Programs & Examples On #Database project

Visual Studio Database Projects allow developers to create, manage, update, and deploy databases with the same development tools and processes as any other source code project.

'Incorrect SET Options' Error When Building Database Project

I had the same issue with the filtered index and my inserts and updates were failing. All I did was to change the stored procedure that had the insert and update statement to:

create procedure abc

A method to count occurrences in a list

How about something like this ...

var l1 = new List<int>() { 1,2,3,4,5,2,2,2,4,4,4,1 };

var g = l1.GroupBy( i => i );

foreach( var grp in g )
  Console.WriteLine( "{0} {1}", grp.Key, grp.Count() );

Edit per comment: I will try and do this justice. :)

In my example, it's a Func<int, TKey> because my list is ints. So, I'm telling GroupBy how to group my items. The Func takes a int and returns the the key for my grouping. In this case, I will get an IGrouping<int,int> (a grouping of ints keyed by an int). If I changed it to (i => i.ToString() ) for example, I would be keying my grouping by a string. You can imagine a less trivial example than keying by "1", "2", "3" ... maybe I make a function that returns "one", "two", "three" to be my keys ...

private string SampleMethod( int i )
  // magically return "One" if i == 1, "Two" if i == 2, etc.

So, that's a Func that would take an int and return a string, just like ...

i =>  // magically return "One" if i == 1, "Two" if i == 2, etc. 

But, since the original question called for knowing the original list value and it's count, I just used an integer to key my integer grouping to make my example simpler.

Linux command for extracting war file?

You can use the unzip command.

jQuery adding 2 numbers from input fields

This code works, can you compare it with yours?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <title>HTML Tutorial</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <meta charset="windows-1252">

    var a = $("#a").val();
    var b = $("#b").val();   
    $("#submit").on("click", function(){
        var sum = a + b;
   <input type="text" id="a" name="option"> 
   <input type="text" id="b" name="task"> 
<input id="submit" type="button" value="press me">



Determine on iPhone if user has enabled push notifications

In Xamarin, all above solution does not work for me. This is what I use instead:

public static bool IsRemoteNotificationsEnabled() {
    return UIApplication.SharedApplication.CurrentUserNotificationSettings.Types != UIUserNotificationType.None;

It's getting a live update also after you've changed the notification status in Settings.

What does a lazy val do?

This feature helps not only delaying expensive calculations, but is also useful to construct mutual dependent or cyclic structures. E.g. this leads to an stack overflow:

trait Foo { val foo: Foo }
case class Fee extends Foo { val foo = Faa() }
case class Faa extends Foo { val foo = Fee() }


But with lazy vals it works fine

trait Foo { val foo: Foo }
case class Fee extends Foo { lazy val foo = Faa() }
case class Faa extends Foo { lazy val foo = Fee() }


How to display a json array in table format?

var data = [
        id : "001",
        name : "apple",
        category : "fruit",
        color : "red"
        id : "002",
        name : "melon",
        category : "fruit",
        color : "green"
        id : "003",
        name : "banana",
        category : "fruit",
        color : "yellow"

for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < length; i++) {
    var temp = '<tr><td>' + data[i].id + '</td>';
    temp+= '<td>' + data[i].name+ '</td>';
    temp+= '<td>' + data[i].category + '</td>';
    temp+= '<td>' + data[i].color + '</td></tr>';
    $('table tbody').append(temp));

How do I add a user when I'm using Alpine as a base image?

The commands are adduser and addgroup.

Here's a template for Docker you can use in busybox environments (alpine) as well as Debian-based environments (Ubuntu, etc.):

ENV USER=docker
ENV UID=12345
ENV GID=23456

RUN adduser \
    --disabled-password \
    --gecos "" \
    --home "$(pwd)" \
    --ingroup "$USER" \
    --no-create-home \
    --uid "$UID" \

Note the following:

  • --disabled-password prevents prompt for a password
  • --gecos "" circumvents the prompt for "Full Name" etc. on Debian-based systems
  • --home "$(pwd)" sets the user's home to the WORKDIR. You may not want this.
  • --no-create-home prevents cruft getting copied into the directory from /etc/skel

The usage description for these applications is missing the long flags present in the code for adduser and addgroup.

The following long-form flags should work both in alpine as well as debian-derivatives:


BusyBox v1.28.4 (2018-05-30 10:45:57 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: adduser [OPTIONS] USER [GROUP]

Create new user, or add USER to GROUP

        --home DIR           Home directory
        --gecos GECOS        GECOS field
        --shell SHELL        Login shell
        --ingroup GRP        Group (by name)
        --system             Create a system user
        --disabled-password  Don't assign a password
        --no-create-home     Don't create home directory
        --uid UID            User id

One thing to note is that if --ingroup isn't set then the GID is assigned to match the UID. If the GID corresponding to the provided UID already exists adduser will fail.


BusyBox v1.28.4 (2018-05-30 10:45:57 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: addgroup [-g GID] [-S] [USER] GROUP

Add a group or add a user to a group

        --gid GID  Group id
        --system   Create a system group

I discovered all of this while trying to write my own alternative to the fixuid project for running containers as the hosts UID/GID.

My entrypoint helper script can be found on GitHub.

The intent is to prepend that script as the first argument to ENTRYPOINT which should cause Docker to infer UID and GID from a relevant bind mount.

An environment variable "TEMPLATE" may be required to determine where the permissions should be inferred from.

(At the time of writing I don't have documentation for my script. It's still on the todo list!!)

How to remove new line characters from a string?

The right choice really depends on how big the input string is and what the perforce and memory requirement are, but I would use a regular expression like

string result = Regex.Replace(s, @"\r\n?|\n|\t", String.Empty);

Or if we need to apply the same replacement multiple times, it is better to use a compiled version for the Regex like

var regex = new Regex(@"\r\n?|\n|\t", RegexOptions.Compiled); 
string result = regex.Replace(s, String.Empty);

NOTE: different scenarios requite different approaches to achieve the best performance and the minimum memory consumption

R legend placement in a plot

Building on @P-Lapointe solution, but making it extremely easy, you could use the maximum values from your data using max() and then you re-use those maximum values to set the legend xy coordinates. To make sure you don't get beyond the borders, you set up ylim slightly over the maximum values.


enter image description here

how to read certain columns from Excel using Pandas - Python

parse_cols is deprecated, use usecols instead

that is:

df = pd.read_excel(file_loc, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'], usecols = "A,C:AA")

Make an HTTP request with android

Use Volley as suggested above. Add following into build.gradle (Module: app)

implementation ''

Add following into AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

And add following to you Activity code:

public void httpCall(String url) {

    RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);

    StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url,
            new Response.Listener<String>() {
                public void onResponse(String response) {
                    // enjoy your response
            }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
                public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                    // enjoy your error status


It replaces http client and it is very simple.

How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

It seems you cannot have your project root, with the AndroidManifest.xml deeper than one directory level below your workspace root. I struggled for an hour with this before I just gave up and rearranged my repo.

"Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created" negative effects

Yes, there are negative effects from this:

If you script out a change blocked by this flag you get something like the script below (all i am turning the ID column in Contact into an autonumbered IDENTITY column, but the table has dependencies). Note potential errors that can occur while the following is running:

  1. Even microsoft warns that this may cause data loss (that comment is auto-generated)!
  2. for a period of time, foreign keys are not enforced.
  3. if you manually run this in ssms and the ' EXEC('INSERT INTO ' fails, and you let the following statements run (which they do by default, as they are split by 'go') then you will insert 0 rows, then drop the old table.
  4. if this is a big table, the runtime of the insert can be large, and the transaction is holding a schema modification lock, so blocks many things.


/* To prevent any potential data loss issues, you should review this script in detail before running it outside the context of the database designer.*/

ALTER TABLE raw.Contact
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_Contact_AddressType
ALTER TABLE raw.Contact
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_contact_profile
CREATE TABLE raw.Tmp_Contact
    ContactID int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
    ProfileID int NOT NULL,
    AddressType char(2) NOT NULL,
    ContactText varchar(250) NULL
    )  ON [PRIMARY]
     EXEC('INSERT INTO raw.Tmp_Contact (ContactID, ProfileID, AddressType, ContactText)
        SELECT ContactID, ProfileID, AddressType, ContactText FROM raw.Contact WITH (HOLDLOCK TABLOCKX)')
ALTER TABLE raw.PostalAddress
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_AddressProfile
ALTER TABLE raw.MarketingFlag
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_marketingflag_contact
ALTER TABLE raw.Phones
    DROP CONSTRAINT fk_phones_contact
DROP TABLE raw.Contact
EXECUTE sp_rename N'raw.Tmp_Contact', N'Contact', 'OBJECT' 


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_Contact_0 ON raw.Contact
    fk_contact_profile FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Profile

    fk_Contact_AddressType FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES ref.ContactpointType

    fk_phones_contact FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Contact

    fk_marketingflag_contact FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Contact

    fk_AddressProfile FOREIGN KEY
    ) REFERENCES raw.Contact


What good are SQL Server schemas?

Here a good implementation example of using schemas with SQL Server. We had several ms-access applications. We wanted to convert those to a ASP.NET App portal. Every ms-access application is written as an App for that portal. Every ms-access application has its own database tables. Some of those are related, we put those in the common dbo schema of SQL Server. The rest gets its own schemas. That way if we want to know what tables belong to an App on the ASP.NET app portal that can easily be navigated, visualised and maintained.

Java 8, Streams to find the duplicate elements

A multiset is a structure maintaining the number of occurrences for each element. Using Guava implementation:

Set<Integer> duplicated =
                .filter(entry -> entry.getCount() > 1)

Prevent flicker on webkit-transition of webkit-transform

The solution is mentioned here: iPhone WebKit CSS animations cause flicker.

For your element, you need to set

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

Android Studio: Module won't show up in "Edit Configuration"

The following worked for me:

  • edit the overall project's 'settings.gradle' file and add a line at the bottom to include your new module (include ':myNewModule') - e.g:
include ':myNewModule'
  • Synch gradle.
  • Add a build.gradle file into your new module directory. You need to make sure the first line says 'apply plugin: ''. Simply copying a build.gradle from another module in your project, if you have one, seems to work.
  • Synch Gradle
  • Your module should now show up in 'Edit Configurations'

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

This problem usually occurs when some process such as loading huge data to memory stream and your system memory is not capable of storing so much of data. Try clearing temp folder by giving the command

start -> run -> %temp%

How to quickly check if folder is empty (.NET)?

Here is the extra fast solution, that I finally implemented. Here I am using WinAPI and functions FindFirstFile, FindNextFile. It allows to avoid enumeration of all items in Folder and stops right after detecting the first object in the Folder. This approach is ~6(!!) times faster, than described above. 250 calls in 36ms!

private static readonly IntPtr INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = new IntPtr(-1);

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private struct WIN32_FIND_DATA
    public uint dwFileAttributes;
    public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ftCreationTime;
    public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
    public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
    public uint nFileSizeHigh;
    public uint nFileSizeLow;
    public uint dwReserved0;
    public uint dwReserved1;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
    public string cFileName;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 14)]
    public string cAlternateFileName;

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern IntPtr FindFirstFile(string lpFileName, out WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern bool FindNextFile(IntPtr hFindFile, out WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);

private static extern bool FindClose(IntPtr hFindFile);

public static bool CheckDirectoryEmpty_Fast(string path)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
        throw new ArgumentNullException(path);

    if (Directory.Exists(path))
        if (path.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
            path += "*";
            path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "*";

        WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
        var findHandle = FindFirstFile(path, out findData);

        if (findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                bool empty = true;
                    if (findData.cFileName != "." && findData.cFileName != "..")
                        empty = false;
                } while (empty && FindNextFile(findHandle, out findData));

                return empty;

        throw new Exception("Failed to get directory first file",
    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException();

I hope it will be useful for somebody in the future.

How to connect Android app to MySQL database?

Yes you can connect your android app to your PHP to grab results from your database. Use a webservice to connect to your backend script via ASYNC task and http post requests. Check this link for more information Connecting to MySQL

Why would a JavaScript variable start with a dollar sign?

$ is used to DISTINGUISH between common variables and jquery variables in case of normal variables. let you place a order in FLIPKART then if the order is a variable showing you the string output then it is named simple as "order" but if we click on place order then an object is returned that object will be denoted by $ as "$order" so that the programmer may able to snip out the javascript variables and jquery variables in the entire code.

How to convert a .eps file to a high quality 1024x1024 .jpg?

For vector graphics, ImageMagick has both a render resolution and an output size that are independent of each other.

Try something like

convert -density 300 image.eps -resize 1024x1024 image.jpg

Which will render your eps at 300dpi. If 300 * width > 1024, then it will be sharp. If you render it too high though, you waste a lot of memory drawing a really high-res graphic only to down sample it again. I don't currently know of a good way to render it at the "right" resolution in one IM command.

The order of the arguments matters! The -density X argument needs to go before image.eps because you want to affect the resolution that the input file is rendered at.

This is not super obvious in the manpage for convert, but is hinted at:


convert [input-option] input-file [output-option] output-file

How to save as a new file and keep working on the original one in Vim?

Use the :w command with a filename:

:w other_filename

Python object.__repr__(self) should be an expression?

Guideline: If you can succinctly provide an exact representation, format it as a Python expression (which implies that it can be both eval'd and copied directly into source code, in the right context). If providing an inexact representation, use <...> format.

There are many possible representations for any value, but the one that's most interesting for Python programmers is an expression that recreates the value. Remember that those who understand Python are the target audience—and that's also why inexact representations should include relevant context. Even the default <XXX object at 0xNNN>, while almost entirely useless, still provides type, id() (to distinguish different objects), and indication that no better representation is available.

How to change identity column values programmatically?

Firstly the setting of IDENTITY_INSERT on or off for that matter will not work for what you require (it is used for inserting new values, such as plugging gaps).

Doing the operation through the GUI just creates a temporary table, copies all the data across to a new table without an identity field, and renames the table.

How to delete columns that contain ONLY NAs?

Here is a dplyr solution:

df %>% select_if(~sum(! > 0)

Update: The summarise_if() function is superseded as of dplyr 1.0. Here are two other solutions that use the where() tidyselect function:

df %>% 
      ~sum(! > 0
df %>% 

Subset a dataframe by multiple factor levels

Here's another:

data[data$Code == "A" | data$Code == "B", ]

It's also worth mentioning that the subsetting factor doesn't have to be part of the data frame if it matches the data frame rows in length and order. In this case we made our data frame from this factor anyway. So,

data[Code == "A" | Code == "B", ]

also works, which is one of the really useful things about R.

How to input automatically when running a shell over SSH?

For general command-line automation, Expect is the classic tool. Or try pexpect if you're more comfortable with Python.

Here's a similar question that suggests using Expect: Use expect in bash script to provide password to SSH command

jQuery animate scroll

var page_url = windws.location.href;
var page_id = page_url.substring(page_url.lastIndexOf("#") + 1);
if (page_id == "") {
    $("html, body").animate({
        scrollTop: $("#scroll-" + page_id).offset().top
    }, 2000)
} else if (page_id == "") {
    $("html, body").animate({
        scrollTop: $("#scroll-" + page_id).offset().top
    }, 2000)


iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme

As of iOS10 you can use


to open general settings.

also you can add known urls(you can see them in the most upvoted answer) to it to open specific settings. For example the below one opens touchID and passcode.


"Android library projects cannot be launched"?

With Me I had the library ticked under Eclipse>Project Properties>Android what I just did was uncheck the ticked library.

Why is null an object and what's the difference between null and undefined?

For example window.someWeirdProperty is undefined, so

"window.someWeirdProperty === null" evaluates to false while

"window.someWeirdProperty === undefined" evaluates to true.

Moreover checkif if (!o) is not the same as checking if (o == null) for o being false.

Can't find android device using "adb devices" command

Referenced from this link!


Here’s what you need to do to make your phone visible to adb:

  1. Open terminal (Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
  2. cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBCompositeDriver.kext/Contents
  3. sudo nano Info.plist (or vi, or emacs, or whatever console editor you prefer)
  4. Copy the IOUSBComposite section (from <key> to </dict>)
  5. Paste the section in at line 66 (right after where it appears) so you have 2 copies in the file
  6. Change the bDeviceSubClass value from 0 to 2
  7. Change the key name from IOUSBComposite to GW620

The end result should look something like this:


  1. sudo diskutil repairpermissions / and let it finish
  2. sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions and wait a few mins for the extension reindexing to finish
  3. adb devices should now see your phone

Note, this is VERY kludgy, and will probably break every time OSX updates itself, but it works. I can finally stop rebooting every time I want to work on the phone! :D

How can I create directories recursively?

a fresh answer to a very old question:

starting from python 3.2 you can do this:

import os
path = '/home/dail/first/second/third'
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

thanks to the exist_ok flag this will not even complain if the directory exists (depending on your needs....).

starting from python 3.4 (which includes the pathlib module) you can do this:

from pathlib import Path
path = Path('/home/dail/first/second/third')

starting from python 3.5 mkdir also has an exist_ok flag - setting it to True will raise no exception if the directory exists:

path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

Configuring Log4j Loggers Programmatically

If someone comes looking for configuring log4j2 programmatically in Java, then this link could help: (

Here is the basic code for configuring a Console Appender:

ConfigurationBuilder<BuiltConfiguration> builder = ConfigurationBuilderFactory.newConfigurationBuilder();

// naming the logger configuration

// create a console appender
AppenderComponentBuilder appenderBuilder = builder.newAppender("Console", "CONSOLE")
                .addAttribute("target", ConsoleAppender.Target.SYSTEM_OUT);
// add a layout like pattern, json etc
                .addAttribute("pattern", "%d %p %c [%t] %m%n"));
RootLoggerComponentBuilder rootLogger = builder.newRootLogger(Level.DEBUG);


This will reconfigure the default rootLogger and will also create a new appender.

How to post SOAP Request from PHP

Below is a quick example of how to do this (which best explained the matter to me) that I essentially found at this website. That website link also explains WSDL, which is important for working with SOAP services.

However, I don't think the API address they were using in the example below still works, so just switch in one of your own choosing.

$wsdl = '';

$trace = true;
$exceptions = false;

$xml_array['placeName'] = 'Pomona';
$xml_array['MaxItems'] = 3;
$xml_array['imagePresence'] = true;

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => $trace, 'exceptions' => $exceptions));
$response = $client->GetPlaceList($xml_array);


VBA Convert String to Date

Looks like it could be throwing the error on the empty data row, have you tried to just make sure itemDate isn't empty before you run the CDate() function? I think this might be your problem.

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

The proper way would be to use $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] (in conjunction with htmlspecialchars to avoid possible exploits). You can also just skip the action= part empty, which is not W3C valid, but currently works in most (all?) browsers - the default is to submit to self if it's empty.

Here is an example form that takes a name and email, and then displays the values you have entered upon submit:

<?php if (!empty($_POST)): ?>
    Welcome, <?php echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["name"]); ?>!<br>
    Your email is <?php echo htmlspecialchars($_POST["email"]); ?>.<br>
<?php else: ?>
    <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" method="post">
        Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
        Email: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
        <input type="submit">
<?php endif; ?>

Creating a textarea with auto-resize

You're using the higher value of the current clientHeight and the content scrollHeight. When you make the scrollHeight smaller by removing content, the calculated area can't get smaller because the clientHeight, previously set by style.height, is holding it open. You could instead take a max() of scrollHeight and a minimum height value you have predefined or calculated from textarea.rows.

In general you probably shouldn't really rely on scrollHeight on form controls. Apart from scrollHeight being traditionally less widely-supported than some of the other IE extensions, HTML/CSS says nothing about how form controls are implemented internally and you aren't guaranteed scrollHeight will be anything meaningful. (Traditionally some browsers have used OS widgets for the task, making CSS and DOM interaction on their internals impossible.) At least sniff for scrollHeight/clientHeight's existance before trying to enable the effect.

Another possible alternative approach to avoid the issue if it's important that it work more widely might be to use a hidden div sized to the same width as the textarea, and set in the same font. On keyup, you copy the text from the textarea to a text node in hidden div (remembering to replace '\n' with a line break, and escape '<'/'&' properly if you're using innerHTML). Then simply measuring the div's offsetHeight will give you the height you need.

compilation error: identifier expected

You have not defined a method around your code.


public class details
    public static void main( String[] args )
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        System.out.println("What is your name?");
        String name = in.readLine(); ;
        System.out.println("Hello " + name);

In this case, I have assumed that you want your code to be executed in the main method of the class. It is, of course, possible that this code goes in any other method.

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

If you're using webservices, you'll also need the 'allow-http-request-headers-from' element. Here's our default, development, 'allow everything' policy.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
  <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
  <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*"/>

fs.writeFile in a promise, asynchronous-synchronous stuff

As of 2019...

...the correct answer is to use async/await with the native fs promises module included in node. Upgrade to Node.js 10 or 11 (already supported by major cloud providers) and do this:

const fs = require('fs').promises;

// This must run inside a function marked `async`:
const file = await fs.readFile('filename.txt', 'utf8');
await fs.writeFile('filename.txt', 'test');

Do not use third-party packages and do not write your own wrappers, that's not necessary anymore.

No longer experimental

Before Node 11.14.0, you would still get a warning that this feature is experimental, but it works just fine and it's the way to go in the future. Since 11.14.0, the feature is no longer experimental and is production-ready.

What if I prefer import instead of require?

It works, too - but only in Node.js versions where this feature is not marked as experimental.

import { promises as fs } from 'fs';

(async () => {
    await fs.writeFile('./test.txt', 'test', 'utf8');

.NET console application as Windows service

So here's the complete walkthrough:

  1. Create new Console Application project (e.g. MyService)
  2. Add two library references: System.ServiceProcess and System.Configuration.Install
  3. Add the three files printed below
  4. Build the project and run "InstallUtil.exe c:\path\to\MyService.exe"
  5. Now you should see MyService on the service list (run services.msc)

*InstallUtil.exe can be usually found here: C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.ex??e


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.ServiceProcess;

namespace MyService
    class Program
        public const string ServiceName = "MyService";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (Environment.UserInteractive)
                // running as console app

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");

                // running as service
                using (var service = new Service())

        public static void Start(string[] args)
            File.AppendAllText(@"c:\temp\MyService.txt", String.Format("{0} started{1}", DateTime.Now, Environment.NewLine));

        public static void Stop()
            File.AppendAllText(@"c:\temp\MyService.txt", String.Format("{0} stopped{1}", DateTime.Now, Environment.NewLine));


using System.ServiceProcess;

namespace MyService
    class Service : ServiceBase
        public Service()
            ServiceName = Program.ServiceName;

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)

        protected override void OnStop()


using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.ServiceProcess;

namespace MyService
    public class MyServiceInstaller : Installer
        public MyServiceInstaller()
            var spi = new ServiceProcessInstaller();
            var si = new ServiceInstaller();

            spi.Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem;
            spi.Username = null;
            spi.Password = null;

            si.DisplayName = Program.ServiceName;
            si.ServiceName = Program.ServiceName;
            si.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Automatic;


Twitter Bootstrap Button Text Word Wrap

You can simply add this class.

.btn {
    white-space:normal !important;
    word-wrap: break-word; 

How to add text to an existing div with jquery

Very easy from My side:-

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("input").click(function() {
            $('<input type="text" name="name" value="value"/>').appendTo('#testdiv');

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
    <div id="testdiv"></div>
    <input type="button" value="Add" />

Show/hide div if checkbox selected

change the input boxes like

<input type="checkbox" name="c1" onclick="showMe('div1')">Show Hide Checkbox
<input type="checkbox" name="c1" onclick="showMe('div1')">Show Hide Checkbox
<input type="checkbox" name="c1" onclick="showMe('div1')">Show Hide Checkbox
<input type="checkbox" name="c1" onclick="showMe('div1')">Show Hide Checkbox

and js code as

function showMe (box) {

    var chboxs = document.getElementsByName("c1");
    var vis = "none";
    for(var i=0;i<chboxs.length;i++) { 
         vis = "block";
    document.getElementById(box).style.display = vis;


here is a demo fiddle

Laravel 5.4 create model, controller and migration in single artisan command


Laravel 6 Through the model

To Generate a migration, seeder, factory, and resource controller for the model

php artisan make:model Todo -a


php artisan make:model Todo -all

Other Options

-c, --controller Create a new controller for the model

-f, --factory Create a new factory for the model

--force Create the class even if the model already exists

-m, --migration Create a new migration file for the model

-s, --seed Create a new seeder file for the model

-p, --pivot Indicates if the generated model should be a custom inte rmediate table model

-r, --resource Indicates if the generated controller should be a resour ce controller

For More Help

php artisan make:model Todo -help

Hope Newbies will get help.

Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

I created a reusable Angular service to handle high quality resizing of images / canvases for anyone who's interested:

The service includes two solutions because they both have their own pros / cons. The lanczos convolution approach is higher quality at the cost of being slower, whereas the step-wise downscaling approach produces reasonably antialiased results and is significantly faster.

Example usage:

angular.module('demo').controller('ExampleCtrl', function (imageService) {
  // NOTE: it's bad practice to access the DOM inside a controller, 
  // but this is just to show the example usage.

  // resize by lanczos-sinc filter
  imageService.resize($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
    .then(function (resizedImage) {
      // do something with resized image

  // resize by stepping down image size in increments of 2x
  imageService.resizeStep($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
    .then(function (resizedImage) {
      // do something with resized image

Vuejs: Event on route change

If you are using v2.2.0 then there is one more option available to detect changes in $routes.

To react to params changes in the same component, you can watch the $route object:

const User = {
  template: '...',
  watch: {
    '$route' (to, from) {
      // react to route changes...

Or, use the beforeRouteUpdate guard introduced in 2.2:

const User = {
  template: '...',
  beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {
    // react to route changes...
    // don't forget to call next()


How to import a SQL Server .bak file into MySQL?

Although my MySQL background is limited, I don't think you have much luck doing that. However, you should be able to migrate over all of your data by restoring the db to a MSSQL server, then creating a SSIS or DTS package to send your tables and data to the MySQL server.

hope this helps

How to add elements to an empty array in PHP?

When one wants elements to be added with zero-based element indexing, I guess this will work as well:

// adding elements to an array with zero-based index
$matrix= array();
$matrix[count($matrix)]= 'element 1';
$matrix[count($matrix)]= 'element 2';
$matrix[count($matrix)]= 'element N';

How to get these two divs side-by-side?

Since div's by default are block elements - meaning they will occupy full available width, try using -


The div is now rendered inline i.e. does not disrupt flow of elements, but will still be treated as a block element.

I find this technique easier than wrestling with floats.

See this tutorial for more - I would recommend even the previous articles that lead up to that one. (No, I did not write it)

What is Shelving in TFS?

@JaredPar: Yes you can use Shelvesets for reviews but keep in mind that shelvesets can be overwritten by yourself/others and therefore are not long term stable. Therefore for regulatory relevant reviews you should never use a Shelveset as base but rather a checkin (Changeset). For an informal review it is ok but not for a formal (E.g. FTA relevant) review!

How to render a DateTime object in a Twig template

It depends on the format you want the date to be shown as.

Static date format

If you want to display a static format, which is the same for all locales (for instance ISO 8601 for an Atom feed), you should use Twig's date filter:

{{ game.gameDate|date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP') }}

Which will allways return a datetime in the following format:


The format strings accepted by the date filter are the same as you would use for PHP's date() function. (the only difference is that, as far as I know, you can't use the predefined constants which can be used in the PHP date() function)

Localized dates (and times)

However, since you want to render it in the browser, you'll likely want to show it in a human-readable format, localised for the user's language and location. Instead of doing the localization yourself, you can use the Intl Extension for this (which makes use of PHP's IntlDateFormatter). It provides a filter localizeddate which will output the date and time using a localized format.

localizeddate( date_format, time_format [, locale ] )

Arguments for localizeddate:

  • date_format: One of the format strings (see below)
  • time_format: One of the format strings (see below)
  • locale: (optional) Use this to override the configured locale. Leave this argument out to use the default locale, which can be configured in Symfony's configuration.

(there are more, see the docs for the complete list of possible arguments)

For date_format and time_format you can use one of the following strings:

  • 'none' if you don't want to include this element
  • 'short' for the most abbreviated style (12/13/52 or 3:30pm in an English locale)
  • 'medium' for the medium style (Jan 12, 1952 in an English locale)
  • 'long' for the long style (January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm in an English locale)
  • 'full' for the completely specified style (Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST in an English locale)


So, for instance, if you want to display the date in a format equivalent to February 6, 2014 at 10:52 AM, use the following line in your Twig template:

{{ game.gameDate|localizeddate('long', 'short') }}

However, if you use a different locale, the result will be localized for that locale:

  • 6 februari 2014 10:52 for the nl locale;
  • 6 février 2014 10:52 for the fr locale;
  • 6. Februar 2014 10:52 for the de locale; etc.

As you can see, localizeddate does not only translate the month names but also uses the local notations. The English notation puts the date after the month, where Dutch, French and German notations put it before the month. English and German month names start with an uppercase letter, whereas Dutch and French month names are lowercase. And German dates have a dot appended.

Installation / setting the locale

Installation instructions for the Intl extension can be found in this seperate answer.

How to cat <<EOF >> a file containing code?

I know this is a two year old question, but this is a quick answer for those searching for a 'how to'.

If you don't want to have to put quotes around anything you can simply write a block of text to a file, and escape variables you want to export as text (for instance for use in a script) and not escape one's you want to export as the value of the variable.



cat > ${FILE_NAME} << EOF

Will write "${VAR_EXAMPLE}="string" in test.txt" into test.txt

This can also be used to output blocks of text to the console with the same rules by omitting the file name



cat << EOF
\${VAR_EXAMPLE}=${VAR_EXAMPLE} to console 

Will output "${VAR_EXAMPLE}="string" to console" to the console

Oracle Trigger ORA-04098: trigger is invalid and failed re-validation

Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization failed for the trigger.

Action: Options are to resolve the compilation/authorization errors, disable the trigger, or drop the trigger.




nodemon not found in npm

Try to install nodemon globally.

sudo npm install -g nodemon

Hibernate-sequence doesn't exist

You can also put :

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)

And let the DateBase manage the incrementation of the primary key:


One line if statement not working

Both the shell and C one-line constructs work (ruby 1.9.3p429):

# Shell format
irb(main):022:0> true && "Yes" || "No"
=> "Yes"
irb(main):023:0> false && "Yes" || "No"
=> "No"

# C format
irb(main):024:0> true ? "Yes" : "No"
=> "Yes"
irb(main):025:0> false ? "Yes" : "No"
=> "No"

How to move columns in a MySQL table?

phpMyAdmin provides a GUI for this within the structure view of a table. Check to select the column you want to move and click the change action at the bottom of the column list. You can then change all of the column properties and you'll find the 'move column' function at the far right of the screen.

Of course this is all just building the queries in the perfectly good top answer but GUI fans might appreciate the alternative.

my phpMyAdmin version is 4.1.7

Setting size for icon in CSS

this works for me try it.

font-size: 3.75em;

MATLAB error: Undefined function or method X for input arguments of type 'double'

Also, name it divrat.m, not divrat.M. This shouldn't matter on most OSes, but who knows...

You can also test whether matlab can find a function by using the which command, i.e.

which divrat

How to find out the number of CPUs using python

In Python 3.4+: os.cpu_count().

multiprocessing.cpu_count() is implemented in terms of this function but raises NotImplementedError if os.cpu_count() returns None ("can't determine number of CPUs").

Programmatically relaunch/recreate an activity?

If you want to pass a parameter to onCreate() then you have to create a new intent with adding extra and call StartActivity with it. Here is a simple example which i did using this way.

              String eczSabit = sa.getItem(position).getValue();
                  sabit = Long.parseLong(eczSabit);
                  Intent intent = new Intent(eczaneSegmentasyon.this,eczaneSegmentasyon.class);
                  intent.putExtra("sabit", sabit);

Deleting folders in python recursively

better to use absolute path and import only the rmtree function from shutil import rmtree as this is a large package the above line will only import the required function.

from shutil import rmtree

How to implement class constructor in Visual Basic?

If you mean VB 6, that would be Private Sub Class_Initialize().

If you mean VB.NET it is Public Sub New() or Shared Sub New().

Jenkins: Cannot define variable in pipeline stage

You are using a Declarative Pipeline which requires a script-step to execute Groovy code. This is a huge difference compared to the Scripted Pipeline where this is not necessary.

The official documentation says the following:

The script step takes a block of Scripted Pipeline and executes that in the Declarative Pipeline.

pipeline {
   agent none
   stages {
       stage("first") {
           script {
               def foo = "foo" 
               sh "echo ${foo}"

Convert Variable Name to String?

print "var"
print "something_else"

Or did you mean something_else?

How to initialize weights in PyTorch?

Sorry for being so late, I hope my answer will help.

To initialise weights with a normal distribution use:

torch.nn.init.normal_(tensor, mean=0, std=1)

Or to use a constant distribution write:

torch.nn.init.constant_(tensor, value)

Or to use an uniform distribution:

torch.nn.init.uniform_(tensor, a=0, b=1) # a: lower_bound, b: upper_bound

You can check other methods to initialise tensors here

Using module 'subprocess' with timeout

There's an idea to subclass the Popen class and extend it with some simple method decorators. Let's call it ExpirablePopen.

from logging import error
from subprocess import Popen
from threading import Event
from threading import Thread

class ExpirablePopen(Popen):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 0)
        self.timer = None
        self.done = Event()

        Popen.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def __tkill(self):
        timeout = self.timeout
        if not self.done.wait(timeout):
            error('Terminating process {} by timeout of {} secs.'.format(, timeout))

    def expirable(func):
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # zero timeout means call of parent method
            if self.timeout == 0:
                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

            # if timer is None, need to start it
            if self.timer is None:
                self.timer = thr = Thread(target=self.__tkill)
                thr.daemon = True

            result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)

            return result
        return wrapper

    wait = expirable(Popen.wait)
    communicate = expirable(Popen.communicate)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from subprocess import PIPE

    print ExpirablePopen('ssh -T [email protected]', stdout=PIPE, timeout=1).communicate()

How to install Java 8 on Mac

Simplest is to download the dmg file from following site and install by double click

look for available JVMs from home directory

ls -al /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines

and update the .bash_profile with relevent version

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_XXX.jdk./Contents/Home
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

and finally

source ~/.bash_profile

LogisticRegression: Unknown label type: 'continuous' using sklearn in python

You are passing floats to a classifier which expects categorical values as the target vector. If you convert it to int it will be accepted as input (although it will be questionable if that's the right way to do it).

It would be better to convert your training scores by using scikit's labelEncoder function.

The same is true for your DecisionTree and KNeighbors qualifier.

from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import utils

lab_enc = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
encoded = lab_enc.fit_transform(trainingScores)
>>> array([1, 3, 2, 0], dtype=int64)

>>> continuous

>>> multiclass

>>> multiclass

How to implement the --verbose or -v option into a script?

What I do in my scripts is check at runtime if the 'verbose' option is set, and then set my logging level to debug. If it's not set, I set it to info. This way you don't have 'if verbose' checks all over your code.

Removing App ID from Developer Connection

Delete application IDs is allowed. Make sure you deleted all certificates, APNS certs and provisioning profiles associated with your application. Then go to Identitifies --> App IDs, select the application ID, Edit and Delete button should be enabled.

Beginner question: returning a boolean value from a function in Python

Have your tried using the 'return' keyword?

def rps():
    return True

How to get a variable name as a string in PHP?

There is no predefined function in PHP that can output the name of a variable. However, you can use the result of get_defined_vars(), which returns all the variables defined in the scope, including name and value. Here is an example:

    // Function for determining the name of a variable
    function getVarName(&$var, $definedVars=null) {
        $definedVars = (!is_array($definedVars) ? $GLOBALS : $definedVars);
        $val = $var;
        $rand = 1;
        while (in_array($rand, $definedVars, true)) {
            $rand = md5(mt_rand(10000, 1000000));
        $var = $rand;
        foreach ($definedVars as $dvName=>$dvVal) {
            if ($dvVal === $rand) {
                $var = $val;
                return $dvName;
        return null;
    // the name of $a is to be determined.   
    $a = 1;
    // Determine the name of $a
    echo getVarName($a);

Read more in How to get a variable name as a string in PHP?

Typescript es6 import module "File is not a module error"

The file needs to add Component from core hence add the following import to the top

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

How is a tag different from a branch in Git? Which should I use, here?

If you think of your repository as a book that chronicles progress on your project...


You can think of a branch as one of those sticky bookmarks:

enter image description here

A brand new repository has only one of those (called master), which automatically moves to the latest page (think commit) you've written. However, you're free to create and use more bookmarks, in order to mark other points of interest in the book, so you can return to them quickly.

Also, you can always move a particular bookmark to some other page of the book (using git-reset, for instance); points of interest typically vary over time.


You can think of tags as chapter headings.


It may contain a title (think annotated tags) or not. A tag is similar but different to a branch, in that it marks a point of historical interest in the book. To maintain its historical aspect, once you've shared a tag (i.e. pushed it to a shared remote), you're not supposed to move it to some other place in the book.

How to do something to each file in a directory with a batch script

Alternatively, use:

forfiles /s /m *.png /c "cmd /c echo @path"

The forfiles command is available in Windows Vista and up.

Make UINavigationBar transparent

In iOS5 you can do this to make the navigation bar transparent:

nav.navigationBar.translucent = YES; // Setting this slides the view up, underneath the nav bar (otherwise it'll appear black)
const float colorMask[6] = {222, 255, 222, 255, 222, 255};
UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] init];
UIImage *maskedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(img.CGImage, colorMask)];

[nav.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:maskedImage forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; 
[img release];

Create a mocked list by mockito

We can mock list properly for foreach loop. Please find below code snippet and explanation.

This is my actual class method where I want to create test case by mocking list. this.nameList is a list object.

public void setOptions(){
    // ....
    for (String str : this.nameList) {
        str = "-"+str;
    // ....

The foreach loop internally works on iterator, so here we crated mock of iterator. Mockito framework has facility to return pair of values on particular method call by using Mockito.when().thenReturn(), i.e. on hasNext() we pass 1st true and on second call false, so that our loop will continue only two times. On next() we just return actual return value.

public void testSetOptions(){
    // ...
    Iterator<SampleFilter> itr = Mockito.mock(Iterator.class);
    Mockito.when(itr.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, false);

    List mockNameList = Mockito.mock(List.class);
    // ...

In this way we can avoid sending actual list to test by using mock of list.

How to make PopUp window in java

Check out Swing Dialogs (mainly focused on JOptionPane, as mentioned by @mcfinnigan).

How to "crop" a rectangular image into a square with CSS?

If the image is in a container with a responsive width:


<div class="img-container">
  <img src="" alt="">


.img-container {
  position: relative;

  &::after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    padding-bottom: 100%;

  img {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;

How do I deal with corrupted Git object files?

Recovering from Repository Corruption is the official answer.

The really short answer is: find uncorrupted objects and copy them.

self referential struct definition?

Clearly a Cell cannot contain another cell as it becomes a never-ending recursion.

However a Cell CAN contain a pointer to another cell.

typedef struct Cell {
  bool isParent;
  struct Cell* child;
} Cell;

Using global variables in a function

Globals are fine - Except with Multiprocessing

Globals in connection with multiprocessing on different platforms/envrionments as Windows/Mac OS on the one side and Linux on the other are troublesome.

I will show you this with a simple example pointing out a problem which I run into some time ago.

If you want to understand, why things are different on Windows/MacOs and Linux you need to know that, the default mechanism to start a new process on ...

  • Windows/MacOs is 'spawn'
  • Linux is 'fork'

They are different in Memory allocation an initialisation ... (but I don't go into this here).

Let's have a look at the problem/example ...

import multiprocessing

counter = 0

def do(task_id):
    global counter
    counter +=1
    print(f'task {task_id}: counter = {counter}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
    task_ids = list(range(4)), task_ids)


If you run this on Windows (And I suppose on MacOS too), you get the following output ...

task 0: counter = 1
task 1: counter = 2
task 2: counter = 3
task 3: counter = 4


If you run this on Linux, you get the following instead.

task 0: counter = 1
task 1: counter = 1
task 2: counter = 1
task 3: counter = 1

How do I set log4j level on the command line?

With Log4j2, this can be achieved using the following utility method added to your code.

private static void setLogLevel() {
  if (Boolean.getBoolean("log4j.debug")) {
    Configurator.setLevel(System.getProperty("log4j.logger"), Level.DEBUG);

You need these imports

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;

Now invoke the setLogLevel method in your main() or whereever appropriate and pass command line params -Dlog4j.logger=com.mypackage.Thingie and -Dlog4j.debug=true.

How to open .dll files to see what is written inside?

*.dll files are archive files open with winzip/7zip etc. That isnt to say that all .dll files are archives you can save anything with the .dll extension however most windows .dll files are generated to be archives examples of this are windows>twain_32.dll which is an archive file however twain.dll is not if you look at twain.dll you will see an MZŽ as the first three notepad characters which denotes a Compiled C file/program or part of a program. Whereas MZ seems to be an archive.

Also most .exe files are archives mostly containing an icon image etc for the file and the windows installer packages as well they contain all the information the program needs to run images,movies etc and also directories including installation information and plain text file.

I have a game here game.exe and it contains java class files an image a pointer directing the .exe to run a .bat file. Obviously your .bat file will run a javac call from the archive and run the game there is also a few .dll archives containing java class files also.


standard icon redirect here .ico is an image file within a .dll file within a .exe file. So the image seen on the .exe file is the minecraft logo. This is in a file called autorun.inf. Second example

    windowcaption=Solid Edge
    licensee=Siemens PLM Software

This is the solid edge autorun.inf file contained in solidedge.exe Autostart\ is the Autostart.dll directory. open=autostart.exe specifies the autostart.exe file to run from within the original solidedge.exe archive. Here is a sample program using the .dll (dynamic link library) files

It also shows how they are created. As you can see the contents of the dll file is called by an exe file as I previously explained also there is a tutorial here and as i said before 7zip or winzip will open a dynamic link library as an archive as long as you have the .dll file. If the contents of the dynamic link library have been compiled obviously you need a program which can read the file.

However since .dll files are by definition just archive library files the dll itself should be readable and not a compiled C,C# file etc etc Basically .dll files are archives well should be when a .dll file is created in visual studio the dll is created and any information you store in the dll file is encrypted. Mostly this encryption is handled by visual studio itself and generally isn't edited by hand. When you read a .dll file contents as a .exe the contents are automatically decrypted. Now when we talk about compiling a program we are changing the contents into bytecode the machine easily interprets.

This filesize would be smaller than the original file of the same contents. However the filesize is larger suggesting that the file has actually been encrypted. Probably to stop people reading their code. As a result the reading of .dll contents is termed decryption and not decompilation. Decompilation would convert the already compiled txt files to unreadable byte code. The use of standard .dll files is by definition not opensource because it involves the deliberate obfuscation of byte code.

Check if an array contains duplicate values

function hasNoDuplicates(arr) { return arr.every(num => arr.indexOf(num) === arr.lastIndexOf(num)); }

hasNoDuplicates accepts an array and returns true if there are no duplicate values. If there are any duplicates, the function returns false.

cannot make a static reference to the non-static field

You are trying to access non static field directly from static method which is not legal in java. balance is a non static field, so either access it using object reference or make it static.

How to get current memory usage in android?

Here is another way to view your app's memory usage:

adb shell dumpsys meminfo <> -d

Sample output:

Applications Memory Usage (kB):
Uptime: 2896577 Realtime: 2896577

** MEMINFO in pid 2094 [] **
                   Pss  Private  Private  Swapped     Heap     Heap     Heap
                 Total    Dirty    Clean    Dirty     Size    Alloc     Free
                ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------
  Native Heap     3472     3444        0        0     5348     4605      102
  Dalvik Heap     2349     2188        0        0     4640     4486      154
 Dalvik Other     1560     1392        0        0
        Stack      772      772        0        0
    Other dev        4        0        4        0
     .so mmap     2749     1040     1220        0
    .jar mmap        1        0        0        0
    .apk mmap      218        0       32        0
    .ttf mmap       38        0        4        0
    .dex mmap     3161       80     2564        0
   Other mmap        9        4        0        0
      Unknown       76       76        0        0
        TOTAL    14409     8996     3824        0     9988     9091      256

               Views:       30         ViewRootImpl:        2
         AppContexts:        4           Activities:        2
              Assets:        2        AssetManagers:        2
       Local Binders:       17        Proxy Binders:       21
    Death Recipients:        7
     OpenSSL Sockets:        0

         MEMORY_USED:        0
  PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW:        0          MALLOC_SIZE:        0

For overall memory usage:

adb shell dumpsys meminfo

How to set background color of HTML element using css properties in JavaScript

$("body").css("background","green"); //jQuery = "green"; //javascript

so many ways are there I think it is very easy and simple

Demo On Plunker

Export P7b file with all the certificate chain into CER file

-print_certs is the option you want to use to list all of the certificates in the p7b file, you may need to specify the format of the p7b file you are reading.

You can then redirect the output to a new file to build the concatenated list of certificates.

Open the file in a text editor, you will either see Base64 (PEM) or binary data (DER).

openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in certificate.p7b -print_certs > certificate_bundle.cer

How to get row count using ResultSet in Java?

your sql Statement creating code may be like

statement = connection.createStatement();

To solve " The requested operation is not supported on forward only result sets" exception change above code with

statement = connection.createStatement(

After above change you can use

int size = 0;
try {
    size = resultSet.getRow();
catch(Exception ex) {
    return 0;
return size;

to get row count

Rails Root directory path?

You can use:


But to to join the assets you can use:

Rails.root.join(*%w( app assets))

Hopefully this helps you.

How to wait for all threads to finish, using ExecutorService?

In Java8 you can do it with CompletableFuture:

ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
List<Runnable> tasks = getTasks();
CompletableFuture<?>[] futures =
                               .map(task -> CompletableFuture.runAsync(task, es))

Multiple scenarios @RequestMapping produces JSON/XML together with Accept or ResponseEntity

All your problems are that you are mixing content type negotiation with parameter passing. They are things at different levels. More specific, for your question 2, you constructed the response header with the media type your want to return. The actual content negotiation is based on the accept media type in your request header, not response header. At the point the execution reaches the implementation of the method getPersonFormat, I am not sure whether the content negotiation has been done or not. Depends on the implementation. If not and you want to make the thing work, you can overwrite the request header accept type with what you want to return.

return new ResponseEntity<>(PersonFactory.createPerson(), httpHeaders, HttpStatus.OK);

How do I return a string from a regex match in python?

You should use Like

imtag = re.match(r'<img.*?>', line).group(0)


You also might be better off doing something like

imgtag  = re.match(r'<img.*?>',line)
if imtag:
    print("yo it's a {}".format(

to eliminate all the Nones.

WAMP server, localhost is not working

You please change the port 80 to port 7080 or something difference. Dont use 8080. It might be busy in most case.

Updated Listen 80 to Listen:7080 and ServerName localhost to ServerName localhost:7080.

It will work fine.

Check whether a path is valid in Python without creating a file at the path's target

open(filename,'r')   #2nd argument is r and not w

will open the file or give an error if it doesn't exist. If there's an error, then you can try to write to the path, if you can't then you get a second error

    return True
except IOError:
        open(filename, 'w')
        return True
    except IOError:
        return False

Also have a look here about permissions on windows

Oracle SqlDeveloper JDK path

On Windows,Close all the SQL Developer windows. Then You need to completely delete the SQL Developer and sqldeveloper folders located in user/AppData/Roaming. Finally, run the program, you will be prompted for new JDK.

Note that AppData is a hidden folder.

Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()

The mice answer is great... And here is the description of the real problem:

The short simple answer is that Paint.getTextBounds(String text, int start, int end, Rect bounds) returns Rect which doesn't starts at (0,0). That is, to get actual width of text that will be set by calling Canvas.drawText(String text, float x, float y, Paint paint) with the same Paint object from getTextBounds() you should add the left position of Rect. Something like that:

public int getTextWidth(String text, Paint paint) {
    Rect bounds = new Rect();
    paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, end, bounds);
    int width = bounds.left + bounds.width();
    return width;

Notice this bounds.left - this the key of the problem.

In this way you will receive the same width of text, that you would receive using Canvas.drawText().

And the same function should be for getting height of the text:

public int getTextHeight(String text, Paint paint) {
    Rect bounds = new Rect();
    paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, end, bounds);
    int height = bounds.bottom + bounds.height();
    return height;

P.s.: I didn't test this exact code, but tested the conception.

Much more detailed explanation is given in this answer.

How to decrypt an encrypted Apple iTunes iPhone backup?

Security researchers Jean-Baptiste Bédrune and Jean Sigwald presented how to do this at Hack-in-the-box Amsterdam 2011.

Since then, Apple has released an iOS Security Whitepaper with more details about keys and algorithms, and Charlie Miller et al. have released the iOS Hacker’s Handbook, which covers some of the same ground in a how-to fashion. When iOS 10 first came out there were changes to the backup format which Apple did not publicize at first, but various people reverse-engineered the format changes.

Encrypted backups are great

The great thing about encrypted iPhone backups is that they contain things like WiFi passwords that aren’t in regular unencrypted backups. As discussed in the iOS Security Whitepaper, encrypted backups are considered more “secure,” so Apple considers it ok to include more sensitive information in them.

An important warning: obviously, decrypting your iOS device’s backup removes its encryption. To protect your privacy and security, you should only run these scripts on a machine with full-disk encryption. While it is possible for a security expert to write software that protects keys in memory, e.g. by using functions like VirtualLock() and SecureZeroMemory() among many other things, these Python scripts will store your encryption keys and passwords in strings to be garbage-collected by Python. This means your secret keys and passwords will live in RAM for a while, from whence they will leak into your swap file and onto your disk, where an adversary can recover them. This completely defeats the point of having an encrypted backup.

How to decrypt backups: in theory

The iOS Security Whitepaper explains the fundamental concepts of per-file keys, protection classes, protection class keys, and keybags better than I can. If you’re not already familiar with these, take a few minutes to read the relevant parts.

Now you know that every file in iOS is encrypted with its own random per-file encryption key, belongs to a protection class, and the per-file encryption keys are stored in the filesystem metadata, wrapped in the protection class key.

To decrypt:

  1. Decode the keybag stored in the BackupKeyBag entry of Manifest.plist. A high-level overview of this structure is given in the whitepaper. The iPhone Wiki describes the binary format: a 4-byte string type field, a 4-byte big-endian length field, and then the value itself.

    The important values are the PBKDF2 ITERations and SALT, the double protection salt DPSL and iteration count DPIC, and then for each protection CLS, the WPKY wrapped key.

  2. Using the backup password derive a 32-byte key using the correct PBKDF2 salt and number of iterations. First use a SHA256 round with DPSL and DPIC, then a SHA1 round with ITER and SALT.

    Unwrap each wrapped key according to RFC 3394.

  3. Decrypt the manifest database by pulling the 4-byte protection class and longer key from the ManifestKey in Manifest.plist, and unwrapping it. You now have a SQLite database with all file metadata.

  4. For each file of interest, get the class-encrypted per-file encryption key and protection class code by looking in the Files.file database column for a binary plist containing EncryptionKey and ProtectionClass entries. Strip the initial four-byte length tag from EncryptionKey before using.

    Then, derive the final decryption key by unwrapping it with the class key that was unwrapped with the backup password. Then decrypt the file using AES in CBC mode with a zero IV.

How to decrypt backups: in practice

First you’ll need some library dependencies. If you’re on a mac using a homebrew-installed Python 2.7 or 3.7, you can install the dependencies with:

CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/lib" \    
    pip install biplist fastpbkdf2 pycrypto

In runnable source code form, here is how to decrypt a single preferences file from an encrypted iPhone backup:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# coding: UTF-8

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import argparse
import getpass
import os.path
import pprint
import random
import shutil
import sqlite3
import string
import struct
import tempfile
from binascii import hexlify

import Crypto.Cipher.AES #
import biplist
import fastpbkdf2
from biplist import InvalidPlistException

def main():
    ## Parse options
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--backup-directory', dest='backup_directory',
    parser.add_argument('--password-pipe', dest='password_pipe',
Keeps password from being visible in system process list.
Typical use: --password-pipe=<(echo -n foo)
    parser.add_argument('--no-anonymize-output', dest='anonymize',
    args = parser.parse_args()
    ANONYMIZE_OUTPUT = args.anonymize
        print('Warning: All output keys are FAKE to protect your privacy')

    manifest_file = os.path.join(args.backup_directory, 'Manifest.plist')
    with open(manifest_file, 'rb') as infile:
        manifest_plist = biplist.readPlist(infile)
    keybag = Keybag(manifest_plist['BackupKeyBag'])
    # the actual keys are unknown, but the wrapped keys are known

    if args.password_pipe:
        password = readpipe(args.password_pipe)
        if password.endswith(b'\n'):
            password = password[:-1]
        password = getpass.getpass('Backup password: ').encode('utf-8')

    ## Unlock keybag with password
    if not keybag.unlockWithPasscode(password):
        raise Exception('Could not unlock keybag; bad password?')
    # now the keys are known too

    ## Decrypt metadata DB
    manifest_key = manifest_plist['ManifestKey'][4:]
    with open(os.path.join(args.backup_directory, 'Manifest.db'), 'rb') as db:
        encrypted_db =

    manifest_class = struct.unpack('<l', manifest_plist['ManifestKey'][:4])[0]
    key = keybag.unwrapKeyForClass(manifest_class, manifest_key)
    decrypted_data = AESdecryptCBC(encrypted_db, key)

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Does anyone know how to get Python’s SQLite module to open some
        # bytes in memory as a database?
        db_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'db.sqlite3')
        with open(db_filename, 'wb') as db_file:
        conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename)
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        c = conn.cursor()
        # c.execute("select * from Files limit 1");
        # r = c.fetchone()
            SELECT fileID, domain, relativePath, file
            FROM Files
            WHERE relativePath LIKE 'Media/PhotoData/MISC/DCIM_APPLE.plist'
            ORDER BY domain, relativePath""")
        results = c.fetchall()

    for item in results:
        fileID, domain, relativePath, file_bplist = item

        plist = biplist.readPlistFromString(file_bplist)
        file_data = plist['$objects'][plist['$top']['root'].integer]
        size = file_data['Size']

        protection_class = file_data['ProtectionClass']
        encryption_key = plist['$objects'][

        backup_filename = os.path.join(args.backup_directory,
                                    fileID[:2], fileID)
        with open(backup_filename, 'rb') as infile:
            data =
            key = keybag.unwrapKeyForClass(protection_class, encryption_key)
            # truncate to actual length, as encryption may introduce padding
            decrypted_data = AESdecryptCBC(data, key)[:size]

        print('== decrypted data:')

        print('== pretty-printed plist')

# this section is mostly copied from parts of iphone-dataprotection

KEYBAG_TYPES = ["System", "Backup", "Escrow", "OTA (icloud)"]
KEY_TYPES = ["AES", "Curve25519"]

    6: "kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked",
    7: "kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock",
    8: "kSecAttrAccessibleAlways",
    9: "kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly",
    10: "kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly",
    11: "kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly"

class Keybag(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.type = None
        self.uuid = None
        self.wrap = None
        self.deviceKey = None
        self.attrs = {}
        self.classKeys = {}
        self.KeyBagKeys = None #DATASIGN blob

    def parseBinaryBlob(self, data):
        currentClassKey = None

        for tag, data in loopTLVBlocks(data):
            if len(data) == 4:
                data = struct.unpack(">L", data)[0]
            if tag == b"TYPE":
                self.type = data
                if self.type > 3:
                    print("FAIL: keybag type > 3 : %d" % self.type)
            elif tag == b"UUID" and self.uuid is None:
                self.uuid = data
            elif tag == b"WRAP" and self.wrap is None:
                self.wrap = data
            elif tag == b"UUID":
                if currentClassKey:
                    self.classKeys[currentClassKey[b"CLAS"]] = currentClassKey
                currentClassKey = {b"UUID": data}
            elif tag in CLASSKEY_TAGS:
                currentClassKey[tag] = data
                self.attrs[tag] = data
        if currentClassKey:
            self.classKeys[currentClassKey[b"CLAS"]] = currentClassKey

    def unlockWithPasscode(self, passcode):
        passcode1 = fastpbkdf2.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', passcode,
                                        self.attrs[b"DPIC"], 32)
        passcode_key = fastpbkdf2.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', passcode1,
                                            self.attrs[b"ITER"], 32)
        print('== Passcode key')
        for classkey in self.classKeys.values():
            if b"WPKY" not in classkey:
            k = classkey[b"WPKY"]
            if classkey[b"WRAP"] & WRAP_PASSCODE:
                k = AESUnwrap(passcode_key, classkey[b"WPKY"])
                if not k:
                    return False
                classkey[b"KEY"] = k
        return True

    def unwrapKeyForClass(self, protection_class, persistent_key):
        ck = self.classKeys[protection_class][b"KEY"]
        if len(persistent_key) != 0x28:
            raise Exception("Invalid key length")
        return AESUnwrap(ck, persistent_key)

    def printClassKeys(self):
        print("== Keybag")
        print("Keybag type: %s keybag (%d)" % (KEYBAG_TYPES[self.type], self.type))
        print("Keybag version: %d" % self.attrs[b"VERS"])
        print("Keybag UUID: %s" % anonymize(hexlify(self.uuid)))
                    "Public key"]))
        for k, ck in self.classKeys.items():
            if k == 6:print("")

                anonymize(hexlify(ck.get(b"KEY", b""))).ljust(65),
                anonymize(hexlify(ck.get(b"WPKY", b""))).ljust(65),

def loopTLVBlocks(blob):
    i = 0
    while i + 8 <= len(blob):
        tag = blob[i:i+4]
        length = struct.unpack(">L",blob[i+4:i+8])[0]
        data = blob[i+8:i+8+length]
        yield (tag,data)
        i += 8 + length

def unpack64bit(s):
    return struct.unpack(">Q",s)[0]
def pack64bit(s):
    return struct.pack(">Q",s)

def AESUnwrap(kek, wrapped):
    C = []
    for i in range(len(wrapped)//8):
    n = len(C) - 1
    R = [0] * (n+1)
    A = C[0]

    for i in range(1,n+1):
        R[i] = C[i]

    for j in reversed(range(0,6)):
        for i in reversed(range(1,n+1)):
            todec = pack64bit(A ^ (n*j+i))
            todec += pack64bit(R[i])
            B =
            A = unpack64bit(B[:8])
            R[i] = unpack64bit(B[8:])

    if A != 0xa6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6:
        return None
    res = b"".join(map(pack64bit, R[1:]))
    return res

ZEROIV = "\x00"*16
def AESdecryptCBC(data, key, iv=ZEROIV, padding=False):
    if len(data) % 16:
        print("AESdecryptCBC: data length not /16, truncating")
        data = data[0:(len(data)/16) * 16]
    data =, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC, iv).decrypt(data)
    if padding:
        return removePadding(16, data)
    return data

# here are some utility functions, one making sure I don’t leak my
# secret keys when posting the output on Stack Exchange

anon_random = random.Random(0)
memo = {}
def anonymize(s):
    if type(s) == str:
        s = s.encode('utf-8')
    global anon_random, memo
        if s in memo:
            return memo[s]
        possible_alphabets = [
            string.digits + 'abcdef',
            "".join(chr(x) for x in range(0, 256)),
        for a in possible_alphabets:
            if all((chr(c) if type(c) == int else c) in a for c in s):
                alphabet = a
        ret = "".join([anon_random.choice(alphabet) for i in range(len(s))])
        memo[s] = ret
        return ret
        return s

def wrap(s, width=78):
    "Return a width-wrapped repr(s)-like string without breaking on \’s"
    s = repr(s)
    quote = s[0]
    s = s[1:-1]
    ret = []
    while len(s):
        i = s.rfind('\\', 0, width)
        if i <= width - 4: # "\x??" is four characters
            i = width
        s = s[i:]
    return '\n'.join("%s%s%s" % (quote, line ,quote) for line in ret)

def readpipe(path):
    if stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(path).st_mode):
        with open(path, 'rb') as pipe:
        raise Exception("Not a pipe: {!r}".format(path))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Which then prints this output:

Warning: All output keys are FAKE to protect your privacy
== Keybag
Keybag type: Backup keybag (1)
Keybag version: 3
Keybag UUID: dc6486c479e84c94efce4bea7169ef7d
Class                                                WRAP Type       Key                                                              WPKY                                                             Public key
NSFileProtectionComplete                             2    AES                                                                         4c80b6da07d35d393fc7158e18b8d8f9979694329a71ceedee86b4cde9f97afec197ad3b13c5d12b
NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen                   2    AES                                                                         09e8a0a9965f00f213ce06143a52801f35bde2af0ad54972769845d480b5043f545fa9b66a0353a6
NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication 2    AES                                                                         e966b6a0742878ce747cec3fa1bf6a53b0d811ad4f1d6147cd28a5d400a8ffe0bbabea5839025cb5
NSFileProtectionNone                                 2    AES                                                                         902f46847302816561e7df57b64beea6fa11b0068779a65f4c651dbe7a1630f323682ff26ae7e577
NSFileProtectionRecovery?                            3    AES                                                                         a3935fed024cd9bc11d0300d522af8e89accfbe389d7c69dca02841df46c0a24d0067dba2f696072

kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked                       2    AES                                                                         09a1856c7e97a51a9c2ecedac8c3c7c7c10e7efa931decb64169ee61cb07a0efb115050fd1e33af1
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock                   2    AES                                                                         0509d215f2f574efa2f192efc53c460201168b26a175f066b5347fc48bc76c637e27a730b904ca82
kSecAttrAccessibleAlways                             2    AES                                                                         b7ac3c4f1e04896144ce90c4583e26489a86a6cc45a2b692a5767b5a04b0907e081daba009fdbb3c
kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly         3    AES                                                                         417526e67b82e7c6c633f9063120a299b84e57a8ffee97b34020a2caf6e751ec5750053833ab4d45
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly     3    AES                                                                         b0e17b0cf7111c6e716cd0272de5684834798431c1b34bab8d1a1b5aba3d38a3a42c859026f81ccc
kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly               3    AES                                                                         9b3bdc59ae1d85703aa7f75d49bdc600bf57ba4a458b20a003a10f6e36525fb6648ba70e6602d8b2

== Passcode key

== Keybag
Keybag type: Backup keybag (1)
Keybag version: 3
Keybag UUID: dc6486c479e84c94efce4bea7169ef7d
Class                                                WRAP Type       Key                                                              WPKY                                                             Public key
NSFileProtectionComplete                             2    AES        64e8fc94a7b670b0a9c4a385ff395fe9ba5ee5b0d9f5a5c9f0202ef7fdcb386f 4c80b6da07d35d393fc7158e18b8d8f9979694329a71ceedee86b4cde9f97afec197ad3b13c5d12b
NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen                   2    AES        22a218c9c446fbf88f3ccdc2ae95f869c308faaa7b3e4fe17b78cbf2eeaf4ec9 09e8a0a9965f00f213ce06143a52801f35bde2af0ad54972769845d480b5043f545fa9b66a0353a6
NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication 2    AES        1004c6ca6e07d2b507809503180edf5efc4a9640227ac0d08baf5918d34b44ef e966b6a0742878ce747cec3fa1bf6a53b0d811ad4f1d6147cd28a5d400a8ffe0bbabea5839025cb5
NSFileProtectionNone                                 2    AES        2e809a0cd1a73725a788d5d1657d8fd150b0e360460cb5d105eca9c60c365152 902f46847302816561e7df57b64beea6fa11b0068779a65f4c651dbe7a1630f323682ff26ae7e577
NSFileProtectionRecovery?                            3    AES        9a078d710dcd4a1d5f70ea4062822ea3e9f7ea034233e7e290e06cf0d80c19ca a3935fed024cd9bc11d0300d522af8e89accfbe389d7c69dca02841df46c0a24d0067dba2f696072

kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked                       2    AES        606e5328816af66736a69dfe5097305cf1e0b06d6eb92569f48e5acac3f294a4 09a1856c7e97a51a9c2ecedac8c3c7c7c10e7efa931decb64169ee61cb07a0efb115050fd1e33af1
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock                   2    AES        6a4b5292661bac882338d5ebb51fd6de585befb4ef5f8ffda209be8ba3af1b96 0509d215f2f574efa2f192efc53c460201168b26a175f066b5347fc48bc76c637e27a730b904ca82
kSecAttrAccessibleAlways                             2    AES        c0ed717947ce8d1de2dde893b6026e9ee1958771d7a7282dd2116f84312c2dd2 b7ac3c4f1e04896144ce90c4583e26489a86a6cc45a2b692a5767b5a04b0907e081daba009fdbb3c
kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly         3    AES        80d8c7be8d5103d437f8519356c3eb7e562c687a5e656cfd747532f71668ff99 417526e67b82e7c6c633f9063120a299b84e57a8ffee97b34020a2caf6e751ec5750053833ab4d45
kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly     3    AES        a875a15e3ff901351c5306019e3b30ed123e6c66c949bdaa91fb4b9a69a3811e b0e17b0cf7111c6e716cd0272de5684834798431c1b34bab8d1a1b5aba3d38a3a42c859026f81ccc
kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly               3    AES        1e7756695d337e0b06c764734a9ef8148af20dcc7a636ccfea8b2eb96a9e9373 9b3bdc59ae1d85703aa7f75d49bdc600bf57ba4a458b20a003a10f6e36525fb6648ba70e6602d8b2

== decrypted data:
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD '
'PLIST 1.0//EN" "">\n<plist versi'

== pretty-printed plist
{'DCIMLastDirectoryNumber': 100, 'DCIMLastFileNumber': 3}

Extra credit

The iphone-dataprotection code posted by Bédrune and Sigwald can decrypt the keychain from a backup, including fun things like saved wifi and website passwords:

$ python iphone-dataprotection/python_scripts/ ...

|                              Passwords                                             |
|Service           |Account          |Data           |Access group  |Protection class|
|AirPort           |Ed’s Coffee Shop |<3FrenchRoast  |apple         |AfterFirstUnlock|

That code no longer works on backups from phones using the latest iOS, but there are some golang ports that have been kept up to date allowing access to the keychain.

Why Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes

A nested class can have private, protected and protected internal access modifiers along with public and internal.

For example, you are implementing the GetEnumerator() method that returns an IEnumerator<T> object. The consumers wouldn't care about the actual type of the object. All they know about it is that it implements that interface. The class you want to return doesn't have any direct use. You can declare that class as a private nested class and return an instance of it (this is actually how the C# compiler implements iterators):

class MyUselessList : IEnumerable<int> {
    // ...
    private List<int> internalList;
    private class UselessListEnumerator : IEnumerator<int> {
        private MyUselessList obj;
        public UselessListEnumerator(MyUselessList o) {
           obj = o;
        private int currentIndex = -1;
        public int Current {
           get { return obj.internalList[currentIndex]; }
        public bool MoveNext() { 
           return ++currentIndex < obj.internalList.Count;
    public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator() {
        return new UselessListEnumerator(this);

How to find longest string in the table column data


How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows

Install the one you use most (3.3 in my case) over the top of the other. That'll force IDLE to use the one you want.

Alternatively (from the python3.3 README):

Installing multiple versions

On Unix and Mac systems if you intend to install multiple versions of Python using the same installation prefix (--prefix argument to the configure script) you must take care that your primary python executable is not overwritten by the installation of a different version. All files and directories installed using "make altinstall" contain the major and minor version and can thus live side-by-side. "make install" also creates ${prefix}/bin/python3 which refers to ${prefix}/bin/pythonX.Y. If you intend to install multiple versions using the same prefix you must decide which version (if any) is your "primary" version. Install that version using "make install". Install all other versions using "make altinstall".

For example, if you want to install Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3 with 2.7 being the primary version, you would execute "make install" in your 2.7 build directory and "make altinstall" in the others.

What's the difference between session.persist() and in Hibernate?

Here is the difference:

  1. save:

    1. will return the id/identifier when the object is saved to the database.
    2. will also save when the object is tried to do the same by opening a new session after it is detached.
  2. Persist:

    1. will return void when the object is saved to the database.
    2. will throw PersistentObjectException when tried to save the detached object through a new session.

"Please try running this command again as Root/Administrator" error when trying to install LESS

In my case i needed to update the npm version from 5.3.0 ? 5.4.2 .

Before i could use this -- npm i -g npm .. i needed to run two commands which perfectly solved my problem. It is highly likely that it will even solve your problem.

Step 1: sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local

Step 2: npm install -g cordova ionic

After this you should update your npm to latest version

Step 3: npm i -g npm

Then you are good to go. Hope This solves your problem. Cheers!!

There was no endpoint listening at (url) that could accept the message

I had this problem when I was trying to call a WCF service hosted in a new server from a windows application from my local. I was getting same error message and at end had this "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it". I donot know whether I am wrong or correct but I feel whenever the server was getting request from my windows application it is routing to something else. So I did some reading and added below in Web.config of service host project. After that everything worked like a magic.

    <defaultProxy enabled="false">

The EntityManager is closed

// first need to reset current manager
// and then get new
$em = $this->getContainer()->get("doctrine");
// or in this way, depending of your environment:
$em = $this->getDoctrine();

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

You can only use aggregates for comparison in the HAVING clause:

  HAVING SUM(cash) > 500

The HAVING clause requires you to define a GROUP BY clause.

To get the first row where the sum of all the previous cash is greater than a certain value, use:

               (SELECT SUM(
                  FROM TABLE x
                 WHERE <= AS running_total
         FROM TABLE t
     ORDER BY y
 WHERE y.running_total > 500
   LIMIT 1

Because the aggregate function occurs in a subquery, the column alias for it can be referenced in the WHERE clause.

Box shadow for bottom side only

You have to specify negative spread in the box shadow to remove side shadow

-webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 10px -10px #000000;
   -moz-box-shadow: 0 10px 10px -10px #000000;
        box-shadow: 0 10px 10px -10px #000000;

Check out and try changing properties and know how it behaves

Capitalize first letter. MySQL

mysql> SELECT schedule_type AS Schedule FROM ad_campaign limit 1;
| Schedule |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(UCASE(MID(schedule_type,1,1)),LCASE(MID(schedule_type,2))) AS Schedule FROM ad_campaign limit 1;
| Schedule |
| Enddate  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How can I get the selected VALUE out of a QCombobox?

It seems you need to do combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex()) if you want to get the current data of the QComboBox.

If you are using your own class derived from QComboBox, you can add a currentData() function.


I tried to use CMake to build GammaRay for Qt on Windows with mingw. So, I had the Qt installed. And I had the same problem as other users here.

The approach that worked for me is launching cmake-gui from Qt build prompt (a shortcut created by Qt installer in "Start Menu\All programs\Qt{QT_VERSION}" folder).

How to loop through all but the last item of a list?

This answers what the OP should have asked, i.e. traverse a list comparing consecutive elements (excellent SilentGhost answer), yet generalized for any group (n-gram): 2, 3, ... n:

zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, n)))


l = range(0, 4)  # [0, 1, 2, 3]

list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 2)))) # == [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 3)))) # == [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]
list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 4)))) # == [(0, 1, 2, 3)]
list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 5)))) # == []


  • l[start:] generates a a list/generator starting from index start
  • *list or *generator: passes all elements to the enclosing function zip as if it was written zip(elem1, elem2, ...)


AFAIK, this code is as lazy as it can be. Not tested.

Where is the .NET Framework 4.5 directory?

Whilst the above answers are correct its worth noting that MSBuild has changed and it no longer ships with the .net framework, it comes either stand alone or with visual studio. As a result it's binaries have moved... so the one you get under the 4.0.303619 directory is actually the old one!

I've just been caught out by this - I found automatic binding redirects were only working when running from VisualStudio but not when running msbuild from the command line... the clue was that binding redirects were added in VS 2013 (for that read .net framework 4.5). If you open up a vs command prompt you'll see it now gets it from program files as the other article mentions. Whereas I was using a batch file on my path which linked to the old version.

Version numbers

Under framework:

PS C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319> .\msbuild.exe -version
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.0.30319.33440
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.34014]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

4.0.30319.33440PS C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>

Under program files:

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin> .\MSBuild.exe -version
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 12.0.21005.1
[Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.34014]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

12.0.21005.1PS C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin>

Name does not exist in the current context


This is the phyiscal file -> CodeFile="Jobs.aspx.cs"

This is the class which handles the events of the page -> Inherits="Members_Jobs"


This is the partial class which manages the page events -> public partial class Members_Jobs : System.Web.UI.Page

The other part of the partial class should be -> public partial class Members_Jobs this is usually the designer file.

you dont need to have partial classes and could declare your controls all in 1 class and not have a designer file.

EDIT 27/09/2013 11:37

if you are still having issues with this I would do as Bharadwaj suggested and delete the designer file. You can then right-click on the page, in the solution explorer, and there is an option, something like "Convert to Web Application", which will regenerate your designer file

angularjs: allows only numbers to be typed into a text box

This is the method that works for me. It's based in samnau anwser but allows to submit the form with ENTER, increase and decrease the number with UP and DOWN arrows, edition with DEL,BACKSPACE,LEFT and RIGHT, and navigate trough fields with TAB. Note that it works for positive integers such as an amount.


<input ng-keypress="onlyNumbers($event)" min="0" type="number" step="1" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]{1,8}$/" ng-model="... >


$scope.onlyNumbers = function(event){   
    var keys={
        'up': 38,'right':39,'down':40,'left':37,
    for(var index in keys) {
        if (!keys.hasOwnProperty(index)) continue;
        if (event.charCode==keys[index]||event.keyCode==keys[index]) {
            return; //default event

Redirecting from cshtml page

This clearly is a bad case of controller logic in a view. It would be better to do this in a controller and return the desired view.

public ActionResult Results() 
    EnumerableRowCollection<DataRow> custs = ViewBag.Customers;
    bool anyRows = custs.Any();

    if(anyRows == false)
        return View("NoResults");
        return View("OtherView");

Modify NoResults.cshtml to a Partial.

And call this as a Partial view in the parent view


You might have to pass the Customer collection as a model to the Result action or in a ViewDataDictionary due to reasons explained here: Can't access ViewBag in a partial view in ASP.NET MVC3

The ChildActionOnly attribute will make sure you cannot go to this page by navigating and that this view must be rendered as a partial, thus by a parent view. cfr: Using ChildActionOnly in MVC

How can I delete Docker's images?

If you want to automatically/periodically clean up exited containers and remove images and volumes that aren't in use by a running container you can download the Docker image meltwater/docker-cleanup.

That way you don't need to go clean it up by hand.

Just run:

docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw  -v /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker:rw --restart=unless-stopped meltwater/docker-cleanup:latest

It will run every 30 minutes (or however long you set it using DELAY_TIME=1800 option) and clean up exited containers and images.

More details:

‘ant’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

I had a similar issue, but the reason that %ANT_HOME% wasn't resolving is that I had added it as a USER variable, not a SYSTEM one. Sorted now, thanks to this post.

How do I animate constraint changes?

Generally, you just need to update constraints and call layoutIfNeeded inside the animation block. This can be either changing the .constant property of an NSLayoutConstraint, adding remove constraints (iOS 7), or changing the .active property of constraints (iOS 8 & 9).

Sample Code:

[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
    // Move to right = false; = true;

    // Move to bottom = false; = true;

    // Make the animation happen
    [self.view setNeedsLayout];
    [self.view layoutIfNeeded];

Sample Setup:

Xcode Project so sample animation project.


There are some questions about whether the constraint should be changed before the animation block, or inside it (see previous answers).

The following is a Twitter conversation between Martin Pilkington who teaches iOS, and Ken Ferry who wrote Auto Layout. Ken explains that though changing constants outside of the animation block may currently work, it's not safe and they should really be change inside the animation block.


Sample Project

Here's a simple project showing how a view can be animated. It's using Objective C and animates the view by changing the .active property of several constraints.

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

Best way:

if(typeof variable==='undefined' || variable===null) {

/* do your stuff */

Difference between and e.currentTarget

target  is the element that triggered the event (e.g., the user clicked on)

currenttarget is the element that the event listener is attached to.

WPF global exception handler

Best answer is probably

Here is some code that shows how to use it:


public sealed partial class App
    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        // setting up the Dependency Injection container
        var resolver = ResolverFactory.Get();

        // getting the ILogger or ILog interface
        var logger = resolver.Resolve<ILogger>();

        // Bootstrapping Dependency Injection 
        // injects ViewModel into MainWindow.xaml
        // remember to remove the StartupUri attribute in App.xaml
        var mainWindow = resolver.Resolve<Pages.MainWindow>();

    private void RegisterGlobalExceptionHandling(ILogger log)
        // this is the line you really want 
        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += 
            (sender, args) => CurrentDomainOnUnhandledException(args, log);

        // optional: hooking up some more handlers
        // remember that you need to hook up additional handlers when 
        // logging from other dispatchers, shedulers, or applications

        Application.Dispatcher.UnhandledException += 
            (sender, args) => DispatcherOnUnhandledException(args, log);

        Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException +=
            (sender, args) => CurrentOnDispatcherUnhandledException(args, log);

        TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += 
            (sender, args) => TaskSchedulerOnUnobservedTaskException(args, log);

    private static void TaskSchedulerOnUnobservedTaskException(UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs args, ILogger log)
        log.Error(args.Exception, args.Exception.Message);

    private static void CurrentOnDispatcherUnhandledException(DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs args, ILogger log)
        log.Error(args.Exception, args.Exception.Message);
        // args.Handled = true;

    private static void DispatcherOnUnhandledException(DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs args, ILogger log)
        log.Error(args.Exception, args.Exception.Message);
        // args.Handled = true;

    private static void CurrentDomainOnUnhandledException(UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args, ILogger log)
        var exception = args.ExceptionObject as Exception;
        var terminatingMessage = args.IsTerminating ? " The application is terminating." : string.Empty;
        var exceptionMessage = exception?.Message ?? "An unmanaged exception occured.";
        var message = string.Concat(exceptionMessage, terminatingMessage);
        log.Error(exception, message);

How to assign a heredoc value to a variable in Bash?

Branching off Neil's answer, you often don't need a var at all, you can use a function in much the same way as a variable and it's much easier to read than the inline or read-based solutions.

$ complex_message() {
  cat <<'EOF'

$ echo "This is a $(complex_message)"
This is a abc'asdf"

Bootstrap Responsive Text Size

Simplest way is to use dimensions in % or em. Just change the base font size everything will change.


@media (max-width: @screen-xs) {
    body{font-size: 10px;}

@media (max-width: @screen-sm) {
    body{font-size: 14px;}

    font-size: 1.4rem;

Look at all the ways at

You could use viewport units (vh,vw...) but they dont work on Android < 4.4

How to use greater than operator with date?

In my case my column was a datetime it kept giving me all records. What I did is to include time, see below example

SELECT * FROM my_table where start_date > '2011-01-01 01:01:01';

Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?

This is an update of Baz1nga's answer. Since is not an object but a string I just resorted to concatenating the timestamp:

$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
  if (originalOptions.type == "post" || options.type == "post") {

    if ( && += "&";
    else = ""; += "timeStamp=" + new Date().getTime();

How to find an available port?

It may not help you much, but on my (Ubuntu) machine I have a file /etc/services in which at least the ports used/reserved by some of the apps are given. These are the standard ports for those apps.

No guarantees that these are running, just the default ports these apps use (so you should not use them if possible).

There are slightly more than 500 ports defined, about half UDP and half TCP.

The files are made using information by IANA, see IANA Assigned port numbers.

How is Pythons glob.glob ordered?

At least in Python3 you also can do this:

import os, re, glob

path = '/home/my/path'
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.png'))
files.sort(key=lambda x:[int(c) if c.isdigit() else c for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', x)])
for infile in files:

This should lexicographically order your input array of strings (e.g. respect numbers in strings while ordering).

gcc/g++: "No such file or directory"

this works for me, sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

Using Jquery AJAX function with datatype HTML

var datos = $("#id_formulario").serialize();
    url: "url.php",      
    type: "POST",                   
    dataType: "html",                 
    data: datos,                 
    success: function (prueba) { 

});//FIN  AJAX

Redis command to get all available keys?

You can simply connect to your redis server using redis-cli, select your database and type KEYS *, please remember it will give you all the keys present in selected redis database.

How to margin the body of the page (html)?

Yeah a CSS primer will not hurt here so you can do two things: 1 - within the tags of your html you can open a style tag like this:

<style type="text/css">
  body {
   margin: 0px;
   * this is the same as writing
   * body { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px;}
   * I'm adding px here for clarity sake but the unit is not really needed if you have 0
   * look into em, pt and % for other unit types 
   * the rules are always clockwise: top, right, bottom, left

2- the above though will only work on the page you have this code embeded, so if if you wanted to reuse this in 10 files, then you will have to copy it over on all 10 files, and if you wanted to make a change let's say have a margin of 5px instead, you would have to open all those files and make the edit. That's why using an external style sheet is a golden rule in front end coding. So save the body declaration in a separate file named style.css for example and from your add this to your html instead:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>

Now you can put this in the of all pages that will benefit from these styles and whenever needed to change them you will only need to do so in one place. Hope it helps. Cheers

Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to "block execution" while dialog is up (.NET-style)

I am using Xamarin.Android (MonoDroid), and I have requirments for developing UI Blocking confirm box. I am not going to argue with the client because I can see good reasons for why they want that (details here), so I need to implement this. I tried @Daniel and @MindSpiker above, but these did not work on MonoForAndroid, the moment the message is sent between the threads, the app is crashed. I assume it is something to do with Xamarin mapping.

I ended up creating a separate thread from the UI thread and then blocking that and waiting for the user response as follows:

// (since the controllers code is shared cross-platforms)
protected void RunConfirmAction(Action runnableAction)
    if (runnableAction != null)
        if (Core.Platform.IsAndroid)
            var confirmThread = new Thread(() => runnableAction());

// The call to the logout method has now changed like this:

// the implemtation of the MessageBox waiting is like this:
public DialogResult MessageBoxShow(string message, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton)
    if (_CurrentContext != null && _CurrentContext.Screen != null && MainForm.MainActivity != null)
        Action<bool> callback = OnConfirmCallBack;
        _IsCurrentlyInConfirmProcess = true;
        Action messageBoxDelegate = () => MessageBox.Show(((Activity)MainForm.MainActivity), callback, message, caption, buttons);
        while (_IsCurrentlyInConfirmProcess)
        LogHandler.LogError("Trying to display a Message box with no activity in the CurrentContext. Message was: " + message);
    return _ConfirmBoxResult ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.No;


private void OnConfirmCallBack(bool confirmResult)
    _ConfirmBoxResult = confirmResult;
    _IsCurrentlyInConfirmProcess = false;

private bool _ConfirmBoxResult = false;
private bool _IsCurrentlyInConfirmProcess = false;

Full details on how to do this can be found in my blog post here

Invalid shorthand property initializer

Use : instead of =

see the example below that gives an error'/mews', (req, res) => {
if (isValidMew(req.body)) {
    // insert into db
    const mew = {
        name = filter.clean(,
        content = filter.clean(req.body.content.toString()),
        created: new Date()

That gives Syntex Error: invalid shorthand proprty initializer.

Then i replace = with : that's solve this error.'/mews', (req, res) => {
if (isValidMew(req.body)) {
    // insert into db
    const mew = {
        name: filter.clean(,
        content: filter.clean(req.body.content.toString()),
        created: new Date()

Convert HTML to PDF in .NET

Another suggestion it to try the solution by

They provide a nice .NET API to catch screenshots and manipulate it in an easy and flexible approach.

To use it in your app you will need to first get key + secret and download the .NET SDK (it's free).

Now a short example of using it.

To use the API you will first need to create an instance of the GrabzItClient class, passing your application key and application secret from your GrabzIt account to the constructor, as shown in the below example:

//Create the GrabzItClient class
//Replace "APPLICATION KEY", "APPLICATION SECRET" with the values from your account!
private GrabzItClient grabzIt = GrabzItClient.Create("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");

Now, to convert the HTML to PDF all you need to do it:

grabzIt.HTMLToPDF("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>");

You can convert to image as well:

grabzIt.HTMLToImage("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>");     

Next you need to save the image. You can use one of the two save methods available, Save if publicly accessible callback handle available and SaveTo if not. Check the documentation for details.

Scala Doubles, and Precision

You can use scala.math.BigDecimal:

BigDecimal(1.23456789).setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toDouble

There are a number of other rounding modes, which unfortunately aren't very well documented at present (although their Java equivalents are).

Java maximum memory on Windows XP

I think it has more to do with how Windows is configured as hinted by this response: Java -Xmx Option

Some more testing: I was able to allocate 1300MB on an old Windows XP machine with only 768MB physical RAM (plus virtual memory). On my 2GB RAM machine I can only get 1220MB. On various other corporate machines (with older Windows XP) I was able to get 1400MB. The machine with a 1220MB limit is pretty new (just purchased from Dell), so maybe it has newer (and more bloated) Windows and DLLs (it's running Window XP Pro Version 2002 SP2).

Disable eslint rules for folder

YAML version :

  - files: *-tests.js
      no-param-reassign: 0

Example of specific rules for mocha tests :

You can also set a specific env for a folder, like this :

  - files: test/*-tests.js
      mocha: true

This configuration will fix error message about describe and it not defined, only for your test folder:

6:1 error 'describe' is not defined no-undef
9:3 error 'it' is not defined no-undef

check for null date in CASE statement, where have I gone wrong?


    THEN 'Awaiting'
    ELSE 'Approved' END AS StartDateStatus
FROM myTable

You code would have been doing a When StartDate = NULL, I think.

NULL is never equal to NULL (as NULL is the absence of a value). NULL is also never not equal to NULL. The syntax noted above is ANSI SQL standard and the converse would be StartDate IS NOT NULL.

You can run the following:


And this returns:

EqualityCheck = 0
InEqualityCheck = 0
NullComparison = 1

For completeness, in SQL Server you can:


Which would result in your equals comparisons working differently:



Which returns:

EqualityCheck = 1
InEqualityCheck = 0
NullComparison = 1

But I would highly recommend against doing this. People subsequently maintaining your code might be compelled to hunt you down and hurt you...

Also, it will no longer work in upcoming versions of SQL server:

Split a vector into chunks

If you don't like split() and you don't like matrix() (with its dangling NAs), there's this:

chunk <- function(x, n) (mapply(function(a, b) (x[a:b]),, to=length(x), by=n), pmin(, to=length(x), by=n)+(n-1), length(x)), SIMPLIFY=FALSE))

Like split(), it returns a list, but it doesn't waste time or space with labels, so it may be more performant.

How to read files and stdout from a running Docker container

The stdout of the process started by the docker container is available through the docker logs $containerid command (use -f to keep it going forever). Another option would be to stream the logs directly through the docker remote API.

For accessing log files (only if you must, consider logging to stdout or other standard solution like syslogd) your only real-time option is to configure a volume (like Marcus Hughes suggests) so the logs are stored outside the container and available for processing from the host or another container.

If you do not need real-time access to the logs, you can export the files (in tar format) with docker export

How to install a Python module via its in Windows? is designed to be run from the command line. You'll need to open your command prompt (In Windows 7, hold down shift while right-clicking in the directory with the file. You should be able to select "Open Command Window Here").

From the command line, you can type

python --help get a list of commands. What you are looking to do is...

python install

How do I concatenate strings?

Simple ways to concatenate strings in Rust

There are various methods available in Rust to concatenate strings

First method (Using concat!() ):

fn main() {
    println!("{}", concat!("a", "b"))

The output of the above code is :


Second method (using push_str() and + operator):

fn main() {
    let mut _a = "a".to_string();
    let _b = "b".to_string();
    let _c = "c".to_string();


    println!("{}", _a);

    println!("{}", _a + &_c);

The output of the above code is:



Third method (Using format!()):

fn main() {
    let mut _a = "a".to_string();
    let _b = "b".to_string();
    let _c = format!("{}{}", _a, _b);

    println!("{}", _c);

The output of the above code is :


Check it out and experiment with Rust playground.

react-native :app:installDebug FAILED

This works for me

  1. Uninstall the app from your phone
  2. cd android
  3. gradlew clean
  4. cd ..
  5. react-native run-android

(SC) DeleteService FAILED 1072

make sure the service is stopped, the services control panel is closed, and no open file handles are open by the service.

Also make sure ProcessExplorer is not running.

Inline for loop

you can use enumerate keeping the ind/index of the elements is in vm, if you make vm a set you will also have 0(1) lookups:

vm = {-1, -1, -1, -1}

print([ind if q in vm else 9999 for ind,ele in enumerate(vm) ])

How to filter WooCommerce products by custom attribute

A plugin is probably your best option. Look in the wordpress plugins directory or google to see if you can find one. I found the one below and that seemed to work perfect.

This one seems to do exactly what you are after

Access index of the parent ng-repeat from child ng-repeat

My example code was correct and the issue was something else in my actual code. Still, I know it was difficult to find examples of this so I'm answering it in case someone else is looking.

<div ng-repeat="f in foos">
    <div ng-repeat="b in foos.bars">
      <a ng-click="addSomething($parent.$index)">Add Something</a>

How to push a single file in a subdirectory to Github (not master)

Very simple. Just follow these procedure:
1. git status
2. git add {File_Name} //the file name you haven been changed
3. git status
4. git commit -m '{your_message}'
5. git push origin master

Is Laravel really this slow?

I use Laravel quite a bit and I simply do not believe the numbers it tells me because end-to-end rendering as measured by my browser shows LOWER total time from request to ready.

Further, I get slightly higher numbers on my machine at work, which does execute the page noticeably faster than my machine at home.

I don't know how those numbers are getting calculated, but they are not corroborated by observation, or browser tools like Firebug...

Laravel is not actually all that slow, especially when optimized. It is memory-hungry however. Even a heavy CMS like Drupal which is very slow, appears to have about 1/3rd the memory footprint of a bare bones Laravel request.

Thus to run Laravel in production, I would deploy to memory-optimized servers before CPU-optimized servers.

Tracking CPU and Memory usage per process

Perfmon.exe is built into windows.

When to use EntityManager.find() vs EntityManager.getReference() with JPA

Because a reference is 'managed', but not hydrated, it can also allow you to remove an entity by ID, without needing to load it into memory first.

As you can't remove an unmanaged entity, it's just plain silly to load all fields using find(...) or createQuery(...), only to immediately delete it.

MyLargeObject myObject = em.getReference(MyLargeObject.class, objectId);

Markdown and image alignment

Embedding CSS is bad:


CSS in another file:

img[alt=Flowers] { float: right; }

Defining custom attrs

if you omit the format attribute from the attr element, you can use it to reference a class from XML layouts.

  • example from attrs.xml.
  • Android Studio understands that the class is being referenced from XML
    • i.e.
      • Refactor > Rename works
      • Find Usages works
      • and so on...

don't specify a format attribute in .../src/main/res/values/attrs.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <declare-styleable name="MyCustomView">
        <attr name="give_me_a_class"/>


use it in some layout file .../src/main/res/layout/activity__main_menu.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- make sure to use $ dollar signs for nested classes -->



parse the class in your view initialization code .../src/main/java/.../MyCustomView.kt

class MyCustomView(
    // parse XML attributes
    private val giveMeAClass:SomeCustomInterface
                // very important to use the class loader from the passed-in context
                giveMeAClass =!!
                        .newInstance() // instantiate using 0-args constructor
                        .let {it as SomeCustomInterface}

Constructor overload in TypeScript

Your Box class is attempting to define multiple constructor implementations.

Only the last constructor overload signature is used as the class constructor implementation.

In the below example, note the constructor implementation is defined such that it does not contradict either of the preceding overload signatures.

interface IBox = {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    width: number;
    height: number;

class Box {
    public x: number;
    public y: number;
    public width: number;
    public height: number;

    constructor() /* Overload Signature */
    constructor(obj: IBox) /* Overload Signature */
    constructor(obj?: IBox) /* Implementation Constructor */ {
        if (obj) {
            this.x = obj.x;
            this.y = obj.y;
            this.width = obj.width;
            this.height = obj.height;
        } else {
            this.x = 0;
            this.y = 0;
            this.width = 0;
            this.height = 0

    get frame(): string {
        console.log(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

new Box().frame; // 0 0 0 0
new Box({ x:10, y:10, width: 70, height: 120 }).frame; // 10 10 70 120

// You could also write the Box class like so;
class Box {
    public x: number = 0;
    public y: number = 0;
    public width: number = 0;
    public height: number = 0;

    constructor() /* Overload Signature */
    constructor(obj: IBox) /* Overload Signature */
    constructor(obj?: IBox) /* Implementation Constructor */ {
        if (obj) {
            this.x = obj.x;
            this.y = obj.y;
            this.width = obj.width;
            this.height = obj.height;

    get frame(): string { ... }

What is the meaning of CTOR?

Usually this region should contains the constructors of the class



Tested on Postgresql 9.3

unique object identifier in javascript

Typescript version of @justin answer, ES6 compatible, using Symbols to prevent any key collision and added into the global for convenience. Just copy paste the code below, or put it into an ObjecId.ts file you will import.


declare global {
    interface ObjectConstructor {
        id: (object: any) => number;

const uniqueId: symbol = Symbol('The unique id of an object');

export function enableObjectID(): void {
    if (typeof Object['id'] !== 'undefined') {

    let id: number = 0;

    Object['id'] = (object: any) => {
        const hasUniqueId: boolean = !!object[uniqueId];
        if (!hasUniqueId) {
            object[uniqueId] = ++id;

        return object[uniqueId];

Example of usage:


How to get the title of HTML page with JavaScript?

Put in the URL bar and then click enter:


You can select and copy the text from the alert depending on the website and the web browser you are using.

How to automatically generate unique id in SQL like UID12345678?

If you want to add the id manually you can use,

PadLeft() or String.Format() method.

string id;
char x='0';
id=id.PadLeft(6, x);
//Six character string id with left 0s e.g 000012

int id;
//Integer length of 6 with the id. e.g 000012

Then you can append this with UID.

Turn off iPhone/Safari input element rounding

I used a simple border-radius: 0; to remove the rounded corners for the text input types.

How to handle ListView click in Android

Suppose ListView object is lv, do the following-

lv.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {

  public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int position, long arg3) {

    Object o = lv.getItemAtPosition(position);
    /* write you handling code like...
    String st = "sdcard/";
    File f = new File(st+o.toString());
    // do whatever u want to do with 'f' File object

How to concatenate properties from multiple JavaScript objects

This should do it:

function collect() {_x000D_
  var ret = {};_x000D_
  var len = arguments.length;_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {_x000D_
    for (p in arguments[i]) {_x000D_
      if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(p)) {_x000D_
        ret[p] = arguments[i][p];_x000D_
  return ret;_x000D_
let a = { "one" : 1, "two" : 2 };_x000D_
let b = { "three" : 3 };_x000D_
let c = { "four" : 4, "five" : 5 };_x000D_
let d = collect(a, b, c);_x000D_


  "one": 1,
  "two": 2,
  "three": 3,
  "four": 4,
  "five": 5

MySQL: can't access root account

This worked for me:

Step 1: Stop MySQL daemon if it is currently running

  ps -ef | grep mysql      - checks if mysql/mysqld is one of the running processes.

  pkill mysqld             - kills the daemon, if it is running.

Step 2: Run MySQL safe daemon with skipping grant tables

  mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

  mysql -u root mysql

Step 3: Login to MySQL as root with no password

  mysql -u root mysql

Step 4: Run UPDATE query to reset the root password

  UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD("value=42") WHERE user="root";

In MySQL 5.7, the 'password' field was removed, now the field name is 'authentication_string':

  UPDATE user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD("42") WHERE 

Step 5: Stop MySQL safe daemon

Step 6: Start MySQL daemon

Input type number "only numeric value" validation

Using directive it becomes easy and can be used throughout the application


<input type="text" placeholder="Enter value" numbersOnly>

As .keyCode() and .which() are deprecated, codes are checked using .key() Referred from


   selector: "[numbersOnly]"

export class NumbersOnlyDirective {
  @Input() numbersOnly:boolean;

  navigationKeys: Array<string> = ['Backspace']; //Add keys as per requirement
  constructor(private _el: ElementRef) { }

  @HostListener('keydown', ['$event']) onKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
    if (
      // Allow: Delete, Backspace, Tab, Escape, Enter, etc
      this.navigationKeys.indexOf(e.key) > -1 || 
      (e.key === 'a' && e.ctrlKey === true) || // Allow: Ctrl+A
      (e.key === 'c' && e.ctrlKey === true) || // Allow: Ctrl+C
      (e.key === 'v' && e.ctrlKey === true) || // Allow: Ctrl+V
      (e.key === 'x' && e.ctrlKey === true) || // Allow: Ctrl+X
      (e.key === 'a' && e.metaKey === true) || // Cmd+A (Mac)
      (e.key === 'c' && e.metaKey === true) || // Cmd+C (Mac)
      (e.key === 'v' && e.metaKey === true) || // Cmd+V (Mac)
      (e.key === 'x' && e.metaKey === true) // Cmd+X (Mac)
    ) {
        return;  // let it happen, don't do anything
    // Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress
    if (e.key === ' ' || isNaN(Number(e.key))) {

How do I fix twitter-bootstrap on IE?

I had the same problem and none of the other answers worked. My problem was a weird one where IE9 wasn't able to connect to any https sites, therefore since I was using the online maxcdn bootstrap files like,

none of that css and js was being applied. Going into the Advanced tab of Internet Explorer options I verified that not having "use TLS 1.0" checked caused the problem with https sites and files, and once checked my bootstrap page was formatted as expected.

As others have noted use the proper doctype below (maybe a valid html4 doctype will work, but if you're starting anew might as well use html5.)

The respond js and html5 shim (if using that) are for IE8. IE9 doesn't need that. The code below uses the standard method of targeting ie8 and below.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
    <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
<!-- content -->

Get difference between two lists

Here is an simple way to distinguish two lists (whatever the contents are), you can get the result as shown below :

>>> from sets import Set
>>> l1 = ['xvda', False, 'xvdbb', 12, 'xvdbc']
>>> l2 = ['xvda', 'xvdbb', 'xvdbc', 'xvdbd', None]
>>> Set(l1).symmetric_difference(Set(l2))
Set([False, 'xvdbd', None, 12])

Hope this will helpful.

How to change font size in html?

If you want to do this without adding classes...

p:first-child {
    font-size: 16px;

p:last-child {
    font-size: 12px;


p:nth-child(1) {
    font-size: 16px;

p:nth-child(2) {
    font-size: 12px;

Bootstrap 4 - Glyphicons migration?

You can use both Font Awesome and Github Octicons as a free alternative for Glyphicons.

Bootstrap 4 also switched from Less to Sass, so you might integerate the font's Sass (SCSS) into you build process, to create a single CSS file for your projects.

Also see to find out how to set up your tooling:

  1. Download and install Node, which we use to manage our dependencies.
  2. Navigate to the root /bootstrap directory and run npm install to install our local dependencies listed in package.json.
  3. Install Ruby, install Bundler with gem install bundler, and finally run bundle install. This will install all Ruby dependencies, such as Jekyll and plugins.

Font Awesome

  1. Download the files at
  2. Copy the font-awesome/scss folder into your /bootstrap folder
  3. Open your SCSS /bootstrap/bootstrap.scss and write down the following SCSS code at the end of this file:

    $fa-font-path: "../fonts"; @import "../font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss";

  4. Notice that you also have to copy the font file from font-awesome/fonts to dist/fonts or any other public folder set by $fa-font-path in the previous step

  5. Run: npm run dist to recompile your code with Font-Awesome

Github Octicons

  1. Download the files at
  2. Copy the octicons folder into your /bootstrap folder
  3. Open your SCSS /bootstrap/bootstrap.scss and write down the following SCSS code at the end of this file:

    $fa-font-path: "../fonts"; @import "../octicons/octicons/octicons.scss";

  4. Notice that you also have to copy the font file from font-awesome/fonts to dist/fonts or any other public folder set by $fa-font-path in the previous step

  5. Run: npm run dist to recompile your code with Octicons


On the Bootstrap website you can read:

Includes over 250 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set. Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but their creator has made them available for Bootstrap free of cost. As a thank you, we only ask that you include a link back to Glyphicons whenever possible.

As I understand you can use these 250 glyphs free of cost restricted for Bootstrap but not limited to version 3 exclusive. So you can use them for Bootstrap 4 too.

  1. Copy the fonts files from:
  2. Copy the file into your bootstrap/scss folder
  3. Open your scss /bootstrap/bootstrap.scss and write down the following SCSS code at the end of this file:
$bootstrap-sass-asset-helper: false;
$icon-font-name: 'glyphicons-halflings-regular';
$icon-font-svg-id: 'glyphicons_halflingsregular';
$icon-font-path: '../fonts/';
@import "glyphicons";
  1. Run: npm run dist to recompile your code with Glyphicons

Notice that Bootstrap 4 requires the post CSS Autoprefixer for compiling. When you are using a static Sass compiler to compile your CSS you should have to run the Autoprefixer afterwards.

You can find out more about mixing with the Bootstrap 4 SCSS in here.

You can also use Bower to install the fonts above. Using Bower Font Awesome installs your files in bower_components/components-font-awesome/ also notice that Github Octicons sets the octicons/octicons/octicons-.scss as the main file whilst you should use octicons/octicons/sprockets-octicons.scss.

All the above will compile all your CSS code including into a single file, which requires only one HTTP request. Alternatively you can also load the Font-Awesome font from CDN, which can be fast too in many situations. Both fonts on CDN also include the font files (using data-uri's, possible not supported for older browsers). So consider which solution best fits your situation depending on among others browsers to support.

For Font Awesome paste the following code into the <head> section of your site's HTML:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

Also try Yeoman generator to scaffold out a front-end Bootstrap 4 Web app to test Bootstrap 4 with Font Awesome or Github Octicons.

Error renaming a column in MySQL


You can rename fields using:

ALTER TABLE xyz CHANGE manufacurerid manufacturerid INT

Making a div vertically scrollable using CSS

For 100% viewport height use:

overflow: auto;
max-height: 100vh;

Populating spinner directly in the layout xml

I'm not sure about this, but give it a shot.

In your strings.xml define:

<string-array name="array_name">
<item>Array Item One</item>
<item>Array Item Two</item>
<item>Array Item Three</item>

In your layout:


I've heard this doesn't always work on the designer, but it compiles fine.

What is JSON and why would I use it?

We have to do a project on college and we faced a very big problem, it is called Same Origin Policy. Amog other things, it makes that your XMLHttpRequest method from Javascript can't make requests to domains other than the domain that your site is on.

For example you can't make request to if your site is on JSONRequest allows that, but you will get result in JSON format if that site allows that(for example it has a web service that returns messages in JSON). That is one problem where you could use JSON perhaps.

Here is something practical: Yahoo JSON

Check whether a string contains a substring

Another possibility is to use regular expressions which is what Perl is famous for:

if ($mystring =~ /s1\.domain\.com/) {
   print qq("$mystring" contains ""\n);

The backslashes are needed because a . can match any character. You can get around this by using the \Q and \E operators.

my $substring = "";
    if ($mystring =~ /\Q$substring\E/) {
   print qq("$mystring" contains "$substring"\n);

Or, you can do as eugene y stated and use the index function. Just a word of warning: Index returns a -1 when it can't find a match instead of an undef or 0.

Thus, this is an error:

my $substring = "";
if (not index($mystring, $substr)) {
    print qq("$mystring" doesn't contains "$substring"\n";

This will be wrong if is at the beginning of your string. I've personally been burned on this more than once.

How can I read user input from the console?

Console.Read() takes a character and returns the ascii value of that character.So if you want to take the symbol that was entered by the user instead of its ascii value (ex:if input is 5 then symbol = 5, ascii value is 53), you have to parse it using int.parse() but it raises a compilation error because the return value of Console.Read() is already int type. So you can get the work done by using Console.ReadLine() instead of Console.Read() as follows.

int userInput = int.parse(Console.ReadLine());

here, the output of the Console.ReadLine() would be a string containing a number such as "53".By passing it to the int.Parse() we can convert it to int type.

C# naming convention for constants?

Leave Hungarian to the Hungarians.

In the example I'd even leave out the definitive article and just go with

private const int Answer = 42;

Is that answer or is that the answer?

*Made edit as Pascal strictly correct, however I was thinking the question was seeking more of an answer to life, the universe and everything.

How to know if a Fragment is Visible?

None of the above solutions worked for me. The following however works like a charm:-

override fun setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser: Boolean)

What is the mouse down selector in CSS?

Pro-tip Note: for some reason, CSS syntax needs the :active snippet after the :hover for the same element in order to be effective

Connecting client to server using

You need to make sure that you add forward slash before your link to

<script src="/"></script>

Then in the view/controller just do:

var socket = io.connect()

That should solve your problem.

How do we count rows using older versions of Hibernate (~2009)?

For older versions of Hibernate (<5.2):

Assuming the class name is Book:

return (Number) session.createCriteria("Book")

It is at least a Number, most likely a Long.

Write values in app.config file

Yes you can - see ConfigurationManager

The ConfigurationManager class includes members that enable you to perform the following tasks:

  • Read and write configuration files as a whole.

Learn to use the docs, they should be your first port-of call for a question like this.

How to add border around linear layout except at the bottom?

Kenny is right, just want to clear some things out.

  1. Create the file border.xml and put it in the folder res/drawable/
  2. add the code

    <shape xmlns:android=""> 
       <stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="#FF00FF00" /> 
       <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> 
       <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" 
            android:right="7dp" android:bottom="0dp" /> 
       <corners android:radius="4dp" /> 
  3. set back ground like android:background="@drawable/border" wherever you want the border

Mine first didn't work cause i put the border.xml in the wrong folder!

Can I call jQuery's click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already?

Click handlers on anchor tags are a special case in jQuery.

I think you might be getting confused between the anchor's onclick event (known by the browser) and the click event of the jQuery object which wraps the DOM's notion of the anchor tag.

You can download the jQuery 1.3.2 source here.

The relevant sections of the source are lines 2643-2645 (I have split this out to multiple lines to make it easier to comprehend):

// Handle triggering native .onfoo handlers (and on links since we don't call .click() for links)
if (
     (!elem[type] || (jQuery.nodeName(elem, 'a') && type == "click")) && 
       elem["on"+type] && 
       elem["on"+type].apply( elem, data ) === false
     event.result = false;

How to use BOOLEAN type in SELECT statement

You can build a wrapper function like this:

function get_something(name in varchar2,
                   ignore_notfound in varchar2) return varchar2
    return get_something (name, (upper(ignore_notfound) = 'TRUE') );

then call:

select get_something('NAME', 'TRUE') from dual;

It's up to you what the valid values of ignore_notfound are in your version, I have assumed 'TRUE' means TRUE and anything else means FALSE.

"Comparison method violates its general contract!"

In my case I was doing something like the following:

if (a.someField == null) {
    return 1;

if (b.someField == null) {
    return -1;

if (a.someField.equals(b.someField)) {
    return a.someOtherField.compareTo(b.someOtherField);

return a.someField.compareTo(b.someField);

What I forgot to check was when both a.someField and b.someField are null.

Escaping special characters in Java Regular Expressions

I wrote this pattern:

Pattern SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS = Pattern.compile("[{}()\\[\\].+*?^$\\\\|]");

And use it in this method:

String escapeSpecialRegexChars(String str) {

    return SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS.matcher(str).replaceAll("\\\\$0");

Then you can use it like this, for example:

Pattern toSafePattern(String text)
    return Pattern.compile(".*" + escapeSpecialRegexChars(text) + ".*");

We needed to do that because, after escaping, we add some regex expressions. If not, you can simply use \Q and \E:

Pattern toSafePattern(String text)
    return Pattern.compile(".*\\Q" + text + "\\E.*")

Built in Python hash() function

The response is absolutely no surprise: in fact

In [1]: -5768830964305142685L & 0xffffffff
Out[1]: 1934711907L

so if you want to get reliable responses on ASCII strings, just get the lower 32 bits as uint. The hash function for strings is 32-bit-safe and almost portable.

On the other side, you can't rely at all on getting the hash() of any object over which you haven't explicitly defined the __hash__ method to be invariant.

Over ASCII strings it works just because the hash is calculated on the single characters forming the string, like the following:

class string:
    def __hash__(self):
        if not self:
            return 0 # empty
        value = ord(self[0]) << 7
        for char in self:
            value = c_mul(1000003, value) ^ ord(char)
        value = value ^ len(self)
        if value == -1:
            value = -2
        return value

where the c_mul function is the "cyclic" multiplication (without overflow) as in C.

How to get response body using HttpURLConnection, when code other than 2xx is returned?

Wrong method was used for errors, here is the working code:

BufferedReader br = null;
if (100 <= conn.getResponseCode() && conn.getResponseCode() <= 399) {
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
} else {
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream()));

How to test an SQL Update statement before running it?

In addition to using a transaction as Imad has said (which should be mandatory anyway) you can also do a sanity check which rows are affected by running a select using the same WHERE clause as the UPDATE.

So if you UPDATE is

  SET bar = 42
WHERE col1 = 1
  AND col2 = 'foobar';

The following will show you which rows will be updated:

FROM foo
WHERE col1 = 1
  AND col2 = 'foobar';

What is the right way to write my script 'src' url for a local development environment?

Write the src tag for calling the js file as

<script type='text/javascript' src='../Users/myUserName/Desktop/myPage.js'></script>

This should work.

How to define custom sort function in javascript?

function msort(arr){
    for(var i =0;i<arr.length;i++){
        for(var j= i+1;j<arr.length;j++){
                var swap = arr[i];
                arr[i] = arr[j];
                arr[j] = swap;
return arr;

Wait until boolean value changes it state

How about wait-notify

private Boolean bool = true;
private final Object lock = new Object();

private Boolean getChange(){
    while (bool) {
  return bool;
public void setChange(){
       bool = false;

Is there an equivalent to e.PageX position for 'touchstart' event as there is for click event?

Kinda late, but you need to access the original event, not the jQuery massaged one. Also, since these are multi-touch events, other changes need to be made:

$('#box').live('touchstart', function(e) {
  var xPos = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;

If you want other fingers, you can find them in other indices of the touches list.


$(document).on('touchstart', '#box', function(e) {
  var xPos = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;