Programs & Examples On #Chown

chown is a command is used to change the owner and/or group membership of a file or set of files.

changing the owner of folder in linux

Use chown to change ownership and chmod to change rights.

use the -R option to apply the rights for all files inside of a directory too.

Note that both these commands just work for directories too. The -R option makes them also change the permissions for all files and directories inside of the directory.

For example

sudo chown -R username:group directory

will change ownership (both user and group) of all files and directories inside of directory and directory itself.

sudo chown username:group directory

will only change the permission of the folder directory but will leave the files and folders inside the directory alone.

you need to use sudo to change the ownership from root to yourself.


Note that if you use chown user: file (Note the left-out group), it will use the default group for that user.

Also You can change the group ownership of a file or directory with the command:

chgrp group_name file/directory_name

You must be a member of the group to which you are changing ownership to.

You can find group of file as follows

# ls -l file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root family 0 2012-05-22 20:03 file

# chown sujit:friends file

User 500 is just a normal user. Typically user 500 was the first user on the system, recent changes (to /etc/login.defs) has altered the minimum user id to 1000 in many distributions, so typically 1000 is now the first (non root) user.

What you may be seeing is a system which has been upgraded from the old state to the new state and still has some processes knocking about on uid 500. You can likely change it by first checking if your distro should indeed now use 1000, and if so alter the login.defs file yourself, the renumber the user account in /etc/passwd and chown/chgrp all their files, usually in /home/, then reboot.

But in answer to your question, no, you should not really be worried about this in all likelihood. It'll be showing as "500" instead of a username because o user in /etc/passwd has a uid set of 500, that's all.

Also you can show your current numbers using id i'm willing to bet it comes back as 1000 for you.

Correct owner/group/permissions for Apache 2 site files/folders under Mac OS X?

Catalina Update / Desktop Permissions

I come across this once a year on macOS. I usually use apache2 for hosting a folder on my desktop.

If you are trying to give access to the desktop folder you need to follow this to allow httpd to have access to all folders:

Getting the .Text value from a TextBox

Did you try using t.Text?

How to check that a JCheckBox is checked?

By using itemStateChanged(ItemListener) you can track selecting and deselecting checkbox (and do whatever you want based on it):

myCheckBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
        if(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {//checkbox has been selected
            //do something...
        } else {//checkbox has been deselected
            //do something...

Java Swing itemStateChanged docu should help too. By using isSelected() method you can just test if actual is checkbox selected:


Difference between filter and filter_by in SQLAlchemy

filter_by uses keyword arguments, whereas filter allows pythonic filtering arguments like filter("john")

How do I view cookies in Internet Explorer 11 using Developer Tools

How about typing document.cookie into the console? It just shows the values, but it's something.

enter image description here

Const in JavaScript: when to use it and is it necessary?

I am not an expert in the JS compiling business, but it makes sense to say, that v8 makes use from the const flag

Normally a after declaring and changing a bunch of variables, the memory gets fragmented, and v8 is stopping to execute, makes a pause some time of a few seconds, to make gc, or garbage collection.

if a variable is declared with const v8 can be confident to put it in a tight fixed size container between other const variables, since it will never change. It can also save the proper operations for that datatypes since the type will not change.

How to give a user only select permission on a database

You can use Create USer to create a user

    WITH PASSWORD = '340$Uuxwp7Mcxo7Khy';
USE AdventureWorks;

and to Grant (Read-only access) you can use the following


Hope that helps.

how to compare two string dates in javascript?

You can simply compare 2 strings

function isLater(dateString1, dateString2) {
  return dateString1 > dateString2


isLater("2012-12-01", "2012-11-01")

returns true while

isLater("2012-12-01", "2013-11-01")

returns false

Xcode Project vs. Xcode Workspace - Differences

I think there are three key items you need to understand regarding project structure: Targets, projects, and workspaces. Targets specify in detail how a product/binary (i.e., an application or library) is built. They include build settings, such as compiler and linker flags, and they define which files (source code and resources) actually belong to a product. When you build/run, you always select one specific target.

It is likely that you have a few targets that share code and resources. These different targets can be slightly different versions of an app (iPad/iPhone, different brandings,…) or test cases that naturally need to access the same source files as the app. All these related targets can be grouped in a project. While the project contains the files from all its targets, each target picks its own subset of relevant files. The same goes for build settings: You can define default project-wide settings in the project, but if one of your targets needs different settings, you can always override them there:

Shared project settings that all targets inherit, unless they overwrite it

Shared project settings that all targets inherit, unless they override it

Concrete target settings: PSE iPhone overwrites the project’s Base SDK setting

Concrete target settings: PSE iPhone overrides the project’s Base SDK setting

In Xcode, you always open projects (or workspaces, but not targets), and all the targets it contains can be built/run, but there’s no way/definition of building a project, so every project needs at least one target in order to be more than just a collection of files and settings.

Select one of the project’s targets to run

Select one of the project’s targets to run

In a lot of cases, projects are all you need. If you have a dependency that you build from source, you can embed it as a subproject. Subprojects can be opened separately or within their super project.

demoLib is a subprojec

demoLib is a subproject

If you add one of the subproject’s targets to the super project’s dependencies, the subproject will be automatically built unless it has remained unchanged. The advantage here is that you can edit files from both your project and your dependencies in the same Xcode window, and when you build/run, you can select from the project’s and its subprojects’ targets:

Running targets from a subproject

If, however, your library (the subproject) is used by a variety of other projects (or their targets, to be precise), it makes sense to put it on the same hierarchy level – that’s what workspaces are for. Workspaces contain and manage projects, and all the projects it includes directly (i.e., not their subprojects) are on the same level and their targets can depend on each other (projects’ targets can depend on subprojects’ targets, but not vice versa).

Workspace structure

Workspace structure

In this example, both apps (AnotherApplication / ProjectStructureExample) can reference the demoLib project’s targets. This would also be possible by including the demoLib project in both other projects as a subproject (which is a reference only, so no duplication necessary), but if you have lots of cross-dependencies, workspaces make more sense. If you open a workspace, you can choose from all projects’ targets when building/running.

Running targets from a workspace

You can still open your project files separately, but it is likely their targets won’t build because Xcode cannot resolve the dependencies unless you open the workspace file. Workspaces give you the same benefit as subprojects: Once a dependency changes, Xcode will rebuild it to make sure it’s up-to-date (although I have had some issues with that, it doesn’t seem to work reliably).

Your questions in a nutshell:

1) Projects contain files (code/resouces), settings, and targets that build products from those files and settings. Workspaces contain projects which can reference each other.

2) Both are responsible for structuring your overall project, but on different levels.

3) I think projects are sufficient in most cases. Don’t use workspaces unless there’s a specific reason. Plus, you can always embed your project in a workspace later.

4) I think that’s what the above text is for…

There’s one remark for 3): CocoaPods, which automatically handles 3rd party libraries for you, uses workspaces. Therefore, you have to use them, too, when you use CocoaPods (which a lot of people do).

How can I stream webcam video with C#?

Another option to stream images from a webcam to a browser is via mjpeg. This is just a series of jpeg images that most modern browsers support as part of the tag. Here's a sample server written in c#:

This works well over a LAN, but not as well over the internet as mjpeg is not as effcient as other video codecs (h264, VP8 etc..)

Get all variables sent with POST?

you should be able to access them from $_POST variable:

foreach ($_POST as $param_name => $param_val) {
    echo "Param: $param_name; Value: $param_val<br />\n";

How to get current class name including package name in Java?

Use this.getClass().getCanonicalName() to get the full class name.

Note that a package / class name ("a.b.C") is different from the path of the .class files (a/b/C.class), and that using the package name / class name to derive a path is typically bad practice. Sets of class files / packages can be in multiple different class paths, which can be directories or jar files.

C# '@' before a String

It means to interpret the string literally (that is, you cannot escape any characters within the string if you use the @ prefix). It enhances readability in cases where it can be used.

For example, if you were working with a UNC path, this:


is nicer than this:


Relative frequencies / proportions with dplyr

I wrote a small function for this repeating task:

count_pct <- function(df) {
    df %>%
      tally %>% 
      mutate(n_pct = 100*n/sum(n))

I can then use it like:

mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl) %>% 

It returns:

# A tibble: 3 x 3
    cyl     n n_pct
  <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1     4    11  34.4
2     6     7  21.9
3     8    14  43.8

Detecting value change of input[type=text] in jQuery

just remenber that 'on' is recomended over the 'bind' function, so always try to use a event listener like this:

$("#myTextBox").on("change paste keyup", function() {

Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format <plugin-prefix>:<goal> or <plugin-group-id>

Try without command mvn in the command line. Example:


mvn clean install jetty:run


clean install jetty:run

includes() not working in all browsers

Here is solution ( ref : )

if (!Array.prototype.includes) {
  Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'includes', {
    value: function (searchElement, fromIndex) {

      if (this == null) {
        throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');

      // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
      var o = Object(this);

      // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
      var len = o.length >>> 0;

      // 3. If len is 0, return false.
      if (len === 0) {
        return false;

      // 4. Let n be ? ToInteger(fromIndex).
      //    (If fromIndex is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
      var n = fromIndex | 0;

      // 5. If n = 0, then
      //  a. Let k be n.
      // 6. Else n < 0,
      //  a. Let k be len + n.
      //  b. If k < 0, let k be 0.
      var k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0);

      function sameValueZero(x, y) {
        return x === y || (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y));

      // 7. Repeat, while k < len
      while (k < len) {
        // a. Let elementK be the result of ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
        // b. If SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK) is true, return true.
        if (sameValueZero(o[k], searchElement)) {
          return true;
        // c. Increase k by 1. 

      // 8. Return false
      return false;

How do I set environment variables from Java?

This is the Kotlin evil version of the @pushy's evil answer =)

fun setEnv(newenv: Map<String, String>) {
    try {
        val processEnvironmentClass = Class.forName("java.lang.ProcessEnvironment")
        val theEnvironmentField = processEnvironmentClass.getDeclaredField("theEnvironment")
        theEnvironmentField.isAccessible = true
        val env = theEnvironmentField.get(null) as MutableMap<String, String>
        val theCaseInsensitiveEnvironmentField = processEnvironmentClass.getDeclaredField("theCaseInsensitiveEnvironment")
        theCaseInsensitiveEnvironmentField.isAccessible = true
        val cienv = theCaseInsensitiveEnvironmentField.get(null) as MutableMap<String, String>
    } catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) {
        val classes =
        val env = System.getenv()
        for (cl in classes) {
            if ("java.util.Collections\$UnmodifiableMap" == cl.getName()) {
                val field = cl.getDeclaredField("m")
                val obj = field.get(env)
                val map = obj as MutableMap<String, String>

It is working in macOS Mojave at least.

Why is my asynchronous function returning Promise { <pending> } instead of a value?

I know this question was asked 2 years ago, but I run into the same issue and the answer for the problem is since ES2017, that you can simply await the functions return value (as of now, only works in async functions), like:

let AuthUser = function(data) {
  return google.login(data.username, data.password).then(token => { return token } )

let userToken = await AuthUser(data)
console.log(userToken) // your data

UIView bottom border?

Solution for Swift 4

let bottomBorder = CALayer()
        bottomBorder.frame = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: calendarView.frame.size.height-1, width: calendarView.frame.width, height: 1.0)
        bottomBorder.backgroundColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.8039215803, green: 0.8039215803, blue: 0.8039215803, alpha: 1)

BackgroundColor lightGray. Change color if you need.

offsetting an html anchor to adjust for fixed header

Pure css solution inspired by Alexander Savin:

a[name] {
  padding-top: 40px;
  margin-top: -40px;
  display: inline-block; /* required for webkit browsers */

Optionally you may want to add the following if the target is still off the screen:

  vertical-align: top;

Nginx -- static file serving confusion with root & alias

In other words on keeping this brief: in case of root, location argument specified is part of filesystem's path and URI . On the other hand — for alias directive argument of location statement is part of URI only

So, alias is a different name that maps certain URI to certain path in the filesystem, whereas root appends location argument to the root path given as argument to root directive.

How can I view the contents of an ElasticSearch index?

You can view any existing index by using the below CURL. Please replace the index-name with your actual name before running and it will run as is.

View the index content

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://localhost:9200/index_name?pretty

And the output will include an index(see settings in output) and its mappings too and it will look like below output -

  "index_name": {
    "aliases": {},
    "mappings": {
      "collection_name": {
        "properties": {
          "test_field": {
            "type": "text",
            "fields": {
              "keyword": {
                "type": "keyword",
                "ignore_above": 256
    "settings": {
      "index": {
        "creation_date": "1527377274366",
        "number_of_shards": "5",
        "number_of_replicas": "1",
        "uuid": "6QfKqbbVQ0Gbsqkq7WZJ2g",
        "version": {
          "created": "6020299"
        "provided_name": "index_name"

View ALL the data under this index

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://localhost:9200/index_name/_search?pretty

Add multiple items to already initialized arraylist in java

If you have another list that contains all the items you would like to add you can do arList.addAll(otherList). Alternatively, if you will always add the same elements to the list you could create a new list that is initialized to contain all your values and use the addAll() method, with something like

Integer[] otherList = new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

or, if you don't want to create that unnecessary array:

arList.addAll(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

Otherwise you will have to have some sort of loop that adds the values to the list individually.

Switch to another branch without changing the workspace files

git fetch && git checkout branch_name( "branch_name" here is the name of the branch )

Then you will see message, Switched to a new branch 'branch_name' Branch 'branch_name' set up to track remote branch 'branch_name' from 'origin'.

what is Segmentation fault (core dumped)?

"Segmentation fault" means that you tried to access memory that you do not have access to.

The first problem is with your arguments of main. The main function should be int main(int argc, char *argv[]), and you should check that argc is at least 2 before accessing argv[1].

Also, since you're passing in a float to printf (which, by the way, gets converted to a double when passing to printf), you should use the %f format specifier. The %s format specifier is for strings ('\0'-terminated character arrays).

Set a path variable with spaces in the path in a Windows .cmd file or batch file

I always place the path in double quotes when I am creating a .bat file. (I just added the PAUSE so it wont close the screen.)

For example:

"C:\Program Files\PageTech\PCLReader64_131\PCLReader64.exe"

How to get the PYTHONPATH in shell?

Just write:

just write which python in your terminal and you will see the python path you are using.

Response Content type as CSV

Setting the content type and the content disposition as described above produces wildly varying results with different browsers:

IE8: SaveAs dialog as desired, and Excel as the default app. 100% good.

Firefox: SaveAs dialog does show up, but Firefox has no idea it is a spreadsheet. Suggests opening it with Visual Studio! 50% good

Chrome: the hints are fully ignored. The CSV data is shown in the browser. 0% good.

Of course in all of these cases I'm referring to the browsers as they come out of they box, with no customization of the mime/application mappings.

Rendering React Components from Array of Objects

I have an answer that might be a bit less confusing for newbies like myself. You can just use map within the components render method.

render () {
   return (
           { => <div key={station}> {station} </div>)} 

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

The problem for me turned out to be pretty obscure. My class looked like this:

// libbase.h
class base {
   base() { }
   virtual ~base() { }

   virtual int foo() { return 0; }

// libbase.cpp
#include "libbase.h"

// main.h
class derived : public base {
    virtual int foo() ;

// main.cpp
int main () {
    derived d;

The problem is in the linker. My header file went in a library somewhere, but all the virtual functions were declared 'inline' in the class declaration. Since there was no code using the virtual functions (yet), the compiler or linker neglected to put actual function bodies in place. It also failed to create the vtable.

In my main code where I derived from this class, the linker tried to connect my class to the base class and his vtable. But the vtable had been discarded.

The solution was to declare at least one of the virtual functions' bodies outside the class declaration, like this:

// libbase.h
class base {
   base() { }
   virtual ~base() ;   //-- No longer declared 'inline'

   virtual int foo() { return 0; }

// libbase.cpp
#include "libbase.h"

Laravel form html with PUT method for PUT routes

in your view blade change to

{{ Form::open(['action' => 'postcontroller@edit', 'method' => 'PUT', 'class' = 'your class here']) }}

{{ Form::textarea('textareanamehere', 'default value here', ['placeholder' => 'your place holder here', 'class' => 'your class here']) }}

{{ Form::submit('Update', ['class' => 'btn class here'])}}

{{ Form::close() }}

actually you can use raw form like your question. but i dont recomended it. dan itulah salah satu alasan agan belajar framework, simple, dan cepat. so kenapa pake raw form kalo ada yang lebih mudah. hehe. proud to be indonesian.

reference: Laravel Blade Form

How to add a class to body tag?


perfectly works

Python : How to parse the Body from a raw email , given that raw email does not have a "Body" tag or anything

If emails is the pandas dataframe and emails.message the column for email text

## Helper functions
def get_text_from_email(msg):
    '''To get the content from email objects'''
    parts = []
    for part in msg.walk():
        if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
            parts.append( part.get_payload() )
    return ''.join(parts)

def split_email_addresses(line):
    '''To separate multiple email addresses'''
    if line:
        addrs = line.split(',')
        addrs = frozenset(map(lambda x: x.strip(), addrs))
        addrs = None
    return addrs 

import email
# Parse the emails into a list email objects
messages = list(map(email.message_from_string, emails['message']))
emails.drop('message', axis=1, inplace=True)
# Get fields from parsed email objects
keys = messages[0].keys()
for key in keys:
    emails[key] = [doc[key] for doc in messages]
# Parse content from emails
emails['content'] = list(map(get_text_from_email, messages))
# Split multiple email addresses
emails['From'] = emails['From'].map(split_email_addresses)
emails['To'] = emails['To'].map(split_email_addresses)

# Extract the root of 'file' as 'user'
emails['user'] = emails['file'].map(lambda x:x.split('/')[0])
del messages


I want to load another HTML page after a specific amount of time

use this JavaScript code:

       window.location.href = 'form2.html';
    }, 5000);

subquery in FROM must have an alias

add an ALIAS on the subquery,

SELECT  COUNT(made_only_recharge) AS made_only_recharge
        SELECT DISTINCT (identifiant) AS made_only_recharge
        FROM cdr_data
        WHERE CALLEDNUMBER = '0130'
        SELECT DISTINCT (identifiant) AS made_only_recharge
        FROM cdr_data
        WHERE CALLEDNUMBER != '0130'
    ) AS derivedTable                           -- <<== HERE

Access event to call preventdefault from custom function originating from onclick attribute of tag

Add a unique class to the links and a javascript that prevents default on links with this class:

<a href="#" class="prevent-default" 
   onclick="$('.comment .hidden').toggle();">Show comments</a>


    $("a.prevent-default").click(function(event) {

Laravel 5 Class 'form' not found

Use Form, not form. The capitalization counts.

Javascript find json value

Making more general the @showdev answer.

var getObjectByValue = function (array, key, value) {
    return array.filter(function (object) {
        return object[key] === value;


getObjectByValue(data, "code", "DZ" );

Run CSS3 animation only once (at page loading)

For above query apply below css for a

animation-iteration-count: 1

Regex: match everything but specific pattern

Regex: match everything but:

Demo note: the newline \n is used inside negated character classes in demos to avoid match overflow to the neighboring line(s). They are not necessary when testing individual strings.

Anchor note: In many languages, use \A to define the unambiguous start of string, and \z (in Python, it is \Z, in JavaScript, $ is OK) to define the very end of the string.

Dot note: In many flavors (but not POSIX, TRE, TCL), . matches any char but a newline char. Make sure you use a corresponding DOTALL modifier (/s in PCRE/Boost/.NET/Python/Java and /m in Ruby) for the . to match any char including a newline.

Backslash note: In languages where you have to declare patterns with C strings allowing escape sequences (like \n for a newline), you need to double the backslashes escaping special characters so that the engine could treat them as literal characters (e.g. in Java, world\. will be declared as "world\\.", or use a character class: "world[.]"). Use raw string literals (Python r'\bworld\b'), C# verbatim string literals @"world\.", or slashy strings/regex literal notations like /world\./.

PostgreSQL: Why psql can't connect to server?

Just want to make a small addition: if your instance is complaining on a socket, you can also check unix_socket_directories at /data/postgresql.conf file which could have been set to /tmp, for example, if you have used a 3rd party distribution. You can change it to /var/run/postgresql and restart the service. That may also require creating a postgresql dir at /var/run and subsys/postgresql-9.6 at /var/lock if those doesn't already exist (worked for me with postgresql 9.6).

Is there a way to have printf() properly print out an array (of floats, say)?

You have to loop through the array and printf() each element:

for(int i=0;i<10;++i) {
  printf("%.2f ", foo[i]);


UINavigationBar custom back button without title

Target: customizing all back button on UINavigationBar to an white icon

Steps: 1. in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method of AppDelete:

UIImage *backBtnIcon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"navBackBtn"];

    [UINavigationBar appearance].tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [UINavigationBar appearance].backIndicatorImage = backBtnIcon;
    [UINavigationBar appearance].backIndicatorTransitionMaskImage = backBtnIcon;

    UIImage *backButtonImage = [backBtnIcon resizableImageWithCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, backBtnIcon.size.width - 1, 0, 0)];
    [[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setBackButtonBackgroundImage:backButtonImage  forState:UIControlStateNormal barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];

    [[UIBarButtonItem appearance] setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment:UIOffsetMake(0, -backButtonImage.size.height*2) forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
} the viewDidLoad method of the common super ViewController class:

        UIBarButtonItem *backItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@""
        [self.navigationItem setBackBarButtonItem:backItem];
        //do nothing

Show a number to two decimal places

If you want to use two decimal digits in your entire project, you can define:


Then the following function will produce your desired result:

$myvalue = 10.165445;
echo bcadd(0, $myvalue);
// result=10.11

But if you don't use the bcscale function, you need to write the code as follows to get your desired result.

$myvalue = 10.165445;
echo bcadd(0, $myvalue, 2);
// result=10.11

To know more

How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

You put it as =(B0+4)/($A$0)

You can also go across WorkSheets with Sheet1!$a$0

When to use RabbitMQ over Kafka?

RabbitMQ is a traditional general purpose message broker. It enables web servers to respond to requests quickly and deliver messages to multiple services. Publishers are able to publish messages and make them available to queues, so that consumers can retrieve them. The communication can be either asynchronous or synchronous.

On the other hand, Apache Kafka is not just a message broker. It was initially designed and implemented by LinkedIn in order to serve as a message queue. Since 2011, Kafka has been open sourced and quickly evolved into a distributed streaming platform, which is used for the implementation of real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.

It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production in thousands of companies.

Modern organisations have various data pipelines that facilitate the communication between systems or services. Things get a bit more complicated when a reasonable number of services needs to communicate with each other at real time.

The architecture becomes complex since various integrations are required in order to enable the inter-communication of these services. More precisely, for an architecture that encompasses m source and n target services, n x m distinct integrations need to be written. Also, every integration comes with a different specification, meaning that one might require a different protocol (HTTP, TCP, JDBC, etc.) or a different data representation (Binary, Apache Avro, JSON, etc.), making things even more challenging. Furthermore, source services might address increased load from connections that could potentially impact latency.

Apache Kafka leads to more simple and manageable architectures, by decoupling data pipelines. Kafka acts as a high-throughput distributed system where source services push streams of data, making them available for target services to pull them at real-time.

Also, a lot of open-source and enterprise-level User Interfaces for managing Kafka Clusters are available now. For more details refer to my articles Overview of UI monitoring tools for Apache Kafka clusters and Why Apache Kafka?

The decision of whether to go for RabbitMQ or Kafka is dependent to the requirements of your project. In general, if you want a simple/traditional pub-sub message broker then go for RabbitMQ. If you want to build an event-driven architecture on top of which your organisation will be acting on events at real-time, then go for Apache Kafka as it provides more functionality for this architectural type (for example Kafka Streams or ksqlDB).

how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content?

Finally solved issue of reinitialization of select2 after ajax call.

You can call this in success function of ajax.

Note : Don't forget to replace ".selector" to your class of <select class="selector"> element.


   placeholder: "Placeholder text",
   allowClear: true


Single Line Nested For Loops

Below code for best examples for nested loops, while using two for loops please remember the output of the first loop is input for the second loop. Loop termination also important while using the nested loops

for x in range(1, 10, 1):
     for y in range(1,x):
             print y,
OutPut :
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Replace all occurrences of a string in a data frame

To remove all spaces in every column, you can use

data[] <- lapply(data, gsub, pattern = " ", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)

or to constrict this to just the second and third columns (i.e. every column except the first),

data[-1] <- lapply(data[-1], gsub, pattern = " ", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

CSS support has binding to javascript, as a side note.

if (CSS.supports("( -moz-user-select:unset )")) {_x000D_

How to change int into int64?

This is probably obvious, but simplest:

i64 := int64(23)

Converting file size in bytes to human-readable string

Based on cocco's idea, here's a less compact -but hopefully more comprehensive- example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>File info</title>

function fileSize(bytes) {
    var exp = Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024) | 0;
    var result = (bytes / Math.pow(1024, exp)).toFixed(2);

    return result + ' ' + (exp == 0 ? 'bytes': 'KMGTPEZY'[exp - 1] + 'B');

function info(input) {
    input.nextElementSibling.textContent = fileSize(input.files[0].size);

<label for="upload-file"> File: </label>
<input id="upload-file" type="file" onchange="info(this)">

JavaScript - Replace all commas in a string

The third parameter of String.prototype.replace() function was never defined as a standard, so most browsers simply do not implement it.

The best way is to use regular expression with g (global) flag.

var myStr = 'this,is,a,test';_x000D_
var newStr = myStr.replace(/,/g, '-');_x000D_
console.log( newStr );  // "this-is-a-test"

Still have issues?

It is important to note, that regular expressions use special characters that need to be escaped. As an example, if you need to escape a dot (.) character, you should use /\./ literal, as in the regex syntax a dot matches any single character (except line terminators).

var myStr = '';_x000D_
var newStr = myStr.replace(/\./g, '-');_x000D_
console.log( newStr );  // "this-is-a-test"

If you need to pass a variable as a replacement string, instead of using regex literal you may create RegExp object and pass a string as the first argument of the constructor. The normal string escape rules (preceding special characters with \ when included in a string) will be necessary.

var myStr = '';_x000D_
var reStr = '\\.';_x000D_
var newStr = myStr.replace(new RegExp(reStr, 'g'), '-');_x000D_
console.log( newStr );  // "this-is-a-test"

connecting to phpMyAdmin database with PHP/MySQL

This (mysql_connect, mysql_...) extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be removed in the future. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used.

  • Object Oriented:

    $mysqli = new mysqli("host", "user", "password");
  • Procedural:

    $link = mysqli_connect("host","user","password") or die(mysqli_error($link)); 
    mysqli_select_db($link, "db");

Safest way to convert float to integer in python?

math.floor will always return an integer number and thus int(math.floor(some_float)) will never introduce rounding errors.

The rounding error might already be introduced in math.floor(some_large_float), though, or even when storing a large number in a float in the first place. (Large numbers may lose precision when stored in floats.)

Install mysql-python (Windows)

If you encounter the problem with missing MS VC 14 Build tools while trying pip install mysqlclient a possible solution for this may be

using setTimeout on promise chain

.then(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 15000)))


when I need sleep in async function I throw in

await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))

String field value length in mongoDB

I had a similar kind of scenario, but in my case string is not a 1st level attribute. It is inside an object. In here I couldn't find a suitable answer for it. So I thought to share my solution with you all(Hope this will help anyone with a similar kind of problem).

Parent Collection 

"name":"Random Name",

Ex: If we need to get only collections that having child's name's length is higher than 10 characters.

 db.getCollection('Parent').find({$where: function() { 
for (var field in { 
    if ( > 10) 
        return true;


How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

import { Route, Redirect } from "react-router-dom";

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Route path='/'>
          <Redirect to="/something" />
//rest of code here

this will make it so that when you load up the server on local host it will re direct you to /something

How to include view/partial specific styling in AngularJS

Awesome, thank you!! Just had to make a few adjustments to get it working with ui-router:

    var app = app || angular.module('app', []);

    app.directive('head', ['$rootScope', '$compile', '$state', function ($rootScope, $compile, $state) {

    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ctrls) {

            var html = '<link rel="stylesheet" ng-repeat="(routeCtrl, cssUrl) in routeStyles" ng-href="{{cssUrl}}" />';
            var el = $compile(html)($scope)
            $scope.routeStyles = {};

            function applyStyles(state, action) {
                var sheets = state ? state.css : null;
                if (state.parent) {
                    var parentState = $state.get(state.parent)
                    applyStyles(parentState, action);
                if (sheets) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(sheets)) {
                        sheets = [sheets];
                    angular.forEach(sheets, function (sheet) {

            $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {

                applyStyles(fromState, function(sheet) {
                    delete $scope.routeStyles[sheet];
                    console.log('>> remove >> ', sheet);

                applyStyles(toState, function(sheet) {
                    $scope.routeStyles[sheet] = sheet;
                    console.log('>> add >> ', sheet);

JSON.NET Error Self referencing loop detected for type

To ignore loop references and not to serialize them globally in MVC 6 use the following in startup.cs:

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddMvc().Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
            var jsonOutputFormatter = new JsonOutputFormatter();
            jsonOutputFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
            options.OutputFormatters.Insert(0, jsonOutputFormatter);

Converting Epoch time into the datetime

This is what you need

In [1]: time.time()
Out[1]: 1347517739.44904

In [2]: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time()))
Out[2]: '2012-09-13 06:31:43'

Please input a float instead of an int and that other TypeError should go away.

mend = time.gmtime(float(getbbb_class.end_time)).tm_hour

How do I make an editable DIV look like a text field?

These look the same as their real counterparts in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. They degrade gracefully and look OK in Opera and IE9, too.



textarea {
    height: 28px;
    width: 400px;

#textarea {
    -moz-appearance: textfield-multiline;
    -webkit-appearance: textarea;
    border: 1px solid gray;
    font: medium -moz-fixed;
    font: -webkit-small-control;
    height: 28px;
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 2px;
    resize: both;
    width: 400px;

input {
    margin-top: 5px;
    width: 400px;

#input {
    -moz-appearance: textfield;
    -webkit-appearance: textfield;
    background-color: white;
    background-color: -moz-field;
    border: 1px solid darkgray;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 0 lightgray inset;  
    font: -moz-field;
    font: -webkit-small-control;
    margin-top: 5px;
    padding: 2px 3px;
    width: 398px;    


<textarea>I am a textarea</textarea>
<div id="textarea" contenteditable>I look like textarea</div>

<input value="I am an input" />
<div id="input" contenteditable>I look like an input</div>


enter image description here

How to loop an object in React?

You can use map function

{Object.keys(tifs).map(key => (
    <option value={key}>{tifs[key]}</option>

How to write to error log file in PHP

You can use normal file operation to create an error log. Just refer this and input this link: PHP File Handling

Mapping many-to-many association table with extra column(s)

Since the SERVICE_USER table is not a pure join table, but has additional functional fields (blocked), you must map it as an entity, and decompose the many to many association between User and Service into two OneToMany associations : One User has many UserServices, and one Service has many UserServices.

You haven't shown us the most important part : the mapping and initialization of the relationships between your entities (i.e. the part you have problems with). So I'll show you how it should look like.

If you make the relationships bidirectional, you should thus have

class User {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
    private Set<UserService> userServices = new HashSet<UserService>();

class UserService {
    @JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
    private User user;

    @JoinColumn(name = "service_code")
    private Service service;

    @Column(name = "blocked")
    private boolean blocked;

class Service {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "service")
    private Set<UserService> userServices = new HashSet<UserService>();

If you don't put any cascade on your relationships, then you must persist/save all the entities. Although only the owning side of the relationship (here, the UserService side) must be initialized, it's also a good practice to make sure both sides are in coherence.

User user = new User();
Service service = new Service();
UserService userService = new UserService();



TestNG ERROR Cannot find class in classpath

right click on project -> go to maven -> update project

this fixed my problem when nothing else could

URL to load resources from the classpath in Java

I've created a class which helps to reduce errors in setting up custom handlers and takes advantage of the system property so there are no issues with calling a method first or not being in the right container. There's also an exception class if you get things wrong:
 * The CustomURLScheme class has a static method for adding cutom protocol
 * handlers without getting bogged down with other class loaders and having to
 * call setURLStreamHandlerFactory before the next guy...

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Allows you to add your own URL handler without running into problems
 * of race conditions with setURLStream handler.
 * To add your custom protocol eg myprot://blahblah:
 * 1) Create a new protocol package which ends in myprot eg com.myfirm.protocols.myprot
 * 2) Create a subclass of URLStreamHandler called Handler in this package
 * 3) Before you use the protocol, call CustomURLScheme.add(com.myfirm.protocols.myprot.Handler.class);
 * @author jasonw
public class CustomURLScheme

    // this is the package name required to implelent a Handler class
    private static Pattern packagePattern = Pattern.compile( "(.+\\.protocols)\\.[^\\.]+" );

     * Call this method with your handlerclass
     * @param handlerClass
     * @throws Exception 
    public static void add( Class<? extends URLStreamHandler> handlerClass ) throws Exception
        if ( handlerClass.getSimpleName().equals( "Handler" ) )
            String pkgName = handlerClass.getPackage().getName();
            Matcher m = packagePattern.matcher( pkgName );

            if ( m.matches() )
                String protocolPackage = 1 );
                add( protocolPackage );
                throw new CustomURLHandlerException( "Your Handler class package must end in 'protocols.yourprotocolname' eg com.somefirm.blah.protocols.yourprotocol" );

            throw new CustomURLHandlerException( "Your handler class must be called 'Handler'" );

    private static void add( String handlerPackage )
        // this property controls where java looks for
        // stream handlers - always uses current value.
        final String key = "java.protocol.handler.pkgs";

        String newValue = handlerPackage;
        if ( System.getProperty( key ) != null )
            final String previousValue = System.getProperty( key );
            newValue += "|" + previousValue;
        System.setProperty( key, newValue );
 * Exception if you get things mixed up creating a custom url protocol

 * @author jasonw
public class CustomURLHandlerException extends Exception

    public CustomURLHandlerException(String msg )
        super( msg );


ActionLink htmlAttributes

Replace the desired hyphen with an underscore; it will automatically be rendered as a hyphen:

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "edit", "markets",
    new { id = 1 },
    new {@class="ui-btn-right", data_icon="gear"})


<form action="markets/Edit/1" class="ui-btn-right" data-icon="gear" .../>

How do I specify different Layouts in the ASP.NET MVC 3 razor ViewStart file?

This method is the simplest way for beginners to control Layouts rendering in your ASP.NET MVC application. We can identify the controller and render the Layouts as par controller, to do this we can write our code in _ViewStart file in the root directory of the Views folder. Following is an example shows how it can be done.

    var controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
    string cLayout = "";

    if (controller == "Webmaster")
        cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_WebmasterLayout.cshtml";
        cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

    Layout = cLayout;

Read Complete Article here "How to Render different Layout in ASP.NET MVC"

Disable copy constructor

Make SymbolIndexer( const SymbolIndexer& ) private. If you're assigning to a reference, you're not copying.

ReferenceError: document is not defined (in plain JavaScript)

try: window.document......

var body = window.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using VBA or Macros

New introduction 2

In the previous version of macro "SaveEmailDetails" I used this statement to find Inbox:

Set FolderTgt = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _

I have since installed a newer version of Outlook and I have discovered that it does not use the default Inbox. For each of my email accounts, it created a separate store (named for the email address) each with its own Inbox. None of those Inboxes is the default.

This macro, outputs the name of the store holding the default Inbox to the Immediate Window:

Sub DsplUsernameOfDefaultStore()

  Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace
  Dim DefaultInboxFldr As MAPIFolder

  Set NS = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
  Set DefaultInboxFldr = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

  Debug.Print DefaultInboxFldr.Parent.Name

End Sub

On my installation, this outputs: "Outlook Data File".

I have added an extra statement to macro "SaveEmailDetails" that shows how to access the Inbox of any store.

New introduction 1

A number of people have picked up the macro below, found it useful and have contacted me directly for further advice. Following these contacts I have made a few improvements to the macro so I have posted the revised version below. I have also added a pair of macros which together will return the MAPIFolder object for any folder with the Outlook hierarchy. These are useful if you wish to access other than a default folder.

The original text referenced one question by date which linked to an earlier question. The first question has been deleted so the link has been lost. That link was to Update excel sheet based on outlook mail (closed)

Original text

There are a surprising number of variations of the question: "How do I extract data from Outlook emails to Excel workbooks?" For example, two questions up on [outlook-vba] the same question was asked on 13 August. That question references a variation from December that I attempted to answer.

For the December question, I went overboard with a two part answer. The first part was a series of teaching macros that explored the Outlook folder structure and wrote data to text files or Excel workbooks. The second part discussed how to design the extraction process. For this question Siddarth has provided an excellent, succinct answer and then a follow-up to help with the next stage.

What the questioner of every variation appears unable to understand is that showing us what the data looks like on the screen does not tell us what the text or html body looks like. This answer is an attempt to get past that problem.

The macro below is more complicated than Siddarth’s but a lot simpler that those I included in my December answer. There is more that could be added but I think this is enough to start with.

The macro creates a new Excel workbook and outputs selected properties of every email in Inbox to create this worksheet:

Example of worksheet created by macro

Near the top of the macro there is a comment containing eight hashes (#). The statement below that comment must be changed because it identifies the folder in which the Excel workbook will be created.

All other comments containing hashes suggest amendments to adapt the macro to your requirements.

How are the emails from which data is to be extracted identified? Is it the sender, the subject, a string within the body or all of these? The comments provide some help in eliminating uninteresting emails. If I understand the question correctly, an interesting email will have Subject = "Task Completed".

The comments provide no help in extracting data from interesting emails but the worksheet shows both the text and html versions of the email body if they are present. My idea is that you can see what the macro will see and start designing the extraction process.

This is not shown in the screen image above but the macro outputs two versions on the text body. The first version is unchanged which means tab, carriage return, line feed are obeyed and any non-break spaces look like spaces. In the second version, I have replaced these codes with the strings [TB], [CR], [LF] and [NBSP] so they are visible. If my understanding is correct, I would expect to see the following within the second text body:

Activity[TAB]Count[CR][LF]Open[TAB]35[CR][LF]HCQA[TAB]42[CR][LF]HCQC[TAB]60[CR][LF]HAbst[TAB]50 45 5 2 2 1[CR][LF] and so on

Extracting the values from the original of this string should not be difficult.

I would try amending my macro to output the extracted values in addition to the email’s properties. Only when I have successfully achieved this change would I attempt to write the extracted data to an existing workbook. I would also move processed emails to a different folder. I have shown where these changes must be made but give no further help. I will respond to a supplementary question if you get to the point where you need this information.

Good luck.

Latest version of macro included within the original text

Option Explicit
Public Sub SaveEmailDetails()

  ' This macro creates a new Excel workbook and writes to it details
  ' of every email in the Inbox.

  ' Lines starting with hashes either MUST be changed before running the
  ' macro or suggest changes you might consider appropriate.

  Dim AttachCount As Long
  Dim AttachDtl() As String
  Dim ExcelWkBk As Excel.Workbook
  Dim FileName As String
  Dim FolderTgt As MAPIFolder
  Dim HtmlBody As String
  Dim InterestingItem As Boolean
  Dim InxAttach As Long
  Dim InxItemCrnt As Long
  Dim PathName As String
  Dim ReceivedTime As Date
  Dim RowCrnt As Long
  Dim SenderEmailAddress As String
  Dim SenderName As String
  Dim Subject As String
  Dim TextBody As String
  Dim xlApp As Excel.Application

  ' The Excel workbook will be created in this folder.
  ' ######## Replace "C:\DataArea\SO" with the name of a folder on your disc.
  PathName = "C:\DataArea\SO"

  ' This creates a unique filename.
  ' #### If you use a version of Excel 2003, change the extension to "xls".
  FileName = Format(Now(), "yymmdd hhmmss") & ".xlsx"

  ' Open own copy of Excel
  Set xlApp = Application.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  With xlApp
    ' .Visible = True         ' This slows your macro but helps during debugging
    .ScreenUpdating = False ' Reduces flash and increases speed
    ' Create a new workbook
    ' #### If updating an existing workbook, replace with an
    ' #### Open workbook statement.
    Set ExcelWkBk = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
    With ExcelWkBk
      ' #### None of this code will be useful if you are adding
      ' #### to an existing workbook.  However, it demonstrates a
      ' #### variety of useful statements.
      .Worksheets("Sheet1").Name = "Inbox"    ' Rename first worksheet
      With .Worksheets("Inbox")
        ' Create header line
        With .Cells(1, "A")
          .Value = "Field"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        With .Cells(1, "B")
          .Value = "Value"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        .Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 18
        .Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 150
      End With
    End With
    RowCrnt = 2
  End With

  ' FolderTgt is the folder I am going to search.  This statement says
  ' I want to seach the Inbox.  The value "olFolderInbox" can be replaced
  ' to allow any of the standard folders to be searched.
  ' See FindSelectedFolder() for a routine that will search for any folder.
  Set FolderTgt = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _
  ' #### Use the following the access a non-default Inbox.
  ' #### Change "Xxxx" to name of one of your store you want to access.
  Set FolderTgt = Session.Folders("Xxxx").Folders("Inbox")

  ' This examines the emails in reverse order. I will explain why later.
  For InxItemCrnt = FolderTgt.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
    With FolderTgt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt)
      ' A folder can contain several types of item: mail items, meeting items,
      ' contacts, etc.  I am only interested in mail items.
      If .Class = olMail Then
        ' Save selected properties to variables
        ReceivedTime = .ReceivedTime
        Subject = .Subject
        SenderName = .SenderName
        SenderEmailAddress = .SenderEmailAddress
        TextBody = .Body
        HtmlBody = .HtmlBody
        AttachCount = .Attachments.Count
        If AttachCount > 0 Then
          ReDim AttachDtl(1 To 7, 1 To AttachCount)
          For InxAttach = 1 To AttachCount
            ' There are four types of attachment:
            '  *   olByValue       1
            '  *   olByReference   4
            '  *   olEmbeddedItem  5
            '  *   olOLE           6
            Select Case .Attachments(InxAttach).Type
              Case olByValue
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Val"
              Case olEmbeddeditem
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Ebd"
              Case olByReference
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Ref"
              Case olOLE
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "OLE"
              Case Else
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Unk"
            End Select
            ' Not all types have all properties.  This code handles
            ' those missing properties of which I am aware.  However,
            ' I have never found an attachment of type Reference or OLE.
            ' Additional code may be required for them.
            Select Case .Attachments(InxAttach).Type
              Case olEmbeddeditem
                AttachDtl(2, InxAttach) = ""
              Case Else
                AttachDtl(2, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).PathName
            End Select
            AttachDtl(3, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).FileName
            AttachDtl(4, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).DisplayName
            AttachDtl(5, InxAttach) = "--"
            ' I suspect Attachment had a parent property in early versions
            ' of Outlook. It is missing from Outlook 2016.
            On Error Resume Next
            AttachDtl(5, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).Parent
            On Error GoTo 0
            AttachDtl(6, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).Position
            ' Class 5 is attachment.  I have never seen an attachment with
            ' a different class and do not see the purpose of this property.
            ' The code will stop here if a different class is found.
            Debug.Assert .Attachments(InxAttach).Class = 5
            AttachDtl(7, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).Class
        End If
        InterestingItem = True
        InterestingItem = False
      End If
    End With
    ' The most used properties of the email have been loaded to variables but
    ' there are many more properies.  Press F2.  Scroll down classes until
    ' you find MailItem.  Look through the members and note the name of
    ' any properties that look useful.  Look them up using VB Help.

    ' #### You need to add code here to eliminate uninteresting items.
    ' #### For example:
    'If SenderEmailAddress <> "[email protected]" Then
    '  InterestingItem = False
    'End If
    'If InStr(Subject, "Accounts payable") = 0 Then
    '  InterestingItem = False
    'End If
    'If AttachCount = 0 Then
    '  InterestingItem = False
    'End If

    ' #### If the item is still thought to be interesting I
    ' #### suggest extracting the required data to variables here.

    ' #### You should consider moving processed emails to another
    ' #### folder.  The emails are being processed in reverse order
    ' #### to allow this removal of an email from the Inbox without
    ' #### effecting the index numbers of unprocessed emails.

    If InterestingItem Then
      With ExcelWkBk
        With .Worksheets("Inbox")
          ' #### This code creates a dividing row and then
          ' #### outputs a property per row.  Again it demonstrates
          ' #### statements that are likely to be useful in the final
          ' #### version
          ' Create dividing row between emails
          .Rows(RowCrnt).RowHeight = 5
          .Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, "A"), .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")) _
                                      .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Sender name"
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = SenderName
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Sender email address"
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = SenderEmailAddress
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Received time"
          With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
            .NumberFormat = "@"
            .Value = Format(ReceivedTime, "mmmm d, yyyy h:mm")
          End With
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Subject"
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = Subject
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          If AttachCount > 0 Then
            .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Attachments"
            .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = "Inx|Type|Path name|File name|Display name|Parent|Position|Class"
            RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
            For InxAttach = 1 To AttachCount
              .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = InxAttach & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(2, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(3, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(4, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(5, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(6, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(7, InxAttach)
              RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          End If
          If TextBody <> "" Then

            ' ##### This code was in the original version of the macro
            ' ##### but I did not find it as useful as the other version of
            ' ##### the text body.  See below
            ' This outputs the text body with CR, LF and TB obeyed
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
            '  .Value = "text body"
            '  .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            'End With
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
            '  ' The maximum size of a cell 32,767
            '  .Value = Mid(TextBody, 1, 32700)
            '  .WrapText = True
            'End With
            'RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1

            ' This outputs the text body with NBSP, CR, LF and TB
            ' replaced by strings.
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
              .Value = "text body"
              .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            End With
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, Chr(160), "[NBSP]")
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, vbCr, "[CR]")
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, vbLf, "[LF]")
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, vbTab, "[TB]")
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
              ' The maximum size of a cell 32,767
              .Value = Mid(TextBody, 1, 32700)
              .WrapText = True
            End With
            RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          End If

          If HtmlBody <> "" Then

            ' ##### This code was in the original version of the macro
            ' ##### but I did not find it as useful as the other version of
            ' ##### the html body.  See below
            ' This outputs the html body with CR, LF and TB obeyed
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
            '  .Value = "Html body"
            '  .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            'End With
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
            '  .Value = Mid(HtmlBody, 1, 32700)
            '  .WrapText = True
            'End With
            'RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1

            ' This outputs the html body with NBSP, CR, LF and TB
            ' replaced by strings.
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
              .Value = "Html body"
              .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            End With
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, Chr(160), "[NBSP]")
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, vbCr, "[CR]")
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, vbLf, "[LF]")
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, vbTab, "[TB]")
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
              .Value = Mid(HtmlBody, 1, 32700)
              .WrapText = True
            End With
            RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1

          End If
        End With
      End With
    End If

  With xlApp
    With ExcelWkBk
      ' Write new workbook to disc
      If Right(PathName, 1) <> "\" Then
        PathName = PathName & "\"
      End If
      .SaveAs FileName:=PathName & FileName
    End With
    .Quit   ' Close our copy of Excel
  End With

  Set xlApp = Nothing       ' Clear reference to Excel

End Sub

Macros not included in original post but which some users of above macro have found useful.

Public Sub FindSelectedFolder(ByRef FolderTgt As MAPIFolder, _
                              ByVal NameTgt As String, ByVal NameSep As String)

  ' This routine (and its sub-routine) locate a folder within the hierarchy and
  ' returns it as an object of type MAPIFolder

  ' NameTgt   The name of the required folder in the format:
  '              FolderName1 NameSep FolderName2 [ NameSep FolderName3 ] ...
  '           If NameSep is "|", an example value is "Personal Folders|Inbox"
  '           FolderName1 must be an outer folder name such as
  '           "Personal Folders". The outer folder names are typically the names
  '           of PST files.  FolderName2 must be the name of a folder within
  '           Folder1; in the example "Inbox".  FolderName2 is compulsory.  This
  '           routine cannot return a PST file; only a folder within a PST file.
  '           FolderName3, FolderName4 and so on are optional and allow a folder
  '           at any depth with the hierarchy to be specified.
  ' NameSep   A character or string used to separate the folder names within
  '           NameTgt.
  ' FolderTgt On exit, the required folder.  Set to Nothing if not found.

  ' This routine initialises the search and finds the top level folder.
  ' FindSelectedSubFolder() is used to find the target folder within the
  ' top level folder.

  Dim InxFolderCrnt As Long
  Dim NameChild As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String
  Dim Pos As Long
  Dim TopLvlFolderList As Folders

  Set FolderTgt = Nothing   ' Target folder not found

  Set TopLvlFolderList = _

  ' Split NameTgt into the name of folder at current level
  ' and the name of its children
  Pos = InStr(NameTgt, NameSep)
  If Pos = 0 Then
    ' I need at least a level 2 name
    Exit Sub
  End If
  NameCrnt = Mid(NameTgt, 1, Pos - 1)
  NameChild = Mid(NameTgt, Pos + 1)

  ' Look for current name.  Drop through and return nothing if name not found.
  For InxFolderCrnt = 1 To TopLvlFolderList.Count
    If NameCrnt = TopLvlFolderList(InxFolderCrnt).Name Then
      ' Have found current name. Call FindSelectedSubFolder() to
      ' look for its children
      Call FindSelectedSubFolder(TopLvlFolderList.Item(InxFolderCrnt), _
                                            FolderTgt, NameChild, NameSep)
      Exit For
    End If

End Sub
Public Sub FindSelectedSubFolder(FolderCrnt As MAPIFolder, _
                      ByRef FolderTgt As MAPIFolder, _
                      ByVal NameTgt As String, ByVal NameSep As String)

  ' See FindSelectedFolder() for an introduction to the purpose of this routine.
  ' This routine finds all folders below the top level

  ' FolderCrnt The folder to be seached for the target folder.
  ' NameTgt    The NameTgt passed to FindSelectedFolder will be of the form:
  '               A|B|C|D|E
  '            A is the name of outer folder which represents a PST file.
  '            FindSelectedFolder() removes "A|" from NameTgt and calls this
  '            routine with FolderCrnt set to folder A to search for B.
  '            When this routine finds B, it calls itself with FolderCrnt set to
  '            folder B to search for C.  Calls are nested to whatever depth are
  '            necessary.
  ' NameSep    As for FindSelectedSubFolder
  ' FolderTgt  As for FindSelectedSubFolder

  Dim InxFolderCrnt As Long
  Dim NameChild As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String
  Dim Pos As Long

  ' Split NameTgt into the name of folder at current level
  ' and the name of its children
  Pos = InStr(NameTgt, NameSep)
  If Pos = 0 Then
    NameCrnt = NameTgt
    NameChild = ""
    NameCrnt = Mid(NameTgt, 1, Pos - 1)
    NameChild = Mid(NameTgt, Pos + 1)
  End If

  ' Look for current name.  Drop through and return nothing if name not found.
  For InxFolderCrnt = 1 To FolderCrnt.Folders.Count
    If NameCrnt = FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt).Name Then
      ' Have found current name.
      If NameChild = "" Then
        ' Have found target folder
        Set FolderTgt = FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt)
        'Recurse to look for children
        Call FindSelectedSubFolder(FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt), _
                                            FolderTgt, NameChild, NameSep)
      End If
      Exit For
    End If

  ' If NameCrnt not found, FolderTgt will be returned unchanged.  Since it is
  ' initialised to Nothing at the beginning, that will be the returned value.

End Sub

APT command line interface-like yes/no input?

Here's my take on it, I simply wanted to abort if the user did not affirm the action.

import distutils

if unsafe_case:
    print('Proceed with potentially unsafe thing? [y/n]')
    while True:
            verify = distutils.util.strtobool(raw_input())
            if not verify:
                raise SystemExit  # Abort on user reject
        except ValueError as err:
            print('Please enter \'yes\' or \'no\'')
            # Try again
    print('Continuing ...')

How to set custom location for local installation of npm package?

For OSX, you can go to your user's $HOME (probably /Users/yourname/) and, if it doesn't already exist, create an .npmrc file (a file that npm uses for user configuration), and create a directory for your npm packages to be installed in (e.g., /Users/yourname/npm). In that .npmrc file, set "prefix" to your new npm directory, which will be where "globally" installed npm packages will be installed; these "global" packages will, obviously, be available only to your user account.

In .npmrc:


Then run this command from the command line:

npm config ls -l

It should give output on both your own local configuration and the global npm configuration, and you should see your local prefix configuration reflected, probably near the top of the long list of output.

For security, I recommend this approach to configuring your user account's npm behavior over chown-ing your /usr/local folders, which I've seen recommended elsewhere.

Load HTML file into WebView

The Accepted Answer is not working for me, This is what works for me

WebSettings webSetting = webView.getSettings();
    webView1.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());


Xcode : Adding a project as a build dependency

Just close the Project you want to add , then drag and drop the file .

Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern

You should never be writing code that looks like this:

private void DoGUISwitch() {
    if (object1.InvokeRequired) {
        object1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { DoGUISwitch(); }));
    } else {
        object1.Visible = true;
        object2.Visible = false;

If you do have code that looks like this then your application is not thread-safe. It means that you have code which is already calling DoGUISwitch() from a different thread. It's too late to be checking to see if it's in a different thread. InvokeRequire must be called BEFORE you make a call to DoGUISwitch. You should not access any method or property from a different thread.

Reference: Control.InvokeRequired Property where you can read the following:

In addition to the InvokeRequired property, there are four methods on a control that are thread safe to call: Invoke, BeginInvoke, EndInvoke and CreateGraphics if the handle for the control has already been created.

In a single CPU architecture there's no problem, but in a multi-CPU architecture you can cause part of the UI thread to be assigned to the processor where the calling code was running...and if that processor is different from where the UI thread was running then when the calling thread ends Windows will think that the UI thread has ended and will kill the application process i.e. your application will exit without error.

Is key-value pair available in Typescript?

an example of a key value pair is:

[key: string]: string

you can put anything as the value, of course

iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPodTouch) view real-time console log terminal

EDIT: Please use @cbowns solution - deviceconsole is compatible with iOS9 and much easier to use.

This is a open-source program that displays the iDevice's system log in Terminal (in a manner similar to tail -F). No jailbreak is required, and the output is fully grep'able so you can filter to see output from your program only. What's particularly good about this solution is you can view the log whether or not the app was launched in debug mode from XCode.

Here's how:

Grab the libimobiledevice binary for Mac OS X from my github account at

Follow the install instructions here:

Connect your device, open up and type:


Up pops a real-time display of the device's system log.

With it being a console app, you can filter the log using unix commands, such as grep

For instance, see all log messages from a particular app:

idevicesyslog | grep myappname

Taken from my blog at

You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https

The Valery's answer helped me:

WAMP uses different php.ini files in the CLI and for Apache. when you enable php_openssl through the WAMP UI, you enable it for Apache, not for the CLI. You need to modify C:\wamp\bin\php\php-5.4.3\php.ini to enable it for the CLI.

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation

Email validation is easy to get wrong. I would therefore recommend that you use Verimail.js.


  • Syntax validation (according to RFC 822).
  • IANA TLD validation
  • Spelling suggestion for the most common TLDs and email domains
  • Deny temporary email account domains such as
  • jQuery plugin support

Another great thing with Verimail.js is that it has spelling suggestion for the most common email domains and registered TLDs. This can lower your bounce rate drastically for users that misspell common domain names such as,,, aso..


How to use it?

The easiest way is to download and include verimail.jquery.js on your page. After that, hookup Verimail by running the following function on the input-box that needs the validation:

    messageElement: "p#status-message"

The message element is an optional element that displays a message such as "Invalid email.." or "Did you mean [email protected]?". If you have a form and only want to proceed if the email is verified, you can use the function getVerimailStatus as shown below:

if($("input#email-address").getVerimailStatus() < 0){
    // Invalid email
    // Valid email

The getVerimailStatus-function returns an integer code according to the object Comfirm.AlphaMail.Verimail.Status. As shown above, if the status is a negative integer value, then the validation should be treated as a failure. But if the value is greater or equal to 0, then the validation should be treated as a success.

How can I get the list of files in a directory using C or C++?

Shreevardhan answer works great. But if you want to use it in c++14 just make a change namespace fs = experimental::filesystem;


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>

using namespace std;
namespace fs = experimental::filesystem;

int main()
    string path = "C:\\splits\\";
    for (auto & p : fs::directory_iterator(path))
        cout << p << endl;
    int n;
    cin >> n;

Sonar properties files

You can define a Multi-module project structure, then you can set the configuration for sonar in one properties file in the root folder of your project, (Way #1)

Count number of occurrences for each unique value

You should change the query to:

SELECT time_col, COUNT(time_col) As Count
FROM time_table
WHERE activity_col = 3
GROUP BY time_col

This vl works correctly.

PHP - how to create a newline character?

For any echo statements, I always use <br> inside double quotes.

The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int)

Just as a follow up to comments on the efficiency of exponentiation by squaring.

The advantage of that approach is that it runs in log(n) time. For example, if you were going to calculate something huge, such as x^1048575 (2^20 - 1), you only have to go thru the loop 20 times, not 1 million+ using the naive approach.

Also, in terms of code complexity, it is simpler than trying to find the most optimal sequence of multiplications, a la Pramod's suggestion.


I guess I should clarify before someone tags me for the potential for overflow. This approach assumes that you have some sort of hugeint library.

How to customize the background/border colors of a grouped table view cell?

First of all thanks for this code. I have made some drawing changes in this function to remove corner problem of drawing.

    // Drawing code

    CGContextRef c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(c, [fillColor CGColor]);
    CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(c, [borderColor CGColor]);
    CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 2);

    if (position == CustomCellBackgroundViewPositionTop) {

        CGFloat minx = CGRectGetMinX(rect) , midx = CGRectGetMidX(rect), maxx = CGRectGetMaxX(rect) ;
        CGFloat miny = CGRectGetMinY(rect) , maxy = CGRectGetMaxY(rect) ;
        minx = minx + 1;
        miny = miny + 1;

        maxx = maxx - 1;
        maxy = maxy ;

        CGContextMoveToPoint(c, minx, maxy);
        CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, minx, miny, midx, miny, ROUND_SIZE);
        CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, maxx, miny, maxx, maxy, ROUND_SIZE);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, maxx, maxy);

        // Close the path
        // Fill & stroke the path
        CGContextDrawPath(c, kCGPathFillStroke);        
    } else if (position == CustomCellBackgroundViewPositionBottom) {

        CGFloat minx = CGRectGetMinX(rect) , midx = CGRectGetMidX(rect), maxx = CGRectGetMaxX(rect) ;
        CGFloat miny = CGRectGetMinY(rect) , maxy = CGRectGetMaxY(rect) ;
        minx = minx + 1;
        miny = miny ;

        maxx = maxx - 1;
        maxy = maxy - 1;

        CGContextMoveToPoint(c, minx, miny);
        CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, minx, maxy, midx, maxy, ROUND_SIZE);
        CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, maxx, maxy, maxx, miny, ROUND_SIZE);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, maxx, miny);
        // Close the path
        // Fill & stroke the path
        CGContextDrawPath(c, kCGPathFillStroke);    
    } else if (position == CustomCellBackgroundViewPositionMiddle) {
        CGFloat minx = CGRectGetMinX(rect) , maxx = CGRectGetMaxX(rect) ;
        CGFloat miny = CGRectGetMinY(rect) , maxy = CGRectGetMaxY(rect) ;
        minx = minx + 1;
        miny = miny ;

        maxx = maxx - 1;
        maxy = maxy ;

        CGContextMoveToPoint(c, minx, miny);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, maxx, miny);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, maxx, maxy);
        CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, minx, maxy);

        // Fill & stroke the path
        CGContextDrawPath(c, kCGPathFillStroke);    


The below code worked for me perfectly here make http only instead https

npm config set registry  

Uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Mutex (NameError)

You can also likely get around this issue by requiring 'thread' in your application as such:

require 'thread'

As per the RubyGems 1.6.0 release notes.

How to select records from last 24 hours using SQL?

in postgres, assuming your field type is a timestamp:

select * from table where date_field > (now() - interval '24 hour');

nvarchar(max) vs NText

Wanted to add my experience with converting. I had many text fields in ancient Linq2SQL code. This was to allow text columns present in indexes to be rebuilt ONLINE.

First I've known about the benefits for years, but always assumed that converting would mean some scary long queries where SQL Server would have to rebuild the table and copy everything over, bringing down my websites and raising my heartrate.

I was also concerned that the Linq2SQL could cause errors if it was doing some kind of verification of the column type.

Happy to report though, that the ALTER commands returned INSTANTLY - so they are definitely only changing table metadata. There may be some offline work happening to bring <8000 character data back to be in-table, but the ALTER command was instant.

I ran the following to find all columns needing conversion:

SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE dbo.[', table_name, '] ALTER COLUMN [', column_name, '] VARCHAR(MAX)'), table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns where data_type = 'TEXT' order by table_name, column_name

SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE dbo.[', table_name, '] ALTER COLUMN [', column_name, '] NVARCHAR(MAX)'), table_name, column_name
FROM information_schema.columns where data_type = 'NTEXT' order by table_name, column_name

This gave me a nice list of queries, which I just selected and copied to a new window. Like I said - running this was instant.

enter image description here

Linq2SQL is pretty ancient - it uses a designer that you drag tables onto. The situation may be more complex for EF Code first but I haven't tackled that yet.

Get Wordpress Category from Single Post

<div class="post_category">
        <?php $category = get_the_category();
             $allcategory = get_the_category(); 
        foreach ($allcategory as $category) {
           <a class="btn"><?php echo $category->cat_name;; ?></a>

How to check if a column is empty or null using SQL query select statement?

An answer above got me 99% of the way there (thanks Denis Ivin!). For my PHP / MySQL implementation, I needed to change the syntax a little:

FROM UserProfile
WHERE PropertydefinitionID in (40, 53)
AND (LENGTH(IFNULL(PropertyValue,'')) = 0)

LEN becomes LENGTH and ISNULL becomes IFNULL.

Read and overwrite a file in Python

The fileinput module has an inplace mode for writing changes to the file you are processing without using temporary files etc. The module nicely encapsulates the common operation of looping over the lines in a list of files, via an object which transparently keeps track of the file name, line number etc if you should want to inspect them inside the loop.

from fileinput import FileInput
for line in FileInput("file", inplace=1):
    line = line.replace("foobar", "bar")

Switch to selected tab by name in Jquery-UI Tabs

The only practical way to get the zero-based index of your tabs is to step through each of the elements that make the tabset (the LI>A s) and match on their inner text. It can probably be done in a cleaner way, but here's how I did it.

$('#tabs ul li a').each(function(i) {
    if (this.text == 'Two') {$('#reqTab').val(i)}

    selected: $('#reqTab').val()

You can see that I used a hidden <input id="reqTab"> field in the page to make sure the variable moved from one function to the other.

NOTE: There is a little bit of a gotcha -- selecting tabs after the tabset is activated doesn't seem to work as advertised in jQuery UI 1.8, which is why I used the identified index from my first pass in order to initialize the tabset with the desired tab selected.

Excel add one hour

This may help you as well. This is a conditional statement that will fill the cell with a default date if it is empty but will subtract one hour if it is a valid date/time and put it into the cell.


You can also substitute TIME with DATE to add or subtract a date or time.

How to listen state changes in react.js?

I haven't used Angular, but reading the link above, it seems that you're trying to code for something that you don't need to handle. You make changes to state in your React component hierarchy (via this.setState()) and React will cause your component to be re-rendered (effectively 'listening' for changes). If you want to 'listen' from another component in your hierarchy then you have two options:

  1. Pass handlers down (via props) from a common parent and have them update the parent's state, causing the hierarchy below the parent to be re-rendered.
  2. Alternatively, to avoid an explosion of handlers cascading down the hierarchy, you should look at the flux pattern, which moves your state into data stores and allows components to watch them for changes. The Fluxxor plugin is very useful for managing this.

Find a file with a certain extension in folder

Use this code for read file with all type of extension file.

string[] sDirectoryInfo = Directory.GetFiles(SourcePath, "*.*");

SQL select statements with multiple tables

Select * from people p, address a where = a.person_id and'97229';

Or you must TRY using JOIN which is a more efficient and better way to do this as Gordon Linoff in the comments below also says that you need to learn this.

SELECT p.*, a.street, FROM persons AS p
JOIN address AS a ON = a.person_id
WHERE = '97299';

Here p.* means it will show all the columns of PERSONS table.

No restricted globals

Perhaps you could try passing location into the component as a prop. Below I use ...otherProps. This is the spread operator, and is valid but unneccessary if you passed in your props explicitly it's just there as a place holder for demonstration purposes. Also, research destructuring to understand where ({ location }) came from.

import React from 'react';
import withRouter from 'react-router-dom';

const MyComponent = ({ location, ...otherProps }) => (whatever you want to render)

export withRouter(MyComponent);

size of uint8, uint16 and uint32?

It's quite unclear how you are computing the size ("the size in debug mode"?").

Use printf():

printf("the size of c is %u\n", (unsigned int) sizeof c);

Normally you'd print a size_t value (which is the type sizeof returns) with %zu, but if you're using a pre-C99 compiler like Visual Studio that won't work.

You need to find the typedef statements in your code that define the custom names like uint8 and so on; those are not standard so nobody here can know how they're defined in your code.

New C code should use <stdint.h> which gives you uint8_t and so on.

Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

In your Page_Load you will want to clear out the normal output and write your own, for example:

string json = "{\"name\":\"Joe\"}";
Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";

To convert a C# object to JSON you can use a library such as Json.NET.

Instead of getting your .aspx page to output JSON though, consider using a Web Service (asmx) or WCF, both of which can output JSON.

Setting default values for columns in JPA

If you're using a double, you can use the following:

@Column(columnDefinition="double precision default '96'")

private Double grolsh;

Yes it's db specific.

Refresh Page and Keep Scroll Position


You can use document.location.reload(true) as mentioned below instead of the forced trick below.

Replace your HTML with this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style type="text/css">
            body { 
                background-image: url('../Images/Black-BackGround.gif');
                background-repeat: repeat;
            body td {
               font-Family: Arial; 
               font-size: 12px; 
            #Nav a { 
                text-decoration: none; 
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function refreshPage () {
                var page_y = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].scrollTop;
                window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0] + '?page_y=' + page_y;
            window.onload = function () {
                setTimeout(refreshPage, 35000);
                if ( window.location.href.indexOf('page_y') != -1 ) {
                    var match = window.location.href.split('?')[1].split("&")[0].split("=");
                    document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].scrollTop = match[1];
    <body><!-- BODY CONTENT HERE --></body>

remove kernel on jupyter notebook

If you are doing this for virtualenv, the kernels in inactive environments might not be shown with jupyter kernelspec list, as suggested above. You can delete it from directory:


Visual Studio Code compile on save

I implemented compile on save with gulp task using gulp-typescript and incremental build. This allows to control compilation whatever you want. Notice my variable tsServerProject, in my real project I also have tsClientProject because I want to compile my client code with no module specified. As I know you can't do it with vs code.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    ts = require('gulp-typescript'),
    sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');

var tsServerProject = ts.createProject({
   declarationFiles: false,
   noExternalResolve: false,
   module: 'commonjs',
   target: 'ES5'

var srcServer = 'src/server/**/*.ts'

gulp.task('watch-server', ['compile-server'], watchServer);
gulp.task('compile-server', compileServer);

function watchServer(params) {, ['compile-server']);

function compileServer(params) {
   var tsResult = gulp.src(srcServer)

   return tsResult.js


Pass parameters in setInterval function

You need to create an anonymous function so the actual function isn't executed right away.

setInterval( function() { funca(10,3); }, 500 );

GridView - Show headers on empty data source

I found a very simple solution to the problem. I simply created two GridViews. The first GridView called a DataSource with a query that was designed to return no rows. It simply contained the following:

        <asp:TemplateField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left">

               <asp:Label ID="lbl0" etc.>  </asp:Label>
               <asp:Label ID="lbl1" etc.>  </asp:Label>


Then I created a div with the following characteristics and I place a GridView inside of it with ShowHeader="false" so that the top row is the same size as all the other rows.

<div style="overflow: auto; height: 29.5em; width: 100%">
    <asp:GridView ID="Rollup" runat="server" ShowHeader="false" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource">
            <asp:TemplateField HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left">

               <asp:Label ID="lbl0" etc.>  </asp:Label>
               <asp:Label ID="lbl1" etc.>  </asp:Label>


Binning column with python pandas

Using numba module for speed up.

On big datasets (500k >) pd.cut can be quite slow for binning data.

I wrote my own function in numba with just in time compilation, which is roughly 16x faster:

from numba import njit

def cut(arr):
    bins = np.empty(arr.shape[0])
    for idx, x in enumerate(arr):
        if (x >= 0) & (x < 1):
            bins[idx] = 1
        elif (x >= 1) & (x < 5):
            bins[idx] = 2
        elif (x >= 5) & (x < 10):
            bins[idx] = 3
        elif (x >= 10) & (x < 25):
            bins[idx] = 4
        elif (x >= 25) & (x < 50):
            bins[idx] = 5
        elif (x >= 50) & (x < 100):
            bins[idx] = 6
            bins[idx] = 7

    return bins

# array([5., 5., 7., 5.])

Optional: you can also map it to bins as strings:

a = cut(df['percentage'].to_numpy())

conversion_dict = {1: 'bin1',
                   2: 'bin2',
                   3: 'bin3',
                   4: 'bin4',
                   5: 'bin5',
                   6: 'bin6',
                   7: 'bin7'}

bins = list(map(conversion_dict.get, a))

# ['bin5', 'bin5', 'bin7', 'bin5']

Speed comparison:

# create dataframe of 8 million rows for testing
dfbig = pd.concat([df]*2000000, ignore_index=True)


# (8000000, 1)

# 38 ms ± 616 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
bins = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
labels = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
pd.cut(dfbig['percentage'], bins=bins, labels=labels)

# 215 ms ± 9.76 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Convert URL to File or Blob for FileReader.readAsDataURL

Here is my code using async awaits and promises

const getBlobFromUrl = (myImageUrl) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', myImageUrl, true);
        request.responseType = 'blob';
        request.onload = () => {
        request.onerror = reject;

const getDataFromBlob = (myBlob) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = () => {
        reader.onerror = reject;

const convertUrlToImageData = async (myImageUrl) => {
    try {
        let myBlob = await getBlobFromUrl(myImageUrl);
        let myImageData = await getDataFromBlob(myBlob);
        return myImageData;
    } catch (err) {
        return null;

export default convertUrlToImageData;

What's a good hex editor/viewer for the Mac?

On you can get the hex editor I'm developing for the Mac - Synalyze It!. It costs 7 € / 40 € (Pro version) and offers some extra features like histogram, incremental search, support of many text encodings and interactive definition of a "grammar" for your file format.

The grammar helps to interpret the files and colors the hex view for easier analysis.

Synalyze It!

How to check Oracle patches are installed?

I understand the original post is for Oracle 10 but this is for reference by anyone else who finds it via Google.

Under Oracle 12c, I found that that my registry$history is empty. This works instead:

select * from registry$sqlpatch;

How can I make an EXE file from a Python program?

Not on the freehackers list is gui2exe which can be used to build standalone Windows executables, Linux applications and Mac OS application bundles and plugins starting from Python scripts.

how to print float value upto 2 decimal place without rounding off

The only easy way to do this is to use snprintf to print to a buffer that's long enough to hold the entire, exact value, then truncate it as a string. Something like:

char buf[2*(DBL_MANT_DIG + DBL_MAX_EXP)];
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%.*f", (int)sizeof buf, x);
char *p = strchr(buf, '.'); // beware locale-specific radix char, though!
p[2+1] = 0;

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type

Here's a fixed version of it:

The biggest fix that was needed is when Unmarshalling an array, that property needs to be an array/slice in the struct as well.

For example:

{ "things": ["a", "b", "c"] }

Would Unmarshal into a:

type Item struct {
    Things []string

And not into:

type Item struct {
    Things string

The other thing to watch out for when Unmarshaling is that the types line up exactly. It will fail when Unmarshalling a JSON string representation of a number into an int or float field -- "1" needs to Unmarshal into a string, not into an int like we saw with ShippingAdditionalCost int

Failed to instantiate module [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $routeProvider

In my case it was because the file was minified with wrong scope. Use Array!

app.controller('StoreController', ['$http', function($http) {

Coffee syntax:

app.controller 'StoreController', Array '$http', ($http) ->

Convert all data frame character columns to factors

Working with dplyr


df <- data.frame(A = factor(LETTERS[1:5]),
                 B = 1:5, C = as.logical(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1)),
                 D = letters[1:5],
                 E = paste(LETTERS[1:5], letters[1:5]),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


we get:

'data.frame':   5 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ A: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5
 $ B: int  1 2 3 4 5
 $ D: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d" ...
 $ E: chr  "A a" "B b" "C c" "D d" ...

Now, we can convert all chr to factors:

df <- df%>%mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)

And we get:

'data.frame':   5 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ A: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5
 $ B: int  1 2 3 4 5
 $ D: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d" ...
 $ E: chr  "A a" "B b" "C c" "D d" ...

Let's provide also other solutions:

With base package:

df[sapply(df, is.character)] <- lapply(df[sapply(df, is.character)], 

With dplyr 1.0.0

df <- df%>%mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.character))

With purrr package:


df <- df%>% modify_if(is.factor, as.character) 

Deploy a project using Git push

We use capistrano for managing deploy. We build capistrano to deploy on a staging server, and then running a rsync with all of ours server.

cap deploy
cap deploy:start_rsync (when the staging is ok)

With capistrano, we can made easy rollback in case of bug

cap deploy:rollback
cap deploy:start_rsync

How do I revert to a previous package in Anaconda?

I know it was not available at the time, but now you could also use Anaconda navigator to install a specific version of packages in the environments tab.

Replace all non-alphanumeric characters in a string

Regex to the rescue!

import re

s = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '*', s)


>>> re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '*', 'h^&ell`.,|o w]{+orld')

How to: Add/Remove Class on mouseOver/mouseOut - JQuery .hover?

You could just use: {in and out function callback}

$(".result").hover(function () {

For your example, better will be to use CSS pseudo class :hover: {no js/jquery needed}

.result {
    height: 72px;
    width: 100%;
    border: 1px solid #000;
  .result:hover {
    background-color: #000;

How can I execute a python script from an html button?

This would require knowledge of a backend website language.

Fortunately, Python's Flask Library is a suitable backend language for the project at hand.

Check out this answer from another thread.

Declaring a custom android UI element using XML

It seems that Google has updated its developer page and added various trainings there.

One of them deals with the creation of custom views and can be found here

Difference between applicationContext.xml and spring-servlet.xml in Spring Framework

Spring lets you define multiple contexts in a parent-child hierarchy.

The applicationContext.xml defines the beans for the "root webapp context", i.e. the context associated with the webapp.

The spring-servlet.xml (or whatever else you call it) defines the beans for one servlet's app context. There can be many of these in a webapp, one per Spring servlet (e.g. spring1-servlet.xml for servlet spring1, spring2-servlet.xml for servlet spring2).

Beans in spring-servlet.xml can reference beans in applicationContext.xml, but not vice versa.

All Spring MVC controllers must go in the spring-servlet.xml context.

In most simple cases, the applicationContext.xml context is unnecessary. It is generally used to contain beans that are shared between all servlets in a webapp. If you only have one servlet, then there's not really much point, unless you have a specific use for it.

push() a two-dimensional array

Create am array and put inside the first, in this case i get data from JSON response

   var dataFC = new Array();
   function (data) {
      for (var i = 0; i < data.Result.length; i++) {
          var serie = new Array(data.Result[i].FUNCAO, data.Result[i].QT, true, true);

How can I remove file extension from a website address?

same as Igor but should work without line 2:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L]

How can I select all rows with sqlalchemy?

You can easily import your model and run this:

from models import User

# User is the name of table that has a column name
users = User.query.all()

for user in users:

How to execute Ant build in command line

Try running all targets individually to check that all are running correct

run ant target name to run a target individually

e.g. ant build-project

Also the default target you specified is

project basedir="." default="build" name="iControlSilk4J"

This will only execute build-subprojects,build-project and init

JavaScript function in href vs. onclick

I experienced that the javascript: hrefs did not work when the page was embedded in Outlook's webpage feature where a mail folder is set to instead show an url

"Debug certificate expired" error in Eclipse Android plugins

The Android SDK generates a "debug" signing certificate for you in a keystore called debug.keystore.The Eclipse plug-in uses this certificate to sign each application build that is generated.

Unfortunately a debug certificate is only valid for 365 days. To generate a new one, you must delete the existing debug.keystore file. Its location is platform dependent - you can find it in Preferences -> Android -> Build -> *Default debug keystore.

If you are using Windows, follow the steps below.

DOS: del c:\user\\debug.keystore

Eclipse: In Project, Clean the project. Close Eclipse. Re-open Eclipse.

Eclipse: Start the Emulator. Remove the Application from the emulator.

If you are using Linux or Mac, follow the steps below.

Manually delete debug.keystore from the .android folder.

You can find the .android folder like this: home/username/.android

Note: the default .android file will be hidden.

So click on the places menu. Under select home folder. Under click on view, under click show hidden files and then the .android folder will be visible.

Delete debug.keystore from the .android folder.

Then clean your project. Now Android will generate a new .android folder file.

Dynamic function name in javascript?


As others mentioned, this is not the fastest nor most recommended solution. Marcosc's solution below is the way to go.

You can use eval:

var code = "this.f = function " + instance + "() {...}";

How to trigger an event after using event.preventDefault()

If this example can help, adds a "custom confirm popin" on some links (I keep the code of "$.ui.Modal.confirm", it's just an exemple for the callback that executes the original action) :

//Register "custom confirm popin" on click on specific links
        //prevent default click action
        //show "custom confirm popin"
            //popin text
            "Do you confirm ?", 
            //action on click 'ok'
            function() {
                //Unregister handler (prevent loop)
                $(document).off("click", "A.confirm");
                //Do default click action

How to run Ruby code from terminal?

If Ruby is installed, then

ruby yourfile.rb

where yourfile.rb is the file containing the ruby code.



to start the interactive Ruby environment, where you can type lines of code and see the results immediately.

What does Visual Studio mean by normalize inconsistent line endings?

What that usually means is that you have lines ending with something other than a carriage return/line feed pair. It often happens when you copy and paste from a web page into the code editor.

Normalizing the line endings is just making sure that all of the line ending characters are consistent. It prevents one line from ending in \r\n and another ending with \r or \n; the first is the Windows line end pair, while the others are typically used for Mac or Linux files.

Since you're developing in Visual Studio, you'll obviously want to choose "Windows" from the drop down. :-)

An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

This worked for me:

  1. Delete the originally created site.
  2. Recreate the site in IIS
  3. Clean solution
  4. Build solution

Seems like something went south when I originally created the site. I hate solutions that are similar to "Restart your machine, then reinstall windows" without knowing what caused the error. But, this worked for me. Quick and simple. Hope it helps someone else.

Cut Java String at a number of character

Use substring

String strOut = "abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz"
String result = strOut.substring(0, 8) + "...";// count start in 0 and 8 is excluded

Note: substring(int first, int second) takes two parameters. The first is inclusive and the second is exclusive.

Undefined or null for AngularJS

My suggestion to you is to write your own utility service. You can include the service in each controller or create a parent controller, assign the utility service to your scope and then every child controller will inherit this without you having to include it.


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Utils) {
    $scope.utils = Utils;

app.controller('ChildCtrl', function($scope, Utils) {
   $scope.undefined1 = Utils.isUndefinedOrNull(1);  // standard DI
   $scope.undefined2 = $scope.utils.isUndefinedOrNull(1);  // MainCtrl is parent


app.factory('Utils', function() {
  var service = {
     isUndefinedOrNull: function(obj) {
         return !angular.isDefined(obj) || obj===null;


  return service;

Or you could add it to the rootScope as well. Just a few options for extending angular with your own utility functions.

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7

Probably some classes are missing from your target. This usually happens when you rename/remove/add new classes files to your project. To fix add the newly added classes to some targets.

Select the class in the Project Navigator (right sidebar) , open the Utilities sidebar (right sidebar), from the Utilities select the File Inspector (file like icon), under the Target Membership tab tick your targets. This is all to avoid the "Remove reference" and add again with ticking "Add to targets" trick.

So: Select Class -> Utilities (File Inspector) -> Target Membership -> Tick the targets you want.

Python ImportError: No module named wx

Download the .whl file from this link.

The name of the file is: wxPython- for Windows 32 bit and python 2.7 and wxPython- for Windows 64 bit and python 2.7.

Then in the command prompt: pip install location-of-the-above-saved-file

Can we write our own iterator in Java?

This is the complete code to write an iterator such that it iterates over elements that begin with 'a':

import java.util.Iterator;

public class AppDemo {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        Bag<String> bag1 = new Bag<>();


        for (Iterator<String> it1 = bag1.iterator(); it1.hasNext();) {

            String s =;
            if (s != null)

Custom Iterator class

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Bag<T> {

    private ArrayList<T> data;

    public Bag() {

        data = new ArrayList<>();

    public void add(T e) {


    public Iterator<T> iterator() {

        return new BagIterator();

    public class BagIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {

        private int index; 
        private String str;

        public BagIterator() {

            index = 0;

        public boolean hasNext() {

             return index < data.size();  

        public T next() {

            str = (String) data.get(index); 
            if (str.startsWith("a"))
                return (T) data.get(index++); 
            return null; 

How do I get the n-th level parent of an element in jQuery?

Since parents() returns the ancestor elements ordered from the closest to the outer ones, you can chain it into eq():

$('#element').parents().eq(0);  // "Father".
$('#element').parents().eq(2);  // "Great-grandfather".

How to add new contacts in android

Here I am posting a piece of code that i use to add a new contact. It works fine for me. I hope it will help you.

 String DisplayName = "XYZ";
 String MobileNumber = "123456";
 String HomeNumber = "1111";
 String WorkNumber = "2222";
 String emailID = "[email protected]";
 String company = "bad";
 String jobTitle = "abcd";

 ArrayList < ContentProviderOperation > ops = new ArrayList < ContentProviderOperation > ();

     .withValue(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE, null)
     .withValue(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, null)

 //------------------------------------------------------ Names
 if (DisplayName != null) {
         .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)

 //------------------------------------------------------ Mobile Number                     
 if (MobileNumber != null) {
         .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER, MobileNumber)

 //------------------------------------------------------ Home Numbers
 if (HomeNumber != null) {
         .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER, HomeNumber)

 //------------------------------------------------------ Work Numbers
 if (WorkNumber != null) {
         .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER, WorkNumber)

 //------------------------------------------------------ Email
 if (emailID != null) {
         .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.DATA, emailID)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE_WORK)

 //------------------------------------------------------ Organization
 if (!company.equals("") && !jobTitle.equals("")) {
         .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.COMPANY, company)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.TYPE, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.TYPE_WORK)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.TITLE, jobTitle)
         .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.TYPE, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.TYPE_WORK)

 // Asking the Contact provider to create a new contact                 
 try {
     getContentResolver().applyBatch(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, ops);
 } catch (Exception e) {
     Toast.makeText(myContext, "Exception: " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Here is the code. Integrate it according to your need. I hope it will help.

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

For me the problem was that right after making the request, my main activity launched another activity. That superseded the dialog so it was never seen.

How do you push a tag to a remote repository using Git?

How can I push my tag to the remote repository so that all client computers can see it?

Run this to push mytag to your git origin (eg: GitHub or GitLab)

git push origin refs/tags/mytag

It's better to use the full "refspec" as shown above (literally refs/tags/mytag) just in-case mytag is actually v1.0.0 and is ambiguous (eg: because there's a branch also named v1.0.0).

Regular expression negative lookahead

A negative lookahead says, at this position, the following regex can not match.

Let's take a simplified example:


a      Match: (?!b) succeeds
ac     Match: (?!b) succeeds
ab     No match: (?!b(?!c)) fails
abe    No match: (?!b(?!c)) fails
abc    Match: (?!b(?!c)) succeeds

The last example is a double negation: it allows a b followed by c. The nested negative lookahead becomes a positive lookahead: the c should be present.

In each example, only the a is matched. The lookahead is only a condition, and does not add to the matched text.

Why is Android Studio reporting "URI is not registered"?

Ran into this recently trying to migrating an existing app to material design. All I had to do to fix it was change the project's Compile SDK Version. File | Project Settings. Select app and pick a Compile SDK version for Lollipop or higher.

How to write multiple line string using Bash with variables?

If you do not want variables to be replaced, you need to surround EOL with single quotes.

cat >/tmp/myconfig.conf <<'EOL'
line 1, ${kernel}
line 2, 
line 3, ${distro}
line 4 line

Previous example:

$ cat /tmp/myconfig.conf 
line 1, ${kernel}
line 2, 
line 3, ${distro}
line 4 line

Error Code: 1290. The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement

If you changed my.ini and restarted mysql and you still get this error please check your file path and replace "\" to "/". I solved my proplem after replacing.

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

You should install IIS sub components from

Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off

Internet Information Services has subsection World Wide Web Services / Application Development Features

There you must check ASP.NET (.NET Extensibility, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters will be selected automatically). Double check that specific versions are checked. Under Windows Server 2012 R2, these options are split into 4 & 4.5.

Run from cmd:

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir

Finally check in IIS manager, that your application uses application pool with .NET framework version v4.0.

Also, look at this answer.

How can I run a PHP script inside a HTML file?

I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, but this is a very hackish way to include php. What you do is you put the php you want to run in another file, and then you include that file in an image. For example:


  $file = fopen("file.txt", "w");
  //This will create a file called file.txt,
  //provided that it has write access to your filesystem
  fwrite($file, "Hello World!");
  //This will write "Hello World!" into file.txt
  //Always remember to close your files!


  <!--head should be here, but isn't for demonstration's sake-->
    <img style="display: none;" src="RunFromHTML.php">
    <!--This will run RunFromHTML.php-->

Now, after visiting RunPhp.html, you should find a file called file.txt in the same directory that you created the above two files, and the file should contain "Hello World!" inside of it.

Filter by Dates in SQL

WHERE dates BETWEEN (convert(datetime, '2012-12-12',110) AND (convert(datetime, '2012-12-12',110))

What is the purpose of shuffling and sorting phase in the reducer in Map Reduce Programming?

Well, In Mapreduce there are two important phrases called Mapper and reducer both are too important, but Reducer is mandatory. In some programs reducers are optional. Now come to your question. Shuffling and sorting are two important operations in Mapreduce. First Hadoop framework takes structured/unstructured data and separate the data into Key, Value.

Now Mapper program separate and arrange the data into keys and values to be processed. Generate Key 2 and value 2 values. This values should process and re arrange in proper order to get desired solution. Now this shuffle and sorting done in your local system (Framework take care it) and process in local system after process framework cleanup the data in local system. Ok

Here we use combiner and partition also to optimize this shuffle and sort process. After proper arrangement, those key values passes to Reducer to get desired Client's output. Finally Reducer get desired output.

K1, V1 -> K2, V2 (we will write program Mapper), -> K2, V' (here shuffle and soft the data) -> K3, V3 Generate the output. K4,V4.

Please note all these steps are logical operation only, not change the original data.

Your question: What is the purpose of shuffling and sorting phase in the reducer in Map Reduce Programming?

Short answer: To process the data to get desired output. Shuffling is aggregate the data, reduce is get expected output.

Select all occurrences of selected word in VSCode

Ctrl + F2 works for me in Windows 10.

Ctrl + Shift + L starts performance logging

$location / switching between html5 and hashbang mode / link rewriting

The documentation is not very clear about AngularJS routing. It talks about Hashbang and HTML5 mode. In fact, AngularJS routing operates in three modes:

  • Hashbang Mode
  • HTML5 Mode
  • Hashbang in HTML5 Mode

For each mode there is a a respective LocationUrl class (LocationHashbangUrl, LocationUrl and LocationHashbangInHTML5Url).

In order to simulate URL rewriting you must actually set html5mode to true and decorate the $sniffer class as follows:

$provide.decorator('$sniffer', function($delegate) {
  $delegate.history = false;
  return $delegate;

I will now explain this in more detail:

Hashbang Mode


  .when('/path', {
    templateUrl: 'path.html',

This is the case when you need to use URLs with hashes in your HTML files such as in

<a href="index.html#!/path">link</a>

In the Browser you must use the following Link:!/base/path

As you can see in pure Hashbang mode all links in the HTML files must begin with the base such as "index.html#!".

HTML5 Mode


  .when('/path', {
    templateUrl: 'path.html',

You should set the base in HTML-file

    <base href="/">

In this mode you can use links without the # in HTML files

<a href="/path">link</a>

Link in Browser:

Hashbang in HTML5 Mode

This mode is activated when we actually use HTML5 mode but in an incompatible browser. We can simulate this mode in a compatible browser by decorating the $sniffer service and setting history to false.


$provide.decorator('$sniffer', function($delegate) {
  $delegate.history = false;
  return $delegate;
  .when('/path', {
    templateUrl: 'path.html',

Set the base in HTML-file:

    <base href="/">

In this case the links can also be written without the hash in the HTML file

<a href="/path">link</a>

Link in Browser:!/base/path

Angular 2 beta.17: Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'

If you happen to see this error in VS2015, there's a github issue & workaround mentioned here:

This did help me resolve the property map does not exist on observable issue. Besides, make sure you have typescript version above 1.8.2

Detect when browser receives file download

Based on Elmer's example I've prepared my own solution. After elements click with defined download class it lets to show custom message on the screen. I've used focus trigger to hide the message.


$(function(){$('.download').click(function() { ShowDownloadMessage(); }); })

function ShowDownloadMessage()
     $('#message-text').text('your report is creating, please wait...');
     window.addEventListener('focus', HideDownloadMessage, false);

function HideDownloadMessage(){
    window.removeEventListener('focus', HideDownloadMessage, false);                   


<div id="message" style="display: none">
    <div id="message-screen-mask" class="ui-widget-overlay ui-front"></div>
    <div id="message-text" class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-draggable ui-resizable waitmessage">please wait...</div>

Now you should implement any element to download:

<a class="download" href="file://">Download report</a>


<input class="download" type="submit" value="Download" name="actionType">

After each download click you will see message your report is creating, please wait...

Set Date in a single line

Calendar has a set() method that can set the year, month, and day-of-month in one call:

myCal.set( theYear, theMonth, theDay );

What causes java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError?

In my case, I ran into this error this way. pom.xml of my project defined two dependencies A and B. And both A and B defined dependency on same artifact (call it C) but different versions of it (C.1 and C.2). When this happens, for each class in C maven can only select one version of the class from the two versions (while building an uber-jar). It will select the "nearest" version based on its dependency mediation rules and will output a warning "We have a duplicate class..." If a method/class signature changes between the versions, it can cause a java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError exception if the incorrect version is used at runtime.

Advanced: If A must use v1 of C and B must use v2 of C, then we must relocate C in A and B's poms to avoid class conflict (we have a duplicate class warning) when building the final project that depends on both A and B.

MySQL error 1449: The user specified as a definer does not exist

// update all or particular procedures to your wanted, use existing user (my case -root)

1) UPDATE mysql.proc p SET definer = 'root@%' WHERE 1=1 LIMIT 1000; (limit clause is for the reason that various mysql versions complains when is updated not restricted with limit or no where condition is used)

2) FLUSH PRIVILEGES; // or restart the server

Pandas: Convert Timestamp to

Assume time column is in timestamp integer msec format

1 day = 86400000 ms

Here you go:

day_divider = 86400000

df['time'] = df['time'].values.astype(dtype='datetime64[ms]') # for msec format

df['time'] = (df['time']/day_divider).values.astype(dtype='datetime64[D]') # for day format

Changing precision of numeric column in Oracle

By setting the scale, you decrease the precision. Try NUMBER(16,2).

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug' in android studio

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

The upper error occure due to lot of reason. So I can put why this error occure and how to solve it.

REASON 1 : Duplicate of class file name


when your refactoring of some of your class files to a library project. and that time you write name of class file So, double check that you do not have any duplicate names

REASON 2 : When you have lot of cache Memory


Sometime if you have lot of cache memory then this error occure so solve it. go to File/Invalidate caches / Restart then select Invalidate and Restart it will clean your cache memory.

REASON 3 : When there is internal bug or used beta Version to Switch back to stable version.


Solution is just simple go to Build menu and click Clean Project and after cleaning click Rebuild Project.

REASON 4 : When you memory of the system Configuration is low.


open Task Manager and stop the other application which are not most used at that time so it will free the space and solve OutOfMemory.

REASON 5 : The problem is your method count has exceed from 65K.


open your Project build.gradle file add

defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true

and in dependencies add below line.

       compile ''

What does it mean to "program to an interface"?

It is also good for Unit Testing, you can inject your own classes (that meet the requirements of the interface) into a class that depends on it

How to check if array is empty or does not exist?

You want to do the check for undefined first. If you do it the other way round, it will generate an error if the array is undefined.

if (array === undefined || array.length == 0) {
    // array empty or does not exist


This answer is getting a fair amount of attention, so I'd like to point out that my original answer, more than anything else, addressed the wrong order of the conditions being evaluated in the question. In this sense, it fails to address several scenarios, such as null values, other types of objects with a length property, etc. It is also not very idiomatic JavaScript.

The foolproof approach
Taking some inspiration from the comments, below is what I currently consider to be the foolproof way to check whether an array is empty or does not exist. It also takes into account that the variable might not refer to an array, but to some other type of object with a length property.

if (!Array.isArray(array) || !array.length) {
  // array does not exist, is not an array, or is empty
  // ? do not attempt to process array

To break it down:

  1. Array.isArray(), unsurprisingly, checks whether its argument is an array. This weeds out values like null, undefined and anything else that is not an array.
    Note that this will also eliminate array-like objects, such as the arguments object and DOM NodeList objects. Depending on your situation, this might not be the behavior you're after.

  2. The array.length condition checks whether the variable's length property evaluates to a truthy value. Because the previous condition already established that we are indeed dealing with an array, more strict comparisons like array.length != 0 or array.length !== 0 are not required here.

The pragmatic approach
In a lot of cases, the above might seem like overkill. Maybe you're using a higher order language like TypeScript that does most of the type-checking for you at compile-time, or you really don't care whether the object is actually an array, or just array-like.

In those cases, I tend to go for the following, more idiomatic JavaScript:

if (!array || !array.length) {
    // array or array.length are falsy
    // ? do not attempt to process array

Or, more frequently, its inverse:

if (array && array.length) {
    // array and array.length are truthy
    // ? probably OK to process array

With the introduction of the optional chaining operator (Elvis operator) in ECMAScript 2020, this can be shortened even further:

if (!array?.length) {
    // array or array.length are falsy
    // ? do not attempt to process array

Or the opposite:

if (array?.length) {
    // array and array.length are truthy
    // ? probably OK to process array

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

In my case it was that the C: drive was out of space. Ensure that you have enough space available.

How to sort an array in Bash

I am not convinced that you'll need an external sorting program in Bash.

Here is my implementation for the simple bubble-sort algorithm.

function bubble_sort()
{   #
    # Sorts all positional arguments and echoes them back.
    # Bubble sorting lets the heaviest (longest) element sink to the bottom.
    local array=($@) max=$(($# - 1))
    while ((max > 0))
        local i=0
        while ((i < max))
            if [ ${array[$i]} \> ${array[$((i + 1))]} ]
                local t=${array[$i]}
                array[$i]=${array[$((i + 1))]}
                array[$((i + 1))]=$t
            ((i += 1))
        ((max -= 1))
    echo ${array[@]}

array=(a c b f 3 5)
echo " input: ${array[@]}"
echo "output: $(bubble_sort ${array[@]})"

This shall print:

 input: a c b f 3 5
output: 3 5 a b c f

Error 405 (Method Not Allowed) Laravel 5

The methodNotAllowed exception indicates that a route doesn't exist for the HTTP method you are requesting.

Your form is set up to make a DELETE request, so your route needs to use Route::delete() to receive this.

Route::delete('empresas/eliminar/{id}', [
        'as' => 'companiesDelete',
        'uses' => 'CompaniesController@delete'

Get index of a row of a pandas dataframe as an integer

The nature of wanting to include the row where A == 5 and all rows upto but not including the row where A == 8 means we will end up using iloc (loc includes both ends of slice).

In order to get the index labels we use idxmax. This will return the first position of the maximum value. I run this on a boolean series where A == 5 (then when A == 8) which returns the index value of when A == 5 first happens (same thing for A == 8).

Then I use searchsorted to find the ordinal position of where the index label (that I found above) occurs. This is what I use in iloc.

i5, i8 = df.index.searchsorted([df.A.eq(5).idxmax(), df.A.eq(8).idxmax()])

enter image description here


you can further enhance this by using the underlying numpy objects the analogous numpy functions. I wrapped it up into a handy function.

def find_between(df, col, v1, v2):
    vals = df[col].values
    mx1, mx2 = (vals == v1).argmax(), (vals == v2).argmax()
    idx = df.index.values
    i1, i2 = idx.searchsorted([mx1, mx2])
    return df.iloc[i1:i2]

find_between(df, 'A', 5, 8)

enter image description here

enter image description here

Why can't I reference my class library?

If using TFS, performing a Get latest (recursive) doesn't always work. Instead, I force a get latest by clicking Source control => Get specific version then clicking both boxes. This tends to work.

enter image description here

If it still doesn't work then deleting the suo file (usually found in the same place as the solution) forces visual studio to get all the files from the source (and subsequently rebuild the suo file).

If that doesn't work then try closing all your open files and closing Visual studio. When you next open Visual studio it should be fixed. There is a resharper bug that is resolved this way.

Java Webservice Client (Best way)

Some ideas in the following answer:

Steps in creating a web service using Axis2 - The client code

Gives an example of a Groovy client invoking the ADB classes generated from the WSDL.

There are lots of web service frameworks out there...

How to set top-left alignment for UILabel for iOS application?

Rather than re-explaining, I will link to this rather extensive & highly rated question/answer:

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

The short answer is no, Apple didn't make this easy, but it is possible by changing the frame size.

How to generate List<String> from SQL query?

Loop through the Items and Add to the Collection. You can use the Add method

List<string>items=new List<string>();
using (var con= new SqlConnection("yourConnectionStringHere")
    string qry="SELECT Column1 FROM Table1";
    var cmd= new SqlCommand(qry, con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    using (SqlDataReader objReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        if (objReader.HasRows)
            while (objReader.Read())
              //I would also check for DB.Null here before reading the value.
               string item= objReader.GetString(objReader.GetOrdinal("Column1"));

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

$("#myinput").attr('type') == 'checkbox'

How to alter a column and change the default value?

If you want to add a default value for the already created column, this works for me:


Make browser window blink in task Bar

"Make browser window blink in task Bar"

via Javascript 

is not possible!!

What exactly should be set in PYTHONPATH?

You don't have to set either of them. PYTHONPATH can be set to point to additional directories with private libraries in them. If PYTHONHOME is not set, Python defaults to using the directory where python.exe was found, so that dir should be in PATH.

how to send multiple data with $.ajax() jquery

var value1=$("id1").val();
var value2=$("id2").val();

Get a UTC timestamp

As wizzard pointed out, the correct method is,

new Date().getTime();

or under Javascript 1.5, just;

From the documentation,

The value returned by the getTime method is the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

If you wanted to make a time stamp without milliseconds you can use,

Math.floor( / 1000);

I wanted to make this an answer so the correct method is more visible.

You can compare ExpExc's and Narendra Yadala's results to the method above at, and verify with or by running date +%s on a Unix terminal.

How do I set the default Java installation/runtime (Windows)?

I have patched the behaviour of my eclipse startup shortcut in the properties dialogue


"E:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe"


"E:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe" -vm "E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_30\bin"

as described in the Eclipse documentation

It is a patch only, as it depends on the shortcut to fix things...

The alternative is to set the parameter permanently in the eclipse initialisation file.

javax.servlet.ServletException cannot be resolved to a type in spring web app

import javax.servlet


Go to properties of your project ( with Alt+Enter or righ-click )


check on Apache Tomcat v7.0 under Targeted Runtime and it works.


Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

xcopy.exe is definitely your friend here. It's built into Windows, so its cost is nothing.

Just xcopy /s c:\source d:\target

You'd probably want to tweak a few things; some of the options we also add include these:

  • /s/e - recursive copy, including copying empty directories.
  • /v - add this to verify the copy against the original. slower, but for the paranoid.
  • /h - copy system and hidden files.
  • /k - copy read-only attributes along with files. otherwise, all files become read-write.
  • /x - if you care about permissions, you might want /o or /x.
  • /y - don't prompt before overwriting existing files.
  • /z - if you think the copy might fail and you want to restart it, use this. It places a marker on each file as it copies, so you can rerun the xcopy command to pick up from where it left off.

If you think the xcopy might fail partway through (like when you are copying over a flaky network connection), or that you have to stop it and want to continue it later, you can use xcopy /s/z c:\source d:\target.

Hope this helps.

Find the smallest positive integer that does not occur in a given sequence

The below C++ solution obtained a 100% score. The theoretical complexity of the code is. Time Complexity : O(N) amortized due to hash set and Auxiliary Space complexity of O(N) due to use of hash for lookup in O(1) time.


using namespace std;

int solution(vector<int>& A)

  unordered_set<int> hashSet;
  int maxItem=INT_MIN;
  for(const auto& item : A)


  for(int i=1;i<=maxItem;++i)

how to parse xml to java object?

JAXB is a reliable choice as it does xml to java classes mapping smoothely. But there are other frameworks available, here is one such:

How do I install pip on macOS or OS X?

The simplest solution is to follow the installation instruction from pip's home site.

Basically, this consists in:

  • downloading Be sure to do this by following a trusted link since you will have to run the script as root.
  • call sudo python

The main advantage of that solution is that it install pip for the python version that has been used to run, which means that if you use the default OS X installation of python to run you will install pip for the python install from the system.

Most solutions that use a package manager (homebrew or macport) on OS X create a redundant installation of python in the environment of the package manager which can create inconsistencies in your system since, depending on what you are doing, you may call one installation of python instead of another.

jQuery UI Sortable, then write order into a database

The jQuery UI sortable feature includes a serialize method to do this. It's quite simple, really. Here's a quick example that sends the data to the specified URL as soon as an element has changes position.

    axis: 'y',
    update: function (event, ui) {
        var data = $(this).sortable('serialize');

        // POST to server using $.post or $.ajax
            data: data,
            type: 'POST',
            url: '/your/url/here'

What this does is that it creates an array of the elements using the elements id. So, I usually do something like this:

<ul id="sortable">
   <li id="item-1"></li>
   <li id="item-2"></li>

When you use the serialize option, it will create a POST query string like this: item[]=1&item[]=2 etc. So if you make use - for example - your database IDs in the id attribute, you can then simply iterate through the POSTed array and update the elements' positions accordingly.

For example, in PHP:

$i = 0;

foreach ($_POST['item'] as $value) {
    // Execute statement:
    // UPDATE [Table] SET [Position] = $i WHERE [EntityId] = $value

Example on jsFiddle.

Open link in new tab or window

You can simply do that by setting target="_blank", w3schools has an example.

How do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP/Java?

// target float point number
double d = 3.025;

// transfer the number to string
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
String format = df.format(d);

// split the number into two fragments
int dotIndex = format.indexOf(".");
int iPart = Integer.parseInt(format.substring(0, dotIndex)); // output: 3
double fPart = Double.parseDouble(format.substring(dotIndex)); // output: 0.025

When should I use a table variable vs temporary table in sql server?

writing data in tables declared declare @tb and after joining with other tables, I realized that the response time compared to temporary tables tempdb .. # tb is much higher.

When I join them with @tb the time is much longer to return the result, unlike #tm, the return is almost instantaneous.

I did tests with a 10,000 rows join and join with 5 other tables

Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

In a somewhat related way I was trying to add a remote tracking branch to an existing branch, but did not have access to that remote repository on the system where I wanted to add that remote tracking branch on (because I frequently export a copy of this repo via sneakernet to another system that has the access to push to that remote). I found that there was no way to force adding a remote branch on the local that hadn't been fetched yet (so local did not know that the branch existed on the remote and I would get the error: the requested upstream branch 'origin/remotebranchname' does not exist).

In the end I managed to add the new, previously unknown remote branch (without fetching) by adding a new head file at .git/refs/remotes/origin/remotebranchname and then copying the ref (eyeballing was quickest, lame as it was ;-) from the system with access to the origin repo to the workstation (with the local repo where I was adding the remote branch on).

Once that was done, I could then use git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/remotebranchname

Lotus Notes email as an attachment to another email

Although probably not exactly what your looking for and you probably don't care at this point since the question was asked 5 years ago, one method is to use "forward".

Go to your inbox or wherever your messages are and select the 2+ messages you want to send than simply click forward... all messages get combined into 1.

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

Add all event listeners when a window loads.Works like a charm no matter where you put script tags.

window.addEventListener("load", startup);

function startup() {

  document.getElementById("el").addEventListener("click", myFunc);
  document.getElementById("el2").addEventListener("input", myFunc);



Easy way to dismiss keyboard?

A slightly more robust method I needed to use recently:

- (void) dismissKeyboard {
    NSArray *windows = [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows;

    for(UIWindow *window in windows) [window endEditing:true];

    //  Or if you're only working with one UIWindow:

    [[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow endEditing:true];

I found some of the other "global" methods didn't work (for example, UIWebView & WKWebView refused to resign).

PHP, MySQL error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

You have 9 fields listed, but only 8 values. Try adding the method.

Run a single test method with maven

You can run specific test class(es) and method(s) using the following syntax:

  1. full package : mvn test -Dtest="**"

  2. all method in a class : mvn test -Dtest=CLASS_NAME1

  3. single method from single class :mvn test -Dtest=CLASS_NAME1#METHOD_NAME1

  4. multiple method from multiple class : mvn test -Dtest=CLASS_NAME1#METHOD_NAME1,CLASS_NAME2#METHOD_NAME2

Laravel Request getting current path with query string

Try to use the following:


jQuery class within class selector

For this html:

<div class="outer">
     <div class="inner"></div>

This selector should work:

$('.outer > .inner')

SQL Server loop - how do I loop through a set of records

By using cursor you can easily iterate through records individually and print records separately or as a single message including all the records.

DECLARE @CustomerID as INT;
declare @msg varchar(max)
DECLARE @BusinessCursor as CURSOR;

SET @BusinessCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT CustomerID FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID IN ('3908745','3911122','3911128','3911421')

OPEN @BusinessCursor;
    FETCH NEXT FROM @BusinessCursor INTO @CustomerID;
            SET @msg = '{
              "CustomerID": "'+CONVERT(varchar(10), @CustomerID)+'",
              "Customer": {
                "LastName": "LastName-'+CONVERT(varchar(10), @CustomerID) +'",
                "FirstName": "FirstName-'+CONVERT(varchar(10), @CustomerID)+'",    
        print @msg
    FETCH NEXT FROM @BusinessCursor INTO @CustomerID;