Some ideas:
1. Run a SELECT statement to filter your data
2. Click on the top-left corner to select all rows
3. Right-click to copy all the selected
4. Paste the copied content on Microsoft Excel
5. Save as CSV
From the command prompt, you can run the query and export it to a file:
sqlcmd -S . -d DatabaseName -E -s, -W -Q "SELECT * FROM TableName" > C:\Test.csv
Do not quote separator use just -s, and not quotes -s',' unless you want to set quote as separator.
More information here: ExcelSQLServer
This approach will have the "Rows affected" information in the bottom of the file, but you can get rid of this by using the "SET NOCOUNT ON" in the query itself.
You may run a stored procedure instead of the actual query (e.g. "EXEC Database.dbo.StoredProcedure")
bcp "SELECT * FROM Database.dbo.Table" queryout C:\Test.csv -c -t',' -T -S .\SQLEXPRESS
It is important to quote the comma separator as -t',' vs just -t,
More information here: bcp Utility
Hope this helps.