[html] How do I link to Google Maps with a particular longitude and latitude?

I have a small application that gives the current location: longitude and latitude. Now I have to browse to google maps with the longitude and latitude. Please suggest how I can do this.

This question is related to html google-maps

The answer is

As of today (1st November, 2020), Google provided a provision of Universal URL which works quite efficiently on cross-platforms and thus, Google recommends this method.

Syntax: https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=<lat>,<lng>

Example : https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=28.6139,77.2090 (New Delhi, India)


It´s out of the scope of the question, but I think it might be also interesting to know how to link to a route. The query would look like this:


This works too:



With pointer:



As of today (2014/09/23), I've found that to get marker on exact place (not an approximation) you can use:


Additionally, if you want to specify map center and zoom:


If you want to use satellite map type, then append /data=!3m1!1e3


And If you want terrain view of the map, then append /data=!3m1!4b1


say easily http://www.google.com/maps/place/lat,lng format

sample url:


Open the following url with the latitude and longitude and zoom level.


These are URLs that work:





Although (for avid readers) This is the latest from google (August 22 2017):

Maps URLs
Maps URLs with map display
Maps URLs with search action

From google

Search: When searching for a specific place, the resulting map puts a pin in the specified location and displays available place details.

Important: The parameter api=1 identifies the version of Maps URLs this URL is intended for. This parameter is required in every request. The only valid value is 1. If api=1 is NOT present in the URL, all parameters are ignored and the default Google Maps app will launch, either in a browser or the Google Maps mobile app, depending on the platform in use (for example, https://www.google.com/maps).

To open the google maps app in android:-


open app with marker for give location:-


open google map in ios:-


open google maps in browser with following parameters:-

  • z is the zoom level (1-21)
  • t is the map type ("m" map, "k" satellite, "h" hybrid, "p" terrain, "e" GoogleEarth)
  • q is the search query

To get your current location as start point you need to use this URL:


You can fill up the destination parameter with the address, name or latitude and longitude values.

Open google map and show URL schemes location and location pin


The best way is to use q parameter so that it displays the map with the point marked. eg.:


Using the query parameter won't work, Google will try to approximate the location.

The location I want : http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=43.7920533400153,6.37761393942265

The approximate location (west of the actual location) : http://maps.google.com/?q=43.7920533400153,6.37761393942265

Find your location in the Google Earth program, and click the icon "View in Google Maps". The URL bar in your browser will show the URL you need.

If you want to open Google Maps in a browser:


To open the Google Maps app on an iOS mobile device, use the Google Maps URL Scheme:


To open the Google Maps app on Android, use the geo: intent:
