Programs & Examples On #Currying

Currying is the process of transforming a function that takes /n/ arguments, into a series of /n/ functions that take one argument each. Languages such as Haskell use this as the default argument application mechanism, as it makes certain programming techniques, such as partial application, much easier.

What is 'Currying'?

If you understand partial you're halfway there. The idea of partial is to preapply arguments to a function and give back a new function that wants only the remaining arguments. When this new function is called it includes the preloaded arguments along with whatever arguments were supplied to it.

In Clojure + is a function but to make things starkly clear:

(defn add [a b] (+ a b))

You may be aware that the inc function simply adds 1 to whatever number it's passed.

(inc 7) # => 8

Let's build it ourselves using partial:

(def inc (partial add 1))

Here we return another function that has 1 loaded into the first argument of add. As add takes two arguments the new inc function wants only the b argument -- not 2 arguments as before since 1 has already been partially applied. Thus partial is a tool from which to create new functions with default values presupplied. That is why in a functional language functions often order arguments from general to specific. This makes it easier to reuse such functions from which to construct other functions.

Now imagine if the language were smart enough to understand introspectively that add wanted two arguments. When we passed it one argument, rather than balking, what if the function partially applied the argument we passed it on our behalf understanding that we probably meant to provide the other argument later? We could then define inc without explicitly using partial.

(def inc (add 1)) #partial is implied

This is the way some languages behave. It is exceptionally useful when one wishes to compose functions into larger transformations. This would lead one to transducers.

Text-decoration: none not working

Add a specific class for all the links :

html :

<a class="class1 class2 noDecoration"> text </a>

in css :

.noDecoration {
  text-decoration: none;

How to count the number of columns in a table using SQL?

select count(*) 
from user_tab_columns
where table_name='MYTABLE' --use upper case

Instead of uppercase you can use lower function. Ex: select count(*) from user_tab_columns where lower(table_name)='table_name';

How to loop through Excel files and load them into a database using SSIS package?

Here is one possible way of doing this based on the assumption that there will not be any blank sheets in the Excel files and also all the sheets follow the exact same structure. Also, under the assumption that the file extension is only .xlsx

Following example was created using SSIS 2008 R2 and Excel 2007. The working folder for this example is F:\Temp\

In the folder path F:\Temp\, create an Excel 2007 spreadsheet file named States_1.xlsx with two worksheets.

Sheet 1 of States_1.xlsx contained the following data


Sheet 2 of States_1.xlsx contained the following data


In the folder path F:\Temp\, create another Excel 2007 spreadsheet file named States_2.xlsx with two worksheets.

Sheet 1 of States_2.xlsx contained the following data


Sheet 2 of States_2.xlsx contained the following data


Create a table in SQL Server named dbo.Destination using the below create script. Excel sheet data will be inserted into this table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Destination](
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [State] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [Country] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [FilePath] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [SheetName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

The table is currently empty.

Empty table

Create a new SSIS package and on the package, create the following 4 variables. FolderPath will contain the folder where the Excel files are stored. FilePattern will contain the extension of the files that will be looped through and this example works only for .xlsx. FilePath will be assigned with a value by the Foreach Loop container but we need a valid path to begin with for design time and it is currently populated with the path F:\Temp\States_1.xlsx of the first Excel file. SheetName will contain the actual sheet name but we need to populate with initial value Sheet1$ to avoid design time error.


In the package's connection manager, create an ADO.NET connection with the following configuration and name it as ExcelSchema.

Select the provider Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider under .Net Providers for OleDb. Provide the file path F:\Temp\States_1.xlsx

ExcelSchema 1

Click on the All section on the left side and set the property Extended Properties to Excel 12.0 to denote the version of Excel. Here in this case 12.0 denotes Excel 2007. Click on the Test Connection to make sure that the connection succeeds.

ExcelSchema 2

Create an Excel connection manager named Excel as shown below.


Create an OLE DB Connection SQL Server named SQLServer. So, we should have three connections on the package as shown below.


We need to do the following connection string changes so that the Excel file is dynamically changed as the files are looped through.

On the connection ExcelSchema, configure the expression ServerName to use the variable FilePath. Click on the ellipsis button to configure the expression.

ExcelSchema ServerName

Similarly on the connection Excel, configure the expression ServerName to use the variable FilePath. Click on the ellipsis button to configure the expression.

Excel ServerName

On the Control Flow, place two Foreach Loop containers one within the other. The first Foreach Loop container named Loop files will loop through the files. The second Foreach Loop container will through the sheets within the container. Within the inner For each loop container, place a Data Flow Task that will read the Excel files and load data into SQL

Control Flow

Configure the first Foreach loop container named Loop files as shown below:

Foreach Loop 1 Collection

Foreach Loop 1 Variable Mappings

Configure the first Foreach loop container named Loop sheets as shown below:

Foreach Loop 2 Collection

Foreach Loop 2 Variable Mappings

Inside the data flow task, place an Excel Source, Derived Column and OLE DB Destination as shown below:

Data Flow Task

Configure the Excel Source to read the appropriate Excel file and the sheet that is currently being looped through.

Excel Source Connection Manager

Excel Source Columns

Configure the derived column to create new columns for file name and sheet name. This is just to demonstrate this example but has no significance.

Derived column

Configure the OLE DB destination to insert the data into the SQL table.

OLE DB Destination Connection Manager

OLE DB Destination Columns

Below screenshot shows successful execution of the package.

Execution successful

Below screenshot shows that data from the 4 workbooks in 2 Excel spreadsheets that were creating in the beginning of this answer is correctly loaded into the SQL table dbo.Destination.

SQL table

Hope that helps.

casting Object array to Integer array error

Ross, you can use Arrays.copyof() or Arrays.copyOfRange() too.

Integer[] integerArray = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length, Integer[].class);
Integer[] integerArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(a, 0, a.length, Integer[].class);

Here the reason to hitting an ClassCastException is you can't treat an array of Integer as an array of Object. Integer[] is a subtype of Object[] but Object[] is not a Integer[].

And the following also will not give an ClassCastException.

Object[] a = new Integer[1];
Integer b=1;
Integer[] c = (Integer[]) a;

ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 8 what does it mean?

UsedRange represents not only nonempty cells, but also formatted cells without any value. And that's why you should be very vigilant.

Error: Could not find or load main class

If you are using Eclipse... I renamed my main class file and got that error. I went to "Run As" configurator and under the class path for that project, it had listed both files in the class path. I removed old class that I renamed and left the class that had the new name and it compiled and ran just fine.

How to return JSON data from spring Controller using @ResponseBody

Considering @Arpit answer, for me it worked only when I add two jackson dependencies:


and configured, of cause, web.xml <mvc:annotation-driven/>.

Original answer that helped me is here:

Difference between static, auto, global and local variable in the context of c and c++

Local variables are non existent in the memory after the function termination.
However static variables remain allocated in the memory throughout the life of the program irrespective of whatever function.

Additionally from your question, static variables can be declared locally in class or function scope and globally in namespace or file scope. They are allocated the memory from beginning to end, it's just the initialization which happens sooner or later.

Checking if an object is a given type in Swift

Swift 5.2 & Xcode Version:11.3.1(11C504)

Here is my solution of checking data type:

 if let typeCheck = myResult as? [String : Any] {
        print("It's Dictionary.")
    } else { 
        print("It's not Dictionary.") 

I hope it will help you.

How do I link to Google Maps with a particular longitude and latitude?

This schema has changed again (23rd October 2018). See Kushagr's answer for the latest.

This for a map with the marker (via aaronm's comment):,18.388672

For an older example (no marker on this one):,18.388672,8z

The oldest format:,18.388672&spn=65.61535,79.013672

How to stick table header(thead) on top while scrolling down the table rows with fixed header(navbar) in bootstrap 3?

This can now be done without JS, just pure CSS. So, anyone trying to do this for modern browsers should look into using position: sticky instead.

Currently, both Edge and Chrome have a bug where position: sticky doesn't work on thead or tr elements, however it's possible to use it on th elements, so all you need to do is just add this to your code:

th {
  position: sticky;
  top: 50px;  /* 0px if you don't have a navbar, but something is required */
  background: white;

Note: you'll need a background color for them, or you'll be able to see through the sticky title bar.

This has very good browser support.

Demo with your code (HTML unaltered, above 5 lines of CSS added, all JS removed):

body {_x000D_
table.floatThead-table {_x000D_
    border-top: none;_x000D_
    border-bottom: none;_x000D_
    background-color: #fff;_x000D_
th {_x000D_
  position: sticky;_x000D_
  top: 50px;_x000D_
  background: white;_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">_x000D_
<!-- Fixed navbar -->_x000D_
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">_x000D_
    <div class="container">_x000D_
        <div class="navbar-header">_x000D_
            <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse"> <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="icon-bar"></span>_x000D_
            </button> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Project name</a>_x000D_
        <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">_x000D_
            <ul class="nav navbar-nav">_x000D_
                <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a>_x000D_
                <li><a href="#about">About</a>_x000D_
                <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a>_x000D_
                <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Dropdown <b class="caret"></b></a>_x000D_
                    <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">Action</a>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">Another action</a>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">Something else here</a>_x000D_
                        <li class="divider"></li>_x000D_
                        <li class="dropdown-header">Nav header</li>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">Separated link</a>_x000D_
                        <li><a href="#">One more separated link</a>_x000D_
        <!--/.nav-collapse -->_x000D_
<!-- Begin page content -->_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
    <div class="page-header">_x000D_
         <h1>Sticky Table Headers</h1>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <table class="table table-striped sticky-header">_x000D_
                <th>First Name</th>_x000D_
                <th>Last Name</th>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
    <p class="lead">If the page is tall and all of the table is visible, then it won't stick. Make your viewport short.</p>_x000D_
     <h3>Table 2</h3>_x000D_
    <table class="table table-striped sticky-header">_x000D_
                <th>New Table</th>_x000D_
                <th>Last Name</th>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_
                <td>the Bird</td>_x000D_

Eclipse error: indirectly referenced from required .class files?

What fixed it for me was right clicking on project > Maven > Update Project

How can a Java program get its own process ID?

Based on Ashwin Jayaprakash's answer (+1) about the Apache 2.0 licensed SIGAR, here is how I use it to get only the PID of the current process:

import org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar;

Sigar sigar = new Sigar();
long pid = sigar.getPid();

Even though it does not work on all platforms, it does work on Linux, Windows, OS X and various Unix platforms as listed here.

Add (insert) a column between two columns in a data.frame

df <- data.frame(a=c(1,2), b=c(3,4), c=c(5,6))
df %>%
  mutate(d= a/2) %>%
  select(a, b, d, c)


  a b   d c
1 1 3 0.5 5
2 2 4 1.0 6

I suggest to use dplyr::select after dplyr::mutate. It has many helpers to select/de-select subset of columns.

In the context of this question the order by which you select will be reflected in the output data.frame.

Asynchronous Requests with Python requests

I have also tried some things using the asynchronous methods in python, how ever I have had much better luck using twisted for asynchronous programming. It has fewer problems and is well documented. Here is a link of something simmilar to what you are trying in twisted.

SQL Server - SELECT FROM stored procedure

You can

  1. create a table variable to hold the result set from the stored proc and then
  2. insert the output of the stored proc into the table variable, and then
  3. use the table variable exactly as you would any other table...

... sql ....

Declare @T Table ([column definitions here])
Insert @T Exec storedProcname params 
Select * from @T Where ...

jquery get all form elements: input, textarea & select

Try this function

function fieldsValidations(element) {
    var isFilled = true;
    var fields = $("#"+element)
        .find("select, textarea, input").serializeArray();

    $.each(fields, function(i, field) {
        if (!field.value){
            isFilled = false;
            return false;
    return isFilled;

And use it as

$("#submit").click(function () {

        $("#submit").html("<i class=\"fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin\"></i>");

Enjoy :)

Add placeholder text inside UITextView in Swift?

A simple and quick solution that works for me is:

class PlaceHolderTextView: UITextView {

    @IBInspectable var placeholder: String = "" {

    @IBInspectable var placeholderColor: UIColor = UIColor.gray {
        didSet {

    private var originalTextColor = UIColor.darkText
    private var originalText: String = ""

    private func updatePlaceHolder() {

        if self.text == "" || self.text == placeholder  {

            self.text = placeholder
            self.textColor = placeholderColor
            if let color = self.textColor {

                self.originalTextColor = color
            self.originalText = ""
        } else {
            self.textColor = self.originalTextColor
            self.originalText = self.text


    override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
        let result = super.becomeFirstResponder()
        self.text = self.originalText
        self.textColor = self.originalTextColor
        return result
    override func resignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
        let result = super.resignFirstResponder()

        return result

Remove characters from NSString?

Taken from NSString


Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a target string in the receiver are replaced by another given string.

- (NSString *)stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:(NSString *)target withString:(NSString *)replacement



The string to replace.


The string with which to replace target.

Return Value

A new string in which all occurrences of target in the receiver are replaced by replacement.

How to specify a port number in SQL Server connection string?

For JDBC the proper format is slightly different and as follows:


Note the colon instead of the comma.

Using form input to access camera and immediately upload photos using web app

It's really easy to do this, simply send the file via an XHR request inside of the file input's onchange handler.

<input id="myFileInput" type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">

var myInput = document.getElementById('myFileInput');

function sendPic() {
    var file = myInput.files[0];

    // Send file here either by adding it to a `FormData` object 
    // and sending that via XHR, or by simply passing the file into 
    // the `send` method of an XHR instance.

myInput.addEventListener('change', sendPic, false);

Can you put two conditions in an xslt test attribute?

Not quite, the AND has to be lower-case.

<xsl:when test="4 &lt; 5 and 1 &lt; 2">
<!-- do something -->

Input placeholders for Internet Explorer

In looking at the "Web Forms : input placeholder" section of HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills, one I saw was jQuery-html5-placeholder.

I tried the demo out with IE9, and it looks like it wraps your <input> with a span and overlays a label with the placeholder text.

  <span style="position: relative;">
    <input id="placeholder1314588474481" name="text" maxLength="6" type="text" placeholder="Hi Mom">
    <label style="font: 0.75em/normal sans-serif; left: 5px; top: 3px; width: 147px; height: 15px; color: rgb(186, 186, 186); position: absolute; overflow-x: hidden; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal;" for="placeholder1314588474481">Hi Mom</label>

There are also other shims there, but I didn't look at them all. One of them, Placeholders.js, advertises itself as "No dependencies (so no need to include jQuery, unlike most placeholder polyfill scripts)."

Edit: For those more interested in "how" that "what", How to create an advanced HTML5 placeholder polyfill which walks through the process of creating a jQuery plugin that does this.

Also, see keep placeholder on focus in IE10 for comments on how placeholder text disappears on focus with IE10, which differs from Firefox and Chrome. Not sure if there is a solution for this problem.

How to delete large data of table in SQL without log?

Shorter syntax

select 1
  DELETE TOP (10000) LargeTable 
  WHERE readTime < dateadd(MONTH,-7,GETDATE())

Angular2 Material Dialog css, dialog size

sharing the latest on mat-dialog two ways of achieving this... 1) either you set the width and height during the open e.g.

let dialogRef =, {
    data: {
        title: "NWAS NTD"
    width: '600px',
    height: '600px',
    panelClass: 'epsSelectorPanel'

or 2) use the panelClass and style it accordingly.

1) is easiest but 2) is better and more configurable.

Open a workbook using FileDialog and manipulate it in Excel VBA

Unless I misunderstand your question, you can just open a file read only. Here is a simply example, without any checks.

To get the file path from the user use this function:

Private Function get_user_specified_filepath() As String
    'or use the other code example here.
    Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
    fd.Title = "Please select the file."
    get_user_specified_filepath = fd.SelectedItems(1)
End Function

Then just open the file read only and assign it to a variable:

dim wb as workbook
set wb = Workbooks.Open(get_user_specified_filepath(), ReadOnly:=True)

Append text to textarea with javascript

Tray to add text with html value to textarea but it wil not works

value :

$(document).on('click', '.edit_targets_btn', function() {
            $('#targets_modal_title').text('Doel bijwerken');


                selector: '#targets_content',
                setup: function (editor) {
                    editor.on('change', function () {
                browser_spellcheck : true,
                plugins: ['advlist autolink lists image charmap print preview anchor', 'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen', 'insertdatetime media table paste code help wordcount', 'autoresize'],
                toolbar: 'undo redo | formatselect | ' + ' bold italic backcolor | alignleft aligncenter ' + ' alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent |' + ' removeformat | image | help',
                relative_urls : false,
                remove_script_host : false,
                image_list: [<?php $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM images WHERE users_id = ' . $get_user_users_id); foreach ($stmt as $row) { ?>{title: '<?=$row['name']?>', value: '<?=$imgurl?>/image_uploads/<?=$row['src']?>'},<?php } ?>],
                min_height: 250,
                branding: false

How to resize JLabel ImageIcon?

I agree this code works, to size an ImageIcon from a file for display while keeping the aspect ratio I have used the below.

 * source File of image, maxHeight pixels of height available, maxWidth pixels of width available
 * @return an ImageIcon for adding to a label

public ImageIcon rescaleImage(File source,int maxHeight, int maxWidth)
    int newHeight = 0, newWidth = 0;        // Variables for the new height and width
    int priorHeight = 0, priorWidth = 0;
    BufferedImage image = null;
    ImageIcon sizeImage;

    try {
            image =;        // get the image
    } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.println("Picture upload attempted & failed");

    sizeImage = new ImageIcon(image);

    if(sizeImage != null)
        priorHeight = sizeImage.getIconHeight(); 
        priorWidth = sizeImage.getIconWidth();

    // Calculate the correct new height and width
    if((float)priorHeight/(float)priorWidth > (float)maxHeight/(float)maxWidth)
        newHeight = maxHeight;
        newWidth = (int)(((float)priorWidth/(float)priorHeight)*(float)newHeight);
        newWidth = maxWidth;
        newHeight = (int)(((float)priorHeight/(float)priorWidth)*(float)newWidth);

    // Resize the image

    // 1. Create a new Buffered Image and Graphic2D object
    BufferedImage resizedImg = new BufferedImage(newWidth, newHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D g2 = resizedImg.createGraphics();

    // 2. Use the Graphic object to draw a new image to the image in the buffer
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
    g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight, null);

    // 3. Convert the buffered image into an ImageIcon for return
    return (new ImageIcon(resizedImg));

An error when I add a variable to a string

This problem also arise when we don't give the single or double quotes to the database value.

Wrong way:

$query ="INSERT INTO tabel_name VALUE ($value1,$value2)";

As database inserting values must be in quotes ' '/" "

Right way:

$query ="INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUE ('$roll_no','$name','$class')";

Cannot use mkdir in home directory: permission denied (Linux Lubuntu)

you can try writing the command using 'sudo':

sudo mkdir DirName

Changing text color of menu item in navigation drawer

I used below code to change Navigation drawer text color in my app.

NavigationView navigationView = (NavigationView) findViewById(;

Maven artifact and groupId naming

Your convention seems to be reasonable. If I were searching for your framework in the Maven repo, I would look for awesome-inhouse-framework-x.y.jar in com.mycompany.awesomeinhouseframework group directory. And I would find it there according to your convention.

Two simple rules work for me:

  • reverse-domain-packages for groupId (since such are quite unique) with all the constrains regarding Java packages names
  • project name as artifactId (keeping in mind that it should be jar-name friendly i.e. not contain characters that maybe invalid for a file name or just look weird)

Convert seconds to HH-MM-SS with JavaScript?

I don't think any built-in feature of the standard Date object will do this for you in a way that's more convenient than just doing the math yourself.

hours = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600);
totalSeconds %= 3600;
minutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60);
seconds = totalSeconds % 60;


let totalSeconds = 28565;_x000D_
let hours = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600);_x000D_
totalSeconds %= 3600;_x000D_
let minutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60);_x000D_
let seconds = totalSeconds % 60;_x000D_
console.log("hours: " + hours);_x000D_
console.log("minutes: " + minutes);_x000D_
console.log("seconds: " + seconds);_x000D_
// If you want strings with leading zeroes:_x000D_
minutes = String(minutes).padStart(2, "0");_x000D_
hours = String(hours).padStart(2, "0");_x000D_
seconds = String(seconds).padStart(2, "0");_x000D_
console.log(hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);

What are the differences in die() and exit() in PHP?

PHP manual on die:

die — Equivalent to exit

You can even do die; the same way as exit; - with or without parens.

The only advantage of choosing die() over exit(), might be the time you spare on typing an extra letter ;-)

Delete a closed pull request from GitHub

This is the reply I received from Github when I asked them to delete a pull request:

"Thanks for getting in touch! Pull requests can't be deleted through the UI at the moment and we'll only delete pull requests when they contain sensitive information like passwords or other credentials."

Alphanumeric, dash and underscore but no spaces regular expression check JavaScript

Don't escape the underscore. Might be causing some whackness.

Android: keep Service running when app is killed

The reason for this is that you are trying to use an IntentService. Here is the line from the API Docs

The IntentService does the following:

Stops the service after all start requests have been handled, so you never have to call stopSelf().

Thus if you want your service to run indefinitely i suggest you extend the Service class instead. However this does not guarantee your service will run indefinitely. Your service will still have a chance of being killed by the kernel in a state of low memory if it is low priority.So you have two options:
1)Keep it running in the foreground by calling the startForeground() method.
2)Restart the service if it gets killed. Here is a part of the example from the docs where they talk about restarting the service after it is killed

 public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
      Toast.makeText(this, "service starting", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

      // For each start request, send a message to start a job and deliver the 
      // start ID so we know which request we're stopping when we finish the job 
      Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage();
      msg.arg1 = startId;

      // If we get killed, after returning from here, restart 
      return START_STICKY;

Setting up Gradle for api 26 (Android)

Have you added the google maven endpoint?

Important: The support libraries are now available through Google's Maven repository. You do not need to download the support repository from the SDK Manager. For more information, see Support Library Setup.

Add the endpoint to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Which can be replaced by the shortcut google() since Android Gradle v3:

allprojects {
    repositories {

If you already have any maven url inside repositories, you can add the reference after them, i.e.:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
        maven {
            url ''

You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'new_field' to userprofile without a default

One option is to declare a default value for 'new_field':

new_field = models.CharField(max_length=140, default='DEFAULT VALUE')

another option is to declare 'new_field' as a nullable field:

new_field = models.CharField(max_length=140, null=True)

If you decide to accept 'new_field' as a nullable field you may want to accept 'no input' as valid input for 'new_field'. Then you have to add the blank=True statement as well:

new_field = models.CharField(max_length=140, blank=True, null=True)

Even with null=True and/or blank=True you can add a default value if necessary:

new_field = models.CharField(max_length=140, default='DEFAULT VALUE', blank=True, null=True)

How to reliably open a file in the same directory as a Python script

To quote from the Python documentation:

As initialized upon program startup, the first item of this list, path[0], is the directory containing the script that was used to invoke the Python interpreter. If the script directory is not available (e.g. if the interpreter is invoked interactively or if the script is read from standard input), path[0] is the empty string, which directs Python to search modules in the current directory first. Notice that the script directory is inserted before the entries inserted as a result of PYTHONPATH.

sys.path[0] is what you are looking for.

Wait Until File Is Completely Written

From the documentation for FileSystemWatcher:

The OnCreated event is raised as soon as a file is created. If a file is being copied or transferred into a watched directory, the OnCreated event will be raised immediately, followed by one or more OnChanged events.

So, if the copy fails, (catch the exception), add it to a list of files that still need to be moved, and attempt the copy during the OnChanged event. Eventually, it should work.

Something like (incomplete; catch specific exceptions, initialize variables, etc):

public static void listener_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
                "File Created:\n"
               + "ChangeType: " + e.ChangeType
               + "\nName: " + e.Name
               + "\nFullPath: " + e.FullPath
    try {
        File.Copy(e.FullPath, @"D:\levani\FolderListenerTest\CopiedFilesFolder\" + e.Name);
    catch {

public static void listener_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
     if (_waitingForClose.Contains(e.FullPath))
          try {
          catch {}


How to find the socket connection state in C?

get sock opt may be somewhat useful, however, another way would to have a signal handler installed for SIGPIPE. Basically whenever you the socket connection breaks, the kernel will send a SIGPIPE signal to the process and then you can do the needful. But this still does not provide the solution for knowing the status of the connection. hope this helps.

Adding a tooltip to an input box

I know this is a question regarding the CSS.Tooltips library. However, for anyone else came here resulting from google search "tooltip for input box" like I did, here is the simplest way:

<input title="This is the text of the tooltip" value="44"/>

Disabling Minimize & Maximize On WinForm?

Right Click the form you want to hide them on, choose Controls -> Properties.

In Properties, set

  • Control Box -> False
  • Minimize Box -> False
  • Maximize Box -> False

You'll do this in the designer.

Add text at the end of each line

  1. You can also achieve this using the backreference technique

    sed -i.bak 's/\(.*\)/\1:80/' foo.txt
  2. You can also use with awk like this

    awk '{print $0":80"}' foo.txt > tmp && mv tmp foo.txt

Send HTTP GET request with header

You do it exactly as you showed with this line:

get.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-zip");

So your header is fine and the problem is some other input to the web service. You'll want to debug that on the server side.

parseInt with jQuery

Two issues:

  1. You're passing the jQuery wrapper of the element into parseInt, which isn't what you want, as parseInt will call toString on it and get back "[object Object]". You need to use val or text or something (depending on what the element is) to get the string you want.

  2. You're not telling parseInt what radix (number base) it should use, which puts you at risk of odd input giving you odd results when parseInt guesses which radix to use.

Fix if the element is a form field:

//                               vvvvv-- use val to get the value
var test = parseInt($("#testid").val(), 10);
//                                    ^^^^-- tell parseInt to use decimal (base 10)

Fix if the element is something else and you want to use the text within it:

//                               vvvvvv-- use text to get the text
var test = parseInt($("#testid").text(), 10);
//                                     ^^^^-- tell parseInt to use decimal (base 10)

Interface vs Abstract Class (general OO)

Abstract class deals with efficiently packaging the class functionality whereas interface is for intention/contract/communication and is supposed to be shared with other classes/modules.

Using abstract classes as both contract and (partial) contract implementer violates SRP. Using abstract class as a contract (dependency) puts restriction on creating multiple abstract classes for better re-usability.

In the sample below, using abstract class as a contract to OrderManager would create issues as we have two different ways of processing the orders - based on customer type and category (Customer can be either direct or indirect or gold or silver). Hence interface is used for contract and abstract class is used for different workflow enforcement

public interface IOrderProcessor
    bool Process(string orderNumber);

public abstract class CustomerTypeOrderProcessor: IOrderProcessor
    public bool Process(string orderNumber) => IsValid(orderNumber) ? ProcessOrder(orderNumber) : false;

    protected abstract bool ProcessOrder(string orderNumber);

    protected abstract bool IsValid(string orderNumber);

public class DirectCustomerOrderProcessor : CustomerTypeOrderProcessor
    protected override bool IsValid(string orderNumber) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderNumber); 

    protected override bool ProcessOrder(string orderNumber) => true; 

public class InDirectCustomerOrderProcessor : CustomerTypeOrderProcessor
    protected override bool IsValid(string orderNumber) => orderNumber.StartsWith("EX");

    protected override bool ProcessOrder(string orderNumber) => true;

public abstract class CustomerCategoryOrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor
    public bool Process(string orderNumber) => ProcessOrder(GetDiscountPercentile(orderNumber), orderNumber);

    protected abstract int GetDiscountPercentile(string orderNumber);

    protected abstract bool ProcessOrder(int discount, string orderNumber);

public class GoldCustomer : CustomerCategoryOrderProcessor
    protected override int GetDiscountPercentile(string orderNumber) => 15;

    protected override bool ProcessOrder(int discount, string orderNumber) => true;


public class SilverCustomer : CustomerCategoryOrderProcessor
    protected override int GetDiscountPercentile(string orderNumber) => 10;

    protected override bool ProcessOrder(int discount, string orderNumber) => true;


public class OrderManager
    private readonly IOrderProcessor _orderProcessor;// Not CustomerTypeOrderProcessor or CustomerCategoryOrderProcessor 

    //Using abstract class here would create problem as we have two different abstract classes
    public OrderManager(IOrderProcessor orderProcessor) => _orderProcessor = orderProcessor;

How to make one Observable sequence wait for another to complete before emitting?

Here's a custom operator written with TypeScript that waits for a signal before emitting results:

export function waitFor<T>(
    signal$: Observable<any>
) {
    return (source$: Observable<T>) =>
        new Observable<T>(observer => {
            // combineLatest emits the first value only when
            // both source and signal emitted at least once
                .subscribe(([v]) =>;

You can use it like this:

   .subscribe(value => ...);

Convert string with comma to integer

The following is another method that will work, although as with some of the other methods it will strip decimal places.

a = 1,112
b = a.scan(/\d+/).join().to_i => 1112

Update Item to Revision vs Revert to Revision

To understand how the state of your working copy is different in both scenarios, you must understand the concept of the BASE revision:


The revision number of an item in a working copy. If the item has been locally modified, this refers to the way the item appears without those local modifications.

Your working copy contains a snapshot of each file (hidden in a .svn folder) in this BASE revision, meaning as it was when last retrieved from the repository. This explains why working copies take 2x the space and how it is possible that you can examine and even revert local modifications without a network connection.

Update item to Revision changes this base revision, making BASE out of date. When you try to commit local modifications, SVN will notice that your BASE does not match the repository HEAD. The commit will be refused until you do an update (and possibly a merge) to fix this.

Revert to revision does not change BASE. It is conceptually almost the same as manually editing the file to match an earlier revision.

Update Rows in SSIS OLEDB Destination

You can't do a bulk-update in SSIS within a dataflow task with the OOB components.

The general pattern is to identify your inserts, updates and deletes and push the updates and deletes to a staging table(s) and after the Dataflow Task, use a set-based update or delete in an Execute SQL Task. Look at Andy Leonard's Stairway to Integration Services series. Scroll about 3/4 the way down the article to "Set-Based Updates" to see the pattern.

Stage data

Set based updates

enter image description here

You'll get much better performance with a pattern like this versus using the OLE DB Command transformation for anything but trivial amounts of data.

If you are into third party tools, I believe CozyRoc and I know PragmaticWorks have a merge destination component.

mongodb count num of distinct values per field/key

You can leverage on Mongo Shell Extensions. It's a single .js import that you can append to your $HOME/.mongorc.js, or programmatically, if you're coding in Node.js/io.js too.


For each distinct value of field counts the occurrences in documents optionally filtered by query

> db.users.distinctAndCount('name', {name: /^a/i})

  "Abagail": 1,
  "Abbey": 3,
  "Abbie": 1,

The field parameter could be an array of fields

> db.users.distinctAndCount(['name','job'], {name: /^a/i})

  "Austin,Educator" : 1,
  "Aurelia,Educator" : 1,
  "Augustine,Carpenter" : 1,

Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap

In Windows, I solved this problem editing directly the file /bin/cassandra.bat, changing the value of the "Xms" and "Xmx" JVM_OPTS parameters. You can try to edit the /bin/cassandra file. In this file I see an commented variable JVM_OPTS, try to uncomment and edit it.

Find all stored procedures that reference a specific column in some table

i had the same problem and i found that Microsoft has a systable that shows dependencies.

    , referenced_entity_name AS table_name
    , referenced_minor_name as column_name
    , is_all_columns_found
FROM sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities ('dbo.Proc1', 'OBJECT'); 

And this works with both Views and Triggers.

A formula to copy the values from a formula to another column

Copy the cell. Paste special as link. Will update with original. No formula though.

I want to exception handle 'list index out of range.'

You have two options; either handle the exception or test the length:

if len(dlist) > 1:


except IndexError:

Use the first if there often is no second item, the second if there sometimes is no second item.

PHP Accessing Parent Class Variable

class A {
    private $aa;
    protected $bb = 'parent bb';

    function __construct($arg) {
       //do something..

    private function parentmethod($arg2) {
       //do something..

class B extends A {
    function __construct($arg) {
    function childfunction() {
        echo parent::$this->bb; //works by M

$test = new B($some);

JavaScript: How to join / combine two arrays to concatenate into one array?

var a = ['a','b','c'];
var b = ['d','e','f'];
var c = a.concat(b); //c is now an an array with: ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
console.log( c[3] ); //c[3] will be 'd'

How to convert a string into double and vice versa?

Adding to olliej's answer, you can convert from an int back to a string with NSNumber's stringValue:

[[NSNumber numberWithInt:myInt] stringValue]

stringValue on an NSNumber invokes descriptionWithLocale:nil, giving you a localized string representation of value. I'm not sure if [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myInt] will give you a properly localized reprsentation of myInt.

Android and setting width and height programmatically in dp units

simplest way(and even works from api 1) that tested is:


From documentations:

Retrieve a dimensional for a particular resource ID for use as a size in raw pixels. This is the same as getDimension(int), except the returned value is converted to integer pixels for use as a size. A size conversion involves rounding the base value, and ensuring that a non-zero base value is at least one pixel in size.

Yes it rounding the value but it's not very bad(just in odd values on hdpi and ldpi devices need to add a little value when ldpi is not very common) I tested in a xxhdpi device that converts 4dp to 16(pixels) and that is true.

Using RegEx in SQL Server

A similar approach to @mwigdahl's answer, you can also implement a .NET CLR in C#, with code such as;

using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using RX = System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
 public static SqlString Regex(string input, string regex)
  var match = RX.Regex.Match(input, regex).Groups[1].Value;
  return new SqlString (match);

Installation instructions can be found here

What is the purpose of a question mark after a type (for example: int? myVariable)?

It is a shorthand for Nullable<int>. Nullable<T> is used to allow a value type to be set to null. Value types usually cannot be null.

Ignoring a class property in Entity Framework 4.1 Code First

You can use the NotMapped attribute data annotation to instruct Code-First to exclude a particular property

public class Customer
    public int CustomerID { set; get; }
    public string FirstName { set; get; } 
    public string LastName{ set; get; } 
    public int Age { set; get; }

[NotMapped] attribute is included in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

You can alternatively do this with Fluent API overriding OnModelCreating function in your DBContext class:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
   modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(t => t.LastName);

The version I checked is EF 4.3, which is the latest stable version available when you use NuGet.

Edit : SEP 2017

Asp.NET Core(2.0)

Data annotation

If you are using core (2.0 at the time of this writing), The [NotMapped] attribute can be used on the property level.

public class Customer
    public int Id { set; get; }
    public string FirstName { set; get; } 
    public string LastName { set; get; } 
    public int FullName { set; get; }

Fluent API

public class SchoolContext : DbContext
    public SchoolContext(DbContextOptions<SchoolContext> options) : base(options)
    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(t => t.FullName);
    public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }

How to validate array in Laravel?

Asterisk symbol (*) is used to check values in the array, not the array itself.

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
    "names"    => "required|array|min:3",
    "names.*"  => "required|string|distinct|min:3",

In the example above:

  • "names" must be an array with at least 3 elements,
  • values in the "names" array must be distinct (unique) strings, at least 3 characters long.

EDIT: Since Laravel 5.5 you can call validate() method directly on Request object like so:

$data = $request->validate([
    "name"    => "required|array|min:3",
    "name.*"  => "required|string|distinct|min:3",

How do I fix "for loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode" GCC error?


New Features in C99

  • inline functions
  • variable declaration no longer restricted to file scope or the start of a compound statement
  • several new data types, including long long int, optional extended integer types, an explicit boolean data type, and a complex type to represent complex numbers
  • variable-length arrays
  • support for one-line comments beginning with //, as in BCPL or C++
  • new library functions, such as snprintf
  • new header files, such as stdbool.h and inttypes.h
  • type-generic math functions (tgmath.h)
  • improved support for IEEE floating point
  • designated initializers
  • compound literals
  • support for variadic macros (macros of variable arity)
  • restrict qualification to allow more aggressive code optimization

A Tour of C99

How to make ng-repeat filter out duplicate results

I had an array of strings, not objects and i used this approach:

ng-repeat="name in names | unique"

with this filter:

angular.module('app').filter('unique', unique);
function unique(){
return function(arry){
        Array.prototype.getUnique = function(){
        var u = {}, a = [];
        for(var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i){
           if(u.hasOwnProperty(this[i])) {
           u[this[i]] = 1;
        return a;
    if(arry === undefined || arry.length === 0){
          return '';
    else {
         return arry.getUnique(); 


How do I disable form fields using CSS?

The practical solution is to use CSS to actually hide the input.

To take this to its natural conclusion, you can write two html inputs for each actual input (one enabled, and one disabled) and then use javascript to control the CSS to show and hide them.

how to detect search engine bots with php?

I'm using this code, pretty good. You will very easy to know user-agents visitted your site. This code is opening a file and write the user_agent down the file. You can check each day this file by go to and know about new user_agents and put them in your condition of if clause.

$user_agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if(!preg_match("/Googlebot|MJ12bot|yandexbot/i", $user_agent)){
    // if not meet the conditions then
    // do what you need

    // here open a file and write the user_agent down the file. You can check each day this file useragent.txt and know about new user_agents and put them in your condition of if clause
        $myfile = fopen("useragent.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file useragent.txt!");
        fwrite($myfile, $user_agent);
        $user_agent = "\n";
        fwrite($myfile, $user_agent);

This is the content of useragent.txt

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.6; (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + (compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +
mozilla/5.0 (compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +
mozilla/5.0 (compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +
mozilla/5.0 (compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +
mozilla/5.0 (compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +
mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 9_3 like mac os x) applewebkit/601.1.46 (khtml, like gecko) version/9.0 mobile/13e198 safari/601.1
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/53.0.2785.143 safari/537.36
mozilla/5.0 (compatible; linkdexbot/2.2; +
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:49.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/49.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:33.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/33.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:49.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/49.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:33.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/33.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:49.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/49.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:33.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/33.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:49.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/49.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:33.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/33.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/53.0.2785.143 safari/537.36
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/53.0.2785.143 safari/537.36
mozilla/5.0 (compatible; baiduspider/2.0; +
zoombot (linkbot 1.0
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/44.0.2403.155 safari/537.36 opr/31.0.1889.174
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/44.0.2403.155 safari/537.36 opr/31.0.1889.174
sogou web spider/4.0(+
mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/44.0.2403.155 safari/537.36 opr/31.0.1889.174

Understanding checked vs unchecked exceptions in Java

1 . If you are unsure about an exception, check the API:

 extended by java.lang.Throwable
  extended by java.lang.Exception
   extended by java.lang.RuntimeException  //<-NumberFormatException is a RuntimeException  
    extended by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
     extended by java.lang.NumberFormatException

2 . Yes, and every exception that extends it.

3 . There is no need to catch and throw the same exception. You can show a new File Dialog in this case.

4 . FileNotFoundException is already a checked exception.

5 . If it is expected that the method calling someMethod to catch the exception, the latter can be thrown. It just "passes the ball". An example of it usage would be if you want to throw it in your own private methods, and handle the exception in your public method instead.

A good reading is the Oracle doc itself:

Why did the designers decide to force a method to specify all uncaught checked exceptions that can be thrown within its scope? Any Exception that can be thrown by a method is part of the method's public programming interface. Those who call a method must know about the exceptions that a method can throw so that they can decide what to do about them. These exceptions are as much a part of that method's programming interface as its parameters and return value.

The next question might be: "If it's so good to document a method's API, including the exceptions it can throw, why not specify runtime exceptions too?" Runtime exceptions represent problems that are the result of a programming problem, and as such, the API client code cannot reasonably be expected to recover from them or to handle them in any way. Such problems include arithmetic exceptions, such as dividing by zero; pointer exceptions, such as trying to access an object through a null reference; and indexing exceptions, such as attempting to access an array element through an index that is too large or too small.

There's also an important bit of information in the Java Language Specification:

The checked exception classes named in the throws clause are part of the contract between the implementor and user of the method or constructor.

The bottom line IMHO is that you can catch any RuntimeException, but you are not required to and, in fact the implementation is not required to maintain the same non-checked exceptions thrown, as those are not part of the contract.

Enum to String C++

Kind of an anonymous lookup table rather than a long switch statement:

return (const char *[]) {
    "bananas & monkeys",
    "Round and orange", 

How can I test that a variable is more than eight characters in PowerShell?

Use the length property of the [String] type:

if ($dbUserName.length -gt 8) {
    Write-Output "Please enter more than 8 characters."
    $dbUserName = Read-Host "Re-enter database username"

Please note that you have to use -gt instead of > in your if condition. PowerShell uses the following comparison operators to compare values and test conditions:

  • -eq = equals
  • -ne = not equals
  • -lt = less than
  • -gt = greater than
  • -le = less than or equals
  • -ge = greater than or equals

How to test that no exception is thrown?

This may not be the best way but it definitely makes sure that exception is not thrown from the code block that is being tested.

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.Test;

public class AssertionExample {

    public void testNoException(){

    private void assertException(){

    private void assertNoException(){
        Assertions.assertThatThrownBy(() -> assertException()).isInstanceOf(AssertionError.class);

    private void doNotThrowException(){
        //This method will never throw exception

C# Syntax - Example of a Lambda Expression - ForEach() over Generic List

public void Each<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, Action<T> action)
    foreach (var item in items)

... and call it thusly:

Each(myList, i => Console.WriteLine(i));

Integrating MySQL with Python in Windows

You can also use pyodbc with the MySQL Connector/ODBC to use MySQL on Windows. Unixodbc is also available to make the code compatible on Linux. Pyodbc uses the standard Python DB API 2.0 so if you stick with that switching between MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite/ODBC/JDBC drivers etc. should be relatively painless.

How to markdown nested list items in Bitbucket?


  • It is possible to nest a bulleted-unnumbered list into a higher numbered list.
  • But in the bulleted-unnumbered list the automatically numbered list will not start: Its is not supported.
    • To start a new numbered list after a bulleted-unnumbered one, put a piece of text between them, or a subtitle: A new numbered list cannot start just behind the bulleted: The interpreter will not start the numbering.

in practice

  1. Dog

    1. German Shepherd - with only a single space ahead.
    2. Belgian Shepherd - max 4 spaces ahead.
      • Number in front of a line interpreted as a "numbering bullet", so making the indentation.
        • ..and ignores the written digit: Places/generates its own, in compliance with the structure.
        • So it is OK to use only just "1" ones, to get your numbered list.
          • Or whatever integer number, even of more digits: The list numbering will continue by increment ++1.
        • However, the first item in the numbered list will be kept, so the first leading will usually be the number "1".
    3. Malinois - 5 spaces makes 3rd level already.
      1. MalinoisB - 5 spaces makes 3rd level already.
      2. Groenendael - 8 spaces makes 3rd level yet too.
        1. Tervuren - 9 spaces for 4th level - Intentionaly started by "55".
        2. TervurenB - numbered by "88", in the source code.
  2. Cat

    1. Siberian; a. SiberianA - problem reproduced: letters (i.e. "a" here) not recognized by the interpreter as "numbering".
      • No matter, it is indented to its separated line, in the source code.
    2. Siamese
      • a. so written manually as a workaround misusing bullets, unnumbered list.

How to set up Spark on Windows?

Here are seven steps to install spark on windows 10 and run it from python:

Step 1: download the spark 2.2.0 tar (tape Archive) gz file to any folder F from this link - Unzip it and copy the unzipped folder to the desired folder A. Rename the spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7 folder to spark.

Let path to the spark folder be C:\Users\Desktop\A\spark

Step 2: download the hardoop 2.7.3 tar gz file to the same folder F from this link - Unzip it and copy the unzipped folder to the same folder A. Rename the folder name from Hadoop-2.7.3.tar to hadoop. Let path to the hadoop folder be C:\Users\Desktop\A\hadoop

Step 3: Create a new notepad text file. Save this empty notepad file as winutils.exe (with Save as type: All files). Copy this O KB winutils.exe file to your bin folder in spark - C:\Users\Desktop\A\spark\bin

Step 4: Now, we have to add these folders to the System environment.

4a: Create a system variable (not user variable as user variable will inherit all the properties of the system variable) Variable name: SPARK_HOME Variable value: C:\Users\Desktop\A\spark

Find Path system variable and click edit. You will see multiple paths. Do not delete any of the paths. Add this variable value - ;C:\Users\Desktop\A\spark\bin

4b: Create a system variable

Variable name: HADOOP_HOME Variable value: C:\Users\Desktop\A\hadoop

Find Path system variable and click edit. Add this variable value - ;C:\Users\Desktop\A\hadoop\bin

4c: Create a system variable Variable name: JAVA_HOME Search Java in windows. Right click and click open file location. You will have to again right click on any one of the java files and click on open file location. You will be using the path of this folder. OR you can search for C:\Program Files\Java. My Java version installed on the system is jre1.8.0_131. Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin

Find Path system variable and click edit. Add this variable value - ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin

Step 5: Open command prompt and go to your spark bin folder (type cd C:\Users\Desktop\A\spark\bin). Type spark-shell.


It may take time and give some warnings. Finally, it will show welcome to spark version 2.2.0

Step 6: Type exit() or restart the command prompt and go the spark bin folder again. Type pyspark:


It will show some warnings and errors but ignore. It works.

Step 7: Your download is complete. If you want to directly run spark from python shell then: go to Scripts in your python folder and type

pip install findspark

in command prompt.

In python shell

import findspark

import the necessary modules

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkConf

If you would like to skip the steps for importing findspark and initializing it, then please follow the procedure given in importing pyspark in python shell

Python Remove last char from string and return it

Yes, python strings are immutable and any modification will result in creating a new string. This is how it's mostly done.

So, go ahead with it.

How to get the previous url using PHP

I can't add a comment yet, so I wanted to share that HTTP_REFERER is not always sent.

Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER

Finish an activity from another activity

I think i have the easiest approach... on pressing new in B..

Intent intent = new Intent(B.this, A.class);
intent.putExtra("NewClicked", true);

and in A get it

  if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra("NewClicked", false)) {
        finish();// finish yourself and make a create a new Instance of yours.
      Intent intent = new Intent(A.this,A.class);

OnItemClickListener using ArrayAdapter for ListView

i'm using arrayadpter ,using this follwed code i'm able to get items

String value = (String)adapter.getItemAtPosition(position);

listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
                int position, long id) {
             String string=adapter.getItem(position);
             Log.d("**********", string);


MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bill'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

The percent sign means all ip's so localhost is superfluous ... There is no need of the second record with the localhost .

Actually there is, 'localhost' is special in mysql, it means a connection over a unix socket (or named pipes on windows I believe) as opposed to a TCP/IP socket. using % as the host does not include 'localhost'

MySQL user accounts have two components: a user name and a host name. The user name identifies the user, and the host name specifies what hosts that user can connect from. The user name and host name are combined to create a user account:

'<user_name>'@'<host_name>' You can specify a specific IP address or address range for host name, or use the percent character ("%") to enable that user to log in from any host.

Note that user accounts are defined by both the user name and the host name. For example, 'root'@'%' is a different user account than 'root'@'localhost'.

What is the difference between "mvn deploy" to a local repo and "mvn install"?

"matt b" has it right, but to be specific, the "install" goal copies your built target to the local repository on your file system; useful for small changes across projects not currently meant for the full group.

The "deploy" goal uploads it to your shared repository for when your work is finished, and then can be shared by other people who require it for their project.

In your case, it seems that "install" is used to make the management of the deployment easier since CI's local repo is the shared repo. If CI was on another box, it would have to use the "deploy" goal.

XOR operation with two strings in java

the abs function is when the Strings are not the same length so the legth of the result will be the same as the min lenght of the two String a and b

public String xor(String a, String b){
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for(int k=0; k < a.length(); k++)
       sb.append((a.charAt(k) ^ b.charAt(k + (Math.abs(a.length() - b.length()))))) ;
       return sb.toString();

Iterate over each line in a string in PHP

If you need to handle newlines in diferent systems you can simply use the PHP predefined constant PHP_EOL ( and simply use explode to avoid the overhead of the regular expression engine.

$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $subject);

C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic?

It's not going anywhere ... it's a new standard C++ feature in the implementation of C++11. That being said, while it's a wonderful tool for simplifying object declarations as well as cleaning up the syntax for certain call-paradigms (i.e., range-based for-loops), don't over-use/abuse it :-)

How do I create batch file to rename large number of files in a folder?

@echo off
SET old=Vacation2010
SET new=December
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b *.jpg') do (
  SET newname=%%f
  SET newname=!newname:%old%=%new%!
  move "%%f" "!newname!"

What this does is it loops over all .jpg files in the folder where the batch file is located and replaces the Vacation2010 with December inside the filenames.

How can I copy data from one column to another in the same table?

This will update all the rows in that columns if safe mode is not enabled.

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;

If safe mode is enabled then you will need to use a where clause. I use primary key as greater than 0 basically all will be updated

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA where table.column>0;

Equivalent of *Nix 'which' command in PowerShell?

A quick-and-dirty match to Unix which is

New-Alias which where.exe

But it returns multiple lines if they exist so then it becomes

function which {where.exe command | select -first 1}

Right way to reverse a pandas DataFrame?

None of the existing answers resets the index after reversing the dataframe.

For this, do the following:


Here's a utility function that also removes the old index column, as per @Tim's comment:

def reset_my_index(df):
  res = df[::-1].reset_index(drop=True)

Simply pass your dataframe into the function

Extracting .jar file with command line

You can use the following command: jar xf rt.jar

Where X stands for extraction and the f would be any options that indicate that the JAR file from which files are to be extracted is specified on the command line, rather than through stdin.

Ajax using https on an http page

You could attempt to load the the https page in an iframe and route all ajax requests in/out of the frame via some bridge, it's a hackaround but it might work (not sure if it will impose the same access restrictions given the secure context). Otherwise a local http proxy to reroute requests (like any cross domain calls) would be the accepted solution.

Apple Mach-O Linker Error when compiling for device

I had the same Problem, As I was dragging some files .h and .m into my Project and Xcode started showing me this error clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) while running.

Later I discovered that I already have that .h & .m in my Xcode Project under some other SubFolder. So I deleted that Extra .h and .m , Cleaned my Project and Its working now.

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) This error comes for a number of reason, Thats why this Question has so many Answers. You just need to see & check; what case you fall in.

How to use ADB in Android Studio to view an SQLite DB

  1. Open up a terminal
  2. cd <ANDROID_SDK_PATH> (for me on Windows cd C:\Users\Willi\AppData\Local\Android\sdk)
  3. cd platform-tools
  4. adb shell (this works only if only one emulator is running)
  5. cd data/data
  6. su (gain super user privileges)
  7. cd <PACKAGE_NAME>/databases
  8. sqlite3 <DB_NAME>
  9. issue SQL statements (important: terminate them with ;, otherwise the statement is not issued and it breaks to a new line instead.)

Note: Use ls (Linux) or dir (Windows) if you need to list directory contents.

Add centered text to the middle of a <hr/>-like line

UPDATE: This will not work using HTML5

Instead, check out this question for more techniques: CSS challenge, can I do this without introducing more HTML?

I used line-height:0 to create the effect in the header of my site

<div class="description">

.description {
   border-top:1px dotted #AAAAAA;

.description span {
   background:white none repeat scroll 0 0;
   padding:0.1em 1.5em;

Another good method is on

He uses a background image and floats to achieve a cool effect

getting the screen density programmatically in android?

Yet another answer:

* @return "ldpi", "mdpi", "hdpi", "xhdpi", "xhdpi", "xxhdpi", "xxxhdpi", "tvdpi", or "unknown".
public static String getDensityBucket(Resources resources) {
    switch (resources.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi) {
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW:
            return "ldpi";
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM:
            return "mdpi";
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH:
            return "hdpi";
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XHIGH:
            return "xhdpi";
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXHIGH:
            return "xxhdpi";
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXXHIGH:
            return "xxxhdpi";
        case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_TV:
            return "tvdpi";
            return "unknown";

Make a div into a link

The cleanest way would be to use jQuery with the data-tags introduced in HTML. With this solution you can create a link on every tag you want. First define the tag (e.g. div) with a data-link tag:

<div data-link="">Some content in the div which is arbitrary</div>

Now you can style the div however you want. And you have to create also the style for the "link"-alike behavior:

[data-link] {
  cursor: pointer;

And at last put this jQuery call to the page:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("[data-link]").click(function() {
    window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-link");
    return false;

With this code jQuery applys a click listener to every tag on the page which has a "data-link" attribute and redirects to the URL which is in the data-link attribute.

How to programmatically set drawableLeft on Android button?

myEdtiText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(R.drawable.smiley, 0, 0, 0);

Are there dictionaries in php?

Normal array can serve as a dictionary data structure. In general it has multipurpose usage: array, list (vector), hash table, dictionary, collection, stack, queue etc.

$names = [
    'bob' => 27,
    'billy' => 43,
    'sam' => 76,


And because of wide design it gains no full benefits of specific data structure. You can implement your own dictionary by extending an ArrayObject or you can use SplObjectStorage class which is map (dictionary) implementation allowing objects to be assigned as keys.

jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area

This worked for me on Safari 5 on Mac OSX, jQuery 1.4:

$("Selector")[elementIx].selectionStart = desiredStartPos; 
$("Selector")[elementIx].selectionEnd = desiredEndPos;

How to create a Java cron job

If you are using unix, you need to write a shellscript to run you java batch first.

After that, in unix, you run this command "crontab -e" to edit crontab script. In order to configure crontab, please refer to this article

Save your crontab setting. Then wait for the time to come, program will run automatically.

How do you automatically resize columns in a DataGridView control AND allow the user to resize the columns on that same grid?

Well, I did this like this:

dgvReport.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
dgvReport.AllowUserToResizeColumns = true;
dgvReport.AllowUserToOrderColumns = true;

in that particular order. Columns are resized (extended) AND the user can resize columns afterwards.

How can I access localhost from another computer in the same network?

localhost is a special hostname that almost always resolves to If you ask someone else to connect to http://localhost they'll be connecting to their computer instead or yours.

To share your web server with someone else you'll need to find your IP address or your hostname and provide that to them instead. On windows you can find this with ipconfig /all on a command line.

You'll also need to make sure any firewalls you may have configured allow traffic on port 80 to connect to the WAMP server.

jQuery: load txt file and insert into div



Or to convert the data received to a string.

Count the frequency that a value occurs in a dataframe column

If you want to apply to all columns you can use:


This will apply a column based aggregation function (in this case value_counts) to each of the columns.

Excel VBA - How to Redim a 2D array?

I know this is a bit old but I think there might be a much simpler solution that requires no additional coding:

Instead of transposing, redimming and transposing again, and if we talk about a two dimensional array, why not just store the values transposed to begin with. In that case redim preserve actually increases the right (second) dimension from the start. Or in other words, to visualise it, why not store in two rows instead of two columns if only the nr of columns can be increased with redim preserve.

the indexes would than be 00-01, 01-11, 02-12, 03-13, 04-14, 05-15 ... 0 25-1 25 etcetera instead of 00-01, 10-11, 20-21, 30-31, 40-41 etcetera.

As only the second (or last) dimension can be preserved while redimming, one could maybe argue that this is how arrays are supposed to be used to begin with. I have not seen this solution anywhere so maybe I'm overlooking something?

Oracle - How to create a readonly user

It is not strictly possible in default db due to the many public executes that each user gains automatically through public.

Table overflowing outside of div

At first I used James Lawruk's method. This however changed all the widths of the td's.

The solution for me was to use white-space: normal on the columns (which was set to white-space: nowrap). This way the text will always break. Using word-wrap: break-word will ensure that everything will break when needed, even halfway through a word.

The CSS will look like this then:

td, th {
    white-space: normal; /* Only needed when it's set differntly somewhere else */
    word-wrap: break-word;

This might not always be the desirable solution, as word-wrap: break-word might make your words in the table illegible. It will however keep your table the right width.

cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

I just had a similar problem with Error#77 on CentOS7. I was missing the softlink /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt that is installed with the ca-certificates RPM.

'curl' was attempting to open this path to get the Certificate Authorities. I discovered with:

strace curl

and saw clearly that the open failed on that link.

My fix was:

yum reinstall ca-certificates

That should setup everything again. If you have private CAs for Corporate or self-signed use make sure they are in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors so that they are re-added.

Copying the cell value preserving the formatting from one cell to another in excel using VBA

To copy formatting:

Range("I10:J10").Select ' note that we select the whole merged cell
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats

copying the formatting will break the merged cells, so you can use this to put the cell back together


To copy a cell value, without copying anything else (and not using copy/paste), you can address the cells directly

Range("I10").Value = Range("F10").Value

other properties (font, color, etc ) can also be copied by addressing the range object properties directly in the same way

Redirect non-www to www in .htaccess

I have tested all the above solutions but not working for me, i have tried to remove the http:// and won't redirect also removed the www it redirect well, so i get confused, specially i am running all my sites under https://

So i have combined some codes together and came up with perfect solution for both http:// and https:// and www and non-www.

# HTTPS forced
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
# Redirect to www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Hope this can help someone :)

Eclipse: How to install a plugin manually?

  1. Download your plugin
  2. Open Eclipse
  3. From the menu choose: Help / Install New Software...
  4. Click the Add button
  5. In the Add Repository dialog that appears, click the Archive button next to the Location field
  6. Select your plugin file, click OK

You could also just copy plugins to the eclipse/plugins directory, but it's not recommended.

Why do multiple-table joins produce duplicate rows?

When you have related tables you often have one-to-many or many-to-many relationships. So when you join to TableB each record in TableA many have multiple records in TableB. This is normal and expected.

Now at times you only need certain columns and those are all the same for all the records, then you would need to do some sort of group by or distinct to remove the duplicates. Let's look at an example:

Id Field1
1  test
2  another test

ID Field2 field3
1  Test1  something
1  test1  More something
2  Test2  Anything

So when you join them and select all the files you get:

select * 
from tableA a 
join tableb b on =

a.Id a.Field1   b.field2  b.field3
1    test            1      Test1     something
1    test            1      Test1     More something
2    another test 2  2      Test2     Anything

These are not duplicates because the values of Field3 are different even though there are repeated values in the earlier fields. Now when you only select certain columns the same number of records are being joined together but since the columns with the different information is not being displayed they look like duplicates.

select a.Id, a.Field1,  b.field2
from tableA a 
join tableb b on =

a.Id a.Field1       b.field2  
1    test           Test1     
1    test           Test1 
2    another test   Test2

This appears to be duplicates but it is not because of the multiple records in TableB.

You normally fix this by using aggregates and group by, by using distinct or by filtering in the where clause to remove duplicates. How you solve this depends on exactly what your business rule is and how your database is designed and what kind of data is in there.

Creating a DateTime in a specific Time Zone in c#

The DateTimeOffset structure was created for exactly this type of use.


Here's an example of creating a DateTimeOffset object with a specific time zone:

DateTimeOffset do1 = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 8, 22, 1, 0, 0, new TimeSpan(-5, 0, 0));

Java 8 lambda Void argument

The lambda:

() -> { System.out.println("Do nothing!"); };

actually represents an implementation for an interface like:

public interface Something {
    void action();

which is completely different than the one you've defined. That's why you get an error.

Since you can't extend your @FunctionalInterface, nor introduce a brand new one, then I think you don't have much options. You can use the Optional<T> interfaces to denote that some of the values (return type or method parameter) is missing, though. However, this won't make the lambda body simpler.

Bootstrap 3: Using img-circle, how to get circle from non-square image?

You could simply use .rounded-circle bootstrap.

 <img class="rounded-circle" src=""/>

You can even specify the width and height of the rounded image by providing an inline style to the image, which overrides the default size.

 <img class="rounded-circle" style="height:100px; width: 100px" src="" />

Cannot find firefox binary in PATH. Make sure firefox is installed. OS appears to be: VISTA

I had this problem when moving my project from one computer to another. The solution was to reload selenium webdriver from nuget.

How to check for palindrome using Python logic

There is also a functional way:

def is_palindrome(word):
  if len(word) == 1: return True
  if word[0] != word[-1]: return False
  return is_palindrome(word[1:-1])

Kill detached screen session

It's easier to kill a session, when some meaningful name is given:

screen -S some_name proc
// Kill detached session
screen -S some_name -X quit

How do I pass named parameters with Invoke-Command?

I needed something to call scripts with named parameters. We have a policy of not using ordinal positioning of parameters and requiring the parameter name.

My approach is similar to the ones above but gets the content of the script file that you want to call and sends a parameter block containing the parameters and values.

One of the advantages of this is that you can optionally choose which parameters to send to the script file allowing for non-mandatory parameters with defaults.

Assuming there is a script called "MyScript.ps1" in the temporary path that has the following parameter block:

[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $False)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $MyNamedParameter1,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $MyNamedParameter2,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [String] $MyNamedParameter3 = "some default value"

This is how I would call this script from another script:

$params = @{
    MyNamedParameter1 = $SomeValue
    MyNamedParameter2 = $SomeOtherValue

If ($SomeCondition)
    $params['MyNamedParameter3'] = $YetAnotherValue

$pathToScript = Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath MyScript.ps1

$sb = [scriptblock]::create(".{$(Get-Content -Path $pathToScript -Raw)} $(&{
} @params)")
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb

I have used this in lots of scenarios and it works really well. One thing that you occasionally need to do is put quotes around the parameter value assignment block. This is always the case when there are spaces in the value.

e.g. This param block is used to call a script that copies various modules into the standard location used by PowerShell C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules which contains a space character.

$params = @{
        SourcePath      = "$WorkingDirectory\Modules"
        DestinationPath = "'$(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('ProgramFiles')) -ChildPath 'WindowsPowershell\Modules')'"

Hope this helps!

How can I get form data with JavaScript/jQuery?

var formData = new FormData($('#form-id'));
params   = $('#form-id').serializeArray();

$.each(params, function(i, val) {
    formData.append(, val.value);

How do I measure execution time of a command on the Windows command line?

The following script uses only "cmd.exe" and outputs the number of milliseconds from the time a pipeline is created to the time that the process preceding the script exits. i.e., Type your command, and pipe the to the script. Example: "timeout 3 | runtime.cmd" should yield something like "2990." If you need both the runtime output and the stdin output, redirect stdin before the pipe - ex: "dir /s 1>temp.txt | runtime.cmd" would dump the output of the "dir" command to "temp.txt" and would print the runtime to the console.

:: --- runtime.cmd ----
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: find target for recursive calls
if not "%1"=="" (
    shift /1
    goto :%1
    exit /b

:: set pipeline initialization time
set t1=%time%

:: wait for stdin
more > nul

:: set time at which stdin was ready
set t2=!time!

::parse t1
set t1=!t1::= !
set t1=!t1:.= !
set t1=!t1: 0= !

:: parse t2
set t2=!t2::= !
set t2=!t2:.= !
set t2=!t2: 0= !

:: calc difference
pushd %~dp0
for /f %%i in ('%0 calc !t1!') do for /f %%j in ('%0 calc !t2!') do (
    set /a t=%%j-%%i
    echo !t!
exit /b
goto :eof

set /a t=(%1*(3600*1000))+(%2*(60*1000))+(%3*1000)+(%4)
echo !t!
goto :eof


Update Top 1 record in table sql server

SET TIMESTAMP2 = '2013-12-12 15:40:31.593',
   FROM TX_Master_PCBA WHERE SERIAL_NO='0500030309'
   ORDER BY TIMESTAMP2 DESC   -- You need to decide what column you want to sort on

Run "mvn clean install" in Eclipse

You can create external command Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration...

It will be available under Run -> External Tools and can be run using shortcuts.

g++ undefined reference to typeinfo

This can also happen when you mix -fno-rtti and -frtti code. Then you need to ensure that any class, which type_info is accessed in the -frtti code, have their key method compiled with -frtti. Such access can happen when you create an object of the class, use dynamic_cast etc.


how to avoid extra blank page at end while printing?

I tryed all solutions, this works for me:

    @page {
        size: A4;
        margin: 1cm;

    .print {
        display: none;

    @media print {
        div.fix-break-print-page {
            page-break-inside: avoid;

        .print {
            display: block;

    .print:last-child {
        page-break-after: auto;

How can I get Git to follow symlinks?

An alternative implementation of what @user252400 proposes is to use bwrap, a small setuid sandbox that can be found in all major distributions - often installed by default. bwrap allows you to bind mount directories without sudo and automatically unbinds them when git or your shell exits.

Assuming your development process isn't too crazy (see bellow), start bash in a private namespace and bind the external directory under the git directory:

bwrap --ro-bind / / \
      --dev /dev \

Then do everything you'd do normally like git add, git commit, and so on. When you're done, just exit bash. Clean and simple.

Caveats: To prevent sandbox escapes, bwrap is not allowed to execute other setuid binaries. See man bwrap for more details.

Getting the index of the returned max or min item using max()/min() on a list

I was also interested in this and compared some of the suggested solutions using perfplot (a pet project of mine).

Turns out that numpy's argmin,


is the fastest method for large enough lists, even with the implicit conversion from the input list to a numpy.array.

enter image description here

Code for generating the plot:

import numpy
import operator
import perfplot

def min_enumerate(a):
    return min(enumerate(a), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]

def min_enumerate_itemgetter(a):
    min_index, min_value = min(enumerate(a), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    return min_index

def getitem(a):
    return min(range(len(a)), key=a.__getitem__)

def np_argmin(a):
    return numpy.argmin(a)
    setup=lambda n: numpy.random.rand(n).tolist(),
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(15)],

ReactJS - How to use comments?

    // any valid js expression

If you wonder why does it work? it's because everything that's inside curly braces { } is a javascript expression,

so this is fine as well:

{ /*
         yet another js expression
*/ }

How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

You're talking about histograms, but this doesn't quite make sense. Histograms and bar charts are different things. An histogram would be a bar chart representing the sum of values per year, for example. Here, you just seem to be after bars.

Here is a complete example from your data that shows a bar of for each required value at each date:

import pylab as pl
import datetime

data = """0 14-11-2003
1 15-03-1999
12 04-12-2012
33 09-05-2007
44 16-08-1998
55 25-07-2001
76 31-12-2011
87 25-06-1993
118 16-02-1995
119 10-02-1981
145 03-05-2014"""

values = []
dates = []

for line in data.split("\n"):
    x, y = line.split()
    dates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(y, "%d-%m-%Y").date())

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111), values, width=100)

You need to parse the date with strptime and set the x-axis to use dates (as described in this answer).

If you're not interested in having the x-axis show a linear time scale, but just want bars with labels, you can do this instead:

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111), values)

EDIT: Following comments, for all the ticks, and for them to be centred, pass the range to set_ticks (and move them by half the bar width):

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111)
width=0.8, values, width=width)
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(dates)) + width/2)
ax.set_xticklabels(dates, rotation=90)

Image Greyscale with CSS & re-color on mouse-over?

You can use a sprite which has both version—the colored and the monochrome—stored into it.

Oracle sqlldr TRAILING NULLCOLS required, but why?

You have defined 5 fields in your control file. Your fields are terminated by a comma, so you need 5 commas in each record for the 5 fields unless TRAILING NULLCOLS is specified, even though you are loading the ID field with a sequence value via the SQL String.

RE: Comment by OP

That's not my experience with a brief test. With the following control file:

load data
infile *
into table T_new
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
( A,

Produced the following output:

Table T_NEW, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: INSERT

   Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ---------------------
A                                   FIRST     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
B                                    NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
C                                    NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
D                                    NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
ID                                   NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
    SQL string for column : "ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL"

Record 1: Rejected - Error on table T_NEW, column ID.
Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table T_NEW, column ID.
Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)
Record 3: Rejected - Error on table T_NEW, column ID.
Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)
Record 5: Discarded - all columns null.

Table T_NEW:
  1 Row successfully loaded.
  3 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
  0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
  1 Row not loaded because all fields were null.

Note that the only row that loaded correctly had 5 commas. Even the 3rd row, with all data values present except ID, the data does not load. Unless I'm missing something...

I'm using 10gR2.

JTable won't show column headers

    public table2() {
    setBounds(100, 100, 485, 218);

    String data[][] = { { "Row1/1", "Row1/2", "Row1/3" },
            { "Row2/1", "Row2/2", "Row2/3" },
            { "Row3/1", "Row3/2", "Row3/3" },
            { "Row4/1", "Row4/2", "Row4/3" }, };

    String header[] = { "Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3" };

    // Table
    JTable table = new JTable(data,header);

    // ScrollPane
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    scrollPane.setBounds(36, 37, 407, 79);



try this!!

Can the Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?

One way to partially get around the problem is to use the API Level suffix. I use res/layout-v1, res/layout-v2 etc to hold multiple sub projects in the same apk. This mechanism can be used for all resource types.

Obviously, this can only be used if you are targeting API levels above the res/layout-v? you are using.

Also, watch out for the bug in Android 1.5 and 1.6. See Andoroid documentation about the API Level suffix.

Import multiple csv files into pandas and concatenate into one DataFrame

Easy and Fast

Import two or more csv's without having to make a list of names.

import glob

df = pd.concat(map(pd.read_csv, glob.glob('data/*.csv')))

How do I avoid the "#DIV/0!" error in Google docs spreadsheet?

You can use an IF statement to check the referenced cell(s) and return one result for zero or blank, and otherwise return your formula result.

A simple example:


This would return an empty string if the divisor B1 is blank or zero; otherwise it returns the result of dividing A1 by B1.

In your case of running an average, you could check to see whether or not your data set has a value:


If there is nothing entered, or only zeros, it returns an empty string; if one or more values are present, you get the average.

How to find the privileges and roles granted to a user in Oracle?


jQueryUI modal dialog does not show close button (x)

While the op does not explicitly state they are using jquery ui and bootstrap together, an identical problem happens if you do. You can resolve the problem by loading bootstrap (js) before jquery ui (js). However, that will cause problems with button state colors.

The final solution is to either use bootstrap or jquery ui, but not both. However, a workaround is:

    $('<div>dialog content</div>').dialog({
        title: 'Title',
        open: function(){
            var closeBtn = $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close');
            closeBtn.append('<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span><span class="ui-button-text">close</span>');

How do I revert an SVN commit?

Alex, try this: svn merge [WorkingFolderPath] -r 1944:1943

Convert PEM traditional private key to PKCS8 private key

To convert the private key from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8 with openssl:

# openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in pkcs1.key -out pkcs8.key

That will work as long as you have the PKCS#1 key in PEM (text format) as described in the question.

Current time formatting with Javascript

2017 update: use toLocaleDateString and toLocaleTimeString to format dates and times. The first parameter passed to these methods is a locale value, such as en-us. The second parameter, where present, specifies formatting options, such as the long form for the weekday.

let date = new Date();  _x000D_
let options = {  _x000D_
    weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "short",  _x000D_
    day: "numeric", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit"  _x000D_
};  _x000D_
console.log(date.toLocaleTimeString("en-us", options)); 

Output : Wednesday, Oct 25, 2017, 8:19 PM

Please refer below link for more details.

Date and Time Strings (JavaScript)

Adding a default value in dropdownlist after binding with database

You can do it programmatically:

ddlColor.DataSource = from p in db.ProductTypes
                                  where p.ProductID == pID
                                  orderby p.Color 
                                  select new { p.Color };
ddlColor.DataTextField = "Color";
ddlColor.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select", "NA"));

Or add it in markup as:

<asp:DropDownList .. AppendDataBoundItems="true">
       <asp:ListItem Text="Select" Value="" />

How to debug Google Apps Script (aka where does Logger.log log to?)

If you have the script editor open you will see the logs under View->Logs. If your script has an onedit trigger, make a change to the spreadsheet which should trigger the function with the script editor opened in a second tab. Then go to the script editor tab and open the log. You will see whatever your function passes to the logger.

Basically as long as the script editor is open, the event will write to the log and show it for you. It will not show if someone else is in the file elsewhere.

ImportError: No module named xlsxwriter

Here are some easy way to get you up and running with the XlsxWriter module.The first step is to install the XlsxWriter module.The pip installer is the preferred method for installing Python modules from PyPI, the Python Package Index:

sudo pip install xlsxwriter


Windows users can omit sudo at the start of the command.

jQuery scrollTop() doesn't seem to work in Safari or Chrome (Windows)

I was having this problem in Safari and Chrome (Mac) and discovered that .scrollTop would work on $("body") but not $("html, body"), FF and IE however works the other way round. A simple browser detect fixes the issue:

    bodyelem = $("body")
    bodyelem = $("html,body")


The jQuery browser value for Chrome is Safari, so you only need to do a detect on that.

Hope this helps someone.

selenium - chromedriver executable needs to be in PATH

An answer from 2020. The following code solves this. A lot of people new to selenium seem to have to get past this step. Install the chromedriver and put it inside a folder on your desktop. Also make sure to put the selenium python project in the same folder as where the chrome driver is located.

Change USER_NAME and FOLDER in accordance to your computer.

For Windows

driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"C:\Users\USER_NAME\Desktop\FOLDER\chromedriver")

For Linux/Mac

driver = webdriver.Chrome("/home/USER_NAME/FOLDER/chromedriver")

Fastest way to Remove Duplicate Value from a list<> by lambda

A simple intuitive implementation

public static List<PointF> RemoveDuplicates(List<PointF> listPoints)
    List<PointF> result = new List<PointF>();

    for (int i = 0; i < listPoints.Count; i++)
        if (!result.Contains(listPoints[i]))

    return result;

Why is Maven downloading the maven-metadata.xml every time?

I haven't studied yet, when Maven does which look-up, but to get stable and reproducible builds, I strongly recommend not to access Maven Respositories directly but to use a Maven Repository Manager such as Nexus.

Here is the tutorial how to set up your settings file:

How to change maven logging level to display only warning and errors?

If you are using Logback, just put this logback-test.xml file into src/test/resources directory:

<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
<root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

Accessing a property in a parent Component

There are different way:

export class Profile implements OnInit {
constructor(@Host() parent: App) {
  parent.userStatus ...
  • data-binding
export class Profile implements OnInit {
  @Input() userStatus:UserStatus;

<profile [userStatus]="userStatus">

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework?

Something to be careful about when designing a RESTful API is the conflation of GET and POST, as if they were the same thing. It's easy to make this mistake with Django's function-based views and CherryPy's default dispatcher, although both frameworks now provide a way around this problem (class-based views and MethodDispatcher, respectively).

HTTP-verbs are very important in REST, and unless you're very careful about this, you'll end up falling into a REST anti-pattern.

Some frameworks that get it right are, Flask and Bottle. When combined with the mimerender library (full disclosure: I wrote it), they allow you to write nice RESTful webservices:

import web
import json
from mimerender import mimerender

render_xml = lambda message: '<message>%s</message>'%message
render_json = lambda **args: json.dumps(args)
render_html = lambda message: '<html><body>%s</body></html>'%message
render_txt = lambda message: message

urls = (
    '/(.*)', 'greet'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class greet:
        default = 'html',
        html = render_html,
        xml  = render_xml,
        json = render_json,
        txt  = render_txt
    def GET(self, name):
        if not name: 
            name = 'world'
        return {'message': 'Hello, ' + name + '!'}

if __name__ == "__main__":

The service's logic is implemented only once, and the correct representation selection (Accept header) + dispatch to the proper render function (or template) is done in a tidy, transparent way.

$ curl localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/html" localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/xml" localhost:8080/x
<message>Hello, x!</message>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/x
{'message':'Hello, x!'}

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" localhost:8080/x
Hello, x!

Update (April 2012): added information about Django's class-based views, CherryPy's MethodDispatcher and Flask and Bottle frameworks. Neither existed back when the question was asked.

What are some good Python ORM solutions?

I'd check out SQLAlchemy

It's really easy to use and the models you work with aren't bad at all. Django uses SQLAlchemy for it's ORM but using it by itself lets you use it's full power.

Here's a small example on creating and selecting orm objects

>>> ed_user = User('ed', 'Ed Jones', 'edspassword')
>>> session.add(ed_user)
>>> our_user = session.query(User).filter_by(name='ed').first() 
>>> our_user
    <User('ed','Ed Jones', 'edspassword')>

Force SSL/https using .htaccess and mod_rewrite

I'd just like to point out that Apache has the worst inheritance rules when using multiple .htaccess files across directory depths. Two key pitfalls:

  • Only the rules contained in the deepest .htaccess file will be performed by default. You must specify the RewriteOptions InheritDownBefore directive (or similar) to change this. (see question)
  • The pattern is applied to the file path relative to the subdirectory and not the upper directory containing the .htaccess file with the given rule. (see discussion)

This means the suggested global solution on the Apache Wiki does not work if you use any other .htaccess files in subdirectories. I wrote a modified version that does:

RewriteEngine On
# This will enable the Rewrite capabilities

RewriteOptions InheritDownBefore
# This prevents the rule from being overrided by .htaccess files in subdirectories.

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
# This checks to make sure the connection is not already HTTPS

RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [QSA,R,L]
# This rule will redirect users from their original location, to the same location but using HTTPS.
# i.e. to

Dynamically select data frame columns using $ and a character value

Had similar problem due to some CSV files that had various names for the same column.
This was the solution:

I wrote a function to return the first valid column name in a list, then used that...

# Return the string name of the first name in names that is a column name in tbl
# else null
ChooseCorrectColumnName <- function(tbl, names) {
for(n in names) {
    if (n %in% colnames(tbl)) {


cptcodefieldname = ChooseCorrectColumnName(file, c("CPT", "CPT.Code"))
icdcodefieldname = ChooseCorrectColumnName(file, c("ICD.10.CM.Code", "ICD10.Code"))

if (is.null(cptcodefieldname) || is.null(icdcodefieldname)) {
        print("Bad file column name")

# Here we use the hash table implementation where 
# we have a string key and list value so we need actual strings,
# not Factors
file[cptcodefieldname] = as.character(file[cptcodefieldname])
file[icdcodefieldname] = as.character(file[icdcodefieldname])
for (i in 1:length(file[cptcodefieldname])) {
    cpt_valid_icds[file[cptcodefieldname][i]] <<- unique(c(cpt_valid_icds[[file[cptcodefieldname][i]]], file[icdcodefieldname][i]))

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

Also, if you need to format telephone number on output only, you can use a custom filter like this one:

angular.module('ng').filter('tel', function () {
    return function (tel) {
        if (!tel) { return ''; }

        var value = tel.toString().trim().replace(/^\+/, '');

        if (value.match(/[^0-9]/)) {
            return tel;

        var country, city, number;

        switch (value.length) {
            case 10: // +1PPP####### -> C (PPP) ###-####
                country = 1;
                city = value.slice(0, 3);
                number = value.slice(3);

            case 11: // +CPPP####### -> CCC (PP) ###-####
                country = value[0];
                city = value.slice(1, 4);
                number = value.slice(4);

            case 12: // +CCCPP####### -> CCC (PP) ###-####
                country = value.slice(0, 3);
                city = value.slice(3, 5);
                number = value.slice(5);

                return tel;

        if (country == 1) {
            country = "";

        number = number.slice(0, 3) + '-' + number.slice(3);

        return (country + " (" + city + ") " + number).trim();

Then you can use this filter in your template:

{{ phoneNumber | tel }}
<span ng-bind="phoneNumber | tel"></span>

Removing multiple files from a Git repo that have already been deleted from disk

If you want to add it to your .gitconfig do this:

  rma = !git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm

Then all you have to do is run:

git rma

Change a branch name in a Git repo

If you're currently on the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m new_name 

Or else:

git branch -m old_name new_name 

You can check with:

git branch -a

As you can see, only the local name changed Now, to change the name also in the remote you must do:

git push origin :old_name

This removes the branch, then upload it with the new name:

git push origin new_name


How to list all AWS S3 objects in a bucket using Java

You don't want to list all 1000 object in your bucket at a time. A more robust solution will be to fetch a max of 10 objects at a time. You can do this with the withMaxKeys method.

The following code creates an S3 client, fetches 10 or less objects at a time and filters based on a prefix and generates a pre-signed url for the fetched object:

import com.amazonaws.HttpMethod;
import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;

import java.util.Date;

 * @author shabab
 * @since 21 Sep, 2020
public class AwsMain {

    static final String ACCESS_KEY = "";
    static final String SECRET = "";
    static final Regions BUCKET_REGION = Regions.DEFAULT_REGION;
    static final String BUCKET_NAME = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BasicAWSCredentials awsCreds = new BasicAWSCredentials(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET);

        try {
            final AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder
                    .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCreds))

            ListObjectsV2Request req = new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(BUCKET_NAME).withMaxKeys(10);
            ListObjectsV2Result result;

            do {
                result = s3Client.listObjectsV2(req);

                        .filter(s3ObjectSummary -> {
                            return s3ObjectSummary.getKey().contains("Market-subscriptions/")
                                    && !s3ObjectSummary.getKey().equals("Market-subscriptions/");
                        .forEach(s3ObjectSummary -> {

                            GeneratePresignedUrlRequest generatePresignedUrlRequest =
                                    new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(BUCKET_NAME, s3ObjectSummary.getKey())

                            URL url = s3Client.generatePresignedUrl(generatePresignedUrlRequest);

                            System.out.println(s3ObjectSummary.getKey() + " Pre-Signed URL: " + url.toString());

                String token = result.getNextContinuationToken();

            } while (result.isTruncated());
        } catch (SdkClientException e) {


    private static Date getExpirationDate() {
        Date expiration = new java.util.Date();
        long expTimeMillis = expiration.getTime();
        expTimeMillis += 1000 * 60 * 60;

        return expiration;

How to determine if Javascript array contains an object with an attribute that equals a given value?

To compare one object to another, I combine a for in loop (used to loop through objects) and some(). You do not have to worry about an array going out of bounds etc, so that saves some code. Documentation on .some can be found here

var productList = [{id: 'text3'}, {id: 'text2'}, {id: 'text4', product: 'Shampoo'}]; // Example of selected products
var theDatabaseList = [{id: 'text1'}, {id: 'text2'},{id: 'text3'},{id:'text4', product: 'shampoo'}];    
var  objectsFound = [];

for(let objectNumber in productList){
    var currentId = productList[objectNumber].id;   
    if (theDatabaseList.some(obj => === currentId)) {
        // Do what you need to do with the matching value here

An alternative way I compare one object to another is to use a nested for loop with Object.keys().length to get the amount of objects in the array. Code below:

var productList = [{id: 'text3'}, {id: 'text2'}, {id: 'text4', product: 'Shampoo'}]; // Example of selected products
var theDatabaseList = [{id: 'text1'}, {id: 'text2'},{id: 'text3'},{id:'text4', product: 'shampoo'}];    
var objectsFound = [];

for(var i = 0; i < Object.keys(productList).length; i++){
        for(var j = 0; j < Object.keys(theDatabaseList).length; j++){
        if(productList[i].id === theDatabaseList[j].id){

To answer your exact question, if are just searching for a value in an object, you can use a single for in loop.

var vendors = [
      Name: 'Magenic',
      ID: 'ABC'
      Name: 'Microsoft',
      ID: 'DEF'

for(var ojectNumbers in vendors){
    if(vendors[ojectNumbers].Name === 'Magenic'){
        console.log('object contains Magenic');

Purge Kafka Topic

Following command can be used to delete all the existing messages in kafka topic:

kafka-delete-records --bootstrap-server <kafka_server:port> --offset-json-file delete.json

The structure of the delete.json file should be following:

{ "partitions": [ { "topic": "foo", "partition": 1, "offset": -1 } ], "version": 1 }

where offset :-1 will delete all the records (This command has been tested with kafka 2.0.1

How to convert a date to milliseconds

The SimpleDateFormat class allows you to parse a String into a java.util.Date object. Once you have the Date object, you can get the milliseconds since the epoch by calling Date.getTime().

The full example:

String myDate = "2014/10/29 18:10:45";
//creates a formatter that parses the date in the given format
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = sdf.parse(myDate);
long timeInMillis = date.getTime();

Note that this gives you a long and not a double, but I think that's probably what you intended. The documentation for the SimpleDateFormat class has tons on information on how to set it up to parse different formats. cannot open shared object file

For Fedora (can be useful for someone)

sudo dnf install zlib-1.2.8-10.fc24.i686 libgcc-6.1.1-2.fc24.i686

Activating Anaconda Environment in VsCode

If Anaconda is your default Python install then it just works if you install the Microsoft Python extension.

The following should work regardless of Python editor or if you need to point to a specific install:

In settings.json edit python.path with something like

"python.pythonPath": "C:\\Anaconda3\\envs\\py34\\python.exe"

Instructions to edit settings.json

Regex: match everything but specific pattern

Regex: match everything but:

Demo note: the newline \n is used inside negated character classes in demos to avoid match overflow to the neighboring line(s). They are not necessary when testing individual strings.

Anchor note: In many languages, use \A to define the unambiguous start of string, and \z (in Python, it is \Z, in JavaScript, $ is OK) to define the very end of the string.

Dot note: In many flavors (but not POSIX, TRE, TCL), . matches any char but a newline char. Make sure you use a corresponding DOTALL modifier (/s in PCRE/Boost/.NET/Python/Java and /m in Ruby) for the . to match any char including a newline.

Backslash note: In languages where you have to declare patterns with C strings allowing escape sequences (like \n for a newline), you need to double the backslashes escaping special characters so that the engine could treat them as literal characters (e.g. in Java, world\. will be declared as "world\\.", or use a character class: "world[.]"). Use raw string literals (Python r'\bworld\b'), C# verbatim string literals @"world\.", or slashy strings/regex literal notations like /world\./.

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (Mysql::Error)

try using root like..

mysql -uroot

then you can check different user and host after you logged in by using

select user,host,password from mysql.user;

What are native methods in Java and where should they be used?

Native methods allow you to use code from other languages such as C or C++ in your java code. You use them when java doesn't provide the functionality that you need. For example, if I were writing a program to calculate some equation and create a line graph of it, I would use java, because it is the language I am best in. However, I am also proficient in C. Say in part of my program I need to calculate a really complex equation. I would use a native method for this, because I know some C++ and I know that C++ is much faster than java, so if I wrote my method in C++ it would be quicker. Also, say I want to interact with another program or device. This would also use a native method, because C++ has something called pointers, which would let me do that.

Edit a text file on the console using Powershell

I am a retired engineer who grew up with DOS, Fortran, IBM360, etc. in the 60's and like others on this blog I sorely miss the loss of a command line editor in 64-bit Windows. After spending a week browsing the internet and testing editors, I wanted to share my best solution: Notepad++. It's a far cry from DOS EDIT, but there are some side benefits. It is unfortunately a screen editor, requires a mouse, and is consequently slow. On the other hand it is a decent Fortran source editor and has row and column numbers displayed. It can keep multiple tabs for files being edited and even remembers where the cursor was last. I of course keep typing keyboard codes (50 years of habit) but surprisingly at least some of them work. Maybe not a documented feature. I renamed the editor to EDIT.EXE, set up a path to it, and invoke it from command line. It's not too bad. I'm living with it. BTW be careful not to use the tab key in Fortran source. Puts an ASCII 6 in the text. It's invisible and gFortran, at least, can't deal with it. Notepad++ probably has a lot of features that I don't have time to mess with.

Initialization of an ArrayList in one line

About the most compact way to do this is:

Double array[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(array);

Download and open PDF file using Ajax

This snippet is for angular js users which will face the same problem, Note that the response file is downloaded using a programmed click event. In this case , the headers were sent by server containing filename and content/type.

    method: 'POST', 
    url: 'DownloadAttachment_URL',
    data: { 'fileRef': 'filename.pdf' }, //I'm sending filename as a param
    headers: { 'Authorization': $localStorage.jwt === undefined ? jwt : $localStorage.jwt },
    responseType: 'arraybuffer',
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    headers = headers();
    var filename = headers['x-filename'];
    var contentType = headers['content-type'];
    var linkElement = document.createElement('a');
    try {
        var blob = new Blob([data], { type: contentType });
        var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

        linkElement.setAttribute('href', url);
        linkElement.setAttribute("download", filename);

        var clickEvent = new MouseEvent("click", {
            "view": window,
            "bubbles": true,
            "cancelable": false
    } catch (ex) {
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
}).finally(function () {


What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript?

 " Every object (including functions) has this internal property called [[prototype]]" 

Every function has a proto- type object that’s automatically set as the prototype of the objects created with that function.

you guys can check easily:

const a = { name: "something" };
console.log(a.prototype); // undefined because it is not directly accessible

const b = function () {

console.log(b.prototype); // returns b {}

But every function and objects has __proto__ property which points to the prototype of that object or function. __proto__ and prototype are 2 different terms. I think we can make this comment: "Every object is linked to a prototype via the proto " But __proto__ does not exist in javascript. this property is added by browser just to help for debugging.

console.log(a.__proto__); // returns {}
console.log(b.__proto__); // returns [Function]

You guys can check this on the terminal easily. So what is constructor function.

function CreateObject(name,age){;
    this.age =age

5 things that pay attention first:

1- When constructor function is invoked with new, the function’s internal [[Construct]] method is called to create a new instance object and allocate memory.

2- We are not using return keyword. new will handle it.

3- Name of the function is capitalized so when developers see your code they can understand that they have to use new keyword.

4- We do not use arrow function. Because the value of the this parameter is picked up at the moment that the arrow function is created which is "window". arrow functions are lexically scoped, not dynamically. Lexically here means locally. arrow function carries its local "this" value.

5- Unlike regular functions, arrow functions can never be called with the new keyword because they do not have the [[Construct]] method. The prototype property also does not exist for arrow functions.

const me=new CreateObject("yilmaz","21")

new invokes the function and then creates an empty object {} and then adds "name" key with the value of "name", and "age" key with the value of argument "age".

When we invoke a function, a new execution context is created with "this" and "arguments", that is why "new" has access to these arguments.

By default this inside the constructor function will point to the "window" object, but new changes it. "this" points to the empty object {} that is created and then properties are added to newly created object. If you had any variable that defined without "this" property will no be added to the object.

function CreateObject(name,age){;
    this.age =age;
    const myJob="developer"

myJob property will not added to the object because there is nothing referencing to the newly created object.

   const me= {name:"yilmaz",age:21} // there is no myJob key

in the beginning I said every function has "prototype" property including constructor functions. We can add methods to the prototype of the constructor, so every object that created from that function will have access to it.

 CreateObject.prototype.myActions=function(){ //define something}

Now "me" object can use "myActions" method.

javascript has built-in constructor functions: Function,Boolean,Number,String..

if I create

const a = new Number(5);
console.log(a);  // [Number: 5]
console.log(typeof a); // object

Anything that created by using new has type of object. now "a" has access all of the methods that are stored inside Number.prototype. If I defined

const b = 5;
console.log(a === b);//false

a and b are 5 but a is object and b is primitive. even though b is primitive type, when it is created, javascript automatically wraps it with Number(), so b has access to all of the methods that inside Number.prototype.

Constructor function is useful when you want to create multiple similar objects with the same properties and methods. That way you will not be allocating extra memory so your code will run more efficiently.

Convert double/float to string

I know maybe it is unnecessary, but I made a function which converts float to string:


#include <stdio.h>

/** Number on countu **/

int n_tu(int number, int count)
    int result = 1;
    while(count-- > 0)
        result *= number;

    return result;

/*** Convert float to string ***/
void float_to_string(float f, char r[])
    long long int length, length2, i, number, position, sign;
    float number2;

    sign = -1;   // -1 == positive number
    if (f < 0)
        sign = '-';
        f *= -1;

    number2 = f;
    number = f;
    length = 0;  // Size of decimal part
    length2 = 0; // Size of tenth

    /* Calculate length2 tenth part */
    while( (number2 - (float)number) != 0.0 && !((number2 - (float)number) < 0.0) )
         number2 = f * (n_tu(10.0, length2 + 1));
         number = number2;


    /* Calculate length decimal part */
    for (length = (f > 1) ? 0 : 1; f > 1; length++)
        f /= 10;

    position = length;
    length = length + 1 + length2;
    number = number2;
    if (sign == '-')

    for (i = length; i >= 0 ; i--)
        if (i == (length))
            r[i] = '\0';
        else if(i == (position))
            r[i] = '.';
        else if(sign == '-' && i == 0)
            r[i] = '-';
            r[i] = (number % 10) + '0';
            number /=10;

How to submit a form when the return key is pressed?

To submit the form when the enter key is pressed create a javascript function along these lines.

function checkSubmit(e) {
   if(e && e.keyCode == 13) {

Then add the event to whatever scope you need eg on the div tag:

<div onKeyPress="return checkSubmit(event)"/>

This is also the default behaviour of Internet Explorer 7 anyway though (probably earlier versions as well).

creating batch script to unzip a file without additional zip tools

Here is a quick and simple solution using PowerShell:

powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command "& { $shell = New-Object -COM Shell.Application; $target = $shell.NameSpace('C:\extractToThisDirectory'); $zip = $shell.NameSpace('C:\'); $target.CopyHere($zip.Items(), 16); }"

This uses the built-in extract functionality of the Explorer and will also show the typical extract progress window. The second parameter 16 to CopyHere answers all questions with yes.

NameError: name 'reduce' is not defined in Python

you need to install and import reduce from functools python package

git: Switch branch and ignore any changes without committing

switching to a new branch losing changes:

git checkout -b YOUR_NEW_BRANCH_NAME --force

switching to an existing branch losing changes:

git checkout YOUR_BRANCH --force

What use is find_package() if you need to specify CMAKE_MODULE_PATH anyway?

Command find_package has two modes: Module mode and Config mode. You are trying to use Module mode when you actually need Config mode.

Module mode

Find<package>.cmake file located within your project. Something like this:


CMakeLists.txt content:


add_executable(Bar Bar.hpp Bar.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Bar ${FOO_LIBRARIES} ${BOO_LIBRARIES})

Note that CMAKE_MODULE_PATH has high priority and may be usefull when you need to rewrite standard Find<package>.cmake file.

Config mode (install)

<package>Config.cmake file located outside and produced by install command of other project (Foo for example).

foo library:

> cat CMakeLists.txt 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

add_library(foo Foo.hpp Foo.cpp)
install(FILES Foo.hpp DESTINATION include)
install(TARGETS foo DESTINATION lib)
install(FILES FooConfig.cmake DESTINATION lib/cmake/Foo)

Simplified version of config file:

> cat FooConfig.cmake 
add_library(foo STATIC IMPORTED)

By default project installed in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory:

> cmake -H. -B_builds
> cmake --build _builds --target install
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /usr/local/include/Foo.hpp
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libfoo.a
-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/cmake/Foo/FooConfig.cmake

Config mode (use)

Use find_package(... CONFIG) to include FooConfig.cmake with imported target foo:

> cat CMakeLists.txt 
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# import library target `foo`
find_package(Foo CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(boo Boo.cpp Boo.hpp)
target_link_libraries(boo foo)
> cmake --build _builds
Linking CXX executable Boo
/usr/bin/c++ ... -o Boo /usr/local/lib/libfoo.a

Note that imported target is highly configurable. See my answer.


PHP date() with timezone?

The answer above caused me to jump through some hoops/gotchas, so just posting the cleaner code that worked for me:

$dt = new DateTime();
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));

echo $dt->format('F j, Y @ G:i');

Saving numpy array to txt file row wise

If numpy >= 1.5, you can do:

# note that the filename is enclosed with double quotes,
# example "filename.txt"

numpy.savetxt("filename", a, newline=" ")


several 1D arrays with same length

a = numpy.array([1,2,3])
b = numpy.array([4,5,6])
numpy.savetxt(filename, (a,b), fmt="%d")

# gives:
# 1 2 3
# 4 5 6

several 1D arrays with variable length

a = numpy.array([1,2,3])
b = numpy.array([4,5])

with open(filename,"w") as f:
    f.write("\n".join(" ".join(map(str, x)) for x in (a,b)))

# gives:
# 1 2 3
# 4 5

Difference between \b and \B in regex

\b matches a word-boundary. \B matches non-word-boundaries, and is equivalent to [^\b](?!\b) (thanks to @Alan Moore for the correction!). Both are zero-width.

See for details. The site is extremely useful for many basic regex questions.

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

Just use the below code to resolve this:

JsonObject obj = Json.createReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(accessToken.split("\\.")[1].
                        replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')))).readObject();

In the above code replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/') did the job. For more details see the I understood the problem from the part of the code got from that link:

function url_base64_decode(str) {
  var output = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
  switch (output.length % 4) {
    case 0:
    case 2:
      output += '==';
    case 3:
      output += '=';
      throw 'Illegal base64url string!';
  var result = window.atob(output); //polifyll
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(result));
  } catch (err) {
    return result;

How to create a fix size list in python?

fix_array = numpy.empty(n, dtype = object)

where n is the size of your array

though it works, it may not be the best idea as you have to import a library for this purpose. Hope this helps!

How can I put an icon inside a TextInput in React Native?

You can wrap your TextInput in View.


and dynamically calculate width, if you want add an icon,

iconWidth = 0.05*viewWidth 
textInputWidth = 0.95*viewWidth

otherwise textInputwWidth = viewWidth.

View and TextInput background color are both white. (Small hack)

Can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

The correct solution is to add the timezone info e.g., to get the current time as an aware datetime object in Python 3:

from datetime import datetime, timezone

now =

On older Python versions, you could define the utc tzinfo object yourself (example from datetime docs):

from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime

ZERO = timedelta(0)

class UTC(tzinfo):
  def utcoffset(self, dt):
    return ZERO
  def tzname(self, dt):
    return "UTC"
  def dst(self, dt):
    return ZERO

utc = UTC()


now =

Display all views on oracle database


Instance member cannot be used on type

It is saying you have an instance variable (the var is only visible/accessible when you have an instance of that class) and you are trying to use it in the context of a static scope (class method).

You can make your instance variable a class variable by adding static/class attribute.

You instantiate an instance of your class and call the instance method on that variable.

Listing files in a specific "folder" of a AWS S3 bucket

Based on @davioooh answer. This code is worked for me.

ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName("your-bucket")

submit a form in a new tab

Try using jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
$("form").submit(function() {
$("form").attr('target', '_blank');
return true;

Here is a full answer -

How to delete rows in tables that contain foreign keys to other tables

If you have multiply rows to delete and you don't want to alter the structure of your tables you can use cursor. 1-You first need to select rows to delete(in a cursor) 2-Then for each row in the cursor you delete the referencing rows and after that delete the row him self.


--id is primary key of MainTable
    declare @id int
    set @id = 1
    declare theMain cursor for select FK from MainTable where MainID = @id
    declare @fk_Id int
    open theMain
    fetch next from theMain into @fk_Id
    while @@fetch_status=0
        --fkid is the foreign key 
        --Must delete from Main Table first then child.
        delete from MainTable where fkid = @fk_Id
        delete from ReferencingTable where fkid = @fk_Id
        fetch next from theMain into @fk_Id
    close theMain
    deallocate theMain

hope is useful

Change DataGrid cell colour based on values

In my case convertor must return string value. I don't why, but it works.

*.xaml (common style file, which is included in another xaml files)

<Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
        <Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Converter={StaticResource ValueToBrushConverter}}" />


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    Color color = VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.ToolWindowBackgroundColorKey);
    return "#" + color.Name;

What are .iml files in Android Studio?

What are iml files in Android Studio project?

A Google search on iml file turns up:

IML is a module file created by IntelliJ IDEA, an IDE used to develop Java applications. It stores information about a development module, which may be a Java, Plugin, Android, or Maven component; saves the module paths, dependencies, and other settings.

(from this page)

why not to use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules that you add to your project.

You do "use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules", or your own modules.

However, Gradle is not IntelliJ IDEA's native project model — that is separate, held in .iml files and the metadata in .idea/ directories. In Android Studio, that stuff is largely generated out of the Gradle build scripts, which is why you are sometimes prompted to "sync project with Gradle files" when you change files like build.gradle. This is also why you don't bother putting .iml files or .idea/ in version control, as their contents will be regenerated.

If I have a team that work in different IDE's like Eclipse and AS how to make project IDE agnostic?

To a large extent, you can't.

You are welcome to have an Android project that uses the Eclipse-style directory structure (e.g., resources and manifest in the project root directory). You can teach Gradle, via build.gradle, how to find files in that structure. However, other metadata (compileSdkVersion, dependencies, etc.) will not be nearly as easily replicated.

Other alternatives include:

  • Move everybody over to another build system, like Maven, that is equally integrated (or not, depending upon your perspective) to both Eclipse and Android Studio

  • Hope that Andmore takes off soon, so that perhaps you can have an Eclipse IDE that can build Android projects from Gradle build scripts

  • Have everyone use one IDE

JQuery Parsing JSON array

var dataArray = [];
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(yourInput);

$.each(obj, function (index, value) {
    dataArray.push([value["yourID"].toString(), value["yourValue"] ]);

this helps me a lot :-)

Error:Unknown host You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle

Everyone: I Solved the problem like this. In Android Studio go to File menu and select the Invalidate Caches/Restart... I hope it will work for you. Thanks

Changing font size and direction of axes text in ggplot2

Adding to previous solutions, you can also specify the font size relative to the base_size included in themes such as theme_bw() (where base_size is 11) using the rel() function.

For example:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=rel(0.5), angle=90))

how to convert milliseconds to date format in android?

public static String toDateStr(long milliseconds, String format)
    Date date = new Date(milliseconds);
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.US);
    return formatter.format(date);

remove None value from a list without removing the 0 value

@jamylak answer is quite nice, however if you don't want to import a couple of modules just to do this simple task, write your own lambda in-place:

>>> L = [0, 23, 234, 89, None, 0, 35, 9]
>>> filter(lambda v: v is not None, L)
[0, 23, 234, 89, 0, 35, 9]