Programs & Examples On #Bzr svn

How to modify a CSS display property from JavaScript?

It should be document.getElementById("hidden").style.display = "block"; not document.getElementById["hidden"].style.display = "block";

EDIT due to author edit:

Why are you using a <div> here? Just add an ID to the table element and add a hidden style to it. E.g. <td id="hidden" style="display:none" class="depot_table_left">

Get a Windows Forms control by name in C#

Assuming you have the menuStrip object and the menu is only one level deep, use:

ToolStripMenuItem item = menuStrip.Items
    .SelectMany(it => it.DropDownItems.OfType<ToolStripMenuItem>())
    .SingleOrDefault(n => n.Name == "MyMenu");

For deeper menu levels add more SelectMany operators in the statement.

if you want to search all menu items in the strip then use

ToolStripMenuItem item = menuStrip.Items

However, make sure each menu has a different name to avoid exception thrown by key duplicates.

To avoid exceptions you could use FirstOrDefault instead of SingleOrDefault / Single, or just return a sequence if you might have Name duplicates.

MongoDB query with an 'or' condition

Using a $where query will be slow, in part because it can't use indexes. For this sort of problem, I think it would be better to store a high value for the "expires" field that will naturally always be greater than Now(). You can either store a very high date millions of years in the future, or use a separate type to indicate never. The cross-type sort order is defined at here.

An empty Regex or MaxKey (if you language supports it) are both good choices.

int array to string

string result = arr.Aggregate("", (s, i) => s + i.ToString());

(Disclaimer: If you have a lot of digits (hundreds, at least) and you care about performance, I suggest eschewing this method and using a StringBuilder, as in JaredPar's answer.)

How to merge a specific commit in Git

You can use git cherry-pick to apply a single commit by itself to your current branch.

Example: git cherry-pick d42c389f

Build a simple HTTP server in C

Open a TCP socket on port 80, start listening for new connections, implement this. Depending on your purposes, you can ignore almost everything. At the easiest, you can send the same response for every request, which just involves writing text to the socket.

Stuck at ".android/repositories.cfg could not be loaded."

Windows 10 Solution:

For me this issue was due to downloading and creating an AVD using Android Studio and then trying to use that virtual device with the Ionic command line. I resolved this by deleting all existing emulators and creating a new one from the command line.

(the avdmanager file typically lives in C:\Users\\Android\sdk\tools\bin)

List existing emulators: avdmanager list avd

Delete an existing emulator: avdmanager delete avd -n emulator_name

Add system image: sdkmanager "system-images;android-24;default;x86_64"

Create new emulator: sdkmanager "system-images;android-27;google_apis_playstore;x86"

Make Iframe to fit 100% of container's remaining height

While I agree JS seems a better option, I have a somewhat CSS only working solution. The downside of it is that if you have to add content to your iframe html document frequently, you would have to adapt one percentage trough time.


Try not specifying any height for BOTH your html documents,

html, body, section, main-div {}

then only code this:

#main-div {height:100%;}
#iframe {height:300%;}

note: the div should be your main section.

This should relatively work. the iframe does exactly calculates 300% of the visible window height. If you html content from the 2nd document (in the iframe) is smaller in height than 3 times your browser height, it works. If you don't need to add content frequently to that document this is a permanent solution and you could just find your own % needed according to your content height.

This works because it prevents the 2nd html document (the one embed) to inherit its height frome the parent html document. It prevents it because we didn't specify an height for both of them. When we give a % to the child it looks for its parent, if not, it takes its content height. And only if the other containers aren't given heights, from what I tried.

AngularJS : automatically detect change in model

And if you need to style your form elements according to it's state (modified/not modified) dynamically or to test whether some values has actually changed, you can use the following module, developed by myself:

It adds additional properties and methods to the form and it's child elements. With it, you can test whether some element contains new data or even test if entire form has new unsaved data.

You can setup the following watch: $scope.$watch('myForm.modified', handler) and your handler will be called if some form elements actually contains new data or if it reversed to initial state.

Also, you can use modified property of individual form elements to actually reduce amount of data sent to a server via AJAX call. There is no need to send unchanged data.

As a bonus, you can revert your form to initial state via call to form's reset() method.

You can find the module's demo here:


HTML Tags in Javascript Alert() method

No, you can use only some escape sequences - \n for example (maybe only this one).

gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If checkout master was the last thing you did, then the reflog entry HEAD@{1} will contain your commits (otherwise use git reflog or git log -p to find them). Use git merge HEAD@{1} to fast forward them into master.


As noted in the comments, Git Ready has a great article on this.

git reflog and git reflog --all will give you the commit hashes of the mis-placed commits.

Git Ready: Reflog, Your Safety Net


ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

Make sure angular-cli is installed before trying to create a project. Windows users can install angular-cli without giving permission to command but MAC users have to use sudo before executing the command as follow:

sudo npm install -g angular-cli

Type a password when asked and press enter to proceed.

Node.js: printing to console without a trailing newline?

None of these solutions work for me, process.stdout.write('ok\033[0G') and just using '\r' just create a new line but don't overwrite on Mac OSX 10.9.2.

EDIT: I had to use this to replace the current line:


How do I extract value from Json

see this code what i am used in my application

String data="{'foo':'bar','coolness':2.0, 'altitude':39000, 'pilot':{'firstName':'Buzz','lastName':'Aldrin'}, 'mission':'apollo 11'}";

I retrieved like this

JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(data);        
    double coolness = json.getDouble( "coolness" );
    int altitude = json.getInt( "altitude" );
    JSONObject pilot = json.getJSONObject("pilot");
    String firstName = pilot.getString("firstName");
    String lastName = pilot.getString("lastName");

    System.out.println( "Coolness: " + coolness );
    System.out.println( "Altitude: " + altitude );
    System.out.println( "Pilot: " + lastName );

What is the equivalent of ngShow and ngHide in Angular 2+?

Just bind to the hidden property


See also


hidden has some issues though because it can conflict with CSS for the display property.

See how some in Plunker example doesn't get hidden because it has a style

:host {display: block;}

set. (This might behave differently in other browsers - I tested with Chrome 50)


You can fix it by adding

[hidden] { display: none !important;}

To a global style in index.html.

another pitfall

hidden="{{isHidden}}" // isHidden = false;

are the same as


and will not show the element.

hidden="false" will assign the string "false" which is considered truthy.
Only the value false or removing the attribute will actually make the element visible.

Using {{}} also converts the expression to a string and won't work as expected.

Only binding with [] will work as expected because this false is assigned as false instead of "false".

*ngIf vs [hidden]

*ngIf effectively removes its content from the DOM while [hidden] modifies the display property and only instructs the browser to not show the content but the DOM still contains it.

Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory

PHP has libraries:

PEAR also has a number of packages:

I haven't used either, but I was going to at one point and they seemed like they should work.

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

I used xsd.exe in the Windows command prompt.

However, since my xml referenced several online xml's (in my case which references I had to also download those schematics, put them in the same directory as my xsd, and then list those files in the command:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\xsd.exe" /classes /language:CS your.xsd xlink.xsd xml.xsd

How to check if running in Cygwin, Mac or Linux?

# This script fragment emits Cygwin rulez under bash/cygwin
if [[ $(uname -s) == CYGWIN* ]];then
    echo Cygwin rulez
    echo Unix is king

If the 6 first chars of uname -s command is "CYGWIN", a cygwin system is assumed

Printing 1 to 1000 without loop or conditionals

printf("%d\n", 2);
printf("%d\n", 3);

It doesn't print all the numbers, but it does "Print numbers from 1 to 1000." Ambiguous question for the win! :)

How can I get current date in Android?

 String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date());

// import Date class as java.util

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?

Assuming you're on Windows (if so you should tag your question as such!), on this MSDN page you can find the source for a simple, useful HRTimer C++ class that wraps the needed system calls to do something very close to what you require (it would be easy to add a GetTicks() method to it, in particular, to do exactly what you require).

On non-Windows platforms, there's no QueryPerformanceCounter function, so the solution won't be directly portable. However, if you do wrap it in a class such as the above-mentioned HRTimer, it will be easier to change the class's implementation to use what the current platform is indeed able to offer (maybe via Boost or whatever!).

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?

Yes, adding your own Custom Observable Collection would be fair enough. Don't forget to raise appropriate events regardless whether it is used by UI for the moment or not ;) You will have to raise property change notification for "Item[]" property (required by WPF side and bound controls) as well as NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs with a set of items added (your range). I've did such things (as well as sorting support and some other stuff) and had no problems with both Presentation and Code Behind layers.

Show a PDF files in users browser via PHP/Perl

    $url ="https://yourFile.pdf";
    $content = file_get_contents($url);

    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($content));
    header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="YourFileName.pdf"');
    header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: public');


Tested and works fine. If you want the file to download instead, replace

    Content-Disposition: inline


    Content-Disposition: attachment

jQuery Mobile Page refresh mechanism

This answer did the trick for me

In the context of a multi-pages template, I modify the content of a <div id="foo">...</div> in a Javascript 'pagebeforeshow' handler and trigger a refresh at the end of the script:

$(document).bind("pagebeforeshow", function(event,pdata) {
  var parsedUrl = $.mobile.path.parseUrl( location.href );
  switch ( parsedUrl.hash ) {
    case "#p_02":
      ... some modifications of the content of the <div> here ...

Get the Selected value from the Drop down box in PHP

You need to set a name on the <select> tag like so:

<select name="select_catalog" id="select_catalog">

You can get it in php with this:


Call to undefined function mysql_connect

Check your php.ini, I'm using Apache2.2 + php 5.3. and I had the same problem and after modify the php.ini in order to set the libraries directory of PHP, it worked correctly. The problem is the default extension_dir configuration value.

The default (and WRONG) value for my work enviroment is

; extension_dir="ext"

without any full path and commented with a semicolon.

There are two solution that worked fine for me.

1.- Including this line at php.ini file


Where X: is your drive letter instalation (normally C: or D: )

2.- You can try to simply uncomment, deleting semicolon. Include the next line at php.ini file


Both ways worked fine for me but choose yours. Don't forget restart Apache before try again.

I hope this help you.

Jenkins Host key verification failed

As for the workaround (e.g. Windows slave), define the following environment variable in global properties:

GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

Jenkins, Global properties, Environment variables, GIT_SSH_COMMAND

Note: If you don't see the option, you probably need EnvInject plugin for it.

Pythonic way to add and datetime.time objects

It's in the python docs.

import datetime
datetime.datetime.combine(, 1, 1), 
                          datetime.time(10, 23))


datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 10, 23)

How to make an Android Spinner with initial text "Select One"?

You can change it to a Text View and use this:


and then define the android:text property.

What is the easiest way to initialize a std::vector with hardcoded elements?

For vector initialisation -

vector<int> v = {10,20,30}

can be done if you have C++11 compiler.

Else, you can have an array of the data and then use a for loop.

int array[] = {10,20,30}
for(unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]); i++)

Apart from these, there are various other ways described above using some code. In my opinion, these ways are easy to remember and quick to write.

Convert one date format into another in PHP

This native way will help to convert any inputted format to the desired format.

$formatInput = 'd-m-Y'; //Give any format here, this would be converted into your format
$dateInput = '01-02-2018'; //date in above format

$formatOut = 'Y-m-d'; // Your format
$dateOut = DateTime::createFromFormat($formatInput, $dateInput)->format($formatOut);

Triggering change detection manually in Angular

ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges() - similar to $scope.$digest() -- i.e., check only this component and its children

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value


you can write this down in your program

Private Sub ComboBoxExp_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles MyBase.Load
    AlarmHourSelect.Text = "YOUR DEFAULT VALUE"
    AlarmMinuteSelect.Text = "YOUR DEFAULT VALUE"
End Sub

so when you start your program, the first thing it would do is set it on your assigned default value and later you can easily select your required option from the drop down list. also keeping the DropDownStyle to DropDownList would make it look more cooler.


String replacement in java, similar to a velocity template

My preferred way is String.format() because its a oneliner and doesn't require third party libraries:

String message = String.format("Hello! My name is %s, I'm %s.", name, age); 

I use this regularly, e.g. in exception messages like:

throw new Exception(String.format("Unable to login with email: %s", email));

Hint: You can put in as many variables as you like because format() uses Varargs

How do I select an element with its name attribute in jQuery?


Although you should avoid it and if possible select by ID (e.g. #myId) as this has better performance because it invokes the native getElementById.

How to replace all occurrences of a character in string?

Imagine a large binary blob where all 0x00 bytes shall be replaced by "\1\x30" and all 0x01 bytes by "\1\x31" because the transport protocol allows no \0-bytes.

In cases where:

  • the replacing and the to-replaced string have different lengths,
  • there are many occurences of the to-replaced string within the source string and
  • the source string is large,

the provided solutions cannot be applied (because they replace only single characters) or have a performance problem, because they would call string::replace several times which generates copies of the size of the blob over and over. (I do not know the boost solution, maybe it is OK from that perspective)

This one walks along all occurrences in the source string and builds the new string piece by piece once:

void replaceAll(std::string& source, const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
    std::string newString;
    newString.reserve(source.length());  // avoids a few memory allocations

    std::string::size_type lastPos = 0;
    std::string::size_type findPos;

    while(std::string::npos != (findPos = source.find(from, lastPos)))
        newString.append(source, lastPos, findPos - lastPos);
        newString += to;
        lastPos = findPos + from.length();

    // Care for the rest after last occurrence
    newString += source.substr(lastPos);


Run Function After Delay

You can add timeout function in jQuery (Show alert after 3 seconds):

$(document).ready(function($) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000);

Format cell color based on value in another sheet and cell

I've done this before with conditional formatting. It's a great way to visually inspect the cells in a workbook and spot the outliers in your data.

Laravel - Pass more than one variable to view

with function and single parameters:

    $ms = Person::where('name', 'Foo Bar');
    $persons = Person::order_by('list_order', 'ASC')->get();
    return $view->with(compact('ms', 'persons'));

with function and array parameter:

    $ms = Person::where('name', 'Foo Bar');
    $persons = Person::order_by('list_order', 'ASC')->get();
    $array = ['ms' => $ms, 'persons' => $persons];
    return $view->with($array);

How to draw a line with matplotlib?

Just want to mention another option here.

You can compute the coefficients using numpy.polyfit(), and feed the coefficients to numpy.poly1d(). This function can construct polynomials using the coefficients, you can find more examples here

Let's say, given two data points (-0.3, -0.5) and (0.8, 0.8)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# compute coefficients
coefficients = np.polyfit([-0.3, 0.8], [-0.5, 0.8], 1) 

# create a polynomial object with the coefficients
polynomial = np.poly1d(coefficients)

# for the line to extend beyond the two points, 
# create the linespace using the min and max of the x_lim
# I'm using -1 and 1 here
x_axis = np.linspace(-1, 1)

# compute the y for each x using the polynomial
y_axis = polynomial(x_axis)

fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 1, 1])
axes.set_xlim(-1, 1)
axes.set_ylim(-1, 1)
axes.plot(x_axis, y_axis)
axes.plot(-0.3, -0.5, 0.8, 0.8, marker='o', color='red')

enter image description here

Hope it helps.

UITableView Separator line

My project is based on iOS 7 This helps me

[self.tableView setSeparatorStyle:UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone];

Then put a subview into cell as separator!

Determine if a String is an Integer in Java

As an alternative approach to trying to parse the string and catching NumberFormatException, you could use a regex; e.g.

if (Pattern.compile("-?[0-9]+").matches(str)) {
    // its an integer

This is likely to be faster, especially if you precompile and reuse the regex.

However, the problem with this approach is that Integer.parseInt(str) will also fail if str represents a number that is outside range of legal int values. While it is possible to craft a regex that only matches integers in the range Integer.MIN_INT to Integer.MAX_INT, it is not a pretty sight. (And I am not going to try it ...)

On the other hand ... it may be acceptable to treat "not an integer" and "integer too large" separately for validation purposes.

How can I clear the terminal in Visual Studio Code?

F1 key opens the shortcuts for me using windows 10. Then type Terminal and you see the clear option.

How to get an Instagram Access Token

100% working this code

<a id="button" class="instagram-token-button" href="">Click here to get your Instagram Access Token and User ID</a>
  if (isset($_GET['code'])) {

        $code = $_GET['code'];

        $client_id='< YOUR CLIENT ID >';
        $redirect_uri='< YOUR REDIRECT URL >';
        $client_secret='< YOUR CLIENT SECRET >';

        $request_fields = array(
            'client_id' => $client_id,
            'client_secret' => $client_secret,
            'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
            'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri,
            'code' => $code

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        $request_fields = http_build_query($request_fields);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request_fields);
        $results = curl_exec($ch); 
        $results = json_decode($results,true);
        $access_token = $results['access_token'];

        echo $access_token;



Is there a good Valgrind substitute for Windows?

You can give a try to RuntimeChecker trial ot to IBM Purify trial..

A free solution would be to use the following code in Visual Studio:

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW

Just write this in the top of all your cpp files. This will detect memory leaks of your application whenc stopping debug run and list them in the output window. Double clicking on a memory leaks line will higlight you the line where memory is allocated and never released. This may help you :

When to use React setState callback

The 1. usecase which comes into my mind, is an api call, which should't go into the render, because it will run for each state change. And the API call should be only performed on special state change, and not on every render.

changeSearchParams = (params) => {
  this.setState({ params }, this.performSearch)

performSearch = () => {, (result) => {
    this.setState({ result })

Hence for any state change, an action can be performed in the render methods body.

Very bad practice, because the render-method should be pure, it means no actions, state changes, api calls, should be performed, just composite your view and return it. Actions should be performed on some events only. Render is not an event, but componentDidMount for example.

What is the difference between XML and XSD?

Actually the XSD is XML itself. Its purpose is to validate the structure of another XML document. The XSD is not mandatory for any XML, but it assures that the XML could be used for some particular purposes. The XML is only containing data in suitable format and structure.

css display table cell requires percentage width

Note also that vertical-align:top; is often necessary for correct table cell appearance.

css table-cell, contents have unnecessary top margin

Rails 4 Authenticity Token

This official doc - talks about how to turn off forgery protection for api properly

SonarQube Exclude a directory

Just to mention that once you excluded the files from Sonar, do the same for Jacoco plugin:


How to remove foreign key constraint in sql server?

Use those queries to find all FKs:

Declare @SchemaName VarChar(200) = 'Schema Name'
Declare @TableName VarChar(200) = 'Table name'

-- Find FK in This table.
    'IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + 
      '[' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + '].[' + + ']' 
      + ''') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + 
      '[' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + '].[' 
      + OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + ']' + ''')) ' +

    'ALTER TABLE ' +  OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) +
    '.[' + OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + 
    , ,, OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id)
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
INNER JOIN Sys.objects As O 
  ON (O.object_id = FK.parent_object_id )
  ON (O.schema_id = S.schema_id)  
WHERE = @TableName
      And = @SchemaName

-- Find the FKs in the tables in which this table is used
    ' IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + 
      '[' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + '].[' + + ']' 
      + ''') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + 
      '[' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + '].[' 
      + OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + ']' + ''')) ' +

    ' ALTER TABLE ' +  OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) +
    '.[' + OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id) + 
    , ,, OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id)
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
INNER JOIN Sys.objects As O 
  ON (O.object_id = FK.referenced_object_id )
  ON (O.schema_id = S.schema_id)  
WHERE = @TableName
      And = @SchemaName 

Maven dependency for Servlet 3.0 API?

Just for newcomers.


Add Items to ListView - Android

ListView myListView = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(;
ArrayList<String> myStringArray1 = new ArrayList<String>();
adapter = new CustomAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.row, myStringArray1);

Try it like this

public OnClickListener moreListener = new OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {
        adapter = null;
        adapter = new CustomAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.row, myStringArray1);

Get the current URL with JavaScript?

Nikhil Agrawal's answer is great, just adding a little example here you can do in the console to see the different components in action:

enter image description here

If you want the base URL without path or query parameter (for example to do AJAX requests against to work on both development/staging AND production servers), window.location.origin is best as it keeps the protocol as well as optional port (in Django development, you sometimes have a non-standard port which breaks it if you just use hostname etc.)

how to convert string into time format and add two hours

This example is a Sum for Date time and Time Zone(String Values)

String DateVal = "2015-03-26 12:00:00";
String TimeVal = "02:00:00";

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");

Date reslt = sdf.parse( DateVal );
Date timeZ = sdf2.parse( TimeVal );
//Increase Date Time
reslt.setHours( reslt.getHours() + timeZ.getHours());
reslt.setMinutes( reslt.getMinutes() + timeZ.getMinutes());
reslt.setSeconds( reslt.getSeconds() + timeZ.getSeconds());

System.printLn.out( sdf.format(reslt) );//Result(+2 Hours):  2015-03-26 14:00:00 

Thanks :)

Fetch: POST json data

I think your issue is jsfiddle can process form-urlencoded request only.

But correct way to make json request is pass correct json as a body:

fetch('', {_x000D_
  method: 'post',_x000D_
  headers: {_x000D_
    'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',_x000D_
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'_x000D_
  body: JSON.stringify({a: 7, str: 'Some string: &=&'})_x000D_
  .then(res => console.log(res));

Tomcat Servlet: Error 404 - The requested resource is not available

You definitely need to map your servlet onto some URL. If you use Java EE 6 (that means at least Servlet API 3.0) then you can annotate your servlet like

@WebServlet(name="helloServlet", urlPatterns={"/hello"})
public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {
     //rest of the class

Then you can just go to the localhost:8080/yourApp/hello and the value should be displayed. In case you can't use Servlet 3.0 API than you need to register this servlet into web.xml file like


Clicking submit button of an HTML form by a Javascript code

The usual way to submit a form in general is to call submit() on the form itself, as described in krtek's answer.

However, if you need to actually click a submit button for some reason (your code depends on the submit button's name/value being posted or something), you can click on the submit button itself like this:


How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file?

As @high6 and @erik-p-hansen pointed out in the answer given by @high6, this can be overcome by importing the target for the module where the PrimeNumberModel class is, which is probably the same name as your project in a simple project.

While looking at this, I came across the article Write your first Unit Test in Swift on by Clayton McIlrath. It discusses access modifiers, shows an example of the same problem you are having (but for a ViewController rather than a model file) and shows how to both import the target and solve the access modifier problem by including the destination file in the target, meaning you don't have to make the class you are trying to test public unless you actually want to do so.

Adding a Method to an Existing Object Instance

You can use lambda to bind a method to an instance:

def run(self):
    print self._instanceString

class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._instanceString = "This is instance string"

a = A() = lambda: run(a)


This is instance string

How to use the start command in a batch file?

I think this other Stack Overflow answer would solve your problem: How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?

Basically, you use the /B and /C options:

START /B CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]] >NUL 2>&1

How do I fix twitter-bootstrap on IE?

I had the same problem and none of the other answers worked. My problem was a weird one where IE9 wasn't able to connect to any https sites, therefore since I was using the online maxcdn bootstrap files like,

none of that css and js was being applied. Going into the Advanced tab of Internet Explorer options I verified that not having "use TLS 1.0" checked caused the problem with https sites and files, and once checked my bootstrap page was formatted as expected.

As others have noted use the proper doctype below (maybe a valid html4 doctype will work, but if you're starting anew might as well use html5.)

The respond js and html5 shim (if using that) are for IE8. IE9 doesn't need that. The code below uses the standard method of targeting ie8 and below.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
    <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
<!-- content -->

Ruby on Rails - Import Data from a CSV file

I know it's old question but it still in first 10 links in google.

It is not very efficient to save rows one-by-one because it cause database call in the loop and you better avoid that, especially when you need to insert huge portions of data.

It's better (and significantly faster) to use batch insert.

INSERT INTO `mouldings` (suppliers_code, name, cost)
    ('s1', 'supplier1', 1.111), 
    ('s2', 'supplier2', '2.222')

You can build such a query manually and than do Model.connection.execute(RAW SQL STRING) (not recomended) or use gem activerecord-import (it was first released on 11 Aug 2010) in this case just put data in array rows and call Model.import rows

refer to gem docs for details

1067 error on attempt to start MySQL

In my case, in order to delete a heavy schema from mysql server, just went to C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Data and deleted relevant folder. But it was not being deleted because mysqld.exe was preventing it. so I stopped mysqld.exe, deleted the folder and then all the schemas went disappeared from the list in mysql workbench. No matter how much I tried to restart mysql service, it didnt unless I restored that folder from junk. Hope it helps someone who tried the same shortcut as I did.

MongoDB: How to update multiple documents with a single command?

Thanks for sharing this, I used with 2.6.7 and following query just worked,

for all docs:

db.screen.update({stat:"PRO"} , {$set : {stat:"pro"}}, {multi:true})

for single doc:

db.screen.update({stat:"PRO"} , {$set : {stat:"pro"}}, {multi:false})

Maximum execution time in phpMyadmin

I faced the same problem while executing a curl. I got it right when I changed the following in the php.ini file:

max_execution_time = 1000 ;

and also

max_input_time = 1000 ;

Probably your problem should be solved by making above two changes and restarting the apache server.

Even after changing the above the problem persists and if you think it's because of some database operation using mysql you can try changing this also:

mysql.connect_timeout = 1000 ; // this is not neccessary

All this should be changed in php.ini file and apache server should be restarted to see the changes.

Comparing two branches in Git?

git diff branch_1..branch_2

That will produce the diff between the tips of the two branches. If you'd prefer to find the diff from their common ancestor to test, you can use three dots instead of two:

git diff branch_1...branch_2

SQL Server 2000: How to exit a stored procedure?

Its because you have no BEGIN and END statements. You shouldn't be seeing the prints, or errors running this statement, only Statement Completed (or something like that).

Debug JavaScript in Eclipse

I tried to get aptana running on my ubuntu 10.4. Unfortunately I didn't succeed. Chrome on the other hand, has an eclipse plugin that lets you debug javascript that's running in a chrome instance. Works very well. YOu'll have to install the eclipse plugin you'll find here:

Set Breakpoints in the javascript sources you edit in eclipse and browser your page in chrome. As soon as a javascript breakpoint is hit, the eclipse debugger halts and lets you step into, step over, browse the variables etc. Very nice!

Twitter Bootstrap alert message close and open again

I just used a model variable to show/hide the dialog and removed the data-dismiss="alert"


<div data-ng-show="vm.result == 'error'" class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-ng-click="vm.result = null" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
    <strong>Error  !  </strong>{{vm.exception}}

works for me and stops the need to go out to jquery

(Built-in) way in JavaScript to check if a string is a valid number

Well, I'm using this one I made...

It's been working so far:

function checkNumber(value) {
    return value % 1 == 0;

If you spot any problem with it, tell me, please.

Commenting in a Bash script inside a multiline command

As DigitalRoss pointed out, the trailing backslash is not necessary when the line woud end in |. And you can put comments on a line following a |:

 cat ${MYSQLDUMP} |         # Output MYSQLDUMP file
 sed '1d' |                 # skip the top line
 tr ",;" "\n" | 
 sed -e 's/[asbi]:[0-9]*[:]*//g' -e '/^[{}]/d' -e 's/""//g' -e '/^"{/d' |
 sed -n -e '/^"/p' -e '/^print_value$/,/^option_id$/p' |
 sed -e '/^option_id/d' -e '/^print_value/d' -e 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' |
 tr "\n" "," |
 sed -e 's/,\([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*\)/\n\1/g' -e 's/,$//' |   # hate phone numbers
 sed -e 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/"/g' -e 's/,/","/g' >> ${CSV}

How to create multiple class objects with a loop in python?

I hope this is what you are looking for.

class Try:
    def do_somthing(self):
        print 'Hello'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    obj_list = []
    for obj in range(10):
        obj = Try()




SQLite Query in Android to count rows

If you are using ContentProvider then you can use:

Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(CONTENT_URI, new String[] {"count(*)"},
            uname=" + loginname + " and pwd=" + loginpass, null, null);
    int count = cursor.getInt(0);

Unable to compile class for JSP: The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

I ran into this before, as others said: just upgrade jetty plugin

if you are using maven

go to jetty plugin in pom.xml and update it to


hope this help you

How to import local packages without gopath

There's no such thing as "local package". The organization of packages on a disk is orthogonal to any parent/child relations of packages. The only real hierarchy formed by packages is the dependency tree, which in the general case does not reflect the directory tree.

Just use

import "myproject/packageN"

and don't fight the build system for no good reason. Saving a dozen of characters per import in any non trivial program is not a good reason, because, for example, projects with relative import paths are not go-gettable.

The concept of import paths have some important properties:

  • Import paths can be be globally unique.
  • In conjunction with GOPATH, import path can be translated unambiguously to a directory path.
  • Any directory path under GOPATH can be unambiguously translated to an import path.

All of the above is ruined by using relative import paths. Do not do it.

PS: There are few places in the legacy code in Go compiler tests which use relative imports. ATM, this is the only reason why relative imports are supported at all.

How to use phpexcel to read data and insert into database?

Using the PHPExcel library, the following code will do.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';    
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); //optional

$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(__DIR__.'/YourExcelFile.xlsx');
$objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();

foreach ($objWorksheet->getRowIterator() as $row) {

    $column_A_Value = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("A$i")->getValue();//column A
    //you can add your own columns B, C, D etc.

    //inset $column_A_Value value in DB query here


setting textColor in TextView in layout/main.xml main layout file not referencing colors.xml file. (It wants a #RRGGBB instead of @color/text_color)

After experimenting on that case: android:textColor="@colors/text_color" is wrong since @color is not filename dependant. You can name your resource file foobar.xml, it doesn't matter but if you have defined some colors in it you can access them using @color/some_color.


file location: res/values/colors.xml The filename is arbitrary. The element's name will be used as the resource ID. (Source)

What is the purpose of meshgrid in Python / NumPy?

Suppose you have a function:

def sinus2d(x, y):
    return np.sin(x) + np.sin(y)

and you want, for example, to see what it looks like in the range 0 to 2*pi. How would you do it? There np.meshgrid comes in:

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100), np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100))
z = sinus2d(xx, yy) # Create the image on this grid

and such a plot would look like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(z, origin='lower', interpolation='none')

enter image description here

So np.meshgrid is just a convenience. In principle the same could be done by:

z2 = sinus2d(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)[:,None], np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)[None,:])

but there you need to be aware of your dimensions (suppose you have more than two ...) and the right broadcasting. np.meshgrid does all of this for you.

Also meshgrid allows you to delete coordinates together with the data if you, for example, want to do an interpolation but exclude certain values:

condition = z>0.6
z_new = z[condition] # This will make your array 1D

so how would you do the interpolation now? You can give x and y to an interpolation function like scipy.interpolate.interp2d so you need a way to know which coordinates were deleted:

x_new = xx[condition]
y_new = yy[condition]

and then you can still interpolate with the "right" coordinates (try it without the meshgrid and you will have a lot of extra code):

from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
interpolated = interp2d(x_new, y_new, z_new)

and the original meshgrid allows you to get the interpolation on the original grid again:

interpolated_grid = interpolated(xx[0], yy[:, 0]).reshape(xx.shape)

These are just some examples where I used the meshgrid there might be a lot more.

Get the real width and height of an image with JavaScript? (in Safari/Chrome)

My situation is probably a little different. I am dynamically changing the src of an image via javascript and needed to ensure that the new image is sized proportionally to fit a fixed container (in a photo gallery). I initially just removed the width and height attributes of the image after it is loaded (via the image's load event) and reset these after calculating the preferred dimensions. However, that does not work in Safari and possibly IE (I have not tested it in IE thoroughly, but the image doesn't even show, so...).

Anyway, Safari keeps the dimensions of the previous image so the dimensions are always one image behind. I assume that this has something to do with cache. So the simplest solution is to just clone the image and add it to the DOM (it is important that it be added to the DOM the get the with and height). Give the image a visibility value of hidden (do not use display none because it will not work). After you get the dimensions remove the clone.

Here is my code using jQuery:

// Hack for Safari and others
// clone the image and add it to the DOM
// to get the actual width and height
// of the newly loaded image

var cloned, 
    src = 'my_image.jpg', 
    img = [some existing image object];

    cloned = $(this).clone().css({visibility:'hidden'});
    o_width = cloned.get(0).width; // I prefer to use native javascript for this
    o_height = cloned.get(0).height; // I prefer to use native javascript for this
    $(this).attr({width:o_width, height:o_height});

This solution works in any case.

ASP.NET MVC Dropdown List From SelectList

Just try this in razor

    var selectList = new SelectList(
        new List<SelectListItem>
            new SelectListItem {Text = "Google", Value = "Google"},
            new SelectListItem {Text = "Other", Value = "Other"},
        }, "Value", "Text");

and then

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.YourFieldName, selectList, "Default label", new { @class = "css-class" })


@Html.DropDownList("ddlDropDownList", selectList, "Default label", new { @class = "css-class" })

React: how to update state.item[1] in state using setState?

Mutation free:

// given a state
state = {items: [{name: 'Fred', value: 1}, {name: 'Wilma', value: 2}]}

// This will work without mutation as it clones the modified item in the map:
   .map(item => === 'Fred' ? {...item, ...{value: 3}} : item)


Create empty data frame with column names by assigning a string vector?

How about:

df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
x <- c("name", "age", "gender")
colnames(df) <- x

To do all these operations in one-liner:

setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)), c("name", "age", "gender"))

#[1] name   age    gender
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)


data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0, dimnames=list(NULL, c("name", "age", "gender"))))

Run a .bat file using python code

import subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen(filepath, shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
print p.returncode # is 0 if success

Read binary file as string in Ruby

Ruby have binary reading

data = IO.binread(path/filaname)

or if less than Ruby 1.9.2

data =

How to call a function after delay in Kotlin?

val timer = Timer()
timer.schedule(timerTask { nextScreen() }, 3000)

Select multiple records based on list of Id's with linq

That should be simple. Try this:

var idList = new int[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var userProfiles = _dataContext.UserProfile.Where(e => idList.Contains(e));

Export table from database to csv file

And when you want all tables for some reason ?

You can generate these commands in SSMS:

CONCAT('sqlcmd -S ',
,' -d',
,' -E -s, -W -Q "SELECT * FROM ',
'" >',

And get again rows like this

sqlcmd -S ... -d... -E -s, -W -Q "SELECT * FROM table1" >table1.csv
sqlcmd -S ... -d... -E -s, -W -Q "SELECT * FROM table2" >table2.csv

There is also option to use better TAB as delimiter, but it would need a strange Unicode character - using Alt+9 in CMD, it came like this ? (Unicode CB25), but works only by copy/paste to command line not in batch.

WPF What is the correct way of using SVG files as icons in WPF

Another alternative is dotnetprojects SVGImage

This allows native use of .svg files directly in xaml.

The nice part is, it is only one assembly which is about 100k. In comparision to sharpvectors which is much bigger any many files.


<svg1:SVGImage Name="mySVGImage" Source="/MyDemoApp;component/Resources/MyImage.svg"/>

That's all.


Prevent multiple instances of a given app in .NET?

if (Process.GetProcessesByName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName).Length > 1)
  AppLog.Write("Application XXXX already running. Only one instance of this application is allowed", AppLog.LogMessageType.Warn);

ASP.NET MVC - Extract parameter of an URL

In order to get the values of your parameters, you can use RouteData.

More context would be nice. Why do you need to "extract" them in the first place? You should have an Action like:

public ActionResult Edit(int id, bool allowed) {}

laravel 5.5 The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again

i had same problem. use 'clear browsing data' in chrome. maybe solve your problem.

SQL datetime format to date only

After perusing your previous questions I eventually determined you are probably on SQL Server 2005. For US format you would use style 101

select Subject, 
       CONVERT(varchar,DeliveryDate,101) as DeliveryDate
from Email_Administration 
where MerchantId =@MerchantID 

Append value to empty vector in R?

FWIW: analogous to python's append():

b <- 1
b <- c(b, 2)

Parsing a comma-delimited std::string

Alternative solution using generic algorithms and Boost.Tokenizer:

struct ToInt
    int operator()(string const &str) { return atoi(str.c_str()); }

string values = "1,2,3,4,5,9,8,7,6";

vector<int> ints;
tokenizer<> tok(values);

transform(tok.begin(), tok.end(), back_inserter(ints), ToInt());

What is /dev/null 2>&1?

Edit /etc/conf.apf. Set DEVEL_MODE="0". DEVEL_MODE set to 1 will add a cron job to stop apf after 5 minutes.

Remove Backslashes from Json Data in JavaScript

try this

var finalData = str.replace(/\\/g, '');

How to open a file for both reading and writing?

Here's how you read a file, and then write to it (overwriting any existing data), without closing and reopening:

with open(filename, "r+") as f:
    data =

How to get an object's property's value by property name?

Expanding upon @aquinas:

Get-something | select -ExpandProperty PropertyName


Get-something | select -expand PropertyName


Get-something | select -exp PropertyName

I made these suggestions for those that might just be looking for a single-line command to obtain some piece of information and wanted to include a real-world example.

In managing Office 365 via PowerShell, here was an example I used to obtain all of the users/groups that had been added to the "BookInPolicy" list:

Get-CalendarProcessing [email protected] | Select -expand BookInPolicy

Just using "Select BookInPolicy" was cutting off several members, so thank you for this information!

Get an OutputStream into a String

Here's what I ended up doing:

Obj.writeToStream(toWrite, os);
try {
    String out = new String(os.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncondingException e) {
    fail("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage());

Where os is a ByteArrayOutputStream.

How do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array?

I prefer the next hint: having the matrix named matrix_a and use column_number, for example:

import numpy as np
matrix_a = np.array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]])

# you can get the row from transposed matrix - it will be a column:

How to move a file?

os.rename(), shutil.move(), or os.replace()

All employ the same syntax:

import os
import shutil

os.rename("path/to/current/", "path/to/new/destination/for/")
shutil.move("path/to/current/", "path/to/new/destination/for/")
os.replace("path/to/current/", "path/to/new/destination/for/")

Note that you must include the file name ( in both the source and destination arguments. If it is changed, the file will be renamed as well as moved.

Note also that in the first two cases the directory in which the new file is being created must already exist. On Windows, a file with that name must not exist or an exception will be raised, but os.replace() will silently replace a file even in that occurrence.

As has been noted in comments on other answers, shutil.move simply calls os.rename in most cases. However, if the destination is on a different disk than the source, it will instead copy and then delete the source file.

Why does pycharm propose to change method to static

I can imagine following advantages of having a class method defined as static one:

  • you can call the method just using class name, no need to instantiate it.

remaining advantages are probably marginal if present at all:

  • might run a bit faster
  • save a bit of memory

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

I had the same issue. Certificate import or command to unset ssl verification didn't work. It turn out to be expired password for network proxy. There was entry of proxy config. in the .gitconfig file present in my windows user profile. I just removed the whole entry and it started working again.

JavaScript error: "is not a function"

I also hit this error. In my case the root cause was async related (during a codebase refactor): An asynchronous function that builds the object to which the "not a function" function belongs was not awaited, and the subsequent attempt to invoke the function throws the error, example below:

const car = carFactory.getCar(); //throws TypeError: drive is not a function

The fix was:

const car = await carFactory.getCar();

Posting this incase it helps anyone else facing this error.

Import and Export Excel - What is the best library?

I know this is quite late, but I feel compelled to answer xPorter (writing) and xlReader (reading) from xPortTools.Net. We tested quite a few libraries and nothing came close in the way of performance (I'm talking about writing millions of rows in seconds here). Can't say enough good things about these products!

JavaScript/regex: Remove text between parentheses

var str = "Hello, this is Mike (example)";

alert(str.replace(/\s*\(.*?\)\s*/g, ''));

That'll also replace excess whitespace before and after the parentheses.

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables

In my case, there is a single table which happens to be a device list from a router. If you wish to read the table using TR/TH/TD (row, header, data) instead of a matrix as mentioned above, you can do something like the following:

    List<TableRow> deviceTable = (from table in document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(XPathQueries.SELECT_TABLE)
                                       from row in table?.SelectNodes(HtmlBody.TR)
                                       let rows = row.SelectSingleNode(HtmlBody.TR)
                                       where row.FirstChild.OriginalName != null && row.FirstChild.OriginalName.Equals(HtmlBody.T_HEADER)
                                       select new TableRow
                                           Header = row.SelectSingleNode(HtmlBody.T_HEADER)?.InnerText,
                                           Data = row.SelectSingleNode(HtmlBody.T_DATA)?.InnerText}).ToList();

TableRow is just a simple object with Header and Data as properties. The approach takes care of null-ness and this case:

    <td width="28%">&nbsp;</td>_x000D_

which is row without a header. The HtmlBody object with the constants hanging off of it are probably readily deduced but I apologize for it even still. I came from the world where if you have " in your code, it should either be constant or localizable.

Python reshape list to ndim array

You can specify the interpretation order of the axes using the order parameter:

np.reshape(arr, (2, -1), order='F')

Transparent ARGB hex value

Just came across this and the short code for transparency is simply #00000000.

How to edit my Excel dropdown list?

Attribute_Brands is a named range that should contain your list items. Use the drop down to the left of the formula bar to jump to the named range, then edit it. If you add or remove items you will need to adjust the range the named range covers.

What is ADT? (Abstract Data Type)

Notation of Abstract Data Type(ADT)

An abstract data type could be defined as a mathematical model with a collection of operations defined on it. A simple example is the set of integers together with the operations of union, intersection defined on the set.

The ADT's are generalizations of primitive data type(integer, char etc) and they encapsulate a data type in the sense that the definition of the type and all operations on that type localized to one section of the program. They are treated as a primitive data type outside the section in which the ADT and its operations are defined.

An implementation of an ADT is the translation into statements of a programming language of the declaration that defines a variable to be of that ADT, plus a procedure in that language for each operation of that ADT. The implementation of the ADT chooses a data structure to represent the ADT.

A useful tool for specifying the logical properties of data type is the abstract data type. Fundamentally, a data type is a collection of values and a set of operations on those values. That collection and those operations form a mathematical construct that may be implemented using a particular hardware and software data structure. The term "abstract data type" refers to the basic mathematical concept that defines the data type.

In defining an abstract data type as mathamatical concept, we are not concerned with space or time efficinecy. Those are implementation issue. Infact, the defination of ADT is not concerned with implementaion detail at all. It may not even be possible to implement a particular ADT on a particular piece of hardware or using a particular software system. For example, we have already seen that an ADT integer is not universally implementable.

To illustrate the concept of an ADT and my specification method, consider the ADT RATIONAL which corresponds to the mathematical concept of a rational number. A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers. The operations on rational numbers that, we define are the creation of a rational number from two integers, addition, multiplication and testing for equality. The following is an initial specification of this ADT.

                  /* Value defination */

abstract typedef <integer, integer> RATIONAL;
condition RATIONAL [1]!=0;

                 /*Operator defination*/

abstract RATIONAL makerational (a,b)
int a,b;
preconditon b!=0;
postcondition makerational [0] =a;
              makerational [1] =b;
abstract RATIONAL add [a,b]
postcondition add[1] = = a[1] * b[1]
              add[0] = a[0]*b[1]+b[0]*a[1]
abstract RATIONAL mult [a, b]
postcondition mult[0] = = a[0]*b[a]
              mult[1] = = a[1]*b[1]
abstract equal (a,b)
postcondition equal = = |a[0] * b[1] = = b[0] * a[1];

An ADT consists of two parts:-

1) Value definition

2) Operation definition

1) Value Definition:-

The value definition defines the collection of values for the ADT and consists of two parts:

1) Definition Clause

2) Condition Clause

For example, the value definition for the ADT RATIONAL states that a RATIONAL value consists of two integers, the second of which does not equal to 0.

The keyword abstract typedef introduces a value definitions and the keyword condition is used to specify any conditions on the newly defined data type. In this definition the condition specifies that the denominator may not be 0. The definition clause is required, but the condition may not be necessary for every ADT.

2) Operator Definition:-

Each operator is defined as an abstract junction with three parts.


2)Optional Preconditions

3)Optional Postconditions

For example the operator definition of the ADT RATIONAL includes the operations of creation (makerational), addition (add) and multiplication (mult) as well as a test for equality (equal). Let us consider the specification for multiplication first, since, it is the simplest. It contains a header and post-conditions, but no pre-conditions.

abstract RATIONAL mult [a,b]
postcondition mult[0] = a[0]*b[0]
              mult[1] = a[1]*b[1]

The header of this definition is the first two lines, which are just like a C function header. The keyword abstract indicates that it is not a C function but an ADT operator definition.

The post-condition specifies, what the operation does. In a post-condition, the name of the function (in this case, mult) is used to denote the result of an operation. Thus, mult [0] represents numerator of result and mult 1 represents the denominator of the result. That is it specifies, what conditions become true after the operation is executed. In this example the post-condition specifies that the neumerator of the result of a rational multiplication equals integer product of numerators of the two inputs and the denominator equals th einteger product of two denominators.


In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type that represents a countable number of ordered values, where the same value may occur more than once. An instance of a list is a computer representation of the mathematical concept of a finite sequence; the (potentially) infinite analog of a list is a stream. Lists are a basic example of containers, as they contain other values. If the same value occurs multiple times, each occurrence is considered a distinct item

The name list is also used for several concrete data structures that can be used to implement abstract lists, especially linked lists.

enter image description here

Image of a List


A bag is a collection of objects, where you can keep adding objects to the bag, but you cannot remove them once added to the bag. So with a bag data structure, you can collect all the objects, and then iterate through them. You will bags normally when you program in Java.


Image of a Bag


A collection in the Java sense refers to any class that implements the Collection interface. A collection in a generic sense is just a group of objects.

enter image description here

Image of collections

how to refresh page in angular 2


How to implement page refresh in Angular 2+ note this is done within your component:


How to check the differences between local and github before the pull

If you're not interested in the details that git diff outputs you can just run git cherry which will output a list of commits your remote tracking branch has ahead of your local branch.

For example:

git fetch origin
git cherry master origin/master

Will output something like :

+ 2642039b1a4c4d4345a0d02f79ccc3690e19d9b1
+ a4870f9fbde61d2d657e97b72b61f46d1fd265a9

Indicates that there are two commits in my remote tracking branch that haven't been merged into my local branch.

This also works the other way :

    git cherry origin/master master

Will show you a list of local commits that you haven't pushed to your remote repository yet.

How to add certificate chain to keystore?

From the keytool man - it imports certificate chain, if input is given in PKCS#7 format, otherwise only the single certificate is imported. You should be able to convert certificates to PKCS#7 format with openssl, via openssl crl2pkcs7 command.

Create a .csv file with values from a Python list

Here is a secure version of Alex Martelli's:

import csv

with open('filename', 'wb') as myfile:
    wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

How to create a bash script to check the SSH connection?

Just in case someone only wishes to check if port 22 is open on a remote machine, this simple netcat command is useful. I used it because nmap and telnet were not available for me. Moreover, my ssh configuration uses keyboard password auth.

It is a variant of the solution proposed by GUESSWHOz.

nc -q 0 -w 1 "${remote_ip}" 22 < /dev/null &> /dev/null && echo "Port is reachable" || echo "Port is unreachable"

css selector to match an element without attribute x

:not selector:

input:not([type]), input[type='text'], input[type='password'] {
    /* style here */

Support: in Internet Explorer 9 and higher

Converting String to Int with Swift

Swift 3

The simplest and more secure way is:

@IBOutlet var textFieldA  : UITextField
@IBOutlet var textFieldB  : UITextField
@IBOutlet var answerLabel : UILabel

@IBAction func calculate(sender : AnyObject) {

      if let intValueA = Int(textFieldA),
            let intValueB = Int(textFieldB) {
            let result = intValueA + intValueB
            answerLabel.text = "The acceleration is \(result)"
      else {
             answerLabel.text = "The value \(intValueA) and/or \(intValueB) are not a valid integer value"

Avoid invalid values setting keyboard type to number pad:

 textFieldA.keyboardType = .numberPad
 textFieldB.keyboardType = .numberPad

Rolling back local and remote git repository by 1 commit

By entering bellow command you can see your git commit history -

$ git log

Let's say your history on that particular branch is like - commit_A, commit_B, commit_C, commit_D. Where, commit_D is the last commit and this is where HEAD remains. Now, to remove your last commit from local and remote, you need to do the following :

Step 1: Remove last commit locally by -

$ git reset --hard HEAD~

This will change your commit HEAD to commit_C

Step 2: Push your change for new HEAD commit to remote

$ git push origin +HEAD

This command will delete the last commit from remote.

P.S. this command is tested on Mac OSX and should work on other operating systems as well (not claiming about other OS though)

Enable/Disable Anchor Tags using AngularJS

You can create a custom directive that is somehow similar to ng-disabled and disable a specific set of elements by:

  1. watching the property changes of the custom directive, e.g. my-disabled.
  2. clone the current element without the added event handlers.
  3. add css properties to the cloned element and other attributes or event handlers that will provide the disabled state of an element.
  4. when changes are detected on the watched property, replace the current element with the cloned element.


   <a my-disabled="disableCreate" href="#" ng-click="disableEdit = true">CREATE</a><br/>
   <a my-disabled="disableEdit" href="#" ng-click="disableCreate = true">EDIT</a><br/>
   <a my-disabled="disableCreate || disableEdit" href="#">DELETE</a><br/>
   <a href="#" ng-click="disableEdit = false; disableCreate = false;">RESET</a>


directive('myDisabled', function() {
  return {

    link: function(scope, elem, attr) {
      var color = elem.css('color'),
          textDecoration = elem.css('text-decoration'),
          cursor = elem.css('cursor'),
          // double negation for non-boolean attributes e.g. undefined
          currentValue = !!scope.$eval(attr.myDisabled),

          current = elem[0],
          next = elem[0].cloneNode(true);

      var nextElem = angular.element(next);

      nextElem.on('click', function(e) {

      nextElem.css('color', 'gray');
      nextElem.css('text-decoration', 'line-through');
      nextElem.css('cursor', 'not-allowed');
      nextElem.attr('tabindex', -1);

      scope.$watch(attr.myDisabled, function(value) {
        // double negation for non-boolean attributes e.g. undefined
        value = !!value;

        if(currentValue != value) {
          currentValue = value;
          current.parentNode.replaceChild(next, current);
          var temp = current;
          current = next;
          next = temp;


How to convert an int to string in C?

This is old but here's another way.

#include <stdio.h>

#define atoa(x) #x

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *string = atoa(1234567890);
    printf("%s\n", string);
    return 0;

how to instanceof List<MyType>?

The major concern here is that the collections don't keep the type in the definition. The types are only available in runtime. I came up with a function to test complex collections (it has one constraint though).

Check if the object is an instance of a generic collection. In order to represent a collection,

  • No classes, always false
  • One class, it is not a collection and returns the result of instanceof evaluation
  • To represent a List or Set, the type of the list comes next e.g. {List, Integer} for List<Integer>
  • To represent a Map, the key and value types come next e.g. {Map, String, Integer} for Map<String, Integer>

More complex use cases could be generated using the same rules. For example in order to represent List<Map<String, GenericRecord>>, it can be called as

    Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("S1", 1);
    map.put("S2", 2);
    List<Map<String, Integer> obj = new ArrayList<>();
    isInstanceOfGenericCollection(obj, List.class, List.class, Map.class, String.class, GenericRecord.class);

Note that this implementation doesn't support nested types in the Map. Hence, the type of key and value should be a class and not a collection. But it shouldn't be hard to add it.

    public static boolean isInstanceOfGenericCollection(Object object, Class<?>... classes) {
        if (classes.length == 0) return false;
        if (classes.length == 1) return classes[0].isInstance(object);
        if (classes[0].equals(List.class))
            return object instanceof List && ((List<?>) object).stream().allMatch(item -> isInstanceOfGenericCollection(item, Arrays.copyOfRange(classes, 1, classes.length)));
        if (classes[0].equals(Set.class))
            return object instanceof Set && ((Set<?>) object).stream().allMatch(item -> isInstanceOfGenericCollection(item, Arrays.copyOfRange(classes, 1, classes.length)));
        if (classes[0].equals(Map.class))
            return object instanceof Map &&
                    ((Map<?, ?>) object).keySet().stream().allMatch(classes[classes.length - 2]::isInstance) &&
                    ((Map<?, ?>) object).values().stream().allMatch(classes[classes.length - 1]::isInstance);
        return false;

Does static constexpr variable inside a function make sense?

The short answer is that not only is static useful, it is pretty well always going to be desired.

First, note that static and constexpr are completely independent of each other. static defines the object's lifetime during execution; constexpr specifies that the object should be available during compilation. Compilation and execution are disjoint and discontiguous, both in time and space. So once the program is compiled, constexpr is no longer relevant.

Every variable declared constexpr is implicitly const but const and static are almost orthogonal (except for the interaction with static const integers.)

The C++ object model (§1.9) requires that all objects other than bit-fields occupy at least one byte of memory and have addresses; furthermore all such objects observable in a program at a given moment must have distinct addresses (paragraph 6). This does not quite require the compiler to create a new array on the stack for every invocation of a function with a local non-static const array, because the compiler could take refuge in the as-if principle provided it can prove that no other such object can be observed.

That's not going to be easy to prove, unfortunately, unless the function is trivial (for example, it does not call any other function whose body is not visible within the translation unit) because arrays, more or less by definition, are addresses. So in most cases, the non-static const(expr) array will have to be recreated on the stack at every invocation, which defeats the point of being able to compute it at compile time.

On the other hand, a local static const object is shared by all observers, and furthermore may be initialized even if the function it is defined in is never called. So none of the above applies, and a compiler is free not only to generate only a single instance of it; it is free to generate a single instance of it in read-only storage.

So you should definitely use static constexpr in your example.

However, there is one case where you wouldn't want to use static constexpr. Unless a constexpr declared object is either ODR-used or declared static, the compiler is free to not include it at all. That's pretty useful, because it allows the use of compile-time temporary constexpr arrays without polluting the compiled program with unnecessary bytes. In that case, you would clearly not want to use static, since static is likely to force the object to exist at runtime.

Show hidden div on ng-click within ng-repeat

Use ng-show and toggle the value of a show scope variable in the ng-click handler.

Here is a working example:

<ul class="procedures">
    <li ng-repeat="procedure in procedures">
        <h4><a href="#" ng-click="show = !show">{{procedure.definition}}</a></h4>
         <div class="procedure-details" ng-show="show">
            <p>Number of patient discharges: {{procedure.discharges}}</p>
            <p>Average amount covered by Medicare: {{procedure.covered}}</p>
            <p>Average total payments: {{procedure.payments}}</p>

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined raised when starting react app

I had the same issue running it in my pipeline.

For me, the issue was that I was using node version v10.0.0 in my docker container.

Updating it to v14.7.0 solved it for me

Android XXHDPI resources

The newer android phones in the market like HTC one, Xperia Z etc have resolutions in the >480dpi range, putting them in the new xxhdpi class as well. The new assets might be useful for them too.

How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?

You could [potentially] do a rewrite of the URL, but yes: you have to have control of your DNS settings so that when a user is added it gets its own subdomain.

getting only name of the class Class.getName()

Here is the Groovy way of accessing object properties:

this.class.simpleName    # returns the simple name of the current class

Any way to clear python's IDLE window?

File -> New Window

In the new window**

Run -> Python Shell

The problem with this method is that it will clear all the things you defined, such as variables.

Alternatively, you should just use command prompt.

open up command prompt

type "cd c:\python27"

type "python" , you have to edit this using IDLE when it's not in interactive mode. If you're in python shell, file -> new window.

Note that the needs to be in the same directory as C:\python27, or whatever directory you have python installed.

Then from here, you just press the UP arrow key on your keyboard. You just edit, use CTRL + S, then go back to command prompt, press the UP arrow key, hit enter.

If the command prompt gets too crowded, just type "clr"

The "clr" command only works with command prompt, it will not work with IDLE.

how to use free cloud database with android app?

As Wingman said, Google App Engine is a great solution for your scenario.

You can get some information about GAE+Android here:

And from this Google IO 2012 session:

Drag and drop elements from list into separate blocks

Maybe jQuery UI does what you are looking for. Its composed out of many handy helper functions like making objects draggable, droppable, resizable, sortable etc.

Take a look at sortable with connected lists.

How to test an Oracle Stored Procedure with RefCursor return type?

create or replace procedure my_proc(  v_number IN number,p_rc OUT SYS_REFCURSOR )
open p_rc
for select 1 col1
     from dual;

and then write a function lie this which calls your stored procedure

 create or replace function my_proc_test(v_number IN NUMBER) RETURN sys_refcursor
 p_rc sys_refcursor;
 return p_rc;

then you can run this SQL query in the SQLDeveloper editor.

 SELECT my_proc_test(3) FROM DUAL;

you will see the result in the console right click on it and cilck on single record view and edit the result you can see the all the records that were returned by the ref cursor.

Remove a string from the beginning of a string

Remove www. from beginning of string, this is the easiest way (ltrim)

echo ltrim($a, "www.");

Cannot get Kerberos service ticket: KrbException: Server not found in Kerberos database (7)

In my case, My principal was kafka/[email protected] I got below lines in the terminal:

>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=190
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove
>>> KDCRep: init() encoding tag is 126 req type is 13
         cTime is Thu Oct 05 03:42:15 UTC 1995 812864535000
         sTime is Fri May 31 06:43:38 UTC 2019 1559285018000
         suSec is 111309
         error code is 7
         error Message is Server not found in Kerberos database
         cname is kafka/[email protected]
         sname is kafka/[email protected]
         msgType is 30

After hours of checking, I just found the below line has a wrong value in kafka_2.12-2.2.0/


Also I got two entries of and for same IP address.

I changed it to as listeners=SASL_PLAINTEXT:// Then it worked!

According to the below link, the principal should contain the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of each host and it should be matched with the principal.

How to round an average to 2 decimal places in PostgreSQL?

Error:function round(double precision, integer) does not exist

Solution: You need to addtype cast then it will work

Ex: round(extract(second from job_end_time_t)::integer,0)

'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have tried many of the solutions to this problem found on line, but in my case nothing worked except for reinstalling NVM for Windows (which I am using to manage multiple Node versions). In the installer, it detects installed Node versions and asks the user if they wish for NVM to control them. I said yes and NVM fixed all PATH issues. As a result, things worked as before. This issue may have multiple causes, but corrupted PATH is definitely one of them and (re)installing NVM fixes PATH.

How to call a PHP function on the click of a button

Calling a PHP function using the HTML button: Create an HTML form document which contains the HTML button. When the button is clicked the method POST is called. The POST method describes how to send data to the server. After clicking the button, the array_key_exists() function called.

    if(array_key_exists('button1', $_POST)) { 
    else if(array_key_exists('button2', $_POST)) { 
    function button1() { 
        echo "This is Button1 that is selected"; 
    function button2() { 
        echo "This is Button2 that is selected"; 

<form method="post"> 
    <input type="submit" name="button1" class="button" value="Button1" /> 
    <input type="submit" name="button2" class="button" value="Button2" /> 


Why does git status show branch is up-to-date when changes exist upstream?

in this case use git add and integrate all pending files and then use git commit and then git push

git add - integrate all pedent files

git commit - save the commit

git push - save to repository

Iterate over elements of List and Map using JSTL <c:forEach> tag

Mark, this is already answered in your previous topic. But OK, here it is again:

Suppose ${list} points to a List<Object>, then the following

<c:forEach items="${list}" var="item">

does basically the same as as following in "normal Java":

for (Object item : list) {

If you have a List<Map<K, V>> instead, then the following

<c:forEach items="${list}" var="map">
    <c:forEach items="${map}" var="entry">

does basically the same as as following in "normal Java":

for (Map<K, V> map : list) {
    for (Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {

The key and value are here not special methods or so. They are actually getter methods of Map.Entry object (click at the blue Map.Entry link to see the API doc). In EL (Expression Language) you can use the . dot operator to access getter methods using "property name" (the getter method name without the get prefix), all just according the Javabean specification.

That said, you really need to cleanup the "answers" in your previous topic as they adds noise to the question. Also read the comments I posted in your "answers".

Android Recyclerview vs ListView with Viewholder

If you use RecycleView, first you need more efford to setup. You need to give more time to setup simple Item onclick, border, touch event and other simple thing. But end product will be perfect.

So decision is yours. I suggest, if you design simple app like phonebook loading, where simple click of item is enough, you can implement listview. But if you design like social media home page with unlimited scrolling. Several different decoration between item, much control of individual item than use recycle view.

Convert timestamp to date in Oracle SQL

You can try the simple one

select to_date('2020-07-08T15:30:42Z','yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss"Z"') from dual;

Uploading multiple files using formData()

This worked fine !

var fd = new FormData();

$('input[type="file"]').on('change', function (e) {
    [], function (file) {
        fd.append('filename[]', file);

    url: '/url/to/post/on',
    method: 'post',
    data: fd,
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    success: function (response) {
    error: function (err) {

Do subclasses inherit private fields?

Well, my answer to interviewer's question is - Private members are not inherited in sub-classes but they are accessible to subclass or subclass's object only via public getter or setter methods or any such appropriate methods of original class. The normal practice is to keep the members private and access them using getter and setter methods which are public. So whats the point in only inheriting getter and setter methods when the private member they deal with are not available to the object? Here 'inherited' simply means it is available directly in the sub-class to play around by newly introduced methods in sub-class.

Save the below file as and try it yourself ->

public class ParentClass {
  private int x;

  public int getX() {
    return x;

  public void setX(int x) {
    this.x = x;

class SubClass extends ParentClass {
  private int y;

  public int getY() {
    return y;

  public void setY(int y) {
    this.y = y;

  public void setXofParent(int x) {

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SubClass s = new SubClass();
    System.out.println("X is :"+s.getX());
    System.out.println("Y is :"+s.getY());
    System.out.println("Now X is :"+s.getX());

X is :10
Y is :12
Now X is :13

If we try to use private variable x of ParentClass in SubClass's method then it is not directly accessible for any modifications (means not inherited). But x can be modified in SubClass via setX() method of original class as done in setXofParent() method OR it can be modified using ChildClass object using setX() method or setXofParent() method which ultimately calls setX(). So here setX() and getX() are kind of gates to the private member x of a ParentClass.

Another simple example is Clock superclass has hours and mins as private members and appropriate getter and setter methods as public. Then comes DigitalClock as a sub-class of Clock. Here if the DigitalClock's object doesn't contain hours and mins members then things are screwed up.

Setting environment variables on OS X

Well, I'm unsure about the /etc/paths and ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist files. Those are new.

But with Bash, you should know that .bashrc is executed with every new shell invocation and .bash_profile is only executed once at startup.

I don't know how often this is with Mac OS X. I think the distinction has broken down with the window system launching everything.

Personally, I eliminate the confusion by creating a .bashrc file with everything I need and then do:

ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile

Placeholder in IE9

I think this is what you are looking for: jquery-html5-placeholder-fix

This solution uses feature detection (via modernizr) to determine if placeholder is supported. If not, adds support (via jQuery).

Bootstrap: Use .pull-right without having to hardcode a negative margin-top

just put #login-box before <h2>Welcome</h2> will be ok.

<div class='container'>
    <div class='hero-unit'>
        <div id='login-box' class='pull-right control-group'>
            <div class='clearfix'>
                <input type='text' placeholder='Username' />
            <div class='clearfix'>
                <input type='password' placeholder='Password' />
            <button type='button' class='btn btn-primary'>Log in</button>

        <p>Please log in</p>


here is jsfiddle

Phone mask with jQuery and Masked Input Plugin

Yes use this

$("#phone").inputmask({"mask": "(99) 9999 - 9999"});

Link here

Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText

    android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" >



How can I calculate the number of years between two dates?

function getYearDiff(startDate, endDate) {
    let yearDiff = endDate.getFullYear() - startDate.getFullYear();
    if (startDate.getMonth() > endDate.getMonth()) {
    } else if (startDate.getMonth() === endDate.getMonth()) {
        if (startDate.getDate() > endDate.getDate()) {
        } else if (startDate.getDate() === endDate.getDate()) {
            if (startDate.getHours() > endDate.getHours()) {
            } else if (startDate.getHours() === endDate.getHours()) {
                if (startDate.getMinutes() > endDate.getMinutes()) {
    return yearDiff;

alert(getYearDiff(firstDate, secondDate));

How to send list of file in a folder to a txt file in Linux

you can just use

ls > filenames.txt

(usually, start a shell by using "Terminal", or "shell", or "Bash".) You may need to use cd to go to that folder first, or you can ls ~/docs > filenames.txt

comparing 2 strings alphabetically for sorting purposes

Lets say that we have an array of objects:

{ name : String }

then we can sort our array as follows:

array.sort(function(a, b) {
    var orderBool = >;
    return orderBool ? 1 : -1;

Note: Be careful for upper letters, you may need to cast your string to lower case due to your purpose.

Why do I get the error "Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe"?

Search your code for unsafe blocks or statements. These are only valid is compiled with /unsafe.

How do you get AngularJS to bind to the title attribute of an A tag?

Look at the fiddle here for a quick answer

data-ng-attr-title="{{d.age > 5 ? 'My age is greater than threshold': ''}}"

Displays Title over elements conditionally using Angular JS

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

No need of storing resultSet values into String and again setting into POJO class. Instead set at the time you are retrieving.

Or best way switch to ORM tools like hibernate instead of JDBC which maps your POJO object direct to database.

But as of now use this:

List<User> users=new ArrayList<User>();

while( {
   User user = new User();      


How to tell a Mockito mock object to return something different the next time it is called?

For Anyone using spy() and the doReturn() instead of the when() method:

what you need to return different object on different calls is this:



For classic mocks:

when(this.mockFoo.someMethod()).thenReturn(obj1, obj2);

or with an exception being thrown:

        .thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException())
        .thenReturn(obj2, obj3);


Microsoft's Using sp_executesql article recommends using sp_executesql instead of execute statement.

Because this stored procedure supports parameter substitution, sp_executesql is more versatile than EXECUTE; and because sp_executesql generates execution plans that are more likely to be reused by SQL Server, sp_executesql is more efficient than EXECUTE.

So, the take away: Do not use execute statement. Use sp_executesql.

How many characters can a Java String have?

While you can in theory Integer.MAX_VALUE characters, the JVM is limited in the size of the array it can use.

public static void main(String... args) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        int len = Integer.MAX_VALUE - i;
        try {
            char[] ch = new char[len];
            System.out.println("len: " + len + " OK");
        } catch (Error e) {
            System.out.println("len: " + len + " " + e);

on Oracle Java 8 update 92 prints

len: 2147483647 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
len: 2147483646 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
len: 2147483645 OK
len: 2147483644 OK

Note: in Java 9, Strings will use byte[] which will mean that multi-byte characters will use more than one byte and reduce the maximum further. If you have all four byte code-points e.g. emojis, you will only get around 500 million characters

Fetching distinct values on a column using Spark DataFrame

This solution demonstrates how to transform data with Spark native functions which are better than UDFs. It also demonstrates how dropDuplicates which is more suitable than distinct for certain queries.

Suppose you have this DataFrame:

|country|    continent|
|  china|         asia|
| brazil|south america|
| france|       europe|
|  china|         asia|

Here's how to take all the distinct countries and run a transformation:

  .withColumn("country", concat(col("country"), lit(" is fun!")))
|       country|
|brazil is fun!|
|france is fun!|
| china is fun!|

You can use dropDuplicates instead of distinct if you don't want to lose the continent information:

  .withColumn("description", concat(col("country"), lit(" is a country in "), col("continent")))
|country|continent    |description                         |
|brazil |south america|brazil is a country in south america|
|france |europe       |france is a country in europe       |
|china  |asia         |china is a country in asia          |

See here for more information about filtering DataFrames and here for more information on dropping duplicates.

Ultimately, you'll want to wrap your transformation logic in custom transformations that can be chained with the Dataset#transform method.

SQL subquery with COUNT help

Assuming there is a column named business:

SELECT Business, COUNT(*) FROM eventsTable GROUP BY Business

Generating Random Passwords

I don't like the passwords that Membership.GeneratePassword() creates, as they're too ugly and have too many special characters.

This code generates a 10 digit not-too-ugly password.

string password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower()
                      .Replace("1", "").Replace("o", "").Replace("0","")

Sure, I could use a Regex to do all the replaces but this is more readable and maintainable IMO.

Can I target all <H> tags with a single selector?

The jQuery selector for all h tags (h1, h2 etc) is " :header ". For example, if you wanted to make all h tags red in color with jQuery, use:


Program "make" not found in PATH

Go to Project> Properties> C/C++ Build> Environment. You will see three fields, choose PATH. See if the folder containing make.exe is appended to the path or not. Sometimes the change to the System PATH variable (made from My Computer> Properties> Advanced System Settings...) is NOT reflected in Eclipse. This solved the problem for me, hope it helps you too!

UIView Infinite 360 degree rotation animation?

I have found nice code in this repository,

Here is the code from it i have done small changes according to my need for speed :)


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface UIImageView (Rotate)
- (void)rotate360WithDuration:(CGFloat)duration repeatCount:(float)repeatCount;
- (void)pauseAnimations;
- (void)resumeAnimations;
- (void)stopAllAnimations;


#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import "UIImageView+Rotate.h"

@implementation UIImageView (Rotate)

- (void)rotate360WithDuration:(CGFloat)duration repeatCount:(float)repeatCount

    CABasicAnimation *fullRotation;
    fullRotation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation"];
    fullRotation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0];
    //fullRotation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:(2*M_PI)];
    fullRotation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:-(2*M_PI)]; // added this minus sign as i want to rotate it to anticlockwise
    fullRotation.duration = duration;
    fullRotation.speed = 2.0f;              // Changed rotation speed
    if (repeatCount == 0)
        fullRotation.repeatCount = MAXFLOAT;
        fullRotation.repeatCount = repeatCount;

    [self.layer addAnimation:fullRotation forKey:@"360"];

//Not using this methods :)

- (void)stopAllAnimations

    [self.layer removeAllAnimations];

- (void)pauseAnimations

    [self pauseLayer:self.layer];

- (void)resumeAnimations

    [self resumeLayer:self.layer];

- (void)pauseLayer:(CALayer *)layer

    CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [layer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime() fromLayer:nil];
    layer.speed = 0.0;
    layer.timeOffset = pausedTime;

- (void)resumeLayer:(CALayer *)layer

    CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [layer timeOffset];
    layer.speed = 1.0;
    layer.timeOffset = 0.0;
    layer.beginTime = 0.0;
    CFTimeInterval timeSincePause = [layer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime() fromLayer:nil] - pausedTime;
    layer.beginTime = timeSincePause;


Send File Attachment from Form Using phpMailer and PHP

In my own case, i was using serialize() on the form, Hence the files were not being sent to php. If you are using jquery, use FormData(). For example

<form id='form'>
<input type='file' name='file' />
<input type='submit' />

Using jquery,

$('#form').submit(function (e) {
var formData = new FormData(this); // grab all form contents including files
//you can then use formData and pass to ajax


Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

Use MySQL Workbench. create SQL dump file of your database

Follow below steps:

  1. Click File->Import->Reverse Engineer MySQL Create Script
  2. Click Browse and select your SQL create script.
  3. Make Sure "Place Imported Objects on a diagram" is checked.
  4. Click Execute Button.
  5. You are done.

Switch statement for greater-than/less-than

Updating the accepted answer (can't comment yet). As of 1/12/16 using the demo jsfiddle in chrome, switch-immediate is the fastest solution.

Results: Time resolution: 1.33

   25ms "if-immediate" 150878146 
   29ms "if-indirect" 150878146
   24ms "switch-immediate" 150878146
   128ms "switch-range" 150878146
   45ms "switch-range2" 150878146
   47ms "switch-indirect-array" 150878146
   43ms "array-linear-switch" 150878146
   72ms "array-binary-switch" 150878146


 1.04 (   25ms) if-immediate
 1.21 (   29ms) if-indirect
 1.00 (   24ms) switch-immediate
 5.33 (  128ms) switch-range
 1.88 (   45ms) switch-range2
 1.96 (   47ms) switch-indirect-array
 1.79 (   43ms) array-linear-switch
 3.00 (   72ms) array-binary-switch

How to fix "Attempted relative import in non-package" even with

For me only this worked: I had to explicitly set the value of package to the parent directory, and add the parent directory to sys.path

from os import path
import sys
if __package__ is None:
    sys.path.append( path.dirname( path.dirname( path.abspath(__file__) ) ) )
    __package__= "myparent"

from .subdir import something # the . can now be resolved

I can now directly run my script with python

How do I access properties of a javascript object if I don't know the names?

You often will want to examine the particular properties of an instance of an object, without all of it's shared prototype methods and properties:

 Obj.prototype.toString= function(){
        var A= [];
        for(var p in this){
                A[A.length]= p+'='+this[p];

    return A.join(', ');

"find: paths must precede expression:" How do I specify a recursive search that also finds files in the current directory?

Try putting it in quotes -- you're running into the shell's wildcard expansion, so what you're acually passing to find will look like:

find . -name bobtest.c cattest.c snowtest.c

...causing the syntax error. So try this instead:

find . -name '*test.c'

Note the single quotes around your file expression -- these will stop the shell (bash) expanding your wildcards.

"[notice] child pid XXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)" in apache error.log

Attach gdb to one of the httpd child processes and reload or continue working and wait for a crash and then look at the backtrace. Do something like this:

$ ps -ef|grep httpd
0     681     1   0 10:38pm ??         0:00.45 /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/httpd -k start
501   690   681   0 10:38pm ??         0:00.02 /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/httpd -k start


Now attach gdb to one of the child processes, in this case PID 690 (columns are UID, PID, PPID, ...)

$ sudo gdb
(gdb) attach 690
Attaching to process 690.
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries ....................... done
0x9568ce29 in accept$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 ()
(gdb) c

Wait for crash... then:

(gdb) backtrace


(gdb) backtrace full

Should give you some clue what's going on. If you file a bug report you should include the backtrace.

If the crash is hard to reproduce it may be a good idea to configure Apache to only use one child processes for handling requests. The config is something like this:

StartServers 1
MinSpareServers 1
MaxSpareServers 1

How do I trim whitespace?

If using Python 3: In your print statement, finish with sep="". That will separate out all of the spaces.


print("I love ",txt,"",sep="")

This will print: I love potatoes.

Instead of: I love potatoes .

In your case, since you would be trying to get ride of the \t, do sep="\t"

How to auto adjust table td width from the content

Remove all widths set using CSS and set white-space to nowrap like so:

.content-loader tr td {
    white-space: nowrap;

I would also remove the fixed width from the container (or add overflow-x: scroll to the container) if you want the fields to display in their entirety without it looking odd...

See more here:

JavaScript: location.href to open in new window/tab?

Pure js alternative to

let a= document.createElement('a'); '_blank';
a.href= '';;

here is working example (stackoverflow snippets not allow to opening)

How to display my application's errors in JSF?

You also have to include the FormID in your call to addMessage().

 FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("myform:newPassword1", new FacesMessage("Error: Your password is NOT strong enough."));

This should do the trick.


How can I create download link in HTML?

You can download in the various way you can follow my way. Though files may not download due to 'allow-popups' permission is not set but in your environment, this will work perfectly

<div className="col-6">_x000D_
                    <a  download href="" >Test Download </a>_x000D_

another one this one will also fail due to 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

<a href="" download>_x000D_
  <img src="" alt="W3Schools" width="104" height="142">_x000D_

MVC If statement in View

Every time you use html syntax you have to start the next razor statement with a @. So it should be @if ....

How can I format a decimal to always show 2 decimal places?

The OP always wants two decimal places displayed, so explicitly calling a formatting function, as all the other answers have done, is not good enough.

As others have already pointed out, Decimal works well for currency. But Decimal shows all the decimal places. So, override its display formatter:

class D(decimal.Decimal):
    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self:.2f}'  


>>> cash = D(300000.991)
>>> print(cash)


Android camera intent

try this code

Intent photo= new Intent("");
                    startActivityForResult(photo, CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST);

Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption

Use this class for encryption. It works.

public class ObjectCrypter {

    public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] ivBytes, byte[] keyBytes, byte[] mes) 
            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            BadPaddingException, IOException {

        AlgorithmParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(ivBytes);
        SecretKeySpec newKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
        Cipher cipher = null;
        cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, newKey, ivSpec);
        return  cipher.doFinal(mes);


    public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] ivBytes, byte[] keyBytes, byte[] bytes) 
            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            BadPaddingException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        AlgorithmParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(ivBytes);
        SecretKeySpec newKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, newKey, ivSpec);
        return  cipher.doFinal(bytes);


And these are ivBytes and a random key;

String key = "e8ffc7e56311679f12b6fc91aa77a5eb";

byte[] ivBytes = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
keyBytes = key.getBytes("UTF-8");

T-SQL string replace in Update

The syntax for REPLACE:

REPLACE (string_expression,string_pattern,string_replacement)

So that the SQL you need should be:

UPDATE [DataTable] SET [ColumnValue] = REPLACE([ColumnValue], 'domain2', 'domain1')

How to resolve "Server Error in '/' Application" error?

I had this error when the .NET version was wrong - make sure the site is configured to the one you need.

See aspnet_regiis.exe for details.

How do I run Redis on Windows?

I don't run redis on windows. There's too much hassle involved in keeping up with the ports, and they lag behind redis-stable by a version or two all the time.

Instead I run redis on a Vagrant virtual machine that runs redis for me. I've bundled up the whole thing into a simple github repo so everyone can get in on the fun without too much hassle. The whole thing is an automated build so there's no mess. I blogged about the details here.

How to use the priority queue STL for objects?

You need to provide a valid strict weak ordering comparison for the type stored in the queue, Person in this case. The default is to use std::less<T>, which resolves to something equivalent to operator<. This relies on it's own stored type having one. So if you were to implement

bool operator<(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs); 

it should work without any further changes. The implementation could be

bool operator<(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs)
  return lhs.age < rhs.age;

If the the type does not have a natural "less than" comparison, it would make more sense to provide your own predicate, instead of the default std::less<Person>. For example,

struct LessThanByAge
  bool operator()(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs) const
    return lhs.age < rhs.age;

then instantiate the queue like this:

std::priority_queue<Person, std::vector<Person>, LessThanByAge> pq;

Concerning the use of std::greater<Person> as comparator, this would use the equivalent of operator> and have the effect of creating a queue with the priority inverted WRT the default case. It would require the presence of an operator> that can operate on two Person instances.

How to parse month full form string using DateFormat in Java?

You are probably using a locale where the month names are not "January", "February", etc. but some other words in your local language.

Try specifying the locale you wish to use, for example Locale.US:

DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy", Locale.US);
Date d = fmt.parse("June 27,  2007");

Also, you have an extra space in the date string, but actually this has no effect on the result. It works either way.

Html: Difference between cell spacing and cell padding

cellspacing and cell padding

Cell padding

is used for formatting purpose which is used to specify the space needed between the edges of the cells and also in the cell contents. The general format of specifying cell padding is as follows:

< table width="100" border="2" cellpadding="5">

The above adds 5 pixels of padding inside each cell .

Cell Spacing:

Cell spacing is one also used f formatting but there is a major difference between cell padding and cell spacing. It is as follows: Cell padding is used to set extra space which is used to separate cell walls from their contents. But in contrast cell spacing is used to set space between cells.

How do I get SUM function in MySQL to return '0' if no values are found?


SELECT IFNULL(SUM(Column1), 0) AS total FROM...

SELECT COALESCE(SUM(Column1), 0) AS total FROM...

The difference between them is that IFNULL is a MySQL extension that takes two arguments, and COALESCE is a standard SQL function that can take one or more arguments. When you only have two arguments using IFNULL is slightly faster, though here the difference is insignificant since it is only called once.

Get list of passed arguments in Windows batch script (.bat)

enter image description here

For to use looping to get all arguments and in pure batch:

Obs: For using without: ?*&<>

@echo off && setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for %%Z in (%*)do set "_arg_=%%Z" && set/a "_cnt+=1+0" && call set "_arg_[!_cnt!]=!_arg_!")

:: write/test these arguments/parameters ::
for /l %%l in (1 1 !_cnt!)do echo/ The argument n:%%l is: !_arg_[%%l]!

goto :eof 

Your code is ready to do something with the argument number where it needs, like...

@echo off && setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for %%Z in (%*)do set "_arg_=%%Z" && set/a "_cnt+=1+0" && call set "_arg_[!_cnt!]=!_arg_!"

echo= !_arg_[1]! !_arg_[2]! !_arg_[2]!> log.txt

Insert string at specified position

Try it, it will work for any number of substrings

    $string = 'bcadef abcdef';
    $substr = 'a';
    $attachment = '+++';

    //$position = strpos($string, 'a');

    $newstring = str_replace($substr, $substr.$attachment, $string);

    // bca+++def a+++bcdef

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty


Object.defineProperty(player, "health", {
    get: function () {
        return 10 + ( player.level * 15 );

Object.defineProperty is used in order to make a new property on the player object. Object.defineProperty is a function which is natively present in the JS runtime environemnt and takes the following arguments:

Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)

  1. The object on which we want to define a new property
  2. The name of the new property we want to define
  3. descriptor object

The descriptor object is the interesting part. In here we can define the following things:

  1. configurable <boolean>: If true the property descriptor may be changed and the property may be deleted from the object. If configurable is false the descriptor properties which are passed in Object.defineProperty cannot be changed.
  2. Writable <boolean>: If true the property may be overwritten using the assignment operator.
  3. Enumerable <boolean>: If true the property can be iterated over in a loop. Also when using the Object.keys function the key will be present. If the property is false they will not be iterated over using a loop and not show up when using Object.keys.
  4. get <function> : A function which is called whenever is the property is required. Instead of giving the direct value this function is called and the returned value is given as the value of the property
  5. set <function> : A function which is called whenever is the property is assigned. Instead of setting the direct value this function is called and the returned value is used to set the value of the property.


const player = {_x000D_
  level: 10_x000D_
Object.defineProperty(player, "health", {_x000D_
  configurable: true,_x000D_
  enumerable: false,_x000D_
  get: function() {_x000D_
    console.log('Inside the get function');_x000D_
    return 10 + (player.level * 15);_x000D_
// the get function is called and the return value is returned as a value_x000D_
for (let prop in player) {_x000D_
  // only prop is logged here, health is not logged because is not an iterable property._x000D_
  // This is because we set the enumerable to false when defining the property_x000D_

MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED

just start the mongo server from terminal

Ubuntu -

     sudo systemctl start mongod

Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery

Use this, from here:

function insertAtCaret(areaId, text) {_x000D_
  var txtarea = document.getElementById(areaId);_x000D_
  if (!txtarea) {_x000D_
  var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;_x000D_
  var strPos = 0;_x000D_
  var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') ?_x000D_
    "ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false));_x000D_
  if (br == "ie") {_x000D_
    var range = document.selection.createRange();_x000D_
    range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);_x000D_
    strPos = range.text.length;_x000D_
  } else if (br == "ff") {_x000D_
    strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;_x000D_
  var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0, strPos);_x000D_
  var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos, txtarea.value.length);_x000D_
  txtarea.value = front + text + back;_x000D_
  strPos = strPos + text.length;_x000D_
  if (br == "ie") {_x000D_
    var ieRange = document.selection.createRange();_x000D_
    ieRange.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);_x000D_
    ieRange.moveStart('character', strPos);_x000D_
    ieRange.moveEnd('character', 0);_x000D_;_x000D_
  } else if (br == "ff") {_x000D_
    txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;_x000D_
    txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;_x000D_
  txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;_x000D_
<textarea id="textareaid"></textarea>_x000D_
<a href="#" onclick="insertAtCaret('textareaid', 'text to insert');return false;">Click Here to Insert</a>

Change color of bootstrap navbar on hover link?

Something like this has worked for me (with Bootstrap 3):

.navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus{
    font-family: proxima-nova;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: 100;
    letter-spacing: 3px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    color: black;

In my case I also wanted the link text to remain black before the hover so i added .navbar-nav > li > a

.navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus, .navbar-nav > li > a{
    font-family: proxima-nova;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: 100;
    letter-spacing: 3px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    color: black;

How to use sed to remove all double quotes within a file

Try this:

sed -i -e 's/\"//g' file.txt

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?

So, I've really tried to understand this, but it seems that Django still doesn't make this very straightforward. I'm not all that dumb, but I just can't see any (somewhat) simple solution.

I find it generally pretty ugly to have to override the Admin views for this sort of thing, and every example I find never fully applies to the Admin views.

This is such a common circumstance with the models I make that I find it appalling that there's no obvious solution to this...

I've got these classes:

class Company(models.Model):
    # ...
class Contract(models.Model):
    company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
    locations = models.ManyToManyField('Location')
class Location(models.Model):
    company = models.ForeignKey(Company)

This creates a problem when setting up the Admin for Company, because it has inlines for both Contract and Location, and Contract's m2m options for Location are not properly filtered according to the Company that you're currently editing.

In short, I would need some admin option to do something like this:

class LocationInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = Location
class ContractInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = Contract
class CompanyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = (ContractInline, LocationInline)
    inline_filter = dict(Location__company='self')

Ultimately I wouldn't care if the filtering process was placed on the base CompanyAdmin, or if it was placed on the ContractInline. (Placing it on the inline makes more sense, but it makes it hard to reference the base Contract as 'self'.)

Is there anyone out there who knows of something as straightforward as this badly needed shortcut? Back when I made PHP admins for this sort of thing, this was considered basic functionality! In fact, it was always automatic, and had to be disabled if you really didn't want it!

CakePHP find method with JOIN

Otro example, custom Data Pagination for JOIN

CODE in Controller CakePHP 2.6 is OK:

$this->SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds->recursive = -1;
    // Filtro
    $where = array(
        'joins' => array(
                'table' => 'usuarios',
                'alias' => 'Usuarios',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Usuarios.usuario_id = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.usuarios_id'
                'table' => 'senasa_pedidos',
                'alias' => 'SenasaPedidos',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    ' = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.senasa_pedidos_id'
                'table' => 'clientes',
                'alias' => 'Clientes',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Clientes.id_cliente = SenasaPedidos.clientes_id'
        'order' => 'SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.created DESC',
    $this->paginate = $where;
    // Get datos
    $data = $this->Paginator->paginate();

OR Example 2, NOT active conditions:

$this->SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds->recursive = -1;
    // Filtro
    $where = array(
        'joins' => array(
                'table' => 'usuarios',
                'alias' => 'Usuarios',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Usuarios.usuario_id = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.usuarios_id'
                'table' => 'senasa_pedidos',
                'alias' => 'SenasaPedidos',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    ' = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.senasa_pedidos_id'
                'table' => 'clientes',
                'alias' => 'Clientes',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Clientes.id_cliente = SenasaPedidos.clientes_id',
                    'Clientes.requiere_senasa = 1'
        //    'Clientes.requiere_senasa'=>1
        'order' => 'SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.created DESC',
    $this->paginate = $where;
    // Get datos
    $data = $this->Paginator->paginate();

Search a text file and print related lines in Python?

with open('file.txt', 'r') as searchfile:
    for line in searchfile:
        if 'searchphrase' in line:
            print line

With apologies to senderle who I blatantly copied.