[c#] Counting Number of Letters in a string variable

I'm trying to count the number of letters in a string variable. I want to make a Hangman game, and I need to know how many letters are needed to match the amount in the word.

This question is related to c# string

The answer is

What is wrong with using string.Length?

// len will be 5
int len = "Hello".Length;

If you don't need the leading and trailing spaces :


string yourWord = "Derp derp";

Console.WriteLine(new string(yourWord.Select(c => char.IsLetter(c) ? '_' : c).ToArray()));


____ ____

You can simply use

int numberOfLetters = yourWord.Length;

or to be cool and trendy, use LINQ like this :

int numberOfLetters = yourWord.ToCharArray().Count();

and if you hate both Properties and LINQ, you can go old school with a loop :

int numberOfLetters = 0;
foreach (char letter in yourWord)