[java] Listing files in a specific "folder" of a AWS S3 bucket

I need to list all files contained in a certain folder contained in my S3 bucket.

The folder structure is the following


I have files related to users and files related to a certain user's contact. I need to list both.

To list files I'm using this code:

ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName("my-bucket")
ObjectListing objects = transferManager.getAmazonS3Client().listObjects(listObjectsRequest);

To list a certain user's files I'm using this prefix:


and I'm correctly getting all files in the directory excluding contacts subdirectory, for example:


To list a certain user contact's files instead I'm using this prefix:


but in this case I'm getting also the directory itself as a returned object:


Why am I getting this behaviour? What's different beetween the two listing requests? I need to list only files in the directory, excluding sub-directories.

This question is related to java amazon-web-services amazon-s3

The answer is

As other have already said, everything in S3 is an object. To you, it may be files and folders. But to S3, they're just objects.

If you don't need objects which end with a '/' you can safely delete them e.g. via REST api or AWS Java SDK (I assume you have write access). You will not lose "nested files" (there no files, so you will not lose objects whose names are prefixed with the key you delete)

AmazonS3 amazonS3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider()).withRegion("region").build();
amazonS3.deleteObject(new DeleteObjectRequest("my-bucket", "users/<user-id>/contacts/<contact-id>/"));

Please note that I'm using ProfileCredentialsProvider so that my requests are not anonymous. Otherwise, you will not be able to delete an object. I have my AWS keep key stored in ~/.aws/credentials file.

S3 does not have directories, while you can list files in a pseudo directory manner like you demonstrated, there is no directory "file" per-se.
You may of inadvertently created a data file called users/<user-id>/contacts/<contact-id>/.

Based on @davioooh answer. This code is worked for me.

ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName("your-bucket")

While everybody say that there are no directories and files in s3, but only objects (and buckets), which is absolutely true, I would suggest to take advantage of CommonPrefixes, described in this answer. So, you can do following to get list of "folders" (commonPrefixes) and "files" (objectSummaries):

ListObjectsV2Request req = new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(bucket.getName()).withPrefix(prefix).withDelimiter(DELIMITER);
ListObjectsV2Result listing = s3Client.listObjectsV2(req);
for (String commonPrefix : listing.getCommonPrefixes()) {
for (S3ObjectSummary summary: listing.getObjectSummaries()) {

In your case, for objectSummaries (files) it should return (in case of correct prefix):

for commonPrefixes:

Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_ListObjectsV2.html

you can check the type. s3 has a special application/x-directory

bucket.objects({:delimiter=>"/", :prefix=>"f1/"}).each { |obj| p obj.object.content_type }

If your goal is only to take the files and not the folder, the approach I made was to use the file size as a filter. This property is the current size of the file hosted by AWS. All the folders return 0 in that property. The following is a C# code using linq but it shouldn't be hard to translate to Java.

var amazonClient = new AmazonS3Client(key, secretKey, region);
var listObjectsRequest= new ListObjectsRequest
                BucketName = 'someBucketName',
                Delimiter = 'someDelimiter',
                Prefix = 'somePrefix'
var objects = amazonClient.ListObjects(listObjectsRequest);
var objectsInFolder = objects.S3Objects.Where(file => file.Size > 0).ToList();

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