Programs & Examples On #Create function

Regex to Match Symbols: !$%^&*()_+|~-=`{}[]:";'<>?,./




This creates a character class removing the word characters, space characters, and adding back the underscore character (as underscore is a "word" character). All that is left is the special characters. Capital letters represent the negation of their lowercase counterparts.

\W will select all non "word" characters equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
\S will select all non "whitespace" characters equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f\v]
_ will select "_" because we negate it when using the \W and need to add it back in

How to return images in flask response?

You use something like

from flask import send_file

def get_image():
    if request.args.get('type') == '1':
       filename = 'ok.gif'
       filename = 'error.gif'
    return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/gif')

to send back ok.gif or error.gif, depending on the type query parameter. See the documentation for the send_file function and the request object for more information.

How do I correct this Illegal String Offset?

I get the same error in WP when I use php ver 7.1.6 - just take your php version back to 7.0.20 and the error will disappear.

DataTables: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined

The problem is that dataTable is not defined at the point you are calling this method.

Ensure that you are loading the .js files in the correct order:

<script src="/Scripts/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/dataTables.bootstrap.js"></script>

To check if string contains particular word

Solution-1: - If you want to search for a combination of characters or an independent word from a sentence.

String sentence = "In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful."
if (sentence.matches(".*Beneficent.*")) {return true;}
else{return false;}

Solution-2: - There is another possibility you want to search for an independent word from a sentence then Solution-1 will also return true if you searched a word exists in any other word. For example, If you will search cent from a sentence containing this word ** Beneficent** then Solution-1 will return true. For this remember to add space in your regular expression.

String sentence = "In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful."
if (sentence.matches(".* cent .*")) {return true;}
else{return false;}

Now in Solution-2 it wll return false because no independent cent word exist.

Additional: You can add or remove space on either side in 2nd solution according to your requirements.

How do I generate random numbers in Dart?

Not able to comment because I just created this account, but I wanted to make sure to point out that @eggrobot78's solution works, but it is exclusive in dart so it doesn't include the last number. If you change the last line to "r = min + rnd.nextInt(max - min + 1);", then it should include the last number as well.


max = 5;
min = 3;
Random rnd = new Random();
r = min + rnd.nextInt(max - min);
//max - min is 2
//nextInt is exclusive so nextInt will return 0 through 1
//3 is added so the line will give a number between 3 and 4
//if you add the "+ 1" then it will return a number between 3 and 5

Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?

To answer your question, yes. The other have answered that part, but it also seems like you're asking if that's the best way to do it.

It would probably depend on what you are doing. Typically you would have a user click what items they want to buy (ordering for example). Then they would hit a buy or checkout button. Then the form would send off to a page and process the result. You could do all of that with a cookie but I would find it to be more difficult.

You may want to consider posting your second question in another topic.

Uploading an Excel sheet and importing the data into SQL Server database

using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    //Upload and save the file

    string excelPath = Server.MapPath("~/Files/") + Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);


    string conString = string.Empty;

    string extension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);

    switch (extension)


        case ".xls": //Excel 97-03

            conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Excel03ConString"].ConnectionString;


        case ".xlsx": //Excel 07 or higher

            conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Excel07+ConString"].ConnectionString;



    conString = string.Format(conString, excelPath);

    using (OleDbConnection excel_con = new OleDbConnection(conString))



        string sheet1 = excel_con.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null).Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

        DataTable dtExcelData = new DataTable();

        //[OPTIONAL]: It is recommended as otherwise the data will be considered as String by default.

        dtExcelData.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[2] { new DataColumn("Id", typeof(int)),

            new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string)) });

        using (OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" + sheet1 + "]", excel_con))





        string consString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbcn"].ConnectionString;

        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(consString))


            using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(con))


                //Set the database table name

                sqlBulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "dbo.Table1";

                //[OPTIONAL]: Map the Excel columns with that of the database table

                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Sl", "Id");

                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Name", "Name");








Copy this in web config

<add name="Excel03ConString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES'"/>

<add name="Excel07+ConString" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES'"/>

you can also refer this link :

How to unmount, unrender or remove a component, from itself in a React/Redux/Typescript notification message

This isn't appropriate in all situations but you can conditionally return false inside the component itself if a certain criteria is or isn't met.

It doesn't unmount the component, but it removes all rendered content. This would only be bad, in my mind, if you have event listeners in the component that should be removed when the component is no longer needed.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            hideComponent: false

    closeThis = () => {
        this.setState(prevState => ({
            hideComponent: !prevState.hideComponent

    render() {
        if (this.state.hideComponent === true) {return false;}

        return (
            <div className={`content`} onClick={() => this.closeThis}>
                YOUR CODE HERE

When to use an interface instead of an abstract class and vice versa?

Consider using abstract classes if any of these statements apply to your situation:

  1. You want to share code among several closely related classes.
  2. You expect that classes that extend your abstract class have many common methods or fields or require access modifiers other than public (such as protected and private).
  3. You want to declare non-static or non-final fields. This enables you to define methods that can access and modify the state of the object to which they belong.

Consider using interfaces if any of these statements apply to your situation:

  1. You expect that unrelated classes would implement your interface. For example, the interfaces Comparable and Cloneable are implemented by many unrelated classes.
  2. You want to specify the behavior of a particular data type, but not concerned about who implements its behavior.
  3. You want to take advantage of multiple inheritances.


PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception'


throw new Exception('test exception');

I got 500 (but didn't see anything in the browser), until I put

php_flag display_errors on

in my .htaccess (just for a subfolder). There are also more detailed settings, see Enabling error display in php via htaccess only

Which is best data type for phone number in MySQL and what should Java type mapping for it be?

  1. String
  2. Varchar

This is my opinion for my database as recommended by my mentor

How to count the number of lines of a string in javascript

Hmm yeah... what you're doing is absolutely wrong. When you say str.split("\r\n|\r|\n") it will try to find the exact string "\r\n|\r|\n". That's where you're wrong. There's no such occurance in the whole string. What you really want is what David Hedlund suggested:

lines = str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
return lines.length;

The reason is that the split method doesn't convert strings into regular expressions in JavaScript. If you want to use a regexp, use a regexp.

how to convert `content://media/external/images/media/Y` to `file:///storage/sdcard0/Pictures/X.jpg` in android?

If you just want the bitmap, This too works

InputStream inputStream = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);
if( inputStream != null ) inputStream.close();

sample uri : content://media/external/images/media/12345

Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

If you're already in conflicted state, and do not want to checkout path one by one. You may try

git merge --abort
git pull -X theirs

What is the difference between properties and attributes in HTML?

The answers already explain how attributes and properties are handled differently, but I really would like to point out how totally insane this is. Even if it is to some extent the spec.

It is crazy, to have some of the attributes (e.g. id, class, foo, bar) to retain only one kind of value in the DOM, while some attributes (e.g. checked, selected) to retain two values; that is, the value "when it was loaded" and the value of the "dynamic state". (Isn't the DOM supposed to be to represent the state of the document to its full extent?)

It is absolutely essential, that two input fields, e.g. a text and a checkbox behave the very same way. If the text input field does not retain a separate "when it was loaded" value and the "current, dynamic" value, why does the checkbox? If the checkbox does have two values for the checked attribute, why does it not have two for its class and id attributes? If you expect to change the value of a text *input* field, and you expect the DOM (i.e. the "serialized representation") to change, and reflect this change, why on earth would you not expect the same from an input field of type checkbox on the checked attribute?

The differentiation, of "it is a boolean attribute" just does not make any sense to me, or is, at least not a sufficient reason for this.

How do I completely remove root password

Did you try passwd -d root? Most likely, this will do what you want.

You can also manually edit /etc/shadow: (Create a backup copy. Be sure that you can log even if you mess up, for example from a rescue system.) Search for "root". Typically, the root entry looks similar to


There, delete the second field (everything between the first and second colon):


Some systems will make you put an asterisk (*) in the password field instead of blank, where a blank field would allow no password (CentOS 8 for example)


Save the file, and try logging in as root. It should skip the password prompt. (Like passwd -d, this is a "no password" solution. If you are really looking for a "blank password", that is "ask for a password, but accept if the user just presses Enter", look at the manpage of mkpasswd, and use mkpasswd to create the second field for the /etc/shadow.)

What does the 'L' in front a string mean in C++?

It means it's an array of wide characters (wchar_t) instead of narrow characters (char).

It's a just a string of a different kind of character, not necessarily a Unicode string.

What is the difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning?

Supervised Learning: You give variously labelled example data as input, along with the correct answers. This algorithm will learn from it, and start predicting correct results based on the inputs thereafter. Example: Email Spam filter

Unsupervised Learning: You just give data and don't tell anything - like labels or correct answers. Algorithm automatically analyses patterns in the data. Example: Google News

Check whether a string matches a regex in JS

please try this flower:

/^[a-z0-9\_\.\-]{2,20}\@[a-z0-9\_\-]{2,20}\.[a-z]{2,9}$/.test('[email protected]');


Call to undefined function mysql_query() with Login

You are mixing the deprecated mysql extension with mysqli.

Try something like:

$sql = mysqli_query($success, "SELECT * FROM login WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."' and password = '".md5($_POST['password'])."'");
$row = mysqli_num_rows($sql);

How to listen to route changes in react router v4?

To expand on the above, you will need to get at the history object. If you are using BrowserRouter, you can import withRouter and wrap your component with a higher-order component (HoC) in order to have access via props to the history object's properties and functions.

import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

const myComponent = ({ history }) => {

    history.listen((location, action) => {
        // location is an object like window.location
        console.log(action, location.pathname, location.state)

    return <div>...</div>;

export default withRouter(myComponent);

The only thing to be aware of is that withRouter and most other ways to access the history seem to pollute the props as they de-structure the object into it.

Switch statement equivalent in Windows batch file

It might be a bit late, but this does it:

set "case1=operation1"
set "case2=operation2"
set "case3=operation3"

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

%switch% gets replaced before line execution. Serious downsides:

  • You override the case variables
  • It needs DelayedExpansion

Might eventually be usefull in some cases.

Dependency Injection vs Factory Pattern


There are two important points to consider:

  1. Who creates objects

    • [Factory]: You have to write HOW object should be created. You have separate Factory class which contains creation logic.
    • [Dependency Injection]: In practical cases are done by external frameworks (for example in Java that would be spring/ejb/guice). Injection happens "magically" without explicite creation of new objects
  2. What kind of objects it manages:

    • [Factory]: Usually responsible for creation of stateful objects
    • [Dependency Injections] More likely to create stateless objects

Practical example how to use both factory and dependency injection in single project

  1. What we want to build

Application module for creating order which contains multiple entries called orderline.

  1. Architecture

Let's assume we want to create following layer architecture:

enter image description here

Domain objects may be objects stored inside database. Repository (DAO) helps with retrievar of objects from database. Service provides API to other modules. Alows for operations on order module

  1. Domain Layer and usage of factories

Entities which will be in the database are Order and OrderLine. Order can have multiple OrderLines. Relationship between Order and OrderLine

Now comes important design part. Should modules outside this one create and manage OrderLines on their own? No. Order Line should exist only when you have Order associated with it. It would be best if you could hide internal implementaiton to outside classes.

But how to create Order without knowledge about OrderLines?


Someone who wants to create new order used OrderFactory (which will hide details about the fact how we create Order).

enter image description here

Thats how it will look inside IDE. Classes outside domain package will use OrderFactory instead of constructor inside Order

  1. Dependency Injection Dependency injection is more commonly used with stateless layers such as repository and service.

OrderRepository and OrderService are managed by dependency injection framework. Repository is responsible for managing CRUD operations on database. Service injects Repository and uses it to save/find correct domain classes.

enter image description here

IndexError: tuple index out of range ----- Python

A tuple consists of a number of values separated by commas. like

>>> t = 12345, 54321, 'hello!'
>>> t[0]

tuple are index based (and also immutable) in Python.

Here in this case x = rows[1][1] + " " + rows[1][2] have only two index 0, 1 available but you are trying to access the 3rd index.

Use string value from a cell to access worksheet of same name

not sure if you solved your question, but I found this worked to increment the row number upon dragging.

= INDIRECT("'"&$A$5&"'!$G"&7+B1)

Where B1 refers to an index number, starting at 0.

So if you copy-drag both the index cell and the cell with the indirect formula, you'll increment the indirect. You could probably create a more elegant counter with the Index function too.

Hope this helps.

What is the difference between static_cast<> and C style casting?

C++ style casts are checked by the compiler. C style casts aren't and can fail at runtime.

Also, c++ style casts can be searched for easily, whereas it's really hard to search for c style casts.

Another big benefit is that the 4 different C++ style casts express the intent of the programmer more clearly.

When writing C++ I'd pretty much always use the C++ ones over the the C style.

Creating a JSON response using Django and Python

New in django 1.7

you could use JsonResponse objects.

from the docs:

from django.http import JsonResponse
return JsonResponse({'foo':'bar'})

printing all contents of array in C#

If you do not want to use the Array function.

public class GArray
    int[] mainArray;
    int index;
    int i = 0;

    public GArray()
        index = 0;
        mainArray = new int[4];
    public void add(int addValue)

        if (index == mainArray.Length)
            int newSize = index * 2;
            int[] temp = new int[newSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < mainArray.Length; i++)
                temp[i] = mainArray[i];
            mainArray = temp;
        mainArray[index] = addValue;

    public void print()
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        GArray myArray = new GArray();

Real escape string and PDO

You should use PDO Prepare

From the link:

Calling PDO::prepare() and PDOStatement::execute() for statements that will be issued multiple times with different parameter values optimizes the performance of your application by allowing the driver to negotiate client and/or server side caching of the query plan and meta information, and helps to prevent SQL injection attacks by eliminating the need to manually quote the parameters.

Put current changes in a new Git branch

You can simply check out a new branch, and then commit:

git checkout -b my_new_branch
git commit

Checking out the new branch will not discard your changes.

Counting repeated elements in an integer array

private static void getRepeatedNumbers() {

    int [] numArray = {2,5,3,8,1,2,8,3,3,1,5,7,8,12,134};
    Set<Integer> nums = new HashSet<Integer>();
    for (int i =0; i<numArray.length; i++) {
            int count =1;
            for (int j = i+1; j < numArray.length; j++) {
                if(numArray[i] == numArray[j]) {
            System.out.println("The "+numArray[i]+ " is repeated "+count+" times.");

How to get the first item from an associative PHP array?

I do this to get the first and last value. This works with more values too.

$a = array(
    'foo' => 400,
    'bar' => 'xyz',
$first = current($a);   //400
$last = end($a);    //xyz

How to iterate over associative arrays in Bash

You can access the keys with ${!array[@]}:

bash-4.0$ echo "${!array[@]}"
foo bar

Then, iterating over the key/value pairs is easy:

for i in "${!array[@]}"
  echo "key :" $i
  echo "value:" ${array[$i]}

What is the best way to dump entire objects to a log in C#?

ServiceStack.Text has a T.Dump() extension method that does exactly this, recursively dumps all properties of any type in a nice readable format.

Example usage:

var model = new TestModel();

and output:

    Int: 1,
    String: One,
    DateTime: 2010-04-11,
    Guid: c050437f6fcd46be9b2d0806a0860b3e,
    EmptyIntList: [],
        a: 1,
        b: 2,
        c: 3

Is there a way to delete created variables, functions, etc from the memory of the interpreter?

If you are in an interactive environment like Jupyter or ipython you might be interested in clearing unwanted var's if they are getting heavy.

The magic-commands reset and reset_selective is vailable on interactive python sessions like ipython and Jupyter

1) reset

reset Resets the namespace by removing all names defined by the user, if called without arguments.

in and the out parameters specify whether you want to flush the in/out caches. The directory history is flushed with the dhist parameter.

reset in out

Another interesting one is array that only removes numpy Arrays:

reset array

2) reset_selective

Resets the namespace by removing names defined by the user. Input/Output history are left around in case you need them.

Clean Array Example:

In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: littleArray = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
In [3]: who_ls
Out[3]: ['littleArray', 'np']
In [4]: reset_selective -f littleArray
In [5]: who_ls
Out[5]: ['np']


showing that a date is greater than current date

For SQL Server

select *
from YourTable
where DateCol between getdate() and dateadd(d, 90, getdate())

Insert at first position of a list in Python

From the documentation:

list.insert(i, x)
Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of the list, and a.insert(len(a),x) is equivalent to a.append(x)

How to pass the button value into my onclick event function?

You can get value by using id for that element in onclick function

function dosomething(){
     var buttonValue = document.getElementById('buttonId').value;

How can Print Preview be called from Javascript?

You can't, Print Preview is a feature of a browser, and therefore should be protected from being called by JavaScript as it would be a security risk.

That's why your example uses Active X, which bypasses the JavaScript security issues.

So instead use the print stylesheet that you already should have and show it for media=screen,print instead of media=print.

Read Alist Apart: Going to Print for a good article on the subject of print stylesheets.

Autocompletion in Vim

There’s also clang_complete which uses the clang compiler to provide code completion for C++ projects. There’s another question with troubleshooting hints for this plugin.

The plugin seems to work fairly well as long as the project compiles, but is prohibitively slow for large projects (since it attempts a full compilation to generate the tags list).

How can I remove the top and right axis in matplotlib?

Alternatively, this

def simpleaxis(ax):

seems to achieve the same effect on an axis without losing rotated label support.

(Matplotlib 1.0.1; solution inspired by this).

How to remove specific value from array using jQuery

Not a jQuery way but... Why don't use simpler way. Remove 'c' from following array

var a = ['a','b','c','d']
["a", "b", "d"]

You can also use: (Note to myself: Don’t modify objects you don’t own)

Array.prototype.remove = function(v) { this.splice(this.indexOf(v) == -1 ? this.length : this.indexOf(v), 1); }
var a = ['a','b','c'];
a.remove('c'); //value of "a" is now ['a','b']

Adding is simplera.push('c')

UILabel with text of two different colors

By using below code you can set multiple colors based on word.

NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"1 ball",@"2 ball",@"3 ball",@"4 ball", nil];    
NSMutableAttributedString *attStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init];
for (NSString * str in array)
    NSMutableAttributedString * textstr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ ,",str] attributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName :[self getRandomColor]}];
     [attStr appendAttributedString:textstr];
UILabel *lab = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 300, 300, 30)];
lab.attributedText = attStr;
[self.view addSubview:lab];

-(UIColor *) getRandomColor
   CGFloat redcolor = arc4random() % 255 / 255.0;
   CGFloat greencolor = arc4random() % 255 / 255.0;
   CGFloat bluencolor = arc4random() % 255 / 255.0;
   return  [UIColor colorWithRed:redcolor green:greencolor blue:bluencolor alpha:1.0];

Change Name of Import in Java, or import two classes with the same name

Java doesn't allow you to do that. You'll need to refer to one of the classes by its fully qualified name and only import the other one.

What is the difference between String and StringBuffer in Java?

The differences are

  1. Only in String class + operator is overloaded. We can concat two String object using + operator, but in the case of StringBuffer we can't.
  2. String class is overriding toString(), equals(), hashCode() of Object class, but StringBuffer only overrides toString().

    String s1 = new String("abc");
    String s2 = new String("abc");
    System.out.println(s1.equals(s2));  // output true
    StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("abc");
    StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer("abc");
    System.out.println(sb1.equals(sb2));  // output false
  3. String class is both Serializable as well as Comparable, but StringBuffer is only Serializable.

    Set<StringBuffer> set = new TreeSet<StringBuffer>();
    System.out.println(set);  // gives ClassCastException because there is no Comparison mechanism
  4. We can create a String object with and without new operator, but StringBuffer object can only be created using new operator.

  5. String is immutable but StringBuffer is mutable.
  6. StringBuffer is synchronized, whereas String ain't.
  7. StringBuffer is having an in-built reverse() method, but String dosen't have it.

"A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods"

The snippet you're showing doesn't seem to be directly responsible for the error.

This is how you can CAUSE the error:

namespace MyNameSpace

   class MyClass

If you don't immediately see what is "outside" the class, this may be due to misplaced or extra closing bracket(s) }.

Read response headers from API response - Angular 5 + TypeScript

Try this simple code.

1. Components side code: to get both body and header property. Here there's a token in body and Authorization in the header.

loginUser() {
    subscribe(res => {
        let output1 = res;

2. Service side code: sending login data in the body and observe the response in Observable any which be subscribed in the component side.

loginTest(loginCred: LoginParams): Observable<any> {
    const header1= {'Content-Type':'application/json',};
    const body =  JSON.stringify(loginCred);
        headers: header1,
        observe: 'response',
        responseType: 'json'

Pentaho Data Integration SQL connection

You need to download mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.tar.gz, not the latest version. The Driver class that Pentaho uses is not included in mysql-connector-java-8.xx.yy versions.

adding a datatable in a dataset

I assume that you haven't set the TableName property of the DataTable, for example via constructor:

var tbl = new DataTable("dtImage");

If you don't provide a name, it will be automatically created with "Table1", the next table will get "Table2" and so on.

Then the solution would be to provide the TableName and then check with Contains(nameOfTable).

To clarify it: You'll get an ArgumentException if that DataTable already belongs to the DataSet (the same reference). You'll get a DuplicateNameException if there's already a DataTable in the DataSet with the same name(not case-sensitive).

What’s the difference between “{}” and “[]” while declaring a JavaScript array?

It can be understood like this:

var a= []; //creates a new empty array
var a= {}; //creates a new empty object

You can also understand that

var a = {}; is equivalent to var a= new Object();


You can use Arrays when you are bothered about the order of elements(of same type) in your collection else you can use objects. In objects the order is not guaranteed.

How can I make a HTML a href hyperlink open a new window?

<a href="#" onClick="'', '_blank')">test</a>

Easy as that.

Or without JS

<a href="" target="_blank">test</a>

This certificate has an invalid issuer Apple Push Services

You need to search the World from the top right search bar and delete the expired certificate. Make sure you selected Login and All items.

Enter image description here

Using IQueryable with Linq

In essence its job is very similar to IEnumerable<T> - to represent a queryable data source - the difference being that the various LINQ methods (on Queryable) can be more specific, to build the query using Expression trees rather than delegates (which is what Enumerable uses).

The expression trees can be inspected by your chosen LINQ provider and turned into an actual query - although that is a black art in itself.

This is really down to the ElementType, Expression and Provider - but in reality you rarely need to care about this as a user. Only a LINQ implementer needs to know the gory details.

Re comments; I'm not quite sure what you want by way of example, but consider LINQ-to-SQL; the central object here is a DataContext, which represents our database-wrapper. This typically has a property per table (for example, Customers), and a table implements IQueryable<Customer>. But we don't use that much directly; consider:

using(var ctx = new MyDataContext()) {
    var qry = from cust in ctx.Customers
              where cust.Region == "North"
              select new { cust.Id, cust.Name };
    foreach(var row in qry) {
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", row.Id, row.Name);

this becomes (by the C# compiler):

var qry = ctx.Customers.Where(cust => cust.Region == "North")
                .Select(cust => new { cust.Id, cust.Name });

which is again interpreted (by the C# compiler) as:

var qry = Queryable.Select(
                  cust => cust.Region == "North"),
              cust => new { cust.Id, cust.Name });

Importantly, the static methods on Queryable take expression trees, which - rather than regular IL, get compiled to an object model. For example - just looking at the "Where", this gives us something comparable to:

var cust = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Customer), "cust");
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Customer,bool>>(
                      Expression.Property(cust, "Region"),
                  ), cust);

... Queryable.Where(ctx.Customers, lambda) ...

Didn't the compiler do a lot for us? This object model can be torn apart, inspected for what it means, and put back together again by the TSQL generator - giving something like:

 SELECT c.Id, c.Name
 FROM [dbo].[Customer] c
 WHERE c.Region = 'North'

(the string might end up as a parameter; I can't remember)

None of this would be possible if we had just used a delegate. And this is the point of Queryable / IQueryable<T>: it provides the entry-point for using expression trees.

All this is very complex, so it is a good job that the compiler makes it nice and easy for us.

For more information, look at "C# in Depth" or "LINQ in Action", both of which provide coverage of these topics.

Checking for Undefined In React

What you can do is check whether you props is defined initially or not by checking if is undefined or not since your body is nested inside it like

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {

    if( !== undefined && !== undefined) {
       console.log("new title is",;
       console.log("new body content is",["body"]);

You need not use type to check for undefined, just the strict operator !== which compares the value by their type as well as value

In order to check for undefined, you can also use the typeof operator like

typeof != "undefined"

Redirect form to different URL based on select option element

Just use a onchnage Event for select box.

<select id="selectbox" name="" onchange="javascript:location.href = this.value;">
    <option value="" selected>Option1</option>
    <option value="">Option2</option>
    <option value="">Option3</option>


And if selected option to be loaded at the page load then add some javascript code

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function(){

for jQuery: Remove the onchange event from <select> tag

jQuery(function () {
    // remove the below comment in case you need chnage on document ready
    // location.href=jQuery("#selectbox").val(); 
    jQuery("#selectbox").change(function () {
        location.href = jQuery(this).val();

Drop-down box dependent on the option selected in another drop-down box

    function dropdownlist(listindex)
         document.getElementById("ddlCity").options.length = 0;
         switch (listindex) 
             case "Karnataka":
                     document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[0] = new Option("--select--", "");
                     document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[1] = new Option("Dharawad", "Dharawad");
                     document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[2] = new Option("Haveri", "Haveri");
                     document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[3] = new Option("Belgum", "Belgum");
                     document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[4] = new Option("Bijapur", "Bijapur");


             case "Tamilnadu":
                 document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[0] = new Option("--select--", "");
                 document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[1] = new Option("dgdf", "dgdf");
                 document.getElementById("ddlCity").options[2] = new Option("gffd", "gffd");



* State: --Select-- Karnataka Tamilnadu Andra pradesh Telngana


            <label id="lblCt">
            <span class="red">*</span>
            <select id="ddlCity">
               <!-- <option>--Select--</option>
                <option value="1">Dharawad</option>
                <option value="2">Belgum</option>
                <option value="3">Bagalkot</option>
                <option value="4">Haveri</option>
                <option>Vijat vada</option>-->
            <label id="lblCity"></label>

Check existence of directory and create if doesn't exist

To find out if a path is a valid directory try:[1,"isdir"] does not care about a slash on the end.

file.exists on Windows will fail for a directory if it ends in a slash, and succeeds without it. So this cannot be used to determine if a path is a directory.


[1] TRUE["isdir"]

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?

Hope this code may help you out. Easy and simple solution

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->encoding = 'utf-8';
$dom->xmlVersion = '1.0';
$dom->formatOutput = true;
$xml_file_name = './movies_list.xml'; //You can give your path to save file.
$root = $dom->createElement('Movies');
    $movie_node = $dom->createElement('movie');
    $attr_movie_id = new DOMAttr('movie_id', '5467');
        $child_node_title = $dom->createElement('Title', 'The Campaign');
        $child_node_year = $dom->createElement('Year', 2012);
        $child_node_genre = $dom->createElement('Genre', 'The Campaign');
        $child_node_ratings = $dom->createElement('Ratings', 6.2);

For more information visit this to get information in details:

Why does my Eclipse keep not responding?

Try this, it worked for me!

If you happen to have Eclipse not responding anymore sometimes, the reason could be that you sit on a 64bit machine where eclipse needs more memory. Be sure to have (at least) the following configurations in your eclipse.ini (I even use bigger values for the PermSizes):


Default parameters with C++ constructors

One thing bothering me with default parameters is that you can't specify the last parameters but use the default values for the first ones. For example, in your code, you can't create a Foo with no name but a given age (however, if I remember correctly, this will be possible in C++0x, with the unified constructing syntax). Sometimes, this makes sense, but it can also be really awkward.

In my opinion, there is no rule of thumb. Personnaly, I tend to use multiple overloaded constructors (or methods), except if only the last argument needs a default value.

How do I target only Internet Explorer 10 for certain situations like Internet Explorer-specific CSS or Internet Explorer-specific JavaScript code?

This answer got me 90% of the way there. I found the rest of my answer on the Microsoft site here.

The code below is what I'm using to target all ie by adding a .ie class to <html>

Use jQuery (which deprecated .browser in favor of user agents in 1.9+, see to add an .ie class:

// ie identifier
$(document).ready(function () {
  if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {

How to open a new form from another form

For example, you have a Button named as Button1. First click on it it will open the EventHandler of that Button2 to call another Form you should write the following code to your Button.

your name example=form2.

form2 obj=new form2();;

To close form1, write the following code:

form1.visible=false; or form1.Hide();

Base64 Encoding Image

Check the following example:

// First get your image
$imgPath = 'path-to-your-picture/image.jpg';
$img = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imgPath));
echo '<img width="100" height="100" src="data:image/jpg;base64,'. $img .'" />'

What is SuppressWarnings ("unchecked") in Java?

It could also mean that the current Java type system version isn't good enough for your case. There were several JSR propositions / hacks to fix this: Type tokens, Super Type Tokens, Class.cast().

If you really need this supression, narrow it down as much as possible (e.g. don't put it onto the class itself or onto a long method). An example:

public List<String> getALegacyListReversed() {
   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> list =

   return list;

Remote origin already exists on 'git push' to a new repository

You are getting this error because "origin" is not available. "origin" is a convention not part of the command. "origin" is the local name of the remote repository.

For example you could also write:

git remote add myorigin [email protected]:myname/oldrep.git  
git remote add testtest [email protected]:myname/oldrep.git

See the manual:

To remove a remote repository you enter:

git remote rm origin

Again "origin" is the name of the remote repository if you want to remove the "upstream" remote:

git remote rm upstream

Generate class from database table

Yea these are great if your using a simple ORM like Dapper.

If your using .Net you can generate an XSD file at run time with any DataSet using the WriteXmlSchema method.

Like this:

using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(mConnStr)) {
DataSet Data = new DataSet();
string sql = "SELECT * FROM Person";

using (SqlDataAdapter Da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, cnn))
    Da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Person");
catch (Exception ex)
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }

From there you can use xsd.exe to create a class that's XML serializable from the Developer Command Prompt.

like this:

xsd C:\Person.xsd /classes /language:CS

The most sophisticated way for creating comma-separated Strings from a Collection/Array/List?

There is an easy way. You can get your result in a single line.

String memberIdsModifiedForQuery = memberIds.toString().replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")");

To get complete idea check the code below

 public static void main(String[] args) {       
        List<Integer>memberIds=new ArrayList<Integer>();  //This contain member ids we want to process
        //adding some sample values for example
        String memberIdsModifiedForQuery = memberIds.toString().replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")"); //here you will get (3,4,5) That you can directly use in query
        String exampleQuery="select * from customer where in "+memberIdsModifiedForQuery+" ";

CSS float right not working correctly

you need to wrap your text inside div and float it left while wrapper div should have height, and I've also added line height for vertical alignment

<div style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: gray;height:30px;">
   <div style="float:left;line-height:30px;">Contact Details</div>

    <button type="button" class="edit_button" style="float: right;">My Button</button>


also js fiddle here =)

jQuery each loop in table row

Use immediate children selector >:

$('#tblOne > tbody  > tr')

Description: Selects all direct child elements specified by "child" of elements specified by "parent".

Turning off some legends in a ggplot

You can simply add show.legend=FALSE to geom to suppress the corresponding legend

Sorting table rows according to table header column using javascript or jquery

I found @naota's solution useful, and extended it to use dates as well

//taken from StackOverflow:
function isDate(val) {
    var d = new Date(val);
    return !isNaN(d.valueOf());

var getVal = function(elm, n){
  var v = $(elm).children('td').eq(n).text().toUpperCase();
    v = parseFloat(v,10);
    return v;
  if (isDate(v)) {
    v = new Date(v);
    return v;
  return v;

How to determine whether a year is a leap year?

Your function doesn't return anything, so that's why when you use it with the print statement you get None. So either just call your function like this:


or modify your function to return a value (by using the return statement), which then would be printed by your print statement.

Note: This does not address any possible problems you have with your leap year computation, but ANSWERS YOUR SPECIFIC QUESTION as to why you are getting None as a result of your function call in conjunction with your print.


Some short examples regarding the above:

def add2(n1, n2):
    print 'the result is:', n1 + n2  # prints but uses no *return* statement

def add2_New(n1, n2):
    return n1 + n2    # returns the result to caller

Now when I call them:

print add2(10, 5)

this gives:

the result is: 15

The first line comes form the print statement inside of add2(). The None from the print statement when I call the function add2() which does not have a return statement, causing the None to be printed. Incidentally, if I had just called the add2() function simply with (note, no print statement):


I would have just gotten the output of the print statement the result is: 15 without the None (which looks like what you are trying to do).

Compare this with:

print add2_New(10, 5)

which gives:


In this case the result is computed in the function add2_New() and no print statement, and returned to the caller who then prints it in turn.

Android AudioRecord example

Here is an end to end solution I implemented for streaming Android microphone audio to a server for playback: Android AudioRecord to Server over UDP Playback Issues

Can't escape the backslash with regex?

If you're putting this in a string within a program, you may actually need to use four backslashes (because the string parser will remove two of them when "de-escaping" it for the string, and then the regex needs two for an escaped regex backslash).

For instance:


is interpreted as...

regex("\\" [escaped backslash] followed by "\\" [escaped backslash])

is interpreted as...


is interpreted as a regex that matches a single backslash.

Depending on the language, you might be able to use a different form of quoting that doesn't parse escape sequences to avoid having to use as many - for instance, in Python:


The r in front of the quotes makes it a raw string which doesn't parse backslash escapes.

Programmatically change the height and width of a UIImageView Xcode Swift

u can use this code

var imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(name:"imageName"));
imageView.frame = CGrectMake(x,y imageView.frame.width*0.2,50);


var imageView = UIImageView(frame:CGrectMake(x,y, self.view.frame.size.width *0.2, 50)

How can I show a combobox in Android?

The questions is perfectly valid and clear since Spinner and ComboBox (read it: Spinner where you can provide a custom value as well) are two different things.

I was looking for the same thing myself and I wasn't satisfied with the given answers. So I created my own thing. Perhaps some will find the following hints useful. I am not providing the full source code as I am using some legacy calls in my own project. It should be pretty clear anyway.

Here is the screenshot of the final thing:

ComboBox on Android

The first thing was to create a view that will look the same as the spinner that hasn't been expanded yet. In the screenshot, on the top of the screen (out of focus) you can see the spinner and the custom view right bellow it. For that purpose I used LinearLayout (actually, I inherited from Linear Layout) with style="?android:attr/spinnerStyle". LinearLayout contains TextView with style="?android:attr/spinnerItemStyle". Complete XML snippet would be:




As, I mentioned earlier ComboBox inherits from LinearLayout. It also implements OnClickListener which creates a dialog with a custom view inflated from the XML file. Here is the inflated view:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
            android:hint="Enter custom value ..." >

            <requestFocus />




There are two more listeners that you need to implement: onItemClick for the list and onClick for the button. Both of these set the selected value and dismiss the dialog.

For the list, you want it to look the same as expanded Spinner, you can do that providing the list adapter with the appropriate (Spinner) style like this:

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = 
    new ArrayAdapter<String>(

More or less, that should be it.

Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536

Try adding below code in build.gradle, it worked for me -

compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion '23.0.1'
defaultConfig {
    multiDexEnabled true

How to remove responsive features in Twitter Bootstrap 3?

Source from:

  1. Omit the viewport <meta> mentioned in the CSS docs
  2. Override the width on the .container for each grid tier with a single width, for example width: 970px !important; Be sure that this comes after the default Bootstrap CSS. You can optionally avoid the !important with media queries or some selector-fu.
  3. If using navbars, remove all navbar collapsing and expanding behavior.
  4. For grid layouts, use .col-xs-* classes in addition to, or in place of, the medium/large ones. Don't worry, the extra-small device grid scales to all resolutions.

How to configure slf4j-simple

I noticed that Eemuli said that you can't change the log level after they are created - and while that might be the design, it isn't entirely true.

I ran into a situation where I was using a library that logged to slf4j - and I was using the library while writing a maven mojo plugin.

Maven uses a (hacked) version of the slf4j SimpleLogger, and I was unable to get my plugin code to reroute its logging to something like log4j, which I could control.

And I can't change the maven logging config.

So, to quiet down some noisy info messages, I found I could use reflection like this, to futz with the SimpleLogger at runtime.

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger;
        Logger l = LoggerFactory.getLogger("full.classname.of.noisy.logger");  //This is actually a MavenSimpleLogger, but due to various classloader issues, can't work with the directly.
        Field f = l.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("currentLogLevel");
        f.set(l, LocationAwareLogger.WARN_INT);
    catch (Exception e)
        getLog().warn("Failed to reset the log level of " + loggerName + ", it will continue being noisy.", e);

Of course, note, this isn't a very stable / reliable solution... as it will break the next time the maven folks change their logger.

How to import existing *.sql files in PostgreSQL 8.4?

Well, the shortest way I know of, is following:

psql -U {user_name} -d {database_name} -f {file_path} -h {host_name}

database_name: Which database should you insert your file data in.

file_path: Absolute path to the file through which you want to perform the importing.

host_name: The name of the host. For development purposes, it is mostly localhost.

Upon entering this command in console, you will be prompted to enter your password.

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: Yes) after password reset LINUX

I meet the same problem, @progrAmmar enlightened me, "took a closer look at the user table in mysql database".

My problem is not ssl_type, instead of the first field:Host. I changed the value by using

update user set Host='localhost' where User='root' and Host='%';

in mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables model.

Then it works well.

Having Django serve downloadable files

I did a project on this. You can look at my github repo:

This module provides a simple way to serve files for download in django rest framework using Apache module Xsendfile. It also has an additional feature of serving downloads only to users belonging to a particular group

comparing strings in vb

In you can actually compare strings with =. Even though String is a reference type, in = on String has been redefined to do a case-sensitive comparison of contents of the two strings.

You can test this with the following code. Note that I have taken one of the values from user input to ensure that the compiler cannot use the same reference for the two variables like the Java compiler would if variables were defined from the same string Literal. Run the program, type "This" and press <Enter>.

Sub Main()
    Dim a As String = New String("This")
    Dim b As String

    b = Console.ReadLine()

    If a = b Then
        Console.WriteLine("They are equal")
        Console.WriteLine("Not equal")
    End If
End Sub

get specific row from spark dataframe

There is a scala way (if you have a enough memory on working machine):

val arr ="column").rdd.collect

If dataframe schema is unknown, and you know actual type of "column" field (for example double), than you can get arr as following:

val arr =$"column".cast("Double")).as[Double].rdd.collect

How to append a date in batch files

This will work for the non-US date format (dd/MM/yyyy):

set backupFilename=%DATE:~6,4%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~0,2%
7z a *.backup

How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

Things have changed a lot in the last 7 years, we have native web components in most browsers now. IMO the core of the problem is sharing state between elements, once you have that its trivial to update the ui when state changes and vice versa.

To share data between elements you can create a StateObserver class, and extend your web components from that. A minimal implementation looks something like this:

// create a base class to handle state_x000D_
class StateObserver extends HTMLElement {_x000D_
 constructor () {_x000D_
 stateUpdate (update) {_x000D_
   StateObserver.lastState = StateObserver.state_x000D_
    StateObserver.state = update_x000D_
    StateObserver.instances.forEach((i) => {_x000D_
     if (!i.onStateUpdate) return_x000D_
     i.onStateUpdate(update, StateObserver.lastState)_x000D_
StateObserver.instances = []_x000D_
StateObserver.state = {}_x000D_
StateObserver.lastState = {}_x000D_
// create a web component which will react to state changes_x000D_
class CustomReactive extends StateObserver {_x000D_
 onStateUpdate (state, lastState) {_x000D_
   if (state.someProp === lastState.someProp) return_x000D_
    this.innerHTML = `input is: ${state.someProp}`_x000D_
customElements.define('custom-reactive', CustomReactive)_x000D_
class CustomObserved extends StateObserver {_x000D_
 connectedCallback () {_x000D_
   this.querySelector('input').addEventListener('input', (e) => {_x000D_
     this.stateUpdate({ someProp: })_x000D_
customElements.define('custom-observed', CustomObserved)
<br />_x000D_

fiddle here

I like this approach because:

  • no dom traversal to find data- properties
  • no Object.observe (deprecated)
  • no Proxy (which provides a hook but no communication mechanism anyway)
  • no dependencies, (other than a polyfill depending on your target browsers)
  • it's reasonably centralised & modular... describing state in html, and having listeners everywhere would get messy very quickly.
  • it's extensible. This basic implementation is 20 lines of code, but you could easily build up some convenience, immutability, and state shape magic to make it easier to work with.

Check if an apt-get package is installed and then install it if it's not on Linux

This explicitly prints 0 if installed else 1 using only awk:

dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' 'PKG' 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 0;exit}{print 1}'

or if you prefer the other way around where 1 means installed and 0 otherwise:

dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' 'PKG' 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 1;exit}{print 0}'

** replace PKG with your package name

Convenience function:

installed() {
    return $(dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' "${1}" 2>&1|awk '/ok installed/{print 0;exit}{print 1}')

# usage:
installed gcc && echo Yes || echo No


if installed gcc; then
    echo yes
    echo no

Set new id with jQuery

Did you try


instead of

$(this).attr('value', 'test');

val() is generally easier, since the attribute you need to change may be different on different DOM elements.

Read data from a text file using Java

You should not use available(). It gives no guarantees what so ever. From the API docs of available():

Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream.

You would probably want to use something like

try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("infilename"));
    String str;
    while ((str = in.readLine()) != null)
} catch (IOException e) {

(taken from

Pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed

You get this error when declaring a forward reference inside the wrong namespace thus declaring a new type without defining it. For example:

namespace X
  namespace Y
    class A;

    void func(A* a) { ... } // incomplete type here!

...but, in class A was defined like this:

namespace X
  class A { ... };

Thus, A was defined as X::A, but I was using it as X::Y::A.

The fix obviously is to move the forward reference to its proper place like so:

namespace X
  class A;
  namespace Y
    void func(X::A* a) { ... } // Now accurately referencing the class`enter code here`

Convert from MySQL datetime to another format with PHP

The approach I suggest works like the following. First, you create a basic datetime object from a mysql-formatted string; and then you format it the way you like. Luckily, mysql datetime is ISO8601-compliant, so the code itself could look quite simple and elegant. Keep in mind though that datetime column doesn't have a timezone information, so you need to convert it appropriately.

Here's the code:

(new ISO8601Formatted(
    new FromISO8601('2038-01-19 11:14:07'),
    'm/d/Y h:iA'

It outputs 01/19/2038 11:14AM -- hopefully what you expect.

This example uses meringue library. You can check out some more of it if you fancy.

Setting environment variable in react-native?

Instead of hard-coding your app constants and doing a switch on the environment (I'll explain how to do that in a moment), I suggest using the twelve factor suggestion of having your build process define your BASE_URL and your API_KEY.

To answer how to expose your environment to react-native, I suggest using Babel's babel-plugin-transform-inline-environment-variables.

To get this working you need to download the plugin and then you will need to setup a .babelrc and it should look something like this:

  "presets": ["react-native"],
  "plugins": [

And so if you transpile your react-native code by running API_KEY=my-app-id react-native bundle (or start, run-ios, or run-android) then all you have to do is have your code look like this:

const apiKey = process.env['API_KEY'];

And then Babel will replace that with:

const apiKey = 'my-app-id';

Hope this helps!

Hibernate: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role, no session or session was closed

I've had this issue especially when entities are mashalled by Jaxb + Jax-rs. I've used the pre-fetch strategy, but I have also found it effective to provide two entities:

  1. Full-blown entity with all collections mapped as EAGER
  2. Simplified entity with most or all collections trimmed out

Common fields and be mapped in @MappedSuperclass and extended by both entity implementations.

Certainly if you always need the collections loaded, then there is no reason to not to EAGER load them. In my case I wanted a stripped down version of the entity to display in a grid.

How do I get an animated gif to work in WPF?

Its very simple if you use <MediaElement>:

<MediaElement  Height="113" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,12,0,0" 
Name="mediaElement1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="198" Source="C:\Users\abc.gif"
LoadedBehavior="Play" Stretch="Fill" SpeedRatio="1" IsMuted="False" />

Get JSON data from external URL and display it in a div as plain text

Since it's an external resource you'd need to go with JSONP because of the Same origin policy.
To do that you need to add the querystring parameter callback:

$.getJSON("http://myjsonsource?callback=?", function(data) {
    // Get the element with id summary and set the inner text to the result.

How can I remove a commit on GitHub?

You'll need to clear out your cache to have it completely wiped. this help page from git will help you out. (it helped me)

How to trigger the window resize event in JavaScript?

Where possible, I prefer to call the function rather than dispatch an event. This works well if you have control over the code you want to run, but see below for cases where you don't own the code.

window.onresize = doALoadOfStuff;

function doALoadOfStuff() {
    //do a load of stuff

In this example, you can call the doALoadOfStuff function without dispatching an event.

In your modern browsers, you can trigger the event using:

window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

This doesn't work in Internet Explorer, where you'll have to do the longhand:

var resizeEvent = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); 
resizeEvent.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); 

jQuery has the trigger method, which works like this:


And has the caveat:

Although .trigger() simulates an event activation, complete with a synthesized event object, it does not perfectly replicate a naturally-occurring event.

You can also simulate events on a specific element...

function simulateClick(id) {
  var event = new MouseEvent('click', {
    'view': window,
    'bubbles': true,
    'cancelable': true

  var elem = document.getElementById(id); 

  return elem.dispatchEvent(event);

MySQL/SQL: Group by date only on a Datetime column

SELECT SUM(No), HOUR(dateofissue) 
FROM tablename 
WHERE dateofissue>='2011-07-30' 
GROUP BY HOUR(dateofissue)

It will give the hour by sum from a particular day!

Pass Hidden parameters using response.sendRedirect()

Using session, I successfully passed a parameter (name) from servlet #1 to servlet #2, using response.sendRedirect in servlet #1. Servlet #1 code:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    request.getSession().setAttribute("name", name);

In Servlet #2, you don't need to get name back. It's already connected to the session. You could do String name = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("name"); ---but you don't need this.

If Servlet #2 calls a JSP, you can show name this way on the JSP webpage:

<h1>Welcome ${name}</h1>

Simple 3x3 matrix inverse code (C++)

Here's a version of batty's answer, but this computes the correct inverse. batty's version computes the transpose of the inverse.

// computes the inverse of a matrix m
double det = m(0, 0) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(2, 1) * m(1, 2)) -
             m(0, 1) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 0)) +
             m(0, 2) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 0));

double invdet = 1 / det;

Matrix33d minv; // inverse of matrix m
minv(0, 0) = (m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(2, 1) * m(1, 2)) * invdet;
minv(0, 1) = (m(0, 2) * m(2, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(2, 2)) * invdet;
minv(0, 2) = (m(0, 1) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 1)) * invdet;
minv(1, 0) = (m(1, 2) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 2)) * invdet;
minv(1, 1) = (m(0, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(2, 0)) * invdet;
minv(1, 2) = (m(1, 0) * m(0, 2) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 2)) * invdet;
minv(2, 0) = (m(1, 0) * m(2, 1) - m(2, 0) * m(1, 1)) * invdet;
minv(2, 1) = (m(2, 0) * m(0, 1) - m(0, 0) * m(2, 1)) * invdet;
minv(2, 2) = (m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) - m(1, 0) * m(0, 1)) * invdet;

CSS performance relative to translateZ(0)

It forces the browser to use hardware acceleration to access the device’s graphical processing unit (GPU) to make pixels fly. Web applications, on the other hand, run in the context of the browser, which lets the software do most (if not all) of the rendering, resulting in less horsepower for transitions. But the Web has been catching up, and most browser vendors now provide graphical hardware acceleration by means of particular CSS rules.

Using -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); will kick the GPU into action for the CSS transitions, making them smoother (higher FPS).

Note: translate3d(0,0,0) does nothing in terms of what you see. It moves the object by 0px in x,y and z axis. It's only a technique to force the hardware acceleration.

Good read here:

window.onload vs $(document).ready()

When you say $(document).ready(f), you tell script engine to do the following:

  1. get the object document and push it, since it's not in local scope, it must do a hash table lookup to find where document is, fortunately document is globally bound so it is a single lookup.
  2. find the object $ and select it, since it's not in local scope, it must do a hash table lookup, which may or may not have collisions.
  3. find the object f in global scope, which is another hash table lookup, or push function object and initialize it.
  4. call ready of selected object, which involves another hash table lookup into the selected object to find the method and invoke it.
  5. done.

In the best case, this is 2 hash table lookups, but that's ignoring the heavy work done by jQuery, where $ is the kitchen sink of all possible inputs to jQuery, so another map is likely there to dispatch the query to correct handler.

Alternatively, you could do this:

window.onload = function() {...}

which will

  1. find the object window in global scope, if the JavaScript is optimized, it will know that since window isn't changed, it has already the selected object, so nothing needs to be done.
  2. function object is pushed on the operand stack.
  3. check if onload is a property or not by doing a hash table lookup, since it is, it is called like a function.

In the best case, this costs a single hash table lookup, which is necessary because onload must be fetched.

Ideally, jQuery would compile their queries to strings that can be pasted to do what you wanted jQuery to do but without the runtime dispatching of jQuery. This way you have an option of either

  1. do dynamic dispatch of jquery like we do today.
  2. have jQuery compile your query to pure JavaScript string that can be passed to eval to do what you want.
  3. copy the result of 2 directly into your code, and skip the cost of eval.

ASP.NET MVC Yes/No Radio Buttons with Strongly Bound Model MVC

If I can throw my hat into the ring, I think there is a cleaner way than the existing answers to reuse the radio button functionality.

Let's say you have the following property in your ViewModel:

Public Class ViewModel
    <Display(Name:="Do you like Cats?")>
    Public Property LikesCats As Boolean
End Class

You can expose that property through a reusable editor template:

First, create the file Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/YesNoRadio.vbhtml

Then add the following code to YesNoRadio.vbhtml:

@ModelType Boolean?

        @Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model)

        @Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(model) model, True) Yes
        @Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(model) model, False) No

You can call the editor for the property by manually specifying the template name in your View:

@Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.LikesCats, "YesNoRadio")


  • Get to write HTML in an HTML editor instead of appending strings in code behind.
  • Preserves the DisplayName DataAnnotation
  • Allows clicks on Label to toggle radio button
  • Least possible code to maintain in form (1 line). If something is wrong with the way it is rending, take it up with the template.

React js onClick can't pass value to method

Simply create a function like this

  function methodName(params) {
    //the thing  you wanna do

and call it in the place you need

 <Icon onClick = {() => { methodName(theParamsYouwantToPass);} }/>

check if a file is open in Python

I assume that you're writing to the file, then close it (so the user can open it in Excel), and then, before re-opening it for append/write operations, you want to check that the file isn't still open in Excel?

This is how you could do that:

while True:   # repeat until the try statement succeeds
        myfile = open("myfile.csv", "r+") # or "a+", whatever you need
        break                             # exit the loop
    except IOError:
        input("Could not open file! Please close Excel. Press Enter to retry.")
        # restart the loop

with myfile:

matplotlib error - no module named tkinter

you can use

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if you dont want to use tkinter at all.

Also dont forget to use %matplotlib inline at the top of your notebook if using one.

EDIT: agg is a different backend like tkinter for matplotlib.

How to convert a selection to lowercase or uppercase in Sublime Text

For Windows OS

For Uppercase CTRL + K + U

For Lowercase CTRL + K + L

Java says FileNotFoundException but file exists

An easy fix, which worked for me, is moving my files out of src and into the main folder of the project. It's not the best solution, but depending on the magnitude of the project and your time, it might be just perfect.

Mockito matcher and array of primitives

Try this:


How to add an element to the beginning of an OrderedDict?

If you know you will want a 'c' key, but do not know the value, insert 'c' with a dummy value when you create the dict.

d1 = OrderedDict([('c', None), ('a', '1'), ('b', '2')])

and change the value later.

d1['c'] = 3

Why is JavaFX is not included in OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu Wily (15.10)?

According to the packages list in Ubuntu Wily Xenial Bionic there is a package named openjfx. This should be a candidate for what you're looking for:

JavaFX/OpenJFX 8 - Rich client application platform for Java

You can install it via:

sudo apt-get install openjfx

It provides the following JAR files to the OpenJDK installation on Ubuntu systems:


If you want to have sources available, for example for debugging, you can additionally install:

sudo apt-get install openjfx-source

Spring Boot how to hide passwords in properties file

In case you are using quite popular in Spring Boot environment Kubernetes (K8S) or OpenShift, there's a possibility to store and retrieve application properties on runtime. This technique called secrets. In your configuration yaml file for Kubernetes or OpenShift you declare variable and placeholder for it, and on K8S\OpenShift side declare actual value which corresponds to this placeholder. For implementation details, see: K8S: OpenShift:

How to add content to html body using JS?


    document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTMl += "New Content";

JPA: difference between @JoinColumn and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn?

What happens if I promote the column to be a/the PK, too (a.k.a. identifying relationship)? As the column is now the PK, I must tag it with @Id (...).

This enhanced support of derived identifiers is actually part of the new stuff in JPA 2.0 (see the section 2.4.1 Primary Keys Corresponding to Derived Identities in the JPA 2.0 specification), JPA 1.0 doesn't allow Id on a OneToOne or ManyToOne. With JPA 1.0, you'd have to use PrimaryKeyJoinColumn and also define a Basic Id mapping for the foreign key column.

Now the question is: are @Id + @JoinColumn the same as just @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn?

You can obtain a similar result but using an Id on OneToOne or ManyToOne is much simpler and is the preferred way to map derived identifiers with JPA 2.0. PrimaryKeyJoinColumn might still be used in a JOINED inheritance strategy. Below the relevant section from the JPA 2.0 specification:

11.1.40 PrimaryKeyJoinColumn Annotation

The PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation specifies a primary key column that is used as a foreign key to join to another table.

The PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation is used to join the primary table of an entity subclass in the JOINED mapping strategy to the primary table of its superclass; it is used within a SecondaryTable annotation to join a secondary table to a primary table; and it may be used in a OneToOne mapping in which the primary key of the referencing entity is used as a foreign key to the referenced entity[108].


If no PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation is specified for a subclass in the JOINED mapping strategy, the foreign key columns are assumed to have the same names as the primary key columns of the primary table of the superclass.


Example: Customer and ValuedCustomer subclass

public class Customer { ... }

public class ValuedCustomer extends Customer { ... }

[108] The derived id mechanisms described in section are now to be preferred over PrimaryKeyJoinColumn for the OneToOne mapping case.

See also

This source states that using @ManyToOne and @Id works with JPA 1.x. Who's correct now?

The author is using a pre release JPA 2.0 compliant version of EclipseLink (version 2.0.0-M7 at the time of the article) to write an article about JPA 1.0(!). This article is misleading, the author is using something that is NOT part of JPA 1.0.

For the record, support of Id on OneToOne and ManyToOne has been added in EclipseLink 1.1 (see this message from James Sutherland, EclipseLink comitter and main contributor of the Java Persistence wiki book). But let me insist, this is NOT part of JPA 1.0.

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter - .NET Error

You have a constructor which takes 2 parameters. You should write something like:

new ErrorEventArg(errorMsv, lastQuery)

It's less code and easier to read.


Or, in order for your way to work, you can try writing a default constructor for ErrorEventArg which would have no parameters, like this:

public ErrorEventArg() {}

How to set top-left alignment for UILabel for iOS application?

Rather than re-explaining, I will link to this rather extensive & highly rated question/answer:

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

The short answer is no, Apple didn't make this easy, but it is possible by changing the frame size.

Shift column in pandas dataframe up by one?

shift column gdp up:

df.gdp = df.gdp.shift(-1)

and then remove the last row

Fatal error: Out of memory, but I do have plenty of memory (PHP)

Try to run php over fcgid, this may help:

These are the classic errors you will see when running PHP as an Apache module. We struggled with these errors for months. Switching to using PHP via mod_fcgid (as James recommends) will fix all of these problems. Be sure you have the latest Visual C++ Redistributable package installed:

Also, I recommend switching to the 64-bit version of MySQL. No real reason to run the 32-bit version anymore.

Source: Apache crash due to a problem in php5ts.dll

Configure Nginx with proxy_pass

Give this a try...

server {
    listen   80;
    access_log off;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://IP:8080;
        proxy_set_header    Host            $host;
        proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr;
        port_in_redirect off;
        proxy_redirect   http://IP:8080/jira  /;
        proxy_connect_timeout 300;

    location ~ ^/stash {
        proxy_pass http://IP:7990;
        proxy_set_header    Host            $host;
        proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr;
        port_in_redirect off;
        proxy_redirect   http://IP:7990/  /stash;
        proxy_connect_timeout 300;

    error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
        root   /usr/local/nginx/html;

What is the difference between dynamic and static polymorphism in Java?

Static Polymorphism: is where the decision to resolve which method to accomplish, is determined during the compile time. Method Overloading could be an example of this.

Dynamic Polymorphism: is where the decision to choose which method to execute, is set during the run-time. Method Overriding could be an example of this.

What does "Git push non-fast-forward updates were rejected" mean?

In my case for exact same error, I was also not the only developer.

So I went to commit & push my changes at same time, seen at bottom of the Commit dialog popup:

Checked option for: Push changes immediately to origin

...but I made the huge mistake of forgetting to hit the Fetch button to see if I have latest, which I did not.

The commit successfully executed, however not the push, but instead gives the same mentioned error; ...even though other developers didn't alter same files as me, I cannot pull latest as same error is presented.

The GUI Solution

Most of the time I prefer sticking with Sourcetree's GUI (Graphical User Interface). This solution might not be ideal, however this is what got things going again for me without worrying that I may lose my changes or compromise more recent updates from other developers.


Right-click on the commit right before yours to undo your locally committed changes and select Reset current branch to this commit like so:

Sourcetree window with right-clicked commit and selecting: Reset current branch to this commit


Once all the loading spinners disappear and Sourcetree is done loading the previous commit, at the top-left of window, click on Pull button...

Sourcetree window with with the Pull button highlighted

...then a dialog popup will appear, and click the OK button at bottom-right:

Sourcetree window dialog popup with the OK button highlighted


After pulling latest, if you do not get any errors, skip to STEP 4 (next step below). Otherwise if you discover any merge conflicts at this point, like I did with my Web.config file:

Sourcetree window showing the error hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind

...then click on the Stash button at the top, a dialog popup will appear and you will need to write a Descriptive-name-of-your-changes, then click the OK button:

Sourcetree window with Stash button highlighted and dialog popup showing input to name your stash with OK button highlighted

...once Sourcetree is done stashing your altered file(s), repeat actions in STEP 2 (previous step above), and then your local files will have latest changes. Now your changes can be reapplied by opening your STASHES seen at bottom of Sourcetree left column, use the arrow to expand your stashes, then right-click to choose Apply Stash 'Descriptive-name-of-your-changes', and after select OK button in dialog popup that appears:

Sourcetree window with the Stashes section expanded and changes right-clicked with Apply Stash highlighted

Sourcetree dialog popup ask your to confirm if you would like to apply stash you your local copy

IF you have any Merge Conflict(s) right now, go to your preferred text-editor, like Visual Studio Code, and in the affected files select the Accept Incoming Change link, then save:

enter image description here

Then back to Sourcetree, click on the Commit button at top:

enter image description here

then right-click on the conflicted file(s), and under Resolve Conflicts select the Mark Resolved option:

enter image description here


Finally!!! We are now able to commit our file(s), also checkmark the Push changes immediately to origin option before clicking the Commit button:

enter image description here

P.S. while writing this, a commit was submitted by another developer right before I got to commit, so had to pretty much repeat steps.

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

Here is the changes you need to be done

just replace the carousel div with the below code

You have missed the '#' for data-target and add active class for the first item

<div id="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
            <ol class="carousel-indicators">
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="0"></li>
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="1"></li>
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="2"></li>
            <div class="carousel-inner">
                <div class="item active">
                    <img src="img/slide_1.png" alt="Slide 1">
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="img/slide_2.png" alt="Slide 2">
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="img/slide_3.png" alt="Slide 3">
            <a href="#carousel" class="left carousel-control" data-slide="prev">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>
            <a href="#carousel" class="right carousel-control" data-slide="next">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>

How to import Maven dependency in Android Studio/IntelliJ?

Try itext. Add dependency to your build.gradle for latest as of this post

Note: special version for android, trailing "g":

dependencies {
    compile 'com.itextpdf:itextg:5.5.9'

SQL Server 2008 Row Insert and Update timestamps


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    [UpdateTS] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL


PS I think a smalldatetime is good enough. You may decide differently.

Can you not do this at the "moment of impact" ?

In Sql Server, this is common:

Update dbo.MyTable 

ColA = @SomeValue , 

Sql Server has a "timestamp" datatype.

But it may not be what you think.

Here is a reference:

Here is a little RowVersion (synonym for timestamp) example:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL


INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Maybe a complete working example:

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Names]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL



CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgKeepUpdateDateInSync_ByeByeBye ON dbo.Names


Update dbo.Names Set UpdateTS = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from dbo.Names myAlias , inserted triggerInsertedTable where 
triggerInsertedTable.Name = myAlias.Name



INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name , UpdateTS = '03/03/2003' /* notice that even though I set it to 2003, the trigger takes over */

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Matching on the "Name" value is probably not wise.

Try this more mainstream example with a SurrogateKey

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Names]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    SurrogateKey int not null Primary Key Identity (1001,1),
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL



CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgKeepUpdateDateInSync_ByeByeBye ON dbo.Names


   UPDATE dbo.Names
    From  dbo.Names myAlias
    WHERE exists ( select null from inserted triggerInsertedTable where myAlias.SurrogateKey = triggerInsertedTable.SurrogateKey)



INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name , UpdateTS = '03/03/2003' /* notice that even though I set it to 2003, the trigger takes over */

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

How To Check If A Key in **kwargs Exists?

You can discover those things easily by yourself:

def hello(*args, **kwargs):
    print kwargs
    print type(kwargs)
    print dir(kwargs)


How can I detect when the mouse leaves the window?

Using the onMouseLeave event prevents bubbling and allows you to easily detect when the mouse leaves the browser window.

<html onmouseleave="alert('You left!')"></html>

Style bottom Line in Android

A Simple solution :

Create a drawable file as edittext_stroke.xml in drawable folder. Add the below code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
        android:color="@android:color/white" >

In layout file , add the drawable to edittext as



ASP.NET MVC Page Won't Load and says "The resource cannot be found"

In your Project open Global.asax.cs then right click on Method RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); then click Go To Definition then at defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =UrlParameter.Optional} then change then Names of "Home" to your own controller Name and Index to your own View Name if you have changed the Names other then "HomeController" and "Index" Hope your Problem will be Solved.

Perl read line by line

you need to use ++$counter, not $++counter, hence the reason it isn't working..

Could not find server 'server name' in sys.servers. SQL Server 2014

I had the problem due to an extra space in the name of the linked server. "SERVER1, 1234" instead of "SERVER1,1234"

Find the version of an installed npm package

Here's a portable Unix (using grep and sed) one-liner that returns the version string of a globally-installed npm package (remove the g from -pg to query local packages instead):

$ npm ll -pg --depth=0 grunt | grep -o "@.*:" | sed 's/.$//; s/^.//'
  • the npm ll outputs a parseable string formatted like: /usr/lib/node_modules/npm:[email protected]:;
  • the grep command extracts the value between @ and :, inclusive;
  • the sed command removes the surrounding characters.

VBA copy cells value and format

Following on from jpw it might be good to encapsulate his solution in a small subroutine to save on having lots of lines of code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Integer
a = 15
For i = 11 To 32
  If Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 3) <> "" Then
    call copValuesAndFormat(i,3,a,15)        
    call copValuesAndFormat(i,5,a,17) 
    call copValuesAndFormat(i,6,a,18) 
    call copValuesAndFormat(i,7,a,19) 
    call copValuesAndFormat(i,8,a,20) 
    call copValuesAndFormat(i,9,a,21) 
    a = a + 1
  End If
Next i
end sub

sub copValuesAndFormat(x1 as integer, y1 as integer, x2 as integer, y2 as integer)
  Worksheets(1).Cells(x1, y1).Copy
  Worksheets(2).Cells(x2, y2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
  Worksheets(2).Cells(x2, y2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
end sub

(I do not have Excel in current location so please excuse bugs as not tested)

What is the best way to remove a table row with jQuery?

Assuming you have a button/link inside of a data cell in your table, something like this would do the trick...

$(".delete").live('click', function(event) {

This will remove the parent of the parent of the button/link that is clicked. You need to use parent() because it is a jQuery object, not a normal DOM object, and you need to use parent() twice, because the button lives inside a data cell, which lives inside a row....which is what you want to remove. $(this) is the button clicked, so simply having something like this will remove only the button:


While this will remove the data cell:


If you want to simply click anywhere on the row to remove it something like this would work. You could easily modify this to prompt the user or work only on a double-click:

$(".delete").live('click', function(event) {

Hope that helps...I struggled on this a bit myself.

mysql datetime comparison

But this is obviously performing a 'string' comparison

No. The string will be automatically cast into a DATETIME value.

See 11.2. Type Conversion in Expression Evaluation.

When an operator is used with operands of different types, type conversion occurs to make the operands compatible. Some conversions occur implicitly. For example, MySQL automatically converts numbers to strings as necessary, and vice versa.

How does the "position: sticky;" property work?

I know this seems to be already answered, but I ran into a specific case, and I feel most answers miss the point.

The overflow:hidden answers cover 90% of the cases. That's more or less the "sticky nav" scenario.

But the sticky behavior is best used within the height of a container. Think of a newsletter form in the right column of your website that scrolls down with the page. If your sticky element is the only child of the container, the container is the exact same size, and there's no room to scroll.

Your container needs to be the height you expect your element to scroll within. Which in my "right column" scenario is the height of the left column. The best way to achieve this is to use display:table-cell on the columns. If you can't, and are stuck with float:right and such like I was, you'll have to either guess the left column height of compute it with Javascript.

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?

A barebones wrapper of the functions as provided by the sqlite library. Latest version supports functions provided sqlite library 3.7.10

SQLiteWrapper project

Beautiful way to remove GET-variables with PHP?

How about:

preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', $str)

How to force a list to be vertical using html css


li {
   display: inline-block;

Works for me also.

calculating number of days between 2 columns of dates in data frame

You need to use the as.Date formats correctly.


x = '2012/07/25'
xd = as.Date(x,'%Y/%m/%d')
xd    # Prints "2012-07-25"

R date formats are similary to *nix ones.

Doing a typeof(xd) shows it as a double ie. days since 1970.

Resize HTML5 canvas to fit window

Unless you want the canvas to upscale your image data automatically (that's what James Black's answer talks about, but it won't look pretty), you have to resize it yourself and redraw the image. Centering a canvas

How to properly use jsPDF library

You only need this link jspdf.min.js

It has everything in it.

<script src=""></script>

remove space between paragraph and unordered list

I ended up using a definition list with an unordered list inside it. It solves the issue of the unwanted space above the list without needing to change every paragraph tag.

<dd><ul><li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li></ul></dd></dl>

How to count the number of words in a sentence, ignoring numbers, punctuation and whitespace?

This is a simple word counter using regex. The script includes a loop which you can terminate it when you're done.

#word counter using regex
import re
while True:
    string =raw_input("Enter the string: ")
    count = len(re.findall("[a-zA-Z_]+", string))
    if line == "Done": #command to terminate the loop
    print (count)
print ("Terminated")


Quick and dirty:

LP == Long Pointer. Just think pointer or char*

C = Const, in this case, I think they mean the character string is a const, not the pointer being const.

STR is string

the T is for a wide character or char (TCHAR) depending on compile options.

Javascript loading CSV file into an array

If your not overly worried about the size of the file then it may be easier for you to store the data as a JS object in another file and import it in your . Either synchronously or asynchronously using the syntax <script src="countries.js" async></script>. Saves on you needing to import the file and parse it.

However, i can see why you wouldnt want to rewrite 10000 entries so here's a basic object orientated csv parser i wrote.

function requestCSV(f,c){return new CSVAJAX(f,c);};
function CSVAJAX(filepath,callback)
    this.request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    this.request.timeout = 10000;"GET", filepath, true);
    this.request.parent = this;
    this.callback = callback;
    this.request.onload = function() 
        var d = this.response.split('\n'); /*1st separator*/
        var i = d.length;
            if(d[i] !== "")
                d[i] = d[i].split(','); /*2nd separator*/
        this.parent.response = d;
        if(typeof this.parent.callback !== "undefined")

Which can be used like this;

var foo = requestCSV("csvfile.csv",drawlines(lines)); 

The first parameter is the file, relative to the position of your html file in this case. The second parameter is an optional callback function the runs when the file has been completely loaded.

If your file has non-separating commmas then it wont get on with this, as it just creates 2d arrays by chopping at returns and commas. You might want to look into regexp if you need that functionality.

//THIS works 

"1234","ABCD" \n
"!@£$" \n

//Gives you 

//This DOESN'T!

"12,34","AB,CD" \n
"!@,£$" \n

//Gives you


If your not used to the OO methods; they create a new object (like a number, string, array) with their own local functions and variables via a 'constructor' function. Very handy in certain situations. This function could be used to load 10 different files with different callbacks all at the same time(depending on your level of csv love! )

Count the frequency that a value occurs in a dataframe column

n_values = data.income.value_counts()

First unique value count

n_at_most_50k = n_values[0]

Second unique value count

n_greater_50k = n_values[1]



<=50K    34014
>50K     11208

Name: income, dtype: int64


(11208, 34014)

How do I escape a string inside JavaScript code inside an onClick handler?

Another interesting solution might be to do this:

<a href="#" itemid="<%itemid%>" itemname="<%itemname%>" onclick="SelectSurveyItem(this.itemid, this.itemname); return false;">Select</a>

Then you can use a standard HTML-encoding on both the variables, without having to worry about the extra complication of the javascript quoting.

Yes, this does create HTML that is strictly invalid. However, it is a valid technique, and all modern browsers support it.

If it was my, I'd probably go with my first suggestion, and ensure the values are HTML-encoded and have single-quotes escaped.

Message Queue vs. Web Services?

There's been a fair amount of recent research in considering how REST HTTP calls could replace the message queue concept.

If you introduce the concept of a process and a task as a resource, the need for middle messaging layer starts to evaporate.


POST /task/name
    - Returns a 202 accepted status immediately
    - Returns a resource url for the created task: /task/name/X
    - Returns a resource url for the started process: /process/Y

GET /process/Y
    - Returns status of ongoing process

A task can have multiple steps for initialization, and a process can return status when polled or POST to a callback URL when complete.

This is dead simple, and becomes quite powerful when you realize that you can now subscribe to an rss/atom feed of all running processes and tasks without any middle layer. Any queuing system is going to require some sort of web front end anyway, and this concept has it built in without another layer of custom code.

Your resources exist until you delete them, which means you can view historical information long after the process and task complete.

You have built in service discovery, even for a task that has multiple steps, without any extra complicated protocols.

GET /task/name
    - returns form with required fields

POST (URL provided form's "action" attribute)

Your service discovery is an HTML form - a universal and human readable format.

The entire flow can be used programmatically or by a human, using universally accepted tools. It's a client driven, and therefore RESTful. Every tool created for the web can drive your business processes. You still have alternate message channels by POSTing asynchronously to a separate array of log servers.

After you consider it for a while, you sit back and start to realize that REST may just eliminate the need for a messaging queue and an ESB altogether.

Is SMTP based on TCP or UDP?

In theory SMTP can be handled by either TCP, UDP, or some 3rd party protocol.

As defined in RFC 821, RFC 2821, and RFC 5321:

SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel.

In addition, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has allocated port 25 for both TCP and UDP for use by SMTP.

In practice however, most if not all organizations and applications only choose to implement the TCP protocol. For example, in Microsoft's port listing port 25 is only listed for TCP and not UDP.

The big difference between TCP and UDP that makes TCP ideal here is that TCP checks to make sure that every packet is received and re-sends them if they are not whereas UDP will simply send packets and not check for receipt. This makes UDP ideal for things like streaming video where every single packet isn't as important as keeping a continuous flow of packets from the server to the client.

Considering SMTP, it makes more sense to use TCP over UDP. SMTP is a mail transport protocol, and in mail every single packet is important. If you lose several packets in the middle of the message the recipient might not even receive the message and if they do they might be missing key information. This makes TCP more appropriate because it ensures that every packet is delivered.

Unable to get provider

in my case, I forget to add (or deleted accidentally) firebase core in build gradle

implementation ''

Remove an entire column from a data.frame in R

To remove one or more columns by name, when the column names are known (as opposed to being determined at run-time), I like the subset() syntax. E.g. for the data-frame

df <- data.frame(a=1:3, d=2:4, c=3:5, b=4:6)

to remove just the a column you could do

Data <- subset( Data, select = -a )

and to remove the b and d columns you could do

Data <- subset( Data, select = -c(d, b ) )

You can remove all columns between d and b with:

Data <- subset( Data, select = -c( d : b )

As I said above, this syntax works only when the column names are known. It won't work when say the column names are determined programmatically (i.e. assigned to a variable). I'll reproduce this Warning from the ?subset documentation:


This is a convenience function intended for use interactively. For programming it is better to use the standard subsetting functions like '[', and in particular the non-standard evaluation of argument 'subset' can have unanticipated consequences.

TimeSpan to DateTime conversion

If you only need to show time value in a datagrid or label similar, best way is convert directly time in datetime datatype.

SELECT CONVERT(datetime,myTimeField) as myTimeField FROM Table1

Difference between web server, web container and application server

Web containers are responsible to provide the run time environment to web applications. It contains components that provide naming context and manages the life cycle of a web application. Web containers are a part of a web server and they generally processes the user request and send a static response.

Servlet containers are the one where JSP created components reside. They are basically responsible to provide dynamic content as per the user request. Basically, Web containers reply with a static content as per the user request, but Servlets can create the dynamic pages.

Config Error: This configuration section cannot be used at this path

i solved this issue

go to cmd and execute aspnet_regiis -i

hope it helpful to someone.

How do I declare an array of undefined or no initial size?

Modern C, aka C99, has variable length arrays, VLA. Unfortunately, not all compilers support this but if yours does this would be an alternative.

SQL Server check case-sensitivity?

Collation can be set at various levels:

  1. Server
  2. Database
  3. Column

So you could have a Case Sensitive Column in a Case Insensitive database. I have not yet come across a situation where a business case could be made for case sensitivity of a single column of data, but I suppose there could be.

Check Server Collation


Check Database Collation

SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('AdventureWorks', 'Collation') SQLCollation;

Check Column Collation

select table_name, column_name, collation_name
where table_name = @table_name

Check mySQL version on Mac 10.8.5

Or just call mysql command with --version option.

mysql --version

how to access the command line for xampp on windows

Run PHP file from command Promp.

Please set Environment Variable as per below mention steps.

  1. Right Click on MY Computer Icon and Click on Properties or Go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System".
  2. Select "Advanced System Settings" and select "Advance" Tab
  3. Now Select "Environment Variable" option and select "Path" from "System Variables" and click on "Edit" button
  4. Now set path where php.exe file is available - For example if XAMPP install in to C: drive then Path is "C:\xampp\php"
  5. After set path Click Ok and Apply.

Now open Command prompt where your source file are available and run command "php test.php"

How does Python manage int and long?

It manages them because int and long are sibling class definitions. They have appropriate methods for +, -, *, /, etc., that will produce results of the appropriate class.

For example

>>> a=1<<30
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>
>>> b=a*2
>>> type(b)
<type 'long'>

In this case, the class int has a __mul__ method (the one that implements *) which creates a long result when required.

Does the Java &= operator apply & or &&?

Here's a simple way to test it:

public class OperatorTest {     
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        boolean a = false;
        a &= b();

    private static boolean b() {
        System.out.println("b() was called");
        return true;

The output is b() was called, therefore the right-hand operand is evaluated.

So, as already mentioned by others, a &= b is the same as a = a & b.

DataTables fixed headers misaligned with columns in wide tables

I am having the same issue on IE9.

I will just use a RegExp to strip all the white spaces before writing the HTML to the page.

var Tables=$('##table_ID').html();
var expr = new RegExp('>[ \t\r\n\v\f]*<', 'g');
Tables= Tables.replace(expr, '><');
oTable = $('##table_ID').dataTable( {
  "bPaginate": false,
  "bLengthChange": false,
  "bFilter": false,
  "bSort": true,
  "bInfo": true,
  "bAutoWidth": false,
  "sScrollY": ($(window).height() - 320),
  "sScrollX": "100%",
  "sDom": 'rt<"bottom"i flp>'
} );

Disable ScrollView Programmatically?

Disablend ScrollView

ScrollView sw = (ScrollView) findViewById(;
sw.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        return true;


A control or window object in Windows Forms is just a wrapper around a Win32 window identified by a handle (sometimes called HWND). Most things you do with the control will eventually result in a Win32 API call that uses this handle. The handle is owned by the thread that created it (typically the main thread), and shouldn't be manipulated by another thread. If for some reason you need to do something with the control from another thread, you can use Invoke to ask the main thread to do it on your behalf.

For instance, if you want to change the text of a label from a worker thread, you can do something like this:

theLabel.Invoke(new Action(() => theLabel.Text = "hello world from worker thread!"));

multiple packages in context:component-scan, spring config

You can add multiple base packages (see axtavt's answer), but you can also filter what's scanned inside the base package:

<context:component-scan base-package="x.y.z">
   <context:include-filter type="regex" expression="(service|controller)\..*"/>

moment.js get current time in milliseconds?

var timeArr = moment().format('x');

returns the Unix Millisecond Timestamp as per the format() documentation.

How can I write to the console in PHP?

I was looking for a way to debug code in a WordPress plugin that I was developing and came across this post.

I took the bits of code that are most applicable to me from other responses and combined these into a function that I can use for debugging WordPress. The function is:

function debug_log($object=null, $label=null, $priority=1) {
    $priority = $priority<1? 1: $priority;
    $message = json_encode($object, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
    $label = "Debug" . ($label ? " ($label): " : ': ');
    echo "<script>console.log('" . str_repeat("-", $priority-1) . $label . "', " . $message . ");</script>";

Usage is as follows:

$txt = 'This is a test string';
$sample_array = array('cat', 'dog', 'pig', 'ant', 'fly');
debug_log($txt, '', 7);

If this function is used with WordPress development, the function should be placed in the functions.php file of the child theme and can then be called anywhere in the code.

Sending cookies with postman

Even after toggling it did not work. I closed and restarted the browser after adding the postman plugin, logged into the site to generate cookies afresh and then it worked for me.

How to upgrade Angular CLI project?

Solution that worked for me:

  • Delete node_modules and dist folder
  • (in cmd)>> ng update --all --force
  • (in cmd)>> npm install typescript@">=3.4.0 and <3.5.0" --save-dev --save-exact
  • (in cmd)>> npm install --save core-js
  • Commenting import 'core-js/es7/reflect'; in polyfill.ts
  • (in cmd)>> ng serve

How to get input text value on click in ReactJS

There are two ways to go about doing this.

  1. Create a state in the constructor that contains the text input. Attach an onChange event to the input box that updates state each time. Then onClick you could just alert the state object.

  2. handleClick: function() { alert(this.refs.myInput.value); },

Difference between wait and sleep

In simple words, wait is wait Until some other thread invokes you whereas sleep is "dont execute next statement" for some specified period of time.

Moreover sleep is static method in Thread class and it operates on thread, whereas wait() is in Object class and called on an object.

Another point, when you call wait on some object, the thread involved synchronize the object and then waits. :)

Pass arguments to Constructor in VBA

Another approach

Say you create a class clsBitcoinPublicKey

In the class module create an ADDITIONAL subroutine, that acts as you would want the real constructor to behave. Below I have named it ConstructorAdjunct.

Public Sub ConstructorAdjunct(ByVal ...)


End Sub

From the calling module, you use an additional statement

Dim loPublicKey AS clsBitcoinPublicKey

Set loPublicKey = New clsBitcoinPublicKey

Call loPublicKey.ConstructorAdjunct(...)

The only penalty is the extra call, but the advantage is that you can keep everything in the class module, and debugging becomes easier.

Build error: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

I struggled with issue for 5 days and could get the source of the problem through Event Viewer Logs; Port 443, my application trying to access was in use, so I had to change the registry settings ; Basically you will b able to reach to source of issue thru error logs in event viewer.

Update Angular model after setting input value with jQuery

I did this to be able to update the value of ngModel from the outside with Vanilla/jQuery:

function getScope(fieldElement) {
    var $scope = angular.element(fieldElement).scope();
    var nameScope;
    var name = fieldElement.getAttribute('name');
    if($scope) {
        if($scope.form) {
            nameScope = $scope.form[name];
        } else if($scope[name]) {
            nameScope = $scope[name];
    return nameScope;

function setScopeValue(fieldElement, newValue) {
    var $scope = getScope(fieldElement);
    if($scope) {

setScopeValue(document.getElementById("fieldId"), "new value");

How do you convert a C++ string to an int?

in "stdapi.h"


This function tells you the result, and how many characters participated in the conversion.

Test if element is present using Selenium WebDriver?

To find a particular Element is present or not, we have to use findElements() method instead of findElement()..

int i=driver.findElements(By.xpath(".......")).size();
System.out.println("Element is not present");
System.out.println("Element is present");

this is worked for me.. suggest me if i am wrong..

What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?

My favorite example is "int Num = 5" here your variable is 1. defined as int 2. declared as Num and 3. instantiated with a value of five. We

  • Define the type of an object, which may be built-in or a class or struct.
  • Declare the name of an object, so anything with a name has been declared which includes Variables, Funtions, etc.

A class or struct allows you to change how objects will be defined when it is later used. For example

  • One may declare a heterogeneous variable or array which are not specifically defined.
  • Using an offset in C++ you may define an object which does not have a declared name.

When we learn programming these two terms are often confused because we often do both at the same time.

Auto select file in Solution Explorer from its open tab

The best option now is to install the Microsoft Visual Studio add on called Productivity Power Tools.

With this comes "Solution Navigator" (alternative to Solution Explorer, with a lot of benefits) - which then you can use to filter the files to only show "Open". You can even filter files to show "Edited" and "Unsaved".

How can I import Swift code to Objective-C?

Checkout the pre-release notes about Swift and Objective C in the same project

You should be importing

#import "SCLAlertView-Swift.h"

Concatenate multiple files but include filename as section headers

you can use this simple command instead of using a for loop,

ls -ltr | awk '{print $9}' | xargs head

Clear text from textarea with selenium

I ran into a field where .clear() did not work. Using a combination of the first two answers worked for this field.

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

#...your code (I was using python 3)

driver.find_element_by_id('foo').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");

Get the current file name in gulp.src()

If you want to use @OverZealous' answer ( in Typescript, you need to import instead of require:

import * as debug from 'gulp-debug';


    return gulp.src('./examples/*.html')
        .pipe(debug({title: 'example src:'}))

(I also added a title).

Enable remote connections for SQL Server Express 2012

In my case the database was running on non standard port. Check that the port you are connecting is the same as the port the database is running on. If there are more instances of SQL server, check the correct one.

SQL Server convert select a column and convert it to a string

| type |        names         |
| cat  | Felon                |
| cat  | Purz                 |
| dog  | Fido                 |
| dog  | Beethoven            |
| dog  | Buddy                |
| bird | Tweety               |

select group_concat(name) from Pets
group by type

Here you can easily get the answer in single SQL and by using group by in your SQL you can separate the result based on that column value. Also you can use your own custom separator for splitting values


| type |        names         |
| cat  | Felon,Purz           |
| dog  | Fido,Beethoven,Buddy |
| bird | Tweety               |

Foreign keys in mongo?

Short answer: You should to use "weak references" between collections, using ObjectId properties:

References store the relationships between data by including links or references from one document to another. Applications can resolve these references to access the related data. Broadly, these are normalized data models.

This will of course not check any referential integrity. You need to handle "dead links" on your side (application level).

Find duplicate values in R

Here's a data.table solution that will list the duplicates along with the number of duplications (will be 1 if there are 2 copies, and so on - you can adjust that to suit your needs):

dt = data.table(vocabulary)

dt[duplicated(id), cbind(.SD[1], number = .N), by = id]

How to get the error message from the error code returned by GetLastError()?

If you're using c# you can use this code:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public static class WinErrors
    #region definitions
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    static extern IntPtr LocalFree(IntPtr hMem);

    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    static extern int FormatMessage(FormatMessageFlags dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, uint dwLanguageId, ref IntPtr lpBuffer, uint nSize, IntPtr Arguments);

    private enum FormatMessageFlags : uint
        FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000,
        FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE = 0x00000800,
        FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING = 0x00000400,

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a user friendly string message for a system error code
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="errorCode">System error code</param>
    /// <returns>Error string</returns>
    public static string GetSystemMessage(int errorCode)
            IntPtr lpMsgBuf = IntPtr.Zero;

            int dwChars = FormatMessage(
                (uint) errorCode,
                0, // Default language
                ref lpMsgBuf,
            if (dwChars == 0)
                // Handle the error.
                int le = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                return "Unable to get error code string from System - Error " + le.ToString();

            string sRet = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(lpMsgBuf);

            // Free the buffer.
            lpMsgBuf = LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
            return sRet;
        catch (Exception e)
            return "Unable to get error code string from System -> " + e.ToString();

Implement paging (skip / take) functionality with this query

OFFSET     10 ROWS       -- skip 10 rows
FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; -- take 10 rows

use this in the end of your select syntax. =)

What is the difference between HTTP and REST?

HTTP is an application protocol. REST is a set of rules, that when followed, enable you to build a distributed application that has a specific set of desirable constraints.

If you are looking for the most significant constraints of REST that distinguish a RESTful application from just any HTTP application, I would say the "self-description" constraint and the hypermedia constraint (aka Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)) are the most important.

The self-description constraint requires a RESTful request to be completely self descriptive in the users intent. This allows intermediaries (proxies and caches) to act on the message safely.

The HATEOAS constraint is about turning your application into a web of links where the client's current state is based on its place in that web. It is a tricky concept and requires more time to explain than I have right now.

Easy way to print Perl array? (with a little formatting)

You can use Data::Dump:

use Data::Dump qw(dump);
my @a = (1, [2, 3], {4 => 5});


"(1, [2, 3], { 4 => 5 })"

Missing Microsoft RDLC Report Designer in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2017

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. In Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Online
  3. Search for 'rdlc'
  4. Install Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer (23.3 MB)
  5. Close Visual Studio, let the installer run and open Visual Studio to see the rdlc in the designer.

Formatting doubles for output in C#

The answer is yes, double printing is broken in .NET, they are printing trailing garbage digits.

You can read how to implement it correctly here.

I have had to do the same for IronScheme.

> (* 10.0 0.69)
> 6.89999999999999946709
> (- 6.9 (* 10.0 0.69))
> 6.9
> (- 6.9 8.881784197001252e-16)

Note: Both C and C# has correct value, just broken printing.

Update: I am still looking for the mailing list conversation I had that lead up to this discovery.

how to print an exception using logger?

You should probably clarify which logger are you using.

org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface has method void error(Object message, Throwable t) (and method void info(Object message, Throwable t)), which logs the stack trace together with your custom message. Log4J implementation has this method too.

So, probably you need to write:

logger.error("BOOM!", e);

If you need to log it with INFO level (though, it might be a strange use case), then:"Just a stack trace, nothing to worry about", e);

Hope it helps.

jquery dialog save cancel button styling

As of jquery ui version 1.8.16 below is how I got it working.

  buttons: { 
      "Save": {  
          text: 'Save', 
          class: 'btn primary', 
          click: function () {
              // do stuff

Creating a Jenkins environment variable using Groovy

After searching around a bit, the best solution in my opinion makes use of hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction.

import hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild 
import hudson.EnvVars

class BuildVariableInjector {

    def build
    def out

    def BuildVariableInjector(build, out) { = build
        this.out = out

    def addBuildEnvironmentVariable(key, value) {
        def action = new VariableInjectionAction(key, value)
        //Must call this for action to be added

    class VariableInjectionAction implements EnvironmentContributingAction {

        private String key
        private String value

        public VariableInjectionAction(String key, String value) {
            this.key = key
            this.value = value

        public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild build, EnvVars envVars) {

            if (envVars != null && key != null && value != null) {
                envVars.put(key, value);

        public String getDisplayName() {
            return "VariableInjectionAction";

        public String getIconFileName() {
            return null;

        public String getUrlName() {
            return null;

I use this class in a system groovy script (using the groovy plugin) within a job.

import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;    

def jenkinsRootDir = build.getEnvVars()["JENKINS_HOME"];
def parent = getClass().getClassLoader()
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent)

def buildVariableInjector = loader.parseClass(new File(jenkinsRootDir + "/userContent/GroovyScripts/BuildVariableInjector.groovy")).newInstance(build, getBinding().out)

def projectBranchDependencies = [] 
//Some logic to set projectBranchDependencies variable

buildVariableInjector.addBuildEnvironmentVariable("projectBranchDependencies", projectBranchDependencies.join(","));

You can then access the projectBranchDependencies variable at any other point in your build, in my case, from an ANT script.

Note: I borrowed / modified the ideas for parts of this implementation from a blog post, but at the time of this posting I was unable to locate the original source in order to give due credit.

How to remove docker completely from ubuntu 14.04

@miyuru. As suggested by him run all the steps.

Ubuntu version 16.04

Still when I ran docker --version it was returning a version. So to uninstall it completely

Again run the dpkg -l | grep -i docker which will list package still there in system.

For example:

ii  docker-ce-cli      5:19.03.6~3-0~ubuntu-xenial               
amd64        Docker CLI: the open-source application container engine

Now remove them as show below :

sudo apt-get purge -y docker-ce-cli

sudo apt-get autoremove -y --purge docker-ce-cli

sudo apt-get autoclean

Hope this will resolve it, as it did in my case.