[php] Insert string at specified position

Is there a PHP function that can do that?

I'm using strpos to get the position of a substring and I want to insert a string after that position.

This question is related to php string

The answer is

This was my simple solution too append text to the next line after it found the keyword.

$oldstring = "This is a test\n#FINDME#\nOther text and data.";

function insert ($string, $keyword, $body) {
   return substr_replace($string, PHP_EOL . $body, strpos($string, $keyword) + strlen($keyword), 0);

echo insert($oldstring, "#FINDME#", "Insert this awesome string below findme!!!");


This is a test
Insert this awesome string below findme!!!
Other text and data.

Use the stringInsert function rather than the putinplace function. I was using the later function to parse a mysql query. Although the output looked alright, the query resulted in a error which took me a while to track down. The following is my version of the stringInsert function requiring only one parameter.

function stringInsert($str,$insertstr,$pos)
    $str = substr($str, 0, $pos) . $insertstr . substr($str, $pos);
    return $str;

Try it, it will work for any number of substrings

    $string = 'bcadef abcdef';
    $substr = 'a';
    $attachment = '+++';

    //$position = strpos($string, 'a');

    $newstring = str_replace($substr, $substr.$attachment, $string);

    // bca+++def a+++bcdef

str_replace($sub_str, $insert_str.$sub_str, $org_str);

function insSubstr($str, $sub, $posStart, $posEnd){
  return mb_substr($str, 0, $posStart) . $sub . mb_substr($str, $posEnd + 1);

I have one my old function for that:

function putinplace($string=NULL, $put=NULL, $position=false)
    $d=array(strlen($string), strlen($put));
    if($position > $d[0]) $position=$d[0];
    for($i=$d[0]; $i >= $position; $i--) $string[$i+$d[1]]=$string[$i];
    for($i=0; $i<$d[1]; $i++) $string[$position+$i]=$put[$i];
    return $string;

// Explanation
$string='My dog dont love postman'; // string
$put="'"; // put ' on position
$position=10; // number of characters (position)
print_r( putinplace($string, $put, $position) ); //RESULT: My dog don't love postman

This is a small powerful function that performs its job flawlessly.

$str = substr($oldstr, 0, $pos) . $str_to_insert . substr($oldstr, $pos);

substr on PHP Manual

Strange answers here! You can insert strings into other strings easily with sprintf [link to documentation]. The function is extremely powerful and can handle multiple elements and other data types too.

$color = 'green';
sprintf('I like %s apples.', $color);

gives you the string

I like green apples.

Just wanted to add something: I found tim cooper's answer very useful, I used it to make a method which accepts an array of positions and does the insert on all of them so here that is:

EDIT: Looks like my old function assumed $insertstr was only 1 character and that the array was sorted. This works for arbitrary character length.

function stringInsert($str, $pos, $insertstr) {
    if (!is_array($pos)) {
        $pos = array($pos);
    } else {
    $insertionLength = strlen($insertstr);
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($pos as $p) {
        $str = substr($str, 0, $p + $offset) . $insertstr . substr($str, $p + $offset);
        $offset += $insertionLength;
    return $str;

Simple and another way to solve :

function stringInsert($str,$insertstr,$pos)
    $new_str .= $str[$i];

    $new_str .="$insertstr";

    $new_str .= $str[$i];

  return $new_str;
