname something to work with. When you don't specify a path, sys.argv[0] reads simply, and os.path.dirname cannot determine a path.

What is SYSNAME data type in SQL Server?

sysname is used by sp_send_dbmail, a stored procedure that "Sends an e-mail message to the specified recipients" and located in the msdb database.

According to Microsoft,

[ @profile_name = ] 'profile_name'  

Is the name of the profile to send the message from. The profile_name is of type sysname, with a default of NULL. The profile_name must be the name of an existing Database Mail profile. When no profile_name is specified, sp_send_dbmail uses the default private profile for the current user. If the user does not have a default private profile, sp_send_dbmail uses the default public profile for the msdb database. If the user does not have a default private profile and there is no default public profile for the database, @profile_name must be specified.

How do I read a text file of about 2 GB?

There are quite number of tools available for viewing large files. This for instance. However, I was successful with larger files viewing in Visual studio. Thought it took some time to load, it worked.

How do I get bootstrap-datepicker to work with Bootstrap 3?

I also use Stefan Petre’s and it does not work with Bootstrap 3 without modification. Note that is a fork of Stefan Petre's code.

You have to change your markup (the sample markup will not work) to use the new CSS and form grid layout in Bootstrap 3. Also, you have to modify some CSS and JavaScript in the actual bootstrap-datepicker implementation.

Here is my solution:

<div class="form-group row">
  <div class="col-xs-8">
    <label class="control-label">My Label</label>
    <div class="input-group date" id="dp3" data-date="12-02-2012" data-date-format="mm-dd-yyyy">
      <input class="form-control" type="text" readonly="" value="12-02-2012">
      <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></span>

CSS changes in datepicker.css on lines 176-177: .input-group-addon i, .input-group-addon i {

Javascript change in datepicker-bootstrap.js on line 34:

this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.input-group-addon') : false;


Using the newer code from the changes are as follows:

CSS changes in datepicker.css on lines 446-447: .input-group-addon i, .input-group-addon i {

Javascript change in datepicker-bootstrap.js on line 46:

 this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.input-group-addon, .btn') : false;

Finally, the JavaScript to enable the datepicker (with some options):

 $("").datepicker({ autoclose: true, todayHighlight: true });

Tested with Bootstrap 3.0 and JQuery 1.9.1. Note that this fork is better to use than the other as it is more feature rich, has localization support and auto-positions the datepicker based on the control position and window size, avoiding the picker going off the screen which was a problem with the older version.

Eclipse IDE for Java - Full Dark Theme

I've build a win 7 dark theme base on the popular windows 7 'concave 7' theme for eclipse dark juno theme. And I also create a dark theme inspired from the editor color theme 'Zenburn' created by Janni Nurmin

Here are photos of this theme:

All settings of this theme is available on github:

And feedback and suggestion is appreciated, thank you!

How to resolve ORA-011033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

This error can also occur in the normal situation when a database is starting or stopping. Normally on startup you can wait until the startup completes, then connect as usual. If the error persists, the service (on a Windows box) may be started without the database being started. This may be due to startup issues, or because the service is not configured to automatically start the database. In this case you will have to connect as sysdba and physically start the database using the "startup" command.

CakePHP find method with JOIN

There are two main ways that you can do this. One of them is the standard CakePHP way, and the other is using a custom join.

It's worth pointing out that this advice is for CakePHP 2.x, not 3.x.

The CakePHP Way

You would create a relationship with your User model and Messages Model, and use the containable behavior:

class User extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $hasMany = array('Message');

class Message extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $belongsTo = array('User');

You need to change the messages.from column to be messages.user_id so that cake can automagically associate the records for you.

Then you can do this from the messages controller:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'contain' => array('User')
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

The (other) CakePHP way

I recommend using the first method, because it will save you a lot of time and work. The first method also does the groundwork of setting up a relationship which can be used for any number of other find calls and conditions besides the one you need now. However, cakePHP does support a syntax for defining your own joins. It would be done like this, from the MessagesController:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'joins' => array(
            'table' => 'users',
            'alias' => 'UserJoin',
            'type' => 'INNER',
            'conditions' => array(
                ' = Message.from'
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'fields' => array('UserJoin.*', 'Message.*'),
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

Note, I've left the field name messages.from the same as your current table in this example.

Using two relationships to the same model

Here is how you can do the first example using two relationships to the same model:

class User extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $hasMany = array(
        'MessagesSent' => array(
            'className'  => 'Message',
            'foreignKey' => 'from'
    public $belongsTo = array(
        'MessagesReceived' => array(
            'className'  => 'Message',
            'foreignKey' => 'to'

class Message extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $belongsTo = array(
        'UserFrom' => array(
            'className'  => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'from'
    public $hasMany = array(
        'UserTo' => array(
            'className'  => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'to'

Now you can do your find call like this:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'contain' => array('UserFrom')
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

Pass in an array of Deferreds to $.when()

If you're transpiling and have access to ES6, you can use spread syntax which specifically applies each iterable item of an object as a discrete argument, just the way $.when() needs it.

$.when(...deferreds).done(() => {
    // do stuff

MDN Link - Spread Syntax

Building with Lombok's @Slf4j and Intellij: Cannot find symbol log

I tried almost all of the mentioned answers but nothing worked for me. My gradle build was failing every time. Just found this solution:

Add annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok' in your build.gradle.

This worked for me.

How to save and load numpy.array() data properly?'data.npy', num_arr) # save
new_num_arr = np.load('data.npy') # load

How to extract URL parameters from a URL with Ruby or Rails?

There more than one ways, to solve your problem. Others has shown you the some tricks. I know another trick. Here is my try :-

require 'uri'
url = ""
uri = URI(url)
# => #<URI::HTTP:0x89e4898 URL:>
URI::decode_www_form(uri.query).to_h # if you are in 2.1 or later version of Ruby
# => {"param1"=>"value1", "param2"=>"value2", "param3"=>"value3"}
Hash[URI::decode_www_form(uri.query)] # if you are below 2.1 version of Ruby
# => {"param1"=>"value1", "param2"=>"value2", "param3"=>"value3"}

Read the method docomentation of ::decode_www_form.

Multiple conditions in ngClass - Angular 4

you need object notation

<section [ngClass]="{'class1':condition1, 'class2': condition2, 'class3':condition3}" > 

ref: NgClass

How to deal with missing src/test/java source folder in Android/Maven project?

This is a bug in the Android Connector for M2E (m2e-android) that was recently fixed:

This fix has been merged and will be available with the next release. In the meantime you can test the new fix by installing from the following update site:

How to automatically generate N "distinct" colors?

I would try to fix saturation and lumination to maximum and focus on hue only. As I see it, H can go from 0 to 255 and then wraps around. Now if you wanted two contrasting colours you would take the opposite sides of this ring, i.e. 0 and 128. If you wanted 4 colours, you would take some separated by 1/4 of the 256 length of the circle, i.e. 0, 64,128,192. And of course, as others suggested when you need N colours, you could just separate them by 256/N.

What I would add to this idea is to use a reversed representation of a binary number to form this sequence. Look at this:

0 = 00000000  after reversal is 00000000 = 0
1 = 00000001  after reversal is 10000000 = 128
2 = 00000010  after reversal is 01000000 = 64
3 = 00000011  after reversal is 11000000 = 192

... this way if you need N different colours you could just take first N numbers, reverse them, and you get as much distant points as possible (for N being power of two) while at the same time preserving that each prefix of the sequence differs a lot.

This was an important goal in my use case, as I had a chart where colors were sorted by area covered by this colour. I wanted the largest areas of the chart to have large contrast, and I was ok with some small areas to have colours similar to those from top 10, as it was obvious for the reader which one is which one by just observing the area.

Read specific columns from a csv file with csv module?

To fetch column name, instead of using readlines() better use readline() to avoid loop & reading the complete file & storing it in the array.

with open(csv_file, 'rb') as csvfile:

    # get number of columns

    line = csvfile.readline()

    first_item = line.split(',')

How do I get the full path to a Perl script that is executing?

There's no need to use external modules, with just one line you can have the file name and relative path. If you are using modules and need to apply a path relative to the script directory, the relative path is enough.

$0 =~ m/(.+)[\/\\](.+)$/;
print "full path: $1, file name: $2\n";

Java: Best way to iterate through a Collection (here ArrayList)

There is additionally collections’ stream() util with Java 8

collection.forEach((temp) -> {



More information about Java 8 stream and collections for wonderers link

How to customise file type to syntax associations in Sublime Text?

There is a quick method to set the syntax: Ctrl+Shift+P,then type in the input box

ss + (which type you want set)

eg: ss html +Enter

and ss means "set syntax"

it is really quicker than check in the menu's checkbox.

How to filter array in subdocument with MongoDB

Above solution works best if multiple matching sub documents are required. $elemMatch also comes in very use if single matching sub document is required as output

db.test.find({list: {$elemMatch: {a: 1}}}, {'list.$': 1})


  "_id": ObjectId("..."),
  "list": [{a: 1}]

How to use both onclick and target="_blank"

Instead use

The syntax is:, strWindowName[, strWindowFeatures]);

Your code should have:'Prosjektplan.pdf');

Your code should be:

<p class="downloadBoks"

Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?

It is quite normal to organize JavaScript program modular into several files and to call child-modules from the main js module.

The thing is JavaScript doesn't provide this. Not even today in latest browser versions of Chrome and FF.

But, is there any keyword in JavaScript to call another JavaScript module?

This question may be a total collapse of the world for many because the answer is No.

In ES5 ( released in 2009 ) JavaScript had no keywords like import, include, or require.

ES6 saves the day ( released in 2015 ) proposing the import keyword ( ), but no browser implements this.

If you use Babel 6.18.0 and transpile with ES2015 option only

import myDefault from "my-module";

you will get require again.

"use strict";
var _myModule = require("my-module");
var _myModule2 = _interopRequireDefault(_myModule);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

This is because require means the module will be loaded from Node.js. Node.js will handle everything from system level file read to wrapping functions into the module.

Because in JavaScript functions are the only wrappers to represent the modules.

I'm a lot confused about CommonJS and AMD?

Both CommonJS and AMD are just two different techniques how to overcome the JavaScript "defect" to load modules smart.

Git clone without .git directory


git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git://someserver/somerepo dirformynewrepo
rm -rf ./dirformynewrepo/.git
  • The depth option will make sure to copy the least bit of history possible to get that repo.
  • The branch option is optional and if not specified would get master.
  • The second line will make your directory dirformynewrepo not a Git repository any more.
  • If you're doing recursive submodule clone, the depth and branch parameter don't apply to the submodules.

How to get first character of string?

in JQuery you can use: in class for Select Option:


in class for text Value:


in ID for text Value:


Do I commit the package-lock.json file created by npm 5?

Yes, package-lock.json is intended to be checked into source control. If you're using npm 5+, you may see this notice on the command line: created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file. According to npm help package-lock.json:

package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json. It describes the exact tree that was generated, such that subsequent installs are able to generate identical trees, regardless of intermediate dependency updates.

This file is intended to be committed into source repositories, and serves various purposes:

  • Describe a single representation of a dependency tree such that teammates, deployments, and continuous integration are guaranteed to install exactly the same dependencies.

  • Provide a facility for users to "time-travel" to previous states of node_modules without having to commit the directory itself.

  • To facilitate greater visibility of tree changes through readable source control diffs.

  • And optimize the installation process by allowing npm to skip repeated metadata resolutions for previously-installed packages.

One key detail about package-lock.json is that it cannot be published, and it will be ignored if found in any place other than the toplevel package. It shares a format with npm-shrinkwrap.json, which is essentially the same file, but allows publication. This is not recommended unless deploying a CLI tool or otherwise using the publication process for producing production packages.

If both package-lock.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json are present in the root of a package, package-lock.json will be completely ignored.

Passing an array as parameter in JavaScript

Just remove the .value, like this:

   for(var i = 0; i < arrayP.length; i++){
      alert(arrayP[i]);    //no .value here

Sure you can pass an array, but to get the element at that position, use only arrayName[index], the .value would be getting the value property off an object at that position in the array - which for things like strings, numbers, etc doesn't exist. For example, "myString".value would also be undefined.

Ruby Array find_first object?

Do you need the object itself or do you just need to know if there is an object that satisfies. If the former then yes: use find:

found_object = my_array.find { |e| e.satisfies_condition? }

otherwise you can use any?

found_it = my_array.any?  { |e| e.satisfies_condition? }

The latter will bail with "true" when it finds one that satisfies the condition. The former will do the same, but return the object.

Check if Cell value exists in Column, and then get the value of the NEXT Cell

Use a different function, like VLOOKUP:


How to get second-highest salary employees in a table


cntr number :=0;

cursor c1 is

select salary from employees order by salary desc;

z c1%rowtype;


open c1;

fetch c1 into z;

while (c1%found) and (cntr <= 1) loop

cntr := cntr + 1;

fetch c1 into z;


end loop;


How to go back to previous page if back button is pressed in WebView?

Webview in Activity,Below code worked for me , Finish the activity the after load the Url in onbackpressed it go to the previous activity

 webView = (WebView) findViewById(;

Read Content from Files which are inside Zip file

If you're wondering how to get the file content from each ZipEntry it's actually quite simple. Here's a sample code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile("C:/");

    Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();

        ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
        InputStream stream = zipFile.getInputStream(entry);

Once you have the InputStream you can read it however you want.

Rails 3 execute custom sql query without a model

How about this :

@client =
      :adapter => 'mysql2',
      :host => 'host',
      :database => 'siteconfig_development',
      :username => 'username',
      :password => 'password'

sql = "SELECT * FROM users"

result = @client.execute(sql)

results.each do |row|
puts row[0]

You need to have TinyTds gem installed, since you didn't specify it in your question I didn't use Active Record

Why does Java have transient fields?

Serialization systems other than the native java one can also use this modifier. Hibernate, for instance, will not persist fields marked with either @Transient or the transient modifier. Terracotta as well respects this modifier.

I believe the figurative meaning of the modifier is "this field is for in-memory use only. don't persist or move it outside of this particular VM in any way. Its non-portable". i.e. you can't rely on its value in another VM memory space. Much like volatile means you can't rely on certain memory and thread semantics.

How do I clone a generic List in Java?

I am not a java professional, but I have the same problem and I tried to solve by this method. (It suppose that T has a copy constructor).

 public static <T extends Object> List<T> clone(List<T> list) {
      try {
           List<T> c = list.getClass().newInstance();
           for(T t: list) {
             T copy = (T) t.getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(t.getclass()).newInstance(t);
           return c;
      } catch(Exception e) {
           throw new RuntimeException("List cloning unsupported",e);

What is the difference between CloseableHttpClient and HttpClient in Apache HttpClient API?

  • The main entry point of the HttpClient API is the HttpClient interface.
  • The most essential function of HttpClient is to execute HTTP methods.
  • Execution of an HTTP method involves one or several HTTP request / HTTP response exchanges, usually handled internally by HttpClient.

  • CloseableHttpClient is an abstract class which is the base implementation of HttpClient that also implements
  • Here is an example of request execution process in its simplest form:

    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
    HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("http://localhost/");
    CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
    try {
        //do something
    } finally {

  • HttpClient resource deallocation: When an instance CloseableHttpClient is no longer needed and is about to go out of scope the connection manager associated with it must be shut down by calling the CloseableHttpClient#close() method.

    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
    try {
        //do something
    } finally {

see the Reference to learn fundamentals.

@Scadge Since Java 7, Use of try-with-resources statement ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the statement. It can be used both for the client and for each response

try(CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault()){

    // e.g. do this many times
    try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget)) {
    //do something

    //do something else with httpclient here

Getting time span between two times in C#?

Another way ( longer ) In [ Say 2300 Start and 0700 Finish next day ]

If tsStart > tsFinish Then

                            ' Take Hours difference and adjust accordingly
                            tsDifference = New TimeSpan((24 - tsStart.Hours) + tsFinish.Hours, 0, 0)

                            ' Add Minutes to Difference
                            tsDifference = tsDifference.Add(New TimeSpan(0, Math.Abs(tsStart.Minutes - tsFinish.Minutes), 0))

                            ' Add Seonds to Difference
                            tsDifference = tsDifference.Add(New TimeSpan(0, 0, Math.Abs(tsStart.Seconds - tsFinish.Seconds)))

Remote desktop connection protocol error 0x112f

This error may be triggered by insufficient memory on RDP server.

After few tries with this error, RDP managed to get a connection to the server and I was able to stop a bogus service consuming too much memory. This can be done also with sysinternals or sc.

Getting a count of rows in a datatable that meet certain criteria

int numberOfRecords = DTb.Rows.Count;
int numberOfColumns = DTb.Columns.Count;